JULY is, ises..' TrnV. &. CO. Jill rcrv, 4 t -c-ii TXT VS-ncr gnrf. Mveriiser. iwfl&. ADDOTT, TrCCESSOES TOBOELT, oltcs ana Fcrefen Newspaper rcrtising Agency, BROADWA?. NEW YORK. h damage has been done to young rees ly &e Locust. . 5 j The Missouri is now falling Crate of about one foot daily. For weets it was bank-full. " " . ' p2DTer Republican announces the ' i of P- J- Martin, with one of the i siocks of gpods ever brought to' . add.-. . ,. m s othe advertisement of Letf, Strict , ja another'column in to-day ! Ttey bare recently received a i stock of new goods. - K c 1 iUCIous. The're will be "preaching Satbath at Nemaha City, at half-past i. ., by Her. if. H. Dobbins ; also pintail at eight in the evening." " . j I5. Although the spring was back- this year, yet the seasonable show? ;ehive had have more than com bed for the loss of lime. The late 'weather makes it difficult to harvest 'j wheat without jnjury to the crop. uyci Robert lorrison has tnade rjement to leave, tbef American e.tnd again open hotel in the Brow House. Our citizens and the rav- .... . i m r rulhc have much felt the need oi ;.ou;e being kept open ; and Bob is Chapm will take the American, and ;pare no pains to make it agreeable .h travelers and boarders. . ' Hve received a copy cf Farson ' . C; . r .' . Vt'c 1 ive ib-i t';.. . '.v J :r..;.- iir 1, lut .t -3 a r.irratfon-cf r.jcre atirocities was ever before published in one ne. Written in Brownlow's peculiar forcible style, it cannot fail to posses in; interest, and bare a circulation i . iiTT T ' ii net greater, iuaq cuic ivwo o - - - . The Horticulturist for July is received. Those' engaged in the culture cf Grapes or Fruit Trees -cannot afford 'to-lb e without thismarazirie. The' Continental' Monthly for July'ii the best number that has been.pub'ished of this volume. Though it does not make as great'display of contributors as some other magazines, it is the most ably edited of any in America. .... . " Thasks. We have received from Hon. S. G. Daily, several' volumes of Public Documents. There are also at this cfUco everal copies of Patent OfSce Report for 1S60, sent by Mr. Daily to the Ne-. rnaha County Agricultural Society. . . A Market tor .Cobs. In another column will be. found an advertisement for 20,000 busbels of corn, to be deliv ered at Ft. Lramie. Paroposals will be received by L. C. Eastern, at Ft. Leaven Worth, until July. 2oth. Not much time to spare. . The annual communication of the Grand Lodge of the Independent Order of Odd Fellows, was held at Nebraska City cn Tuesday and Wednesday, July 8ih and 9th; The-'follqwing Is a list of the Grand Officers, elected for the ensuing year:' J. J.TIochstetler. G". M., Nebraska Citj. DavjJ Siegel.D. O M.BrowcviUeV . Asa Hunt, G. Omslha. ' . ' W.L. Doj4itone,G. S., Nebr&ika Citj. . J. Jft Stephenson, O. T., Nabrask City, W. L. Lojistsn, G". ReprescntaUTB to'G.'L. D. S. Dr. IV. S. Latt, G. M., Bock BlaXs. . A.J. Simpion, G. C, Oioaba. . " Jonas Ilacker, G. G., I3rowcriII. - Rer. A. Towner, G. Chaplain, Rock B!uff: ' ". . D.'D. a'. U's. 'z ' ' Asa Hunt, for Douglaa and Sarpy counties.- ' Dr. W. S. Latta, for Cass county. F. Teraplin, for Otoe and Johnson counties. Jonas Ilackor, for s'emaha and Richardson.- .Tbc Fonrlb of Julj. The Fourth was perhaps more gene-, rally celebrated in every city, 1own aud village in the loyal States, at least,- than at anytime since the signing of the Dec laration of Independence. In this cpunty Orations were delivered at Brownville, by Dr.. McPhersoh; at Nemaha City, -by Rev.- White, and at Glen Rock, by Hon. W". H. '. Taylor--at each place Jo large audiences. ; Dr. Mc pherson's Adires w? :i,th5 b?t .Fcirth ci July Cv.il:n; I.. : i . : a;ure It c:.M i.. :icra5T8. Quite a.number of emi- a.it ten days, and it is said there .are r ruore ccming. This is no doubt the :of the passage of the Homestead The New-Comers are -now stay :.t the houses of' J. Q, A. SmithfT. !-aughlin, D. L. McLaughlin, Mr. "Jy, A. Schoenheit, C.,Stout and Mr. ria. Ehould Nebraska be called on : aother Regiment of soldiers, Brown- 1 r ! 1 I . T1 . . 