Nebraska advertiser. (Brownville, Nemaha County, N.T. [Neb.]) 1856-1882, June 05, 1862, Image 4
THE DAY SCHOOL BELL. TITK DAT RCnuOL BELL. A New Singln? Bock for Day Schools, t'.!c the Day School Dell, 1 utw r.aCy. It conu'ii ly't pases f choice Son, S- ituundu, Catches, Daets, Trie, Quartet and flu J rtes, many of them written for tni w.rk, j b4i ie!i.r: page of the IJleiii-i:t t f iuuf-ic. The E!e uieiiW tra o eay and propreinv that ordinary teacti- . . ... ....,....i. ...ufi.t I.. LriLtriii'l. i ill nnd IDeWM-ivea emiicij mui-tDiu. " " in even-young rfc-r t inj? crrv;ly d fiientiri , hi'.c tie tur,e Siid word, embraces isucL a vari ttv f Uv:,. attractive, oni foil ewrins iiitt: ic and n-"". iniei.t that uotr.'uHc will be experienced in indu ct .ic: beginn. to no on ithzealln acquiriig t-1 i 1 1 t.i oi.eof Ue most bealtb-vivlna, beauty iu:p-oviip, I, ppues jlelUiug, and enter y.-odueiug exercise cl MUJKilife." In implicit? cf it Kiement. iii variety uint adaptation o: luusic, snJ. ia excellence ana number . i iu uga, tdUlnji!. ieiected,"aud sdapted, it claim l,y i u:li to excel ail c-fmpeiitom. . It will -e found to I t! e ben book ever Uuc4 lor sonanat u-t," Academies. . ,! l'blic S:b! J. A. few -ample pape of tbe ele 'i J' tunes and roiiKf are ftivea in a circular; tend 4 :t-toiia.-..J: U by llje Water., author. . r -batu SUoul Bel'i." X f-.' I atd 2, which have Lad tuormuna fj-j t-f CjjCiO' cr.pie. rnccs . v .';) cis., $15 per -hundred; tx.und 3d cent-, t-5 lr l.tindrod; colli bound, e:iiS'scd gi'.t 4i) cent : ii I er Lui.dreU. 25 pies fi.rnibbe-1 at the one hundred intp. Mailed Iret at the tei-til price. notu'ls or Tin; T;ie Pay Echoos. Uxli. 3 be Junes are lively, ar.d n-i. t may tt el:y ii.a-tc:cJ ly' Ibe fcpm ,r i, e songs 1. i'bex.e,iioiifcb!e arid well adapted t the u- oi room. U i .be cbcapest au1 anion the r t?ij.MU f nl.-"! juusic publi.-hed, JWtr lor Terrhtr. ID vscwecrr, f?r.- V jtMeinaiir W t ' a e ii (tire om '0 scftodis. , - , ! V"e"biea feat iicuiTser of rtMN:T)rJg' bixV before tl.e public, but many t-i tbem lack musical we.ll as lue- t.,y taste, ud are really decioralinnB ia tbeir iufia- un tifon the innsical talent of the youi;ft. Airs of ac-L.h-wlet'ced exceileuce. weaded to word tf true poetty . I tbequaJH m4kM ocW .Wouplit witbthe ereat- e-t :are ia JlciMlaUwUAjL aJKlipol toPiifc'tlM k. This seeru to O'niLi'ic these two qualities .Pennsyl vania School Journal. y biubtxl by ' HORACE WATERS," i,.y K. as I Broadway. New York. Till: HAIIPlFUCKDQM. i r,w rcaJj, new nd euperior collection of 27 AMti Slavery, Patriotic, nnd " Contraband" Fongi, oK'Kt dyeti qnnrtetv acd choruses. " Motof the 1'wetry and J!u?iA has I.een written expressly for t hie vt,rk, crre5:i with the -time, and Ltuld ' 3 wing by tlia usiliion, in xrder JAajiaka a lpep iatiresbin behalf of tbe Contrabands" wboratJ-d, in Ms providence, bo cest.upon tbo Free North to clo'.be andeda;a:e. " CONTEXTS, IX TART. HFair . Frer dua'i.'al6cfl . baajdawjncji - at Jatt1 flreykthe Chain?, or the Linnndpating Swirrd ;" "t remooti Mar birj; on, or, Glory Uallehijnh ;" Oh 1 Help the Contrabands';" "Old Jobn itrowu'a Song;" onp of the 'Contrabands';" "O Let my l'ecple r,b ;" Turoy f n fhe Song of the 'Contra baf ' 'VYTere Lioerty DwelUis iriy country;" "IVbeo-S.'arery dies there'll be Frecdota," hWivte; Freemen, lied hrs spoken ;'" 'NVhittier'a euppressed Sor g of Freedom," etc. Friceeonly 5 cents single, 50 cents' per dozen, iZ rer 100 pofctasre I cont. itOUACE WATER?, FabUev . o 'viiyr:' 4Sll3ro;tdw.iT;yetTYuTk. . ' . NEW MUSIC. "Shall wc Know Each Other There?" Song or Pn-tfvfid r,koru, by Twav. Uf, Lowryr anihor of -."fcbtath li'ls Chitca.oni' This song Is good. Friee 25 centi, uiailed free. A pianist in attend . to try ucw musk. HORACE WATERS, . rtlfy No. 431 Uroadwty, l'ubluher. - Vt ' r. - ; :.- r, :;- , ; . i tic iioKAcn vati:us lIA'OS and aMELODIASS, And Alexandre Organs, and T. GILBERT & Ca.' c 1 J.rated..-''lijvnl inT, nrethe finest intrunpnt, I . -- " .arlor.s a ni c h u rob t to i a tie.' A far e a t sort i i -nt can a een-ke-'iw 4tarrootBr,o- 431 I'.kOADWAV", between Grand and Broome etreetss .vhiuh will bq sold at extremely low prices. I'ianos Melodoous, fro til puinliy Uiakers, newand second 1 md. Second hand I'ianos end Mclodcocs at creat "L Ynjiigi prloca ftuin 52i J i.lO0..'iMet Mime, Ii.sic-Loi ki, jtud nil .kind i vf .iliuij ;ilercliwidi?e; k war prices. A pinnitt in attendance will try new .w.iic. CTIMONS OF TIIK PKES3. . "The TJoraco Waters Pitino are known ns among the rcry ,bas1.-r 'enro- enabled-torrprafc : thwe o iiivt.rnmcBta't ith sJiu degree x.f conbdence, from jx rsoniil"knowTcdr)f their cxcfilnt tote nnd hi- V. b'e quality." Xnr York ErangtUtt; ji4Ily ' SAIIBATII SCHOOL BCLL NO. 2. ,PC0;Ccpic3;5old the First 12 Months of its Publication. It is 0D'entin:.YewVorkV'of nearly 200 'pagcs V.any t.f ilia TmifS nnd ITjmtUJ crc.trritteo.'ei.- i The" Economy of Using t IfE r IV aim Family Sewinj Hachine. i ' . ' . '- - ;. ;' T! .' tnlilns inske the celebrated GJlOVER 4' BAKER STITCH, whir-boa taseo preiui nin at the llliuoin State Fair, in SepteniNr lat, at tbe United States Fair iu -St.-Xnu-rs, in i860, aud at the principle Slate Fairs tbrousbont tue couut.y. Comiefeut Jjdj;cs tui ea OecW ia Ja. fvox cf fbls stitch, ".n account of its i -eat tretgttt and adautatiuii to all kinds ofn'miTr and rr.annr.ictiifi!i f" p"eJ. Tbe following -fable iil bliwtbe Uitrererwe in favor of SewrtB.Jfcl!iiM?ifcVer Ueold me.btltf stitching bj band. - In She working of 'bece Machines there is not only a great imt,'of lubvf and llnie, tesides admins greatlv to the healthf ulnes of the employmon , bnt tbe titch is hiucb stronger, niure elaniic, muUtx JliLUt rip or ravel than tbe Mitch made wiilj tbn.tle and bobbins A '. ' . . I ' Time consumed in niakiati- T.y M a''Bia. T : By Mand. i!D Lidies' liariaenla. , Hours. ,tiin.ircur. Min. Silk lres, .rL :.. IX -1. Jluslrn Shirt; , ... . -Merino Iivss," 'l TaHco L'ress, . I JJ jrcen Skirt, Nigbt Dress, Drawers, Ri IV A nrnn. Ptain Ai rnn. r" I L , " 10 1 5 Tioje consumed in nijkin J ly Machine. : By Hand, no fientleirien's JaruentH Hours. Min. nours. Min Gentieitwa a ihiru , Frock .Vat, Sana Vest, I.incn Vest, - - - , ClotU Pants. " .Summer Pants, 15 lot 10 i 6 27 ai-io 10 6 8 10 7 10 r . 