NAMES. PLACE, LOT. c B. TAX. Markel Jeremiah do Noell Jesse do Rede James Rogers Joshua Rainey R T Stoute VV C Thorp H S Thompson Elizabeih Thompson Martha do do Thompson JDN Thompson B B do do do do do Tirton-TW ' AYilson W F Unknown Owners do ' do Brownville do do x do ' N. Browville I, Brownville il. Brownville Brownville do do do do do- M. Brownville' Brownville, . . do do do do . do do M. Brownville Brownville do do H east half 12 11,12 third of 4. 2, 3, 4, 5, 6,-7 6,7 ' 4,5 5- .10,11 .6 o 7,8 15 7 ' 11,12. 5 2 o O A 5 4 6 . 8 5, 6 1, 2, east hf 6 10 8,5 15 19 ' 6- 5 o 5 3 13 26 7 12 13; II 25 3 7 12 36 6L BI 30 5 4 o 5 6 20,92 8,39 11,43 . 7,63 5.27 14,85 5.35 14,22 1,23 9,21 45 1.23 PRECINCT nsro. 7. NAMES. PLACE. LOT, B. TAX. Berg John A Aspinwall, 21,22 75 4,25 Cora William Nemaha City, II 35 1,55. Davis J R do ' , 2 67 do do . I 90 do ' do 9, 10, II 61 23 GoolsberyFA do' I 47 do do 12 33 do - do " 2,3 63 do do. 1.2.3 85. 69 HiMLP .do ' 5,6,7,8 66 6,33 Hurse John M do . ... 5 . .67 1,59 Hubble Alexander ' and Driver do ' 16 do . ' do ' . 1,2.3 86 do' do . 8 . 97 : do . do- ' 13,16 90- '.. ' io - . . do ' . 3 83 do " . do 10 66 . 1,52 Landon J S :dr 12 66 do ... do ' 1,4,15 70 ' 15 Moon John- '. do . 3 47 4,46 -Neb. Settlsient Co."-. do- 5,9 97 ' uo . do 5,6, 9 31 do do II 46 . do . "do ' . 9 90. do ' 0 . 10 70 . do . do -4,5,6,7 56 . do . do 4 63 ' ' do . do . ' ' 5 59 do do . 13, 14 ,45 ! . do '. do . 9,12 95 do ' do . ... I, 3 61 . . . fo, ' . 7 . 30 do do 13 73 do do JO 23 do . do 1,4,6,11 57 do . do 1,11,12,15. 53 . do- I. 15, 16 32 do do . . . 4 89 ' do do - ' . 15, 16 60 do . . do 1,2,10 72 do do. . 14 II. do- do 6, 9 26 do .do 9 43 do do . 1, 2 50 do. - do . . . 8 37 do do 15 59 do .do 1, 5,9 '49 ' . do do 10 85 do . -do S 42 I do . ' do 1, 13, 15 34 do do . " . 4,8 76 do do- 4 .62 do o -do 4 91 . do -' do " faction 2, 5, 14 25 . do do. 4,6, 12 33 do . do . 6 35 1.20 Pavy F Q do 5, 6 71 . do do . . 5 72 do do 3. 14 91 9,13 Paulin James W Atpinwali . . 23, 24 85 29,56 I Steven Mary Nemaha City' 6,7,8 38 7,71. Smith R P . . do 14, 15 72 . do do 1, 2 3, 14 84 31 Tidwell James . . do ... 15 85 do do- .14' 62 da " do . . 13,14 42 2,17 Tan Frederick do ' 5 6S .S3 Williamson A D do .7,8-39 do do . . 4,5 40 . .do .do 15; 16 65 do do ' 5, 6 60 21 15 Wilson fc Bro. - do : 4 '82 do do : 9 63 do do c 15 96 13 Whitinger Daniel do- 13; 16 15 do do 9 22 do do . . 6 . 16 do .do 12 35- . do do ' .4,9 34 do do 3 37 do do 7,13 36 do do 9 60 do do 7 "48 do . do . 5 62 do do 8 57 do .do 6 65 do do 12 63 do 00 . 6 73 . 46 To Delinquent Tax- Payers of Nemaha County Nebraska Territory : You are notified that I, John H. Morrison, Treas urer in and for the said CounVjr of Nemaha, will, offer at pub lic sale, and will sell in front of Den's Hall, the building1 in which the District Court was last held, and in the City of Erownville, county seat of said County, on the first Monday, Wos? the firat !y September, A. D. 18C2, between the hours of 9 o'clock A. M. and 4 o'clock P. M.f ail the Lands and Town Lots, situated in raid Nemaha County, on which the Taxes, levied during the year 1SS1, still remains due and un paidunless said Tatpf, upon said Lands and Town Lois, be paid prior to the time of sale, as herein above mentioned with interest from the 1st of June, 1851, at the rate of ten per cent per annurj, with a penalty of ten per cent: also 20 cents for each description of Land, and ten cents for each Town Lot. JOHN H. MORRISON, Treasurer. Brownville, N. T., July 31st, 1SG2.- 50, ?iiE0D0EE HILL, DEALER IN GENERAL : JT) A lilQF3 1 AIJST STREET, BROWNVILLE, . N. T. THE DAY SCHOOL BELL. TBS DAT SCHOOL EKLL.-A New Singing Boo Jo'y School, calfcd the Dat School Bell, to now tadT. It oonUini bout 200 pages of choice Songs, So- . ..RoujUs, Catches, Dueu, IrKQ" roses, wny of them written esprely fur this work, besidej 32 pages of the Elements of wumc The Ele ment re so easy and progressive that ordinary teach ers will find themselves entirely successful m instruct ion even young scholars to sing correctly and ecteutifl eatly, while the tunes and words embraces such a vari ety of lively, attractive, and soul stf ring music and sentiment that no trouble will be experienced in ioda- ' ting all beclnners to ro on with leal In acquiring skill in one of tr-e most health-giving, beauty improving happiness yielding, and order, producing exercise of school life. Ia simplicity of its Elements, in variety and adaptation of music, arid in excellence and number of i songs, original, selected, and claims by much to eicel all competitors. U -wil! be found to ' be the best book ever issued for Seminaries-, Academies, and Public Scboc Is. A few sample pages of the ele ments, tunes and sontrs are given in a circular; send nd get one. It is compiled by Horace Waters, author of "Sabath School Bells.'" N s. 1 and 2K which have had the enormous sale of 655,O0Q copies. Prices paper covers 20 cts., $15 per hundred; bound 30 cents-. $25 J,er hundred ; cloth bound, embossed gilt 40 cents : $30 per hundred. 