1 t MAY 15, 1SG2. - J, O C A . Street Potatoes. . .. i rk Las now ready,' at 'he rfl$vtcl Potato? Hants.-- Corn Planters- t r ioyd caiisiur::eii-ie nerooi liar- ty UitUes.;: ilia Uii.3iiiascpea laaccui fifteen Ekirmishes, and ran away every lime. He says he "looks for posterity lotla hiru jenice; be def s nt erpct ij from the j resent generation." - Vatcr.t CJi J Planters for pie at ir.gnuVthWi prepared to tot ho' may tvant "this luxury dti- Vcatl.cr. tins summer. I Yesterday, . a -heavy ln?st& fcou"t fqUr mUeS We'ef -,r Bot tittle damage done , ittrl from. ... ! the fsnioiis Indian Chief,' Billy ."s Capiat tf 'a company in the ' T?p-impnt organized in Kan- ived & i ftock-cf pure Drujs. otttl. Chemutry, and his '.'cc 'asa'bruggist .are sufiicie.nl rees M tVktfows whit' kinds of v;T.ra. is the title 'cf a: new 'aried it'St." Josoplu It is devot. e ' laudaUe" object of emancipa- !is5oari. those who wish to take relish j'uper.frcm -.St. Joseph '-ionize ihe:rra, ? Davis is r'ery much' mortified to -rticncf the people -of. Virginia ij, and talking." cf laying down as. Ia a speech to the soldiers ': c Fcr my pari I would rather tie war for twenty years, than ader oe1nch !of the foil of Vir- ;-.iocs.-ThPr? will be preaching PreiVyterian church in this city ;.bihat half past $Qvcnt r., ai., r. H. II! Dobbins. I i i- -Hi ' rutins will also preach at Ne pn Sallath. May 2-3th, at half i. m jandnt'Aspjnwall at three, nil us all'aLoui ir-.e war; and y 'irjcacli; other, fur.;' '. Coffee n io 'n awful figure, since North ' :h Lave pulled the trigger.-. -.Aid, Y cf Dsllgrcn guns, Pillow's last Vi the taking of Rirhmorid puts us I of ibc fact thai Hill's Prepared ;s the be-st nd cheapest article irA that can te had west of St. Monsieur Car, has for sale. a lot of Garden Seeds of his " own raising, here in Nelrrifkry- Those-who f want jfrc i -h teed, about which there is no doubt should patronize him. His seed are at the Barber-Shop of -Monsieur Roy. , r , , , Bin Car has also. over a hunared bush el of. potatoes, of ; several varieties, suiu able for seed, which' he will sell cheap for He now also harcnliand a large quan tity of Sweet Potatoc Sprouts for sale. Boats.- On Saturday njght three steamboats, landed . at ou, wharf ;.' the West Wind coming down arid the Emma and New Sam. Gaty going vp: Sunday night ihe Omaha passed np.r The Omaha comes with such regularity every Sunday night at half past ten, that il would be very safe for our citizens lo set, their c'ocks by its arrival at our wharf. . On Wednesday the West Wind passed ;up. On it a banner was .seen flying, wafting ihe glorious tidings," to; the loyah people of this portion' of Uncle Sam's domain, ,RichTn.9ni's Ach." ; HOW J eph W. Yetrj, pnrtor at l'e77 A Bro. ' -' . a, , v ,". I ' n.ary A. IIII.xra, by brrneit friend Theodore Ei!!,Tn BrowDvill? Howl Co -- .E K. W. Thomai, fur t.l Jj ' " - ' 1 , JJinkof Union TVnne?f, r Garden II. irikox. ! ji; AV. ThoKaa, Icr t,U,'Jliusun & hoctiheit, for deft." -i - struck th District Court, ; . , Ilox'.'Jbsrrn EStreeter,' Judge of the 2nd Judicial District. Corbaw. Blacker, Clcrl cf 2nd Ju ticial District. T. W. BxDroRD. District Clerk for Ne waha County. . . 6. B. IIewett, Prosecuting Attorney. J. W. Colemam, Sheriff. ! The Spring Term of the Dhtrici Court of-lhe Second Judicial District, for Ne maha County, commences on Monday, May 19. Business before the Grand Jury commences on the first day of the Cotl'rt; business before Petit Jury commence3cn the third dny of the term. The following are a list cf the Cases: ' chimin al. ' ; ; lmtictmcnt for Kssault ond tmttery : .' Territory of Nobrats8t vi George X. Smith, Ab ncr Smith, Win. Diubertj. , . . Indictment for resisting Sheriff to eerre ft writ, . Territory of Nebraska, va .Montague Kajea. ? , Indictment for a?sault to infiiet bodilV injsry, ". Territory of Nebraska, v Alexander Lowry. . ; - ' Territory of Nebraska, ve JuliD licLatnron.' Indictment for Urccny, - Territory of. Nebraska, vs Wb. Couch, Smith Keel. : is co. imnortant change in the i since last week, and consequent '.nts joAish tfiem. One day last ,irn rop ns high &s 40 cents pef ; for prime ; the next day. it de scents cn ihe various grades. otice ia the 'Denver papers that tlls.ato frfim. 