Nebraska advertiser. (Brownville, Nemaha County, N.T. [Neb.]) 1856-1882, May 15, 1862, Image 2

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    risin:it ii cKi;!rj'obHhcr.M
Til V, K S P A V r JI 0 Il" I X G, : 51 A Y Ll J S 2.
Mr. KcuAs's Regiment of loyal In
dians has been nearly or quite filled.
They are to be merely a Home Guard,"
to defend their vown country and home
from being seized 1; v the ubes,'cr rcni
i .
ether Indians instipted to hostilities by
the rebels. ; r
stitution and pledge or obligation thereof.
And all members of the Society shall be
required to pay such monthly dues as the
By-Lairs may provide to be paid."
" JcL Jy ti.-rjbtf' tjie. Tight pf the peopH
of any State U abjii'i slav ry if the
outrage, and if continued will damn the
present Administration in the eyes of
thlrue men -'." il.J West. But we are
confident that, owing, to the terrible pres
sure of busi efcsVpcn the President and
C binet, th v -nre not aware of the exist-
ic 7 state c: uiiairs in Kansas. Is it net
:' 9 .
i i t;
- -P .- O VK Pi AO.:
TVn tap kh our Eg! let it stream i t)e elr !
Tbot't 1' r f.i T ir irtf'TJ in OjeirgTitvv"" "
ej iil ban Jt tbt could strike, they had coult
tletouli dart," r
And tV iraong wert iot born to be i!arei!
Vp, op w itb ttmt V,ar,ner ! w'uereVr it may cu'l.
u or. amicus ii ji.IT . r a" j atj. uia ; Zl
A nHtioti of freemen that momn (.hull fall .
Vkea iu Ur thai! be trailed n tie ground.
think that the interests of Missouri had
been retarded by the institution of slavery.
The only objection that can be raised
; The 'NtpaAKKtAs'' is informs J that?
Messrs. Furnas, Wattles and others, did
not receive their Commissions to raise
:. . - r i i t t : . r - fin
, b . I apamst emancipation in Missouri is, tnat
Hal!ecl7Txr'f rrarsTiphcr : C raersrarrp
i aa lha Slot I oriel i f tit inn YimvinPS InSI
'this Department," but directly from the
Secretary of War. There was an or
der issued by Sturjps forbidding the In-
d'mis from len? mustered- into the-serJ
vice, but Gen. Siurgis was shortly after
wards ordered to Washington, 'we, -believe
for violating the orders oftLe'Sec-
vish to do so. We hav; neve r cor verse 1 i tI duty cf 0menef wnose voice can I
vitha man upc r this s- ject. who J id net ; heard at lead 'ers, to take the ma -
"as the 'State ' ConstuutTon ' provides that
the Legislature shall pass no act of em
ancipation withouf compensation" to the
owners, it will increase the State debt to
j an enormous extent
' r - - j i- , : . '
" PapseLgers on ihe.West Wind,' last
evening.,. fay.ibat'a diffaJcIv -was re
ceived at. St. Uoseph', stating that Rich
mond wa jnVrc?se?$ion of: the Federal
Trocp'q parttcthrs receive! ' "
. Thetold contest i i.Kahsai - between
Stircry ; Jitid rreeuom- one tide con
xtui'w.g for freescil with &ll the fesuhfng
efsirsl-fcVohV' churches, tailroads
mid. fhe higliest possible state of civiliza
tion, and ihe greatest material prosperity
for alj'classes pf citizens: the other aide i
.j .. ... . . ..... ... -
striving u fasten on-its fair sci! a wither-1
,n? ur;.:.R6 itrttration tliat .degrades fc
large portion of white men to a level i Itlr
npr0c; im3 black rnln"iq tne "condition
tf ' bruies ; -Jthat tehSs 'to ihut "tut Vnter-li-isV
tfcTucation 'and " civilizatioa that
cep any community where ir exists a
hundred years behind the age has sx
gendered feehngs-of bitter enmity, which
ftill ctistj6nd may'yet'coiitmue for 'an
age. ,L ; : -When; jhe Twar for the . Union
cpir.menccd, tve liope that all trouble" in
Ivausas Would ecdt bt j -appears that the
old hatred: is still ai malignant1 as ever.
It is not confined alone to the citizens' of
Kansas -fur'iiVs' -extended to ihe .Mili
tary OHicers.-, One side 'denounced -es
ultra-Tedjcal: John BroWQ Abclitionisis ;
th'e "clhef -tide as'secessiofiists or sp'cps
n-D fvmpathjsers. . ' . -,- - -'
rtThat".-the.'pro-j!aveiyparty: wcret ;ihe
r.gresscrs in Kansas is a; fact- In histiiry
bDout wcn : no i unprejudiced mind can
Vt-iary oflWa'r."" --------
Th Yebra$kian will be highly' grati
fied to learn that FcairXs and Wattles
are nil the "victims of 'that 'chilling' tm
kindiie&s, tvhich is ' too 'of ten ihe'only re
ward ot the truly gco3" that ;"the world's
sad -want, of., opjreciaiioh"; . has ' not
"doomed" them Vt grope amid the dust
and cob-webt of cbscurity.':';Dj not wase
your. tears, Mr.ZA'ibrasJcian on an: imr
aginary" eril.'q v;-- --v; 4"-:iv
TIic Ncbrnslia Contested Case.'-
The 1 'Congressional ' Globe"" "which
came in 'the, raail; yesterday,2 contained
the debate and the 'final vote on the con
test between., Moribtaud Daily. .The
case 'was indefinitely postponed by a vote
of two to one Wei will publish extracts
frqm the debate cej;.wek. .: We d,oub't
whether- another man. besides Monod
fcccld be found ri'a liebraskat- xvho'wobld
have:brass( enough i:hderi the fircsenf
circumstanced, to claim a seat in Congress
JMr.'Dailysays truly that there is- not
five Democrats in, Nebraska, that believe
Mortyn xyas elected." .We have met with
pohe'who believed,, it.,- '. :, ,'.,'
JTha .following .portion t of jhe .. debate
contains several jokes too good to be lost;
; -'-.Mr. VooRnrs; Is that theame JudeeH
Conkljng that told Ynaf that the second
certificate the one given by Gov. Black"
was l-ad 1- j : r,.-., 3 rr i,:--; ::t
i -HIr.v Daily.- - It - i :4hf sa me 'Judge
Conkling- pile did no; say, that the, cer
tificate was bad, but, he.;was a man cf
such jndependenceV and so "Hated "these
ballot-box stufl'erf., that he said '.I had. a I
joou case wunoui ii. tnat tnese oniciaia
were' a3 bad" r'ei,f ihd'ihat he 'Avould'.tiof
iruii therri.- - " czii
- ; ' 1 t
, ( arflval fron Ft. Henrtitjjs
stated hat not less than 200 of the Ne
bfaskaCavalry were captured" yesterday
by "the rebels, whoVere under Clay King,
instead -of Jeff. Thompson as first reported
A "strong force has been sentin pursuitof
therebela--, .J , , r .::rvrr7.,-' r .-'i II
"? The rumor of the evacuation 'of Corinth
and its otcupation by. the f ederabforees.