25 oopies furnished at the one hundred price. Mailed free at the retail price. NOTICES OF-THE PRESS. The Dat School Bell. The tunes are lively, and such as may be easily mastered by children. The spirt of the songs is unexceptionable nd well adapted to the school room. It is the cheapest anl anion the be?t com p ends of school music published. Nero York Teacher. Dat School Bell. This book rs eminently adapted to nse in our common schools. We hare great number of school song books ief ore the public, but many of them lack musical as well as lite rary taste, and are really demoralizing in their influ ence upon the musical talent of the youf.g. Airs of ac knowledged excellence, wedded to wois of true poetry, are the qualities tha'. ought to be sought with the great est care in the preparation or a school sung book. This book seems to combine these two qualities. Pcnntyl vania Scliool Journal. Published by HORACE WATERS, ri41-ly No. 481 Broadway, New York. THE HARP OF FREEDOM. Kow ready, a new and superior collection of 27 Anti-Slavery, Patriotic, and Contraband" songs, solos, doeta, quartets, and choruses. Most of tha Poetry and .Music has been written expressly for this work, to correspond with the times, and should be sung by the million, in order to awaken a deep interest in behalf of the 'Contrabands," whom God, in his providence, has cast upon the Tree .North to clothe and educate. . COSTENTS, IN PAST. "Fair Freedom's Morn has dawned at last :" "Break the Chains, or the Emancipating Sword ;" "Fremont is Marching on, or, Glory Hallelujah;" "Oh I Help the 'Contrabands';" "Old John Brown's Song ;" "Song of the 'Contrabands';"4 Let my People Go ;" ''Parody on the Song of the 'Contra bands' J" "Where Liberty Dwells is my country;' "When Slavery dies there'll be Freedom;" "Wake, Freemen, God has spoken;" "Whittier's suppressed Song of Freedom," et. ' ' Price only 6 cents single, 50 cents per dozen, $3 per 100 ; postage 1 cent. HOUACE WATERS, Publisher. ; nlt-ly 481 Broadway, New York. SABBATH SCHOOL BELL NO. 2. 75,000 Copies Sold the First 12 Months of its Publication. It isan entire New Work, of nearly 200 pages, Many of the Tunes and Hymus were written ex pressly for this volume. It will soon be as popular as its predecessor, (Bell No. I) which has run up to the enormous number of 573,000 copies in 35 months, outstripping any Sunday School Book of its si?e is-, sued in this country. Also, both volumes are bound in one to accommodate schools wishing them in that form. Prices of Bell No. 2, paper covers, 15 1 3nts, S12 per 100. Bound, 25 cents, $18 per 100. Cloth bound embossed gilt, 30 cents, $32 per 100. Bell No.' 1, paper covers, 12 cents, $10 per 100.. Bound 20 cents, $18 per 100. Cloth bound embossed gilt, 25 eents, $20 per 100. Bells No's. 1 and 2 bound to gether 40 cents, 1 30 per hundred. 25 copies fur nished t tha 100 price. Cloth bound embossed gilt, 50 cents, $40 per 100 Mail pofltag fre a( the retail price. ... ( - HORACE. WATERS, Publisher, n41-ly ' Broadway, New York." NEW MUSIC. "Shall we Know Eavoh Other There?" Song or . Duet and Chorus, by Rev. Mr. Lowry, author of "Sabbath Bells Chime on." This song is good. Price 25 cents, mailed free. A pianist in attend ance to try new music. . ; HORACE WATERS, . n4l ly No. 431 Broadway, Publisher. THE HORACE WATERS PIANOS AND MELODIANS, And Alexandre Organs, and T. GILBERT & Co.'a celebrated .iEolian Pianos, are the finest instrument; for parlors and churches now in use. A large assort ment can be seen at .the new warerooins, No. 4S1 BROADWAY, between Grand and Broome streetss which will be sold at extremely low prices. Pianos and Melodeons, from sundry makers, new and second hand. Second hand Pianos and Melodeons at great bargains; prices from $25 to $100. Sheet Music, Music-Books, and all kinds of Music Merchandise, at war prices. A pianist in attendance will try new music. ' ' . r . OPTKIOKS OF THE FBES3. ;- "The Horace Waters Pianos are known as among the very best. We are enabled to Speak of these instruments with some degree cf confidence, from personal knowledge of their excellent tone and du rable quality." Xetr, York Fvattgelitt. n41-ly COMMERCIAL NURSERY, 03IAIIA, NEBRASKA. K H. BURCHES, PROPRIETOR.. I bare long since been coivinced