THE . ADVERTISER. T. R. FISHKU, EDITOR. HROWNVILLE, SATURDAY, JULY 25,1852. c o t7 n r L a o. Then up with onr flag! let it stream cntho air! Thonb onr father are cold in their grave, Ttey bad bands that could itrike, they had goals that could dar, " ' Atd their sons were not born to be g.avesi - Cr, op with that banne'r ! where'er it rcny call, Onr millions shall rally aronnd; A nation of free tn so that moment shall f!l When Us stars shall be trailed on the ground. The Ners. Fcr several weeks past hns not, it must be confessed, ben yery faroratle to the Union cause. The rebels, it is true.have not gained any great victory, but since the reverse at Richmond small advantage have been pained along almost the en tire line between the Union and Confed erate Armies ' Marfreboro, Terin. has been re-t3ken by the Confederates, ur der Col. Forest, with three or four Al- abama and Georgia Kegiments, Mor gan with three thousand men has burned one or two villages in Kentucky, and is threatening Lexington and Frankfort, which occasioned intense excitement at LouisvilleCovingtori, Newport, and over almost the entire State, and even in Cin cinnati, Ohio. A small town in Indiana, . . ten miles aWe Evansville,has been cap- tured by a few rebels . from Kentucky, aided by the secessionists of the vicinity. A confederate army is organizing in Ar kansas with the avowed purpose of inva ding 'Missouri. Curtis has been com pelled to cat his way out of Arkansas, thereby sacrificing nearly, all that had been gained by his campaign in that State. Besides all these, Bridge' burn ers and guerrillas are becoming emboli neJ, and nre constantly committing dep redations in Tennessee, Kentucky, Ar kansas, and ia the vicinity cf Neiv Orleans.-; The rebel ircnekd gunboat Arkansas kzs escaped from the Yazoo River, and has passed through the fleet of boats lying above. Vicksburg, badly injured, it is true, but doing more inju ry to our boats than the herself sustain ed, and is now being repaired under the batteries at that' city. Near Richmond 'all is quiet," but it is admitted there is danger cf James River being blockaded eo as to cut off McClelland supplies. . - The . fanlt is, . our army has dwindled way until it is not adequate to the task it has to perform. Our army never was as large as represented there never was near five hundred thousand soldiers un der government, pay at any time. 'And what-we did have nine, months ago has been reduced in numbers nearly one:half. Thef e has not been very many killed in any one engagement, but ail in the ag gregate amounts to many' thousand. And if we could count up those who have died from disease ; . the wounded ; those mustered cut of service on account of physical. disability and sickness; the deserters; the prisoners and those let free on parole, they would reduce the array to about $225,000 effective men. And it .is divided and scattered on a line many thousand miles in extent from Maryland to Colorado ; from the Chesa peak to the mouth of the Rio Grand; and frcci Cairo to the gulf of Mexico.' For, a year past the rebel army has been increasing, by means of conscriptions, ua- till ia numbers it far exceeds ours. Con tequently they are enabled to act on the offensive. But their strength is nearly exhausted. : When the three hundred thousand soldiers 'now being raised, are put in tlte field, we will again out-number them two to one, and they can never again fill up their army. Ia the Shenandoah Valley. Gen Pope is puhicg forward after his old fashion, at latest dates his advance - was within forty miles of Richmond. - ; Foreign arrivals brisg papers from Kn-tar.vl published ' sine they received intelligence'of the fight before Richmond. They almost universally assert that the Federals were badly defeated ; but with the exception of a few papers that have from the commencement of the war been clamorous , for intervention, there is no disposition manifested to interfere with our affairs. Gen. Hillock has been calIedfrora the west to Washington, but for what pur pose is as yet unknown. Various news paper speculations are afloat: "That he is to be . made Commander-ia-Chref," cr "Secretary of War," or that "he is to tupercede McClellan,' &c, &c. The following items 'we glean frcra the latest telegrams: The New York Ilerld's Washington dispatch ch'ras the 8uthority-of saying that Hallcxk dc2s not ccme to' Washing ing as Commander-in-chief. It is be- lievc-d that Stamen r;ill retire,. and that j President Lincoln' will appoint -Banks Secretary cf War, and Ilalleck as Milita ry adviser. " - ' . ' Cyr-thiana, Ky., was surrendered to the rebels Tbt:rr.!y afternoon. A scldier cf the 77th Ohio, j't returned to Boyd's r!:1:rn frcr.i Cvnthb r.a, reports the killed dersoa, Ky., and Newberg, Ind., on Sun day, but tha rebels had skedaddled. A free colcred man escaped from Rich mond, cays the rebel hts ia the seven day's battle was 32,000. Gen. Ewall was severely wounded. Gen. Johnston has experienced a relapse mortification has set in, and his wound was feared to be fatal.