THE ADVERTISER. T. It. FISHER. EDITOR. BROWNVILLE, SATURDAY, SEPT. 13, 1862. OUR r 1. A Q. Then np with our flag 1 let it rtream on tbe air ! Though our fathers arc cold in tbeir graves, Thej bad hands that could strike, the had eoula that could dare, And their Bona were not born to be slave I Up, np with that banner ! where'er it ma call, Oar millions shall rallj around; ' A nation of freemen that moment fball faJ When itaaUrs shall bo trailed on tbe ground. . FOlt DELEGATE IN CONGRESS, SAMUEL G. DAILY. Consistency. On several occasions during the past Summer, we 'expressed a desire through the Advertiser, that a Union candidate, irrespective of party, should be nomi nated for Congress. If the Vallanding ham Democrats chose to nominate a can didate we had no objections, but we .could see no good reason why Union Dem ocrats and Republicans should be arrayed against earh other. We are still of opin ion that a Republican Convention should not have been called. But a portion of Republicans thought differently. They would not listen to a proposition to unite with Union Democrats. They would frown and grit their teeth whenever the idea was mentioned. A strait Republi can tnust be nominated, and all Republi cans must support him or leave the party. They had a holy horror of bolting . but thought there was no danger of anybody doing so except Sam Daily and his friends. Well, the Convention assembled. All the candidates, Daily and Taylor includ ed, were pledged .o abide the decision. After a long contest Daily was nominat ed. But, now, these very same men who were so clamerous for a straight Repub lican nomination, have discovered that there is no difference in principle be tween the Republicans and Democrats !! '." and as a "mere choice between men," they support Judge Kinney, the Demo cratic nominee. In this county, however, there are but few who are thus willing to sacrifice con sistency, party and principle, merely to gratify malice. often as thres times; they received the votes of boys under twenty-one years of age ; they than and there, at the Nema ha county convention, permitted secession refugees, treih. from Missouri, to vote for S. G. Daily, The will of the Republi cans of Nemaha county was stifled and set at naught by Daily and his friends in the manner I have described.".- . , The above contains more unmitigated impudent falsehoods than is often found in the same number of lines. We know of but one man who offered to vote twice but it was not received ; one boy appa rently under twenty-one years of age it is f aid voted, and one dcuble ticket was found in the hat, containing the name of Wr.i. H. Taylor.. We have not time or space in this issue to write or extract more. We propose, however, in the future, to handle both Taylor and his fellow-sore-heads, wher ever they may be found, without gloves. We have in store some rich items, which we may dish out in broken doses from time to time. William II. Taylor an Author. We have before us a new publication in the thape cf a "little book the author leaves here that you may look upon," en titled "Address of the HON. William II. Taylor to the citizens of Nebraska Ter ritory, against the re-election of Hon. Samuel G. Daily to Congress." Mr. Taylor is one of the few who were so clamerous for Conventions. He did all he could in County Conventions to pack delegates to the Territorial Convention, For tbe Advertiser. 1 Having recently heard that the citizens of Richardson county were about to nom inate, for election on the 14th of October, a full Legislative ticket, I have thought proper to make a few suggestions to the people of this county and the Territory at large. There are several reasons urged for electing a Legislature this fall, in defi ance of the fact that the money . with which to pay the expenses has been di verted to pay our direct tax. First, it is urged, that the Legislature will have to be elected for the sole pur pose cf going to Omaha and passing an act authorizing the payment of Territo rial Officers ; as, it is urged, their is no au thority to do so without. Second, it is urged that if we do not elect a Councilman this year wo cannot have that part of our representation in the next Legislature, as the law provides for the election of the Council every two 3Tears. Third, that it has been decided by the Attorney General of the United States that Territories are not subject to taxa tion ; and that, of course, we will get the amount