Nebraska advertiser. (Brownville, Nemaha County, N.T. [Neb.]) 1856-1882, November 01, 1862, Image 1

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    :CR & HACKER,
Striker'. Block, Alain Street.
V .lAW4"t " ' ' "" inw, nvww ,., , . " , ' ' 1
t. mria a. af j- v -w v t - . - i - - t r ii,... " i;t:i'- : .i - . i ; . , . i i sv ' . . - - . - -ia. s - - AbA.A . m. , .
- .. -M w v is. it k.i.'i.v '" . . j i - i I w m '. saw m -r vw-asas-- v w w sf sw
Business Cards, i uuu ur lets, (g ysa
One column oner ear . . -1 ; . --.
--.. A. H
? (Ml
2 60
15 1 O0
" " rm will I- furn1hH t $1 M per
,f oT riP-b rompni the order, not
iftml'IH""1"1 ' .1
,iAe FtCl criw "j
t. Ani be it further cncte4. Tht !T any ii,iiity ,.f tbollectn
";.m 8nJ njH-u "J H1 of tax" f.5"""" ! Stite not b a2
1 , .' Motion nr p-riy ljJiig.vrilUio hu an- 8oc. 30. cf fc t
rui -v-'hut wHoh is not ovd. t-ceuptc-J,
iJeJ I J " IU ri-on kuowu to n.'h ei.
r'T ,it. J rentes ii-h oui ;clor L'il for;h
ir l!jC ' ' r. p,rty iito hii cumIj, an J shall
".au.e.aU tin Urcbr
. U(.pp-T puUiU?d la hiiitnct,
' ' I r i-uWieh.'d ibt-ein, otherwise in aom
f -l) dwtriot, f .r tLe t-pe of
t.u.1 f lbi UiM th T"vu, w.lh nil
."' ,f ;-u cuiict'tnr abtli prov.-i t: asii
''r.f '-Ui-l' h "MJ the. ftrllr
' t.'t!i ' t'tker S'hI li,r"el T""
f 44gi mi! "f t;' li 1 oat ' f lh- f'-els
; ,'j-r u tl.iMvrd uj.t ui-li i.r-.'j.vr:.v,
of dviTiiin au-i f iling ib iataa.
?'l?J,;eth to th.w provifivi ia the j.m
i r?f f !) j ui -l.Jte ani rr:.!e f p.-o-'.j,,!.,!
b.' s !i f r the rm'nintof dutj
". e with regard
'.j.. j.rvi:on f tbu fecticn. And
.. .i... ....... t. ... !......
J, ih tn.i'irtj. Aul the .stort-turj of
tj.fc t :uiu.riii iaanyoae whtre ui Muej
i jj ins.., ihe lri &-ury fur tiiw hci.ifit of any
I ,, rr.,jM.ry ''!! ai'jrv.-.iiJ, tu rfj-ajr thq
L T ,..r j bicj furni.htd tLt the per
1 v:.' A-'! t re--rc the
i A:ij te it furthr renmiteJ, TLa. thd'er
ft l.o tlifi!, at iha expiration T li anl
a s:h, u'ter tSj balj. rcijjciiTfly, iui-
.brin-v.'"'''"''; tr'uit the Ci.inui'.-ai'-.u-Lvrual
KoTtuuna ttatmoot of tho pfliov,
kl I rLrtu, rc-iirtively, within the month
i girt in-.ii't Ij, r at stt .h tim or-iiiii-8 al
''J lhe C'iiiUiii'Hiir of Iuterijj
ij,, u,e uw.i.";i by them re.'pcctirvly cullocted
I ii ..! tTia. -i d at u -h places as uiy bo
si'ii aud rtuired by tho Coiu:uie3ioiKr of
Kvreue: auJ ivct of tb ?ftii cv:iv;tore
t itjlt-u t ho co'.' of all rtimi anuu-!Iy
j i f-T i-iiei-tiijn, i k rsai I, .h!l pay
I' no.? iul't ih treasury, and hJJ r.i.i r bu
I -Mjt Tr :sury M-j,i.rtuK,ut no .l!;a
t-T b r?ir J, aa 1 witii i:i tix uiontha fn.ia
J r't.'iv tLia b L!l have receive J tL
, iii f.-gtu thv woMiir .r a-nbtnut a.-
it "fvr.Jui 1. AaJ the Svoreury of ttie
j-; u Lib'iiieJ ii ii(iuate one or 'iri de
mip b Mule, for i.k i p.iit aud afe
'.nf Hjc : iii' Tii co'.loclJi by virtus of this
I j the r' i't of the proper . oITW-r f puch
i, rx io i. auli-r f wliu ui.iuey d- totitd bj
in! It-, h l- ioivnt voucher for iiuch o.ilectir
j itleui-L.t ..f his avuuut a', the Trea-ur-y
an! Coiuu iftioner of Jntcrnal
ie u,-y, uiid-r loe dir-juti'iu of ths Scaretary
i Trt.-U4y, pr.'Scrihij fcttch regulationx witli
i. ui Rich Utrp jaila a be my ue in ueci-
!t, And be it fenher enacted. Thnt each
4 rlill ii charged with the w hole am u tit of
r j him receipted, whether coiit.iii vl in lists
rl Ut hiua by the a-."-..., r-jf p-ti'i'Iy, or or ir-io-itit-d tn vim bv asrint.iQt n-ei('r
J meto tiiae, or ly othr coll-ctr ; and shall
.iied wiib the in utit of or t.n' c jn
j m the trmi.-tnitied ia tha u inner abre
iktl to other collectors, aud by them receipted
?pid ; aud' also fur ill duties or tnxe of
wruoui g Kjay ha'e absconded, ,r b?C(uie in
k lrior to the dy rbni (be d jtj or tax ought,
tag t the 'rM'isiit oi this at, t-i bavo bo-:n
w-4: r.'ovidc.I, Tint it ciall be pr vt:d t the
tumor tbe t'trrl CoinjitrulUr of the Tr?fts
.t due dihcn u w usvd by the collector,
st u i (jr. p -rij was left iroia wbu-.h the duty
oiild have bi-fD recovered. And et i raillc
.! .!o be of J, led wi.h the amount of all
fj pun l u'f-d by him for the use of the United
1'iu-iJru heeiiall t;ntlilu!iy nrs-ouiit fur, aud
j- r, the prjn-d thereif upon a n.-aJ of the
v requited by ihi ajt.
