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About Nebraska advertiser. (Brownville, Nemaha County, N.T. [Neb.]) 1856-1882 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 18, 1862)
. ' J IglfADVERTISER. j 0CT- 18C2' X, Q C .A. li. jlDVtBTi'ifO Acekt, and Dealer Id 6ltf SD1 Colored luka of the Best Quality, ;,.'" ' .k.r.. TMinr.i. U Mr an. r Aceut for the Airrrf iser aad Farmer. STATES AI FOREfG XEWt ?A1EB. AD rjTt ..CT 333 Broidway, New Tor, ar -., A&" ' .. ...... . are ".'!lfdcnw forth Arer7tr and Farnwr. jor, coe 4- co.. '.!r,sivo .Agent, and Dealera in Ink and .iirial of all kinds, Office Tribune Building, t"1 Tor. nd Brown's Iron Buildins; Philadelphia, fS'f' ' . . ...., A Jnrrf Iter nnd Farm our uilionrea aoms iui Tvere will be religious service at the , ...,n rSurch to-morrow at half p;rViClc . . . if. Hill's new stock of Dry Goods 4 Groceries will arnre to-day or to- I 'sorrow. Tom is now thronged, with strangers, ,.-tof th'cm, we suppose, are going into jAUit's Cavalry. ' V Thorrtsn & Son haveabarrell of rhost tJ.eyent apple cider at their. oyster sa o:Dilexi door to Phil. Deuser'a. . . u. r Ttl - " A- N- Noams, of Nemaha City, was luled in a fight iu Kentucky about two aefLsao. Next week we will pullith in abstract of a letter giving the particu iri - Tbto. Hill, has just returned from the, East.'- His new stock of goods will ar riT? on the next beat. No man under loads letter than he the wants of this community. We understand Major Minnick brought '$13.0C0 dollars from the soldiers in his conifaiiy, to be disbursed in this vicinity. A large portion of it to pay for horses jATcbsf d last spring. . O.f Fcblocoh. Capt. Matthews, of lie Kansas, 2d and Mb. Minnick, of W.Pennkk'3 Regiment, M. S. M., were kh at home during the present week. Two finer looking officers are perhaps not 10 le found in this department. Li?u:r Atkinson is now buying horses 53 time for his company. Many of them bring a high price. The security given i ample. Those who have . not "patri- hiism'l enough to enlist, but who have i horses. to spare, should sell them to the iicys al 6S low figures ns possible. Company A, Nebraska Second. he members of this company are re- it i' I jested', to report themselves at hend- ! carters in Brownville, Thursday, Octo ber 233," at 12 o'clock. Those who have ranged to go with this cotopan', butnre ::ot yet sworn in, should come imraedi- iaelyand be sworn in, while there is :a opportumiy. II. M. ATKINSON, Sec. Lieutenant. j The company of Cavalry now forming . this place hold an election for offirers ul A v liiuiua ) 1UV.1V 14 i llll V V 4 i rrominent candidates for Captain. We tderttand Lieut. Atkijcsox declines eing a candidate. This is an unparal- Medinstar:ce of modesty. From Mr. A.'s uSorts in ratting the company, he. more ,'.baaariy other man, deserved to be Cap All he asU is for the Company to jfCujrie hii present position, which they i vili not. fail to 3o. . THE LAST CALL! J On Wednesday next, the term expires tfroliiMeering to fill the old regiment, HrCol. Thayer. I Ou Thursday a draft to fill the defici p7'i!l be ordered by the Governor. . Beiwven now and Wednesday next, Htrtforf, is the only chance men will rJr to enlist and receive their bounty I Hie Governor of Nebraska has the air.honty in. regard to recruiting I for the U. S. service, as the Gover .:'of the States. I In . ihe exercise of thie authority he Ts? suspend the raising of the new cav p regiment, until Capt. Curran &. Gil ' have obtained the 315 menTequir r' tthe 1st in the Field, j wi the draft by volunteering. Jfe i 'Bsla City Daily A'eucs. J i' 'Z?ns have their choice to volunteer 1 ft r !J t new or old Regiment.. We hope ( tee the quota for this county for the r'e-raika First filled by volunteers. 'ernalia County Convention. Pcrsirnit- to public notice a por- f I L i" 3 of the citizens of Nennh i Co I J imblcd at DcnV Hall, on Satur- September 11, 18G2. h Ua -motion the Convention 'was (nizcd by electing Jos. Coleman j. J and J. H. Maun, Secretary rrj 1 On motion 0fMr Fisher acorn- j ( nee of four were appointed to StJ UP resolutions expressive of y j-nse of the meeting. . i J ; Carson, II. 0. Minick, S.'P. IjUi and J. H. Mam, were ap- ; fcaia committfif.. .' committee submitted the 2 TMrsr.. " luai loe memoers eiectea Ul County in the Territorial j Legislature, avoid if possible," the con vening of the same. 2. That if a meeting cannot be avoid ed, that they be instructed to vote for adjournment forthwith, and if necessary to defeat the expense cf a full session, that they be instructed to resign, if th3t course will effect the object sought. 3. That candidates submitting their names to this convention or accepting a nomination therefrom, shall be pledged to the foregoing resolutions. 