THE DAY SCHOOL BELL. THE PAT SCHOOL PELL.. A Kew 8in6tng Boo er Pay School, uiM tbe Pat School Bell, is now fady. It contains about 200 pages of choice Sons, So 'a. Roonds, Catches, "Puets, Tno, Qnartets and Cho roid, marry of ttem written sxprety for this work, ttftatiiM M tun? iif -ih KleumiU of njufic.' Tire T c- nuts are m eay nJ profrei-sive thai orJinary teach era will find themselves entirely soccessful in instruct (n .,ni ,.,. 1 r tn ki D2 COrrPCtl T aD(l SCtPtUlfl- cally, while the tunes and word embraces such vari ety of lively, attractive, ana soui-suring music ana sentiment that no trouble will -be experienced in indn- dot all beginners to go on with teal la acquiring skill tn one of lie most health-giving, beauty improving, tapiioes jielding, and order producing exercise of ' school life. In stmpllcity of iu . Elenients, in variety " and ad put ion of music, and in excellence and number of its songs, ricinat, selected, and -adapted, it claims sy much to excel all competitors. It will he found to .. . .. . . . Ft i I A o.!lml,a . te me oesi dook ever itueu ior oeuiii ii and Public Schools. A few sample pages of the ele ments, tunes and songs are gUen Id a circular; send . ... t, i. mmniiMi li Horace Waters, author f Sabath School Bells," K s. 1 and 2, which have bad tb enormous sale of 056 000 copies. Tricespaper uvis 20cts., $15 per hundred; bouud'SO cents-. 26 : uuudred; cloth lxund, eniboeed gilt 40 cents: $30 per hundred. 25 copies furnished at the one hundred . price. Mailed free at toe rei an price. NUT1C12 OF Til 15 I'JIESS. Tut Day School Bell. The tunes are lively, and ' such as may be easily mastered by children. The spirt of the souks Is unexceiioiMUle sad well adapted to the schoolroom. It is the cheapest ani anions: the best compends of school music published. New i o T tocher. ' ' Pat school Bell This book h eminently asapte to ut-e in our common schools. t . , - We have a great number of school song books before 'tbe public, but mnyf them lack musical as well sm lite rary lasie, and are really demoralizing tn tkehr lnflu ' euce o?en tbe musical talent of the young. Airs or ac know teemed excellence redded to words of true poetry, are the qualities that outfit to be sought with the great est care in the pre paraiiou or a school sung book. Tlris book seems to combine these two qualities. Pcnmtyl venia School Journal. Published by nORACK WATERS, . n4t-ly Ko. tSl Broadway, Kew York. THE HAKP OF FREEDOM. Kow ready, a new and superior collection tf 27 Anti-Slavery, Patriotic, and "Contraband" songs," aoloa, duets, quartets, and choruses. Most of the 1'oetrj and ilivsichas been written expressly for this -work, to correspond with the times, and should be sung by the million, in order to awaken a deep interest in behalf of the ' Contrabands," wbom God, in Lis providence, Las cast upon the Free Kurth to clothe and educate. CONTEXTS, I PART. . t . "Fair Freedom's Mora has - dawned at last:" "Break the Chains, or the Emancipating Sword ;" Fremont is Marching on, or, Glory Hallelujah ;". Oh I Help the Contrabands';" "Old John Frown's Song;" "Song of the Contrabands';" 0 Let my People Go ;" Parody on the Song of the Contra bands';" "Where Liberty Dwells is my coontry f When Slavery dies thcrell be Freedom;" "Wake, Freemen. God "has spoken;" Whittier suppressed Song of Freedom' etc. Price only 5 cents single, 50 cents per dozen, $3 per 100 ; postage I cent 1I0IO.CE "WATERS, Publisher. . n4l-ly 481 Broadway, New York.. SABBATH SCHOOL BELL NO. 2. 75,000 Copies Sold the First 12 Months of its Publication. It is an entire New Work, or nearly 200 pages. Many of the Tunes jnd Ilvmus were written ex pressly for this volume. It will soon be as popular : . - KnJAHABBA. 1 ' M Va I whinh tioa run n.-k tn M Its pi , uii J " uivu t -A the enormous number of 575,000 copies in 36 inonih&v, outstripping any Sunday iicltttoi Uook ol its sue is- sited in this country.' , Also, both volume are bo and iuono to acceaimodate schools wLhing thein Iu that form. Prices of Bell No. 2, paper covers, 15 cents, $12 per 100. : Bound, 25 cent, f 18 per 100. Cloth bound einbofsed gilt, 30 oonts,$52 per 100. Bell No. 1, paper covers, 12 cents, $10 per 100. Bound 20 ents,$l8 per 100. Cloth bound embossed gilt, 25 rents, T20 per 100. Bells ?u3. 