Nebraska advertiser. (Brownville, Nemaha County, N.T. [Neb.]) 1856-1882, May 22, 1862, Image 1

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    i e
. . T?v.r.k. Main Street,
5 ..f Strict
" Lre iril be furimbH at $1 CO pci
rfi: lccn,h accompanies ma eruer, l.
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Eacli ailiUosai liCTt.'aa - ft .
Cat tqtr. oa tsosta I W
Sunineti Cnl, ; iiae tf lsa, c& yeir ' e t
0s comsa ttrr 9 s to
Cn tilJ column vc y tar :il
0.ta locrta coiataa or retf c
Cc i.ifiticp!sia t-i jji.- . iJCs
Ca colania alt scr a : l
Cse fourth coisr.a si x c . 15 ti
Oaa eijli'Jief a ci; - i c .iiXa -
Oaacoisaa ti-- t r., it
Oro Ismrta cr' ii.isrt;.ii Jt
One e:v.n c ian tires EnstSi - t
Ain;uniaj isluatea tor z,t t7 13
advance) - 6 C3
ba paU for ia- aurasce. a.i:--i -u,
Ker la aifinse.
' ife C am.1"!
NO. 46.
ctjr'OE 0 N, !
SO"-'' ,.. DrU2 Slore, Tniltny'
, j. i-n"""" f . . . '.o-iio-n
i Kile f ' . . 1 -
rJjUJJTERY, , , : ;U
! reived, rcw tock of Strair Goods,
t''f0 TTJTI? riM. IV)
n, .:::f- .recordiallT invited to call
i-ilie Da ... . 2. .utaf the Methodist
u.Jn tr are coraia.ii j ii..vv.v. v,
J r cut of the Methodist
W!er eircei.
if i
'aiClfORttJCHMiCERY. First SU. .
j JUritg prrmaneutly Located near ' -
8 htprffce of Medicine and geryf ten-
, 3 eaional services to the fflitedL
I Ce mile louth of town, n the old Mxon
Justus r Scliocrilieit
'uaTORSIN "chancery,'
Torner First an'dTJain Streets,
niP. - - - Xcbraslta
and , .
" icr Commissioner In Chancery- i
-wealed himself in lirownville, T.f tea
Jejunal s'orvicca to the community.
:ks batches & Jewelry.
i J.- SCHUTZ .
froEldtnooniitftothe-itUena cf BrawnvWe
TiciuitT tbat lie ba located biiBHelf in
-owr.ville, a'.idiBten'Js keeping a full assort.
enTUiiniJinaisllneof buslnefcr which will
!urc-a. lie will also do all fcinda of re
' clocki, wtcbes and jewelry. Allwork war-
i . rSnlSly
I . Wi!.lU ' ' 1.
icitor in unancery.
e'mer tif alain and First Street.
; THOMAS .DVI5, . .
wfreure, Dr. D. Owin, BrcwDTiUe.
ewis waldter;
k r 1 - t
' . r
sc.ri;-E S
2 Ultc ST.; CIIICAG o, '
"J? of Main 4 Walnut Ets. Suljoui.
sclfoj iit1 Law
aod Collecting 11 gcrtt;
t'? l" tbe seve al Court in Gapj and
3 Ue nd will give prompt, attention
i rWrtd to him. Colit U)a prowpt
, t? . articabr attcution giren to ioeaU
rfnUon iandjcarcfully fclwted by
j- A. -TERRY,
-fle ond AViat Dealer in
, a Hew ana Tlowcr Seeds,
mtS, G00SE2ZSi:ir3,"
AiMDbrrie Blackberries. , :
c:nr- . 7 :
Tttt t ui-uffs, . low a; : t
1 f tblc Pry Ttrcli c J
Tnrr. d "e" tbe best cnality ot
L J'iU cheap.
a. n. marsu.
. r hep auk iv Tiin .;
' ''" ' AGAINST TOR '" ' 1 ' i.
. . Dy Prime, A. No. I . Insurance, ' .......
OF 1
The Fruits of ike Phanix .
' Are manifest in tho following statement of Facts
and Fgures, showing-the amoaat equalized to publio
benefit, i a tbe sbapo of losses f u4 in the neitaod
Scuth, during the pastfonr yeara ;a substantial reo
ord of a ' .
Well Tried Corp oration.
