Tin: DAY SCHOOL BELL: Tn K DAY fCIIOor. rEJ,L. A Xew Sinpips Book or lay h' tuKB, cl!eA tbe Day School Him, l now Tcaly. It ccrlaw siiov.t 2QJ pges pf c!n i:e Sor es, So ls . Konrtia, CucfcC'S, Etiess, Irios, Quartets stid Cbo TihC, many cf tbeni wiliten expressly for tbia work. brBi.ies 2 j85? cX the Eientit of nitric. Tp Ele ments ere c e3'y and rro?miive that o -:nry tr.vb rs will Cijd ti.orusrivts entirei? ucee-f ul ia inlruc-t-t even j-oumr scholar to king correctly ail ftcientifi ruHr, h!le tbe tnue a:d worti cmtrares sucfi a vari ety cf l;e!y, attractive, and soul tirins ruusicand tcutiaieut tal LoiruLMe will be exrerieuced ia lmla- otir all r.nner to so -u with sc-l act siring fUll j lu ore cf He 1 1 ost health, firing, be?uty laproTlnp, fca;i tei ii-Et and crr proJuciug eserciee tf ciioo! iie. In nuj;ucsty of its JL .c::.civ, ls"vrifl and adaptation cf wane, and in excellence ami number of its T.tt, aricinal, selected, and adapted, it claims tr u-n:h to e.tcel all ccicr-etitors. It will be fvuod U te ire tei't book ever istuiid fur Seminaries, Aradf-usies, ioJ 1'ublic S bo-N. A few tample ih?e cf tbe ele B'.enti, luiitk aii'l .cr.t are 'fivr u in circular; -nd ud rr'toce. ' It Is compiled by Hcraup Waters, author . f "SHbaib School Bella," S b. land 2, which Lave bad ir. enormous .le of 655. Oca CepU-a. Prices. pa!cr eovrr ?d it., $15t-or hrndiedj bo end S) ecnt., $':5 jar hundred j cioib bound; em Sowed gilt 43 cents : $0 per tuiidred. 23 Ooyie furnished at tie one hun&ied irice. Mailed fre at fbe retail price. ' ' ..." ' NOTICES OF THIS PRESS.- The Dat School Bell The tonce are lively, and aucb aa may be easily uuKered by cbiUiren. The spirt f tbe 6od ia rncscepiionable and well adapted to the acliool room. It ia the cheapest nnd anion ttie bet .rmnpeiidf f achool munc vutiiibbed. -New Yprk Teacher. ' - - , Vax Jcrcoi. Pri t TV. g book It eniiaeirtly. aaapted to ose in our comiTivin sctoola. We have a great number of school tng tw.fcs T?efor tie public, but many of tbeai lack muica! a veil as iiie rary tate aud are reel ly iomorah7.irig la tbeir ir.Cu eDC tipon tbe musical talent of tfce young. Aira of ac knowledged excellence, welded to worUa ot true poetry, re tbe qualities ifcatcuRM to te fg'Jt witb tbe great est care in tbo treparat.iuu t a ecbool kais book. Tbia fcock aetfcs to combine Vete two qualiiie. PenntyU ranfd School. Jownal. Ftibliabed by H0RAC3! WATERS, 141-ly Ko. 431 Broadway Xew Tork. THIS 1IAICP OF ' FREEDOM. ?Cow ready, a r.ew and tuperior collection cf 27 A nti-Slavery, I'atriotic, and -"ContralHTii" tongs, oloa, Jaela, quartt t?, and choruses. . ilofct cf tbe J'oetry and Alusio ha teen written expressly for tbia work, to correspond with the tiraei, aud ebould Xe eurg by the million, in order to awaken a deep jnterpat in behalf of tbe '"ContrabaDda," whoai God, In Lis providence, ha3 cast upon the Free Nurtb to vtc&e kud vtfuesi-e, 1 r ' ? eoTrirrs,-rx part. ' Faii Frceli'ma Morn . ha dawned 'at lt:" Break the Chains, or tbe Emancipating word ;" 'rrcmcctis Uarohing on, or, Glory LLulelejaJi "Oh I Help tbe OoLtrar.&nJsy "Old John IVown's r-vuftf -Poror the -Ccstrabands'; Let cy iop!e Go "Parody cm the Song of tbe 'Goatra-bandi',-" " Where Liberty Dwells niy country;" "When Slarery dies there'll be Freedom;" Wake, Premfn, God has ypckeij;" Whiti:er'B fupnteificd hong of Freedom," e tc.' . . . ' Trice only 5 cents tingle, 50 eents per doitn, $3 per 100 ; poetape 1 caot , HOKACE WATEFA PoWIaber. b41-1t , 4il L'roadwnv, NeV Yorlt. Fruit and Qrnameiital irya SAHIJATII SCHOOL BELT, NO. 2. !75,C0O Copie.a Sold tho rin:t;i2 Llonths cf its Publication. It iien ectirs 5ewr Tcrk, tf nearly ajig. Jfany xt the Tunes and Hymns were writtea ex pressly for thig rolutne. It will econ be as popular -a its predeceesor, (Lell No. I ) whicb bas nsn nipto ihe enormous numberof 57i.C'l)G copies in 26 months, cut?trippirg any Sunday School Book of its site is sued in this country. Also, both volamc-s are boon J Jnone to accommodate schools wishing them in that i irm . Prices tf Coll i'e. 2, paper covers, 15 cents.' ,iA'pcr Jtrf. Xiounrt,Z5 cenU, Ji per lOu. l iotn bound embossed pilt, 0 centa, $32 per 100. Ceil No. -1. -paper orere, -12 cents, $10 per 100. Bound '20 centa, 5 IS ppr 1C0. Cloth bound cnilos?ed gilt, 25 "nt, S.'l j.cr If!. ".XJc.'.'s .Yt,9. I ftJ 2 iouod to- usf-Ltd at .i . : v " .u.Mi:r..,. j ccrics iur- fill, 50 rents, 40 rerlC3. ilail ShrubbcryrXTcrrfrecn. Trees, . With a Genefal Assortment -of Nursery Articles, for sale st the - , ' '.- - " PleaGantEiflgG IJufsery, AWS.PE, ' BUREAU 00 ILL. Very lawfreah or Its eqiivaJent. We have a few tborjuanri ei acd hcvcti renr old apple trees, -which we ill fell ery )jw. at e wint to J;tpose of tbem be fore tber fet too large; also four year olds at $12,60 per hundred $ tbree year olds at $10 per hundred, and young trees at t-orresJxxicViDS prices." " ' -- - - ' Also Cherry, Pear, Plum, Peach, Grape, Currants, (iooseberries,Ttaspbernes, . La wton Blackberries, Strawberries,. Pie Plaotj Roses and Dahlias, f the finest sort. orn sxocit: ar EViisiisiiiliivs Is large, and very" fjnec specimens. Slies and prices to Kuit. Orders respectXaUy aalicited and promptly attended to.. . VERRRf ALDEICH, r. V, O. Address, Tiikllwa, 111. ' ia r n-ri IIOIJACE WATERS, Publisher, ' No. 431 Broadway, New York - - new nrsic. i'Sball we Knew Each Other Thera?" Song or I)aet sr.i Chorus, by Kev. ilr. Lowrr, author of "SsVL.ith Bells Chime cn." This org is good. Price 5 cent, mailed free. A pianist In attend ance to try new music. 