Image provided by: University of Nebraska-Lincoln Libraries, Lincoln, NE
About Nebraska advertiser. (Brownville, Nemaha County, N.T. [Neb.]) 1856-1882 | View Entire Issue (May 29, 1862)
.THE DAY SCHOOL BELL. e THE DAT SCHOOL BELL. A !Cew Singing B..oi. tot Vij ssUiom!., c!.cd iLe luv ten ool. Bill, is now vtaCy. It Coiilalua about 200 p.t.-c of cboi-e SonM, Sj Sa, Hounds, Ca'.cbeSj DfCU.,Trio, Q'nrteis and CW Tor.s, many d tbeni wrt;teo- expissiy for thin work, tWki.let 32 p&pei of the Elfin-oin 1 f ihumc. Tbe Lle menu are w eay and pritre.-nive U1.1i ordinary tea.-b-1 em will fiud ibeiiiKlvti entirely icinesfjl in lnstrut- tut even rotitiK 6cholaTti fin? correctly and nentin" ulir, MJe ste trine and word embraces iuvb a var eiy of lite!r. attractive, and out ttrini r-i-i-ic mu tcntiuteut tB,t iwtr. tit lc will be experienced in inlua c;og U i.e;h,ru-rt J : lift witU re 1 i 't -arquiring tkilf in une r tl-e mott tea l-h-pviL,x, beauty tmprovuj?, hpine jlcldlni', .nd oriicr piiuint . exeicue of , acbovl life." In simplicity tf it Kiementa, in variety and adaptation of niUkic, and in excellence and iiumtw of Ut a.-nzs, : itrinal, (-elected, and adapted, it claim ty much to excel all campf-iii-jr. It will be found tij be tlie t-esl n.k ever 'eel fur Stuiinail, n Public Scbuils. A tew -sample pate of tlie tie nrenU, tunea and mmiko are riven in a circa Ur; nd and ret one. It ia compiled by Borate Waters, ant lior of "Sba:L ScWi Bella," N a. 1 and 1, widen have had rib f'witK-u ate cf 6 tM ei,i iea. PreaT-artr v-b 20 Of., $10 per bur.drel bound 3;) .-enl-. t"S Vet huudved ; aloth boond, eiuboascd gill 40 cent : 3 J per bund red. 6 copies furniabed at ibe one bundred price. Mailed fret at U.e retail price. XOTICLS OF TMU I'RESS. Till Day School Eelx. The. tune a:e lively, and iuci as buy be eawly n,atered by cblidrfca. TLe aplrt ' of iba-iks ia unexceptionable :.4 well adapted U the cUuvl room. It 1 tbe cheapest aol aruon-t the best eotupetidi of echooi uituic publiaLed. .Yrt York TtSiUfr. Dav School. Bill Thla book I eminently adapted t r in nr common acLoola. "STc "have a treat ntaber of school toT.i bodr tC!or lliei'iil.Uc.biit njaiiy r.them t-X ni'i.-ical as well )ile J rary uate, tua are really rteinoraiizmg in ttieir iLaa ' euce npoo ILe medical talent uf ibe yuun. - Air of ac kDowleCed excellence, weidiil to wcrda of true P"eLryi are tbe (juaJitie tbat ought to be tougbt with tbegveaw et care In the preparation ot a acbool aoiig book. Tiiii Uxk aeerOHti cninxine tne;e two- ioiliUcs. reHM ant School Journal.- - Ptbllabed by ITORACK WATERS, p41-)y N'o. 4fll Broadwav. NewToik. THE II A IIP OF 'FRECD03I. 'owreadj, a new anJ roporiof collection of 27 Anti SUverj, l'itriotic,' and 'CoLtraba.nd" fons xlut daeta, quartets and choruses. Most of tb Poetry u Untie La been 'ffritten express for tbU work, fo corre?fK.Dd with the tiiaea, and tboulJ be gong by the million, in Jprder to awaken a deep interest in behalf of the 'Contraband," whom God, ia bu prvriJenee, has cait upon the Free .North to clotho and educate. CONTEXTS, IS TABT. . , : ''Fair Frcedoin'f Morn bal dawned at last:" , 'Break the Chains of the Emancipating rS word;" Fremont i Marching on, br," Uliiy Hallelujah ; On ! Help the 'ContrabandaV' "Old John Brown' Bong;" "Song or tbe 'Contrabands' "0 Utmj Veopie Go ;" -J'arody on the Song of the 'Contra bands' 4" "Where Liberty Dwells is my counL-y "TThen Slavery dies there'll be Freedom;" "Wake. . Freemen, iod has spolou;" fcWhhUer'a supprcfscd Song of Freedom," etc. Price only 5 cents single, 50 cents per dotcrj, ?$ per 100 : potfr I eent. . HORACE WATERS, 1'abHfcber. n41-ly 481 Broadway, Xeff York. .NEW MUSIC. "Shall we "Know Taeh Otaer TbereT' Song or Dnetand Cboru, by Rev. Mr. Lowry, author of Sabbath Bells Chimt cn. This song is good.--Price tb cenfp, msiled free. A pianist in attond anoe ta trvtew muilJ. " " HORACE WATERS, nilly . No. .431 Broadway, Publisher, j Tiio Economy of Using THE -.EHANItLIN, 1 5 1 Family S -swing Elacliine. The-e tn'li the celebr.fe-.I C ROVER f BAKLR STITCH, rta h has tafceiuhe biKier-t pre;ni uujat te Illim ii State Fair, i' September la-tt, at the United States Fair In St. I,om. in 138J, aud at tbe principle State Fiiirs tLruutbutu the count.-y. Competent Jn lge (ttvea liecixlott in tavt-r of thin titch, on accvttntuf itsgreat atreiiirt!i and aJ.iptation lo all kind? pf famitT a-ni nuBufarnirtnrptrrposea. Te f.dlujviii Tt i& U aiioW Uie difiereiae In favor of SewliiB ilaci:iiie over tneoM inethud of stitctiing by hand. In the w.irWim: .f te Machines there ia, u.;t bhly a a:eaC-vji.aif U'jr and lime, tesme aSJintr, Bi eatly :o the teaiihf alter-s of tb ecipiojrmfta but tbe tltc!i U much mii r, tuuie elastic, sud let., liable f ripir ravel than the stitch made wi.h .bustles und bcbbiiii- ' . Time cn?rtined in aiiuz 1 Ey itacnice. f iiio-i. inciting fat itcCtocs;.. . XECESSTY IN EVERY nOUSDHOLD Ac jqiins &cnosLrs;i lip Ladies' Oarmcati. Silk Dreps. Muslin Shirt,- ' " ' MeriDO Dic-id, , ' " Cbeiuif e. ' . : Caiico Utesi, ilorecn SXin, Xlttbt Dres, Drawers, Siik Apron, . Plain Apron, -iIors. luirf-Hw'ur. 5 13 25; 10 10 40 6 27 2- I 10; 10 6 8 10 6 7 10 5.' ' 4-1 Tin.e cunaumel 1 staking- j By Machine. 1 By Hand. up Gentlemen Oarucnts uonri: Jim. iiuiir. aini. Gciitleiitan a glartf,;. Frock Coat, SatlaVei-t, . -I jnen Vebt, Cl-ib Pants, , Summer Pants,' A 26 4". W -40l 13 18 3 A 6 S THE UGIIACF, H ATERS PIANOS AND JIELODIANS, And Alexandre Organs, and T. GILBERT A Co.'s eelebrated Eolian Pianoa,arethenneFtinitrument, for pailors and churches now ia use. A large assort- mentea? be seen nt the-new warerooms, No. 4S1 HKOAUWA Y, between Grand ivrd J5rooav streetss which will be sold at extremely low jTices. Pianos and Melodeons, from sundry makers, new and second band. Second hand Pianos and Melodeons at great bargains; prices fnm J 25 to $100. Sheet Music, Manic-Books, aDd all kinds , of Music Mer.