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About Nebraska advertiser. (Brownville, Nemaha County, N.T. [Neb.]) 1856-1882 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 8, 1862)
rim i,v .iirTmmTnn " T. 11. FlSHKR. EDITOR. BKOWNYILLE, SATURDAT, NOV. . IS62. otrn plao. ' Tun'p with our flag! let it stream on the air! Tboogb vaf father, kre eoJi in. their grave, They Lad hands lLat could trike,thcy had soul that could Care, . . luitboirvi were not bora tofcealave! Cp. up Villi that banner ! where'er it may call, , Oor, tnilliont shall rally around; k cation of freemen that moment shall fall When Its stars shall be trailed on the ground. The forage Contracts. It seem that Gov. Saunders of ibis Territory has auuulled, or refused to rat ify ihe hay and corn contracts recently girtn out at Omaha, for the reason, as we understand, that they were given at exhorbitant rates. In so doing, th Gov ernor has but exhibited one of his prom inent characteristics; one to be greatly admirod, but rarely found in those occu pying high official positions, especially uow-a-days. We do noi know at what price the hay and corn contracts were re cently given out. But one thin? we do know ; they can be taken at low figures and money made. We have heard that some time ago, contracts were given u-; at. Ft. Kearney; hay, (prairie hay) at 814 per ton, and wood atS24 per cord If that be so, it was no less than down right stealing, and we are glad to see that Governor Saunders " takes the bull m by the horns." He has ever shown him self an officer uninfluenced by "tear or favor," and unawed by clique or combi nations.'. A book might be written on contract awindling since this war commenced, and the half not be told." Thousands have fattened by filching from the national treasury, not caring a fig as to the result of the great struggle lot existence.; These are times of all others when the pecuniary interest of the government should be closely looked after, and Gov. Saunders, we repeat, deserves great, credit far the ftarlesg course he has taken in Nebraska. Wncn to Sell Potatoes. A correspondent of the American flg-riculi-trisi gives the following reasons for selling potatoes in the Spring: "It is full one half of farming to kn.jtv when to sell products. With niny of small means the temptation strong to sell as soon as the crop is fathered. The hay, the grain, and Ioo.s go immediately from the field t market. It saves once handling ar.'l th- peril of loss from fire, and oher losses. This makes potatoes cheaper in the fall months than at any other season of the year. Everybody who raises potatoes wants to sell. The merchant who is shrewd, buys frequent ly of the necessitous farmer, at thirty or forty cents, and sells in the Spring at wholesale for seventy-five or eighty cents. Any one who will trouble himself to look over the prices current of potatoes in years prst, will see that the price is from fifty to a hundred per cent, higher in March and Aprii, than in November. Five per cent, will probably pay for stor age and handling. Farmers generally have ample store room fur all they raise, and they may as well share the profits of the merchant. If the crop is unsound, of course the sooner it is sold and con sumed the tetter. If in good condition, it will generally pay for keeping until prices are remunerative." To this the editor of the dzriculiuri&i . Broit'M Me District School. Owing to the financial condition of this School District, there cannot be a regu lar free school this winter. About 60 can be applied from the public fund to wards the support of schools this winter. There will be two schools on a four months school, by Mr. Dobbixs, to com mence on Tuesday the 11th of Novem ber. . ... IIU terms for four months will be Onhorrraphv, Readincrand Writing 4, Geography; Arithmetic, English Grammar and Philosophy, Algebra, Book-Keeping, &.c. &c. S5. SG. replies: "This depends much upon circumstanc es. We think five per cert will seldom pay for risk, to say nothing of expense of storing and handling. If a fanner has had successful experience in keeping po tatoes, it is generallytworth while to store them. Our own observation is, that the loss from rotting, shrinkage, mice, ex pense of storing, and interest, average; from 25 to 30 r- tvrzt, takiug the coun try together, in which case it would be as well to sell at 30 cents per bushel in Autumn as at 40 cents in Sprincr. Stil somebody must keep them, and the skill full farmer may better make the profit than any one else, if he can safely do it. Here in Nebraska, farmers general ly have very limited means for storage and the value of potatoes so low, that fifty per cent is a low estimate of the cost of keeping them over. Last spring potatoes sold for less than in the proceed ing fall. We think, however the indica tions are that prices will be higher than usual next spring thy now bring from fifty to seventy cents at St. Louis, Ed. ' Nebraska Cotton. JlONTIBKT.BlCnABESOM CO.,JEB "ot ember 1st, 1SC2. ) Editor Xebratla Adrertiseu : Enclosed I send you a sample of cot ton, which I raised on my place this sea son. Through the kindness of our Dele gate, Mr. Daily, I received a package of seed last spring. It was so late in the season (the last of May,) I planted only a few hills as an experiment. It looked well and was loaded down with balls, but the frost killed all- of it except a few balls which had opened. I am satisfied that we can raise good cotton if .we can only gel it in early enough. I have seed enouhh to plant about, an acre. " Mr. Editor, what shall wedoo with