THE DAY SCHOOL 3ELL. ir.r. DAY PCIT'OL-J'KM- -A Kew-fi ngiag B.ok fori.y i hobla, taJod ILli LAV Ci:OOL tLi-Wi r Jr- 11 contains about SOU "just of cb"ice Soups. So lon. Round. Ca'c m, ltu-t, lno, taarteU nuci Chit-rutt-, marry if U.- a written txpi.--ly for tl. is work, betides 32 rat" cf the .lt-nui.ts i.f iiiUxic. The E!e- . ineutf are so y and proprt-f-sive that ordinary teach tm will f.wJ f t-cm.-lve ri,iiiciy ttcof'ful ia instruct In even you? n,tiv'r to -iu correctly ai.d etieuiia cally, while Lc tuue- and words embraces ush a vari ety of lively, itractive,sntf-Tonl ktjrin? music and aeullsieU list no trouble will tie fxrerie';civl in StkIi ciQg all beginners to so tu with seal in acuirinc tki'.l in one of . ti e most beaUb-pivir.!-, beauty linprovine, brilPtK jifMirp, and oroer jroduclr.s eJ.ercik if actioo! hf. ! wmpliatycf it Klcmenu. In variety and adaptation of iiiumc, and in exrelionce and number .t Mb B-h?, original, -.ele--ed, and adapted, it idaiais by mwh t exce4 all c-jTnre;itors. It will t-e found to be ti e e.t t-oi t ever iuej for err-manes. Academies, and Pub.ic S. tr-.o!s. A few T2:;!e yzpei tit the ele ments, lane and -hour are civcu 4i. a circoUir; send audtetoue. It is compiled by Uorace Water, author of -'ibath School Bells," K a. 1 and 2, which have had the euorruous tale of 655 00 c i. Prices paper txivern 20 ct.j $liper hundred; LmuuJ 3'J ttnU . jer hmdrcd; clotfi bound, c!nbosed pill 4a rents : &30 ' per bundl ed. 25 .opies furnishe 1 at the one hundred price. Mailf-.l fret at the re'all price. ' juniors nr rnc ThePav i kOol Lell.' The tunes are lively, and aiitb a may be easily metered by children. The spirt of the aouis U rriexcc-ptionaiiie and well adapted to the chool room. It is the cteapc-t an J anions the best cnmpends of school music published. A'cv York Teacher. - Pay School Bell This bookie eminently adapted to in our comi)i"n schools. We nave a preat number of school anni books before Jhe pub lie, but many of them lack uiucal a well aa hte " rary taste, and are really demoralizing in their in9u ence upon the mnoical lalent of he yoiuj. Aira of ac- knowlex'j-ed excellence, welded to word of true poetry, re the qualities that ought to be nought with the great est care in the preparation oi a school song book.- This book aeema to combine theae two uualitiea. Ptnntyl var.ta Si hcol Journal. Fubliihe4 by . HORACE WATEE3, n4J-ly. -. . Ko. 4S1 Broadway. KewYork. THE ITAiP OF mCCDOJI.'" Now re&ij,n new ani fnperior collection of 27 Anti- Slavery, l'trioticf and "Contraband" eongs, olos, duct, quartftv and choruses. Most of the, Poetry and !u?ia has been written exjvessly for thia work, to cone?pcnd with tLe times, and should be Bang by the million, in order to av&kea deep Interest in bfbalf cf the 'Contraband V whom God, in his jirurideneo, has cat upon iM l:'re crth to clothe and educate. . COKTENTS, IS PAET. "Fair Freedom's ilorn has dawned ai last:" "Break the Chains, or the ma jcipating Sword ;" 'Fremont is JIarchicg on, or, .JU ry llallelcjah ;" Oh I Help the Contrabanda';" 'CMd John Crown's Song;" "Sonirof the -Contrabands';" "0 Let my Peotla Go f Parody on the "Soug of the Contrabands';'- Where Liberty Dwells is. my country f "When Slavery dies there'll be Freedom;" "Wake, Freemen, iod Lag spoken;" "Whitticr's suppreised Song of Freedom," etc. lYice only 6 cents single, 0 cents per doien, $3 per 100 I poe tare I cent. HORACE WATEHS, Publisher. t4t-lj 4 I Lroadway, ew lorK. NEW JIUSIC. 'Shall we Know Esch Other There?" Song or Dnetand Chorus, by llev. J'r. Lowry, author cf r?abbath Bells Chi on." This song is good. Price 25 cents, mailed free. A pianist in attend ance to try Lew jr.asic. .. .. nORACE WATEKS, ' - Bl-ly No. 4SI Broadway, Publisher. . THE HORACE WATEIIS PIANOS AND MELODIAJiS, And Alexandre Organs, and T. GILBERT A Co.' celebrated -Eolian Pianos, are the finest instrument, for parlors and churches now in use. A large assort ment can be seen at the new wareroocis, No. 4SI BROADWAY", between Grand and Broome etreetss , which willbft sold at extremely low prices. Pianos and Melodeons, from sundry makers, new and second hand. Second baud Pianos and Melodeons at trreat bargains; prices fnm $25 to $100. Sheet SI u sic, llusic-Bo(iks, and all kinds cf Slusic SIcrchandise, at war prices. A pianist in attendance will try new music. ' oriVIOXS OF THE TKES3. "The Horace Waters Pianos are known as among the very best. We are enabled to speak of these instruments with some degree of confidence, from personal knowledge of their excellent tone and du rable quality." New York Evangelitt. 4l-ly SABBATH SCHOOL BELL NO. 2. 75,000 Copies Sold the First 12 Z.Ionth3 cf its Publication. It issn entire New Work, of nearly 200 pages. Many cf the Tunes and Ilymus were written ex pressly for this volume. It will eooft be as popular as its predecessor, (Bell No. 1 ) which has run up to the enoriacns number of 575.CC0 copies in SO months, outstripping any Sunday Sc hool Book of its size is sued in this country. Also, both volumes are bound in one to accommodate schools wishing them in that form. Prices of Bell No. 2, paper covers, 15 cents, $12 per ICO. Bound. 25 cents. $J8 per 100. Cloth bound embossed gilt, 30 cents, $32 per 100. Bell No. 1, paper covers, 12 cents, $10 per 100. Eound 20 cents, $ IS per 100. Cloth bound embossed gilt, 25 cents, $20 per 100. Bells Nos.l and 2 bound to gether 40 cents, "30 per hundred. 25 copies fur- Dished1 at the 100 price. JCloth bound embossed gilt, 50 cents, $40. per 100. Mail postage free at the retail price. HORACE WATERS, Publisher, nU-ly No;4Sl Broadway, New York. The -Economy; of Using r n v .... . - ......-.,.. I Family Seeing Ilachine. ! . .. I . i .. 1 . ... i i , - 'n-.ef mr'ifne malcj the celefrTated GSOriR tr TiAKEIi S2'r:i.Vbiohha taken lha hi.O-l preu;l- ! ttnat the Illinois State IViir, inepteml er last, at th I irated Sfatea Fair in S:. Lou.f,, in H8J, and at the I princip.e Plate Fair thtoii(.lioiit toe couiitcy; ' !' Competent jnuea part; a uecuuoii m v. ( Kitch. t.n account of its i rat gtreaiftti and adaptation to i all kinds of family aad lai-uufacturiiij: purposes. , Tf.e fullowire Tabie will thow the difference In favor ; of Sewing Mactu-ies oTectheold oie'-hotl of stitching by j. hand.