- 1 Arrivals from Sperryville report almost daily skirmishing between SigePs pickets and the rebel scouts near Luary Gap. John S. Phelps has been appointed Military Governor of Arkansas, with full power to re-establish the authority, cf, the Government there in accordance with the Constitution.,' ' ' ." ' ;" I There is reason to believe the Presi dent will soon lay down certain rules for the conduct of the war, such rule3 as any one, sincerely desirous of carrying out the principles of the confiscation act would adopt and inforce. It is now known that the President, under the advice of Gen. Scott and with the acquiesence of Mc Clellan, Las called llalleck to Washirg- ten to act as General-in-Chief of - the ar mies of the United States. . He will have control of the operations in the field, thus relieving !Slanton cf his official business. .:: Gen. Pops telegraphs the war depart ment that a cavalry expedition under Gen. King left Fredericksbury on the evening of the 19th, and after , a forced march, made a descent at. daylight, Sunday, on the Virginia Central road, at Beaver Dam Creek. 25 miles west of Hanover Junc tion and 35 miles from Richmond - They destroyed the railroad and telegraph for several miles, and burned a depot which contained a large amount of ammunition and other valuable property. The whole country was thrown into a great state of alarm. , One private on our side was wounded. , The cavalry marched SO miles in 30 hours. , Wre learn Mr. Alyord, the former con tractor, on' the Missouri side," from St. Jeseph to Omaha, has obtained the con tract for the daily mail from Omaha to St. Joseph, on this side of the river, forfeited by the lowest bidder. It will be put through ia 43 hours, with good coaches, connectif.g with the Kcarney'iin? ar-Ne-braka City and Omshaand is for Snub Platte cne cf the. be:;t things tLat.c:v!d possibly occur, it will go through Falls City, omitting St. Stephen, and probably Rulo. The former will be supplied by a tri-weekly from Falls City, and the latter by two tri-weeklies "Topeka and Rulo," and "Rul?and"Marysville." -Two new offices ProutyY and Patterson's will also be suppled by this route. Several new pfficers havebeen established in Richardson county. , ' ' ' Are we to understand that the JMver iiser ignores the claims of its pet candi date, and will support an "uncompromis ing Union Democrat," if 'one should be nominated? Let us' understand ' you, brother Fisher? -.Yebraskian. If the Conventions which are called to meet at Omaha on the 20th of 'August are fully represented, and shall for the pres ent, ignore party lines and nnite .on a common canditate an "uncompromising Union man" and he is fairly and square ly nominated, we will of course support him whether he has Heretofore been a Republican or Democrat. . If the wishes of a majority cf the people of the Territo ry are expressed by the Convention, and we have no doubt they will he Hon. S. G. Daily will again be nominated ; and elected " ., ;.' .. V P:'- : From tlie Lojal Inaians. - In another column : will , be found an account of an engagement of the' Indian Fxpe'dition "with the rebel Cherokees, taken from the Leavenworth . Conserva tive. -From , other, sources we gain the following particulars. .:. - Col.:- Furnas' Regiment was in the advapce, and the cavalry under Lieut. Col. Wattles, made the attack, killed forty, and captured tne hundred and six prisoners before the en emy came up. f -They lost one man--As-sistant; Surgeon Dr. Howell. " Col. Fur'i nas ha? in . his Regiment about 300 con trabands. . -One Rebel Indian. Begiment has diibanded- Col. Drew'sand moat of iheia came in and joined our ranks. Col. F. has in his possession Col. Stand Wat tie's trunk, with all his ' private ' papers, together with many other rebel trophies. The General in command highly compli mented the 1st Indian Regiment. When last heard from the 'expedit'o'r was marching further South. " '.' "" The People's Press asks : "Will Mr: V V v.h dlcz will reach 100 ts reached Hen- .:fcrc( Fisher tells us how it is that Mr.. Daily did not have a tri-weekly mail route es tablished from Brownville to Ft. Kearny?" Mr. Daily would have had the route es tablished by Congress, if it had been pe ti tioned for by the people. " He did have a route j established from Plattsmouth Jo Ft. Kearny, but the' Post Office Depart ment does not