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About Nebraska advertiser. (Brownville, Nemaha County, N.T. [Neb.]) 1856-1882 | View Entire Issue (June 26, 1862)
THE DAY SCHOOL BULL, l THE PAT SCHOOL fir.LL. A New Sin.'dnsf Buo for Day School, caUvd 11, e Day School l'.M., !, now ready., 1tcr.Wft-i i! ?ft S'X) V?ii- f.fc!j.:eS..Tic So-' ,' KcthmI Caioh",'- Diets, -JY1"S, IJ-iSTtcu'atid Cho-, res, niauy of U.eiu w ritten exprceiy tut ting worS, tesiJes 32 paprs ,r U e .l"e'-i-u.oJ nuMc. Joe Ele Int'j'k f.-v t '1 pr ; i-"n e. tli;it o:-T.y.iry .teach er will i;:,cl tin .iisvlv t-s entirely uoeeMful in iM-trucl-Jus even young m-1 '; 1- ir? correctly and wientift- tally, wljile the tilci 4 u it.i.crirTr.a es t-uch a vaii c'.y of lively, aHisiiive, und soul biiring iiiiimc end. eiitimer.t that ti--..r-.-v;c will be enericwe-j tr jT.-'a- 'tine ail lP- ' i" - j 'i v it h zca i i. & :'in.::r.,. : kil I , tu (i.i'cf lie i , .ft 1; .'-j'ji'i-nvtu?. beauty ln.nrovi;? iiv;n"S-j;c;C;;.":, : c rvipr producing iidi .clijl life, la simplicity of Us Kienieiitf, mvamiy nJ adaptation of music, and in exctl!eice and numter tf lit S'-ii;:, original, K'lect"!, and adapted, it t.Uici ly rcti'-h to c,t el ail TrrTrrlTor. it will t-e found td be ibfi'te.-d r k eter 1-muJ for Scminai ics, Acie inies, nd PubjjcSJ-a.!. .Jl fi-w munile pwt tbe eie ,eriis, U:n- a .ii son,- r fie" In a. circular ; 'tou tiJ pot oije. Tt i-c.-i pi. ! T-y LV i j e Wafers, author f '-SibaiU JVhool Bid is." X . 1 and 2, whicto have liaJ tbe enemy;, tale t 6o.j,W0 ) 1... Vtk papc 'covm 20 eta., $!5 K-r l.uijurcdj boiiu'I Stf c-iii 3 per liuiidrrd ; cloth biiM!i l,'M.l.i.-:-ed eiit 4J ci-. : &3d per hundred. 25 ..pien lurinete-l at tue one nunarcn 'li price. Mailed fret at the retail t rice. H mtk;ks or tih; rrtnss. j . The Day School Ei:ll. TLe ai lively, mi Tfitdby xJiiti!ren. Tlie fdirl .n:tbic":i! w'en.'adapted to tbj cli(Kd-!Sl .an J- atuoiitr ibe be:-i publitded. Sew lot t ' a'aptc ructi as day be e.i;!y iun f the aorij.' i niicx. ey'j btbool rooiii. It U tUe cii(d roiiipeiid . i,t -tcbool music Teat her. ..jjjiv sxhooi. Bei.i.. Tbiabook i eminently 1n n- c la our -o:uuiou f.c!(Kls V'e liave a girut niu-iberof Kbool fort? r b.;s"lie4r the public, but many of tt.efti lack iauicJ us vt Jl as lite rary taste, and are'really rieinoriilizStiZ .1 a Ttfir iufiuj euce cpon the uiusical talent Of the youcz. Alra of ae4 knowleCged exielleiice, wcddeJ to words of true poetry: are the CjUalities ti,t uu?kt to be SotiKht with the great. st care iu the prejinraiicu of a school foiig book. IhiA fcook seeing to combine ibee two qualiUe .I'ennyl4 rcnia Scow Jcurnal. ' Published by nOItACK 'WATK.TIS, Kl-y Xo 491 Broadway. Xew York tiic uaiiv or i uIILuo.n. "ow retuly. a new and superior coiieetinn of 27 Anti-Slavery, Patriotic, and Contra ban 4" yngs; solo, dueta, quatbfit, and xhcruso. .Zlustfer tb I'oetry and ilat'us has been written exprc??ly fo tfcis work, to correfpond with tho times, and tLould be Bang y the million; in orler to awaken a deep interest in behalf cf the Contraband?," whom God, in liia providence, bai east vpou the t ree North to "tlotiC' tC"tiu"?'.T 5. , . , r. f C0NTKNT8,. IX. FAET. "fair FrDrdoui'a ilorn has dawned at last:'! "n,ralt Ui Chias, or the -Emooipting word 'Frg:i-ir.tj3 UirchiDs or, ot, Ck ry. Hallclajah "Oh 1 Help the 'Contrabands';" "Old John Lrown's Song;" "Song of. tbu .'Contrabnnds';" "0 Let my People Go :" '-raroir oa tho Sons of the 'Contra bands ; "VVben Frcentc Sons of Freedom," etc, " Trie only 5 centals 5 rlcO cents per dozen, $3 per 100 ; postaco 1 cent. - , HORACE WATERS, PobHsher, , i 4Hy -" " 4 51 Broadway, 'ew-York7 ; SABBATH SCHOOL BELL NO. 2. 75,000 'Copies Gold' 'tho First 12 Llcnths' cf its Publication, .rxuitniOxxiainental, Evergreen; Trees,--; " 1 With a General Assortment of Nursery- Articles, for sale at the Pleasant Pddge llursery,' Amsri;. BUREAU, -CO.'i-ILL. ! ' Very Tor ciifh of Its fqnivaleftt. , TTe fcav.e a fe; tliiti.!id hi ai. 1 teven year old apple trees, Vbi .U we; will cell very Ivt, a we want to dispose of them bo fore thov et Ikhi larpe; abo four yejir olds at $12 frtJ per bui.d. cdi.tb i Vr . "W'bundred, at-dj Also Cherry, Tear, Plum, Peach, Grape Curraiits.'Goosejberries, Raspberries, Lawton Blackberries, Strawberries, Pie Plant, Roses and Dahlias, rr f unheTilesfToit". "C OIK STOCK or The Economy of Using X ii-E FRANKLIN" Family Sevirig IlacHne. 'n.e'eo marlilnM makeiLfi celebrated (JJlOITu BAKEJLSTITCIL whit b hai.Ukca tbabUUefiLpremi iiaal4 UhiM'i State Fair, tn September taHfr, at the United Staten'Fair Jn.St. Inis, in 1360, aad at the priuciple State Fairs thxo'-iKO'-"11 toe country. CouipcJeiit Judges pave a decision in favor of, this stireh, ftt account of its great strength and adaptation, to all kinds of family ad rrnavifaciurinn purposes. The fol low ing Table wiiMhow the difference in favor of Sewiu3Jacliinoror theold ietlrodt)f -stitching by baud, ta tfce working of these Jlacbinea tbre is tioU only a great BavitiKf labor and; time, besides adding greatly to the healtbfuiriessof the euiploypieu , but tbe stiich is nnnh stronger; more elastic, and less liable to ripwrarei than, the htitch made with .thiKttes and bobbin-.,'." TimecotiFotned in makinz vPT Machine. V Pi Hand EYERGUEEX3 Is large, and ery fine fpec.mens. suit, Sigea and price ti ' "Where Liberty DtveMs is my country ;'? blavery dies there 11 be rreedom: " ake, n. Uod has spoken ""Whlttitir suppressed It Istn entire KeaAi'ork. of nearly 200 pajes.