I: ' 1 , 1 . 1 r THE ADVERTISER, T. It. FISHER, EDITOR. BROWXVIIXE, SATURDAY, AUG ., SO, ISM. 1 . 4 not have oub r x- a o . Tb.n np with or fla 1 let it t tream on the ir ! Tiicncb our fathers are cold in their graves, They bad hands that could strike, they had foula that could dare, And their son were not born to be slaves! Up, nn with that bancerl where'er it may call, Our millions shall rally around ; A nation of freemen that moment shall Tall When its stars shall be trailed on the ground. l-oil DELEGATE IX COXGUIiW. SAMUEL "G. DAILY. Governor's Proclamation. Whekeas. Certain persons, represent in(T themselves to be recruiting officers . . for volunteer regiments organizing in the States of Kansas and Missouri, are striv ing to induce citizens of this Territory to enlist in said regiments; and, Whereas, I have been notified that officers have been detailed and will shortly arrive in the Territory to recruit in our own regi ment now in the field, which, together with the number necessary for our home protection, will require every volunteer that the territory can furnish: Now, therefore, I, Alvih Saumdeus, Gover nor of the Territory of Nebraska, do hereby give notice to all such persons that they must -immediately desist from their attempts to procure enlistments in this Territory for regiments organized or about to be organized in any other State or Territory, and I do forbid any and all citizens of the Territory to enlist in any redmeut, battallion, or company not ex press authorized to be raised by his department, or to tro beyond the limits of g r r this Territory to so enlist, in any other Slate or Territory. lii r-ifn! ivhprpnr I navft s. hereunto set my hand and caused ' to be affixed the great seal of the Territory of Nebraska. Done at Omaha, Nebraska, the 18th day of Au . I 1662. tiie Uun.. ALVIN SAUNDCfts. Alcebwojt S. Paddock, Secretary of the Territory. A Our Nominee. It is with no ordinary pride that we, for the third time, place at the head of our columns the name of Hon. Sax'z. G. Daily, of this county, as a candidate for Delegate in Congress from Nebraska. Mr. Daily has for two terms faithfully and impartially represented the Terri tory, and his re-nomination, now, for the third term, should be amply satisfactory to both himself and friends that he has done his duty. Notwithstanding the Ji6vUiiq of his enemies, when . he goes before the people whom he represents his labors and abilities are not without ap preciation, and they virtually say ."well done thou good and faithful servant." Mr. D. is too well inown in Nebraska and in the halls of Congress to need, at our hands, an eulogistic article. He wil in due lime canvass the Territory, and cpon the issues .of the day be heard We, therefore, cast our banner to the breeze, inscribing thereon, Union, Daily, Victory. We take pleasure in clipping from the Omaha Republican the following compli mentary extracts: "ins succe was one to his superior abilities and the satisfaction with which the Convention regarded his public ser vices; to the vigilent co-operation of zealous friends." yfr Daily was nominated by a fair majority and his nomination was made unanimous. Indisputably it is the duty, as we trust it will be the pleasure of each delegate to ths Convention, and every member of the party represented there, to render him a cordial and hearty support. The public career of Mr. Daily in Ne braska, is too well known to require a re view at this time. He has served as a member of our Territorial' Legislature and as Delegate in Congress, with dis linclioQ and ability. In the late session of Congress, he labored energetically and successfully to secure the modification and final passage of the Pacific Railroad bill, one of the most important measures for the interests of the people of this Terri tory ever adopted by that body. His ac tion connected with the Pacific Railroad bill displayed the magnanimous intention to labor for north and south alike re gardless of sections, for the interests and progress of the whole Territory. Mr. Daily will be relumed to Congress by a large majority; if, as we confidently be lieve they will, Republicans do all their duly his vote will be overwhelming." From ll we can learn from various portions of the Territory since the Con vention, the nomination of Mr. Daily comes as near giving universal satisfac tion as possible, and all predict that he While the Expedition may accomplished all that was designed, it was not fruitless. The Indians did well while on the advance; and it was tnly when compelled to fall back, under positive or- Aarm nr fnr vnt nf nrovisioilS and aEQU- U V t c a va va. g-- i nition. that they were difficult to manage. Thev do not seem to understand the; "strategy" of advancing into the enemy's country, and then falling back without being whipped. At the two battles j fought