allow the mail to be car ried on it. ; Government will;. not allow service on several p.trallef rou'es, through a ? parcely settled, country; at;, an enor mous expense, when 'all citizens' can be accommodated -on :one. -:' A "mail route was estabiisliedfroia.this.tlace to' Fort Kearey-seve.rpl .years go, and let to a citizen cf - Nebraska .City, who carried both mails on one route. : :" " We learn that Mr. Polock is on his u'ay heme to Nebraska, to recruit- for the Nebraska Tim. ; Alb Regiments are to bo filled up o the standard number, j Letter Tron tlic Nciraslia First Memphis, Texwesse, July 7th,lS62., Ilk. Eeitor:' L.avirg Brownvil'e cn Friday evening, the 27th cf Jcne, I reached St..JosejIi Saturday morning, just . in time. to. be too late fcr the St. Louis train, and wa? consoled that I. could start on the coming Monday morning. Finding my way,, with Sergt. Polock, to the camp near St. Joseph, I met my for mer associates the Nebraska First, Capt, J. D. N..Thornpson, who is in good health and spirits. The Capt. is in the pride cf his glory, in Cavalry exercise -and the men seem delighted with their leaden Mounted on one of the Captain's sorrel chargers, and making my way to the depot, night found me at Stuartville, Mo. in the kind family of J. Hikes,- of Ohio, formerly ; and Sunday witnessed me in a rebel church building, addressing a few true Union men, and a large number" of Rebels, on the subject .of the Union -the glorious Union, and the exceeding" infa- j my cf Rebellion. , Monday, joined Sergt. P., and cn Monday night, slept on a Mis sissippi Packet, reaching St. Louis Tues day morning.' Tuesday night, cfT for Memphis, and landed Thursday night. Friday, the 4th, went on shore, and found the First Nebraska in town, in a thick grove, with good water, and all the sur roundings of the most pleasant character. How kind the people have-, beeny to get up, and take care uf such" a magnificent forest.unttl we should need it; and then give place so gracefully at the 'point of the bayonet. '."!" .', " :',' ' . The men are in btter health than' they have ever been since we left the .Terri tory. Every cheerful ... countenance tells how well they have got over the fatigue and exposure of Pittsburg Landing. ' - The finest features of the.. day, on the Fourth, was the dinner given by the First Nebraska, to Gen. Grant and the report ers of the Press, and a few other officers. If I should puff our officers and speeches, and the dinner, you would think I .was partial, perhaps. I will therefore quote from 'the Un ion Appeal, of Memphis, a paper coming .into existance under the protecting folds of the Stars and Stripes. It says: ",. "Mr. Richardson',, of the . New York Tribune, proposed the health of General Thayer, as the representative of the Union of Yankee shrewdness . and Western pluck ; born in Massachusetts, reared and adopted citizen of the Great" Wrest- It may be pleasanter to be a brigadier han a Colonel, but it must, nevertheless, hae been hard to resign the command of Reg iment that loved and confided so much in him", as the First Nebraska did in Col. Thayer. .They seemed proud of his po sition, however,; and considered, it . an honor to themselves ; and the separation is the less" felt ' that they belong to his Brigade. Mr.:: Richardson's opinion is that Gen.-Thayer is as graceful 7at the festive board, as he is brave onthe.field ;. that Gen. Grant is as pleasant as a .gen- tlentleman, as he is heroic and skilled as a leader ; and that the Nebraska First is indeed a first rate Regiment,'either to fight or celebrate with." .. ' 1 " 1 1' j . : V - - ' --- '.I was astonished at the , proficiency of the Regiment in drill, since I last, met them on dress parade.? ?AU honor is due Col.: Livingston for the "devotion ' with which he looks after the' proficiency "of the soldiers, in every respect drill, com fort, health, and enjoyment, all receiving his' close and unflagging attention.. -. . To my Brownyille friends "allow nie to say -how do all do ? - - , . . -,- , . "Very truly, &,c,' ; ' r.-,y w . : ... .T. W.T. i .,. letter from Sergeant Polock. . , Memphis, Tejjessee, ) : ; ; r , . ; , ; July, 8th 1SG2.. . FniEKD FisHEa: W'e, that is Mr. Tipton and myself, reached St. Joe: the morning after leaving Brownville, and finding that we. ' would have to lie over nntil Monday, we proceeded to the fair grounds to visit our former neighbors who are in companies 'D" and "K," th M. S; M.: Capt. Thompson, Lieut. : Hill, Sergeants Fairbrcther,- Moore, Hanna, and , all the! rest of the ..boys tre-ited .us very kindly, and we had a very pleasant time with them. Lieut. Minnick is Pro vost Marshal- of. St. Joe, and Is a very efficient officer. The rebels ret but little favor from hi:n. - : '" . We left St. Joe: on 'Monday rncrning", uuu jjucu me itgimeni ai mis place on Friday, and nre re much pleased to see that it had improved in health, drill,-and gen eral appearance, v;. .. - - r , . . - As there is much anxiety in Nebraska concerning the health of our men here, I copy the following from the morning re ports of our company :. ' . April 1ft" Iaj 1st. Jane Ist. Jnly'lft.