diverted back again. Those ur ging these reasons generally add, as a clincher, some flaw in the law that must be corrected for the benefit of the "dear people." As regards the apparent necessity for convening the Legislature to authorize the payment of Territorial Officers; this is the best argument used for an election. Yet, I think, even this might be avoided. Let petitions be circulated, requesting the proper disbursing officer to take the re sponsibility to do so without authority ; there is no dorr,- iqmy mind, but that if such petitions, signed by a majority of the citizens of the Territory, were sent to him, he would do so, and the next Leg islature would undoubtedly legalize the act. But, if this is not done, and the Leg islature convened, even for this sole pur pose, a full session will be the inevitable result, to be paid for in Territorial War rants. . The Legislature having the right to ahere their milage and rer diam for Election Notice. Notice is hereby given that on Tues day, the 14th day of October, A. D. 1862 at each" Precinct in the County of Nema ha, Nebraska Territory, an Election will be held for DELEGATE TO CONGRESS ; ONE COUNCILMAN; FOUR REPRESENTATIVES ; ONE CORONER; ONE COUNTY COxMMlSSIONER, in the First Commissioner's District, in place of Wm. H. Denman, resigned. ONE COUNTY COMMISSIONER, in the Second Commissioner's District. ONE ASSESSOR for each Precinct ; THREE JUDGES OF ELECTION for sai J Precinct; TWO CLERKS OF ELECTION for each Precinct. ONE SUPERVISOR for each Road District. Also one or more CONSTABLES, and JUSTICES OF THE PEACE, for each Precinct. . By order of the County Commissioners WILLIAM H. HOOVER, County Clerk. in which he signally failed ; then went before the Territorial Convention, and which they have precedent in Kansas- there pledged himself, as an honorable would undoubtedly vote themselves enough man, to abide the decision of that Con- warrants to cash them S3 a day, other venticn. Failing to receive the nomina- expenses would have to be met by the lion, a political disease called "sore-head" same sacrifice, which, at the present cash seized him, and he is now out in support price of warrants 45 cents on the dollar of the Democratic candidate for Con gress. The fact is, Taylor has been so overcharged with Congressional aspira- would make our Legislative expenses about 810,000; on which sum we would have to pay a heavy interest for years to lions for several years past, that now, come, at the present rate of paying up when forced by the people for the third time, to let off stem, the valve of insan- ity nies open,tna ne becomes a ravine: our indebtedness; for all of which should the Legislature be convenedwe would re ceive the glorious privilege of having our maniac. But to the "little book," and cf laws over-hauled, remodeled and mysti the author, we will speak again, often, I fied worse than at present, and one year's and in detail. The author starts out exemption from direct taxation. with: As to the second reason urged : vacan "I address you upon this occasion with ciesoccuringin the Council can be filled by mingled feelings of pleasure and regret, the election of some one to fill an unex- With pleasure, because amid the whirl pool cf Nebraska politics, and the bar gain, corruption and bribery, I have seen within the past few weeks, I hare pre served integrity and character, which is pired term, and I cannot see why this could not be done in case no Councilmen were elected in the Territory by elect ing them next year to serve one year, as of more value to me than a nomination by well as to elect them this year to serve any political convention for Delegate to Congress." "Great- God!" The "integrity -and character" of Wm. H. Taylor "pre- wrved i" The author, in speaking of what he terms the fraudulent manner in which Mr. Daily received the nomination, says of Nemaha county: "He obtained the Nemaha and Rich ardson Delegates by the most palpable fraud, as the Republicans of both of these counties do well know. In Nemaha county, he procured the assistance of the Democratic Sheriff, who went over the county, telling Democrats that Daily was o&iinst the Republican party, and against the Republican organization, and all Union Democrats were urged to come into the Nemaha County Republican Convention, and otP fm- "n;i ti " w - w. 1itiiv ivt i r gates to attend a Republican Convention. next. My reasons for crjecting to the election of the Council