-ha udisa, at war prkes. A pianict in attendance will trj new cnusie. .' ....... tTIMOSS Of THE TRESS." The Llorace. Waters Pianos aro known as among ' the rery best. We are. enabled to spoak of these icitroments with some degree of . confdence.irora persotal knowledge of their excellent tone mi da rable quality." jkt York Erangclitt. . a4l-ly SADDATII SCHOOL BELL NO. 2. j 75,000 Copies Sold tho First 12 :r X.Icnths cf ita Publication. f It is an entire New Work, cf nearly 200 pages. Many of the Tenet svod ilymut ware writt-oa: ex- jreisly for this volume. It will soon be as jicpular as its predecessor, (Bell Tfo. "I) which "has run up to the eBormoos anmberof 6"5,flu0 copies in 35 months, Mititrppingacy Satnlay &houl Daok of its siio is. sued It this country. - Also, both volumes are bouod is one to accommodate achools wishing them ia that forts. Prices-of Bell No. 2, paper o vert, 15 cents 112 per UO. Bound, 5 cents, J IS per 100. Cloth bound embossed gilt, SO cents, $22 per 100. Boll N' t. 1, paper covers, 13 cents, $10 per 100. ; Bound 29 cenU,$l8 per 100. Cloth bound embossed gilt, 25 eects, $20 per ICQ-. Bells Nos. 1 and 2 bound to gether 40 cents, 1 30 per-hundred. 25 copies fur nished at the ID 0 price. Cloth bound embossed . iitt 50 cents, $40 per 100. Mail postage frea at tba retail price. HORACE WATERS, Publisher, ttll-ly ' . No. 4Sl Broadway, New Y(rk. COMMERCIAL:- I1URSERY, . B. H. BURCHES, ". ; . TiOPBlETOit. . ' - Tho Fraaklin -Family ' SEWING MACHINE, Has one advantage w'Snh Is worthy of e'P'' aiteatloa in ad!i!ii.n tqjhc recuUar character of the stitch; and "tbat ia iU idiptatum to either ' lUhi or mediimi heavy m-.rk.. The Maclilne which at one moment i used ou THE MOST DELICATE FABRIC, In a few mo ments after can be brcrjrritto bear with the same facil ity ou futunades and towels of tha-coa,rset description, lu adaptition for FAMILY, IVORK. is thus .remarka ble, and gives it a superiority over every other style of machine in the Maiket. In order that these Machine may be .placed in the bands of all classes, we have reduced th price of onr FRAXKLIS FAMILY MACHINE TO FORTx DOLLARS. Fron ibe lncreae of onr bnsiness for the last year, and ihe ontire saUhfactlon our Machines are firing tbroufihuVit tho United Sutex and Europeaa Cocutrie, we are led to believe t hf.t our deurniinatioa to mannfrt urea PERFECT, SIMPLE, RELIABLE AXD CHEAP MACEIXE. has ocen lully appredaten by tbe public. This policy will remain nv.cbanged, and is heretofore no JJ a;Uine will be allowed: te leave the office tbat we cannot rvlly warrant. In every Vcspect. We fhall keep on band at all times a general aorU ment of Sewing Machine mMeiials Needles for all ttaebinei can be ordered by Mail or Express. Price Ono Dollar per dozen. ! Persons In the oountry, by sending us their address enclobing a letter stamp, can have forwarded by return mail, one ot onr circulars Ci-ntainir g the different styles of Machines, list rf prices, and sample of work. H. rUCIIAXlDS & CO., Pruictpal Agents for the lorth West. : Office and Salesroom 133 Lake S'.reet, Chicago, Illinois, K. RICUAUDS, Lato of L. Corntll 4t Co. i C E' W1SW A LL ! JND.W. TAPPAX, formerly Agt for .he Grover & Baker Sewing Mailime. JanuarySih' 1862. niO-ti t Jmcncan CemcnrGltic' TREE PEDDLERS, ; J?zilz.o . Notice ! 1 will sell Good Apple Trees, 6 to 8 - feet hifth .at $40 per 1000 3 to 5 feet high at ; 35j)er 1000 Lxtra sue, many of them no win fruit, body 8 U 11 fjethih-.... ......... Seedling trees, 8 to 1 1 feet-- .Red Dutch Cornnt, I year oid. " " 3 vearsold Ilonirbton Seedlicg Goosberry, 1 year- 4 per 100 Houghton Seodlirg Goojberry7 years," ICTper'TOO F.ed t.Dd Yellow Antwerp Ra?pberry 1 per 100 FrancotiU Rappbcrry 2 per 100 Strawberry,2j varieties, from..2 to 10 per 1000 60 per 1C06 35 per 1000 : 4 per y106 10 per 100 I bar long !sce been co ivioced of tbe want of a first !aa Kcisery In tbe Wett, asere TREES, . SHRUBS, .FLOWERS, - &cM Can ba adapted U onr c.'. mate and toll. In view of these facta, I bav established In ibis place, and offer for aia at . XTliolecalo or Retail, A Urit and well selected stock, snlltd to this climate, ot . Apples, standard and dwarf ; Pears, standard and dwarf Cherries, standard and dwarf; ?oLes, Piums, AprlcoU, Nectarines, Quince,. Gwberries. ' Cnrrents, Grapes, ' Raspberries, Strawterrie", Jiiackberries, ' Ivjrtreens, . . Shrttts, Xosei, Dahlias, Ornswental Trees. Greenhouse and Bedding Plants, etc., etc. To whlck I would be? leave to call tbe attention of the people of Nebraska, Kansas, Cotorade, Iowa and North west Missouri. , t3My terms will be as low any reliable eastern , JJarery. . -. j . . r - . . . By purchasing of me tbe expense of tranFpjrtatlon rem tbe east can be saved. -- AH trees and plants are carefwlly labeled and packed In tbe best manner, for which a charge of the actual cost will be made. No charge will be made for the delivery of parkageaon b?ard steamboats." -- ,,-v All ottBtmiatiuns uddrebscd to the anderMgned win receive prompt attention. . K arc!, 1S62. . - E. H. BTRCIIE?. . DowDer's 1'rolilic Straaberry Victoria Rhubarb Cahoon's SoeJlioi; Rhubaib hectch iljbnd Kuobarb Seedling Rhubarb ..- Rose, Hardy Summer, 29 varieties- Rose, Hybrid Perpetnal, 25 Tarictiesv.. Rose, Climbing. 8 rarieties Also & large assortment of Ornamental Shrubsat 12per 100 Descriptive Catalogues sent to ail applicants. " JAMES L. LOOP. . Addre, CD STEVENS, Agent- ' Jlendota, Lasalla Co, 111. January 2, 1862. - . (n23-4m . . ,:K 3 per 10o 15 per. 100 15 per 100 SO per 1000 10 per 1000 15 per.:100 20 per 100 13 per 100 Bloomington irursery, At the crosyinf of the ITUnois Central, and St. Lonis, Alton and Chicago Railroads. ' EstabUbed 1932. on tbe open Prairie, and contains J40 acres. ' Fruit, Orna mental and ixursery Stock, a very large,. -n'rar reliable assortment, VEJiif "CIII2AP for Caen. FRENCH'S CONICAL 1 1 WSJ If ; I Dacliincs. 