- JIany of the Tunes and llymus. were written exi preFsly for this volume. It will goon be ag. populaj aa its predecessor, (Bell No. I) which has run tip to the enormous nnmberof 575,000 copies in36 months, outstripping any Sunday School Book of its size is.) eued in this country..: Also, both vol nines are bound" in one to accommodate schools wishing them iu thai form. Trices of Bell Xo. 2, paper covers, 15 cent. $12 per 100. Boun"3,1'j ctnts, r 18 per 1C3. Cloth bound emboFsed gilt, SO aents, $32 per 100.. Bell Xo. 1, paper covers, 1 2 cent?; f lff -pcr lCfl. Bound 20 cents, $18 per 109. Cltth bound einbossed gilt, 25 eents, $20 per 100. Bells Nos. 1 and 2 bound to gethcr 40 cents, 430 per-hundred, -25-copi fur iiithed &t the 300 price. Cloth bound embossed gilt, SOcents, 40 .per.lUO.. .Mail postage, free at the retail price. . . UOBACK-WATERS, Publisher,. j nil-lj , K9.4SI Broadway, New York. ! Order respectf:illy oUclteJ snd promptly attended oi :, r V :-..'! ' VKUKKV ALDitlClf, . Address, Tiskilwa, III. P. O. P. S. X have about 7,00? four yar old trees, of the Xew York Pippin, for sale tha coming fall and spring ; no apple ever gained so mnuh popularity iaso hort a time.'. The trees ire good growers, eafly .fruiters, and veryardy; apples large- and Bhowy, and keep about equal totbe Willow Twig. Also a larpc stock of the Wagner, one of the best apples; very early fruiter, and trees remarkably tardy. For a more full description of these and other 8ortf,'pie3se se'e descriptivecatlaogue teat free to at piuants. ' - ' ' . - " . January 2, lfc6J. (u208m) -- '' . ni:wjxusic. "Shall W9 Know Tach Other There?" Son or Duet and Chorus, by Itev.' Mr. Lowry, author of "Sabbath Bells Chime tin.- This song is good. Price 25 cents, mailed, free. A pianist in attend ance to try new music.- - - r . nOTlACE WATERS, ! nil ly No. 4SI Broadway, Publisher. ""THE HORACE WATERS riAXOS AND . . ; . . rjUELOblAXS, - . . And Alexandre Organs, and T. GILBERT k Co.' celebrated Xoliarj LikaosArc tho finest instrument, for parlors and chnrches now in use. A large assort ment can be teen at . the nw warerooms, No. 481 BROADWAY, between Grand and Broome etreetss which will be sold at extremely low prices.- Pianos and Melodeons, from sundry makers, new and second band. Second hand Pianos &nd Melodeons at great bargains; prices from $25 to $100. Sheet llnno, . Music-Books, and all binds cf llnsic Merchandise, ' t war prices. A pianist in attendance will try new music. I CTTVIOXS 07 THC TK53." ' i "The Uorace Waters Piarioaare known as among , the very best. We are enabled to speak of these instruments with som.e degree of confidence, from personal knowledge of their excellent tone and du rable quality." Xew York Evaitrjdiet. n41-ly ' 'COMMERCIAL ' NURSERY OJIAIM, IVEHHASKA. ' E. H.:I3UECHES, PKOPRIETOR. -- r ( . I hare Tom since been convinced of the want of a first claea Xursery in the West, where , tri!es,' shrubs,." flower's, kb Catl be "adapted to our cKmate anil'sniV.- ""in view of these facts, I have established in this place, and orler for sale at Wholesale; or Retail, A large and -well selected stock, stilted fo thisxlimate, of . Apples, standard and dwarf; PeaYs, standard anddwarf ; Cherries, standard nd dwarf ; i-eaones, . . Plumgj i'lituw, . ,. , . jsectariues Quince, Goosberrics. Currents,- Grapes, ; j - - Haspberries, '--.' . " Strawberre, Blackberries, : Evergreens,. : . , Shrubs', . RosfS. . Dahlia's, ; . Ornamental Trees.- : : -: . Greenhouse and BeJUUng Plawts, etc., "etc. .To which I would be? leavo to ca! I the aitemion of the people of Nebraska, Kansas Colorado, Iowa and XortU- weci jh is.soui 1. . EjJiy terms will be as low as anr -rp'tat,! eutim j- Kurtery. - -By purchasing of Tue trie expense cf transportation irom the east can be saved. X trees and plant are carefully labeled aad packed J ,n ,he bt manner, for wycli charge of the actual cost - will be made. Xa charge wiii-te made for the deuTery , of packages on board stcani'jjats. All cnnimunicationa fciiUrei-.fced to the undersigned ) will receive prompt attention. . Myrch, Ibti-. n.- JCP-CUES. t- : , ; FRENCH'S "CONICAL .; -T7asl!iogZ:HacIi!iics. The most bimple, durable, convenient and economical article ever invented for the purpose. ' .. . . -WtM -dt the W35hlncrcr an ordinary- yamlly. cfore bretkfast, not only savibi: time, but clothes. ' By t.ricUy followingtbeprinted directions, vrhth btb r Mmpie and esy, it will wash, at one time, six hirts, or two dozen small articles, ia about tir or$nen miu-l utct, or their equivalent. - . v . . ......... Ey all the ordinary methods of cleaning fine fabric. uch as laces, Kc, tbe fif-ttet.t care is required, whiie ; ith 4bi tachie-lte -nwiK-ielicate article can-be washed without tte possibility of daTJiage. - j I Tlie.e results are 'produced by toe cjnttaut reacticti ; - tho stidb w-Mie the machioe UIq luuiion. : 'of r;mi'ier, lanudris, Ixjtels, lordin3-bouie. bospit t Js, lunl, b-'anunf-sihoois, on ebtp end Bi.eatjer, 7 and in tbe army, w ho have ihcfcfl uiRcl tces in use, tmvCi feut in Ibo'.r t-tiuiunisis vuluntariaily, and the cnc- iniums of the i ress are very MiUierous,.soTne of which i r 1 liave p-lllilXll-ll III J fllllllll iVl iTIH. , - " AIT Ia?tX.T-t!.e rublic-ls-a"farernexa;uTi:iaonol this machine becre of ther. -General iepot 19 Broadway, oorner-Canal St Xe i rttrk. ' ; - -1 - ; . Prico enly-Ten-Dollars. "X.-Tt."A'liLer.irdiscocnt to tbe Trade. Aeatt Vnntril. Sir, for " f;rr'. r. , , , Adl:vrsl. il'7;..V. City P. O.