1 I r aione can lurnisa a wnoie .uaiiauion anf-ry.. "" ic SiiiiLr. We are. under pbliga- stoWm. C. !Munger,, cf Louisville, .. fnr "Fur Siriilo of n" lltpr "tv-rillpn George Washington to the Grand oof ree. Masons of Pennsylvania, s aa excellent memento of. laat great good man well sujted to the times.- Mucger will furnish copies at so low "ice, that all who cheris-h the memory e "Father cf his County," and love to : ca the writings of that venerable . can procure one. For four red 'b- ttamps he will send a copy, post to any address. 'iils. Under the new mail contracts -las been much irregularity in the "1 cf the mails. For a few days we 1 daily mail running very regularly -s side cf the river from Omaha to cserh. and we then received later I f. 'Ml' t A m A l. . M 1 j l. St. Louis papeis; but for the past ivie bare received but one mail od 5,e the rirer. The daily mail from "fort io this place now arrives m the -:ng instead cf morning. This is i & . ill e- ..vuia L'ciier xor tue man er, the public, and everybody con if it left Rockport in the morning vl me evening. We would' then ITe our Lastern matter almost a day ler. metric Raileoad Mics the Rails. Uffiaha, cn her last trip, left at Ne k City a hugh Stsara- Waggoa, in to run on the plains between the xxiver ana the Uoid Mines. It Manufactured "at New York-, and is ed ty a gentleman named Brown. s,y will carry thirty tons of freight, the trip to Denver and back in ys- The u-herls nrp :irtr5pn foot and verv broad, and will mn nr 0 F ' " - V ' V- , - 4r.a wunout and dihiculty. It ' l'So run up a much steeper grade 1 &at of any railroad. When the ;ded at Nebraska City, the wagon 'j lie oal and up the tteep wharf at ,jUno wth a speed, we are told, ; t1 ihat of a hereeia'a moderate J . At an be turned as readily, it is ,;.tea? cf fcur yoke of cxen.- r it wjll be cf anv piaaical utility vrcre iievcr present at so large githtr ing of people in Nebraska". The entire Order .of Exercises of the' Celebration went cfj agreeably ; the table at the Pic-: nic was bountifully' supplied. . After the people had partaken of the refreshments, the following volunteer toasts were r.ead: TAe Fourth of July May the return cf this day be celebrated by' a. loyal, peo ple, from the confines of Maine to the Gulf of Mexico, and from the Atlantic'to the Pacific Ocean. J. II. Macs-. " Our Generals May they exercise pru dence and -wisdom" in - their movements, and hare the confidence of our courageous and patriotic soldiery ; and may they win the' laurels of viciory in' every engage ment with the enemies of our free insti tutions. "," It. M; Atkinson. ' The President of the United States May he, by Lis wiscom, patriotism and prudence", rescue -our country from its im pending peri!.. C. DoasjiY. The Old Flag The emblem of, our Nationality May it waive in triumph over every State in the Union;. and-may it.be revered, ty 'the citizens of those States now in Rebellion against the Gov ernment, as in the days of the Revolu tion. " ' H. M; Atkinso'-v. Our Gutsts -We welcome with open hands to hospitable -tables. . J. L. CotriAPP. General 'Frank Sigel and thf Gtrman soldiers of ourarviy. WT. Hackke v. Tht Jlrmy and jYavy of the U'iited States In' its deeds to-day it noblj' re peats its past history. - , "C. Dossev. ..TMe Present Administration May it receive the hearty co-operation and sup port of every loyal citizen, in its 'efforts to -suppress the" present rebellion and sustain the Constitution and the Union, and restore, peace to our distracted coun try. II.. M. Atkijtsok. ' . The Homestead Laic An honor t3 the noble heart that conceived it a boh to those who will enjoy ittbe mo'si glori ous triumph' of our republican institution.. J. L. COLIIAI'P.' The Spirit o'76 Less abolitrcn and no secession. . J. G. Melvim. .- Ale Lincoln Like all true patriots, is content to tale the 'approbation a ad re ward cf his own acts. ' A. SciIOE-THEIT. The Orator of the Day May tht noble and patriotic sentiments so eloquently ex pressed by. him, fiod'a responsive echo in hearts of 'all present. : T. W. BEDronn. 