4 1 1 'Vx. 1 1 1 25 40 ; 18! . 40 " 4&j 13 16 S 6 6 t 'rsnhlia Family ra!y for this volume. It will soon be as popular a its predecessor, Bell No." I) which "has run lip to o theniriBons iiu tuber if 675,0U0 copies ia 3.G months, ouutrtppirg any Sunday Schnol Hook bt its size is ii d in this cotmtry. Also, both volumes are bound i.ione to accommcmats rchools winning them iu that ' l. rm. Trices of lk-ll TCot 2," paper covers, lb cents, $12 per ICO. Bound, 25 cents, 1S per 100. Cloth v nd embossed pit, 30 cctit3, $22 per M?. Bell No. 1. piper coferj. 12 cents, $10 per 100. Bound 20 c'-nw, il8 per 100. Cloth bound embossed gilt, 25 o ri'inji, $20 per 100. Bells'Nos. 1 and 2 bound to other 40 cents, 30 er hundred. 25 copies fur-thed-at 'ibti loO price- Cloth -fcotmd, enabored (hit,. McoqU. llQ per ICO. ilaLI . postage ire o. At the retail price. . r....LT.ORACF. WATERS., nll-ly: " " ' "No. 4S1 Broadway, JTew'ofk. .. COMMERCIAL NURSERY, li.'isl Z4 c:-, -: .;.; ':-1 O.UAII4-XECX1ASKA. E. H. BURCHES, SEWING ' M AGIilNE, TItott wawtawi4awtby-WvaclataUonUan m add'tkoa to the pecull if character of tbe tUtcb, and tbat Is its- adaptation to c'.rtcr ttptit onncdlnni feeavy work.. Tiie Machine which at one moment ia used on THE'ilOU Ti)ELi CA 'FN 'F-ALRieritr- a few-moments' unci caa ha.lr8itJtt.t beat wltk the same facil ity on rottonades and t els of the coarsest description. Its adaption for FAMILY WORK, Is thus remarka ble, ami gives it a superioi tff over every other style of machine in the Market., v. la order tbat tbese Machines may be placed In the hnri of all classes, we reduced the price c? our FJiASXhm FAMILY MAC1UXB 5Tt -FoATY DOLLARS. From the increase of our butdness for tbe last year, and the entire ratisfaction our Machines are iriuinir tirrtri,,ii i Vift'TT.ITfll !"it 9i0i and V ii rfrMan Countries, we arc led tohelieve that our determination l manufacture a JEIlFECT.SIVPLEJiEUAliLE. A.VD- CHEAP MAVUJXfr t.a beeTntiliy appreciaten by tbe public. This poncy win rauiain unchanged, and as heretofore no Machine will be allowed to leave tbe office tbat we rsrrrmt firly iwrrrant trr every respect. M e shaU keep on liand atall times a general assort ment of Sewing Machine 'nu-'lcriaN - Keedlesfor all maebines can be ordered by Mall or Express. Price One DoUaj-PCL dozen. Persons inibe country, by sending us their address encloKinK'a letter stamp, can have forwarded by return mtil." i-euf crrwr(ar-onna,mnp tbeliffTejRtBty of Machines.' lUt' of price's and sample of work. E. ItlClLUlVSi CO., Principal Ipants for the !forth West. Omce and Sakearaonvm Lake- StreewClnaago, Illinois, E. RICHARDS. La to of L. Cornell & Co. -C. E W'ISWALL, JNO.W. TAPPAN, forTueTTr"Agt for .he Grorer & Baker Sew ing Machine. JanuaryDib' 1SG2.. CuSC-ti. TREE ' PEDDLERS, iiiibv : wbtice":! 1 will sell Good Apple TreesS to 8 feet hifth at -$40 per 1000 3 to 5 feet high at-'-- .r.".. .. f?C 35 per 1000 Extra size, many oTihctusowuiJruit, . body 8 to 11 feet high. Seedling trees, 8-t?.l fyj"Z":l' ' Red Dutch CurraLt, 1 year old " " 3 years old Houghton Seedling Go"3Sbctff , 1 year- noughton Seedling Gowberry, 3 years, 10 per Red t.n i Yellow Antwerp Raspberry 1 per Franeonia Barberry )'. 2 per Strawberry, 25 varieties. from''2 to 10 per 1000 I) a.Kjier.'s Prolific Strawberry i-n ,3 per.lOU dbriaKhVarb-. .."'......... .-.. 15 per 100 Cahooii's Seedling Rhubarb 15 per 100 Scotch Hybrid Rhubarb " '... . 30 per 1000 Seedling Rhubarb- 10 per 1000 Rose, Hardy Summer,"2t5 TurletJes 15 per 100 Rose, Hybrid Perpetual, 25 varieties- 20 per 100 Rose, ClimbingtTariettcs?:-r 02 18 per 100 Also a large assortment of Ornamental Shrttbsat. ..- 12 per 100 Descriptive Catalogues sent to all applicants. JAMES "L." LOOP. Address, C. D STEVENS, Agent. . 60 per 1000 25 per 1000 4 per 100 10 per 100 4 per 100 100 100 100 January 2, 1SC2 n26-4m 1 nrjor siece Veett eorinced of the want of a first ela Js'urkery iu tte West, w"bere TREES,' SHRUBS, FLOWERS,-: &t . Can be adapted to our clihiae and soli. In view of ti.fhe facts, 1 have established in ibis place, and. offer for sale ti Wholesale or Retail, A r,: i Awi rye and well selected stock, suitd to ibis climate, es, standard and dwarf; Pears, standard and dwarf ; Cherries, standard and dwarf; re i ! f. Plums, r ApricAtu, . " . Kectariaes, . ' ..Quince." Coosberries." - Currents, ;rapcs, Kajpl-errieh, Strawlerrie, ' -. Piackberrles, Evergreens, - -' Shrubs, Roses, " Dabllaa, Ornamental Trees. TlrecrrhJViso ai.d J'.eddinV Plants, .tr.J"et.e. Tpwhtcb t -wtBl4tef loave to call tbe -attenticti-of tbe pepl of Nebraska, KLansas, Colorado, Iowa and North west 1 iK4ir4 .- - - , ...; '" icyjiy terms will Ve as tow as any rellaU'.e eastern Kirsery. . Ur Mircbasing et tot" tbe expense ef traasportayon ircui tbe eaUcan be aved. : i - : ;.. AW trees and plants are carefully labeled and packed In the bevt manner U r wuicti a charge of the actual cost wiil hte i, oe. Ji'o -barge be tuaUe for the tfetivery of pakae.uti boarJT.teamft3at. w ' ' All eonimuuicatlons addressed to the cndersijjned wjrt Twomptartentlon, - : c-.- ! i kir VhO -vw a i '... " U. J3-.BUECII E . FRENCH'S;CONICAL Tfisain,; .Maefiiiics. "( 1 firnle". nraMe,'c6nvenient arid economical i iicic evur ii.vemed for ttie pnrp.xe. - -' H'rl 4 tfre-w-binz f aa ordinary family . before bi'fskfaii, not onjy savihg time, but clothes. . -. I'j rfu3'y filo-intlpruied directious, which are in!!'V --'l i "-y, it will sb, at one time, six aLirta, .r tlf, a ren tCiall artlcfes, In tbout n' or tcrcn min vf. , or their equivalent. l:y !! the orvbnarytmH.hi?s of cleariinj fine fabrics. ViH'ti n laces, &-c, the are.ltet care is required, while vUW alii&. macbuie. the mi ueiicate atticie cau be a4hM iUh( the ;Mity of da -wmh - 1 iie-e resuli!" are prodncetl by the constant reaction the udi.tvUltrie raacbiiie iin rootian. ... cf lM.i.:..'', L4iuidtiSs."Ue:sr. tj.vrdisonsfa.-'hj.splt-' ala. y1un.-, boardinfc-t.cUoi.lS.