Is reflated by very arrifal cf deserters.
The opinion gains ground that : there" vrill
be'rio general engagement at or rnear;Ee
present nosftipn cf ih'e'rvvo'afm'ies. "" ;
!, A naval engagement took place jtt Ft;
Wright, oh. Saturday, la ?ting one -,ho"urv
One rebel boat was sunk-and - two blown
tip. Only two of our boats vereengagt;
' Gen. Wdol; With a force of OOOrcross
ed ib Willoughby Point; Fnda'yy night,
atid ' affected a landing in' the "morning,
and .commenced their marcher .Norfolk,
fivilmiles from "the landing. The r rebel
battery was stationed on the opposite side
of: Lowden'a CreeV. f. After a. few, shots
the rebels retreated, after.i burping the
bridge, u which' compelled the Federal
troops ib.'march rotirid''iive "miles further.
At 5'o'clockinr the1 afternoon, withm li
hhbri distance of - the city of Norfolk; our
forces ' wef e: met Kyf the f citizens, tvo
formalfy surrendered the city. Our troops
imarched iri and ,cpw -hold possession.
,(jeh.; Veile co'mmahds as "Military Gov.
V?0lv.,rt r:T it "In.'A'r.y.i.z: vt:il
Jf either Qity or .Navy Yard wai burned.-'
Gen Huger,Mcomroandicg 'rebel 'forces,
withdrevviihout.'a fight;.: v'l." tiznoi.
JTh ' "fprrimac 'ivajt' blown" tih'atflve
ter in hand ? XansaS Chief.
The NorfoV (-Vaf) Day-Book is aston
ished, bewildered, amazed at the idea
that New Orleans Fas been captured by
the Yankees Hear it:
' - 'ThVtelegram -tellsthls morninif ihe
most deplorable tale ever heard in Amer
ica orwebelievet in. the .whole world.
Two" contemptibierlittle steamers have
come-uto the-wreat City xf New Or-
leaosrriDbabited by a population of
000 souls, defended by miles upon miles
bl c"Gl tmToia J aTa nd"r ffl ed 'c a n n on ,posse ss
ing sixriloa(ing, latteries of - immense
PP-w?r an, containing, within, her bosom
not less' than 30,00Q .disciplined troops-,
and' 'iik fe" commanded 'the authorities td
haul dowfi r the Confederate fiag ! The
troops were immediately withdrawn" lest
the'y.mJght feel disposed to demur, al! the
defences on the lake were 'dismantled,' ihe
uns -.were .- thrown - down without being
injured,- the steamers,-; - which could have
gotten np steam in an hour and been off,
were burned,"! and the; defenders were
drawp ''tp' a , dr$iartr. paints Npyef,
sine' tha' wof Jab'ega h ."was their ftich a
transactibri.'" '; ' :
' - . ' TW 'jr- -r .'
- Mr, Vooaiits.' ' I would like 16' ask!
IraVe a doube The facuha't all themod, the i reason; why the:- gentleman from
rennsyirania jir.,oiooBnEADj rues not
dtfendi.CoL lilack ,froix?!.sush an assault
as ihat,whirjij'i3 severer;; thar,, yfhaj h
felt, called, upon-jo notice, upaii this side
of the House 7 . " -.' - 0 ) .;-r. ,7
"Mr. .Daily. ' It sajd ih , the .Scrip,-,
tureslh?) t. ,T.t, r,r ,,. .f.
"vnileiit ar)j)ijiloyt Ia Wo 'T
.The n.'ebt Kinaex;Buy-Tturn. ' i :.'J'.I i';,.
"Mr. LovtJoYr" I "feel bound so inter-
tate. rnrn c'veji 'Jromt the'slave". States
joined the , free Stata; party , is, sutne'ent
evidence that the border. riifiiais-vere. in
the wronj?i Jimr-ljane-wrnt to Kansas
n-ro-slil e rV Democrat ."TTHe" -aT'jeen
the.iJol -of ' the Democratic party 'In Iridr
una where i:o c:Tice ' :ia'AHe ;'gKi of" the
jnirty was loo good forhiml r A: short slay
in Kaunas wa ?" utlicient to rive hini. to
the oppciite pariy,: becomingj' as -zealous
a. Hepublicanj.'s he ever had, been a ,Dem
fcrat.., Ketder ya a leniDirati irpicited
Uovernct oo Jvacsns.oy:r;erce. lienciea
witln ihe SlurSryC party'; until'-afterttjeL
ivreerirg-'ot the'firil'LegrsIatijre'i whenlit
t4canielisgl!steX'"wiuvi iKe Var1y ' lefiir,
nd was removed. " Geary wis appointed
iioverncr. .His prejudices were withtne
avetc pariyj and for a long time he held
'fast to .Uieir side but .finally came, over
Shannon vvae Govcjpor.for a fQW aveks,
lutiwas so imbecile : that: therres'ident
.had to remex-e him.i At lasl'Biichanan,
delefmined to fin3lrieii who could be de-
, r f i
pended upon to do thebiddirTg cf the ad-;
vocafeYef tlavefy appointed Walker, cf
Mississippi,' Governor, 'arid Stanton, of
Te n n e s s e , Secretary, but even the y2 aft e r
holding out" as long" as their consciences
would allow, were compelled o (ollow in
the footsteps of their predecessors.