- In the wvrk.iii)- of ifcee iiactiiiies loere io u.ik oMly a great s-?vin? of 1Nr and time, beaide adding preatly lo lte tealthf alness of tTieeinpIoymori , but the nrVrh iri much tr,nt;er. more elFtic, and les liable to rinwr ravel -than the Utca made. wiUt ahuttlea andiA bobbins. Time oWisumed Itl makirtg r EMacbSnei I fey Hand- A- a 0 uiitjj fir iliei; t-A NECESSTY IN-EVERY HOUSDHOLD 'joiiNS &cnosLEy,s-. ; i American Cement Glue TO THE PEOPLE OF TTTK STTJ0r,;"?fLr8 IN T.1R WOTtl T). 1 TWK CfiKAPE.-T JLUE IN T1I1I WOULD. THK .MOST ILRABJUE GLUK IN TITK WORLD. TIIK OVLT RKI.IABLB GL1TS IN TUB WORLD. " TUK BEST GLUE IK TUE WORLD. COMMERCIAL NURSERY, 03IAIIA, 2VECRASKA. . E. H. BURCKES, PROPRIETOR. I have Ion? since been co ivinced cf the want of a first claaa Nur.ery in the Weet, where TREES, SHRUBS, FLOWERS, &c, Can be adapted to our climate and soil. In view of thee facts, l have establUhed in this place, and offer lor taie at r Wholesale or Retail, i . ..-.. A large and well selected stock, aui ted to this climate, of Apples, standard and dwarf; Pears, standard anddwarf J Cherries, standard and dwart ; Peaohes. , Plums, Apricots, . Nectarines, Quince, Ooosberries. " " Currents, . Grapes, . ' Kapberries. Strawberries, Blackberries, Evergreens, . , Shrub. Kosei, Dubllas, Ornamental Trees. .... GreenhonFe a;id Betiding Plants, etc.', ct. To which I would be? leave ta call the attention of the people of Nebraska, Kin.-as, Colorado, Iowa and North went Missouri. - - t3liy terms will be as low as any reliable eastern Nuiery. By purchRRinj of rr.r the expense of transportation from the east ca t e faved. . ,' , All t;era and p;itg are carefully labeled and packed in the bet manner, for which a charge cf the actual cost will be made. No charge will be made for the delivery f package on board steamboats. All communications addrei-sed to the undersigned win receive prompt attention. it area, 1: e. n. e s. FRENCH'S CONICAL; The most 6lmple, durable, convenient and economical article evtr luvtnleU ror thepurpoi-e. Will do tie wat-hin,- of an -ordiuary family before breakfast, not only saving time, but clothes. By strictly following the rrinted direct is-ns, which are sitiple and eit-y, it will w a.-h, at one tim, ix i-hirts, or two d.pu Fr '1 r !?s, in about fix or $even min ttfes, or tl.eir ,t,:va.t:.t. " By all the otuiaary methods of cleaning Cne fabrics, such as laces, ic, the j-re itct care is reiuiTed,- while wanned without the possibility of daui3se. These results are 'produced by the contnt reaction " the sods while the tnactiii lain -motion - -of Families, laundries, 'MeU, boarding-bouse, honplt als, asylum, board. i.R-tcbJil, on euipii and learners, and in ihe army, who h jve these macUues in u.e, have acnt in ihe'.r testirn ':;ists voluntarially, and the enco miums of the Press are very nv.merous,soine of whicb I bave pubiiKiied in psniphlet form. ' : All 1 f v. cf X'. erubiic i3 a ca-eful extmination of tbi m..cL : ' t etote rurcbasing of others. General Vr -.'t 419 Broadway, corner Canal St., New York. ... . . Pnco enly Ten Dollars. N. B. A 1 r ii-ount to tbe Trade.-AgetUi AdUrco Lux Li3, N. V. City P. O. FU1LIP HlK-N'Cn, rr .-.-rietor. . up Ladies' Garments. Silk urc?; iluiia Stirrt, -Merino Dress, " , ' Cbemli-c, Calico Dre?s,' - ' ' Moreen Eklrt, i - -Nipht Dress, liravers, ' ' W. k Apron, , . Plain Apron, ( , Time &narneJ in makli up Gentlemen's Garrne Gentleman's Shirts, . Frock Coat, ; Satin Vest, Iinen Vent, Cloth Pants, . r jSuouner Paula, . , '. illours. Uiia. Hours iain. i i 1 , lf .10...... . S ' " 25 6 I It " 8s ' SO 1 ' ,10 10 ' ""IO 1 I ' " sa ,..:.-)- ,40 7 . so .. 1 - 6 ' 19 j. 27 , 5 ., '- y -. 4 . " 1C : .1 , . 38 By Hand. jrs. iiin. 40! 18) 4C II . 20 16 " 2S 3 . 10 25 fi la a so ' Tho Franlilin Fasiily : SEWING vMACHINE'y Has one advantage which is worthy of especial attention la addition to the peculiar character of the stitch, and that Is Its'adiptatitm to either liphr wmedium beary- work.. The Machlno -wbVi at one tuonient is used on THE MOST DELICATE FABRIC, in a few mo ments after can be brougfctto bear with the same facil ity on cottonades and towels of the coarsest description. Its adapt it ion for FAMILY WORK, is thus remarka ble, and gives it a superiorityovcr every other style et machine in the Market. - In order that these Machines may be placed in the hands of aii clai'SAR, we Bave reduced the price of onr rRASKLIX FAMILY MACHINE TO FORTY DOLLARS. From tbeJhcrease of eur lupine- for the las year, and tbe entin natisaciion our Wachiues are giving throughout the United Stales and European Countries, we are led to believe that our determination to manufacture a PERFECT, SIMPLE,' RELIABLE AS'D CHEAP MAUIUXE, bas been fully appreciaten by the public. This policy will romaln unchanged, and a heretofore no Machine will be allowed to leave the office thit we cannot lully warrant in every respect. U e shall keep on band at all times a general assort merit of Sewing Machine msterials :: ' ' - v Needles for ail maehiaea can be ordered by Mall of Express. Price One Dollar per dozen. ' i. . .. ; Pen ons In the country, by sending us their address enclosing a letter stamp, can have forwarded by return mail, one of our circulars containing the different styles of Machines, list of prices, and sample of wort; -. E. RICIXAKCS & CO., - - . Principal Agents for the North West. Office and Salesroom 133 Lake Street, Chicago, Illinois K. RIC.IARDS, Lato of L. CorueU &. Co. - - ', -C. E' WISWALL. .". : , . t 7. I - ' v 1 TAPPAN, formerly Ag't .Xorbe GroTSi Baker Sewii.g Machine. . ..... . January9ih' 1SG2, u26-tf , ; - . ; TREE PEDDLERS, V: J?cilii&: ; Notice ! 