Nebraska advertiser. (Brownville, Nemaha County, N.T. [Neb.]) 1856-1882, October 11, 1862, Image 3

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    c,TCi.PAV.CT-"- ISM.
.w i r..
vf nit x-v i
... A6EKT, and Dealer In
l0Vt" - .v. ...
i..siH . . mrtA Turner.
tTr' 33S Bro.W, New Tor, .re
MSipufurt" AtvertUeru rarmtr.
I f OE CO..
j A(IHT6. an Peelers In Inks and
!,I' rf ,n kinds, Oae Tribune Buildin,
I'Vn's Iron Buildlmr. Philadelphia,
.--mrtaA in r!raftinr in
re tiow ,
L Court for Nemaha County ad-
Wednesday last. "
I r5Ptl8 passed up themer cn
'evening:, cathe. .te&mer
! GurriK, of Company C, Ne
f rsi t&s cea Promote Second
l5rgThere will be preaching
ft G. Whiti, to-morrow, at the
.-t Church at half past ten.
f TY-inrria Cnuniv in
:'.iZ'-"s vt . e j
DQt Have IDS IC tiuuiiuanuuii 4Wi
-Mature, and insiructed them not
fit the Legislative Assembly if
I tLerelf prevent a quorum from
lore-heads are rather suspicious
VjIasoD is not really supporting
Jioney. Mason's attachment to
'ilican party is undoubted, and
-p peechcs he is careful to say
;afcvor cf Kinney.
j. J. Pitehson, publisher of Tetcr
hazine, Ls published . prorpec
43J vobcie cf this' excellent
'si He premises four original
it novelets, of great interest, be
iV number of smaller ones.
i , it
'isals roa Hay aud Cokn. We
.Li Omaha Republican that Lieut,
flustering and Disbursiog effi
?ie 2d Nebraska Regiment, now
r-panize d, invites proposals for the
t of 600 ions of hay and 16.000
of corn, tt various points in the
r .
Clothisc Darid Seigel has
-eived his fall stock of Clothing,
commendation, from us would be
,.ms. V All our citizens know where
pod clothipg cheap. As soon as
le learn that Seigel's goods have
Vy will call on him for their win
rc'msc. Lieutenant Atkinson's
;.y for the new Cavalry Rt-giment
nearly full. . There are mnny who
Vlate joining, but still are halting
3 two opinions. Those who join
Vely, and are most actively en
a trying to fill up the Company,
.ad the best chance to get office.
j Company be the first offered.
' preferable to belonfjto Company
-my other Company in the Regi-i
-7 would volunteer if their was
Revision made for their families.
u!d rerommend that a committee
i ...
pointed consisting of persons in
? parts of the county , to solicit leans
;''.ioQs of money, provisions, cloth
to be distributed among the
J families of those who volunteer,
: an account be kept of, the amount
f furnished such families, and that
! can be returned to the committee
tidier when paid to be refunded
ioaner.- ..
latest . advices from, the Union
i of a most exciting character.
pal dispatch' from Jackson, Tenn..
pin reference to movements near
-i, say. Gen. Hurlbut and Ord, who
. toff Trice and Van Dorn's retreat
Hatchie, carae up with the eu
ind drove' them back, after seven
jUrl fighting, five miles toward
'a and captured two batteries and
;dred prisoners. Gen. Rosncrans
1 uese laci, iiuHie Juiiciy uijjcu
good work : a dispatch from him
Uiewalja today,.says the enemy
'oially rooted, throwing everything
We are following sharply. Hurl-
, Uve seen a statement of the ofG
I Q one of the principal coun ties
j-'.they were found in common use,
p'upg it one of the best practical
vl mem ncic w. an-
iie, of twentyfire Grain and
nrorA triA nrdiniirv
-c, ana nine ot various oiner
' T'aVe,
k ue result showed a remarkable
of accuracy fn those of Fairbanks'
-'.hile all the other's were coridem
j Sufficiently accurate for use.
HPonance of this fact will be'ap
; 'e(1 wuhout comment. We publish
t"Se " ''ope in which the public are
u;Uicago Tribune. '
From .I&e Spntfi Hard Tlghtlng
in rrogrcss.
From th LftTenwortn CoaervitlT, October 6t&.
We received a letter from Fort Scott
late last night, from which we take the
following extract:
Messengers hare come in to-day,
(Thursday,) who report that our forces
under Brig. Gen. Salomon, have had a
severe engagement, but report no inci
dents more than that that bur forces are
retreating towards Sarcoxie, and intend
to make a stand there ; and that the
Wisconsin 9th was severely cut up. One
regiment of our troops broke during the
engagement and ran' through one of the
other regiments, which so disconcerted
them that two or three companies were
nerely annihilated.
A dispatch came from Gen. Blunt this
evening, ordering Captain Insley to send
a messenger to the 11th Kansas, to hurry
them on, and to have enough wagons in
readiness to carry that regiment on to
the scene of action with all possible dis
patchthe messenger has just started,
and expects to meet the regiment between
this and Paola, (This news may be
contraband, but I know of co orders
against it.")