17- tp $20 per hun i ' becn quoted at those figures for weeks pa;t.V ' ", . . '.;'. ' ' ;e will probably be three . candi- ' r Cor jress this fall at St. Louis; i .... favor of tmancipation and colini '.another in "favor of simply eman . and ihe third a pro-slavery, j cessiomsts! Frank Blair ..will i r the first,' hi cousin B. Gratz iAe second. 'Who the third will prohlly depend on circurnstan o:h Rlay- and' Brown are. large ;ners. Brown will receive the J nearly illjhe'Gerroans. '. :' police that Tueo. IIilx. has rer J'arje and splendid assortment of J y Summer :'Coods. Mr: .Hill's , 'On as a Merchant, needs nocom ( Jrom' us jn tnisjeommunity. s at lcwgilres- notwithstanding 1 price in the" East: NoVne' af---v.nhis large stock" will gru'm , rri"ces. Those at adistance who ;eo waiting for Mr. Hill's goods ,can now, he accommodated any '.ft'l'-nj ft his store-.,. . . ppeakmg cf Mr, Hill we will lt on account cf the loss he sus- '5 Spring 'byfire,-he needs the hitn on outstanding debts. , lc2--Last right, after returning , iper, ue found. in or sanctum, 'asket partially ,lied with a'pV l se were covered " witli "cai.dy sweet cakes, filling . thebas ! 0,e"wing. . . We proceeded leis ,3 &aie the coiiteni) of he i basket, rilU dicta t rve ifoLiidnct a' t1; W far worst?, down in the. tot ; cealed - among the apples', were t.es containing Old Bourbon, 'in, and Muscat Territory of Nebraska, rs Cbarlei Gacde." ' '' ' '' ' CHANCERY. '. ' ' --' . Cbarlei tt. Dorsey, v$ Ilutea T. Wiliiams.' ,. .' "U. C. Johnson, for pTfT. -., . ; ; R. W. Fornar, ts E. M. Adrron. -t Johnson & iShocobU for pl iT. .. .". : , l K. W. Furna, rs J. L. Shnrp.', ': 1' " . ' ohnson Ai Jshoenheit ftr jil'lf. " " . J'hn II. Maun, rs Peter J. rcter.son. Jobnson & JShoenheii for p Iff. U. C Johnson, ts Lot 15 Block, et hi. -Johnson i Kuoenbeit, for j'.I. ; s ' i ' ' iJavison ftEdTrne,'r8 IloratiiO. Worrall, Franeil Prinat and Jobr. V JJulleru. . Uewitt and Thomas for pLf-i Sweet, for deft. , . II. W. Furnas, a II. D. Johnson. '; '" : ' Johnson & SLoenheit, for plff. 0. II. Wiliox:, yb H. It', rzTxm'& Co., V". , II. Uoorcracd Nemaha County. '. Johnson &, Shoechtit, for plff. ' ' R. W. Funias, ts Lot 9. et al'. in City of Bronn-. ville. ' . .. .. . , ... r ' ? , ... Johnson. Shoecteitfor plST. . ., - J.imes W. Coleman, ts Lob 16, et al, In the City of Urowtrillc. ;' 1 ;T inl.-i Scboenheit & Johnson, fox plil. -f r Charles G. Dorsey, ts Wa.H.Itojerg. I - "' ' Johnson Jk. hhoenbeit, for plff. '.. .? ' ta. .I.-' 1 ChaiW GDorscy, Ti miiaia' Jlile. v ' 1 :: I !' E..W. Thomas, for plff. : ' ' U. E. Case, ts John McDonough, San Francisco -Town Co, . . ; , .: . . . t bej-.inour.Bclden, for pl. ' . , . ' '.. I Georee W. Crum, ts John P. BakerJ. - - t. i- I llewiit 4 Thomas, lor piff. ' Ki'ngstand & Ferguson, vs Thomas If, Green, J ohn P. liakjr, John Martin, baitucl Chambers. ' llewvu & Tbouwi,for pli. Samuel CaJJen, t Fielding H. John, Jesse John,, John Small. 'l ! Tipton aud Beldon, for plff. Sbeenheit and Mc Iennau, Jor dett. . . li. W. Frame, va Cbristitn Fogler, et al. - , - - , ' Wm. McLennan, lor plff.- . .-. : ' ' : . i . . . . . ;.. Theodore W. Bedford, ts Thomas Williams, .0 Ilewett, Daniel L. McOary. .j'-;t:, r'J I 0. b. Ilewett, fot ptff. 4 : ' : '- " ' 1 ' ' -J : Voiff"A Hooper, "Baldwin & liodd, Anpon Com etock & Son, LanjsJorf A llosenteine, ts John Ar Ijabrlght, "fct-npU. Argubriht, James Argabrjght, blither Hoadly. - Johnson and Shoenheit, for p'.ff. ; Belden atd Thomas "for del't..', --j T. W. Bedford, vs James B. Fleming, laaao Coe. O. B. ilowitt, tor pltf. ! ... r;.M . - Stephen F. Nuck'..ll,T3 Death NTucko"s,' Admiu-' istratcr estato Charles M. Grecvtr, et al. f . .' s h. . Ibomas, tor pin. . . . , , f; ; . ltncfnn cVo7:. nrih N'ocevll. Adm'f et ttl, ' 'fc. W. Thomas, lor pi if. ' '' t ' Turner Fraicr i. Co., Ts John. I. Swan and wile, Rkhard lirou, ct al - ' - - -.; Johnson and cihoenheit, for pi J. ,.' . ) Stephen F. Nuckulls, ve Uufus T.Kaincy, tnd trfj Jehn Cele, et al. ' . ', -Tbenuu, for plff. , . . . , Field & Bro., ts Jacob. Marhon and Cbarlott Iionuck Marbon his wile. i r K.'W. Thomas, for plff. . - i . . .v- KcVe'etn Ltlden,Ti Seymour Belden. . ' 1 ." , W.Tboujas, for plff. . , ' j, s" Benjamin G. Coper, t? Jerome IToover and Saul A. Chamber., Ex. estate Vtfillia Uilt, deceased. ' - Churlca . lorr, Yorpiff, j E. V. Thomas, fof deft. , ' .. . -. -' . Benjamin G. Cooper, vs Edward M. McComaa, Barnard, Adiims A Co.; Colhoun, Vandcrbcrg t Oo and ilary A; SlcCouiM. ... C. U. borf'jy, for plff.j E. W. Themar, for deft Cutler A Terrili, vs Peter J. Uend-cn, et all. '. Sbweabeit. for plff. , ; j t J. Ti. WbTts and h. Tluse!1, of the firm nunae flf TrMteani Hull, rs W. T. UalLIt if ll Peery A J.sv. Haii. :; :. :' : llewett acid Thomas, for plff.; ITcLtnnan, for deft. . i " ( i Jacob DnTtiw.TsS.