of the want of a first claes Nursery in the West, where TREES, SHRUBS, FLOWERS, &c, . Can be trfapted to our climate 'and soli. In view of ' these facts, I have established in this place, and offer for ale at . Wholesale or Retail, A large and well (elected stock, suited to this climate, of Apples, standard a id dwarf ; Fears, standard and dwarf ; Cherries, standard and dwarf;, . Plums, Apricots, ' Nectarines, Quince, Goosberries. Currents, Grapes, Raspberries, Strawberries, Blackberries .Evergreens, Shrubs, Roses, Pahlias, . Ornamental Tree. Greenhouse anc Bedding Plants, etc., etc. To which I would beg leave to call the attention of the . people of Nebraska, Kansas, Colorado, Iowa and North west Missouri. 53My terms will be as low as any reliable eastern Nursery. By purchasing of m the 'expense of transportation from the east can be saved. All trees and plants are carefully labeled and packed in the best manner, for which a charge of the actual cost will be made. No charge will be made for the delivery of packages on board steamboats. All communications addressed to the undersigned will receive prompt attention. March, 1862. K. H. BURCHE3. FRENCH'S CONICAL . basiling lilacliines. The moat simple, durat le, convenient and economical article ever invented for the purpose. Will do the washing cf an ordinary family before breakfast, not only savihi time, tut clothes. By strictly Xollowingthi'printed directions, which sre simple and esy, It will vasb, at one ttme, six shirts, or two dozen small article:!, in about rue orteven rnin-. nfcs, or their equivalent. By all the ordinary metlods of cleaning fine fabrics, such as laces. &e., the greatest care is required, while with this machine the mt delicate article can be washed without the possibility of damage. These result are producel by the constant reaction the suds while the machine is in motion, of Families, laundries, hotel, boarding-houses, hospit als, asylums, boarding-schools, on ships and steamers,' ' and In the army, who bare these machines in use, have sent in their testimonials voluntarially, and the enco miums of the Pre" r very numerous, .some of which . I have publisned in pamphlet foruk. All I ask of the Public is a tare Ml examination of this machine before purchasing of others. General Depot 419 Broadway, corner Canal St., New Tork.' Price only Ten Dollars. . N. B. - a liberal discount to the Trade. Agents wanted. Send for a Circular. . Address box 26S3, N. Y. City P. O. PHILIP TRKN'CU. Proprietor. . 100,000 OSIER. WILLOW CUTTINGS, Variety Perpureu for live fence. I will cut, bundle and deliver the Cuttings at Brownville for $5 per eighty rods ; being but 4 little over t (Pa dollar per thousand. This is from one to . three dollars less than ever offered before. All orders at these prices must be sent in before the 1st of October, 1S61. Send orders by mail with evh, to It. O. THOMPSON. Nebraska City, X. T. NEMAHA NURSERY",- ) 18 miles West cf Neb-aska CUy,"August l.-n8-tf' ' On new Air Line Kearney Road.) Ayer's Ague Cure. . Fruit and Ornamental '. - l" jEtL "JE3 .S3- J3 . Shrubbery, Evergreen Trees, With a General Assortment of Nursery Articles, for sale at the Pleasant Eidge Ilursery, ARISPE, BUREAU CO.. ILL. Very low foi-rsh or its equivalent.- We have a few - thousand six ind seven year old apple trees, which we will sell vc-ry low, as we- want to dispose of them be fore they get too large; also four year olds at $12.60 per hundred; three year olds at $10 per hundred, and yoruig trees at corresponding prices. . -Also Cherry, Pear; Plum, Peach, Grape, ' Currants, Gooseberries, Raspberries, Lawton Blackberries, Strawberries, Pie Plant,' Roses and Dahlias, ' of the finest sort. OUR STOCK OF EVERGREENS Is large, and. very fine specimens. Sizes and prices to suit.- Orders respectfully solicited and promptly attended to.- V2RRRT ALDRICII,' ' P. O. Address, Twkllwa, 111. P. S. have about 7,000 four year old trees, of the 2few Tork Pippin, for sale tho coming fall and spring ; no apple e"ver gained so much popularity in so short a time. The trees are good growers, early fruiters, and very hardy? apples large and showy, and Iteep about . equal to the Willow Twig. Also a large stock of the Wagner, one cf the best apples; very early fruiter, and. trees remarkably hardy. For a more full description of these and otter sorts, please see descriptive catlaogue sent free to at appiuants. January 2, 1S62. n26-3m Bloomington Hursery, X3jXjX3XTOX3. At the crossing of the Illinois Central, and St. Louis, Alton and Chicago Railroads. Established 1352. on the open Prairie, and contains 140 acres. Fruit, Orna mental and Nursery Stock, a