1 and 2 bound to gether 40 cents, 1 30 per hundred. 25 copies fdr xtished at the 100 price. : Cloth bound embossed gilt, 50 cents, (40 per 100. Mail postage free at tin retail price. II0KACE WATERS, Publisher, ' n41-1y - Ko.481 Broadway, New York. NEW MUSIC. "Shall we Know Each Other There?" Song or Duet and Chorus, by Rev. Mr. Lowry; author of 'Sabbath Bells Chime -o." This song is good. Price 25 cents, mailed free. A pianist in attend ance to try new mosic HORACE WATERS, nil ly Ko. 4S1 Broadway, Publisher. 'the uora ceVateiis piaxos and , jxelodians, And Alexandre Organs, and T. GILBERT A Co.s celebrated .Eclian Pianos, are the finest Instrument, for parlors and churches Dowin use. A large assort ment can be been at 'the Dew warerooms, o. 4SI BROADWAY, betweea Grand and Broome streetss which will be sold at eilremcly low prices. Pianos and Melodeons, from sundry makers, new and second hand. Second band Pianos and Melodeons at great bargains; prices from $25 to $100. Sheet .Music, Music-Books, and all kinds if Music Merchandise, - at war prices. A pianist in attendance will try new music. OPIKIOKS OF THIS TRESS, ' The Iloraoc Waters Pianos are known as among the Terr best. We are enabled to- rpeak of these instruments with some degree of confidence, from personal knowledge of their excellent tone and du jabla quality." New York Ecany:ligt. a41-ly EAGLE W0EKS HAHUFTJCTURIHG COHPAIIY, CHICAGO, ILLINOIS. . .. 4: .ate i i v-f m ; .1,1;;: ' ''' " I' A GATES' PORTABLE ENGINES, No. 1 6 Horse Power, weighs 3 f CO lbs. No. S 7 ' " 4 200 ' No. 10 " 6.000 " Price 60T 6 0 "70 No. 412 Hoi S3 Power, weighs T 300 Ib. Xo. 613 " - 8 5(0 No. 613 " " 10,000 " Price $953 " 1,100 " 1,300 3 COMLIERCIAL NURSERY E. H. BURCHES, PROPRIETOR. 1 have lone aince been coivincedof tkt want of a first daw N artery in the Wet, where TREES, SHRUBS, FLOWERS, 3cc. Can be adapted toourctimate and soli. In view of tbeee facia, I have established in this place, and offer ior Mle at Wholesale or Retail, A large and well selected stock, suited to this climate, of Apples, standard and dwarf) Pears, standard and d wart Cherries, standard and d wart: .. . Peaches, Plums-, Apr loo t, nectarines, Quince, Goosberrie: -- Currents, Grapes, Kaspberrie, Strawberries,- JRUckberrtea, . . Xvemeens. ; Shrubs, ftoses, ahJlas, Qrnamental Trees. . . - Greenhouse and Bedding Plants, etc,, etc. . To which I would beg leave to call the attention of the people of Nebraska, Kansas, Colorado, Iowa and North west at lasourl. ......... 53Jt terms will be as low as anjr rtlible eastern Xiiiraerv. fiy purchasint; of me the expense of transportation from the east can be saved. All trees and plant are carefully labeled and packed lu the beat manner, for which a charge of the actual cost will be made. No charge will be made for the delivery of packages on board steankboats. All communications addressed to the undersigned will receive prompt attention. March, 1862. . K. H. BCRCDE3. FRENCH'S CONICAL TZasMng machines. The most simple, durable, convenient and economical article ever Invented for the purpose. Will do the waiting of ho ordinary family before fereaaiast, not only savibk time, but clothe. By strictly f olio win tbe printed directions, which art simple and evy, it will wash, at one time, six shirts. v.r two doxea small articles, rn about tit or term min- Wcs, or tbelr equivalent. By all the ordinary methods of cleaning fine fabrics, anon as laces, itc., the greatest care is required, while with this machine the nuxst delicate article vau be washed wilboat the possibility of dauiaee. These revult are produced by the constant reaction the sod while the machine Is In motion, of Families, laundries, hotels, boarding-houses, bore It . alt, atnrlums, boarding-schools, on sLins and steamers, ' and in tbe army, who have these machine in ow, have eentin tbeir tfiti moots t voluntarlally, and the enco miums of the Pres are very uumerous,.some of m hicb i Davepaoironed in pampbiet form. All I ask of the Fnblio U a careful examination of this machiue before purchasing: of others. General Ifepot 1 BroMdway, corner Canal.St Km iora. Price only Ten Dollars. N. B. A liberal discount to the TVetfe. Agent, venxea. oenaor tirnuar. Address box S34, N. T. City P. O. PH1UP FRKKCn, Proprietor. 