170 RACE-WATERS, nil ly Ni?. 4S1 Broadway, Publisher. THE HORACE WATERS PIANOS AND IELOI)INS ' And Alexandre Organs, and T. GILBERT 4 Co,'i celebrated ilioiiaa Pianos, are the finest instrument, for parlors and churches cow in use. A large assort ment can be seen at the new warerooms, No. 4S1 BROADWAY, between Grand and broom streetas which will be old at eftreruely low prices." Pianos ud atefodcoDs, from sundry makers, new snd second land. Seoond hand Pianos and Melodeons at great .bargains; prices from $25 to f 100. '.Sheet Unfile," Music-Books, and all kinds cf Jluno Merchandise, at war prices. A pianist in attendance Kill try new envioxB or the pbess. The Iloraas Waters Pianos axa known ns among the rery bast. TTe bre enabled to speak of rheso " instruments with some degree of confidence, from personal knowledge of their excellent tone and du- ffcble qnality."V?io Fori: EvannelUt. n41-ly p. S. We bare about 7.00C four year old trees, of the New York Pippr, fer sale the comiDr-an and spring no apple ever gained so much populfcrity in so auort a time. The trees are pood grrowere, taCly fruitera, and veiybardj arplea larpe and ahowy, and keep about equal to tbe Willow T-wjg-. Alse urge stock of tbe Wagner, one of ibe bet apples; very early fruiter, aud trees remarkably bardy. For a mora full description of tbese and oiber sort, pleas see uewiptirecatlaogue sent free to a! appiuants.- January 2, 1SC2. 1 . Ir6-3oi. j t Bloomington ITursery, iiiiiiwoia. At tbe croc citif? of then nnolfCentral, and St. Louis, Alton and Chicago Railroads. Established 1552, on tbe openPralrieand contains 140 acres. Fruit, Orna mental and. Nursery Stock, a rery large,-general and reliable assortment, VEKIT CHEAP for Cash. Especially Adipted'to tccrSevere Climte of lb Northwest. ' f.m.Tt rnTFTS, Troca lt4years"bI3. $25to$30per I0CO. ltOOT GltAFTS, $49 per 10.0(0. APPLE STOCKS, one to two years, selected forgTaftinp, $2; second class, $1 per tboudsan.U- MA1ZAKI CHSHRT. S-peiT 1,000. STAXDAJIR AND DWARF PEAK, CUEIUir, PLUM, PEAC1I, QUINCE, NECTARINE, AND APRICOT DWARF APPLE. QUINCE, PEAU, PLUM, AND ROSE STOCKS.. JppU Scion $1 ,60 per thousand, Cuttingt, many aorte Osace Orange, good one year old plant, 2,60 per thouband. Wi'son't Stravsbery, and many oilier Standard Sorts two djTlara -fifty to four dollars per thousand. Crcpet Catawba, Clinton, Isabella, well routed, oca year oldthree dollars per hundred, twenty dollars per thousand. Delaware one aud two yoara old, $1 to $10 per dozen. i!hv tltea. atng'g Kvtr litannn r (V g en . .Evergreen t r i : usiid. Shade and i'teer Jlcois, BiUb$, Rctet, y one to two dollars Sfty COriUiIERCIAL UURSERY, OIAnA, TVEniTASraA. E. H. BURCHES, PROPRIETOR. I hare 1ob ainr e been co trinced of the want of a first class N ursery la the wetit, where , .TREES, SHRUBS, FLOWERS,: &c, can, t adapter to our ciiroa'e and eotl. la view of tbeae facts, I bare eatabiUhed la tbia place, and offer lor sate at . . i Wholesale or Retail, A large and well selected stock, suited to tbia climate, of ' . Apples, standard and dwarf ; Pears, standard and dwarf ; Cberrlta, atandard and dwarf; feaohea, - , riums, : Aprlcofs, Nectarine,, . Qaicce, Goosberries. Currents, Grapes, . Raspberries, Strawberries Blackberries, .. . Krr rgreeat, . .. Shrubs, SOSes, , Dahlias, Ornamental Trees. Greenhouse and Bedding Plants, etc., etc. To which I would be.? leare to call Ibe attention of the people cf Nebraska, Kanaas, Colorado, Iowa and Nortb we?t Misponri. . E3"ily terms will be as low as any rellablt eastern NuraeiT'. Py pn refcaxing cf me ihe expense of transportation from tae eaat ctn be saved. An treeH and piante are carefully labeled and packed in tbe beet manner, for which a charge of tbe actual cost will be mada. No charge ilj be made for tbedelivery cf ra. iatcp? "U board flearnboata. ' Ali com m unicaiu.ijs adtlretbcd to tbe nudcrfipiieJ will receive prompt attention. Atarch.IgCi. ' . C It-TTV.CV.T.i. FRENCH'S CONICAL three dollar Jifu'berv foi.t t several pcrts-;"i doll j -Weeptn-jf Trie, hrubt, 1 an immerice varietyE30b'. per dozen . , Packing carefully done. Catalogues sent on receipt of a three cent stamp. Address, ' - V K'PnOENIX,' ' Kt 14, JS51, ul9-fcmj Bloomington,JllinoU. hoVey's seed AKD Agricultural Warehouse. Caving opened a Seed and Implement Warehouse, In Chicago, 1 beg leave to call cpecial attention to the same, having been. many years in tbe buaine&s ia Bos ton, and having als paid special attention and care in the selection of my teeda, 1 feel tbe utmost confidence in offering them to tbe public. - The seeds grown in this country were raised by old and experienced raisers at tbe Eaet ; those that cannot be procured in this country, were imported from some of tbe most reliable seedsmen in Europe. AltXtto and Improved varieties aa soon as intro duced tried and proved desirable at the East, maybe found in my Catalogue. Particular attention will be paid to tk ' . FLOYTEU SEED DEPART2IEST, and not only all the new and mnch admired varieties, but all new novelties in the Flower department will be introduced. All orders for TREES, PLANTS, SHRTJBEEKY, FLOW ERS, BULBS, &C, , will be promptly executed. We. have also a good as sortment cf . i Garden and Farming Implements. ALBERT n. HOVET. P. O.Box 3&,7. , , No. 73 Lake street, iTsrch 6, n35 3m. , Chicago, 1 11. LANDRETH'S Warranted Garden Seeds X7aiing . iaaciiioes. r. The mtt flmp'.e, curable, convenient and economical article ever Invented for tbe purpose. Will d the washing of aii ordinary family before breakfaat, Bol oaly saving time, kut clothea. . js; mli ictly following the printed directions, which are simple and easy, it will wash, at one time, six shirts, or two Uoten smali articles, in about six or I even tn in ula, or their equivalent. " By ali the tra;r.ary methods p tleaciug Una tarries, eucia aa lacea, Ave, tbe greatest care is required, while with this machine the most delicate article can be washed without tbe possibility et Uaaitee. These rcsulia are produced by the constant reaction tbe stida while tbe machine is in motion. f Families, tanndilfs, lote!, burfiinR-bouses. "hospit als, arylTm, boardiBit-ach'Vola, on ship and steamer, a U r?y, ho hsve tLee macLioc in re, have seot In their testlm'-niji volutitarially, and the uou tainiaScf te pr5.