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About Nebraska advertiser. (Brownville, Nemaha County, N.T. [Neb.]) 1856-1882 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 18, 1862)
... if. ' i; i i 1 ; -'CORNELL'S '"GEOGRAPHIES 'Surpass all others lcfi,re ihz Pullic ' lt. In philo'ophtcftl arrangeiji',Tit. 2.1. Iu the gradual progress of iheir lepv; - I. l:i propetii g - re t birg at a ticio. 4 1 b . In t lto a j:Mt:tti..ti f tarn part to in intcn del gruflo of ,cbii:nvliip. . , ' " Stb. lu the a.iruir.iM.' 'mods they preseribo for ' . innntriiin the cvntt nt t't np. ; tub. In i..eir expmiiti'n and directions divi.-.ousof the earth. - 7ih. In their judiL'iotH rejections of factsv S'b. In the appropriate and instructive character 1'ihoir iIlustra;.'JTi-. ' ; !i. In etuiitency between map' nod xt. Ituit la tUei.itn.Ju -tn.u :ir."ihn maps of inch " ) l'.v i as are u-Milionr-d In the L jok. . I lib. In the ik.:r representation of every fact, v tV :iMiHti?:i' pieei-in with which each braiieh f tlie f ul j'xt k'jt distinct.. ..-V2tli. luboig at oi'? practical. y?tcniatie. and e i .plefe. ' j'iiil''-f-r;t'l i tMrtriTv-'ticntanl pro ' rt.-a'i ve i.j Jc vc) pmot i lLo tu!g''ct. CORNELL' GEOGRAPHIES A r tV-til' v rTT!mn'i''l f.T tho oeo cf th Pub- li.- 1. ..!- ..f .W'rvki 'lrr':try. ('. i. :''h Ue';rMThic are iri. inlly iefr.;nmer.d3 f r the ue of -iW Pclbc Vu.o1j of the. Stats of Kansas. . . Cc.null'a CR.;rra:a'.cj are ..To;u.y reeoumc:.Jid f,.r tjo ?c i f tae Pabli. 5cLk.I of tic State of Vertaunt. . ' ' ' ' rnrb's Gcrprt j lit o oCV-ially rvorn wended f, r the use cf the PuMio Schools of tiie State of . : : : v ; Conn ?Vs CeegripVi o i.fl.'ially. reeAmnfrdeti for th; -;o ol tie Public Scbo'olof -tho State c! Ilui.uui. . . - C. riall'ii Ooora;lies fiio officially rept'tnrnondJd ' f ir tre'uv of-tlie' l'ul!ic Schools of the ritatu of V H - torncli's (;e 5fSi5,s r.rc i Caia'Ijr reeommrna?d ' for the uo ol il-' i-uLIlc ttltoU in tiic Sii'.q if Cal- Ion.. J.'s Gefrfl."!.K! ?.re C'.dtl!y rcccmmcnd d fi.r :be use of j-uliii sJli.-o!.-, lu tlo State of Wis- consin. ' ' CVrurrs Gcorrnj l.ios arc cs?d in pnllic schoo's f t!:3 Ciry of .- Voik. CtiracirsT5."j:r;i.liiJ am us;J in public sclloo's of tie Ci'vof i;i'.Ufy!i. . . .Con c!5's ;oo-ra;-l.ici arc aeJ' ia I' schools t-f tb- Tity .f AlMy. ; ' , C.irns-ls'Neorrar hies are uscJ in publie schools of the City f Tny. ' ' . . C..rii.-Ts Ge;nii.h"c? cro used in public schools of ibo City ! yruMiio. Corners Geo-erhic arc USe-i in public schools- f thoCitvof Auburn. Cenl'-pbb-s are nsed in public schools f th,cityoci;..,;,fer. ' . . Cf.rncll rajlbs arc ued in public schools Cornell, Cl at. ad l.public Schools of of of the city of r.i5;i i-.-lpaiii. of the Cifv t lti.-buri. CrteiiV Gi-'ni hies aro used, in piilitc schools of "he City ; . ' ". Corrtl.'s Gce?r!ij.bies svrc uscd'jn public schools of'lle City of Wiliii'n-r). (ori.c:irs Ue'i?rt lies oic used ia pubiio schools nf tlo'-iiyos 'Vas'iii'.ty':i Corn'.ts G(v"T. ;lie are nsed in pollic Fthotds of the City of l)eLr.vjt. '- Cornelia Geographies uro used in public schools of tbrCity of. Col5rr.'?n. . ;" . Corr.Hi's (oj:ra: lies are u.ed ia public schools of the City of iiartforl. ' Cornell'5 -b:e .".re nJ:d ia pullis Schools i.f the City of. C.v Haven. ' Cornell's (-Vrr:, ( lies a; e in general use ia all pa:t of th3 Utt.ted States. Cornll's GiOjraplits are prir'i'J vri the lest pa per, are the be-t t, :u d too best illustrated of ary School tegraj by cxc.nt. CGBXtL's t ir.sT ertrs is ceogra aht ' Intfndfd to precede C rnpll's Geographical Series, ct. J to iatroducc tlell!:le n j :1 5 li asaut'y ard yh--itnbly to tb raditaeuts of Geo.zrjply. One Icouti fol rolccit-, chill's (jtiart i. Hit!) numerous aiaps aud illutratious, 72 pages. IVice, 2a cents. tiih snuE3 coxfisTS of' I. raiEAJlY GZCCFvAIEY. Simll 4tn. C' pr- 12 Mrpf. Ueaulirulij illustrated. Trice, 0 II. GRATILIASCIIOCL GrCCZAIHY. Lar5e 4r.. with iiiirer"us lap9 mid lllui-ttntions. 103 pp. It irIudes Physical r.n 1 Ie-crif tivc (Jeograj.hy. l'rice, f'O cnts. .(The Grainmar Sch'xd Geography imy cither follow the Inter Eiedi'it", or be used instead of it'.' Tie chief difference between the Intermediate rnd Griun mar School is, tint the litter, tbt'Uh no more elevated in style, ii fuller in detail, prcsen's a greater variety of n ;p qmstions. and a larc-r Djii:iber of ! -call tie.? to be inem ri7. d.) III. iriGS-SCHOOL GrDG?iAPHY AKD ATLAS. Geor'nyi linje 12ih.