1 YM, A. ADVERTISER T,r ciTCKPAV, AUG. 3, 1E52. rV.kJ'1-' ' r- fsD IJliALlilfS IN ,:Vjv itiii Material of all KbJs J- ' . . v.wTork. arid Brown's lroi 4 " 9 A , cni Advertiser. :,, t-'cs azd loriign helper Advertising Agency, 4a, p) uway, new YORK. iwuranonarwpsei lie. "It is near the niidi!:r cf the con stellaiion "Ursa Minor," appears about as Irillian; as a star cf i',e second nag nituded. It can be seen in the evening, in the co'rthwest portion cf the heavens. It is now evidently approaching the sun, and if so, will increase in brilliancy as it approaches. NE3KASK.A .ibVttt- RMfcK." orrril Order NO. 1. ..... f.vivti J .tA . T..1..H ( !f . lf,tiy ordered that til white male 1 r cf t-fc Territory, between the ei-L:ecn at.d forty-five, (except vn'rrien ia regular fctanding in the " ' .t'r-ii 'ious denominations, Post- Ifw, County Clt-rks, County Treasu "i - cf&f the Peace, Sheriffs. Con . j j i .. rerjons not or. touna miau buu jVyica'Jy disabled, ) thall forth "t:rS.l their names into Independent Companies f not less lban 1 v fie tier niore than sixty-four per n.L. each company electing from : t;'iiVr one captain two lieutenants, tecond) four sergeants and four -n's, etid forthwith file a list cf the M 'enroled in each company with fCanin f Eome vUDteer company , .jj. courity, and in case of no such -a Din tbe taid county, the tame to I ' brairded to head quarters. It is r trdered, that the Captains cf the ": vuluDteer and miiitia companies - vb of thorn see to it, that all per- rtsJif? within their respective not herein exempted tnd who tiA i eretofcre done to ihali enroll r units into companies and report r ua.ti cf all those who refuse or n-tiata ecroll themselves within a ratle tit.'ie after the publication cf crJtr; tbe r.ames cf all persons so : J and filed, to be forthwith for- Ao bead quarters. ;!;ait-r cf Alyi- Sackders, Gover f id Coiiimander-in-Chief of the Mil i lie Ttrritory of Nebraska. WM. F. SAPP, Adj'tGen. . Mail Facilities. We received last night, by way of St. Louh, an important letter cn businet from a gentleman at Syracuse, Otoe County, Nebraska. It had n.ade the round trip in the short period of two weeks. "RrLiciocs. There will be preaching at the Presbyterian church, by Rev. II. II. Dobbins, on Sabbath evening at half past seven. On our first page will be found a com munication cn the "Philosophy and His tory of Medicine." Dr. Holladay, Surgeon of the First In dian Regiment, left on the steamer Oma ha for Leavenworth. V Cdctel War Euilclln. 'iii:i5CT05, Aug. 8. The following r, ut!;unzmg the arrest cf persons rtgiu" eulistments, has been issued: V. DrrAKTMtNT, 1 . . Aot. ' . I" 8. Lieut. Bercer. of Compam Ne- braska First, has resigned his commis sion and gone to Ohio. Thanks. To E. L, Lyanna and Amos Hughs, for melons left at ihis office. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS To Arms ! To Arms ! JUT THE BOOK FOR THE TIMES flic Volunteers Manual. COJfPir.ED FIt05tT7. S. STAJfDAKD AUTaOUITIKS. Wilt important notes, and an extended glossary of miUtary tRrm, Ly GENERAL T. VOaTHltiGTOIl, "WITH A MANUAL OF SHARP'S RIFLE J.XD Carbine and Colt's Revolver, LY CAPT. R- WtJOHJi'SOM USA Two Volumes, (Koa. t and 2,) Erl:e, - - 25 CeaU Bach Will; Ed. Furoa Asent, ErjwaTille X. T. V :r c f tl 11- d.rtcttv t r i .r- "Jlnnninnir.nno rpT TT7 UITT1?0 :a or persons who may be engaged i J! ftftft 1 ft 1 U 1 XI Hi MUCjO .Aut tpeech, or writing in aiscourag- . , uteer enlisinicnts, or in any vt. AJcD the i i e . iL . M. ... :jna una COmior; 10 me enemy in vi.r disloyal practice against tha . .ei States. .1. That immediate report e made to or L. C. Turcer, Judge Advocate, in r that such persons may be tried be i uiJitary commission. "".e expenses of such arrest and im jtejA will be certified to the Chit? ivLe Wat Department, for fettle :md payment. . v le President i EDWIN M. STANTON, Secretary of War. sinilllc as a Shlpplu? Point. t?;v impetus has lately been given tbipr'11? or" grain and flour from l'a:e to the west. Trains and teams t !tavir.j this county daily for Denver, ilurg and Laramie. We noticed one :aoa Thursday loaded wiih poultry. tr.o;e. is, partly owing to the en ycf J. G. Melvin. He is not going .ioeiy cn his back, notwithstand- lTt ia the n-idat uf war and hard times. 