very large, general and reliable assortment, VERY CHEAP for Cash. Especially Adapted "to tte Severe Climate of the Northwest.. APPLE TREES, from 1 to 4 years old. $25 to $S0per 1000. ROOT GRAFTS, $40 per 10,0t 0. APPLE STOCKS, one to two years, selected for grafting, $2; second class, $1 per thoudsand. MAZZAKD CHERRY", $3 per 1,000. STANDARD AND DWARF PEAR. CHERRT, PLUJI, PkAOH, QUINCE, NECTARINE, AND APRICOT DWARF APPLE, QUINCE, PEAR, PLUJI, AND ROSE STOCKS. Jpple Scion $1,60 per thousand. Cutting t, many sorts Otage Orange, good one year old plants, 2,60 per thousand. Wilion't Stravbery, ' and many other Standard Sorts two dollars fifty to four dollars per thousand. Cfrayes-Catawba, Clinton, Isabella, well reoted, one year oM three dollars per hundred, twenty dollars per thousand. Delaware one and two years old, $4 to $10 per dozen. Rhu barb, best sorts two to Ave dollars per hundred. Houghton Goosberry, one to two yearn old on to , three dollars per hundred. Downing' t Ever Bearing biulbery four to eight dollars perdcxen. Evergreens several sorts ten dollars per thousand. Shade and Weeping Treet, Shrubt, Flower Jioott, auiot, Roe, an immense variety mostly one to two dollars fifty per dozen. Packing carefully done. Catalogues sent on receipt of a three ceut stamp: Address, F E PHOENIX, . Nov 14, 1861, nl9-6m Bloomington, Illinois. . . HOVEY'S SEED . . AND Agricultural Warehouse. Having opened a Seed and Implement Warehouse, in ' Chicago, 1 beg leave to call special attention to the same, having been many- years In the business in Bos ton, and having also paid special attention and care in the selection of my seeds, l feel the utmost confidence in offering them to tbe public. The seeds grown in this, country were raised by old and experienced raisers at the East ; those that cannot be procured in this country, were imported from some f tbe most reliable seedsmen in Europe. - All New and Improved varieties as soon as intro- . duceds tried and proved desirable at the East, maybe found in my Catalogue. Particular attention will be paid to the FliOWER SEED DEPARTMENT, and not only all the new and much admired varieties, but all new novelties in the Flower department will be introduced. All orders for TREES, PLANTS, SHRUBBEEY, FLOW EES, BULBS, &c will be promptly executed. We have also a good as sortment of Garden and Farming Implements. ALBERT n. HOVEr. No. 73 Lake street, ' Chicago, Til. . P. O. Box 3047. March 6, n35 3ui. . LANDEETH'S Warranted Garden Seeds BLUNDEN, KOENIG & CO., (Late Johh Gabhett & Co.,) No. 66 North Second Street, above Piner ST. LOUIS, MO. Offer for sale at very low figures, a large and wet j assorted stock of Agricultural and Horticultural Imple ments, comprising everything necessary to the Farmer, together with a large and fresh supply of .. Landreth's Celebrated Garden Seeds, . CROP Of 1S61, For which they are the sole agents. Their friends can rely upon getting from them seeds that are not only pure but trne to name in every instance. Also field seeds at lowest market rates Chinese Sugar Cane seed, Tobacco seed, Top Onions. &c, , &c. Dealers In seeds would do well to send them their orders. Send. for Almanac and Illustrated Catalogue gratis. . BLUNDEN, KOENIG & CO. March 6, 1362. n33-ly CHEAP FLOWERS & FRUITS I will send, by mail, postpaid, 100 shall bclbs, mostly mixed TULIPS, for one dollar, and Large . Bulbs of same, for $2.- Cther Bulbs, named, loir enough. HERBACEOUS PERENNIALS, of 50 sorts, fine mixed ROSES and otber IIARDY SARCBBERY, by express, or railroad, 4 to 8 dollars per 100. Nam ed and oiioiCK sorxs, about doubln price; and more in small selected lots in all, 500 varieties. "Small Fbitits" of all scrts, including Delaware and Coxcokd Grapes, equally reasonable. Fecit and Ckxaxextal Trees, 25 per cent, low er than usual. All safely packed, to keep a month, at purchasers cost. Addre, JOHN A. KINNICOTT, The Grove P. 0., Cook Co.. Ills. ' .Currants, Gooseberries, Blackberries, Raspberries, Strawberries, &c, &c, &c. Of which wehave a lage stock, and we offer them very . low for theFall Trade 1861, and would solicit theorders. of those wishing to purchase. Enclose stamp, and send for Catalogue and Price List. Elf SIGN h. FORD, V5n33-Fv2n3 Onio Nurseries, Toledo, Q. Evergreens for tlie Prairies. An immense stock of young Evergreens, Deciduous ran??"11 Trees Houghton Goosberries, Ac, not ex eileJ ln la country, are offered by the doien, hun ured, thousand, or ten thousand, cheaper than such . p "" can be bought elsewhere. Packing safe and neat, . ."fi1.1 extr charCe. Sample "plants sent by express at trifling cost. . Those wishing to sale