Because Daily failed to secure appro
priations for completing the capitol for
building a Penitentiary at Bellevue for
bridging the Platte River for opening
up military roads to reimburse the city
of Omaha for money expended in the
capitol building is no fault of his; he
labored for them as well and as faithfully
as any former delegate, and is entitled to
credit therefor. One thing he claims to
have accomplished, which affects, bene
ficially, every taxpayer in the Territory,
to-wit: the diversion of the Legislative
appropriation for 1862, to the piyment of
the direct 'Land Tax" upon the people
of this Territory. '
During all his Congressional career,
Daily cannot be charged with having pur
sued a sectional course. His record is in
couteable evidence to the contrary. Hail
ing from a section of the Territory en
tirely without the limits where sectional
interest control the action of the people,
his course .cannot be construed as having
been biased in favor of this or that local
ity. Daily has disregarded sestions and
labored for the general good. Kcbrat
kian. ......
The Territory is being flooded with
Circulars intended to mitlead the public
mind with regard to the coming election.
These circulars contain letters and docu
ments which have been manufactured for
tha occasion, and no reliance can be
placed in the statements found in them.
The imported candidate for Delegate
to Congress, is sparing no means to se
cure the votes of the people even con
decending to a sectional standard for the
votes in certain localities. We would
caution the people against all those slan
derous lies which are being circulated in
pharbphlets and otherwise, against the
Hon. Samuel G. Daily, by the "chria
uanV (?) Utah Judge. People's Press.
The Newark Mercury says that the
Union men of the Hid District of New
Jersey think of presmting Orestes A.
Brownson as their candidate for Congress.
We trust they may do it. Dr. Brownaon
is emphatically a strong man, and inde
pendent, vigorous thinker, and a most
earnest, unqualified champion of the pol
icy inaugurated in the .President's Pro
clamation of Freedom and of the most
vigorous and energetic measures to crush
out the Rebellion We really need such
men as Dr. Brownson in the next Con
gress, on which will be devolved the im
mense responsibility of settling a new
peace policy for our restored and regene
rated Republic; and we' believe he can
be elected if the loyal men of his dis
trict shall nominate and heartily support
him. jY. Y. Tribune. -
Benjamin F. Hallett is dead. He was
a Rhode Islander thirty-five years ago.
an anti-Masonic editor, and was trans
ferred to Boston in that capacity, and one
of the early Abolitionists of the rad cal
school. After a time he turned Demo
crat, and, being an able, "shrewd ' man.
became one of the small number who dis
pensed or rather. divided-the patron
age of tha Federal Government for 'he
New Er.gland States. He was the author
of the Democratic National Platform put
forth at Cincinnati in 1856. JV. Y. Tri
bune. Our Delegate in Congress has been
harrassed with a "contest" for the seat,
and n a manner prevented moving and
accomplishing as much as he might have
done. Let the voters of Nebraska see
to it that Mr. Daily's majority place the
matter beyond dispute. As Congress
would be compeled by positive law to re
fuse a seat to Kinney should he get the
votes, it is advisable, certainly for the
credit of Nebraska, to place the thing
beyond a contest, by casting our votes for
Samuel G. Daily. People's Press.
Emancipation. Among" the men who
are heartily in favor of the President
proclamation as a'military means of sup
pressing the rebellion, and 'of the most
vigorous measures for crushing treason
everywhere; are the Hon. Joseph Holt,
now acting here as Judge Advocate Gen
eral, and F. B. Cutting, of New York.
Mr. Holt goes so far as to style the bor
der State influence,' so called, the bane of
the republic Wash'. Cor. Y. Y. Tribune,
New Appointment. Rienzi Streeter.
F!n.. has been arDointed Clerk of the 2d
Tr.dlMjil District. Mr. S. is a' man of
business capacity, and will fill the placo
with credit to himself, and render satis
faction to all concerned. People's Press.
v-.v.i:3E3E3-03XT-;. .-
I MPAUTtl ahd dealek iw
castings, wrings, axles, fils
... a v n r. '
Also: Hubs, Spokes, and Bent Stuff.
miird Street, between ?elbc ind jsdmood., ;
VThirJi ue iseiif v o. M'u .' vu.
Highest Prife paid for Scrap Iron.
December 1,!65., Ily.. ...
TO FTT&:?jv-:-:
Passed at the ' Second Session of tin' Thirty
Seventh Congress. '
A! ACT making .appropriations, for the legiilatire,
' executive and judicial expenses of the Govern
. meat for the year ending thirtieth of June,' eigh
teen hundred aai lixtj-three, and additional ap
" propriatinns fur the year ending thirtieth of J une,
eighteen hundred and sixty-two :
- Territory of Colorado.
For salariei of governor, three jadgos and eecre
tary, aise thousand eeTea handred dollars.
:. for ceatingeai axpeaes of said Territory, one
thooaad dollars. , . . r - -
For compensation and mileage of the members of
the legislative atwtfmbly, offioers, clerh,' and oontia
gant eiponiaeof the assembly, tweatj thousand
dollars. ... . . . , ,. -t
Territory of Nerada. .
For salaries of governor, three judges, and secre
tary, uiae thousand seven hundred dollars.
For contingent, expenses of said Territory, one
thousand dollsirs. .
- For compensation and mileage of the members of
legislative assembly, oGcers and contingent expense
of the assembly, twenty thousand dollars. .