$1,167 CO NEBRASKA ........$1,167 DO
40,37? -M ' ..OIllO-.- ..-40,377 45
27,622 4m .-INDIANA ---27,622 i
69,174. 55 , .ILLINOIS -69.174 it
32,670 OS--- - -.-MIOAICAN-- 32.670 03
34,220 13 ......... WISCONSIN 34.220' 13
19.323 34- -IOWA------15,323 31
8.6C3 10- MINNESOTA-- -.-J5.653 10
1 9,765 00 KANSAS -,76a fO
34,054 36--KENTUCKY 34,054 33
43,054 JH-- --'TENNESSEE-- --43,054 80
20.832 55 MISSISSIPPI.- 10,832 55
27,693 83 MISSOURI . 27,698 83
22,839 43. ARKANSAS .---22.839 43
3 951 63---- --TEXAS -.... -3,1)31 93
55 5C-
555 65
Insurances solicited, and policies issued and renew
cd in this leading Corporation, at fair rates by
:.;"... : ,' . : " Resident Agent.
DrownTille, Sept. 5, ISC0. , . ..:
AKXOU:'OK9 tobe public tbs.1 be lias porcliaKe-! Uie
Livery Stable and Stock formerly owned by Wtlilani
Kofseil aad Added thereto fine btock asd la now prepar
ed to accommodate the public with ' "
Carriages, ' ; : '
' ;. ' - Sulkies, -:
' 'Y . ' ' Saddles Horses
- 1 ' . . . j t . I i . ' ft ' '
Cam find at Stable ' ample accommodations for
horsea, mule or cattle:
BrownTlTle,t)ct. IS, I860. ' ' nlt-yly
:rr;jQHllr;l.',CASSOir r v
(Sueoessor to Luattauch &. CarFon.
53 tZ-L HZ o
Dealer in Coin,' Uncurrcnt Money, Land
Warrants ', Exchange, 'and Gold Dust
-1 will plve especial attention to buying and eell!nc;ex
buiiaoon Uie-principal citiea of the Uiited States and
Europe,. Gold Silver, uDcurrent hank Bills, and
Geld Dual, Collection made b all aecesBable points,
and proceeds exohaDge-at current rates.
Deposit received on current account, and Interest al
lowed on tpecial dep.-oit.
? ' OFFICE.! ! . '
nijax- street: tjettex the
Telcrupii and the U. S.
" ' Land 0:iccs.
.' P refer e y cits :
Llnd & Brother ' Pbiladelphia, Pa.
J. VT. Creon ft Co., . '... "
Iliser. Dick & Co. EaUimore, Kd.
Tounc & Carson, ' .
Jeo; TUfinpBon ifasno, Col'r of Port, - '" ; "
Wm. T. S'uithi), Esq., Hanker, Wa&h'r.stor, D. C.
J. T. SlPveus, T.i., Att'y at Law, " ' '
Jno. S. Galiaber, Late 3d Aud. V. S.
Tarlor & Krifih, Bankers,
"C16Uat:d,.Py Co.,
Hwa. Thm2fG. Pratt,
lion. Jaa. O. Carson, " '
P. B. Small, Esq., Pres'tS. B3nk,'
Col. Geo. Schley, A'y at Law, t
Cut. Sara. UambletonAtt'y at Law,
Judge Tbos. Terry.
l'rof . H.Tuiwiler, ; TT ft r
Chicago, 111.
. St. JLo:3,Mo.
.-'''Annapolis, Md.
. llercersburgPa
Hapertown, Aid.
Kaston, Md.
Cumberland, Md
tia aua; Alabma.
tievfi, I86iMf.'irn.rjLCocl on t
I win receive . Pike's Peak. Gold, and advance
money, upon the tame, aud pay oyer balance of proceeds
as soon as Mint returns are bud. In all cases, I wi' '
exhibit tbe printed returns of tbe United StateslMin'
jr. Assay eClce." ( )' i ' ( )( )
n 020x4
61 1 e b t i S ii : fet f 1 e3
JTain, Bdwctn Letie and First Streets.
Particular attention plven to tlie
Iartliusca:ic Sale ot Ileal '
Estate, Makin? Col
: ' lections' and 5 '
Payment or Taxes for Xoxi-Resl-.
dent s. r
LAND W ARP.ANTS FOU SALE, for cash and on
italists, on lands selected from personal examination,
m.5 otneto"7'owrsh?p tbrjfnnpj.trcam.,
Titnbrr, for ward! with tle Certifecucte f loca
tion. .
