ffi-A D VE RTISER, AUO. 20, 1S62. iTo C A. L. jov, coe & co. 4 nivI.EKS IN f rVpriflliu'p Material of all Kind 1. $ 1 BB,di,"s. NcwTork, and Brown's Iroi I'bilauclphia. jiiitlio: ic Advert her. farmer 1 vtsS.JKS TO II G ELI'. ru w and Fon-ign Newspaper Slates judicial DMrift, e Adjournment c Nebraska Ter- I Couit. ' '"r t tli C I!:c!rirt ''urt for the counties -ir,l,i,c-i a:iJ formula pi.it of tlie S?s- Dt rictiu !i.e xerr.iry or curie, euua ;;'V i've l ap now fixed ty law for holding rr- J1 ,k .r.i.r.U 1Kb iay r Seuteiuber. . i'rvlV I lit i U T - - ' . 1. . I 13 !' ' T.u:ri.iav the 4th lv of Rpo. lJ" -j. f v,.a Tiw-T-f-'lsy the 4th ly of S i! ii' i.i lie day of bepumi niker. ft A M. 2 -rv:jiy the 8:h day of u- . ihn 13. b Ljv of Senttfiuber. ; Ii:. ' r'C aniv.-rro.n TbPTlay. the 11th "'r J tJ M.,iiJay, 4r of Scp- f'MV -ri 'W .Monday the 2.1 day ft tti t J -v ,n tLe 2d:h cf September, l"v 'it.'iM 15tlidrfr An; ist, A. D., - ' J,tS!!'lI K. STK EK1 Kit. JuiUc 2 I ii'liciai DuTict, Tertiloiyol Jebrark. F. Harvey. Esq., ?ditor of the Ne aCiiy .Virs, ,'as n town this week. JJjijiiiGJf has his house let grade of the etUil!i;lieJ to tie T Voir Tax. Those who wish to heir taxes kfore the sales, will B do so to-day or Monday tnor- r. SaO'den parsed down on the j on her lat trip, on his way to i i ' r m J i 11 to attcru me iiauroau vuuveu- :::c:ors. There will be preaching Treslyierian church, by Rev. II. '!iins,.on Salbath evening at half jeren. . e the advertiiement on the fourth of Sagar.Caue Mills. Those de :to purchase for this season's use, L leave ilieir orders immediately. '.;0 rrxec S. R. J AMI SON rmi ' r-i lliiiri rnm A mrilir St. (). 9, Ma. a Street,- one door east of r's Stor. This is a much more !;::ab!e and convenient room than i t it has been for the last sir months. !!a Ficht. On Wednesday last, five hundred Sioux Indians came to ivr.ee Reserve and commenced an Vpoa the Pau-nees. The Govern j stock on the Reserve was carried d ten Sioux and ten Pawnees killed. 1 ::rx Death. Scvmocu Beldev, 1 known citizen of this place, was ocaa in nis room on -.onuay morn- ':f tla f-ioH aim.) nril Kr t..-ni (r ml 111 hours. He" had retired on the evening, apparently in usual i Killer and Vermin Exter tcb. Step your grumbling about Sees, lujs and moths, and go to 'iDruj Store and purchase a sheet Lightning Fly-Killer, and a box of -.'terminator; follow the directions, . 'wp in peace. ! . at:jG. On Thursday last, in com-- wit"h an Ordinance of the City lue Dusicess nouses or mis uity Inclosed between the hours of three -Te in the afternoon, to give the ;! n opportunity to practice in the p war. The various companies all j-ia the exerciies of drilling under fEi!L . lty Times, is the title of -r1 ;.LiliL-hed at Bellevue, Sar- V. e srcMs from the nuin- set- f't-rs, tc a rv-n the ?it business in this Territory. i M perhaps on account of the r.dver ftfthe delinquent Tax List. The ? is a very neat little paper, edited Clark. I prime! Enlisting! Col. Fur- T "twelve pounder" all quiet j ;ips comfortable and doing well. f tri;?k business is being done in f re-trionths recruiting in this vicin- Nearly all "soldiers," too. -enough. Thoughtful people. I aect Generals will all. no doubt, be jv.iih name-sakes, now. Make future McClellans,Sigels, Popes, ft Banks. Hallecks, Buels, and so on. I ' 'CS l ot-. Tl ie Vnion, whose unexpired suV ptas been filled with the Mver I lr hereby notified that this num. i ln it f f c Jvcriuer completes the year Ho cumbers. In gU cases the 'li . 'il be discontinued, unless thev i Cs to the contrary. Several have i a us to continue sending the Ad I. ' we nay possibly, in some fes- mail it to those who do not do. fit' fit' j l"' 4 so, they wiU piease return jt, LM ruu wa) miorm us that it is A hr rrra number of the 'loers? were at tT.nt;m 5 Pldtfrt;, r k. . .unv, vain.. fil1 .1 T To these we did tt two cc: ies cf katte t paper, hr,,v .M crea'1 the unexpired Wertismg -agency, rrr.OADWAV.NliW YORK. I' a .n". f..r the "NKIiKASU. ADVEB St. Louis SIareets. Wheat.'Jrotn 75 to GO cents: more sold at 80 cent than any figure aXove. Corn, stationary at 33 cts. Pork, mess, at 9 cts. Flour, double extra, at $3,50. Other grade lo wer, down to $300. Still Tiiev Come. We noticed a few weeks ago, (in speaking of the effects of the Homestead Law,) the arrival of e large number of emigrants in this vicin ity, and stated that others were comin. Quite a number have since arrived. Cer tain recruiting officers Col. Furnas and Capt. Hewett, are said to be untirin in their attentions to the strangers. Negligence and Bad Memory. Wo labor under the inconvenience of ha'ing 1 1 WW a rrovouinjriv baa memory. N e are war j constantly neglecting or forgetting things of great importance in writing for our paper, and thereby somebody is slighted and sometimes is irreparably injured. Only last week we forgot to state that; Wm. E. Harvey was "one