1 Our Legislative Expenses--A glorious diversion tor the people. ' J. L. CoLiiArp'. . For Our Glorious Union May . our minds be cf a single thought, and all hearts beat as one. J. G. Melvin. Our Ladies May they always be as sweet as ice cream, and never melt, with tears at the sight cf a cannon', ,. H. II. Marsh. The Constitution as it is May jt re main the Beacon of American Lib2ri The Pacific Railroad May it prove a pacific measure by uniting indissolubly with a land of iron the manufacturing East with the Agricultural-and Gold El dorados of the . West: . . . J. L. CCLIIAFP. , Fourth of July-The day we cehbrate r May it be hallowed with the pure pub lic spirit, patriotism . and virtue of our I athtrs. A, Scnci.f iitit. Xibraslca The Great. Centra Con necting the Atlantic and Pacifx-rMay her future prosperity and greataiss be equal to her position aiid prospects. ' L. IIOADLY. - Abe Lincoln The noblest work of God an honest man. J. L. Carson. We find the .following important- and very interesting. pieca- cf intelligen:e id. some of our exchanges: ... ; I Wre learn from' the ' CIVyehnd Herald, that on Friday an -important conference: w;is held in ihat city. at which.Gav. Tod, cf Ohio ;' Gov;. Solomon, cf Wis':cns:ri; Gov. Morton, cf Indiana ; Gov.. Blair,-of Michigan.; Gen: Buckingham cf . Wash ington; Col. Stager, Superintendent of Military' Telegraphs, and CoL : Temple, of Kentucky ; Gov. Curtis, cf Pennsyl rania ; Gov. aiorgan, of New York, and VV. H. Seward; Secretary cf State, v.efe axpected. but did'cot arrive. -The object cf the conference' is not'p'ublickly known.. Disloyal Sliced. ; John V-. Kees,' editor of the' Circle-ville,- Ohio, Watchman; an obscure but disloyal sheet, has been arrested and his paper suppressed..- This, is quite! right; but the policy should be extended toother ofgans. of disloyalty in Ohio .and else where The Crisis, published at' Colum bus by Sam.- Medary, has a' large sale here, among readers of the rebel persua sion. It threatens resistence to the. tax law, and rails at the government as ve hemently as the papers "of Richmond. The Cincinnati Enquirer, .and. Chicago Times circulate largely here among the rebels, who find comfort and encourage ment in' the columns, of these delectable sheets. There 13 a newspaper published at Carlinville, -Illinois,-the Spectator, is obsciire but venomous in its disloyalty. The military authorities will do' well. to pay I some attention' to these organs .of treason. Defense of the Administration. Wa take the following extract, from Wilkes' Spirit-of the Times: " "Shocked and dejected at the uhforseen result; the loyal public have anxiously en deavored.to ascertain 'the cause; while, taking ndvantage of the general pertur bation, every traitor : in our midst has sought to . locate the blame against the Government. Iris also a feature of this vicious, clamor, nay, it is its leading fea-. ture, that' all these; denunciations of. the Government, are invariably accompanied by" the most fulsome eulogies' of Gen. McClellan,and a schism is thus attempted to be set on" foot, the object of which is either to open a Presidential camprign in his favor, or to distract the public mind oh the subject of the prosecution of the war. vThis game has beeri going on how for a considerable time,-and it appears to us a little' singular, that Gen. McCIellah suffers it to proceed, without a word cir culated to rebuke, the treason, and sustain ther A J mir..3trati sn ttz:. such 5rJ'.ir!.v;3 Hi ctr.r.:t fail io s;; ti.-t 1; i.3 C, an-. teu-td. wrings are the..:redoubts which these sntBaking traitors level their shafts against the bosom of the country. A warfare of this sort, being made ap parently in his interest, should receive a share of. his attention; and if he be. not able to drive Back the armed" insurgents,' he can' at least rebuke, their slanderous allies who are co-operating with them, in the midst of our society.