miry Vmym - U Y 1: ti.WVsftfcx 'Vv w mUta. , vw ; g;r1 Srv fWKi !' CivU tvrs say O-.M durhu th, f, : 4 , , j Vt . ' r-XUrW itf W' rm ' Iwk ctM l tax b? itf?0? s?n.- waf;. .QeimUcJm C," Fwiswaw iwfr An- warn Rich, j ... t r-? : ". i ft U t&tyld&cwM W flfrf twk 'U iitofetUtta cnH1 th towtefi rented, ta be- .U-tteve4. ,KVth wwd q ft re fat houbA, fte iuw ; - i0 t 5 li -. v'. Flow wa Si) CI a ml&) sLbMlina;6 aivl iaferbr ia hvreia, Carrw4 . CUl hu phu UShi Um;;! it aw IK Tivue ar ifrwiB?' a4 .for l;?U tv an4 rtr,aiiv iu ih& f wi lawarv me rear, xvtucfc u.;V.ea a4 j -cn?, , me4 . .. vrdeffa Q.wa iuue advance th W iQwar4- D"e?? ttWw JIn-tciim; te iutxl rratty q-.j a ?re,nQi nrease4 froua I Jam lUvei;oj-.eaU. waauncf.taa with At t h;rirs V. arji carw S - :: . ,w, -dL'uVj-.i.idi Vaw-K f Ovia monv haim If -fott' vi$!v .a reai4 ih ftJxl itt pa iho Ci!ium3. 'Second.- TLttir-kf. Gen taw bttiA 4., W irjiv!. ' . -. .. . - . . iwk,?..'- - v.,i .1 .&r, t i i a (Kv.l . ( shetK'nta to otwuaaJ of he 1st army ctVf to mU: ? 4 ,u w,. ' V V - " Army of Virgwa. oi Uu ie4 j TUur;cly, in greai farce, u?ees? itatt4 he i-Anr.u s veof f i-aicii moVeruenf au4 in ihaoiu ihe Vlsa VCtftt lRHm f fwsu. Wfwx?fwrty hM$xA Mint for pr- MisfroiUlmW I5y order cf lie rro4ecr. j lxi it o r0 far, fr ue reason Jlijh uutniuV lliih&ytotmit0rial 4ayt vs Ij'.wy vhn.. w.sft K aiJf thai laxvh W ?rat io ihe, irr'-V'V1 ttvtr. fr rm4i. ilrrmaU xUmtxivhs. Ieb ' Ajt-X tesZ. , A f -wtiS U rHx. Cl lyvvhkhl WKero 14 ; s xxjtt rK-Z xrh?ft rnks f Wbwi rut rHif 1 erer -el at it m regular or4er r.y.nt vc- Hv-:iKaTft- etel -uts a ra4 .lasoruTnV Ki.her.llaVe.aK : --uFjj . ; 1 ffret aa ar-! ac rks wrU4 the lest I eou)4 for NetrasVa .iate- ; ? Vvsh a eematry jwst ik jriti?ej at Tio roal vrvU nerer kae I ten la 'cur rxrs J!ci-,a w f3 t5 i; m Je. Ami it i$ trt ttat a eisisea of rests io 'general j.aiwh I 'flatter-, layself that I fcare not lecn entirely unsuccess ful. I thuifc cext falf when the tax are wvie esivourasb? than they vvre a yearago The h'get. yieW t present ba&e of eoure White Houis JanUtftj wa- ahaadaaed. All . the sick an4 wouuJJ, ordinance ar4 commisoary turev trps, ?3 STANTON. . f a4 property, vvere ihea eiuUrkrU.unarr j r. J- The the superiaieaJenca cf Gen. Cuify, an4 j . i' f . . ? r 11 1. 1. M,,,. Ion .to .1 T. rl-jn T.lin.l ,.1 V 4i . -T,Wt IT u- ;X Pvkbr,. aa4 it is k'era!y W. j James River, 8 miles telow W Darling Coif,,. T, gmg M'htfe they -et tlU, t. th wf ;e .d hefo h heRVrfi.htitiaGj aua 15 miles Mow Ktchmor;4. JhCW-1 S., Mv.,3nJ of quart?. T.V Sprm? has en so-f a grcal vic-iory for the NaiUviI itnns. laaV Uft wiaj touched James Iiver yes-: Ci!cS p r haelwar4 I ie, that the quartz wills have pyhe j5 pretty 'p sitiro tvi4eact) that terday aear the Turkey Island k riJt?. j " f,,c- iusi ' ceroid Wd ruaaia'' fairly." .Th-'-Y i Stoaevvall Saclf'st pawwl through Gor- Hd: iuuutrdiateIy oneued i-omia.jnicatioa Whit? a5d IW.vn S -' are aoio-v.in. sor.e very- wvih Su - ?l way. to Jliohmond iome with Cbai. Rogers, of. ibeTuioiaac fbtii- j S;uk kml.. . . ' : ! Jays, aK '" t la aua thr.ou- xi;m wuh- Wahmium. Ch 2-a He aew .iodcs hyrU,' Ov-rered reeem t A-hiV rtmsAt r3 us hin. ! Tha tsuit may U ihai tho sta.aVtrans. ! "U i Cr! r$kr Citya rrvbeat -a ras gatherer eeraes rund and the people . wiitar thaf th Artansas liter meat of tax. they, will feci so.