our cotton ? Can we sell it with the seed in, and what process does it have to go through to get the seed out ? I wish you would write an article on the culture and BY 5 TELEGRAPH. QUAiSTRELL IS AGAIN DEFEATED. THE ELECTION NEWS. ITe w.York end New Jersey Prob- ably Gene Democratic. THOROUGIIFAItE (JAP BY SCUKZ. OCCUPIED in Tn.'ftr1 thf rmvmpnt cf this school $10 from the school fund will be applied, treatment of cotton, a. you must know all It is important that all who desire to attend should do so as soon as possible, in rder to be properly classified, and keep with their classes, Notice was given that this school would commence on Monday, but for the pur pose of procuring seats anJ furniture for the new IIwae 'H was unavoidably pos- poned. . As one achool is not sufficient to ac commodate all the scholars there will be another school opened in about a month, by a female teacher, for small children, to which $20 of the public fund will be applied. : PftiiRiE . Fires The Old Stort. We agaip hear, as we always do, every Fall and Spring, of "property destroyed' "fences," 'hay-stacks," and "houses" yburned;" "animals consumed ;" men 'ruined;" &.c. Sec. Now these calam ities, three times out of five, are the re sult of somebody's carelessness; and the suffers in many instances deserve no sympathy. . Everybody knows that fire' will sweep over the praries every fall as certain as fate." And all should pro tect their property in time. Procrastina tion is the cause of much of the loss. We hear of mm who were "just going the very next day, to plow furrows, and thus break uff the fire,7' but they waited one d.yto late. .There will be accidents, however, m the best of families. There are very many instances, even wnerc ui utmost care is takeu, that hay and other property is unavoidably consumed. It is comrncrc for thoughtless hoy'Z &nd reck Ipcb men to set prairie crass on fire to 4 w . it Lum. regardless of- the proves oft mm w w f W young timber destroyed, or the propety consumed. This is often the case where the fieldi and groves are amply protect ed from the open prairie. There is law to punish such incendiaries, and it should be rigorously executed. There are also . limes when the wind in this western - country is strong enough to carry fire sev ral rods. Instance" are known where it Las blcwn it across the .Missouri river. about it, (it is supposed editors know everything,) and oblige, Respectfully yours, M. W. Bremen. We will answer your inquiries in our next issue. Ed. The Nebraska First. Captain Curran adretises in Omaha for recruits for the Nebrs&ka First. The Government has authorised the payment of 25 bounty and the citzens of Duglass county, by voluntary contribu tion, offer arfaddiiional bounty of $25. This with the regular pay, clothing and rations of the soldier, presents extraor dinary inducement to volunteer. We hope that the ranks of the glorious old First Nebraska the Regiment which has reflected such honor upon the Terri tory may be speediy filled up. Omaha Republican. Farmers St Pierrie's and Sparrows. In St . O . 1 - f "XT 9 "dtuuies oi Mature, we read of an incident that occurred in Prussia, or a division of it. The far mers were much annowed by sparrows and sought to eradicate them by & poll tax, the authorities allowing part of the imposts to be paid in sparrow's heads. They succeeded ; but what was the consequence t In two sea eons they were ooiigea to apply to neighboring countries for a supply of sparrows, for the crops were nearly consumed by the flights of myriads of insects, most of which the sparrows would have destroyed bo dangerous is it to act against the decrees of na ture. Provieenco is wiser than we are. Arthur's Home Magazine far Decern berison our table. T. S. Arthur has done m much as any nid of his ge-" .iifuse good morals and refciou. pnnci- rJeWooni'ibe young, and his W?ID 4Wn- fourth from month 10 tnoniu 1Jke sVr toaow, and scatters the good "tvrry where Suc'Ca Discovert ijc roMPEii. An important nrchseolocical discovery, says Galignani, s just been made .at Pompeii, of a mill w.-h a great quantity of corn in excellent preservation, and an over with eighty-one loaves. auangea in rows, and but slightly afleid -7 tht nel VI IUC ia, uau:S vv w p.w. . J;n- .1 by a quantity of ashes which hod covert w "J- Cairo, Nov. 4. The steamer Diadem arrived last evening from the Ohio, and reports that Gen. Ransom, with an expedition which started a day or two ago from Fort Don elson, reached Hopkinsville, Ky., early Lunday morning, and found, to his in tense chagrin, that, as intimated in yes terday's dispatch, Morgan bod skedad dled, the evening previous. Gen. Ran som is in full pursuit. second dispatch. Cairo, Nov. 4. The Confederates are massing a birge force at and arcund Holly Springs, bring ing all their troops from Texas and Louisiana, and some from Arkansas. The condition of he army is anything but flattering. They need clothing, shoes and hats, The county convention was to be held i ai urenaua yesterday, to raise money and devise measures for their relief. The supposed object of concentrating at Holly bprings, is to prevent the advance of Gen. Grants, of whom they have a noly horror. Escaped Confederate soldiers from Mount Pleasant, Mississippi, say it is reported there that Hindman had been released from prison and was still J command of trdeps, who were repre sented as crossing at or near Holly bprings, for Holly Springs. A gentleman from the South, yester day, reports that the Confederates had been furnished with an accurate list o all the persons taking the oath