during the presence of our army : in the Indian country, none but Indians: on our fide participated. At the fight at j Locust Grove a detachment from the 1st Indian Reg't, under command or ooi. Wattles and Maj. Elmthorp, did all the work achieved the victory before a white man reached the ground. The resutl was forty of the enemy were killed, one hundred and sixty taken prisoners among whom was the notorious Col. Clarkson a large quantity of arms and amunition, several hundred head of horses and mules, and the entire train and camp equipage. After the retrograde movement of the white portion of the expedition, Ool. Furnas then in command of the Indian Brigade, determined to afford the loyal citizens all the protection possible, and to drive the enemy beyond the Arkansas river. In doing so, a portion of his com mand detachments from the 1st, 2d and 3d Regiments under-lhe immediate command of Col. Philips, Mai. Foreman, and Maj. Wright respectfully encoun tered the notorious Stand Watie Regi ment of Rebels at Bayou Barnard, be tween Talaquah and Fort Gibson, com pletely routing them, after killing 125 of their number, and taking 36 prisoners. Among the killed was Watie's Lieut. Col. Taylor. After thoroughly scouting the country, and becoming convinced that the enemy had all retreated beyond the Arkansas, the forces returned to camp on Wolf Creek. Col. Furnas had advised from the time our forces were within reach of Tala quah, the capital of the Cherokee nation, that John Ross, together with the Treas ury and archives of the nation, be seized and 'bTdught away. The men and horses of the Indian Brigade being worn' out al most, from heavy scouting. Col. F. applied to Gen. Salomon, then in command of the expedition, and 60 or 70 miles dis tant, for reinforcements to enable him to carry out his plans in regard to Ross. Col. Cluud, with a portion of the Kansas Second, was sent; and with additional detachments from the three Indian Regi ments, under Maj. Foreman, and one piece of Attillery from Allen's Battery, the party by forced marches reached Park Hill, the residence of John Ross, and was successful in bringing away, not only John Ross and his family, and the archives and treasury of the nation, but many other prominent and loyal families residing at and near Park Hill. Col. F. accompanied Ross aud.. party to Fort Leavenworth, where the treasury and archives were deposited, and from which place Chief Ross left. for Washington to confer with the President. -' The available portion of the Expedi- uon except tne Indians are nov in Missouri, under command of Gen. Blunt. tetter from the Kansas Second. -aWo are permitted by Samuel Call ait, Esq., to make the following extrnct from a letter received from his son, O. M. Calla. It wa written on the 8th of August. - We are camped about three miles west of Fort Scott, or, rather I should say what remain of us, for the Regiment was ordered on . a scout down in Missouri, eight days ago. They went in company with the whole Brigade, (except the In diaa Remiments, which still remain below,) and are in pursuit of Rains and Coffey, who are trying.it is supposed, to form a junction with Quantrel and Hays, who are reported to have about 2,000 men near Independence. We have had no reliable report from them yet, except that they sent in for provisions, which were sent to them. Since I last wrote you, we have had quite a successful expedition down in the Indian nation. We, six companies of us, on the evening of the 31st of J uly, started with eight days' rations for the south, under sealed orders by Col. Solornaq.--- Oa the third day we passed the Indian Brigade, and camped about fifteen miles below. Next morning .we were rein forced by Major Foreman with 200 In diana, making our little army just 425. Wre arrived at Telequah between two and three o'clock in the afternoon. The inhabitants of the place were evidently not expecting us, from the way some of them got up steam and locomoted out of town. We camped about two miles the other side of town until dark, and then moved up to John Ross's headquarters, where he had his body guard, some 700 strong. The next rooming we started back, having taken John Ross and his two brothers, and all their relatives, stock, furniture, and all the most valuable prop erty they could gather together in so eVinr a t?rvo and ihp smirr littlfl sum nf ciui ip a . , .mw " --j IjOV about one half million dollars besidesth part of which was in Southern script. The first day we marched fifty miles, ihe report coming in that we were pursued. We passed the ground where Col. Fur nas had his battle with Clarkson and the Indians. I saw one of them lying beside the road, but had not time to go up on the hill where the principal fight occurred. Cot" Furnas took Clarkson and 150 pris oners, and killed about the satne number. On the