- are very iii.mcroua,.)nie of which I fcave publmiieJ iu j.aiurhlet form. , All Ja-kof the public is a carcfnl examination of this macbine befo:e .urcbaring cf others. General De,vt4l9 B'oati-ay, covoer Canal t , New Xork. ... -: Price cnly Ten Dollars. :" X. B. A liberal discount to tbe Tra.it. Actntt Send for n Circular. AiU:c5S bvx H. T. City P. O. PHILIP' FltEKCn, Proprietor. CLUNDEXt KOENIG &CO.p - (Late J0h Garkstt & Co.,) . Xo. 6 North Second Street, above Pine, ST. LOUIS, MO.. Offer for sale st very low figures, a large end wel; assorted :tock of Agricultural and Horticultural Imple ments, comprising everything necessary to the Tanner, together with t large aud fresh supply of . ' ' : Landretlis .CelebnitcS Garden Seeds, . , CR 01- CF. 186!, Por which they are the sole agenta. Their friends can rely upon getting from them seeds that are nOtonly cure bat true to name in every , instance. Also field J seeds at lowest market rates Chinese Sugar Cane seed, Tobaccu seed. Top Onions. &.c, , tc Dealers la seeds would do well to send tbem their orders. ' Send lor Almanac and Illustrated Catalogne-Hrratls. BLUXDEN, KOENIG & CO. March 6, 1862. . n35-ly -. CHEAP FLOWERS Cc FRUITS I will send, b mail, posfpaid, lOd EMALt bclbs, mostly mixed TULIPS, for oao dollar, and Large Bulbs of same, for. $2. Ctb.tr Ejlbs, named, low enough. IlLUBACEOUS PERENNIALS, cf W sorts, fitve mixed ROSES and other HARDY SARCBDERY, by express, or railroad, 4 to 8 dollars per 100. Nam ed and ohoice sokxs, about donblo price; and more in small selected Jots in all, 500 valetie. . Smll FrtriTS" of all ecrts, including Delaware and Coxcokt Grapes, equally reasonable. Fhtit and Cpn amextal Tfees, 25 per cent.Iow- ertanufual. AlI'F.fely packed, to keep a month, st purchasers c-t. . .-, - J0:iN" A. KINNICOTT, " ? ' The Grovel'. On Cook Co, Ills. Currant3j- Gooseberries, Illackberries, ; Raspberries, Strawberries,- ; Of which wehav a lae stock, nd we offer them very tow ror thcKail T-ade issi, and would solicit tbe orders of those wishing to purchase. Enclose stamp, ana send for Catslognc and Price List EMS1GN & FORD; ' v6n33-Fv2n3 Onlo Nurseries, Toledo, O. I 0 i'l' I L 1 r i llii- jTO THE PEOPLE OI Agricultural. Cadiro'a ..and .'Steacef. . FOR SALE 221 and 223" South TTater' Street, Chicago, 111. Prices, Wood $35, Coal $S8, staple siies other sizes in proportion, with Xreight added from faetory. in NeW York to Chicago.' ' The advantages of cooked over raw food is admit ted by all. The old way of boiling in kettles is both slow and expensive, to much so taht but few mea do it. Something more practical must be na- fete seeries to ba the only alternative. The Patentee has retaind all the advantages of the Fortabls Cal dron for boiling, and doviaed moans of generating stam suficisntfor all purposes. ft is simple and practical, and proves PERFECT SDCCE&8.. II. AXJSTirSV ' Sola agent for Illinbis and North-West, 221 & 223 S. Water St., Chicago. Where will also be found Downs A Go's Deep Well Pumps, Force Cisterns, Chain a,nd Common Well Pums, Thimble Skeins, and Sad Irons,' as well as every variety of Farming Tools, Cast Iron Corn Shcllers, Feed Mills, Hay and Platform " Scales, Stoves, 4c. The above will behold on account of the manufacturers, at their respe ctive factory prices adding freight to this plaoe. January 1852. tf - , . ; ; : GREAT IMPROVEMENTS IN- ...,V-- -EMPIRE-: SHUTTLE MACHINE. .'Patented Februaxy14ib, 1800 Salesroom, 510 Broadway, new .yonitii . This.SIacbiue is" constructed on an entirely new ptinciple of machinery; poesing many rare and val uable, improvements, having been examined by the most profound exportsand pronounced to be SIM PLICITY and PERFECTION COMBINED. The following are the principal objections urged against Sewing Machines :' I. Excessive fatizuo to ! 4v-r-Incapaeity to sew every description of material: -5. Disagreeable noise : ; jrhilein operation. theonerator. 2. Liability to get out of order. 3. rExpente, trouble and loss of tune in repairing. The Empire Sewing Machine is Exempt from all these objections. it . bag a straight needle perpendicular action rnnos the LOCK or SHUTTLE STICII; which will N lulTUKH ltlP nor HAVEL, and ia alike on both sides ; performs perfect sewing on every description of material, fromLot)er to the finest Nansook .Mer lin, with cotton, linen or silk threadrom the cor sest to the finost number. Having neither CAM nor COG WHEEL, and the the least possible friction, it runs s smoothly c glass, and ia .Emphatically a Noiseless Machine i It requires twenty-five per cent. less power to drive it than any other Machine in market. A girl of twelve years cf age can work it steadily, without fatigue or injury to health. Its strength and WONDERFUL KISIPLICITY of construction render it almots impossible to get it but of order, and is u u A it A3 ILL I). by tat company to give entire satisfaction. . We respectfully invite all those who may desire to supply themselves with a superior article, to call and examine this UNRIVALLED MACHINE. But in a more special manner do we solicit the patronage or Drs;s Makers . Corset Makers, Gaiter Fitters, Shoe Binders, Merchant Tailors, " Coach Makers, noop-Skirt Manufacture.