3 Tbs most simple, durable, convenient and eccncmical arttt le eTer iuvested for the purpo. Wtll do tbe washtHg oi an ordinary family before bretkraat, not only savihg time, but clothes. By strictly foltowinx the printed directions, which are simple and esy, it will wtb, at one time, six thirts, or two (V'ten small articles, tu about tu vr screw mt'n rc, or iteir equivalent. - - - By all the ordinary methods of cleaning fine fat-Tics, such as Isoes, ttc, the greatet core is required, while with i Lis machine the most delicate article can be wished wubcnttfce possibility of dsaiage. t-.,:ea tv'.u are. proiuced tj tse constant reictiou the sudawbile the machine 1? in motion, f Pastilles, laundries, Lv'els, boarding-bouses, boeplt fcli, ayltitns, boardiK(S-scb.Kls, on !i:p. sud M earners, and In tbe aruiy . w ho bve thee ma-'litucy la tue, have sec: la their tstiRtotiijtU voluniai Uliy, ad ihe enco tuinmsof tbe Press are- ey uwuitrous, some of which I Lav publtsned la pamphlet form. All I a-k of the public is a careful elimination of this niacbine befoie pTrtTUiwrrtj of oihers. General Depot 419 Aroadway. corner Canal St , New Vrk. ... Price cr-ly Tea Dollars., "V. B. A liberal uis-count u tue Trade. Agtnt vantej. iVf for a Circular. - AAlress bvx c:U, N. T. City P. O. " - - PHILIP FRKNCn, Prcp-letcr. Especially Adapted to Vet Severe Climate -of the Nerthwest. ' APPLE TR.KE3. fr rnl"to 4 yesrs old. $15tos)S0per 1000. ROOTGRAFT5, $ltJper 10. Ot t1. APPLE STOCKS, oneto two years, selected for grafting, $2; second cl as, ill per thoudsand. MAZZAKD CHERRT, $3 per 1,000. STANDARD AND DWARF PEAR, CHERRY, PLUM, PEACH, QC1NCE, NECTA1CINR, AND APRICOT DWARF APPLE, QUINCE, PEAR, PLUM, AND ROSB STOCKS. Applt ifMi-$l 60 per thousand. Cuttingt, many sorts Otagt firanne, good one year old plants, i,50 per thousand.' H"tort't Strorebery, and many other Standard Sorts two dollars fifty te four do'.lars per thousand." Craptt Catawba, Clinton, Isabella, well rooted, oe year eld three dollars per hundred, twenty dollars per thousand. Delaware- one and two years old, $1 to 10per duten. Rhu barb, tet sorts two q five dollars per hundred. Houghton Gooshcrr), one to two years old one to three dollars per hundred. Dcicning'$ Ever Bearing Mulberif four to eight dollars perduzeu. Evergreen several sorts ten dollars per thousand. Shade and Weeping Trees,' SArubt, Flovctr Roott, Bulbt, Rote, an immense variety mostly ote to. two dollars fifty per dozen. ' Pa. king carefully dona Catalogues sent on receipt of a tbi eft cent stamp. Address, ....... F K PHOENII. Jfov 14, 1SS1, a!9-5m Blooming (on, IUinoit. Fruit and Ornamental Shrubbery, Evergreen Trees, : With a General Assortment of Nursery . Arucles'for fcale atihe; Pleasant" Ridge ITursery,; " 1 i ARISPE, BUREAU CO.; ILL. : Very low forcssh or its equivalent. We have a few thousand six and f even year old apple trees, which we will sell very Jow, we want to dispose of them be fore tber set ti la'e; aJso four year olds at. $U 60 per hundred ; three year olds tt $10 per hundredjaud youna trees at oufretpoualni f vUa. "' 1 - , - ' . .-' ' . ! f i r ' i 1? ; i ' , . t i. Also Cherry, Pear, Plum, Peachy Grape, Currants, Gooseberries, Raspberries, '' . LawtoaBIackberries.Strawberries,- '. Pie Plant, Roses and Dahlias. . of. the finesilmrL . . . 2.00,000 ' - OSIER WILLOW CUTTLYGS, . , - Variety Perpsreu for live fese. Twillcct. bun.ile an I deliver t!:e Catting at Tiwnville for $ 5 perehty fod. being but a Jittle over tiro Julian per thousand. Thinjs from one to three dollars less than ver off ere be fere. ATI orders at ll.eso prices rauit be ion t in before the 1st of October, 1S-J1. Send ordors by mail ith evli . tn Ii. O. THOMPSON. NebratLa City, N. T, NE'v A tIA M r.xriv Y bun sto cit "or. cix r g ii e k rrs Is large, and very fine specimens. Sizes and prices to suit. Orders respectfrilly solicited snd prompt Ty Mtetufed to. YRRRRT M.DRICH.' ' P. Address, Tit kilwa, lit. IS Li"!c V"ect of fb'k.a Os u Air Lite K-ori.-y Citv.i Koad.- T. S. We have abort 7. 000 fttr year old trees, f tbe New Tork Pippin, tor sle th? coming fall and spring ; no apple ever lnvi so roucb popularity ta sot-Uort a time. The trv are jsood prower. early fmitprs, and very hardy; at pjeslarKe and t-liowy, Aiid kep about equal to tho Willow Twig. Also a large stock of the If agncr, one oi tbe beat apples; very early fruiterj and trees remarkably tardy. i"vr a more full description of th-fc and o:l Siru, please see descriptive catlavgue sent free to a'J a;p2:uauu. i. . January 2, lliJ. (n2i-3iu) Terry's Garden Seeds. . Frert anlpvre. aui raied in ilia ua.ll at climate, for ralO ty 3-tX LKTl, STU1CKLER i. CO. TIIK STRONG EST GLt'E IN THE WORLD. THE CHE APEST GLUB IX Til R WORLD. THE .MUST DURABLE GLUE IX TIIK WORLD. T1TEOXLY RKCTTMTXTJi.i-K IX THE WORLD. THE BEST GLUE IN THE WORLD. AMERICAN CEMENT GLUE li theynry 2rt!-:To of T.?; ItiTtd trcf frt-luse.! whieh WILL WITHSTAND WATER- IT WILL MEND WOOD . , avayour bAoken Furniture . . - -' r IT :VILL MEND 'LEATHER Mend your Harnes, Str;ip?, Bt-Its, Bot3 Ac IT WILL MEND GLASS Save tho reiro of that frperriTt!r Cut Ga?3 Bottle. IT WILL MEND IVORY Don't throw away that broken Ivory Fan it ia eas ily repaifc-'I. IT WILL MEND CHINA Your broken China Cups and Saucers can be made as good as new. : IT WILL -MEND -MARBLE j Tha(peee irrocked out bf your :llarbir Mantle can! bo put on as strong as ever i IT WILL MEND PORCELAIN : No matter if that broken Pitcher did cost but a shilling a shilling saved is a shilling earned. IT WILL MEND ALABASTER That Cosly.Alutaster Vcsc is brocken. and you can't match ituifcnditit will never show nhcn put to : gctber. It will-LIcnd bono, Coral. Lava, and ia fact every thing butLletals. Any article Cemented with AMERICAN CEMENT GLUE will nothw where it is mended "Every Ilousekeepcr should have a supply of wonns A Crowley's Amoriean Cement Glue." JT 1" Time. It is so convenient to ha vo in tho hou." -V Y tJfpretr. . ; ; - - - j- ,'It is always ready; this commends it toererybody.' la'lepeudritt. "We have tried it and find it as useful ia our house 83 water." Wille'i Spirit of the Tiws. Economy '& "Woaltli S10.U0U per year saved in every tatnily by One Boltle of AMERICAN CEMENT GLUE Trice 25 Cents per Bottle? Price 25 Cents per Bottle. Price 25 Cents per Bottle. Price 2o.Cent3 per Bottle. Price 2-5 Cents per Bottle. r Price 25 Cents per Bottle. j Very Liberal Reduction to Whole "'- alc Iluycrs. TEIISCASU. IgTFor Se.le by all Druggists and Storekeepers lhroujrhout the country, JOHNS & CROSLEY (Sole Manufacturer?.) 