1 will sell Good Apple Trees 6 to 8 feet bih at 3 to 5 feet high at Extra size, many f tbemnowinXruit, - $40 per 1000 35 per 1000 body 8 to 11 feet high- Seedling trees; 8 to 1 L fet Red Dutch, Currant, I year old " " . - 3 years old- Iloughton Seedling Goosberry, 1 year- 60 per 1000 &5 pr 1000 4 per 100 10 per 4 per 100 100 100 100 100 Houghton Seedling Goosberry, 3 years, 10 per Ked tnd 1 ellow Antwerp ltaspberry-- 1 per Frs nconia Raspberry 2 per Strawberry, 25 Tarieties, from ..2 to 10 per 1000 Downer '8 Prolines Strawberry 3 rcr 100 Victoria Rhubarb 15 per 100 Cahoon s beedling Khubarb Scotch Hybrid Rhubarb Seedling Rhubarb"" Rose, Hardy Summer, 20 varieties" ? Rose, Hybrid Perpetual, 25 varieties Rose, Climbing. 8 varieties"" Also a larre assortment of Ornamental Shrubsat 12 per 100 Descriptive Catalogues sent to all applicants. JAMES L. LOOP. - 15 per 100 30 per 1000 10 per 1000 15 per 100 20 per 18 per 100 100 Address, January 2, 1SC2. C. D STEVENS, Agent. - AiendoU., Lnsalle Co., III.- ; ; ;.;-(n23-4ml , , . - . Bloomingtoii Ilursery, TT iT iTTJOia. At the crossing of the Illinois Central, and St. Louis, Alton and Chicago Railroads. Established 1362. u the cpeu Prairie, and contains 140 acres. Fruit, Orna mental and Nursery Sxk, a very large, general and reliable asaortment, VERi CHEAP for Cash. Especially Adapted to the Severe Climate of tfccA'orthwest. . APPLE TREES, from 1 to 4 years old. $25 to $30 per lOuO. ROOT GRAFTS, 310 per 10,0(0. APPLE STOCKS, one to two years, selected for Rraftimr, 2; secondclass, $1 per thondsiind. MAZZARD CHERRY, $3 per 1,000. STANDARD AND DWARF PEAR, CHERRY, PLUM, PEACH, QUINCE, NECTARINE, AND APRICOT DWARF APPLE, QUINCE, PEAR, PLUM, AND ROSE STOCKS. Apple Scionf $1 50 per thousand. Cuttings, many sorts Otagt Orange, good one year old plant?, 2,(50 per thousand. Wilson't Strawbtry, and many other Standird Sorts two dollars fifty to foor dollars per thousand. Grape Catawba, Clinton, Iabel la, well rooted, oue year old three dollars ner hundred, twenty dollars per thousand. Delaware oue and two years old, $1 to $10 per dozen. Rhu barb, best sorts two to' five dollars per hundred. Houghton- GoosbeiTy, one 'to two yearo o!d one to three dollars per hundred. Downing' Ever Bearing Mulbery four to eight dollars per dozen. . Evergreen several !Hrls ten dollars per thousand. Shade and Weeping Tree, Hhrubi, Flower Root, Bulbs, Rote, an juimeuse variety mostly one to two dollars fifty per di'zen. , ' "... Pacing carefully done. Catalogues sent on receipt of a three cent stamp. Address, f z rnoENix, . ! Nov 14, 1861, ol9-5in . . .Blooviington, lUinoit. . Fruit and Ornamental Slirubbery, Evergreen Trees, . - '. k Vith a General Assortment of Nursery Articles, for sale at the ' - Pleasant Ridge ITursery, ARISPE, BUREAU !C0.. ILL. ceautiful cg:,!?lekio:!, DR. THOMAS F. CHAPMAN . Will send to all who wish it (free of charge), tic for raakir? ana usiag a will cJoctuallj re- Recipe and full directions U t n i :r,i -Ppt:i.ble lllrn. that i;cui"u' ' , - , move PiirrLES Blotciies, Tan, I keckles. Ac, Ac, t 4VP o'in rraooth. clear.. and beautiful ; also full d;rVtious f r using Pelatijeac's Celebrated Ptimuiant wsrranled to strrt a f uTl growth of Wbifkcrs, or Mustache, in less than thirty d.i-s,-Ti'br of the above can bo cUainel by return rra.l, rect;- (with st :rrr. f,r return poetsge) D.. ?-UMAS F. CIIAPMAN, PeacticaL CatMisr, v ; I . r,r.,n It t v, Nt w Yc:!;. ...... Very low for cash its equivalent. . We have a few thousand six and seveN.year old apple treoa, which we will tell very low, as w't want to ilispoKe t them be fore they get too large ; alee four year olds at $12.50 per hundred ; three year oU2 at $J0 per hundred, and young trees at correepiodlnj prices. , Also Cherry, Pear, Plum, Peach, Grape, Currants, Gooseberries, Raspberries, Law ton Blackberries, Strawberries, Pie Plant, Roses and Dahlias, : ; of ths finest tort. : OIR STOCK. OF ETERGREEXS Is lare, and very fine specimens. Sizes and prices to suit. ' Orders rcpertfrny solicited and promptly -attended VERRRT ALDRlCn, , ' , P. O. Address, TUkilwa, 111. " T. S. We bave about 1.CCC fcr.r y ear old trees, of tho New York, p.ppiii. for sale lha coming fall anl sprius ; no apple ever fjainod so nivjcta -xjpi tarity in fo thort a iimo. The trees are gW growers, eariy fruiters, and very hardy; apples large and sho-vy, aixl keep about equal to the Willow Twig. Also a large stock of the Wagner, one of the best apoles; very early fruiter, and trees remarkably hardy. For a more full description of tbese and ott er sirts, please 6ee descriptive catlaogue lent free to aU appUu.uita. January 2, JSU2. I:i26-3m ! Icrrs Garden Seeds. Fre-h nd P'tre, air. for sale ty . 35 -IX. talked In thl soil and climate, LETT, STR1CKLER & CO, AMERICAN CEMENT GLUE Is the'only article of tho kind ever "produced whieh Mill 7 Ti STAilD 7ATcii- IT WILL MEND WOOD ! Save your baoken Furniture i IT-- "WILL MEND LEATHER' " Idend your Harness, Straps, Be Its,. Boots 4c , ; IT WILL MEND GLASS Save tho peices 'of that expensive Cut 61ass Dottle. IT WILL'-' MEND IVORY Don't throw away that broken Ivory Fan it is eaa- ; ' . . ; ilyrcpaieed. ..i T IT WILL MEND CHINA Your broken China Cups and Saucers can be made , as good as new. ' ' ' ' IT WILL MEND MARBLE That piece knocked out of your Marble ilantle can be put on as strong as ever IT WILL MEND PORCELAIN No -tatter if that broke a Pitcher did cost but a . nbilling a shilline saved is a shilling earned. , IT WILL MEND ALABASTER That Cosly Alabaster Vase is brocken and you can't Inatch It mead it it will never show . when put to-' ' ' gethcr. - . i . It will Mend bone, Coral, Lava, and in fact everything but LTctals. Anv artfcie Cemented with AMERICAN CEMENT ; GLUE will not show where it is mended ."Every Housekeeper should have a supply of Johns & Crosley's American Cement Glue." Y Time. "It ii so Convenient to hate in the house ?';N- Y Ex-jrtts, v ' - - '' -- ' --'- '-- ,'It is always ready; this commends it to everybody .' Independent. "We have tried it and find it as useful iaour houao as water." ir7Ic' irtf of the Time. Economy. ia "W oaltla 310,000 per year saved in every tamiiy '' by Orie' Bottl of . - AMERICAN CEMENT GLUE Price 25 Cents per Bottle. ' ; Price 25 Cents per Bottle. -. Price 25 Cents per Bottle. Price 25 Cents per Bottle. I Price 25 Cents per Bottle. ' i Price 25 Cents per" Bottle. 