30 VARIETIES STRAWBERRIES. AmoDjj wkieb axe Wilson's Albany, $1 per 100 or d6 per 1000 r Jeoy Lind, $1,50 per 100 ; Triomphe de'Gand, $2 per 100 ; Boston Tine, Jloveys Seedling, Hookers, Ulack lince, May Qaeea and 2 other V ft A jtinas at i per im. . Hants of Kainiolph Hm Sprinlj of 1863 at 2 Iko&iUi.' if ema'ha nxtrse6v. IStrtlo Soenec. 10U ol the most severe ou a iocidenU of the War, bow ready, size 18x3 inches, highly colored, on fine heavy paper. Sent post-paid, 20 for$l,00, oris per 100:, .To. agents and thttrais) BO better opportunity was ever offered. Address UEXRV U. A SO.X, rint Publisher, c, 49 Stat Street, JiystoQ,Masi, .. 0 U 0 u 0 ft 4 a & ft 0 i CO cf d o a o c in o ,o o t3 Urn -a o p 2 To Z .2 CJ o to CO "a 3 CO o a 3 o T3 a N a OS a 3 a a. o I a ! a o o o s o CP CJ so a o 'S tc o o o CO . "o rt O. d u to s o o CO tn o C CO 3 C-i - to he - c o . o a CO a O 5 s cS o o o -a S .S'oo W 3 O. CO O O S x rfj CO rH O CO o 3 bo a cS a o J fea3 li 1 - ' ll 1 If g; 11 i-f I J LI S Tli u ' -e a ' ill r'f '1 IF-Is nr-r-lHiiii f li8 - s a "-l'1"---"- '-- - ill 2 2 2 i J 1- ' J'f n - f f .mmiiii 1 t'J. i i' ,r I " ;o 4;IU If .r-i. - ,. i .1 L ul:.vl' M .& f;"l.",;'. "''!. Ill I; ., : .'.;') P. W. GATES' PATENT STJGAB. OANE MILLS. ex. i; 1 1 1 5 ww ; in 3.i i..STJ Ko. 1 is an upright three-roll er mill for one burse, weiahs 650 pounds, ana capable of ex oressplng 30 to 60 gallons juice per hour. . Price $40. ... No. -I is an iipriglit tbree-roiier mill. f0r one or two horbes, weighs 800 jmunds, and caiaoie or esprewing oo to 70 gallons juice per nour. jrice soo. No. 3 is nu upright three-roller mill, for two horses, weighs about 1,000 pounds, and capable of expressing 70 to 100 gallons juice per nour. rrice $oo. No. 4 is sn upright three-roller mill, fo: two or tour norses , weigns 1,400 pounds, and is capable of expressing from 100 to 150 gal lons juice per noun rrice s. No. 6 is a four-horse-power mill, aprieht rollers, tor steam or water poirer. capable of expressing 60 to 70 gallons juice per hour. nice ,ou. No. 6 Is a six-horse three-roller horiion ial mill, back geared for horse or steam pow er, weighs 1,200 pounds, and capable of ex- lii crctus nuui iu to iyv gallons 01 juice per uour jrnce 10. L No. 7 is an eight-horse three-roller aori- znntal mill, back geared for horse or steam power, -weighs 2,000 pounds, and will ex- press rrom 100 to 250 gallons per hour. "a mee 5tao. .-- . .-' Xo. 8 is a' sixteen horse three-roller hori l-zontal mill, back geared for steam or water :-J power, weifrns 6.30O pounds, and MnriMM r-s-S ,rom 300 to 600 gallons of juice per hour. StS Price A300. f. DO YOU -TTAJST TO PURE DRUGS A Jf D MEDIC IH ES? IF SO, GO TO THB CITY DRUG STORE, P. O. BUILDINGS, AND JOHN Hi MAUN, Will sell whatever you desire. It la a You may rest assured H e -CUCAiO Price $300. P. W. GATES, President, CHICAGO, ILLINOIS. Is Agent for P. W. Ga,Tt 52" Orders leit with, "VCT . XJ EL TT s , ' Portable Engine, Evaporators and Sugar illlls. - FISHER &. HACKER, BROWNVILLE, NEBRASKA. ISO MILLS SOLD O.V CREDIT! From bis long expeiience lu the business, he is CONFIDENT he will give satisfaction to all why may call at his ESTABLISHMENT. He has now on hand, and U constantly receiving a large supply of all articles uauall kept in a DRUG STORE. JOHN II. MAUtf. Brownville, May8lh, 1862. vS-n44-tf CLOTHE YOURSELVES. CHEAPEST CLOTHING Ever offered in this Market. KO DOUBT ABOUT IT ! CALL AND SEE FOR YOURSELVS AT THE Batimore Cotliing Store, BROWNVILLE, IT, T. DAVID ftfilGEL, Announce) to the public that be has opened out a stock or READY-MADE CLOTHING, BOOTS AND SHOES, HATS AND CAPS, CARPET SACKS, GENTLEMEN'S UN- DERWEAR, &c.,&c.,&c. Unprecedented In quantity, Quality and prices. He is