. BrowBrille.N.T. JM.a.lS31, .,:- yl ' i
. "lilie' i'ciili, or, iwst.? , , '.
c - SI - - - ,:!
nave- Juat completed, tbtir new cusines house on
Main Street, near tbe U.S. Land Brownvill
wbeThey hare opened out and areflriug ontbeiuoat
ftrorable terrn. .......
. wG-oodsProvisions,'
-. .. - " ' Of all Kinda. -
cheks am) d::ieh riiLXTS, :;
-. ! -' Choice ' LiqxnTSy Cifars, ;
: And a "ttousandaadone," other tUinss tTrybcdj
neefls. ' . - - ti-
BrowoTijie, April 88, ly
v .
h ;
A ts
r.. :4;&.f ,
Cash and cash Items' ' '79,63'7S
Loans welt secured : .!-..': 8,263 20
Heal Kstate - t-- 15,000 00
2626 shares nartford Bank Stocks' - ' " . 274,86Sr 00
2425 ; Kw Tort 4 " '':-' r ; . 193,350 00
1010 " 3otan,, 100 750 00
607 other .-'.'. . .. ' 63, OSS 00
TJultod State and State - '
riariid&N Haven R.. bonds " .
Ilartforrt City Bonds - ,
Conn. Elver Co. & It.R, Co. Stock
Total Assets - : .
Total liabilities' - ' ' - '
i : .. : ' - ' ' , ' ! iv i 1
For details ot investments; see smill .Card: and Cir-
cuiars. - -
Insnrar.ces msy be effected in this old and substantial
Company on very ,favorahlQ terms. : . : ; .,; .
Apply to : ' i " t "- ' '' '' '
! ::1;m I . BTtOWNTILLK, N T.
t Dwclllnfes and Farm Property Insured tor a term
ol jears at very, low rates r iiyooji ,
' ' 73 367 00
39.700 00
26 760 00
- ; - 4,600 00
.. $933,803 93
73.244 27
1 i v
Announce to-the trayelinj; public that their splendid
and eomtuudiou Steauj Ferry runnier across from
is one of the best In every .respect cri the Upper Mis
souri river. Tito p.oat makes rezular trips eTery. hour
sotliat notlmewlllbelnetln walling, t . i
The baukv on both sides of the river are Iot and weU
graded which, rocders unloading unneceesary as Is the
oseattaost orher ferries.4! ' " '
So fears ueeti be 4nteriained as to d faculties st or near
this crossing, as everybody in this region, on both sides
of the river, is for tho Union the strongest kind. '-
Oar charges too -an item theso bard timesare lower
than at any other crossing.- . t
Travelers from Kansas to Iowa and o the east will find
this tho nearest and best tout m every respect. .
Brownvillc, Nebraska," Sept. 21st; 1S61.
Itler chant Tailor,
j.'t : ; . - ''.! t . i. .. .... . . .
. Calls the attention of Gentlemen desiring new, neat,
servicable and fashionable ", , i ' -'Vi..o J.-.:
HewStock of Goods
'l ' ... ' , .... ... A
VThcM he will 6ell or make up, to order, at unprece
dented low pric es. : ' i - .
Those wishing any thing in bis Lne will flo well to
call and examine his stock before investing, as he
pledges hluisolf to hold out peculiarly favor ible ia
ducements." I f . ; ti n : ' i- i
February 13th, 1862. ' .. ' , ..
-". . . iiiowiiviLriB,- .
TVhitneya Elock, llain. Street '
: ANNOUNCES to tbe citizens' of Brownville and
vicinity thnf lie has reraevel his Drn Store from
Sidneyowa to the City of lirowoviUe, and having
added tbsrqto an extensive atodr. (f- ,. r
., .FresA ;Hrugs, , .. , -;. i , . . -;-.-,
Chemicals, ..
Dye Stuffs, . - . )
i Paints arid; Oils," '. A .L .