1 Yeiy Liberal Reduction to Wliole- sale Buyers. TER3IS CASH. E5?"For Sale by ail Druggists and. Storekeepers-. , , - - --ihmnghout tho -country, ' i- ! JOHNS & OROSLEY , ! "(Sole Manufacturers.) - '- 78 WILLIAM STREET Comer of Liberty Street. - ' KEW YORK. Iniportantto House Owners. . Important to Kulldcrl. ' " " Important to Rail Road Compa- nlcs; Important to Farmers. To all whom ihis may concern, . and ii ' 1 concerns everybody. 7 JOUNS & CROSLEY'S . ; IMPROVED GTJTTA PEItCIIA CEMENT ROOFING, The Cheapst,and moss darable Roofing in use, IT IS FIRE AND WATER PS0QF It can be applied to new and old Roof3 of all kinds steep oiflat and to Shingle roofs without removing the Shingles. Tlie Cost Is only about One-Third tli at of Tin, AIVJU IT IS TWICE AS DIRASLC. ' This article bas been thoroughly tested in New York City and all pajts of the United States Cana da West Indies and Central and gouth. . America on buildings of all kinds such aa Factories Founderief Churches Rail Road Depots Cars and on Public Buildings generally Government Buildings Ac. by the principle Builders archetects anp. others during the past fouryears and has proved to be the CHEAP EST and MOST DURABLE ROOFING in use it is in every respoct A fire vatfb weataeb and Timb pkoop covering for roges cf all kinds. 7 Thititihe O SLY material man ufanthrcd in the United Slates which combines- the very desirable properties of Elasticity and Durability which nrfl universally acknowledged to be possessed by OUT TA PERCHA AND INDIA UUB-BElt- No He at is Re quire d in Llaklxng . . Application. -. The expense of applying it is trifling as an ordinary Roof can be covered und finished the tame day. It can be applied by any one, and when finislied forms a perfectly Fikk Pkoof -face with an elestic body which, cannot be injured by Heat Cold or Storms SnftisiuxG of Roof Boards nor any externni action whatever - , GUTTA-PExSYlT CEMENT. For Coating Metals of all Kinds when exposed to'the Action of the Weather, and Tor- Preserving and Repairing Hctal "Roots - OF ALL KINDS. This is THK ONLY ConrosiTiOF KNOWN which will tuccetsfnlly resist extreme changes of all climate for ant length of time when applied to metal to which it adheres firmly forming a body equal to three coats of ordinary paint costs much less,' and will LAST THIiEE TIJES AS LONC; andfromits elasticity is not injured by the contraction and expansion of TIN and other METAL ROOFS consequent upon sudden changes of the weather. - , If triH not CRACK IN COLD OR RUN IN WARM WEATHER AND WILL NOT WASH OFF. Leaky tin and other metal roofs can be readily repaired with Gutta Percha Ctment, and prevented from further corrosion and leaking, thereby ensur ing aperfectly water-tight roof for many years. : This cement is peculiarly adapted for tho p,ser vation of Iron railings, Stoves, Safes, Agricultural Implements, Ac, also for general manufacturers use : ' GTJTTA PERCHA CEMENT . - ; For preserving and repairing Tin and other met al roofs ofeTery description, from its great elastici ty, is not injured by the contraction nnd expansion of metals, and tctfl not crack t cold nor run in warm weaiher. " - - ' - These materials are adapted to all climates, an d we are prepared to supply orders from any part of the country, at chort notice, for Gutta Pereha roof ing in rolls, ready -prepared for use, nnd Gotta Per cha Cement in barrel VWith.fulIjtriQteJJkecliQJQa. tions for application. Agonta vvntocl. . We will Tuuko liberal and satisfactory arrange inerts with responsible parties who would like to establish themselves in a lucrarive and permanent business.- --- ' ' A 0UR4 TERMS ARE. CASH.. Y"e can give abundant proof of alf we claim in favor of our improved Roofing Materials, having ap- dicd them to several thousand Roofs in sew York Jity and vicinity. " . '" ''- , JOiIXS'& CROSEEY In the month of December, lS-'S, tie under.-i?ned for the first time offered for le to the public D lt.J.BO TKE POUS' I3IPJ2KIAL -WINE BITTEK3, a il ia thir short period they have given such ur.lffcr.--al t.atisac tion to the many thousands of persons who have tried them thar It Is now an established article.' The atuount of boiiiiy and mental misery arising Biniplr from a ne glect of eiuiitf complaints is surprising, and it is there, fore of the utmost importance that a btrict attention to the Icist and niotit triflir? bodily ailments should be ha!; for disease of the borfy must invariably affect the miud. The snbscrirers now onlv ask a triat of . DR. J. BOVEE DODS'S ; a . Irnpsriai Wine Bitters ; from all who have not used them. "VVe challenge the workti produce their equal. These Bitters lor the cure of Weak Stomachs, Gen eral lability, and for Purifying and Enrictiiu; the Bloody ire absolutely unsurpassed by any other reme dy on earth. To be assured of this, it is only neces essary to wake the trial- The wine is of a very supe rior quality being about one-third stronger than oth er wines, warming and invigorating the whole system from the head to the feet. As these bitters are tonic and altetative in their character, so they strengthen and Invigorate- the hole system and give a flue tone and healthy action to all its parts, by ,ei'Jilizing the circulation, .removing the obstructions and producins a general warmth. They ara excellent for diseases and weakness iecuiiat to Females, where a tonic is requir ed to strengthen and brace the system. No lady who is subject to latitude and f;iiutuess, should he without them as they are revivifying in their action. . THESF BITTERS ' Will not only Cure but Prevent - and in this respect are doubly valuable ta the person who may use them for . ! INSIP1ENT CONSUMPTION weak Lungs, : indigestion. Dyspepsia, diseasec of the Nervous" system. Paralysis, Piles, and for all cases requiring a Touic. - " " 'DR. DODD'S " f : Celebrated ; v Wine' Rlttcrs . For Sore Throat so coniiuou auumg the -Ciergy they are truly.tnvalaable. ; Fur be-eged aHdififirm, and for persons of weak constitutions For ministers of the gospel, lawyer and ajl '; public' spaekers for book-keepers tailors seamatresses. atudtnts,ar artists, and all persons lea dliig a sedentary life, the will prove beneficial..