determined bis prices shall correspond with the times, and therefore offer here in the West, at just as low rates as euch goods can be purchased anywhere in tne unuea states. As a sample 01 his prices ne will mention that he sells Coats from $1,25 up to $15, Pants from $1 to $7, Vests from $1 to $5. Boots, Shoes, Rats, Caps, Fancy and White Shirts, Sus ders, Neckties, Socks, Handkerchiefs, &c.. In the same proportion. Tbe proprietor embrace this opportunity of returning thanks for past patronage, and promise to spare no ef forts in the future to give entire satutaclum. PBiaD 'M7S PATENT I V" J" ' ! :' Agricultural Cauldron and Steamer. FOR SALE 221 and 223 South Water Street, Chicago, 111. Prices, Wood $35, Coal $38, staple sizes other sizes ia proportion, with freight added from factory in New York to Chicago. Theadvantages cf cooked over raw food is admit ted by ali. The old way of boiling in kettles is both slow and expensive, so much so taht but few men do it. Something more practical must be had. Steam seemes to be the only alternative. The Paten teo has retaind all the advantages of the Portable Cal dron for boiling, and devised means of generating steam sufiuient for ali purposes. It is simple aad practical, aud proves PERFECT SUCCESS. W. II. AUSTIJV. Sola aent for 111 in bis and North-West, 221 4 223 S. Water St., Chicago. Where will also be found Downs & Co's Deep Well Pumps, Force Cisterns, Chain and Common Well Pumps, Thimble Skeins and Sad Irons, as well as every variety of Farming Tools, Cast Irou Cfrn Shellers, Feed Mills, Hay and Platform Scales. Stoves, As. The nbove will be sold on account of the manufacturers, at their respe ctive faotory prices adding freight to this place. January 1862. tf GREAT IMPROVEMENTS IN EWIM1AMINE. EMPIRE SHUTTLE MACHINE. Patented February 14th, 1860 4. Jncapacuy to sew every description of material. 5. Disagreeable noise while ia operation. Salesroom, 510 Broadway, NEW YORK. This Machine is constructed on an entirely new principle of machinery, possing many rare and val uable improvements, having been examined by the most profound experts, and pronounced to be SIM PLICITY and PERFECTION COMBINED. , The following are the principal objections urged against sewing Machines 1. Excessive latigae to the operator. 2. Liability to get out of order. 3. Expense, trouble and loss of time ia repairing. The Empire Sewing Machine is Exempt from all thee objections. it has a etrnigtt needle perpendicular action makes the LOCK or SHUTTLE STICII, which will NEITHER RIP nor RAVEL, and is alike on both sides ; performs perfect sewing on every description of a terial,fromLeather to the finest Nansook Mur liu, awith cotton, linen or silk threadrom the co sest to the finast cumber. Having neither CAM nor COO WIIEEL,and the the least possible friction, it run3 as smoothly as glass, ana is Emphatically a Noiseless Machine! It requires twenty-five per cent. less power to drive it than any other Machine in market. A girl of twelve years of a,;e can work it steadily, without fatigue or injury to health. Its strensth and WONDERFUL SIMPLICITY of construction render italmots impossible to get it out of order, and is GUARANTEED by the company to eive entire satisfaction We respectfully invite all those who may desire to snpply themselves with a superior article, to call and examine this UNRIVALLED MACHINE. But in a more special manner do we solicit the patronage of TO THE PEOPLE OF In thfl month of December, 1S53. the undersigned for the first time offered for sale to Ibe pnblic EK. J . B VEB DODS' IMPERIAL WIJS'E BITTERS, andiatfcir short period they have given such universal satisfac tion to the many thousands of persons who have triad them that it is now an established article. The amount of bodiiyand mental misery arising simply from a ne glect of small complaints is surprising, and ifc is there, fore of the utmost importance that a strict attention to the least and most triflingc bodily ailments should b had; for disease of the body must invariably affect the mind. Tbe snbserirers now only at a trial of DU. J. BOVEE