-i.-40j pp. Ri.-lly I'au. .trnted. It imindes Descriptive, I'lv.-icHl. ;ii;l '" Matbematieal Geography. Iriee. 75 rent. : Atlas, very Urge 4ro. ContJiiriing a coiu Tete f ct of Maps b r r.ndy : r.lso. a set of llefcrencc ' ' Mips f .r t'r,nii(y u.e. l'rice. jl. ' A ery f titJiefrtof the S-t'os, f. r rxrtm inntinn. will l? se:it by nnil. pot-pai 1. to any Teach er or SchooTori".lr vieirri 1 on'-h:i!f.its pripp. D. Ari l... 1 CN !t tO., Sew Voik - r . fJUT vs. i a i i r Cf.rneTs Ciir ls f. r the Study and Practice cf M:ip Drawir.. d)eincd to n-paiiy ar- G?.'jraj! y, tirt cyprchi'.ly adapted totbc M-nL-of C riiO;!'.- r.t ro-aaar-Sclool Maps. Pi ke p-r set f 1 2 Cards, iO cts. Al.s.), Cornell S'-ric.of (Inline Map. f wh'ch a Des criptive CirMibir w ill be .-cnt ui oa applicat.t.n. JamtarrJ.'. 1SGJ. !r.".;-tit . -. LANDRETHB Warranted Garden Seeds , BLUNDER KOEXIG & CO., (Late John O.UiNEiT K Co..) Xo. 16 Xorib Sccon-1 Sveet, ob-jvc Pine ST. LOUIS, IIO. ' O.Ter for att at vn j It-w figure, i Ijrrc wel ussorted t.ixk..f Af iciitiir:tl Iihjic nientH. coiiifrrtsiiia tverythm 1;ee.'lr y t iLe runner, together wnl a Uive anu irfc?U ip'.y of . LariiirellTjs Ctlrbritiil Garden Seed-, CROP CF 1S6I, For which they are the ao"e HL-f nts. Their fr rends cn rely up-n pcttinu frm ihe-n K-els hat jire uly pure but true tj i.trae ir, eve ry last. .nee. Al.y fl 3ih neoJs at '.owe.-t ma: kel rate C'.'r.e-c Siiircr Cdi.e seeJ, Ti;bacc. feei. Ti'P r;ii..ii. cc. . Kc. . U.-alcis lu .bee.Js w.nll Ju well to r'ii.J tlif l.i iticir i i-ler. ". Scud for Altiaaac ami J i -uTr.i!ei t'jtalr'eee cratis. . J'l.I'XDEX, KOEXl'jr & -CO. ' JIarch6, ISC2. . i.Sj-ly Seeds Prepaid by Mail. 25 Prettiest Aiinin's tn C;;!iivt! i n.- - - $t 00 i5 Choice Iceil--t.r t.ii-.-j-r(lee. . wi B-th to Clnl.s of I';:e r-r SS ; T.. CI ubs" ol Ten" lor $.15; TCli.lorTf'itv t-r $2V The KKW JAPAX :i!Lit:T, wliii imaifne Icojs. fix to teu iuc!u lor. i'5 tents, p.-r laype ;-H;er.j Kive fur $1. 1 ie eivevl (ieiiinne SoitI tf i'u new mitu v:i!r Mc Millet iit ect fro-iii hv i hi.1 Niml-mi-.i, liKt .M.iy, iUi'm c,.ufi'leaLly ree.-uuieutl it as iue !-etilliet in cn)t-ivu.m. i I. it. W ATStlX. . . tuSS-tf O'.o 0.!or,y Nurseries. J- i:mii'h, risss. "30 V A RIETIES ST II A WBEU U I ES. Amrt-np t!eh tire Wilson's Albany, $1 per 100 or f-per lU'.H); Jev.ry I.'nd. $I,fH per ICQ; Triompbe. de'tiand, $2 per 1UI) ; U-.isfoi! i'ir.e, 51-vys Seed.t:.. Hookers, i5h-J;. i'i 'm;e, May Qui. ea and j ciliir kinds at $1 per JlU). Plants of lUndolph PiDo. SpriiJy of 1G3 at 2 -er dof . "" Scenes.. 100 of the u.u.t ervere UATTf.K A'f'.VrS' a ad ini-.ideuts of tie War, n -w rtsidy, eiz- Itx 'Ai u,. les, bi'lly cibired,oii i ".e beify fsp-.r, S-tit l-osi-iihl, 2'1 fur SI, 00. or 1 per 1C. T. azentsarl the trade Cu better opportu iiv v. Is ever olTei jd., ' AdJrew 1 i V. N b V P.. A SU X, Pri a t Publisher, At., 49 itute SUect, UosU:n, Miii, Okra. or Gumbo Seed. The btt Mil-!titui f-r Ct hee rreiare.l in theiiame manner w C-tfee. Pck;-K if f-ce-l by mail at in cis. adi. Kach p-ukae coripins seed enwh to rais-e a kjly lor tn oraia:T Xaniity, . Seal orders to If. A. TFRIT. Cirfsceiit City, I jvtj. m:v wusir.4; ''Shall we Kbw Pa-h Oilier' Thr re? Son 5 or 'Duet and Chorus, by Hey. Mr. Lowy, autb'.r of v8UMh Pells Cblmrf-n." Hi son i .d. Price Jj.ccots, uwiled A i-iftdstja attood- Krtotrywuiu.:c.;iToRAcR- all ly. ' v ' Np.-ll lrn gwr: t j j-.t-hrr. "Hats'; Boots and Shoes. I hareifaUTeeeivWl Xew Supply, T. wtich I v.-ui toll cheaper than Uny were evur offered berc before. Cl ua ee nie. r v . . ... , UAVin FIf CEL.. - BrewnvtMe, April r,-(-- Ayer's Ague Cure. - EAGLE W0S53 - IltiB y 7 r-rKlu-v-.rts ,vs;aL;r itei-ai5 I i i - ill i : i. , - . :.'. - t j T . - ' ' . i - " 1 ft ' -'i. - - : - - . ' P li t I j --. - - - .' r r!l.)--..i.... ' rU :'-'Qx- b:i.i23vi ipTOii'V1-f'i''y iJ5i-l::ik-!-rrT v-j'-- ?. . I. i;r-A .o.'.n..---.:' ,i-. il'--. 0 r- if ! jr .-j; . ; fa vHuw W f i'-f 5 v rf 'A' J t'M lv-PXl -.Wt t-::! iJ j . ' ; r j-i-- f: Z1". llil j lU f;' i-:Ls.; i 1 i ' L H Am ;;..; ?. . V.i, ; !- f ; ! ? -r?;! 31;.'. f J TO1 . W . rw t''i ; vf 11 iJ-!i:i. lit: V 8 ml V':;! ' S KTif fc i fc'it ' - iH Af ' N' i " I'.i KfetK li K . w ;:-,y' --i. t.. . r .. ,1 ,11 )':. ; GATES' PORTABLE ENGINES. Ko. 1 5 ITorsc Tower, wcigl 3 f 0a hs. Pi iea C;"n1 No. 2 7 - 4 2li! Od No. 310 . " " C 0 0 " "' 73J crrr-'- 3 -' hr'. - 'i:f-'it ;-Xi : r,rr. i,. i 'i 1 1 -,;. & ca C- P . 