Catalogue with directions for the. management of Evergreens. . Address S. T. KELSET 4. CO. reatValley Nurseries, Great Valley, N. T. Seeds Prepaid by UaiL 11 Liie$ uals In Cultivation, - - $100 ' t, .k .oI. VeMar,le Seeds for the Garden, - 1 00 Both to Clubs of Five for $8 J To Clubs of Ten for $16 . To Clubs of Twenty for $25 . The NEW JAPAN MILLET, with Immense, head, six to teu incben long, 25 cents per large paper; Five V, recciTed Genuine Seeds of this new and valu- able Millet direct from Japan, bv the Niagara, last May. and can confidently recommend it as tbe best Millet In cultivation. B. M. WATSON . n33-tf . Old Colony Nurseries, Plymouth, Mass. Pleasant Kidge Nursery. VERRYLDRICH, CULTIVATOR AND nturi i Fruit. and Ornamental Trees, Shrubbery, Evergreens, &a, Pleasant Ridge, Arispe, Bureau County, Illinois. '.,. p-0. Address, Tiikilwa, III.- January 5, 1862. n26-3uij r PUDDLE'S PATENT j --1. . a i . srr.- ---- I f Hi u-:-:.- ,) y" -Agricultural Cauldron aid" Steamer. FOR SALE 221 and 223 'South Water Street, Chicago, 111. Prices, Wood $35, Coal $33, staple sizes other siies in proportion, with freight aJJeJ from factory in New York to Chicago. - The advantages of cooked over raw food is admit ted bj all. Tho old way of boiling ia kettles is both slow and expensive, so much so taht but few men do it. Something more practical must be had. Steam seemea'to be the bnly.alternative. The Tatenteo has retaiod all the advantages of tha Portable Cal . dron for boiling, and devised maans of gencratiEg steam sufici en t for ali purposes. It is simple and practical, and proves a PERFECT SUCCESS. W. II. AUSTirV, . Sole agent for Illinbis and North-West, 221 A 223 S. Water St., Chicago. Where vill also be found Downs & Co's Deep Well . Pumps, Force Cisterns, Chain and Common Well Pumps, Thimble. Skeins and Sad Irons, as well as every variety of Farming Tools, Cast Irou Corn Shellcrs, Feed Mills, Hay and Platform Scales. Stoves, 4c. The above .will bo sold cn account of the manufacturers, at their respe etive faotory prices adding freight to this place. January 1862". tf GREAT IMPROVEMENTS IN EMPIRE SHUTTLE MACHINE. Patented February MtH, 1800 Incapacity te sew every description of material. . 5. Disagreeable noise while in operation. Salesroom, 510 Broadway, NEW YORK. This Machine ia constructed on an entirely new principle of machinery, possing many rare and val nable improvements, having been examined by the most profound experts, and pronounced to be SIM PLICITY and PERFECTION COMBINED. . The following are the principal objections urged against oewmg aiaciiines ; 1. excessive fatigue to ' the operator. , 2. Liability to get out of order. - 3. Expense, trouble and loss of time in repair The Empire Sewing Machine is Exempt from all these objections. it baa straight needle tyerpendicular action makes the LOCK or SHUTTLE STICK, which will NEITHER RIP nor RA.VEL, and is alike on beta Bides; performs perfect sewing on every description of m terial, fromLeather to the finest Nansook Mur- - with cotton, linen or silk thread,from the cos- . sest to the finest number. Having neither CAM nor COO WHEEL, and the the least possible friction, it runs as smoothly as glass, and is '. Emphatically a 'Noiseless Machine! It requires twenty-five per cent, less power to drive it than any other Machine, in market. A girl of twelve years of age can work it steadily, without, fatigue or injury to health. Its strength and WONDERFUL SIMPLICITY of construction render it almots impossible to get it out of order, and is GUARANTEED by the company to give entire satisfaction. We respectfully invite all those who may desire to . supply themselves with a superior article, to call and examine this UNRIVALLED MACtllXE. But in a more special manner do we solicit the patronage cf Merchant Tailors, Coach Makers, Hoop-Skirt Manufacturers, Shirt and Bosom Makers, Vest and Pantaloon Makers. "Religious snd Charitable Institutions will be liberally dealt with. Price of Machines, Complete: No. I, or Family Machine, $45,00 ; No. 2 Small sized Manufacturing, $60,00; No. 3 Large sized Manufacturing, $75,00. Cabinets in Every Variety. We want Agents lor all towns in the United States, where agencies are not already established, to whom a liberal discount will be given, but wo make no consignments. T. J. LlcARTHTJR & Co., 510 Broadway, Acw York. The Economy of Using THE FEANKLIN Family Sewing ETachine. .?v7BTmr!rmll,,vtll, 'cel,tfi GROVER $ BA Aift hill LH, which has taken the highest premi- "mt "le Vlin2'8 state Fair. in September last, at the Unite States Fair m St. homs, in 1360, and at the principle State Fairs throughout tbe country Competent Judges gave a decision in favor of this stitch, on account of its great strength and adaptation to all kinds of family and manufacturing purposes. . The following Table will show the difference in favor of Sewing Machinesover theold of stitching by hand. In the working of these Machines there is nut only a great saving of labor and time, besides adding greatly to the healthfuluess of tbeemploynien , but the stitch is much stronger, more elastic, and lei. liable to rip or ravel than the 6titcb. made with shuttles and bobbins. . . . Drs?s Makers Corset Makers, Gaiter Fitters, Shoe Binders, , 26j 10 40! 