- - . . - , . w-, TiilLUVJ'RfiJJCII, Trenrietor. : Bloomington Hursery, j .... At the crossing of the Illinois Centra!, and St. Louisj Alton and Chicago Bailroads. Established 1S52. oil tbe open Prairie, and contain440 acrrs. Fruit, Orna mental ami Xurtery Stock, a very large, general and reliable assortment, VEHV: CHEAP for Cash. Especially Adapted " to" tie Severe Climate of tLe Northwest. ArPLE ritEF.S, from 1 to 4 years old. $25 to $80 pei 1000. - liOOTGI'.irTS, $tOper 10.CH0. APPLE STOCKS; one to two years, selected forgraftine, $2; second classy $1 per thoudsand. MAZZAHD criERRV, $3 per 1,000. STAXDARD AX1) DWARF PEAR, CHEItllT, PLTJM, PEACH, QU1XCK, XECTARIXE, AXD APRICOT DWARF APPLE, QUINCE, PE.vU, . JPLUM, AXI1 HOSE STOCKS. JppU IScions $1,50 per thousand.r-i Cuttingg, many sorts Oiage Orange, good one yea old plants, 2,60 per 'thonsnadi -VUso't Strawberyi and many other Standard Sorts two dollars fifty td four dollarsperttousand. Grapet Catawba, Clinton, Isabella, well rotted, one j earmold three dollars pei hundred; twenty dollars per thousand. Dtlaware- one and two j ews oldr $1 to $10 per dozen. Rhu. barb, - best sorts two to vo dollars per hnndrod. Houghton Goosterry, one to two year old one t tbree dollars per hundred. Downing'i Eper Bearing ZIuJlenjIouT to eight dollars per dozen. Evergreens several sorts ten dollars per thousand. Shade and Weeping Trees, Shrubs, Flower Roots, Bulbs, Roses', an immense variety mostly one to two dollars fifty per dozen. Packing carefully done. Catalogues sent on receipt of a three cent stamp. Address, F K PJIOEXIX, Nov 14, JSS1, cl9-5m . - . Blooviington, Illinois. Tlie Frankliri Family j ITaJ one adltntaep which Is w-orthy of especial attention in addition t. the peculiar eharacter ef th stitch, and that is Its a' eitfcet light or medium heavy warkfT The Machine which at one monieot Is used ou TUB MOST.IiELIC ATE . FABRIC, liu a few nio- Ljnenta af ter'can le brought to bear with the same facil-; itv ortcottonadeS" sod towels of the ccarsest description.. lu adaDiartionfor 'FAMLl'. WORK, dstlms remarki-. bleanu gives it a superiority over every otaer etyieof tnacnine m ne aiarKei.-; . : - I.iaordec that these ilachinea may bo" placed jn the Jifmds of all cjases, we -have redncedine-Trice- of our' FRASkUX. FAMILY MACMXE .- TO FORTY DOLLARS. Prom tbe increase of our business for tbe laBtTear, anjlhe entire satisfaction our Machines are .glvlnsr throughout the United State anil European Countries, we are led tobelleve that onr determination to manufacture a PERFECT' SIMPLE, RELIABLE IXI CHEA P MACHINE; has been f ul ly appreciaten p the public This policy will re-main unchanged, and heretofore toe Hachine will, be UowecLt leave tho -tfiice tliMt we tasnot fully warrant- In every respect. ; yve tnan seep on nana i- axi- times a general assort ment of Sewing Machine, msterlaJ 9 - ."; - - '. - Xeedles for; aU -nvaehines ordered by. Sfaii or Express. ? Pi ice One Dollar ier "dozen. - ' .t ., . - Perkons in tlie country, by eendins u theif address encloslcg a tetter stamps can lave forwarded by return mail, one of our circulars containing the aifTerent styles Of Machines," list of TricPsJ'and sample'of workl ; 1:. men inn snsrtJO'T-! - " Principal A.centsor the Irorth WesD Offlce and Salesroom 13.3 Lake Sf.reet, Chicago, Illinois,' C. E- W1SWALU - ' , . . . - - -. : - 1 t: j JNO.W,-aAPPAJr, formerly Ag't for -.he Grover Baker Sewing Jlachiue. v " Jaauary9iU' 1So2. n2S-tt ' . si GREAT IMPROVEMENTS IN HOVEY'S SEED Agricultural , Warehouge; Having opened a Seed anil Implement Warehouse, in Chicago, 1 beg leave to call special attention to the aarne having bten- many years in the business in Bos ton, mid having also paid special attention and rare in the selection of my. seeds, 1 feel the utmost confidence in oflerin? tkem 0 tbe -p'rtrfici - - - 1 The seeds grown in this country were raised by old and experienced raisers at the Eat j tboe that cannot be procured in this country, -were imported from some of the most reliable seedsmen in Europe, j All Xew and improved varieties as soon' as Intro duced tried anil proved desirable at the East, may be found'in my Catalogue. Particular attention will be paid to the t V - FLOUER SEEO DEPART3IEXT and not only all tbe new and much admired varieties, but all new novelties In the Flower department will be Introduced. 'AH orders for i TEEES, PLANTS, eHRUBBEBY, FLOW? . EES, BUEBS, &c . j will be promptly executed. We have also a good as4 sortmeutof . j .Garden juicl Farming Implements. ALBERT H. nOVET, J X. O. Box 30.1T. . , ., Xo. 73 Lake street,, . ! . March 6, nS5 im. ' ; t . Chicago," IlU. j LANDRETH'S I Warranted Garden Seeds1 i r r T-n v BLUXDEN, K0EN1G & CO., (Late John Garrett & Co.,) ; r , r Xo. M Second Street, above Pine, . " ST. EOTJISMO. " I' Offer for sale at very lew flsrnresl a larjre nd ..wel. .assorted stock of Agricultural and Horticultural Imple ments, comprising tTiirything necessary to the Farmer, together with a large and fresh auj ply of .; . iBEdrcUi's' Celebrated Gafden Seedsy j "CROP OF 1S61, . For which they are the sole agents. Their friends can rely up;h geuratr f rem-them leefls that are not only pure but true to prune rn every 'instance Also field seeds at lowest raaiket rates Chinese Sugar-Cane seed, Tobacco teed, Top Onions. &c,, &c. Dealers In ,eeds woHlddowell to send tbem their erlerv - -Send for Almanac and 11 lc-jtratr-d 'Catalogue gratia. ULUNDEN, KOfiNIG & CO. , March C, 19C2. . n35-Iy CHEAP FLOWERS "."iPRUITS . I w'illcud, byjaail,- postpaid, JOiilf lilix Br'LBS, mostly mixed TlLIPS, for one dollar, ami ' Large i-ums ot tame, lor if2. 'ther Bulbs, named, low enough. . . HERBACEOUS PERENNIALS, of 50 sorts,' fine mixed huti and other HARDY SAUUBBERY, vj piofj,r ra-iroau, 10 dollars perlOO. IXA1I f.d and onorcE soius, about double price; and more h easaH selected 7ts in all, 509 va-letjes.- '. , , . 'Smau; Fruits" of all scrtfl.'includinsfDiXAW ake and CojjcOKD. Gbapx3 equally re ascnaUa - Fkuit and Cks t mental Trses 25 per ecu t. low er than usual. All safely packed, to keep a month, at purchasers cost;.-Addresv '.---' -v-.-,- . -"' "JOHN AT KINNICOTT, . '.. The Grove P.p., Cook Co, Ills. Hours 1 1 1 .4. up Lalie' Garmeuu SiikDrfss, j -. . .. ; ; iiusiiu Shirt, . .t Ateriife lve?v I, Chemise, Calico Dress, . Moreen Skirt, Xiidit Dre,- -? : -3 Drawers, ' Silk AprobT'-" r.r.l Plain Ap"ron,v s . Tinte'consnmed In fnaltlng rpGentlemen's Garments flours 1 mm. .45 '25 10 6 27 .-30 10 'J Alin.' 23 6 30 -10 2d 30. Frock Coat, jSatin V't, - ? Linen ert,. . ; Cl.rfh Pauts, 1 ' Sumuier Pants, -1 - v. IXoUI. 