eighth day we arrived at camp, about 12 o'clock at night, having been in the saddle eighteen hours out of twenty four, and were consequently about played out. ' BY TELBGBAP3EL BIULLIANT EXPLOIT OF SIEGLE. SKIRMISHING ON THE RAPPAHAN ! N01K. FOREIGN NEWS. Indian Hostilities in Min- -; nesota, . New York, August 25. A Rappahannock letter says, on the mcrning of the 21st the rebels opened a battery on our centre and continued to throp shot and shell vigorously for seve ral hours. A little higher up it was dis covered that the enemy had, during the night, erected a bridge over the river. At this point a brilliant affair is reported to have taken place. In the vicinity of this bridge was one of Seigel's batteries, on which the rebels opened fire, to which for some' time our battery replied with spirit. In a little while our battery ceas ed, having apparently been withdrawn, when three rebel regiments crossed the bridge. No sooner bad they crossed than Sigel's lattery opened on the bridge. The fourth shot completely demolished it and at the same time a deadly fir-e of musketry assailed the rebels in front, and their retreat was cut off. Nearly two thousand are said to have been captured and about four hundred killed and wound ed. The enemy, foiled in this, strove to outflank Sigel by crossing at Frenck's Ford, but reinforcements were ordered up and the enemy was repulsed. The Indian Brigade is awaiting orders. will receive a much larger vote than evej before. v The Indian Expedition! Col. R. W. Furnas, of ihe First Indian Regiment, reached this place on Sunday evening last. At the requestor General Blunt, he was detached and sent on special duty to Nebraska as Commissioner of Recruiting,' to aid in raising another Regiment in this Territory. ; From Col. Furnas we learn that the Indian Expedition has nearly all returned to the vicinity of Fort Scott. The In AisiTi RnVade commanded bv Col. F. was Enlisting In Nebraska. In another column of this paper will be found the Governor's Proclamation pro hibiting all citizens from enlisting until the Nebraska First is filled up to the maximum cumber. We also publish Gen. Lane's commission from the Secre tary of War. He certainly has full au thority for enlisting in this department, and he has appointed officers to raise an other Regiment in this Territory. WTe trust, however, there will be no conflict between Gen. Lane and Gov. Saunders, The Nebraska First should be filled op, if men can be found willing to enter that service, in preference to any new Regi ment, or any company outside of the Ter nty. Men have been daily leaving this portion of the Territory, and enlisting in Missouri and Kansas, and we are glad to see a stop put to it. We are opposed, as we think every citizen should be, to rais ing companies, or fractions of companies, to be attached to other organizations out side of Nebraska. Let ns fill up our old noble Nebraska First, then raise another entire new Regiment. It can be done. This Territory has already dene more than her share much for which she hns not received credit; and ihe principal reason is the fact that squads have vol unteered here and there, and gone here they have been swallowed up and lost their identity. Let us hereafter do what we do, in a manner for which we will be given credit. We see by the Omaha A'tbraskian that the Govern or has ten- dered a new Regiment to the Department, for the protection of our frontier. There are over one hundred of the citizens of this and adjoining counties, now in Gen. Brigade, most of whom entered condition that ihey shuld be trans- Loan s on ferred to a Nebraska Regiment as soon as another one should be raised. - . Conventions. We have not room for the proceedings of the Coavejationa in -this paper. The result is known. The Republicans have nominated S. G. Daily ; and the Demo crats have put rn nomination, as a fof- left at Spring River, about seventy-five I lorn hope, !o keep up their organization, - Candidates in Nebraska. The Democratic and Republican Con ventions met at Omaha this week. The Democrats nominated J. F. Kinney, of Nebraska City, for Delegate to Congress, after much quareling, and after a number of Delegates had left the. Convention in a hufl. The. Rerliblicaris. although pre serving harmony, had a tedious raffle; but after ballotting for about three clays, they finally nominated Samuel. G. Daily for re-election, on the forty fifth ballot. The nomination of Mr. Daily wast just, and well deserved. For several years after the organization of the Territory, every politician who went to Nebraska, appeared to think that success depended upon falling in with the Democracy ; and therefore many Republicans were found acting with the Democratic party, and there was not even a Republican organi zation. When the party at length deter mined to make a stand, Daily was put in