-tn ttips and Stearoers, . atMTin the a'; i;,y, l j'bvethe:e sucbicerin use, have '"" aer.l i.i tuelr;-ts voluiWaiiully, and the enca nlnlTl ff the Preb are very nouierui:, voiue of which 1 h;ve pilirljd In pamrihle: f urm, . l! I ast of t'lePutoic is tareful examinaiics of 1 ' 'tMs u.'.iifctce l2'Io;e" ioircl:.-hi sf others. i - - if- i"r. -- - - .. 1 .12iicd only TehTDoirars.' Bloomihgtoii itursery, At the crowing of tha Illiniiis Cen-trai,and 3t. tool, AtluM auil CUiiaioT Bail toads. EatabliUed 1S62. n the open i'rs'rie, and cochins 140 acres. Frnit; Orna mentat and .Nursery Stock, a very larg, general and reliable assortment, VURY CHEAP for Cash. .t: EietiallyrAdaped'(a-the-Severriiiaate cf IheKcrthwcst. APrLE TREES, from lto4year? old. $ $90 per 10OO. BOOT Git AFT$, $4Jper lO.Ott, APPLS STOCKS, onio i wo j eris, teiecret: icr rrarrmg, second class $1 per tboutlsand. CHERRY, $3 per 1,000. STAN" PUiD iXD DWAKP PKAR,. CHKBJir, PIX'M, PEACH) VH'INCK, NECTARINE,-AND APRICOT DWAttP APPLE, QUCEA PEAR, PLUM, AND TtOSE STOCKS, pplt &cion$$l 60 per thousand. tjumnytc rewiy sorts wage r.Ora,ufe; g(t:oue".year old plants, i,50 per thousand. IKion' Strawbery, and many other Standard Sorts two dollars flfty to lour dollars powhouiand., ii rapt Ctawba, Clinton, Iatell-a, well rooted,-one year eld ihree dollars per hundred, twenty dollars rer thousand; Delaware one and two years olciA io 10 per dozen. Rhu bnrb, lestc sorts twa U Qv .doliai pur hundred. Houghton tioosnerrj, one 1o two rears" old one to three dollars per hundred learning' Ever Bearing Mulbery four, to .eight dollars perdwzen. Epergrcen several sorts ten dol lars per thousand. Shade and Weeping Treet, Shrubs; Flower Roots. Bulbs, Roses, an immense variety mostly one to. two dollars fitly per dozen. - P kmg.cau-uiiy done. Catalogues sent" on receipl of a three cent stamp. Addiess, - ? j . - FK PHOENIX, . Nov 14, 1S61, nl9-5n)1. loomington, Illinois. i1 riiit and:Ornamental . u - ' f . Shrubbery, Evergreen. Trees, ; . ;-' I i '. ! 1 Ji,; With a General Assortment of .Nursery ':. Artfcies. for ale at the Ir s-. - .. - . ;'....:iii-.u.j Pleasant Xliage Ilurs ery , ARISPE, BUREAU CO.. ILL. Very low forcanh or It equivalent, vre hare a few thoirsand six and seven year old apple trees, which we win e!l -ery low, as we want to dispieof them be fire ther pet loo large, also four year olds at $12,60 per hundred J three year olds at $10 per hundred, and young. trees at corre ponding prices. - " ' Also Cherry, Pear, Plum, Peach, Grape, Currants, Gooseberries, Raspberries, .: XavitonBlackberries, Strawberries, . Pie Plant, and Dahlias, '.' '"'of ihe "finest sort. tsrrMXESSTV IX EVKRV IIOIlffllidtD JOHNS Si CllOSLEY'S f m f . American Cement Glue TTTE STRONG F.ST GLUE IS TF1E WORLD. TH E CHEAPEST iy.lElX.TnK WORM). THE MOST DURABLE GLUE IN THE WORLD. THE ONLY RELIABLE GLUE IN THE WORLD. THE BEST GLUE IN THE WOULD. AMERICAN -CEMENT -GLUE Ij the6nfyrtTcTe of ttij tiad ever produced" wVieb. WILL VITHSTAtlD WATER- . .. :.4T?WIhtf lj;tM),U.OOD-: : ; ; Save your kioken Furniture, t ; : IT WILL MEND LEATHER ilend your Harness. Straps, Belts, Boots Ac IT WiLL:MBD::GL-ASS Fare tho reices if that expensive Cut t7Iass Bottle. IT WILL MEND IVORY "Don't throw away that broken Ivory Fan it is eas ily repitievd. IT WILL MEND CHINA Your broken China Cops and Saucers can bo made nsrr Tl newj " r- 1T-WILL1END M-ARBLE- 'That piece knocked out of your Marble Mantle can! t be put on as strong a? ever i IT WILL MENU PORCELAIN No matter if tbat brokeu Pitcher did cost but a ! shilling a shillinzsavcd is a shilling earned. -IT-WILL AIEND-ALABASTER .. That Coaly Alabaster 'n is brocken andyouenn't match ittuend it it will ietej ehow wben putto f . . 't r.i v. . gether. i - - . .x j It wUl Mend bone, Coral, Lava, and in fact everything but Metals. Any article Cemented: .with AMKRICAN CEMENT GLUE will not show where it is mended "Every Housekeeper should have a supply of Johns Crosrey'a 'Amrican. Cerabnt Gluc,-'-JV'..r' Timet. "1 1 U sfTconvenietit to' "have- la ' tho' h6ase .-Afl-,Etprtsi. ',It is always ready; thi commends it toeverybody.' HW-e. have tried it and find it as useful ja our house 'as water." HVie' Spirit -othis Timet., - " '. .'J, Economy is Vioo-ltli. S10.000 per year saved in every iarmly by One Bottle of ,t.,,. AMERICAN CEMENT" GLUE I Price 25 Cents per, Bqule. Price 25 Cent's7 per Bottle. 'Price 25 Cents. per Bottle. Price 25 Cents per Bottle. rricer25 Cets per Bottle. Price 25 Cents per Bottle. Verpllliei-ai Reduction to Whole sale IJuyers. TERMS CASH. r:: t3f For Sfle by all Druggists and Storekeepers lhrniichmit th fOtrntrV. JOHNS & CROSLEY ( Sol "ManufacturtfX. p. 78 WILLIAM STREET Corner of LiVefty SfreeM-'' YElV YORK. Importantto IIoiisc Oivuers. Important4o-Xlu,lldcri. Importantto Rail Road Conipa .33 t-?2 ,oi nics. Important to Farmers. To all whom this may concern, and ii concerns tverybody. JOHNS & CROSLEY'S IMPROVED GTJTTA PEECHA CEMENT ' ROOFING, The Cheapest and moss durable Roofing r,nt- . ,. i : use-,--- : ..t, IT is fire and Avater psoof Itcah be applied to new and old Roofs of all kinds steep oiflnt and to Shingle roofs without removing the SMiigiM:: ' 1 2 J - - :c,;'?. " T .v.. ' U The Cost is only about One-Third that of Tin; A3I IT 1ST1YICE AS DURABLE. This artiele bng been thoroughly tested in New Tork City and all paats of the United States Cana da Wost Indie? and Central and uutb. America on buildings of all kinds such as Factories Fonnderief Churches Rail Road Depots Cars and on Public Buildings generally Government Buildings Ac. by the principle Builders architects anp others during the past four years and has proved to be the CHEAP EST and MOST DURaBLE ROOFING in use it is in every rcspoct A fire watfb weataer and Tiiig TROOP Covering for KOfijLaALL KINDS. Thititihe O SLY malarial manufantnrcd i the (Suited Slate which combines the very desirable properties of Elatticitq and Durability which are uni vj:-rsaJly. acknow letted to be pressed by OU T PERC H A-A N D I N' DI A It Uli- XI q He at- is He qnire d t in Makling - ' " ' 'Application. The expense of applying it is trifling as an., ordinary Roof can be covered nd