-, last aetiwaats lie Uit feti.ri2ii f - - . . . ,TS5 reat:totrU ii-ie.uflft'iJ scleras . - - - hare. seen a statement tn the fort's !'' " V l--r ir iri't IJieh-" r- Iav. As the IvA cow stands t .. , . . : . . v -iyi. .lier-are tu tui.. cvai aoui-- j . . - -Ves. ICtlrasla City, that it wasajjrare tnatakea, it .ay ,r -? T - I misiake- to'ay that I ba4 anything to do , - v t. ' with ?et a truweekly mail service he with tr-."neg& Iass tif.lafe. . . ' J , . r .v t ir , . tween that City cad 1 on Kearney. The FrCKCtS cr ttrSSoL. Jcf the vallevcf the RepuwiMa and ttel . ' . . A4.vcvw y . - . - . rorre.ronJeat under a fictiuous came, ' Xwrlf f.r ?J rr-vs tf jh corth margin I the ralley -of: the ..Platte . iXertx tture ujj rro?, u sat. , .r. , ! says that Hen. W m. H. Taylor wrote to rwT... ivVtvm't-r ,iP;v, tttcr; chi rca;Sy weaits (aou cannot . J , J. TemtcjylocS: inr ac f .y)-wa v . - v . tSenatur Harlan, and last winter (or at Xhia t&x . CYjt i:VStr Pe4j L . . .t. -1 some time;) sot a memorial through the . . . I m tK Plaits A aI?- on the south side of ' & tn."3 TMr IOT lirfe T3X . ! X' .V,. T .xi.; .7 w. n.vn ...If - , . f-vi..! k!,j I rail the: 4'n;.iiii4 sttm Lra:Hli : ' . rra-e tun?;-ii tvxi, , : t. ! the'if tdiugs of the Senate" will sliow , - n t . t' ' which ts u W use! at the rcuit en the; 1 - UrrteJ,. is ty hravy. TLe lecvtt : ; . , .. . r howAhi route was uttaiiwd. . Nothimr is .rv , i.tisi?yrt iviver wiMsot-iie iivva iiif i . r One railed th uLittle Thws Jer" rromt?es sotae lig 'things. "New .(iulch Diggings were discovered here Iv town last week and lid fair to yield very well. These mauafaias are full of gvld;bui it requires old la get it out. The i.ord has made some heavy deposits in these rocly cliffs and sandy -bottoms and these deposits are so safeatd deeply hid in the flinty rock that were it "not far ikthe love of money" it would nerer be got out. . We still have' good, interesting religious- meetings. Many of the people &ee'in very anxious to hear cf and possess the "riches of Christ;" Some come S or 10 miles to hear of thenr The field here is great, hard, white, ready to harvest. Itow is the time to 'Hhnist in the sickle and reap." Respectfully, A. S. B. -n t . ..s.- .... T.r. . I rrsiJrat.r AvlraLa has atwlier bra:uvit . . . .. . ' w. i u . v t - !. F . ii'.itri i-iVi..!iiii T w a. i.ill,ii ,.t i-. v.. f ww iter" ...v .,.i...ijT f ever, ia fatarr will Le ca ire lhast Vcj.. " 14 . . . . . . it ' .. .1 ' l 1 l t J - V . . . tuott-s iat!.8r.' tjr. ta sn'aic morn tiii.u.tta a-ltyear; cNWfctlv. lir arrJiis w,ffr rM te cwnjjew. ; - . , . . r , r , . M-Juc-raiu atJ ti-as -thi fall tf.r. dta ur - JI.us ' Ve.. He : aK lA " stan, ia tha tn of TXelrasha :iih U.ree lianhes. onegoh." fcau u c-rim ii.-u ma. thts route, (unich be Jays Jayior and gt established through Senator mri. ror5! vi i rei ien sections pr c,hjj acres xor c ver y i - . cisaioaih rerA5 oter causes rJ . . , , - if opon it, and that S. F. Nuclolls was the tanatue d e mirati oej to uc lemio-1 " L. S. Iliads, which are letter than gold ; and the rem any are Iccad to ctmplete ICO miles cf each tf these branches in FROra WASHINGTOri. There is great excitement hero and v) secessionists are busy circutiitinsr all man ner of invent ions abat iha kittle. Krw VoaE, Juuo 20.Th .Tribuno has the following. On Thursday , about noon the enemy made an attack upon General Stonehatn's forc, in the vicin ity of Hannover Court f iuuse, probably for the purpose of acco;nlishing an wit flanking movement on ths riht, and to enqisre our attention. in that direction. Shortly afierwarls they commenced a vigorous cajQonadit.j' from works on an eminence opposite Mechanicsviller about one and a half miles distant ; also from two latteries one above, and the other below. They were replied to, by Caivp beirs Pennsylvania batteries, on'ipliket dutyj on one of the MechanicsYille roads, and the other from behind earthworks, sotne distance to the riqht About 2, 000 of the enemie's infantry. and several squadrons of cavalry cro.sseo the Chichi- . hominy,'- a -short distance' above the: Vir- jjinm Central nxid, imkin .repeated t advances towards McCtll's division, whidi .