is, that there is as much reason for electing the House ns there is for electing the Council ; and, I fear, that if both are eleeted the Gover nor wculd rather convene the Legislature than to assume any responsibility. Should the Legislature be convened taking las: year as a criterion the result can easily be guessed at. As to the Attorney General's decision I have never seen it, nor any one who has, nor do I believe such a decision was ever made. Now, the reasons for apprehension if a Legislature be elected, are plain; last year a majority of the members were elected, and incidentally if not positive' ly pledges', to go up, memoralize Con gress to divert the expenses for that year Name ana Boundary or Precincts. No. 1. PERU PRECINCT Town 6, Range 15,and fractional T 7 K 1& and Id, on AioiviiUOCK s Island. No. 2. GLEN ROCK T 6 It 14 No. 3. LAFAYETTE T 6 It 13, and Eaat Half T 0 R 12. No. 4. WASniNGTO T a it ana cut ohm 5 R12 No. 5. DOUGLAS T 5 H 14. No. r. BROWNVILLE T 5 R 15 and T5 It 16,ex- cept the southern tier of sections. No. T. NEMAHA CITY-Norlh half T i It 15,and Fractional T 4 It 16. aortn oi tne ha River, and Southern tier of Sections in T5R15 and 18 No. 8. ASF1N WALL South half T 4 It 15, frac- tional I 4 It 10, OOUIU m iuoncmau er. and Fractional T 4 R 17. No. 9. IiEDFORD-T 4R 14. ,,.,. No. 10. DENTON T 4 R 13 and East half of T 4 U 12. There is, according to the census, 733,258 of an excess of males over fe males in the United States. The World states the fact is noteworthy and ought to quiet the apprehensions of ,'those who feared the war. would cause an undue preponderance of women after peace was declared. No matter how bloody the war may be, or how long it may last, it cannot make away with three-quarters of a million of lives. The waste of life may make the excess nearly even, but even then we shall better off than in England, where the females are in ex cess by nearly a million, and the social problem of the day is how to provide them with husbands or occupation. . BY TELEGBAPE. ' New York, Sept. 8. The Tribune's Washington correspon dent says Eli Thayer is here urging, with hopes of success, government to adopt a plan for the colonization of rebellious States, as a war measure. His project is to throw northern and foreign, emigrants into insurrectionary gulf States, armed and under the auspices of government, in such formidable bodies as to defy guer rillas. He wishes to make the initial ex periment in Florida. . Chicago, Sept. 9. Garabaldi has been defeated and him self taken prisoner. The Italian insur rection has ended. Rebels on lhc March to tbe Onto. From the Greuada (Miss.) Appeal, Aug. 29. Let our people take warning in lime. Let them take it for granted that Lincoln has, or will v-ry soon get, all the meD he has called forr and prepare for the emergency. It is withiu the power of the South to put and keep in the field as large a force as the North Can spare, and it is not only the part of wisdom, but the dictate of both patriotism and duty to do it, and that without delay. Our ar mies (the rebels) are now on the march to the Ohio river, and they should be cheered, aided and strengthened as they go. May God speed and favor them as they go.. - - The intelligence which we publish this evening relative to the advance of our tioops into Kentucky is cheering in the highest degree. It is she first instalment of the good news we have been looking lor tor some daj's past. If Mississippi, Alaba and Tennessee would remove the theatre of war from their borders, let their sons swell our armies as they advance in pursuit of the enemy, and very soon we shall have an overpowering and invincible force in the held, enabled to bid defiance to the hire lings of Lincoln, and clear the Confeder acy of the hated foe. because Daily was in favor of breaking to rav our direct tax. and adburrv Ii i 1-1 i if. . . . o I J - up tne ttepuoucan party ; because Daily well known how faithfully they performed had appointed, or caused Democrats to be appointed all over the Territory to office. Daily tcld them in a speech, in that Convention, he was in favor of breaking ud the Republican party, and there was this trust ; and as it is human nature to desire to make S3 a day and perquisites, my apprehension is that it will be "confi dence misplaced' to trust it too much. do issue between loyal Democrats and As there is no law passed to prevent the lox&l ' Republicans ; that there was but Legislature