-s, Shirt and Bosom Makers, Yest and Pantaloon Makers 59"Religicus sfid Charitable Institutions will be liberally dealt with. . Price of Machines, Complete: No. I, or Family Machine, $ (5,65; No. 2 Small sized Manufacturing, $60,00; No. 3 Large shed Manufacturing, $75,00. -. . - . - - ' - Cabinet's in Every Variety. We want Agents tor all towns in the United States, where agoncios are not already established, to whom a liberal discount will .be jjiven," but we make no consignments. T. J. IvIcARTHTO & Co., 510 Broadway, l.ew York. The .-Economy of Using t h r Family Sewing LlacMiie. "TheRe'tnacbines makethTcelebrated GRO VER BAKER STJTCIIr which has taken the highest premi um at tbe Illinois Stato Fair, in September last, at ihe United States Faif in St. Loms, in I860, and at the principle State Fairs throughout tbe country. Competent Judges gave a decision in favor of this stitch, on account of its great strength and adaptation, to ail kinds f family and mannfaetcrrng purposes. - The fol lowing Table will Bhow the difference In favor of Sewing Machines over the old method of aUtchingby hand-. Jn the workln of these Machines tbsr n,.i only a great saving of labor and time, besides adding greatly to the healthf ulness of the em ploymen' , but the atUch is much stronger, more elaatic, and less liable to rip or ravel than the stitch made with shuttles and bobbins. Time consumed in making up Ladies' Garmenta. Silk Dress, Alualin Shirt, . Merino Dress, t'hemUe, Calico Dress, Moreen Skirt, X-gbt Dress, P-awera, Silk Apron,' riam apron, , j up Gentleman Garments Osntlpman'a SUlrte, Frock Goat, . . 1 Satin Test, Linen Vent, Cloth Fants, a ' - . Summer Fants, " . - : . , By Machine. By Hand. Hours, min. Hour. Min. 1 151 10 .28 25 - S I 10 8 - 80 r JO 10 io I .6 . 6 0 , 7 30 .1 6 :o 27 p . 30 4 i' 10) 1 . 3 ISyMacblne; ByTTanrr. Hoars. Min. Hoara. tfln. t 86 1 - SO I - .40 14 S3 " t is a io . . ' ' 6 - 6 - 69 6 : 15 ..... 40j X SO -"CO ooo ' osirn iriLLoir cuttlygs,' . Variety lVrpureo f;r live fence. I will cut, lutiiii nnd deliver tbe Cutt;rgs at Prcwnvi'.Ia for $5 perdghty rods : leicg but a httle e ver f ro ',:.' r r.-r thousand. This is lroa one to -r. '.5 t!.sn evcro:T-reil before. J,'.) o: Jcrs at T :''cs ruust be sett ia be. .-re tre l.-tcf OwttWr, K-.'l. , ' Zczi c;-krs It tail eh. k ' - ? u THdMPSHN. ' Nebraska Citv, N. T. KFMAIIA NURSERY, )-. i o -v .. Vct cf Ncb-aska Citv.V August l.-nb-tX AirLiao Kearney K-si.j 3 A Cure. Evergreens for the Prairies An Immense stock f yoang Evergreens, Deciduous Ornamental Trees, IToughton Goos-beniea, Ac, not ex eelieJ la the country, are eCered by the doten, hun dred," thousand, or ten tbouaud, cheaper than snch plana can be houvhr elsewhere. Packing safe and neat a itbout extra charge. Sample planta sent by express al trifliug coat. Those wUhing to purchase should aend for our Wliole sale Catalofn with direction fjr the management of Eversreena. AllJre S. T. KELSTT A CO. Great Tatley Kurserlea, Great Valley, N. T. Seeds -Prepaid by I.IaiL . . va rreitiei Annuals ioCaltlvation, - . floe S4 Choice VeKettie Seeds for tbe Garden,' - l OO both toClubaof Five for $3 i To ClubacI ren for lo; To Club of Twenty for Tbe JSEV JAPAN' MILIET, with immense teatfi, fix to ten inche b-nsr, i:5 ceuts per large paper; Five for I receive 1 Genuine Seeds cf this new and valu able aiillet direct from Japan, bv the Niagara, atJay ant can eonadeuily recommend It aa tbe beat Millet in Cal-TUon' . M. "WATSON. naa-.f q'ij Cojoay Xureeries, Flymoath, Mas. Pleasant Ridge Nursery.. vereiTaldrich, CUtTlVATOa AXO, DEALXa IK Fruit, and Ornamental, Trcc3, Ghrubbcry,' Evergreens, Ccc, Pleasaut Itidge, Anspe, uureau County, Illinois The Franklia Family - - - ! . ;- - SEWING MACHINE, j January 2, ISC?. P. O. A-ldrosg, Tlskilwa. 111. eG-Sr.J ... . . Has one advantage which is worthy of especial attention In addition to tbe peculiar character of tbe stitch, and that is its adaptation to either light or medium heavy work..- The Machine which at one moment is used on i;i iuui iiioai. ajiidv, in a rew mo ments after can be brought to bear with the same facit- if on cottonades and towels of the treest description Ita adaptation for FAMILY WORK, is thus remarka ble, and gives it a superiority over every other style of machine in the Marset. . In order that tbese Machines may he placed in the bands of ail csse, we have redncedl the price of eur FRANKLIN FAMILY MACHINE TO FORTY DOLLARS. From tbe increase of our bneineas for the laat year and the entire atiafctton our Machines, are irrvtEff throughout the United States and European Countries, we are iea tooeneve that onr determination tc msnnrncture a PERFECT, SIMPLE, RELIABLE AMD CHEAP MACHINE, has been fully appreciaten by the rublic. . Tbia policy win remain unchanged, and a heretofore no Machine will be allowed to leave the ofLce that we canaot tally warrant ia every respect. We shall keep on sand at all times a general assort, taent of Sewing Machine msterlals Xeedlesfor all maehiues rait be ordered by Mail or Expresa. Price One Dollar per doten. Person la the country, by seeing as their address enclosing a letter stamp, can have forwarded by return mall, one of oar circulars containing tbe different styles of Mactices, list of prict-s, and sample of work. Principal Agenta for tbe I.grta tfest Office and Salesroom 153 Lake Street, Chicago. Illiania E. RICHATtSk Lato it L, Cornell A Co. ' C. K- WISWAL1U JN J.W. TAPPAN, formerly Ag't for Jbe Graver A Baker Sewing-Machine- . ' i . Jauuary9jh l362. . nlb-tfj ' v' . .Terry's Careen Ccecli. Frefh and pure, and raised in this acirnnd climate foraalebf 33-tf - ' LETT SXRICJtR A CO; 1 1 . Ia the month of December, lSS,tbe undersisned for tbe first time offere-l for sale to tbe T" ;c v:?