(was intrenched on a hilly woixltatnl, pons will relieve his soldiers of the fa liue of marching on Richmond, as they i .i . i. t i . i . can now i;mu taein near tae reot-i martial aY4 ?? auer guniKxiis nave cieur.tu away tae obstructions, J.iiir army is now extraca ted from the -'malarious,-svvamps of iho Chickahcniiny, and on the high ground on James River. '. ', -. Syoc at aispatca foi tl Si. Ivni Iu. cTJtl - Wasumcto:, Juiif) 29. Confiscation was practically, killed yesterday in the Senate hy a union of. a - portion of the j Kepuhlicaas with all the aji'ti-Conascation men on the Senate's milk-and-water trial-by-jury bill. The House having previously rejected the same hill by a yote- of two to orie, settles the probability of their auieptmtj it now. A committee of conference may j result, which may agree ou something that will, harmonize the HonSe. and Sen ate, and yet. have some virtue. iu it; huu hut there is little . chance for anytl inj half .so orac.ical as tiie 11diii! 4nfica. ! Hon bill which a portion Of the Repuhli- j .KTr C!r. Kuiraud K;.j, cans, aided by Messrs. Saulsbury. Powolr, ? d-i iters, Ci?f SI., P.HARDYj- Pttiknivp?, 4" Knives and Forb, , . 1IiRj SuwarJ Ma? OF iOEEXSffa; Cups and Saucers. . Pl.ite and Platters, . Dishes aod TuraU-- ' ' , Coal OiU Ur, UP G';: OPESODTS&Si; Women's Sns. Carlisle, and others uf that school, sue- uxiotx across the swamp, a Ltilf a mile 'in the heed-d in defeating:' ' ' "I rer;J-; Men's ( .ah, rear of MechaiiiesvUleV Th First Pim-! 1 . .' T : . -Men's i R-u-aus, C;erT CEX. POPE'S.KXPLAXATiOX 0PT1IK h.-vvrr un picket duty, all tA -M- (.f Mfrrvis 'last week, nnd obtained ihV . f , ,ut IG,U9rinS0HlhS. .- . hvith iueexceptniufonecomjany. whuh rem.nrkaMe resuh xiXn behnv.- The W Ml A I & & Li lirs Eertr hefare rrralLdL We ItzTA that the Attorney Gcc-eral has decided it '. B-tgcosti tcti Jgal to pay any direct tax in ice Territories. Le war to siirress two years after filter: their indentures to fhb'ixhoiy reULW Will necesi;ate a i &J -at4 cne - - " . " - t rot!! tsrli' tmt iTif raftpr tax ia use ciates tat win Lrr;ioas to rzx. ' Thoosmds cf pt yitaliiii it ill c mi- Hilts Vjvn mm -f.n A L n . r . ' . v. their afTairz. Tiie law rifscd ty curiae Lesblxttzre, eremrtitz frwa taxation acd fricateraxcrvtin,htidc,fkLeerJbrio- ycon elf to realize that in a Tewl a roon as it is gt orally thrwSh 1x we a,e t J 1 ave m; eted and nxa -; fct the Slates, tsil! hr a ituiznzj to Em? 13 otr iwitbry ? r fuur bun- j iocresxe the ceaWr rwuic here. All mLV ' cf railroad. .Ind, think cf ch3 dexire loderire aJnaps owle'r th? ' Hcroenead Law, oh'p hy, ir, in contractor, he would not hare made this statement. Rut these are the facts in the case, and Congress had nothing to do with increasing the. sen-ice, this is done by the LaEdredl Assistant P. M. G., who advertise J for a weekly service, and let the contract to B. F. Lnshtaugh as the lowest bidder, to carry the mail from Nebraska City to railcs each' year thereafter. When I look at this bill as it dow stands, and reflect cn the difference it is Somg to ra'le in Ktbraska, 1 tell you l Fort Kearney once a wek and back. Yours sincerely, SAMTLG. DAILY. REPORTS FROM RICHMOND. GEN, POPE PLACED IN HIGH COMMA HP. was surrounuea aul taken priwuer t Htirs rt r ttw rn.Tv.