of the prom inent candidates for nomination at the late Democratic Convention." Correction. We last week did in justice to Messrs. Lett and Bedfkd the delegates from this county to tho Democratic Convention by stating that they-had bolted when Judge Kinney was nominated. They stayed until the Con vention was over, and voted to make tho nomination unanimous. The opinion vva:j prevalent here for several days that tho delegates frcm Nemaha county had acted with those of Douglass in withdrawing from the Convention. Gen. Pope has written a very sharp letter to Capt. Harrison, the officer for whose apprehension he recently offered five cents reward, rebuking him for his card of explanation in a New York paper, and telling him that he had no adequate grounds for resigning, and that his excu ses were trumped up to cover his dis graceful conduct, and assuring him that it was his deliberate purpose to digrace before the American people any officer in his army who would be guilty of such conduct. Wm. E. Harvey, Terrotorial School Commissioner, passed through ihi3 place oa Wednesday List,:cn his way to the East, to attend the Railroad Convention at Chicago. Mr. II. was a candidate before the Democratic Convention, and received on the first ballot twenty-oue votes the same number that was given each to Kinney and Poppleton. Mr. Harvey is a young man, of fair abilities, agreeable manners, and indomitable per severence. Such men are bound to rise in the world, even against adverse cir cumstances. He made a most excellent School Superintendent. Seeds, Hedges and Timber. Farm ers and others are referred to the ad vertisement in this number of Thomp son &. Hedges. All who want fresh garden seeds, true to nume, adapted to this soil and climate, should patronize the firm. Thev are thorough goiDg enter prising men, of great benefit to the community and to the Territory They thoroughly understand the nursery and seed business. They are prepared to sell cuttings of the Powder Willow, to all who may desire to purchase. There is no timber superior for our prairies to the Power Willow. It is more easily produced than any of the kinds hereto fore tried, is better adapted to all locali ties, is a more rapid grower, is more beautifil, will not breed or harbor ver min, nill not spread by suckers, and lastly is equal in value to any other fast grrvrcr that ( has been tried. Mr. Thcxipson will send grafts on the receipt of u red postage stamp several pavers of Tobacco Seed, of varieties best adapted tc this Territory. An C;,en Letter to noracc Greeley. Executive Maijsion ) Ws;;i5CToif, August 22,' 1862 DejrSir: I have just read yours of the 19 Jiirst., addressed to myself through tl-3 N v York Tribvne. If there be any statemvta or assumption? of fact which I may 4lov to be erroneous, I do not now and hre controvert them. If there be sny inferences which I may believe to be falseiv drawn, I do not now and here argue 8 gainst them. K there be percep Jible 7: an impatient and dictorial tone, I waive it in deference to an old tnena whose besrt.I have always supposed io le right. fAs to the policy I seem to be nursuir.T. as vou sav. I have net meant to leavn.v one in doubt. I would save the Ui i iry I would save it in the shortest undrT :l i! Constitution. The sooner tha r.-'' ; . 1 r uthority can be restored, the ;;..vr thi Union will be the Union as it v. r. If here be those who wrould not a tL2 Union unless they could at the rr.v tia.p'save slavery, I do not now a- ; rree with them. If there be those who would not save the union unless at the same time destroy slavery, I do not agree with them. My paramount object is to save the Union, and not eiiher to save or destrov slaverv. If I could save the Union without freeing &y suves, would do it; and if I eoud by freeing ali the slares, I would do it ; and if could do it by freeing some and leaving others alcne, I would also do that." What I do about slavery and the colored race, I do because I believe it helps save thi$ Union : and what I forbear, I forbeaf because I believe it would not help save this Union. I shall do jess whenever I believe, what I am doing hurts the cause; and I shall do more whenever I believe doir" more will help the cause. I shall j .---)- . try and correct errors when shown to be errors; and I shall adopt new views so fast as they thall appear true views. I have here staled my purpose, accord ing to my views of official duty; and I in tend no modification of my oft-expressed personal wish, that all men everywhere could be free. Yours, A. LINCOLN. NEW ADYEKTISEMEXS. ROOKS! 