4. That ibis convention discards all political issues, and unite on a common basis of loyalty to the Government; a union of the States, and t suppression of J the rebellion at all hazzards. J. L. CARSON, Chm'n. Tho resolutions were received by the convention and unanimously adopted. Gn motion of Mr. Majors the con vention proceeded to nominate can didates, Mr. Carson moved that the nom inees be chosen viva voce. Car ried. r Mr. Carson nominated T. R.lFis-h cr for the Council. Mr. Carson and Mr. Majors were also nominated but declined. Mr. Fisher was then de clared tho nominee. Jesse John, A. D. Skccn, J. P. Crothcr and William Phillips were nominated fur representatives. W. Hern was nominated com mission for the first district, and S. W. Kennedy for the Second district C. P. Richardson was nominated for Coroner. JOS. COLEMAN Chairman. John H. Maun, Sec'y. . THE LATEST FRQ3I MISSOURI. QUANTREIS BAND ROUTED. COLOXEL CIIILDS CAPTIREO. Camp Thomas. Ixddpendesce, Mo., ) OaoLer Sib, 1862. J Col, Wm. R. Penick : Sir I have the honor to report that in pursuance of your order No. 102, 1 proceeded to march on the morning of the 5th inst., with my command, consisting of detachments from Co. A, commanded by Lieut. Bennett; Co. 13, Lirut. Bixby; Co. D, Lieut, Fairdrotiier; Co. K. Lieut. Dory amounting in all to eighty-eight inen, rank and file. On the firt day we ar rested two men, supposed to. be bush whackers, and captured two horses that were concealed in a cornfield. On the morning of the 6th we routtd Quantrell and Childs' bands about two miles from Sibley, they being posted in a lane on the State road leading from Indepen dence to Lexington. We at the Fame time espied pickets posted on Big Hill," cn the same road, which is one of the most prominent heights in this county. The number and position of their pickets indicated a camp not far distant. Hav ing ascertained that the rebels were en camped at a mill about a half mile from Sibley, my force concentrated at that place reports varying, making their forces from 150 to 300 strong. Having sent for reinforcements, I started to take possession of "Big Hill,M there to await them. While on the march to said point we met the enemy commanded by Col. Childi and the guerilla Quantrell; their forces numbering, according to Colonel Childs' statement, 130. They fired upon us, and as usual, fled to the brush. I dismo unted my men and took to the brush in like manner. Then ensued an almost hand to hand fight, which lasted about forty minutes, the contestants most of the time . not being more than forty yards apart. We drove the rebels from the field, captured Col. Childs, supposed to be mortally wounded, three horses and equipments, arid one cavalry sabre. I ordered my men to mount, and we star ted in pursuit, though cautiously as we passed through the brush. When we approached the prairie I thought pursuit useless. I then returned to the battle ground to ascertain, our loss. I found ens killed and cne mortally wounded, bath of Co. A; one of Co. B slightly wounded, r.nd many others with holes through their clothes and hat. My little band, both 'officers and men, conducted themselves like, heroes, some of them brave even to desperation. I have the honor to be, . Your obedient servant, D. H. DAVID, Cxtpt.. Com. Expedition. O F FICIAL . LAWS OF THE UNITED STATES. I'assod at the Second Session of the Ihirty Seventh Congress. rUBLISOED BY AUTflOniTY. . , PriLic-No. 119. AN ACT to provide iuternul Ftevenue to support the G iverumcut and to' pay Interest on thu Public Dibt. Be it enacted ly te Senate cml House of Rtpre eeutativenof the United Satei of America ; C'onf rjrem aietmlled, That, for the purpose of superin tending the collection of interim! duties, tninp duties license., or taxes imposed by this act, or which may be herealtir impi: eeil, n.l of assessing the jwtiue, an oCk-o is hereby croated in the Treasury Departweut to be called the office of the Coiumi gioutr of luternal Ketenue; and the President of tba United States is hereby authorised to nominate, and, with the adrice and consent of tho Senate, to appoint a" Commissioner of Internal Kerenue, with au auuual salary of four thousand dollars, who shal; be charged, and hereby is charged, under the direc tion of the Secretary of tho Treasury, with prepar ing ail the instructions, regulations, directions, forms, blank?. stamps aud licenses, end distributing tho sauia, or any part thereof, and all other matters periAining to the assessment and collection of the duties, stamp duties, licenses, and taxus, which may be necessary to carry this act into effect, and with the general superintendence of his o(5ce, as afore said, and shall have authority, and hereby is au thorized and required, te provide proper and suffici ent stamps or dies for exprr -siing and denoting the eereral stamp duties, or the amount thereof in the case of percentage duties, imposed by this act, and to alter and renew or replace such stamps from tima as occasion shall require ; and the Secretary of the Treasury may assign to the oEce of the Commission er of Internal Kerenue such cumber of clerks as he nity deem necessary, or the exigencies of the public service may require, and tHo privilege of franking all letters and documents pertaining to the dnties of his cfSce, and of receiving free of pottage all such letters and documents, is hereby extended to -said commissioner. GENERAL PROVISIONS Sea. 2. And be it further enacted, That, for the purpose of assessing, levying and collectir tie duties or tuxes hereinafter prescribed by thu act. tae t resident ot tho United States bo, and he is here by, authorized to divide, respective! v, tbe States and Territories if the United Slates atitt the uistrict of Columbia into convenient collect ion districts, and to nominate, and, by and with the adtit-e and con sent of the Senate to apjoint an as jew or and a col lector for each such district, who shall be residen-j within the tame : That an? of said 8 ates and Ter ritories, and the District of Columbia, may, if tbe President shall doem it proper, be erected into and included in one district : Provided, That tbe cum ber ot ciitricts in any State shall cot exceed tbe number of representees to which such State shall be entitled in the present Congress, except in such States as are entitled to an increased representation ia the Thirty-Eighth Congress, in whicn States tbe cumber of districts shall not exceed the number of Keprcientatives to which any such State may be so entitled : And provided furthor, That in tbe State of California tbe President may establish a number of districts cot execediog the cumber of Senators and Representatives to which said State is entitled in the present Congress. Sec. 3. And be it. further enacted, Tnat each of tho assessor shall divide his district into a conven ient assessment district, subject to snch regulations and limitations as- may be impost d by the Commis sioner of Internal Revenue, within each of which bo shall appoint one asf slant assessor, who shall be resident therein;. aud eachasse sorand assistant as sessor so appointed, and accepting the appointment, shall, before he enters on the duties of his appoint ment, take and subscribe, before some competent magistrate, or some collector, to bo appointed by virtue of this act (who is hereby empowered to ad minister the same. the follawing oath or aflirmatioa, to-wit: , A li, do swear, or afiirin(M the case may be,; that 1 will bear true faith and alleigince to the Uniied States of America, and will support the Con stitution thereof, aud that 1 will, to the best of my knowledge, skill, and judgment, dilligently and laithfuliy execute tho office and duties of assessor for, (naming tbe assessment district,) without fivor cr partialii v, and that 1 will do equal right and jus tice in every case in which 1 shall act as assessor." And a certificate of such oath or affirmation shall be delirered to tho collector of the district for wbi.:h such ussjritor or assistant assessor shall be appointed. Adu every assessor or assiataut assessor acting in the said olliee without having taken the said oath or athrmaiion thill forfeit and pay one hundred dollar? one moiety thereof to the use of tho Uuited States, aud tbe other moiety thereof to him who shall Hist sue for the same, with costs of suit. Seo. 4. And be it further enacted, That before any such collector shall eater upon tue duties of his oliii-e, he shall execute a bond fjr suiih aiumnt as chall be re.-cribo by the Commissioner of Intercal Kevcuue, under the direction of the Secretary of tae Treasury, with not less than fire sureties to be ap proved as sufficient by tho Solicitor of the Treasury, couiaiiiiug tho coud.tion said collector shall tailiitully periorm the duties of bu office according lolaw, kua shall justly and faithiu ly account tor aud pay over to the Li.itcd Mates, in cinipIiatCJ wita me ciuer or regulaiionstf the Secretary of tbe treasury, all public moneys wLich may cmuio into bis LMLuai r poeSfion; which bend shad be filed in the eifiioo of the First Comptroller of tho Treasury. And such collector shall, from time to time, renew, sueugttitii, and iLcrease their official bunds, as tbe beurviary of ihe'freaiury uuy direct. Sec. D. And bo it further enacted, That eaoh collector shall authored to appoint, by au instru ment of writing ui.dor bis baud, &s many deputies as be may thiua roper, to bo by bim Compensated tor their acrvices, and also to revoke any such ap pjiii'.uiet, giving such notice thereof as the Com misioutrot internal licvenue snail prescribe ; aud may require bonds or other securities aud accept the bmnn I row oucli deputy ; and each such deputy shal have ihe like uuibonty. in every respxt, to collect the duties and taxes levied or assessed within tbe poruon of the district assigned to bun which is by ibis act vested ia the collector h uiself; bnt efcch collector shall, in every respect, be responsible both vo the Liiued States aud to individuals, as the case may be, lor all moneys collected, and for every act done as deputy collector by any of his deputies whilst ac.iug as such, and for every omission 'if duty: Provided, Tnat noibiug herein con tumid shall pre vent auy coilcotori'ioui collecting himself the whole or any parte! the duties and taxes so assessed nnd paaoie iu his district. csej. 6. And be it farther'enactcd, That it shall be the duty of any person or )ersoiis, partnerships, fi. ms, associations, or