Nebraska advertiser. (Brownville, Nemaha County, N.T. [Neb.]) 1856-1882, October 18, 1862, Image 2

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! . .
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i t
i '
i, ;
our or a. o .
Tr-en p with our flag ! let it etreara on the air I
Thwigh oar father arecold in their grares,
Tbej bad hands that could strike, they had aouls
that could dare,
And their aons were not born to ba slajesl
Cp, p witb that banner I where'er it may call,
Our million! shall rally around
A nation of freemen that moment eha.l fa.1
When ita furs shall bo trailed on the ground.
Tlie Election.
WV give the returns s far as heard
from. In some of the counties the official
returns may difjer slightly from the lol
lotvinjj figures: '
Wjoritiei for Daily. Kinaey.
Richardson 125
.maha...-. 101
I'awneo 70
Douglas 88
Wasliinjton tl
Gumming 1 .
Kearney 25
Htte 23
Otoa 2
Cast i
STJ v-
Hurt '
Totals .........573 .-374
We have not yet heard from the follow
ing counties, viz: Johnson, Clay, Gaft,
Jones, Lancaster, Saline, Cedar, Dixon,
and L'Eau-qui-court. O f these in Clay
a majority is generally conceeded to
Kinney, but it polls but few votes. John
son. Gage and Jones are very confident
ly claimed by both parties. We think
Johnson will certainly give a respectable
majority for Daily. Gage and Jones
we fear will give a big lift to John F.
Kinney. The other four counties, with
the exception of L'Eau-qui-court, went
fcr Daily at the last election, but that is
net a certain index of how they will go
this year. Should every vote they con
tain, howeyer, be cast for Kinney, it will
scarcely sufice to elect him.
Since the above was in type we have
"learned lha.t Johnson gives Daily 29,
Kinney gets 30 in Lancaster and 44 in
Gage. This still leaves Daily 158 votes
Official Vote of Nemaha County.
O r.J'D 38 Z 5 SlH
is-l o2-.E.r!T
r - y E. J S 'c -
Peleoate to Congress.) I f
111 4'l04Wl4flll6311
Samuel G. Daily, 102 12 9
John F. Kinney. 30 27:-
,I7101!18 b
1 6 208
For Councilman, 1
11 19 168 3422
TV.tnas It. Fiher. 128,37,8
12 22 461
For Revretcntaiivcs.
John P. Crother, 119 23 9
Alexander D. Skccn, Jll9'2-r9
11 13
!4S 33 '22
11. If
II 13
170 33 2"
2 11 '423
4 22 3SS
Jeate John, 99 25 5
William B. Phillip. 67,2,9
187 30122
11 1
171 ,31 12
6 11,374
rrsnx ncatern. si
For Coroner.
C P. Richer Ison. 130 44 8
622 458
Count; Commissioner
rrst LhMtnct.
William S. IL-rn,
Allen Puilips.
92;14 8
11 24 1
10 If
6 20 13S
County Commissioner
Second Pitrtct.
Stephen W. Kennedy,
Alex. D. Williamson,
II 21 39)
3,25;iSj , 46
The "Banner Precinct."
If this was strictly a political contest,
we should feel rather jubilant over the
result in this precinct the banner pre
cinct 'of the Democracy. Considering
the determined opposition to Mr. Daily
. on the part of those who were heretofore
Lis political friends, in thit place, this is
a glorious victory.
The Election In the States.
'. The latest telegraphic news indicates
that the Democrats have gained largely
in Penn5ylvania, Ohio and Indiana. In
Pennsylvania it is thought half the Con
. gressmen elected are Democrats; even
Grow is said to be defeated. Democrats
claim a majority in Ohio of ten or fifteen
thousand, and twelve members of Con
gress. In Indiana (he Union men claim
a small majority. Voorhies is re-elected.
Cox, of Ohio, is re-elected; but Vallan
dingharn is defeated. Ohio is the most
unreliable State in the Union. General
JacVson remarked many years ago that
Ohio was a "damned see-saw State,"
and it has since that time kept up i.s rep
utation. This result was partly anticipated ; but
not to such an overwhelming extent.
There are many causes that combined to
' produce this reverse in favor of the Dem
ocrats. The an.i-war men were all, or
nearly all, at home ; while there -were
thousands of Republicans and Union
Democrats in the army; ihen again,
when the present members were elected,
a new Administration was just coming
into power, and consequently there was
much patronage to be distributed, and
five times as many applicants for office
as there was offices to fill. Hence there
were many disappointei, and a large
portion of the "sore-heads," in many of
the districts, are working with the oppo
sition out of revenge.
But the second year after a new Ad
ministration comes into power, is gener
a'ly a crisis with the party in power.
Seward remarked this many years ago.
The first two years of an Administration,
if Congress agrees with it politically, the
party generally attempts to carry extreme
measures, and thereby looses popularity.