nomination, as a forlorn hope, but few thought he stood any chance of an elec tion. But he was elected, and afterwards re-elected, and has proven one of the most efficient and working Delegate any Territory has ever had. He should be re-elected, but it will require work, for many Republicans are in the army, and Nebraska is full of refugees from Mis souri, whose votes the Democricy will endeavor to smuggle into the ballot-box. As a preliminary step, they should be cleaned out- Kansas Chief. Sent Up. Dr Edson B. Olds, of Ohio, who has been up the political snout since he voted for the Kansas-Nebraska Bill, is again hankering after office. He wanted the Democratic nomination for Congress in his District, and as a prepar atory step, made rabid treason speeches. But he hit a streak of bad luck ; for the Convention nominated another man for Congress, and Olds has been arrested for treason, and sent to Ft. Lafayette. The question arrises, why do they not arrest Vallandinghftni for treason? Te is the meanest traitor in the North, and preach- es nis treason with rertect imnunitv. whenever and wherever he chooses. The public generally will soon adopt the no tion ot Vallandingham and his followers that the powers that be fear him. Kansas Chief. Dr. Crane, of Bellomont, was arrested Monday night, and is now looking through the bars of the Troy jail. Considering that he is one of the worst kind of Secesh, he has been permitted to run free a lon time. Dr. Crane was the physician em ployed by the company of "Union" troops lately stationed in this county. Had there been no Secesh physicians at Belle -ment, probably they would have sent to St. Joe. There are only three or four doctors in Troy, but we believe they are all sound Union men, and not worthy to receive Uncle Sam's green-backs for ser vices rendered, if it can possibly be avoided. Kansas Chief. Bowling Gkee.v, Ky., Aug. 22. There was an engagement on Red River between five hundred rebels and one company of the 54th Indiana. The latter were compelled to surrender. Fed eral loss seven wounded rebel loss seven killed an twenty or thirty wounded. Lexikgtok, Mo., Aug. 24. Orders were issued Saturday to impress 1200 slaves to repair the road between Lexington and Cumberland Gap. Loyal wners aae to be paid laborers wages for eir negroes. Rebel owners are refer red to Washington for payment. Other roads in different parts of the State are jo be repaired in the same way. Washington, Aug. 24. A dispatch dated the 21st, from Camp near Rappahannock Station, says, all is quiet in front. Last evening a report came in of the approach of ihe enemy, two miles above here. Three regiments and one battery was sent out but the ene my had left. A slight cavalry skirmish took place yesterday. Our loss was three wounded and 5 missing. Earthworks have been thrown up and bridges constructed to enable our batteries to cross the river if necessary. It is reported that the 1st New Jersey has been surrounded by the rebels, and half of them captured. New York, Aug. 25. The Times has the following: .At Beallon's Station, 4 miles north of Rappahannock Station, at 8 o'clock on the morniDg of the 22d, there was a lull in the firing at the river. An officer at tached to Pope's headquarters has just arrived here; he says a general engage ment is not expected to-day, although our forces were in readiness at 9 o'clock. Cannonnading is now frequent, inter spersed with musketry, but it is further up the river, where" Sigel's command is. The main baggage train commenced pass ing this station at 6 this morning, and has taken the road for Warrenton Junction. Sigel's baggage train is now passing up the same road. This i3 only a necessary precaution against disaster, and must not be taken as evidence that our army ex pects to get whipped. '. St. Paul, Aug. 25. A gentleman from Glencoe, Saturday, brings intelligence that 62 persons, sup posed killed, are safe. As regards the fate of the Missionaries, it is thought about forty families, including those be tween Lac Qui Harle and the Agency, are killed. Col. Sibley's force, at St. Peters, at 4 o'clock on Saturday morning, was fifty miles from Ft. Ridgely. Col. Cullen, with 700 eavalry, proposed to strike across the country from Henderson, but may not reach there as soon as Sibley. Cullen writes, the further he advances the worse the news becomes. All the in habitants are flocking into the towns. Large portions of Blue Earth and Brown counties are depopulated. miles"JOuth of Fort Scott. ! the name Jon - INMTi Th steamer Acacia struck a snag GO miles below Memphis, at one o'clock on Thursday morning, and sunk almost im mediately. Seventy-five or eighty per sons were lost, most of ihem soldiers re turning to their regiments. The Jackson Mission of the 18th, says the federal ram Sumter grounded oppo site Bayou Sara. . The authorities de