2300KS!! HOOKS!!! Periodicals, Pictorials . find School Books. H. H. MAUSH, In addition to Lis Periodicals Novels Ac, La? just received a a largo supply f School books. Tbe-tu Dooka are tho onl j ones recommended bj Hon. W. II.Il:i.rvj, Territorial School Coiumissioner, and aro also recommcrded by ail the best teachers and stu dents in the Territory, it is highly nece;?ary to have a uniform btaniard cf Bot,ks ia our Schools And 9 these Books erenow used in all the High and Common Schools iu the United Stiitea, and an fast Wcoming popular in our Territory, it is ira portent that we should not bs behind the times. Tcaheri and instructors will do well to call at th Suva Depot, Poat Office Luildin?, and examine for theiiiseW. H. H. MARSH, Aug 23. . News Asrent. 850 (mplonmcnt. LSrozxto 757'.xxtocl TO SELL SEWING MACHINES AT REDUCED PRICES. $15 EACH. Onr MachiEe Is perfect in Its MecbaDlfm. It Is less liable to get out -f orJcr tban any otber. Diplomas Lave been awarded it over the Urovcr & Baker aud other Ligb priced Machines. $15 EACH. Onr Machine nses a trai(rbt nceMe, and will WORK Wltn ALL KINDS OF THREAD, Silk or Linen, making an elastic beam, free Jrom liabilities to break in wash ing and is ihe BEST and CHEAPEST Machine in ube. $15 IUCSI. Oar Machine will II EM, FELL, STITCII, QTJtT.T and BIND, and will tew on all kinds of goods, from tbn flaes-t Sw iss Mublin to tbe Coarsest Woolen, working wirb eaee Ibrough bevpral thicknesses of thick WixMen Cloth.-r ALL MAClllXES ARE WARRANTED. $15 EACH. If you want a Good Machine, and not have it Cost you anything, write toirs, aa we want tho Machine tested in every neighborhood in the United States. $15 EACH. EMPLOYING AGENTS! Wo will give a commission cn all goods sold by our Anems, or wc will pay wages at FIFTY DOLLARS PER MONTH and pay all necessary expenses. For par'tieal&rs ad dresss CDAS. RUGGLES. Aeent, Acg. 16th. n5-yly Detroit, Mich.. . .. . - - - - q XTT Til E II EST " CORNELLS GEOGRAPHIES ; oll-oihcrs lefove ihe urpass Public ...... I Ia philojop'aical fcrransremenf. 2d. In the gradual progress of their steps, 3d. In preseating one thing at a time. 4th. In the adaptation cf each part to its inten ded grade f scholarship." 5;k. In the admirable mode they prescribe for memorizing the contents of a mnp. 6th. In their explanation and directions for des cribing tho natural divisionsof the earth. 7th. In their judicious se'ections of facts. 8th. In the appropriate and instructive character of their illustrations. 0th. In consiitency between inaps and text. 10th. Ia the introduction into the maps of Each places only as are raentione in the book. 11th. In the clear representation of every fact, and the atialytisa1 precision with which each branch of tho subject is kept distinct. 12th. In being at onco practical, fystematie, and complete, philosophical in arrangement, and pro gressive in development of the subject. CORNELL'S GEOGRAPHIES Are officially recominen led for the use of tho Pub lic Schools of Nebraska Territory. Cornell's Geographies are officially recommended for the use of tho Public Schools of the State of Kansas. Cornell's Goosrraphies are officially recommended for the use of the Public Schools of the State of Vermont. Cornell's Geographies are officially recommended for the use of the Public Schools of the State cf Ohio. Cornell's Geographies are officially recommended for the qso of the Public Schools of the State of Indiana. Cornell's Gccgraptics are official! recommended for tho use of the I'ublw Schools of the State of New Hampshire. Cornell's Geographies are officially recommended for tho use of the public schools in the State of Cal ifornia. ...... Cornell's Geographies are officially recommended for the nse of public fechools, in the State of Wis consin. CorBcll's Geographies are used m public schools of tha City of New York. Cornell a UeoTmphies are used in puouc scuools of the City of Brooklyn. Cornell e G-eogrnphies are used in public schools of thi City rf Albany. Cornell's Iveographies are used in pubho schools of tho City cf Troy. Cornell s Geographies are used in public schools of tho City of Syracuse. Cornell s Geographies are used m public schooli of theCiryof Auburn. Cornell s Geographies are used in public schools of the City of Kochester. Cornoll s Geographies are used in public schools of the city of Philadelphia. Cornell s Geographies are used in public Schools of the City of Pittsburg. Cornell s Geographies aro used in publio schools of the City of Mobile. Cornell a Geographies are used in publio schools of the City of Wilmington. Cornell a Geographies are used in public schools of the city os Washington Cornell s Geographies are nsed in public schools of the City of Detroit. Cornell s Geographies are .used in public schools of the City of Columbus, Cornell s Geographies are used in publio Bcnools of tho City of Hartford. Cornoli's Geographies are used in public schools of the City of !New Haven. Cornell's Geographies are in general use in all parts of the Uuitcd States. Cornell's Geographies are printed on the best pa per, are the best bound, and the best illustrated of any School Geography extant. CORNELL'S FIRST STEF3 IN GEOQR AAIIT. Intended to precede Cornell's Geographical Sorier, and to introduce the little pupil pleasantly and prof itably to the rudiments of Geography. One beauti ful volume, child's quarto, with numerous maps and illustrations, 72 pages. Price, 23 cents. THE SFR1ES CONSISTS OP I. PSIMASY GEOGRAPHY. Small 4to. 96 rF. 12 Maps. Beautifully illustrated. Price, 53 cents. TT r.T?AM-WA-R-SCIIOOL ULUUiliirilx. Large 4to, wir.h unmerous Maps and lllu5trations. 