E?q. Johns was elected Justice of the
.JVnca.fpr ibis precinct.. . ',
The result of the contest between Daily
and Kinney in many of the coumies and
precints of. this Territory has proved en
tirely different from what any one antici
pated. Whether the official returns shall
elect Kinney or Daily, neither political
party can claim it as exclusively a paity
triumph. " The majorities ia Richardson,
Otoe, Cass, Douglass and Kearney, are
for the opposite arty from what they
were two. years ago In this county the
majority for Daily is about the same as
usual; but there is a decided chsnge in
two or 'three precincts, Glen Rock has
heretofore gone almost entirely Republi
can, it this year gives a large majority
for the Democratic nominee; while
Brownviile which used to be the banner
Democratic precint of the Territory,
now gives a majority of two or three for
Letter rrom the Nebraska First.
In Camp Near Helena, Akk., )
September 27th, 1S62. J
Editor Xelratla Advertiser : .
Marching orders are now in order.
To-morrow, perhaps, we will take up the
line, and march, the General only knows
where. Madam Rumor says to Missouri.
New Madrid or Springfield ; but Dame
Rumor sometimes prophesiesTalsely, and
we may go elsewhere. The Regiment
would be belter oiT could it go to some
Northern climate, and stay two or three
months to recruit its' health. This South
ern climate has told fearfully on a large
number of our men, as can be visibly
seen in their pale faces and attenuated
limbs. '.'The raging chills and fever,"
are the bold victors now. The men who
stood many a long and tiresome march,
fearless and hardy; and the men who
have passed many a long night on dan
gerous . picket-duty, through cold and
rain whom bullets, canister, grape and
shell failed to cower have now suc
cumbed to the pervading malavia of this
region, and shiver though the daj3 ire
warm. Debility stalk's abroad, and is
not choice in victims. The tall and
strong are as liable to its ravages a3 the
little and weak. It has been observed in
our Regiment that the large and strong
are the surest victims cf the shafts of
death shot fro'm the full sling of disease.
It is a great pity to send a Regiment like
ours, which has not more than two hun
dred effective men, into the field of ac
tion, when there are so many able-bodied
men in Nebraska who ought to be in our
ranks, but who will remain at home to
have the satisfaction of learning that
daily we grow less ia numbers, and less
able to cope with a cunning and vindic
tive enemy.
For thirteen months we have seen ac
tive service. For thirteen months it can
be truly said that we have been in the
field. In marches and scouts unnum
bered ; on picket m summer and winter;
on guard and fatigue daily, and in two
battles terrible to behold. And yet our
friends in Nebraska seem to think that
our is a full Regiment yet, mighty and
brave, for never a recruit have they sent
us! What are left of the. Regiment are
certainly as brave as Death himself dare
be, but there are not enough to be. of
very great might in a regular pitched
battle.. But it seems we are to go into
another battle with the number we have,
we know not how soon. The time for
tattles in the West has come again. The
hours of mobility are at hand, and we
must bear a part in the great drama. As
the army in he Easrhave done, we must
retrograde and fight our battles oyer
again. Another winter in Missouri is
awaiting us, perhaps. The prospect is
striving to make George N. Sanders's
story true. He has told in England that
it would require a huLdred and fifty
thousand of our men to hold St- Louis
against the rebels. Holmes and Hind
man appear to be swooping down from
the sou hwest on Springfield, not deigning
to notice this "Army of the Southwest."
It has been thought that the Indian
troubles would recall this Regiment to
Nebraska ; but long ago we. gave up all
hopes of going back until our three years
expire. There is a rumor that the ISth
Missouri has been ordered to Omaha, but
it must be false. The most of this army
will move somewhere, and shortly, too.
Col. Livingston has gone on sick leave to
Chicago. Major Baumer is now in com
mand of the Regiment. Col. Thaver
commands the 2d Brigade of the 1st Di
vision of this army. It consists of the
1st Nebraska, 24lh Missouri Infantry,
6ih Missouri and 9th Illinois Cavalry
Regiment. Captain Allen Blacker is his
Acting Assistant Adjutent General.
Lieut. Berger's resignation was accepted
and he has gone to Ohio. Quite a num
ber of promotions have lately been made.
Some who formerly were Sergeants are
now Lieutenants, and some who. are
Sergeants now, will be Lieutenants ere
many months pass. G. II. T.
Helena, Ark., Oct. 1, 1862.
Jtfr. Editor: After a silence of more
than sixteen months, during which time
I have been in the service, I will address
you a few lines, which, if you think them
worthy may be published. I will slate
that the service has worn upon me sever
ely, but still I feel in good spirits. The
health of the regiment, it must be con
fessed, is bad, many more being upon the
sick list now than there was one year
ago, while the regiment was encamped
at Syracuse, Mo. It is not strange, how-
ever, when the circumstances of climate,
locality and the various hardships and
exposures through which our regiment
has passed, are taken into consideration.
I might relate many details cf exposures
and fatigues, but they would make a too
lengthy, letter suffice it to say that such
is the lot of the soldier in active service
and it becomes his duty to bear it with
manly fortitude.