78 WILLIAM STREET Corner of Liberty Street. KEWYOKK. Important 16 IIouMTOwners. Important to IlnItleri. Important to HallUoad Compa nies. Important to Farmers. i To all whom this may concern, and ii concerns everybody. JOHNS -& -OROSLEY'3 IMPROVED GUTTA PERCIIA CEMENT HOOKING, The Cheapest and moss durable Roofing in use. IT IS FIRE AND WATER PSCOF It can be applied to new and old Roofs of all r kinds steep oi flat and to Shingle roofs without removing the Shingles. Tlie Cost is only about One-Third that of Tin. AXJD IT IS TWICE AS DURABLE. This article has been thoroughly tested in New York City and all pauts of the United States Cana da West Indies and Central and gouth Amoriea on buildings of all kinds such as Factories Foundeiief Churches Kail Road Depots Cars and on Publio Building? generolly Government Buildings Ac. by the principle Builders archetects anp others during the past four years and has proved to be the CIIE aP EST and MOST DURaBLE ROOFING in use it is in every respoct A firb watfb weataer and time proof covering for roges gf all kinds. TViis " ihe OXLYjiMtejjql munvfantn-id i the United State which combines the very desirable properties of Elatticitg and Durability which aro universally acknowledged to be possessed by OUT TAPERCHA AND INDIA UUB- No Heat i3 Rcquii'ed in Ivlakling ;".. : . . Application. ;; The expense cf applying it it trifling as an ordinary Roof can be covered vr.i finished the time day. It can be applied by any one, ."ind when finished forms a perfectly Fire Proof nr face wuh a elestio body which cannot be injured by Heat Cold or Storms Shrinking of Roof Boards nor any external action whatever. GUTTA PIiffiT CEMENT. For Coating Metals at all Kinds when exposed lb the Action of the Weather, and For Preserving and Repairing Metal Roots CF ALL KINDS. This is TDK ONLY CoMrOSITIOF KNOWN fSiVA. will auccettftdty retixt extrtme changes of all cimatet for ani length of titneichen .applied Jo.metal to which it adheres firmly forming a body equal to three coats of ordinary paint costs mueh less, and will LAST THREE TUES AS L0r7; ana from its elasticity is not injured by the contraction and expansion of TIN and other METAL ROOFS conseouent upon sudden changes of the weather. If will not CRACK !N COLD OR IiUN IN WARM WEATHER AND WILL NOT WASH OFF. Leaky tin and other metal roofs can bo readily repaired with Gutta PercJui &ment, and prevtulej. from further corrosion and leaking, thereby ensur- ing a perfectly-water-tight roof for msny- years. This cement is peculiarly adapted for the pieser vation of Iron railings, Stoves, Safes, Agricultural Implements. Ac, also Tor general manutaeturf-r3 use GUTTA PERCIIA CEMENT. For'preserticg and repairing Tin and. other met al roofs of'every description, from its great elastici ty, is not injured by the contraction and espansiout of metals, and will not cruck in cold nor run in uxirv weather. . These materials are adapted to all climate", and we are prepared to supply orders from any part of the country, at short notice, for Gutta Pcrcharoof-i inj in rolls, ready prepared for use, jind. Gutta Pcr-i cha Cement in bnrrels, with full printed directions tions for application. .. v, ' We wH! innke. Jibtral Hcd. satisfactory .rrange-. roents with respcnsillo parties who would liketo establish themjelres 4q a lucrarive and permanent business. - r-- OUR 'TERMS AR13 CASH." :s - We cart giro abucdant prcof of all we claim in favor of our improved Roofing .Materials, having ap plied them tosvral thousand Roofs in New York City and vicinity. :vi . - , - JOIIXS & CROSEEY SOLE MANUFACTURERS, Wholesale Wareh oxtss, 78, William Street' Corner of Liberty treerr. . , IJEW Y0EZ Full esctrptive Circulafr and Prices will bo fur nished n application. 'Xor. T.lSiil. iy - - : :: : - - - r TO THE PEOPLE OP In IU m-ni!U of December, ISo-Vtbc nn.'.ersigned fr Ihe first time .!T"prcd t..r sale To the ptthiic DR. J.BO VEK -DODS' UlPKBi.U.. WINK IMTTHIiS,. i.n ! in tlur sliort peri 1 they have giveu t!ch uni.-ersat Vtsiifac-ti-Tt to the n my tb.inind--if perM-n' wjio h,tvetriej Tfieni iilUC Tt 'a nowan etaliTi.-ir' r'ticTe.7T" .t.aouni of bc'.iiyari l riie:.tai H,oiy arisinir siniplr from a ne glect or sni.tii complaints is snrpri-in, and i is there, -f ik& utni't iinrxrtiinte tiiHt a strict attention to -the least sud nior-t turTiu. li.-nlily siilmeotii sh'iuld be ha tor disease of tbe b-jily tuust invHriali'.y ucct tbe mind. ' Tu5 f iibrcrirers now culy ak a tri iK f DR. J. EOVEE DODS'S ' " 1 Imperial Win Hitters . . fmm all who have nr.f used them. Ve challenge the world to prod'.tce their etiaa!. Thesfl butcrs for tLe euro of Weati Stomach's. Gen eral Debility, and for Purifjitiif and Eariching the 15 1'w.d, are absolutely tins urp,ise.l by ai;y o'her reme dy oh earth. 1r te a.u red of this-, it i-only neves-. esary to make the trial. The wiua is if a ve.y up riur. quality bcins abut one-thi'.d stn.iiser than olh "er Wines, v.-arniiri? and invigorating ttie wboic system - from the head to the feet. As these bitters are tonic and alterative in their charracter, so they strengthen and invigorate ibe whole system and ?ive a tine tone and healthy action to all its parts, by e.iuali'n the 'circulation, removins tbe obstructions' and producing a general warnitU. They are escealent for diseases anI j wealnessi peculiar to Females, where a tonic is rtytur i ed to Strengthen and trace the system. "o lady. who i Is subject to lasitude and faititDC-ss. isiiou'.d be without J them- as they are rcvivifyiaz iu their action. Will not only Cure but Prevent Disease. aiid in this respect are doubly valuable to the person wbo may rtso them for INSIPIENT CONSMMPTION weak Lungs, lndlpestion,. Dyspepsia, di.seasec of the Nervous sysitai. Paralysis, Piled, and for 11 caes requiring a Tonic. . DR. DODD'S Celebrated Wine Slitters Aro XJiaeaiJ-IJ3.s3ecocI. For