in Mem phis. Up to Tuesday night last, they bad all business houses in Memphis spot ted except eight, and they propose mak ing raids into the city as soon as they learn whether Gen. Sherman intends banishing prescribed families. They intend, when they come, to burn the city, excrpt eight business establish ments, which they recognize as their friends and sympathizers. They do not expect to be able to hold the place, there fore they won't attempt it, but they wil I .it i.i i ourn tne nouses and take all persona prisoners on their list. vi t inn is tne programme or revenge which the cowardly and corrupt editors of the Grenada yrPeal shadowed forlh recently as punishment for the proposed retaliation for firing into unarmed boats Fairfax Station, Nov. 4. Information from the front says that our cavalry, under General Stahl. last evening drove the enemy out of Thor oua:hfare Gap, and the division of Gen. bchurz advanced and took possession of it. No enemy remained in sight of Sig:el The force under Stahl and Stein wehr are well upon the railroad, in supporting dis tance of bchurz. Our cavalry also now hold Buckland Mill, where recently the rebels had a pretty strong guard. Bayard s forces hold Aldie, and the country between that point and the front of Sigel's advance. The rebel force at Catlett s Statnn and Warrentown Junc tion had not been changed up to yester day morning. Union people, who hare ust come in, report there is a rebel force of fiva thousand infantry and two thou sand cavalry at the town of Warrenton. with some aotillery. Detroit, Mich., Nov. 4. Scattering returns indicate the election of the whole Republican State ticket by a majority of probably not less than 5,000. Milwaukee, Nov. 4. The eleciicn in this State was hotly contested by both parties, and the city and county of Milwaukee will give Brown (Dem.) 4700 majority over Potter (Rep) Kenosha county will probably give 451) majority for Potter. Seven townships in Walworth county give rotter some dvu majority. Iheiriend of irowo claim his election without doubt, but the Re publicans think the returns from the bal ance of the District aud the soldier's vote may elect Potter. Newark. N. J., Nov. 4, Over 200 towns heard from show Wadsworth's majority, outside New York and Brooklyn, 11.500. The State has probably gone Democratic by 15,000 majority. Kansas City, Nov. 4 A fight took place yesterday between a portion of Col. Catherwood's command (the Sixty Cavalry M. S. M.) and Quan treil. Quantrell burned a train of twelve wagons, killing nine men and taking twenty-five prisoners. Caiherwood pursued him and came up with him near Kose tiill, defeated him in a pitched battle, and is now in pursuit. Springfield, Mo., Nov. 5. There are two Emancipationists from this county elected. The returns indi cate the election of Boyd (Radical Em ancipationist) in this Congressional Dis trict by a hundred majority. St. Paul, Minn., Nov. o. The city of St. Paul is all Democratic. Ramsey county gives Callen, (Dem.) for Congress, 500 majority. Wabbash coun ty, Donnelly, (Rep.) for Congress, 500 majority; Goodhue county, Donnslly, 500 majority. The result is very uLcer tain. Returns come in slowly. Wash i kg to n, Nov. 5. When Gov. Andrews was here, he was advised by prominent politicians to write something indicating that he believed in McCIellan, and was warned of defeat if he did not. But he refused, and express ed his disbelief still more plainly of Mc CIellan. The result is his triumphant election. The canvass was conducted differently in New York, and resulted Commanding General of prisoners is to hc.Ve charge of officers and men on parole at'd all matters relating to their welfare. ' Colletor Hiram Birney telegraphs frpm New York this afternoon that bets are again even, made on electiop in that State. Return from upper counties have brought Seymour's majority to 5,000. General Sigel telegraphs that a force of cavalry and artillery at New Baltimore was attacked by the rebels to-day and the rebels defeated, Col. Windham driv ing them back. Nothing said of loss. New York, Nov. 5. The full returns of the city show a to tal majority for Seymour ot 31,347. The Tribune concedes Seymour's elec tion. 1 Camp Cortis,Nov. 4. . For nearly a week I have pursued Quantrel's band of guerrillas, with Maj. Rawson's Cavalry, Captain Chestnut's company, (A.) 12th Kansas volunteers acd one piece of artillery, under Lieuten. ant Hum. We have killed 2, taken one prisoner, captured over 100 horses and mules, and driven the marauders out of this part of the State. They are in full retreat South, evidently intending to n.'ach Arkansas. No casualties on our side. A considerable number of contra bands accompauy us to Kansas. JOHN T. BURRIS, Lieut. Col. Commanding. $40. WAGE3 PAID 8100 To sellgoodj for tbe Adams Sewixo Machise Company. We will give coinoiiion ou all yovdi sold by oar Agenter rT wjjm from $ 1 to $103 rer month, and pay all nectary expenses. Oar ma'-Mac is perfect.iaiu mechanism. A CaiM can lean, roorer ate it by half an hour';! instruction I It U eiil ta r,y Family Sewing Machine in use, ani we tare rtduccd the price to Fifteen IX liars. BUch m-ichineie warraatel for tlree year. AdJresa C BUGGLK3, 7-m-ly Gtn. Agent, Detroit, MlcS. AIove on. Such is the course pursued by Curtis valuable medicines. They never ceae dinns pooI bn press forward, relief ing the sick and crippled from pain and disease. The wonderful cures that are performed by Curtis' Syrnp cf Sassafras are really marvelous. Coughs, olds, hoarseness, measles, even Consumption begins to tremble when it comes in contact wiia it,rnd soon the deathly grasp is loosened. Curtis' Mameluke liniment is familiar to every family in the country for the many benefits they have received from its use. It is wellfor every family to be provided; they cannot tell what hour they may require its use. Ter-e medicines stand hish, and are used by many respectable phy.