. Company "C" has prospered as well,
perhaps, as any other"; but one, Robert
Hester, has died since coming into this
camp, and but one, A. P. Rolston, is now
considered dangerously ill. Of the regi
ment ten have died since coming here.
The Brownviile boys are generally'
well. Lieut. Berger has resigned. Serg't
T. H. Griffin has been admitted into the
shoulder strap fraternity. Serg't Polock
and Buckley are in good condition.
Charley Mc." is as fat and full of fun
as usual.
We are all anxious to know when this
now monstrous rebellion will be put down,
or will it be put down? Each asks the
other his opinion of the matter. At the
present rates, some anxiety has been ex
pressed about it. Has not so much time
elapsed tljat our army has lost as many
by sickness in camp and in hospital, as
by battle? Have not too many cf our
soldiers been used to protect rebel prop
erty, while rebels themselves are
their utmost exertions to cut our throats?
I wish that all our leading men were like
.Maj-Gen. Lewis Wallace, who said in
a speech made in an eastern city, that
"he hoped never again to be compelled to
march his soldiers through the enemies
country, full of the necessaries of life,
and he not be permitted to give them
such things as they actually needed for
their present comfort."
But the spell seems about to break.
The President has issued a Proclamation
to take effect the first of January. 1
would to God it could take effect to-day.
Why compel us to stay three months
longer ia idleness ? while the enemy,
with his full strength, is running riot;
through the land ? But it is good as it is.
Nothing has given me so much courage.,
and I know most of the soldiers feel the
same way. Indeed I have not heard a
word against it yet. The soldier will now
buckle on his armor with new energy,
feeling and knowing that with unitgd,
continuous and strong blows at the root,
the rebellion may be pJt down foreveri
and that liberty, pure and undefiled, may
be proclaimed throughout this heretofore
happy country.
R. N.
Crops In Nebraska.
When Moses stood on Mount Pi?gah
and viewed the land promised as an in
heritance to the chosen people of the
Lord, he beheld a country, we most sin
cerely believe, possessing no greater
advantages from a bountiful providence
than our own Nebraska. It is seldom,
if ever, that any portion of the earth
brings forth crops in more profuse abun
dance than Nebraska has done this season.
All the staples of Agriculture peculiar to
this latitude, where they have had a
chance to grow, are most excellent.
Fall wheat, which many have feared
woulcl not be a certain crop in this country,
has the nast harvest yielded one-third
better than Spring wheat. In fact it has
yielded better on the average, the past
five years than Spring. There were, it is
true some fields of both fall and spring
wheat that were scarcely worth cutting
on account of weeds. But this was in
most, perhaps, in every case, the fault of
the farmer and not of the land cr the
season. When we first bean to culti
vale the virgin soil, too many of our
farmers forgot the old adage that "one
year's seeding makes nine year's weed
ing." They found our prairie land free
from most cf the obnoxious weeds that
torment the agriculturist in the east, and
they flattered themselves it would always
remain so : that they could 5010 and reap,
without any labor of cultivation. They
are now suffering the consequence. Again
many fields were sown without plowing
a plan that some years has seemed to
do well enough ; but last spring the wet
weather caused tlis weeds to grow in late
sow'n fields faster than the wheat, until
the latter was almost smothered. Most
of the wheat this season is of remarkable
good quality, and there is a large surplus.
Corn now looks very fine, and is suf
ficiently advanced, so that no fears need
be entertained of its being injured by
early frosts.
There is a very large crop of potatoes
this season, notwithstanding the small
amount of ground planted. They 'are
also of most excellent quality.
There is more than a sufficient amount
of Sugar Cane to supply all demand for
A number of farmers, this year, turned
their attention to raising Tobabbo. One
of them informs us that he will realize
more money from one acre, at present prices,
than he could from a quarter section land
planted in corn. The yield of tobacco
this season has been remarkably good,
and prices very high.
Those who were sufficiently provident
to plant fruit trees and grapevines are
richly rewarded. Apple trees are gene
rally too small to bear much yet; but
peaches this season are sufficiently plenty
inmost parts of Nebraska" to be within
the reach of all.. , There are but compara-
tively few of our citizens who have plant-
ed grapevines, and consequently few do
mestic graphs. But wild grapes are found
this season, in great abundance. .
: There is no better country in the world
than this for garden vegetables. Sweet
potatoes and melons grow here nearly or
quite as large as they do near the tropics.
Water melons weighing thirty, forty and
even fifty pounds are quite frequent. It
is indeed probable that many things of a
semi-tropical nature, that Will not grow
in this latitude farther east can be culti
vated to advantage here.
Several experiments at'raising Cotton
have been successfully tried in Nemaha
county. Many who were at first inclined
to be skeptical now admit that it may be
come one of the staple articles. We were
shown last spring several pounds of Cot
ton yarn that was raised and spun by the
family of Archibald Handley. Dr Gwin
of this place is this season raising a small
pach cf Cotton to test the experment ; and
although it was planted .late after the
middle of May; yet, promises to yield
well, and to mature before frost come?.