i 'I: Aud bs it furtner enictud, That if anr
1t tit. I tad either to collect or to render hi
it, to p:iy oreria the w inner or wtihin the
WrtuiKflore tiIl be tie duty .f Ci.uj troiier of the lrua-ury, a.nd he if
J utbi.rtx'd and rcouircd. ini ne iiBtHly fter
i linqueurv, to rrpo.t the Kine ko the Soiioitor
innjrj., m:,o rb-I. ic.iic a wurriuit of di
nin.-t fU'h lilineiii collector And h: snre
fcTtf -utc ib" u .ir.h:-! of he district, therein
p th.; Muiuunt of the tutiU with which the
.r is ca.irnjble, aul the fum, if aoy,
ir-b. M il jiii J. And thti ei 1 in irUJi!l sha.t,
t :!. r his dt-puiy, luiiuodiat :ly pro?e.;d to
-J o '.hi t the cuui wbi h i;iy iviiMin due. by
fwi.le u( itio ioods and chitt!l8, or uy
" .f tho dwiio'jUun. collector, iciriug
;tr cj i lo.ti.-e of tiie titio utid place ol
I Uirtirunr pri.vided by lar lor advurtisicg
Mini i,ri..t'rtv on execuliou in the Male
t u-b colivcior ri and, furtheruiore, if
.'Aiiii, oa.ntlrs. and tflfiCiit caunyt be found
''' j fUtj..tivfj the ai4 warratit, the nid mr-
' I $ -t'dTuty hail and may proceed to lev
jf' 1 i. . ' ' . . . , . .. j... .
vi lua iuui wnicu remains uuu, pt ui-irc.-
f ti!.i;njj and chatties, or any pcrsonnl
he ureiy or sureties d the delinquent
" S Sti H'ttice t.s bereicb'-'fore provided.
-uiUJi.f uiloul Lhe.lEcerof any ifoo a. chat
f otLtr im.ioJ or.iiH-rtv, ditt.ra!ui.d 8tldJld
r-iu. tbali be v4K:iuive evidence of title to
'-tr, and pnuu facie e. idence of the right
ai:er to uinke rueh -ale. aud of ttie correot-
? Mieerdiui lu sclliiiiT Wle lu5. And
IjI uf KK.d aud chattlfg. or other personal
i A uob coKctor or hi uretieii.iiufii.'ieut to
tin- wrr.iutof distrefs, issue I pursuant to
uiu z option of mis act. tho Luli aoi rent
f ucO (.;;!( and b stwetien, or ao uuch
fai5 ir.By be ueceasary for vatiafiiij; the id
-siiiicr bniuir rJviT Used tor at leust throe
I "i 'fcol 1cm thn three public piaces in the
iitrict. and in one t)0jMioer liriutea in
jii! i- ... .3 . .. It il... lit iipihp in thu
"V in uiruici. ii mui nivio -
t'.UM i,f -ile. mv an I shall bo old u.t oub-
f pb''" Huii by the mar-hal or his deputy, wtiu'. upou
t . .. -a-ti hLaJI. as auch deputy uiiir-
and d-liver to thn ureb.s!r ib.'5 jT-in-I
..d a a--J ,4 evevau-e thereof, to bi ex
t int a';Knowledxid in the uianuer aod form
bj the hm of the SUte in wbb h iiud
S "sj!.uled.. which caid deed ao made rhil
a '
s 1
I if-
; at
l"r .11'
d Iff
f -be i;ur.Jotrvr with all 'be title and interest
! -ridtKor d'-fendaat n.ired in aid Wiir
et the time of ixure thereof. Aui
i:i y t t at uiy reuiiu of the proceed of ueh
iifiu theaid .riMil of di:rs.and
ibe reaaonahle cvi and chia-ptei of sale
I tr :uined to the iopnetor of lbs lnd or
r.d a a;w'rei-1.
2i. Aul be it further enacted, Tht ea-h
f' collivtor. or his tlepury, who ahll "Xer
, h- guVlty of any extortion r wilful oppreo-k"-r
color of thin act. or shall -k nowin,r,Jy de-
'ttier orgrt-atct sums than shall be wuthor--T
this a-t,shaUba liable to pay asuui not ex
'.dwiblethe am unt of damases ancruing to
rJ bv and for the
ttio rtT iujund, with costs of suit, and
I h disuiinsed from office, and be di.quali5ed
?-"MiDjjsu:h office thereafter: and each and
Elector, or his deputies, shall give receipt
5 -umby them collected and reuinod in pur
ofthisaot; ! 27. W be it further enacted. Tb.U aoo!-
W dejjutj collector, asse-or or aa.-istant awes -I
il ho authiritsd to enter, in the daytime,
""err, diitillery. manufactory, builJn., or
any rironartr j-ticlc.s. or obtectS sub-
h -nty or Uxation under the prorision- of this
r"to(1 r,r..i-.. i ... t..f m-.iliin hi. district.
' . I'luuilll,!!! tpv, "
M it insy be neees-ar? for Ui purpose of ex
i id IfonertT. arliele. or object., or in
h ma aKJnun'i reouired bv this act irom wu
, - - , ,
hT been seiz-wl by him, or shall attempt or ec
dariir so to do, the porson so lTenditir shall, for
every -uch offence, forfait and pay the sum of five
hundred dollars.