-iciitn of extensive praciico. See advertisement ic anothc column. Illinois Election. Chicago, Nov. 4 Our whole coun ty and Legislative ticket is probably elec ted. Keturbs lrom numerous counties look favorable for the Union State ticket. AUo from Michigan and Wisconsin. A despach from Detroit says Michigan has gone Union Republican by a dtcis ive majority. Li ate a. Arnold is elected by over 1,200 majority over Sherman, the pres ent Mayor who was elected by 1,329 over Holden Republican last spring. The people here repudiated the man that introduced to the people of Cnicoga the infamous ex-mayor of New York. We have a report from Pilot -Knob that out of GOO soldiers voting there for the First District, Knox recieved about 500 of them. Peterson's Magazine for December, with its usual magnificent fashion plates, and its accustomtd variety of choice readiug matter, is already oa our table. Every family should have it. The Bnnvnvilla jjlvertiser says the second company from Nemaha county for the Cavalry Regiment, will be f';ll the present week. Well done, Nemaha. Omaha RyuLlican. Wo learn from the Brownville 1Jvt.T User, that Lieut. Macs, commissioned by the Governor, bids fair to raise a sec- end company for the Nebraska Cavalry. lie ha already recruited over fifty men. Nemaha is doing her duty nobly towards filling up the regiment of Cavalry and deserves and should be rewarded. Ac- braskian. Tne March Tehm. We are informed that Judge Kinney will start to Utah in a few day, for the purpose of making preparations for holding the March Term of the U. S. Court in that Territory. Press, Nebraska City. Losses drive good people to prayersbad ones to their curses. their To Consumptives. THE ADVERTISER, HAVING BEEN RESTORED to health in a few wcuks by a very simple remedy, af ter having suffered several years with a severe Iiu affection, and that drf-ad disease, Consumption is anx ious to make known to his fellow-sufferers the mean of cure. To all who desire It, he will send a copy of the pre scription used (free of charge), with the directions for preparing and using the same, which they will find a STJRE CrilE forCONSCMPTION, ASTHMA, BRONCHIT IS, The only object cf the advertiser in sendin? the Prescription is to benefit th9 afliicted, and spread infor mation which he conceives to be invaluable, and he hopes every sufferer will try his remedy, as it will cost them nothing and may prove a b!esing. Parties wishing the prescriptian wilt please address Rer. EDWARD A. WILSON', Williamsburg, nlC-3m. Kingi County, New-York. Ayer'sSarsaparilla Scorbnt.Ic diseases are the parent stock from which arises a lar;,'e proportion of the fatal maladies that af flict mankind. They are as it were a species of potato rot in the human constitution, which undermines and corrupt all the sources of it vitality and hastens itc decay. They are the germ from which spring, Con sumption, Rhcaumitixm, Heart DUease, Liver Com plaints, and Eruptiro Diseases which will be recog nized as among those most fatal arid destructive to the races of men. So dreadful are its consequences to hu man life, that it is hardly pos.-ible to over estimate the importance or an actual, reliable remedy, that can sweep out this Scrofulous contamination. We know then we shall proclaim welcome news to our readers of one from such a quarter as will leave little doubt t its efilcacy and t-till mcre welcome, when we tell them that it really does itccomplish ihe end desired. We Ayer's Sarsai'ARILLa, audit iscertainly worthy the attention of thuja who are afflicted with Scrofula ui Scrofulous complaint!. Register. Albany. JV. 1", T.TAF.IiIKD At the resilience of A. A. G.m'r-ner M . D.. in Ilishlaiid, IC ria- Mr Hugh 11. Bobbins if F.cdericfc.-buru. hi'.anl Mis- C'LLESTIA 11 U.K UENKR, by R?v HrOH II. DOB3SNS A compound remedy, desired to bo tte most effectual Alleralice that can bi made. It i a concentrated extract of Tara Sarscparilli, so combined "v.itb ochcr substance: of ti!l frreater alterative power as to nfford an c:Tcc tiva antidota for tho diseases SaraTtariDa is reputed to cure. It i believed that such a remedy is wanted by thos-3 who 6ufFer frcrn Simmons complaint?, and that or. 3 which will accomplish their cure must prove of immerse erviee to this lars? class of our afllicted fellow citizen.?. How completely this compound will do it ha been proven by experiment on of tho worst cases to be found of tias following complaints : SCKOI-ULA AVD ScH07CtOC3 CoJiri.AI.VT3, EilUPTIOXS AM) EtlUPTIVE DISEASES, UtCSIlS, Pimple. "Blotches, Tumjiis. Salt Rheum, Scald Head, Sttiulis axd Syphilitic Af fections, MEitccarAL Diseas::, D:topsr, Neu ralgia on Tic Doulouuecx. Deuilitt, Dys pepsia AND INDIGESTION, EltT3IVELA3, Itt)E oa Sr. Anthony's Finn, and iivJoei tha who!? class of complaints arLing from Impuuity or the Blooii. " This compound Trill hs found a "rent pro moter of health, "when taken Li ths sprin;;, to expel the foul humors which fjstr in t!u blood at that season of the year. By tho t Ime ly expulsion of them many rankling disorders are nipped in the bud. Multitudes can, by the aid of this remedy, spare themselves irom the endurance of foal eruptions and ulccroui sores, through which the system wtd strive to rid itself of corruptions, if not assisted it do this throat the natural channels oi the by an alterative medicine. Clea:i.;e out vitiated blood whenever rou find its impurities bursting through the skin in pimples, eruptions, or( sores; cleanse it when you Had it is ob strUCved and slu 'ish in the vein : cljame it whenever it is fowl, and your feelings will t:ll you when. Even where no particular disorder is fjlt, people enjoy better health, end live longer, for cleansing the bloou. iv.