10 S , 8 :10 C 7 -TV 5 i 4 1 By Machine. ; By Hand." Min. Honrs.. Jim. "25-- 13- " " 20 40; . 18. 461 69i ' ' 40j 13 IS 3 6 ,6 2 3i - -EMPIRE- ' - SHUTTLE jIACHINE; - - Patented February 14th, 18G0 ' , Salesroom, 510 Broadway, Currants, Gooseberries, Blackberries,'' ':ilZ t'R-?rbcfrie.sStravberriG3;i:"c ; Of which weTav i-lu stwcOnJ we 'offer tbem very low fortbeFatl 1861, and would solicit theordcr. of tme wiKhing to purchase; ftr-'-its' -" r ,f- i i-Vdobe tamp, ntl saud forCataUeue and Price List. r' ' ' " " I - EilSIGX & FORD, , i. vonc-ry2n3 .. f Oni Xuraeries, Toledo, O. Evcrfrrccas Tor the Prairies. nriin,1C.n5.e gt0,!! of younfr Evergreens, DecidnonB He , To A J'0"' J-Qoo.berrics, t,c, not ex' ,, C cJ,untry' re offered by the dozen, nun d ed, thousand, or ten thousand, cneaper than such J ' ,f a 'a lliepe,i Pckuiff safe and neat Tt SaffipIe T express ' wishfn- tp-irrvsie. o'uld j'en for om aleCaUloguewii!i,iireetins fof the m.nbaSl psiZRi: yriLL o rr :cuttixgs, 4 Variety Pcrpurcu for live I Tij.I cut, .BiT'Wiiville f( lunJie ard dtiiver. the Cnttt.rt.ri at rJ5 perci-'hty roJs : bcin but a little rer tft w7t- per thoc?and. "This i? frenr cae to three dollars less than ever oS'ercd before.-' , ' . -Ail crJer at these j-riccs bast li scut ia' before " the 1st of Oct.-cr,'l-)1. ' ! Kita C'.Jl, to . ' T.. O. TiwMriON, . Ivtbraika City, N :i." runes -stc: .vii-i4Ka -ity. Oa ew AirLise Kcaroty Boai. T. '. Ara:t 1,-cS-tf KvemrecB. - AddtT9H our Whole lagement of .... . , . , , , a. T.'tvrsFT s.- rn . . ...--Gteat Taney XarserleH; Great-Ta11cy,"-X. T. Sccda; Prepaid by XIaiL , r 25 Prettlfct'AnTintlslnCnltlratlm, --.': ;i M ' 25 Chr.! VejretaMe f erd? fct the Careen, '. I CO ;' .h to Clvbs of FUef.i?- Clubs ox Ten for US: To Cltibs-of Tn-ffi'y f r $.25. - ' ' Tr NKW-iAPA M1LXET,- vs !?V Imfliensa beads, r.x to ten Inch? lif ' V5 cents" per Imye paper i Fire rr $1. i receive -IGrncine Seeds of tw. new aiid v tu ablo Millet ?1re"t from Jaran. bvthf X!?.-ira' ')!t-M . , , , '.YORK. ; This Machine is constructed on an entirely. ew; principle of machinery, possingmany rare and TalJ uable improvements, having been examined by the most profound expert, and pronounced to bo SIM PLICITY and PERFECTION COMBINED. : The following are the princ'paL objections nrcred ngninst sewing aiachines . 1. Excessive-fatigue to 4. Incapacity to sew the operator. eery description of 2. Liability to get out of . ."material, i order. ' 5. Disagreeable noise 3. Expense, trouble and while in operation! . loss cf time in repair- The Empire Sewicj .Machine is Exempt from all these objections. . jt has straight needle perpendicular action makes the LOCK or SHUTTLE STICII, Which will NEITHER RIP nor RAVEL, an is alike on. both sides j performs perfect sewing on every description of material, froinLeather to' tbe finest Nansook Man Hu, with cotton, linen or silk thread,from the co soft to tbe finost number, - ,- r , - - .; Ilaving neither CAM nor COG WHEEL, and the the least possible friction, it runs as smoothly as glass, and is - T , - . --T j . 'Emphatfeally a Noiseless ISIacliiiie! 1 It requires f,wentyrfive per -cent, lesa jower to drive it than any nther, Machine in market.' A girl of twelve years of age can work it steadily, without fatigue or injury to health, - - . , Its strength and WONDERFUL SIMPLICITY of construction render it n limits impossible to get it out of order, and is GUARANTEED by the company to giro entire satisfaction.' . :- i - We respeetfuily invite all those whorhay desire to supply them'Hves with a superior article, to cajl and examine this UNRIVALLED MACHINE. . But in a toora special ihahner.uVwe eollcit the patronage of--' a s i Slerchant .Tailor.", I Drs s Makers Coach Makers, V.: 1 .' tCorset Maker?, '. I Hoop-Skirt Manufacturers, Gaiter Fitters, i Hh'xrt and fiorom Maker?, Shoe Bindery, - ! "Vest and Panlaldori Makers. "' : iSrReligious sml Charitable Institutions will be . liberally dealt with.' - Price of Macliiiies, Complete i No. I, or Family Maehhsc, $45,00 : No. 2 Small sized Manufacturirfjrr-tW,-0 ; No. 3 Large sized .Jianuiactunng, o,t)0, , , . XJabirjels in Every Varietw. -- ' Ve want Agents ior all towns in-the United States, whero agencie's afe riot already established, Jo whom a . liberal .discount will bo given, hut we riiake no consignments. :T.J. Lie ARTHUR c Co., r . 51Q Broadway, Ke York. ' V'.l-lI-'IlIXpi.ri-S PATBXT f : TO THE PEOPLE OF r . 1 1 - " " f 1 ' In themontb-of December,' ISM, the undWignedjor the first time offered for sale to the pubiiq DK. J, -BO-TEE DODS' IMPERIAL V'IXE B1TTEI13, and in tmr short period they have given uch universal satisfac tion to the many thousand of persons who hare tried tbem tht it is now an established article. The amount of bodiiy and mental mi.'ery arising sinrpfy from a ne glect of smart complaints is surpriin?, and it i there, fore of the-utmost importance tht a strict attention to the least and most" "triflicg bodily ailments should be had; for diaease.of the bwiy-inst Invariably afl'eot the niind. . Tbenbicrirersnow only ask a triar ot . - DR.- J. BOVEE -DODS'S . Imperial V7ine Bitters . . from all -wlio tve net ucd them. AVe challense the world to producelbeir equal; ' - ' '; Tbe-e Bitter. fir the cure of Weak Stomachs, Gen eral Debility, and for Purifying and Eurichlag the Blood, are absolutely .unsurpassed by any o'her reme dy on earth. To be assured of this, it is onT neces essafy ip make the trial.'