- v....M..t alter reaching their . brea5tworks a line j i.y'rr. Patterson, of Chatanque county, of battle was drawn. The enemy nl- j y; or Rev; friend has tlins laid the vanced down in the rear of Mechanics- J foundation for a vast pecuriary success; vdle, on low, marshy ground, to where amj his etforts in introducing an improved A BATTLE BEFORE R!CH?0HD. I feel rroud of it. Just think, can o t - - ILRsestead lavv, should carat iramcrdbte Jy, Tfco who cctjq drtt will Iive a cholre cf the Iand.; A Vtll h Ufore CXc grrsir, grac!m Z0J0O0 ten t ; - each a few years, ccr wctihy, I;onet axd hard working . farmers, -.who, for four year Froxa Volorzdo. LAratTir, C. T.t Jone IS, 62. Alesirt. Editors: I am glad to see that amidst the general crush of papers the JldtrrlUer" jfilJ Mand. "the tuof war." have leen itrug-glmgaj men hare seldom Time like ilee try men's oii!," and lcn cmpeUed to tn ?g-g?e to sre thnr.4 try fapcr too. It sometimes well toi sohJkr and Ceogmsil Dwtritt inacli t'u'.t-. WI,,Wii anU rr ,n lfaree year from ? trd.;-Trials, rnisfoniines and .ppo- Most of the t ctinrg Agrlculiiiril . CJlrge- w n rT t? ID tJc rc,4fH 0? prprify. wi;h f Aliens tend much to derclope and draw le 'legated opta any w ant GMrtnv tJt'r I;C,J,e H paiJ ft)r iin4 of dvbt 'wh man' facoh?e3. The editor always rrt UtJ. Vie uo uti Lnow v.Ut tic- r; '?. ' thti'r' pockeci, Ij-occcpici a my re?pomihle position; featcres of tht till 'are, lt. they a el111 .y? 1 tint hardly Jeep tnjhl, fcr f therefore, wheo h gets hold of theaflec toth that it caft'atl waji'y. i ff n f 3f f? yI,&t;! f"r p lflwrrcw nWof fit patrons, and is thusi enabled fcf cwe tlao a year. If ibis biil y t j fn.",k ebpe. cf thi till, Ua I ; u jf;fl(jfrce for good, he ?hold endeavor it mill U UTxkltr mAte r them. wh( J'"'1 -hit u tx'iUet I hare Wen in the J (0 hold en to theim The iff eat. irwi. of vast JariJ to"me fm?3te!y lftre ,rtal$ hare been enryda) the world is light, to kiiPtr Cod as Hes, fh choice h&d J afr orivtf,-' The'-'w WFfK'- a .!.ftay Wasuihgtox, June 2-5. Major-Gen-eral Pope believes the forces at Rich mond are overrated, as were the forces of Beaureguard at Corinth. It was the corcurrent testimony-of spies and deser ters, that not less than 150,000 to 200, 000 armed rebels were behind Beaure gard's entrenchments, bat ufon the occu pation of Corinth it was proved beyond a rjueMion that he had never had more than 7a,UuO. He laughs at the report that Gen. Beauregard has reinforced that ar I my to the extent cf a soldier. He con siders the war in the West as virtually at an end, the only thing yet to be done being; to 'pese$s and huld. ihe immense bredth of cosmty already really conquered in answer to a rjuesfiyn concerning the 10.0(H) prisoners taken by him according to Gen. Halleck. He ?ays he took 30, WJO men, they could hardly W called ,C0J f!anJ of arms. captives, of whom many were from Kentucky and Tennessee, our forces were in line, on the northern side of the ravine, when the conflict be came terrible. Tha rebeh, with the most determined courage, attempted to press forward over the miry ground ; but bullets grape and shot fell among them like hail, moying them down by hundreds This continued till dark, when they with drew. Cannonading was kept up until nine, when the battle ceased. Our for ces, being covered by earthworks, suffered but slightly. .' The infantry fight was then lenewed, and according to the statement of my in formant, continued until 7 p. m, when a retreat was ordered. The outer forces then began to fall back. Of the next days' battle our informant aays the cannonading and musketry fire war terrific' The enemy made an at tempt to break through our right, which was repulsed. Shortly af'erwards an other attempt was m ide on the left with the - same result. The battle had then been raging several hours, without any apparent change or advantage cn either iidf. Reinforcement? ' of nrttilcrv nr j breed of animals should be encouraged. and emulated by the farmers throughout the country : oh ewt,, v i .::.,. 8 vm. Two Tear old ewe. Tin. 2 Thres jtsir tU e e, vo. 3 ....7 ..