- July 8tb" Present ' Sick. . ,4 . . ........ ; i , .......4 Abent Sick. I 15 -' . 8 5 K"o. ya in Co. ' SO - ' ; " m ' .- : 85,; 3.; .-. Thus you' will perceive that the hard ships an J privations that we were exposed to inMarch, April, and May, caused our sick list .to increase from' 12 to21,4but a soon-as the hot weather set in it decreased from 21 to 9. Of the four reportedres enOiik, one is Corporal Miller; not yet u holy "cured cf the "wound received al Shilo. : Corporaf - August - has been sick' four day." ;"Ed. Smith nearly four, weeks! They are, both doing well.. The fourth man. is named Powers. .He enlisted at Omaha; had the measels last Fall, and has never been hearty.since.- ' ; . Of the five reported absent sick, two Rcgpr3 and.Saylewere not well whersr fine, specimens among the lot we leftMissouri. 'Bailey and Mauck were .taken sick immediately after the battle at Donelscn. Th'y are both well. but have cot yet rejoined the regiment Eli Caldwell his the rheumatism have nof heard from' him for several We weeks, Brown and' McDonald have died sitae we came to Tennessee. They" both had the measles last Fall ; never entirely re covered from the effects of them, and. were both in hospital when we left Mis: souri, and never, afterwards .joined our Regiment. Cerporal Tucker is well, and more fleshy than he has been for years. He will take home to Nebraska the grape shot with which he was. wounded. Cur tis is alo well, but has lost ' the sight of his right, eye. . ..-Of; the 78 men'of our company that were brought toTehnesee last February, all are alive to-day, and likely to.liva for many years to come. Our friends ought not to- fret themselves about the heat killing us, for, though the citizens cf Memphis are complaining at the extreme hot weather I do not is as hot as it was in Nebraska when I left there.-1 It is a r emmon remark' cf the people here, that our .soldiers look healthier than did the soldiers of the rebel army.:. . : '' r": ; i : Yours, &c-., '" - ' , W.. A.. Polock. ;;inaian:ExpeditioiL' Correspondence of the Leaveaworth Conservative. i ; Camp neab Grand River. ' Cherokee" Nation, July G, 1SG2. - I herewith transmit to the columns-of your paper a few lines in reference, to a skirmish which occurred at Locust Grove, twelve miles south of this camp, on the 3d inst. : : ' "' ". "" The 2d brigade under the command of Colonel Judson, arrived at Cabin Creeki July 2d..:'The Colonel received infor mation that .the enemy, 500 strong, under qoI. Stanwatie, the notorious rebel leader of the hostile Cherokees, had left Cabin Creek, the day previous, taking a north erly course, but had seat his supply and baggage train, to Locust Grove. . . . Colonel Judson immediately directed one section of . Captain Allen's battery, a a detachment pf infantry belonging to the 10th Kansas, consisting of details from tbe.variou3 companies, amountinsf in all to 63 men, with Lieutenants Milhourne and. Stewart, under the command of Capuin Matthft v Quiqrnr, companies D. E and H, of the 9ih Kansas cavalry, also about 200 mounted Indians of the tribes of. Creaks, Cherokees ; and Seminojesrof of the. 1st Indian regiment, commanded by Lieut Col. WattlesK to be in readiness at 9 o'clock p.' m. . The unexpected arrival of Col. Wreer prevented CoI..Jud?on from, taking com mand of the exredition. He was ordered to remain in camp. Col. Wee r" marched with the command detailed "by Colonel Judson at the time specified i and crossed Grand "river at Landnnn Ford at 4 a. m., next morning after a. fatiguing: march. The adrance guard, consisting of twelve men of corn pany F. 6th Kansas Cavalry, under Cap tain Scaurte, very soon came upon a party of 25 or 30 rebels, at the premises of Messrs. 