Image provided by: University of Nebraska-Lincoln Libraries, Lincoln, NE
About Nebraska advertiser. (Brownville, Nemaha County, N.T. [Neb.]) 1856-1882 | View Entire Issue (May 22, 1862)
i THE BAY CCHCOL BULL. ZZ EAT SCHOOL EI IX. A Kow Sit-ins Loo tor Day &cboolti caUed tte Uat fecn&ot Kiu, 1 now ready. It contain about 00 pge of choice tongs, 6o lo, Iwitni, Catches, Daeu, Taos, Quarteu anJ Cbo rose, macy o?tsca wrtrrci xFres:.!r for this work, betides 2 i ages f tbe Elemeeuo music. T&e Kie menu are so easy and prosresive ttat ordinary teacb rs wilt find tbeusselvcs entirely iuceeful in instruct, in even young ecliolrt sisiit correctly aud sricotia cally, vbila tbe tune and words embraces such a vari ety ct lively, attractive, and fcoul ctirine jansi aod sentiment tbat Botruuble will be experienced in indu cing all j.e-iiicrr to go otr with real in acquiring skill In one of tre luosf teaHt-piviLg, beauty luiproviup, bappioest jieldtrj;, and enter producing; exercise of cbool life, la simplicity of lta Element, in variety and adaptation of music, and in excellence and camber of its a'i)gt, original, aclecied, and claim fcy much to excel all. competitors. It will t fotnni to . te tlie te-t book ever ifued for Seminaries, Academies, and Public Scbojla. A few sample pages of (be ele inenta, tune and tone are Riven In a circular; sen! anapetone.. It 1 compiled by Uorace Water, anthtrr of "Sibaih School Bella," N a. 1 and 2, which fcave bad "the enormous sale if 6S5C0O copies. Prices p5er i over 20 cu., $15 per bcrdrei; bouud 30 cent -. $25 j,r hundred i c'Hh.bortBd, etnWsi-d gilt 40 cents : &3U perbundrcd- 5..vjlc furnisbel at the ot-e hundred price. Mailed fret at tbe retail price. hoticus of tiic mess. 1 Tirt Dat School Bell. Tbe tune art lively, and aucW a way be easily mastered by ctildren. Tbe spirt of tbe sunt W unexceptionable and. well adapted to the acheol row. It-is tbe-cheap sal among tbe bet rimpeud of school txuic published. New York Teacher. 1 ' Fay School Bell This book is eminently adapted a v -t in our. common scboois.- M" iiave jl great iiumnerf school sonzbook before tbe put he, but many of tbeni lack ninsical at well aslite t taty taNs kd are really -drmorahting ia their influ ence D7on tbe musical taleot or tbe young. Alrt of ac knowledged excellence, wedded to words of true poetry, are tbe qualities that ought to be sought with tbe great est care in the preparation ot a school song bock. This book seems to combine Uaee Jwo qualities .Pennsyl tenia School Journal. v v Published by " r GOBACB WATERS, p41-ly Xo. 481 Broadway. Kew Tork. THE HARP OP FREEDOM. . Sow ready, new and superior collection of 27 'Anti Slatery, j'atrioUc.-.and 'CoBtraband' fongs, aolos, duet, qoarteti, aal ckorases. Most of the Poetry and Mu?io baa been written ctpreea'ty for this work, to correspond with the times, and should be sung by the million, in order to awaken a deep interest fci behalf of ttt ''Contraband," whom Ood, in iiia providence, Las cast spon tlie Free orth to tilotha andedacate. ... CONTENTS, IX P1KT, "Fair Freedom' Mora baa dawned at lait:"i "Break the Chaina, or the Emancipating Sword 'Fremont ia Marching on, or, Uiofy Uallelujab,-" 0h t Help the 'UontrabandeV' "Old John lirown'a Soag;" "Song, of the Contrabunda';" i) Iet my People Go ; -i'arody on the Song of the 'Contra band' "Where Liberty Dwells i my country;" When Slavery die there'll be Freedom" -Wake, Freemen. Uod ha rpoken;" fcVtittier'a aajpreesed 45ong of Freedom' etc. '-. Frice only 5 cents single, 50 cents per dozen, $3 ' per ICO : postage I cent. HORACE WAT EHS, Poblisber. n41ly 431 Broadway, New York. ul . .c -.'NEW 2IUSJC; -"Sha-U wa Know Each Other There?" Song or Dnet and Chorua, by Rev. Mr. Lowry, author of "Sabbath Uclla Chime on." Thia aong is good. Price 25 cents, mailed free A pianist in attend ance to try new music. : noiucE WATERS, ail ly No. 431 Broadway, Publisher. THE HORACE WATERS PIANOS AND t-s JIELOU1ANS, : And Alexandre Organa, and T. GILBERT 4 Co.'a celebrated Xlian Pianoo, are the finest instrument, for parlor and churches now in use. A large assort ment ran le fee cn at the new warerooms, No. 481 BROADWAY, between Grand and Broome street! which wiUboHoU atxtromely low prices.- Pianos sod Molodeona, from a u miry makers, new and second band. Second hand Pianos and Melodeons at irreat bargain; prict-s frm $25 to $100. Sheet Music, Muisic-Bok, and all kind of Music Merchandise, at war prices. . A pianist ia attendance will try new TPIXIONS OF THK FBESS. "The Horace Waters Piano are known aa among the very beet. We are enabled to speak of these instruments with some degree of confidence, from )Hrna4 knowledge of their excellent tone and rabl equal ity' .Ve lori Eeaxgditt. t-, t41ly SADDATII SCHOOL RELL NO. 2. 75,000 Copies Sold the First 12 Months of its Publication. It isan entire "ew Work", of nearly 200 pages. Many of the Tunes and lljmus were written ex prefaly for tLii volume. It'will aoth bo as popular is-rrrxTed(rr?wT7f;t5e!tfor1) which basmn up to the enormous number of 575,000 copies in31 months, Mitatxipping any SuhJ ay School Book of its fiio is sued in this country. Also, both volume arc bound in tine to accommodate schools wishing them iu that form. Prices of Boll No.' 2,.'papr covers. 15 cents, $12 per 100. Bound, 25cents. J 18 per ICO. Cloth bound embossed gilt, SQ conta, $32 per 100. Bell No. 1, paper eovefa, 12 cents," $10 per 100. Bound 20 cenU,$18 per 100. Cloth bouud embossed gilt, 25 eents, $20 per 100.- Bills Nos. I and 2 bound to gether 40 cent, 30 per hundred. 25 copies fur bished at the 100 price. Cloth bound embossed gilt, 50cenu, i0 f ex 100; Hail postage free at the retail price. . HORACE WATERS, Publisher, n41-ly . No. 43 1 Broadway, ew York. COLILIERCIAL NURSERY, E. H. BUROHES, H !z a.. - PROPRIETOIt. I hare lonf alnce been co ivim-ed of the want of a flrat ciasa jiarsery in tbe Wfikt, where T It EESTTIRTJBS, ' FTO WEIIS , &c. .Car-be adapted to onr climate and soil. In vlawcf tea facia, J have established in this place, and offer lor wle t. . . - . " ... TWliolefalG or.HotaiI,T A large and wel! selected itoct, suited to thia climate, f - - . - ..... Apple, atandard and dwarf; rears, standard and dwarf ; . Cherries, standard and dwarf; Peaohes, M. t - .Ploma, 'Apricot, Kectarlnea, iulnce, Goosberilea. 