manded her surrender, but the crew and stares were put cn board of transports, and the vessels blown up, Cape Race, Aug. 25. The Hiber nian, from Liverpool 14th and London derry 15th has arrived. Consols 93. A conference between the representa tives of the cotton-growing countries and a deputation from ihe Cotton Supply As sociation has been held in London, where favorable representations of a future supply were made. Gen. Concha is appointed Spanish Min ister to France. The Italian moderate journals condemn the course of Garabaldi. It is generally believed that the 15th 'of August is fixed for a demonstration throughout Italy against Francis the II. At the Conference in London repre sentatives from Italy, Portugal, Spain, India, Australia and sundry South Ame rican States were present. All made more or less encouraging representations of what their countries were capable of producing. The London News has an editorial un the rapid expansion of the emanicpation scerae in the prosecution of the Ameri can war. It ays it was not to be ex pected that the northern people would see at ihe outset lhat the extinction of slave ry ivas their true aim, and the onTy prac ticable issue. To put an end to the war the extinction of slavery was now un doubtedly becoming the master element of the struggle. Every moment makes new abolitionists, and when" there are enough of them to satisfy President Lin coln, he will ?peak the word and make the sign w hich shall save the Republic. Marquis Pepoli had arrived at Paris from Turin. - It was believed his mission was to submit to the Emperor a plan for the occupation of Rome by a mixed gar rison of French and Italian troops. It is believed at Palermo that Garabal di still intends to embark at CJassina. A correspondent of the London Times, writing from Venice the 10th, says that there is still aa inconceivable swarming from all parts toward the South, and goy ernment authorities find the greatest difii cultv in nreventintf a landing on the Si- j I o cilian coast. The Tribune Rappahannock corr pendent lavs the greatest crisis of this war occurred between Thursday morning and Saturday night. It is passed and we are safe ; and the nation is safe: ' Pope's artillery are now guarding the - line of the Rappahannock. Fitz John Porter, with a very heuvy corps, joined Pope on Friday evening, and a host of regiments have joined and are joining him by way of Alexandria. Burnside has amassed a large army. At Fredericksburg Pope is nearly or quite as strong as Lee and Jack son. Some stir was caused in camp by a sud den raid of 250 guerrillas upon Cattel's Station under cover of night, who burned seven wagons and ran off a number of horses and mules and tovk about 100 pris oners. The abo took Oen. Pope's per sonal baggage nnd all his official ccrres- COO- pondence, which happened to be in one of the wagons. de St. Louis, August 26. The Democrat learns that on Tuesday last Gen. Rosencrans left Corinth with an army of 30,000 or 40,000 men, and proceeded southward toward Jimtown, where about 15,000 rebels were lying, under General Armstrong. Price is at Tupely with 25,000 men. It is probable that on being threatened, Price and Arm strong will combine and wive Rosencrans a batile. The withdrawal of forces under Rosencrans will not leave Corinth ex posed, as enough remains for all emer gencies. New York, Aug. 27. The Tribune's correspondent says, in the rebel attack on Cattel's Station, S4, 000 belonging to the Quartermaster's department was taken. A Captain in Purnell's legion, who was lying bid in a house near the Railroad track, heard Gen. Stewart give . positive orders to spare McDowell's baggage train, but seize Pope's and destroy whatever was not of public importance. The order was implicitly obeyed, although Mc Eowell's wagons were close at hand. The Fredericksburg correspondence of the Tribune, dated Sunday, says musket ry firing was heard this morning. A contraband came in yesterday and report lhat our troops whipping the reb els ; that we had captured 13 guns. A cavalry Lieutenant, wlio came in last night, confirms the report and says 16 guns were captured. He also says when Stonewall Jackson's forces reached Ben nett's Ford, 18 or 20 miles from here,. a part of McDowell's forces were on the south bank of the river they secreted themselves under cover cf the woods. Jackson's forces passed them and at tempted to ford the river. While mak ing this attempt, Pope's troops opened a destructive fire, at. the same lime Mc Dowell's men threw themselves on their rear, a thus bringing ihem between two fires. An officer says, of this portion of Jackaa's fort:e he can't say how many were annihilated but that the river was red with rebel blood. This story is given for what it is worth.. It is believed in Fredericksburg. It is also believed that they are fighting still. Our pickets in front of Fredericksburg have been dou bled during the past two days. Every precaution against a surprise has been taken by Burnside. St. Paul, Minn., Aug. 22. Reliable information from Fort Ridgely confirms the previour report of Indian troubles in that section. The Indians at the Lower Sioux Agency have been threatening vengeance for some time, in consequence of (he delay in the payment due them by the Government. An outbreak finally occurred, and a large number of "whites in the vicinity were massacreed. 