corporations, made liibla to .in; du tv, license, stamp, or lax imposed b this act, when not otherwise aud U.ilereuny provided for, on or be foie the hrstd.iy of August, eigh.een hundred and sixty-two, aud on or btioro the first Monday of May in each year thereafter, and in ail other ewes before the day of levy, to make a lut or return to tho as sistant assessor of the district where located, of the aiuvunt of annual income, tbe articles or objects charged witha special duly or tax, the quantity of goods, wares, and merchandise made or sold, and eaar6ed with a specifiu or ad valorem duty or tax, ihe several rates and aggregate amounnt accorling to the respective provisions of thin act, acd accord ing to the forms and regulations to be proscribed by tho Commissioner of Intern: 1 Revenue, under the direction of the Secretary of the Treasury, for which such person cr persons, partnership:, rms, associations or corporations are liable to be assessed under aud by virtue of the provisions of this a:t. Sec. 7. And be it further enacted, That the in structions, regulations, and directions, as hereinbe fore mentioned, shall bj binding on oach assessor and bis assistants, and on each collector and his depu ties, in the licrfonnanco of the duties enjoined by or under this act; pursuant to which instructions the said assessors shall, on the first d ly of August, eighteen hundred and sixty-two, anl on the first Monday of May in each succeeding year, and from time to time thereafter, in accordance with this act, direct and cause the several assistant assessors to pro ceed through every part cf their respective districts, and inquire after and concerning all persons baing within the assessment districts where they respec tively reside, owning, possessing, or having the care or management of any property, goods, wares and merchandise, articles or objects liable to pay any duty, stamp or tax, including all persons liable to pfly a license dnty, under ihe provisions of this act, (by Tfcl'ercnce as well to any lists of assessment or collection taken under the laws of the respoctite State?, as to any other records or documents, and by all other lawful ways and means, especially to the written list, schedule, or return required to to be mado out and delivered to the assistant assessor by all persons owning, possessing, or having the care or management of any property, as aforesaid, liable to duty pr taxation,) and to value and enumerate the taid objects of taxation, respectively, in the manner prcscrioed by this act, nr.d in conformity wita the regulations and instructions befo're mentioned. Sec. 3. And be it .further enacted, That if any person owning, possessing, or having the care or management of property, good?, wares, anl mer eh indue, iirticles or objects Halls to pay any duty, tax. or license, shall fail to make and exhibit a writ ten list when required, as aforesaid, and shall con sent to disclose the particulars of any and nil the property, goods, wares, and merchandise, articli s and objects liable to p iy any duty or tax, or any busi ness or occupation liable to j any license, as aforesaid, tLcn, and in that case, it shall be tbe duty of the otaccr to make such list, which, being dis tinctly read, consented to. nnd signed, by tho person so ownicg, possessing, or having tbe care and min agemeatjis aforesaid, shall be roeeived as tho list ot such person. Sec. 9. Aud be it further enacted, That if any such person shall deliver ordiscl?c to any a?a :sor or asMsi-ant assessor appointed in pursuance of this act, aud requiring a list or lists, as aforesaid, any frfh-e or fraud ulant list or statement, with intent to defeat or evade tbe valuation or enumeration hereby intendod'to be made, such per3on so offending, and being thereof convicted on indi:tment found there for iu any circuit or district court of tbe United States held in the district in which such offence mty be committed, shall be fined in a sum not exceeding -fire hundred dollars, at tho discretion of tho court, aiid stall psy all costs aud chargej m prosecution ; acd the valuation and enumeration required by this act shall, in all such cases of under valuation or un statemcnt in such lists or statements, be mnde, as aforesaid, upon lists, according to the form prescrib ed, to be made out by the assessors and assistant ns se?sors, respectively ; which lists the sail assessors and assistant assessors are hereby authorized and required to make according to the best information tLey enn obtain, and for tba purpose of nuking which tbev are hereby aathoriiod to enter into and up ,n all "and singulir the premises, respectively: and from the valuation and enumeration bo made there shall be co ippeal. (To be continued.) 