The great drawback to farmers this
season is the want of a convenient mar
ket, for most of their crops. The only
article raised by farmers, thai will pay
him liberally for his labor is tobacco.
The price of grain nt St. Louis will pro
bably be no higher thanit was las: year.
It will, therefore, only be those who are
compelled to sell at any price, that will
have their grain shipped down the river.
Farmers who can send their corn and
flour to Colorado, if they happen to hit
the markets right will doubtless do well.
Washington, Oct. 11.
Intelligence received yesterday from
official quarters says the Sioux in Minne
sota have ceased hostilities, and are sur-
. rendering, and tpat the military authori
ties were punishing the most prominent
of the guilty parties.
Louisville, Oct. 10.
A Bardstown dispatch to Gcv. Robin
son says the rebels on Wednesday night
retreated towards Harrodsburg, but were
hemmed in by Kirby Smith's detachment
having become separated from other
rebel forces' on Dick river Thursday
morning. We occupied advantageous
situations on all sides of the enemy. Our
troops are in high spirits, and confident
of success. Our 1c
:s in killed
and woun
ded on Wednesday was 1500. The en
emy's loss is much larger. Reports of
a severe battle on Thursday morning
were brought by persons who left at 7
o'clock that morning when skirmishing
had commenced with some cannonading.
Others leaving the battle field at 3 p. m.,
says firing ceased at 8 o'clock injthc
mcrninjr, and the remainder of tho rebels
were then making their way towards
Harrodsbure, pursued by the federal ar
my. The 10th Ohio bst 252 killed and
wounded on Wednesday.
Washington, Oct. 11.
Gov. Evans, of Colorado, is here in
order to make arrangements for the pro
tection of that Territory from Indian
depredations, and for guarding the over
land route, by which supplies can reach
that Territory. Gon. Ifooker's wound is
healing very rapidly, but the surgeons
have ordered him to remain queit until
the tendons of his foot are thoroughly
freed from inflamation. It is not known
yet to what command he will be a.'-sijrned.
Cairo. Oct. 11.
The latest report from Corinth say our
loss reached 200 killed and 00O wounded
We have already hurried 2.000 rehels,
rnd have a thousand of their wounded.
The general character of the wounds
are severe, and inflicted mostly by grape
and canister.
The Mobilo Tribune says that place
will certainly be attacked by Farrajjut's
fleet as soon as he gets ready for action,
which maybe looked for any time. The
Grenada Appeal acknowledges the rebel
defeat at Corinth and Katchie, and says
that Price and Vanorn penetrated to the
center of the town, but that it was a part
of Rosecran's strategy. He got them
into the trap, and the result was they lost
one entire brigade.
The Galveston News report the yellow
fever has made its appearance in several
towns in Texas.
New York, Oct. 13.
The Tribune Harpers Ferry letter of
the 10th says: Notwithstanding the ap
parent inaction, I believe peremptory or
ders have been received for one of the
largest and most important movements of
th war. Preparations are rapidly pro
eressing. Within the next week or ten
days the country will doubtless be glad
dened with intelligence more grateful
than than the ancient record of "all quiet
m the army of the Potomac." General
Couch has p.ssumed command of the 2d
division of Sumner's corps. His late di
vision are now under Gen. Denver.
The Herald's Washington correspon
dent says governdent has come into pos
session of a letter from Beauregard to
Pfagg, containing a full criticism upon
rebel resources and prospects, with an
explanation of their programme. It
clearly indicates the rebel armies much
better than the federal authorities hith
erto believed.
By a special dispatch from the Times'
correspondent, we learu that Capt. Con
gor. made another reconnoisance to Al
die and Middleburg and ascertained that
a rebel force of 10,000 men were, en
camped within a mile of the latter place,
consisting of artillery, cavalry and infan
try. A movement in force of the enemy
toward Centreville is anticipated and
provided for. A Centreville correspon
dent says a reconnoisance by Lieutenant.
Koring, of Sigel's staff, shows the whole
north bank of the Rappahannock strong
ly picketted by rebels, and that citizens
are not allowed to cross without passes.
The 15th Virginia cavalry are two infan
try regiments are sta tioned at Culpepper,
and & strong picket al Falmouth., Kel
Iv's Fird is strongly picketed, and War
rentcn strongly protected by frequent
visits of rebel cavalry,
4 ' LouisvClle, Oct. 12.
: A Lebanon dispatch, which seems to
be authentic, says there was a great bat
tle yesterday much greater than Wed
nesday's. , We have no particulars fur-,
ther than a wagon train of 160 wagons
and a large number of prisoners were
captured by Woolford's federal Kentucky
cavalry. The rebels are said to be re
treating towards camp Dick Robinson.
Cheatham and Polk are reported killed.
Lexington is now enterely rid of rebel
forces. "-
Nashville is said to be surrounded by
rebels, who rre committing depredations.
The federals are on half rations. Pro
visions are quoted at fabulous prices.