"It Dut evSite 4hat offeoceg troe, buy-woe lo
tbat man Ij irbcta th effeaco comethJ', . A -',t
filtMs jist, the duty cf the patriot to in-
qtiire.;tIreiiier or not there are ba'uV inen
cac ide that he is fighiiag,' but "merely
whether the" cause he is nghting'for is'just.
KansaV (rontaiiis some - of tlie'" be:t; a"
some'ef trie !jvorsV nTen'at -cpuld tie
found in the United, "Stales, 'and no dou'bt,
cimes. are sometiraes commuteu. uyuie
men' belcngjng to the Free State, rarty
oiit'.of revenge for whal they had, fuffer-
fered: - War .devebps the;worst pa,$!0us
of th human' heart. ' There ceveravas
anv-' war' with 'any 'reoplV -63
cause, however j ibi. in which there were
not lad men ! on both"" sides ; 'and ' myth
;.vii nut ul niero' revenue. Un in
all' cases the responsibility rests pnncip;il-
lv with the partv that caused the war,.
t) course'strict' discipline should be c n-
-. : - i:vl
fect'd to. preyept wantgn outrage pp eilli-
. ; hut for several .months: pastiLe mijli-.
tarp "p9Yer': tj:at we?9 .!ati.on?da
Leavenwcrth'ntete xncn.r tLCJorsing: atl
the UacV. ce'cVcxlcT. ccaflisiticd
by the Pro-slavery party in Kansas. TheJ
xere cVnscq uemlV rrei udTced VgaTns t all
Free State men, ready "to, imprbou'iEem
cn.-any pretext Avhau-ver. Thtre ,
raar.y ' who,.ilouU- .the " loyalty t "Ten.
SuTgis -r.ere.Vhc - St. Lcuhi lilcputiic'ar,
i::::ts that h? r-ade'2C"i-:,D"i?i:reeti-r
posefin Jbehalf cf "the Scri)ture. Laugh
Mr. DAiLY rlP1s a'gbod .doctrine,
any."uav. it ougnt to ne mere - n u' is
now r.Uhavei read. i) atts.aod; the -Bible
so niuch tcgthef hat. I ) sometimes mis-:
t r r m -t
taue one, tor. ine ;qtner.r yi Laughter.j ?
riow.. 1 youLd say,- :uri lie ry l a regard , to
GovIBIa'ck; He Vvastan appointeetof Mr
Buchanan.' 7 The "martial an'J tbe sccreV
tar-y (iMr.'.jVIortoo) were!aIso "Btichana'ri
men.; 'They, were 'all ofthetn B.reckin'
ridge Democrats, and a large thajoriryof
them are now in 'the" rebel 'army. ' ; But
Mr. Black when' bur'na'.ional difficuhres
arose,' .broke-friendship "with these '6ld
friends,-and.went back to his!natire.iown
of Piltsburgi where. he raised a lice regf
irnent ; and we heard 'of - hitn: r,the pother;
day as being the first man to enter the
cnemy" wojks at Xorktown. - j
, Ir.'IoETdrrl ' Iihink he would, have
been there arieast the second man iq if
there was as certain knowledge that ihjere
was whisky there as there was that ttiere
was no enemy" there. '.
- M r.: D k 1 1 Y : I -Tha t hb ws , IM xl S pe'ak
er, the rharacterrof raeh. .' I do not reply
to it.r I do ;not b;lieve.:if. the gentlemen
hunted the :Territory from? one ,'endtof
i.t, to the other could find five Democrats,'
who. would not say.on their word of hon
dr. that they knew that XwaSj'elected and
that.'Mr. Mortdtr "was; pot, They alt
know it.'" : They1 all admit" it 'ihere?-
There is; no ' doubt'of 'it.10 They all un
derstand the j' point which" cha"nge"d :the
election:".--: lcks .a-:-: to
i oil
Emancipation Society cf the State
- - ,. 1 ... T II ICC AMfil V V
;l This "society is being;- formed in" St;
Louis. - If 13. intended to have1 brapchs
,r: r v . --i-t r,"'ri '"-''C ,,t ' ' '
in every portion of the -State, ne ex
tract the following fru'tn jts Constitution I
' Believing the; institution of , slavery, to
be detrimental to jhe.mcrnl, and material
interests of Missouri, and a serious im;
ped i m e n I ' t o th e gr o w th a hef d e ye 1 op m e n t
of her resources,, and that itsabolishmen
by tbe'people'of 'the 1 tate would prove,
fruitful of blessing to ourselves and" our
posterityvwe iheVefore "form :and consti
tule cmrselveiti' 'society-conization to
further; by ill tH:Jpcrr-ariil lawful ?mtans;
the JcroancipatiOrtJ Dl:tbe:5avs:'inlthe
7.1 .oil TrPRircii
: The. pledge tr bnatipnccT: P.per'
ip shall be a? folbws:nc7;ji:5
j r. uo soiemmvTPieuKe mv.jiuij
-SrrcitjU'to New YJrk papers! say-Kat
Gen. "McD'Jweil i's organizing the- fugi
tive blacks icto coapaaicsJundtT oilieers
cf tbf siLiiiC colorj fcf -bbcr.:ard fses-
iir.e :cf prDmotion
:'ued -a 'regular
l.iv, and ;ne ration,
amen licm, puu ,y, , -;
to full. day T.H'urers
rth to
I.v i. I w. 1
oVibat I wllsiippor; ,ihe Consittui.ion of
the" United' Statts" arid of 'the State 'of
Missoaft that I ;wi!V hottake ; up arms
against ' the- government Jivf the (Umt'ed
States 'rior 'the -'-govern me cf of the State 'ot
"Missouri, nor'ive aid nor'crjiifort tothe
enemies' x;ither; a'nduat I 'will, to4he
best of rJy ability, faithfully demean ray
felf$ fi inember ;cf this Society arri, fur
ther ih oljPCt .irKi,iu; ere Jt:; thereofj y:
, j si j;MBEriHtr-- -r 3 ; i
. . All yhitV mil e !.persoas"o( the ..age :.o;
eighteeu. years' n'nd upward? hiay.'becptne
inenibers of the Society, ,'up cnjtheir'beitjg
prop'sea. ur :nicn memtership by some
triem'ber of gorl standing in the Society,
Death" Rallicr than Slavery.. ;
n Somebody in ae.uer.f ron pur.