Territory of Dakotu.
For salaries of governor, three judges, and secre
tary, nine thousand seven hundred dollars. -
For contingent expenses of said Territory, . one
thousand dollars.
For compensation and mileage of the members of
the legislative assembly, otfioers, clerks and contin
gent expenses of the assembly, twenty thousand dol
lars. Judiciary.
For salaries of the Chief Jus.ic of the Supreme
Court and eight associate justices, fifty-four thou
sand five hundred dollars.
For salaries of the district judges, one hundred
and fifteen thousand seven hundred and fifty dollars.
lor salary of the circuit judjre of California, six
thousand 4oll-rs.
For salaries of the chief justice of the District of
Columbia, the associate judgos, and the judges of
tbe criminal court an! the orphans' court, fifteen
thousand seven hundred and fifty dollars.
Office of tbe Attorney General.
For salaries of the Attorney General, Assistant
Attorney Uenoral, and the clerks and messenger in
his office, twenty thousaud three hundred dollars.
Contingent expenses of the office of the Attorney
General, namely :
. For fuel, labor, fnrniture, stationey and misewUa
neous items, 'hreo thousand dollars.
For purchase of law and necessary books for tb)
office of the Attorney General, two hundred n
fifty dollars.
r or legal assistance and other necessary expendi
tures in the disposal of private land olainu La Cali
fornia, tea thousand dollars.
For special and other er-trordinAry ' "j-ansex of
California Und claims, twenty thcr.sanu doll rs.
For salary of the report er cf thic t?"ci:or.s of tfie
decisions ot the sSuprt me Cv-ort, one tK?nd three
hundred dollars.
For compensation of toe di-:ti:c'. r.Mo: --y, ;jh
teen thousand five hundred and ftj dollars.
For cou'pttusation ei th marshals, eleven thou
sand dollars. . .
For defraying the erpcrtiM tiie Suprece, cir
cuit and district courts cf the U-itetl States, includ
ing the District of C!r.atLii; aiso fr jcrors and
witnesses, ia aid of the ftinds r-;air from fin:s,
penaltlsrt, ai f-jr.'eiir.ros inc?d in tbe fivlyear
ending June t' 1.:' c" Uta Lunir?4 a,iu slrty
three, ar4 pre.'ious yez. : anl likewise for defray
ing the x;csesof saiu ia vhich tbe United States
are concerned, and of proKcutions for offences com
mitted rio: the United States, and for tbe safe
keeping of prisoner?, ond taliliibn dollars.
Independent Treiwury.
For salaries of tbe assistant treasurers' of the
Cnited Mates at New York, UoKton, Charleston, and
iSaiut Louis, aixtee'n tnousaud live hundred dollars.
I or sddiiivnal salaries of the treasurer of tbe mint
at Philadelp hia of oue thousaud dollars, am of- the
treasurer of the branch mint at Mew Orleans of five
hundred dollars, one thounand five hundred dollars.
Forsalariee of live additional clerks authorised by
the acts of sixth August, eighteen hundred and
forty -six, and paid under act of twelilh August,
eiJteeu hundred and forty-eight, third March,
eignteea huudrvdaud fty-&i, third March, eigh
teen bundrea aiid filty five, and twenty-seventh
July, eigh uea hundred and sixty -one, six thousand
For salary of additional clerks, messengers, and
watchman in the oCce of the assistant treasurer at
boston, fire thousand nine hundred dollars.
For salaries of clerks, messengers and watchmen
in tha othce of the ussistant treasurer at New York,
tenty-vne thousand one hundred dollars.
For additional amount for clerks, messenger, and
wak-nm n in office of assistant treasurer a t New
Yoik, ten th.msaad four, hundred dollars.
For salaries of clerks, mcsseni;ers and laborers in
the office of the assistant treasurer at rit. Louis,
tour thousand five hundred dollars.
For aiUaries of nine supervising and fifty local in
spectors, appointed under act of thirtieth August,
eiguteen hundred and fifty-two for the better pro
tection of tbe livoe of passengers, by steamboats.
wnn travelling and other expenses incurred by them
einty thouoaiid aollitrs.
r or contingent, expenses, under the act sixth Aug
ust, eighteen ; hundred and torty-SiX, for the safe-
kecpiiig, Culioction, trausler and disbursement xf the
public revenue, in addition to premium which has
been or may b teceived on transfer drafts : Provid
ed, That no part of said sum shall be expended for
clerical services, five thousand dollars.'
For compensation to the laborer in charge of the
water-closets in the Capitol, four hundred und thirty -
r or comifensation to the public 'Cardener. one
thousand four buudred and forty dollars.
t or ctmpunsation of a toreman and twenty-one
laborers employed in the public grounds, thirteen
thousand lour hundred dollars.
For compensation f the keeper of the western
gate Capitol square, eight huudred and seventy-six
For compensation of two day watchmen employed
in tne capitol square, one thousand two hundred
For compensation of two night watchman em
ployed at tbe President's liouso. one thousand two
uaudred dollars.