1 " . I i I II 1 I i TV II I I - I II J c i s iii i .y i i l i i; i -J ,-, ft k .J J U LJ 'I I :. 1 t'v. I - T5- - -T-i n i i';-, i r , , iii ' mm . ; s f! . . nil innWi -i -rz. .-.-1 fi -c ri n n ; n r.i , i r ri'. J 111 U-M 8 -r MUHUUUM drawer m . r . i i, i ! 1 1 1 1 1 -: Vii-H 1 tin p.nn - 'j: t-r r n n r r o CO 5 few ftv; ;4&tr. itei O i-sl7 i o.'-..:-- v--:.-:.- :r-.--S ft. O P. W. GATES' PATENT 1 -..7U?'iC'?tTSJ--i: ..-:"J- h' is. i i: fi I I--,-. Si i K't-V"') t. i L' CWCAS05 &' ;.lis-r-'-l J f'ir. j? CHlCASOii" .Uva:; i:V o ;f fH. .. V.i - ' ! i:v--9j- ..i !sj 1 "j .'.i -'"; -;' ;;' 'ii-'-V;-" i J :v; y ' J . ' "r :.!:. :t V". ?,'.i'.:lji-3l t'-''H If-J-."'" . w 1 .1 - 1 1 1 ' '..I:': -.Vri'.- -1 "5 . j-. ! .1 . .' - I' ' ' ';: '.' S.L . O II'liiiUii. . - O; . : .. r I "iiJkV'-F - r. Wr.AT2:s, President, TArcnt for P. w. Gates' Portable Ensiac, Kvn v .torsaai S tsar Mills. - r - . , r T d"Oruerslottwia ' . ; ; .!' ,.:!: ' : ,v "-J FISHER & HACKER, ' - '. " ' - HRO VN VJI.LE, -NEBRASKA NO AlILLS SOLI) OS CllllYU'Vl -. . - n wn-mm. m V " F u CT y EIHG UOiiiri x, L. ,-rMy! i :b-:;-Vf l- - ' r 7 fe-:;. L-; (iviVr'n 6-: vi;V.i VVl;-;.! ' ''iSt'U : i- . .. N'o. 41-2 Iljrso Power, vvci-ilis 7 500 lbs. P. ice Sn-5t V !. fi-M " 8 5 0 '. 1 ji;o 55 - 1J o o ry - cff o U-3 p 3 - 2 a' H H K Co 5' 3 ' y 03 p oo o 3 L s a. : I. I.' - Hi'"' .0 - o 4. 0 - ; .. : ,. " o p 13 P V "" ''7 r-:''"T0. p O P lily h ? 0 - ! b I C-3 o CI p ;.;iik.;i;.'t.,-'!Mtii, h o -3 c c O w f 5 0 .! m cod o o 0 4 o 3 .0: SUGAR CANE MILLS. X 1 I's'.'n vp ic'it tlirec-rol 4-ipi;j one h. r. e wi.'.iiS i 0 loun.U. atul dpiu.e ot ex re t!-i iT o) W aJ gallon juice per Lour. iM e ;:. ..' is mi orr-pht itirpp-Toiier nill, for one or iwo !iores. weighs SCO -nmnls. a tol en a la ji -xiu-ei-iit? 60 to So gulkuis juiL-e j ern.inr. IMce $--0 ' .' ."n. 3 is ait upright Ibver'-rinor milt, f..r tvro ln'K',.vi::ns Mt 1 O'KI p-.Tlil.s-, ari'l dpib'ft it Cx.uri -t-l'j'z 70 to. 100 iiuiioi.s $ :4co per ti..;t. l'e ce No. 4 is sn i . itit tiree-rc l!er mill for tv.-o t-r )oi:r li.-i-e-; weilit 1 40') -ot ,u:-! is c pil r cxpros.dlln iron. )0oto IoO-dl-ni e per boiir. Price S"5. , . f.'.i. 5 i d lom -linr-c-p wor n.iM. rpriht rol-ers. for Me..m ..-r w.u-t 1".' ".er, cipioie of f tprastos CO tj 70 13.U loiis J ulcc per .liour. P. i" e si . .... t ir. a fi-?-hnre tlirrc-roller horizn- tsFriTl . buck ceredfjr horse or s-teim n-.w tsFr'iTl . hue!; cereU f jr horse or s-teim v- preiiu fioui 70. tu. 1C0 gal ions cf juice per .': - . - "2:ri?. I -. Xp. T is an eijht-horse three-roller ori ':fS r ' WiH. luck pe.-f.-r-l f.r horse dr sic.n ;ft;fl- power, ncishs 2.0CO powwts, and will ex JVi. power, nei;ro 2.0i'O iou;ils, an-l will ex- Ij-S !)!C lr.-i:i 150 to 230- gUluUS per Lour. , .. ic J.i-3. I H 1- .i six'ten h .r.-e fliToe-r '"!er h-ri- ? : i.t it I i.;ll la fe re!l fr :e.ii!i .TT.iiir t : rv . :. ' T i. Ii ill .;..- I;: v-ij. v:-v) v. ;.-s:- s-a -It: iU'. b.K-i'V.- 2,L,.'fcd Hi DO " TO V TYAXT IO "gj 10 PURE-DRUGS -1 1 . 'i. t ; er-.-.'- UEDICIN'E'S? h ", "t r V s - v IF SO, G.Q.ITO TUB 1 CITY DRUG STORE, 1 c ,i;,QBmDiis:Qs, ....... J. . i A X D ' JOHN H.'IviAUN, Will' sell w'aateve yoa desire. Ton may rest assured it is a From Lis lerls expo! Veoce in the business, he is CONFIDENT ho will sivo satisf3ctioa to all why niay call at his ESTABLISHMENT: JIo has now on hand, JmJ is constantly recclvirs a large fcupply of'all articles ujuall kept lu a DRUG ( -STORE. 1 joiin n. mau; Eruwnville, May 8:h, 1862. vG-n-ll-tf The Econoriiy of Using . , . t n r ERANKLIN Family Seving Machine. Tl.ecp rincliine mnke the ce!ehrae.l G ROVER 4 71.1 KER ST1TCII. whifh h 11 taken the hitnt prenu 1 111 .it. the. Illinois Sjiifte Fair, in September List, at ilie L iiiittJ SiiH'S Fair in St. Lou k. in lSoO. aad kt the l ru.vipie Sraic Fairs tliro'iphoiit t-.e connti-y. C 'in; eieot Juices j;,ive a i! fivcr of this s'iiiOf, r.i jiccuiinf or itst-re it tren-j'h anl il"nta!ion to .iii fc"ni-I ot I'llloly jiliif 111 ii.'ir.u'Iiiriili oiirp'ise-. The lull, wil t; Table mil nlmw Ihe ilnVei (mi. e in favor f -w iii'i M.ielmiei'over t!ieM mt; h.