3) or? Drilling. the proceedings of the city -lief Rrownville, at its meeting on --y evening, August 19, 1SG2, is ! fr. lowing: , 'S'j'rtd, That the business men of "Vi!le, be and they are hereby re-,f-i to keep their respective places of ced from three o'clock till N the afttrnoon of Thursday in each Vfr. l.e rurrose f drilling in the J ni!iua companies of the city, -trtd by the council, that the above 'on te published in the Nebraska WESTERN FORTS Andtlie rnblic frenerally are reEpertrally Infortned that b'u Xillf areoow lo ejcelient running order, turn l.f. p. t from 60 to 75 sacks per day. Ee has tbe best ii!.ctio tbe Territory. IV2:X33j"7"XTa"3 3?IiOUH (Adautted both in Colorado and Kebt aiVa to be nnsnr PM1 by ny West of the MissisMppl RWer.) Ij made frota 'ie best of Fall and Spring Wbet. and is sold at as low price as can be obtained in the Territory. Ui fir is kept for bale at ail tbt stores in Brown ille. He is prepared to furnish freighters, and citi tens generally, with flour from either Fall or Spring Wheat, and also with any amount of Corn, Corn Keai and Buckwheat Flour, at the lowest cash prices. Cuhtum Grinding done at one-sixth per bushel. He desires tccall the attentlou of freighters to the a!vantaffes of BrownviUe as a shipping point to the West. Not only can any amount of grain and flour be obtained here cheaper than at any other point in the Territory, but the Merchants here have laid in this sea son a large supply of every variety of goods. J. G. MELVIN Ang. 16, 1S62. n5-tf To the Farmers of Nebraska!!! GRAY OR POWDER WILLOW. The great wood ard $5 par 1,000. for timber. Cuttings at $1 per 100 C. G DORSY, Recorder. For live fence mates a fine hedpe In three years. Cuttings at 2,00 per 1 000. We shall be at Mr. Dodge's, twenties from Brownville, in October, with both of tr e above, and parties who wish can leave orders at the Farmer office. THOMPSON' & HEDGES, Nemaha Nursery.Syracuse, Otoe, Co., Aug. 16. An(-Fn8-tf Nebraska. of mm KiM! Merchants, and Post Makers who will addres us this fall, will be supplied with Garden, Field and Flower Seed to tell on commission at fair rates. These seeds are all grown here and are true to name. THOMPSON &. HEDGES, Nemaha Kurt-cry, Syracuse, Otoe, Co.. " Aug. 16. Au6-Fu8 tf Nebraska. S50mploi!mcnt.S,0 :rrjot, GrEDS. This Company 'a?d under General Order No. 1, it: at c.u- t! ,v- L -T, : II Clayton, Brevet Lieutenam; E. -ieg, 1st Sergeant; W. Grant, 2d :eRt: R. Mas?rrsnn. 3d 5PrTpflnt , - -1 ' " - , TO want o d SELIi Tai Sales InPaccc Ccnntj. Notice is hereby given, that I will on Monday tlie frst day cf Scptemler, A. D. LE62, soil to the high est bidder, s& icuch cf the following real eitate, ly log and bcinj ia Pawnee County ebrasL-T as will be ruScient to jsy the Issej a; . ikcJ aiinst the sa.n:o, fjr the year A. D. I3GI : sid sales to com mence at 9 o'clock A. M., and to contiaud ottil i o'clock, P. M., at the cTioe of D. Latler, Pawnee City, Puwnse County, Kcbraska.. T.P. LIMMI.VO, Treaso tr Pawnee County. tEECBIPTlOS fEC I K AC'B. TAX. Brock Jno VT Iiemis II LaaLlIae Ht'di a qr M cf te i 32 3 12 100 $4,52 7 1 12 160 7,53 4 80 t Pradbry Jghn bonnier H. n i nc nw i nc 8 12 12 11 80 80 123 SW A k S3 i Of 5,2.1 3,C5 4 22 Cunningham Wm. bJdw i A Clement N O. a 4 of ee V U'i;onn&li3 Uugh w nw i & w yt of ew 32 1 Dean A e ee 8 2 do A w i tn - 8 2 East A O. aw qr 27 1 Fowler EW ne qr 35 2 Fries John bw qr & re qr 35 1 Flemmirg John se qr se qr t 9 of se qr 3 do ne qr na cr J 1 33 3 12 120 5.80 11 12 11 11 II 11 II 150 80 180 80 80 160 160 7,74 3,83 7,55 7,55 7,55 5.20 24 23 I 21 7t 12f 11 23 Grundy S. whfswqr do iw qr nw qr ITolbison S. ihfneqr Hammond R II. ne qr Hogin R. w hf nw qr do e hf ne qr Horn J A. aw qr IlaffS nw or Hedge Sarah w hf se qr A se qr of se qr 15 2 Johnson A. ne qr sw qr A nw qr of ne qr 24 2 Jenkins US. n hf nw qr A n hi of ce qr 30 Jones J A. ae qr Z4 Kennedy L M B. nwqrAnhf of w qr 33 KinerJohn seqrAshfswqr 21 Kelley Anson so or 17 Lucker E. ne or 22 Lockey John w hf ew qr MurdockDA. sw qr HcL&ughlia P. e hf ne qr A iw qr of ne qr A sw qr of seqr A neqrne qr se qr of sw qr - Neal David ir hf nw qr & w hf oliwqr 31 1 12 320 29,85 12 10 n 10 11 11 11 11 120 80 40 83 1G0 160 160 160 11 120 10 120 5.83 2,72 7,78 7,13 7,55 7,55 5,83 4,43 13 3 3 2 2 3 1 2 2 1 12 16 7,10 11 160 f 4,75 II 240 11 240 12 163 12 160 12 80 9 160 7,17 12,64 7,55 0.34 4,75 7,55 23 21 2 11 230 13,05 Perry J D. nw qr l'ercell W W Payne M W. do do , do Payne Moses do 34 2 25 3 24 29 29 2 3 1 22 8 160 11 160 12 160 II .9 13 13 II 11 9 9 10 10 320 180 80 80' ne qr ee qr ne qr nw qr ne qr . se qr ne qr se qr ne qr I se qr w hf se qr A ne - qrswqr 31 . do sw qr ne qr C Rooney M. e hf se qr k nwqrsw qr 21 do so qr ne qr ' 21 Strawb N nw qr se qr A ne qr of sw qr Strowb D. ehfnwqr Smith Wm. n hf ne qr A bo qr of ne qr k ne qr ne qr Steele Joseph s hf ne qr A ns qr nw qr A w hf soqrAwhfneqr 8 2 12 Shannon T R. n hf sw qr 13 2 II Shannon T H. se qr 22 2 II 160 Shannon OD. seqr 35 2 II 160 Sherman G L. n hf ne qr & nw qr cf ne qr Shreevcs J, B. tw qr Tyler Julius nw qr Tanner Jacob nw qr TsrnT O?o : r or . Tr: ! 