. The wine is of a supe rior quality being about one-third stronger than oth er wires, warming and invigjrating the whole system from the head to the feet. As. these bitters are toniq and alterative in their character;, so they strengthen and invigorate the whole system and give a fine tone and healthy action to all itj parts, by equalizing the circulation, removing tbe obstructions and producing a general warmth. They are excel Teat for diseases and weaknessrecuiiar to Females, where a tonic is require L ed to strengthen and brace the eyttern. Xo lady who issubject-io lasitude-and famines, should be wunout them as thev are revivifying in their action. -' TtlESF BITTERS : WHS not only Cure but Prcrciit ! .i I31seasc' I and In this respect are doubly valuable to the' person! who may use them for ' INSIP1ENT CONSMMPTION : weaTt Lungs," in'lipestlon,- Dyspepsia, diseases of the Xervous system. Paralysis, Piles, and for alt Cases Lretjulring a' Tobi'c. ; - " ...... ;' ; - ' 1)11. JJUUU fc. ' : -, J . : r Celebrated. '-Wine Hitters " 3Lx"o TCJxxjsxxr pn-snedi Portiore Throat so conimon auioirg tbe Clergy they are truly invaluable.. i . . - Fur the aged and infirm, and for persons of weak jotistitution3 For ministers of the gospel, .lawyer' and air public ?paekers for book-keepers tailors seamatresses. stulc-nt,ar artists, and all persons lea ding a sed"enary lifer tbey wi'l prove beneficial, i 1 '.As. a beverage; they are wholesome, innoceBt, and" delicious to the taste- They produce all the exbierat ina effects ot brandy.or. wine, without iutoxicating; and area valuable remedy for persons adicted to the use of exessive strong drink, and who wish to refrain from it. Tbeyaiepure and entirefy 'ffee- from the poisons con- eained jfl the adulterated wines and brandies with which tne country is noouiu. , These bitters noto nly CURE but prevent disease, and should be used by all who live in a country where the water is bad, or where chilis and fever are prevalent. Being entirely innocent and harmless they may begrvj en freely, to children and infants with impunity, Physicians and Clergymen, and tempcrauce advocates as an act of. humanity, should assist in spreading these valuable bitter over tbe land, and threby essentially banish drunkenness and disease. . - , In all. atTectiojis.ortiie IIead,SIclt Headache, or.i crvaousIScad aclie, Dr. Dod's Imperial Wne Bitters Will be found to be most Salntarn aiidLElIicacious. z .i.Zi'-l FEMALES. The many cirtiucates which nave oeen tendered us and the letter whichve dai!y.tee!ve,areconclusive; proof tlMit'minonct the women the&o. Eitters kave given; a satiRfaotion"tj:cich no others have ever none nefore Xa woman in the land should be without them, and these who once use them, will not fail to keep a full -:' r': DR J Boveo Dod's "' I IMRIAL VVINE BITTERS, Are prepared by an eminent and. skillful pbyslclan,wh kBr M4 4h.ik .wailv- -i him practice for the las twenty-flte years. The proprietor before purhiiain he cxjlusfve right to manufacture and sell Dr. Bovc Dodb' Ceiebraicg Itnperfal Wine Bit era, had t them test ed by!two distinguished medical practitioners, who pro HOTmeea ttierri aT3lua6re'- and" safe reTnedy for dFsease Although the medical men of this country, asageu era! thing, disapprove of Patent Medicines, yet we do not believe that a respectable Physician can be found in the Untied states, acmialnted with then- medical nroperties-, who wilt not highly 'approve Dr. Dod's 1M PERIALWIXE BITTERS ' .'.la all newly settled places, where "there is always a large qnahtity of deenyinir timber; from which a poi sono'us mfasma is created, these bitters- shuold he used every morning boforebreakgast. . , R. J. BOVEEBODS' : IMPERIAL V.IJSE 1UTTERS ................ .. . - , Are composed of a pnre and unadulterated wine, com bined with Barberry, Solomon's Seal, Comfrey, w lid Cher Bark. Soiknard Camomile Flowers, and Gentian Tuey are iuanuiacturedby Dr. TKp hinisel:, who ia an experienced and successful physician, and hence should not be classed among tbe quack nostrums which -flood the country, and against; which the medical profession so justly denounce. - - : T These truly valuable Eitters have been so thoroughly tested by all classes of community, for almost every vri ety or disease incident to human system, that they are now deemed indispensable as a- ' Tonic, Medicines and a , " Beverage-j Pnrcliasc one Bottle It Costs but Uttlc! Purify tlie Blood. Give Tone to flic Sto mach -Itenovase the Sys- Ialfe. ifWP?L t : h . anu A'roionj? PrIcs"SIT)0perBota C,ii:J :.ll fori $5 00 "I "G'Bottlea Prepared and sold by CnARLESWIDDIFIELD k CO., i SOLE mOPRIETOS '- ' - 78 Williarh Street, T7ew Tork. For-sale by druggists and grocers eerrwally through out the country, . Oct. 17.-'.8SI. CHOICE LIQU0ES. WJiolesale i'and .Retail; ,Bvah-,iM()rtliing,, V-v U iOF THE "'I s . vUti BROWKViLEE; ' ' - Has just rece Li-el a choice tot of the best brands of Liquors, which he wHr-sHl by the Barrel, Gallon, Quart r single Drink..; The roi rowing is a partial list; J .BEAIIDIES:; French; . . ; i . i. 'Cognac -' !lc .'-. .'-.'!- -". - x :.- ;' - ui. Apple;-; -. .- ;.- -a r ' reach. '' .Cherry, " ' : ' : ' Blackberry. x lit If t , i . : '! I;f; !n - iL". "u,,.c"n coniaei:t:y KKosamendltaf ihe bestSUlletln f nitivation. - - ' - - b: sr.-rATsox; . U; , .. Old felony Kurserie?, Plymouth, Mnns: i PIcasantRidM;.:lT urserv; V2RRY AEDPJOH, rmt ; "uricL Ornainental - Trees, ; Ghni'obcrr, Evcrfrrecns,. Ccc, . 4f-aiii. ik, , tj!Ki unrean Conntr, Illinois p- Address, Tisk'ilwj, m. fAcnlftxiTLl-Cdira ' FOR SALE-221 ani 223 -Son & Water -Street, Chicago, III. Prices, Wood $35, Coal $33, staple sizes other sijtee in proportion,-with freight added from factory. ia ewYorkto Chicago. The advantages of cooked over raw food is admit ted by -1L -The old way of boilingiake tiles is both Flow and expensive, bo much so tahtbut few men do it. Something more practical must be had. Steam peemes to bo the only -alternative. The Patentee has retamd all the advantages of the Portable Cal dron for boiling, and devised jneans nf.waftn.trBz fteamsuSc-nt forali rtirs. .It .fiimrJeand practical, auaproVfisjJ'hliLbCT SUCCESS. :i c . ; .V' H. AUSTIN, ' ' lF Jn7V'1Iih'13 an'3 North-Wett, 221 & 22.1 S. XSrt t nv; ' Where will ajsebe feund & Co's Deen Veil l umps Force Cisterns, Chain and Common Well I nmps. Thimble Skeins and Sad Irons, as well as every rarkty ftf raraing. Tools, Cast Iron Corn Shellers, Feed Mills, Hay and Platform Stoves, &e. The above will he sold on account of tae manufacturers, at their respe ctive faotory prices L adding freight to this place. - f January ISr;2. . tf . ' - i.w4 t-C .'