-12 do do Old ewe,-Sr.. 4 6 do Ewe iitnb ouo year tJ. No. .- .7 do dv do do do N?..2 do Jo du do do Na. 3 7. do do do do . do No. 4 8, do do do do do Jfo. 5 ' do do do .do do Ho. tf -,-8' do do do do do Xo.'7 - '9 d do do do' do Jfo. 3 ......... -9 Buck sheared last week, fleece 11 lbs, -JYeb. City jYew's. . Panan.a, J.ewhorn, , J'l mier's, Straw1. Wool, 'Cas?inerc, -Plaiitatnn, ' li.: Of Farming Vtti Cradles. Rakes, 1- I T"f . V 'Scythes, Snaths, Shore's, S;3Ja. '. Hoes, &c.,t : 'OF LUilDE . UaHtcai, & toon at k t fvtmtmmA, (h 8 m Clrke, cf ,1L, to will cret te a great uarWf f-r ftMani. j iitiU 0l e,'sr Vif e a trashes, ' Jle&ey will te shil A dns. At Umt I aii mf .hlth 1 Sl5fQ0QjQ mil ic ji'?!fd in tAl iUt)U 'in frf-th -BurJoyJiy Us crowded that ionVeoiilJ JwrJly find raom Trit'iUfj. " '' ' j M pgage tU Senate 1 tWi. ihiak for the yj cf 1U t, : . As tve ascenJed . . . .. - M R-e finy kbbt Itii tha etMtUe pi fUtn. the view va.rflost de Letter frsn L'aa, fi; a mij. e!rt tw7 ,ft ,n bc vse j Jt.'fle a 1st, J y tJ d tiding to KbbrfeU j kt her le ebtd sod r2t'lf0(rf fo; the daysfc'f brrpoicfiy imbef td find her year? pf prspf firy tw legm the Achate has p?:4 thrPftcifte Railrd JhU Hitheet rhage ty .JKi m&jnty, the IIoji? ni?! r'trun'tf Ui fhr efift'ttf ftfindiirii, flr)d In 4Afmit Int. lh ? x . VMh j Afy ' har Sir t Yif j1;d f : fsehed m tKi tu tU,g, tiA I htMrrtt. ti ?t:i oi ifij $rMkd pforf ef iiy has an the lep.of, Wid yet dvn hi lbs midst flwl helierin-i' rtere little temptation to join the rebel rout, he released them on $ntvle. WA?nioro,-f June-26, Ths fcrce under Major Genral Fremont, Bank?, and McDowell have been censolidft ted into ens army, (ailed lh crmy of Vir ginia, and Mftjcr- Generaf Vtjp$ has teen It was s teautiftil May mowing a we esperially assigned by ihe President. to the mountains The coach tras io 'nitivh rjct, I - iniantry came steadily frcm the hnd'it1 South. Having no means to feed them, ! l,i lhe M Uli- ,The cnem.v ciue w matte a last ut?;pcrate ana ue- The ft"sitfcj: f tittici t.i a htf?r fer pnUkattcw,' H tentxUis fustier vt to l smith tttif arista t"e" iiafiiit o;ttaf giV sng" "ii BK"er.ffKdrr, M ffet thai tre f t fcU' . j tiH th? fT'tifP lftftfr lghtfuh Th gracing, hgf?, the bbtrn mg' flower. 8 nd the flym flag of Denver all presented scene t'Mfjd snd beauti fuh J5tt when we flifendtd (he top of (ho. Little Hill?, the grandeur and sulJim hy'.of the tight ws infifefised beyond de sripibn, '' TrfltHthwg' cn, with only ene'rasy bp set of the tcftcli, and that in a snow drift, - than a HVclf it till bs law, Let i all bl ft ?ndde (he-.emh P:lrk burst opon j j tUfyUdy gjfe thanks and iijakg rnfy, jt(.f view". Thi is thn pfiftre of patks. f?ifyf. h jfit j t$f a-.nw t'iiy Ims damned ojr Nebrak3, j Shaped Jiks a pear, arid situated wiy up rf tfftt.' thnUi' MINimI ,,il,n,M 1. ui.ui'vj iuui cjfyii tij.'vt, ;o uiJ lu lllSj ftnd tratefsrd by s;tetal beautiful stfeoms of wfltef' tdtaf as frysfHl-ii Js a grand s'fhh- It is aNjtit 0 ndlc tang find 2j Wide Alest at H -k t'effeetlv. WtpL bat fH' ' 'f'gri . ;Tb ffef ill "fJiftt last week 8 UUtfue iiiUm fto,nu nreljy'trfiH ioddk tecur wef tb a thot If-fli Cm'rtJssi'sr yr &;f pdtafofs 'in ibj snel te--dy: Why, sir, .within' les's than Vteife ItttUbiii IUI, it Iik'6t;)s.T0' years' ff tin tu-tfy ihf re irill b? fom-- ftf tlftt tli ti! -cf?.'i i: 'ih.v. I llf'trd l ft'hu-L Ifmh friut '. iffftfli Om-ahs, id (jpji Mitt ten Herv'dpt- ef IlaifroajJ.-fct-a tt, fa be expended in j parts :of ft fr foiling atnl tfatefsed with ftetal poMffellowstnbo e"? Brft hat is ic4 hit hr tivnh; The. forces uhder Fremofit cofisllfuting the Ut army ctrpsv are to betonrtnded by hlim" The forces midcr Cen jnks complete the Sd army cerp.