See. 29. And hi it nrtler enacted, That in case
of the -ickn'-- or temporary disability of acoUa-tor
to dief;iir rno-h of bis duties ng cann.t under ex-i-'.inglaws
m discharged by a deputy, ther bn.--y be
d-volvd by Lira upoo on of bin dpntie: I'rovidod
That information there f b immlite!y e iinnuni
cated to the Seer-tary, and shall not be disapproved
by him: And provided, further. That the rpnn-
llectoror his suretie- to the United
be a Tec ted or imrwrei therebv.
further actnl. That in oae
a collector .tl all die, resign, or be removed, the dep
uii.scf fU"h collector shall continue to act until
their successors are appointed ; and the deputy of
such collector l iurest in service at the tim imme
diately prcve Wnz my and shall, until a successor
shall be appr.inted, discharge all the duties of said
collector; ud for the offijjal acts and defaults of
such deputy a vmedy shall be had on the o&jial
bond of thn collector, as in other cases; and of two
nr more deputy c'leotors. appointed on the same
day, the one rcs' neftret the residence of the
collector at tho tune of bis death, resignation, or
rr.'u.-v&l, shall iu like manner discharge the said du
ties nniil the ajpoiatinint of su.'oenr ; and any
bond orse.'.uriiy takei 'if lueh deputy by snob, col
lector, pursuant t the flfta lection of th;s act, shall
be available to his heirs or reprentatives to in
demnify tbern fur loss or dttpae veralng fr-mi any
ajt of the proper deputy so contiuuiu or s) nax-eed-ing
to the duties of such onllest-jr.
Sec. M. And U it further ennefw. That it sbal:
be the duty of the collector afaresaid,' or their da their respe.clive iistriets, and thej are here
by authoriied, to collect nil t duties an I taxs itn-p-sed
by ibi aot. howewr the sa'ai rmy bed-siir-uated,
and to prosecute for tho r xvry of
and for the recovery of any sum or sums which ray i
be forfeited by virtue of t:,i aot; an I ad ones, pen- '
aliie-.and forfeitures whieh miy boinourred or im
posed by virtu? of tUie aot, shall and mty b sued !
for aud rooovenl, in the nami ( the Uuilei Scates.
r of the i.llect;r within whuse and sueh ;
fine, penalty, or loifeifure sh.ll have ben i'l turrnd.
iu uy proper friu of aciion, or by anr appr 'pnat
form of pr.iceetling, bifore any eiruiiit or d tri:-t
court of tbe Uuitod Stttue for the di-tri ;t within
which mid Sue. penalty, or forfeiture in'iy bavbn
iucurn-d, or before any otber enurf of eoin.ievent
junsdi'-iiou: aid. where n.t otherwise an di Jreti
tly provided for, one moiety thre-f shall b.i to the
usti ..f the United State, and tho other moi'tj
lucre. if V) the u; of the. p-frs-.n wh if a c..!!o-'.or
or deputy collector, shall first infr u ,f th cause,
matter, or thing whruJ i'y U3h Cno, penalty, or
torfcitu rn wai incur-ed.
Sec. 32. And be it fu: tiier enact el, Th it if any
pcrsju iu . auy case, m.itter, hfariti -.r other pr.i
ceedin iu wbijh an oath or a'Tirm itnti .thill ivi-required.
tt be taken or aduiiaistarod uf.dr a:vl by
virtue of this act, shall, upua the taking i fsu 'b
: h or knowingly and wil'.i iIy
or aiSrai liilsoly, evo-y prou to o:Teadi:)g shx.ll be
deemed guilty of perjury, aud shall, uii cotiviclion
tiou tUci oof. ba subject to the like punishmril and
lnalliei now provided by the laws of the Uuito l
St.ttee for the eritua of perjury,'
. Soc. Z. Aud be it further envtol, Th.t epa
rate iicoouat- "hall bj kept at tbe treasury of il
tuoueys received from internal duties yr tXrs in
lae respictiter States, Ttrriti.ries, aud colloctison
district : and that sepaiaie accounts shall be kpt
of t'us am iuut of each spoeies of daty or tax that
shail acoruc, so a- to exhibit, as as m iy be. the
amount collo.-ted from eaoii source of roveane. with
the moneys paid to the collectors aud deputy coileo
t jn, and to the other officers employed in etch of
the respective States, Territories, and collection dis
tricts, au ausiract in tabular lor n ot w btc'i a? ;oJu"?
it suall be the duty of the Secretary of the Treas
ury, nnuaby,ia the the month ot Uoocinbir, to luy
bcto:e v-ongies. . '
Sec. 34. Aud be it further enacted, That there
shall be allowd to the collectors appointed m.W
tin act, intutl c tu en sa'.iou for ttieir nervnos aud
that of their deiutie in .curryiag ti is act into ef
fect, a comuiiss.ou of four per eetitum upon the
first hundred tbous.ui d dlars. a id two p-r coatuiu
upon ail sums ab ve on J Duu Ired tao la 1 1 dup.ri ;
such cotUDissions to beC"m)U'.ed Upuu tbo am units
by tbcui respectively pud over aud accouuieif for
under ib instructions of the treasury l ipirtm ut :
lJrvvided, That in uo ease shal sucb -omoii-s;ou?
exceed the sum of ten thoUaud dollars i ;r iior.uin.
except as hereinafter provid' d. And th resha.I e
lurmer lillvWed to e .ch collector bis uo -t-ssaiy uu i
retifouabiu ch.ires for atationrry aud blauk b 'oks
used iu the oei I j;iiu moo of Lis official duties, wbioh.
afu:r being duly examined and cerifid by the C itn-
uusiouer of Internal UeVenuc. shall be potd out (.1
the treasury: 1'rovi fed. That ttte Seeretavy of the
lraurv be autboriS'tl touike such further kIiow-
auco us may be reasonable in cases iu which, frm
(be ttrritorial txlent of the district, or lrom the
amount of internal duties collected, it may see in just
to tu.ike eucii allowance ; but the whole i-ompeusa-tiou
hi 11 not exceed ten thousand d -liars, except in
collection districts embracing more than ouu con-
grcsrioual district.
ee. i. Aud on it further enacted, i aat wnen
any duiy or tx shall have been paid by levy aud
distraint, any. persoQ or pcrstins or party who tuiy
fcl agrisvcd thereby may aj ply to the a3essor of
tbo district fvirreiicf, and exuoit such evuieuce at.
ton, b, or tucy miiy have of the wfong ooue, or
supposed to have been d ue, and after a all iuves-
iii;ou tiie Assessor shall rc;xrt tuecase, witu siua
taru of the evidence as ho uiy deem material, iu-
. i j-j ......
eiudmx a:o ucu as may oe recuraeu s lu.icnui
by tbo party ngrpjved, to the Oouauiioiouer of I.i
teriial i.evuue. wuo may. if it shall be mde ti ap
pear to ium thai such dutv or tax was lei ied jt col-
levU-d. iu whole o' iu i;irt, wronafully or unjustly,
coftily the amount wiouf uily an t uuju-tiy ieiei
or coliocted. aud tbe saiuj snail be roiuaaei aau
pitrd to the jrsou orjursous or party as aforesaid,
from ny moneys ia tue treasury not oiuerw ise p
jiropreated, upon tbe presentation of such certicii
(o the proper ulhcer thereof.