finished the'tame ay. It can be applied by any one, and when finished forms a perfectly Firs PKOOFsnr face wi-h an!st-ie body, wen-cannot bo injured by JlKkT .CbLD or.TOjtjsSnKlxKiNG of Koof BoAJ-n.nof any external notion wLatevor. J3UTTA PEIYl? CEMENT. Fo"r 00311-' Metals' of air K3htfs"wnen exposed to tha Action of the.Weather j aod For Preserving and ' Repairing Metal Roofs OF ALL KINDS . .... ThisisTrm oxly Compositiof ksows tci'ca triVi utccetsidly. retiul rjctrnur rhniujrn r.f flJ rli mates for an length of time tchen apjdied to metalt to which it udberes firmly forming.a bodyeqttal to three coats of ordinary paint tosta jnuch'. Jess," and will LAST THREE TIMES AS L0N6'; and from its elasticity is not injured,.by the. contraction and expansion, TIN- and -other METAI ROOFS -consequenl - upon sudden, chaoses of too weather. .Lv" J. ' ) Jsu If inV; nof CRACK IN COLD OR RUN" IN WARM WEATHER AND WILL NOT WASH OFF. Leaky tm ' and ether metal roofs eari: be readily repaired with Gutta Percha Cement, and prevented from fiythcf: cjitrosim nd leaking therfcby ensur ing a perfectly water-tight roof for many years. in i cement, is peculiarly adapted for the pi ener vation of Iron railings, "Stoves, Safes, Agricultural Implements, Ac, al?o for general rcanufaeturTS use GUTTA ;PERCHA CEMENT ; . For preserving and repairing Tin and other met al roofs ofevcry description, from its great elastici ty, is not injured by the contraction and expansion of metals, and will not crack in cold nor ran in UKtrm-teeaiherJ - - - , y ' These materials are adapted trr all climates, and we are prepared to supply orders from any part of the'eounfrryj atlsfiortTnotifiefor' Gutti'T'erclia "roof ing hi rolls, ready prepared for use, and Gutta Per cha Cement iu-barrela, with full priated directions tions for application. jj f T Goxi.-t " XTOTiLto d.'l 'J, We will make liberal and satisfactory arrange ments with responsible 'parties who! would like to establish themselves ia a lucrarive and permanent business.- .- r , ... . ., . . OUR TERMS ARE CASn. Wo can give abundant proof of all we claim in favor of our improved Roofing Materials, having ap plied them io several thenrand Koufi in New York City and vicin.ty. JOIEVS& CROSEEY SOLE MAXCFAGTURERS. llTiotcsah JVarehouset78, William Street, Corner of Lfbertystreet-' - Ji TfEW Y0SZ, Full eseriptive Circulars and Prices will befur- nished n application. '" '""'' . - : 3' r. 7,1861. ly ' 1w ...V ,K.f A.lihfral V.i-t-ootit u -the- Trad. , Jigetits -I a iu y.J;t. i ') Circular. - - '-- (- . .iTUfc Ujt ."3, 'X . VTCiiyP. O. . -; fill LI P. FRKNCJI , Proprietor. t w.. , -.Variety rerpurcn-.ft r live fee c. ' 1 will cutj bundle and" deliver tbe ('utuc: at Br wnville for $5 per eighty rr.d J ; beir.ff bijt a liUIe three a. 4!a;s less than ever oS'cred before. . AH - rJcrg f,t ttcse prices must be sent la before Jhe Ui.of October, 1S31. "iHr-i crdem by mail with ctsh. to ; T v - R. O. TIIOMPSIN, wt of Neb'Atka Citr.-Agtut l.-r.S-tf Oa new Air Lice Keai'ney Kuad.i OUR STOCK OF EVERGREENS Is larpe, and very fine specimens. Sires and prices, to nit". - " ' - Driler recpectfnll.T Solicited and promptly attended to. V " - ' TEP.RRT 1LDRICH. . ' ' 'P. O. Address, TUkilwa. III. v; - - ' ' - - ; . i .' i r ' . ' ; T. S.i'W have ahoat I.OCC fonr year nld trees, of the New Tork Pippin, for ml th? cominp fall and spring -TTrrijinwso rntich rwnularltT in so short a time. The tree are. good growers, early fruiters, and very hardy ; apples Ursu nd showy, and keep aoout equal to the WiiH,w Twig, Also a large stock of "tbe Wasner, oneof the best irpies; very early fruiter, and tree remarkably hardy.. For t more full description of these and otl er sjru, please see UoKcriptirecatlavgue tent free to all appfiuants. Januarys, lt62. liiCi-3ua . . Terry's Garden. See 3. Fret-h and j'ui-e.-and ri-ed in this sidl and'cllmste for sale ty 2-tf . LETT, STRICKI.KR & CO, ' New Remedies for SPERM ATORRHCEAr HOWARD ASSOCIATIOxV, ! -4 V V PHILADELPHIA. A Benevolent Institution established by special En dowment, for the Relief of the Sick and Distressed, ajflicted vitk Virulent and Chronic Diseasee and etpeciaUy for the Cure of Diseases of the Sexual Organs. - , - ... M JUDICAL ADVICE lven gratis, by the Acting Surgeon. Valuable Reports on Spermatorrhoea, and other dis. eases of the Sexual Organs, and on theXEW REME DIES employed in the Dispensary, sent in sealed letter envelopes, free of charge. Two or three Stamps accept- Address DU. J. SKILLlV nOUGIITOK, Howard As sociation. No. 2, Smth. Ninth Street, Philadelphia, V. DecfmJxrr J2. 1SSK n23-ly TO THE -PEOPLE OF xzzzzi'jEj jrx'X'xs zs'Vj&jt'zs In tli month of DecemhcrlS5S, the undercignel I fr the nrsi frriie i tlered" f.r sale to ihe puhlrc DK. J.BO VEE DODS lilPEUIAU -KiTTKnSr and ia tl-ir short pet Kd they have given such universal patisfac tiou to theiuany thousands of perscns who have tried them that it is no an eUhlit-hed article. The amount of-bodiiyau-J mental misery arising f imply from nt ?lect or! Complaints is surprioing, and It is there, fore of the utmot importance that a strict attention to the leat and" most trifling bodily ailuieut should be bad; Tor disease ef the boiy must invariably ail'eet the miiid. Tlie'stibscrirersuiiw ouly ak a trial of ; DR;:J: BO VEE DODS'S . Imperial Wine Bitters from all who have noi used them. We challenge the world to produce their equal. -' . i Thee Bitters for the cure of Weak Stomachs, Gen eral Debility, and for' Purifying and Enriching the Blood, are absolutely unsurpassed by any o' her reme dy on earth. Jo be assured of this, it it only neces essary to makw the trial The wine is of a very supe rior quality being about, on e-tbird stronger than .oth er wines, warming and invigorating me whole s-ystem from tbe hesd to the feet. As these bitters are tonic and alterative In their character, to 'they strengthen and invigorate the whole system and give a fine tunc and healthy actldU to aI its parti, ty finalizing tae circulation, removjns the ')bstrucJiou and producing a general warmth." They arc excellent, for liseases a"hd weakness peculiar te .Females, wiiere a tonic is requir ed to strcn-tben and, brace the system. No .lady who Is subject to lasiade ai. faiatness, should be without them a they are revlvifyins in their action.