For cominsation of the d jorkoeper at the Prosi-
dent's Iluuse, six huudrtd ueiiars.
r.r compensation of the assistant doorkeeper at
the Presiuoul's liouxe, six hundred dollars. .
lor comnsatiou oi one night watchman for the
better protection of the buildings lying south of tbe
Capitoi, and used as publio stables and citrpenters'
saops, six bundrod dollars. . . . . .
lor compensation of watchmen employed on re-
servatidn number tffo, six hundred dollars.
lor oompen.auon of tour draw-keepers at the
Potomac oriuge, and fr fuel, oil, and lamps, three
in juvada two aundred and sixty-six dollars. ,
xorecmpensation of two draw-keepers at the two
bridges across the eastern branch of the Potomac,
and lor fuel, oil and lamps, oca thousand one hun
dred and eighty dollar. 1
t or salary and other necessary expenses of thd
Metropolitan police for the District of Columbia onu
aundred thousand dollars..
For furnace-keener at the President's House, six
hundred dollars. -
To enable the Commitioner of Publio Buildings
to employ a keeper of the three farnaoes under th
oid hall ef the iiouse of Kepresentatives, six hun
dred dollars. . '
For a deficiency for tha present fiscal year ftr
keeping eaid turnaccs nine monthj,foar hnndred dol
lara. Expenses of the Collection of Rerenaefrom Land).
; To meet the expensed of collecting the revenue
from the saie of public lands in the several
Sutes and Territories :
For salaries and commissions of registers of land
ofiioes and receivers or public moneys, (wo hundred
and filteen tnousand two hundred dollars.
For expenses of depositing publio moneys by re
ceivers of publio moneys, twenty -se "en thousand
five hundred and fifty dollars.
For incidental expenses of the several land offices,
forty thousand dollars.
Penitentiary. .' .
, For compensation of tbe warden, clerks, physiomn,
chapiain, assieunt keepers, guards and matron of
tbe District - of Columbia, sixteen thousand and
eighty dollars, i , ' . v-l. '. . i
For compensation of three Inspectors of said pe ni
tentiary, seven hundred aud Llij dollars ,
For tha support and maintenanceof aud peniten
tiary, thirteen thousand two hundred and Junely
three dollars and soventy-fiva oentr. ,
Sec. 2. And be it further enacVd, That the follow
ing sums be, and the saris are beoby appropriated,
out of any money in the Treasury not othorwiie tp
jropnated, fqr the sfrviaaof the fiscal yer ending
thirtieth of June, eighteen hundred and nixty-two,
vix: : V ! i t . J" ' '' ' '
For keeping la repair and partially finis hitg and
furnishing tbe Post Offic building, to be expended
under the direction of the Postmaster General,
twenty thousaud dollars. .
For paper apd printing blanks for the Executive
Departments, thirty thousand dollars.
For eomjensatitn. of the ffiers, clerks, messen
gers and others receiving an annual salary ja th
employ of thollouseof rtepreseatatives , three thou
sand soven hundred and sixty-seven' dollars and
taenty-four ceau.- ' - r .' '
. For compensation of clerks to committees, and
tempcrarf clerks in the office of the Clerk of tbe
House of Representatives, eight hundred aud twelve
dollars. . 1 1 , - ' . , .
For twenty-four copies of the Congressional Globa
and Appendtx for each member and dtK-gate ia tha
first regular swisioa . of the thirty-sevanih Congress
four thousand wta handred and ereaty-tight dol-
For folding doenmcsts, ten tboaiand dolltrs. "
' For furniture and repairs and bjxes for members,
seven thousand dollars. " i-
For newspajr?, aina thoasaa! threo hundred
iTlax?. . .
For HUtincry, eishtthoac?r I threa hundred and
seventy dollr.-j. . ;
For oontinjent axpesea of il o Senate..' namely :
For compensation o: three mcisengers appointed
under authority of a resolution of the becate, July
nineteenth, eighteen hnndred anl si xty-p:je, tbreo
thousand six hundred dollars. "
For binding, twenty thousand dollars.
' For lithographing and engraving, thirty thousand
dollars.. . . . ...... j .
Fcr stationery, twelve thousand dollars.:
' For reporting proceedings, three thousand dollars.
. For Congressional. (Tlobo and 'Appendix, at the
first session of the thirty-senth Congress, nix thou
sand one hundred and eighty-four dollars and twenty
cents."'' '
. For clerks to committees, pages, horses, and carry
alls, seven thousand dollars.
For miscellaneous items, thirty thousand dollars.
For Capitol police, ono thousand five hundred dol
lars. ; ,. . J
For compensation of the surveyor general of Illi
nois and Missouri, two thousand dollars. ;
For rent oft he surveyor general's office in New
Mexico, fuel, books, stationarp and oth er incidental
expenses, nine hundred and fourteen dwlars and
thirty-six cents.
For contingent expenses ef the c&co of the Fourth
Auditor, seven hundred dollars. :
For the payment of the salaries of two clerks in
the Attorney General's office, appointed under au
thority of act cf second August, eighteen, hundred
and sixty-one, one thousand four hundred dollars.
For compensation of additional clerks, messen
gers, and laborers in the offices of the S wrctary of
War, Adjutant General, Surgeon General, Quarter
master General, Paymaster Jneral, Caief Engi
neer, Chief of Ordnance and Commissary General,
appointed under authority of ait of January twenty
seventh, eighteen hundred and sixty-two, twety-six
thoa.iand four hunlr-l dollars. ' ; .