-, and. are lo be commanded by him, The forces under Gen. Mclhjweh tonstiJute. tho 3J nrmy corps, and are to be commanded, by him McCallV-'-dirislori is to ffllow-hirrncVlHtely m the same way, .while (i eft. Pope will also operate ag;imt the enemy 'at Rich m..'1d, . .':.'. .. ' . McCail's division, 1 0,000 strong, wbicJi formed a part of MtrDawellV corpshas reached McCleliati by water, and another division is a fylloW Immediately in the same way, - Pljig Officer Djvi? h?tw fepofted, ron cerntng the expedition up tha .White rittf , that., afier . the Cct idt-nt to thtf Mound City, the weimded nien wefe shot by the enemy while in (he watcf. n',l adds; "The ffy Department and the Country will contiasi (he bcrbftfri:lca of a sftfagt? enemy with the humaha eltorts ijade by our eeonta t fescue the wmm dtd disfibled tibdef '--simjlitf cifeum siftnetts, in the entfatfeffiehf:ef. the Olh. expired shortly . SPECIAL NOTICES. . .To Consmnptivcs. TUB Al.VERTISKK, I!.VVIXi BKKS KJ?ST)RED to health in a ew weeks by Ty lmpl renif.ty, I ter having niTercU sever! years with a revtre Inn? affection, tiJ tbal dread diehe, Cor.sainption is ans iu tr Tuake 1(ikwb to hit f etlow-duilVrer th utetu.t rf enre. -. To all wboifeire it, be wLU tvI a cpr vl tle pre scription used (free or cliafgc), kb fhe .IirtH't)f. ;,r preyarlw atnl uns -lhe ?arne, whicij ,ll.ey tr:n U.rJ a USE CV'RC-'for COKtfPTIOff, ATH:., KttO.CHlT- t, if. Tno tmf? cljcct cftte advertiser in er.!lni; tte KrM-ripiWin is W t-eiieflt tho afr'irt eI,r. ypreitd Suf.ir m itionwhuh Ii" ccr.rcivrs." to t lnvalnable, and he hope eerr sutteref will try Uis reni?dr, a it wlitcot tbem ncthiug and may prre a l;'crlng. . . Farflei trWiitig tbs- ryrecrtptiiin wift pl?a.f a-Mre KCV. EDVAPiD A. Vl SO"S, Willljm.-t.iirsf, n5-3w. Ki'igj Coanty, Xew-Torfc. Mors .--8ncb i tbe cotre. pnrncd ' t;y 'Curtis valuable n'tylininf. "Iiey. never ue d-Jt:ff J'jd bn prei" forward. relfSvlug the .-.ick audcrippfed from pain and c!lse.c. The wpnleTfU curctf that are performed by Cnrtl' Syrnp cf 3:varr39 are really, niarvsloos. (Jong)!, colds.. h(renes, rne!e, fven rii!iniptlon tipnin to tremble w;?en it comes in ri)f .-t it.rnd soun the delh5y grap Is hwtmcii. Curti'n.-ltike 'Y,"j" 3i 1 JJ'fJ LiniMetit is familiar ta very family iu the nry for Ihi tnny beneflf they have received rTcitt Its ate. It U w?li M every family tote provided, tfip?enriKt tell K-hut hmir they day reiuice !'. use. Tne-e tu;!cines ata'id high, and are tined by Mafiy rprte table pLy!riaft eiie practice, fee adf Frtisenieut in anothe .Mfti!i. . . lidfl cnat is ud ail tinui.- I. is! vr i?iwsif tr5 ipt le?s than fftrw 15 (e W h'W fttngss m tothf tnemntatus'i ' It is ' HU " engtemut,- e)?res5ed tht'ir tflsf tftfsMhaiT, MrH iritfiis,m ihu ; n-ihi; r-f m:jey. In -.thfetf years t IfWmooafef Its fall sptin? 'whith fife tefy "Slsf " whn teid that the fie inot'fJt, afxJ iVrrf. If:- Tgyhv.. r fcrsslij ! nt .w tvill b fctat fih. ''Lying ifevntlg'tfeas' ' ibis' .gf tat havic II V ' f;ty; 6frftl5IWff .wl His - Wk rsrt fay that tbjsCefcgfesghitsnot mountain rV lb tery Men (hey tfrfe Farted at.-tl put thtfe by frdecmtd :tl iu jdedrfest iaciiio- llij,-- U'Wty b-y ti. basttife atid tegetables, the Judiciafy Qfittmhiee of the Heiiss in rry efTW (s ttJc'Wr ifrd t irue thai the CcfnlssVnefs V iit hafe tbf le-t--ing'U if. 9 t?s?t ifapi- ftfnnlfi thftitfgh ftetflsia. fliftprjntt allien )t shifts til hsf,n?s'(rtifi Itifef l?fir4.by fJds tttlrst tttflt.td" hrniiy,- an ht rrt ffisa, Aithhtat lAfiiidt; lffrjr!fi(. of t!iS VtUtA ai$: r Vi i;' fisfc, bs fictfsif.a,- d..t tdyv Jvi). : frits, fef Ccft.?::' f.-c'f ..-"t lille the gf e-t tPt!l tf It.i;'.:, u.it -lfi iiff P'tbn fifty t!:::T? S$ f. .".r.y,. f.'