75,000 Copies Sold the First 12 Llontlis of its Publication. It is an entire New Work, of nearly 200 pages. Many of the Tunes and Hymns were writton ex press"y for this volume. It will soon be as popular a its predecessor, (Bell No. I) which Las mo up to the enormous number of 575,000 copies in 35 months, outstripping any Sunday School Book of its'size is sued in this country. Also, both volumes are bound in one to accommodate schools wishing them in that form. Prices of Bell No. 2, paper covers, 15 cents, $12 per 100. Bound, 25 cents, $ 18 per 100. Cloth bound embossed gilt, 30 cents, $32 per 1C0. Bell No. 1, paper covers, 12 cents, $10 per 100. Bound 20 eents, $13 per 100. Cloth bound embossed filt, 25 eents,$23 per 100. Bells Nos. 1 and 2 bound to gether 40 cents, $30 per hundred. 25 copies fur nished at the 100 price. Cloth bound embossed gilt, 50 cents, 40 per 100. Mail postage free at the retail price. HORACE WATERS, Publisher, nll-ly . 81 Broadway, New York. "Currants ICurrants ! Utile left with K. W. Furnas, Browavtlle. a few tted snd Dutch Currant for sal at $1 per den csh. Karch M, IBM. n38-U . O. THOitPtOX. 18 62. DRY GOODS 1862. i .. . GROCERIES ! i THEODORE HILL, Is receiving, and will continue to receive daring tat summer, one of THE LARGEST Aire BEST STOCKS o r HIML QHMB, T a o M New York, Philadelphia and St. Louis. That has ever been exhibited In the Western Conn, try, embracing al 1 tbe latest styles and novelties of the limes.. His aiock embrace Dry Goods Groceries Hardware, Cutlery, Queemwnre, Huts and Caps, Shakers Hoots and Shoes Doors and Sash, Clitssand intty, . l'ine Farnitnrc, Jkc, &c.f &c Among his Dry Goods will he fonnd Prints Ginghams Lawns. Bareges, Brown and Bleached Muslins, Deinees. Striped Sheeting:. Cot touades HoMiery, Gloves, The Latest Styles Hoop Skirts Notious, . Sf c, &c He has much, the Largest Stock of QUEEN S WARE in the Upper Country. THEODORE HILL, Ajrent for the Hannibal & St- Joseph, Bail Baod Packet Line of Steamboats, ilar 22, 1862. n6-tf. McCORMICK' Beaper and Mower MANUFACTURED AT OlLioagOr 111. This celebrated machine i tr alt odds the BEST GRAIN AND GRASS CUTTER IN THE WORLD. N withstanding tbe misrepresentations of those inter ested in other machines, C. II. JUcCorniick & Bro. man ufactiue at tbe rate or 8,000 per year, Many changes have been affected during the past season, and for 1862 the "McCormick" is presented with greater attractions than ever before. As a reaper, TI5E ECOIV03IY OF POWER 1JI THIS MACHINE, ITS Strength, Durability, and Simplicity, give It preference over all otherj New improvements added, have nuterially lessened the direct, draught, and so obviated the side draught that many at-sure us that it dors not now exist. Tbe drnght of tbe Reaper is so JUht that in numerous instances the large lour horse machine is worked with but two horses. FOR MOWING, The Machine of 1862 will stand any test that may be applied. Oar Guard and Patent Cleaner effectually prevents choking, no matter what the condition of tbe grass, while our new divider point separates baldly lodged and tangled clover or grass, where other ma chines fail. There is also a great advantage in our serrated sickle edge over the smooth, as it dees not require sharpening so often, .thus saving time. Our fickle will frequently run through an entire harvest without once grinding, while the smooth edge mast bo ground once each day, if not oftner With a smoth erge the Iraught increases as the knife becomes dull. Oir draught is uniform, aud in tbe repeated trials during the season of I860 61, proved far lighter than single Mowers, cutting at the same time from twelve to eighteen inches wider. Our Mower can be used with or without the reel , this is Important, as without tbe reel it weighs but about 670 pounds. In addition to the very liberal warrantee given to all purchasers, we would say a heretofore, that farmers who may desire it, are at liberty to work our machine through the harvest, with any other, and kaep and pay for tbe one preferred. Pauiphlets with mil description of improvements, testimonials, &.C. can be had by application to THEO. HILL, Agent, 27. May 15, 1862. n45-tf NEW GOODS JUST RECEIVED AT PRICES TO SOT JOHN A. PONN Is now receiving and opening out his Spring Stock of Goods, coiiiU iag of Dry Goods, Groceries, Hats and Caps, Boots and Shoes, Iron and Nails, , Flour and Bacon, Queensvare, Hardware. Furniture, Sash and Doors, Window Glass, etc., etc., etc. Which I will sell cheap for CASH OR PRODUCE. Call and examine my stock before purchasing elsewhere. . Brownville, April 24,1862, n42-6m Aycis Ague Cure. 'ml SibtrixstRtPis. SPECIAL NOTICE. Legal Advertisements must, la all ciccs, be accomp. nieu wan me casa, or they will not be inserted. Thi rule will, hereafter, be strictly adhered to. GUAItDIANVS SALT!. Pursuant to s order of the Probate Court of Ne man county, Nebraska Territory, made on tha 27tK dav of September, A. D. 1862, the undersigned an Guardian of Mariah Eiisubetb Welch, Ellen Welch, ora.u 4iaB v eiea ana John ilenry V eleh, on Sat urday, the llth day of Jlovember, at the hour of ten viiuva,a. uin iu ironi. oi me rostumoe in tfrown vill,in said county.will ofer for sale the f Glluwin( scribed lots or parcels ot land sitjiate in said county to-wu : ine oorthwest quarter of the, northeast quarter of section no. 15, and the northeast quarter of the southwest quarter