-:,p th blood healthy, and all is well; tut with this pabulum of hL disordered, there can bo no lasting health, booiur or later tornetninz C l?al 'AiJvertiie.j n:uw:;ille U.j J " te !ri.:t:T . '"v , rv ..d :,:.: z'- ! t i:e or the nnuer.,- nn nrni" 4 ' t. ERTISEMENS. NEW AD LAND SALE. By authority iin 1 liirection of the Commissi ner o.r the Ge'iial Land ()f!K'?, we will oifer at P.iblio Si'e tu the hihe-t bill !tr, at 11 o Lj;hI Or'.i e in Ui-uwuvil '. on the l'JMi of Jjuuaiy, lS6i, ihd filuwiu deciihed lands, viz.: The s iuth west quarter section 13, township 1. range 16. east. This tract of lani cn only be so'd for cash. Al, south east quarter of south east quarter, sec tion 11. town 4, range 14, east. Wet half south west quarter section 12. town 4. ranze 14. east. North east quarter section 7. town 2. range 15. east North west quarter section 8. uwa 2, ratine t5. east. South west quarter fectiou32. town 3, ranje 15. east. North east quarter of north west quarter section town 6, ranee 10, east ionh west quarter of south east .juarter. and south east quarter of south west quarto.-, section 31, town 6, rauye ju. The atove lands were entered previous to the la-d sales, and the enteries h since bfen cancpiiej. HF.OHARD BARK2TT, Register. S. It. Jamison, Receiver. r.W 1' J l A Y K OTIC E. Taken up fcy the nndcrslened. livincr two miles east of Gleu R k. in Netnaba Conn.y, Nebrafka, on the lit day of J.uveniber, 13i2, one light roan flllfy, one vear old Ustpprins. GiiOUCiE BEANE. iirownville, November 8th, 1862. n!7 3w. OFFICIAL. LAWS OF THE UNITED STATES. Passed at Vie Second Session of tlie Jairtu PCBLISHED BY AUTHORITY. the iron door fitten to the mouth of the oven. Those loares have all teen g t out entire; a large iron shovel for intro docirrs loves into the oven has also been found'on the spot, with a remnant of its wooden handle. This is the first discev. ery of the kind cn record. Not far from this place 63 silver und 561 bronze coins have been found. Educate the whole man the hend, the heart, the body; the head to think, the heart to feel, and the body to act. It is rumored that-Secretary Smiih is to go ou1 of the Cabinet, and js said to have accepted Judge Huntington's place on the United States District Court bench for Indiana. It is be.'ieved not to be un likely, his heahh being p-jor. Specula tion is rife about hi9 successor. Usher, Assistaut Secretary, is amon2 those talk ed of. The Democrats ofPensylvania are fearful of Cameron's return. There are four or five doubtful members from their party, who are threatened with direful consequences if they vote for him R EVE SUE LA W. COXTISUED. EPIRITS, ALF, DEER, AND PORTER. Sec. 3'J. And be it further enacted. That it shall te the duty of the collectors, within their respective district', to grant lieenbea for distilling, which lipa ses sbailcontjun the date thereof, the turn raid. and the the time when the satna wi;i expire, and shall oa granted to any rer?on, being a resident of the United State?, who thall desire the same, by appli cation, in writing, to such collector, upon piijinent of tbe sum or dut y payable by this act upon each ! !iC?nJ r?ue3toJ- And at Ihe time of appl vin; for s iid license, and oC."rJ tho same is i$ueJ, the per son so applying shall civo bnd3 to the tinted States in such sura as jhall Oj required 7 tne co'" lector, and with one or sjritii-j. to ir )rved by said cil lector, conditioned that in caeauy addi tional still or uttlls, or othar imjlom3nts to b3 uioJ a aforegaid. shall be erected by hira, his agett or superintendent, be will, beloro usinir, or causirg or j permitting thesama to be used, report in writing to me saiu copeior tne capocity thereof, ana lntorma tion from tims to time of any change in the forth. capacity, ownership, agency, or superintendence, w bicli all or either of tho ml stills or other imple ments moy UDdergn ; and that he w.ll, from day to day, e iter.or causo to be eut:r,vl, in a book to ba ki.'pt for that purpose, Ihe number of gallons of spir its th it may be distilled by said still or stills, or other implements, and also t the quantities of g nn or other vegetable productions, or oilier substances put into the masb-tub, or othorwiso used by Urn, his agent or supenntendvnt, t r the purhosa of pro ducing spirits, win -h said b n' sh ill be open at all timos during the day an lays excepted ) to te in spec u on oi ine saia t iitcior. wqo m.-iy ih-ikb any merooranuums or tran-enpts thoroin ia , and that he win render to the said collector, on tiie first, tenth. and twentijth days of each and every in3nth,or within five days tuertafter, dann ' th-j contiau moe of said license, an ex :ct aem unt, in, tak-n from his books, -f the nuin'-jer of gallons of spirits aistiiiea ana t ia, or removea ir consamption r sale, by him, his agnt, or superintendent, and the roof thereof, .mi als t.f thj quantities ot grain or other vegetablo prod n ti. n, or other substances. put into tho mah-tub. or t therwise usod by him. his agent orsuperint.'n.l-nt, l'..r the fr the purim.