13. M. Adair and John Davis, Adair was. accideutly shot a few weeks aero. The guard immediately chargedi scat tering. the enemy in all directions like chafrbefare the wind, wounding one and taking ten prisoners. The main body o the Union forces coming up, . proceeded immediately to the rebel ca.nn. . The en: tire rebel outfit was in . a . very short tim? either dispersed or taken. Our loss was but three killed, one of thpm accidentally by our own fire. One private oi the 9th Kansas received four shots, and had his head nearly cut off by a -sabre or" home made knife. We have taken 106 prisoners and! killed several.; , We also took a large number of horses and ponies; about 1-50 head of cattle, 36 loaded mule teams, and a large quantity of camp and garrison equips ore also 500 stand of arms of all descriptions -The rebel camp was situated upon the summit of. a hill, in the midst of a thicket The resistance wa3 feeble... Colonel Clark'sori, Ex-Postmaster of Leavenworth City, . surrendered to Geo J. Clark, Division Quartermaster of the Indian Expedition The rebel defeat was complete. The number ,of prisoners has since been in creased to 120, who have leTt tbis after noon; together with a large amount of contraband property, for Fort Scott, in charge of an escort of 50 men detailed from company F, 6;h Kansas, and a num ber of mounted Indians.' ' Great credit is due to the troops actu ally engaged the detachment of compa- ny F. the Indians, and two companies of the 9th Kansas cavalry. ; Ouseever. .' I4TCR. '. Fort Scott, July 11. 1662. 'c ln my communication of :the' 6th inst., the only regiment spoken of s being the chief and prominent actors in the recent battle at Grand Saline, resulting in a complete' victory to the government forces of the Incian expedition, was tne ytn "Kansas. This was based upon the .infer matron obtained from the conversation of the.messenger, and of ccurse not as full in all respects as the facts warranted, and might, if taken alone, do injustice to ohers who participated. - -"The official re rxrts to headquarters will no doubt do ample justice to he flinerent companies, and regiments, who took part in these two engagements. ' Some interesting details reached me this morning, from a reliableygentlera?n now with the expedi:i3n. His letter is dfted Camp Philips, ' eight mile3 below South7 Spring river. Of course you know where that is! Col. Ritchie wiTfra-rarrcf hi Indian rtgimerrt.rin ali500 men, had a fight with a . greatly superior secesh'ferce under Rains, no less than 1.4UU men. - Ine reb els were beaten ani pat to flight. - At the same time the Colonel captured a portion cf their baggage train, and a Isrge am ount of their cattle" and horses. These are how en route to this post, and parties curious in" the study cf" "natural history will very soon have an opportunity to m-r SDect hc-m free of cost. Taere are some At the prt-ent. time C-l. Iliichio has with him 300 Indians of his uwn regi ment the 2d and one - company of tne. 6th Kansas cavalry; endsr command' cf Lieut. Phillips.' They: have over 200 prison3r3 ccptured in. tattle. Among them is a former citizen of Leavenworth, Cel. Clarkscp, taken prisoner attHe bat 'tle at Grand Salin?. The Col. (Clark son) has a body-guard cf. twenty-five loy al Indians, whose especial duty it i3 to at tend to his personal health, and see that he does hot stray beyond the lines and thereby get lost 1 '. Col: Ritchie's Indian regiment is dcw full. ' The entire compliment of men' have been mustered into the ranks. The ap plications continue as strong as. ever; over 500 Indians have personally asked to .be received into his command, since the regiment has been rrvnde up. My correspondent says of thi3 body pf troops, every body who has seen them, is agreeably, surprised. And their Colonel speaks in glowing terms in regard to them They make good soldiers, easily controll ed, and they conduct and doport them selves well, generally.' The Colonel is constantly with them, devoting his entire energies to accomplish what very few persons thought possible, make good sol diers out of the original material. He has succeeded remarkably well. Col. Ritchie has reliable information that John Ross was about to join the ex pediti6nwith 1500- men Under his com mand ''about to come in with his war riors," it the expression used. In addition to the information contained in the above letters, we learn by Mr. North, who has just arrived from the camp, that Col. Solomon, of the 9th Wis consin, took forty prisoners. There were about 400- Indians Cherokees and Osa-ges-T-'who came, into cur camp.- They were mounted and armed, and camein with white flags, and carrying their gun3 with the muzzles-down; - " About -250 negroes, the property - of rebel half-breeds, are now on their way to ForScott.-, . . . ; 0:F F I C I-A'Ij. ' LAWS OF THE UNITED STATES. Passei at tit Second Setjiun cf. tin Ihirty . . Seventh Congress. . .v. Public No. G3. , AST ACT to provide for tha codification and revision of the laws of tha District of Co lumbia. -Be it enacted lj the Senate and Bouse, cf Representatives of the Ui tried states of Amer ica, in Congress as semUedt That the President of the-United States be and he U hereby au thorized and empowered to appoint, by and with the advice and consent t)f the Senate, three suitnlile rruon-i le irrteJ in the lAy,' to revise nnd, codify tha lvs of the DL-trict of Cohimbiii. ,. . SkC. 2. And'be it f-jiihp enacted, ThHt the- parsons-wh') shall bj thus anpointe 1 sh.i. render a Gunl rejwt of their revivor) and codi ncation to Congress on or before the first Mon day of December next. '' . Approved, May 20, 1?G2'. ''.'