DODS'S Imperial Wine Bitters from all who have not used them. We challenge the world to produce their equal. These Bitters Tor the cure of Weafc Stomachs. Gen eral Debility, and for Purifying aud Enriching tbe Blood, are absolutely unsurpassed by any other reme dy on earth. To be assured of this, it is omy neces essary to make the trial. T'ue wine is of a very supe rior quality being about one-third strongor than oth er wines, warming and invigorating tue whole system from the head to the feet. As these bitters are tonic and alterative in their character, so they strengthen nrl invicrnraf A tlm whAl a KVKt enl and Itive A tine ti ll 6 and healthy action v.o all its parts, by equalizing tbe circulation, removing tbe obstructions and producing a ceneral warmth. Thev are excellent for diseases khd n.-efcnp tiATniiar tn Females, where a Umic is requii ed to strengthen and brace the system. No lady who laeitmla ami f nintnrm. should b wiUluUt them as tliey are revivifying in their action. TIIESF BITTERS Will not onlv Cure bat rrevent ISisease. aud in this respect are doubly valuable to tbe person who may uSo them lor INSIP1ENT CONSUMPTION weak Lungs, Indigestion, Dyspepsia, diseaaec of tie TCArvona Kvstf-m. Parllvsis. Piles, and for all cases requiring a Tonic. DR. DODD'S Celebrated Wine Hitters Am TTnsurTJassed. ' For Bore Throat so cwiouiuu aiuuiij me Cieigy tXy are truTv invaluable- For the nged andinflrm, and for persons of weak constitutions For ministers of the gospt-I, lawyer and all public spuekers for book-teepers tailors geamatresses. artists, ard all persons le;- riii.e a sedentary life, they wiU prove benedcial. Asa beverage; they are wholesome, innocent, and dolicious to the taste. They produce ail theexhierat ing effectsof bramlyor wine, without intoxicating; and re ai valuable remedy for persun3 adicted to the use jf exessive strong drink, aud who wish to refrain from it. Thev aie pore and entirely tree from tbe poisons cou- eained in the adulterated wines aad braudies with which the country is floodfd. These bitters nolo nly CURE but prevent disease, and hnnid be used bv all who live in a country where the water is bad, or where chills and fever are prevalent. Being entirely innocent and harmless they may be -ii. en freely to children and infants with impunity, Physicians and Clergymen, acd temperance advocates as an act of humanity, should assist in spreading these valuable bitters over the land, and tfcrehy esaeutUlly banish drunkenness and disease. In all affections oftlie Ilcad.Sicli. Ileadaclie, or IV ervaousIJcad acfrc, Ur, Dod's Imperial Wine Hitters Will be round to be mojit Salntarn and! Efficacious. c- . ... UTX SECE3ST7 4 Ii0!. Airicricun Ceaem THE STRONG EST Glrr 1 THE CHBAPEST V, tv TH Wfv I THS.M03T fclRABLE VrV1! AMERICAN CEMEt r, s tae only artie'e of tbe kiad 1 U WILL WITBSTAHDV; vour bjke0 F- Drsss Srakcrs Corset Makers, Gaiter Fitters, Shoe Binders, Merchant Tailors, Coach Makers, Hoop-Skirt Manufacturers, Shirt and Bosom Makers, Vest and Pantaloon Makers. J5?Iweligiou3 8nd Charitable Institutions will be liberally dealt with. Price of Machines, Complete: Xo. I, or Family Machine, $45.00 : No. 2 Small sized Manufacturing, $60,00 : No. 3 Largo sized Manufacturing, $75,00.', Cabinets inEvery Variety We want Agents ior all towns in the United States, where agencies are not already established, to whom a liberal discount will be given, but we mate no consignments. j T. J. Mc ARTHUR & Co., 510 Broadway, lcv York. The Economy of Using T II - :- Call an d 000 Tiiyn. DAVID SEIGEL. Brownville, June 13, lS8X.