-l of siin-hiir-' by In the wurkinji of ihte li.n tiines there is unt ti;!y aveat m v n.u of labor an-l time. hei-les -uMiua iie; iiy to ilio 1 1 tit uliios of iheeu.p'i yuiii , tut Hie s: i ih i liioi li tit iuer, ii..r! etasuc. mill iC li.ihlc to lip r ravel than tLe inic.i inado with bhualea ;iiiO Ti:;ie r..i!n:ieil in niakius ; Ey Machine. ) By IIjivI. i:o 1. nlit' ii;uieuls. .Hours. . lui:i Ilu'.irs. mm. Sill lie. ' Mi:lin 'Shirt, l pi ino l)i ess, "Ii-?:i:ir p.. ' t';iu-.i Ire, M-'i oea Skirt, Ni 1! 1 1): ess, lo overs. si'-R A pron. PLiin Apron, Jo i'5 10 6 8 10 6 7 10 6 4 1 5 30 10 26 30 in 10 4o ft 27 35 Tiiiic oii'-uniP'l in mnklnjr 1 By Machine. I By Iland. i.p (ie:itieiueii"s Garments Hjio. ilin. Iluiirs. JJin. doll' Irmaii's Shirts, I or. 13 Fiv.k C..U, S.itiii Vest, l,ii. on Ve.-t, C-rf li. P.n.ts, Siiiiiuicr Pauts, 4) 18 4ti 6' 4u, 16 3 5 5 2 23 10 25 15 30 The Franklin Family SEWING MACHINE, lias one atlvaiUiise which is worthy of espedal attetiti n 11 H-Viinvii t the peeuiiar i-biiracier ot the Mitch, and lh ii is its ai ipt:i inn to either lUtht or nie-linni heavy w rk '. Tl'? f.t:rh;!ii wliifh at- one TO' uient ia l-eil oil TllK MUST DELICATE FABRIC in a fi-.v-1110-oiliis iii't-r I'iin be bri-oulit to bear vvnh the saioe t.n-il-i t-. ,1 iii.i to.-, iiii-l i- wc's -,t Hie "1 ae.-t ile-cripfiuii. Ilil.r-- ui.oi 1 or FAMILY VORK, is thus reinarka- Vf. V.TTh i'ivi s it a Mipciioiiij- oc: every ..iber Myle of 1,1. o hihe in i jo : Market. -. In ot.!t f liiat itiese M idlines piny he y'aceil in the !i-n!ii -i'i ! r!a-es w. have rei!ni-e l ihe pru-- of nor F'HSKU.V FAMILY MAC1IISE TO FORTY I. -OLLaUS. From the increase .; our ln-ine. mr the .u-l 1 ear the ejitire satisfac'.iun our ALicldues a e liviiivt tliVt'ith 1UL1 the-L'niieil States jiiiU Kiiropeau J. in. Hies, v.e are Vcl foi eiieve th if nor (le'eruiinaii. n t.. t.nniMotn'-e.a PERFECT. SIMPLE. RELIABLE A XI) CHEAP MALHISE has been mlly appieciau-u by ihe p:io:i;. Tbir.p'licy will roniain uiichaMi'il ami a l e-ei-ito'e no iilMliine will be. alb-we-1 io leave ihe 1 t.b-e '.i at wo cannot Hilly wwrrant in every resiiect. V c fhall k-"? 011 hMii.l Ht all tunes a pciieral aasort ment i f wi:ii M.tCbine mstcrials .Vceiiles f..i" all niiiebines ran he ordered Dy Mail or KioresK." )ria? One Dollar rer th-ren. Po-sosis in!ie country, by semlin u their a!-!ress toii-lor-itiS a letter eta nip. euu have forwar-lel by return mail, one ot our circulars oi.nt.ii-iinp the (litli-reiit styles ot Macbines. liit of prices ani sample of work. U. Zi;JAUJ5S &. CO., PriiK'ipal Asents for the North West. OtT!e ?n.l Si'eriH)iii 133 LaKe S:reet, Chicago, llliuois, 1.. IIlcllA'TDK I..U of L". Cornell it Co, C. i: VT:SH'.Ui. ' JN W. TAPPx.V. formerly As't for .he Grover & II. it.oi" S.i"viiijr ;i H.luiio." ISW. lliC-tf KOW READY. THE OfT.eial Union Volunteer Directory, ( 480 pies.) continuing Xame and llvl-h-wte of every Ollf-er and Priva-te in the Ucioti Anny, wjth their t'i iiiurinds.lj.isualtie?, Promotion?, ic. (I-?tf"Evtry one wants it.; Sent post-paid. on receipt of 25 cents e:.,h,or'stamps - Address HEXJvY P.. ANSON, Pub-:':s!ier.-lU.StatStrfcetrljiSttn,M iss. To tli3 Farmers cf Nebraska!! p.dav no Dnmno1 UK Tl uiini un iuuuiL mi vuu The great wood for timber." Cuttings at $1 per 100 as-J i-5 p.CT 1 00U. . ' 1 1 1 F-.r live fence rnakeg a tine hedge in three years. Ciittitv.'s at S.2.50 1 0. We alia!1 beat ifr. D. d.-e's, tvoiuiie frmh B-.-owiiville. -in tktober, Willi both of t e above. ai:d panics wimwi-h can leave t.niers at tne Fariiicncltri.- ,- .- THOMPSON' & HBlJW. '-' Nemaha Suery. Syiause, 0-e,Co., Ang. 18. Au;-Fn8-tf Nebraska. Currants ! Currants ! I hale left with R. W. Farfias, Brownrllle, a few p - l"Puch Currants for sala a' $1 per dozen ca-h. Uarcll :6, lb6i. D3S-U , U. O..TH0AIP3ON. " mism.i?s patent - , : . t i 1 E f I 'S?s ' .1 :-7. . .W'ivT' mm -VJ-tia-'w- -.:-.'r'-"?'C,;,V , : Agricultural - Cauldron and Steamer. FOR SALE 221 and Sonth Water Street, Chicago, III. Prices, Woo l Sj, Coal ?tapl sizes other also in proportion, with freight added from factory in New York to Chieagn. Theadvant:ige3 of cookec. over raw food is admit ted by all. The old way of bi ilin in kettles U both slow and expensive, so much no tabt but few men do it. Something more prajtioa.1 must be hai. Steam seemes to bo tho only ait?rnativa. The Patentee has retaindall the advantage of ths Portable Cal dron for boiling, and devifed means cf generating steam puficient for ali purvis". It ii simple and practical, a:;d proves a PF.RFKCT SUCrKSS. W. fif. Al'STirV, ' Sola aent for Iliir.bijnnd Nortli-Wesf, 221 & 22:5 S. Water St.. Cbieair. Where ViU also be found Powns & C's Deep Well Pomps, Force Cisterns, Chain find C tmnon Well Pumps, Thimble Skeins and Sad Iron?, as well as every vari ty of Farming Tools. C;st Iron Corn Shoi'prs. Feed Mills, Hay and Platform Seal-?. Store.