The rebels are said to have captured forty
federalforairg wagons near Nashville
last week.
Chicaco, Oct. 13.
The Grenada Appeal of the Sth says,
'We have information which justifies the
most gloomy conclusions. There is' no
doubt we have been badly whipped at
Corinth and on the Hatchie, and we are
teaaful the worst is not yet heard. A
felegram to a Mobile paper says out of
Moore's brigade not over 450 men are
left. '
Philadelphia,' Oct. 14.
Last evening's Washington Starsays
man who arrived in that city from Con
rad's Ferry states that he was in Gen.
Stuart's presence a few minutes before
crossing the river. Stuart informed him,
in a sarcastic manner, that he had fooled
the whole party, but regretted that he
had not accomplished what he intended,
when he started, as he expected to reach
Frederick, Md., and destroy- the govern
ment storea at that point, and then des
troy the bridge, over the Monocacy, but
all things taken into consideration, he had
carried cut his programme with much
fcuccess. Stuart's men and horses looked
extremely exhausted, but the men were
in high .glee.
Chicago, Oct. 14.
Reports of the late fights at Corinth
and Hatchie continue to represent them
the most desperate of the war. A dis
patch from Cairo to-niyht says the coun
try has yet no just conception of the late
battles. They were " the bloodiest on
record -when we take into consideration
the number engaged. Our loss is esti
mated by some as high as 2009 killed and
wounded. The rebels, in their retreat
from Hatchie; threw away their arms by
w?.gon loads, cutting their horses and
mules loose from the wagons to get away
as fast as possible. There are now said
to be several thousand of them scattered
over West Tennessee. Several squads
of them were seen by steamers coming
up from Memphis.
Washixctox, Oct. 11.
Gen. Halle:k's opinion as to the pro
clamation is understood to be that in de
priving the rebels of the labor of three
and a half millions of slaves is necessary
to suppress the rebellion. A fighting
army with so large a producing army, it
becomes a military question of necessity
to deprive the rebels of slave labor. He
says he has hesitated since the rebellion
assumed its present formidable propor
t 023 of the question cf.what to do with
the freed men. He regards it as a problem-difficult
of solution, but one for the
civil authorities exclusively. He speaks
in this connection of the impossibility of
freeing all negroes in the' country, and
adds, that Gen. Butler gives three rations
and will soon give ten rations to negrses.
As for the orders of the President, he
says the soldier must obey them, unless
physically impossible.
Mr. Spaulding, late writer of leaders
for the New York World, has taken the
second place in the Times, only Raymond
is above him. The cause is his inability
to turn the World's summersault into
Seymour Democracy.
The statement of the New York Tri
bune, to the effect that MtClellan was
consulted b2fore the issuance of the pro
clamation by the President, is believed
here to be without foundation.
Louisville, Oct. 1-1.
The Memphis Bulletin says the late
federal victory at Corinth has quieted all
apprehensions of a rebel attack on Mem
phis, and it believes it will relieve all
western towns, and allow the federal
army to enter Mississippi and open that
whole region to commerce with Memphis.
Chicaco, Oct. 10.
The Nashville Union of the 9th brings
full particulars of the breaking up of the
rebel camp at Lavergne, 15 miles from
Nashville. It seems that on the nicrht -f
the 6ih a force consisting of one regi
ment of infantry, two of cavalry and one
battery, under Gen. Palmer, went out on
the Mi.rfreesboro read, while Col. Miller,
with 4 regimen's of infantry, took a di
rection to the left of the railroad. Palmer
arrive! at I avergne at half past 3 o clock
on Tuesday morning. The fight com
menced soon after. The enemy's force
consisted of 2 regiments cf infantry, 3
battalions of cavalry, with but one piece
of artillery, which was coon silenced, and
their magazine blown up by a shell from
one of our gun3. The enemy then at
tempted to flank the federals which was
prevented by the timely arrival of Col.
xMiller with his force. The fight lasted
some time, and resulted in the complete
rout, of the enemy, who abandoned every
thing. We captured 400 small arms, 1
cannon, 56 wagen loads ci flour, a large
quantity of bacon, and number of horses.
October 1G. But little is allowed to be
telegraphed in regard to army movements.
The Kentucky rebels have three routes
of retreat one through Somerrett, by
the road on which Zollicoffer invaded
Kentucky last winter ; one through Wil
liamsburg, and the third via Cumberland
Qap, which is not believed to have been
made wholly impassible. At this season
all these roads are in tolerable good con
dition, and, though rough, the rebels may
succeed in carrying off most' of their
trains in safety. Buell is still in active
pursuit. It is considered likely tha with
in ten days not nn armed rebel, unless
native guerrilla, will remain in Ken
tucky, The Richmond Dispatch asserts that
Captain John Brown, of the Ohio 20ih,
taken prisoner by the rt beta at the battle
of Shepherds;ovn, is a ion cf "Old John
Brown," and call for his trill for parti
cipation in the Harper's Ferrv instirrec-
lion, if there is any indictment in. exist
ence ajtinst him.