- . -'; ?'In i looking . back upon the, battles of the -week, and reviewing the fruitless valor of.' our soldiers' in. connection with the sad result, it is not difficult- to arrive at the conclusion that the whole campaign of the Peninsula has been a -blunder, The true road to Richmond was due south from Washington, by which course an army of .250,000 -men, covering the cap ital as it advanced, might many a lime during the last nine months have been driven in one compact mass upon the then debilitated Rebel stronghold." . McCIcIIan's New Position What the Rebels Say. -WAsniiTGTONi' July 11. The '-'Rich' mond Examiner of the 7th received here discoursing on Gem McClellan's. position says: . - We , believe all that waSloiv.Tr in the city yesterday outside oe several cir cles wa3 that the. enefuy had taken -a strong ' position with one of, his flanks resting on the river about Berkley, com pletely under cover of hi3 gunboats and his extreme ri?ht reaching to Herring Creek, where his position is defended by. an alnidst impassable morass. ' - It was supposed the enemy would have been attacked yesterday, but there had been no. fighting up to the last accounts. It is not tp be. supposed the enemy has selected these positions as the scene of his last, great stand without good reason?; The first and rnosi apparent of them is that Westover -Landing is perhaps the very best ground on the'Jathes river, the stream for iniles up and down being broad and deep,, affords an excellent sea room" and anchorage for his gunboats and trans ports, but this is by no means the onlj advantage of the position.'- - . t On the west of Berkley there are im" passable ravines running, from near Charles City road to the James river, making, a successful , attack ' from that quarter next to impossible. Within a quarter of a" mile from where these ra vines begin Herring .creek crosses thS Charles City road. The whole course cf this creek is one impassable morass, while along the northern andE eastern banks extend the heights' of Evlington. - The' enemy's ' position1 presents' out pregriahle point, h6 piece of level country north-west of Westover from a quarter to half a mile in width lying between th head of the ravines and the point where Herring creek crosses the Charles City road. Already this entrance to' his stronghold is" within range of his gun boats and' his seige guns planted on the Evlington hills ; " i . f.(Y"f . ' v Whilst'oar ammunition and stores must be wagoned a distance cf nearly thirty miles, his steamers and transports are running up to the very door of his tent Ten days ago when McCleJlan.beleagured Richmond, witia the exception of. about five miles' of the Chickahominy low gro'jnd, he occupied the :mosl unhealthy region of the coast of Virginia, with the Seven Pines as their Headquarters. The very pick anQ flower of the North ern army was concentrated, and here for weeks their vigor and numbers "melted away under the influence of miasina, lad water and a Southern sun, but by his hasty trp through iWhite - Oak Swamp, McClclIaa has emerged, with,' thianed ranks into more renial land. . r1" r SPECIAL NOTICES. To CcssuJEptlyqa. ., :.' .,, TH3 ADTESTISSI5.; DA-VKii EEX.' EESTOEED to teaJUi la a fewreciity a Tery sipl remedy, r ter fcavliis iurered ierefl yean with . severe long affection, aad that dread Iisease, CoDJUzaptibn is anx ious to a.aXs Xaovm U bli Xeliow-iuererj tte tieans of core. . - " ., . . . To all -who desire it, be -riil aebd a copy of tht pre ictlptloa nsH (free of charge)' tUx Its direciloci tir preparing aa nsiiig the aame, wtich. they wilt o4 a Scbx Cuaj: for Coxsvxrriov, Aithm ,BojrcatT is, &r. TLe only ctject of tte adverUaer la acadiss tte' Prescription is to be&eflt the aCicted, apd Byreii Infor mation frhich he cotceives t be inTalnable, -and be hopes every aufiTerer Fill try his remedy, as it will tost them nothing and may pfote a-hle'sslns. . Parties wishing the prescriptian will pi ease address Rt. EDWARD A. WILSON, WiUlamsbarg, ;. n46'-lai. Hin&i County, 2f ew-Tork. Movr b. 