-ly Hats, Boots and Shoes. I have just received a Kew Supply of ITats, Boots and Shoes, wnich I will tell cheaper than they were ever entered here before. Call and see me. DAVID SIEGEL. Brownville, April 10, 1862 n40-tf. FRANKLIN Family Sewing Machine. These machine malte the celebrate GROVm BAKER STITCH, which has taken the highest premi um at the Illinois Slate Fair, in SeDtember last, at lh United States Fair in St. Lonis, in I860, aud at the principle State Fairs throughout the country. competent Judged cave a decision in favor of thi stitch, on account of its great strength and adaptation to an una 01 laajily ami manufacturing purposes. The following Table will show the difference in favor of Sewing Machines over tbeold method of stitching by hand. In the working of these Machines there is not only a great saving of labor and time, besides adding ireatly to the bealtt fulness of tbeemploymen , bnttbe aiiicn ia mucb stronger, more elastic, and les liable to rip or ravel than the stitch made with shuttles and bobbins. Time consumed in making up Ladies' Garments. Silk Dress, Muslin Shirt, Merino Dress, Chemise, Calico Dress, Moreen Skirt, Night Dress, Drawers, Silk Apron, -. Plain Apron, Time conjumed inrnakiur up Geutlemen'n Garments 6eiHlniaQ'a Shirts, Frock Coat, Satin Vest, Linen Vest, Cloth Pants, Summer Pants, By Machine. By iland. II ours. min. Hour. Min. 1 16 10 23 26 6 6 1 10 3. 30 10 10 10 I 6 26 40 7 30 I 6 10 27 6 30 4 ' 10 1 39 By Machine. 1 By nnd. Hours. Min. 'Hours. Min. 1 25 13 20 1 40 16 23 1 18 3 10 46j 6 25 69 6 15 40-2 . 30 The many cirtiUcatei which have been tendered us and the letters which we daily receive, are conclusive proof that anions the women these Biiters havepivnn a satisfaction whlcb no others bave ever done before. So woman in tbe land t.bou!J be without them, and those who once use them, will not fail to kecyafcll supply. DR J Bovee Dod's DIPERIAL WINE BITTERS, Are prepared by an eminent am!. skillful physician, Wi has used them succe-sru'.'y in nis practice for the las twenty-five years. The proprietor before purjhasin the exjlnsive right to inanuraclure and sell Dr. Bove.. Dotls' C'eiebrajeg Imperial Win 3 Bit crs, hadtthem tett ed by two distinjrnislied medical practitiouers,. who pro counccd them a valuible and t-aie remedy for dsse.ise. Although the medical men of this country, as a gen eral thing, disapprove of Patent Medicines, yet we do not believe that a respectable Physician cm be foujd in theUuiled States, acquainted with their medical properties, who will not highly approve Dr. Dwd'a L1I PEIilALW'IXE BITTEK.3 In all newly settled places, where there is always a larce qnantit.y of deeayins timber; from which a poi sonous nuahina is created, these bitters shuoid be used every morning boforebreaksust. DR. J. UOVIIE DODS' IMPERIAL WINE BITTERS Are composed cf a pure and unadulterated wine, cmu biued with Barberry. Solomon's Seal, Comf rev. Wild Chery Bark, Spiknard CHmomile Flowers, and Gentian. They are manufactured by Ur. Dop hinisel:, who is an experienced and successful physician, and hence should not be classed among the quae' nostrums which flood the Country, and ag&iust which the medical profession bo justly denounce. These truly valuable Bitters have been so thoronhly tested by all classes of community, for almot-t every vri ety of disease incident to human system, that they axe now deemed indispensable as a c... .Ui IT ILL MEXn rV opeiees t f that 7U-S Don Save th IT WILL MEND 't throw away that ,. .Vyf IT WILL "MLND CHtv, Your broken China Cu That yiece IT WILLMEND MAR2Tr j tiece knocked out of your i!iirbl , ! be put on as stronj , IT WILL MEND No matter if that brokeu sbillin? aMiiHins'aaepd k ... f,t IT WILL MEND AUT2-:I That Cosly Alab match it mend it it will never sli'w It will I.Isnd bone, Coral iJ and in fact everything tvf Any artHe Cemented with AMtliltV''- GLUE will mt show where it C' ; 'Lvery Housekeeper snouiu uveU fU ,, f & Crowley's amerieaa Cement G!Bf."'y J; f "It U so convenient to havu ia u9 1 Express. " -1 ,'It is klwaysreaJv; this aoameadjit ton,-, Independent. , "Wt have tried it and fhi it a nf J -u i as water." WUW Spirit of the 7;a.fX V Economy is "tvCa,,. 51U,UUU per year saved u evei ty One IUt!u cf '' " AMERICAN CEMENT C;. Price 25 Cents per BjfJe. Price 2-j Cents per Bjt:;e. Price Ho Cents per U. Price 25 Cents per k:;t. Price 2-5 Cents per Bur!?. Price 25 Cents per JJj'.;ie. VcrytibcraS KeductionloX salt Kuyers. TCR.11S CASH. j Z3.JFor Sale by all Drujr.