- ' - ' THESF BITTERS Vfill not only Cure but Prevent ; isea"se. ; '.. - and in this respect are "doubly valuable to the person who mar use them for '. - . . ' -J, 1 INS1PIENT CONSUMPTION, : r - - - ' weaK Lnngs, mcigestion, iyspepslar tiiseasec or.vne Nervous system. PTalysisy Piles, ajul for all caaes requiring a Tonic. ! . . DR-DODD'S ... , Celebrated Mine Hitters Are. .TTxiJSxxiTrrussocI- " For Sore.Tbroat so common aniuug the Clergy they nre truly invaluable ,'"'.' Fur the aged and infirm, and "for persons of weak :oristltuiori. For minii?tersof, the compel, Jnwyer hnd all public spaekers-for book-keepers , taiiors ieamatresses"stBd'nts,ar artists, -and all persons Jea tllug a sedentary life, tbeyvi!l prove beneficial.., ; ( j a a beverage; they are" wholesome, innocent, and delicious to the taste. They produce all the exhierat jng effects of brandy or wine, without intoxiratiup; and are a valuable remedy for persons adicted to the use of exe? site strong drink, and who wish to refrain. froni it. They ate pure and entirely free ifrom the poisons con eairied in tbe adulterated wines arrd brandies with which the country is fKwdfd. .H .,.,.: it ... These bitters noto nly Ct'RE bnt prevent disease, and fbould fce.nsed fcy all wha lire in aountry -where the w&te is bad, or where chills and fever are prevalent. Being"' entirely innocent and harmless they may be giv. en freely .to children andinfants with impunity, ; Physicians-and Clergymen, and temperance adrocates as an act of tmmaulty, shdrtld assist in spreading these valuable bilter$ pver. the land, anuVthreby essentially jbanih drunkenness and disease. , .. . ; t 1 11' all aflectibns ofthe Head, Sick Headache, ; or IV ervaousll cad ache, DraWod's Imperial ITine Hitters Will be round to be most . Saintarn and! EfUcaclous. .It - j-pEJiAEES. ' ''".. The many -clrtiflcates which have been tendered ns and the lexers which we dairy receive, are conclusive proof that among .the women tBese Bitters have given a satisfaction which bo others have ever done before. No woman in te una snouta ce without them, and those who once use them,' win not fail to keep a full supply.?:.;."! " i . . ' - . v. t C DR 5" Bovee Dod's ' u IMPERIAL WINE BITTERS, Are prepared byan eminent and.skiUful physician, wb has used Item successfully in hia practice for the las. twenty-.fiie years. , The .proprietor before j-urahaslni the exilnsive right to manufacture and sell Dr. Bove PDods Celebrawt-Imirfat. U'inaiiU. ars, badtthem test ed by two distinguished medical practitioners, who pro nounced them a "valuable -and safe remedy fordss'ease. Although the medical'mcn of this country, as a gen eral thing; disapprove of Patent Medicines, yet we do not Relieve that a respectable Thysician can be fonnd in- the United States, acquainted with, their medical properties, who witt not highly approve Dr. Dod's 1.M PERIALnXEBlTTERS f - - In all newly settled places, where there Is always a largeqnantity of deeayirig timberfrom which a poi sonous miasma is created, these bitters ahuold be used every mornins boforebreakgast. - - : DR. J. BOVEE DODS' ; IMPERIAL ; WIN E BITTERS Are composed of a pnre and unadulterated wine, com bined with Barberry, Solomon's Seal, Comfrev, Wild CheryBark, Spiknard Camomile Flowers, and Gentian. They are manufactured by DrDop himselr, who is an experienced and successful pbysician.iand hence should not be classed among the quack nostrums which flood tbe country, and agaiott wfeicb tbe medical profession so justly denounce. . These truly valuable Bitters have beea so thoroughly tested by all classes of community, for almost every vri ety of disease incident to human sybtem, that they are now deemed indispensable as a Tonic; Medicines and a .2 s Beverage. : Pqrcliasjj oiKV Bottle v It Costs but tittle! Purify the Blood. Give Tone to tlic Sto niach -Renovase the Sys ;: 1 r ' and Prolong Eil'e. . PrlcV $1 00 per Bottle, 6 Bottles "' '. ' " ' -'for' $5 00 ' v II . ' :' J ...Prepared aud Bold by , : ; CHARLES ' WIDDIFIELD & CO., 1 SOLE PliOPJlIETOS .. ; ?i- 78 "Williatri Street, New Tot V. . For sale by druggists and grocers generally through ont theeountry. ; -- - - i Oct, It. 1861. - . - PRIKDLE'S PATEST " Airriciilturar Cauldron1 ard Steamer. '- FOR: SALE 22t and 223" -South Water Street, Chicago, 111. Prices, Wood $55, Coal f 33, staple sixes other sizes in proportion, with freight added from factory in New Tork to Chicago. The advantages of cooked over raw food is admit- ted by all. The old way of boiling in kettles is both slow and expensive, so inueh so taht but few men do it. Something more practical must be had. Steam seemes to be tha only alternative. The Patentee has retaind all the advantages of tho Portable Cal dron for boiling, and devised means of generating steam suficicnt for ali purposes. It is simple and practical, and proves a PERFECT" SUCCESS. TF. O. AISTI.Y. , . . Sole agent for Illinois nnd North-West, ' : " 221 A 223 S. Water St., Chicago. Where will also be found Downs & Co's Deep Well Pumps, Force Cisterns, Chain and Common Well Pumps, Thimble Skeins and Sad Irons, as well as every rarirty of Farming Tools, Cat Irou Corn Shellers. Feed Mills, Hay and Platform Scales, Stove?, Ac. The above will be sold on account of tbe manufacturers, at their respe ctive faotory price adding freight' to this place. January 1862. " tf Pleasant Ridge Nursery. - Jt vlti v A t o a . :j r i: i ttr. FruitTand; Oriia mental r Shrubbery, Evergreens, leasant Rldg", Ar.x"- B-.t-: n C..-f.ry, Ii " . - f. o. A-Hr.-s, Ti'-VlUr-, -;Jannary S, (n-:-3r.i ' ,V t :.i.)l Ii' .... S.CCO'CIi&rry Cur First s.a - - '' . J5.ocn Concord Crape t int. N". 1, l.syert, - . , . No.'?. Layers, . ' ' Ni. 3, Lj. ers, On. e,r o.d, f i , . . ,- j., ; t! 4 J t ! fO 00 per T.COO 20 Qi d.. I.Hyer, Fine. ? : co er 100 16 m per 100 .12 00 per 100 8 00 per 100 13 00 per 100 Ayer's Cherry Pectoral. ; f tor UJ7 tt Attsfin F-'rtvUory.