SoieThroatso coinuiou aaioii iUo Cieiiy. Lhey are truly invuluable. , , ...... i ' For the aged and infirm, and for persons of weak constitutions ' For ministers of the gospel, lavyer and ail public spa ak era for book -keepers tnilors freamatresses. studi artists, and all persons lea diuK a sedentary life. tLey wiU prove beneacial. A a beverage; they are ' wholesoina, innncent, ard delicious to the taste. They produce all the exhlerat lng effectsof brandy or wine, without intoxicating; and are a valuable remedy for persons adicted to the use of exessive strung drink, and who wish to refrain from it. They aie pure and entirely Irce from the poisons con eained ia the adulterate J wines and brandies with which the country is flood fd. These bitters noio nly CURE but prevent disease, and sbMild be used by all wlm live in a count ry where tbe water is bad, or where chills and fever are prevalent. Being entirely innocent and harmiesst they may begiv. en freely to children and infants wUbslmpumty, - Physicians and Clergymen, and temperance advocates as an act t,t bumanity, should assist in spreading these valuable bitters over tho land, and. threby essentially banish dj'unkenticss and disease. . . . - - In all aflections brthc Ilcad.Sicli Ifeadacjse.! or X ervaousSIcad- 1 ache, Dr.Siod'a Imperial Wine Hitters Will be found to be most - Salntara 'and Hflicacious. - IXew Remedies for ' SPERMATORRHCEA. HOWARD ' A S S 0 C I ATI ON, ' V "... PHILADELPHIA. A Benevolent Inttittition tstablUhed fcv pecil En dnomnt,fur the. Relief cf the Sick .ud Dhtrened cjUuted uuth Virulent and Chronic Diteaset and : trctaUy fur the Cure of Viieaae. of the Scjcual Organ. r. . , MUDICAL ADVICE given gratis, by the Actirnr Surgoon. . . . , , Valuable Eeports on Spermatorrhoea, and other dis eaeiof the Sexual Organs, and on theXKW RKMK. DIES employed iu the Dispensary, sent iuteaied letter envelopes, fiee of cbarge. Twoor three Siami.a -vrrt ale. A.Mress DR. J. SKTLLIK norGnTOS, Jlowar t As sociatioft, Ko. 2, South Xiutii Street. Phiiade!j,hta p. December 12. 1S61. ii23-Iv - - ' - : : ! Ayer's Cfierry Pectoral. v .FEMAIaES. The many cirtit3caiei-alach have been tendered us and tbe letters -which we daily voi:eive, are conclusive proof that among the wmeo these Bitters have given a satisfaction which no others have ever done before. JTo woman in the land should be without them, and those who once mo them, will not fail to keep a full supply. ... , , , - - ........ . DR J Bovee Dod's IMPERIAL WINE BITTERS, Are prepared by an eminent and. skillful physician, wh has used tteni successfully in his practice tor the las twenty-five years. The proprietor before ptirjhasin the exjlusive rirht to manufacture and sollDr. Bove. D.Klb' Cetebraieg Imiierral Wine Bit ers. lo!tthem tes-t ed by two distinpHistied medical prac;!ltlinei , who pro nennced them a valuable and SHt'e remedy for dssease. - - Although the medical men of this country, as a gen eral thing, disapprove of Patent Medicines, yet we dj not believe that a respectable Physician can be found in the United States, acquainted with their medical properties, who will not highly approve Dr. Dod's PEIUALW1XB B1TTKR3 In all newly settled places, where there is always a large qnantity of deeaying timber; from which a poi sonous miasma is created, these bitters shuold be used every morning boforebrekt . J. IIOTEfi HODS' IMPERIAL WINE BITTERS Are composed of a pare and unadulterated wine, com bined with Barberry, Solomon's Seal, Comrrer, "Wild Chery Bark, Spiknard Camomile Flowers, and Gentian. They are manufactured by Dr. Dop himscl', who is an experienced and successlul physician, and hence should not be classed among the quack nostrums which flood the country, and against which the medical profession so Justly denounce. These truly valuable Bitters have been so thorouphly tested by all clas'es. of community, for almost every vri ety of disease incident to human system, that, they are now deemed indispeubahlo as a Tonic, Medicines and a - Beverage. Purchase one Bottle It Costs but Utile! Purify the Itlood. Give Tone to the Sto-mac!j--iHcnovase the Sys and Prolong lite. Price $100 per Bottle, 6 Bottles for $5 CO Prepared and sold by CHARLES WIDDIFIELD & CO, SOLE PROPRIETOS v 78 William Street, New York. For sale by druggists and grocers generally through ont the country. Oct. 17. 1S6I. L PRIMllX'S PATEAT . f Agricultural Cauldron and Steamer.' FOR SALE 221 and 223 South Water Street, Chicago, HI. Prices, Wood $35, Coal $33. staplo sizes other sixes in proportion, with freight added from factory in New York to Chicago. " The advantages of cooked over raw food is admit ted by all. -The old way of boiling in kettles is both slow and expensive, so much so tuht but few men do it. Something more practical must be had. Steam scemes to be tha only 'alternative. The Patentee has retaindall the advantages of the Portable Cal dron for boiling, and devised means of generating" steam suGcient for ali purposes'.- It is simple and practical, and proves a PERFECT SUCCESS. W. II. AUSTIN, Sole agent "ToTlTlinbis and North-West, 221 A 223 S. Water St., Chicago. Where will alobe found Downs A Co's Deep Well Pumps, Force Cisterns Chain acl Common Well Pumps, Thimble Skeins and Sad Irons, as well as every -Jtariety of Farm lug Tools, Cait Iroa Ccra Sbellers, Feed Mills, Hay and Piitf.rm Scales,, Stoves, Ac,. Joe above will bo sold on account cf the manufacturer?, at their respc ctive faotory prices adding freight to this place. January 1S62. Tf"- ' Pleasant Rittee Nursery. YERRY ALDKIOH, CULTIVATOR AND DEALER IX Trait and Ornamental Trees, Shrubbery, Evergreens, 8cc , leasant liidge, -Arispe, Bureau Comity, Illinois. P. O. Address, TUUilwa, III. Jacnary 2, 1562. ii23-3uij 25,0 CO Cherry Currants. First Si?- - - - - 9)10 CO per 1 .000 - Seoond Sise" . - - 30 OJ do. 15,000 CoucorU Grapevines, Lrtyers Fine. No. 1, Layers, - - . - $2-5 00 per 100 No. 2, Layers, - - 16 00 per 100 Ko. t. Layers. - - - li CO per 100 neyerrd, from cnttHj-- a eo per 100 Diana Grapevines, p raised, w 12 00 per 100 f the Gjeat Austin Straibery, :- $21 03 per. lOCU: - ; ' f CLORGB SF.YXOI.