-', fee. The above will be fold on aeer.unt of the miiuu(iieturer-. at their respe etire fuotory prices adding freight to thi.s place. January 1812. tf ' COMHEBCIAL NURSERY, 'XEX2RASXIA. E. H. BURCHES, pp.orranTOit. I have lnnsr siDce been co ivinccd of the want of a first class Murseiy in the We-t. whei'C TREES, SHRUBS, FLOWERS, &c, Can be adapted to our climate and soil. In view of these Tacts, 1 have CatuLouheJ in this piace, and oiler fur ale at Wholesale or Retail, A large and well selected stock, suited to this climate, of Apples, stan-hird and ipvarf; Pears, stand ird and dwarf ; Cherries, kiandard and dwarf; Peaohes, Piums, Apricots, Xeotarines, . Quince, C.oosVcrriea. Currents, tlrpfs, ltaspberrie, Strawberries, Eiutkbcrries, Eversreens, Shrubs, Roses, Dahlias, Ornanif-ntal. Tree. Greenhouse and licil.Htr Pl.uits, etc., etc. To which I would tec leave t call the a'teiition of the people ol' Nebraska, Kaunas, ColtTado, Iowa and North west Missouri, ' 3"My terms will he an low as any reliable eastern Nur.-ery. By imrebapinf: of nieil.e expense of transportation from the east can be saved. All tieesa'i-1 plants are carefully labeled and parked In tho best manner, f. r which a charge t-r the actuate si will be made. No charse wiil bi made for ibe delivery of packages on board Mea:ii!)'as. Ali commuiiic-.itiiitis oli!ressed to tho underigne-l will receive prouipt atteiiuou. March. 186:5. ' E. II. BURCIIB;. Kave Yp Egss. A NEW AND USEFUL INVENTION ! ! Whereby Fg-rscnn be preserved' perfectly fresh al most indt-finrtcly, without the ii)?uinbr.ineeof Lime, Salt, or other or.liniry preservatives. There" is no Deee-siry for Farmers sebing shcir Egg at fn !r. live t- seve n cents per dor mi, wlien tlu'y can at a trilling coit save them until they comm-md a ood price. For further particular, enclose a red .t.iu,.i to L. L SlLVEIi, Salum, 0. August 2:1, !So2-Ty tiiu :om i:sni;i.s ,m i;xpi:i;i Kci: 4r a surriiiCCi:. Pobli?hed as a warn. ng, and for bene fit ef Young Men nnd thos-: wlio siiifor with Nervous Debility, Lo.-'? of ik-murv, Prem aturv Oecav.tSe., Ac . by one of those who h is cured himself by siwp'c means, after being put to great expense nnd iin oii venienee. through the use of worthless mcdiciucs prir'cribe'.l by learned I) tors." Single copies may be bad of the author, C. A. LAM BE ill', Es-p. .ireei:point. Long I -laud, by enclos ing a iiost-piiid addressed ii,vcli pr. Ad tre.-s CHARLES A. LAMBERT, E.-..., Greenpoiut, Long Island. N. Y. May 21, 1312. nb-2m. Flower Seeds.. Choice varieties, and of verv s!iperior .pnlily CO pa pers ol winch will be teal (ist pud) by mail, to any address, lor one dollar 11. A.TEURr, Crescent Ci'r. I-wi. March 13th. 1'.62 : S1J-C111 "CLOTH ET 3 U RS EL V EST CHEAPEST CLOTHIITG Ever ofTertd in this Market. KO DOtM5T AIJCUT IT! CALL AND SEE FOR YOUESELYS AT THE Batimorc Colliing' Store, EROvrrrviLLn, 17. Announce to the public that he has opened out a il E A D Y-MADE CLOTHING, BOOTS AND SHOES. HATS AND CATS, CAIiPET SACKS, GEN TINMEN'S UN DER WEAR, &c, &c.,Scc. Unprecedented In qnanMty, qnality and prices. t He is determined his pneo sha 1 curre-pond wiih the times, .nd ifierefore offer hc"e in the West, at' Pixt as low r ites as such goons can Ua porch i-ed anywhere m ihe rniiel States. As a sample of his prices he will mention that he se' Is Coats from $1,25 up to $15, Pants frcin $1 to $7, Vests from $1 to $ 5. Boots. Shoes, flats. Caps. Fancy and hite Shirts. Stis ders, Neckties, Socks, Handkerchiefs, 4ts., iu tbe same proiKirtioii. The proprietor embrac" this opportunity of Tetnrnlng th -.nks for past patronaco. anl promise ti spare no ef forts iu the future la give entire saii.-ractiou. j Oevli.ooaclfsool3.ixri. DAYID SEIGEL. Brownville, Jnne 13, ISOl.-ly Shingles! Shingles!! I wou'U respectfully inform ti e citizens of Xeniah.i county, that I ch ill endeavor to keep thi- i.ure'. hiip plied with goiKl Cot.toi:Wt.;,d Shingles, which I wilt sei f.ircasli; ur take ia exchange Cattle. violator Corn. ; U. V. BAKKKT. March 'Jl, 1SSJ ;i.33-tt 51.11 E. Oil ESTS MIRROR OF FASHION. The larpest, best snd mtst reliable Fashion Jf uazire In the woi bl. Cuiitratas the ia.