-G. Goed. ' :-"t- t ! Belden, Tot f Iff J Schr.etheit,'for deft.' ' ! Iiicha.xd Brown, Ta Uomer Jobnsoa, C.T7. 'Ybeel- er;H.T. Kalney. ;-'' ' .- ' - . J Johnson A Syhoenheit, for plff; Themis, for deft. , fl. and R. U.tVhitmore ACo.vi Jchn ifcPhtrson. I lJcwitt an J Thomas, for plff. : i James L. OTerman. ra Samuel B. Whiteside. j Johnson A Schoenheit, fornlff ; Belden for deft. - - .. . - ; Jacob i. Berber, Reuben C. Berber, Eli II Wilcox, VI I). D.White, F.J. Marshall. K.D. Williams, fartnersaaD.D. White & Co. ' , 'I i; ! Thomas A Belden, for plff. , ,? Samuel A. ITuntcc.Ta D. D. White, F.' J.arshaTl, II. I). Williams, .... . . McLenaon, for plff. - '; OrcTznan, Petnr ted Wilson, r$ rrtrtton IT. Baker. Johnson & Schoenheit, for plff. Samuel Bennett, ts Israel R. CuKiQings, Esther Josephine Comwirijs, hi wife. v- E. W.' Thorn?, for plff; Schoenht it and 'Kajon, for deft. " -' - . .. :. -' 1 , ' j Samuel Sorter rt Jobn Hall. ' - : . i i Jobnson and Scboenbelt for plff. Frank Gcrmlne n 'Williasn HosselL' ' '' J T ' Johiii-on anj Schoenaeit for plff. j : ' , i John Wu'.S and John Justia Hoppe, ptrtoera as Wolff A Hoppe, t H . C. Tfctirroan n-1 J. J, Tburmn, part nrrs a II. C-& J. J Thurman. r ! iohnKon and Stijoeuheit for plfT. ' ' ' Sm'n)x Ucei, ts Willlata ilumon, la4 Jastke o! the JeaC0 , . ..... . .. .... : j Beldea for plff. '',',..,. ! Martia Sillen, ts Oiarlea Snyder, A. D. TTUIUrriSon, J. L. Sharp ami J. B. Uover. ' ' J- -j Jobnson and S.-boenbelt for plff i Nnpoleon C. Dam and Christian" EarebelrxJt, ti Al exHBdcr M. Ferna. ' " ' - - -. Tboinaa for plff. ' ; - t - ' i . ' : t ' .. . ...... .... . . .- - . .; ' 1 ' - William A. Little and Robert A. Howard, t Leni Kel. : '. -: :..! , i ; . ljule anj Howard for plff. , ...,,.(: Clarence IT. Gibons, t William G. Swan". 7 . JoLnon ami Schoenheit for plff. ' " r .- : Jacob D. IleclerTS Jobn.W. Prtcb., Johnson aud &cUoenbeii for plff. . .' . William T. TJen. Ta George n. Swan. ' ' ' Thomas for plff. . .' . Richard Brown, TsTalbert H. Kdwants. C ' Johnson and Scfaoeoheit for piff..Tbmaa ferdeft.: - - : Francia A. Dowler, ts George H. Swbaa and Thomas F. William. :;-irT. : -j ? Jesie John fjr plff. ! - u" U. C. Johnaoa.Ti Hiram Tillara. - i , Schoeubeit for plff. t , .! j Jewe Cale ts Frank Wlrth and Lewla Lawrence. '. iicl-cnnan for plff., Sohoenheit for dett. ', r 12:30.The" Susquehannah moves up rri, ari 4akes the lead cf !ibe S?r -Jjcinto -t-d j I T t EichaTd Brown, ts William T. Den. , -T Sthocuhfc.'t lorpiff. . 4 i i-. j ! J hn Bell vs i?eorpe Shroaf,'' ' ' ' ' .' i Scltoguaelt and Aklnson for plff i z" ' ; Ciitter'ariarirrtnTsFelar 3. nendjea; ttat., i Schoenheit for ptd, .,-.-., --i , j-..- John Vchj, vaJohu'O. Bryant.' s l' ' i-'..,'. UeiJen and Dorsey. " ".i s-- Henry El lot ts J. D. Heufer.i ' " i " " "i " : ; -T iteieu ror pi(T., Schoenheit for deft. .:!- : Kobert W. Frame, tS WiKiam II, Deunraan, Amos A Gaiup. , , .'...., .. ,.: . ... J f v , . .. Z W Thomas for pfff. ., , ..t . rs . : . ! James A.' FarrlZ, ti Jeaso Coe. i O. P. Mas n fur pff Scuoe.vhe "; Jamea A. Farriii and Mar D. Farrl.3. ts Jl John Snyder. Hewitt for pff.. Schoenheit for dert ' Tteooore nu;, tb Amoa T. p. nujboa. ' Schoenheit for pff. ' ' I J. Dice TTcsfer',' ts John H. iriu'i Thompson Owens, Wra. Tour man, Geo. W. Falrbrotber and Theodore C . llac'ief, under the uamo of Falrbrotber & Hacker, and Henry F.ilott. ,: , --i t :.w.,ti . : , Jesse John aud Schoenheit for piff; Thomas for clef t ! Theodore Hillwa Stepboa WKennedy.':"': '-1 ' ;"":v i Schoenheit for pZfl'. .i'v 4 t ..; t i ; .-!.!.- '-I , Wine. : For gone of the Vtiaches of .the of ! seriously i mo red It the con ? tntkn, but we take occasion J.ihe Dertrntraior. ci i :v,1 the cut- : such n act lag air)'." '-We have tUjiiou&, founded on more than . V'-ial evidence, that W'. T. Den I-ersoo who left the bo.ule in our !