- - - $20 00 perl.OCO GUO-iiiK RETMOCR & Co., , South Norwaik, Cona, . DALING'S Xiivor;!XlC5iUator LIFE' BITTERS., - ' Are pure vegetable extracts. They cure all billlous disorders of the human ys;em. T!)ey reguUte and in vigorate the liver and kidney.-.; they give toue to,!Ue dleesUve vrpins; lhey regulate the secreti na, excre tions and exhalations, equalize ibe ciiculaii ii, and pu rify the bloody Thtis, nil bullous complaint wwe or which areTorpid Liver, Sick UeaUache, Dyspepsia. Piles, Chilis and Fevers, Coi-tivene or Looseness re ei tirciy controled and cured, by these remedies. , . . DARLING'S : LIVEll .REGULATOR Removes the morbid and biliians deposit from the stomach- and bowels, regulates the Liver aad Kidney, removing every obstruction, re.-f jres a natural and heal thy action in the vital organs. It ii a s:jpeiior Family Lledieine, Much better than Pills, and much easier to take. DARLING'S - ' ,V ; ; LIFE BITTERS Is a superior tonic aud diuretic; excellent In cases of K)ssor appt'llte, P.atu!ency.femaleweaknes, Irregular ities, pain in the side and bowels, li!ud, protuding aod bleetliug piles, and general debility. ! HEAD THE FOLLOWING TESTIMONY: ' Jas. L. Brumley, merchant, 184 Fulton street, Nev Tork, writes, August IS, li(0: ' I have beeu adicted with pites, accompanied with bleeding, tho last three yean; 1 usett ' . - . , . : -'s j L IV E R REG UL ATO R . AND . . ' . . . i LIFE BITTERS, i rjtiI nwpmsTdtr.'iiyself 'entir'tln curtd.' ' ' Hon. Johu A. Cross writes, :Hreoklyu, Jljrci 15th, I860. In the spring of 1853 took a severe cold, which Induced avioieni fever, "I took twodoes 01 " ' ) " ) - darling's' : : v .' LIVER REGULATOR; r ; It broke up. my co Id and fever at once. Previous, to this attack, t had- been troubled with dyspepsia several iaoiith; I have fell nothing of it since," - i Otis Studley, Esq., 123 East 23th Street, New York., writes: ' August 13, 1360. I had adiftlculty with the Kidney Complaint three yeats, with constant pain in tbe small of my back. I bad used most all kinds of medicine, hut found no pcrmauetii. relief uttU 1 vned ' t -1 . DARLING S . LIER REGULATOR .'. i ': . : . ' 1 AND' i ."-1 " : '" " ; ; - LIFE ; BITTERS. - ' 1 passed clotted blood by the urethra. I am now en tirely cured, aud. take pleasuro in recommending these remedies." 1 Mrs. C. Tebow, 11 Christopher Street, N. T., wites: "Feb. 20, 1S60. I havebeen aubject to attacks or Asth imrthe last twenty years. I have never found auyiuiug equal t - -' . . darling's . . ; ' LIVER REGULATOR, in affording immediate relief .. It is a thorough Liver and billlous remedy.-" - Mrs. Young, of Brooklyn, write. "February 23 1S60. Iu May last I had a severe attack of Piles, which con fined tue to the house. 1 look one bottle of . " . - darling's ; LIFE BITTERS, and was entirely cured. . I have had no attack since." D, Westerviiie, Esq., of South 6th, near St li Stret, Williamsburg, L. I., writes: "August 6, 1850 Having te3n troubled with a difficulty in tbe Liver, and subject to billious attacks, I was adried by a friend to try darling's ; LIVER REGULATOR. I did so, and found it to operate admirably, removing the bile and arousing the liver to activity, i have also used it as a - -' 3Jain.ily 2Vrocliciin.o. When our children are out of sorts, we give them a few drops and it sets tham all right. I find it meets the general want of the Btomach and bowels when disor dered." ; - j . .: ... . Header, if you need either or both of tbe?e most ex. celient Remeaies, inquire for them at the stores; if you do not and them, take no other, tut inclose One Dollar in a letter, and on receipt of the mone, the Remedy or Remedies will be sent according-to your directions, by mail or express, post-pait. Aderess, DAS'L S. PARLtKC. 102 Nassau Street, New Tork. Put up in 50 cent and $3. Bottles, each. Nov. 7, isci. - itia-cm---' CHOICE LIQUORS. Wholesale and Retail1 Evan . .OF- THE v7 orthinsr Km 1 W BROWNVILLE, . TJas just received a choice lot of the best brands of Llquora, which he will sell by the Barrel, Gallon, Quart or single Ortuk. The followintr is a partial list: BRA1TDIES: French, , ,': "Cognac, , Apple,'. ' . '.'; Raspberry," Teach. . ' . Cherry, ' " ' Blackberry. WINES: Port, Hungarian, Sherry, - Malaga, Medara, Champagne. WHISKIES: Bourbon, , - , Rye, Scotch, . . :Z '"';'' '. Irish, : .".' Mnnongahala, ' And a variety ef common articles. , BILLIARD -, SALOON AND Ten Pin AUey. WHITNEY'S RE OCR Main Street, Brownville Novmber 14, 1SS. nl9-tfl D. ;A. C O W S T A RLE, . , IMPORTER Attn DEALER I IROl, STEEL, NAILS; CASTINGS, SPRINGS, AXLES, FILES ueijIjO "to a , AND B L A C K SMITH'S TOOLS Also: ' Hubs, Spokes, and Bent Staff. - Thi'd Street, between Felix and Edmond. . SAINT JOSEPH, MO. : Which he sells at St. Louis prices for cash. '- Highest Price Paid for Scrap Iron. December l.lsa. iy. Furniture ! Furniture ! ! - The most complete ?i ci f Fr.-iitrre this upper country ju. r- i -.Ted Brownvilte, April I -Ul . IOWA P0310LOt:i V ! ITlLi. IH.NS. T ' A: 1 153 .00 FvA: if tit iA 5. 1 .in- 75 .... ....3,r.o 50 cts. each iO " 25 " " .inekle's Orange-. i c:, ; ' l'." Common hue Grane.. "5 75 0 Fruit Trees, Grape Vt"5 - r ;--o-"-.erries, Baspberries, etc., etc, : . t .' u es tablished rates. APPLE S Pest fr vf led va ri c-1 4 to 5" feet 7 to 10 toct PLUMS-Ctc's (;! Jen Dr 1: K t-- ;'ei cni:;:;i!F..---i:tiri::, :-.r.,: , k ; -; : -k- Cr.APES-I.-3he!la,Cc t,n iii.'.na Pe'ware- ' Hcbecrt v,. t'.iricr.- ,-' i.iiMi:-KST .. 'j, ..- nci,- . v Antwerp o r jnteney autumn bear- 50 Red ........ 0 TS ictoria-- j a Cherry... 1?C0 GOOSEBERRIES Hooglitm' Seed'g 50 Ohio Seedling .....1.00 STRAWBERRIES-Wilson's Albany. 10 lJjfton Pine ' Scott'f Seedling- Gennesee... Trioinphe de Gand Large Early Scarlet- Hudson, CHESTNUT American large size second size APPLE STOCXS-suilable for eo;ir grafting........ ; 2.00 per M, JA.1ILS WEED. Muscatine, Iowa, Marsh 20, 1-362. n3:-2m CLOTHE YOURSELVES. CHEAPEST C1GTHIITG . ."w-XvejofTered in this : Market. ... GREATMPROVMN 1 A SHUTTLE MACinv ratontei February 14 i-.