For compensation of two Assistant Secretaries of
War, appointed f r aot of January twenty-two,
eighteen huni-'c i rd sixty-tro, one year from the
date of their tpjiointment. six thousand dollars.
For compeaE-ion of additiooil clrks in the office
of the Secretary of the Navy, authorised by Mt of
January twenty-seven, eightsen hundred and sLxtj
two, two thoueend dollars.
For neceesr rj expenses "for supply cf &ater-pipes,
dydrants, hose, apjarata3 and employment of lire
men for the pret-'iticn of tho publio slores and hos
pit. Is in the city of Washington, the sum of ten
thousand dollars, or 3 much thereof as usy be
necessary for that parpo-ie, to be expended nndcr the
direction of t3 Secretary cf War: Providod, That
no more than one fireman shall be employed at each
stor 3 or hospital, and at". compensation not exceed-
V 111.. 1
in,'; ave nonuren dollars per annum.
To enable tho Commissioner of Publio Baildinsrs
b r5p'aje tlio thin rlass in tho roof f the Library
j Cohgraa with glass of a proper thickness, and to
e:!tiJRtc tbo liibary of Congress, mne hundred
dollar. .
For-pnttic' j the plates of the Exploring Expedi
tion ia order for preservation, tsd transporting them
and the other effects of tha expedition to Washing
ton, to be pnaei-ved in soine of the public buildings
or at htt L'mithsonian Institution, tvo thousand dol
doJUrs ; to to expended under the Joint Committee
on the Library of Congress ; and if any part of this
appropriation shall remain unexpended tor these pur
poses, the same may be applied, if necessary, to the
oorapletioa of volume twenty-turea of the works of
said Exploring Expedition, or to tho payment of any
arrears of rent, or claims for servico due on account
of aay or said woris.
- 7or completing thi work on the Patent Offico
Building, so far as to preserve the materials already
prftored, fifteen thou;cd dollars.
To pay the milcago and salaries of John Kline,
Joseph Segar and John M. Butler, while contesting
seats in tho House of Representatives, per resolu
tion of tho House of Representatives of March
fourth, eighteen hundred and sixty-two, nine thou
sand dollars; but only so inueh salary or mileng
chill be paid to either as he would have been enti
tled to up to the time of bis rejection, if he had been
duly elected.
Sec. 3. And le it further enacted. That the Presi
dent of the United States is hereby authorized to
expend during the fiscal year ending the thirtieth
of June, eighteen hnndred and sixty-three, so much
of tho appropriation of second of March, eighteen
hundred and sixty -one, as he may doem cxpediojt
and proper, not exceeding in the whole ten thousrfud
dollars, for compensation to the United States mar
shals, district attorneys, and other persons employed
in enforcing the laws for tbe suppression of the slave
trade, for any services they may rendor, and for
which , no allowance is otherwise provided for by
-Sec. A. And he it farther enacted, That, from
and after the first day of July next, s.nd until other'
wise ordered by the President, the Territories of
Utah and Colorado shall constitute one surveying
district; and the duties of surveyor vaeral in said
district shall be performed by the surveyor general
of Colorado ; and the surveyiag dist rict of Nevada
shall be united to that of California, the duties of
the surveyor general of the ftirmer shall be perform
ed by the surveyor general of California; and 'the
transfer of the effects and archives of the said offi
ces shall be made under the instruction of the Com
missioner of the General Land Office.
See. b. And be it further enacted, That the Post
master Genera! be, and he is hereby authorized and
ism powered to carry into effect the provisious here
tofore made by law for refitting and repairing in the
city of Philadelphia the building owned by the
United States, on Chestnut street, for the use of a
post office and the holding of tho United States
courts in said city ; Providod, nevertheless, That the
whole expenso -f said alterations and improvements
shsjl cot exceed in cost the unexpended balance
heretofore appropriated oy law lor mat puroso.
Sec. 8. And be it further enacted, That the Presi
dent shall appoint in the Department of the Interior,
by and with the advice and onsen t of tha Senate,
a competent person, who shall be called the Assistant
Secretary of the Interior, whoso salary shall be
three thousand dollars, payable in the fame jnanner
as the salary of the Secretary of (he Interior, who
shall perform such duties in the Department of the
Interior as shall be prescribed by the Secretary of
the Interior as shall be prescribed by the Secretary,
or may be required by law, aud woo shall act as tbe
Secretary of the interior in. the absence of that
Approved, March 14,1852.
Burr Stoite Mills,
State Fairs last year, and are justly considered
superior to all others. The mill may be driven by
Xoree, voter, or team povxr, doe its work as well as
the flat stone mills in milling eitablisbmente, and
requires but one-half the power to drive the largest
sisHg. They are very compact, perfectly simple, and
for farm use will last TBIRTi ; YEARS, and C08T
nothing for repairs.
PRICES-$100. $140, & $170.
Flou Bolt for smallest Hill 50 extra. .
Ha proved ifc-alf to lie the belt ever invented.