-rJlT VKJ5 PODS' IMPERIAL WIXB EilXhlir, a.J : u thir short period they have given eu.u uu'.,J".'"'""tTie.t tiontotbercany thousands of persons wto i ba v e tr ea tbem that it is now an established article. Tue '" cf bcdiiya.-Hl mental -misery arising simply rroia a ne glect of smali'romplaints ia urpriamg, and Tore of the ctmot importance that a stmt atteuuon to the least and most trifling bodily. .AiimeoU rtwu; d be h:d; for disease of the body must Invariably a-tt. me mind. Tbe snbscrlrers now oniv erk a trial or DR. J. BOVEK DODb b ' " Imperial Viiio Bittera from all y bo have not used them. We challenge the world ta produce-their equal. Tbese'Bitters for the cure of Wek Stomach. Gen eral Debility, and' for Purifying and Xnricbmg. the Blood, are absolutely unsurpassed by any ",br'e" dy on earth. To be asaured of this, it Is only neces eaaary to make tbe trisl. The wine i of a ery i supe rior quality being about or-thlrd stronger th an" oth er wines, warming and. invigorating tt.e -wfcole system from the head to the feet; A .these titers are tonic o r ri)racier. sa Hit? and invigorate the-whole system and 5;f .and healthy action- to a i .u. par?, - " circulation,-removing ine om.u. wu. a genera I warmth. They are excellent for du eases and wiaknesspcculiar to.Females, wMre a tonic la requir ed to strengthen -end brace the syatexn. N iesubjectto lasitndeand faintness, should be wuhout them, aa they are revivifying in their action. ; THESK BITTERS Will not only Cure but Trcrcat . . Disease, and in this respect are -doubly valuable to tho poraon who may use tbem for ' "'' INSJP1ENT C0NSM.MPTI0N weav Lungs, indigestion, Dyspepsia, dlseasec' of the Nervous system. Paralysis, Piles, and for all cases requiring a Tonic. DR. DODD'S Celebrated TJinc Hitters For Sure Throat so common anioug the Clergy they are truly invaluable. . ' Fur the'eged and infirm, and forperions of weak constitutions For ministers of tbe gospel, lawyer and all public spaekers for book-keepers' tailors aeamatre6es. -sradents.ar artists, and all- persons lea ding a sedentary life, they will prove beneficial. As a beverage? they are wholesome, innocent, and rielicieus to the taste. They produce all the exhlerat- Inc effects of brandy or wiue, without intoxicating; and. are a valuable remedy for persons, adlcted to the use of exessive strong drink, and. who wish to refrain from it. They pure aud entirety free from the poisons con eained fn theadalterated wines and brandies with which the country is floodfd. - ' These bitters not niy CTJREbut prevent disease, and should be Used by all who live in a cout ry where the water is. bad, "r where chills' and fever are prevalent. Being entirely innocent and harmless they may be giv. eri freely to children and infants with impunity, Physicians and Clergymen, and temperance advocates as an act of humanity, should assist in spreading these valuable bitters over the land, and threby essentially banish drunkenness and disease. In all affections cf Vac IXcatl.SlcU V Headache, or -N ervaousiacad- ache, Dr.Dod-s Imperial Tine KiJters TTI11 be found to be most " Samtarn andt ElScacious. - - . rE3X AXallS. The many 'clrUflcaies whica have been tendered ns and the letters which we daily receive, are conclusive proof that among the women these Bitters have given a satisfaction which no others have rver done before. No woman in the. land ahould be w'thout them, and those who once use them, will not fail ti keep a full supply. .. DU JSoyes IDod'a BIPERIAL VlNE BITTERS, Are prepared by an eminent and. skillful physician, wh baa umhI them snecessfollr in his practice for the laa twovtyfiTa yr. The proprietor before purubaia the exjlusive right to manufacture and sell Dr. Bovc Dods,' Ceiebraieg Imperial Wine Bit ers, hadtttem test ed by two distinguished me"'aS' pracUtiocara, wh-o-aro nouncedthema valuable and safe remedy fordseiae. Altbocp'athe medical men of this country, aa a gen eral t; rig. diapprove of Patent Medicines, yet we do not believe voat a respectable Fhyrician can be found In the United States, acquainted with their medical properties, who will Hot highly approve Dr. Pod's IM PERIAL WINS BITTERS In ns5rr!y settled .places, where there is alwaya a large quantity of decaying timber; from which a poi sonous miasma is created, these bitters shuotd be ua4 very morning boforebreakgast. 3Dil. j, novcrr DOBS BIPEUIAIt WINE BITTIHIS Are composed of a pare vd nnadclterated wine, cyta blned with Barberry, Solomon's Seal, Comf rey, Vlld CheryBark, Spiknard CamomUe Flowers, and Gentian. They are manufactured by Dr. Dop himself, who ia aa expert enced and successful physMan,' and hence should not be classed among the quack nostrums which flood the country, and against which the medical profession ao Justlv denounce.