Tennessee, .narrates a tragedy at a slave
auction .as follows;:; vzHi:..h c :Irrr-
'AVweek- ox t,wo since, a c large and
rather intelligent. mulatto was taken from
his wife .ud children, and sold to a Texas
planter at James mart.,; He; was greatly
depressed, and seemed for a time uncon
scious of everything passing around him.
Arlasihe aroused 'himself froiri his In
trospection; j'and asked"; if he ' Had been
sold , and to- whom ? ' Th'ec name of 1 tKe
planter was'given.' and the location'of 'his
plaatation. : cri ?;ivn;
1 : Atl ex pression. of agony f-i succeeded by
a cloud .-of "ispair, passed over he-man's
fac? i- buf without- sp-akingt he:iked
quietly jnto the middle ofthe streetr'and
before ;auy one could ..divine. -his, motive,
or 'anticipate his" intention'he. '4rew a
pistol which he had j concealed "upon , his
person, and placing the4 muzzle lo'bis
forehead; pulled the trigger: ; :ia' :
'""The tipper jart of "the mulatto's head
was fairly' blown cfT; and he fell a man
gled corpse -in' the midst of-ther crowded;
thoroughfare." r ? n niiMjD r.i ii
-'-The bondsman; was free,h.Suicide had
saved him, from Slavery. ,b t, foD::r.T
-The r crowd - gathered :( for a moment
about, the body. ... A few asked, What
the'devil Was the matter' with the niggerf
vomers ooserve: "ineuy-u nigger
must have been crazy": ?: and '"fie Teas
planter :sworeN fbitndly-'sayTng, 'D"n
the cursed df.rkey. ' I could havesold him
for. a 'ihoasand "dollars. ' crm'ju'st so" mu h"
out of pocket. If he'd come to life again,
I'd -give-hinr Forty lashes." "
:' But the crowd went '.hurrying "on,' and
the negtoV and. the great , tragedy. deeper
and; more 1 awful .than "Othello were
forgotten y.and'the heroic' martyr . was
was hauled away like a prison dog.r -;
fahei' al'thi . Second Session 'of the Viirty
.retina ae-ScvM Congress y-v- ' : -';
, C r. . , V n ! . t . - -, -; ' ---,'
t i- .'i-t C i l 1. 11 ' - ' - A - -
i Fp. Public Jfst. 45,';, -. .; ;
AN ACT Jo rcuretotbayfficeriand men ac
! tually ;'e'Tn plowed,, in the . Western Depart--(
- ment'ofMissouritheif ' pay, bountv and
j eiisidn.? Wjiiu a.i c - I'H-;.'-: r - n
! ;J3e;ittnacM,br tbe Senate4 and IJocse of
IlcprPSctativc3 of-the United States of Am
ferica in "Aggress assembled, .That the Secre
tary of Yat be and he M hereby 'authorized
and required toallow and pay to tbo officers,
IKJH.-C0IU missioned cfHcer?, musicians and pri
vate. n;ho have beea heretofore actuallv em
ployiu tbrnilitarv servicj.of. theUuited
States, Vvhether . mustored into a JuaL service
pr iioti'where their j?erv fees were" accepted and
hctiially employed by" ths generals whj have the department of tha
West, or the deparimenf, of the Maouri, tha
pay and Jxmuty as ia cases pf jegular ; enliit
Uielib v ', ",m". " V,', .y-i . , ' .
I ' Bed. -And be it fuTtber enacted, -That the
iofficei8. fa on-torn missioned ofneers,-musicians,-ft.d
privates so em plo-ed, vho nia v have been
' 1 1 - . . 4 j. t . . .
wouuaeu prvncapacuiea or eeryioe, ehaU.oa
rr t " i trl tn. AnI miAiiTA U a . 1 1 . 1
o'clock on Saturday morning t'-" -- " . . wea
.rT. - i-Tvr v- 1 " ""t";l"' ?-KdShtSi ,ioyilea,,'f Bat the. length
he i Monitor anc augatuck gunboats m,(v character of,their,dr.Iistment an J service
have gonoO Norfole.V n. WV J 'f 1 uc ;td ttitlrthem tinaer-existirg law
"-J ; --: .'.':" ?y "'' ;- ;-' -- -'- to such pension. .'V . .":.'A
A!idbeit.Ciy;, That
the heirsqf thosQ killed Jn jattle, orof-thaie.
xiho may -b aye xlied- from wounds .'received
1 while soii)'sei'CPl,8hal he entitled to receive
t he. bcply and pay to.which. tbey would hive
been Vetitle'd liad theyTbecn, Tregularlj mus
tered into service r Provided,; That the boon-'
ty ftrtd; pay referred "to la this actihill not1 be
pojablc. unjess-i their "term of enlistment- and
service bejbf such djiratiou aa to entitle them
to recefve the same,-according to existing laws.
Approved, March 23, 18G2,
AN'ApTj,tafacilitpte.'jadical 'procoedraga in
.adjudicatioiis upon -captured property,; and
.for ihe", 'better admiuistratiotfof the law of
:pnze;'::" J" c J
0 :u it 'nacte-by the Senate and Horisa. of
Eepresehtatives of the Uoited States of I Am-'
erica ia X"9ngres assembledjjThat whenever
any property captured as prize shall be brought
into any "district 'bf the' United, States for., ad-.
judication,-U sbkTI be theilutj of the-prize
commissioners ior such district forthwith to
receive.-seal, nnd tisfely keep tlie 8ame,:.UQtil
process sballbe issued out of, the courts under
which the same; shad he placed in the custody
of Ihe marsb'al ; of such 1 district.',' It 'shall be
the furthsr duty of sait prize commissioners',
atjthatirae'pftakipgi.such possession, and
and from tjroe. to-jtime; pendiDg the adjadica
t Ion, to'- examine "iuio the., condition of said
property,' and leport to the court if the same,
or"anj:p'ari thereof, be perishing or perishable,
or deter jofaticg in value J and if the same be
so found r. by.; the' rcourt, iopon said report- or
qtber evidwice.the court may there upnn order
an inteyiocu'tc?ry;."sale tbefeoj' by,y tlie , Uoited
States marshal, and the deposits of the gross
proceeds of Vucbf salc: -in the registry of he
court to abida the further order !of : the court,
wbethtrjt clim'said," in-ojerty has or has
not been .interposed,;.! It shall be the further
duly , of the'.said prize commissioners .to re
ceive fromthe prize' master all the papers and
docauifnts; "and forthwith to' proceed to take
thejestiraony vf the: witnesses prescribed by
law. pursuant to the rules Jmd Under the inter
rogatories adopted by the court, and-separate--
tely from each other and unattended by coun
sel, and the said papers,' documents and testi
monv; Securely to teal with their seals, and as
poou as. practicable deposit iaT tbe registry of
the court-; and therealter, prom ptly and. with
out ouiieqessary, delay rf the court shall proceed
to hearing and adudicatIon.' ' '.