-We overheard . him kay. during 'I ic'lTf aHoeoe by- a new cdver- "l 'i. the panr that ho has the rl!"ast h"'.Krs' in t?wn. " :3 i Charfes T TliiVyer, ti John 2 Dowt?l, ' Atkinson fr pZff. 1. - ' '- , ' ; , t. . ; . .:vi-. ..... i . t 'i Uriah C Johnson, ts J B VTtlh, W II Penman,' Thon as M Green, S A Chambers and John P hkttx " Schoenheit for piT$ Thomas for deiL .k'.M, j Langtdorf and Ros;nste!ne, vs WiRiaqj L. Thur tnan and Antic d iner, doing businass aaTharman A- Conner; " Thomaa forptff. rr r o - r f -. , FT" Langnord and Jlosenatieao, v Oiiliam L. Tbur man. : t r t -r r H r f :r o ( ' , , . Thanjas for ilJFv " A -w " ' . . . - - , George S Loker, William N Loker, doing business as Loker A ZJrotheJ, ts Wm. L. Thurman" and Aaron Conner, doing busines as Thuraian and Conner. ahomaa for plff. - ; ' v " - Greenbursr J. Mdilo va tTillltia S.r Roberta and William! Thurman. . . . . ,, , f Schoenhoit for plff. ; i- i .. ' , : Alfred Opelt, t Uogb Erewnlevr?' , Schoenheit for plff. .4. ; ,LJ yUl j Joseph 0 pelt, ts Jamea Ginier. ;'v-v' j lie witt for pin. t Richard Miller & Co., tb Alfred Opelt.- : bcboenheitfor pin. , Thomas M. Green, S.A.Chambers and John P. Ba ker. . . v t Schoenheit for plff., Thomas for deft. Wolff and Hoppe, ti Joseph, Opelt.' Schoonheitfor plff.-- t- .APPEAIi! Peter Hendjen and Abigal H. Hendgea, ts. C'Sfor- flaon. ,x j Scoonheit, for plff., Tbomaa for. Sefl - - S. F. Nuckolla, tb R. X."WhIUey, Thomas for plff r T Jacob Cofdill T? TaTld Gwln. Thomas for plff.. Schoenheit, ior deft,. .." 4 t t.- i William McLenaa va Lei LawiajacSi. i Thomas for plff. John B. TTilery tsR. J. Whitney. , Thomaa for plff. ,."C1-C rr B.J. Martin & Co., Ta William Weddl Thomas for plff. .''L4 Van Iar, Hardy A Co.'f va Darld Gwln, William RoaeirTa Williem Comfort. Schoer4heit for plff., Thomaa for deft. . , v T. J. Kfartiu . Co.,tb WlIMsmrWeddlel J JKI Tnomas for pi sr., Rcboenhjutipr ceft. Jefe JoTr'f TalVaTid Gwin"" j Schoenhsi for plfr. - - i f t ; R W. Frame tw Christian Fogle etalli I i f McLerian for plff. -.j . ,; : Isham Bearis t Daniel H. ZlcClner. '':H "! Thomas for plff.: ; " . ,"" . riKer iotrn reir.cn. ; Thomas for plff". : ' .. .1 Jaqnea Rouleer rs Jam9 Cole to a t, Sheriff, sad Fran cie Micbaud." " - f .?'? - ' ' t ' - s- ' Parfieabrs of .the" Operations at Hamilton Hoails ana J!ie Penia- Bills .-"-. " Fortr tss -MoNRcr'ay B.-Tbis has been a .moTt srirring and exciting 3ayat Old PoinC'.iftnd' all are.'jB.nticipaiing the early-fall of -Norfolk VxMXi, - 'At 11 "X .olock'.tbe ikteamer Naagatacli was observed raingteamT,arJd-about 1 oVlock she moved obtr by. ihe tJdcof trie Monitor;- which Vessel 'also clearedl her decks for action; taking down: her awning, and stood, icr tne rTfrm ruin Charles T.' Hiitjer, ts' John R. floofj.; : Atkison, for plff. "Francis Mic"haEd,Vs R'.cVjvfa Clare."1 " ' ? Sehoenhoit, for rlJ 0.1. ilason, for deft, Richardson, Miiler A Co., ts Alfred Orxilt, Jof eph -iSbwe&beit, for plff. . Jasper K. "Ware, m 'T t.-.'" Putr'Cat, 'John B. Lawient, Knrbjrn A. 8iir:?ia ire. II. M. Atkinon, lor pl3". ' - V" William W ilson , ts G idoon F." Tindall." W. H. Taylor, for plff., . . . . . .. ' John Cole, Talrr.werL. Knbt,' Theodore ililt David Gwin, and lUohel Kci-Ui. Iors'y for jiff., Thomas fWdeft. ' i'I CIVIIi ACTION. ' V.rth A Scott, ts Viiltmi Pecrj A JorT. TT . - -... ' t Hsr.iinr A Uackcwn f'rpl.T. fiMinc trii llioO--The gunboat Jjarotah has just moved c up in line of 'battle Together" with sloop of.war Seminole and "San Ja cintoDIXIie' ag ship M tnnlioiaf aai alio under steam ''.. ' ' ; ,.'T. 12. The Naugatuck. -has A moved - up towards the Elizabeth river,foUowedby the Ionit6'r"5tncf DacotaS 'lalins of bat tle. -'The San Jacipto follows slowly. ; Heavy firing can still be heard in the direction of James river, where you have alreidy been informed by telegraph the Galena and other gt:n boats haTe gone. The Svs'juehanna ;has just gone up. Ia the meantime the Dacotah, Monitor and Naugaiuck had reached" the channel and taken position off Sewail's Point, and the - Iacotah. fired a tlot towards : Cranesy Seminole. No anrwer frcrn either, of the rebel forts, and thB Uacciah and Sem inole are',. steamiDg. up.. Elizabeth river; the Naugatuck is lying ciT towards the n:o:it)i cf .the James-.river," presently '.tlt'e Dacotah - and -Monitor approach Craney island and Sewail's Point, t The Dacotah fires every - few 'minutes", alternately at Sewail's .