and the oorthwest quarter of the southwest quarter and the southeast quarter oi tot soutnwest quarter ot section no. lb in town ship co. 4, of ranee co. 15, east, composing the Es tate of William elch, deceased, and belonging in common to the undersigned and the aforesaid wards as heir of the aforesaid William WiL-h ; And alio the southwest quarter of the northeast quarter of section co. Id, in township no. 4 of range 15, east' as the property of the said Sarah Jane Welch. Terms of Sale: One haif cash on sale and one calf in on year, secured by mortgage on the pretn ises. A-MUfc WJLLUU, October I8th, 1682. nU-3w-$5.20 Guardian PKOD TE NOTICE. Notice is hereby given that Levi Johnson, Admin istrator of the estate of Ilenry Hoover,, deceased has applied to the Probate Court for an extension of time to make final settlement of said estate. Said application will be for hearing on the 20th day of October, 1862, at 2 o'clock sr. M Witness my hand and official seal this 24th day of September, lb6J, C. W. WU&ELKK, n 1 1-3 w-$2.00 Probate Judj4 ritOBATE NOTICE. Notico is hereby given that I have appointed Monday, the 20th day of October, A. I. 18S2, at 10 c'-lock, A. H. for hearing the final settlement of W illiam li. rbilips, as Administrator of the es tate of John Noyes, deseascd. Witness my hand and official seal, this 24th day oi September, 133;:. C-iV.WHblSL.IiK, nll-3w-$2,00 V Probate Judge. PKOIIATE NOTICE. Notice U hereby given that Wednesday, tho 17th day of November, A. I)., 1KG3 U tbe time et for hearing and adjusting claims againt the estate of W. C. Xeal, deceased, ute vf the coun y of Pwnee, Nebraska Ter ntory. II. G. LORE, Probate Judge. Pawnee City, Aug. 27, 1S62. nS-12w-6,C0 SHERIFF'S SAM.. Alfred Opeli. ) District Court Nemaha County vs Nebraska Territory. Hugh Crownlee, , iy virtue ot an order or sale tome directed in the above entitled cas'?, I will on Saturday, the 8th day of November, 1S62, between the hours of 10 o clock a. m. and 4 o clock p. ni., cf said day. at tbe door of Den a Hall ia lirownvi.le, the place where the said court was last held, for said emaha county, offer for sale and tell to tbe highest bidder, for cash in hand, the following described real estate, to-wit: north half and southwest quarter of the northeast quartei of section number 24, in township number 4, north of range number to, east of the 6th prin cipal meredian, in Piemaha county, Nebraska, ta ken as the property or Hugh lirowulee to satisfy said demand. J. W. COLibJlA, Sheriff. Urownville, September 27. nll-5w-$S LEGAL NOTICE. Stephen P. Nuckolls, plaintiff", vs. The Nemaha Val ley Bank ; Stetson L. Swan, assitmee of I T. White; Isaac T. White and William Iloblitzell, partners as I. T. White & Company; Benjamin R. Pegram and Samu el FI. Riddle, partners as B. R. Pegram & Company : Samuel . Rogers and Renjamin B. Barkalow, part ners as Rope i a and Barkalow; William Iloblitzell; GurdouII. Wilcox; Eluha B. Smith , William II. Hoo ver, Agent of the County of Nemaha, Nebraska, and the County of Nemaha, Neoraska. defendants. Eaoh and all of tbe above named defendants will take notice that on the 17th day of September, a. I , JS62. he said plaintiff Stephn F. Nuckolls, filed a petition iu tbe District Court of Nemaha County, Nebraska, on the Chancery side thereof, wherein they are made par ties defendants. The object and prayer of said petition is to obtain a decree for the vale of the following des cribed piece of land, lying in the city of Brownville, iu said county of Nemaha, to-wit: The eastern portion of Lot number one, n Block number one, as laid off n I deecribe-l in the Record Piatt of said city, beginning at tbe North K t corner of tail Lot, ant running thenca West tweuty feet, ihence South seventy feet, thence East twenty feet, thence North seventy feel, to the place of beginning, and tho building thereon situated ; and to apply the proceeds of such sale to the payment of a judgement . brained by the said plaintiff against the said Kemba Valley Bank at tbe April term. a. i. 1859, of this Court. Plaintiff also seeks to debar and fore.loee each and all of aU defendants of all mht, title or interest they my hive or claim in or to tbe said premises. Each of said de fcnJants is required to answer under oath the allega tions of said petition on or before the 3d day of Novem ber, A. D 1So2. . E. W. THOMAS, II. II. ATKINSON. nHMw-$9,S5 Attorneys tor laintiff. 2 CO 2 a 3 n IS? s A a. a p i Z. a ! R cr B - -t 1 a i u 3 i -5 ( 3 o "a tf a. cr c. -- o - C- e tr 3 a n "Si w-m 9 - S3 C 9 i CO a- x co - C n 1. T t Si a a o e -'A .5 - -o li n S 3"B ss I? tit to 3 61 1 - k ? 5 CO c - n - a c -a o " a. S er 2" P 3 r a s S ? a n - a 5.4 K 3 S. 3 ZL - o S3 0 a zn ji tv a - n r mi To 3 T " 2 ? ? - 2 3 f. r 2 ? c r s. 3 6 w C2 5 " c 5 - s s a.3 1 5 cr o cr C IK 9 " M i 9 3 9 - c - B m . 5? es A J- 9 S a B 3" " 3 O 3 ftS 2 ?o C J 3 e- -9 B o 3 w 3 ca m a. x t o 3 n " k - S"2 " 2 c 2 - -. o rr- J? 5 73 f w " sr s - - - s a, -a 9 S 2. - a s o.- - Vi ja ci ts cr - 2 -2 s. ? 9 s c " 5 J 2 yr 7 r. tr v 3 t,. 