-R H C'O.i.. 37 If South JCorwaik, Conn. JLING'3 . AND LIFE BXTTE'RS. Are purt vegetable extr.icts. They c ue all bil'ions disorder of the system. They rool:Ue and -vibrate the liver af.d koinoys; they give tone toft lie d.yestive wgans; they mulaH o secveii ns, esore tions aude$:ia!atu ns, e-jual-ze the A-ircnlaii-n, aud pu rify the blood.' Tti'u i, iU bU'lioui compl&inl some of which ateTurpil Lier,i5ick Hc-datLe, Dyspepsia, Piles, Chills and Severs, Costivene? r Iajorei:eeS .iro en tirely contrulcd and cured by these lerautifs. . ) ' DA2ILINC3 LIVER UEGULATOH . : Removes tho morbid and LiltiUH (le;.its rji:t ttie stomacn ai)'l oowcis, rt'Eui.ites ine ji'-r .-i '"-. , rernvvmg ecry obitrucsion, res'd:e.- a n,t.rl aud heal thy uciioti iu the vital r;rars. it ts a s Jiei.ur Family, r.ledicine, Much better thin Puis, ami mncu easier to take. , DAKLIXU'S . i . LIFE BITTERS' Is a superior tuiiic and diuretic; excel em .in csfe-'of losor appetite, fiat-ulet.rr, female weakness, irregular-: ities. pain In ihe side and bowels, bund, protuding and bleeding piles, and getioral debility. . READ TIIK FOLLOWING TK;1TIM0NY : Jas. L. Brutuley, merchant, ISi Fultiti street. Sew York, writes, Aogust 13, 1SG0: " 1 have been !"icted with piles, accompanied with bleeding, the last tLrto years ; I ut?cd : darling's . LIVER; 11 EGULATOR AND LIFE BITTERS, And now cotisidor myself trtfirely turtd." lion. Jofco A. Cross writes, "Brookly i, Marclc 15th. IS60. In the f prin of 1859 I txk a sevore cold, which induced a violent fever. I took two doten ot darling's LIVER REGULATOR, It -broke up my cold and fever at ence. Previous tj this attack. I had been troubled with dyspepsia teveral months; I have feit nothing of it since," Otis Stutlley, Ksq., 123 East i!3ta Street, New York., write: ' Auitht 13. 16G0. I had ad.mVnlty with the Kidney Complaint three yeats, with constant pain in tbeamallof my back. I bad t.sed niott all kinds of medicines, but lound no permanent relief until I u.ed darling's LIVER REGULATOR AND: " . :' LIFE BITTERS. I passed clotteil blood by the urethra. I am now en tirely cured, a ud take pleasure ia recommending these remedies." . Mrs. C. Tebow, 11 Christopher Stree., N". Y., writes: "Feb. 20, 1SGO. I havebecn subject to attacks or Asth ma the last twenty years. 1 have never f jund anything equal to - darling's : ' LIVER REGULATOR, in affording immediate relief. It is a thorough Liver and billions remedy." . .. Mrs. Young, of Brooklyn, writes . "February 23. I860. In Msy last I had a severe attack of Piles, which cou tlned me to the house. I look one bottle of , darling's LIFE BITTERS, and was entire!; cured. I have had no attack since." D. Westerviiie, of South 5th, near 8th Strct, WlHlarusburg, L.I., writes: "AugnstS, 1BG0 Having l e?n troubled with a difficulty in the Liver, and subject to bi!liuus attacks, 1 was advised by a friund to try : darling's LIVER REGULATOR. I did so, and found it to operate adi jirably, removing the bile and arousing . U.e liver to activity, I have aito used it as a . try-vr -1 7 y TbSCedicixio. When ur cliildien are out of sorts, we give tbem a few drops and it seta tham all right. 1 Cni it meets the general wants of the stomach, ami bowels when disor dered." Header, if you need either or both of those most ex eel lent Remedies, Inquire for them at thestores ; if you do not find thein, take no otter, but inclose One Dollar iu a letter, and on receipt of the moner, tbe Remedy or Remedies will be sent according to your directions, by mail or express, -post paii. Aderess, .. DAN'L S. DARLTXO. 103 Ntwan Street. Xcw York. Put tin in EO cent and $1 BcUiea, each. Nov. 7. 1Mt. nl8-6;n - CHOICE LIQU0ES. Wholesale and Retail. Evan Worthing-, : OF THE BROWNVILLE, Das just received a choice lot of tLe best brands of Lienors, which he will sell by tho Barrel, Gallon, Quart or single Drink. The fol lowing is a partial list: BEAIJDIES : French, Cognac, .. r Apple, . Raspberry, Peach, Cherry, Blackberry. WIHES: Port, Hungarian, Sherry, Malaga, Medara, Champagne. WHISKIES: Bourbon, Rye; Scotch,: Irish, Manongahala, And a variety of common articles. BILLIARD SALOON AND Ten Pin Alley. WHITNEY'S HI- CCIi Main Street, I3rownville. 14. 1S6. n!9-tf D. A. COXSTABLE, IMPOhTEIt ASD DEALER I IRON, STEEL, NAILS, CASTINGS, SPJllNGS, AXLES, FILES BLACKSMITH'S TOOLS Also: Hubs, Spoke?, ami Bent Stuff. . Third Street, between Felix and Edmond. SAINT JOSEPH, MO. Which he sells at St. Louis prices for cash. Highest Price Paid for Scrap IroD. December 1, 1S39. ly. Furniture ! Furniture ! ! The most complete stock of Furnil are ever iiffered In this upper country just received by T. HILL. Brownville, April 25:h. 1S6I. IOWA TOPOLOGICAL, G A 11 DENS. Frnit Trees, Grape Vines. Currants. Gwjsbcrries, Raspberries, etc., etc , at very large discount irota es tablished rates. APPLLSD'.st' grafted varieties, per 100 4 to feet - 7 to J 0 feet 10.00 PLUMS Cou's Golden Drop Dluo G.igo ' Imperial Uuage, Ac, perdoz. 8 t. 12 feet 4.00 CnERRIKS-Early Richmond 3.50 Dukes at d Heart varieties a. 03 GRAPES Isabella, Catawbiv: nd Clin- ; CLOTHE YOURSELVES. per M $lo0t) SO. CO per 100 25. CO 25,C0 4 0 - 3,o0 0cts. each 50 " " -Drinckle's Ort-nge- toa Dianat-- .... C ,' Delaware ' " llebecfc-a- Concord RASPRLUrilKS New Rod Antwerp lellow Antwerp Relle de Fuuteney autuni;! bear -injr...- .. CURRANTS -Common Red White Grape -' Victoria Cherry 75 75 :o 50 50 75 "5 1,00 5 00 '4.20 4,00 3.C0 3.C0 3.00 5 00 5.00 GOOSEUhURIKS-Honghtou's Seed'g 50 3.00 Ohio Seedling" 1.00 STRAWRKLKIES Wilson's Allany. 10 1 50 . . .,B;-ston Pine 10 . 50 Soott's Seedling " 15 ' CO Genneste. 15 60 Triomphe da Gand .... 15 60 I-tre'Early Scarlet- 10 50 Hudson, 10 50 CHESTNUT American largo size. 1. 