6I 27! -fo By Hand. Hour, itin. Time consumed In making i By Machine up Ladies' Garments. Hours, min sue vress, i j atusiin shirt,- Merino Dress,' i Chemise, I i Calico Dress, I I Moreen Skirt, Kight Dress, Drawers, Silk Apron, " .Plain A proa, Time consumed In making ( By Machine. I By Hand. nii ueuuemn usnneoijiiiiuari. Jim. ilourt. uentieman'a snirts, I 1 Frock Coat, 1 Satin Vest, . i Linen Vef, Cloth Pants, Summer Pants, 10 6 8 10 e 7 10 6 4 1 23 6 30 10 26 30 ee 25 40 13 46 9 40 13 18 3 6 6 2 Min. 20 23 10 25 16 30 The Franklin Family SEWING MACHINE, Has one advantage which is worthy of especial actention In addition tt the peculiar character of the stitch, and that is Its adaptation to either light or medium heary 'work.. The Machine which at one moment is used on THE MOST DELICATE FABRIC, in a few mo ments after can be brought to bear with tbe same facil ity on rottonades and towels of the coarsest description. . Its adaptation for FAMILY WORK, is thus remarka ble, and gives it a superiority over every otber style of machine in the Market. In order that these Machines may be placed in the" bands of all elates, we have rednced th price of nnr FRANKLIN FAMILY MACHINE TO FORTY DOLLARS. From tbe increase of our business for tbe laet year, and the entire satisfaction our Machine are giving throughout tbe United States and European Countries, we are led to believe that our determination ' to manufacture a PERFECT, SIMPLE, RELIABLE AD CHEAP MACHINE, has been fully appreciaten br tbe public This policy will remain unchanged, and as heretofore no Machine will be allowed to leave tbe office that we cannot fully warrant in every respect. We shall keep on band at all times a general assort ment of Sewing Machine msterials Needles for all maehiues can be ordered by Mail or Express. Price One Dollar per dozen. Persons in the country, by sending us their address enclosing a letter stamp, can bare forwarded by return mail, one of our circulars containing the different styles ' of Machine, list of prices, and paniple of work. H. KIC2IASIDS & CO., . Principal Agents for the Uorth TCest. Office and Salesroom 133 Lake S'reet, Chicago, Illinois, K. RICHARDS Lato of L. Cvrneil & Co. C.BWISWALL, JND.W. TAPPAN, formerly Ag't for .he Groverfc Baker Sewing Machine. Jaauary9th' 18C2. n3G-t,f Terry's Garden Seeds. Frwh and pore, and raised in thin soil and climate, for sale ir pju iejt, sTBiCKijca & co. TO THE PHOPLH OF In th? month of tPTnr,pr j55Si ihe nn(iersisr.ed for the first time ofTered r, r to the public DR. 3 . BO VEE PODS' IMPEItfAL vixh BirrKIlS, and in thir Short period tJiey have given sn-n uaireril satisfac tion to the many thousand of person who have tried them that it is now aa established article. The amount cf bodiiyand mental misery ari.sing siFvp.T from a ne glect of smali complaints B eurprisiu.', and a u there, fore of the utmost importance a s' attention to the least and most tridins bodiiy ailment honM be had; for disease of the body must invariably a.ix-ct tie nund. Tbe snfcscrirer now only ai a trill i t DR. J. EOVEE DODS'S Imperial Wine Bitters -frontal who iave not used them. We challenge tie world t produce their equal. These Bitters for the ctire of "Weak Stomachs, Gen eral Debility, and for Purifying and Enriching the Blood, are absolutely unsurpassed by any other reme dy on earth. To be assured of this, it is oniy neces essary to make the trial. The wine is of a very supe rior quality being about 'one-third stronger than oth er wines, warming and iavisoratin? the whole system from the her.d to the feet. As these bitters are tonic and alterative ia their character, so they strengthen and invigorate the whole system and give a fine tone and healthy action to all its parts, by equalizing the circulation, removing the obstructions aivd producing a general warmth. They ara excellent for diseases and weakness peculiar to Females, where a tonic is requir ed to strengthen and brace the system. No lady who is subject to lasitude and faintness, should be wiihout theui