- . I Tbese truly valuable Bitters have been so thorcsvhlr teted by all classes of community, for almost every vri ety of disev.se incident to human system, that they are now deemed India pensahle as a - Tonic, Medicines and a . Beverage. Purchase one Bottle It Costs but Xlttle! Iurlfy Blood. Give Tone to the Stomach- rteviorase the Sj. . andProloDg Life. DARLING'S ' ! . ' . . . AUD , MjjLZl Jl4 A Ar's pure ve?ufcle extracts. "They cure all billions tfBoners cf the fcnman system. They regulate in vigorate the liver and kidneys; they pie tone top. he d'-pestive organs; they res-Hate the se'.reUcns, excre tions andeihalairors, e-naiize tte circilatK.n, aud pu rify tbe bleed. TJins, tJl-biiUoirs co-rrp ami some of wtfch are Torpid Liver, Sick Eedaohe, I yspepsia, Piien, Chilis and Jevers, Ccstivenes3 or Looseness are en tirely controlci and cured by these rem aiisa. DAHLINCr'3 LIVEK REGULATOR B 'moves the morbid and billions defonits from the stomach jrnt bowel, regulates tho Liver aud Kidneys, removing every obstruction, restores n rtnral imd heal thy action In tbe vital organs. It U a superior .Family-X.Icdicine, . " Much better than Fills, and much easier to take. - LIFIl ritt; Is a superior tonic and. diuretic i excellent In cases of loss or appetite, P-atu!ency,femal3weak;iess, irregular ities, pain in tbe fide and bowels, bilnd, protuding and bleeding piles, and general debility.-' . READ THE FOLLOWING TESTIMONY I Jas. L. Brumley, merchant, 184 Fulton street. New Tork, writes, August" 15, 1SS0: I bave been sCTiCted with piles, accompanied wiih bleedins, 'the last three years ; I asei - ? . : ' DARLINa's LIVER' REGULATOR ' - AND - ' ' ' . " LIFE BELTERS, And now consider myself, entirely cured." Hon. John A. Cross writes, "Brooklyn, Marck 15th, 1S60. In the spring of- 1S69 I took a severe cold, which induced a violent lever. I took two doa i ot . . - darling's .LIVER REGULATOR, It broke np my cold and fever (t once. Previous to this attack. I bad been troubled with dyspepsia several months; I have felt nothing of it since," Otis Studley, Esq., IVi East 2Sth Street, New Tork., writes: '-August 13. 1330.I had aditiculty with the Kidney Complaint three yeats, with constant pain in the small of my back. I had used m.t all kinds of medicines, but found no permanent rel.cf cctil I used darling's . LIVER REGULATOR AND - - LIFE BITTERS.- T I passed clotted blood by the urethra. I am no en tirely cured, and take pleasure in recommending these remedies." Mrs.. C.Tebcsr, II Christopher Street, N. T., wTites: "Feb. ?0, I860. T have been subje-.t to attacks of Asth ma tbe last twenty years: I have never found anything ea.aal to : darling's . . LIVER REGULATOR, in sffordlng immediate relief. 'It is a thorough Liver and billioua remedy." . " Mrs. Toung, of Brooklyn, writes : "February 23, I860. In May last I had a severe attack of Piles, which con fined me to "the house. I look on? bottle of : VA.nijL2ijt a LIFE BITTERS, and wan entirely cureaX I have had attack since." D. Westervilie, Esq., of South 6th, near 8th Stret, Williamsburg, L..I.,- writes r "August 5, 1580 Oaviug been troubled witha diSSculty in the Liver, and subject to blllious atUckSj I was advised by a friend to try darling's LIVER REGULATOR. I did so, and fonnd it to operate admirably, removing the bile and arousing the liver to activity. I have also used It as a- " - ' . Samlly Moclicixto When our children are out of sorts, we give tbem a few drops and It set tham all right. X fled it meets the general wants of the stomach and bowels when disor dered." - - ' . ItEADEH, if yea need either or both of these moat ex cellent Remedies, inquire for them at the stores ; if you do not And them, take no otber. but inclose One Dollar in a tetter, and on receipt o the nionex, tbe Remedy or Remedies will be sent according to your directions, by mail or express, post-paic". Aderess, w - - - -P4.XI. ?. BARLING, ' v ICa K,ss.n Stret, Kow Tork.-. Put np in 50 cent and $1 Lot lies, each. Nov. 1, 1661. n!3-m . . . -. DO YOU T7Ar;x ro PURE DRUGS Prlco $100 per Bottle, 6-Bottles : - ; - for $5 CD . Prepared and so!d by ". . CHARLES AVIDDIFIELtD & CO., SOLE PR0PRIET03 78 'William Street, JTew Torlr- . For sale by druggists and grocers generally through out tbe country. Oct. 17. 1S6:. -. CHOICE HQTJ0ES. Wnolesale : and KetaH. man OF THE t I I tit A W D nEDICIHES? IT SO, CO TO TSX CITY DRUG STORE, P. O. BUILDINGS, A Jf D JOHN H. -MAUK, BRO WNVILLE, ' Has just received a choice lot of the best brand of Liar nt, which e will sell by the Barrel, Gallon, Quart er single Drink. Tbe following it a partial list: BRAIIDISS: French, ' " Cognac, - . '. Apple, ' . , Raspberry, . ' Peacfi, .' Cherry, . . Blackberry. v WHTES: Port, ' ". Hungarian, . Sherry, . . . Malaga, Mei!n.ra, ' ' Champagne. T7HISKIES : Bourbon, " Rye,v.".' :.- Scotch, Irish, . Manongahala, -and a variety of common articles. BILLIARD SALOON AND Ten Pin Mey. Main Street, Brownville.. ovmheT 14, 18S. . ai9-tfj Will sell whatever you desire. It is a Ton may' rest assured dUij JP .A - a S r?- v o 11 1,12 A. C O H 8 TAB tMMITr, .vn nrlLTl II IRON, STEEL, HAILS, CASTINGS, SPRINGS, AXLES, FILES l 23 X Xji O 7r 3. , B L A C KSMITH'S TOOLS Also: Hubs," Spokes, ad Bent ' Stuff, Third Street, between Felix and Edmond, . SAINT JOSEPH, MO. which he sella at St. Louis prices for cash. .: Highest Price Paid for Scrap Iron. December 1, 1S6.. t-r. From his loo expeilence in the bu5i:si, he is CONFIDENT he will glre satisfacUsn to all why may call at his ESTABLISHMENT. He naa new oii hand, and 1 constantly receiving a large supply U arUtlee osaaii aepi tn a DRUG STORE. jorre ii. 21 Arc. - - . - Brownville, May 8th, 1SG2. v-u4Mt . CLOTHE YOURSELVES. Ever cfTercd in ihh Market. r,o uorsT An out xtj CALL AND SEE FOR YOURSELVS AT THE tu j EC233TT WEYi- 1 Amencan Cer r TlSKCriKApr, THSOVLT uLL 'ST ;' 1 TUS B.x GLi-ar,- AMERICAN ()ZWr 5 T , RlCltlvV-V Cotliing Batimore BROWIIVILLU, IT. TT i i 1 il Store7 T. 0 3 Announce to the public that he 'has opened ost a READY-MADE CLOTHING, BOOTS AND SHOES, HATS AND CAPS, CARPET SACKS. GENTLMEN'S UN ' ' DERWEAR, CupreceOSented la quantify, quality and prices. ITe is determined his prices shall correspond with tbe times, and therefore oSTer here in the West, at Just as low rates as such goods can be purchased anywhere in the United States. As a sample of his prices he will mention that hj sells Coats from $1,25 up to $15, Pants from $1 to $7, Vests from $1 to $5. Boots, Shoe, Hats, Caps, Fancy and White Shirts, Sas ders, y ecktles, Sock3, Handkerchief, itc. in the same proportion. The proprietor embrace this opportunity of returning thanes for past patronage, and promise to spare no ef forts In the future to give entire satisfaction. Call vrxcX goo TtArrx9 DAVID S EI GEL. Brownville, June IS, lS61.