7,55 7,55 0,23 169 9,35 15,10 7,55 1.44 5.89 25 3 II 160 7,25 230 80 tist Huff Samuel nw cr List for JSGO, Brown TV N F. sw qr 6 3 12 If 0 Clark J W. nw qrswqr 23 I Vl 40 Chamberlin A B. estate of nw qr33 I 12 180 Corcolly John a hf se qr 15 2 9 80 do nhf neqr 22 2 9 80 owler H J. ne or 35 2 II 160 Uundner A swqrswqrAnw do or of ne or 30 3 II Hogin R. w hf nw qr 7 2 12 do e hf no or 12 2 II ITorn J A. se cr II I II Hu!T Samuel nw nr 28 2 II Kelly 4n3on se or 17 3 12 Lucker Charles n hf sw qr A se qr sw cr Percell Wm W. ne qr Tyler Juliuj nw qr lulotson Jno. seqr , Tovrn tots Delinquent in Paw nee City. Galling R J. Lots I, 2,3,5, A 6 in Block 14 do do Lots 3, ia Block 2, L 7, B 3, do do 1.4 A 5.BI8, L7B2.LII do do 12 B 4, L4B 15. and Lots do do 11 & 12 Xi 3, 7 ? I A L. Jifr, 4th Sergeant; J. Foster, 1st ;'Jrl; A. IL Harmon, 2d CrporaI ; j- Couch, 3d Corporal, and J. Stevens, , 0ut to , t Volunteer's IIancai.. Just fWorthe times. Every Volun- be in possession of this in- book. It contains the Sabre arpe's Rifle drill, and Colt's Re- j rn 1 2, (two volumes) r etch, both, 50 cts.,or handsomely cloth. 75 cts. Address Will. :;Icas, Agent, Brownville N. T. wishing to procure any book .-odly Applegate k Co., Cinciona I 14 well to call on Mr. Furnas. i4 A d 1 . me cc,dt. Lieut. Colonel Mc- lhe Nebraska First, was kst Tuesday night. He rtlv 5 tLetiStt, and while vomet eedge of the boat, fell overboard or. oa the .17 REDUCED PRICES. r--,r r 1 ?r.?-t ia Its A!:hsr.!n. Tt le less liabie to get out of order than asy oiber. Diplomas bare been awarded it over tbe Groter & Baker aud other ni;u rrd Macbinei. $15 EACH. Oar Machine tises a ctralcbt reeOle. anj will WORK WITH ALL KINDS OF THREAD, Silk or Linen, making an elastic tm. free from liabilities to break in waeta leg and la tbe BEST and CHEAPEST Alacbine in use. $15 EACH. Oor Machine will HEM, FELL, STITCH, QUILT and BIND, and will tew on all kind of poods, from tbe flnei-t Swiss Muslin to tbe Coarest Woolen, working with eai-e tbrongh several iliickrieen of Uiick Woolen Cloth. ALL MA ClIIAES ARE WARRANTED. 315 EACH. If yoa want a Good Machine, and not have it uosi you anyimng, write 10 us, as we want the Machine, tested , ia every neighborhood in the United btates. $15 EACH. EMPLOYING AGENTS! We will give a eornmisMon on all good sold by our Agents, or we will pay wages at FIFTY DOLLARS PEHIMONTH and pay ail necessary errnes. For particulars ad- dresaa C11AS. KCGGLES. A cent. Aug. 16lb. tS-yly DtUoit, Mich Notice to Creditor s. All persons knowtng themselves Indebted to Dr. A. 5 Kolladay, by note or btoY account, will do well local ou toe and settle tbe same before tbe Soib d of May next, an I will after tbat date collect all of his debt, by procexs of Law. A. SCItOKNCJClT, Attorney ' Brownville, X. T., May 1st, 1SGJ. L4J-if Fruit Trees, Grape Vinea, Currant, Goosberries Raspberries, etc., etc , at very large discount lrom tablit-bed rates. r i Lf 17 2 II 120 SO 2 II 157 17 2 12 160 9 160 i - 13,33 3,22 7,55 8,55 5,71 7,31 P.oo 7,55 mill 21 12 1 bJ 3,16 7,85 for 1S59. 23 2 II 160 9 60 11,24 3,52 11,11 II,II 12,17 80 5,83 150 150 160 150 4,37 11.22 11.78 11,78 8 2 12 120 9,04 25 3 12 160 11,78 17 2 12 160 7,13 21 I 10 160 25,0(5 $18,97 Toivn Lots Delinquent in Table llock. Lot II in Block 5 Lot 3 B 10, Li 11 u 10, L, 3 JJ -s I, l) B 53, L3 B48, L 3 B 30 L 5 B 52 L 12 B 55, Lot I0B 36. L2 B7. I, 2 B 2, WalkerRB.fL3BI5I. 5 B 66 L 9 B 60 Given under my hand at Pawnee City this fourth day of August A. D. 1362 F. F. LIMMIXG, Treasurer of rawnnee County, 25. T. Milckin C T. do do McClure J. do Marsh J. Narris T T. Noies F C. $2,88 $1,01 45 45 45 1,15 MASTER'S SALE. Ia pursuaoce of decretal order made by the Dis- iiai vuun, m aai ior ieiuma couctv, Nebraska lerritory, sitting in chancery bearicz date the 16th uoj vi icui,u