... oi i s Pure Wines and Liquors, -
: v : . r. For Medical Purposes, r
' ''" 3"' H?ir and Tooth brushes,
: ' -a-: f - r; pe r furriery v ' ' ! :
r?' FineToilet-Soap,''
. Invites the public patronage. k r
t3"FtylciaB's Prescriptions attended to at all tours
boiuby cay and ni?ht. ' ' ' '
. Krownville, ArrUlIth,I36I.: ' i -
I will send. W maiLT5'1 10' E3fLH ViBS
mostly rnized ' bura,j uuq '-'
Lulfcof.satne,ffor 52.; Ctber -Dulbs, unmed, ?ow
mixed KOSES and otber IIARD1 SAKUBBaRI,
by expres.-0T rivilroad, 4 to 8 tloliars per ICO. Nam
ed and onoiCH eoKia, about donll rrie and morB
ias:nalUeleciedt3-inall.50)va-icties. .
..MAJ L FRi-ITs"of all i-rt, including Delaware
arid Cos'cov.r. Gr ktt.s, equaHy returnable;
' FsriT; and Cn v AMFSTAfc TKKts, 2$ per ecnt.lo
tr than muaL- All aafelj lchid, to keep a month,
at turners cost.; Adjres 1
: . . : .": : . . . . ror , f . O.; Cock Co, Lie. '
Tiic Fllglit c lliQ Chlefi. .
A Btorj of ' Yorktown; "
:': ' t. ; ' ;-'
Once within the cltade!,' : !' '
- Swearing as they did in Fiandera,
Saying" this Is yery well," ,
Cat and talked the grim commanders t
VNotrraUc shot faor shell, , ".: .:
; Frausht with r Bin, thi way wander?!'
-' --ii.; :. 1 :.
But beyond the leaguered wall ' ' '
' Ever drawing nigh e?d higher ' ' ''
Came the mortars, with the Balls, :
r Came-t&e cannoS; breathlng.fir..'
i Came the murderous hail that fall
' With a red-hot-iron ire. : i ; :t '
Said the rebel chieftalna theer,
That is, Johksor.' Lie, and Davis-
" Thua with Southerons to make free, :
-' Very badly to behave is I : 1 ' - ' '
. Let ca therefore quickly ace ? '
- :: Which the way our akin to save Is V ,
. i 'i i
' Couth the stalwart Jonvsoit then
"'' "Clear it is as muddy water, " - ':
' If we wait those anaed mea -
" There will certainly be slaughter. ' 'i1 - '
I'm a worthy citiien,' : ' :- J I "'
AudlBay we badn't orter." -r, '. -.1 L .
: . ;'.'? :! 1 r-
' Qaoth the nobly Davis "Heart: ;
' "Whata mine of wisdom this UtJ' ' '' J.'
"' 4 Doth he not indeed appear : '; ' '' 4
Sapient as the eld Ultssei t - ' ' '' ' K '
' -1 Lo, a heart unknown to fear I n; ': - i i
' ' Lo, a Are that never misses !- ' ; ' '
. . ; j-.r ti ,r' ? f
... , ... .VIv ' - :
, rp then, spoke the doughty Lee , :
y 'Tia the way, if you'll but tale it. '' ' , '
' Emulate the busy bee,
- And a busy bee-line make It ;
' " And Instant r, for yon eee,
' AatoTcritown,tbey willrakelt."
t ., ... t ..Vll...,,.;-.-1,,
"'.' "Cowards 1 Is it thus ye say - J' .
' So in wrath roared old M AoauDIB ',
" will ji iimtij run wir ,
From tbe blasted, damned intruder? - ' !
: 'This, with very fearful bray,' 4 :5''''J f
'-, This he said, and moroi" and rnder.; : !'
. Then the three, ia calm disdain,
' Each upon the other winking, ' .' '
' 'Sighed, and said,' lf very plaia'1.; ''-uj!
-' - Old Magsuder has been drinking. ; !
'He will ting another strain ' ' ' ' V
; . "VThen he's sobered back to thinking."
' i.
So the vatlient cbieftalas all ' '
Valient chiefly where the alave U-- ' 4 '.'
Seeing that tbe cannon ball " : - ; i "i. '
Eougher is than song of mavis,- '
Left the rampart, ditch and wall ; ' - - "
f LiEilAoarDE JOBictos Davjb! '
: Ulstakca of Tree-Planters. .
'"'in the mode of planting there are bad
mistakes. Few, prepare their, ground
properly, and most of you; hurry -the
- . c r f l-.:
opcruuuii, nu iciii ui iuaui jr uui nccs.