if elected from holding its cne question: "Shall our country be session; and as all know that, under ex preserved ?" Daily and hi Democrat isting circumstances, the Territory must friends, by the free use of whisky, sue- foot the bill ; I think the best and only ceedd in electing two judges of the Ne- way;to accomplish any good is for the maha county convention to receive the people the source of power todiscoun tallots. They refused to have any clerks tenance any and every attempt to elect or tu take down the names of the voters; cenveoe the Legislature this winter, they permitted drunken men to veto as f - JE. Ccwomist. Pope's Official Report. CiNciwnATr, Sept. 10. Pope's official repart of the movements of the army in v irginia, from the time it left Washington until it returned, pub lished this afternoon, attributes the whole disaster to the failure of the army of the rotomac to co-operate wnen he was on the Rappahannock. He presumed the army of the Potomac would protect that section between him and Washington and its failure to do so caused him to be completely flanked. By turning upon the enemy from the Rappahannock he could have had him completely defeated, had not Fitz John Porter drawn off his corp3 contrary to written orders, and refused to take part in the contest while tbe enemy was marching reinforcements nast him. He also censures Gen. Griffin for with holding his command from the contps? . while the battle was raging. He accuses McClellan cf refusing to supply him with forage when his horses had been without food for two days, although he had tele graphed and written urgently requesting supplies to be sent. Leavenworth, Sept. 9. On Saturday night Quantrell, with a force variously estimated at from 200 o 1000, entered Eatha, John3 Co. At latest accounts they still held the place. Several stores were robbed. The Mirror newspaper office was demolished. Fifty recruits for Kansas regiments were cap tured. Gov. Robinson has issued ? pro clamation calling upon all citizens of the State to organize and arm themselves for home defense. Washington, Sept. 9. A paroled prisoner arrived here last night. He says 150,000 rebels have crossed into. Maryland. The main body of them are over the Monocacy. He passed through their lineiand counted 27 batteries. This statement is believed by military men here. Baltimore, Sept. S. Rumors are . in circulation that the rebels are gathering near Westmister, 22 miles from Baltimore. Some officers from there express. the opinion that the rebels design moving on Baltimore. Harrisburc, Pa., Sept. 9. Rebels are said to be entering Penn sylvania in force near Hanover, with the intention, no doubt, of destroying the Northern Central Railroad. Arms are being rapidly sent to the counties on the Southern border. Cape Race, Sept. 6. Additional bv the Norwegian: The London journals give considerable attention to Italian affairs- The Post thinks Garabaldi has been encouraged by Victor Emanuel. The News thinks he does not rebel so much against his coun trv as against foreign domination. The Times points out the evils which must en sue if Garabaldi perseveres in his de signs against Rome. Si. Paul, Sept. 6. Information from Ft. Ridgely states that a small Federal force had been at tacked by 250 savages 18 miles from the tort. During the engagement they man aged to throw up breastworks of dead horses and earth, and behind this they held out until reinforcements arrived. Thirteen whites were killed and forty seven wounded. Before the enirajrement our force had buried 85 of the massacred Capt. Vanderpook, commanding Fort Abercrombie, writes that a large number of Indians had appeared around the fort and carried off all the Government mules Chambersburg, Pa., Sept. 9. One of our scouts reached Hagerstown on Sunday night, having left Middletown, 18 miles south-east of Hagerstown during the afternoon. He reports the rebels there in considerable force and advanc ing. All rolling stock of the railroad has been removed from Hagerstown, and the telegraph office closed. Philadelphia, Sept. 9. A special correspondent of the Press . - . ... iust returned from bykesville, says tne rebels are approacning mat piace. a por tion of their cavalry having entered Mon roe on Sunday morning. Speculations are rife relating to these movements and the purpose of Stonewall Jackson. Some say be is on his way to Gettysburg, ra. so as to be within striking distance o Chambersburg or York, and