-'o of producing spirits, lor tne p ri ) 1 or tra ltiotial part ef a month then next pie -e-Miug thu date of raid report, whioh said report ib .11 bj ver.fied by alH la vit in the manner pes-ribjl by this act; aud lhat ho will not sell or permit to hj sold, or removed tor consumption or sale, any spirits distilled by linn u:idcr and by virtu o ot bissul Iij-'iih, until the same shall have been insp-oted. guag ?d. and proved, and tie quantity toured duly eiKerel up-m hi books u aforssaid ; and that he will, at the liuio of rendering said aio uiit, pay to tho said col lot tor tho d itiss which by this act are nup seJ on tbe spirits so distilled : and tbe said bun 1 my ue ronovred or changed. from time to t ms. ia regard to tie auijunt and suriticj thereof, atOjrding to the de.-creiion of the collector. See. 40. arfteitnrfrrnaetef.Thattheapplica tion in writing made by any person tor a license for distilling, as aforesaid, s'jall state the pi v.-e of dis- dilling, the number and capacity of she still or stills boiler or boil rs, and the namj of the person, rru company or cft-jwration using th satnjjaal ariy person making a falsa statem ml in either ot the said particulars shall forfeit ait pa tha sum of ine h andred dollars, to be recovered with comU of suit. Sec. 41. And he it further entea. That, in ad dition to the duties payablj for lioeus.-s herein pro vide! , there shall be paid, on all spirits tint may bo distilled and sold, or jemoved lor -on-;uinption or sale, of first proof, on and after the Crt day of Au gust, eighteen hundred and sixty-two, tne uuty or twenty cents on each and every gallen, which thall bo piii by tbe owner, agent, r superintendent of tho still or other vcsjil in wjih the said spirituous li quors shall have been distilUd ; which duty shall bo paid at the time of reuderin the accounts of spirituous liquors so chargeable with duty, required to be rendered by thisa -t: Voc7w.Tii at thu duty on spirituous liquors ad all other spiritu us beer-a-ea enumerated in tiiis act shall bicolle-t -d at no tower rate thai th b-wis of first proof, and shall be collected at no lower rate than tho basis of first proof, and abail be increased in proportion for any greater iUngtli than too si-eagm oi prooi. To b coo tinned. DISSOLUTION OF COI'AUTJiEIlSHIP. T!ie cupartDorshlp "hpretolore existing nn1er the name anl style or Fisher &. Ilackcr, Is this day dissolved by nutual cment. The Advertiser nn-l Farmer will herein r be pnb lishcl by T. K. Kisher. The business of the firm will be settled by Jlr. Fisher, to whom a!! rteM duo the office must be paid. T. R. FISIIKR. TIIEO. C. UACKEIt. Brownville. Nov. 8th, 1352. WILY ElflLffifiil! GEORIJE KNAPP,.. X. PASCUALt., JOUN KNAPP, Proprielort. The Proprietors off fie Republican, desirous to extend their circulation, offer the full owinc favor able terms to subscribers to the Daily, TJ'ccIily and Tri-TTcckly. Daily, (in advance) Slfl nrt in-wecKiy, (in ) 5 t;o Sunday iCepublican 2 0' TO CL UBS A T THE FOLL O VTISG It A TES Five copies of tho Tri-weekly sent for 20 00 Threo copies Weekly one vear 5 fin Five " S 00 1 en Fourteen Twenty Thirty Forty !5?7"Money in all cases to accompany senpur-ns. 2rFAIl subscribers under tjc-se terms will he dis continued at the end of the year, unless previ.ju?ly renewed and paid. All sub-cribors, by paying up arrearages, can ct me in under these terms. Soon.T or lntor must g( wrong, an 1 tli2 great life is disoivljrod or overthrown. Sarsnp.trill.a has, and descrvas much, tho reputation of accorsiplishin those ends. P,u! the world litvs been egregiousTy deceived by preparations of it, partly because the drug alone has not all the virtus that is claimed for it, but more becau'3 many p reparation pretending to Irs conccntratsi extract cf it. contain lint litle of the virtue ot Sarsnpariila, or any thing During late years the puLlie hare been mil led by large bottles, pretending t: give a quart of Lxtiact of &araparul:i iur one tluiiar. Moit of these liave been fraud- upon the sick, for they not only contain Jiiile, it any, Sar.-apa- rnl a, but n; curative properties v. iiatcv cr. H;nce, Litter and painful dLanrKnutiacn ha followed the ue of the various extract of Sarsapaviir which ilood the market, until th name itself ii justly despiit-d, an I ha beedtrte s-nonynious with ini;o.-ition and chi-dt. S ill we call tliis compound Sarsaparilla, and inU-nd tJ supply fcuJi a rcmcuv a shaa recae th.' name fiom the load of oMonpiy which re -it upon it. And we think we have gruund. for bjiijvliig it ha virtue which are irrei itilj by the ordinary run of the di it i intend ed to cure. In ord.-r to s-juve th'.ir conrnetc crauiL-aiiou iroin me ay-siem, i:;e Tvmtaf Miout be judiciously taken ujeordin to diroctioni cr the bottle. rilEI'ARED DT DK. J. C. AYE II CO. LOWELL, IASS. Price, $1 per Cottle; Six Bottles for $3. Ayer's Cherry Pectoral has vron for itself Mich a renown for the cure of every variely of Throat and Luug Conipl.dnt, that it is entirely unnecessary fur us to recount the evidence of its virtue, wherever it ha Leon em ployed. As it lixs l::g been m constant use throughout this se: t:i, we Deed notd more than assure the people its quality is kept up to the test it ever Ins been, cud that it niav bo relied on in do for their rtl.ef ad it La ever Lcea found to do. Ayer's Cathartic Pills, Cosfire .'!.?, Jaitu tier, Dyspepsia, bull jes! tan, Dyailfry;, Von!. SlamncJi, Eryiprfci, tknrluche. riles, il'icttma'tim. Eruption and ,Sl. Diseases, Liver Complaint, Drop.', Ci'tUcr,. Tumors and S-it ni.-" i, V.'ori.-iv, G:;: XivatyL-i, at a Dinner I't.l, ani f,r Pttrifjinj the Wood. They arc K'igar-coalcd, so that the most spusi tive' ci-i t-ihe thf.