59 10. Ci) ' eeeotvl sito-l.CO APPLE. STOCiC.? euitabl for ctlar jp-aftin;. per 5f. JIttsoatine, Iowa, March lil. n37-2ia CHEAPEST CL0THIITG .i .r. i ,. Ever offered in "thb: Market. ?0 DOl'BT AH OUT IT ! CALL AND SEE FOR YOURSELVS AT THE ' . Batimoro Cotliing Store, BROWIT VILLS, IT.. T. GRZAT IMPR0Vv 1-1- wW-.f1 't4-,: ; SIIUTTLTEM;J-i. Salesroom, 510 Biv. NEW VOIM- A 7hU jrh?no is eon,:;-a..w v prtncij loof m.Kh:nerv, ,.. r ''Q uahia Imp rove me nr.,, m tl'.T ri;. m-.-t pr-d'oUL-I ex..erf , u. ;,'inr.. I . D1TID Announce to tbe public that Le has opened out a READY-MADE CLOTHING.. BOOTS AND SHOES, HATS AND CATS, CARPET SACKS, ' GENTLMEN'S UN : DE II WEAR, Sec., fee., Sec. Cnprecs'lented In quantity, qaaiUy and prices. lie is determined his prices sha I ' cwrrcspoud with' the times, and therefore otter . here ia the West, at just as low r-ites aa such goods can be purchased acywbere in tbe United States. As a sample of- hi prices he will mention that he sells Coats from $1,25 np to $15, Pants from $1 to $7, Vests from $1 to $5. Boots, Shoes, Hats, Cap1, Fancy and White S'ulrts, S'.rs- ders, Neckties, Socks, nandkerchieis &c.f ia tha same proportion. The proprietor embrace thl opportunity of returning thanks for past patronave. and promise to spare-no ef forts in the future to giva entire satisfaction. DAVID SEiGEL. Brownville, June IS, lssi.-ly Ayer'sf Sarsaparilla A compound remedy, designed to bo the most eifjctual AUsralite that can bs made. It is a concentrated extract of Fara Sar&aparilla, so combined with other substances, of still greater alterative power as to afford an effec tive antidote for tha diseases SaTraparilhv ia reputed to cure. It is believed that such a remedy is wanted by those who suffer from Strumous complaint.-', and that one which will, accomplish their cure must prove of immense service to this large class of our afTlictcd fellow citizens. How completely this compound will do it has been proven by experiment on many of tho worst cases to be found of the following complaints : S'.KOFUL.V AND ScitOFfT.O'JS CoMrT.AIXT,' llitui'Tio.vs and Eruptive Diseases Ulckp.s PiMi'LEs Hlotciu's TcMoas Salt 'Hheum, Scald IIuad, Syphilis asd Syphilitic Af fections, Meucuiiial Diseask, DitopsT, Xev kalgia o;t Tic Doi'locuecx, Dedilitt, Dys pepsia as i) Indioustiov, Erysipelas, Ilo.sfi on Sr. Anthony's Fire, and ii.lecd th? whole class of complaints arLLig fio:a Lufcuity oh th !? Lr.ooi). "TI'.ls compir.r.i'.l Thrill ba fj-iil t re.t yr motor of h .-altli, whou taken in the priii, fo expv.1! th foul 1mm ors whuh fjtcr in the blood at that season of th) year.' . By tin time ly expulsion of them many ra:tVu;i5 di.-ord ri ore ninpe l in the bud. Multitudes- cn, by tin aid of this reme-lr, jepare " themselves f:on th-? endurance of f -il eruptions and ulcerous sores, tlu-ouh whieli thj system will strive to rid it r-elf of corruption., if not assisted to lo this thro'.!! tlu? natund ch-tnuels of tho boiy by an alterative' medicine. Cleanse "out the vitiated blood v.henever you find iti impunities burstiitg through the skin in pimples, eruptions or pores ; clean -e it when you find it is ob structed and flnUli in the veins ; cl-ans9 it whenever it i-t foul, and your feelings will tell" you when, liven, where no particular disorder is felt, people enjoy tetter health,, and live longer, for cleansing the blood. Keep the blood healthy, and all is well ; but with this pabulum of life disordered, there can be no lasting health. -Sooner or later something must go wrong, and. the great machinery of life is disordered or overthrown. - Sarsapaiiila Jus, and desrrvs much, the refutation of accomplishing these ends. But th-3 world h been cgrej-iouly deceived by preparation of it, partly because the' drug alone lias not till the virtue that is claimed for it, but more bocause many preparations pretending to be concentrated extracts of it, contain but little of tho virtue of Saraaparilla, or any thing else. During Into years tho publ'ie have b"en mis-, le i by large bottles, pretending to give a quart of Extract of Sarsaparilhi for one dollar. Most . of these ha v been ft audi npen the sick, far . they not only contain little, if any,. Sarsapa rilla, but often no-curative properties wltntev cr. Hence, bitter and painful di-'-appoIntincnt lias followed the use of the various cxfaits of Sarsapariihi which flood the .marker";', until th? name itself is justly despised, and has become, synonymous with imposition and cheat.' Still Avi call this compound Srrsapnrilla, and intend to supply such a 'remedy as shall re-cue the" name from the load of obloquy which rests upon i". And we think we have ground fur believing it has virtues which are irrefistibl? by the ordinary run of the di.-f-tisej it is intend ed to cure. Iu order to. secure their complete eradication from the system, the remedy eliould be judiciously Liken according to tllrectious on tlie bottle. . - - . " ri'ErAREU CY " DK. J. C. A Y JE 12 & CO. LOWELL, MASS. Price, $1 per bottle Six UuttXea tor $3. Ay erY Cherry Pectoral his wo:i for itself stick a renown for tho cire cf every variety cf Throat and Lung C jtiipLint, that it is c.itiie'.y uuuecrs.sury for' tu t recount the evidence f iti viitnos, wherever it has Lqen eii pljyea. As it has long been ia -constant tise thringhout this section, ve need not d more than nsmt'j the people iu f'taHty v krpt np t' the bet . it ever h;is b-fii. nn.f it may be relied on to do fji' their relief u!l it has ever been found to 'do. Ayer's Cathartic1 Pills, 1011 THE CT7H3 OT Co ificm?t, JaitttUr:e, Dypriiti, Indtfjilinn, Iheii';',', I'tMtl SiiHii'i.'i, l'.ry-ip!cixt lcnlachet files, Wtcijinathm, IWitp'iom u2id&':iit I)ixease'j- ('fiu.Lti:tf, Prp:y, Toiler, Tmnot'3 cni Si!' n'ii'tmr, Wrni, Cvtf, nTjLlt U3 a Dinner V, and f,- Virfji,ij th-j Blrrrl. They ;ire sugar-coatc.l, so th.'t the niost s!rvt tive can ta'ie t'lem plisnt.tlv, :itu1 t'.icy are the !.o-t ;-.pft ;:,. i:i ilie v.o.Il for ull the purposes cf a .amily i l:ys'ic. Tzi-ij 23 centj per Tot ; rive box.- for $1.00. ' Great mitnhers of Cl'-rj-y !nn, Th vsi' Slates men," and finipeiit fr-isotiaees Live ltnt tlulr liiioi-'s to certify the ttuptr I'icled tisfiV..os of these lT-'iuciies, hut o-.ii-spno here ui'd n:t pt-rmit the i:i.