108 pp It includes Physical and Descriptive Geography. Price, PO cents. (The Grammar -swi ;nrTihT mar either follow the Inter- Ait Arch used instead of it. Tbe chief difference between the Intermediate and Gram mar S,.W1 that the latter, though no more elevated in style, is fuller in detail, presents a greater variety of map questions, ana number of localities to be memorized,) larger III. HIGH-SCHOOL GE0GBAPHY AND ATLAS. Gw.gr.yhy, large 12mo. 406 pp. Kiehly Illus trated. It inoludes Descriptive, Physical, and Mathematical Geography. Price, 75 cent?. Atlas, vcrv ariro 4to. voniainiug a cumpivw set of Haps for study ; ulo, a set ut Reference Maps fr family u. Price, $1. A copy of either part of the er es.fov xatn- ination.willbo sent by mil,post-pnM to any ; iean. er or School OEccr romitth one-lialf 4t pnoe. D. APl'LETON & CO., itw York. - jrT Pn3LHfI3!V.) Corncirs Cards for the Study anl Practice cf Map rrawir. Des-igncd to sccouipapy r.y Gengrapl-y. but especinllv adapt e.1 toth -alei.f Cornell's Gram marrSchool Maps. Price por sot f 12 Card?, IA tts. Aifsa, Cornell S.-r.es rf Oullinc Maps, of whic l a Des criptive Circular will bo sent uion applies. on. January 15,12. n-lf-ttj Tax Sales hi Pawnee Coanf Notice is hereby giren, that I will oa Moni y il : first day of September, A. D. I8G2, sell to the aih eat bidder, 8 b much cf the following real estate, ly ing and being in Pawnee County Nebraska, ai will be sufficient to pay the taxes assess td against the same, for the year A. D. IS3I: said sales to t -i-mecce at 9 o'clock A. M., and to continue n: . o'clock, P. M., at the office of D. Bntler, Psv . City, Pawnee County, Nebraska. F.F.LIMMIXG,; Treasurer Pawnee County. NAMES.; PEECKIITIOS EEC 9 B AC'B TAX. Brock JnoW eqr 32 a 12 IB ; l.oZ BemisH ,ne i , 7 1 12 Ui 7,5C, Bashline Esther 8 w Vof sw li't ' se yA of s i 35 3 12 6: Bradbry John sjse 4 2 13 f BobracrH. n neJinwK"'Ji8 3 H 121 Colllajn Ii. w U sw & se of . ' . sw U 30 3 12 120 8,23 4.4f- Canninjbam Wm. e nw & w U ne Va i 4 3 22 1 32 1 8 2 9 2 27 1 11 KO 12 0 11 160 11 S3 II 13 11 1C0 7,74 lement N G; s K of 3,83 O'Doanald Hugh w $ nw & w y. of 6W 1 7,53 7,5i Dean A M J do & w sw i East A G. sw qr Fowler E W ne qr Fries John rwqr&aeqr 35 2 II 100 5.20 55 1 12 311) Sj Fleinming John so qr se qr A s of se qr 3 3 do no qr n? qr 1 1 3 12 123 12- i:o 10 V), 10 43 10 S3 11 130 Grundy S. wbfswqr 21 1 do fw qr r.v qr 23 1 1 1 21 2 5.83 Holbison b. shf ncqr Hi mmond U H. neqr Hi gin B. whfcwqr do e bf ne qr 2,72 7,73 7,1 S 7,55 7,55 5,83 4,43 7,10 4,75 ..a 11! ICO 11160 11 160 Horn J A. 'ew qr UuffS nw qr ii 28 Hedge Sarah w hf so qr & se qr of se qr 15 2 11 120 Johnson A. ne qr sw qr & nw qrcfneqr24 2 10 120 Jenkia3 HS. n hf nw qr & n hf of ne qr 30 3 12 160 Jones J A. so qr 21 3 11 160 Kennedy L MB. nwqrAnhf of sw qr 33 2 11 240 7,17 KinerJoLn seqr&shf swqr 21 2 11 210 12.64 Kellev Anson so or 17 S 12 103 7,55 Luckcy E. ne qr 22 1 12 150 LockeyJohn wbfswqr 13.2 12 80 Murdoch 1) A. sw qr 2 19 160 9,34 4,75 7,55 McLaughlin P. ehfneqrAtw qr of ne qr &. sw qr of se qr & nc qr ne qr 28 seqrofswqr 21 2 11 2S0 1305 Neal David w bf n w qr fc w hf of swot 31 1 9 160 7,55 7,55 0,23 Perry J D. nw qr PercellWW. neqr 34 2 11 1(10 25 3 12 160 24 29 20 2 II 3 1 9 1C9 22 Payne M W. do do do Payne Moses do se qr no qr . nw qr no qr se qr ne qr so qr ne qr se qr w hf so qr & ne qrswqr sw qr ne qr 9,35 31 2 II do 6 I 11 320 15,10 P.ooncy M. e hf se or A nwqrSw qr2I 2 9 9 160 7,55 do se qr no qr 21 2 9 Strawb N nw qr se qr & ne qr of sw qr 13 3 10 Strowb D. ehfnwqr 13 3 10 Smith Wm. n hf ne qr & so qr of 80 80 1,44 5.89 ne qr A ne qr ne qr 25 3 11 160 7,25 Steele Joseph s bf ne qr & ne qr nw qr & w hf seqr L whf neqr 6 2 12 230 13,33 Shannon T R. n bf sw qr 13 2 II 80 3,22 Shannoz T H. so qr 22 2 II 160 7,55 Shannon GD. se qr 35 2 II 160 8,55 Sherman U 15. lit ne qr a nw qr'of ae qr Shreevrg J. B. ew qr Tyler Julius nw qr Tanrmr Jacob nw qr Tanner Gw na qr Trip Benjamin nhfseqr Tarney Daniel , sw r " T"il!.i!j lr - ne qr Vanfosses N, nw or no' or 17 2 II 120 30 2 II 157 17 2 12 160 27 I 9 K0 23 I 9 160 34 I 12 80 i i 9 i;o 14 I 12 ICS 5,71 7,31 9,00 7,55 7,55 3,88 7,55 7,55 5,55 3,16 7,85 5t n jr sw qr Waters S. e bf ne qr Wooi J C. nw qr & saw mill 20 2 9 12 I 10 21 3 12 80 80 90 List Tor 1S59. Huff Samuel nw qr 28 2 II 160 9 60 List Tor 1SGO. Brown W N F. sw qr 6 3 12 160 11,24 Clark J W. nw qrswqr 23 I 12 40 3.52 Chamberlin A B. estate of