-.Point; and Crane?;. Island, the enemy piakin; nor reply," p.ltho;jg!i the balls-reached thfir intended destination; ' -The Monitor is now taking the lead. fn the mean lime the Seminole and Sus quehanna opened on Sewallls Point, and two shots are fired from the Point, the latter falling short -cf. the Mcnitorr which is now a mile above the. other .vessels,"."', i 12:40. The Rebels are firing rapidly from Sewail's Point," principally at the Monitor, while a succession of shells are being poured on. the enemy from the Susquehanna, Dacota, Spminole, and', San Jacinto, broadside -after broadside. 1 tTha Rip Rap nlsa:threw.occasicaally; shells into Sewail's PcicY." I P2:50. The Susquehanna,.. 'Dacotaht San'Jaclntoand.'Serfjinole; arthrowrag shells, and the Monitor threw her first two' shells full a mils and a half frornihtj Point. ' " ' ' r T 4. j 1 p. m. The Monitor n now within a mile o f '; S e w e 1 1 V Po i n t ,rrtp Vi n g fel 6 w 1 y forward and firin.5 "The enemy are also firing briskly from Sewail's Point at the Monitor, ' and . shells are falling, thickly around her. Craney Island is also joining in the'fight, and has'just , thrown: several shells at the Monitor, one' of which ex ploded directly over her, ,.,The .'Monitor moved; steadily lorward,H; occasionally the rebel' battery with' perfect indiffer' ence.' -t ?-- ;-t . . .i r , 2 p. m. The Monitor has fallen, "back, and lays along side of the Susqoehanna, probably for the purpose of communica ting with her.. The Naugatuck, and the Monitor have been throwing shells into Pig-tPoint, and the fiat has' also thro fan a number of shells in" the' same 'direction. ' '11: 1 5, p.:i MiThe Jonitor, and' Dacpfah are ' moving 'along again slowly." up the mouth of the F.lizabeth-river! A dense black smoke has' commenced to arise from Sewail's Point, indicating, thai pur incendiary shells thrown there have fired the barracks. The Dacotah continues io throw shells directly into the point. M'' i The vessels be constantly changing po-L fition destroy the" range the rebel gunners. .y-They-are,7 however,, making quite a determined fightf rdrn'their WbrkJ, giving us almost shell for . shell and-Ahot for shot. ,TheMonitorlias laidj bat of action for nearly an hour," and 1 probably rowing' her guns.' .".'"' .!:'::.; ! K l-TUtr Rr Rapy battery has the range cf Seweii's-Point perfectly. V.W-i' i 2AS F.'i: ---Te Merrimac nowmakes her appearance oil the scene. She lias just passed from-. behind J Se'wallV.P!il.if j1 and is slowly running'!'dovv,n 'towarda te federal fleet. Simultaneously' wlth'jtiieV ppearanc of fMe! Merf7rhacb3 SI onitor started frefni. behind-the wcoJe'aTesVpis and moovedup to.meet.the . ene,my . The larger : vessels have -'drawn. aside and, left, : : The' Monitor J'aM;Naugaju'ck are now in the approaching' path-of the Merrimac....' The Tcals oi Xh S?et had been lying quietly at .anchor for the lastj half tour, when the signal from the flag ship ordered " them all to return. The Susquehannah leads the way, fcljowed W t h a ? Tnirtf?f f.'flp'rfit nnl ( Hi irttaV 1 Villa.- ViLLiAjrsucac7 Va., May G. cf jT3hr.rT.a 1 J i THe en"my vacua ted'-ihia' place, ;ai.. the works.inrfrcr:: last .night the rear guard ra'ssing through about sii o'clock. At 9 o'clock Gen. McClellen and escort rode ij r:-n. r-nd took: frssession' About'one hundred' and fifty of Ihe'ene my's wcur.ded were. left. behind. .without rations'or medicines;'; .They: also -left a number cf theirddid unbuned.. ' Ail bur wounaea wno iPll into tneir nanas layes- terdayjs engagements w-ere left behind. In this enjjageraeu.lha enemyltutTtire'd terribly.: Ricketv ir among their killed. The e r. 2 m 'H- d ;-1 ' f or c e h c r e y e s t e r d a y 'c f 50,000 man, and only determined to evac uate after a "brilliant bayonet charge by Gen. Haneok:-'-; :1 . ."; : Gen; "AlcClelian has just telegraphed the following to.the war department v . ;t i "Every hour; prpves our: victory Com plete, -and the ehemyY loss great es pecially jnprTicers':! have just. Jaeard of five more bf their guns having, been cap tured.' Prisoners are constantly arm- mg. . ! .i u! Wi ! s;tr.'i i.rr,TT:i2r;. L'r!?r s Q V V 1 Q T -The steamer,. Columbia baa - arrived from Havanna GOth, and Forr Jackson 26th'tih. ' An - attack oil the 'rebel forts was ".commenced on .'the 18th...!;Oa the 23d Cora. Farragut, on the Hartford, and with.13' steam fe'rs.Tsss2d fihe!fortSlxnd GeriEuiIer land edidOOQ troops: above. The 'rebels los t their - gunboats and Hol lins' turtle thsMsnassasi. -Our" forces took 400 : prfsOTers. Ve lost about 50 men. Our gunboat Virona. wat suhk.