.." ' . Public No. 63. . . AN ACT to authorize tha ai.poi.ntraent' o medical store-keeperi and chapUinsof bus pita!. lie it reeohel by the Senate and Ilon'seof Bepresentatives of the United sides of Amen cx ii Lonqressi AemQl&.l, J hat the Sucre taty of War be authorized, to aid to the me dical departrneut of the arm j medical store keeper, not exceeding six in number, who shall have the pay and emoluments, of mili tary storekeepers in the quartermaster's de partment, who shall be kkillful apothec-iries or druggists, w:io shall give the hind se curity required by exidtiu laws fcr' military storekeeper! ia. the . quartermaster's depart ment,and who shall be. stationed at such jwints as the -necessities of the army mav require Provided, That tha provisions of this" act shall remain iu forca during tha contimiartce of the present rebellion. . . Sec. 2. And be it further enacted'. That the PresK eutof tha United States is herebv authorized to appoint, if be shall deem it iiecessary, a chaplain for each permanent hoa- pitaf. whose- pay, with that of chaplains of hospitals heretolore appointed bv him. shal bo the same a that of regimental chaplains in the volunteer force: and who shall be sub ject to such rules in' relation to leave of ab sence from duty-as prescribed for commissiou ed officers of the arm v. . Approved, May 20 1SG2. ' T7 I-I I B I or-Tni: Er"::DiTt:r.r;3 and hzctiipts op 2;z-,ia- r- A. S ' - " E X P E N D ITUn s? rxp-nS3 of A?;???r3 f .r tbe year 1SUV ' do A.-seo3ors for tha year IS32 it) lriatin iiy i- heri J Coletain do- 0 7i:e Kent fjr fiey'ster of Deedj d C.Tico P.03t for County Cier' : ' do" CJiee Rentfor Probate Jad;9 do- CLTieo Rent for County Treasurer " do - 02eJ Rent for Clerk of District Court ' . d Kent of Room for Distriot Court ' do Territory vj. Charles OaJa do ' do v. O. Scath . .do do vs. Oeoro A. Thorcas ' do " do vs. Whiteside and IJker " do . - " do vs.Tharman nJ Tbonj, do do v.'. John G. Dcasoa " - do. do vs. John Chapman ' do Coroner? In-ue?ts do T. W. Drdfori. Caanty Clerk do WiriiiTO U. Haover, Coaafj Clerk, do Faupers do Nebrij-k Vcl jn'cors-. do Allen PhiHr. County Comnii.ioner i do John Dim, Couatv Comiri'n-;ioner do Charles U..i-cher-, County Coramisionur do I). C SjTnlers, Couuty Comtnis.-ioaer. do Vr'jlliam II. Dei:im:in, Co'.iity ComaisieDer do (Iran 1 Jury, .M 17 Term. TS it do Cracl Jury, Fh',1 Term, IS; 1- do Gran-J Jury, Spring Ter.a. 1 5 2 .' do I 'etit Jurors, May Term, InH do refit Jurors, Tail Tenn, 13 I - do I'etit Jurors, Sprin; Trm, 1532... do October Election, t ? ...., do Obtobr Electi )C, iSJl do Correctn.7 Aisas-'mnt, J. 3. D-jlfor-1 do Jcob S trickier, Tro i-ur do Cbair3 for District Clerk's O.Ti,".- ds Vitnesse bef'ira Grand Jury, Spring Term, l.vlt d) "Whneei before Grand Jury, Spring Tcria, d) Township Treasarer3 do AuJ3tus Sehoenaeit, County Attorney... do C. Vr. Wheelr, Probata Ju 13 do ). 15. Ilewett, Prosecuting Attorney do J. II. II. Ilewett, Assistant Prosecatinj Attorney do County JmI- 00 T"rit3 of llabeas Corpus, P.iea-in Fa-reU, prior do do do do Thomas tieady, et a!, pri..n?rj... " do do do do W. A. & M ry Tjli.r, f-roners.. do do do do tVinianu vs. IIoTuvin do Pch-ool Examiners ... do Preparing Roona for uistrict Court-- do - iliis irt Varih, a prisoner ..... do - Jv. H. Love, a prisoner do Bai!i2"s District Court. Spring Term, 1352 do Stationery for Probata Jad do do County Treivsarer - i.... ....... .... do - -do District Court do - T. T. Re Iford. Depaty District Clerk do Error in Ta Sale do " Interest oa Cooaty Warrants.- A h ;? 1 A 5li s"?;j U3 5 31 :, - :i s-, 8i) 15 lu IB in Total of Eipenditures- ''RECIilPTS. Recoived from Jaenb KtricYTer, Treaurer, T?s of I3'0.. do John IT. Morrison, Treasurer, Tales f 13"r) do John H. Morrison, Treasuror, Taxes of 1311 do Joha II. ilorrison-, Treasurer, IaterastsoaTam of 13) J. 7J.? 13;;- I E LINQUENT T A X Butler ana Soule In 1SG0 ana 1SC2 . Just two years ago the National Dem ocratic Convention, which had broken up in a row at Charleston, and adjourned to Baltimore, was -in session in the fast name j city. Just ' two years ago to-day the ; Committee on' Credentials' in that body finished their report in which they ueciuea adversely to the claims of the Breckinridge, or disunion delegates from Louisiana, and in favor of the- Douglas