. j-. ; ;-. '.: -WIIIES: Port.- i-- . s i,t i a. a.. - Sherryi ; ; :- T' Malaga, ' ' - - rV"-V'.'"-Medara, ;'; ' .' - - . - Champagne. WHISKIES: , BouTbon, ''- . . . : ; Rye, . ' v ;;.t-.i . Scotch, 1 . . -. s; t ; Irish," aTV'.' . ; ';;. ''': Manongahala,. " And a variety of common articles. - ... .i, BILLIAUD; SALOON : AND ... r WjHTjrEYS BlOCIt I., - - .iuain otreei. rsrownviiie. Xovmber 14, 1SS, i? I.ol3-tfJ C i , Terry's Garden Seeds " Wrmtt and rre.nd failed In this soil and rVimnio LETT, STRICKLLR i CO, j for sale by 33-tf O. -6. CONS T A H I X2 , IRON, STEEL. NAILS. CASTINGS, SPRINGS, AXLES, FILES B L A C K S MITII'S TOO L S Also: Hubs, Spokes, , and Bent Stuff. Third Street, betwoon PUx and EdmoTKl - SAINT JOSEPH, MO. Jhich be sellsat St. Ixiuis pricesfor cash. : .. Highest Price Paid for Scrap IroD, . December 1, 1S53. ly, " . ' CHSilPEGT - 'CLOTHIIIG Ever cfTered'in this Market. ' ' DARLING'S Xiivor XTorrtiltor AND 3LI3FB EITTERS.:- Are pur.e vegetable extracts. They cure all billions disorders of the. human system. They re?uiie buu iu-. vigorate thliver and kidneys; iney gve 101,0 uuo digestive organs ; they regulate tbe secretions, excre tions and exhalations, equalise the circulation, and pu rify tbe blood. Thus, ll billions complaints some of which are Torpid Liver, Su.k Head be. Pyspepsia.'T'iles, Chills and Fever, Costivenes ar Lo.ness are en tirely controled and tured by these rooiedies. .' ' . DAP.I-TNOVJ "I , - LIVER UEGULATOR .' : Removes the morbid and billiatu devKsits from toe stomach nd.bowelt, regulatts thf Liver and Kidneys, removing every obstruction, restocks a natural and heal thy action in, the vital orga:)s. t It it a superior - Family Lle&icine, Much better than Pills, and mu;U eatier to take. DARLING'S ..... , LIFE BITTERS Is a superior tonic and diuretic: excellent in cases of loss or appetite, flatulency, female weakness, Irregular ities, pain in the le and bowels, b'lnd, protudipg and bleeding pilei, and geueral debilit-. ; READ THE FOLLOWING TESTIMONY '. j Jas. L. Brtmley, merchant, 134 Fultoh street, Xew Tork, writoa, August 18, 1SC0: " I have been afflicted with piles, Hfcompauied with bleeding, the last threa years; I use I . , . .. DARLING'S . LIVER REGULATOR ! : .. . -.and : ; LIFE BITTERS, - And nowonMder myself eniirehj cured.'- i . Hon. John A. Cross writes, 'Brooklyn, Marck 15t,h, 1S60. -In the spring of 1859 I took a severe cold, which induced a-violeut fever.' I took tw doses of ! j - -: . 1 ; -DARLINO'S . .HYER REGULATOR, . K '-broke up rny cold and fever at once. " Prevlofls to this attack. I had been troubled with dyspepsia-several mnnths; I have felt nothing of it since," ' - Otis Studley, Esq., ICS East 23th Street, Xew Tork., writes: ' August 13, 1S60. I had adifhcnlty with the Kidney Complaint three yean, with constant pain in the small of my back.. I bad used most ail kinds of medicines, but found no permaneut relief until I used darling's LIVER REGULATOR . , : and- : : . life . bitters. .. . I passed clotted blood by tha urethra. I am now en tirely cured, and take pleasure in recommending these remedies." '- - . -' -' - ' '- Mrs. C. Tebow, II Christopher Street, N. T., writes; "Feb. 20, I860. I have been subject to attacks or Asth ma tho last twenty years. I have never found anything eiual to .. J ,. '.. DARLING'.3 . .... LIVER REGULATOR, , In affonlinff immediate relief It n a thorough Liver and billious remedy:" , . - ' -. ' ! M rs. Young, of Brooklyn, writes "February 23. ISP0; In May last I had a-savere attack of Piles, which con fined me to the house. I look one Iwttle of . . - - . darling's ; - '? .-. . .,: :.'" 'LIFE ) BITTERS, ; : : " and was entirely cured. 1 have had no' attack since." D. VTestervilie, Esq., of South. 6th, near 8th Stret, TV'llIiamsburg, L. I., writes: -"Aognst 5, 1S60-navjns been troubled with a difficulty in the Liver, and subject to-billibus attacks, I was advised by a friend to try ; darling's " ; LIVER REGULATOR, i I I did so, and found it to operate admirably, removing the bile and arousing the liver to activity. I, have also used it as a Fnwlly TVIoclioixxo Then.our children are out of. sorts, we give them a few drops and it seta tnam all right. I find it meets tha general wants of the stomach and bowels when disor dered." Reader, lryon need either crboth of these most ex cellent Remedies, inquire for them atlhestores if you do not find them, take no other, but inclose One Dollar in a iirr.. M w4iitt at tbe rooneT. the Remedy or Remedies win be sent according, to your directions, ty mail or express, post-paic. Ade'ress,. - , DAN'L S. DARUKS, 102 Xassau Street, Xew Tork Put up in 50 cent and $1 13ottles, each. JTov. 7, 1861. mlS-tim -DO'v:YO.U 'WANT-TO CLOTHE- YOURSELVES. Tn "O PURE DRUGS A If D ED ICIiTES? IF SO, GO TO THJ1 CITY DRUG STORE, P. O. BUILDINGS, A D JOHN H; MAUN, Will sell whatever. you desire. 'U is a Ton may rest assured t-3 VT From bis- long expeiience in the business, he ia TTO DOI'CT AUQUT IT! CALL AND SEE FOR YOURSELVS ' " . AT Till " Batimore Co'tliing Store. BROWI7 VILLE, 17. T. 11 il. : 1 t ' -or 1 li A'J In Announce- to tiB public that be has opened out a READY-MADE CLOTHING, i j BOOTS AND SHOES, HATS ANP CArS, , CARPET SACKS, . GENTLMEN'S UN- ' . -' 1 ; : DERWEAR, . i ' ' " Sec, Sec, Sec. Unprecedented In qnantity, quality and price. He edetermined hi prices shall correspond with tbe times, and therefore offer here in tbe West, at just as low rate as such goods can fce purchased anywhere ia the United States. As a sample ot bis prices be will mention that he sells j Coats from $1,25 up to $15, j ! . Pants from $1 to $7, - - Vests from $1 to $5. Boots, Shoes, Hats, Caps, Fancy and White Shirts, Si ders, Xeckties, SVks, Handkerchiefs, iu tha nxe proportion. The proprietor embrace this opportunity of returning thant3 for past patronage, and promise to spare iao ef forts in the future to give entire satisfacvion. Call and ooo iilm. : " .. . -DAVID SEIGEL. Brownville, June 13, lS61.