that he already hear Hanover, while others assert that he has marshed to Westmister and will move thence on Baltimore. Others think the latter movement is merely a feint to cover his entrance into Pennsyl vania. - - - VlNCENNES, lND.,Sept. 9. A special train conveying the 9Sth Il linois regiment over the Ohio and Mis sissippi Railroad en route to Louisville, was thrown from the track near Bridge port last night, and 5 soldiers were killed and between 30 and 40 wounded, some of which will not survive. It is believed the switch was turned wrong for the ex press purpose of throwing the train off the track. A man supposed to be the gulity party has been arrested. Memphis, Sept. 6. Late arrivals from Helena report all quiet. Our pickets stationed back in the country are continually troubled by strag gling band3 of guerrillas. An expedi tion down the river had taken and bro't to Helena wharf-boats from Eunice and Napoleon. Prisoners captured say a large number of Texan troops, newly armed and equipped, had arrived at Little Rock a few days before. It was reported at Helena that Gen. Rosecrans had made an attack upon the Confederates at Tupelo, and was deci sively repulsed. The peopile of Commerce, Miss., have determined to prevent the guerrillas from firing on beats passing that place. The Grenada Appeal of the 3d contains Richmond advices of the 2d. The bo- and cattle belonging to the post. He also says unless reinforcements arrive ciety of Friends in North Carolina, had scon he will be compelled to abandon the ruemoralized Congress for a modification post. Washington, Sept. 9. Gen. Pope has been assigned to the command of the department of the North west, to operate aa nst the Indians. The' latest information from Centre ville" says that Col. Flourney, with a regi ment of cavalry, is in commanded there, The rebel pickets extend to within 12 miles of Alexandria. of the new conscript act, in their favor. New Orleans dates of the 2Sth ult.. say Gen. Butler his issued an order re quiring the Merchants' and Crescent City banks to go into liquidation. State, which has been reduced to the po citinn of a rnnnusred DrovincQ. After - ---- , alluding to the wrongs he declares tney have suffered, he say3 he believes the neoDle of Maryland possess a spirit tco loftv to submit to such a government. The people oE tne &outn nave long wisneu iu aid in throwing off this foreign yoke, in obedience to tbe wish of our army, and come among you prepared to assist you with the power of arni3 in regaining the rights of which you have been so long unjustly despoiled. No restraint upon your sree will is intended no intimida tion allowed. It is for you to decide your destiny without constraint, and the army will respect your choice whatever it may be. ' published by authority. AN IMPORTANT ORDER. War Department, ) Washington, August 8, 1S62.J Order to Prevent Evasion of JSJiU'tadrj Duty nnrl fnr Suvvression of Disloual FracUCfS First. By direction of the President of the United States it w herjby orderM mat unm further order no citizen liable to be drafted into the militia shall be allowed o go to a foreizn country, and all marshals, denatv marshals, and military officers of tbe United States are directed and ail police authorities especially at the poits of the United States on the seaboard and on the irontier, are requested to see that this order is carried into effect. And they are hereby authorized and directed to arrest and detain any person or persons about to depart from tbe United States in vi olation of this order, and report to Major L. C. Turner, Judge Advocate, ut ashwgton city, for further instruction respecting the person or persons so arrested or detained. Second. Any person liable to draft who shall absent himself from nis cour.ty or Slate before such draft is made, will be arrested bv auv Provost Marshal or other United States or State ofiicer wherever he may be found with in the jurisdiction of the United States, and conveyed to the nearest military post or dew and placed on duty for the term of the draft. and the expense of his owu arrest and convev to such post or depot, and aho the sum of five dollars, as a reward to the officer who shall make such arrest, jshall be deducted from his pay. Thiud. The writ of habeas corpus is here by 8us.ended in respect to all prisoners so arrested and detained, and in respect to al persons arrested for disloyal practices. Edwin m. Stantos, Secretary of War. Another