-utj aui ;C.L J lhrou -hf ut the en-irr j JOHNS & CR0SLEI TSole Manufiion-'rers. I 7S WILLIJM STRET.T Corner of Liberty Street. ,E1TTH Importantto House Owaers,"! Important to nuiSdprj. iLunortant to Rail JIo-d Co- II 1 IX. Important to Farn;crS. 10 all whom ihiim t'j rorrn, c. ! t i t rl ' in! Tonic, Medicines and Beverage. 1 Purciiase one CotUe It Costs but Little! Purify the Blood. Give Tone to the Sto-mac-Ii -Iteiiorase tlic Sys-andiro!ons:Xitc. Price $1 00 perEottlc, G Bottles for $5 CO Prepared and sold ty CHARLES WIDDIFIELD & CO., SOLE PLOPMETOS 78 Willi a -n Street, New T"ork. For Rale by drugjisU aud grocers generally through ont the country. Oct. 17. 1S6I. CHOICE LIQU0ES. Wholesale and Retail. Evan "Worthing,. OF THE LANDRETH'S Warranted Garden Seeds BLUNDEN. K0ENIG & CO., (Late Joh.x Gabsett it Co.,) . No. W North Second Street, above Fine, ST. LOUIS, MO. Offer for sale at verv low flmire. a Urre nd wel. aiMtorled stuck of Agricultural aad Horticultural Iniple nieuts. comprislox everytbina necessary to the Farmer. together with a large and fresh upply of Landreth's Celebrated Garden Seeds, CROP OF ISSi, For whlcb they are the ole agenU. Their friend can roly upon getting from them eeda that are not only , pire bat true to name In every instance. Also field B4eda at lowest market rate Chinese bazar Case aeed. Tobaccu teed, Tup Onion, fcc., &c Dealers la seed would do well to send them their orders. - Send for Almanac and Illustrated Cat ingae gratis. BVOSDSS, klOZSHi &. CO. March S, 1863. nao-Iy See d3 Prepaid by Mail, 25 Prettiest Annnsis In Caltivatioa. - . $100 2 Choice TegeUble Seeds fer the Garden, - l oo Both to ClnbS Of fiv 3 ToRIhIu nf Ton f-p lft. T, Clob. of Twenty f0;tM: ' The BBW JAPAJf JflUKT, with immensa heads, SlZ to ten Inches lonv 9 nli nr larve nannrt Vl.a for $1. I received Genuine Seeds of this new and valo able Millet direct from Japan, bv theXiagara, last May. and can confidently recommend it as tbe test ltint in cultivation. B. Jf . WATSOX, n33U Old Colonv Xur series. PIT mouth. Min. The Franklin Family SEWING MACHINE, Has one advantage which is worthy of especial attention in addition to the peculiar character of the stitch, and that is its adaptation to either light or medium heavy work.. The Machinn which at one-moment Is used mi THE MOST DELICATE FABRIC, iu a few mo ments after can he brought to bear with the same facil ity on rottouades and towels of the n-arsest description. Its adaptation for FAMILY WORK, is thus remarka ble, and gives it a superiority over every other stle of machine in the Market. In order that these Machines mar be ulaecd In the hands of all c Issues, we have redwed the price of nor FRANKLIN FAMILY MACHINE TO FORTY DOLLARS. From the increase of our business for tbe last year, and the entire satisfaction our Machines are giving throughout the United States and European Countries, we are le-1 toieiieve thst our determination to manufacture a PERFECT, SIMPLE. RELIABLE AND CHEAP MACHINE, has been fully appreciaten by the public. This policy will romain unchanged, as heretofore no Machine will be allowed to li.v.TV'.. Glee that we cannot tnlly warrant in evry respect We shall keep on hand at all times roent of Sewing M idline msteris Needles for. all raaehinis can be ordered by Mail or Express. Price One lr nor doren. ersona in ttu ennntrr hr nonilinir n thir a.f. 1r ac enclosing 'tetter sLi mn. ran have forwarded fi mum inaH. t,ne of our circnlars containing the different styles c- Machines, list of prices, and sample of work. E. RICHARDS &. CO Priucipal Agents for the I.'orth West. Office andaleftrocm 133 Lake Street, Chicago, Illinois. . RICHARDS, Lato of L. Cornel! & Co. Q. K- WISWALU JS3.W; TAPPAX, formerly Ag't for .he Grover & Baker Sewing atachiae. JanaarySih4 186J. u5S-tf t Ayer's SarsapariUa. BROWNVILLE, Uas just received a choice lot of the best brands of Liquors, which he will seii by the Barrel, (iallon. Quart or single Drmk. The following is a partial list: BRANDIES : French, Cognac, Apple, . . Raspberry, Peach, Cherry, Blackberry. WINES: Port, Hungarian, Sherry, Malaga, lledara, Champagne. WHISKIES : Bourbon, Alley. Bye, Scotch, . Iribh, Manonga.hala, Ar"1 variety of common articles. BILLIARD SALOON AND Ten Pin ' w w ' 'liTXEY S BLOCK Main Street, Brownville. Jfovmber 14. 