'Such ia the coarse pursued ty Curtis alhahfe medicines. They never cease doing good- b't pre5& forward, relieving the sic!c and crippled from pain and disease. - The wonderful cures that are performed by Cartas' Syrnp cf Sassafras are really marveloni. Coughs, colds, hoarseness, measles,- even Consumption begins to tremble when it comes in contact with it, and scon the deathly grasp Is loosened. Cnrtla' Mamelnie Liniment is famiUar to every family in the country for the many teneflts they baye received from its use. .It is well for .every family to-be provided ; they cannot tell what hoar they may require its use. These medicines stand high, anil are. used by many respectable 'physician of extensive practice. See advertisement in anothe column. Scorbutic diseases are the. parent stock from which arts a. -large proportion of the fatal maladies that af flict mankind. They are" as it were, a species of potato rot in the human constitution, which undermines and corrupt all the sources of its vitaUty and hastens Its decay. They are the germ from which spring, -Con-, sumptron, RbeaomaUsm, Heart Disease, Liver Com plaints, and Eruptive Diseases which will be recog nlzed as among those. most fatal and destrnctive to the races of me"i. So dreadful are its .conseqoences to hn man life, that it is hardly possible tover esUmatethe importance .of' an actual, reliable, remedy, that can sweep out this Scrofulous contamination. We know, then we shall proclaim welcome news tooar resders.of one from Such a quarter as wlllleave little doubt of its efficacy iiai still more- welcome, when we tejl them that it 'really does accomplish the end desired. We A TEH'S Sars apasilla, and It Is certain-ly worthy the attention of those who are afflicted with. Scrofula or Scrofulous complaints. Regitter, Albany, N. , : 1AST OF LCTTERS rieuislnlcglnthe Pcfst Office at BrowuvHlcvNebraJ-kaTer-ritory, lane 31st, ISW. Ashback FH, .. ' Macklney E . . ,V Bryant CO " ' ' Nixon an: " - : Burner. K " Ogan Thomas W " Borden D S 3 Stout W T Boyer & Brother Messrs ' Salhr.fTB L Heart Mr nolmes kO ' . . Itayhcs Mrs Josaphine HJge Mrs Ellen Higgerson Aibort , Hale Mary E . Irvin Sarah E Ingram Charles Jacobs Cafer A f Johns Miss Donus -Johnson Ji'.on Jones Ashee ' ' ' ' ' " Jaml?en Thomas B ' ' " Shadley John . , . .Samner Eobert . Smirh C B 3 -: . ' SUaDnouG D ', ' Tibbitts L . L'res itenry Vanghert Presley - Watham Wtu T WbiteJooO- . Wingram Charles Wilman Mrs Margaret S Zalinger Nathan ' j ' ' ;Zibel Christien Frederick Jobnsun Wm D rersons calling for the above letters will please say they are advertKed. -. -. If not taken out within two months, will be sent to tv p,, t,Ttr f5!ce. . " H. It-MARSH, - - Iv.L, 1...:. ' Df pu:y rt ila-.u-r. r?:vrr T?TT T vi r"trTr 1062. 10 G2. WHO SELLS THE 'CHEAPEST 77 -GOOU3 i:; -BROWIiVILLL? DEN V r : ' SELLS THE CHEAPEST GOODS Oir -r " - . " pof' - tjS j-j- ' : 12? MARKET." : v . TH20D0RD HILJi, is receiving, a&d win continue to receive dar ng the summer one of -.'.. t ..- ' : '.'-. THE AITS BEST STOCKS or. IlitLlfflffli, r a o m That has ever teen exhibited ia the Western Conn, try, embracing all the litest styles and novelties or the times. Ills stock embrstes j , Dry Goods,. ... ' ' - " ' ' , ' . ' ' " . . . U Groceries, ' " IlardTrare Catlerr Qaoeastrarc ' . . IlaUa&dCapa, Shakers, . v Boots and Shoes ".' Doors and Sash, Glass aadPuttVi ; Fine Farnltare, - .STilEET, BROWNVILLE, N . T. "We. are now receiving and openng a complete uort inert of Merchandise, Consisting :OF::IIl;; GOODS! , .Prints, Muslins,' . ' ' ' ' Drills, Osnabufgi . . Denims, Ccttdrades, ' - Apron Check, Hickory, - Jeains, Berages Linefi, Dress Goods, . . . . . .' All Wool relaines,' .. ' ', , - ': ' ' Fancy and Plain Silk; ' v ; . : Lawnes, Saten Vestings; Broad Clo'hs, . Cassirhere, . ' ;-.' - ,-: . - Hooped 'Skirts; - ' . .. . - &c.,'&.,&c; -OJP' GROCERIES s. . Coffee, Tea, ': . . . "' ' Soap, Molasses, ' "-. ; Cancires; B. C. Soda, ' Saleratus, Vinegar White and Brown Sugar, . Sack, Barrel and Dairy Salt,; 1 ' Chewing and Smoking Tobacco -OF II ARB WARE:'-- Axes, Hatches, Butts,' Screws, 1 " ' Locks, Latchetp; . ' ' " ' Nails, Tacks; Penknives, ' -' '- j - t r;-Knivea and Fprks. -.- --r. - t ' Hand -Saw and Mill-Files,- . ' . '&c'."; &c.V&cM &,cM &c. &c. " OF'-QIIEES WARE: Cups and. Saucers, , . . . Plates and Platters, '. . ', . Dishes and Tumblers. . Coal Oill Lamps', ; ' . . JLamp Ch'imneys, ' Wicks, &.C., &c. OF BOOTS & sii6'ES: Women's Shoes. "' ; '. Kip, Calf, Buff and Kid, Gaiters, Calf. Shoes, , i ' Oxford Ties, Misses Shoes', Slippers, illen's Calf,' ' . Men 's llrbgans, 'Copper Tee, . , ' . Kip and Course Boots, -Sec.', Sec; ' OF II ATS& CAPS': Panama,, 1.. Lechorn, Planter's, v.