iti mm cuuse penciiD'' in said Court, wherein llaatn bmith ia eomplainaLt, and John Llanaa is defendant, I willCn Monday, tbe 22d of September, IS62, at 10 o'clock a. m in front of Den's Hall, in Brownrillo, in said county. winj ine peace wo ere tne saia court was last held, offer for tale to the highest bidder, for cash, the fol lowing described premies, to-wit : tasthalf cf aouth west quarter, and tho south east quarter of the north west quarter, in section 23, town 4, rango 14, east of ine sum principal nieredan, in Nemaha Lou at, Nebraska Territory. , Aogu J. S. BEDFORD, Master in Chancery, st 23,1352. d5-4w-$15 appointed PKOBATE NOTICE. Notice is hereby given that I haye Monday, the litn day of beDtember. A. D. at 12 o';lock,M. as the time for the final settlement of the estate of Joshua Randal, deceased. Giren under my band and eS.'ifci seal, this 20th day of August, 1352. . C. W. WHEELER, E6-3w-$2,00 Probate Jud se. PIlGBVrE NOTICE. ;: Whereas William ChamberB bas been appointed Administrator of the estate of' James A. Gowdy, deceased, late of Nemaha County, X. T.. notice is hereby given that I have appointed tha 8th day of December, A. D., 1852, at 10 o'clock, A. M., a the time for hearing claims against said estate. Witness my hand and official 6eal this 20th day of August, A. D. 1862, C.W.WHEELER, n-4w-$2,50 Probate Judge NOTICE OF ATTACHMENT. John J. Matthews ) Before C. W. Theeler, J. p., in a and for Kemaba county, Ke- 'acob Cook Jbraska Territory. On tbe 6th day of August, A. D. 1863, said Justice Is sued an order of attaebmeo t In the above action, for tbe sum of $39.77. ' JOHN" MATTHEWS. Brownville, August 23d, 18C2. . ; no6-3w JJIASTER'S SALE. In pursuance of a decretal order made by the District Court, in and for Kemaha county, Nebraska Territory, sitting in Chancery, bearing date the 20th day of May. A. D., 1862, in a certain cause pending in said court, wherein William Wilson is complainant, and Gideon F. Tindall is respondent, I will, on Monday the 22d day of September, A. D. 1862, at 11 o'clock, A. M., In front of Den's hall, in Brownville, In said county, (be log the place where said court was last held,) offer for sale to tbe highest bidder, for cash, tbe following described premises, to-wit : Lot No one (1) in section No. tbir-ty-one, (31,) and Lot no three (3) In section No thirty, (30,) all in township No. seven, (7.) north of range N- sixteen, (16.) eat of the (th principal meredian, Ne maha county, Nebraska Territory. J. S. BEDFORD, August S3 'o-2-4w-5 Master In Chancery. PUBLIC NOTICE. Tbreitobt of Nebraska, , County of Gage. ) Whereas, David Wolf and Frederick Eagenstein, did on the 28th day of July, A. D. 1862, file a peti tion asking of the Probate Court a decree that J. L. McCanles as Administrator of the estate of D. C. McCanles,late cf Jones county, deceased, shall make a good and sufficient deed of Warrantee to the said petitioners of the following tract of land, being the west half of the north cast quarter, and tbe south east forty of the north west quarter of section twenty-six, of township two, range three. east of the sixth principal meridian, in Jones county, Nebraska Ter ritory. Now, be it known that I have appointed Monday, the 15th day of September, A. D. 1862, ac 10 o'clock A. M, for the hearing of said petition, and all per sons interested therein may appear and sho'W cause why the prayer of the petitioners shall rot Ae rrn-f-!. ALI;UT lo .LI., Predate J b i ,e, Gae Co., Neb. F -it :"?. Julr T "!v. VryZ, vi ew-tC3. Dwnlee, J Nebraska Territory. County ' TS Ilush JGro Bv virtue of an order of sale to me dlrcoted in the above entitled case, I will on Saturday, the 20th day of September, 1802, between the hours of 10 o'clock a. in. and 4 o'clock p. tn., of Baid day, at the door of Den's Hall iu Brownville, the place whe-e tbesaid court was last held, for said Nemabacouuty, offer for sale and fell to the highest bidder, for cash in hand, the following described real estate, to-wit: north half and southwest quarter of the northeast quartet of section number 24, in township number 4, north of range number 15, east cf the 6th prin cipal meredian, in Nemaha county, Nebraska, ta ken as the property of Hugh Browrdee to satisfy said demand. ; - 2.W. COLEMAN, . , Sheriff of Nemaha county. BrcwnTille, Aug. 23C2.' n3-4w-f5. ; HI ASTER'S : SALE. Tn pursuance of a decretal order mde by the District Court, In