-n ilas:i:tlv, m l they are the 'c t apr-reat in the world for ali ti purpose c f a "itf.ily j'hy-i c. .'U3i 3 cctj per Toz; 1173 io253 fcr C1.03. Ore at nMT.hrr of Clergy: ion. rhrsici.-jnVState-nion. a id e:i.."!it jw-r-i Vir:c hnve hut tho-r armies to t-ertify t,!cU,d usfi.hicss of th?sc ' ; .vnedics, hut our space hero will rot permit the '.wrti'i'i of th:n. The Atrrnts Jrl.j v nini'l fur-ai-.h trr:.tNo;ir Amk!iica?t ALMAXAcfti "hi h i!:v ar;rg!vo?i ; w:i: a!i full dseri;tio;is f I'ne aM.'e ;):i;')i i:its. an.l t!;e trjatnicnt that should be ful-ljw-.-d fjr t:ieir euro. I' irt ')? n it n:f by unprincipled dcnlors with cthrr preparations they make more piotit on. I)e:i.:iiH: AvK.fs. ;i!t 1 t ike no others. The si:-'; want t if best aid there is fur Ihetn, an-l they shulu h ivr it. - ' Ad Our ffr -ti'' "a nrp fir i'f . MAUN AXD TIIUR3IAN, To ths Faiinsrs of Nebraska ! ! ! Notice is herehr eiVrn Sij. 2. in ... " JUc"nn;- Clhonn. Je"in; pi'J. Ko. 4. All of u Z't 'ai?'l:. I p!-e of tu..s., rrS, tnortXSr-' Su 7. All of L4D,., e- ''. anJ tlieconntrjwe-t ' ''"'lii'-K Xo. 8. All (.f utoe. Ch rfh ' sUUnt Aer. Dr. P . Xo. 10. Allot Ga.e. J; imjiii Aes,r, J. B ' W' quireJ to use out iice ltf i?' Basine,. lth.,m Owners uf carriire,. I u ? - LutDn..ry,or fur th ir!..-, "c!s,".? f (fwners of billiard tii.:. ..... M ver Vure. mn.t reprt tfce tlDt J i, plate ..wned. il! j L t reqiareJ to make return t i . . " I id ,r,aft-r ecJ, ,er, tale mie tbera (iurme tJ. '7 1 ...ep.nen.rf nunayrl,)f rrjbv., ar,.l T.jl'brMse, ar '? m- n hiy re.rt of th Pr .... ri h ncher and fthe-. wv..u .... ""'ir. fur Kale any tan !e, sheer. " return at tbe tn.l of a,, every a?;' ' ter re.-pectively iaaju'.;i-r! a.:4 . . C llectiou D..tct. L ; ;i October 15, ni5-tr TO wiiojx itIuiTJjJ Tte Co-rrtners!:tp h"rct..c-.. , ; nau ati'l style of Leu .s.n.k- t . ! J . . . i ...... " 'i.f'j III U1UU1I t UI1.. -Hi . ui 1 1 1 n. .... Slttikl.. tV " uui an uc JI cu lick ! , tltUASu tt, j r.UAHDlAN'1 SALrT" Purfuant U.Mnoid.rt; th- I n tiH f ma.L cuuu'T. .Ni-br;i.-k T.irii, ', j ..'V (t feptfii:iKT. A. I 15 15, ... j Ou.aruiau il Mariah ii.isiabuiti r " Sa r;iti Jaue rh-li auU J .uu 11 trj 1 unlay, the 1 1 th day ..f TeoUrr j i-ivcK, A. il., IB irwutol Uili;t,S,t ailo.J.uiity.wiiltl!t r B rsi.ei-,1. ' . Sell bed lutd or piircei.4 i.l lanii !, i ro-iit: the ncrLhTroi t.uarr .' iUA-ie-1 1 ecti( ii nr. l3,ai,. in J of tt.o s.iu:hc.-t quarter m.i i he d.j-; of thu ioutLwcsi quirUr aLlitc3mi of the e'.inuwt-st uaart.-i ot i-. i h:p U'i.4. if ral'-e I.i,i.-i.t, j,.,' I tteof Uiiliaui Welch. dctitu,alla an. ! common to the undersigned acd th.-a;.J aiheira of the aforesaid Wiiliain W.,4:l tne w,utliwe. quarter vt tue n.jr.hai , , section no. 15. iu tjWLahit) to. 4 of Rr i us the property of the said Sarah hat vi j leruM of ale: Doe half cab . f half i n one je aecared by in .rt j, J October I3th, 1SG2. nil J-$fl.:3 an ' PI10CTE NOTICE. I Xotice i3 hereby eiven that Levi J. ia?!. .- istratt.r of tbe esUte .f Henry flw. ir5 ha applied to the IVobate CVurt f.r ua-. I of time to make fiurd ? tthuieot nt nA . ? Jaid application will te Vjr hesn'tr i day of October, 13:52, at 2 oV'ack P. Jl. t . itness my hand and official 5..1 tkj September, 18t32, C. V. WllLilu ) VUUllXTV MITICL. j Xotice is hereby trireu that 1 1iat k; Monday, the ZOlh day of October, i . ( at 10 c jlock, a. it. for h.anD? theLiin: i ol M iiliam 11. Philip-, is AJuiiuuU.jt - tat. t-f John, aect.-a.-jj. I V ltnes my hand aud ifioial ti. t!i.: f of September, 1SA2. C. W. WaE-l i nll-iiw-52,0) I'r-U'e.-' 71 IMttfllATK NOTICE. Xntic I hereby given that tVlr.p.lj, of November, A. D., 1S62 is th urn 4 anl a(jijtin7 claims anair-t the -u:el C de e3eJ, Uieof (be coun-yif Pine. Xen'M nt-try. H a. LOltB, r' - Pawnee City, Aug. 27, 136 2. SHERIFF'S S ILL Alfred Opel z. ) District C-ir .-aiC rr ' sDraiK lerrtjr. I Ilch lrowcle. 1 j u . u It u u It u a u a tt 15 00 2t 00 - 27 3 40 0 l 5'J 0) the sub- GRAY OR POWDER WILLOW. n.e great wol for timber. Cuttings at $1 per 100 and to per I OHiO. Fir live frnre irnip a fine hei'ire in ttree years.. C:ntin at 2,00 per l 000. We srial! be at Mr. I) !'.?', tw.jiniie from B-owovilie. in tktolier. with both of ti e Htx-ve. ai.d parties who wjh cn lr;ive i.rrters at ti.e termer office. 1 IIO.UPiON' 5c HF.i(;E3. Nemaka Xnrsery. Syracuse, Ose, Co., Ar.g. IS. An -FnS-ir "fbra.slia. Snvc Your Eggs. liy vii tus of un ordi?r of ?a!: toEi''j the above entitled eaf , I i!lL a:u! j. J d y r.f Novecib-'r, ISi J, bt tw- tn tbe o' o'clock ft. in. and 4 o'clock p. in.. f m.J i!- dix.r of Den Hail ia IJr'.wntiik'. h ? the Kiid court wa ht !d. f..rsii 1 -J? ' i oiTi r fr Siile and f-e.'I to the hij;'"-?'. '' in hnrid. the following describ-u ral wi'-'i mrth half and Hf.uthwerit quirt.-r l ';' qunrter of s.ctit.n 'nuinhr 2t, ia lo '? 4, iir.rth of ranjrc number 11; ;-Jt uf s-' cipil meredian, ia 3e:gl c antj, Vw4 , ken as thei ropertr of lln'i Iru"' -' ; said demand. J. W. O) w j FRENCH'S CONICAL Wasliinjr FREIGHTERS THE MINES AND THE WESTERN !FORT Ami the public penerally are rcpectj-olly informed that bia Mills areuow in excelient i uhlLd? ( rder, tari. in out f rum 60 to 75 t-ack3 per day. he has tbe best millers in tbe Territ iry. (Admitted Ix.tb in Colorado and N"ebiaka to te unsur- pa..-cl by auy est or the Misisippi Kiver ) I . ni ide from the bet of Fill and Spring is tj'd a: as low prices aa caa be obtained in tbe 7Vrnt-rv Ilis tlaur is te;t for a:e at li thf t,t .re- in'Brow 1- i lie. lie is prepared to rarnish freiote.s. aii.t iens geaerl y. with flour iro n either Fail' o 3 r.n, and al-o wi.h any amoabtof Cr.i Cou aleal aud Buckwheat Flour at the lowe.