-ly Scrofula, or King's Evil, is a constitutional disease, a corruption of iho blood, by which this fluid becomes vitiated, weak, and poor- Uebi!? in the circulation, it pervades the whole body, and way burst out m disease on any part of it. No .organ is free . from its attacks, nor is there one which it may not destroy. The scrofulous taint is variously caused by mercurial disease, low living, dis ordered or unhealthy food, impure air, lll:h and filthy habiU, the depressing vices, and. above all, by the ve.iereal infection". r.at cver be its origin, it is hereditary in the con stitution, descending from parents to children unto the third and fourth generation ; " indeed, it seems to be the rod of Iliru who wys, "I will visit the iniquities of the. fathers uon their children." Its effects commence by deposition from ihe blood of corrupt or ulcerous matter, which, in the lurgf, liver, and internal organs, is termed tubercles; in the glands, swellings; and on the surface, eruptions or sores, 'l'his foul cor ruption, which ponders in the blood, deprevsc the energies of life, so that scrofulous con.-.?itu- T ILL MEND fT JlenJycnr Harness. St r,V.. it willmV,: -.iiif lii i Sive tl ceioes of IT a a V . I T VTT T r i, Your broku Cain Cap, lR.l S,- " IT WILL MEND Mt?-. Tht pecs knocked out of y0ar be tat on a.'.-. 5- 11 ffiL,Li il mill MEND rocrr , Somr if that brok,B Vluy:1- - ' shiiii.jf ahi!.ir!?,r!j ;,'.." r , IT WILL MEND That Co!y Alabaster V, is bVV' march it merd it it will m. J 'J-i :rrTvr --A.V, i A.U'Jhcaa Cmpr.t i:-n. ireniestto Lava ia the'V tion3 not ordy mLier fro;n scrofulous corn--j-laLu, 2 it tl cy-have f;:r l9powj:tX3 w-jth-btand the attacks' of other diseases; conse quently vast numbers perish by disorders which, although not scrofulous in their nature, are still rendered fatal by this taint in the eystem. Jlost of the consumption which de cimates the human family has its origin directly in this scrofulous contamination; and many destructive diseases of the liver, kidneys, brain, anc indeed, of all the organs, "arise from or r iggravated by the same cause. vtf quarter of all our people ore scrofulous ; L i persons arc invaded by this lurking in fection, and their health is undermined by it. V clause it from the system we must renovate the blood by an alterative medicine, and in vigorate it by healthy food and exercise. Such a medicine we supply in AYE1TS Compound Extract of Sarsnpnrilla, the most effectual remedy which the medical skill of our times can devise for this every where prevailing and fatal malady. It is com bined from the most active rcmedials that have been discovered for the expurgation of this foul disorder from the blood, and the rescue of the system from its destructive consequences, lience it should be employed for the cure of riot only Scrofula, but also those other affec tions which arise from it, such a3 Eihjptiye and Skin Diseases, St. Anthony's Fiuk, Rose, or Eutsiit.las, TiMriKs, Fcstvles, Blotches, Llains and lloii,s,TtMons, Tettku and Salt Kiiecj:, Scald JIrad, Ringworm, Rheumatism, Svi-HiLiTicanclIrucuuiAL Dis eases, Duoi'sr, DrsrEi-siA, DEiiiLir r, and, indeed, alt. Complaints aristno juom itia ted on iMriRE lli.ooi. l"h-i popular belief in "impurity of the Hood" is founded in truth, for scrrofula is a degeneration of the blood. The particular purpose and virtue of this Sarsapa rilla is to purify and regenerate this vital fluid, without which sound health is impossible in contaminated constitutions. A -rs si i LLC? 30 VARIETIES STRAWBERRIES. Aiaon wbica are "Wilson's Albany, 1 1 per 1D3 or d3per 1CC0; Jenny L; id, $1,53 per 10); Triomphe daXJand, 42 per 10 J ; Jkiston Fine, Hotys Seedling, Hookers, Black Prince, Hay Queen aid 25 other kinds at $1 per 1C0. Plants of Randolph Pine Scrinly tf 1S53 at 2 per das. . Aug. isei. i H.M alia ru uetit i . Furniture I Furniture ! ! The moat complete atork of Pumitare e Ver oered in this npper country jist received by T. EILU .BrowarlJie,-April 25tb, 1561t FOR THE SPEED? CVSE OT Intermittent Fever, erPtver aiiiAff-ae, Itemlttent Fever, Chill Fever, Iuiiil Acue, Periodical IlendAche, or Billoas Ileadaclir, and Blllom Fevers, indeed for the whole class of diseases originat ing In biliary derail cement- caused by the Malaria of Miasinatlo Conutries. . We are enaUe-d here to offer the community a remedy which, while it cures the above complaints with certainty, is still perfectly harmless m any quantity. Such a remeay is invaluable in districts where these adhcting disorders prevail. This "Cure" expels the miasmatic poison of Fever and Agcb from the system, end prevents the de velopment of the disease, if taken on the rst ap proach of its premonitory symptoms. It is not only the best remedy ever yet discovered for this class of coinpliint3, but also the cheapest. The lar? quantity we snpIv -r a dollar hrirrs it vritJiirs ;.is reach of every bo if ; and in bilious d.s;rict. where Fever and" Aoi:z prevail.i, every tody should have it and use if freely both for cure and protec tion. A great superiority of this remedy over any other ever discovered for the speedy and certain