and for Nemaha county, Nebraska Territory, sitting in chancery bearing date the 16th day of May, 1861, in a certain cause pending in said court, wherein Day & Matlock and Cutter ATerrlll are complainants and Allen L. Coate, et al, defendants, I will on Saturday tbe 30th day of August, IS62, at 10 o'clock a. m, In frout of Den's hall in Brownville, in said county, being the place where said court was last held, offer for sale to the bigbest bidder, for cash, the following described property, to-wit: Lots uumber 4 and 5 of the northwest fractional quarter of section number 6, in township No. four (4,) north of range No. sixteen (16,) east of the 6th principal meredian, In Nemaha county, Nebraska Territory. J. S. BEDFORD. n3 4w-$4.25 Master In Chancery. EXCELSIOR Burr Stoiie Hills, (FOK FARMERS AND MILLERS,) AND ANTI-FEICTION HORSE POWERS. TOOK TEN FIRST PREMIUMS at Wxstkk State Fairs last year, and are justly considered superior to all others. The mill may be driven by Aorae, water, or tteam power, does its Work as well as tne Mat stone mills in muling establishments, and requires but one-half th power to drive the largest siscs. They are very compact, perfectly simple, and ,.r farm use will last THIRTY: YEARS, and COST KOTHIXQ for repair?. iTtiCEs ? ICO. 5540. J I . . Flour Bolt f r fm.::t y. 11 S; ) extra. n t- 1 i- . T fl !' ' - i r '1 i i 2i ij ALL-. , t. ; t I iallt.. t; l t tuo wVir.la wnj-.? ' V 1 !. rn ui-oa t-"' iUu-n i ....! LIkAUGIlT, f.t the cn J of a ten feet lever, -M ko- p the power in motion t thus 'permitting the ssTiRa STRENGTH of the horse to be used on the machine to bo driven. Oxk HORSI will do as much work on this power, as two on the endlese Chain Power. IT IS PORTABLE, and may be used in the field as .... . , . T11TVT' ptrn wen as in tne nouse. iMore man i t. i i -r i r PER LENT of horse flesh is saved over ant other kot is rs. It is simple in construction, and not liable to get out of o.der. Price of power for 1 to 4 horses $125 Price i.f power for 1 to 4 horses 175 The $125 Power will drive any Threshing Machine. Every Machine is guaranteed to give satisiaction.or 'II L ( . . 1 - 1 tbe moncv win do n-iuuucu. SHERIFF'S SALE. Williamson R. W. Cobb,) District . Court, . Ne vs maha County, Nebraska Gurdon H. Wilcox, ) Territory. By virtue of an order of sale to mo directed in the above entitled case, I will, on Saturday, the 30th day of August, A. D. 1862, between the hours of 1 0 o'clock, A. M.. and 4 o'clock P. M. of said day, at the door of Den's Hall, in Brownville, the place where the said Court was last held, for said Nemaha coun ty, offer for sale the following described real estate, and will sell the same to the highest bidder, for cash in hand, to-wit : The undivided half of Lot No. four (4;) South East fractional quarter of Section No. eightteen in Township No. five (5, ) north of Range No. sixtoen (16,) east, in Nemaha County, Nebraska Territory, containing 17 80-100 acres, with all the appurtenances thereunto belonging, taken as the property of G. H. Wilcox, to satisfy said demand. J.W.COLEMAN, July 26th,1832 n2-5w-$6,30 - Sheriff. SHERIFF'S SALE. Bank of the Union, ia Tenn 1 District Court, Ne va f maha County, Ne G.H.Wilcox. J braska. By virtue of an order of sale to me directed in the above entitled case, I will, on Saturday, the 30th day of August, A. D. 1862, between the Lours of 10 o'clock, A. M. and 4 o'olock P. M. of said day at the door of Den's Hall, in Brownville, the place where the said court was last held for said Nemaha county, offer for sale, to the highest bider, for cash in hand, tbe following described real estate to-wit: The half nf Lot No. four (4,) South Eastfrao tional quarter of Section No. Eighteen, in Township .. Five. (5,1 rtortb of Itarcre No. Sixths, ( 19,)est, i,i s.'