Important Order. Wab Department, ) Washington, August 8, 1802. ORDERED First. That all United States Marshals and Superintendents and Chiefs o Puliceofany town, city, or district, bo and they are hereby authorized and dincted to ar rest and imprison any person or. persons who may be engaged, by act, speech, or writing, in discouraging volunteer enlistments, or in anv wav giving aid and tomfort to the enemy or in any other disloyal practice aguinst the United btates, Second. That immediate report be made to Major L. C. Turner, Judge Advocate, iu order that such persons may be tried before a mihtarv commission Third. The expenses of such arrest and imprisonment will bo certified to tbe Chief Clerk of the War Department for settlecaen and payment. Edwin M. Stanton, Secretary of War. ; Washington, Sept. 8. Those who have seen McDowell's Jet lerto tbe President asking for a Court of Inquiry, speak of it as a frank, manly been complied pasports will be issuo . OFFICIAL. Depabtment op Statu, ) Washington, August 8th, 1S62.5 Notice is herebv given that until the requi sitions of the War Department on the severa btates for quotas of their militia shall have Martinsbcrg, Va., Sept. 7. Rebel cavalry to the number of four hundred attacked tte federal stationed at this point to-day, but were repulsed with treachery of McDowell. and honest document. He refees to the remark alleged to have been made by Col. Broadhead, of Michigan, when at the point of death, to the effect that he died a victim to the imbicility of Pope, and the from this department for anv male citizen of the United States liable to be drafted into that branch of the service. William H. Sewabd. a loss of about 50 prisoners, horses and arms. Their loss in killed and wounded is not known. They own two killed and ten wounded New York, Sept. 9. Gen. Hunter and Staff have arrived, having been supersided by Gen. Mitchell, j Gen. Banks is in command of the de fense of Washington durin? Gen. Mc- Clellan's absence. An officer who left Rockville this after noon, reported all quiet in front. Nobody knew anything positive about the rebels at Poolesville. Little if any perfectly reliable inform ation has been received here regarding affairs on the Upper Potomac and in the vicinity of Prederick since yesterday. It cannot be ascertained lhat the rebels Memphis, Sept. 6 Arrivals from Helena report all quiet there. Prisoners lately captured in lhat vicinity report the. arrival at Little Rock have advanced in any force below Fred a few days since of a very large number enck Junction. of Texas troops, fully armed and equip- EELIGI0US NOTICE. Seryices during the Meeting of tte Presbytery of JC1. souri River, in the Presbyterian Church of Brownville Preaching, Friday September 12. h, at 7 1-2 P. if., by Rev. W. M. Strtkek, of Clarinda, Iowa. Prechins, Saturday at 2 1-2 P. X., preparatory to Communion Services, by Rev. William Hamilton, of Eellevue, Nebraska. Temperance Addresses, Saturday at 7 1-2 P. if., by Rev. D. L. Hughs, of Pacific City, Iowa, and ethers Preaching, Sabbath at 10 1-2 A. if., by Rev. William McCanulish, of Council Bluffs, Iowa, after which the Lords supper wilt be administered. Preaching, Sabbath at 7 1-2 P. if. A full attendance at all these meetings is earnestly desired. pp.d. It is reported at Helena that Rosen crans attacked the confederates at Topelo, and was decidedly repulsed. Richmond advices to the 2d are receiv ed. The confederate Senate on the 2nd rejected the bill corncerning partisan ran gers by a vote of 9 to 10. The new con- New York, Sept. 11. The Tribune editorially says the latest public intelligence is that our army is concentrating at Rockville, but from pri vate intelligence we learn that ihe dispo sition of our forces has beeivmade with reference to further movements. The DIED August 2Ctb, near Granville. Licktns Conr.. iy, unio, Charles cuiix, son or j. c. an4 M. W Aylesworth aged one year and tweuty days. butler mue cniioren to come unto me. and forbid them not, for or such is the Kingdom of Heaven " scription luw makes all subject to milita- Baltimore American of yesterday says N EWADVJER TISEM ENS. SADDLERY! SADDLERY! The Relieving of Gew. Huster It is understood, says a Tribune dispatch, that uen. Hunter was relieved at his own request. The appointment of General Mitchell as his successor, indicates ro change of policy in the Department of ihe South, at least so far as regards the sla. very question. The change