- -i SO DOIUT ACOl'T IT! CALL AND SEE FOR YOURSELVS AT THE Batimore Cotliibg Store, BROV7I7VILLE, IT. T. Announce to the public thit he has opened out a stock of -, - - - . READY-MADE CLOTHING, -, BOOTS AND SHOES, ; HATS AND CAPS, ; : -: . . CARPET SACKS, : GENTLMEN'SUN ? -DE R WEAR, ' ':; - - ;-&c, &cM &c. Unprecedented In qnantity, quality and prices. lie is determined his prices sha'l correspond with the tiaies, and therefore cn"e? here In the West, at Just as low rates as -such gooV.s can e purchased 'anywhere in the United States. As a sample of his prices he will mention tbat heel!s . , Coats from $1,25 tip to $15, , ., Pants from $ $7, . Vests from $1 to-$5. - Boots, Shoes, fists, Caps, Fancy and White SMrts, Sus ders.Nevkties, Socks, Ilatidkerchiets, &c, lq tho same proportion." ; Tte proprietor en;brace this opportunity of ret ttrrin thanks for patronage, and promise to spare no ef forts in the future to give entire satisfaction. ' Cull utxd sco iiixxa.. DAVID SEIGEL. Brownvllle, June 13, 1861.-ly ' ' - Salesroom, 510 Unwu TV.!. M-,.V;- tkiv. ri.., ... .... .L. ! . j in.. i io ui-cil inr, jt pr i; taWe improve meats. hav;r. 1, .7 nr Hi n-ii-pr-.intira expert", and rr.,r, " ;a si --, I'LIClTY ard PLUr TCTIoVcrj - J The folloin - ar9 th3 rrineva, O. ' against SeWif.,-i!acl-;n( ' ,Jir'-il. :ue to i i.h-ez eia VV1, A compourd remedy, designed to be the most . effectual Alterative that can be made. It is a concentrated extract of Para Sarsaparilla, 60 combined xvith other rubstance3 of -f-tili. greater alterative power as to afford an rfTec-. tive antidote for the diseases Sarsaparilia is reputed to cure. It is bclioved that such a remedy is wanted by those who suffer fiom Strumous complaints, and that one which will accomplish their cure must prove of immense serv ice to this large class of our afRicted fellow citizens. How completely this compound will do it has been proven by experiment on many of the worst cases to be found of the following complaints: ' ' . . . SCHOFULA Alt D ScuOri'T.OCS COMPLAINTS,. . EttUrTIOXi AS1 KuLTTIvn DI3EASE3, ULcnus, . PiJiri.E, Blotches, Tenons, Salt Kheum, Scat.d Heao, Svpaii.Ts and Syphiluic Ar fections, Mercurial Disease,-DaopsV, Nec- KALCIA OK, TlC DouLOUBECX, I)EILITT,.Drs- tepsia an ii Indigestion,, 11ob ou Sr. Anthony's Fiue, nnd iivleed the whole class of complaints arising from Lmpuiiitt or . the Blood. .This compound will be found a great pro- moter of health, when taken in the spring, to expel the foul humors which fester in thj blood at that season of the year. By the time ly expulsion of th?rh many ranklin disorders are nipped in the bud, . Multitudes can, by the aid of this remedy, spare themselves, from' the endurance of, foul eruptions and ulcerous sores, through which t!i2 system wTd strive to . rid itself of corruptions, if not assisted to dor' this through the natural channels of the body by an alterative medicine.- Cleanse, out the' vitiated blood whenever you find it3 impurities bursting through the skin in pimples, eruptions, or sores ; cleanse it when you find it is ob structed and sluggish in the veins ; cleanse it ' whenever it is foul, and your feelings will'tell you when.- Eyen where no particular disorder is fldt, people enjoy better health, and live longer, for cleansing' the blood. Keep the blood healthy, and all is well; but with. this fiabulum.xif life disordered, there can b? no asting health. Sooner or later something-must-go .wrong, and -the great machinery of life is disordered or overthrown. Sarsaparilia has, and deserves much, the. reputation of accomplishing these ends. But the world. hns been egregiously deceived by preparations of ii, partly because' the drug alone has not all the virtue that is claimed for it, but more because many preparations, pretending to be concentrated, extracts of it, contain but little of the virtue of Sarsaparilia, or any tiling else. During late years the public have been mis led by large bottles, pretending to give a qua 1 of Extract of Sar.-sapartfla for one dollar. Most of these have been fraud- upon the sick, far they not only contain little, if any, Sarsapa rilia, but often no curative properties whatev er. Hence, bitter and painful disappointment lias followed the ue of the various extracts of Sarsaparilki which Hood the market, uhtil the name itself is justly despised, and has become synonymous with imposition and cheat. Still we call this compound Sarsaparilia, and intend to supply men a "remedy "as shall rescue the name from the load of obloquy which rests upon it. And we think "we have ground for believing it hns virtues which are irresistible ' by the ordinary run of the diseases it i3 intend ed to cure.. In order to securo their completo eradication from the system, the remedy should be judiciously taken according to directions on tlie bottle. . . - . .'---- "... ... ,!-, .lUEffAtEO -DR. OT. C. AYEJR & CO. LOWELL, MASS -Price, $1 per Bottle Six ltottlea for $5. I. Ls3e??ive fati the operator. 1. L-nlihCj tosetoutof order. 3. Erpense, trouble an.l ' . loss of tine in repair leg. - The 'Empire Fei from ali ihit It ha3 a jfrai -bt nr-et! makes the LOCX cr SHUTTLE STK-r'" " NEITHER KIP nor RAVEL, and i; i1es ; perform perfect ewh R ; or mvcnal, f rumLtathcr to fao cntJ. .T liu, with cdtlon, Pnen cr si'k tareaV' scst to the finost lu mber. .;" J4 Having neither CAM nor CQQ 'Wi-' the lean possible- friction, it mm t""J,iaii gtasa, and is :- .'. - "-j, Icphatically a Noteless )l.c. . It'reqnires twen'y-Sve-per cent. I. driveit than any other Machine iai.' of twelve years of ao cao work it r.? ff; fatigue or injury to henlrh. Itsatreiigtiiand O.NDELFUL SIV"--. construction render ir almoti imwu.-v.. i of order, and is UUAJiANTLEu' bi th. 1 I Ul J,. give entire satiif jclioa We respectfully invite all tV5 whonajij, supply themselves with a superior ar:i,-i i J'" examine this UNIUVALLEb MAC11I.N2, liu t in a more special manner dj j .. , pfitrorra'e of - ..'" Morcuant Ta;Ior3, Conch Makeri. ' Hoop-Skirt '.lanufactarcrs. Shrrt and Looui J' tk-rs, .-et M.'e Waiter Fir; , v:, Aim l auidti'Uil .(laKrS igiyus snd Charitable Icstitu;k3i liberally dealt with. Price of Machines, Co No. I, or Family Machine, f i;,oo ; y0 j j sized Manufficturinsr, $Cd,fr)j No. 3 U- Manufacturicg, $7i,U0. 