'fll.'.i . " .Currents," Grapes, ; ;,' ' . Raspberries , " Strawteaier, Blackierrie, Evergreen, . ' Shrubs, Roses, Pahlias, -Ornamenta! Tree ' - fref nborse and Ik-JJing Plants, etc. etc. Towhic. I wqij te; leave tu call tbe atteuiioa of the peotie of Nebraska, Kansas, Colorado, Iowa and Kortb rest at.souri. Cj"ily terms will 1 as low as any reliable eastern Jfur-ery. By purchasing of me the expense of transportation from tbe east can be saved. All trees and i lsuti sre carefully labeled sod packed la the test s-acner, for which a charge of the actual ct will be mad. - No charge will be nude tor tbe delivery of packages en board fcteamboats. " All conimbiiictttions addressed to the undersigned will receive prouipt atteutKin. ... 'Xarcb, 1SCJ.. , . . " B. H. BURCIIE3. , EHEKCirSCOKICAL - - 9 , j uiott tlmple, durable, convenient and economical ar'icle cvsr iuvouicd foi the iuirpoe, . "Will dc li e vrH.biiiit .f an ordinary family before breakast,'i.ot ou!j' savibg time, but clotbes. ' 'ixUif'iy fuLluwinstbepriuied dixfectiitiia. wticbaje sluibie and evy, it will wa-b, at use time, six shirt, er two dozeutmali article, in about tix or tcven min tUzt, or tbeir equivalent.- . By all tbe ordinary method of cleaning fine farricii, arm aa laees, the greatest care is required, while w..l tb- iSdcUine the rouf t delicate article can be washed wiU.cut ite posiibiiity of Uaaiage Tbeee reiita ar vrodeced by tbe constant reaction -bc suds wbiie he maebme is In motion.' t f mi les. laundries, boieU, boarding-houne, 40711 als, asyluuis, ixrtliu!, in ship and steamers, and in tbe arrpytwbo bj(ve these maebme in use, have sent-in tbeir teMimonipis Tcitotarially, anJ tbe onco Hi is ms-ul tbar." r jir a-v u y uaawrwt, nwins ol whtcfc 1 have publifued ia pamphlet for in. All I ask of H e Pub'. ic t? lat tful examination of tbis mscbme t-efo-.e purchair.g of otters. General repot 41 Broadw ay, corner Canal St., Kew YOrk. r " Fries only Ten Dollars. Sc'. I?. A literal discount to tbe Trade. Jgentt wanted. Send for a Circular. XUvts.l,. Sii'-r. Cay P. O..- - .PHILIP KRENCIT, Proprietor . - - .ZC C1 9 C! C. OSlER CUTTLYGS, "Variety 1'crj'Ureu for live fence. ;U-cV-Wri U-nd-HFer tH-Jotti Browsi'.le for $.5 per eighty rods; being but1;ttl ever ttr dU'trj pr tiiounnd.- Tins is from one ta tLrf et'lars less than ever t.2erod before. T A'.l i.rJcrs at tLeso prices nust be scat in beforu th. lt tf October, 1 So I. ' - lieu J t.-Jcrs ry tsh, to . - - e. o. Tnoiirsor. i.T:M.nArrr.frRr, ).--. p CsTi A'.ti.r. Hwrcey T.-.'ad.j " Tho Economy of TJninz t n x . FEANELIN. Family EowinIIacIiine. nie mKcb'nea nuke tbe celebrated CROVER J BAKER STITCH, wulch fca lalten Ibe h!&bet premi um at tbe Illiu..iSU:xJ Fair, in September last, at the United Statea Fair in St. Louis, in 1360, and at the pj iuciple State Fairs tbrongbor.t the country. Competent Judges -ge-?cislon in favor of tbla unci), n account of it great strength and adaptation to all kinds of family and manufacturing purposes. The following Table will show tbe difference In favor of Sewing Machines over theoli method of stitching by band. In tbe working: of bese Machine there Is not only -a great raving of labor and time, besides adding greatly sothebealthfnliiesaof tbeemploymen , but the stitch i much strongerwore elastic, and lens liable to rip or ravel than tbe stitch made wiuh shu.tles and bobbin. . : . ..-' By Jfachine. 1 By Tland.' noura. min.IHoura. Min. Timo consumed in making ep Indies' tiarmeuU. Silk Dress. . . . 1 15 Muslin Shirt, 25' Merino Dreaa, . 1 .1 ... lj Chemise. - I 10; Calico bress, - - I Moreen Skirt, 40 Night Lres, 1 6 Drawers, . 27 Silk ipron, - 30 Plain Apron, 10, Time consumed in making By Machine op Gentlemen a tx&rmeuts.iiours. Jtin Gent lemau's Shirts, Frock Coat, 10 6 8 10 C 7 10 4; r 23 6 90 10 S3 30 SI Satin Vest, Linen Vest, Cloth Pants, Summer Pants, 25 40 IS 46 6 4tH By Hand. Ilonrs. Min. 13 It 20 23 10 25 15 30 Tho Frsnklin Family rr SEWING MACHINE, , : ! ' - ' "' -Has one advantage which 1 worthy of especial attention In addition to tbe peculiar character tf the stitch, and that i its adaptation to either light or medium heavy work.. The Much me which at one moment is used on THE MOST DELICATE FABRIC, in a , few mo ments arier can be brought to bear with tbe same facil ity on rottonade and towels of 'be coarsest description. ItaadsptntloBfor FAMILY WORK, is thus remarka ble, and give it a superiority ever every other style of machine in the Market. In order that these Machine may be placed in the bands of all clase. we have reduced tbe prlc of onr FR AS KLIN FAMILY MACHINE TO FORTY DOLLARS. From IT e Incrcahe of onr business for the latt year, and the entire satisfaction oar Machine are Flvlng throughout tte United Slates and European Countries, we are led tobelieve tbst onr determination toroanufscturea PERFECT, SIMPLE, RELIABLE AND CHEAP MACHINE, baa been fully appreciaten by tbe pcblic. This policy will romain unchanged, and as heretofore no Macbire will be allowed to leavetbe office that we cannot fully warrant in every respect. We shall keep on band at all times a general assort ment of Sewing Machine msteria! Needles for all maehinea can be ordered by Mall or Express. Price Ono Dollar per dozen. Persons in the country, by sending ns tbeir address enclosing a letter stamp, can have forwarded by return mail, one ot our circulars containing tbe different styles of Machines, list of prices, and sample of work. E. niCIXAKDS & CO., Principal Agents for tbe North West. Office and Salesroom 133 Lake Street, Chicago, Illinois, B. RICnARDa Lata of L. Cornell &. Co. C. E-WISWALL. JN.w. TAPPAiT, formerly Ag't for .he Grover fc Baker Sewing Machiua. JanuaryCih' 1S63. - n2&-tr TREE PEDDLEES, 1 will sell Good Apple Trees, 6 to 8 feetbigti at -fiO per 1000 3 to 5 feet bigb. at 35 per 1000 Extra aiae, mny of them now in fruit, ' body 8 to U feet high, CO per 1000 Seedling troes, 8 to 1 1 feet 35 per 1000 Red Dutch Currant, I year old 4 per 100 M Syeareold. .. 