nw qr33 I 12 ICO 11,11 Cornolly John shfseqr 15 2 9 S3 do n hf no qr 22 2 9 83 H,II Fowler II J. ne qr 35 2 II I8 12,47 ilundnerA - swqrswqrsnw do qr of ne qr SO 3 II Hogin R. w hf nw qr 7 2 12 do e hf ne qr 12 2 II HornJ A. so qr II I II Huff Samuel ntf qr 28 2 II Kelly tnson so qr 17 3 12 0 5,83 ICO 4,37 lea ;i2z I6; 1L78 Lucker Charles n hf sw qr & se qr sw qr Percell Wm W. ne qr Tyler Julius nw qr Tillotson Jno. se qr 8 2 12 129 9,04 25 3 12 103 11,73 17 2 12 IG0 7.13 21 I 10 160 25,0'i Toivn Lots Delinquent In Pavs nee City. Gatling R J. Lots I, 2,3,5,1 6 in Block 1 4 do do Lots 3, in Block 2, L 7, B 3, do do L4& 5,BIS,L7B2,LH do do 12 B 4, L 4 B 15, aad Lota do do II & 12 B 3, $18,97 Town Lots Delinquent In Table Rock. Milckin C T. Lot II in Bloc k 5 Lot 3 B 10, do L II B 10, L 3 B L 9 B do 53, L3B48, McClure J. L 3 B 30 L 5 B 53 L 12 B do 55, - MarshJ. Lot I0B 36"........;...:.'. $2,88 ' $1,01 4 45 45 NarrisTT. L 2 B 7, Noies FC. L2B2, Walker R R. , L 3 B 15 I. 5 B 56 L 9 B 60 Given under my hand at Pawnee City this fourth day of August A. D. 1S62 F. F. LIMMIN3, Ireasurerol t awnneo County; A. EXCELSIOR i Burr Stone Mills, (FOR FARMERS AND MILLERS,) AND ANTI-FBICTION HORSE POWERS. TOOK TEN FIRST PREMIUMS at Western State Fairs last year, and are justly considered superior to all others. The mill may be driven by hone, water, or tteam power, does its work as well as the flat stone mills in milling establishments, and requires but one-half the power to drive the largest siz-s. They are very compact, pe rfectly simple, and for farm use will last TU1RT1 YEARS, and COST nothing for repairs. Prices-$100; $140. k $170. Flour Bolt for smallest Midi $50 extra. THE HORSE POTTER nas proved itself to bo the besi ever invented. The friction is reduced by IRON BALLS, so arranged in all the bearing, that the whole weight of the eastines runs upon them. THREE POUNDS DRAUGHT, at the end of a ten feetlever, will keep the power in motion ! thus permitting the entire strength of tbeboree to be used on the machine to be driven. One Horsb will do as much work on this power, as two on the endless Chain Power. IT IS PORTABLE, and may be used in the field as well as in tho house. More than TWENTY-FIVE PER BENT of horse flesh is saved over any other now in tse. It is simple in contraction, and not liable to get out of o.der. Price of power for 1 to 4 horses- $125 Trice of power for 1 to 4 horses 175 The $125 Power will drive any Threshing Machine. Every Machine is guaranteed to give satisfbction,or 'm the money will be refunded. REFERENCES. B. F. GurriN, Manhattan. Kan. Philadelphia, Penn. Gsxts. With two horses on your Anti-friction Power, we drive your No. 1 Mill.grinding 15 Bush els of corn per hocr, and cut a large quantity of bay at the same time. I have never seen a power that runs with so little friction, and consequently with so little strain upon the hor?ei . W. P. COOPER, Supt. 13th & 15th S;. Pass. R. R. Co. Ci oster.N. J.. Jan. 29 18S2. Mefsp.s. Eexxet Brothers, Gests. I 8m very much rleased with the Power. It runs e.iFicr than any other Power in this vicinity snd with the same horses will do nearly, or quite t aico as much work. I run my Thresher at 1,500 revolutions per minute, and a 24 inch Cro?s-cat Saw, at 1.200 revoluii n. Yours trt.lv. PETEIt J. WHITS- r?rON ALL ORDERS RECEIVED BEFORE DOT. 15T.. 1S'2, THE FREIGHT WILL BE PRF PAID TO CHICAGO, OR ANY OTHER PORT ON LAKE 'MICHIGAN. r?F"L!b6rnI dl?crant tc de.iler?. Agent? wartsd. htat. Ccuntv.ai'.d rihois Pights f-r - Ft r fur hrr inform itum "i'i:n f..rMi:nrted Circulars to 1 i:M;'f PK f JIKItS, 42 atJ 41 t,V..c;fj-?t , Soif-ioik. August Pth, 1S51, ni im PROBATE NOTICE. j Notice is hereby given that I have appoint 'A Monday, the 15th day of September, A. D.ls52, at 12 o'clock, M. as the time for the final setUexcr.t cf the estate of Jcshua Randal, deceased. Given under my hand and official seal, thia 20th day of August, 182. C.W.WHEELER, n6-3w-$2,00 Probate Judge. PJIOBATE NOTICE. WhoreasVilliam Chambers has beon appointed Adminf3trator of the estate of James A. G;wdy, deceased, late of Nemaha County, N. T noiice is hereby given that I have appointed the 8th day cf December, A. D., 1862, at 10 o'clock, A. M., as the time for hearing claim3 against said estate. .Witness my hand and official seal this 20th day of August, A. D. 1862, C. W. WHEELER, n6-4w-$2,50 Probate Judge. NOTICE OF ATTACHMENT. John J. Matthews ) Before C. W. Wheeler, J. P., in va and for Neinaha county, Ife- .'acob Cook jbraska Territory. On the 5th day or August, A. D. IS32, said Justice is sued an order of attachment in the above action, for the sum of $93.77. JOHN MATTnKWS. Brownvllle, Auifrirt 23d, IS62. nc6-3w MASTER'S SALE. In pursuance of a decretsl order made by the District Couit, In and for Nemaha county, Nebraska Territory, sitting in Chancery . bearing date tbe 20th day of Alay. A. D., 