S5. 3d. And be it further enacted, Thtit in all
cases of distraint aud sale of goods or chatties, fur
nou-payuieut of taxes provided for in this act,
KiVI ol .!e of such uoodsor chatties given by the
olfijer makiug savii fle to tUe purchai-cr tbercof
nail bo coutlusive evileuca of the ruut or tbo m
eer to itake nucb. eale, and of the correvtnS vf bis
i.rocm;Jiu in selliuz the same.
" , . . wit - :r e
iSoc. ii. ajiul be it tunuer enacted, inat i .n
any cause, at auy time after this a.-t -,oes iuto ope
ration, the law of tho United Stites be ex
ecuted iu a State or f crrit jry of the United Suites,
or auy part, thereof, or witbm the Jimtrict of Co
lumbia, it shall bo the duty of the President, and
Uo is hereby nulboritd, to proceed to execute the of tUis act witbiu the li mus of such
jsuiite r Teiritory, . part thereof, or District of Co
lumbia, so soou as tbe authority of the luitcd
abates thwreiu snail be re-ts.abnshed, uud to collect
tbe sums which would bavo been duefr in the p -r-sous
residing or nolding property, good, wares, or
uierebaadise, oojact or article therein iibl-j to any
duty, liooute, or Ul, with interest at the rte of six
per veiitam per annum tberevn ffoui the titnn such
uuty, lijeuse, or Ux otignt to bave been pid until
paid iu the manner aud under the real itioas pre
b ribed in tuisa.-t, a far as stppl.cablo, and wbtro
noi applicable the a-esmjut au I Uvvshali be m-de
ud tue time aud munuer of collection regulat-d oy
Ue iuatruciiou. aud diroolions of tbe Oomiuis-u-ucr
of Internal lievoouc. undv.r thedireciioirtl Miepee
rfLxri-iif th Treasurv. ... -' -
- - j .
NO. G.
square (lea tifleaer le)a iorilon, 4f oo .
Kacb addiiioual lasertiua - . , --
eu iwj
one nair eoisnia i.ce year ...
Oat fourth colnmn oni year -One
el(btk colinn enw jrt . !
One column sit mouth - - .
Oaehait coJuiua six months - .
One fourtb eulnmn six months
One e'.fthtb ot a column six -months -One
column three morn ha- i -One
half column, three month '
One fourth eel erer, three ruooa' -One
eAiihth col -nn three ra
Announctn Candidate for
Transient advertiMmnta
Tearly advertisements. q
in Trsascieot Advert
square will be charged fr f.y ,
eui ui nrst week, mud Brent .
4V) 0U .
b .
I .
. '8
IS to
ss .
19 a-1
-It oa
-. a . i
f s4riR,
:r - irrom tbe (owe Uoine-tead J-"-' ' - ' t
Esssy 6u t!ic Management of StocK.
For successful breeding or raising
of cattle, there ought to be a regular
system. The merceant in his busi
ness is regular, or else too late he
finds a balance on the wrong side of
the ledger. So the farmer would find
the benefit of Buch a system. Farm
ing is made up of details, and success
is in proportion to the amount of at
tention given to it. This only is good
management, and, as in alL.things,
there must be a beginning, good man
agement has its starting point; First,
a proper selection of breeding animals
with reference to the particular end in
view. There is perhaps no branch of
agriculture that calls for more experi
ence, or sooner shows the effects of
good management, than stock raising ;
and it will prove to the advantage of
formers in this State to turn their at
tention more to thir subject where
there is any quantity uf "free pas
ture, especially would it be profita
ble. And even the "small farmers"
must devote some time and attention
to this business; But core and atten
tion are reijusite for - success. Grain
farming alone cannot pay, therefore
gtoek and its management must make
part of tho business of farmers, and it
is necessary that they should possess
some geueral knowledge on the sub
ject. . There seems to be a neglect in
providing sufficient shelter. We find
c.tttle standing shivering in the fence
corner shivering in the cold north wind, whilst their owners sit by
the' fire wondering vf'nj the cows give
no milk, or the steers do not-fatten.
Good and sufficient shelter' should al-,
ways be provided, both for the com
fort of the animal, aud profit to the
owner; as cattle consume about one
third less food when kept in a warm
stublo, and particularly is the differ
ence seen m fattening cuttle. There
are manv ways of -making such shel
ter, according to the taste ond fincy
of the individual, so that it
requisite to give any description of
buildings, or sheds, for there is a full
range ironi a shed "shingled mit
straw," to one costing hundreds. But
I should by all means prefer to tie up
cattle, and to use stanchions in the
pUce of chains or other fastenings.
Uy tieing up stock there is a chance
to discriminate in their food, and
have better control of the beasts ; and
I .prefer -stanchions, as the cattle do
not take up as much room as when
tied with a chain round the neck, and
the head is confined so as to prevent
much injury to each other by their
horns, aud is the quickest and easiest
For pasture, moderately rolling
prairie is better than perfectly level,
provided it is supplied with good water
natural streams are the best, as
they always afford a supply, although
artiffcial streams, when properly made,
answer every purpose; such as can be
made in most all sloughs by running
a mole ditcher in them, by which
springs can be made, saving the trou
ble and expense of lifting water, and
in a large stock this is very consid
able. And then stock can drink when
they please. There should always be
a full supply of salt kept accessible to
stock, both 6uramer and winter.