-t ca-U D-iie. Cntom irinhn?d. ne atone-r.ixih per butiel. He desires tccajl Leat tentiou of trriubtera to thr advantages of Brnwnvii.e us a t-bippma lx.lnt t..the West. Not only ran any amount of grain and flour t obtained here cbe.sier than at any other p .intui tbe Territory, but tbeMeicbau a Here havo laid in lLii.ea ou a Urge supply of every variety .f cuvd. J. G. MELVIN. Aug. 16, 18C2. no-tf MonoyAdxraucod on PIKES' PEAK GOLD! I win receive Pike's Peak Gold, and advance money upon the same, and pay over balance of proceeds as sooii a Mint returns are bad. In all cases. I i exhibit tbe printed returns of tbe United States ilic' jr Assay office. J N O. L. A NEW AND USEFUL INVENTION ! ! Whereby can be preserved perfectly freh al- itost in t ljiiitcl v. without Iho lncnrubranceof Liu. alt. or i ther o'diiiirv iTeservat ive.. Tnepri no nece s'.ty lor Fai m rs sel.injj fheir Ks at fn re fi vi ta scvenciiiis pT dnz vi. wb.'n th -y can at triani' co.-t save them until th?y ccminand a jroo-1 prl-je. ror lunuer pariibu;ar.s, euv:He tea taii!j t L. Ii. MLVEii, ialcin, 0. Ansnst 23, 15T2-Iy "sugar cane mills ASD EVAPORATORS ITavIn been appointed aaent for the E3le Wu-ks btuMr taoe Mili and Evap..ratr. Chic go, lit.. I am p epare1 to fill order at it tu inti'act urer's price-.. Kri.e of Mill, from $lt t. $3ut. fcv( m ti ,r ir. m A.Mre.- It W.rUli.A3. Manb i, ISfii n3t-tr. Browuvit e.Xub. Shingles! Shingles!! I won'd re-pocrfnlly inform the citizens ..f Keinaha county, that 1 bill endeavor to keejtbi-tnr ket sup- pnei wnn g nsi i;.ttoiiwiMi alnlie(. wmrh 1 ill set forcasb; or take in exci.auge Cattle. Uua. V..r.,. or Coru. B. F. BARUKX. March 27. 196i n33-tf i Tbe sinioie. dorab. con' e lieni k article ever inveti'e-1 V tbe pur;-e Will d ihe wa.-binz -f an CT'lm-i bieakra.xt, n..i ..niv naviij? tin. l-nt . t!'"- F.v lrirtl r..l li.nrin a ih i.rin - il li'Of"' -'" irtip'e and ey, it will ai ne w 4' r I wo dozen small articles, in ab-.ut :"- tlc, or their equivalent. . .(.- . ty air tbe ordinary nit1od of c!enl'u' i sneh a laces. i-c., the irreitet ca-e ; r'i;'( ,. with tbi nia.hine Uie ui-! 'let' 'a Jl11'" vi hed w--t!i. ut ibe p..iitii'y -f oVim-' f Tl.e.-.e re-.ii are pri:m:pl by ite '" j 'the fh'it- while ihe in:cfii!ie ii"' n-""" y ; i.f Kuiniiie Mmi'I ies. hoi!- t.-:!"-,,w"ji aU a-yitinis. tH-ariliria-wh-o-is, t" ' 1 '" ,., and in ibe arasv. wh. b .ve bee tu1 ' ,'.., nent in tbetr leirn..iilts votna'a J- ' ,,; nii'ims f tha Iie are very cinmeiuu. " i I b.ive pnii-ned in pmjibipi f. r:n. tt Alt 1 -k ef t ePabifo U a areftl "- t thi- nwclitne bef-: r panh iind .. oihe'' .. Gtneral Depot 419 B o iay, comer i.-- Fries ccly Ten Doii, . kukncu. f ' Ad.ire., h 2M3. X. r. tuy P j v it a- iiA.-.i ... iiiL ii, las wanted . Send for a Cirnlur vtrtlo Seen?,' 100 of the mo.n wrers IIATTLi t-- lv. s:i-" 30 VARIETIES STRAWBERRIES. Amor? which are WiNon'a Alhnnv, ii ner 100 m d5 per I0IIU; Jenny Lind, $1,;U per 110 ; Tri. u j he deHJand, $2 per ltiO ; (iosN.n rine. IIoveySHdiiri-. U'Miker, I'.Iack Prinze, May Queen and 25 oiler kind at $1 per I UU. , l'lants of XUadolph Pine Sprinlj cf 1563 at 2 eer di. b2. Hl. XEMAIIAXURSEKV. TUC IJOllACr. WATERS IMAXUS AAD And Alexin Ire Orgi,aud T. (JILREUT A Co.'a celel rated -E-dian l'iann. are the finesC in-truiti -nt. A lar 'e .. irt- C A RSON. nrriTinv ivn rrfinvni; nnnrrn ; i"'nrl(riinJobun-hes m.winue AJUJjiatUi.1 ikill AaAVlliku unuillau men t can l, pii r. BROWNVILLE, NEBRASKA. Secd3 Prepaid by XJail. 25 Prettiest AnuuaU in Cnltivati -n, - - $100 So Calico Veneiahie Sent for tbe anlen. - 1 oo B.Mb to Cinhtt'f Fwe rr $3; To Clubs of Ten f .r 215; To Clubt of Twenty for $ia. The NEW JAPAN MILI ET, with itnrurne bead. tlx to ten incbe., V5 euta per larjre paper; Five for $1. I received Getiun.e Scel of this new aixi valu able Millet direct from Japan, bv the Niagara, last May. and can confidently recommend it as tbe best Millet in Ienitlvatlon. B. M. WATSOX, nM-tf 014 Oolony Xnraerlea, Plymouth, Mm. HliOADWAV, between Urind and liroouaw street whieh will be .1.1 at extremely h.w pri-e. Pianos nd Mvliilc n. from .nndty maker, new and second hai.d. Seeond h iiid I'iaii.. ami .Mehal-'on at great bargain; price fr. in S25 t I(H). Sheet, .Mu-ie-lS. k, and all kind i.f Mn.-ic alenrhaudise. at war pri-;c. A pianist in utUndaneo will try new inusic. OPISIOX3 Of TTJK PRKS8. Theriorace Waters Pian are known amons i inj irot. we are enabled to f Dealt of theia iucidvnti of tLcWar. nw r' highly,on fine hea vv'p;,'t'. f'1 2 f. r 5 1,0.1, .--! iir ll rt.' Tv'" if t Letter i'Mrtii itv a ev--r I'dr -'i-Addr UKXIiV 15. A.NSO.V.l'nut Pu'-' 49 State Street, l;..sfin, Ma. niav -jirsir. , Shall we Know Lath Oilier Th're. ri.. i ft.. . v t.. Mr l.,iWV I'Ufiin'i tirnniJ, oj rvu. - - -Snlbnth llU Uhiui on." Thi ff " M Pne 2a cent., mailed free. A r''ir"' anee to try new miMi. .-."- notice r' illy So.4jlBrjJw-TJZ Flower Seeds.- $ Cioice varietie. aaI f very mperi"' -rera ot wbach wnl be sent Ci-i P:, J ' address, fur one d"i lar . r-.-r I 41 II. A. TEltltT.Cr3'1-1 , Marrh 13th. J?-62 inatruDieDtswith mft degree of eonfidene.. from H. Cnu " rtf personal knowlcd-e of their exeellent tone and da- ' 13 Will nertd to applical4 who enc ft y i Xew Cital..(T'ie i.f Small Fruit, "'',.. r J Pi..-r Famines. Krwit an-1 Ku" t" an.1 F:..we: in-' PIjnlSM:c-' HatsTBoots and Siio- ' .-r...fnat-.tJ. I have receive.1 -ewaurl -I1 tter VI- :. m , t BrwiTi.l, Arfll 1, tW--'