-Sec. I!'. - And be It further enacted .'.Th at all
reasonable and proper" "claim'and charges' for
pilotage,-towage, wharfage, storage, iusurance
and other-expenses incident to tha hringjpg in.
: and. sale cusiodyand sale 01 the property cap
iurea ras prize, biiau oe a etiargy upon the
same" f ncf ' h a vinV been-r and i ted and" rIIo wed
by .thfe coart;'.'6h"alV1n event of a decree of
cticdemnatiyir cir cf. restitution on paymerttof
costpbe paidjout-of the proceed of . 'any" sale.
cf Ihe pronertv, hual or interlocutory-, in -the
cublody .pf tbe court. In case or a decree o(
restit&tion upWay'rhebi of cos'swhere no'
, sale has been inadeJ stich c bathes and expense
shall vcmetittitf; part of reaid'Cust io to pail by
tbeain"aut,M4.i( f, ,2 rC!'r?r trM
1 Sed.J.'3 And be it' furtlier enacted .That the
prize-commissioners, and a'sd the, dislnctat
tdrScy,"actmg TOr thelTiru'ed" States,' and" "the
ecmn s el, cf or the "1 cap to rs; ball 1 en ti tied - A 0
receive. u5it"audf Hiitible"! compebsationlfor
. . A Nuisance..
i Fort Leavenworth, instead of being ah
advantage and' d'-mea'ns .of 'protettioti iq
Kansas, has ever been .Tilled :with those
who have been her oppressors. ; When
the Democratic, party .went jnto 'bblivionj
it was expected that this order cf . things
"would be changed; and that the people of
Kansas would te Iniade toifeeLihat they
had friends ia, the Fort -especially so,
as jtvansas was tne means or . oriDgipg uie
Republican party into power. . .' But thus
far, the. country has beeti disappointed.
Siurgis,' Denver and'Prince, are ihe'nilers
at: the'A Fort; ' Tli ey alf three haie -the
f ree people of -Kansas.''1 Denverj although
tt jVbridu sry-'obnoxious to thVm 1 ; has "b e n
twicedbrust vipori theru as nuliidry 'cbin
rrander. If any ihin- could justify "loyal
6f icers! in resigning, I and; re ti riog f torn
the field,: rli isiuch-acisjisjihejabose.-
Stursii.ndiPnacej heartily dispiser'i-Abi
ont?wist"w-aqd;-v dihckj Pepublicas,
iqd ... .wouljriy day r prefer 'ihatja traitor;
jnurdefer. should go unpunished "thact that
an Abolitiohits" should feeT "tliaf He 'is P,&o. Lnder their rule,-loyal men
are keenly" watched and kept tightly tindpr
the ;thumb of ' the 'military while traitors
sialE-abroad,'' enjoying 'the fullest protec
tion. Let'4 a" r loyal -ih'ati ' raise a : hand
against a traitor,' alt he "is arrested as a
Jayhawktr but! let compIainr-:be-rrrade
8gainst;a:traitor, and he pleads tbatiie is
a Democrat,,-w hub. insures bis prole cidn
from -Suirgis, Prince Co.4; . Under rttjeir
direction Government ..i now "axiually
sustaining in this 'a'te one of the: vilest
secession papers. in the whole 'country.
TJen are beginning to
avow, their
secession sentiments ; and if these ctilcers
i emain:in' command 'hree months longer,
i.ueif fceyerjii paiiaj respeciive service in
prize case'or proceeding nnd tha'samo shall
be adjusted1 and determined bv the court up-
ijusted and determined bv the court up
ca due consideration of tbe Tacts and circum
stamps -of eac& case! nd of .the "servlcesactu
ally rendered , therein ; and t lbe same,! w.het
so adjusted, shall, j incase of final . xopdemna
tibn'or '.restitution, onp'aynieutol ' cost, b'e ,paid
out'of'the proceeds of "the paize property in
the'eustody bf'the court, jr'whAi no tale fia
be?n fnad;, jn-wlible .or m- part -as tha court
maydirect tb claimauUr 7 i fulic4)
" Sec 4". And., te' it 'further, .enacted, -That
whcrisbe.vcr.-a Eri?l decree of con Jernhatjon of
properly captnredv: as prize shall' luve been
made, unless an interlocutory sale bas-beerx
made as 'hereinbefore provided' for '," the pro
per! y7sb all' be'g'old cy the United Stale's. roar-'
bL at "pursuant to" the 'practice and proceed Ings
iu' admiralty, and the gross proceeds of tuch
sale shall bir forthwith deposited ia coart; and
thereupon the prize commissioners shaa pro-
fend ravine' su:h initiation fee as the IV-Ut will be "dangerous fur a man to-raise cc-ed, uncUr tho direction of.- tne ccur to tac
I.hws thai! ypccifv, and si-'Minr the 04v- 'his 'cicc '.in: favor of "tM Union; -It is-'aiii re
the court, to thn end that a final decrjs shall
be made determining what public ships cf the
United Staf -s are entitled to share in the
prize, and whether the price was of superior,
equal, or in!V r'01 force to the vessel or vessels
making the capture, 1?.nd Vithin; thir j Uy
after the entry of the sanri the ; clerk c the
co.irt s1 all transmit, t4 tho Treasury o: the
Ui ited ;'tatc-i ihe moneys so deported in court,
t-- .ether. wit:t a ccrtihed cory oi thetsavl de
cree, at":er deductir. 4om said moneys the
costs of court and the charges aud expenses
hereinbefore provided for.
Sec. 5. And b it farther enacted, That the
provisions of this act shall apply as well to
case9 now ; -"pending -to' all future cashes of
maritime captures, ar.d to captures and seiz
ures made. under the hws for the abolition of
the slave trade ; and 'all laws and parts of
laws inconsistent herewith are hereby re
jealed. - Approved, Jfarch 25, 1SC2.'
