Nebraska advertiser. (Brownville, Nemaha County, N.T. [Neb.]) 1856-1882, May 08, 1862, Image 1

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    JJE11 & IIACKEli,
cockier' Block, .Slain Street,
f'H "."oriuETons. :
"..V.r more wl
... . -..,;cVa. f k1 Fkfl nr'
..fT. cs-accompanies ordcr' BOtl
r -M ;V'. iV'tv-Xi)
J ' f ! i ' ' ' ! I I
Rates of AcLvc:
One (i'iu.tre (tenlaiesor lessjo.e Irnerti ,n, c-
KUch ftJJKiuaal iertko - - . . . ,
One (Kjuare. one monta ....
Hinn CrJs, six lUes or lass, one jr
On eolamn oceyeir ...
One naif colnmn one year -'J
fourth roinnio oo yer
One eiRhtit colanin one year
One column tit momba - .
, Oneblf colnrna ij mT j
One fcxiTth cuiaran n u:
Oneeishthoe a col-OT.a s.s v.r.ij
Oaecn'.aQia three moaiii " . .
One half column three n-i
One fourth cclnmn !!ire rWD:bs -Oae
eUhth culstnn tar?e raintri .
Ancounning CiOuiilte for oClce (?ytnnt la
xlTknce) - - - - - ft9
Transient ndvertieraents, ta lnnure inerHon. nmrt
be rM for la tdv&nce. Xeirly averUaemeuu, ;r-
teriy in avni:e. . ,
I no
i c
H )
ft fHJ
2 0-1
II v
1 h
f 00
on. vi.
NO. 44.
.5 ESS C A It DS
,.sauv w. iii:vlTT,
I -,j , sew iWcli of Slrw Coodi,
:t sutwni'iuTS, ' CAPS, AXD
? j ,? tie Wert Fl.o. The ladies of
Vndiind oi ; are cordially invited to call
''!letni tCt dwf e"tof tbe Methodiit
, . Waters-
vi-ll XTK1KS0N,.. -: ..;
mm it law,
t ci corner or Mai ani First St.
iC,2-Wrt If -, ' - , .
STdTgwin, ;
! Buriog THrmanpntly Located near
tprwtice of MeJicioe and Surgery, ten-
, WoHonal erviceg to the afflicted.
, aile foola of town, n he old Aixon
f . . -
Justus Scliocnlieit
-mcr TiTBt and Main Streets, ;
nTillc; - - -' Nebraska
. AND' '
Icr Co'miaissiODcr -In Chancery. .
i.l-ujA k.-'f ;n V.n.iiTilli. N . T.. tea
njfesfioni.lserricet to tWouiinaaUj.
H wirrattedi '
is batches & Jewelry.
J. SCHUTZ " ' '
onlda'nuonncetethee'.tinene el BrewriTllle
"TirmitT tht fee li-.iuctd Licibelf in
-ownville, andintenl Verpinit a to' I assort.
rtTtbinf iu taiKllneof bueiQes, which, will
i..V, tto win lUodu All kinds of re-
I ilocls, wetch and jewelry.' All work war-
IS j rrime, so. i nwuranee,
1 Iff THE
PilLI IIIMffl 11
The Fruits of the Phanix .
Are manifest in the following statement of Facts
and Fgares, showing the amount equalized to public
benefit, in the shape cf losses paid in the west and
South, during the past four years j a substantial rec
ord of a
7c II Tried Corporations
40.377 65 OHIO
27,622 Vi
69,174 56
32,670 03-
34,220 13
19,323 34-.