15- s X a rp a 2 i5 K O B n IT X IT c c g : B I . 3 m 'v ca -3 - 33" 2. 3" ' D X 3 - -1 Ss." B n 7 C tl "i n O is r 2 - c s " o ;u -2 - . IN fl 3 o a iH a rH o , - J3 - a 3 -, bo d s 7 U E . in C t Q a S S3 s via J3 3 5 s. s y 5 i. 2 " 2 w . serf S3 - O j o i " 2 o a. a a. c - t 1 -. . - M V a 2 Z s S a Z - 3' O w 2 to J - - a 3 m" 3 W W 3 Zmm M S W o -? 3 !" a b - 3 .-'' .a SB 1h1 a - z o 2 c c: 7 - O TJ 'XI Of ri B " BCf as O 4. 3 .O On S3 S a 2 3 r u 2 . e o m a O f c " e k S w - f- 3 0 - r w a . 3 S3 O 0 3 m M w B c3 2 x - u 0 a j n 2 s 2 - . - s -3C S5 m m 5 ! -was t3 - a S: 3a 5S 33" 4 C - m w ' 2r u-B k n W o ft 5S- 5?? 09 fl mm e ri2 5 -M orr 'J E o 5 C a LI iH U o . 3 ! W r . . 1 3 .B ' m ' M : w 2 r S. 2 PS- 3 - . S3 C B B cr.a. W B - 5gr;3 - . E 1. 1 . S B 25 jQ 3 HELLO, STRANGER! UIIEUE DID YOU GET THOSE NEW GOODS? AT J. BERRY & C0'S.f THE VERY CHEAPEST HOUSE IN BROWNVILLE. J. BERRY & CO., Have just received, and ar now openlmr, at their stand on Hain street, one of the Iargttfct stocks of DEY SOODS ever offered in this market. Kemember tho place, J. BERRY & CO'S., BROWNVILLE, N. T. LETT, STFJCKLEB & Co. ' 3IAI. STREET, BROWNVILLE. N. T. We are now receiving and opening a complete assort ment of Merchandise, confuting - OF DRY GOODS: Prints, Muslins, Drills, Onab'jrg, Denim3, CottoDades, Apron Check, Hickory, J eans, Berages, Linen. Dress Goods, All Wool Delaines, Fancy and Plain Silk. Lawnes aten Vestinrs. Broad Clo'iis, Cassirnere, Hooped Skirts, &c.,&.,&c. OP GROCERIES: Coffee, Tea, Soap, Molasses, Candles, B. C. Soda, Saleratu?, Vinegar VYcite ana lirown buar, Sack, Barrel and Dairy Salt, Chewing and Smoking Tobacco OF-HARDWARE: Axes, Hatches, Butts, Screws, Locks, Latches, Nails, Tacks Penknives, Knires-and Forks, Hand Saw and Mill Files, &c, &c, &c, &c, &c. kc OF QUiiEiVSWAKE: Cups and Saucers, Plates and Platters, ' Dishes and Tumblers. Coal Oill Lamps, Xamp Chimneys, Wicks, &c, &c. OF BOOTS & SHOES : Women's Shoes. Kip, Calf, Buff and Kid, Gaiters, Calf Shoes, Oxford Ties, Misses Shoes, Slippers, Men's Calf, Men's Brogans, Copper Toe, Kip and Course Boots, &c.,Tc. OF HATS & CAPs : Panama, Leghorn, "Planter's, Straw, Wool, Cassirnere, Plantation, Shaker Hoods, &c.,&c.,&c. Of Farming Utensils: Cradles, Rakes, Forks, Plows, Scythes, Snaths, Shovels, Spades, Hoes. &c, &c. S:c. OF LUMBER: Clear and 2nd rate Pine Flooring, Siding, Boards 1, 1 1-2 and 2 Inches Thick, . Sash, Doors and Blinds. Pine Lath, All Sizes Sash, All Sizs Doors, All Sizes Blinds, We call the attention rf the public to onr itock. aa our CASH TEEMS enable ua to sell low. Thankful for past patronage, we solicit a continuance of tbe came. LETT, STRICKLER & CO. Brownville. July 3I, 1S62. n52-tf. DISPEPSIA AND FITS. A sure Cure for these distrestine complaints Is now made known iu a "Treatise 05 Foreig.v akd Na tive IIerbal Preparations " pubilsbed by Dll, O. PHELPS HEOWJJ. The precnptioD, fur- nished by ayounit clairvoyant girl, while in a Mate of trance, has cured everybody who has taken it, never h.a-tug failed in a simile case. It is equally sure in cases of Fits as of Dy!-pemia ; and the icgredient may be found in any drug store. Tboe who arc afflicted with Consumption, Bronchitis or Asthma, may also be cured by the use of my Herbal Preparations. 1 will send this valunble'prcacriptioii free to any rersn on receipt of their name. Address, UB. O. PHELPS BROWN, No. 19 Grand street, Jersey City, N. i. u47-6tn GREAT IMPKOVEMENTS IN EMPIRE SHUTTLE MACHINE, Patented February 14th, 1360 Salesroom, 510 Broadway, NEW YORK. This Jfachine is constructed on an entirely new principle of machinery, poising many rare and val uable improvements, having been examined by the most profound experts, and pronounced to be tSIii- 'LIViTY and f bUriXTlO.N UUMUIMil). The followinjrare the principal objection urzed against dewing .Machines. Kxcessivo fatigue to ' 4. Incapacity to sew the operator. everj d-scriptionof 2. Liability to get out of matenal. 5. DisHgreeable noire while in oporation. order. 3. Expense, trouble and loss of time in repair ing. The Empire Sewing Machine is Exempt iron all thete objections. it bus straight needle perpendicular nction mnke the LOCK or SHUTTLE STICiT, which will MuTIIfcu III" ncr KAVEL, and is aliV. on both sides; performs perfect scwine on every description of material, fromLeatber to the finest Nansook Mur- lia, with cotton. linen or silk threadirora the co- scst to the Cnast number. Having neither CAM nor COG WHEEL, and the the least possitla friction, it ram at smoothly as glass, and is Emphatically a Noiseless Machine! It requires twenty-five per cent, less power te drive it than any other Machine in market. A girl of twelve years of njje can work it steadily, without fatigue or irjary to health. Its strength and WONDERFUL SIMPLICITY of construction render it almots impositia to get it out of order, and is GUARANTEED by the company to give entire satisfaction. . We respectfully invite all those wbo may desire to supply themselves with a superior article, to call and examine this UNRIVALLED MACHINE. ISut in a more special