10 per J00 Ilonghton Seedling Goosberry, 1 year 4 per 100 Houghton Seedling Goosberry. 3 years, 10 per. 100 Red and Yellow Antwerp Raspberry 1 per 100 Franconia Raspberry 2 per '100 Strawberry, 25 varieties. from2 to 10 per 1000 Downer's Prolific Strawberry-. 3 per 100 Victoria Rhubarb 15 per 100 Cahoon's Seedling Rhubarb 15 per 100 Scotch Hybrid Rhubarb 30 per 1000 Seedling Rhubarb .... .. . JO per 1000 Rose, Hardy Summer, 29 varieties 15 per 100 Rose, Hybrid Perpetual. 25 varieties 20 per 100 Rose, Climbing, 8 varieties 18 per 100 Also a large assortment of Ornamental Shrubaat" 12 per 100 ' Descriptive Catalogues sent to all applicants. ... james l: LOOP. . Addrers, CD STEVENS, Agent. : '. Mendota, Lasalle Co., 111. Janaary 2, 1S32. . . n2-4m Bloomington Ilursery, . . ..iiiXiUoza. At the crossing or (be Illinois Central, end St. Lonis, Alton and Chicago Railroads. Established 1352. on tbe open Prai-ie, and contains 140 acres. Fruit, Orna mental and Nursery Stock, a very large, general and reliable assortment, VERY. CHEAP for Cash. Especially Adapted to the Severe Climate -of tte Northwest.- v - i APPLE TREES, from 1 to 4 years old. $25 te $50 per 1000. K0O7 GRAFTS, $40 per W.0( 0. APPLE STOCKS, one to two years, selected tor grafting, fti; second class, $1 per thoudsand. MAZZAKD CBERRT, $3 per 1,000. STANDARD AND DWARF PRAR, CHERRY, PLUM, FEACII. QUINCE, NECTARINE, AND AFRICOT DWARF APPLE, QUINCE, PEaR, PLUM, AND SOSK STOCKS.. Apple Scioni $1 60 per thousand. Cuttingt, many sorts Osage Orange, good one year old plains, 2,50 per thousand. Wiuon't Strawbery, and many other Standard 8ort--two dollars fifty to four dollars per thousand. Grape Catawba, Clinton, Isabella, well rooted, one year old three dollars per hundred, twenty dollars per thousand. Delaware-' one aud two years c Id, $1 to tlO per dozen. Rhu br, best sorts twi to five dollar per hundred. Houghton Goott-erry, one to twe year old one to three dollar per hundred. Downing'i Ever Bearing .Vutery fotir to eight dollars perdosen. Evergreent several sr-rts ten dollar per thousand. Shade and Weeping Tree; Shrubt, Flower Roott, Btilbt, Rote, an immense variety mostly one to two dollars nrty perdoxen. Packing carefully done. Catalogues sent on receipt of a three cent stamp. Address, F at PnOKNIX, ; Nov 14, 1561, nl9-6m Blooming ton, lUinoit. Fruit and Ornamental Shrubbery, Evergreen Trees, With a General Assortment of Nursery Articles, for sale at the Pleasant Eidge ilursery, ARISPE, BUREAU CO.. ILL. Very low for cash or lta equivalent. . W have a few thousand six aud seven year old apple trees, which we will sell very low, as we want to dispose of them be fore they get ion Urge; also four year old at $13 60 per hundred ; three year old at $19 per hundred, and young trees at coi reojdlng prices. Also Cherry, Pear, Plum, Peach, Grape, Currants, Gooseberries, Raspberries, Lawicn Blackberries. Strawberries, Pie Planti Roses and Dahlias, of the finest tort. Is large, and very 11 no specimens. Sixes and prices to euit. - Orders respectfully solicited and promptly attended to. . VERRR1" ALDRICH. ; P. O. Address, Tiskilwa, 111." : P. S. We bve about 7.000 four r' old trees, of the Sew ToTk Pij,iu, fr le tb? coming fall and spring ; no apple ever gained to much popularity ia so thort a time. Ttie trees are pood growers, early fruiters, and very hardy; .rp!ea larjre and showy, asd keep about eiual to 'be Willow Tuig. Alio a larpe stock of tbe Wagner, ct of the best apples; very early fruiter, and trees remarkably fear-lj. For a Chore full description of thee an oiler sorts, please see descriptive catlaut sent fiee t alf appicanu. January 2, 1S6J. lr.23-3m - . Terry's Grj:ccn GcccLi. Trch andptjre. an-.l raised ia U,!s soil ei4 climate, rsresUety . 8U Lilt. I7?j;zix& y CO. CTJL NECZSSTY IN EVERY rCUSDSOLD JOHNS CROSLEY'S . American Cement Glue THE STRONGEST GLrE I TI1E WORLD. THE CHKAPEST GLUK IN THK WORLD. THE MOST DURABLE GLUE 1NTH3 WORLD. THB ONLT RKLI ABLE GLUE IN THE WORLD, THE BKST GLUE IN THE WORLD. AMERICAN CEMENT GLUE Is theonly article of the kind ever produced whieh WILL WlTiiSTAtlD WATER- IT WILL MEND WOOD Save your bioken Furniture IT WILL MEND LEATHER Mend your Harness. Straps, Belts, Boots Ac IT WILL MEND GLASS - Save tbopeicca of that expensive Cut (Tlass Bottlo. IT WILL MEND IVORY Doa't throw away that broken Ivory Fan it ia eaa- .: - . ilyrc paieed. IT WILL MEND CHINA Your broken China Cups and Saucers can be made as good as new. IT WILL MEND MARBLE That piece knocked out of your ilarble Mantle can be put on as strong as ever IT WILL MEND PORCELAIN No matter ' if that broken Pitcher did cost but ahilline a shilling fared is a shilling earned. IT WILL MEND ALABASTER That Cosly Alabaster Ve is brocken and you can't matob. it mend it it will never show when put to gether. . - It Trill Mend bono, Coral, Lava, and in fact everything bnt Metals. Any article Cemeuted with AMERICAN CEMENT GLUE will not show where it is mended "Every Housekeeper should have a supply of Johns A Croslev'a American Cement Glue." Y Time. Itia so convenient to have in the house." V Y Expreti. It is always ready; this commends it to everybody.' Independent. . "We have tried it and find it as useful is our houss as water." ir7X-e'a Spirit of the Times. Economy ia Wonlt S10.000 per year saved m every lamily by One Bottle of AMERICAN CEMENT GLUE Price 25 Cents per Bottle. Trice 25 Cents per Bottle. ' Price 25 Cents per Bottle. Price 25 Cents per Bottle. Price 25 Cents per Bottle. Price 25 Cents per Bottle. Very Liberal Reduction to Whole sale Buyers. . TERMS CASH.' UFor SMe by all Druggists and Storekeepers throughout the country, JOHNS & CROSLEY fSole ManufivctureM.) 