-Ke-.t Hiid ll :ett Fa-ni in I'lates. thegreateiit nmohor or fjae enravinss. the latest and most reliable inf- rmaiimi, ih: e r:ii:-sie-l Patiems lor Presse. au ! a kheet of t ew Bmid-wtT'.: and Kni broiderim: Pitt ?ri.s. Every Si. -M r l'r"--roaker, ilil llner an I I.-ofy (.ht.nld have it. Published tin art erly, at 473 Bra.i1 .ray, i"ev fork, m1J tverywhaiQ or cat by ro- il mt i$ cer.ts Tearly gt, witj a T;ua.blt piepium. , Tie 3'!aiu.r oacihcr new 's-Y ! .;::; J Yi'--i'- l' ! I VM -V'M'i'- ii ! -i v: i .''"iiv.-'-i !ii'il : I! X'.-1 , TO' : "THE" ' PSOPlEfrOS1 In th4 mmtb or Pecemter, 155S, the findersiined' for fie first time offoreil for sale to the pr.blic DR. J. BO TEK DODS' IMPERIAL "IV 'IXB BITTCRS", and la tliir Short pericd tLey have Kiven such universal satisra" tion to the many thousand or persons who. have tril them that it is no an establihed article. The amount cf bixliiyand mental mi.-ery arisini: simply from a ne g:lect cf smali complaints is (mrpri?ini?, aud it u there, fore of the utmost importance tnat a t-irict attention to the least nd most tritlins Ujdily ailments shonhl be had; for disease cr the bxly must Invariably aflec; the ruiuii. The snbi-crirers Tiiv-.v onlv a-k a trial of DR." J. 130 VEE DODS'S' ' 'Imperial Vinc Eitters from all who h ive not nse-1 thtni. VTe cha'.lensa the world to their cti'ial. Thee luiteis lor ihe cure of Vk'eik Stomachs. Gen eral Debility, an-l for Purifyin? and Euriching the Dluod, arc absoiiitely unu: paed by any o'ber rcme dv on earth. To he aure.l of this, it is ony neces essary to mjke the tail.: TLe wine hi of a re.y Mipe rior quality heins ab-mt one-thiid btroiiger than 1 tit er wtntt. warmlue and iuvi-zoratifc: tea whole system rrom the head t the feet. As theie bitters are tonic and alterative in thti." character, to they strcuaiaen an-l iiivi.'orate tho whole system and cive a ftoe ton and healthy action to a.l i:s jwrts. by eijiuiij jx' the circnlatiom removii; H e obstructions and producing a itenerHl warrutti. They are excei lent fur diea o ai:d weakness 1 eeuliar to Females, wheio a tonic is ri.-'wr-ed ti strentiiea sml brace the . system. 'N linlywho is subject to lasitude and faintuess, should be without tbeui a'a tuey are revivifying in their action. TUESF HITTERS Will not only Cure hut Prevent Disuse. and in this re-Taet are tlotibly Valuable to the person who may use them for - INCIPIENT CONSilMPTIOX;; . , r weak Lungs, indigestion. Dyspepsia, dise;isec cf the Nervous . tystem. Paraiviis, PUes, nJid fc-r H caes ie'iuiriii3 a Tome. ' ' - ' " .' ' DR. DODD'S Cclcliralccl Time' RitJcrs .3.-o T7at2e3xxx-jvsocl For s-ire 'i'nro it so c.iuiuiou iiuv.uj( ilie Ciciiiy they are truly invaluable. ' . For tho aged and infirm, and fur perrons of weak constitutions For ministers' of. tho g i.-pl, lawytr and all public spaefcers for bonk-kr-ep'-ra Milors seamatre-ses.Muii artists, and all Terse ns lejf dii.g a se-lentary lite, they wi'l prwe beuerie!. Asa beverijt-; they artf wholesoiun. inn .cent, aad delicious to the taste." They pntlcceail tie e.thlerat ing effects of bran-ty or wioe, without intosicai mg; and are a valuab e reme.ty Tor persons iidrcteii to ti e n.-e ot rxes.-ive strong drink, and h 0 wish to re.'raiu Hum it. They ate pure and entiretv tree Ir.'m the poison c.-n-e.iitied in the -.dnlterated wines anif bi'aiidies wi.h Which the Cor.MiV is tl-jdld. 1 ..... Th ee bine rs- uoto niy CURE but prevent disease. nd should beuM'd by nil who live in a country where ihe water i b,:d or w here cni i Is an' fever me prevalent. Ueimr entirely innocent and harmless they may begtv. en ireelv to ihiidipn aud iio'diits v;;;u iiiotumty,,. Physicians und ('let gy:-ieti, and tePiperaoCft'ailocate as an a. t . f humanity, -hoiitu ,assi.t in spreading thee valuable lilteis over the land, and ihreby.eseutiaH banish di iiiikeinies.-. an-l ilisca-e. , -. ... In nil ftlToctlaR of t!ic Ilc-ad.Sick . SIi;uaieJ, r IV i vaUHiS!iiitl iJtiSC. I Jr. IJott's Eiiipciial Viiie ElilJ. is VilUiC rotiiul to be must fcialutai'M aiirt E'.JIitatioiis. The many cirtii!cHie which have been ferdeed ns and the iev"C"s which we dai'y receive, are cutKlu-ive IrtH r that ,1111-11? the women there Bit'ers have given a which- no Hie. ' hne- ever done before. No woman in the land slioulu be without them, and those wbuoiico ux) them, will ua latino kteyaluil supply. - - ' - DPw J Sovoa Dcd's IMPERIAL WINE BITTERS, Areprepared by an eminent and.sV.ill.'nl phy-ician,wh has ui-ed ihein succe-stul'.y in I. is practice lor the las tweniy five years. The ji-.