as they are revivifying in their action. THESF BITTERS Will not only Cure but Prevent Disease. and in this respect are doubly valuable to the person who may use tbem for INSIP1ENT CONSUMPTION weak Lnngs, indigestion, Dyspepsia, diseasec of the Nervons system. Paralysis, Piles, and for all cases requiring a Tonic. DR. DODD'S Celebrated Xflxte Bitters .xo TJnsurjjaasocl. For Sore Throat so common amuug tue Ciergy they .are truly in valuable. Fur the "aged ari infirm, and for persons of weak constitutions For mir.isters of the go?pel, lawyer and all public spaekers for book-keepers tailors geamatresses. artists, and all persons lea ding a sedentary life, they will prove beueticial. As a beverage; they are wholesome, Innocent, and delicious to the taste. They produce all the exhierat lng effectsof brandyor wine, w'bout intoxicating; and are a valuable remedy for persons adicted to the use of exessive strong drink, and who wish to refrain from it. Theyaiepnre and entirely free from the poisons con eained in the adulterated wines and brandies with which, the country is floodfd. These bitters noto nly CCRE but prevent disease, and should be used by all who live in a country where the water is bad, or where chills and fever are prevalent. Being entirely innocent and harmless they may begiv. en freely "to children and infants wilh impunity, Physicians and Clergymen, and temperance advocates as an act of humanity, should assist in sp'eadiug these valuable bitters over the land, and thr?by essentially banish drunkenness and disease. ' In all a flections of the IIead,Slclt Headache, or Jtfervaousllcad aclie, Dr.Dod's Imperial Y&'ine Hitters Yill be found to be most Salntarn and! EHicacious. The many clrtiScates which have been tendered us and the letters which we daily receive, areconclusive proof that amon;r the women these Bitters have given' a satisfaction which no others have ever done before. Xo woman in the land should be without them, and those who once use them, will not fail to keep a full supply. . BR J Boves Dod's IMPERIAL WINE BITTERS, Are prepared by an eminent and. skillfnl physician, wh baa used them successfully in bis practice for the las twenty-flve years. The proprietor before pnrobasin. tbe exjlusive rijtht to manufacture and Bell Dr. Bore.. -Dods' Ceiebrajeg Imperfal Wine Bit ers, badtthem test ed by two distinguished medical practitioners, who pro Donnced them a valuable and safe remedy for disease. -A liUough the medict urnr. eral thing, disapprove of Patent aicdiciaes, yet we do not believe that a respectable Physician can be fonnd in the United States, acquainted witb their medical properties, who will not highly approve Dr. Dod's IM PERIAL WINE BITTERS In all newly settled places, where there is always a large qnantity of deeaying timber; troin which a poi sonous miasma is created, these bitters shuold be used every morning boforebreakgast. D. J. EOVEE DODS' IMPERIAL WINE BITTERS Are composed of a pnre and unadulterated wine, com bined with Barberry. Solomon's Seal, Comfrey, Wild Chery Bark, Spiknard Camomile Flowers, and Gentian. They are manufactured by Dr. Dop himself, who is an experienced and successful physician, and hence should not be classed among the quack nostrums which flood tbe country, and against which the medical profession so Justly denounce. These truly valuable Bitters hare been so thoroughly tested by all classes of community, for almost every vri ety of disease incident to human system, that Uiey are now deemed indispensahle as a Tonic, Medicines and a Beverage. Purchase one Cottle It Costs but Little! Turify the DIood. Give Tone to the Sto much -flcnovase the Sjs and Prolong Ufc. Price $100 per Bottle, 6 Bottle3 . for $5 00 Prepared and sold by CHARLES WIDDIFIELD & CO., SOLE PZ0PMET0S 73 William Street, New York. For sale by druggists and grocers jtenerally .through out tbe country. 1 Oct. 17. 1S6I. CHOICE LIQU0ES. Wholesale and Retail. Evan "Worthing, OF THE BROWNVILLE, Has Just received a choice lot of the best brands of Liquors, which he will sell by the Barrel, Gallon, Quart or single Drink. The fol lowin is a partial list: BRAIIDIE3 : French, . Cognac, Apple, Raspberry, Teach. Cherry, Blackberry. T7II7ES : Port, Hungarian, Sherry, Malaga, Medara, Champagne. . WHISKIES: Bourbon, " Rye, bcotch, Irish, Manongahala, And a variety of common articles BILLIARD SALOON AND Ten Pin Alley. TI'IIITXEY'S BL OCIL Main Street, Brownville. JJovmber 14, 1S8. nl9-tf TO. A. COffSTABLr. IKIORTElt At DEALES 15 IRON, STEEL, NAILS, CASTINGS, SPRINGS, AXLES, FILES BLACKSMITH'S TOOLS Also: Hubs, Spokes, and Bent Stuff. Third Street, be;wCen Felix and tdmond, SAINT