- Asa beverage; they are wholesonie, innocent, and delicious to the tarte. They produce all the exhlerat ing effectsof brandyor wlue, without intoxicating; and are a valuable remedy for persons adicted to the use of exessive strong drink, and who wish to refrain from it. They aie pure and entirely free from the poisons con eained in the adulterated wines and brandies with which the country is floodd.. These bitters nolo nly CURE but prevent disease, and should be used by all who live in a country where the water is bad, or where chins and fever are prevalent. Being entirely innocent and harmless they may begivi en freely to children and infants with impunity, Physicians and Clergymen, and temperance advocates as an act of humanity, should assist in spreading these valuable bitter over the laud, and threby essentially banish drunkenness and disease. ; In all a fleet ions ortlic Ilead.SIcli i IIcadaclie - or JV ervaoisllcad : ache, Dr.Ilod?s Imperial Wine Bitters WrIllbe found to be most i Salntam and! Etllcaclous. ! FEUfAEES. (The" manyfclrtiflcaies which have been tendered us and the'lettera which we daily receive, aro conclusive proof that among the women these Bitters have given a satisfaction which no others have ever done before. "So woman in the land auould 5 -rithnnt them, and those' who once'Tise tbem, will not ail to keep a full supply.' ' I DR J Bovee Dod's ... . : IMPERIAL WINE BITTERS, Are prepared by an eminent and. skillful physician, wh has used them successfully in his practice for the las twenty-five years. The proprietor before purshasln the exj'.nsive right to manufacture and sell Dr. Bove. Dodb' Ceiebra;eg Imperral Wine Bit ers, badtthem test ed by two distinguished medical practitioners, who pro nounced them a valuable and safe remedy for dssease. Although the medical men of this country, as agen thina. diaannrove of Patent Medicines, yet we do not believe that a respectable eciyia in thftlTniled States, acaualnted with their medical properties, who will not highly approve Dr. Dod's 111 PF.RIAI.WIXE BITTERS . . In all newly settled places, where there is always larzeanantitv of deeavins timber; from which a poi aonous miasma is created, these bitters shuold be used every mornins before br eakRast . DR. J. BOVEE DORS' IMPERIAL WINE BITTERS A re eomnosed of a nnre and unadulterated wine, com bined with Barberry, Solomon's Seal, Comfrey, Wild Cherv Bark. Soiknard Camomile Flowers, and Gentian They are manufactured by Dr. Dop himself, who is an experienced and successful physician, and hence should nnt .a classed amone the attack nostrums which flood the country, and against which the medical profession mn lnorlv onAII Tlftt c These truly valuable BHters have been so thoroughly tested by all classes or community, tor nmos evorj vn ety of disease incident to human system, that they are now deemed indispensable as a Tonic, Medicines and a ; Ueverage- . . A.VD " EIFE BITTERS. Are pure vegetable exti tcts. They cure all billions disorders of the human system. Tiey resu' ite srd in vigorate the lirer and kidneys; they give tone tooths digestive organs; they regulate the secretins, excre tions and exhalations, eqo.ilfze the circulation, and pu rify the blood. Thus, uii buuous compla.nts some of which areTorpid Liver, Sick Headache, I'ysp ;psla. Piles, Chills and Fevcra, Cotitiveness or Looenei-ri en tirely coutroled and cared by these reiuediej. " - DAKLING'3 ; LiVEH REGULATOR Removes the morbid and bllliaus deposit.' from- the fctomacli and bowela, regGlatea the Liver and Sidneys, removing every obstruction, restores a natnral and heal thy action in the vital organs. It is a superior . Family Llcdieine, Much better than Pills, and much, e.isier to take. DARLING'S - LIFE BITTERS Is a superior tonic and diuretic; excellent in canes of loss or appetite, flatulency, female wfakne-sf, irregular Ities, pain in the side and bowels, blind, protuiing and bleeding piles, and geiierai debility. READ THE FOLLOWING : TESTIMONY : Jas. L. Brumley, merchant, IS4 FaKon Etreet, New Tork, writes, August IS, 1S60: "I have been afflicted with piles, accompanied with bleeding, the last three years ; l used , i ' ' DARLING'S ! LIVER REGULAT-OR LIFE AND BITTERS, Purchase one Bottle Et Costs but Eittle! Purify tlie Blood. Give Tone to tlie Sto-macli---Henovasc tlie Sjs and Prolong Eifc. Price SI 00 per Bottle, 6 Bottles . for $5 00 -Tl Prepared and sold by CHARLES WIDDIFIELD & CO., 1J'SOLEPKOPIirETOS ij , . J1S "William Street, New York. For sale. by. druggists, and jrocers general !y, through out the country. Oct. 17. 1861. PRIXDEE'S PATEAT " Agricultural Cauldron and ' Steamer. FOR SALE 221 ri;.fio. hi Ji"- Wiolesale Warehouse, 78, William Street, Corner rull escrii nislicr.ii application.; JVjv. Zjb1-! ly of Liberty street, " NEW TOSS, eseriiitive Circulars and Prices will be fur- , . . TTov7 Remedies fcr . SPERIJATORRHCE HOWARD ASSOCIATION, PniLABELPHIA. A Benevolent Institvtian establhhrd'by pecial En Anemcntfor the RtUef of the Sick and Distreet, ajttictea vUlt Urulent and Chronic IHsratet. anil etpeciaUy Jor the Curt cf of ttie Sexual Organ. ILCDICAIj ADVICE given gratis, by the Acting Surieon. - Valuable Reports on Spermalorrbcra, and other dis eases of the Sexual Orpns, and on the NEW REME DIES employed in the Dupensary, rnt in sealed letter envelopes, free of charge. Two or tarw Stamp accept able. Addre-s DR. . SKILLtN norGirTOS'., Howard As sociation. No. 2, South Ninth Street, Phiifclelphia, Pa December 12, 1S61. ng3-ly . v " Ayer's Cherry Pectohil. and 223 Sonth Water Street, -U..d tit, C-Jj.2Ar9-vU, sizes other 6i je id proportion, with freight added from factory in New York to Chicago. The advantages of cooked over raw food is aJmit ted by all. The old way of boiling in kettles is both slow and expensive, go much so taht but few men do it. Something more practical must be had. Steam seemcs to be the only alternative. The Patentee has retaind all tbo advantages of the Portable Cal dron for boiling, and devised means of generating steam suficient for aii nui-noses. It is simple and I practical, and proves PERFECT SUCCESS. ' W. II. AISTI- Sole 8gent for 111 in his and North-West, 221 & 22.1 S. Water St., Chicago. Where will also be found Dov;;s & Co's Deep Well Pumps, Force Cisterns, Chain and Common Well Pumps; Thimble Skeins and:Sad Irons, as well as every variety of Farming Tools, Cast Irou Corn Shellcrs, Feed Mills, IIay and ' Platform Scales, Stoves. 