-ly 4., A N1 joiins L - ClL0?r American Cer-w TT!?: PTT msr wivji-r. r -!-!?''. ' f ' R.tCI 1 T'l r X- ON'br it sr.i i ;m '-: : Ti:3K-JiTCU'KlXr"-'4'S . AMERICAN CP is inioniyar:;.-:.; f)f tVp.i. -VILl-VlTH3TAv IT. jiena von V. . . ki n i Tnr r, :, ' -., r WILL MENDUr n AT ers Sarsaparilla A-compotmd remedy, designed to be the most effectual Alterative that can bs made.. It ia a concentrated extract, of Fara Sarsaparilla, ! so " ccjnbined with other substances of still gTeatcr alterative power' a to afford an effec tive. -antidote for the diseases Sarsaparilla 13 reputed to cure. It 13 believed that such a . remedy is wanted by those who suffer from . Strumous complaints, end that one which will accomplish their cure must prove cf immense service to thi3 large class of our aGicted fellow citizens. -How completely this compound will do it has been proven by experiment on many 'of The worst eases to be found of the following complaints: ' 1 ScitOFVLA AXD SCROTrLOt'S CoOTL.VTVr, Eul'ptioxs axd Eruptive Diseases, Ulcers, . Pimples, Blotches, Tumors, Salt Rueuji, Scald Head, Syphilis axd Stphilitic Ap fectioxs, Mercurial Disease, Dropst, Neu ralgia or Tic Douloureux, Debility, Dy3 rrr3i.i atj Ixdictestios, Jiitv3iPKi.As, Rose or Sr. Anthony's Fire, and ii3eed the whole class of complaints arising fioia Impurity of the Blood. Tliis compound will be found a great pro moter of health, when taken in the sprinj, to expel the foul humors which fester-in the blood at that season clthe year. By the time ly expulsion of them many ranlding disorders are niirped in the bud. ' Multitudes can, by the aid of this remedy, spare themselves from the endurance of foul eruptions and ulcerous sores, through which the pystem will strive to rid itself of corruptions if not assisted to do this through the natural channels of the body by an alterative 'medicine. Cleanse out tlie vitiated blood whenever you find its impurities bursting through the skin in pimples, eruptions, or sores; cleanse it when you lind it 13 ob structed and sluggish ih the veins ; cleanse it whenever it w foal, and your foelm will tell you when. Even where no particular disorder is felt, people enjoy better health, and live long2r, for cleansing the blood. Keep the blood .healthy, and all is well ; but with this Jiabulum of life disordered, there can be no asting. health. Sooner or later something must: go wrong, -and the great machinery of iiie is tiisoruereu or overthrown. barsrtparula has, and deserves much, the reputation of accomplisliing these end. -Ilut the world. h;3 been egreziously deceived bv preparations of it, partly because the orug alone nas not all the virtue that is claimed lor it, but more because many, preparation;:, pretending to be concentrated extracts of it, contain but little of the virtue of SarsaparilLi, or any thing else. During late years the public have been mis led bv large bottles, pretending to cive a Quart .f r.'i ?-tc- M, f i",, i. ut jjj.tract 01 oarsapanaa ior one uoiiar. lost of these have been frauds upon the sick, for they not only contain little, if any. Sarsana- rilla, but often no. curative, properties whatev er. ' Hence, bitter unci paintul disappointment has followed the use of tho various extracts of SarsaparllH which flood the market, until the name itself is justly despised, and has become pynonymous vith imposition and cheat. Still we call this compound Sarsaparilla, find intend to supply 'such a remedv as shall rescue the name froin' ti? load of obloquy which rests upon it. . And we think we nave ground for believing it has virtues which are irresistible by the ordinary, run of the diseases it is intend ed to cure. - In order to secure their complete, eradication irom the system, the remedy should be judiciously taken according to directions on the bottle - DR. J. C. AYER Af CO. ' LOWELL. arASS " .- ' Price, $ I re" Uottlc t 'Six Dottles for 3 Ayer's Clierry Pectoral has-Von f ,r itself such' a renown far tho cure of every variely of Throat and Lung Complaint, that iti entirely -unnecessary 'for us to recount the evidence of it- virtues, wherever it ha3 been em- ploycd. . As it luis long been in constant rise throughout t.m section, we need not do more than assure-the people its rmaKty is kept ur to tlie best it ever bns born, and t!iu,t it may be relied on to do for their relief all it hxs ever been found to do. C 0:I:F I D-'E N T . Ayer's Cathartic Pills, be will give satisfaction to all why may eall at his ESTABLISHMENT. lie. nas now en nana, ami is constartiy receiving a large supply of all articles usuall kept m a DRUG STORE. - join n. juo. Brownville, May 6th, lSffl! v6-n4-if 30 VARIETIES STRAWBERRIES. Amon wb ich are Wilson's Albany. $1 per 1M or d6 per 1000 ; Jenny Lind, $1.60 fer ICO ; Triomphe de'Gand, $2 per 1G0 ; Eoston Pine, Horeys Seedling, iiooKer3, KiacH rnnce May Cueen nnl 2o othur kinds at $1 per 100. 1'iants of Kandoirh. rin Spnnly cf 1E53 at 2 per doz. . Aug. IS51; r NEMAHA NURSERY. ! FOR'Tim CTRT OS" . Cotfivencsi,' Jaundice, Dyspepsia, Ind'wflon. Dysentery, Foul StcimacTt, -Erysipelas; Ucad-irJ,?, Piles, Wicumatitmi Eruplimis and S!; in Disease. Liver Complaint.