cure of Intermittent is that it contains no Quinine or mincra', consequently it produces no quinism or other injurious erlects whatever upon the constitu tion. Those cured by it are left as healthy as if they had never had the disease. Fever and Ague is not alone the consequence of the miasmatic poisca. A great variety of disor ders arise from its irritation, amonrr which are Keurafyit, Rheumatism, Gout, Ileacltcfte, Blind- ncsx, looinacnr, uaracne, L.ararr.1, Jianmn, l ai- pitation, l ainjut jjecuon of tUe Spleen, Hyster ia, Pain in ike Bowels, Voile, Paralysis and De rangement of the Stomach, all of which, when orizinatins in this cause, rut on the intrrmitlent sionaiiy cr aa:iy while exposed to the in that will be excreted from the system, and accuawi'. ib su:;icient type, or become periodical. This " Ccre " exptU the poison from ihe blood, and consequently cures tbem all alike. It is an invaluable protection to immigrants and persons travelling or temporarily residing; in the malarious district". If taken eca- fection, cannot ease, uence it i even more valuable for protec tion taa cure, and few will ever suffer from Inter mittcnts if they avail themselves of the protection this remedy aifords. Prtjaxcllyrr. J.C. ATEU CO., LcI, Zlizz. JOHN AIAUN, J. J. THURMAN, Druggists, Erownvillf, N. T. aer er pL frfthf-r ' "?1 2' It T7ill r.Icnd bczi;, and in fact evciythisT b. ;" Any article Cemented with AM r - ".j.i i "Every Iloua Crosby; j "It 13 SO CS r- ,It is always reac'y, tilseomsecls;', lnafpcftdtv.t. uVti bare tried it and f nl it si im . ajjrater."- Willc SPiri: of the olU.OU'J per year saved ia - - " by One Eotf.a cf ALIERICAII CEIIEIil Ci: ... Price 2-5 Ceat3 perPc!.'?, rnco 25 Gents perE:::!;, Price 2-5 Cents per .:. Price 25 Cents per Eot:I Price 25 Cents per l:v. Price ?o Cents par l!v;;';i. sale Kuyerj, n:n:is cash. SliT-For Sle by all Dr?juu aai . lhronhout the eonntr?, JOHNS cz 0R0SHI (Sole MarufActuren.l 7S hlLLU.M STREET Corner of Liberty Street. XLTTKI Iinporfantlo House OTracn Important to llulldcrl. Important to Hail Heart Cj: nlcs. Imortrtnt to Fn r:r. crS. To all v:h.Oh ihii i r-" - - e.CT.ctrr.9 xruhGii; JOHNS L CIi&SLEi"i TTIFTtOVED CUTTi prn CEMENT RO0FJX The Cheapest and moss durable ?,.. ia - u-;. iti3fireai:dv;atrf: It can ba applied to new and oil KoofVjf , steep oi fint and to Shin'-o roofs wioa! rz ihe Shingles. Tlie Cost Is only about Cnt-r. " 4- 4T rT t M W WVk af rw mmwm w- m r-m asjj,.w.iAii L) 1 Mil fc This article bts been thoroDh!y test.' j ' da "West indies and Central and cjouta iarj buillinj of all kindi such as Faciorie F.r Churches Tail Road Debits C-rj s Pi Daildingi genero'.'.y CrovernxcDi Buiij..- t the principle Builders archetects aiip c'.''i. the past four years and has nroTed to be tit C. every respoct a risx watf wiataiiiJ" proof cveriajj fnrRoOESGP all sives. Thi i ihe O SLY material mantfantnrit United State which combines tbe rt-j K' properties of Elaaticiiq and Durability w: i unirera'ly acknowledged t be pos-seJ . '"' TAPERCHA AND INDIA 1'. xo neat 13 iisqturoa r3i--AppJIcatio!! The expenseof applying it is trains; mm f; Roof can be covered vnl C nibbed Ae st It can be applied by and when fiaidhed forms a ptrfmly 1'isi iz face with an elastic body which cannot b -by IlaAT Cold or bTosits Sasi.stxi i i Koards nor any srn;! actioii whatever. GUTTA pHjSVa CEJITT; r. r - r.i. n vA x: eipuseu iu itic.xinuati til c 1 1 s j- For rrcsenlirr and Rep--'Ictal Hoots O? ALL KINDS. This isrns osly CoMPosinof xxovti tucceffuUy retitt extreme changes of 'all ami length of time tchen apyiied ia .'' ' ' it adneresnnniy lorming a booyeaai --n , of ordinary paint cots much less, sad" TIIUEE TIJE3 AS LO'(7; and from i'J is not injured bv the contraction snie'r'- '. 'Ai.v and other ilETAL I.OUrS cobw;- ... 1 !- .V . -r . . i 1 will mot CS.4 L'K IN' COhD 0 KC? -WEATHEIl AND WILL NOT WA;3 Oif Leaky tin and other metal roofs o fcs repaired with Gut: Perth Oment, ssJ 7' from further corrosion and lukinj, t-1f J j ingaperfectly water-tiht roof for tw'r This cement is peculiar' a lipted for 'f . vation cf Iron raiiinr?. S:ove3, S-f ', Iarlemnt, Se-a!so for r-noral GUTTA PER( Wl LS C .?V 1 I iL-k UVS S V 1 I i al roofs ofevery description, frca iti S ty, is not injured by the eon.ractioa sni - of ineuls, and will not crack ' ed-l ' ' . ics weavter. .. i:.-?-.e materials are adsrted U U w are irevrd to supply orlirtfrota w n roils, reaJy prepared for use, and Ceosent ia barrel, with full jrialtd fVM it e mi.l ment? witJh lions for application. . -. -r-r-nntcd lilac-oi; - , won i establish themsel res in alucrarirs asl r business. OUP. TERMS ARB CASH. .- i o can civs aounaaci cixui -- favor of our iaccroved Tuxhni JIt3r.fi plied them to several thou.wcd Iloofi is City and vicinity. rrf JO Wholesale Warehouse. 73, ynl& Fall escriptive Cirglars aoi Fns8 nished vn arpiicaticn, w m r a Vov. 7.18.51. ly Olira, or Gumbo Seed. The lest substitute for Coffee ore-sared lni..m. maaaer aa Coffee. Packs ces of aeti h mii . in. ... eacb. Each package contain Me4 enouga to raise a sppply for an ordinary Xajaily, n3S-tf Crssoent Citj, lawa. , -FIower Scads. 'r Of VbiCk will bnt . adiress, for one dollar. M.rrl. I7fk CTCI?tttC;tT,Iw. 1JCT7 Ilcnsdiss fcr SPERLIATORRHCEA. 110 WARD ASSOCIATE rniiAJ)r:iPA- A Bcr.evol-r.t Institon. ?f5-'-Jff il"-7 dowmenC.artke Relief '3 , fueled with Virulent pecii:y for the iJrt of Evtett 'j Valsable Seoorta on Spermitorr- eswof the eesoal Oracs, ana ll7 w a UIS3 employed in tbe ?isP"!Mr7',!,s!? envelopes, free of ttaria. tvroorw-" f Ai lress T3S, J. B0r5.1 !jJ:?a soctatloc, Xo- 2, Sou ill Xintb Street. r hwmr 1. I-ttil. iiS-l