All wroDg. The first thingyou shduld
do on receiving trees either spring
or fall-ris to.beel thern dn; nicely, ia
moist mellow soil unless frozen rand
even then you' must heel in suddenly
rind, in buU, if nqt; well'packed.f
You are mistaken in believing that
freezing the roots wilL kill i a tree if
thawed properly and you areottener
mistaken in supposing trees dried in
the package must oe aeaa. ,vve occa
sionally have tree3 months on the way,
and quite dry when.r received. But
they are not alwayVdeadi -Burv them,
root ' and - branch; for a week" or twb;
where air; heat and moisture can' act
upon them gradually,, and then 'cut
back severely, , plant and shade them,
and they -may do pretty well,'! for all
the drying. ' It is a very bad practice,
for, all that, to; let the roots of trees
get dry ; and a worse one1 to let .'them
freeze, while naked, as some of -you
do, iu moving them -without packing:
JBut'to the operation of planting.
Some of yoVd? prejpare your soil, , by
deep plowing; butl fear most of. you
do not plow deep enough.; , Ail of you
djg. :ioleVl some x. them .- deep
enough for fence posts, and not iriaoh
larger than old fashioned Vpost-holes."
Part of you putinanuro in tho bottom
an abominable practice others dont
and are jright: there. 1 Most of J you
crowd the roots : into these "holes,"
hap-hazard, and sink them deep enough"
not to need "staking,' and then shovel
in the earth with or without water,
and "tread down" firmly, and the work
i3 done and ' the : treo often (idone
for" I have just heard of a thousand
or so, planted m this manner, Dy a man
who pretended to know how?'and trod
den down4 so as to turn the ends of the
roots upwards ! and leave auice' dish
about the stemoi every tree 71a caica
tbe rain V , I am told that some of
them are alive, but they ought not to
ive. -.. ... .- 4
1 . Never dig.holes', never dig deep
er ;ia Tone place than another and
never deeper where the tree, stands
than twenty feet from it. I would have
every root I should get, and have them
all fresh and good pare their bruises,
and then carefully imbed then in, fine
earth," spreading and separating them,;
and' planting Just enough deeper than
the tree grew in the nursery,",to allow
for the' settling of the soil.. . I. would
dip the roots in a rich puddle,: before
planting and before "heeling in," too
and take my timVfdr the work: ;5 In
very loose soil I would press!, down,
gently over. the QiU& eiids of the yoot3
not next the stem and if necessary
stake' them ia the spring,7 and certain
ly mound up ia autumn. It is a great
mistake to suppose, that, ia . planting
them,!" the; root3 of.. tree3.-must!.b8
drenched with cold water ; and 1 after
watering' are wprs9. yet." v Mor? (are
killed by too liberal fioodings, than the
want of water., ' Abundant . poisture,
bo. essential ;to. abundant, vegetation, is
the greatest enrse cf . the tree-planter,
and fruit-grower ; where ncperaluri
darJ, &n& long retained about the roots
of trees and plants." 1 And underdrain
agei or surface 'outlets, his only safety;
and the latter is but a'temporary palli
ation,vand one of untold wastefulness.
Nearly :our whole sy stem of pruning
is a .mistake a barbarism. .. Cutting
back, or shortening .jn-'r is often ne
cessary, in shaping a tree, and keeping
it ia good shape, and in restoring some
thing: like - a reasonable balance be
tween tops and roots, iarca3es of great
destructioa of the latter,' in digging
them upln ' Th'9 iremdval 6f interfering
branches may be called for, whea they
cahnot'.bo' draWn apart and preserved
-f-'and dead wood; and sometimes thick
unfruitfuV spray, riiay, ; well . enough,
fall under the saw or the kmfe.: , ;liat
as -usually .practiced,.; better.; never
prune at all. ..-m..! ,m j - n
Mulching is almost always a good
thing, if. not' carried to excess pand it
is indispensable in connection with late
spring planing. .Cut some of us over
do the. thing, Just mulch enough, affcr
planting, to prevent rapid evapqratioa
from the son, and sudden changes 0
temperature, and it is of great ser
vice; while too much of it is danger
003,' excluding1 san; and air and, per
haps,1 bther good influences,1 prevent
ing early maturity, by encouraging
lato growth, harboring vermin, and al
that. Pall mulching is another thing.