The fricticnis reduced by IRON li ALLS, so arranged
in all the bearings, that the whole vreight of the
ciistinjrs runs upon them. TUPEE WUNDS
DRAUGHT, at the end of a ton fset lever, will k4ep
the power in motion I thus perraittin the kstibk
strength of the horso to bo used on the machine to
be driven: Onk Hobss will do-as mnch work on
this power, as Two on the endless Chain Powor. IT
IS PORTABLE, and may bo usod in thb field as
well as in the house. More thsn TWENTY-FIVE
PER BENT of borse flesh is saved over any other
mow in i se. It is simple in construction, and not
liable to get out of oder.
. Price of power for 1 to 4 horsai $ 1 25
Price of power for 1 to 4 horse 1 175
Tbe $125 Power will drive any Threshing Machine.
Every Machine 1 guaranteed to give satisfaction, or
... tho money will ba rtif ended.
B.F. GairriN, Manhattan. Kan.'
Philadelphia, Fcnn.
- Gents. With two horses on your Anti-friction
Power, we drive your No. 1 ML'J, grinding 15 Bitsh
slb OF cobs pib HOCR, and cui a largo quantity of
hay at the same time. I have never seen a power
that runs with so little friction, and consequently
with so little strain upon tho horses.
Sapt. 13th A 15th St. Pan. R. R. Co.
Clcstkb,N. J.. Jan. iJ. 1812.
Messrs. Bknkft Ebothibs,' Gists. I am very
much pleased with the Power. , It rnns easier than
any other Power in this vicinity; and with the same
horses will do nearly, or quite twice as much work.
I run my Thresher at 1.500 revolutions per minute,
and a 21 inch Cross-cat Saw, at 1.200 revolutions.
Yours truly, PETER J. WHITE.'
l57"Liberal discount U dealers. Agents wanted.
State, County, and Shop Rights for sale.
For further information send stamp for Illustrated
Circulars tr v BENNET BROTHERS,
42 and 44 Groene-St New-Tork.
Aligns 0th, ISO I, d4-3bj -
1862. 1862.
Is receiving, and will continue to receive during tha
summer, one el
0 T
rait iihm
tj '
New Toik, Philadelplila ari St Louis.-
That has ever been exhibited In the Western Conn,
try, embracing al 1 tbe latest styles and novelties of tbe
times. Cis stock embrace
Dry Good,
r Groceries ?
' Hardware,
Queens ware.
- 1 Hats aud Caps,
ISoots and Shoes
Doors and Sssh, .
Glass and I'ntty,
pine Furniture,
Among his Pry Goods will bo found
Prints, Ginghams Lawns. Bareges
Brown and Bleached TZ :slins,
Demees. Striped Sheetinjj, Co
tonades Hosiery, Gloves,
The Latest Styles Heap
Skirts Notions,
&c.f &c.
He ha3 much tbo Largsgt Stock
of QUEENS WARE in tho Upper
Agent for th Hannibal ft St. Joseph Bail
xtaoa x'&cKet ijine or oteamooats.
May 22, 1862. viS-'tt.
Reap er and Hower
Chlong O, 111.
This celebrated machine Is by all adds tbe BEST
N twithstanding tbe niisrepreientations of those inter
ested in otber machines, C. H. McCormick h. Bro. man
ttfaetnae at tbe rate or 8,000 per year, Jf any changes
have teen affected during tbe past season, and for 1862
tbe "McCormick" is presented with greater attractions
than ever before. As a reaper,
Strength, Durability, and
Simplicity, '
give it preference over all others New improvements
added, have materially lessened the direct draught,
and so obviated the side draught that many assure ns
that it does not now exist. The drnght of the Reaper
is so light that in numerous instances the large four
horse machine is worked with but two horses.
The Machine of 1862 will stand any test that may be
applied. Our Guard and Patent Cleaner effectually
prevents choking, no matter what the condition of the
gras, while our new divider point separates baldly
lodged and tangled clover or grass, where otber ma
chines fail.
There is also a great advantage in onr serrated sickle
edge over the smooth, as It does not require sharpening
so often, thus saving time. Onr sickle will frequently
run through an entire harvest without once grinding,
while the smooth edge mcst be ground once each day,
if not oftner With a smoth edge the Iraught increases
as tbe knife becomes dull. Our draught is uniform,
and in the repeated trials during tbe season of 1860 61,
proved far lighter than single Mowers, cutting at tbe
same time from twelve to eighteen inches wider.
.Onr Mower can be used with or without the reel , this
is important, as without the reel it weighs but about
670 pounds. '
In addition to the very liberal warrantee given to
all purchasers, we would say as heretofore, that farmers
who tuay desire it, are at liberty to work oar machine
through the harvest with any other, and kaep and pay
for tho one preferred
Pamphlets with full description of improvements,
testimonials, &c., can be had by application to
THEO. HILL, Agent,
May 15, 1862. n6-U
Is now receiving and opening oat his Spring
Stock of Goods, consis ing of
Dry Goods,
Hate and Caps,
Boots and Shoes,
. Iron and Kails,
Flour and Bacon,
Qof ensware, . , , ,.
Sash and Doors,.
. Window Glass,
... etc., etc., etc.