calls re newed attention to the phrase in Jeff. Davis's retaliatory order, dated Rich mond, August 21 : W'hereas, as Major General Hunter, recently in command.' w It W s-v w. . Who tola jett. Uavis, ten days before the fact was known to the best informed per sons in the country, outside of the official ciroles hi which it was still properly a secret that Gen. Hunter had been su perseded I When it has leasure it might be well for the Government to investi gate the question.. The Cincinnati Commercial savs the Hon. Garrett Davis has a plan of opera tions that the correspondent Fays will bae- the rebels in this State, if carried out. We had rather see the rebels carried out that the plan. Louisville Democrat. ry duty between the ages of 18 and 45, and authorizes the enrollment of con scripts wherever found. New Orleans dates to the 2bth ult.. says the federals are confident of their ability to hold the city against lireckin- ndge. ' " " Memphis. Sept. 6. The Grenada Appeal says Beauregard and Staff arrived at Mobile on Saturday night. A joint committee of the rebel Con gress has been appointed to investigate the charges against Sec y Mallory, who is said to be very unpopular amongst the secessionists. Rebels nere call him a ederal right-bower in the confederate caoinet. The appeal glorifies exceedingly over the late rebel successes, and seems to think the federals everywhere are in the course of ultimate extinction. intelligence this morning indicates that the rebel army have taken a western . ITT ". It. route towaras tiagerstown, virtually turn ing their backs on Baltimore and Wash ington, and moving to a point where they can reach the Potomac at Williamsport. While the infantry are movjng in this di rection, their cavalry are scouting toward the border of York county., Pa. Re ports that a number of rebels have crossed into Maryland are very conflicting. De serters place them as high a3 100,000, but none of our scouts speak of having seen more than 20,000. This last esti mate is probable nearer correct. Having recently made larce additions to my stock. consisting oi SADDLE?, nARXE?S. BRITLSS. COLLARS LINKS. WAGOX WHIPS, bVUGT WHIPS, Ul LASHES. NORSK LASHES. STAGE LASUE?, SUHCINGLK3. GIRTHS, STIRRUPS, LEATUEBS, &c, kc. I think I can accommodate all in quantity, nuantify and price. 1 woik none but best Oak Tanned Leather, and getting it directly from tanneries la Ohio, feel con fident it will give satisfaction. Plasterer's Hair on Hand Cheap. CASH PAID FOR HIDES. J. W. JIIDDLETOy. September IS, 1S62. n9-ly To Arms ! To Arms ! Louisville, Sept. 9. The rebels have burned all the bridges on the Louisville and Frankfort railroad between Bagdad and Frankfort, except one over Kentucky river. - Washington, Sept. 9. McDowell has been relieved from com mand, and his corps is consolidated with Heintzleman's McDowell has written a letter to the President asking a court of inquiry. New York, Sept. 9. The Times editorially says Gen. Mc- Dowell is in this city under arrest, as we are informed, on a charge of treason ; by whom preferred, or on what ground we are not aware. Harhisburg, Pa., Sept. 11. A State messenger ha3 sent intelligence amounting, in substance, to the follow in" : He reached a position in the mountains above b redenck and by means of a glass, saw all that was going on in tne town. He says there was evidently a movement of troops in the direction of Middletown and Boonsboro'. Farmers informed him that the forward movement began at three o'clock yesterday morning, supposed to be about 20,000 strong. He says three regiments of infantry, one cf cavalry, eighteen cannon and a large Lumber of wagons are at Boonsbcro. The soldiers looked ragged, shoeless and hatle;s. A skirmish had occurred between the Mich igan and Virginia Cavalry. Reber pick ets were within one mile and a half of Hagerstown at 8 o'clock last night, the main body, however, appear to be goin between Boonsboro' and Sharpsburg, 8 miles from Hagerstown. The rebel pick ets uniformly told the farmers iheir des tination was Cumberland Valley. Baltimore, Sept. 11. Gen. Lee has issued a proclamation to JUST THE BOOK FOR THE TIMES WEEKLY Big OEOTltJE KXAPP "', h. pasciul.:...; ) joun oa??;.. ... :::;:; The Proprietors ojtht rLj; to extend their eirtoiition.otf. ' able tonai to bieriW, to the " Daily, Weekly an Trl j Daily, (in advance) '"Ht Tri-weeklj, (in iiTM, ,7.7.7.' V Sunday Republican Five copies of the Tri-weu. ' ' Three copies WeIy one ' k Fire HJ ; Tea " u Fourteen " a ., .'