-prieior be ft. re piitjha.-in the exinisive I'iht to maiiniaeuire aod sell Dr. lml.s' Ceiebraien Imperial Wine Hit er. hadliLeui test ed by two di-i iiiiuihed medical p' actitiotiers. who pro iioimccd them a vain idle-and saie reiue-iy P-rdssea-e. Although the metliC'tl men l this country, an a gen eral thing, iti-ipp-ove if Patent rre-lic:iies yet we d. uot respcctaUlo P!i:n ia cjti he found in the ri.iied S'.tte-, Hlifi,,.iiited with ihei.- medical properties, whowiii tint highly approve Dr. Dod's IAI PKKIAHVINB HlfTKHS ., In all newly set ted places, where there is !ray a large iinaiitiiy of iieeijing timl ei ; from which a poi sonous miasm 1 is created, the.-e oiitei sluijid be used every niondi.c boforehreaii-'a-t. ? fill. j. Esois:?: dobs' IMPERIAL WINE LITTERS Are comised of a pure and unadulterated wine, com bined with 1' irberry. Sol. tucii's Seal, Con.lTev. Wild Ct ery Bark, Spikuard Cam-. inile Flowers., atic. Uentiaa. Tt.ey are loarii-factii' ed by l D p hic sel . who an experienced and surce Mil physician, and hence should n-.t he clashed among the quack iior-truni.t which fl i-ni the coitntiy, inl agam.-t whicu the prote-sloti so jiintly d't.ou;,ce. The-e truly valuable Hitters have been so thoroughly te-ied by all cia-se- cf c -ininsiiitj". Cor almo.-t every wi ety .ot ili-ea-e itui lent t- hiiiuau ytem, tht they are now dccuit-d iiiuispeii&iihle as Tonic, Medicines and a leverage. ' rnrclsnsc one Ectile It CosIm -hut lAUlvl I'uriTy tlic iiJootl. Ciivc Toxic to tan So ii:aL ..---. vm ac the Sys amii'iolm; JLilf. Prlco $100 perSottle, G Bottles icr lu CO Prepared and soid by CHARLES WIDDIFIELD& CO. sole rnorniETos 73 V7in-:n-n Ftre?4:. TTcw Tork. F.TSlTet y dniggtsis an I gr crs .eei-o al iy f hrouh oiit th? c-oiiii 1 y Oct. 17. lirOI. CHOICE LiaUOES. : Wholesalo aud Retail. Evan orthmg. OF TIIE EKOWNYILLE. Ha just received a h ice l-ti nf ti e best brands i.f I.irin.i-s, which- be will -cli' i.y ihe Hi'iel, iJ-illoii, Q lai I or single lomk. The fid i . in-' o-a paxiial list: E2A1IBISS: . -: Ereiich, Cugnnc, ' . . A;'i;It Raspi'erry, . "' IVach. Cherrv, iiiaclklerry, TT.TT1C1 Port. Hungarian. . .' . . . Cherry, Malaga, --Medarn, Champagne. WHISKIES : Bourbon, Rye, Scotch, Irirh, JTannngahala, And a variety nf crimmon articles. BILLIARD SALOON AND Ten Pin Alley. ivisiT.i:?s Ei.ccii Main Si reft. Urownvi'Ie. Xuvrr.ber 14, 1S6. n:9-u To Western Farmers. Tobacco Seed. I htve "fv-ral varieties of Tub i?ci that will ripen w-.-lI i-t thi: latitti b-. To any on) who wi-hesseed. nt.d remiis in ; a ti.n e-ceiit Pi stage tuip,.n tho -me. I will stud a p;iT? of eacu variety tf ui;atm. Orders re sent h month? of Sepir-n.ber ar.d October, lib thL lo iutoduco thoculuireof Tcb io in the Wcst.- Addrea. "R. 0. TIIOMPr?ny, "' Syracuse, Oroc Ccuuty, Ncfcraika." P. S. Paryr3 in Missouri, Iowa, Kansas and Xe brnshn.prtbli sting th? above on-e. and sealing ?.o. marked ,wi!l receive twonty lour .apr '-boice flow er seed free ly mail. R. o. T110:.;itjy. "A XECE33Ty"i ,1 ' : I .- JOHNS t cmiz t3 , -American Ceir.eni. f-i' ! v ui J- 1 TU K Cn KAPKsx Giri. Tv 0"'"i - - : TTIK lOST DL-IIaS P i-VrP1 tauWfGulsfe; - AMERICAN. CEMEt rrr. Ii the on! f rti..Je ..Nli-fc: 1 . 1 "LQ vill wiTHSTAMh wras IT Nive v., ur !,.....; U IT WILL MENbTim. tt rtt -t 't"'.-.i. T:..n.. I xi tun, :.u;nd ci xk e tr,.Tieejifta:ll pxr,oj V' , IT WILL Mib'lVOn-- 't throw away thttbn.' .m r,. Z UL Save Don i " 1( Jrr r 11 'i IT WILLmLnd .cilivt leuCoi.iCa;,;ui;erA 1 oar - a k,!4". as new IT WILL .MEND Mai IT WHX ME.ND JMrr That tiece kn-fkclnot .,f your m ,.!L IT WILL M E n ifn v. jio m:itter it tnat shillii'ir n sbill i 1 oroiieu I itCii. p .I rt.r .ip...! . IT U7Cr;MI31TAUDsR That Cosly AWttr'Tse i ,r k( , "U m.Uch ituienditit r.eyt.c LuW t "''':': 1 i ;i . , r-tb r. M Mend bene, Ccrali fact eycryth At Will and in Any, artii-b Coin-ntul Ct CL' . . ',hA.MKii.:AXK.: VI 1. Li r- w.'i T1..T tier" ir m , i '3 14 r.rerv IIon-t-Kc . i -:. ...... 1 .. AjUTKMrj Cctaent. G up.-.. -"--" "Itissoconvtintm ry t;w 'uSjY' lurpre. , "i- T .-It. i.-iilirayi ready; thNcoaarjadjit tol Iio'ivwifr(. r "' .",'i;' We h.-.