.8.663 10
9,765 00
34,054 35
tl,167 CO
40,377 i,5
.-INDIANA -27,622 iA
..ILLINOIS .69,174 56
MICAICAX 32.670 08
WISCONSIN 34.220 13
IOWA--.... 19.323 34
MINNESOTA-.,. 8.653 10
KANSAS- 9,7&5 CO
KENTUCKY ...... 34.054 36
43,054 CO-.. .... TENNESSEE 43,054 90
20.832 55 MISSISSIPPI.-' 10,832 55
27,693 83 MISSOURI -27,638 83
22,833 43 ARKANSAS 22,839 43
3,961 68 TEXAS 3,961 68
555 56 - ALABAMA 555 55
Insurances solicited, and policies issued and renew
ed ia this leading Corporation, at fair rates by
'-. Resident Agent, i
Brownville, Sept. 5, ISCO. -
ANNOUNCES to the public that he bas purchased the
Livery Stable and Stock fonnerly owned by William
Rosseli and added thereto fine atock, and is now prepar.
ed to accommodate the public with
Saddles Horses
Can find at his Stable ample accommodations for
horses, mules or cattle.
Brownrille, Oct. 18, 1860. n!6-yly .
kit or. in- Chancery.
timer of Matn and Ff9t Streets.'
' -T.-rencs, Dr.D. Gwin, BromTillc .
i,U - n40-Iy V. - ;
s- : j . . , .
' -. v., x- ;
or ALL ailTDS.
er of Main & Walnut Sta, St. Louis.
. A S D - '.
pDsclior. at Law
1.."' iEiTe prompt attention
; f"""'-!!!. ColUJctions prompt
articular attention (riren to locat.
Uoa lands carefully selected by
(Successor to Lushbaugh & Caraon. ,
C2 32 .
Dealer in Coin, bncurrent Money, Land
Warrants, Exchange, and Gold Dust
t will plre efpeclal attention to buying and selling ex-
chiiDire on the principal cities of tbe United States and
Europe, , Gold Silver, uncurrent Bank Bills, and
Gold Dust, Collections made on all accessnble points.
and proceeds remitted in exchanse at current rates.
Deposit receired on current account, and interest al
lowed on special deposits.
Telegraph and tho IT. S.
Land Offices.
iticzTLrzzKzzt J
.a Held and FloitcrJScccXs,
E'Vlinsfc G00SZ3ESMLS, '
. Raspberries,.' Blackberries,
frfr BLUFFS, IOWA. .
j " fommenoed, be m'juJciory ot
f m Tronville. and hoprs by atieution
"tui. r of public patronage. Bis
""or no pay"
Llnd i. Brother '
W. Carton k. Co..
Hiser. Dirk &.Co.
Youmk &. Carson,
Jeo. Thonipsou Mason, Col'r t Port,
wm, T. Smitbson, Esq., Ilauker,
J. T. Stevens, Esq., Att'y st Law,
Jno. S. Gallaber, Late d Aud. U. S. T.
Tarlor & Kriesh, Bankers, - -
McOielland, Pye oo.,
lion. Thomas G. Pratt,
Hon. Jas. ii. Carson, '.
P. B. Small. Esq., Tres't S. Bank,
Col. Geo. Schley, A'y at Law,
Col. Sam.HambletouAtt'y at Law,
Judge Thos. Terry, .
Prof. H. Tutwiler, '
Philadelphia, Pa.
Baltimore, Md.
Washingtor. D. C.
Chicago, 111.
. St. Louis, Mo.
Annapolis, Md.
Meroersburr Pa
Bagertown, Md.
East on, Md.
. Cumberland, Md
Havana, Alabma.
Sov 8, 18Sn-tf .
rwIonoyi.clViviioodL on ,
I win receive Pike's Peak Gold, and advance
money upon tbe same, and pay over balance of proceeds
as soon as Mint returns are bad. In all cases, I wi'
exhibit the printed returns of the United Stat es,MLD"
3t Assay cilice.
, A If 1)
Collection Office
or-: ' -
Z3. W. SeciforcL,
Jlairi, Udu'ccn Lcvte'and First Streets'
Particular attention pi ven to tfcc
Purchase and Sale ofllcal
. Estate, BlaUIn? Col
lections and
Payment r Taxc? lor ?on-n.ciiI-dentK.