Pcar c Ko.U7.1
A JT'ACPln additions to an act to refund and
remit the duties on arms imported by States
"approved July ten; eighteen hundred and
; sixty-one. - ; ' '-.
; Be it enacted ly the senate ar,i JJoxtstcf rep
resentatives, cf the Vnitei states of America in
Congress assnnLfnl, That tie authority giren
to the Secretary of the Treasury to refund and
remit the duties arid imposts on all arms .im
ported 'into the United States by or for the ac
count cf any State aa provided in tha act to
which this is an addition, shall extend to arms
for which orders cr contracts were rn.ide prior
to the first dsy of Jantury, eighteen hundred
and sixty-two : Provided, That said Secre
tary shH have satisfactory proofs exhibited
to him that Ihesaid arms were actually pur
chased in a foreign couiitn for account of a
Btair, ..! tht tlie j-3-V-( paid for thm Mtntbv
the State was only tne first cost, and the visual
'and customary charges intending the purchass
and importation of the turns, exclusive of duty.
Approved, April 2,dSG2. 1 . ; , '
' r- -.lPuauco. 48 k r , r
ANUCTto provide lot the equitabl' 'settle-
mer.t of. the accounts of the ofScers and
: rrews pf th frigate .Congress and other ves
! sels. ' J " '
! Be it encutfd-lySifo S&wteaihl -.House cf
Representatives of the" Uitncd states of Jmer
lea," in Congress, 'assembled That the proper
accounting-officers -of the Treasury - be and
they are hereby authorized and directed to
settle,' upon the principles of justice and equi
ty, the' accounts of the oGcer, sailors, mar
ines, and crews of the United States frigate
Congress, the sloop Cumberland, and cf any
othea-Yessel or vessela-of war, the books of
which we'fe lost-or destroyed in cecseqnenoe
of, the naval engagement "at Hampton Roads
on the eighth and ninth of March, hiio Dom
ini one thousand eight hundred and sixty two
Sec. 2 And be it further enacted, That the
Secretary of the Navy be and he is hereby ;
authoiizedta fiimisbta the iailor3,;rharine3,
nnd.xrttwg, ofuny of the vessels engaged in
the, . naval "actions . in-tha foregoing - section
mentioned, whose , bedding, clothing or other
propeTtv-TOs lost or-destroyed thercirrr-with 1
amount'iuCIcitsni "to cover their losses, and I
jnot exceedhig'-sfxty dollars to each raan; to be
paid in ind cr m money, at the di:-crct:onof ;
! flag oSicer of the North American Suad
ron. . - - -f . . ...
I ApprovedApril 2, 18G2' ?
j f ;-v'--PcBuq-No. 49. " : " "
AN ACT to-prohibit thaallowance or pay
! 'me!it of jensions to the children of officers
i and soldiers of the Revolution.
' Be if, "enacted ty y the Senate 'and House 0
Representatives of tlie 'United States if Ameri
ca -, t - Congress asstvibledy .That from and
after the-ptsrage of:tbis act no claim for a
pension, or "or an increase of pension, shall be
allowed irrfaVoi of 'the" children .t otter des
cendant of any person who servr t in the war
of the Revolution, . cr or the , iwow of such
person; when such person or his widow died
without bayjng established a claim to a pen-sion.-'
. -. :-:. -' ,
.Approved.April 2. 1862. ' , ;
. Public Resolution No 23.1
JOINT RESOLUTION for the appointment
of Theodore D. Woolsey, of Connecticut,,
a .Rrge: t (.f the Smithsonian Institution,
iii plactjcf' Cornelius C. Felton, deceased.
Be it-iteeived hj the Senate end House of
Representatives of, the : United' Elates of Amcr
ca, frf Congress assembled: That the vacancy
in the Board of Regents of the Smithsonian
I-istitntiori, of the 1 class trthcr than members
of Congress,-caused by tn& decease of Corne
lius C. Felton, be filled by the appointment of
Theodore Di'-Woolsey, of Connecticut.
Approved April 2, 1862.
Public Resolution No.24.
A RESOLUTION to authorize the President
; to assign the command of troops in the
same field or department to officers of the
same grade without regard to seniority.
Resolved by the Senate and House of Repre
sentatives of the Uniteil States of 'America.' in
Congress ji3srmbleSt i That. whenever, military.
operations may require the presence of two or
more officers rofTLbe same grade, in ihe. same
field or department, the President may assign
the command of the forces in such field or
depaitrrient -without regard to seniority of rank.
Approved April 4, 1862.
?qinite e videnev aRd report tLe. fame jo.
Public- No. 50. , . , .
AiT ACT for the release of certain peens
held fo service or labor in the District of
"'. Columbia! :,' ' -. '
Re it enixcted ly the Senate aud House of
Representative-! of ti United states of Ameri
ca in . Congresss Assembled, -1' hat nil persons
heli to service or labor v.ithin the District cf
Columbia by jeasoa - of African descent are
hereby "discharged and freed of and frorn'all
claim to such service or tabor ; and from and
after the passage of thii acE r iicitUer slavery
nor involuntary servitude, except for crime,
whereof' the "party Vnall be duly' convicted,
shall hereafter exist in said District
v'Sec. 2.-And be'it further enacted, That
all persons loyal ta the United Stated, holding'
claims to' Service or labor against persons dis
charged therefrom by this act, may, within
ninety days t'romfthei passage' thereof," but not
thereafter, present io the commissioners here
inafter mentioned thair respective statements
or petitions j.irr writing, '..verified by oath or
affinnattou, .setting forth the namej, ages, and
personal description of such persons, the man
ner in which said petitioners "acquired such
claim, and any facts touching the value there
of, and declaring his allegiance to the Govern
ment of the United rStates, and hat he has
not borne : arms against the United States dur
ing the .present 1 rebellion, nor in any way
given, aid or comfort thereto : Provided, That
the oath of ihe party, to the petition shall not
be evidence 6f the facta therein stated.