'Forty five men were sent out, who fell into an smbuscode, after crossing the river near the Agency, and a greater number of them killed. Only seventeen returned to the Fort. On Monday night lights from burning buildings and grain stacks were seen in all directions. Escaped citizens who came to the Fort during the night, give accounts of horror too terrible to imagine. The road in the direction of New Ulm, is lined with murdered men, women and children. A erentlaraan named Porter, just from New Ulm, who was sent there lo learn the truth of the . . 11 !! icuuris ana wno arrived nere sometime during last night, says he reached that place luesday morning and found the people preparing to bury five persons ; others are being constantly "brought in horribly mutilated ; saw four persons in one room, wounded, having been cut with hatchets in the head and arms. In an adjoining room saw a child with head cut off and twenty-seven others consider ably mutilated. The people, fully awake to their danger, are drilling with what ihey can obtain, determined to defend the town to the last. Porter left the place Tuesday, but was overtaken in the evening by a messenger who brought in formation that the Indians, two hundred strong, attacked the town in the after noon and burned several buildings. Be fore leaving, the messenger saw several citizens fall. The people had barricaded i the streets. Letters to Governor Ram say say hundreds are known lo be killed. The Governir ordered the militia with horses, to the scene of action. Gen. Lane's ippolntment. WTAR Dep't, WTASniNGTON, July 22, 1S62. Hon. James II. Lane, Kansas Sir: You are hereby noiified that you have been appointed by the Secretary of War, Commissioner for recruiting in the Department of Kansas. You are requested to proceed forthwith to raise and organize one or sore Brig ades of volunteer infantry, to be mustered into the service cf the United Stales for three ytars or during the war. For this purpose, full authority is here by conferred upon you to establish camps and provide for the maintenance of de- cipiine and the supply of the troops, with the munitions of war. On your requisition the commanding General of the Department will issue supplies of arms and accoutrements, clothing, camp equipage and subsistence. Transportations for recruits and re cruiting officers will be furnished on your requisition, or refunded on vouchers in the usual form accompanied by your or der directing the movement. It is recommended that the provisions General Order No. 75,carren' series, be followed as far a3 possible in organi zing companies, to the end that roaster rolls may be uniform and authentic- This is necessary in order to do justice to the soldier, and prevent confusion in ac counts and loss to the Government. In performing these duties you are au thorized to visit such places within the Department of Kansas as may be neces essary, for which transportation will be furnished you by the Commanding Gen eral on your requisition, or the cost of the same will be reimbursed by the Secre tary of War from the army ccuiingent fund. You will be expected to report fre quently to this Department the progress and prospects of the work, and make any suggestions that may occur to you from j time to lime, as useful in facilitating its accomplishment. " . This appointment may be revoked the pleasure of the Secretary of War. By order of the Secretary cf War. (Signed) P. C. Buckingham", Brig. Gen. and A. A. G. A true copy. T. J. Weed. Major and A. A. A. G. ' 'n v-m j B-., S4D TT a To sell cowl tr.r . UJ - w il I 1 . - W A : i 8oM hv ixnr- 1 "U3iU.i, . A rVi trt nrfrt In i n.-.i , ... uisiitani!)! ate it br ha'f an h . . - u-ui m in.r.,,.,,. FittilySewintMhin. , a' W the price to Fifteen Doll.-, ' ' al 4 C K4d machine, wwrauuj f,r v7-u7.1r rvi J Talnablo medicines. Ther P;. Ui V ! pre forwJ. relieving the'T 1 and disease. The WonCerfal cw..T' '' by Curtis' syrUp cf " U ; Coughs, colds, hoarseness, mejs. a'', t, ' begins to tremble when It comP8' . 