LAND WARRANTS j. or SALE, f..r cash ard oa
itoliEts,on lands selected from personal examination,
and complete Township Map, showing Streams,
Timber, Ac forwarded with, the Certificate cf loca
tion, .i
. Brownville. N. T.Jan. 3, 1861. jl
all war-
;? at
a b,i 7 one can tin dool,
, k pnees so low that none can
m7 ,lk0P on First street, between
ts ! Currants !
."(W V- Fb. Brownville, a f
2. t. ,VV a'. st h
"Pike's Peali, or Uust.J
3JJ"o. 11, rdaixi atroov,
jr. eEEiB Do
Have Just completed tbelr rew onsines house on
Main Street, near the U.S. Lr d Office, in Brownvill
where they have opened out and areoil'ering on tbe most
farorsble terms. " ' -
Dry Goods, Provisions,
Of all Kinds,
Choice Liquors, Cigars,
And a "thousand and one," other things everybody
JrowDTlile, April a, I7
. .,,932302.98. :;. .
Cash and cash items - " - ' -Ijoans
well secured - - -- ,
Beal Kstate - -' - '
2626 shares Hartford Bank Stocks -
225 KewTork " -
1010 - - : Bostoa ; " " .
BC7 other . " , ... .
United State and State ' ' !
Bartfd fcX Haven A.B.onds m '. .
Hartford City Bonds
Conn. Elver Co. & B.E. Co. Stock -
Total Assets - . -
Total liabilities - . -
$79,6S8 78
66,263 SO
-; ; - i6,ooo 00
193,360 00
- 100 750 CO
- 68,085 00
- , 73,367 CO
m.i .- 89,700 00
36.760 00
4,600 00
$932,302 93
73,244 27
For details of investments, see small Cards and Cir
Insurances mny be effected In this old and substantial
Company ou very favorable terms
Apply to "
t?" Dwellings and Farm Property Insured lor a term
of .years at very low rates J ly04J
Announce to the traveling public that their splendid
and commodious 5 learn Ferry running across from
- " ' ' ' v
. Brownville, j5r. Nebraska.
Is one ef the best in every respoctca the Upper Mis-
sourl river. Tie Boat makes regular trips every hour
so that no time will be lost in waning..
The banks on both sides of tbe river are low and well
(trailed which renders unloading xinneceesary as is the
case at must other ferries.
No fears need be entertained as to difficulties atornear
this crossing, as everybody in this region, on both sides
of the river, is for tbe union the strongest kind.
Our charges too an item these hard times-are lower
than at any other crossing.
Travelers f rotn Xacsas to Iowa and to the east will find
this the nearest and best routei" every respect.
"Brownville, Nebraska, Sept. 21st, 1861.
Merchant Tailor,
i .', ' . . - ' - ' . .. .' ' . .
: Calls tbe attention of Gentlemen desiring sew, seat,
servicable and fashionable .
. ; a ; :
, , " TO HIS - ". ,
Hew Stock of Goods
- Which he will sell or make up, to order, at unprece
dented low prices.
Those wishing anything In his lice will do well to
call and examine hit stock before; investing, as he
pledge? himself to hold out peculiarly favorsble in
ducements. " -
February 13th, 1SC2. II - J;
m nn store
. -.' .IN , . . ,
WhitnejBBloc-:Maln, Street. ; -.
1 " ' (From the Boston Cultivator. ' '
TTelcone Bircls;1 : ;v'
This morn I saw a blue bird, f
Eis mate was by his side - .':.
Eight weleome, little blue bud, . , f - ;
Bight welcome, too, your brieve ! .
Tou're welcome back to freedon,s land, -
Though lately Cows from 'Cesiia'f etraad.
J I thought I beard a-singlng, 11 '
Just from a shade-tree's bou;h, -:.
. J'm sure I now ees winging, ', ;
'" Dear rebbin-red-breast now J ' ':
.; . Ton' re welcome from tie snnuy c'lme,
Our skies are genial in their time ! , ,
a - . .
. .. Come tarry, iweet bird, wltji ns, .. ' . , . '.
And make with us your home, . .
Metkinks you'll toke:Ngir 1 os "
Of better days to come, ' ; - v - ' , - t
. When peace's olive-branch again , , , .