-rfim of them. The Av-'iit Ix lvv ;i ;;rif 1 for-ni-h ;:r:iti'sit:r AMmnvAK Ar.u x.cin which they ire -ivfii ; r.-:(!i fii'.l doscriptii:i cf ihe ;iUve eomt.l lints, and the trcutuicnt'tliaC :io;.ld be L1-- lo--J f.n tr:Ir cuie. , I ho frit ;f by unpiiiKtiii.-d dealer with othr-r pn p:ii'..tii.iis t'.iry l.ii'u-e more profit ;i. l'm;iil Aylii's, and 1 io Ho oth'-r. '1'ae si k vrriTit the best ;iid there t fur them, and they shot-i J h tv it. . AU our remedies rirp fr sale l y JOHN MAUN; J. J. THURMAN, Druggists, Bro;vnvillft",'"N. TV SEED POTATOES; . TToo'l.'tock, A;h L;af, Kidney, pink Eje?, Scotch Blues and Blue Rusty Coat. at One Dollar per bush el delivered at the Office of tha "Nebraska Farmer." 100 Varieties Grape Vines. The Largest Collection Y.'ett of 2'eio York. Delaware, Dior, Rebecca, liorbcmont, Hartford iVolilie, Concord, Union Village, Franklin, OuUrie, togahos-a, Canadinn Chief, Taylors Bullet t, M a awny, Creveling, Clolin-i and over 7i) other kit ds t eastern eatalogHe ra w. ; - . Isabella, Catawba and Clinton at 2octj each, 2 ner d.-acn, 10 psr I01). A05. Id'JI. it NEMAHA NUFEfvY Ihe fodowin-r ara th againrt Sewing ! . t-.Li n . '" '-''. 1. Excessive fatf-ne t-3 1.1, ther;rat..r. j 1"5"''r 2. Liabtiiiy to got ont cf 1 V.V1-' r-i r-r - . . i . "or.- : 3.i" "J. -E t-en.-. trout la ail I loss cf iiaid ia rfj-.iii--- it z. The Euplre SeYi 31., . r ircn all tht;e cl; Vt1' ' . ft ha-i a stnii'.t n.i:.i 77,"' ' rask&n the LOCK or SflL'TTI vt'-'' XEITHEIi KIP nr KAVE?.",,' 1 sides : fK-rf-rnn pcTfvt i- of material, frotnLeather to ill" !"" liu, with cotton, linen or ."C sest to the rinoyt nuinbr. ''-; Havirg neither CAM Cur CO'j .rr'.. the Jeaat possilla frietior, it t... :"--:- glass, and is "Efiipintically a XoLdjr- It requires twen'y-S ror ft , 'drive it, than any cthr M.u -.' ;7 of twelve years of aeo c-iri Workj,"-"' f at i u e or i n j u ry to h -. h . "Vi v. ' Its ttrert a and WO. DCIiFU' ,r. consftv.'tii'n render it a ms ir-,."'"'-of orler, a f;d is V, UAUA.M tmi'j 'T': give entire iHti.-faction. "5 ' - We respectfully invitiall tlio,-.. supply theinplves with a rvr.nrxrX examine this UN1UVALLEU r t 'v;"! lut m a mure .cciui it. patroaaj of Merchant Tailurs, .Conch Mali ers, Hoo p-S k irt .Man a 'ao t arers, Ktr HT.A P .o .r., f ,.. VCit ani Banfa'roa Mai i73eI:giouj end Chariubla Lj-. liborall v d:tdt. with. Price of 3Iacliines,Co:;. No. I. tr Jhirhine, $ ij ofl- v' sized .Manufactarn;, JiOjQj j'.' Manufacttiririe, S 7 5,0 J. Cabinets in Every Vi-'e? "U'o want Agents ir ali towaj States, where areni-ij are not alr-i t-j whom, a literal discount wi" ,'.. maka no cor-.-'ignciocts. T. J. r.IcAHTHUR & 510 Ilroailnay, Xcwl Dm v p" t -e ; .... JOVEY'S SEE1 A5D Agricultural Warei: Ilavlnjc orene-! a See-1 ami Imp!em"!i Tr Chicago. I be? leave to csll sierul ; fame, having been many yejrs in Hie t, ,; -ton, and bavin ai.a pan! special at'ri'' : tbe selection ,f n.y t-cevts, 1 feel lie s.-.i.- In eQtrln toeys t j it?c public. Tue ieeos crwn in tf;i ceun'rrirj-s ami erperie.'.ct-d raiser it the Ejt ; '.'.i, i. te prtenred ia lu.s count rr, wer; i- - ; of the nioht relUb!fl soe-ijnii -.. All tw and I njtroti'.l vine: les u s duceil tried an'l proved (!ciraVe thil-: fonnd m my aiuK-feue. Particular a.'....-. paid to the ,, r LOITER SUED DEXMRr. and not cnlr all t new snj m U tn but a'l n(to cuveities la the Flu'r-i. be ini.rtnlui e f. All orJcea t r TEEES, PLANTS, STirtTJL"t2Z. r?s ?!irr.i?j will be proreptly executed. Wa L,i u, aOrtnientbf o Garden and Fanning IrpL-. ALBKRT 'I n."-- p. o. B-X -fen. Nj. ;j if arch 8. iiS. 3:n. t . landeeteT AVarranted Gardt.ii : CLrXDEX, KOEMGin fLate Jons Cabsett iCj Xv. 53 Xorti Seirond Street, iSc'-" ; st. Loms, 2:0. OtTer fnr le at very low t;nrf. 1 t a f sot led siuc ic jf A jricuiturdl will ir.t meu'. eonip-isinjc everytliini netes'irr'- tvgethcr wuh a Urge rd fre.--li tvi?'-jt . LanJretli's CelobratcJ Ga:l: : CROP CF IS5', For wblch tbev are t!i9 su'e ?ier,lv .T.n" rely upon pettin? frnj t'je-a n"'!iti:"' pnro but trne t i:sie in every imu-- seedj at !owo.t ma"-ltet ratis CIiir.r-e i .'i' Tjbace !-eI. Tp O-rnotis. &o, . C'--' wou f do we;l tu en l tl:en their ur.'e'v. Send f jr Aimanac anj Itlustra'c-I O'' ELl'M'S)', i---v" ilsrch6, 15C2. j.33 ly Ths American Jonrn:l cf: ana Ara .a CTwo ToLrMir ANr.w.' r.esjh L'- I'Uvblwhcd in numbers Illutra-CeJ of l-- every other month vir l.t. January a July,. sejdt-ijLer, and Novca.b r, -Cpnn.,by . B. SlLLIM A N, JR., AND J. V- - " .' 5?."5 PF.ft AXNT.IIX ADTaJ The Ji-iuranl jj sect, poit paid, J."- rviytnqnt is reutive l EDITED ET , Prcfr8?r.rj B. Sili.ha'. Frof. Jam;:s D wight U ; .tw Il.irtn.i in conn-icii'-a w.'-i Prof ASA CRAY, bf CdnirU- ProfL O U1SA GASSIZ. . JJr WOLCOTT UIBLi'J- And nsanreus sbls collaborators n tnent. This work hns been' established years, and ja the Jcurn. l f " United Sta'es It ij tleaoted t'1-., ' icai Science, Ceohrry, Miasrai.r;4-. , Metepn.Ioy, Astrrijiny, I'liyii al '-''-.' kindred depcrtrnenU tf knowk"'- .".- Original Ff frs, as wtll as Abiir-4-""'' "' . suverie?, on all these : y.n- , An attraotive foatira'r f '" eral reader is the sei .'if.ioc Corre--? Je;:0M2 Nicsltis an I uther?. ia j prts of Eujopc, glvirg fa-aik""' in Si'iTseotifi.e ma iter-. , v-- Eig'ry-two Volume hvo air' . Fifty ia ia tho first and Tairtj J . Scricj. . j-. enb.cfileri recti virg their 'V Publishers remit yheir lab-vrit'ti- !'s Joarnal. New Haven, .. . lloxtuf the bcv.'k vtlaaiesca j0 5 Publishers. " , au-i All -ji-aiiaaaication, rccuttaac- ' dresjedtj y-ceofSMima,, Aver Apple. Trees. 20.(101 yennj and strict .pi' hardy varieties, at ?3 fr haa- . 7A5TSD. Twenty-five h'? .yj.J ii weight at hi.h price-s to buff-1 Stock at iow prices. J Orinoco Tobacco r Putoi) " rarruScier.t i jtr l5circJ suaip la b nA f0S":" wanted.,, 30 bu-itieU seJ ."pnc? f.-rt" Ail tbe to bo d-J.iv-.-r-J 1,, j-,. - An:, mi. 00 .0 VAnirriFlS STKA'. V - .y fff Anior-wHeb a JT' ! . per lvoJ: Jenny I. ud, V--J .rr?;- "d-j-Gand. $2 per IfU ; 'n linkers, Black I'riace, "- f kit da at i I per " " . i'lancs ot 'I " per di'Z I-'t. 0