.ly sl$ f ' Ys t'f ihh is tfu , t:J Cj h' !iyi?fr.Jf gf?s?f A ... . o$?3 ) -1 anno tun i - ' i i fefad, 'Hottiesmd and iki' e-dy the pfe-i'?sig ihfvs tli habdsewfely sjiaated 'efftienof (fe ur siM :.;f s att-ty juttfit?wl,s w liatifiltan aikil ajfplrfy, ws af fill tcffitt?fyf t'!f it Is attaally abelfshf-tJ in trie IJisiriHirf Cpmifibia, and "ffebwfy hrt?. fitcd hefe ly half past tea, -p, M., the seecrnd. day tt!Q miles gtrath wc?t ff ine- nsme jnreii",. fjerivcQ fftiin h fase of lem U stfwsef thaiil that which e.tpelled &eiilaf tlci'ghu aiid that Weed's ei pulsion ff'en th llcjuse is Ceftshli Uthers '!wtytef4 speah' less paslfifely.- The til! t3 taffy jD.W cffWt ih.S fcce.il ?ldve tfade1 treatV ttiih ilfcat liriiait'i uhich passrd the Senate tday wiib ealy sle. cfeatfs J.' J "Jl' j y j a - . t tns J lh!l h iww huh hs.ii fcff ..fpr!r,fet(P, ih i.hi,, ,f ih! ..'.. - r." ci;at SitT,t-u i.erK, iv6'.hLldy roTVelh end gatilsbtjrti pefti in a lis? L-sy.' Ihe, IVfebfaslta instil ef mi a ilftly litik ten.- I;tj tbfee juOVes, trhh a salary' rrf fi.':i?i;-j;yxt vju b't. h?, tJoth.-iJ; hit; tlw j jtfasalem ot eld- It'Js.bttilt. tbjnlf t-jm- sch,.ftnd threafbrstefsi' The bill will peinie ntidp. anrifhcf i'nipoMsnt attend--! pa$i teilftrr It lies in a ttamiltil giilrli ! tff nnde-f the tfei'leus tjuss tmlOJskta.oi dV glrdcJ If trif ffisKlftf l.fty mnirtins 1vtfe UW. 7 -A bill Vf''I m' ' . Art shaw still , kngs i'fl ( tmhiihlng fci?inkfs ef fortress eeSef termined ' effort, and came, forcing our min back into hs QtojtvSf hetwpsn the hill and bridge, where they cocld hive birn slaughtered by thooj-nndj before they could have crossed the- bridge. The. wakens, artillery, anib?ilanres and men were hurrying Ward, the bridge, and a a panic wa almost ineriiable, tvhen a strong gaird was placed across the bfkie. At the time whn the enemy had .almost reached the main hospital, half -a mile from the river, '..Meagher. ii1hmen came oer the hill, stopped to f are their aruj, and were ordered to in.' They gave a yell and went to worit, dno the result nas the enemy fell back to the 'woods. Thus matter! ood up to 11 tf'chV Saturday- At 2 o'clock Sunday morning an attack was rnide aloo the tfent of the ent.rg line of Kookeft Keaf tley and Sutnnff without any material resid!, Late in the afternoon the enemy made a charge with cav.ilry Abogt U00 of them attempted to cross a ravine, when their horses became mited A sqiiadron of our cavalry seeing their position, made dev! the hill, tvhen the cavalrymen atafl duued their hofses and fled, Another correspondent, speaking cf Friday's battle, say's Iriee alon the front did the rebels altiick our lin.", over ; -rifle pits and redoubts, Sorter with 50 can non, and Sumfisr's Hooker's, and-Ayer's guns mowed then! down tVith death bar vest, Their loss' iri killed and wounded wal ie-ffjMs1, ' . ftfcW ,Ven, June 8.0. The Ti-ib'Jncr ettfa has it dispateb dssted on the battle field which says that a 'seme and most dc'tefmiiifd baltld was fought on the,fiht vtitrg on Thursday and Friday which Is chimed by seine 'of euf fefDc'sf. &i & suc cessful" siraiid tflotetnentj intd which the tfiemy had nnwhti'ngiy been drawn, and whldi will stkfn result Iti tl. taptufe of Rieh'semd and ihe e'ntfe febeUfiiiy; Ah attack wis rtiade by the enemy ffl-lrii-tnetic?e fofe'?, Hlicf efossia lbs t'ilitlt-a-hcanitjy neaf the fallfeadJrabdfe,-.Mtfi CllanitisVill?, Th'Jfsdy aflefrfdorij ahd fodght despefaiely? tut H'efS ..UbHclS td drive euf hi&fi a single fedi Ifipili Ins enferay -mi is-fi io" ene-:. The tfiiy reev t'titfaged tics day eh est siie Me--Call's difisictav T'h-? bdttltf tettd ffhtM (H-rtlfl lhr iHttWHrlrt iiri: i Hifitf.' 