' Shall wave e'er moaatain, iil and plain .' : '
- J ,; , ', .,,' " . 8.' 8 ' ttm -"
BIrclsBerenil Crops iigainst Insects.
From .a report read before the French
Senate', . praying for the protection of
those biids which' destroy insects hurtful
to our crops, we find it stated that the
wireworm consumed 160,000 worth of
com in one department . alone, and was
the cause of the three deficient harvests
which preceded 1856.; Out of 604 seed
of colza; all but 296 had been rendered
worthless by ' insects, entailinir a loss o
oil equal to 32.8 per cent. In Germany,
according to Latnelle, tbe Phalxma mon
acha consumed whole forests. In Eastern
Prussia, three years agoV more than 24,
000,000 subic metres' of firs had loheca
down, being so destroyed by insects.
Man is unable to cope with these de
stroyers of the produce of his labors
His eye is too dull to perceive, and his
hand too slow to catch them; .'.Without
the aid of birds he woulo be vanquished
in the struggle. The commission, while
it excludes birds of prey from its protec
ticn, partially includes buzzards and rooks
because th8.ffrm onwfCOO' mfce
yearly, "and "the latter an incalculable
amount of wireworms and other -grubs
Sparrows are rehabilitated, and their.use
fulness shown, by reference to the facts
that when their destruction was attempted
in Hungary, winged insect's increased so
rapidly that rewards for thd destructioii
ot sparrows were suppressed, and given
for bringing them.back. -
, Frederick ; the Great ordered the de
struction of parrots, because they ate his
cherries ; but in two years' time he found
his cherries and all other fruits devoured
by caterpillers. In a sparrow's nest in a
terrace in the Rue Vivienne were found
the remains of 700 Tipulas, the larvs of
which turn to wireworms the greatest
enemy the garden and the farmer have to
contend with. , . . : -
. Owls, and birds of that class,, which
agricultural ignorance pursues as birds of
evil omen, ought to be welcomed. They
are ten times more useful than the best
cats and not dangerous to the larder. The
martins that were killed were found to
have in their stomachs the remains of
543 inscets.- .
In order to protect these insect de
vours rs, the report proposes the prohibi
tion of all means of destroying birds save
by fire arms,': with the exception of( nets
for. wild ducks and palmipedes generally.
Cat. Farmer,
JLNXOUNCES to the citirens cf BrownvUIo and
vicinity thnt be has removed his Drug Store from
Sidney, Iowa, to the City of JJrownviUe, and haying
added thereto an extensive stock o'l
Fresh Drugs, .
Chemicals, ' "
, . Dye Stuffs,; vy 7; . ...
. . Faints and Oils, " ' ' ' "
. Pure Wines and Liquors,.
; For Medical Purposes,
" ; V Hair and Tooth brushes,
,Perfum.ry, . , -
- Fine Toilet Soap, :
. ' . - . &c, &c, &C.
' Inrites the psblio patronage.
t3"Physiclan's Prescriptions attended to at all hours
bwthby day wid night. - ' - . '
BrowsrUle, Aprii IIth,I66l., . , . a4Q-yly
I will send, by mail, po'pfpaid, 100 small BrxBS,
mostly mixed TULIPS, for one doHar, and Large
Bulbs of eame, for $2. Cthcr Bulb., nawted, low
enough. " :-"
, HLKBaCEOUS PESJLNNIALS. of 50 Mrta, fine
mixed ROSES and other HARDY S ARUEBER ,
by express, cr railroad, 4 to 8 dollars per 100. A am
ed and ohoici 60BXS, about donbU price; and more
in small seleited Jots in all; 5C1 va-lcties.
: "Small Fsitts" of all scrta, iatJ iiiag Delawak
ac t Concobb Grapes, equally reonable.
FnriT and CesamentalTeees, 25 per cent. low
er than usual. All safely packed, to keep a month,
Adjd6lN A. KIXyiCOTT,
- . . The GroTe P. 0., Cock Co, El.
Don't Underte too Macti.