5cr The above -will be sold on account of the manufacturers, at their respective faotory prices, adding freight ty thi? place; JaBuftry i862.- tf - " " Pleasant Pddge Nursery. ; ... VERRY ALDR1CH, t CrLTIVATOa ASD DEALER IS " ' . . rrnitfc and Ornamental Trees; Shrubbery Evergreens, ckc., leasant Ridge, Arispe, Bureau County, Illinois. . P. O. Address, Tiskilwa, 111. - January 2, 1S2. ' D28-3m 25,000 Cherry Currants. First Size - " : - - ra CO per 1,000 Second Size - . 30 03 do. 15,000 Concord Grapevines, Layers, Fine. No. 1, Layers, . . - - $25 00 per 100 No. 2, Layers, . - - . IS 00 per 100 No. 3, Layers, - . . 12 00 per ICO One year oid, from cuttings, - , 6 00 per 100 Diana Grapevines, pot raided, - 12 CO per 100 f the Great Austin Strawbery, - $-3 00 per l,rC0 "" GEOP.tiK SEIilOL'It k CO., 37 tf . South -urwaik :Li And now consider myself entirely cured." ITon. John A. Cross writes, "Brooklyn, Atarck 15th, 1S60. In the spring of ISS9 I took a severe cold, wfcica induced a violent fever. I took two doties ot : darling's - LIVER REGULATOR, It broke up my cold and fever at once. Previous to this attack. I had been troubled with dyspepsia several moutha; I have felt nothing of it since," . Otia Studley, Esq., 12S East 2Stii Street, New Tork writes: - August 13, 1360 1 had a diaculty with the Kidney Complaint three yeats, with constant pun in the small of my back. I had used must all kinds of medicines, but found no permanent relief uctil I used DARLINGS ; LIVER REGLTLATOR AND . LIFE BITTERS. I passed clotted blood by the urethra. I am now en tirely cured, and take pleasure in recommending these remedies." . - Mrs. C. Tebow, If Christopher Street, N. T., writes "Feb. 20, I860. I have been subject to attacks of Asth ma the last twenty years. I bave never found anything equal to . ..... ' darling's ; J LIVER REGULATOR,' in affording immediate relief. It is a thorough Liver and billious remedy." .. . - .. . Mrs. Toung, of Brooklyn, writes . "February 23, I860, In May last I had a severe attack cf Piles, whicn con: fined me to the house. I look ne bottle of . . . . " . DARLING'S : " LIFE BITTERS, : and was entirely cured. I have had no attack since." D. Westervilie, Esq., of South 6lh, near 6th Stret, Williamsburg, L. I,, writes i -'August 6. 1 JCO Havini teen troubled with a difficulty in the Liver, and subject to biiiious attacks, I was advised by a friend to try -' " " - darling's ' - LIVER REGULATOR: I did so, and found it to operate admirably, removing the bile and arousing the liver to activity. I have also used It as a ' . ST -roily ZVToclicixxo Whcn our children are out of sorts, we give tb jrn a few drops and it sets them all right. T rind it meets the general-wants of the stomach and bowels when disor dered." .... . Reader, If you need either or both of these most ex cellent Remedies, inquire for them at the Store ; if you do not find them, take no other, but inclose One Dollar in a letter, and on receipt of the moner, the Remedy or Remedies will be sent according To your directions, by mail or express, post -pait". Aderess, ' DAN'L S. DARLING, ' 102 Nassau Street, New Tork. Put up in 50 cent and $1 Bottles, each. Nov. 7, 1861. n!8-6m ' vr The ConfessiousHrid ... Sutlerer Published as a warning, and for tho especial bene fitf Young Men and those who suffer with Nervous Debility, Loss of Momory, Premature Decay, 4c &c, by one of those who has cured himself by simple means, alter being put to great expense and incon renience," through the use of worthless medicines prescribed by learned Doctors. Single copies may be had of the author, C. A. LAMBERT, Esq.; Grcenpoint, Long Island, by enclos- ing a post-paid anaressea envelope. Address CHARLES A; LAMBERT, Esq., Greenpoint, Lon Island, N. Y. -Feb. 6. 1882. . rn32-2m CHOICE LIQUORS. Wholesale and Retail. Evan Worthing, OF THE BROWNVILLE, Has just received a choice lot of the best brands of Liquors, which he will sell by the Barrel, Gallon, Quart or single unnt. The roiiowinir is a partial list BRAHBIES: - French, Cognac,' ." - Apple, . -,' Raspberry, - . . Peach. Cherry, ' Blackberry. Port, Hungarian, '". . Sherry, -r f Malaga, . Medara,"- ' ; ' Champagne. WHISKIES Bourbon,' ' ' . Rye, " ; . . . .. . Scotch, Irish, jManongahala, And a variety ef common articles.- ; BILLIARD SALOON AND Ten Pin Alley. . , .,TFIIITXEY'S ELOCH Main Street, Brownville. NVvmber 14, 186. - n!9-tf J Currants, Gooseberries, Blackberries, rnes. Strawberries. &.c. , &c, &c. Of which we have a la'ee stock, and we offer them vprt tow tor iec'si! i raae is&i, ana would solicit tteorders of tboe wishing to purchase. Enclose stamp, and 6eud for Cataloi-ue and Price List EMSIGN &. FORD, v5n3 3-Fv2n3 Onto Nurseries, Toledo, O E E A, C O JV S T A n iMfOKTia A1D DCALE1 IK IRON, STEEL, NAILS, CASTINGS..SPJUNGS, AXLES, FILES jEXiXiOwa, A JfD ' B L A CKSMITH'S TOOLS Also: Hubs, Spokes, and Bent Stuff. Third Street, between Felix and Edmond. . SAINT JOSEPHS MO. UH.U, ue pens ai t. pricesror cat;n. Highest Price Paid for Scrap Iron. December 1, 1S59. ly. Furniture! Furniture ! ! The most complete stock of Farnitur ever offered in this upper country just received by T. HILL. urownvme, April 25th. 1861. ,ooo. OSIER WILL 0 W CUTTLXGS, Variety Perpureu for live fence. I will cut, bundle and deliver the Cnttina at Brownville for $5 per eighty rods ; being but a little over ftco dollar -er thousand. This is from one to three dollars less thaa ever offered before. All orders at these prices must be sent it before the 1st of October, 1631. bend orders by mail with ctsh, to , R. O. THOMPSON, Nebraska City. N. T. NEMAHA NURSERY. 1 18 miles West cf Nebraska Cif v,V August l.