. Twenty " Thirty . , ; Forty .f fsT'Monej in all cases ti senpuons lT A U subrribc-rs under t W continued at tho end of the ? rented and paid. All sabscnb I arrearage. -aa C(,me in nnder the JL1" ' Second Judicial District. T"! ritory.-..Adjoarnmeuubfr;iV,' By Tirtne of the power and .-.v..,. i bj law. itts '"7 Tt- 1 Ordered. That the District rw. tereitafter mentioned, and hrmin . una Judicial District in the of adjurne-l from toe time nw fiied n, i the name as fullow : ,? ' V t ' Johnso Cousitt. From the fl-t 1 teniber, 1SG2 to rhursdjy, tte ll-h 7 ' , 1S62. at lOo-cl.Kri. a. M. r,jJfc,, Gage cotjxti- f .Uin Tounui.iT tbti.v . tember. 1S62. la na,, the 13;a LTt ' Pawjiee Coi htt. From . i September, istt. t FricU, ? 13, at 10 o'clock, a. M. BlCHARiiSO COCSTT.-From Tour. day or September. I3fi2, to M.,nl, u,, Zv V tember, 62. at 1 o'clock, a m ; , NEMAHA COHSTT -From M.ndjT tu. September, lb2. to Monlay the 23;h Li ' i8o2. at 10 o'clock, a m. UNf.-, Given under tiy hand, this 15th Ihj. i 1S'U- JOSEPH K. STRErs I vl 111 ul7 it ; t Suyc Your E A NEW AND USEFUL IXvp- Whereby Eg.?s can be preferred jxrfcf, s, rao.-t indefinitely, without the hemr!., Salt, or other ordinary preserratirM, '" neca-sity for Fanners selling sheirEjt to seven cents per doien, when tuej 'i ' cost eaye them until they comnuad teU For farther partibularj, end. se a Lj j August 23, 1852-Iy LETT, STBICKLEi7 MAI. STREET, j BROWNVILLE. l We are now recelTlng and openujucwjuJ ment of Merchandise, consinUaj OF DRY GOODS' Prints, Muslins, Drills, Osnalur, Denims, Cottorades, Apron Check, Hid: Jeans, Ecn Dress Goods, All Wool Delainf s, Fancy and Plain S.Ilt. Lawne?, Sa:ea Vs Broad Clo'-hs, Cassimere, V flie Volunteers Manual. Hahrisbtjrg, Pa., Sept. 9. The latest information from the border people of Maryland He savs thai the received at six o'clock this evening-, saj-s people of the Confederate States have the rebel pickets were within twelve miles Ion? watched with the deepest sympathy of Hanover, York county. I the wrongs and outrages inflicted on your COMPI'.ED FROM V. S. STANDARD AUTHORITIES. war. important notes, and an extended gUmarr f GENERAL T. WORTHIHGTOH, WITH A MANUAL OF SHARP'S RIFLE AXD Carbine and Colt's Revolver, BY CAP T. R- W,JOHJYSON USA Two Volumes, (Jfos. I and 2,) Rrlce, - - 25 Cents Each Will. Ed. Furnas Agent, BrowuTitleN". T. 2,000 Acres of Choice Lands, sitnatH near the Mis souri River, in Richardson and Xemaha counties, Ne braska; also, one two s.tory Brick Residence. n e larre Store House, with Warehouse attached, and 30 Lots, in the town of Brownville, at rery low fiKure. and partly on time. II. M. ATKINSON'. Brownville, June 19th. n60-6w Flower Seeds. Choice varieties, and of very superior 4na!lty,20 pa pers of which wiil be sent (post-paid) by mail, to any address, tut one dollar - March Uth, lf2 n. A. TEBRT, Cresceat Clfr.I"''- HocpeJ Shs, OF GROCEfilD1 Coffee, Tea, Soap, Molasse3, I Candles, B." CSodi" S.ileraiu, V. VVhite and Brown Suar, Sack, Barrel and Dairy Sa, Chewing and SiaokicjT. Axes, Hatches. Butts, Screws, Locks, Latchei Penknives, Knives and Fork.?, Hand Saw and Mill OF QUKEASWIE Cups and Saucers. Plates and Platters, ' Dishes and Turnllerj. Coal Oil! Laspt Lamp CLii-'v Widit-j OF BOOTS ASHftv, Women's Shoes. Kip, Calf, Buff and K Gaiters. Calf Shoes. Oxford Ties, MisB-j Slippers, Men's Calf, Men's Brogans, Copper U j Kip and Coursi&o&M OF II ATS to Panama, Leghorn, Planter's, Straw, WocU Cassimere, Plantation, Sba?r c Of Farming t tcn? Cradles, Rakes, Forks, Plows, Scythes, Snatls, Shovels. Spades. , OF LUMltfEW Clear and 2nd rate Pine Flooring, Siding Rnard 1. 1 1-2 and 2 IncIjf.J'?'"".' Sash, Doers ine Lath, All Shres Sash. All Sizs Door?, All Sizes UiiS'-5- We eall the attention f tbe pnS'if - , , j our CASH TERMS enable ' " , Thankful for past pat.inae, e f of tbe same. ' r'rp t. LETT, STRICKLE j BrowaTille. July M, 196i. w----. SUGAR CANE Mi a 5 r- EVAPO1UT0; Havina; anpoinfe scent r:v,,,rj.J Sugar Cane Mill and Evaporators. , f , r, t n 1 1 .H.n .f ihs ffll 111- -y Prices of Mills, frutn $ W '"jf0?' fL'5-v' $20to35. Addrei . W" ilarch 27, 1S62. n3i-tf. jijie. vnion&y MIRROR OF FAa7 The largest, best and m;t reli . r; ... UW vr .4 ,4 JL " ,jj q1 mot reliable i . in, ......-.t..n.ttrr . for and a W " '.-,. V"T " brolcermg rUiTu. Jiverr ""ti.- n, D.n'i.i wt t w - vw Tork, UJSII l ' ' r.., The Summer num&er nu- - Ayer's Sarsap,