'H-RH Hit division as tiered-haclt '.. Oeih Mtiel Ul," m Tn ldrl tras f the" Held ahd -eJpfesstU -'hhhs ! tteiac'at tf tie t trim! &:hi jWab:i. , Clear and 2nd rate Pine Flooring, SiJirf, Uoardi 1, 1 l-2"aJ 2 Inches Ibici. Sash, Iri t Pine Lath, Ail Siz'is Sash, All Doers, Ali Sizes t'lirJi. W cl! the siteiflon the pt'U'J ' onr CAoJi TIHS naMa n t- -'; Tiim.ki ui fr pit pitrooii,', "' 1 - LETT, STRlChLUi Brownvllle.ialy Hl2. "'. MASTER'S HAlK In pnriutire .f a d-rsal w .1 Co-i t. in au.f.'f.r Nt-nidb wunij. ; sitting In C'rjam;ry. bernW da:.' tJ . V., U'til. in aceruin ranH P"":,,, wbe-tt.i Ki.-hard Hfn ' O'V' IIjII isde'-evd.iiit, I wiil. rm SjU'--' I..,- . ri it in .'rl.f.-l ball, in Crvwnvi!!, In s.ii "",c"'' 1 , . . here .ild (V'irt wji 1.1-t h"M ) "''"J V. f..igoet t-idJer, for c.vft. tr.e foil" l?s, to-rvit ! "Die n -rtfi ejt 't -'.ef 5 Ore- townst.i.r.S'. !)VP. (.1). ' ' ', 0. fai ;f 1th pMiwiyal mr'-- St'orbmw disease are the parent luek from wtiich arise i lar'e proportion of the ftal maUd!e thai SJ- flit rhsnliifdrT'ney re as U Were a reC!e f.f pofaiu fot la the hqnian ..tltrttfl, rhich nirtrrMa arid ck.frtipt tJ the soitrces 'cf it vitality end h.Htetu its t)ay; Tltey ere ihe ifertn froth hich -pMP(f, t!'n t)pt?uft, r.heautiiatfsiti;. tlesrt fJIee, tivyr t?cid p-lalul;?, afid KrUptire t)i"asfs v,bl-:Jl b recog dised as among those most fatal and Jtrtiftlve to t-e races at tiieii: So dresdrul are Its Conset'JPticCs tJ 'hi man Hfe; that it is fcrdly injitnelsbver esiimitethe ihipittcrxr ct aa aettal, reliable fettit 'y, it at.ean s-tt-C.'-ji o'jt (tiis SctoMMs ft.tltatii)Hf!:. We fenoW tVi e fhlf Jirt'eli'dui elcuif. ne to otr rsdraof oto frtitl sluh a qnarter as will leareilitr do"! t of !u efilpicy.r-stid'ellll ttiore aetec.rseV WheB t? tflt iLeiii th.it it really doe areo?npfifl tie et:'t Attn's SAkaAf j?iL.4,aml!t in tertsinlj tif: hy lie- atte'itk-n of thoae.irU'J are afltietfi HU BcffMi SSrofuloiis eoiliplaiBU. Rpghtir, AlA.ti'j. . 1 r -1 - - - i ii i r ' '"' t - . . M.I T r th .niiini.t nf i i"rf' un1"' rt . i.. r..a w..r K.tr.kl.a ritni.IT U'r. Ill r.M'i i ilifl'l xitti!:;: in tM'fry L'firtiu 1 ,- ;..hn Cli iacoinp!stsan. and ism. .i ia -c!. b a. nt. n fnrfit.nf i''1 vilte. in M'd ';jun'y. trin th? p'' was limt held, ..ffer ! r sal t- t,;'!,,;. m1k thef.duHi!rit'.??'l p.1'r-fc tlve ;4 1 ..rt 01 tar-i? "f'W?' K . . . - ... v.m.hl Tprfit.rt1: il-i.a'f ii- .!? 4T- NEW A D Vfi i" 1 S -ii EN S . tba undprSIiJnSd. tiavirfa be'(?n anptfliiteJ ?jrrt!rl!-,1il-em tf tLf estate jf jauies Be it tifce-eii, l..'eo' juda ebnty, 2oSr.i!ja. fwre aPI,irns j aj.,iidjy; :li d.iy tf Atr?nKi ticst, at the" re.det:e t Etivrart. Farreu S.M00DV & E5J HIAGARY HUitW;- & k 111 1 ! hOCKl'OUTi; ; Vhles9i and BttiC JJeS-r" , Prttit and UrnamEa K.iU i' hf-r iriK' ",t,1 . V 'i : jhe ii: tr:!l t -f- B.-. W irtt? cofrnt?) a-IiertfSJl uierC-iedartj liotifit-t s .;,' i Hirer. l:i itu!:3-' !' j jf...-'-:1 j. J i ,tk..J a ... A - - l l a.. -at I . . .ten .t-ff m i a s, .ai - - i - a -.-- - - ' ., fof a?jB3tP1Mlt. Bealrit6j k. T:, July &, iaHi. iiiiiT Ann un?iA?!C?tfAl Tiiiirs. . Set tinaiphie frees, 4 years oifi; 3 pfrr attn-!t! $"d pef tSo'fsJufi. - . . 73 gpJ St't!tl tJar f riws, S Vti year! bid, 2 pr huhtlreft, per tlioiNaiid. - fii i tr b!fi Ulsti Orpe tl.iM, lS:rStrtirtctre,i ISjmd&ffidrfrtffe'ar rap'j $9 per' iinr"hH, $5tf H ttSiifcty; aa by ttco years. MukS eyt s!ft-d tbKi 1 serf irrHa-rtt. .4tiy tHr KSfl tfetia ftl- !r''Mrs Ibettt W sett. Setift ferKMei M!eafrir'ef;i;tiegtilt!dgue. 5t-tr - !t3ir(i t:irtri i-.--irl !. T. ,-JjHl'5l1H!!Bl'",,,; " .-I " ' sfitAVb bryM'-!I:, .1X1.'' ? It i'hbfjArljtiTit'E: uaal . ... .1 1 Ax.it 1 ...,.. '...-,- .m i :i i ta.'f ..i.. lts,iljLerrftLVfery.li"-5 ? :4- self satlsSea Willi lfct? FesaH; tin o?tt a;--?i "