There ought always to be a pasture
fenced off, according to the wants of I
the farm, even it there is plenty of
"free pasture' for cows and calves,
and any other stock tha is wanted at
home. Then the farmer cih breed his
cows to any bull he chooses, and keep
his calves where he wants them, and
not spend his time riding over 'the
nrairie after lost cattle. . Many spend
i ... : f .. ..
tiH0U.I l-t--e running niiyi siiivys
as would fence forty ' acres, in one
season. Our free paster? are too
large, and in many places farmers
uiunt soon depend upoa.sow.n pasture.-:
And when tbo tnae cciows lor .veamng
calves they have a pasture lor them'
with better, feed tuiu on tue pra;ne,
and where they eanuot'get away ; as
calves are very apt to stray, an J make
Sorno puture cime earlier in the
known, and' tiie' animal caribe treated
accordingly. ; On some farms the cows
run at large on the prairie, '.taking the
ehanceof catching some "scrub," their
owners seeming not to carp anything
about them, preferring a scrub, when
they can secure the services of a thor
oughbred at a moderate cost, acting
a . 1 ... ' ' o
upon the principle of a "penny saved
is two pence earned. There should
bft a stock book kept, with a list of all
stock,: time of being served, -time. of
calving, &c, ami would prove a yalua
ble book of reference as well, showing
..... a
at a glace the exact condjtion of the
herd. By all means use a thorough
bred bull, for a grade bull is not to be
depended upon, and his "get" is very
uncertain ; by chance you may get a
calf that shows many good points, but
the chances are against you. And as
to any particular breed, that depends
upon , the situation and taste of the
farmer. A breed that is most profit
able for the butcher, cannot be best for
the dairy, so that a recoinmend ition
of any is useless, and must be left to
the discretion and experience of the
purchaser. " And it is only necessary
to give a wont of fcautiort do not be
too ready to believe in any until you
have tried them. The Durham is
highly recommended for rich pasture,
the Devons and Ilerefords for lighter
soils. The Avrshires are the best for
milk, but of little value for the butch
er. The cattle stable should be kept
clean and well littered every morning
with fresh litter, as c.ittle will not
thrive Well when kept standing in
manure, and have no place to lav
down. There sho'j'd be particular at
tention paid to this. The "fancy
prices" of blooled stock, his placeull
beyond the reach of most farmers, ami
stood much iu the way of the improve
ment? of our native cattle,, although
we begin to see. traces of good blood,
owing to the public spirit aud enter
prise of &ev. Ltly, in the man
agement of stock,, there .should be..?
gentle firmness, not too much bluster
and noise, which only serves to con
fuse, and make them unruly. Cruelty
always to be condemned a3 unnec
essary ami disgraceful. Kindness and
gentleness willinvariably serve. The
owner should exercise a careful super
vision, and employ' only careful and
peaceable attendants. Care should be
taken not to breed in and in, or let a
bull go to his own calves, and can be
done by changing bulls as often as
three vears. Thoroughbreds will not
pay to raise for the butcher, but the
higher the grade the better, and a
system of judicious crossing can but
produce good results, by selecting
good native cows and i crossing thein
with a thoroughbred bull. Much more
can bo said, but in thi-i disjointed
sketch, 1 have endeavored to be accu
rate and concise.
themselves. They turn about also as inU J lie Salt'BSlnS Of Nebraska.
nrnr.03Sinnf.l hp nurill Pit nnit tanna r.oi.. 1
mony of hallowing (see Ji'ullowinjr.'i. eZ A correspondent of the Scientific
cackling) as : well themselves as the
- .-. ' .
be made. And every owner of uch
distillery, manufactory, building, or ph.
"H Lavinr tl.a aMru. .noerinteudcuoe of
fJ8'. he shall refuse to al.uit such offi -cr, er
o inspect said Accounts, shall, f r "ry
"IHuI t f . . r A (inn.
H doll and pay me sum oi u -
i- l I'an.l b. it further enacted. That the
offi-eis who may be ap.oinied under this act, exoi'pt
wit'iiu those districts witaiu an Stato or Territory
which have been or may be otherwise specially pro
vided for by law, snail be, and hereby are, author
ixed, in all where the paym-nt of such tat ba
uot been assumed by the Su.e, to peifortu all the
duties relating to or regarding the aseuieut and
collection or the direct tax imposed by .n act enti
tled -An aot to prorido increased revenue fro lua
i-jrtl. to pay iuiercat on the imbiic dobt, aud for
uiur pur," pproved August fifth, eighteen
i i-.: .iriT.mi.. or anv direct tax wnion way
bo bercafior exacted: Provided. Tbnl the sum of
ihimsnnd tnree hundred and twelyedol-
-n t Z . I.-. ...
tars, direct tax, laid upo the
ka by said act, shall bo paid and satisfied by deduct
,ng said amount from the appropriation tor leg.s,a
. .. T..rri:.ivof Nebraska for the
Jtf yearanding thirtieth ot juuo, viga'o-n buud.e i and
1 aixty-tnree, and no further claim shall be made by
"u i . y . i .. .... .. .a. fT.kj wja.l.t VB,f
fnvided, further, That the Mate of leunesseo
suall nave iu.iil the first dy of I). nbr net to as
sume .be payuunt of hsr portion vf said tJt.
And be it further enacted, That if
man forcibly obstruct or binder a eouec
i sV11' eoIJe-" ia the execution of this act,
? uthority hereby vested in him.
toreihly retcne, er eaose to be reeoned, nuy
i nicies, or bjeets, fcfscr the - -11
All About Hens.
Did the readers of the Country Gen
tleman ever notice that hens are alluded
to in the old Testament ? In the New
Testament they are referred to in that
well known apostrophe of our Saviour to
Jerusalem (Matt. 23, 37,) and the crow
ing of the cock is mentioned in connec
tiun witb. Peter's denial of hts master,
and as marking the watches of the night.