-nS-tf wu new Airjine Kearney Aoau.j CLOTHE YOURSELVES. CE3API Ever ofTereJ in this 2Iarket, 4 i 1 ! r O DOUDTAHOIT IT! CALL AND SEE FOR YOURSELVS AT THE ' Batimore. Cotliing Store; BHOV71TVILLS, IT. T. Mil SI 20 VARIETIES Araon-r wbkfc are T;; per U ); Jenry 1,; de''r.icd, $2pr I',); l, Hockers, Lltck Prises kinds at $1 rcr 1j ) ' PlanUcf Ici.jiph.' p-.a per doz. -it't.j i - . I Apple Trpn. 20.CC3 younz anditn;7v,. . , J f J l ' m T rdv varieties, at Sl r... r-r !0CO ii Ti! I (fj n iali lU weight at btgh prices, to be 1 Stock at low prices. h j . Orln Put up 15cta ; m r postage. Vanted. o j ousnci3 seea sprr -!Ca Aii tne tj be ic Aug. m in popers m 1 ctaniD to tent In .,,. . be tneWi at I'- 0. T: Announce to the public that he "has opened out a stock of - ' 1 , ,- ready-made clothing, boots and shoes, . hats and caps, , carpet sacks, " gentlmen's un DERWEAR, Sec, Sec, &c. Unprecedented . In quantity, quality and prices. Tie is determined his prices shall correspond wit a the times, and therefore offer here in the West, at just as low rates as such goods can lie purchased anywhere in the United States. As.a 6ampleof his prices he will mention that he sells Coats from $1,25 up to $15, Fant3 from $1 to $7, Vests from $1 to $5. 1 Botjf , Shoes, ILits. Car, Fancy acdWhite Shirts, Sns ders, Neckties, Socks, Handkerchiefs, .c.,in the same proportion. ' The proprietor embrace this opportunity of returning thanks for patronage, and promise to spare "no ef forts in the future to give entire satisfaction. Callancloeoliira. DAVID bElGEL. Brownville, June 15, 1361. -ly Evergreens fur tllilw An immense stock of yona Ornamental Tree. Ku j-hoq Guo.u '--,' celled ia the country, are efere.ihl""- dred, thousand, or teu thousand ll tit-" plants can be booghf eiieh..-. ' r. . c. oauip J n at tricing cost. Those wishing to ptm hase -doom ,.r . , sale Catalogue wiln direni...,. - "U m. III. w ; r. Ml Evergreens. Address 3. T. rtrr... Great Talley Nursenes. i.4 CI Wheat! VhcatTw: Farcers Loo!k to Yc" Scrofula, or Iling's Evil, is a constitutional disease, a corruption of the blood, by which -this fluid becomes vitiated, weak, and poor. Being in the circulation, it pervades the whole body, and may burst out in disease on any part of it. , X orgnn is free from its attacks, nor is there one which it may not destroy. The scrofulous taint is variously caused by mercurial disease, low living, dis ordered or unhealthy food, impuro air, tilth and filthy habits, , the depressing vices, and, above all, by the venereal infection. . What ever be its origin, it is hereditary in the con stitution, descending from parents to children unto the third and fourth generation ; indeed, it seems to be the rod of Iliin who says, I will visit the iniquities of the fathers upon their children." Its effects commence by deposition from the blood of corrupt or ulcerous matter, which, in, the lung1, liver, and internal organs, is termed tubercles; in tlie glands, swellings; and ort the surface, eruptions or sores. This foul cor ruption, which genders in the blood, depresses the energies of life, so that scrofulous constitu tions not only suffer from scrofulous com--plaints, but they have far less power to with stand tlie attacks of other diseases; conse quently vast numbers per Mi by disorders which, although not scrofulous in their nature, . m-yxlwd fatal by' this trr.ntj't tlie rysterm. Most of tlio consumption wiiiciiuc- cimates the human family has its origin directly in tliis scrofulous contamination; and many destructive diseaseof the liver, kidneys, brain, and, indeed, of all the organs, arise from or are aggravated by the same cause. One quarter of all our people are scrofulous ; their persons are invaded by this lurking in fection, and their health is undermined by it. To cleanse it from the system we must renovate the blood by an alterative medicine, and in vigorate it by healthy food and exercise. Such a medicine we supply: in AYER'S - Componnd Extract of Sarsaparilln, the most effectual remedy which the medical skill of our times can devise for this every where prevailing and fatal malady. It is com bined from the most active remedials that have been discovered for the e xpurgation of this foul disorder from the blood, and the rescue of the system from its destructive consequences, llcnce it should be employed for the cure of not only Scrofula, but also those other affec tions which arise from it, such as Eruptive and Skin Diseases, Sr. Anthony's Fiiie, , Hose, or Erysipelas,, Pustules,' Blotches, Blains and Boils, Tumors, Tetter and Salt Rheum, Scald Head, ltixawoinf, Hmeumatism, Syphilitic and Mercurial Dis eases, Dropsy, Dyspepsia, Derility, and, indeed, all Complaints arising fro.m Vitia ted or Impuee Blood. Tlie popular belief, in "impurity of the blood" is founded in truth, for scrofula is a degeneration of the blood. The . particular purpose and virtue cf this Sarsapa rilla is to purify and regenerate this vital fluid, without which sound health is impossible in contaminated constitutions. "HEIR'S 1 Is payinjt and will cuuuuue io'thTT??1 rnce for -. a -i-r . WHEAT and PRODUCT in Roods. Jfj stock of Good cwibiataoi U BOOTS and SHOES, . HATS and CAPS, DRY GOODS,. HARDWARE, - QUEENSWARE, - nails, doors a-i WINDOW SASH, J GLASS and PUTTY PLASTERING HAIR, 30c tx TUBS and BUCKETS FLOUR. BArnv MEAL and POTATOES. ' I also, keep a well selected st k 0f CY' r, -nd Sole Letber for mannfactnrinw . "' i ttirini? BOOTS ami SHOES TTW VA rAnaif m. .W j-t . Ll which will be cheaper than Roods bav8 ' before, for Cash, Hides, Wheat orProU- J but no credit wiil Legi-en. lr.; BrcwnviHe. Angtistlst. 