- Twenty mortar-boatsJand three gun-boats we te engaged against the forts.Teducing firing, and receiving"thells Vnd shot from ItSjem. - after six days incessant fifeing. Chains across the river were . removed by our JjunboatsT rThe Tfebfelssenl fire rafts down the river butthey d d little dammagej one set fire to ,the ..Hartford,, but Itvasi.speedioy .leitlnguishedi I LThs Virona and the rebel steamer Webster, (iron clad) had a splendid engarrement, the Webster ' running into-the1 Virona and sinking her;' but before'going down the Virona poured a'volley of eight guns, so destructive and crashing, that both the Webster and Virona went down together. Arrangements for the surrender were to be made on the, 7;hthe day after the lspatcn left.; ,.; . ilA , , : Onjhe. 24th a flag of trace jwasjssnt to Com'Porter; askicgjthe ioxdiuo'ns'f'or, a surrender. , ( Porter ; repIied---;)Nojcondi-tions !" ' ' '' A , i i Odr' flng' novf wares over 'the : Custom Pouse in ewIOrlean Ut f;t-um m j .n.-Amf ncan r nr : stearaer ; reports capturing three rebe steamers. They were sent to KeV West, a ol .ar.isn .... j BLUE GRASS, .RED TOP : ! ,AND ORCHARD GRASS, OSAGE ORANGE AND 1 p j ' FLAX SEED, BLACK LOCUST AND - : . ORONOCOiTOBACCO SEED, By the Ounce, "Pound or BasLel, Also an extensive variety cf - . GARDEN SEEDS, L Fot. sale, Chep forCash,, ' l'i A llM the Advertiser Office. rt 1 1 4-t: v) j ; .'Nrw-YoaK May ' 7. i Amocg'lhe pakien'g'ers 'on 'iher Persia were Cameron; "Nlipister.'to'Jluso'.'and Bayard'TayJoV,' SeVypItary xfLegaifon3 The; Persia tikes. out.SSOO.OOO in specie. "Advices from I3urdside!s division state trnra-re'jitr.eTit'of North Caroliniirns" had been? organized Capr.'PoUer 6f Gen. Foster's, staff, .being appointed Colonel, The regiment will be armee and eduipped i farfrh:'Burnlideiforthe,defen?e.cf ilheir. berof Uni'1 raen voluntarialiy'camia'farL ward and took he oath of allegiance. ; ; 'Our. troops; havd captured horses ' en ough from the rebels to re-mount two com- paniesy ':' '; - by the Sau'JadntUSeininoie, Dacglab J and the Monitor bringing vp, the rear, all apparently using the.gteatest speed to tards the forts-'T .y..5 ?f:fT.,.f To the spectators this seemed rather mortifying; bin as they1; moved -tfowrPirf line tbi'e Monitor was. 'seen'lo haland the San " Jacinlo '' abd Dacotaru'alsd fol- followed her exampleVJeaving the Sus quehannah ;and Seminole tnioving ahead ment, for -which the 'confederate ' forces i Tbe same pcper. in'Tegrd to the vis it cf -the French Minister, -cays his object was to learn frorrf "personal interview what wereihe 'jrrqspects1 of ; :the' ;Ccntederate States achiet ing their . independence.' Tl;e resolt of the -. Minister's, inquiries hates not transpire but we are informed that he is highly satisfied with all he saw and heard. ' - ! ' : "' : - . . . ... The four" steamers- and, -the Monithor having taken their position, the Merrimac also halted, and the fure , vessels stood thus , not more , than a, .exueand A hslf ipartf the Merfimac apparently timvil ling to comu further down, and the Mon itor unwilling to go further up. The Minnesota also steamed,up to the fortress "wharf, followed slowly by" th Vanderbilt, when . both stopped. After laying iff 'this position" the Minnesota iurned and steamed back, ..and the Van derbilt, without -ttrrnicj, slowly backed ivaterdown the river. '. Jix . i Whilst thii nianeavering,.was going on the firing had entirely ceased lfrom all points. . . -. . r, ' ' ' i 3:30 r. m. The Merriniic r.o: tome's four 1 and steams back towards Norfolk, with her rebel fb j 'flymg. The Dacotah again proceeds up towards the Ilerrirnac, and the Monitor starts towards the mouth of the Elizabeth river. The Drscoiah fs how vithin easy range cf V s well's 'Pcint, but the batteries there do net open cn her She and the T.rc-.itcf have bc'.h s!oed, and "the Merrimac is-' lying stationary, about a mile from the Craney Island bat teriesT f IS I'.T,'. ri:;ij inTiHiUOnA. i Here commenced an important move mentwhich cannot ber made public' just yet. .''The, Vanderbilt 'and. Arago; hate now steamed up io front of the wharf The Merrimac 'has. run b'adcy.crrder the gucs of. Craney Island, .and, thel. Monitor is steaming off toward her at full speeds The.Minhesota'is also coming "np again at full speecWi-the efforts' being ata 'draw the -rebels era t again. "-;' ': r' 37;:--; ov 1 For'the-'rast iro houfs,:the "fleet has been moving" back 'ncf forward, but the Merrimac stilUlre under i the guns of Craney Islaccbf. TheMinnescn'a. AragoJ and Vanderbilt have' gone', back to their anchorage, and there is no; prospect of a fight to-nignt..., . . ..