-.--.t Strawy Wqoi, Cassiniere, . ' ' . .' Plantation f. . -' . - i . . Shaker Hoods, t j .'J Sec, Sec, Sec. t ? "oj:'FOTminjBrtlteasilsi Cradles, Rakes, . ,'. ' ; ; Forks. Piows,: ; 1 V , '"'r r '- " 'Shovela. Spades, ' - '.'-':'. r Hoes, Sec., Se. Sec! Sec -.-OF 'trlliflBERi Clear and 2nd rate. ; , w , .' Pine Flooring, SrdVgT" ',' ' . Beards 1, 1 1-2 and . -l ; 2 ; Inches Thick,- - , ' : ' ; -'; . ' . Saih, Doors and JSIinds. Pine Lath;' - - '.'' j '.'.'.; ' ' .All Sizes' Sasr,' " -. All Sizes Doors; r' , - , . AUSizes BlindV - '' -..,.;.. ', . - ' We'caltfhe attention of the prtlic to oyv stock, as our CASH enable ns to pell low. . . Tbautiul for pit i-atronjse, "ve soKtri a conUaaanie r.f1 finiA ' : LETT, STRICKLE'R"& CO. J Eforc;:e(nlyM, 1K2- ' tS2-tf. ' 1 V; ? Among his Dry Goods will he found Frints, .Glnjharas, Lawns, Barege, Brown and Bleached Musliasj Demees, Striped Sheeting Cot tonadej, Ilosierr, Gfovej, -The Latest Styles Hoop . Skirts, Notions, , &c., ' dtc. He has niTtclx ths Lnrgesi Stock of QUEEITSWAHIJ in tht? tJppcr Countiy; -. " ' ". THEOi HILL,- Agent for thfl Hannibal & St- Joseplx Bail Eaod Packet Line of titeaiaboats; I.atajr Si 1662. ad-it. . :. , . " MccbnLncirs;.' Eeap er arid Hower '. ' MANUrAOTtTBJSp- IT ' . This celebrated machine is y all Mdntbe- BEST GRAIN ASH CRASS CUTTER IN THE WORLD. NitwittKUiidiDg the misrepresentations of those Inter ested In other machines, C. H. McCorniick fc Bro. min u.'actnje at tlie rate of 8,000 per year, Many chaiuos have leeo affected during the past season, and for 13G2 the "MtCuruiick" i presented wltb greater attractions than ever before. As a reaper, Tiic xcoxdaxf . of patter in this MAcnrxir, ITS. : Strength, DurabiH clnci gie It preference over afl others Ke- lcproTements added, have materUDy Ifssoned the direct tfranpht, and sochvliUed the tidt dract;ht that many asmire na that it doe not now xit. The drnsht of the Resper is so light that in onmeroas iubtaiices the large four fiorss aaadiine is worked with" hut two sorts. r6n 2ioti:iG, . The Machine of 1S63 will utaod any test list may he applied. Our Guard abd Patent Cleaner erfsciuilly rreeut cboUIts?,' no mAtter what tte condition of the grase, wiiiaour ct dinner point ?parates baldry loecf tti tacjlii clover or grass; wtere other E'a chir.es fail. . - There is aSeo a srreat advantage In onr serrated sickle fede ever the aiiotli, as tt does not reqclre khairening ao oftea, thna eaving tinie. Oar fiikie will fre-ineatly rta tSTorr-ii an" Cntrre harrest wfthout once griajing, while tfci smoyth e'lie- mc?t te cronnd one? eca day, Tf not oftner. -With a mh edge the 1ran!:t increises as the knife becmes dnil. Our draught is onifcrm, and in the repeated trials dariss theeason of 1233 61, proved far lii,tAer tlSan single Mowers ccttrag at 'the same time f rota twelve to ??hteers laches wiaoi ,. . Oar Mower can. he uf ed wt jh or wijtiout the mi this is Important, ai without the reel is weighs hut aSout 70 poucds. . . la addition to the very liberal warrantee eItcj tt zvl pnrchasers, ws would tay'si hereto?cre,,that farmers who may desire it.'are at liberty, to work our macbiue through the harvest, i;h aay osier, and kaep and paj fur the one prf ferrei. Paiaphtets with mil description of improvementd', t'stimouials, hx., can be had by appUcwUou to . . HEO. Hllri, Agenfy JlaV 15,1531. niVtf . . - . '.' ' " . WHERE IS IT Til AT YOU FUR- CHASE THQSE FACY r ' -rillKTb - ' " AT DENS - 1VHERE DO YOU BUY YOUR ; .-.CHEAP MUSLINS? AT DEN'S. SLLS THE CHEAPEST BOOTS . AND SHOES IN THE WEST. ALSO THE FINEST HATS AND CAPS' . : DEN . KtEPS ON HAND. ' D E N rS ; IS THE PLACE TO TRADEIIE TAKES YOUR PRODUCE, AND PAYS THE HIGHEST PRICE FOR HIDES, , f ...'FELTS. AND, ..V i '. FURS.. - - - DON'T FORGET THAT . . D E N ' Sella the BEST and CnUArS' Iii Q FO B S a In fact DEXT cslla Erci7tiiing that 13 UC21UI,Uil2apEna UOOSl.' . Te-n43-ly. FRUIT A?iD O.RNA51EXTAL' -TREES. ' VAr?t Tr years old, $3 rer fcca-Vd t -'3 p?r ; 'i.-.j., : ; .t Trifi, 2 to 1 ju.