Which I ' will sell cheap for
Call and examine my stock before purchasing
Brown ville, April 21, 1S62, &42-Cm
Ayers Ague Cure
C f
Ler-al Advertisements must, in all caces, be accompa
nies with the cash, or they will not be inse rtod. Thin
rnle will, hereafter, te strictly adhere! to.
Notica is hereby given that Lev i Johnson, Admin
istrator of the estate of Henry Hoover, deceased,
has applied to the Probata Court for an extension
of time to make final settlement of said estate.
Said applioation will be for hearing cn the 20 lb.
dsy of October, 1862, at 2 o'clock P. M
Witness my hand and oficial s?al this 2-lth'day of
September, 1S62, ' C. W. WHEELER.
nll-3w-$2,00 Probate Judge.'
Notice is hereby given that I have appointed
Monday, tha 20th day of October, A. 1). 18C2,
at 10 e'lock,A.:. for bearing the final settlement
of Will iam B. Philip, as Administrator of the es
tate of John Neyes, deceased.
v Witness my band and official seal, this 24th day
of September, 1S82. C. W. WHEELER,
nH-3w-$2,00 Probate Judge.
Notice 1 hereby given that Wednesday, the 17th day
of November, A. D., 1862. is tbe time set for hearing
and adjusting claims against the estate of W. C. Neal
deceased, late of the county ef Pwnee, Nebraska Ter
ntory. H. G. LOSE, Probate Judge,
Pawnee City, Aug. 27, 1882. nS-12w-,C0
Alfred Opelt, ) District Court Nemaha County
' ts .Nebraska Temtory.
Ilntrh Brownie, t
By virtue of an order of sale to ma directed in
the above entitled case,! will on Saturday, the bth
day of November, 1S62, between the hours of 10
o'clock a. m. and 4 o'clock p. m of said day, at the
door of Den's IIa.Il in Brownville, tha place where
the said court was last held, for said Nemaha county
otrer for sale and sell to the highest bidder, for cash
in hand, the following described real estate, to-wit:
north half and south west quarter of the nortbeas
qiartei of section number 24, in township number
4, north of range number Id, east or tbe otn prin
cipal meredian, in Nemaha county, Nebraska, ta
ken as the property of Hugh Brownlee to satisfy
said demand. J. W. OOL.fcJIA.a, Mienff.
Brownville, September 27. nll-5w-$5
Stephen F. Nuckolls, plaintiff", vs. The Nemaha Gal
ley Bank ? Stetson L. Swan, assignee of I T. White
Isaac T. White and William Iloblitzell, partners as I
T. White is. Company; Benjamin R. Pegram and Samu
el H. Riddle, partners as B. R. Pegram tt Company ;
Ramus! B. Rogers and Benjamin B. Barkalow, part
ders as Rogers and B.irkalow; William Hublitzell;
tVurdonH. Wilcox ; lisha B. Smith William H. Hoo
ver, Agent of the County of Nemaha, Nebraska, and the
County of Nemaha, Nebraska, defendants.
Each snd all of the above named defendants will take
notice that on the 17th day of September, a. d , 1862,
tbe said plaintiff Stephen 9. Nnckollsy tiled a petition
ia tbe District Court of Nemaha County, Nebraska, on
the Chancery side thereof, wherein they are made par
ties defendants. The object and prayer of said petition
ia to obtain a decree for tbe sale of the following des
cribed piece of land, lying in the city of Brownville, in
said county of Nemaha, to-wit :
The eastern portion of Lot number one, In Block
anmber one, as laid off and described in the Record Piatt
of said city, beginning at the North East corner of said
Lot, an running tbenca West twenty feet, thence
South seventy feet, thence East twenty feet, thence
North seventy feet, to tbe place of beginning, and tbe
building thereon situated ; and to apply the proceeds
of such sale to the payment of a iudgement obtained by
tbe said plaintiff againsi tbe said Nemaha Valley Bank
at the April term, a. d. 1S59, of this Court. Plaintiff
also soeks to debar and foreclose each and all of said
defendants ef all right, title or interest they may have
or claim in or to tbe said premises. Each ef said de
fendants Is required to answer under oath the allepa
tions ef said petition on or before the 3d day of Novem
ber, A. J862. E. W.THOMAS,
nl0-4w-$9,25 Attorneys for Plaintiff.
i - 1 i . . . ?
I : .
Have Just received, and are now opening, at their
stand on Main street, one of the largest stocks of
' )
ever offered in this market. Remember tbe place,
3To. 11, 2L3Ta,1zx street,
If ay 3D, ISM. n47-tf
We are now reeei vin? and opealnj a con plete assort'
raent of Merchandise, consisting
Prints, Muslins, ' -
Drills, Oscabnrg, :
Denims, Cottccadea,
Aproa Check, Hickory,
Jean, Berugei, Linen.
Dress Goods,
All Wool Delaine?,
Fancy and Plain Silk,
' Lawnesj aten Vtinf,
Broad Clo'-hs, -Cassimere.
Hooped Skirt,
&c, Sc., Sec.
Coffee, Tea, .
Soap, Molasses,
. Candles, B..C. Soda"
. . ' Saleratus, Viaegar
White and Brown Sugar, ' ;
Sack, Barrel and Dairy Salt,
Chewing and Smoking Tobacco
Axes, Hatches, .
t Butts, Screws,'
Locks, J-atches,
Nails, Tacks.