1862. in a certain cun;e pending in Raid court. wherein William Wilson Is complainant, and Gideon F. Tindall is respondent, I will, on Monday the 2 2d day or September, A. D. 1S62, at II o'clock, A. if.. In front of Den's ball, in Urownville, in said county, (being tbe place where f aid court wai last held,) effer for sale to tbe higbest LidJer, for cash, tbe following described premises, to-wit : Lot No one (I) in section No. thirty-one, (31,) and Lot no three (3) In section No thirty, (30,) all in town&hip No. neven, (7 ) north of range No sixteen, (16.) east of the 8th principal meredlan, Ne maha county, Nebraska Territory. J. S. BEDFORD, August S3 '62-4w-S Master in Chancery. PUBLIC NOTICE. Territory of Nebraska,) County of Gage. j Whereas, David Wolf and Frederick Hagenstein, did on the 28th day of July, A. D. 1862, file a peti tion asking of tbe Probate Court a decree that J. L. McCanles a3 Administrator of the estate of D. C. McCanles, late of Jones oounty, deceased, shall make a good and sufficient deed of Warrantee to the said petitioners of the following tract of land, being the wett half of the northeast quarter, and tbe south east forty of the north west quarter of section twen ty-six, of township two, range three, east of the sixth principal meridian, in Jones county, Nebraska Ter ritory. pfow, be it known that I havo appointed Monday, the 15th day of September, A.D. 1862, ac 10 o'clock A. M-for the hearing of said petition, and all per sons interested therein may appear and show cause why the prayer of tbe petitioner shall n- 6 s gran ted. ALUSRT TOWLE, 1-ata Jujje, Gage Co.,JNeb. Beatrice, Jc" 1SS2.- n4 6w-8,00. Alfred Opel, ) District Court Nemaha County ) Distri i vs ebraska Territory. rrnrfi Brownleo By viuo of an oraer or sale to me directed in the above titled case, I will on Saturday, the 20th day of September, 1862, between the hours cf 10 o'clock a. in. ai..d 4 o'clock p. m., of said day, at the door of Den's Hali ia Bttwnville, the plaea where the'said court was last bt..'d, for said emahacounty, ofor sale and sell to the u.'gbeSt bidder, for cash ii hand, the following described real estate, to-wit: north half and southwest quarter or" tb northcasit quartet of section number 24, in township nnmbor 4, north of range number 15, east of the 6th p'i cipal meredian, in Nemaha county, Nebraska, ta ken as the property of Hugh Brownlea to sai'y said demand. , J.W.COLEMAN, Sheriff of Nemaha count:- ' Brownville. An .3 '(12, tf-kl SIIE' J i'S SALE Williamson R. W. Cobb,J District Court, Ne va r maha County, NebrEk& Gurdon II. Wilcox, ) Territory. By virtue of an order of sale to me directed in the above entitled case, I will, on Saturday, tbe 30th day of A igust, A. D. 1S52, between the hours of 10 o'clock, A. M.. and 4 o'clock P. M. of said day, at the door of Den's Hall, in Brownville, the place where the said Court was last held, for said Nemaha chan ty, oS'cr for sale the following described real estite, SDd will sell tho same to the highest bidder, for ei.h in hand, to-wit : The undivided half of Lot No. four (4:) South East fractional quarter of Section No. eightteen in Township No. five ( M north of R.inge No. sixteen (16,) east, in Neinafc a County, Nebraska Territory, containing 17 B'J-IUU acies, with all the appurtenances thereunto belonging, taken as the property of G. H. Wilcox, to satisfy said demand. J. W. COLEMAN, July 20th,1862 n2-5w $6,30 Sheriff. SHERIFF'S SALE. Bank of the Union, in Tenn J District Court, Ne va mana County, ne- G.H, Wilcox. ) braska. By virtue of an order of sale to me directed In the above entitled case, I will, on Saturday, the 33th day of August, A. D. 1862, between the hours of 10 o'clock, A. M. and 4 o'clock P. M. of said day at the door of Den's Hall, in Brownville, tho plaeejrhere tbe said court was last held for said JNemana county, offer for sale, to the highest bider, for cash in band, the following described real estate, to-wit: ine undivided half of Lot No. four ( 4, ) South East frao tional quarter of Section No. Eighteen, in Township No. Five. (5,) north of Range No. Sixtecn,(16,)east, in said Nemaha County, Nebraska, Territory, con taining 17 80-100 acres, with all the appurtenances therconto belonging, tiken as tho property of G. H. Wilcox, trf satisfy said demand. J. W. COLEMAN, Sheriff. July 26th, 1862. i2-5w $6,30 SHERIFF'S SALE. Samuel A. Chambers, Executor District Court, of Estate of Willis Hill, dec. ".Nemaha County vs j Nebraska Territo- L. P. Hiatt and Jeroma Hoover, j ry. By virtue of an execution to me directed in the above entitled case, I will, on Saturday, the "30th day of August, A.D. 1852, between She hours cf 10 o'clock A. M. and 4 o'clock P. M. of said day, at the door of Den's Hall, in Brownville, the place where the said Court was lac t held for said Nemaha county. offer for sale the following described property, to wit : Lot 2 in Block 49 ; Lots 11, 13, 15 and 15, in Block 39 ; Lot 16 in Block 84 : Lots 9. 