-'l .Ne:"'. County, Iebrs ka, Terrs ttry, coa- ' ' -. t . I f: " ''''.). tl p.o f . . .. J i the ar SHERIFF'S SALE. B.F. REFER EN CPS. Gurris, Manhattan. Kan. rbi'adelj hia, r"enn. Gbnts. With two horses on your Anti-frictiou Power, we drive yor.r No. l Miu.grinu.ng a dlhu- XL8 OF CORN PER KOCR, ana CU WK Hu.,.j . bay at the same time. I have never seen a power that runs with so little fricUcn, and consequently with so little ctrain upon thottornnnirt? Sopt. 13th & 15th St. Pass. R. R. Co. Cioster, N. J..J"an. 29, 18"2. - Meers. Bkknet Bkothebs, Gents. I am very much pleased with the Power. It runs easier than any other Power in this vicinity ; and with the same -;n A nearlv. or quite twice as much work. 1 rn mv Thresher at 1,500 revolutions per minute, and a 24 inch Cross-cut Saw, at 1.200 revo.c jt ons. Yours trulv, PETER J. WHlTi. CTO ALL ORDERS RECEIVED BEFORE fe TFIF! FREIGHT WILL BE FRE- pTiVi1 to CHICAGO. OR ANY OTHER PORT Oil LAKE MICHIGAN. fi-Liberal discount tc dealers. Agents wanted i v;,nT Kiirbts for sale. For further informatior . send stamp Tor 'rated CircuUrsto ns.i x.n 42 and 44 Greene-SL, hew-York. Arjurt9th,l&61, t4-3cj District Court, Nemaha County, Nebraska Territo ry sncr.irr'3 sale. ... . . Eeath Nuckolls, Adsiiuiutrator 1 -of estate cf Joseph Deroin dec. I District Court, 8 f NebraskaTeritory Elily Jerries, s gainst Fl'IT. J By virtue cf ai ciecutieu to me directed ia the above eutiilod cause, I wi'.i. on Saturday, the 30ta dayof Ausust, A. D. 1362, between the hours of 10 o'clock A. Manl 4 o'clock P. M., of said d iy, at the door of Den's Hall, in Brownville, the place where tbe e.M i Court was last beli for Faid Nemaha Coun ty, offor Tor sale, fr ca,.h ia han-1, the fullowin dedcribed real estate, ta-wit : Lot ( 3 ) in Block ( 4J in the original Fiat of the City of Brownville, ia Nemaha County, Nebraska Territory, taken as the property of Ha: th Nuckolls to satisfy said damand. J. W. COLEMAN, Sheriff. . July 25th, 1852. n2-5w-$5.40 FOR FALL TRADE. I f c JOH& O. DUESEE, . . - -. MAIN STREET, BROWNVILLE, W. T., Takes pleasure In anuouijclnf that he has now on hand, a large and select stock of every article In his line, GOOK STOYES, Cf all the improved patterns, vli: Plymouth Rock, Charter Oak, Valley Forjce, Elevated Oven, tc, &o., &c, HEATING STOVE3, to Box and Parlor Stoves of an endless variety, some of which are-entirelr new designs, vis Combined " . Cook end Parlor Stovet, something very nice for small families. I CALL ESPECIAL ATTENTION OF FARMERS TO MY HEAVY SHEET IRON,, ,.' for Sugar Boilcrt, and LARGE CAST IUOS IIETTILES. : A VARIETY OF CHEAP ' : - . - . - "V: -. LAUD AND COAL OIL LAHPS Brass, Copper, and sheet iron ware) Lanterns, Shovels aud Japanned Ware, &., &c. SELF-SEALING FRUIT CANS! OF the latest and most improved Stylos, cheap T ' . ,;l i., . t .- 1 .(n'Jti?, as i . . '. : v :.!.-:;;; . .... rteat notice, ai.J la ... . v. j 1 warra&t to gits sat;s- 1862. 1862. DRY GOODS AND GROCERIES ! THEODORE HILL, Is receiving, and will continue to receive during the summer, one of THE LARGEST AND BEST STOCKS iffliis, -FROM New York, Philadelphia and St Louis. That has ever been exhibited In the Western Coun try, embracing all tbe latest styles and novelties of the times. His slock embraces Dry Goods, Groceries. Hardware, Cutlery, Queenwarei Hats and Caps, Shakers, . Boots and Shoes . : . Doors and Sash, Glass and Putty, Fine Furniture, 4&c, ic., tc. Among his Dry Goods will he found Prints, GiuTiams Lawns. Bareges Brown and Bleached Muslins Demees. Striped Sheeting. Cot tonades Ilosiery, Gloves, The Latest Styles Hoop Skirts, Notions, &c, &c He has much the Largest Stock of QUEENS WARE in the Upper Country. THEO. HILL, Agent for the Hannibal & St. Joseph Bail Haod Picket Line of Steamboats. Jfay 22, 1862. n46-tf. MCCORMICK'S Beaper and Ilower MANUFACTUBEO AT Olllofis o, Zllt This celebrated machine i by all odds tbe 1SEST GRAIN AND GRASS CUTTER IN THE WORLD. N withstanding tbe misrepresentations of those loter ested in other machines, C. H. McCorniick & Bro. man ufactuje at tbe rate of 8,000 per year, Many cbD have been affected during tbe past season, and for 18G2 the UcCormick" is presented with greater attraction :3 i': ; .L Chambers, Executor of Estate of Willis Hill, dec. vs I.. P. matt and JeroniJ Hoover. Bv virtue of an execution to me directed in tbe above entitled case, I will, on :aturd.aj, the 30th daj of August, A. D. IS 52, between the hours of 10 o'clock A M. and 4 o'c!rek F. M. of said day, at the door of Den's llall, in Brownville, the place where the said Court was lact held lorsaiJ. Nemaha county, offer for sale tbe following described property, to- wit t Lot 2 in Block 4'J; trf)ts II, 13, 15 and 15, In Block 39 : Lot 15 in Clock 84 ; Lots 9, 10 and 14 in Block SO : Lots II, i-J, i J n iiock si ; li, in Block 3. : Lots 1 and l m Block 45; I.r.ts 10 and 11 in Blook 47; Lot 11 in Llock 43 ; Lot 13 in Block 71; Lot 9 in Blok li; J ots li, 14, ;5and in. Block 6S, in Xemaha City, Nemaha County, Nebras