And yet the Jews could not say, as did
one of th" characters in Shasprare's
'Winter's Tale,' 'l have no pheasant,
cock or hen," as the barn door fowl was
a native of the east, and the present in
habitants of the Holy Laud cherish it as
their most common associate, and substi
tute it aud its eggs for nearly every kind
of meat. Neither are there any repre
sentatives of poubry in the discovered
Egyptian sculptures or paintings, neither
of camels, and as the laiter were known
in Egypt, certainly as early as thd time
of Abraham, it is no proof that barn-door
fowls were ever rare with that ancient
Among the Greeks they were highly
esteemed, aud cock aud liens were im
ported from Egypt and India. The fowl
Louse waV eo co&trivtd as Ij receive from
According to th notions of the Romans
(tallying in a measure with ours,) a good
and kindly hen was known by her comb
btauv-straightand upright, and double
crested. The extra toed (see D rkings)
were always preferred, and there was
also a dwarfish kind, railed by the Eng
lish travellers, "grig hens,' "extraordi
narily little, and yet fruitful, a thing not
seen m any other kind of fowl, which lay
aud miss not, but seldom sit they.on any
eggs ; and if they do. it is hurtful for
them." Pliny. Natural History.
The best eggs, they thought, to put un
der hens when they sit, were those that
were laid ten days before at the utmost.
"For neither old eggs nor yet very new
laid be good for that purpose." Some
time? as many as twenty-five were put
under one hen ; but the general rule was
to "let them cover thirteen eggs, howbeit
never under nine."
That which troubled the hens of an
tiquity, as well as the ''biddies" of our
era, was "a certain distillation of a phleg
matic humor, which causeth the pip, aud
most of ail between harvest time and.
vintage." The cure wis to keep them
hungry and long fasting ; also to let them
perch in a smoky place, especially where
the fume was made of bay leaves and
the herb savine. ''It is good moreover
to draw a little quill or feather through
their nostrils, across, and to remove or
shift it every day. As for thsir meat, let
it be some cloves of garlic shred among
their corn, or else let their meat be well
infused and steeped in water wherein an
owl hath washed and bathed herself J"
In the early and purer history of the
rominonwealth one of ' the sumptuous laws
provided that no man should have her
table served with any fowl, 'unless it were
one hen, anu the same a runner only, and
not fed up and crammed fat." Cooping
up poultry was then recently" devised by
one JStrabo, a 'gentleman of Home,' and
the statute was levelled against ttus prat
lice of ''keeping fowls within narrow
compass and cages, as prisoners, to which
creatures nature had allowed tne wiue
American thus describes tbe salt lands
of Nebraska :
"There is Mn Nebraska Territory,
fifty miles wost of the Missouri river,
a remarkable salt region of which the
Government has reserved 17,000 acres
under the Mineral Land; Act. Near
the centre of this region there are four
basins containing 1,6000 acres. -Their
surface is nearly flat, but depressed
several feet below the common level.
As to the cause of this depression no
certain theory prevailssome claim
that the millions of buffalo, etc., which
have salted and wallowed there for
ages, have done it. Others claim that
the slow wash caused by the salt's
destroying vegetation will account for
it. The bottoms of the basins are
composed of black mud covered oyer
in warm, dry weather with a thin
stratum of salt, causing them to look
like magnificent fields of snow. The
salt is collected by scrapers; occasion
ally a man will scrape up a wagon
load in a day.
. In and about those basins are nu
merous springs of strong brine boiling
up. Tho quantity discharged from
them, if all in one stream, would run
a sawmill. The farmers for a hundred
miles, round go there and boil and
scrape enough for home. use. The
salt is of excellent quality crystals
white and large. It is astonishing
that no works have been erected for
manufacturing it. Our merchants
obtain salt from Netf York and Vir
ginia, when enough miht be madej
here to supply a dozen btates. lhis
dry, breezy climate is far superior for
solar evaporation to that of Onondaga.
The vats that yield 2,000,000 bushels
there would turn off 3,000,000 here.
Timber ij too scarce to be largely used
arth and air fof 'heir s ope and habiu-
tion." Country. Gentleman.
. - i '
The Shaw Potato.
In May, 18S0, J. W. Ilelme, of
Adrian, Michigan, sent a box of seed
ling potatoes which he" wrote us, or
iginated in that county from seed of
the Mercer, and had: been named the
"Shaw." Mr If. stated that they
were very productive,, free from disj
ease, one week earlier than Early
June, and so closely resembled the
Mercer that they were often sold for
that variety. In acknowledging their
receipt we promised to give them a
fair trial ami eport at some future
time. After the first season's expe
rience we did not feel prepared to re,
port in consequence of the fact that
the leaves of half the plants became
diseased, curled and dried before the
end of the season. The affection'was
confined to this seedling, while all
others were healthy, and we were led
to suppose that it might be a disease
to which the variety was subject, and
which might render it worthless.
Last sea-on only an occasional plant
was affected in this way, and the pres
ent summer all have been healthy.
It is an excellent potato, about as good
as the old Mercer, while the product
is more than double. It has the form
and purple maiks of the parent, but
the white portion is less clear, being
somewhat of a buff or cream'color.
It will, however, sell readily in market
for the Mercer. It is not a3 early as
the variety we cultivate for Early
June, but follows it quite closely.
We are almost ready to pronounce it
one of the best potatoes we have ever
grown, even for a general crop. With
this, and Davis' Seedling, and a few
Flaukes for backing, no one will have
accasion to complain of poor potatoes
or shy bearers. Rural iVW Yorker.
'ITovtto Stow Potatoes avt P-tr-
! prm
g ao.J i'Ust Monger lit the. fall.
When stock is taken up for the wim
ter, the calves and young cattle should
he separated .frotn-r the-older cattle,
both for convenience of feeditfg,' and
protecting them from injuries, to which
uiey o..c ,i this wise; "By a iah! our master h
around by older Cattle. 'Ihey need I ?m bave fifiy w.ves, and
Scrtaioa Dcmpliro. To one pint of
sour milk with carbonate of soda, add one
quart of meal and a large spoonful of
3our ;"rpU'out with; flour and put m one
apple, and cook as ueual.
the best fodder for the first winter,
and I would make another division of
the yearlings from the rest, as they
would do very well on coarse hay.