$4X V7AGS3 PAID $100.
To pll sooii for tko AD AM 3 Sewito Machixe
CoMPAxr. We will give a commission on all jruwl
soli by our Asenta, or piy wages from $11 to $100 jer
month, anl pay &'l necessary expeosei. Oar mactire i
perfect In i:s mecbaaisni. A child can learn to oper
ate it by Lair an hour's instruction ! It is equal to aoy
Family Seeing Machine in use, and we have reducid
the price to Fifteen Dollar.
Eich machine ii warrautel for tiree years.
- ' Address C. RCGGLE3,
v7-n7-ly Gen. Agent, Detroit, Mich.
; We publish the following advertise
ment for a cpiizen of San Deroin, for the
reason that he differs with us in politics,
and seemed to be suspicious that we were
therefore rather inclined to do him injus
tice :
To tht Cltizent of San Deroin : Gentlemen, I bare
nerer been a secessionist ; I hare enlistei in ths
com pany forming at this place for the protection of
the frontier. I hare sent three sons to the U. S.
army, one of whom was killed. I went to brin.5 him
home to be buried. Yet, wbi'e I was doins so, I was
called a secessionist by San Deroin Jajbawkcrs, be
cause I would not join their company for the par
po?e of stealing horse3. They threatened if I d'd
not join their company they would take all the pro
perty I bad. I further say that I had to swear in my
rote at Aspinwall, on the 14th day of October, be
cause I supported John F. Kinney, while men roted
fir Daily without swearing, who were no mere loyal
than myself. On or about the 15tb t'ay of Decem
ber Mr. Barnes came to my house and did influence
my son3 to go to the army, I think. fir the purpose
of erading a draft ; and on Jhe 10th day of Oct
ber Barnes an J others did agree to enlist in th j In
dian IUgimcnt fgr the purpose of fooling ns as they
did last Spring.
San Deroin has prod used nothing but gass. The
orator of Fan Deroin La3 neither sense o'kcou!
edge. I leave my family with you and tope you
will steal nothing from them.
Yours palifically (reserving
respectable gentlemen,)
The Co-rartnership heretofore exietinj tinker the
name ami yle of Lett, Strkkler & Co., i thU day la
sjlve'l by mutual c neiii.
The lUMtes of aid Arm will be fettled by B-own &
Stncltier, to whom ail debts doe the Ii.ue iiut be
paid. . EKXRY C LETT,
JIa Jnst rfceived a choice variety of the bet brands
of Liqn n. wbien l.e sell by tje barrel, sullon, quart,
or biu.'le tlrii;i. There is a
FiUed up, where the lovers of the came can &nv:se
tliemsei ves. Call and ee him at the bcteuieat story if
'Browuviile Iioue."
A enrions New Book of Female Characters in'Xe-jr
York, written by MRS. HANKINS, editress rf the
'Pictorial Family Newspaper.' I is tto ci t rii i )al
novelty out of press, and particularly interesting ti ail
cUsser of reOrs. It contain as rtrai.'S ni h&ctih
es cf LIVING characters, drawn by a vurjan ; ai.. us
wvmeu Poiiietiuies ee joints through diSerent eye
from u.-en, ihli volume is alike entertainitij; u
fex. rafcy bi'iihng. ZoO pnijcs, 50 engravings. Mailed
free for $1. Agents wa ted, For description of tt.xic
ai:d particulars of Agency enclose red stamp to liANK
1NZ is. CO. 102 Nassau st New York-
Which they offer this Fall,
o n,
trill commence tearing in a year or two, yet we
will t-ell tbeta at
52,50 PER DOZEX.
A Practical Caide to Health and Vigor.
JVith a translaHoi. of Prof. Klonx't Dumb Bell In
structor, and Prof, bchrtber's Panrjijmnasukor..
Proprietor of the Evex S'reet Oy7r.rijsi:iiP, 3oj b-n.
With Turee Hundred IUu-ttraHons. Oie t'ol. 1-sio.
PRICE $1 00
No recent Masazlne-raper ha excitel morecneral
interest thtn ilia article in the Aiunst Atlantic, on
The New iyin.ias:ic-.'' The pvese'H wjrtc in aom
p ete exu siibii or tho system of which that artule
gave a (ynop-,15.
Tlie author of this wo-k has been for many ye;irs en-CMKt-d
iu ta liifi Gyniitastics. Tlie Insok des'rile- and
iliuira e-i iiis New stem of P,:ysical T amm. T.n
T.!elll his bid toe pr.cij-;al lest of loiia and v:ir:ed
ue. It c mpriH exery es wisli Diim! Bells. Kirik'-.
U'amls, Clubs, etc., all of whicn are tnaie perfert I
clejr hy full explanations, wbi!? iniuy are itloMraif!
by pictorial or the poMtiou of the bt dy
reuirpl to perform ihetn.
The Dumb Bell Iii.-trucior, connect etl with thU w tk.
isottbe highest interest anil importance. It is d?
rined for ue. and give a reat variety of D iiab
llell Kxeicises toe'her with a cireru;iy-elected pco
gfesir series for every-djy p.-a -tice.