especially where-.your object is. to re
tain" the heat of .the.- earth, as long hs
practicable. , v "- :.-,.- - ,
Many planters expect a crop . .of
fruit, without any particular cultiva
tion; and yet they would laugh at the
idea of a co'rri'or potato' crop, under
iiKe circumstances, ne assurea 01 one
fact,' I pray rrAll'ourr best fruits" need
more liberal culture thati corn:' especijt
ally while young. Better not plant at
an, .unless determined to cultivat
And just about as . well cut down your
trees, as "seed down .the .orchard, as
some of you do, and better cut it down
man sow ine email grains oucKwneat,
possiDiy, excepted among y our trees,
.1 .... -' ..-!
tnac "two crops ot rye would rum
any orchard.'-'! think" threef crops of
any other small unhoed cereal about
as iaiai. it is a great mistake 10 put
ahy but hoed crops in an' orchard ; aadt
of those, corn,' sorghum: and other tall
f . J ' i Hi ' ' ' .
piants, are oojectionaoie, oa account
of, shado. ,'lato in .summer, ! until the
tree's get high enough to overtop 'it.
Where tho soil is very deep and; rich
and the trees large, perhaps red clover
may - bo .sown. as - a; check to weed
growth, i-; v :-. ill ' i-,r;
Manyof - 'you plant' too 'deep,
and: use spade when a fork 'tvould do
belter,1 among ' the" roots "of growing
trees.'' 7A'corn plow,- or ."cultivator,"
aided by fork and h6e,'are the imple
ments to usVin the orchard and fruit
Safie?M: l,Mr..tjat!v -i; :
Who : ever knew :C0rn or. meadow
land too highly 1 manured! - I nefer
did; 'Who has seen rhubarb orcurrant
bushes too liberally supplied I I should
like to know.; JBut manure for such
gross "feeders' may'' -be 'all right antl
oftea necessary ; ; while, ; withevery
fruit tree, great caution, in its usei'or
its entire abandomeht,,,is,,ithe ) safe
course; As. a rule, you give - young
orchards too much, and your pi j .bear
irig ona. too:JiUle manjorA. -JLndJa
for bearing , trees. , Leached ashes,
powdered or dissolved bones, marl, cr
air-slacked lime, may be much rr.cre
useful; and-;th'es3" should' be given,
whenever their -constituents -are de.
ficient ia the soil either with or wilhi
but yard manureor compost accord
ing to the wants of your soil."
neither case do you discriminate as
you shouldjor give or withhold manure
for a specific reason. ' In a largo pro
portibn of our virgin soil, the young
tree, If well cultivated, i3 ; likely to
grow fast enough; and'.too'-'fastr for
safety, ".if . a . tender sort" . iTpfe, ' fat
manures will do much more hurt than
go.od, so far as . the. tree or plant is
concerned, h But, by, the crops
taken from betweea the trees, and oc
casional large yields-of -fruit will be
gin to tell on; the trees',- and then veg
etable and animal manures may come
in, to keep pp. a healthy growth, and
help sustain large crops of fruit." And
mineral matters 'may be still more
useful: 'fo'ryou'caa ho' longer plow
deto bring them from below. : 'And
here :I note another 'mistake; .i You
pile the manure around and near the"
bodies of vour trees," when-' the Toots
to feed on, it. are no longer there ! L' 'it
your tree' is' twenty feet' high, the best
feeding roots may be twenty feet from
the,. treo !. perhaps interlocking with
roots, from .neighboring, trees" Place
your manure there ; and, in "plowing
it under," .don't plow ups the roots of
your.trees. ;. Barn-yard manure is not,
as some suppose, always sort
jCnltlratloa of thc Sweet Pctets. ;
, - The la3t' is3ao of the' Ohio Valley
Farmer contains' an article on thi3
subject,1 from which we extract the fol
lowing rs '.-, !-:.,." : '
i .Select rolling ground, mellow and
warm, ',Dry but not too barren knolls,
well manured, are good. New land,
if dry, produces; bountiful crops of
fine quality. .- Manuring ia the hill or
ridge is best where the land is not in
first rate tilth, t Plow a shallow far
rowput the manure in, and throw up
a ridge over it. The soil ia all cases
must be finely pulverized! Throw two
heavy furrows togetherj forming high
ridg'es"". Three. and. a half feet apart
from center , to center is' the .'proper
distance. On'a small scale in gardens
the ridges may be made with a hog.