-rr .j - The troops are -going cn: board s the transpors, and the war vessels, including the -Monitor,-have all returned to 'their anchorage. j ytf UllillVl Two thoroughly reliable . Kentuckians, just arrived' frora -New-QrleaES, report that all alec j the Mississippi, f rqra, JMem phis'to New Orleans, i one genVr'd bon fire of property, particularly cotton, of wbich eleven or-twelve thousand bales have been'burriecl al New Orleans. The people near towjas'all moving inland, des troying properly along the -tributaries of the Mississippi; .the planters " iri many cases applying-the torch; to their own property. Among a great number of planters but cne .was. found "who objected to the burning cf his coton.- - " : " thaf ii:.;.i3r.J t r tea:, va jw.cs River, they will certainly be intercepted by our forcess landed at West Point. Not less, thary fty-slenmers.. are em ployed i'trans:.r,i3g t'je ! a-!? nceof the army to WesTPoiat. " On.rJir h;t ths.rrcnT .tcV.cr.e Perusyivan'ia f attery. hiring f.rst k.liod all the horses of the-t-tttery, and havirg butrjfrniin'' infamy s-jpporr, were overf whalned and ccpeHcd to urrcnicr. Before the close cf the day thi? battery, with cne tf th enemy's, . was captured. ; Latest. We liive "just learned that the enemy have destroyed all the bridge? acrssa the Chictahominy. . ; ''McCIelhnis resting his army cn this sirle cf the river. 1 The Chickahoininy runs parallel wiii the James river, into which it flows. rn:;n, v;ia -4 k J orrxn-tniiit lausi aiaci: of S E E DS -1 ax t: . f ..ft t Keaturfej Jltl Top Crass per hchet. Ssrsitssj er Sajir Case r?r Osara Orars p?r bcli',l Top Oiier.? fjr brute', r iW 1 T GARDEN AD FLOW Hit SHEDS. Tar DciC2 hirers, JVarractel. ..oilj:waf;t:To ."I 4 41 ) XT f - ;EURlr DRUGS : i s i a. . . "f. I - ' 1 . - 1 IT SO, CO TO TSi. Pnr",TCT-;rcT r-;Trr-v WClJ UklXV-4. A. W . . C IT Y-i)'R"UG STOK ii. I,. or j f :: 1 : i5. 0. B UILDINGS, - - - . . ' li . Chicago; May 7.T - i The Petersburg Express states tEat an engagement took place at ' Cumberland Gap on Monday theSSth,' '.The federals we're, repulsed with .considerable loss. Thly hive boen reinforced . by -ten regi-i nientsj.andr have completed .-.a floating bridge acrdss" the'Cumberland river. It is believed they will make'a flank move- JOHN H. MAUN, Will. rem no'.tlaa wttchtala not aatieCcd ia a i iTjbe'tai bill as. reported by the, Finance' Committee of the Senate contained ine following ;. changes y-'p -Distilled ; liquors manhfactored after .' the passage of .."the bill, .'.20 cts. a gallon roah liquor SI a barrel ; licenses to rectify; S25 each five hundred barrels ;,'candles, 3 cents ; coffee cent;, tobacco, including snuff and pre pared smoking tobacco1, CO eents a pound cigars 10 to 35 cents; salt 6 cents j rail road iron, re-rolled, 75 cents; carriages, watches, ;m'nsicnlirtrairients, geld 'dnd silfer plate.'are' exenrned ; horned xaitle, over 13 months old. taxed 30. cents ; ail passenger travel 3 per cent." o gross re ceipts; .passports, 2 each ; bills of ei-charjge.- prouussory notes, -tank bills, all over two 'hundred dollars, taxed ,T per cent;' letters of credit.. 50. cents; bills, of lading, to domestic ports exempted j .tel egraphic messages 3 cents when cost over twenty" cents ;. "leases, manifes's, passage tickets, and appeals :stlawf exempted ; tax on straw, silk and woolen hats and bonnets, ready-made clothing, paper, en namelied cloth, machine' belting,., wine nWe..from grapt s, furs, and raw cotton, all stricken outJ -The final clare of the' bill jepeah theSDO.ppOCpbf direcl'taix after the first yf arY I V ' " " ; i.f tt : - : , . Cincoco. May 8. The Kor folk iDay-Book of the 3d fays it reported at Atlanta, Georgia, the part of Mitchell Yforces" advanced froni'Guh- trees, landing on -Rome? GaiT- ; ! - 35 ? J T " ""Tir"" : . . J J i i i I i i M a KTowxi May,. Late intelligence from the field of bat tle. saysiMcCleilan' came bp with' the rebels eight miles beyond Williamsburg; a'ter a severfrskKmishTvith their rear guard, he put them to flight across the Chickahominy river. . Y . - Large numbers' cf additional deserters report that they had nothing to eat for 49 hours but a few hard " biscuit. ' When brought in they. fell down exhausted. Heavy cannonading was heard at early hcur this morning by boats coming down the