ka Territory; and tho Suth East Quarter of North West Quarter, bection 31, lownshipo, iwane 15, 40 acres; and South East Quarter of South West Quarter, Section I, Township 4, Range 15, except 2 acres of the west side, containing 33 acre?; and a tract of land commencing at a point F$ Rods North of South West corner of Section 13, Township 4, Range If?, East; thence muring East 47 Rods; thence J?outh 23 'i Rods; thence West 47 Rods: thence North 23l Roods, to the place of bejinin-r. containing seven acres ; and South West Quarter of Section 21, Township 4, Er.gelS, East, containing 75 87-100 acres; and the North West Quarter of North East Quarter and LotU of bection 32. Town ship 5, Range 16, exenpt 23 acres, deeded to Snow ; and the West Half of the South West Quarter, and Lots 3 ad 4, in Section 32, Township 5, Range 16, exempt 20 acres in the South Wert corner all of said Real Estate lying in Nemaha County, Nebraska Territory, taken as the property of Jerome Hoover to satisfy said execution J. W. COLEMAN, Sheriff. July 2!5sh,ISC2, n2-5w-JI2,60. Furniture ! Furniture ! ! The most complete stock of Furniture ever offered la this upper country just receivea dj t. EIi,U Srcwnvills, Afrtl 26tt..l35I, fl prflt Tj'JV'T'' lll iji.i-bi.JLi.'JAujr j ' ; frtve It preference over all others New Improvements added, have materially lessened tbe direct draught, and so obviated the (ids draught that many assure us that It does not now exist. Tbe drught of tbe Beaper Is so light tbat in numerous instances tbe large four horse machine la worked with but two horses. FOR MOWING, The Machine of 1862 will stand any test that may be applied. Our Guard and Fatent Cleaner effectually prevents choking, no matter what the condition of tb grass, while our new divider point separates baldly lodged aud tangled clover or grass, where other ma chines fail. There is also a (treat advantage in our serrated sickle edge over the smooth, as it does not require sharpening so often, thus saving time. Our sickle will frequently run through an entire harvest without ence grinding, while the smooth edge must be ground once each day. if not of tner. with a smoth edge the Iranght increases as the knife becomes dull. Ocr draught is uniform. and in tbe repeated trials during tbe season of 1SSO 61. proved far lighter than single .Mowers, cutting at tbe tame time from twelve to eighteen inches wider. Our Jlower can be used with or without tbe reel , this is important, as without the reel it weighs Lmt about C70 pounds. la addition to the very liberal warrantee given to all purchasers, we would say as heretofore, tbat farmers who may desire it, are at liberty to work our machine through the harvest, with any o'her, and kep and pay for tbe one preferred. Pamphlets with (nil description of improvements, testimonials, Jfce.. can be had by application to THEO. HILL, Agent, May 15, 1862. n45-tf i:OT7 -READY. Tlin CCcial Union ,1 a nteer Directory. (4C3 PW) coutau.103 fjm am VW.ac, U every 0:er and Private ia the Union Army, wi-n thai Coumanii.Oajua, tics, Promotions, 4c. r. ffEvery one wants it. j Sent poat-pid,on receipt'o?25 s.'0u cash, or stamps. Address 1IENKY B. A-NdUN Pub lisher, 43 buu Street, Bt.5tou,!Luj; ' HELLO, STRANGER! WHERE DID YOU GET THOSE isr e Av g bobs? AT . J. BEKKY & GO'S., THE VERY CHEAPEST HOUSE IN BEOWITVILLS. J. BERRY & CO, Have Just received, and are now epenlajr, at their stnd en stain street, one of the largest swoks ol - DEY GOODS A IT D ever offered la this market. Remember the place, J. BERRY & CO'S., buownville; n. t. i May 29, 1363. n47-tf "PAST HOitSES." CITY IIFBPiY STABLB FEED STORE-,' BROWNVILLE, NEBRASKA. AWNOtTXCSS o tba publlo'.' puol h j entire interest in te T Wi -y at j " Sad He IloMi, THE TRAVELING PUBLIC Caa.ned at his Stable am;:ls socor.iodations (r horses, mules or cattle. N. B. The partnership heretofore existirg l-;een Benjamin & Joshua Rogers is dlf utd josnuA & nzyiAHis rocras, asy29la.'1332. B47-tt ; . For Salo at Bargains. Two Ne. t Shuttle Empire Sewins.Vachlns3. . One Franklin Family Sewing Maculae. t Twe Horace Waters $73 Melodiona. Two Freeh's Conical Washing Machine. One No. 1 P. W. Gates & Co.'s Sugar Cane Kills Evaporaters. Apply at the AdvertUtr and Farmtr Offl?e, Browi ville, Nebraska. . , March 13th. 1362. ' ' to36-tn FRUIT AUD ORNAMENTAL TREES. 200,000 Apple Trees, 4 years old, $3 per hundred $60 per thousand. 