The P.iniyitinastiljoii is a very simple, nernl and
clieup-p.eo of gyipnastic appttatus, uni ail
5nu'.asiic exe'Ci-es may b8 performed, and wb;ih cjb
be intri-Iu.ed, sc small cost, icto -iny private b'ii-e.
It i :'mII do-cribeil and i 1 1 u ;t ra 1 3 l in lUt volume
The New Cy mnss'ics" for'd be red in eve y fam
ily in ihe land wbei e exercija i v uue i as a ia mim of
beitli . Ladies, especially will tlikd in it a erejti va
riety of Easy, Smipte arid Invig ratic Kxercise. ail ol
wbili may be pi ac i-ed if trie r own li.irne
JQ"Kor sale by all booksellers, r ren- pot! paid to
any adJi c, on of One D l lar, t y td pn'. i-Oier
TiCKNOK ft KlhLDi,
135 Waabmgton Stteet. Bton.
000.00O AGENTS,
From recent surveys, completed Auk. 19, 1S62; cost
$20 fciW to engrave it and one year' time.
Superior to any $10 man ever made by Co'.U.n cr
Mitchell, and sells at the low price of ihty cents; 370,
000 names are emrraved on this map.
It is n t on ly a County Man. but it is also a
of the United Sta'es and Cana las c.nibined in one, girins
and distance between.
Guarantee any woman or man $3 to $5 per day. an I
will take back all maps that cannot be told and refund
the money.
Send for $1 worth to try.
Prinfel Instructions how to canvass well be Xurnit-bed
ah our agent.
Wan'ed Wholesale Agents for onr Map In every
State, Calitornia. Canada. Knsland, France and Cuba
A fortune may be made witu a few hundred dollars
capital. No competition. J. T. LLOTD,
No. 1S4 Broadway. New York.
The War Department uses onr Map of Virginia. M ry
land, and Pennsylvania, cost $100 000, on which is
marked Midd.'etown. Maryind lleiubts, Wil linmsport
Ferry. WilSbruok Mills. Noland's Ford, and all others
on tLe Potomac, anl every oiher place in Maryland,
Yir;inia, and Pennsylvania, or money refunded.
From The Tribune, AuKust 2.
"Lloyd's M ip of Virginia Maryland, and Pennsylva
nia. This Map Is very Ur?e ; its c st is but 23 ce its,
and is the bett wXicfi can be purchased. a 13 i9-3i
For Sale at Bargains.
Two N. t Shuttle Enipir Sewinc Machines. :
One Franklin Family Sewing Machine.
Two Horace Waters' $15 Melodious.
Two Freeh's Conical Wahinjr Machines.
One No. 1 P. W. (it A. f'o s,i wm.
Apply at the Advertrser and T armor cat
ine. Nebraska. ' .
March Ifeb. 1354. r-3J tr
li t-'.rHm fv
FROM n Trr--
best Assorted Stock in ur n '
fr..m all secti-os of the XortW, "U j
EAST cUeapnesi ny i4
Merchants who bar, heretofore , '
Mirtets are especially invteiu1
this season, and are assured , ,ua '
deterntined t- mI1 Gds ii'k1
terms a the bet cU 0f Ego, M '
02DE&3 WILL RECXir? Paux,
and Price LM foroU
Oct. 4 '62. n!2-3m
1T2 I.IKE ST., ClllriJ
tjBe careful.
and hny only ik. j
June l-'h. 133
or Day iboi, caled toe Imt Sciiool 'to? 1
eady. Is cmaiii buut pgx-c,
Hounds. Catches, Duel, Trim, C i'
pwes, many .f theu wuren e;4 iu-t ?2 pes.f the K:eyii,ifl,, ,,1
ers will and tbeuielv entirely itcvT '
ii'K een y.uiitf clUri. t.. in i-trr;;!
cilly. bile the tune and wni Mav'l
ety of lively, attractive, and iii t, V' 5
s-?ntiiieiit Uia. n trouble will beet;- 1
cinz ail besinuers to bo on witii m, iB ,,. j
in one of ti e m be:tli-p:nt t,r.;j' '
QJHdrirs Jiel.nt,;, a:l onter pr.rfjj'
icuool life. In simplicity f it Ev j
iiid adaptation of muic. mul in nceiifw m
of its s nsi, ih:i:iai. eiectel. a ul
iy niuca to earei a'l cmie; iti.ri. it n j
e the bet book ever iued forsiM.-, j.;
md Public S .hojis. A ffcir fa&ple pua ';
nents, tones and sonsis are given iiarat'
aid et one. . It is conipied by IUm Mm.
f '-Sauaih Schjol Bells." S s. 1 t,tti
the ' eu..rraoiis ?aie of 655 o&o C"pn.
cor?r 20 cts., !3 per hnn.Ired; tcl 31 "m
j,er hundred ; cloth bonnd, (inWfl rMSrr.
ier hundred. 25 copies furni.bed
price, aiaiieo; rret at u,e rei4u prK
ill prkt. j
"HE PHI, j
THE Day School Br.n. T tn-iMu-. i
sucii - may be eai:y ii)ate?e( r cmM
of the m;3 is unexceptionable and well wn
school room. It is the cbeAet aul nine ;
Ttacker. I
Day mhool Bill Th'u book ifn.3jr?