78 WILLIAM STREET Corner of Liberty Street. KEW YORK. Importantto HouseTOwncrs. Important to Lluildo 1. Importantto Rail Road Compa nies. Important to Farmers. To all whom this may concern, and it concerns everybody. - JOHNS & CROSLEY'S IMPROVED GTJTTA PEHCHA CEMENT ROOFING, The Cheapest and moss durable Roofing in use. , . IT IS FIRE AUD WATER PSOQF It can be applied to sow and old Roofs of all kinds steep oiflat and to Shingle roofs without removing tho Shingles. Tlie Cost Is only abont One-Third that of Tin. AKDIT IS TWICE AS DURABLE This article bas been thoroughly tested Jn New York City and all paats of tho United States Cana da West Indies and Central and gouth America on buildings of all kinds rueh as Factories Founderief Churches Rail Road Depots Cars and on Public Buildings generolly Government Buildings Ac. by tbe principle Builders archetects anp others during thepa8t fouryears and has proved to bo the CUE aP EST and MOST DURaBLE ItOOFLXO in use it is in every respoct a firs watfr weataer and time PBX)F covering for KOCESGF ALL kinds. '" " Th it it the OXLYmaterial manufantnreii i"- the United State which combines tbe very desirable properties of Elattiritq and Durability which are universally acknowledged to be possessed by OUT TPERCHAAND INDIA KUB- llo Heat is Required in Llakling Application. The expenseof applying it is trifling as an ordinary Roof can be covered und finished fie tavie day. . . It' can be applleti by any one, and when finished forms a perfectly Kirs Proof ur faee with an elestic body which cannot be injured by Hi at Cold or Storms Shrinking of Roof BciRD.s nor any external action whatever. GUTTA PeIvhT CEMENT. For Coating Metals of all Kinds when exposed to the Action of the Weather, and For Preserving and Repairing EXctal Roots OF ALL KINDS. This is THK ONLY COMPOSITIOF KKOWN which will tutcttefnUy resist extreme changet of all climates for ant lenyth of titM when applied to metals to which it adheres firmly forming a body equal to three costs of ordinary paint costs much less, and will LAST TLTREE TLVES AS LONG; andfroraits elasticity is not injured bv the contraction and expansion of TIN and other METAL ROOFS consequent upon sudden changes of the weather. If will not CRACK IN COLD OR RUN IN WARM WEATHER AND WILL NOT WASH OFF. Leaky tin and other metal roofs can be readily repaired with Gutta J'enha Xktient, and prevented frcm further corrosion and leaking, thereby ensur inp a perfectly water-tight roof for many years. This cement is peculiarly adapted for the pieser vation of Iron railing, Stoves, Safes, Agricultural Implements. Ac, also for general manufacturers use GUTTA PERCHA CEMENT For preserving and repairing Tin and other met al roofs ofevery description, from its great elastici ty, is not injured by the contraction and expansion of metals, and tcUl not crack in cold nor run in want weaiher. These materials are ado pTed to all climates, and we ar prepared to supply orders from any part .of the country, at short notice, for Gutta Percha roof ing in rolls, ready prepared for use, and Guttaper cha Cement in barrels, with full printed directions tions for application. . ASOIltB 'WftlltOCl. We will make liberal and satisfactory arrange ments with responsible parties who would like to establish themselves in a lucrative and permanent business. . ; OUR TERMS ARE CASH. We can give abundant prcof of alt we claim in favor of our improved Roofing Materials, havinjr ap plied them to several thousand Roofs in New York City and vicin.ty. JOUXS & CROSEEY ' 80LK MAXlTACTrRKRS, Wholesale Warehouse, 78, William Street, Corner of Liberty street, YORK, Full eacriptive Circulars and Prices will be fur nished n application. JVTov.7,183l. ly I!ev Remedies for SPERIJATORRHCEA. HOWARD ASSOCIATION, FHTTi fl TELPITIA.: A Benevolent Inttttutian established by special a foipncnt.for the Relief of the Sict and Distressed aJP.icted with ViruJeut and Chronic Ihsratts, and etpecially for the Cure of Diseases of the Sexual Organs. . . 11.EDICAI AD VICS given sratis, by the Actluj Surgeon. Valuable Reports on Spermatorrhoea, and other dis. ease of the S xual Orzans. and on the KEW remr. DIRS empltyed in the Ixspensary. sent in sealed letter envelopes, free of charge. Two or three Stanipa accept able. Address DR. J. SCILLTS nCTCIITON', Howard As sociation. No. S, South Ninth Street, Philadelphia, Pa. December t. 1861. n23-Iy . Ayeis - Clieny Pectoral strengthen 'oe tone - tbe TO THE PEOPLE OF rn the month of December. IS3. tbe undersisned f for th first time offered for sale to tbe public DR. 3 . Bl VLK DOD3' IMPERIAL WINE BITTERS, andinthir h art period tbey have given such universal aatisfac ticn to the many thousand of persons who have tried tb ?m that it is now established article. The amount of bodiiyand mental misery arising aimplr from a ne glect of small complaint is urpriing, and It is there, fore of the utmost importance that alrict attention to th least andnvost trifling bodily ailments should be bai; for diaeaee of tbe body must invariably affect the mind. The subscrsrers now only ask a trial of ' DR- J. BOVEE DODS'S Imperial Wine Bitters from all who have nor used them. We challenge the weir Id to produce their equal. - These Bitters for tbe cure rf Weak Stomachs, Gen eral Debility, and for Purifying aud Eiricbing the Blood, are absolutely unsurpassed by any o'ber reme dy on earth. To be assured of this, it is only neces eary to make the tnal.