75,000 Standard Pear Trees, 3 to I years old, $25 per hundred, 230 per thousand, 20 000 1 year old Diana Grapj Tines, $15 per hundred $100 per thousand. 150,000 Standard Fear Grapes, $3 per hundred, $0 per thousand. These Pear Grafts, not being bulky, can be transport ed cheaply, and by growing two years, will make good sized trees to plant in ah orchard. Any one can treble their money ty growing them to sell. Send for Whole sale and Descriptive Catalogues. E. MOODT k SOX. n5I-3m Niagara Nurseries, Lockport, N. T. EW GOODS JUST EECEIYED : TO SUIT axxie scones. 100 of the mot severe BATTLE SCEXES and incidents of the War, now ready, sise 18x39 inches, highly colored, cn fine heavy paper. Sent post-paid, 20 for $1,00, or $i per 1C0. To agents and the trade vvum vl'wi iuihj was ever oserea. Addrws I1EXRY B. AN S05,Print Publisher, tc, state btreet, Uoston, Mass. Ayer's Cathartic Pills. JOHN A. PONN Is now reeelvinj and oponlnj out his Spring Stock of Goods, consis lug of Dry Goods, Groceries. Hats nd Caps, Boots and Shoes, Iron and Nails, Flour and Bacon, Qucenr-vare, Hard wars, J?umlt;.:r?, - etc., etc., eti. "Which 1 will sell cheap for Cnsli or Prcdnce. Call and examine my stock before rurchasio elsewhere. Brownville. Ar,ril 21. 1S52. . n42-6ro DISPEPSIA AND FITS. A sure Cure for these distresfin? complaints is now made known in a 'Treatise osForeigj a sd Na tive IIfrbal Preparations " published by DU, U. 1'J1EI.P3 IiliOWU. The prew:nption, fur nished ly aVoung clairvoyant girl, while tn a state of trance, has cured everybody who has taken it, never bA tng fiilel in a single case. It is equally sure in cases of Fits as of Cy-pemsia; and tbe ingredients may be found la any drug store.- Those who are aHicted with Cjusamptkm, EracbiUi or Asthma, may also be cured by the use t my HerbAl Preparation. I will send this valuable prescription free to any person on receipt of tbeir name. Addresss, PR. O. PHELPS BROWN, No. 19 Graul street, Jersey City, N. J. n47-6m SUGAR CANE LULLS -AND T?17 A DAP ATADQ Having been appoints! agent for the Eagle Works Sugar Cane Mill and Evaporators, Chicago, 111., I am Prices of JSills, frum $10 to 3'J0. ?orators frora (2nto$3d. Address H. VV, FURNAS, March 27, 1352 n33-tf. Urownviiie, Xif3. Currants ! Currants I I hale left with R. W. Furnas. Brownville. a few Eed and Dutch Currants fcr sal ai $t perd. ien ch Mirch29, i2. n33-tf - . 0- TSOPSCN- who sells tiii: c:r.:.',rT:jT GOODS IN EROWliVlLLi:? I) E .N SELLS Till; CHEAPEST GOODS IN MARKET. WHERE IS IT THAT YOU PUR. CHASE THOSE FANCY PRINTS ? AT DEN'S. WHERE DO YOU BUY YOUR CHEAP MUSLINS? ' AT DEN'S. D E N SELLS THE CHEAPEST EOOT5 AND SHOES IN-THE WEST. ALSO THE FINEST HATS AND CAPS DEN KEEPS ON HAND. DEN'S IS THE PLACE TO TRADE HE TAKES YOUR PRODUCE, AND PAYS THE HIGHEST lhPZLTS, AND FURS. DON'T FORGET THAT ' DEN ; Bella tho BEST and cnCAPrST LIQUORS. In fact BEIT cells Everything that iaUs-ful, Cheap and Good. veti3-iy. ' IWZ', STEICSLEU d Co. STREET, BROWNVILLE. N. T. We are now receiving and opening a complete assort ment of Uerchaudise, coosisUog OF DRY GOODS: - Prints, Muslins, Drills, Osnaburj, Denims, Ccttoradei, Apron Check, Hickory. Jeam, Beragski Licca, Dress Goods, all Wool Delaines, Fancy and Plain Silk, Lawnes, Saten Vcsticjs, Bread Clo'.hs, Cassimere, Hocped Skirts, OF GHOCEHIEG: Coffee, Tea, Soap, Molasses, Candles, B. C. Soda, Saleratu?, Vinegar White and Brown Sugar, Sack, Barrel and Dairy Salt. Chewing and Smoking Tobacco) OF HABDWAKE : Axes, Hatches, Butt3, Screws, Locks, Latches, Nails, Tack. Penknives, Knives and Forks, Hand Saw and Mill Files, fee, &c, &c, &c., &c. Lc. OF QUfiBrJ S TA HE : Cups and Saucers, Plates and Platters, Dishes and Tumblers. . Coal Oill Lamps, iamn CLir.in?, Gaiters, Calf Shoes, . Oxford Ties. Missea Shoei. Slippers, Men's Calf, Men s Brogans, Copper Toe Kip and Course Eocts, kc.,cc. OF HATS &CAPs::- Panama, Leghorn, PIantets,. Straw, Wool, Cassimere Plantation, . Shaker Itocdi, Of Frtrniinsr Utensils: Cradles. Rakes, Fc:ks, Plows, ' Scythes, Snaths, Shovels, Spades, Hoes. &c.f iic. tc. OF JLVrdUEllt Clear and 2nd rate Pine Flooring, Siding, Boards 1,11-2 and 2 Inches Thick, . . Sash, Doors and Blind Pine Lath, All Sizes Sash, All Sizes Doors, All Sizes Blinds, TVeeaMtfca atteit!u cf the pubUc to enr stoct, ocr CASH TnHIia enable n to jJ Tbatiktul for pist j'atr(.n.se, we o!.at a conliuaa of tbe nine. LETT, STRICKLER & CO,