1 sooa the deathly grp is loo t v j Liniment is nrniii,rto evcry I J the many beueau they have rer,-.,!. , we.i rr every iamily t0 pr,Tj . & wh4t Lour they aay require iu Bje ' stand biph, and are used by man. ' Tj of extensive &r?.ciice. s. : ' , . column at - pCBLISnED BY AUTHOEITY. AX IIIPOIITAPJT ORDKK. War Department, ) "Washington, August 8, 1ZG2. Order to Prevent Evasion of UMtad'j Datj, . and for Suppression of Disloyal Practices. First. By direction of the President of the United States it is herjby ordered that until further order no citizen liable to be drafted into the militia shall be allowed to go to a foreign country, and all marshals, deputy marshals, and military officers of the United States are directed. ar.d all police authorities, especially at the ports of the United States on the seaboard and on the frontier, are requested to pee th;it this order is carried into effect. And they are hereby authorized and directed to arrest and detain any person or persons about to depart from the United States in vi olation of this order, and report to Major L. C. Turner, Judge Advocate, t Washington city, for further instruction respecting the pcrsou or persons so arrested or detained. Second. Any person liabla to draft who shall absent himself from his county or S.'ate before such draft is made, will be arrested by any Provost llarsbal or other United States o"r State officer wherever be may be found with in the jurisdiction of the United States, and conveyed to the nearest military post or depot and placed on duty for the term of the draft, and the expense of his own arrest and convey ance to such jiost or depot, and also the sum of fire dollars, a a reward to the oSicer who shall make such arrest, shall be deducted from his pay. Third. Tho writ of habeas corpus is here by susrended in respect to all prisoners so arrested and detained, and in respect to all persons arrested for disloyal practices. Edwin M . Stantos, Secretary of War. Another Important Order. War Department, Washington, August 8, 1S62.( ORDERED F:;st. That all United States Marshals and Superintendents" and Chiefs of Police of any town, city, or district, be and they are hereby authorized aod diricted to ar rest and imprison auy person or persons who may be engaged, by act, speech, or writing, in discouraging volunteer enlistments, or in any way giving aid and comfort to the eneniv. or in any other disloyal practice against the Uuited States. Second. That immediate report be made Major L. C. Turner, Judro Advocate, in order that such persons may be tried beforo a military commission. Third. The expenses of such arrest and imprisonment will be certified to the Chief Clerk of the War Department for settlement and payment. Edwin M. Stanton, -Secretary of War. . OFFICIAL. Department of State, i Washington, August 8th, 1862. $ Notice is hereby given tLat until the requi sitions of the War Department on the several States for quotas of their militia shall have been complied with, no pasports will be issued from this department for any male citizen of the Uuited States liable to be drafted into that branch of the service. , William II. Sewabp. To Ccii3:Kip37j THE ADV2RTISK3. HAVlNr, r" j to health In a tew weeks by a very 5 C ter having suffered several years w-? '"' affection, and that dread disease, CoV lous to maio known in u ;eliow,.r7"-' ofcara. . v . yi To all who deshe it, be win , c n j -w o xua vi cnario), with preparing and nsins tbe samo, scar Cure tax Cosscjiptjos, As 31 ;tllt.' t vi"; -dtr-.. m.j 5 '. '. u f i" :J1 The n!y object of the advert.' i 13. &r 1ra.rlnf inn J n. 1.. .dk . . . a it vi luiiuii is bi ut f l inn i .i.i mat ion which he conceives L . . rionf ivprv tl:fcrt.r t.. w. "l , j U)S remf theni nothiuz and may prove a b!es--r ' Parties wishing the prescriyiaa I n4S-3rn. r-; . Scorbutic disease are the parent a; arises a larse proportion ot them i fiict mankind. They are as it ve-. , rot in the human constitution, wai la, corrnpt all the sources of its v;ti' ., t de:ay. They are the germ from aij i sumption, Kheaumatism, Eart Di.e j ' ' plaints, and Eruptive Disuses wiu nined as among those most fatal aa I iJtitrac., races of hicd. So dreadful are iU cubjp man life, that il is hardly possible Ujo'er importance of an actual, reliable rear -v sweep out this Scrofulous contamiuii. i. then we shall proclaim welcome newiajg. one from such a quarter as win leave ,:;.5w efficacy and still more welcome. tw I that it really des accumpli.