- o. i, i-Jjit buuili-f:, ;;'? t .iusf t'i. v.! an i jc.r ;. l.if.ux Ur?;-e Vines, f 15 rcrt-ilrsl JKJ p tl: jr 5r..t. Ill ( ; 3 f:a ivjird yp ar C-:a;:s, f5 psr tua.'rel. per tiiousiad. " These Pear Grafts, net being bulky, can be transport ed cheaply, sad by growing two years, will make good sized trees to plaut in an orchard. Iny one can treble their money by growing them to sell. Send for Whole sale and Descriptive Catalogues. . , ., . B. ifOOET at SOX. lEI-3ic ' - Niagara Kurssne, Lo.kpott, 2, T. DISPErsiA AND FITS. A sure Cure for these dUtrejlng couiptalnts is now made known la a "Tbeatisz ONFoarios audNa tite Ucrdal Pri p ah aTi OS3." puhilnhei by DIl, O. PHELPS BBOWI. The presenptloo, fur oishQl by a young clalrvoyaht. girl, whi:e ia a state of trauce, has cured everybody who has taken it, sever having failed ia a single cage. It la equally sure la cases of Fits as of Dyspemsla ; and the iagredlents may be f onnd In aoy drug store. Those who are afflicted wUh Consumption, Bronchitis or Asthma, may also be cured by the use of my Herbal Preparations.' I will send this valuable prescription free to any person on receipt of their name; Addrcsss, DR. O. PHLP3 HSOWK, Xo. 19 Grand street, Jersey City, tf. J. h47-6m SUGAR CANE MILLS EVAPORATORS Having beet appointed spent fot the Eastle Works Sugar Cane Mili and Xvaperators, Chicago, 111., 1 am prepared to fill orders at the manufactur er's prices. Prices of stills, from $10 to $300. Xvaporators from $20 io $35. Address It. W, FURNAS, March it, 1$C2. nM-tf. . ErownTilis'i Jeb. For Said at Bargains. Two No. i Shuttle Enrplre Sewing Machines" . One Franklin Family Sewing ilacbine. Two Horace Waters' $75 Jielodion. Two Freeh's Conical Washing Machines. . One Xo. I P. W. Gates tt Ce.'s ugar Cane Kills Bvaporaters. . Apply at the ASvertUet and Farmer OfSce, Browi Hie. Nebraska. - - March 13th. 136S, n36-trj 3I3IE. DmiOnEST'S MIRROR OF FASHION. The largest, best and most reliable Fahion Magazine la the world. Contratns the largest and flaest Fablon Plates, the greatest number of fine engravings, the latest and most reliable information, three faW-slxed Patterns for Dresses, and a sheet of new Braid-work audKra broliiering Tattsmv Every Mother, Dreemaker, Mil liner and Lady fhould have it. Published Quarterly, at 473 Broadway, New Tork, sold everywhere or sent by mail at 25 cents. Yearly $1, with a valuable prepium. The Summer number now ready. ' 25,000 Chorry Currant.! . First Site " . - - 50 00 per JOOO ' Second Si2e . - - 30 OJ da. 15,000 Concord Grapevines, Lnver I'inp; No. 1, Layers, - - $25 00 per 10 No. 2, Layers, - ' - l8 00 porlOO' No. 3, Layers, - f2 CO per 100 One year oid. from cuttlccs, 8 CO per 100 Diana Grapevines, pot raited', - It O per 100 t the Great Austin Strswbery, - iCO 00 jer l.CCO . . - GEOUGB 8ZTM0CR & CO., . i37-tf . South Norwlk, Conn'. Currants ! Ouh:ants ! Ihalelert with. E. W, puraas, Erownrllie, a few Eed and PiUch Currc far sala at $' pr d'in wh. March U6, 1SS2. n33-if S. O. TH03IP30N. ; , just nrcnvLD . - . - .4' V . ' ! H f f n J Zj A JL t... i L..: : ; i t i t ..; i. f JOHN A. FOllit h tow' r:oivIr; acl csJj cui fell Sr1..- Stivk of G j-.dj, cvr it j t Dry Gcoi;, Groceries. Hats and Ca?3, Locls aai Sbcci, - ; . Ircn aai Nails. Fhur and Fsccri, Queensware, Hardware. Furniiure, Sash and Doors, Vir.dow Glass, TTllcb I will sell c-ap t.i n n ' ax J V ' Call ai exainiao ILck tcT.re f-rcla.-ir elsowhere. Brownville, ipril ri, 1352, al2-d BROWNVILLE '.SSlt- -,J t -? s- Yiidnii, cole;,!A!3, cd., . Announce to the traveling public that ttf'.r splecili and comraudiods Steam Ferry ruanlL acrus !.-a .' Brownville, S;7i NcbrssAi. Is one of Use best la every TCpecton the Vrper Min sourl river. The Boat makes rsguiax trips every hoar sothat no time will be listla wiiiu. .The banis oa both sides of the river are low end wei; graded which rec-Jers unloading u.