186. Tnl9-tf1 a -m Okrd or Gumbo Seed. The bett substitute for Coffee prepafel in the same manner as Coffee. Packages of see-1 by mall at 10 cts. each. ach package contains seed enough to raX?e a sppply tor an ordinary family, Sendorderato H. A.TERRT. B3iJ-tf Crescent City, Iowa. con t erns IMPROVED GUTT1 Tr, CEiMENT ROO'm The Cheapest and moss duratld L-; in use. I IT iS FIRE AND WATER Fi. It can bo applil tu new and c!J R.H,i.,f ' steep oi flat and to Shingle rcxjfi wilhwu: the hmsr!c?. I The Cost 9 only about Onf-Ti that ofTin, ADIT 1STWICI i RL'RARL,I This article bss been thoroushlv "ti : i Ytrk City anj MJta of the Uu.wJ iiK-'.- .ia West Indie? aad Central ard .;na:h i;ci builJic? of all kiud such &3 Faotonti f-w ' Cliunjhes KailHoaJ Depots Can sni on hi Building generally Govercmcot Buiii'i? I the princiule Uailders aruhetects hed otbt. ; a tbe past f.ur jf srsanJ lia pnive.ltnbetiie'.'ZI I everv respoct a fike watfk vtinuu'i pkook covering f r Ki GE.s (iK all kind. j 1'hit ihe. OSLY material w'lW'iii.'iwWi United Staten which eointines thu rerj .! properties of ElixticiVj nn'l i.mliU'.M unirer-sllv acknowleJt-d to be jH..bfi'.' ? rl'A PER C 1 1 A A N D INDIA KU No Kc at is Re quire d h li ' Application. I The expenseof apr'lvii) it triiiinvn " iiotfean be covered unl Sni.-!i'l WJ"" It can he ai2I3cd anj3 and when fini.'bed frins a per;ci!y r :tiK face with an clitic body hi-h c.inr. t be :r. by Heat Coi.r or Stouus hhiNi LiJAK3S nor au external si-tinn whilu-- GCTTA PEUCJIA CE- For Coating ' UTetah of a!J Ki:i -: j exposed to the Action of the 'eii1' t For Preserving and Kcpa---Metal TlooU OV ALL KIM'S. . . j ThisisTIIK ONLY CuMPOSlTIOl' W r'"1 tcceftdlj reiit extreme chnwpifj nil t aui leit'jth of time when applird lo nat' it adheres firmly forming a body e ,uid tu , of ordinary paint co-ts much Icsj, ad ,;" " JUUKi: TI.VLS AS LUNO; anifr..ini not injured by the confraotiim anJJ.J-' TIN and other METAL KOOFS sudden changes r.f the weather. ..rf It ,rillnt CRACK IX COLD OR V j WCATIIEIi AM) WILL NOT WASH 0"- Leaky tin and other metal root can repaired with (Jutta Perch a C aliJ ' . ' ' frum further corrosion aud jU''"1 ing a perfectly watertight ro"f l mit; rz This cement is peculiarly adpttJ uf 'j;.,' , i vation of Iron raiiiug. Stoves, . Implement.. Ac, also lor general nianu!.: i GUTTA PERCIIA CEMJ For preservinj; and repairing Tinaii - ty, is not injured by the con.rat tiun "1 ' v of metals, and will not crack " warm weaXher, ,, Tiie? materials are adapted to all Cu' wa ex w a r.raro tt 8 1! il J V the country, at short notice, for OVta rs -- ingin rolls, ready prepared f-r ii?evai' , cha Cement in barrels, wiia Uu pru- tions for application. Agoxits Wniito j Wo will make liberal acd sati.-i-cr . ryt. , j mantj with fititttindi i ,!a riirtlf. W ilO r . ' establish tbeoiselves ia a lucranve aai t-business. OCR TERMS AUG CAL' (y. We can rive abundant praf f favor of our improved Lu5o4 M:iterii pned them to several taoaraua i-m City aad vicin.ty. nil.l SULK M A 1 F ' Wholesale Warehouse, 75, V'ii Corner of Liberty .xtrt-ef J Via . ' i t :.-; ti iJimmars asdin-- Full r'1 Shingles! Shingles!! I would respecttnlly inform tbe citizens of Xemaha county, that I shall endeavor to keep tbis market sup plied with good Cottonwood Shingles, which I will sel for cash; or take in exchange Cattle, Hogs. Wheat or i.rchn. lSei.ri B.. BASEST. Ayer's Ague .Cure, I Ayey Cherry Pcct ninea n antlioation. y.-v. 7. Id. ly ITcv7 Remedies frr SPERMATORRHCEA. HOWARD ASS0CUXIS pniijADEiiPiiiA. utilution eitabluhtd t? , tne ReiUf of tht Sio Virulent and ' '.hro-j- i s 1 Benevolent Inttilnti dovment, for in . cjn.ctea vwi nr"i of ttpecioUv for the Curt of Dx" J MiiDICAIi ADVIC2 Sivea srit' SifKeon. jH ' Valuahle Reports on spermair.u- i9 . eases of the Sexcal aim c- , DIES employed in tbe VipiJ- ''sa" I enveiopes, free of charge. IW"Wk-" .-j aoie .-r.trTON'.B-'tv'i Address DR. J. SXILi.l- "V.1-" , ' n:" sociation. Xo. 2. !Vui& Aia.a - ' , December 12 '81 ,j