10 and 14 in Block 90 ; Lots II, 12, 13 and 14 in Block 32 ; Lot 4, in Block 35 ; Lots 1 and 2 in block 45 ; Lots 10 and 11 in Block 47 ; Lot 11 in Block 43 ; Lot 13 in Block 71; Lot 9 in Block 73; Lots 13. 14.15 and 13 in Block 66, in Nemaha City,Nemaha County, Nebras ka Territory; and tho South East Quarter of North West Quarter, Section 34, Township 5, Range 15, 40 acres ; and South East Quarter of South West Quarter. Section I, Township 4, Range 15. except 2 acres of the west side, containing 38 acres; and a tract of land commencing at a point 80 Rods riortb of South West corner of Section 18, Township 4, Range 16, East ; thence ranring East 47 Rods ; thence South 23 r liods : thence West 47 Rods: thence North 23Vi Ronds, to the place if begiaieg, containing seven ac-res ; and South West Quarter of Section 21, Township 4, Range lo, Ea--t, containing 75 87-100 acres; and t'ne North West Quarter of North East Quarter Mid Lot 12 cf Section 32, Town ship 5, Range 1 except 20 acres, deeded to Snow and the West Half of tho South West Quarter, and Lots 3 and 4, in Section 32, Township 5, Rang 15. except 20 acres in Ihe South West corner all of said Real Estate lying in Nemaha County, Nebraska Territory, taken as the property of Jerome Hoover to satisfy said execution. J. W. COLEMAN, Sheriff. July 26'h. 1312, ti2-5w-T2,0. Curranta! Currants! I I? 't-i vi:n P.. Br; vDviKn. a i March 28, n3-tf B. O. THOMPSON. 1 ? SIIEKIFr3 SALE. ! i Xockolla, Administrator 1 il of Joseph Deroia doc. 1 District Court, vs I NebraakaTeritory ' r Jeffries, against Pl'ff. J " - i rtu 9 of an execution to me directed in the i ititled caQe, I will, on Saturday, tho 30lh " uust.A.D. 1S62, between the hours of 10 i ' . I: A. aad 4 o'clook P. II., of said day, at he u .r of Den's Hall, in Brownville, the place where . ; is b i 1 Couit was la.it held for said jiemaha Conn ' tj, . : r for sale, for cash in baud, th9 following Iu..-, cd real estate, to-wit : Lot (3) in Block (4,) ia tin original Plat or tne City or Urownville, in N;tn: i County, Nebraska Territory, taken as the 1 ptorerty of Hc:th Nuckolls to satisfy said demand, j J. W. COLEMAN, Sheriff. I Ju!7 23th, 1852. n2-5w-$5,40 w 1362. 1862. any goods and groceries THEODORE HILL, I) receiving, and will continue to receive during the t tan.er, one cf THE LARGEST BEST STOCKS mm wwm FROM New York, Philadelphia and St Louis,' That has ever been exhibited in the Western Conn, try, embracing al I the Utoxt styles and novelties of tbe limes. Dis stock embraces Dry Good Groceries Hardware, Cutlery, Queenware, Hula and Caps, Shakers, Boots and Shoes Doors and SasH, Glass and Putty, Pine Furniture, &C.9 Scc, &c. Among his Dry Goods will be found Prints Ginghams Lawns. Bareges Brown and Bleached Muslins, Demees. Striped Sheeting, Cot tonades Hosiery, Gloves. The Latest Styles Hoop Skirts, Notions, Ac, ac. He has much the Largest Stock of QTJEENSWARE in the Upper country. THEO. HILL, Agent for the naruiibal & St. Joseph Bail jxaoa x-e.cx.ei jjina oi oteamDoats. Kay 22, 1SS2. n46-tf. McCORLIICK'S Eeaper and Hower MANUFACTURED AT Chloago, 111. This celebrated machine f by !! tyf'. t BEST ORAiy AND CRASS CVTjKJC " THE WOH.I.U. N-)t-uTitb4"..in.i;;iy t !; .uiireprwa'ationi ct :noie lutcr in oCmr tnicbuiet, C. II. McCor:uic2 XBzo. taan uct ue at the rate of 8,000 per year, Many cUanire have t pen alt'ectel daring tlie ts svaaon, and for the "McOormick" la presente 1 wr.ii greater attracUon ttn ever te.'ore. As a revr, .TIIK ECOXO:,lY OF POTTER IN THIS MACHINE, 1T3 Strength, Durability, and Simplicity, Bi7 it ;we'erence over all others New improvements added, save materially lessened the direct draught, and io obviated the tidi draught that many assure us that it does not now exist. Tbe drught of the Reaper la to ligbt that In numerous Instances tbe large four hers: machine Is worked with but two horses. FOR MOWING, The Machine of 1862 will stand any test that may bo j atr-lsd. Our Guard and Patent Cleaner effectually prevents choking, n" matter what the condition of the irra'i, vblleour new JMder point separates baldly :o ted and tangled clover or jrass; where other ma. :.r'! (lf.lil. i( o is also a (treat advantage in our serrated sickle . the smooth,-aa it does not require sharpening '- 3' mi. thus saving time. Our slcile will frequently itniftfku otir harvest without ence grinding, wal ; vie smooth edge must be ground once each day, if ml oftnerl With a smoth edge the draught Increases at. tee knife becomes dull. Our draught la uniform, and iu tlie repeated trials during the season of 1860 61, provti far lighter than single Mower?, cutting at the autro time from twelve to eighteen incbea wider. , Ovr Mower can be used with or without the reel , thia t Uc poriant, as without the reel it weighs but about iJTO pounds. " In addition to