Site's.- And be it further enacted. That
the 'President :'of the United States, with the
advice and consent' of the Senate,'' shall ap
fxihl :'lhre';3 'commissioners," residents "of the
D strrct of-: Columbia, any two of whom shall
have-power tact,-who shall receive the peti
tlba.al0f emthtieLbd,"and 'wEd shall UteslE
gate and dctertam.e the . validity and value of
the-c'aims therein presented,' as afjresaid, and
appraise and apportion, tinder the Toviso here
to annexed, the value inmoney of the several
claims by themfquud to be valid : Provided,
however That the entire sum so appraised and
apportioned shall no. exceed in tie aggregate
an amount equal to three hundred dollars for
each person shown to have been so held by
lawful claim: And provided, further. That no
claim shall be allowed for any slave or slaves
brought into said District after th 3" passage of
I tbia act nor fur any !ave claimed by nry per
son who h?.s borr.s arms ugVmst the Govem
ment of the United States in the present rs-b-.Hion.'or
in any way srWen "aid or, comfort
thereto, cr which rig": c'.: as in or ty virtue of
any transfer heretofore, or which shall
h tiretr. "ter lie made by s iv len : who has in
jtny mannei a: Ted or ftaiue-: the rebellioa
rgainftthe Governmer (.f th? United States.
"Sec. 4. An.l be it Tjrther enacted, That
slid commissi ncrs sh , within r-r.e months
from the parage of this act.Tnike a full and
fiinal TeyoTt of their proceeding?, finding?, and
appraisement, and shall dellvcr.the same to
the Secretary of the Treasury, which report
shall bo deemed and taken to be corclnsive
in all respectJ, except as hereinbefore provid
ed ; and the Secretary of the Treasury shall,
with like exception, cause the amounts so ap
portioned to said claims to be paid from the
Treasury of the United States to the parties
found by said report to be entitled thereto n3
aforesaid, and-the sam z shr.l be received hi
full, and. complete compensation: Provided,
That in cases where petitions may be filed
presenting conflicting claims or hettins up
liens,, said .commissioners shnll so specify, in
their report, and payment shall not be made
according to the award of said commissioners
until a, period of sixty days shall have elaps
ed, dutiiig which time any petitioner claiming
an interest in the particular amount may file
a bill in equity in the Circuit, Court . of. tha
District of Clurni:a, makicg all other claim
ants defendants thereto, setting forth the prj
ceedings in such case before said commission
ers and their action therein, and praying that
the party to whom payment his been awarded
may -be enjoined from receiving1 the same;
and if said court shall grant such provisional
order, a copy thereof may, on motion of said
complainan, be served upon the Secretary of
the Treasury, who shall, thereupon cause the
aid amount of mnnay to La paid into Said
oourt,. subject to its orders and hnil decree,
which payment shall Ie in.full hud'cemplete
compensation, as in ether cases
Skc. 5. And be it further enacted, That said
commissioners shall hold their sessions in the
city of Washington,' al such place and times
as the President cf: the United States - may
direct, of which thev shad give due and pub
lic notice. They shall have power to subpoena
and compel the attendance of witnesses, and
to receive testimony and enforce its 'produc
tion, asin civil cases before courts of justice,
without the exdus?on of any -witness on ac
count of color;- and they may summon bj
fore them tha persons making claim toservico
or labor, and examine them under oath ; and
they may. also, for purposes of identification
and appraisement, call before them the per
sonsFO claimed. Said comrais'oners Rhalt
appoint a clerk, who shall keep files and com
lete record of all proceeding before them,
who shnll have power to administer oatb3 and
affirmations in said ptocedings, and who shall'
issua all lawful process by them ordered.
The Marshall of tha District of Columbia
shal personally, or by deputy, attend upon
the sessions of said corrttniss loners, and shad
execute the process issued by said clerk. -
' Sec 6. And be it further enacted,4-That,
said commissioners shall receive m compensa
tion for their services the sum cf t-vo tKon
6and dollars eab, to be paid uion the 'filing
of their report; that said clerk shall receive
for his services two hundred dollars par month;
that said marshal shall receive such fees as are
hl'owetl by l""" ini'r WrvtcM reformed
by him in the Circuit Court in the District of
Columbia; that the Secretary of the Treasury
shall cause all other reasonable expenses of
said commission to bof allowed, and that said
compensation,.fees and .expenses shall ta paid
from the treasury of the United States.
' Sec. 7. And be it further enacted, That
for the purpose cf carrying this act into effect
there is hereby appropriated, out of any money
in the treasury not or'uer wise-appropriated, a
sum not exceeding one million dolla.'S., .
! Sec. 8. And, be it further enacted, That
any person or persons who shall kidnap, or in
any manner transport or procure to be talen
out of said District, any person c persons dis
charged and freed by the provisions of this
act, or any free person or persons with intent
to re-ensiave or sell such person or persons in
to slavery-, or shall re enslave any of said freed
persons, the. person or persons so" offending
shall be deemed -gniliy of -a- felony, and on
conviction thereof in any court of competent
jurisdiction in said District, shall he imprison
ed in thet emtentiary not less that five nor
more than twenty year?.
Sec. 2. And be it further enacted, That
within twenty days, or. within such farther
time as the commissioners herein provided for
shall limit, after tha : passage of this act,-a
statement in writing br schedule shall be filed
with the clerk of tlie Circuit Court for .the Dis
trict of Columbia, by the 4 several owners or
claimants to the services of the persona made
free or manumitted by this act, setting forth
the names, agfs, sex and particular discrip
tion of such persons," severally; and the said
clerk shall receive ar.d record, jn a book by
him to be provided and kept for that purpose
the said statements or schedules on receiving
fifty cents each therefor, and no claims shall
be allowed to any claimant or owner who
shall neglect this requirement.
Sec. 10. And bait further enacted, That
the said clerk and his successors in office shall,
from time to time, on demand,, and on receiv
ing twenty-five' cents' therefor; "prepare, sigrr
and' deliver to each person so made fre.or
manumitted by this act, a certificate under the
seal of said court, settii-g ont the name, age
and description of such person, and stating
that such person was duly manumitted and
set free by this act. '. . .1 ' ' !.