-e tii-d it ard 5;i I it as a'n! , aswatcr." ti';.V S,.irU o, f.' T-!, AMERICA i f CfilEiiT GLl'i Price Co Cm:? por B-!t:. J'fi-'f t: Cents per I5,.t:! l'rice iio Cfnis ptr Price Cnrts .er 'l!.)t. Trice -J-3. C-ida pvr IU Price 2-3 Cents jitr LVa;. Very Liberal Ilcj.ncliontuW V sale I5imj. TEK3IS CMS IT. 22T"Eor Sj.le-b all l)ru.';ist.-( fin-t' Frcrl Ihrnvrii. ut t:i- -.O'.ji-r ' JOHNS & .CE0SIK t Sole .M.tnu'ntii'n-r. - 7S WILLIAM ST I! FIT Corner of Li'berfv Stre.-u SI.HTCEt fill J)Olla!itll JIOIISP, 0 172 CO." Empitaiit to SIciMctl. Iniportai;! tu Kai! Iloa.J Cci-i. iiirs.. to I'aii.2crS. To all vckoni ihhiitit,. J covrcrr.s rrrn JOHNS, U'h'UlhtiS t H . V IT.ITKOV.FD GUT'TA CEA1KNT JtOUFIW. Ice LUfcapel anil iiiwis, curil! . in u-ii'. ll,, IT IS FIRE AND WATER F Ww.. 1 t ..n n V. 1 .. . .. I , ...1 . n . . 1 . T 1 f t e ... 1 . v.11 tj ir- "I'i'ii. 'J 1 ' 11' n a ol oox I iii'i' - ;i 't j t steep 1.1 and 1 Shirgle r-n-ls wiili-it r. f the Shingles. . - . i T2ic Cost is onlv abonlflnr-Tii- that ofTin, IS I I1ICE l r iui.i dioi-it; His oi ea rtic filter ; ? w -,r) Yor' Ciry and alt p:jr o'rtb L'n'."VlS:.i.- f- . da Vv'est Indie ar. j Ccntniand ' .Vv-i 1 buildings of all kinds ji.i -ii as l.-.;i."i F ;t C n tire lies Rail ii..J lb f-o's Pars 1 t " Puildiiigsgem r.;iv 'Jvr:Ni'iKnt Iluvii;' ; rile principle iltllid x an-hct.vt aii: ?:..--- 'he f.iist lour ve ir- iini tins nr-.rt A be" f!" j ESTftnlMDTIirRAllbh I.OOrl.NiT.a ererj re--jM ct a rti.B atku ttK-mrs i.vit. p;:iuik cveri-g for k- r,y All. uim-s.' ,.. I Ti'li i lll9 VSL ) ill fit: I'll I.Mil i('!,i.jr"l' i f'u iti-J Sinti: h :ch eoint.ine c-e m-.j ' or. pertim ol .'iM'i .f- mi l i-' o-.i ' i ..t ' J U .tver--:!!v m-itf u I- il '--ii ti. I,,- r ! -a (! J T V P:i;clIA AND INDIA U-j Xio Heat is Rern!re:l in Maii ippi:catics. I The erveri-"eof apt lying it is-fiiil;aiiin lioi fi-iiii ho ei-veri-d mid Eni-'.l ':' "' ' fit can Ii appllctl hy anj and hIu-o lio' t'.-.i.-u a jr rj r-i f ' in. I'S te :h an ft'-sie b.d7 w "ii. i c n ti-1 U by IlBTlOI.D i-1" STOlt.M.s Sllrtl.vkl-ti RtAi:iH m r any tj crnl -i 'wx w..aicv.;. GUTTA PEllLliT CEM: For Cwatimr ileia!? of a!I K -: ':';' exw st d o the A' tisin of the i I-:!.".-' Vl JJelal Stooli - Ut ALL KIM'-. sisTIIK ONLY (mim !'..-1 rioK KS)T". r''i"t e.rtr m-rfi"'',P-" "J "' :it'!i!t uf'.tiu'C I'i'ii i'ijJfi'.l In nie,'"" ' - res lituvtv loruiiit a bmiv c.-ind '" ' Th; Hlfffl-t f). I- il ii,Y i-S narv t an t c-.-t ii-in-h b i"." " TIIUEE TJJrS AS I !i.;: ri fr - ' , f is not in lurid iiv i'w c-iiitriioi'i.n .-i u I t. ' j TIN and 'other .METAL KUOl'a o.ti"'-',i: ; ' I su. Ib-tt -: ar' .s i t il.e w-.-.'lior. . , I li ,r,v ,.i i;i; r-ic !N rii.n n 1 . WEAl'iiEii AN1' Wli.L :-Oi WA-il hi. a l.y tu ;iinl in io-r i-'.-fal r : J '" ' '' rej.:i r-d with '. Vn-'ei C ' ' " from far iier cTr.pioii jio: !.m!.h .'. " i.-ig a perfectly ivater-tiii-- rJ f '' "' ; Tiiis i-i in-'iii i- nl: u i . a 1 u-'-l ' -r " I . vsitioii of Iron rail! it-. '. v s. I-. lmpU'Uieiifs. A.-.,a!sn I. r y. rat V"'"1;., . j G U IT A JEUUIA " I For pr-.-.-t r"ii' a 1 roots i f i 1 1 il ti l r j .,r i " .- I i ii i.. t in i' ' fV, is lint iiijoc d ' tb-c-' l i of metals. iri n ill H'-t rrm 1. tl..l t c kii'hI iriii 'n-r. -. .- Ta' st-nia'eri lis are a-l it ted to f" r! " Wf iire prt an-d f Mt.piv .r b r- li'14 " ( the c-.untrv, at slu r; u -lien. t ,r l' i -' ' , ingin r-Us. r-ii-ly i-r.-pin-l f-r . "". ,-t,.i (Vtii.-nt in bam 1.-, with lull p.-itit-J "" tioiu for sipplLcatiuii. Wint'C" I Ascnt3 We wrtl iiiiite ,o: raj a d t:v ' , i inent with reiHin-ihle lar'u-i ti mi " . establish themselves iu a Ii;r3ri'' ac' bu.-iucis. our. teh:is atsz c,v; Wi; csn -rive nbutidtnT jrufif a", . ,, favor ot our iiiiinov. d lmuug -4- ij V. lied them to several th.u.-ai.l l"1' " vlcin.ty: 'rril'i .1:1 V H AN' F' -:t Wholesale U 'un house, 7S, P,.mi. . f f ibor'tr sfr-ot. L..ii- iiv.. I 'ir.-il.:r IDu 1 t un t. . i 1 j" 1 ' . . - - ni-ihed On".ippl'cation. X-v. 7 Isol. ly . New Kcincc-cj SPERHATORnK.G-" f 5. i HOWARD ASSOCl . .. i tl A Benevolent Intuition fJ'..; , duwment for me i.v.-f " , i , i pjr.ure-i ten tru- - - n-.:t ' 'i eit ecialin for tUe Luej I yryan TT -irer Sri Suive..(i. Vaii:ab!e1fepert. iu ?.H-rr) ."t ' a:' l ' " e-e-1 r t;.e ?-e- . rf-i il t" " DIESfr.-.l .- ed m lue-Pir"'" ; ,,reio. envelopes, rieeoi t" ii;.- - . M 'Plt.'j. SKItl 'V FfjP jocia'i..u. No. 2 -"'Ui NiutU t , . leiry Garden-;-- Fresb n'T T-Bre, a!, m'1!'' '"' I v sa:. y 3S--f tJrrr - . ( i 1 S; 1 1 '