delegation from that State, headed bv ihe Hon. Pierre Soule. The individual last named took his seat just at the moment that the secession delegates were prepar ing for the "bolt" from the Convention, which was a part of the secession pro gramme, and he made a speech on the "situation" upon assuming the place awarded him. The writer of this article heard the speech, and he never before or since listened with more pleasure to an oratorical effort. Mr, Soule i$ a fine speaker, anci he made one of his very best orations upon the occasion referred to. With. solemn earnestness he imn.ored the Breckinridge faction to remain in their places, and not break tip the Democratic party ; he told them that secession from the Convention meant disunion, and he then portr tved, in strong language, the consequences of an effort to break up the Federal Union, Henry Ciay nver pleaded more "powerfully for the Union thanTierre Soule did upon that memor able occasion, and the great statesman of the West never drew a more vivid pic ture of the consequences'of its disruption. The fiercest of the fire-eater of the Con- vention were ior a time snamea-ana silenced by the wonderful eloquence and the prophetic oratory ot tae aistinguiiaea Louisianian. .' , The same rerort that gave a place in thi Convention to Mr. Soule, excluded from hi3 scat Benjamin F. Butler, a Breckinridge' delegate from ,Massachu- 0 :ti .L . setts. These two men now musiraie iae prophetic character cf the great Union Speech of . Mr." Soule. The latter fell from grace ' and deserted, his vaunted Union principles, ana ' he is now an in- mate' of a IScrtnern prison, jueivjamin F. Butler .was firm in his devotion to the nion ar.d the Constkution, and he is now a iMaior General in the army of the United States, and d. elating laws, to tne eonle of the home cf Pierre Soule. r . . Phil. Bulletin- . 1 On THxT,;?tof 130. Oa Tax List of 133 i. Ijsned in 1S51 Issued in 1?37 Issued in I3i3 Is?uel in 1353 Issued in IS'0 . .. ...... IiuKil in 13l Ijsu3d in 1832, July 1st. UNPAID W A It HANTS. 1.1:3 4:1 3 l.M l.y: ' Willi ah. TI. TTor. Canty Clerk. Erownville, 'euiih. County, Nebraska, Ju!y S:h, 132. sou:; lmises, ; TEEASURE R'S EEPOBT. tudasukkii's oFFicrr. n cr UEOvrxVlLLK. SiiiUSik, Jy.ji.i.l. Tit the Commistionern ef XamnJia County, A hrmln ! ' - - Gevti.ksen" I hereby submit tha following Report as Treasurer cf saii C.as7,T i: I have eoiiectcd urt to the 1st dy f July. 13(52 ". - - Of Taxes of ISfiO, Returned Deinqaen, j Of Interest on Uelinqaent Taxes of 1C0, and Fanalty u !.' Of Taxfs for the year; A. D. 8il 1 v; j; I bare Redeemed of County Warrants, which I herewith present, amounting to (indudinj $al fif? intrre-t) Th er3 remains Delin-uent and tinpiM. on Tax List 1S30--- y, On Tax of ISO I, in- lading Toll Tax-- 2.':2i: The foreoin in ;!udes only the County Kevenn?. I hnvo cf.Hected of Land Road Tax, including Sapervi?T's Re'pU.- S " I have coileeted of Poll Roid Tax, including .Surrvisor's ilece p's l.i I have paid Ro;i 1 Orlcr, whioh I hera.virh preseo', to theam iuittf 1";: I have rcdeeiu od Surrvi-or'd Re--cipt-f, to the anuunt of - ' lly Commiision for Coilocting, (Errors Excepted) t.' - Repectful'y Pubmit'!. SIICIIIFF'S SALE. .Diitrict Court, Xemiha Countv, ; Xebraika Terri;o- S.imuel A. Chambers, Executor ' of Estate of W illis U.II, doc. ts - L. P. Iliatt and Jeromj Il-oover By virtuo of an execution to im directed in the above entitled cae, I will, on aturu;iy, tne Jjrn day of August, A. U. 13i2, Ihe hours of 10 o'clock A. M. and io'ul.k P. il. of said d.ty, at tha door of Den's Hall, in UrownTiile, the .l i.-e where the said Court was lut he'd for svid Xom vha county, offer for sale the follow ing: described property, to wit: Ijot 2 in Dl'jck 43 ; Lots II, It. 15 and 15. in i;ioek39; Ix)t 18 inlilook 81; Lots 9, lOanlll ia Block 90 ;Lot.- If, 1-', t3 and Uin Block 32; Lot t, in I51ik 3A ; Lt I and 2 in Block 45 ; L tt 10 and 11 in Blook 47; ImI 11 in B!ovk 43; Lot 13 in P.Iovk 71; Lot 9 in Blo- k 7.1; I.ots 13, 14, 15 and I in Block 6i, in Xemnha Cify.Nemaha Counrj, Nebras ka Territory; and the S ur,b Eiit Q-iarter (f North U'e-.e Quarter. Section 31, Township 5. Ran, 15, 43 acres ; and South Eat Quarter of South West Ouarter. Section I, Township 4, Uane lo, except 2 acres of the wet side, containing Zi a.'re; and a tract of land commem.-in. at aroint FO J(ls North of South West corner of Section Town-hip 4, Ranja 1, En?t : thence runnnj Kat 47 li-.ids; them.