Ut live in our commou school. t
We h ive t," eat number of fchool font I
the public, but many or them lack mu-iniatf'
r.iry taste, and are really detauraiivnf
ence upou the musical talent jf tLeyuuci. k
kuowie,:ed excellence, wedded tow.,rul?:i
are the tiuali'.ies 1b.1t on jbt to be iii)tat .:
en care in the pre p-trti:n ot a lvi '
b xk en ti combine tLe vialiiiw. i
vania School Journal. '
ytitiisi.eJ by ncRACi Tr:
Ii41-Jy No. 431 Br..j,:wj, t
2C0.C0O Apple Trees, 4 years old, $S per ac.
per thi '.isar.d.
75 Ot;0 t;-JJraPear Tre-s, 2 to Jjrjruii
tnndi ed, J230 per thousand;,
Co OOO l year old Diaua tirape Vines, i'l
$RO per thousand.
1 50 000 Standard Pear Grapes, $5 lr lac
per tbousanr.
These Pear fl ru ft. nt bein ro:fcT,ia''.T
ei cheaply, and by growing lo :' -!
sized trees t plant in an orchard. Aar
tticir money by jrrowins them to sell- Set"
siie and Iescripiive Catalogues.
n5I-3m Niagara Nurene, :
raiiiuiUDno iu ihj
westekk raft
Anrt ih rnhtic (roniral'T - T'1' ? 1
fiat hi- Mill t now in ex -elie'it 'un-i
im out from CO to "5 sjct per ijy. '
ni lArj in ?!. Tcrri! .rv
(Admitted both in C d .rado and NVb i-k"
!?. by any West of the Mis.-i-itT' "'ffl,' '
tr m I lie tCt if F.ill and Spnni! IJ', j
s low pr:ce us cm be i-b'aine in ifce"1-" !
His rl .or is kpt for sale at ail iw
ilie. Ha is pi epared to furnis'i rrf - '
7ens Fe" wiiii fl.tur ir-i fi ur'"
. . ... ran f
H i1e.1t, a'nl all-" wi n any anion u
and H'li kw het Ki-oir. at ihe bwet
(?n-t.. in ii iu I1112 d , ne at onr- 1 it lr
lledesire tct'l the aitoi.ti.tu ' ''
j'l .ant.iaps ,f tirownvil e a- -b-pP-!- v ,
West. Not m y can any amount t ".i-J'"L. t
oouined bre !hn at any ','1,r .1
Territory, bot tie Jle:c;M'i .rifri""4 j
sou a laige uppiy of tveiy vane'.v "' f'i, 1 1
J. G. UL-j
Anx 16 1SF2 ' r5-!f
lTasftiuff Mm
The most t-impte. durable, conveiiio11 j
article ever iuvented for ihe pori-- ltt'
Will d. the w-hini of a i r.Unr? ' t
breakrat, not only avifc tim J
Kv Ktririlv f.tllowinz the n'intel tJ"'' . 4
sinipTe and eisr, it will wa-h, ai-ne
or two dor en smalt articles, iu huil
ut s, or their eanivalent
Uy al! the ordinary methods rf r-K 1
siK-h as iaces. itc, the Kreate! ' i -5
with this machine the most 1.1 1 " r I
wa-hed withtutthe possibility of J 'nlJ yji "
Tiese resnlis are ppiied by n ' I
the si.ds while the macnineitn '
of Families, laundries, hotels, to"1-1" r
a Is. asylums, boardins-scboois, on "' t -and
In the army, who have those f
sent iu their ti-timoro ts wlct.t'I'" -'jlt,.;
cnums of the Pres are very minerou
I tave publirnpil in pam;tlet fo"a.
All Iak.f tiePub'ic is lr':,,5
this machine befo: e purtba-Mri!; of fjr)1
I Ila .t ! Krf,:..HVaT. COtDci
Turk. '
Price cnl7 Tea rol,.
Address lxx 2S33. N, Y. City t jTt.
N. B A liberal di-c oint to w I
wanted.. Send for a CircvUr
E. MOODT & &0Jf '
Wtolesole and P.iail Teal - r
Fmit and ' Ornamental -j
stocks ronjvfgj
' To tho rairacrs cf $sl: j
Thereat wood for timber. Cut"- . f
For live fence "S'i'1,''-
CuttinBs at 2,50 per 1 C00. lH.l(ber,
two uiiies from Brownviile. ' lei'f Vjj j
tie above, and prtieswbo w; a .
Farmer office. Jur srrK 1 V
yumaha Nursery.
A"S. 1. Ab?-Fd-