- The wine is of a very supe rior quality being about one-third stronger than oth er wines, warming: and invigorating the whole system from the bead to the feet. As these bitter are tonic and alterative in tbeir character, so tt and invigorate tbe whole system and gi anj healthy action to ail ita parts, by circulation, removing the obstrnctions a general warmth. They are excellent f weakness peculiar to Females, where a ed to strengthen and brace the system, istuhjectto lasitude and faintness, should -them as they are revivifying in their action. THESF BITTERS Will not only Cure but Prevent Disease. and In this respect are doubly valuable to the person who may use them for INSIP1ENT CONSMMPTION wt ax Lungs, indigestion, Dyspepsia, diseasec of the Nervous system. Paralysis. Piles, and for all case requiring a Tonic. DR. DODD'S -Celebrated - Wine Bitters For Sore Throat so comujou aniong the Clergy they are truly invaluable. - For the ogod and infirm, and for perrons of weak constitutions For ministers of the gospel, lawyer and all public spaekers for book-keepers tailors seamstresses, students, ar artists, and all persons lea' diLS a sedentary life, they wi'l prove beneficial. - as a beverage; ther are- wholesome, innocent, and delicious to the taste. They produce all tbe exhlerat Ing effect ot brandy or wiue, without intoxicating; and are a valuable remedy for persons articled to the use of exeasive strong drink, and who wish to refrain from it They ate pure and entirely free from tbe poison con- eaiued in tbe adulterated wines and brandies with which the country is floodfd. ' ' These bitters-noto nly CURE but prevent disease, and Should be used by all who live ia a count ry - where tbe water is bad, or where chills and fever are prevalent. Being entirely Innocent and harmless they may begiv en freely to children and infants with impunity, -- Physician and Clergymen, snd temperance advocates as anactvf humanity, should assist in spreading these valuable bitters over the land, and threby essentially banish drunkenness and disease. - - In all aiTcctlons of (lie IXead.Slcli Headache,: or K ervao us Head ache, Dr. Mod's Imperial Wine fitters Will be found to be most Salntarn. andi EHlcacious. - FE3IAEES. " -The many .cirtlficates which bava been tendered as and the letters which we daily receive, areconclusive proof that among tbe women these Bitters have given a satisfaction wnscn n- uiocu un ever uoiie teiui e. So woman in the land sbould be without them, and those who once use them, will not fail to keep a full supply. ... . . ... . .j ; DR J Bovee Dod's IMPERIAL WINE BUTE RS, ; Are prepared by an eminent and. skillful physician, wh bas used them successfully in his practice for the las twenty five years. Tbe proprietor beforo purshasin the exjlusive right to mannf.cture and sell Dr. Bove, Dodi, Ceiebraje Imperfal Wine Bit ers, hadtthem test ed by two distinguished medical practitioners, who pro nounced them a valuable and safe remedy for dssease. Although the medical men of this country, aa a gen eral thing, disapprove of Patent Medicine, yet we do not believe that respectable Physician can be fonnd ta tbe Uniied States, acquainted with their medical properties, who wilt not highly approve Dr. Dod's IM PERIAL WINK BITTERS In all newly settled places, where there la always a large qnantity of decaying timber; from which a poi sonous miasma is created, these bitters shuold be used every morning boforebreakgast. DR. J. BOVEE DODS IMPERIAL WINE BITTERS ArecoKiedof a pnre and unadulterated wine, com bined wt.. Barberry. Solomon's Seal, Comfrev, Wild CheryBii, Spiknard Camomile Flowers, and Gentian. They are manufactured by Dr. Dop bimsel ", who is an experienced and successful physician, and hence should not be classed among the quack nostrums which fl jod the country, and against which tbe medical profession so Justly denounce. These truly valuable Bitter have been so thoroughly tested by all classes of community, for almost every vri ety of disease - Incident to human system, that they are now deemed indispensable as a Tonic, Medicines and a Beverage.' . ., Purcliase one Bottle It Costs but Utile! Purify the Blood. Give Tone to the Sto mach -Renovase the Sys and Prolong Eire. Price $100 per Bottle, 6 Bottles : for $5 CO j Prepared and sold by CHARLES VIDblFIELD & CO., I SOLE ' PliOPIlIETOS "- 78 William Street, New York. For rale by druggists and grocers generally through out the country. Oct. 17. 1S6I. PRIXDEE'S PATEKT I X! .Li ' ! t ' f.-s S! it! I lj .jrjj! j J DALING'G - " AND , jLIFE.BXTTEXISr' . Are pure vegetable extracts." They cure all btlMons disorder of tho huniaa system. They re-rnlite and in vigorate the liver and kidneys; they give tone to,tLo digestive organs; tbeylegaUte the secreti-us, excre tion and exhalation, eqnal-je tbe circulation, and pu rify tbe blood. Thus, aif billions complaints wme of which are Torpid Liver, Skk neadacbe, Dyspepsia. Piles, Chill and Fevers, Costiveuess or Loose iea are en tirely coutroled and cured by these remecie. D Alt LING'S LIVER -REGULATOR" Removes the morbid and billiaus eepotdU from the stomach and bowels, n-sulates the Liver and Kidneys, removing every obstruetiow, restores a natural and heal thy action in tbe vital organs. It is a superior . Family I.Iedicine, Much better than Pills, and much eas. er to take. DARLING'S LIFE BITTERS Is a superior touic and diuretic; excelleot in cases of snKalitA ftitiilanv fAinalavftarriOU. i ITHI! I &T IUOO VI uti a ssi.-j fa.u.v 7 Hies, pdia ia llie side and bowels-, baud, protu4iag ana uieetlliiS ynci, aim n:uoiai ucmuij, READ THE FOLLOWIIs'Q TE.TTIMONY I Ja. T.. Rrnmler. merchant. 1S4 Fulton Street, Ni Tork, writes, August IS, 1800: " I have beef, afilicted -ith piles, accompanied with bleeding, the last three DARLING S ew "REGULATOR AsricuUural Cauldron and Steamer. FOR SALE 221 and 22.1 South Water Street, Chicago, 111. Prices, Wood S35, Coal $38, staple sizes other siies in proportion, with freight added from factory in New York to Chicago. ' The advantages of cooked over raw food is admit ted by all. The old way of boiling in kettles is both slow and expensive, so much so taht but few men do it. Something more practical must be had. Steam seetoes to be the only alternative. The Patentee has retaind all the advantages of the Portable Cal dron for boiling, and devised means of generating stsain saficicnt for ali purposes. It is simple find practical, and proves PERFECT SUCCESS. Wr. II. AESTIX, Solo agent for Illinbis and North-West, . 