- Droivty, Teller. Tumors and .Sali Tihenni, Worms; Gout, Xcwcilyia, as a Dinner EiU, and for Vurifyinrjihe Blood. Tliey ire Pngir-contccl. i0 iizt the most kpt;. tive can .take them, pleasnntlv, and they are the best aperient ia the world for all the purposes of a ' family physic. ?ric3 23 ceats-jer zoz ; iWirccs for $1.00. Great mtmVrs ofClergymsn, rhvsicians. States men, .and Cii.ineiit personatres. have lr-nt thir nar.i"S to certify the unparalleled usefulness of these remedies, but our sp?,ce here 'will not permit the insertion of them. The A front Kr1rr mnir- fur- n:sh pratisourAMEUiCAX Almanac in wbich they are gi ven ; -With also full descriptions .f the a'oove conipl li-its, and the- treatment that should be fol lowed for their euro. Do not be tint ofF bv nnbrlneinleJ dealers with other preparations thev make more nrorit on. Demand Aykr's. and bike no others. The sick want the best aid there is fnr them, and they should have it. . All our remedies are for sale by . JOHN MAUN, J. J. THURMAN, : ' Druggists, Browcvillft, N. T. ' Okra or "-Gumbo Seed. Tbe 6f substitute for Coffee nr,nr.i manner as CotTeo. Patkaze. of 1., ...i . V each. Ea-h package-contains gee4 en in-h to raie a sprply for an orftiaary family, : ' ' " ir viLLMmi7j; Save thor-eice of .n ci. IT WILL MEND tv; . Don't throw away thttbr. kcn r-. Vl " " ivr iiff,. ' ' ITWILLlMK.N'D'c'- our broken China a i , ' !. " ? IT-WILL lEND ;.h- That riece knocked out f yJr v V'" bo pu-, on .n - r.,?," " ! ' IT WILL MED ltj;"" Iomtttcr if that brokeu riv'vV'.''' saillir? a shill'n" ;tvJ U '-' . IT. WILL 'MEND That Coily Alabaster j iy " EiUh it mend it it will never Ji V CJtF'.or. " ? It T7111 I.'cnd bono, Cc andin fact sverythlr. Any article Ce-nenvd wi.h A ;;" GLCE wi'l nt'tf...w wT ,.Cl. - - rxTrr"cf "Every ITouseHe?.tr scuia r;.ive , & Crvs'ey's Aracriain C"n-'n: (;," ul. : . . u ij su tuuveu;cai nave la ,'H is nlwnyj ready; this ecamsLh;; j . lndfpitdaiimm " V.'e have tnpi it and f ni it tm n' , as wter." WUle'j Sirit r,ft;, 10,000 per year saved ne.. - - by One Bo'.t'.a r.f AMERICAN' CELiEIii; Price 2-5-Cerrts Price 2-5 Cents perLV..' .Price 2-3 Cent? per E.i Price 2-5 Cents per E -.. . Price 2 J Cent3 fr ,. Price 2,5 Cents per Eo. Very Ubcral Rc la . ... sale Iluycn. TEIlIS C Mill. J27"For Sftle by all Druz-ti ir.i J Ihrou-'nout the "oin!r. JOHNS & OROSL - --CS..13 Mannfai .i 7S WILLIAM STREi: Coner of Liberty 8r.r"t. E'll Iniporlanlto House o,ta Important to nuilder!. Imiiortant to RilUoai f. Important to TaimcrS. To all ivhora this may nv concerns etvno.v. JOIINS &. CPiOSLET IMPROVED GTJTTA Ti: CEMENT ROOK The Cher.pest and mos3 dun:.; in use. IT IS FIRE AJJD VATEB ' It can be applied to new and oi l fi .:' steep oiflat and to t-hirgle roofs w:'.h the 4Shini;le.. The Cost Is only about Cnr t li a t o r T J n , A i 12 J I T I T IT . This article bas been thoroughly 'r Tork City and ail Tsuti of tha L'ni.-. . . da West Indie? and Central and yovi l buildings of all kin U such as l-'autcria i Churches Kail Road Iiepoti Cars i Buildings penerolly Government a. .. : the principle tin;! Jcr? archctects fT;n tho past fourycars an 2 h.ts T;rovd tcb: EST and MOST Dlli.iDLE KOOFD"; :. every respoct a riss iWArrit WEiTiDi troop covering fr RoriEs cr all kin; Thit i ih. O XL Y. n?tTiil m" i United Stains which combines th ' ?7 properties of Elnaticit-j and ZW'iJi.V," univer.'aMy acknowledged to TAIERCHAAND INDIA No Heat is He quired in II. Application. The expense of apr lying it is triinz 'a Jioofcan be covred t'nd f ai.shed fi" It can lie applied by aJ- and when finished forms a perfectly i: ' facs with an ebjHtic body wbich eamM by Hkat Cold or Stoe.u3 Shkiv."j Loabd.s Dor any ex'emat a.-t:-,n wha:" LTQUID GUTTA PERCIIA CE For Coating Metals cf all K::i exposed to the Action cf the V.V,:: For Preserving and r.f: ZZctai Itooli C6" ALL KINDS. This isms only Cciiro'it:o? xvoTf inrr.ettfiilly rrit ettr-Tiie chin"' f til xni Irnjih of titri vhen ftpiJie't to net' 1 it adheres firmly furciii a'bo-ly e'ial f ordinary paintcojf.j aineh le?, an! w TI1RLE TLVL'S AS LON7; ainlfre-oia-is not injured by the contritin tal.' TIN and ether METAL KWH t'-.- ' sudden cban?3 of tbi w-afher. It wiUnotVll.KCK IN COLD OTi T.Z WEATHER AND WILL NOT WASH C - Leaky tin and other metal roofs .M2 repaired with Gutti P,rrht C-mnr, ar 1 from further corroiion and lakin, thcr ; leg a perfectly water-tit r-of fr mis cement is peciiiiiriy ndaptea ior vaticnof Iron ral!inr. Stores. J'afef, Af' Lnrplenients. Ac, also fir general man u!"' -GUTTA PERCIIA CE-MD For preFfrvir" and rer-nirin-r Tin acl - al roofs ofevery dc.Hcription, frcm i:s ty, U not lDjarp-i by tbj con.ructitii of metals, and Kill n.t crack i tcami treatAcr. c Thsse miterialiar!! alart.ed to all cl we are prepared to supply orders fr-ni ' the country, at short notice, forGutuH" inin rolls, ready prepnred fr use, aodo caa Lament in barrels, with full priaM" " tions for application. We will mako literal an.l saM.'fje'' ment3Wlth ri-in.-,ni!l.!n rfiffiK WDO W- hthemsclTes ia a lucrarive aad businesj. OUP. TETIM? Af.E C?3 Ve ran zive abunlar.t rrcof of !! w' favcr of oar improved K joSnr MiteiW'f rued them to several taouaad iw'3 City and vicinity. jrmivs &. Wholesale, 73, '''it-'; Corner of Liberty pfreet, Full escriptive Cia'u'ars and Prictf " nisned "n aw ligation. Xor.7fl&6l. ly . Hew Heme dies fsr SPERMATORRHEA. nOWARD ASSOCIATE PniLAXULFniA. Een've.lent In;i!uh'on tst.itfd drmment,for tf-t Relief of tte S"-- 3n ( r li u. 'it t ' - the Cutof DiMS? J n33-tf Crasceit CHy, low. Furniture ! Furniture, ! ! The most complete stock of Furniture ever nfrprpr? i this upper country just receivM by ' T. HILL.' jprowavuie, April zotn. isei, Flower Seeds. Choice varieties, and of verv superior .m'itr ?o peraof which wilWbeaent (posi-p.aM) ty niil" 'tiany address, for one. dollar. II. A ilarch 13th,' 1S62 . TERRr, Crescent Ci'y. Ic. ti3S-2m eipeciai'j for MilDICAIi A.DVICI2 s'v 8r,,'' B' Sursoon. Vallla;e r-fports eap nf tho S-S'ial DIES empleye-1 1" the D; envelopes, free of rhsriie. i.!!r. Tin j iss-ttt:: i;onii , sociation. I'o. 2, S. December 12, lSjl. on Srcrmatorrhf"; I Orcmt , ard on pns try, T;vorT j. it -MLLIA 1".' . . . .. - -'y Ayer's Cherry Pcctcjr