Knives and Forks,
Hand Saw and Mill Filai,
&.c.'. Sec, &c, &c, S-C. Iza.
Cups and baucers, - : '
Plates and Platters,
Dishes and Tumblers.
Coal Oill -Lamps,
- Lamp Chimneys,
Wicks, '&c.fc &c.
Women's Shoes. . , .
; Kip, Calf, Buff and Kid,
, Gaiten, Calf Shoes,
Oxford Ties, Misses Shof,
Slippers, Men's Calf,
Men's Brogans, Copper Toe,
Kip and Course Boots,
Panama, ; : f ; -, .
Straw, Wool, ,
Cassimere, '
. Plantation,
Shaker Hoods,
Of Farming Utensils:
Cradles, Rakes,.
Forks, Plows,
Scythes, Snaths,
." Shovels, Spades,
Hoes, &c, &c. 2ic.
Clear and 2nd rate
Pine Flooring, Siding, "
Boards 1, 1 1-2 and
. . 2 Inches Thick,
Sash, Doors and Blind.
Pine Lath, . x
All Sizes Sash. ' , ' '
' ; All Sizes Doors,
: ' r All Sizes Blinds,
We call the attention of the public to oer slock, as
our CASH TERMS enable a to sell low.
Thankful for past patronage, we solicit a centlnaanc
of the same. . . -
Brownville, July 3d, 1S2. nfli-tf.
A sore Cure for these distressing complaints Is now
made known in a 'Treatise ONPoaEien aud Na
tive Herbal Pepab ations," published by DB,
O. PHELPS BltOWN. The prescription, fur
nished by a young clairvoyant girl, while in a state of
tranco, has enred everybody a ho has taken It, never
h4'ing failed in a single case. It is equally sure ia
cams of Fits as of Dyspemsia; and the ingredients may
be found in any drag store. Tbote who are afflicted with
Consumption, Bronchitis or Asthma, may also be cureJ
by the use of my Herbal Preparations. I will send
this valuable prescription free to any 0r on receipt
of their name. Address, Da. O- PIILP3 .BROWN,
No. 19 Grand street, Jersey City, N. I. n7-m
D E N ' S
Sells the BEST ana CHEAPEST
Ii I Q U 'O R S .
In fact DEIT cells Everything that
. is usciui, uncap and Good.
Wilt send to applicants who enels stamps, their
New Catalogue of Small Fruits, including SOU Select
varieties of Strawberries. Also Catalogue of Bulbous
Flowers and Pssoniea. Fruit and Ornamental Tree,
Botes and Flowering Plants, Seeds, &c. . n!0-2w
XTiolesoie and Set ail DeaJeis in Fruit.
Fruit and. Ornamental Trees,
Patented Pebruaxy 14th, 1860 '
4. Incapacity to sew
every description of
i. Disagreeable noU
whiij ia operation.
Salesroom, '510 Broadway,
This Uacbine ia constructed on an entirely new
principle ol machinery, positing many rare and val
uable improvements, having been examined by the
most profound experts, and pronounced to be SIM
The following are the principal objections erred
1. Excessive fatigae to
tbe operator.
2. Liability to get out of
3. Expense, trouble and
loss of time in repairing.
The Empire Scwii Machine is Exempt
from all the sc objections.
jt has straight ned! pernendleelar act'on
makes the LOCK ot SFIUTTLE STICiT, which will
NEITI1EB RIP cor RAVEL, an i is alike on botb
sidea ; performs perfect tewing on every doecripiioo
of material, fromLeather to tha Snest 2ar.sook Mar
lia, with cotton, linen er s'lk threadrma the eos
sest to the finest number .
Having neither CAM nor COO WHEEL, and th
the least possible friction-, it rnns as raoothlj as
glass, and u -' .
Emphatically a Noiseless Machine!
It reqnirts twenty-five per cent. 1ps power te
drive it than any other ilachine in market. A girl
of twelve years of ae can work il steadily, without
fatigue or injury to health.
Its strength and WONDERFUL SIMPLICITY of
construction render italmot imposmble to get it oat
of order, ami is GUARANTEED by the eomjary te
give entire satisfaction.
We respectfully invite all those who may desire to
supply themselves with a superior article, to call and
examine thii UNRIVALLED MACHINE. ;
But in a more special manner dowe solicit the
patronage or
Drsss Makers
Cohset Makers,
Gaiter Fitters,
oboe Binders,
Merchant Tailors,
Coach Makers.
Hoop-Skirt Manufacturers,
Shirt and Bonnm Mferra
, t. ; u . u
' Vest and Pantaloon MaVar.
"Religions sni Charitable Iastitations will be
liberally dealt with.
Price of Machines, Complete:
No. Lor Family Machine, 45,Q!); No. 2 S-nall
sited Manufacturing, $50,00; No. 3 Large sited
Manufacturing, $75,00. . .
Cabinets ia Every Variety.
We want Agents tor all towss in the UniUd
States, where agencies are not already established,
to whom a liberal discount will be given, bat we
make no consignments. ; , .
T. J. LIcAIlTIITJH'ci Co.,
510 DroadtTay, Kew York.
Ayers Chony PectbraL