Mechanics in country villages .should
cultivate a patch of sweet potatcs. n
Never work the soil when it is wet.
Keep the Toot moist and the tops
shaded until planted.t If you haye
not'-' many to plant, choose' the" afters
noon or evening for planting ' The
best instrument for planting with,' Is' a
mason's trowel. ' Thrust it lengthwise
of the ridge in the Venter, (not across
it,) a little, obliquely,7 so that in bring
ing it out anil to. you it : will form a
cavity admitting-the plant with' root3
well ; spread. Withdraw the trowel
with one hand, at the same instant you
thrust the plant in with the other, and
let the dirt fall back to' its place".
Pre3i it compactly at the roots.'"' Se
vere pressure is indispehsible to Suc
cess., Plant ah inch or more deeper
than they stoodjn the bed, so that the
stems of the lower leaves may be covT
vered, as then they will sprout again,
if r cut ' off by I frost er worms. In
1 t . i 1 M.
nages,i pianr.:-niieen' mcae3 apart.
Planifrom the 15th of ;May until the
middlo1 of June,1 or as(early J'a3 sa'fe
from frost. 1 In Southern Ohio, Indi
aha'and lllihoisahd thrpughoat Ken
tucky, they may be planted, as early
as'lhe first of. May, many Reasons.
An early start' is important, but it is
best to be oa the safe side of the frost.
.About tea', days after planting com- j
mence stirring, the ground to prevent
the : growth of weeds. Hoa '.'often
enough to keep the weeds down. Be
carefuPnot to strike with sharp hoes
so, near the plant as' to cut off the
young potatos. When the vines com
mence, running, place a common ad
justable cultivator between the ridges,
tearing down the sidesaomewhat, and
follow with a shovel plow to replace
it. ' Do not cover; the seeds ot vine3
with . soil.. Dig for immediate u3e at
any time when they are large enough.
Dig the crop when the leaves are first
nipped with frost. Cut the vines each
side of the ' bid . ridge with ' ' an old
scythe. I Dig with broad-tihed forlis,
by thrusting dowii betweea the plants.
THe Importance of Carrjln hnl-
It is well known that every ,'hairj
whether long or shorti is covered with
numerous barbs, like the barbs of fish
hooks, and - therefore when' a number
of hairs are brought in contact with
each other, and move back and forth,
they; will .work: ia among : each other,
aad oftea form .a mass so . tangled
ike the mane of a colt, which our an
cestors have often-taught us to believe
were the stirrups of witches, which
were accustomed to "ride them ia the
entangle them.' I he only means that
cattle have of scratching themselves
many iimes, Is to apply their tcnguss;
and lrhea tha hair come3 ca, as it oftea
does, by the handful, norecr l3sswili
adhere .to ; their, tongues and many
times finds its way into their stomachs;
and the reciprocating motions of the
stomach of .animals which chew the
cud would soon "form a bunch- of hair
into a pellet ; and, as" more hair wa3
taken: intd ; the ' Stomach from day to
day, St would very sure to all.;collct
in one inass Nowk when an animal
begins to shed its coat of hair, there
always appears to be.more or less ir
ritation of the skin, and if the card
or, currycomb is(not uSed prettv free
lyl the tongue must be applied ; :and
if an animal is well curried every day,"
when it is shedding its coat, it'trm be
far less liable-to collect 'hair ia tha
stomach. ; A ball of hair being ia-.
digestible in the stomach .would be
very likely to injure its energies so as
to produce disease, and fivcntually
premature death. Pairal Herristcr.1
In whatever shape evil come3, we
aro apt to es6laim with Hamlet: "Take
any shap 0 tut" that 1" ' '
I am a farmer's girl, and cm ciij .
tip-top "Dutch chcess." - I have mad 3
enough in my Ufa to make a small
Egyptian pyramidand the 'follow in
is-ay.Tiodus cvzrandL - Tas a qnin-
tity of newly . loppered milk, plica ii
ia a kettle over a moderats fire, an -let
it heat gradually until ths curd ii ,
entirely separated from the whey; then. ,
skim it out and with ycur hsr.d3 pre"? ,
out" the whey. , Then add your a.":
and a small piece of butter, and whea '
thess are thoroughly worked through :
tho curd, form it into small balls. If '
you' cook tho curd too long, it will t I
tough and stringyi ! 1 .