-h the Ujs,. I Aver'3 Saks aparilla, and it Ucort-.,,- ? attention of those who are aSIicte-l w.i Jr Scrofulous complaint?. Register, A:Lr.j J j NEW A D YEHTISEMI! r ISO BATE .NOTICE. All Interested w il take notice ttat I bar i Monday, the 22nd day of Septemle-, . D..: o'clock, A. M , at the orHce of Prabiie Juti'ia rice, Gape county, Nebraska, to r-n-, joft arKi allow an claims of all ptnoDi tate oi John Stephens, deceased. " All clniras net presented onot Vefr a. i i pointed time, wili b forever de,rri them 1 ALB'r-.ST Ti;rj J Probate Jud?e Ga?e Cuunir, x-t ' Beatrice, leb., August 21st, IS;;. a"--ji il 1 t tcf 9 .1 ci t Save Your Erci to OF F.I CI A Li. LAWS OF THE UNITED STATES. Passed at Vie Second Session of the Thirty Seventh Congress. published by authority. Public No. 82. AN ACT to authorize the Pnsident of the ' United States to appoint diplomatic repre sentatives to the Kepublics of Hay ti acd Li beria, respectively. . t He it enacted by the Senate and Uouso cf Representatives of the United States of Jmeri c in Congress assembled, That the President of the United States be and he hereby w au thorized, by and with the'advice and consent of the Senate, to appoint diplomatic represen tatives of the United States to the Republics of Hayti and Liberia, respectively. Each of the said representatives no appointed shall be accredited as commissioner aud consul gener al, and shall receive the compensation of cora missioner according to the act of Congress ap proved August eighteen, eighteen hundred and fifty-fcix : Provided, That the annual compensation of tho representative at Liberia shall tot exceed four thousaud dollara. Approved, June 5, 18G2. Public No. 83. ; AN ACT supplementary to 'An act granting the right of way to the State of Missouri and a portion of the public land to aid in the construction of cortaid railroads in said State," approved J une tenth, eighteen hun dred and fifty-two. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Pep. resentatives of Vie United States of Am erica i.t Lovyress assembled, That the t:nia required by the act to which this is supplemental, for the completion of the road therein described, "from the city of Saini Louis to such pointful the .Western boundary of said Scata a may be designated by the authority of said State," as well as the time of reversion to the United States rf the land thereby cr.ir.trd to -the State of Missouri for the ue of said itutd, is hereby extended for ten cars from tha ter.th ay of J une. eighteen hundred and sixtv-two Provided, That in ease said eomnanv f;il to complete sail road, within the "time as thus extended the said lands shall thea wrt to the United States. . Approve i June 5, 1862. A NEW AND USEFUL INVEST: Whereby Eg 53 can be preserreJ perfwtij most indefinitol, without the im-uicuniw,! f Salt, or other ordinary preserratire?. IV j necessity for Farmers Belling jhcirErj'stfr to seven cents per doien, wheathejeuutsj; cost flave them until they ccniin:tDi a yyjjr For further partibulars, enclu.se a rnl uap :. L. B. .SILVER, S . AnTi3t 25, lS32-Iy " . To Western -TPssmm Tolbaooo Qeod 1 have several varieties of Tobuioo'Jutrvt well in this latitude. To any one hw i and remits me n three-cent IWaga tUmi, .me, I will send a paper of each ?ir.'.ri GRATIS. i Orders mast be sent in tie month? of and October. I d' this to introduce theeiif . Tobacco in the West. Address R. O. THOJir.'GJ. j Syracuse, Okoc Coar.7, S.-irsb. "i ' I At r I iv; V. S. Taper in MisNOuri, Iov,i, Kann? r1 braskn, publishing the abovo cn-i,a:i-lni. ' marked, will rt-rtnro twonry four purr . -Sti . er Beeds free by mail. It. O. TUOlli J. j To tho Farmers of XTsbnii ft i GRAY OR POWDER !E . rr timber. Cutu'npH V 1 T5e jrreat wood and $5 per l,0CO. For live fence mikes a One b?'1 t',M CuttinKs at 52,50 per 1 000. We shul! be a'- ; two miies from Brownville, in Mnter. ! i r e aoove. ana pai r.ies win u . Farmer offloe. THOa rsoN & u"r,', Nemsns Nurerj,3yra:n. Gx; Aug. 13. Anf-FnS-tf J if mm ffli, sikI 7ot Meters Win HM.Jie! with tsr')rn, Kie , If ercbants a fall, will be Seeds to sell on commi-m.u at fjVr ra: are all crown hero and rj trne to nn.e THOMPSON fclllPGD- Iemana nrsery, syra.u, Aug. is Ai.vruo u 1 I FOR SjOlI) 2,000 AcTes of CltoU-e LadU, sitiia'e". .t- sourl River, in Bkhardtn an l Nfnuhi c - t : ora'ka; alM, one two Rtory lirici Re-i'i , : Store House, witU Warehouse attauJ- ri- tbe town of Brownville, at very h-w "-'"f;',, 11. j. n I i 1 "i I on time. Brownville, June 10th n50-6r 11 FREIGHTERS TO THE P v. i 1 A JTD THE j WESTJEKi FOKT'j And tbe public genera! !r are re-pert'u-'- 3'i that his Mills arenaw in excellent renni r inj out fr in 60 to 75 scks per tW- u 0 j millers In the Territory. (Admitted both in C dnrsdi an I "V .'V U pause by any Wetf tli MttisMPP" R;'' j from tbe te of rail and rUt hi':r.i t f low prices as can be obUinel it it . jrc ; III flinr i. kept for a!e at n 1 " ... 'I ville. Hi is iireo.ired t furni'i ( j xen generally,, with flunr trim filler ? j ,j Wheat, and aio with any '.-'' )'' j an.l L'Kkis heat SUt ir, t ti e !- V.e!. , ' Cu.-toni Jria.!ins done atoaevisb V?.1-. V ifc&alWi t:" ' . . ,,jnt B ' it lis desires L-c.ill U." lot XT . .rt 1 l- . anv ntiiUl 1 1 . ik ,n at a"'- -''e Territory, but Ue ierotian acre ' j sua a large supply of every raney . : , J. 1 J. (j. I v3-tt An?. 1, 1STJ. Notice to Creditor, j.-.j.-D-.-u - 3 a. crf'EE " im nr. ti knowinz thenelve J.)l I.J .ft, 01 nilj KAl SlflliW - llir 1 1 . next, a- I 'ui aiver rowTTtil, X. T . Mir l'