'."Sec. 11. ; And b-3 it further." exacted,' Tba't
the sum of cno hundred thousand dollars, out
ofany money in the treasury not otherwise
appropriated, is hereby appropriated,-to be ex
pended under, the direction of tha President
of the United State?; to aid in the coloniza
tion and settlement .of .suchs. free . persona of
African descent now residing in said District
including those to be liberated by this act, as
may. desire to emigrate to the -Republics, of
JLav ti, or Iiixru wt .t- r- t !
yond the limits of the United States A3 the
President may determine:' Provided,- That
tha expenditure for thi purpose fchall not ex
ceed one hundred dollari for each emigrant.
Sec. 12." And be it further 'enacted, That
all acts of Congress and ail laws of the State
of Maryland in force in said District, and 'all
ordinances of tha 'ciiies of Washington and
Georgetown, inconsistent with the provisions
of this aci,'are htreb)r repealed. ; '
Approved, April 1(, 1G.J. -
cf Davii hv-c
mies. II 5 r
inaignant, -caastcg the ci?rrT " r-.
an early departure. Wh u
the -V.bvrs,.- the prisoter rJ'Ti
1 r r
1 j. .
fectcJ by - the sigLt of
observable, and shuidered wh
at his cqt:?n.
After the rcpe wrt?.a.-iii54.:
neck, prayer was offered us U V
a Jlrge; iAttheron4"V
cap was drawn ever his eyPj'.'va'v
previously said farewell t sp,"? l
sons standing ty. Th signal t;-' '"
en, the trigjr that' su;tair"d th?'."'
drawn, and it struck aainn tCJ' 'r
with a loud sound. 0vin-r r.':
cotton-rope, the noose slirpd
clar foil mi hie Kiil. t it. "
half-hti2:g end partial! v.u.
speedily raised and assisted
new rope being, ready, h
- a-"o "iiu uit ji
This eccurrei ar:llrJ-3 'jV.v'- . p":
minutes later we left the gronj
body vwas still suspended; Je'
about one minute. -----., " "
! ; Webster;-who had-p?5rrt7 of
Confederate State Treasury XyJst
it all to his wife the ni'n hefrv-"'
ecution. He m the enpirr.,'
one of the " departments here ss a T
carrier between this citv r j . f
It is said hc-v true we kncT r.
he used to take the letters receiI- "
to Washington, where thev w
and the answers received w -
the.same"way, thus being u:J SJ er;
a?ainst the pirtis,: as! iCv'"'
found to iusu- t-jji v
and incarceration in IvirtL.rn p3-7"
Suspicion was first ex :it'1 ani;j "
prisoner by the stile of Lis 3 '".
against Lewis and bctuiy, and
the cat out of the bag c:,- him af-?
convicttoi- Airs n ei r.x, uha .
rested along" with heK'-landasarV
still at Castle GooJum- '-twill roJ
be sent out of th Co .. acv.-.
who sellsjiie cheapest c::;
; D E N
vzzzz 13 it that tor prscnAss T3C
i . cr Points?
-4. I
: : AT DEN'S, i
i . I . . . . . .1 I
. Taa Wi.3T ALSO TII? FLNEil P.i'i
!. . AS 0 QaVS,
sesps o?r n ND.
D E N ' S
" DCCB. AM fAYS TfT lH-MlKS? P4IC1 j
rem FoarT Ta tt
Execution of Timothjr Webster on
-Xliarsc of being a Spy.
On the 2d of April the ""court-martial
: ' D E N ' ' I
SelLs'tlic BEST and CHEAPO
::.'.l"i Q'u o'E's.-';
Tn r-i T1T7TT e-ll-i TTtrP rvt-1
iaTjcfalf Ctcap and Gc:i
- I
BeaT)'8rand Howf
Oliionrjo, XX1
nili'e'eVhri.?" sr.... O h a" ZrVx
M l vi 1. b t a r i : ft t ft . ni r r pr en r t :"' -.
esteil in other inacliue. C. 11. JlcCormr:!
Bfartaj at the ritftof 8,CJ per SJ..M
have ben afoot yt itarin; tbe at ef"' ",..,
the McCormick" i pre'; J with "
tbaa ever belre.. As roj;rr
. ... i i i -
' r;-1 ? ; f i :
Strength, Durability
gie it p'efcrence ever I1 otl en . . 't f -iWel,
hive materUMr lrs-" ,J? r fM"
nd s.obrife.j ihe tiJe drjtcht U ,m:l4,
t&t it n-,t p-r xit. ThedS u.
U io liht that In nameron? inU"C'!n.
horse maoUine la worked wi;i Dut t con
convened for the trial of Timothy Web
ster .13 an alien 'enemy. Col. NaL Tay
lor being; President of the same'.
The courtx having maturely .considered
the evidence adduced, and two-thirds oo
curring therein, they found the jrisoser
guilty of the charge. "
"On the announcement cif hispproach
ing fate, the prisoneras we heargrew
defiant, thinking no doubt, that he wou!d
notbe hunGT." He also said ha could make
c0V0,., Jmo Ur,.r n.inMmsM I important. w
4'5halr in tnir- lackRta bv his reve a. in
lions, but he made -none up to his last
hour, J Learning on Monday night .that
there was no show .for him, he became
completely unnerved. Ha was carried to
the Fair.Grounds as early as six o'clock
yesterday morning, by Capt Alexander,
but prior to that time-received . af visa j
from the Rev. Mr. Woodbride.
: asked the clergyman t- r-a l - h PaTm '
. ron nowise
' - ' . jf1
Tha .-!, nnt 1,"2 will alT ,?4' '
- - n,- eofia w
- . .r"M
V . .. . j ...A. r-,.:rit tf
pra, wni;eoar nc- rf( .
lortgert- an-! taiiitea ciovet r r.7
chines rail. '' .norr-!;
There ia a rt mmiw a
edge oer lb siud-i, a u i f frrJ
to often, than savin tinse. Our 9rt t
rwt thonfrti n enure irv't wl'
ir not oiinr i" !.:-.
h !e-i ' b-C'IIie Uu:!. OH' .,arf
and in the repeat M triaN M:et he e
tm time from twelve w eu i-eeJ 1.!,'l;if(':L
-1 tt ?''-
Our Alower can -,9 u-"d
all purchaer. we wu.-JX . X, 1.
who may t, are a 'h., ,nd
ttirongh th harvest wUJi aar '"r'
lur the ons preerrel.
rp!'s with mil dwer.ri-n jt.;i
testi iboii.aU i-c., ei be bj-J
rrtTTT'ri TTTTiL. A