221 & 223 S. Water St., Cbicajto. Where will also be found Downs & Co's Deep Well Pumps, Force Cisterns, Chain and Coianaon Well Pumps, Thimble Skeins and Sad Irons, aswU as every variety of Farming Tools, Cast Iron Corn Shellcrs, Feed Mills, Hay and Platform Scales., Stove?, Ac The above will be sold on account of the manufacturers, at thoir respo etive factory prices adding freight to this place. January 1362. tf '" Pleasant Ridge ifurseiy. : VERRTTDRICH, - ITLTrVATOB, AND DEALER IS -.' Fruit - and - Ornamental ; Trees, Shrob'beryY Evergreens, cc, - leasant Rid;e, Arispe, Bureau County, Illinois. P. O. Address, Tiskilwa, Hi. January 2, 1552. n28-3ml 25,0 CO Cherry Currants. First Size - . . - - $50 CO per l.COO Second Sire - - 30 03 do. 15,000 Concord Grapevines, Laver, l ine. No. 1, Layers, - OA per 100 No. 2, Layers, 19 00 per 100 . Xo. 3, Layers, - - 12 03 per 100 One year oid, from enttings, 8 to per 100 Diaua Grapevines, pot raised. - 12 00 per 100 f the Great Austin Strawbery, - - 20 M per 1.0C0 , GEORGE SEYMOUR, fis CO., i uJJ tf -.. . SouUi Jorwaik, Conn.. -"'AND T ",i-TTERS, : - And now ibnsidor aiysv.f entirely cured. Don. John A. Crose writes, "Brooklyn, Marck 15th 1S60.. . In the spring of 1S&9 I took a severe cold, which induced a violent fc ver. I took two doses of wmrling's -LIVER REGULATOR, It broke up my cold, and fever at once. Previous to this attack. I bad been troubled with dyspepsia severs months; I have felt nothing of H since,". Otis Studley, Esq., 128 East 2Sth Street, New Tork., writes t '-August 13, 1SS0.I bad a difficulty with the Kidney Complaint three yeaia, with constant pain in the small of my back. I bad osed mutt, all kinds of medicines, but found no permanent reUof until I used , DARLINGS ; - ' LIVER REGULATOR AND .... : LIFE BITTERS. I passed clotted blood by tbe urethra. : I tin sow en tirely cured, aud take pleasure in recommending these remedies." - Mrs. C. Tebow, II Christopher Street, N. T,, writes: "Feb. 20, lobO. I have been subject to attacks of Asth ma the last twenty yeara, I have never found anything equal to , . DAKLINO's LIVER REGULATOR, in affording iramoliate relief. It is a thorough Liver and bullous remedy." - - .... Mr. Toung, of Brooklyn, writes . "February 23, IS60. In May last I bad a severe attack of Piles, which con fined me to the house.- I look one bottle of darling's . LIFE BITTERS, and was entirely cured, I have had no attack since." D. Westervilie, Esq., of South 6 La, near 8th Stret, Williamsburg, L. I. , writes: "Augnst o, 1SW) Having teen troubled with a difficulty in tbe Liver, and subject to billions attacks, I was advised by a friend to try darling's 1 LIVER REGULATOR. I did so, and found it to operate admirably, removing tbe bile and arousiug the liver to activity. I have, alto used it as a ; " ' - " ' Pamily Medloino. When our children are out of sorts, w glre them a few drops and it sets tham all right. I find it meets the general wants of tbe stomach and bowels when disor dered." . . . , Header, if you need either or both of tfcese most ex cellent Remedies, inquire for them at the f tores ; If you do not find them, take no other, but inclose One Dollar tn a letter, and on receipt of the moner, ttie Remedy or Remedies will bff sent according to your directions, by mail or express, post -pak. Aia, , DAN'L S. DARLIKG. . 102 Nassau Street, New Tork. Put up in 60 cent and $1 Bottles, each. Nov. 7. ISfil. ulS-fim - CHOICE LIQU0ES. Wholesale and : Retail. Evan Worthing, OF THE : EROWNVILLE, Has Just received a choice lot of tbe best brands of Liquors, which he will sell by the Barrel. Gallon. Quart or single Drink. The fol towing is a partial list: BRANDIES: French, . .... , r Cognac, ' i Apple,' ; Raspberry, Peach. Cherry, Blackberry. WINES: Port, Hungarian, -Sherry, " -Malaga, Medara, ' , Champagne. WHISKIES: t ' '- Bourbon, -! Rye, . Scotch, . . ' Irish, Mnnongahala, And a variety of common articles. BILLIARD SALOON AND Ten Pin Alley. WHITffE Y'S BL' O C IL Main Street, Brownville, Navmbcr II. 18S. n!9-tf D. A. C O Iff ' S T ABLE, IMPORTER A5D DEALER IN IRON, STEEL, NAILS, UASTIiNGS, SrKIiNGS, AXLES, FILES BUZjZjOWfJ, ASD BLACKSMITH'S TOOLS Also: Hubs, . Spokes, acd Bent Stuff. Third Street, between Felix andEdmond, SAINT JOSEPH, MO. . wnicn ne senaai sr. iouis priesror casn. Highest Price Paid for Scrap Iron. December 1,1859. ly. . , : l : Furmture! Furniture!! The most complete stock of Furniture ever offered in this upper country Just received by T. HILL. Brownville, April 25th. IS61. ; IOWA rOMOLOGICAL GAHDEXS. Fruit Trees, Grape Vines, Currants, Goosberries, Raspberries, etc., etc, at very large discount Ironi es tablished rate. 1 APPLES Dest grafted varieties, per 100 per M 4 to 5 feet ?t'.0U 943 Uu 7 to 19 feet.-1 10.00 80.00 PLUMS Coe's Golden Drop Blue Gage Imperial Uusge, 4c, psraox. per 10'J 8 to 12 feet 4.00 23.00 CCERUIES-Larly Richmond .".3.50 25,00 Dukes acd Heart varieties .00 GRAPES Isabella, Catawba --nd Clin ton - 75 d 00 Diana .... .....I.OO Delaware 50cts. taoh Rebecca...? f. 5Q Concord-. i... 25 "' RASPP.EKH1ES Erinekle's Orange-. 75 -4.00 ... New Red Antwerp..-- ..-,75 4.00 , Yellow Antwerp ' 50 3.00 Pelle de Fonteney autumn bear ing. 50 3.C0 CURRANTS-Common P-ed 50 :; 3.00 'vbite Grapo-..- 75 5.00 " Victoria-... -..i , 75 5.00 Cherry 1.0 1) . COOSEUEIiRlES-IIou-htoa's Scod'g 50 3.00 vura seeming i.uj STRAWBERRIES Wilson'a Albany. 1 15 " 50 jujsion tine : 10 . .53 Scott's Seedling 15 CO Genaesee... 1 15 - r30 Triomphede Gar.d... 15 60 l-arge Early. Scarlet .(10 50 Hud.jon,.... , 10 50 CHESTNUT AcMricfca-Urgo sie-.1.50 10.00 : j second ize-l.C3 t APPLE STOCKS (ui table for eolar . graftmg 2.00 per M. - - : AVttD. Muscatine, Iowa, Mafib 29, IS52. n22-2a . . .. . CLOTHE YOURSELVES. CESilPEST ' CLGTHETG Ever cfTerei in this Slarket. ' : a rSTO DOrST AUOUT XT! CALL AND SEE FOR YOURSELVS ' ' AT TUB : GREAT IMraoy.: Of TIT-'"''"! , H ll-K EIIPlRr. SHUTTLEMtvciir Patented rlbrl lt. , Salesroom; 510 Er,,. "-A, - This Mac i Cothing Batimor T3HOV7ITVILLB, IT. DA Store T. f 1 TT ff 1 Tf Announca to the public that he has opened .out i stock of ' READY-MADE CLOTHING, : .'BOOTS AND SHOES, -' HATS AND CAPS,- CARPET SACKS, GENTLMEN'S UN . . DERWEAR, -&c.,S:c., Sec rnprecedented la quantity, quality and prices.. lie is determined his prices sua' I correspond with the times, and therefore offer here In the West, at just as low rates aa such goods can be purchased anywhere in the United States. As a sample of his prices be will mention that he sells . . Coat3 from $1,25 up to $15, . . Pants from $1 to $7, Vests from $1 to $5. Boots, Shoes, flats. Caps, Fancy and White Shirts, Sus dera, Neckties, &ocks, Handkerchief., &c., in the samo proportion. -The proprietor embrace this opportunity of returning thanks for past patronage, and promise to spare no ef forts in the future to give entire satisfaction. Call fvuacl soo 1x1 xn. DAVID SE1UEL. Browuvil !e, June IS, 1SG1 .