8 Cabinets in Every Variety. ' We want Agent lor all towns in iht Ti States, where agencies are not already ml'. to whom a- liberal di?count wi'.I be g'T?a, Vu aaake to'cons guint-nts. . . t. j. licahtiitjr & co, 510 Ilroatlway.A'eiY Yarl LANDRETE'S Warranted Garden S Ay ers Pectoral has won for itself, such a renown for the' cure of every variety of Throat and Lung Complaint, that it is entirely unnecessary for its to recount the evidence of its virtues, wherever it has been em-, ployed. As it lias . long been in constant us throughout this seel ion, we need notd.j more than assure the people its quality is kept up. to the best it ever lins been, and that it m.iy be relied on to do for their relief till it has ever been found to do. Ayer's Cathartic Pills, rOH THE CTTH2 Ol . Costircuexs, Jiuoulice, Dyspepsia, Indigestion,: D'senten,' Void Stomach, Erysfpelai, Urndache, ! Piles, Rheumatism, Eruptions find Sfii'i Diseases, I tier Complaint, Dropsy, Tetter, Turners and S-i!t Ilheunt, JVomu, Gout, 'Sevraljia, us a D' ier Pill, and for Pari fiinn the B'ood. i i-y are mgar-coated, so that the most i?eni , tIo c ri take them pleasantly, and tliry nre the : a: o-:ent in tho world for all the purposes of a j P;::3 25 cetit3 per Pos; Tive toze3 far $L00. t ' Jro 1 r-'vu .o r, 0 f Clergymen, Ph vsicians. States r . 1 i; u;.ri,t persona-res. linve lent their :ir i unpnralleled usefulness of these ' ' .: i-acehere will not permit the I'l-Ti. i'he Agents below named fur .r Am . -::r n Almanac; in which they : 'i n'so f. ;; descriptions of the above 11 : -t:e.n-.ient that should be fol- e-t.f- 10 15 15 15 lt 1!) .53 .03 .4.00 . 4.00 3.03 3.00 3.00 5.00 .5.00 3.C0 0 10 f30 60 60 50 50 10.00 liv- :r'. . A-l ca Avra'v hv n t:. v ; , f..r t '"ncipled dealers with r. more profit on. r ) others. The sick- and they should r.r-i h,t sv'a jui in .mat:::, .' j. j. tiilrman. ' tt: -s. HfT-vrivi.'!-, :'. T. Okra 'S Gumbo Seed. The best ub;tit ma n uer ax Coffee, each. Each pockaze eppply for an ordinary Send orders to n38-tf v- ir--5 . : !.f v.: 1 en-:- ia t' i to , - -'BLrXDEX. K0EXIG & CO, (Late John Garxeit . Co J No. 56 North Second Street, above Tjo, --ST.'iLiO.UIS.-MO, ( Cer f tt nil at rfry low t?"re, a l.irf iri tt a?fio ' lec si'w tr Axnc jiturai an t ii.jrticu.tari.;:; men'-1, conipriainii everyiuini necearj' to tLfr together wiih a large anil fre.-h ufp:y of , Lanu'retli's- Celebrate d.Gar'ca crop 6r 1561, For which thr are the jo!e,a)"ent. Ticir fj.r c rely upon srettin. rrni thcra seeJs tlut ri m pnre but true t name ib eve-y inst iute. iu.k seeddat !owest market rates Chinese 3i:rjrOoe. Tubaccu eel, Top Onions. .Sc., &.C. Dealer- u t would do wftll to rend them their order. Scud for Almanac aiid Ii lutrated Catai''i--- ' BLCXDEX, KOEXliikJ March 6,' 1SC3. n35-ly . HQVEY'S SEED AND Agricultural Wareho:: Havfng opened a Seed and I--if!Tiv-ii Wit S Chicago, .1 best leave to call special av:entiii same, havinn been many year in the busin- jfc ton, and bavini: also paid -peciI attention sM v the selection of my seeds, 1 feel the utmucuti ln fcirrin? tbeai to the public. "The needs grown in this country were lii-tt X and experienced raiser at the East thow t:e procured in thisconntry, were imported frea of the.mogt rpHable eeismen In Europe. All Xev and Improved varieties a vwa duceil tried anlprovel desirable at tbe Eit, ' . .. .1 . A..... 1 . .. ... - -. , w , iaid to the ! FLOIVCR SEED DTPARTMH?- and not only all the newandmucli almiredrv' but all new novelties in the Klower departaw -be iatriJucc4- All orders ror " i TBEE3, PLANTS, SH RXJBBEBT.nCT EES, BUL.B3, will be prornpty executed. lWo have alJoiS" : sortment of ' Gar'den'and' Faming ImpI: ,'-;. . ALcrrti n. novzr. P. O. Box 3047. Xo. 73 L i March 6, l;35 3m. ' Cfii-' . -, S.I LCIM AHS JODRH AL" ! The American Journal ofScle--. ' ': ana Arts. (Two VDLrxrs AxTALLT,eiob 45S-Ct r?- rubiished in numbors Illustrated cf 15! to every other month viz lt. January lr:!i. ,.' July, . September, and Novexber, at Ne1 ? Conn., by . " , Il.SlLLIMAN,JR.,AyDJ.D.DAXl S3 PER ANXU3I IX ADVANCE. The Journal is sent, pt vn'i, after the in payment ia received i , . , .. EDITED BY , Trofesprrs B. Sillman, B. SiLLMi!, Jr.a l'r,(.T. Jaue3 Dwmht 1as. . New Ilavtn, 3 io connection with , Prof ASA GRAY, cf Cambridge . Vrcf i.nnrx ir. 4W7 r.f Car: ' lJr WOLCOTT GIBBS cf And numerous able collaborators in ypecial D' ments. - This work haa been cstablLshed more years, and is tbe only Journal of the 'aJt United States '. It is deaoted to Physical ical science, Geology, Minerab g, Namrsl h-1 . Meteondogy, Astronomy, Physical Geogrvi-J kindred dpirtaients of knowledge, aad Original pppers, as well as Abitraeta of fw,J coveries, on all these topics. v r' An. attractive feature of this Journal forE; .; eral reader is the s-ientiSa Corrernicnc 1 Jskoms 'iCKLEa and others, ia France 'V parts of Euaope, giving familiar reporU of r -in scinentifiic ratteTs.- - ' . . :jj4 Eig5.y-twe Volumes hare already t,eenvpttfet Fifty in ia the first and Thirty-two a t- Bene?. i . . . ; Iui:i i. ... -;-i;. .n ti IS " i u uusqer? reuzil n: r in o.;ii y .!"- -' SKlimnn s Journal, ew liiveo, toan. Moetofthe back velumeseaa be obtaioe Publishers. . d' All communications, rrtait tances, etc., dressed to ' , ' SILXISIAN & D.i.t-V rg their copies direct 0iceofuSillinant American' Apple Trees. 20,000 young and otraight Apple Tree?, hardy varieties, at $3 per hundred. ... -J VATTZD. Twenty-Eve lojs rrrm VaA weight at high prices, to be paid for ia Stock at low prices. Orinoco Tobacco Seea a . ... Put an in panerssaSoient r'?ns ' - loots ; a red postage. 30 busnels seed spring Tieat at r II the above to be dolisrer'id ai Brown U A A itanp to be etcksed pv Wanted, -e a .-r A, I 'J An E. O. VARIETIES STUAWUPK w.un' A",bsny. ' P: .;fJit n t it. ij mi w - - r lvCO; Jenny Lind, $I.5Vper ft Choice varieties, and of very f r pers of which te sent (pojt ;. address, for on dolUr , - ' . II. A.IEnRT, Cfiv. ifarch 13'.b, I?62 -. ion; T-f t C, .''v.ii. i, s2 perl f0 r Boston Pie, 10T ".j I-v.-rs l"Jwk IViacc, May C:i.a - , r l'i3 V I rcr 1 i' r:.' r il duiph