-insv;ecsary as lithe esse at most other ferries. No fears need be entertiintxi at to il.n rultlet st or crsr this crosslnj, ss everytoly la this refon, on both sUes cf the rlvr, is for the Union the stronit kind. Our charies too an li-sm these tari t.a:si6r lo st than at anyoUier cronsiug. . Travelers frum Ksnsas to low and to tia east wllj ni this the neireu snd best route In every respect. THORN, COLEMAN CO. firownvllle, Nebriski, Sept. Hit, li 31.' Fl E 5 II T P. TV :v T . ! - ir - i f i i ' JOHIi G; DUESLIl, ukis street; fcRUvrsTiLLE, .t., Takes p'leasure ia announcing thithe has now rn hri; a large and select stock of every article in his lla, GOOE STOVES, Of all the Improved patterns, v!s: Flymonta Rxk, . Charter Dak, Valley Forge. Elevated Orca, 4.C., ItC, iiEATnia stovhI r - - j . Box and Parlor Stoves of an endless variety, oie oi which are entirely new detitrna, tit ; Cocnline-1 Coot and Parlor Stovtt, somtbng . very ske for staall fasJliea. . . HEAVY SHEET IRON, for Sugar Xoileri, and LARGE CAST IRO.T nETTii: Ij from 8 toti gallons, Coal and Lard Oil Larps i Bras, Copper, aid sheet iron wrej Lanterns, hove'.s and Japannei Ware, StLf-siAUiiu FP.'Jif cA!:5i i have p'rocored the rUhi to trj'anufactare i late "tri ple and (tnprorod self-sealing Fruit Can, towhi:h lcaif the attention, of. the pubWc. 1 v'eis niyseif in t:l thess Cans at as. f sir rates and on as acr-omtaiyUUng terms as ac'y other Utllilnent la tLls rcsifU of the country. . . ... .. I am pr;parea to put tsp cutter. ag snd spoutinit, ant allolher work of my lino st tte thurtent notice, and ia a workmanlike manner, whlUt J wsrrsut to give saUs faction. . . . h I pledge myielf not to be endersold la the nrpr country... My22, 16!2, n3'-tf. liiiAiLiYiM u v "TT ttltAV FLOUR For the Armr nnd tiilztzi OF THE CONFESSIONS' ASP EXPEItl- ENCE OF A SUFFEUElt. . F'nWisbed as a warrJns, ud for ik.9 efpcial bene fit of Yonrgiien and those.who euS"ar with Nervous Dobi'.itj, LosA of ilein'ory, Prem'atare Dec.ij.ieilc by or.e oftSofe who his cared hissself by glrople means, aft 3r being rut to great expanse and Incoa renitnee, tiirauh tlio nse of trorthlesj tiadicines prescribed ty learned Doctor. Slnp1ecpe Bay be bsd of the antbf.r, C. A. LAMEERT.L'sa-, Grsenpoint, Lon: I!Dd.by enolos- in a r.?t-paid nddreed eave'.ope. AHircfs CHARLES A. LATEST, Esq., Gr'eedjoiat, Lcej liland, N. Y.' vSiay 22, lc22. .nio-2ar. - - . .Tn:3 EclsTrmo Grnpo Vines PHOPAQATED FROM THE OXUaUfAl t . . . bTOCIC. Strong, WtlUrooted One Year. OH rinr grown in open air. cocu vj eactr i to 10 per (Los. Extra tear oid vines, and Yj. 1. extra l.zrai. tatters, viih bearing vood, $1.60 &2 GO. to $ii & 13 per dozen. AItiO arie vines cf Alien's new white U jtrid, Anna! Cievjilnt, Coo"rd, Coj-ahosi. Clara, Ciinion, C ry, Catawte, IUna, Herbcmont, HarTford, Prt-iiv Is Isatell.i, Logan, l& Kuir, Lytli a. Louisa, Lmaa, Nor ton's Virginia, Ontario, Oporto Eeberci P.fureri's new Hybri'ls, Tiyior's Buliitt, Ti-alon, Cmou Village, and many other kinis, at low prices. flafly Sugar Cano Seed. Sod of the Early Ionphre, pat np in hslt pouni pack sses anl nt by mail (:.jsi-piifl ) fr 35 eta. tt;ia va riety is 20 days earlier than the Sor?n:un. .Addrs, II. A. TSItaT, Credent City. Icwa. ?farch I3'.h, l'a52. - fu35-2ni Ayors Catliartic Piito. , 1st Quilty cf Floor t:.SO. ZnidnYS.f $1.75. O J i for ecsUini grtsd1 ins.'ene-'sfxth per Ssshel . ALSO Floor excir;?9 for Wheat, both at the 31111 and at my store In BrowuvtUe. Flour, Ma! , Charts and Bran fnrstle at the Jf'.M tx.t at fViA iSrrHn! t.r In lrAvnvitl ,'aanary SI, 1352. MLLV1N U COAT 5,000 Acres of Choice Lji U, sitna'ed r;r tbsMt souri Eiver. in Kichardn sni tenuis cua-.tie, Ne braska;. alo, one two r,ory ?jiinc?, m iar?e Su.re Uousc, with Warehouse jed 20 U.t,. the town of Brownvilia, n very iw e.'VT--. arid part'y on ti afl. if. ii. A Tell ' 30.N . Brownville, June 13:h. niO-Cw A CARD TO YOENfi- EAXJ1ES' A5I GEN TLE 'JAN. TLe fubscrilr wlli send (free cf :L J"e), i all whod?sir i the Heipe Ik1 direction j fur is.tkic simple Ve'jrtalU Lal.n. that will, in frooi two to eight dajs, remove Pimflts, ULCTCnT3,Tax, Vzzzx Lia, SLLOyzza, an.l all iraruritiej ?A ro.-? :"?'t of the S'iia, lvic the sama aj Nsiuw iz' -i: I it shcn-1 be , ciic.r, mer si'ikn desiriaff the F.ecipe, wir'i f i :1 -v ics.s, d .".' I ,ds and advice, irul j.iae call on or tvi Ire.-j (w; r tara Tv'fa?",) Tfiaa. r.cnAP'iAr.rtin' ch:-i. .Ltij J5 j.. nlj--ai. Ayef s Savzctr