-ly Scrofula, or King's Evil, is a constitutional disease, a corruption of the blood, by which this fluid . becomes vitiated, weak, and poor. 13ein in the circulation, it pervades the whole body, and may burst out in disease on any part of it. No organ is free from its attacks, nor U there one which it may not destroy. The scrofulous taint is variously caused by mercurial disease, low living, dis ordered or unhealthy food, impure air, iilthj and filthy habits, the depressing vices, and,' above all, by the venereal infection. What ever be its origin, it is .hereditary in tlie con stitution, descending " from parents to children unto the tliird and fourth generation ; " indeed, it seems to be the rod of Him who says, "I will visit the iniquities of the father upon their children." Its effects commence -by deposition from the blood of corrupt or ulcerous matter, which, in. the lungs liver, and internal organ., is termed tubercles; in the glands swelling'; and on tho surface, eruptions or sores. This foul cor ruption, which genders in the blood, depresses the energies of life, so that scrofulous constitu tions not only Miffcr from scrofulous com plaints, but Xlicy have far lens rxywcv to witlv .stand tho attacks of other diseases; conse quently vast numbers pcrLh by disorders which, although not scrofulous in their nature, arc still rendered fital by this taint, in tha system. Most of the consumption which de cimatcs the human family has its origin directly in this scrofulous contamination; unci many destructive diseases of the liver, kidney, brain, and, indeed, of all the organs, aiiss from or arc aggravated by the same cause. One quarter of all our people nre scrofulous ; their persons nre invaded by this lurking in- ; fection, and their health is undermined by it. To cleanse it from tlie system we must renovate the blood by an alterative medicine, and in vigorate it by heal thy food and cxcrcLe.; Such, a medicine wa supply ia . . , .. AYER'S Compound Extract of Sarsnpnrilb, the most effectual remedy which the medical skill of our times can devise for tins every where prevailing and fatal maladv. It is com bined from the most active remedial that have been discovered for the expurgation of this foul disorder from the blood, and the rescue of the system from its destructive . consequences. : lience it should be employed for the cure of not only Scrofula, but also those other affee- , tions which arise from it, such as Eri.ttivb and Skix Diseases,. St. Anthony's Fiue, TtOSE, Or EltTSIl'ET.A, TlMPI.ES, ruSTUI.tS, Blotches, Blains nnd Boils, Tmiorus, Tetteu and Salt ItiiEfj:, Scald Head, IIinowoum, Rheumatism, SYriiix.iTic nnd Mkhcuuiat. Dis eases, Droi-st, Drsr-ErsiA, DKHii.rrr, and, indeed, ali. Comvlaints auisixo fuom Vitia ted ou Impuke Blood. The popular belief in impurity of the Wood " is founded in truth, for scrofula is a degeneration of the hlood. The particular purpose and virtue of this Sarsapa rilla is to purify and regenerate thi3 vital fluid, without which sound health is impossible in contaminated constitutions. principle of m uli ; tmt profound expert., NEW "YORK U,D0 struct ,a I uablo improvements. l.avhV v,I. 'Ti"?k !i I Kn,,. PL1CITV and PE R t E CT 0 N (Jo"rl The following are the priricV t . against Sswin- Mehmei. rMtt',...s ticeisivu lAtiua t the operator. . 2. Liability logttcotcf - order. 3. Expense, tronMei-i loss of time in repair- icg. ing irirebewin-Midline kt. . s ' frcD all theit (iVfctif-. v It has-a strni-ht nid:0 J' " makes tbe LOCK or SHUTTLE StV.'T1 NEITHER RIP ncr RATEL,;'., sides ; perform perfect sewinr Jl'! AYEB'S 1 :ue 5 FOB THE 8PEIDT CUAK Or Intermittent Perer. or Fever aud Afrne, , Remittent Fewer, Chill Fever, Dumb Agne, Periodical Headache, or Billons Headache, and Ulllon Fevers, lmled for the whole class ofdlienses originate ing In biliary deraiatrement, tanifd by : tho Malaria of Miasmatic Countries. We are enabled here to offer the community a remedy which, while it cares the above complaints. ' with certainty, is still perfectly harmless in any quantity. Such a remedy is invaluable in districts ; where these afflicting disorders -prevail. This "CcitB" expels the miasmatic poison of Feveu and Ague from the system, and prevents the de velopment of the disease, if taken on the first ap proach of its prcxionitory symptoms. It is not only the best remedy ever yet discovered for this class of complaints, but also the cheapest. " The lan;e quantity we supply for ft dollar brings it within the reach- of every body ; and in biliou3 districts, where Peveii axd Aot E prevails, every body should have it and use it freely both for cure d protec tion.' A great superiority of this reme dy over any ' other ever discovered for the speedy and certain cure of Intermittent is that it contains co Quinine or mineral, consequently it produces no quinism or other injurious ellects whatever upon the constitu tion. These cured by it are left as healthy as if they had never had the disease. , T 1 ever and Ague is not alone the consequence of the miasmatic poison. A great tariety of disor ders arise from its irritation, amor which are Neuralgia, Rheumatism, Gmtt, Jleao'ache, Blind ness Toothache, Earache, Catarrh, Asthmrt, Val pilation. Painful Affection of the Spleen, Hyster ics, Pain in the Baicels, L'o&c, Paralysis and Dc- rangement of the Stomach, all of which, when ' originating in this canse, put on tie intermittent type, or become periodical. . This Cuhe " expels