The cows need different care and food
from work cattle, or fattening stock;
but as I do not propose to treat upon
the management of a dairy, I will
merely say in reference to cows that
they ueed care at the time of calving ;
not too much officiousness, but a quiet
attention to . their wants amTwelfarc.
It is" not often that they need assis
tance, but it should bo at hand, ready
for any emergency. : Bulla should
never be allowed to run with the cows,
until they are - all with calf,; for then
tbt-Uoe-of bulling and.tCftlTingsia
the kitchen a iifpl a;ovhiCit was iSEvV-tiTliEM irUOM UoT.--Acorre;jpon-supposed
to H .agreeatJe to these dc ; Scientific AmeriCanYs :
cate ioreigners. rmy iowis wu .tue
ltiiiH allowed to one farm yard, and one
male bud to six hens. They were put
to t-it about the vernal equiuox during the
nrt quauer of .the moou, in nests care
fully made, ta.oJ into whieh a a taliMnan
aguiua thunler ?" -0i- ad ad sprigs
of laurel were thrown. In the story of
the ass, the o'x' and the laborer, iu the
introduction to the Arabian Nights, the
cock has fifty heus, aud rebukes his in3J
ter tor his subserviauce to one wife in
liah ! our master has
please this and provoke hat, while he
las but one and cannot manage with
her." It would appear troin this, and the
accounts we have of the Greek farm
yards, that fifty was the usual number of
hens or cocks aud hen? thought necessary
for a single hjmestead.
The. ancient had. many superstitions
about hens. Plutarch among o her cur
ious things. "whoe caues w e cannot dis
cover." mentions that of the "hen's turn
ing round with a straw in her mouth at ter i t.
she had laid; anu so asserts mat
"I have tried the following plan for
four years, aud it has proved a sover
eign remedy, as I have not lost a
bushel in that time after they were
harvested, though in some cases they
were half diseased when taken cut of
the ground. Dust over the floor of
the bin with lime and put in about six
or seven inches deep of potatoes, and
dust with lime as before. Put in six
or seven inches more of potatoes, and
lime again; repeating the operation
till all are stowed in that way. One
bushel of lime will do for forty bushels
of potatoes, though more will not hurt
-hem the lime rather improving the
flavor than otherwise.
Women as Juxges op Character.
It is more honorable to have the re
gard of a few noble women, than to be
popular among a much greater-num
ber of men. Having in themselves
qualities that command our iove,
the tetter ;
Ahoat Cooking Potatoes.
Potatoes Buiied. Wash them, but do
not pare or cut them, uuless they are
very large. Fll a sauce-pan half; full of
potatoes of equal size, or the small ones
will be done' ro'pieces before the large
caes are boiled enough. (or make them
so by uiri'Jiog the larger ones;) put io
them at . much coiu ' .ater as will .cover
them about an inch ; they re sooner
boiled and more savory thai? when drown
ed in water. Most boiled , thinga are
spoiled by having too little water, but po
tatoes are often spoiled by having too
uruch; they must merely be covered, and
a little allowed fur waste in boiling, so
that they may be just covered at the finish.
Set them on a moderate fire lill they
boil; then take them off, and put them
by the side of the fire to simmer ' slowly
till they are soft'enough to admit a fork,
(place no dependence on the usual test
of their skins cracking, which, if they are
boiled fast, will happen to some potatoes
when they are not half done, and the in
sides quite hard, i Then pour the water
off. (if you let the potatoes remain in the
water a moment after they are done
enough, they will become waxy and wa
tery,) uncoyer the sauce-pan, and set it
at such a distance from the fire as will
secure it from burning; their superflous
moisture will evaporate, and the potatoes
will be perfectly dry and mealy.
You may afterwards place a napkin,
folded up to the size of the sauce-pan's
diameter, over the potatoes, to keep them
hot and mealy till wanted.
This method of managing potatoes is in
every respect equal to steaming them;
and they are dressed in half the time.
There is such an infinite variety of
sorts and sizes of potatoes, that it is im
possible to say how long they will take
doing; the best way is to try them with
a fork. Moderate-sized potatoes will
generally be done enough ia fifteen or
twenty minutes.
Cold Potatoes Fried. Tut a bit of
clean dripping into a frying-pan ; when
it is melted, slice in your potatoes with
a little pepper aiid salt; put them on the
fire; keep stirring them ; when they are
quite hot they are ready.
Potatoes JUasfudWhsm your pota
toes are thoroughly toiled,, drain them
quite dry, pick out everj speck, K.e.,ana
while hot, rub'lhem 'through a colandt.r
into a clean -s'ieWpan. To a pound cf
potatoes 'put about half an ounce of butter
uud a tablespoonful of milk; do not make
them too moist; mix them well together.
Potatoes mashed with On ions. -Prepare
some boiled onions by putting them
through a sieve, and mix them with pota
toes. In proportioning the onions to the
potatoes, you will be guided by your wish
for more or less of their flavor. uer
mantown Ttlegraph.
The Largest City in the World.
Jeddo, the capital of Japan, is without ex
i-eption, the largest and most populous city
in the world. It contains the vast num
ber of 1 ,500,000 dwellings, and 5.000,000
of human souls. Many of the streets are
nineteen Japaneseries in length, which
is equivalent to twenty-two English miles.
The commerce of Jeddo far exceeds
that of any other city in the world, and
the sea along its coast is constantly white
with sails of ships. .Their vessels sail to
the southern portion or the tmpire, wnere
thev are laden with rice, tea, sea-coal.
tobacco, silk: cotton: and tropical fruits, all
cf which find a ready market in the north ;
.! r . . .a huttpr' . i . i , j ! i . . 1.
i..a, ..i,, ,r.r..,.rh hen at briN i inu- urt l,Mr l" lt e'J"v land re'urn ireiuwea win corn, salt,
time impregnate her." . , jable to appreciate I.e traits ta?,t 0llt i;,l;g!a:9 nnd various other - produc-
Pliny says "The hens of country houses : scrve t0 itiS THe neart i.VJ?t be ;i ini of ih..- north, which bave a market
have a certain ceremonious rehiion' Judged hy the heart, and men are tiv, ; ia .Le sow'-h.Aeip Xurk Jrgus.