-o South 21 uk!s ; thenjo west 4 Iwvls; thenoe North 2 V. Ronds, to the ,V.C9 cf binin. containing seven acres : ana juta v est quarter 01 Section 21, Township 4, Rno 15, Ea-t. conainin4 75 87-10') turns', and tho 'North Wen Quart-r of North East Quarter flTid Lot 12 of Section 32, Town ship 5, R-ne lo, except 23 acres, dsed-vl to Snow ; and the West Il.ilf of the South West Quarter, and Lots 3 and 4, in Section 32, Township 5, Rane I.J. except 20 acres in the South e?t corner .i cf said Real Estate lyin in Nemaha County, Nebraska lerritory, taken as the property of Jerome Hoover to itisfy said execatioa. . J. Vt . CULhilA.', caeriu. July 23th. 132, n2-5w-$I2,f-0. siiLRir; SAL vt estate of Joseph Dsrwia i.t. I - Riily JeHi ie, ajnin.'l PI J. j By virtue of an et.-n:ici U v above entH'el c;ae.l iI. n " U iy of Au.nit, A. D. 1 32, b-5-"--o'clock A..Manl 4 v'ehm -the dcKjr of in'i ili'l. ia ' thuj gai 1 Court w is t-t hrd ff -ty, o:f r f r f r cvh ia de-rib"-I real ti i's, I ' in the ordinal P:at of tb C.'j Neicaha Coiififr, N-braj'-u 1'.'' property of I.s:-ti .Va k..!' u r- J. A . I. -- Jnly r:;'j, 13.'2. nZ-SiVH SIIEIIIFF'S SALT. Williamson R- W. Cobb. 1 District Court. rs V maha County, Nioraska Gurdon H. Wilcox. 1 Terr-torv. By rirroe of an ordr of s!! to uio di'ected In the bove entitled c ise. I w ill. on, the 30th d v of August, A. 1). 132, between the hours of 10 o clock, A. u.. ana 4 o clock f. Jl. or g.nj u.iy. at the dor of Den BiDwnvihe,th? p!:-e where the giid Court was last he! 1, for said Nei ihcona ty.olTer'for sale the follow: n described r;:U esrate. and will sell the ?aai3 to tl3 hirSest bi I I .t, for cash in haul, to-wit : Tue undivided half of L t No. four (4:) South East fractional Quarter of ftect:on . B'.-htte'ja n Townsa ... Cva 5, ) north f lime An. sixteen ( la, j eaL !a eniha t-jun: r. .icorasK- territory, conUiamj it bj-ioij a-r.-s. with all the appnrtenmces thereinto be'-nin, Uken as the property of (J. II. V.'ii.t. to 3a;L!y said demand. , J.W.COLEMAN, July 2Jth,l352 n2-5w $U'l SheriT. SHERIFF'S SALT:. Bank of tha Ua.'on, in Tena 1 District Coart, Na- . mah Coua'.y, Na- G.IT. Wilcox. ) braka. By virtue of an order cf sale to ino directed in the above eati tied cas. I will, on SataHiy. the 3d'h day of August, A. D. 13 52. between the hours of 10 o'clock. A . M. nd 4 o'clock P. XI. cf aid daj at the doorof Den'a Hall, in Brownville, tha placo where the Slid cnrt was but held f-r said Nersi! c iintr, oCTer for sale, to the highest biJar, for ca-h in hand, the following decribtKl real ete tvwit: The undivided half of Lt No. four f 4, ) South Fistfrao tioml Quarter of ccti-n No. F.ih teen, in Townshin No. Five. ( 5,) north of Ran? No. Sixten.( IS,) east, in said Nemaha County, Nebra"ka. Territory, con tainiB. 17 E J I CD acres, with all the arrurtnanres thereonto bclonjinj, taken as the property of O. II. Wilcox, tj satiety raid demn 1. J. W. COLEMAN, Fhsrii". July 2.::h,lS.2. n2-5s--J5.31 i.i'cal yoiu Wir.ii-n S. TT ora aol Laoi T. Hum, Coin; ! 1:3 int.', ' I Wily 'II. II..rn.f -cl A.Fra.' lauies Horn, Elij.ihei'i N " Wil'i uj ii, b a.-b.-m I. - ' F. ilrn. the u -i t n i. "" Suaa M.-.i'or;,:.!. d-c-'-J. and tha u",Ofin beirJ ' I Nancy Siu:'h, dceajei, ! sponol-?nts. ) . wi.-y it. n-n.-Tvi A.rr- beth Nixanl Wii i.i a N;x cr tb! unknown hr-i' of S'l- 1 tha unkioirs i..rt t f T. take oo'ics that Wi'!ia:3 r. Of the Ter-i ;..r y of NVjf 1- 1 ' July, A. I). I 1, ;) r , ( Cou't. ia ani f rt' jo oiT" ry of Ntira?ki, k.' :-t v 1 4- named, setting forir, a:n R "'-; ' Mora d'ej in!ct.ue, i -3 ' dt-sorb'jd real esUu. il " ?aid co:a(,hiir..n:j a.-.d r:sj-i '; piMjs thai s.-ti I ra! e-u;. l-r au:irur of .-f"o f.'e". ; Uars'J Elevn, K, i'a-v'- ' e - the mso and that t'-x bctweaiaU o.rsaiJ;oml ub-is-- And the said respondents . they are rejuir.l 10 Tl cn or before tha l-t d-y '! 4 , and on failure to do " 5:nt t'neia tbcrea, in c'"'f!j' ot said petition. it'isoH're-! thatt!i? a,0;;,' the Lrouv:.:a A I. '"-';' ' , if J3:y I3:h IS2. nt-' NOTI1 C OF ATTAf;.'. 1 n.. .-:! ( R-cSa-d" e- ' it 'i.iy 0? Mj?. yii - Z P. Parsons, )n ins 10. u i.i - - orS3J W Ji'T li th. ni-sj V. . f Tha sail j . . .v. mi notice that on u- u conrNia ci!',!3- J ' 3 .v which i to obtain t Noncn. The tin-tTsimfrl. hvlr. been apTv.lnte-l C Tnm!Ioi- em ofifceetteof Jme l'-ei e-- d.-re-e, lota or Jrs county, Xebnk. hav iiiooinrei M.;fi U. ih4is .t of in;st cext, ai the resulsu r F. ird rir-p:). Est. in J..nt courttr, where ail mi?ret! are ntile-t to attend Dd pre.-ent tteir clima a?iinst estate for adjustment. JaiHN W. I.ATTHV ) as ii. LaraaM. (c Bestrice, V. T., Jotv SI, issj. iv;.4 y , fH $J ?S sun of:0).C0,w,;an riven V-yyon, J"" " ; ' . . w jr.-- f.,r said sura, and r.' That an ord-r f '; ;,; ; r a. nil .1'-' toe led by virtuo taere. .1, ; be.n.. ,;T. ' piBW5I.iaaiJB,llJ,!l p'. aid rt!tinon-i.reh f j,'.; ;iins8 J'J. .jjjt1!:-' and. the rn.-ee-jsar-':. A- . wit i jnr--t a. to '