.'.Scald; your sour : milk until It
curdles ; thin pour it into a clean bsv:
and let it drain two days ; then rub it .
up fine, put, in ' jar and tie it up well,
and set. it away, in seme warm plsca
in a week ;", then put a largo piecs of
butter into your . frying pan,' turn. Ia.
your cheese, salt to suit the taste; 8tir-a
it well "until it boils overa slow: Hzs ;
then pour it into a. dish. - Whca c;!i,!
it is ready. for: use. 1 ri ; 1;
The milk mu3t be sour what h
called lopperd milk. Put the mill: ia:
a brass .'kettle; or tia pan, sst ca the;
stove over a slow fire It, should not
bo allowed to get warmer thaa cna izix
hold their band in.. Whea the . curd'
rises', dip It into a coarso cloth, and
press all the whey out; salt the curd'
to Buittha tasted v If to be eatsa fresh'
to cue gallon of curd add a quarter cf
a pound of butter, or one pint of sweet,
cream, and work it up into half pound
rolls, and it is ready for use,,; u. ,V .
. .Another way is, wheq the curd ii .
pressed, salt and pack it ia a jar, and
let it stand for a week; then pnt intos
a kettle a quarter of a pound cf tt
ter to one gallon of card ; melt tha'
butter, 'and then pour on tha curd;'
when wellmixed,bnttt ra largs mouth-'
ed jar; or la'rgs cofTee cup3, (Ilikotho;
cups the best,) fill with the chess 3 and
set in a dry place; whea dried so as.
to retain their form, take cut cf thy,
mold and' set away to dry. Prdrie.
Farmer, . . . ,
" Of all mortal joys, the joy cf action
i3 the most intense; indeed, there is
no other joy.. And the higher t-j
action, the iatenser the joy.: Lifi is
blessedness. ' The: life of. tHs bwcr-
nature wo call pleasure the blessed
ness of. the bird and the butterSy.
The Ufa of the social nature wo call
happines3 tho blessedness cf the for-,
tunate ,ana successiui. i;io 1113
the spiritual nature activity ia cso
fulnes3, care, duty we call joy. 0,
B.Frc&injhzvJ';', -"; ; .' .;
Suspicion is the pahy of thehert;
fear is a chain of ice upon thd toagae.f :
Half words are'worse than elkucs;
and 'either is death to. conversation.-"
A man to ' be genuine,'to i himself,
must believe and be believed ; must
trust and be trusted." .Ths scowl cf &
doubt tjuenches the, charm of, conver
sation as quickly as the shadaw of &
hawk' does the song of a bird. '
.;.' ' ' . r ; '''
i . . r
Some yoicc3 are not simply defen
sive, but ofTensi ve a perpetual a-au!: -and
battery; but in every voieo should'
be a possible cut;; and if we miss this
metalio, forco and- edge, it sounds
doughy andinsipidly soft. Every cz?
has heard voices with a. whole park cf
artillery in them,-though-they might
not be loud, ncr in any degres3 rctbel
of human sweetness. '" "
"Temperance," says Dr. Franklin
"puts coal on tho fire, meal in the bar
rel, fiour in the tub, money ia th3
purse,' credit ia the country, ceatent-;
dren, vigor ia tho body,- iatellienco
in the brain, and spirit in tbo wh-j!
constitution. 1 ' 1
Prosperity hath this peperty: It
pufTs up narrow souls, make3 them im'-i
agina themselves high aud mighty, ar.d
lock down upon the world with con;
tempt ; bat a truly noble and resolve;!
spirit appears greatest ia d;3tres3le i
then becom? mors bright srd c:
cuo u s. Pluiarch. .
Tojudga cf Christianity' frciz l3
Iive3 cf crdinary, 'nominal Cristi--?,
j'3 about as just as it would be to j: ,y
of tropic fruit3 and Cowers IVcn t-5
produca which the same plants miht
ring fertb in Iceland.
Thoughts are tho r.-;t-bcm, ihs
blossoms of the soul, tho beginning cf
our strength, whether for good cr evil;
and,.they are the greatest evilenee for
cr against a man that cm be. '
. If you must form hareh ja.-r.
form then cf yourself, net c:l
and, i,a :ueral,- begia by ntte-H
ycur oa Cscieaci;3 r;t, -.
... . .