the very liberal warrantee given to j ;l rurctiasers, we would say as heretofore, that farmers Lj that desire it, are at liberty to work our nizruine through the harvest, with any oher, and kaep and pay fi r the one preferred. ! Ftaiphlets with full description of improvements, U menials, &c., can be had by application to i THEO. HILL, Asrent, Brownvlllo, 2NT. X1. May if', 186J. n45-tf HEW GOODS JUST RECEIVED jL t Prioeo TO SUIT '""S"tt"via?i JOHN A. PONN Is now receiving and opening out his Sprine Stock of Goods, consis in; of Dry Goods, Groceries, Hats and Caps, Boots and Shoes, Iron and Nails, Flour and Bacon, Queensware, Hardware, Furniture, Sash and Doors, Window Glass, etc., etc.,etf. Which I will soli cheap for Cash or Produce. " Call and examine my stock before purchasing elsewhere. Brownville, April 24, 1882, a42-6m DISPEPSIA AND FITS. A sure Cure for these distressing complaints la now made known in a ''Treatise o.f Foreign aud Na tive Herbal Preaaticis." published by DB, O. PHELPSl BROWN. The prescription, fur nished by a young clairvoyant girl, while In a state of trance, baa cured everybody who has taken it, never hiring failed in a single case. It is equally sure in cases of Us as of Dyppemsia ; and the Ingredient may be found in any drugstore. Those who are aSicted with C insnmptioi), Bronchitis or Ant bin., may also be cured by tbe u.e of my Uerbal Preparations. 1 will tend this valuable prescription free t any pera-m on receipt of their name. Address, Dft. O. PaELFS UBOWN, No. 19 Grand street, Jersey City, N. J- nil-Cm For Sale at Bargains. Two N'. 1 Sbnttle Empire Sewing Machines. One Franklin Family Sewing Machine. Two Itorace Waters 8"5 Melodions. Twu Freeh's Conical Washing Machiaes. One No- 1 P. W. Gates it Co.'a Sugar Cane Mills Evaporaters. , . Apply at tbe Aiverltitr and Farmr02:e. Browi vil le. Nebraska. 'r 31 tr; h 13 li. :. r'urniture ! Furniture ! I 1 .... . . . jr... !e'.o ': t --a.ti.-e iv;-. Brcwaville, April 13th. 161 WHO SELLS THE CHVpps GOODS IN BROWNVILLE? T DE N SELLS THE CHEAPEST GOODS IN MARKET. WHERE IS IT THAT YOU PUR CHASE THOSE FANCY PRINTS ? AT WHERE DO YOU EUY YOCR CHEAP MUSLINS ? AT DEN'S. " DEN SELLS THE CHEAPEST BOOTS' AND SHOES IN THE WEST.' ALSO THE FINEST HATS AND CAPS D E N KEEPS ON HAND. DE N ' S : ' IS THE PLACE TO TRADE HE TAKES YOUR PRODUCE, AND PAYS THE HIGHEST PRICE FOR HIDES, PELTS. AND FURS. DON'T FORGET THAT DEN Sells the BEST and CHEAPEST LIQUORS. In fact DEN cells Everything that is Useful, Cheap and Good. v6-o43-l7. LETT, STRICKLER & Co. MAIX STREET, BROWNVILLE. -y. r. w ar bow receiving aad opcalnj a complete assort ment of Merchandise, consisting OF DRY GOODS: Prints, M uslins, Drills, Osnaburg", Denims, Cottorades, Apron Check, Hickory, Jeans, Berage, Lines. Dress Goods, All Wool Delaines, Fancy and Plain Silk, Lawnes, Saten Vesting, Broad Clo'hs, Cassimere, Hooped Skirts, &c.,&,.,&c. OF GROCERIES: Coffee, Tea, Soap, Molasses, Candles, B. C. Soda, Saleratus, Vinegar White and Brown Sugar, Sack, Barrel and Dairy Salt. Chwinrj and Smoking Tobacco" OF HARDWARE: Axes, Hatches, Butts, Screws,- Locks, Latches, - Nails, Tacks, Penknives, Knives and Forks, Hand Saw and Mill Files, &.c, &c, &c.t &c, &c. Sec. OF QUEENSWARE: Cups and Saucers, Plates and Platters, Dishes and Tumblers. ' , Coal Oill Lamps, Lamp Chimneys, Wicks, &c, &e. OF BOOTS & SHOES : W omen's Shoes. Kip, Calf, Buff and Kid, Gaiiers, Calf Shoes, Oxford Ties, Misses Shoes, Slippers, Men's Calf, Men's Brogans, Copper Toe, ' Kip and Course Boots, &c.,&.c. OF HATS '& CAPs: Panama, Leghorn, "Planter's, Straw, Wool, Cassimere, Plantation, Shaker Hood, kc.,&c.,&c. Of Farming Utensils: Cradles, Rakes, Forks, Plows, Scythes, Snaths, Shovels, Spades, - -Hoes. Etc., &., &c. &c. OF LUMBER: Clear and 2nd rate Pine Flooring, Siding, Boards 1, 1 1-2 and 2 Inches Thick, Sash, Doors and Blind. Pine Lath, . All Sizes Sash, All Sizes Doors, All Sizes Blinds, We call the attention of the publico wr stock, our CASH TEEMS enable n to aell low. Thankful for past patronage, wt toiicit a continuanssi of tb..n.ETT STRICKLER & C0 BrowflTlIle, July 3d, 1862. nM-tl. SUGAR CANE MILLS'" AND EVAPORATORS Having been appointel anent for tbe Eagle Worka Sujsar Cane Mil; and Evaporators. Chicago, III., I am prepared to nil orders at tbo manufacturer's prices. Price f ilills, frm $4J to 3UO. 1 vaporators froaa $2lto835. Addre K W.l'UK-NAS, Marca 27, W6i. n33-tf . Biownvilio, U eb. 7.X31E. DEMOREST'S MIRROR OF FASHION. The largest, best and rost reliable Fashion JIamir.e in the world- C-uirains tbe largest and J.iel Fasaiun- Plate, th greatest auuiberet 3-'.e fr:av:?!. latest and ccst reliable UifraaUia.tiiree fnlMuei I'it-err.s tor Zrtet-. aad a stee'. of new j! .:- r :k! sm : brjicering ?iitras. Every M'-?her. j:.-u:sker. Mit-v.yc- aa-iLu.y-.lHc'U-.'e it ! ?; y. . titi. i.5 cca. Vci.: v.a p.;ioox. J Tbe Saniiaer uo jr now reidy.