When they have Uid an egg the' fall' a : intellectual in the processes by which ' r .
trembling, and. quaking nd all to shake J thej form their regards. ' ' " Suppoxt your heme paper. 1
. Cairo. Oct. G..
On Thursday la?t 175 men of the 63i
Illinois infantry. 35 of the 5ih Iowa car.
airy, and oue section of Captain Flood'
artillery the whole commanded by Maj.
Pratt, of the 83d Ohio were attacked
near Waverly, Tenn., twenty-five mile-
southwest of Fort JjDelson, by 800 reU
els who were completely rottpd, losing
six killed, a larg-jaumter wounded, and
25 prisoners. - . . v,
. - - - .
I he rebels were comraaltid by Cap
tain Napier. ' .
Stirring events may to looked for nl
West Tennessee within two or three days.
Lieut. George L. Meleck, of the 20ih
Ohio, arrived to-night with twenty-ninn
guerrillas, taken in the vicinity of Boli
var. They are on their way to Alton. -
He says it was reported this morning,
at Jackson,hat Price crossed theHatchio
with 50,000 men, and was marching in
the direction of Bolivar, where an attach
is anticipated, and that Pillow is in ths
same neighborhood with 20,000 men.--This
report is highly probaMe.
Negroes at Helena are unwilling tti
be sent North, neither do they want to go
back to slavery. They readily consent
to work for wages, and arrangement are
being made by which they are to be paid
fifty cents per day, eicept ia cor.on pick
ing. when they are to have seventy-five
From several sources we learn of great
aciivity among the rebels in the vicinity
of Helena, Vicksburgand Holy Springs.
The evidently contemplated an attack
soon but just at what point is not knowu.
Joe. Johnston 13 said to have 20,000
troops at Little Rock, and the number at
Holy Spring is known to be about 10,000.
The rebels are crossing their forces from
Arkansas to Mississippi at Vickalurg,
and are making every preparation for an
attack at Holly Springs. The place ;
being strongly fortified.
A rumor here to-night that they are.
moving north, probably incorrect.
. c c i. . - .r
au: ci:i ui .iempni n-j-r .T
mantown, are said to b su.'fermg fcr th-i
necessaries of life. Ciuon is their.c.slji
support, and this has been destroyed by
The Federal have possession of Gal
veston Bay. This is admitted in the
Grenada Appeal.
Flanegan is elected Governor of Ark
ansas' over Rector.
'" Ac av client occurred on the Mississip
pi Cemial Riilroad at Dock ilill, hat
Sunday. ' Two trains collided, causing
the death of thirty-five mnflnd
mg nity, most cr ier. i ..;.t ri iru::i t-u
ferent Southern regiments. -....$
The conscription law is so vigorously
enforced in the South that every man,
says an officer just from Vicksburg, un
der thirty-five years of age, u in the
MtMrim, Oct- 25.
. . The priucipal matter of interest here,
is the report that about a thousand o' Bal
lentine's rebel cavalry had taken po?itit u
oa the State liae near White's Statior ,
about nine miles from this place, wherw
the proposed disputing the f i ?jge of all
persons whatever, and those having cot
ton to sell, especially. TMs. coo; lei with
the fact that the rebels were gathering in -great
numbers at Holly Springs, crv
said to be 60,000 or 70,000 v.rcnz. ia
duces the belief that perhapj an attempt
to recapture Memphis may be made
Some go so far as to say that the plan is
to - destroy the place, and also to take
Helena, and stop navigation at both points.
The rebels are anticipating an attack up
on Vicksburg soon.
A released prisoner from Little Rock
says that Gen. Joe Johnson has lately
gathered 24,000 troops at that place, ond
that he overheard a conversation between
Holmes and another officer, m which it
wa stated that they bad at or near tha.t
point 70.000 available men.
This may be true and miy be untrue, .
Guerrillas are being very
at Helena. It is reported there that 40.
000 rebels the same old number threat
en the place on the Mississippi zhoie op
posite there. ' j ' "
' CaicACo, Oct. 27.
Harpe.-'a Ferry d.rpatches ontmtie t.i
assert that the rebels liiv racmte !
Winchester, ani f fti' ; U
coming wiLr)
threw uouui u-t-
of Sisal's$ r - ' V
rebels in front, a a. -the
main body of the rv -1 ar..,y is sti I
at incheater.' 17 -1 . uts f ro.-n jt rev.
ericksburg rr pii' but a small
rebel cavalfv at that p-ry-" ..
FltHVak, V A.', Oct. 2'"?.
A detji-i-''u axul SJ'Ya (ty
therdivisi n stationed .t Manages Jui
tion were attacaii on Friday ly aio-.
150 rebe.s'frbrn Warren. cn a :1 Jriv. ,
towards Bull Run with a lou ? 2 Li- ;
tenants and 15 privates liken ; ri -cnen
Capt. Courer, with -l'Vof th? 3J Va.
cavalry, .ao had teeu on a seating ex
pedition, and wai m thiir re irn, me;
part of this body of rebels bjtv, ?eri Cv
let's Station and Warrertca". ft:. - di. pri
ed them, killing several and taking pri
oners. In the engagement Conger w
seriously wounded and captured, but r
wards paroled. , ' .
A Times.'-Washiv -9p-a BSiy
we have intelligence from the South,
through a source entitled to credit, thr:
ihe, rebels have really re-entered on Uie
daucrerous policy af arming iheirmjgr
iu Atlanta, Ga., Montgomery, A'-A,, at 1
oth,er pJaces. It is said mgg??
isai-e alreaJy teen o rg u --'--'; a r J n i ' u 1
with weapons. A receut North Carolifi t
newspaper states that 8,0j0 blat '
soldiers, officered bj white men, ha-t
1 1 ii ;
tr- ts