river. - The result was net ascertained. No doubt ihe, whole rebel army of the State is disorganized under the rapid pursuit, of - J.TtCIellan, r-.rid "fleeing" with ? V .iiAvv.W i -.. - - . j . ?roaLUlocC7;iU3':eiatb(bc3liMa tali C'Ofi-PrD'E'WI te rill liihfac'Joa to all ri.j mi 7 ca'.l at bit : ?IISCELLAEOU3. E?JrntleCes?r.t rtr trrel. - Si I 1J 1 '.i Ca'..nei Haitar icr ttrrel. We alio keep a liriiJUf of fara tisplenifcta CatalosntilErtlse-t cc appUCiiioa. IT.EW. GOODG i JUST RECEIVED AT icoc to srix U il A I i ;JOHN A. PONN Is no reoolrinj and eponlaj ont Lia Spring Stock cf Oxxii, c! nJU Ifljf cf Dry Gocdi, Groceries. .' Hats and Caps, Boots and Shoe," - 1 ' Flour and Bacon, Queens-raro, Hardware. ' Furniture, "Y 'Y ' ; ": Sash and Doer?. Window Glass. ' ' etc., etc., v'c. Y. . , ;. WLSoh X willioU cljea'' fjt sii.or tToanee. D C4I! find sxanjlno rry itock tefora porcluln eliewhere. lircwDitilia. April 21,152, , ... Y . 'b42-Cm 43 - w a r. v , - J O Sit's-tH-'i;: ?i 2 S i nJ rj ee.52i,5 . --S ,-- WJ H rs-f -23l55r5sK .12-;?!"" t- R S v E 3 ? S "2 2 C " I- - " i Tf. 3 Z. B 2 s - T3 - . if! ""t jiWSS --32; 'ts--5tii"23-- aiss-s!s:ls:-ii:s3"2;s. C3 i.stf2if?3S-53i;t!53ilS-5 .J c c V. fc, H t 1 j - j.-j:a4i3;;j II& haa Hwra tiaSf!, anil M confinttr rtceiTloe a large io-plT ef !' articles unaU kept lo a ; 1.-'. ' i;i f 1 ' '---. - . - . A - ' 1 ' 'i'' - ' ! DRUG STORE. 1 linoiiuiLi'iO i)V ..nsrri i Sotifi ti. MAtrSa I .1 ? rr? r ! BrowTiTiMe'. SrtTSi, iSS2.""TS-n44-W j Offices "for" Rent. ' Tbi(l Clt Drti Etor and crpper- part of th City brut Store; noWtxcafcie ty Jurtetf wr-eeler, ars rsr rent. .Apply to JOIIX H. ilAUN cr acgtjstus snosxnsrr. i i." '' " , tSTAU CJiACl'Kn AN U FACTO II Y, i ,ST. JOSBP3,MO, . ,rr b l I il- r I a 5 2 1 f S J 3 S 5 : 3 3 5s5"-s- f5---?5 r? . T Z? SB X, 8 8aaCsS5Ss.i?f-ti w e "9 - ; -, " r . ca . . . . r 3 .v i n t7 o n - -V rr -it? w J W 5 B 3 n o 0 1 i.3 Oft 2.C.- . 7 1 M s2 -3 cr a " I ?3e3 -i . 1 Ol r oi 2 - (.till I . -1 I "4 MANUFACTURING- C0L1PANY, ; HEIIRY. II'D.IVIT, ! Ihtita tie retention of McroLanU, Grocers, Jlo tcl Keepor?, Ranchman, ind Traralers to the Miooa, o his extensiTtt CracIiCi' iJannfaetorr Cs ia prepared to foru'-ib . . ' . -r r - i ' " SODA, BOSTON, BtJTTKfl. SUGARD AND PIC NIC CRACKEHS j - ' AND; PILOT BREAD, At TThoIesala or SaUli, ani at trices as low an can be bad anywhere. US.S'RY M'DIVITT. April 17, J8(!2 n41-3n :lToticc to Creditors; s All persona knowiriji themaelyes Indebted to Dr. A. 5. Holladay, by not er bocS accoont, i!! eo well tell on me and settle the same before ibe 25ib (! rt JCay Dext,u l wm iner tbttdatetsoiiect alt of b4s Js"t by procea cf Lw.- ' - A. SCnOKN'HKir, Attorcer. BrowniIie, IT. 7., Kay lit, JSi3. u43-if Kstrnr Notice Tfken Up. Taken trp by the snscricer, re.sidir. six mile dt Of Xematia City , on or about tbe first of .Tune, 1351, a trstW iroo-rrsy borw-pony, af.ort seren years tA, branded in tbe le sbooltferi atir.ralse-1 by Jerome Hover an.1 W. W. Keeling, on the 2!h daf of Jtarcn 1SS2, at f-i cricea of ibe burse to py or kee; injr. ' If tbe horse i not (! for and property proven 'ri or before tte fifib daj of Juue, 1S2, he wilt bs by'rae sold te the hlbet bidder for casa. at m? riienci ' ... 4 WJt. P. FITZWAT in April 3, 1S62. P39-10 w $5 ft fee t . ;4 . , - .1 . ---Apple Tree: tor f!HiJ i-fia-!.;, , tvft D.-'BTil.j SnrMry. ; , - in .4" - - ; ' -'Y. Y - . - " ' ' . Yi t ; Y 'Y JO vor: want . sixi -i e.gi.m:s oi; boileiis pate in BnAa cane ktu.s. TaTKNT STS4M COIL RVAPOJMTOnS. . PATENT F1RR KV A POTIATO PATIXX ETA1IP aiLu-t, ' ... ... roa riKCs peak on LA.nf: st tfriitoii , BZ5D FOTl Cir.CTLAr.3, 4 i - s "fUli CU, and Descriptions, Price, c'c., - axd aAcniear op all ticrcsirricx. rSED rOIt.CIRcTLARS.J - . . " P.tr. c,t7rs. r.-c?! hat, It. W. rUit.NAV, AHJITV t IJrowaville. .firH-.k,i. or Wos CinaUra asJ Cel.i.ei iaicriwiwn au t- atarru:-!, i:;;. rn37ljjj notice to pir-i;:jiTous. To Jacob Gearing Wi'l;.ira-A. Carr.VH, C;Ya. Johnst'.n, Elmer Gmvej, Js'T-a W. 1 pj..-'y. Ji-.j iiCAror, Alfred Crerrln. fJ-r.r T7. .''niitb, llra? ScrithYJchn iastaw and laaivin llyrk, j.a &r hertby Dr.t.-'-d to appear nt the L.ini 0..-3 at UrownTilie, N. T., within thirty rlnjs Tr n ihf clr. of tlii Tt, to make aJJitlcoal pro f in rerl-.a to joa. r'le-Eujptiun Cliiaj--, in .i-jrtii-cj U-Y struotion f.-cra tb- Ccrnu:i;-?ir.rjt;r r-t tb j uY -tl ' rJCilAUii F. B A Rr.ET. - . iprit i:,w, . .