JOSEPH, MO. Which be sells at St. Louis pnc?sfor cash. Decemtc?e,:5sS1C,7Paid for S f, w 4 jouss & cK0?l. American &V,M Tns smoxaKSTTrv TUB CUK.KTm G,Xg , TIISOXLT RS:.lAi5tP'L !:j-t ' Til E'ioX GLX3 L'iiu 2-!S AMERICAN CEMF , Ij the only artk-Ier.fth-v., C Pave your bi-.r, p ' ! '-- IT WILL MEND jVp. it will mend v; itwillS: Don t throw aw.y fcit ba 1 :t . IT WILL ME.ND r-- Your broken Chiaa Cup a 1 as srr-,.1 -i; . IT WILL MEND That piece knocked out of y,ar IT WILL MEND VcFrr. No matter if that brokea rt ' j.1 shilling a hi;iinjari'-ljl"j'4wT - IT WILL MEND ALpT That CtfJy Alaha-ter tr,! " - match it mend it i; will Ee7i- V lv ?th-r. It will LIsnd tens, and in fact cverytiiiC Any article Cemented with AMlr.V GLUE will show wbert 'i'v v tt TXtXCT ' "Lvery Houekcejrsn.u;atue & Crosley's American Cem?at Qat,- i "It is so convenient to havs ia ts :. Exprem. ,It is always reaJy; thUcomaeai.,, Independent. u We have tried it and find it j n, u water." Wilie't Spirit r.fth r : 3Z3coxi.oisa.-y is Tri, SIU.UUO per year saved ia ?:f5 ty One Botilacf AHERICAHCEKESTE Price 25 Cents perE,.:: Price 25 Cents per E;: , Price 25 Cents per B::i Price 25 Cents per Ec:-J ; Price 25 Cents per Ikli Price 25 Cents per Eels. Very Liberal Reduction taT. sale KaycM, ISTFor Ss-le by all Druz-isU ssi lhronhont tae roncrrr. JOHNS & CEOSH: (Sole llanufic:ar?n) 7S WILLIAM STRLll ; Corner of Liberty Street. ISE7T1: Jmporlantio Iloue Onxa Important to IIuII(!fri. Important to Rail XloaJ Co: riles. Important to Farmers. To all whom this may ejv.-tr "J0ILVS& CK03LET; ! i:.ip20vt:i gtjtta pi:.- CEMENT ROOF. The Cheapest and rnoss dunliel ia use. IT IS FIRE Ai JDWATtHF It can bo applied to new and oIJ Fw id i steep oi flat and tc Shiugle rvofi wiuti: r tbe Shirijles. Tlie Cost Is only about CnsT thatorTJn,AMITlSTy:tI This article bus been thoronhfy ti-i : Tork City and all pajt3 of the lnits! ;-j da West ladies and Central and yio'S J: buildings of all kinds such as Factoria i -Churches Ilail Road Depots Carj ri ol Building ger.erully UovernTiiect La... ry the principle Builders arohetccts anooir the rast fouryeirj and has proved to'wh .' EST and MOST DCRiBLt! ROOFLNJ t a every respoct a fikk watfb iriiTia u. PEOOF COVeriE rrR)GE CK ILL IIX Thit it the. OSLY material mnnifaivt United State which combines tba properties of Elasticity and Dumlil.'a ' nniverallT acknowledged to be jke?. " TA PBIIC1IA AND INDJ-U ifoHeat is Required inlli Appllcatica The expense of aprlyin it is trialo?! 1 Roof can be covered vnd fniihed t&tn It can be applied bjasj and when finished forms a perfectly Y'Si face with an elestio body which eacnUfc by IIzat Cold or tormj Shsim:" Boihds nor any eiternal action while' GUTTA pH&Yff CE For Coating iletala cf ali K- exposed to the Action of the Vei-:' For I'rescnlnsr and Hep' letal Rools Ob' ALL KD'DS. ThisisTTTE OXLY CoMPOSITIOK IXC suceet'f idly reit extreme change! nf vl '- ont Icwfh of time vhen apii"i ' mtl:u'm il adheres firmly forming a body eqoal ta of ordinary paint costs much lei's, ad'' THREE TIJES AS LON0'; and from is not injured bv the contraction TIN and other ilETAL ROOFS cos;-1 udden changes of the weather. tv It trill not CRACK IN COLD 0 T-T WEATHER ANU WILL NOT WAstl Leaky tin and other metal mfi eaa ; repaired with Gutta rercht U''r from farther corrosion and leaking, t-" ' 1 . .... e - i - T in aperfectly water-tiht root ir l Ihis cement ii peculiarly adptJ ' '..-i vaticn of Iron railinr?. Stoves Sfes, K Implement?. Ac, also t'r general iT'a'.ii GUTTA PERCHA C3li' For preserving and repairing ia02 al roots ofevery description, from s ty, i not injured by the contraction J of luetali, and uiil not eraci i p1 warm weather. ,. These materiab are adapted to Zi ' vv the country, at short nutice, : t fi.r ase. so1 cha Cement in barrels, with full pt'Btw - , tions for application, j We will make liberal and sati.C'C, J mentswith responsible parties "j. establiah themselves in a lacrarire aal r business. OUR TERMS ARE CASJ. Weeaa give abundant prccf of,t.r;; favor of our improved Roofing i11;" y plied then to several thousand Roc.i f City and vicinity. rf0 Wholesale Warehouse, 73, Comer of Liberty street, , t . v " ' Full esoriptive Circulars and 1 rf- ni-lied a application. j't. 7. 1 So 1. ly 1 : SPERHATORRHtEi HOWARD" ASSOCUI10'. rnrLAD-rIIIA" A nnr-r,-,Tent Institution m . 1 V. ; . J. eowmeni. for ine . AL.M:e i " c r- YaiuJble Bcport eas'es of the Sex L;i;3 empioye-i in i;c "--- . - envelopes, free of charge. aoie. Actress 1. SZILLI J" K,rts onSperaialyS 4;' xaal Orn. ni).a.;nt , In tleLl",-!i3J'r4.3uie?, g-ition. S. 2. Soutn M , Pe-pTnbtr 12. IStil. Ayefs Cherry Pctcr