1S6I. W ?. IB . GREAT IMPROVEMENTS I . eupTre SHUTTLE jMACHK " Patented February 11th, 1SC0 Salesroom, 510 Broafc - - NEW YORK. This Machine is constructed ca an entir-'w principle of machinery, rxwina- many rare t uabie improvements, havin ben txixin. v PLICITY and FEllt'LCTION COMSLD. lhe fouowing are the principal objectisn-r-ainst Sewing Machines . ' Ague Gure roa TnE speedy cure of Intermittent Pver, or Fever and Ague, Remittent Fewer, thill Fevtr Uumb Accue, Periodical IIelarhe, or Itilioue Headache, and lilllon Fevers, indeed tor the whsle claaa of diaeases orilnnt Insr In biliary deraiiKciaent, caused by the Malaria of Haematic Countries1. We are enabled here to- offer the comm-nify a remedy which, while it cures the above complainta with certainty, is still perfectly harmless tn any quantity. Such a remedy is invaluable in districts where these afflicting disordera . prevail. . This " Cure " expels the miasmatic poison of Fever and Ague from the system, and prevents the de velopment of the disease, if taXen on the first ap proach of its premonitory symptoms. It is not only the best remedy ever yet discovered for this class of complaints, but also the cheapest. The large quantity we supply for a dollar brinr-s it within tlie reach of every body ; and in bilious districts, where Fever and Ague prevails, every body should have it and use it freely both for eure ana protcc tkmJL Kreot-Bupaxiority t tiunxeraedy over any other ever discovered fur the speedy and certain cure of Intermittent.1- is that it contains no Quinine or mineral, consequently it produce no quinism or ether injurious effects whatever upon the constitu tion. Those cured by it are left as healthy as if they Jiad never had the disease lever and Ague is not alone the consequence of the miasmatic poison. A great variety of disor ders arise from its imitation, amonir which are' Heurahjiu, Itheumatism, Gout, Ueauliche, Blind-' ness, toothache, Earache, Catarrh, Asthma, Pal pitation, Painful Affection of the Spleen, Hyitrr ics. Pain in the Dowels, Colic, Paralysis and De rangement of the Sicmach, all cf which, when originating in this cause, put on the intermittent type, or become periodical. This " Curb " expels . the poison from the blood, and consequently curet them all alike. It is an invaluable protection to immigrants and persons traveling or temporarily residing in the malarious districts. If taken occa sionally or daily while exposed to the infection, that will be excreted from the system, and cannot accumulate in sufficient quaatity to ripen into di ease. Hence it is even more valuable for protec tion than cure, and few will ever sufrer from Inter mittent if they avail themselves of the protection this remedy affords. . . Prepared ty Dr. J. C. ATTH & CO., LcsreU, ILus, JOHN MAUN, , -- J, THURMAN, - Druggists, Brownvillfi, N. T. ' 4. Incapacitv t every dstrr;.i material. 5. Di-arraeaii whiluia ty-.n Machine Is Ii: I. Excessive fatizuo to the operator. 2. Liability to get oat of order. ... 3. Expense, trouble and loss of time in repair- ing. mi T-! rm a m-Linpre bewiEg from all thee ebjeetiesi Jt has a straight needle peryendicnar ir es the LOCK or SHUTTLE STICH. w-.idit NEITHER RIP nor HAVEL, and iaa!iki sides : performs perfect sewing on evsry der: .: of arterial, fromLeather to the finest Naosc k L lia, with cotton, linen or silk tarea.J,f-! est ta the nast number. Having neither CAM nor COO WIiEEL,ud. the least possible friction, it rum aumocij glass, and is Emphatically, a Noiseless M; It requires twenty-five per cent, lea 1 drive it tharx any other M.ictiiue in market. 1; of twelve years of ae can work it stead.', fatigue or injury to heaith. Its strength and WONDERFUL SlilFL'CTT construction render italmot impo.siiblstor!-! : of order, and is GUARANTEED by the eoa.KJ . give entire satisfaction. We respectfully invite all those who may i" supply themselves with a superiorar'.icls.'o' examino this CNRIYALLE j MACI1I.NE. But in a more special manner do wo patronage of Merchant Tailors, ' Dra-s XA Coach Makers, Co-?et iiS Hoop-Skirt Manufacturers, Gaiter F.: Shirt and Dosom Makers, ; ShceDiai - i Vest and I'antaloon .Miikers. 27Iieliious snJ Charitable Innti.,a"f ' liberally dealt with. Price of Machines, Conif :i No. I. or Family Machine. S J5.C0 : 1 ?,f sized Manufacturirtz, $!0,j(); No. 3 lx? il Manuractnnng, 5io,y'J.- Cabinets in Every variety- We want Agents tor a'.l towns ia tc In states, where agencies are not already to whom a- liberal discount will be rn, make no eonijnments. T. J. LIcARTHUR & Co. . SIO Rroaaivay, AewTrt ' HOVEY'S SEED -AND Agricultural WarehoTis Havicg opened a Seed and Implement warw (hica;o, 1 best leave to call sj-ecial attwutf" same, having been many years io the baiinej' toa, and bavin? also paid speJal attntin the selection of my seed. 1 feel tu utmut- in offering tbem. to tb public. and experienced raier at the Eat ; tV- thA ........ ...... n ,K;. ......... -w . . r. .r 't . 'U J mt. ui r ' l I.J1IB uuiij, file iimr" '-- of the most reliable seedsmen In Etirop. All yew and.-Improved vttieue ducel tried and proved desirable at tfc -' u paid to the - FXaOimi SEED DEPA'nTMO and not on7y a!J,th aew and mnch aJilred T. but all nev novelties in the Flower det1" be introduced. All orders for e. TEEE3, PIJAT7TS,SvUrJBI:Sy,---,' EE3, BUL,36, will be promptly executed. We have aortment of . . . Garden and Farmir Ir:?'- ALBERT H. Ilc' "j P.O.UoxSfUt. : Snit March 6. nZ6 3m. Cbic SEED POTATOES. Woodstock. Ash Leaf. Kidney. Tink E Blues and Blue Rusty One Dollar per bush el delivered at the OEice of the "Nebraska Fanner " 100 Varieties Grape. Vines. The Laryeit Collection Wet of 2Tev Yori. Delaware, Diana, Rebecca, Ilcrbeniont, naxtford i-tolific. Con cord, Union Villa ?e. FranV'in. OntaRi Cugahorri, Canadian Chief. Taylors DulletL Mm - taway, Creveling, Clolinta and over 70 other kii ds t eastern catalogue rates. : Tsabslla, CaUwb aai Clinton at 25cts each. 2 jvr doren, 10 per I00t ... . u2. aw,. ' At NEMAILA NURSERY. . .LANDBETH'S larranted Garden . BLUVDEX. K0EMQ it' W 1 a (Late Joh-i GAayxTT it Co-,) . Xo. 65 Korth Second Street, abo ST. L.0TJI3, HO. . Offer for sale at very low fl?ure. a wt assorted stock of Aric;;aral aal Cjrtica i f ment. comprisinjc everythin? necessary w together wus a larye and fresa supply land's Celebrated Gan!e3 i- chop or i5si, :rj, For which they are the sole aseats. Tif'r :'' reiy upon gettiu? from them "! a pure but true tj name it. every "''fVc3 j seels at lowest market rates Chinesi,J-- a Tobacco seel. Top Onions. .c, , ac. - would do well to send them their 0,'.!-',; Seadfor Almanac an! Illustrated Ca"1 . fc tt ( BI.USOJC-V, 10a'" March, 13-52. n25-ly Early Sugar Cane Se'i Seed of the E.irly Imphee. pot up in ' ,r uai a?ea and sent by nia:l (oost-pa; J. '"r i-r. I.,r! Ham ri r thin t.'lfl SdrK-iU M- 4. , w. " " - -v . - , r t r AMrtf, H. A. IESHr CrtJ1-J-tl 5-