ananser do- wa solicit the patronage of Merchant Tailors, Drs?s Makers Corset Makers, Gaiter Fitters, Shoe Binders, Coach Makers. Hoop-Skirt Manufacturers, Shirt and Bosom Makers, Vest and Pantaloon Makers X5TReligious ind Charitable Institutions will be libemay dealt with. Price of Machines, Complete: No. I. or Family Machine, $45,03 ; No. 2 Snail sited Man ufac taring, $60,09; No. 3 Large siaed Manufacturing, $75,00. Cabinets in Every Variety. We want Agents tor all towns in tho United States, wbor agencies are not already established, to w hom a liberal discount will be given, bat we make to consignments. T. J. LIcARTIlUlt Co., 01 nronclw-ay, Xexv Tori;. Ar, rru -r m n iiers Cnerry Pectoral FOR FALL TRADE. . JOHN C. DUESER, 2IAJN STREET, BROWJiVILLJ X.T., Takes pleasure m announcing that he ba now oohaad. a large and select Hoc It of every article in L. Hue, COOK STOVES, Of all the Improved patterns, t!v. Plymouth RocV Chartar Jai, Valley Forge, leva.ed Oven. &.C., &e., kc., HEATUTG ST0VT3, , Box and ParioT Stoves of an endless mrtv. mti of which are entirely nw desiens, vis i Co jjblaeJ Cook end Parlor Stovei. aotSBthiBC very nice fur small faoiiu. I CALL ESPECIAL ATTENTION OP FAHMER3 TO 1IY HEAVY SEEHT IRON, for Sugar Boiltrt, tci . LARGE CAST IROX KETTLE.?. A VARIETY OF CHEAP LARD AND COAL OIL LAMPS Crass, Copper, and sheet Iron warej Lanierns, Shove la and Japuined Ware, ft a., &.c. SELF-SEALING FRUIT CANS! OF the latest and most improved Styles, cheap for cash. I am prepared to put np guttering and apoutln?, and all other work of my line at the shortest notice, aud la a workmanlike manner, which I warraLt to give tails faction. ' August 2, BREITHEYER & E0BIS0I7, MANUFACTURERS OF ftJBOOTS AND TAI!f, BtTWIIS riBST AKD SXCOKO ITS., BROWNVILLE, S. T. Ilavinjr recently purchaeed th Shoe Shop formerly owned by Wm. T. Den, we now offer our work at ire.U- ly leuueed prices. We manufacture all thatweoffer for sale. OAll work wsrranteJ. Brownville, Sept. 57, ISSi. . nll-Iy EXCELSIOR Buee Stoiie Mills, (FOR FARMERS AND MILLERS,) AND ANTI-FRICTION HORSE POWERS. TOOK TEN FIRST PREMIUMS at Wstebc State Fairs last year, and are justly considered superior to all others. The mill mny bo driven by hone, tca'tr, cr it earn potrer, does its Work as well as tbe stone milU in milling establishments, and requires but one-half the vower to drive the largest siz"S. They are rry, perfoctly simple, and for farm use will lait TUIIiTi YEAli3,and COaT yomixo for repaira. 1'2ICES-5IC0. $140. 5170. Floor L'olt for s molest Mill extra. . THE HOUSE rOTTEK TIss proved itself to be tho best e?er inreatd. The friction is reduced by IKON HALLS, so arranged n all tha bearing., tho whole weight cf th castings runs upon them. ILIKL ruU.iUs JUAUGHT, at the e nd of a ten feet lever, will keep the power in motion! thm permitting tho entus sthkn'gth of the horse to be u?ed cn the toachine to be driven. Onk HokSB will da as much work on this poer,ns Two on the endless Chain Powor. IT IS PORTABLE, and miy ba uswl it the Firr!) at will as in the house. Mora than TWENTV-i lvfi ER BENT of horse flesh is saved over a.vy crura now is Use. It is gimplo in construction, and not liable to get out of Older. Priced power fur 1 to 4 horses.. ...... 5123 Price of power fjr 1 to 4 horses 17 The $125 Power will driva any Thrcshin? Machine. Every Machine ii guaranteed to givo satisfaction, or the money will be rclunlcu. REFERLXCns. B.F. GiiTTix, Manhattan. Kaa. - rbnade!phra,Penn. Osnts. With two hones on your Anti-friction Power, we drive your No. 1 Mill, grinding 15 PrsH- kls of corn peb norB, ami cut a lare quantity of bay at the same time. I havo never seea a tower that runs with so little motion, a ad consequent! with f o htUe strain, upon the hordes. . r. COOPER, Supt. 13th 4 15th St. Pasa. li. li. Co. CLOSTiit,N. J.. Jan. 2?. 13-52. Jlrssr.s. Hennet Hkothek3. Cet3. I am vrrr much ple:id with th Power. It runs easier tba- any other Power in this vicinity ; and with the sam hordes will do nearly, or quife twK-i as much work. run my Thresher at l.otf') rev!utions per minute. and a 21 inch Cross-cut Saw, at I 2t 0 revolutions. Youn trolv. PET Eft J. W11ITS. t()N ALL ORDERS DECEIVED PEFOUG Oi;T. 1st., 1802, THE FREIGHT WILL JiE PRE- A1L) TO CHICAGO. OR ANY OTHER PORT ON LAKE MICIIIUAN. t37"I.iheral discount tc dealers. Ajrentj wanted. Siat, County,and Shop Rights for Mle. Fr further information sn.lftacip f.r inn?traUd Circular! to LENNET BROTHERS, 42 and 41 Urecno-St., New-Ycrk. An just 9th, 1 Sill, n4-Sm WHO SELLS THE CHEAPEST GOODS IN BROWNVILLE? D E N SELLS THE CHEAPEST GOODS IN MARKET. WHERE IS IT THAT YOU PUR CHASE THOSE FANCY PRINTS ? AT DEN'S. WHERE DO YOU BUY YOtfiV CHEAP MUSLINS? AT DEN'S. DEN SELLS THE CHEAPEST BOOTS AND SHOES IN THE WEST. ALSO THE FINEST HATS AND CAPS DEN KEEPS ON HAND. D E N ' S IS THE PLACE TO TRADE HE TAKES YOUR PRODUCE, AND PAYS THE HIGHEST PRICEFOR HIDES, -- PELTS, AND FURS. DON'T FORGET THAT DEN Sells the BEST and CHE APE 3T LI Q U OR i m fact DE:; sella ITvciytLIii-'tiat; i uscrui.chsap-aud coco. 1 -eJ9-t7. i