the poison from the blood, and consequently cures them all alike. It is an invaluable protection 1o immigrants and persons travelling or temporarily residing in the malarious districts. If taken occa sionally or daily while exposed to the infeciion, that will te excreted from the system, and cannot accumulate in suSicient quantity to ripen into dis--case. Iienca it is even more valuable, for protec tion than cure, and few will ever suffer from Inter mittents if they avail themselves of the protection this remedy affords. , ' Prepared tylr.J. C, AYXU & CO., lewgH, Zlszs. JOHN MAUN. . J. J. THURMAN, - -, . Druggists, Brcnvnville, N. T. SEED POTATOES. Woodstock, Asb Leaf, ICidney.'Pink Eyes, Sootck 31aes and Clue Rusty Ono LV.Iar per bush el delivered at the Oilice of tho "Nebraska Farmer " 100 -Varieties Grape Vines. The Largest Collection' Weit of f,'e w Tori. " Delaware, Diana. Rebecca, Ilerbeaont, Hertford rolifJij.Coaeord, Union Villain, Franklin, OutAmc, Cugahcgn, Canadian Cbier, Taylors P.allett, Me a away, Creveling, Clolinta and over 7 other kit ii t eastern eataioua rate?. - - Isabella, Catawba aai Cliatoa at licia each, 2 r?r dozen, 10 per 100. . . . - . . . " Afi.,-U21. ' At yEMAllATOiSriir." liu, with cotton, linen or dilk th.-l scst to .ha finaJt number. "r i lUving neither CAM nor COG TT"-, the- leaat pcsaibla friction, it ruiu T"'1 glass, and is " lV ; Ec;hatically a NoLielcss va-! , It requires twen'y-2ve for ce3r drive it than any other Miichim is"J? of twelve years of age can work it fatigue or injury to lienlrh. -J... Its strength and WONDERFUL construction render italm.t. mnjii 4"',V"" -of order, and ii OUAIIANTEED by "ie give entire sari.sfactiou. , ' 45:' - We respectfully invite all taojatVj,,., supply themselve with a .lericTsrtv1,' ' ex.mino Ibis UXR1 V'ALhU M.LCm.NjT'1 Put jn a more special maaaer dj palronao of - -51 Merchant Tailor. " I Da v.:.. rchant Tailor?, ... " Codi .lakerj. Hoop-Skirt Manufaeturcrt Shirt and lloom M.i?tpr- i !27"Jielij!ous snd Charitable Icatiuiiat liberally dealt with. Pribe of Machines, Coar' 'So. I. or. Family Machine. $4j.3 , r,A sized Manufacturing. $50,00; N. ) U- MaBufactarirj, $7j,u0. - - r Cabinets in Every Variety. We want Agents ior all towns is v., T State, where ajenciea art not alreijjas-j to whom a liberal discount will bg-.i,'i make no consinraents. - T. v. .i.:cahthtjh & ci, ! 510 K road nay, Sew Tn II 0 VEY 'S SEED A 50 Agricultural Warehc: Iljvlnff opene'l a Seel anl Imp'enent Chicago, J tea leave to eat! special attend same, tavjns been many year in the ,ccj : n, ixt 1aviii ( a!so paid ffxfeial attentlya m i be neiectii-n of o.y feeUs. 1 feel the utinuits-. In offVrui tbetrt f ibe public. Tbe t'eJs grown ia (tils country wr r-" ml prlwcCHl airtn !, Kmbl ', 1 -t be prvcureJ in tliis cminiry, were imptoi'rdi, of fte rvRt rellaMe see'irin In All Neur tmd Improved vi ieUe -flnceil tried and prove'l oei-irablo at tb Sj v ro'ina iu nj viu'iegue, rjrucuur aiiea.iu r. paid to the ' , FI.QTrXH SEED DEPARTS" and not only all Ibe new and mncb aJm.rrtn tut all nstff novelties in tno Flower d?pria Le introduced. -AU orders far T3EE3, PLANTS. snRTJSBEST.r.; EH3, BULiBS, &c. wilt be promptly executed. We have .'u sortmcut of Garden and Faiming Iaplszr ' ALBEK.T ii. umr. P. O. B-x 3047. . No.iaLiHn:. Man h 8 n25 3'ji. C"ia." " LANDKETES ; Warranted Garden Sc.1. : BLl'NDEX. K0EXIG i CO, ; (Late Joh! Cae..etx Ce J ' - No. G Nortn SeccnJ Street, i!kiv fJia ' " 'st. 'louis. no. - 03Ter for sale at very Jow Azores, a Isrrt " assorted stock of A?ricultnr snd Horticn tn ment cuniprjsinu every t tun netesry 'Ja L ugether wnb a Urge and frct-h upp:y ef ' . 'LaEdreth's ' Celebrated Gaidei CROP' OF IStf, For wclr.h ther are the sole isent. Their tt' rely upon veiling from then ee-ls tri '" pure but true t name ir, every instance. A" seed at !owt market rate Chinese S-.ttrhM Tobaco. seed. Tup Onion. Ate, . He. Dir. would do well to send them their order. Send for Almanac and Illa?rfei C '.tilTte-T1' BLL'XDSN'. tUi1'1' ?r.rh It n1.l. 'rriTT r tit i tr tnrtnif tf - till I iii n run i i i : olLL Llni o mmm The. American Journal ofSd- 1 ana Arts. (TwoYolchts AxxrALtreaA p? PublUhed in numbers Illustrated of 153 to I every other month viz l?t. January Vi July, j September, and 'cvemler, ai X Conn.', by P. SILLIMAN, Jr.., A.VD J. D. DaJI 53 PER ANSU31 IX ADTiXCS The Journal is sent, pt paid, af:tl payment is receire l LDITED BV" . , Trofcssm D. Sillji a. B. SiUJi', 13 Prof. JaviES D wicuT LaSA, in connection with Prof ASA GRAY of Cambri, ' -Prvf LOUIS AG ASSlZ,ofCa-s - Vr- WOLCOTT GIBBS of And numerous able-collaborators is n'1 ments: . ' t ,, This work has been e?t.alliihed mors t'. vcars, and is theonly Jouraal of tb ;31 p Cnited States It is deaotod to rTijV ', ical sdence, Geology, XlineralcX. !ap. ; Meteorology, Astronomy, Physical eSr!'J kindred deportmeutj of knowledge, ai . , covcrier, on all ihce topics. ,1 An attractive feature of this Journal for ,. eral reader ii tbo SoientiSo CcrrwBpj'nl-'B' Jehoms N'iCKLES and othnrJ. ia Francs part. of Fujp, giving f iniiiar rervrt3 ol ? ' in scihentifiie renters. ; Eigo y-two Volume havo already bees 1 f Fifty in ia tho Erst and Tcirty-fQ " u Serif!.- '' ' ' . yt'- ' snbwrilers receiviej their copiHa-1 . Publishers remit, "iieir iubcnpti"Oi to sillimun's Journal, 'ew Haven, C'nn. . Mogtofthe back veiumescanbe cb'iJ rublifhers. f h All r..mmunications,rcialttaaccs,e.e., dresjed to . : nT.w.i'!iin:& vi' . . . r -r CJceofSiUimaHS American ( . : Apple Trees. 2fl,00! yonng and ?traigb Apple Tree.18 hardy vaiietiei, at $3 per hundred. ., Twenty-five bgi ff weight at. hi-h prices, to be pw .0-, Stock at taw prices. Orinoco To!): Seed- . ... III. Put un in r.merisaXcieat tc Y'. ' , 1 15efs; orcd stamp to be enclosed w r : : Yantecl. 33 bastieTs seed spnn? V ,i:...t All the al-ve to bo deljverelat -?TlIyiIi, An." 1531." fK 30 VARIETIES STBA rr 1 Ci;0 ; Jenny L'nd, r 1, . -f l-:?., I'ri-,'0. JiJ.7 Qiee . ilUIM-l Jy m - .... - .4, g Viv U at $ I pr !M. c-bit rer cor. di da 1? Auj.'UHi-