In wrirtinsr and speaking of the lessons
of. English Agriculture, we have always
placed in the foremost rank, die, fact so
clearly shown througnout its wnoie nista;
rv. that the- live stook of a farm has there
increased with the increase of , its cereal
crops or rather, one reason why Euglish
farmers produce more grain than we do,
and upon a far smaller surface, is because
they keep more stock and devote a far
larger surface to the growth or crops ex
clusively for their stock. - ,, t . ;
.-' '
If, however, this is interpreted to mean
our farmers should keep raore sheep and
cattle on their farms, whether they grow
hay and roots enough to feed them en or
not, it is very bad advice. The first les
son which the good .armmg oi JLngland,
or aoy other contry, is toat wnaiever is
undertaken pays best in the Jong run,
when it is done thoroughly and well. We
., . -L.iu bn .-mmJi -L-- M.-
our crops from a few animals well fed ann
attended to, than from a larger number
just kept alive, and mainly left to take
care of themselves. If r we eari save a
year in the fattening, of a pig, or sheep,
or bullock, by better care and more feed,
we are. saving ourselves twelve months'
keep, are turning over our money twelve
momhs sooner, and can consequently de
rive a greater profit by every step which
tends to lessen the time of feeding; even
if we considerably diminish the nnrober
wo feed." . ' . '. .
'. An excellent article on raising lambs
for butchers, by Mr. Taylor of N. J. i a
striking instance in point. He shows from
his own experience that he began by 'at
tempting too much: that he lcepireducing
the number of his sheep and adding to
the profits they yieleed him, for - several
years in succession, and without any."ex
ception to the advantages that resulted.
Cut' short your "expenses but let. your
profits run on," is an old business rule
very applicable on .thy farm. Animals
which are kept so' as not to be gaining
from day tu day, and from week to week,
fairly come under the head of losses that
are. "to be cut short;" in other words,
where iliere are so many of them as to
be barely kept alive on the produce of
the farm, it is entirely consumed in sup
porting them, and they are no better off
at the end of the season than at the be
ginning; while with a reduced number,
a porprotionately smaller amount' of food:
would support life, and all the rest would
become additional flesh, in which there
would be room for profit "to run en." 7
Mr. Taylor, in a private note justly adds,
that "instead -of having the country over
ran with great cumbers of animals,
stunted and starved, a. smaller number
kept as they should be, would result in
far greater pleasure, credit and profit.'
It is for this reason that we have ceT
er.united in the. outcry which one or two
noisy advocates of keeping stock "just in
a thriving condition,' always raise when
ever'.they sue a Short-Horn whose 'ribs
thay can't' count at the first glance,
Over-feeding,' especially in prize animals,
has unquestionably become a , great evil
in England it may eventually be an evil
here.' 7ut the danger is yet 'distant. '
We do preach against the sins of people
in other countriesas some 'ministers have
a way of doing ; but prefer to - call the
attention of our hearers, if possible, to
the error of their own ways. And aside
from the merits of one breed and another,
as exhibited at our Agricultural shows,
we regard it as their especial mission to
present, so glaringly that the wayfaring
man though not very bright cannot fail
to observe it -a lesson upon, the ' good
keeping and care expended upon all clas
ses and breeds of our domestic animals
a lesson which: the farmer, going home,
will act upon,, emulating what he has seen
until the." comparative anatomy " cf his
cattla "or sheep, shall become to him a
much more difficult study than it now is
from the living example. '- ' '
From the Country Gentleman and Cultivator. ;
Introduction of tHe Potato Into the
United States.
' Messrs. Editors : To answer the in
quiry of "A Co. Gent.,, of New Britain,
Ct., as it is put, would be to say that the
J potato ;waa;introduccd tt AeIca py
j the Creator "in the biginning'' or since,
as it is one of the indigenous productions
of South America. But the question prob
ably is when'was it introduced into the
United States 1 Answering that question
in full will ulso explain why , it is called
the Irish potato, as it was perhaps the
case years ago more than it is now with
us, and still is at the South in distinction
from the sweet potato. '. ; .
, The only authority I know of in rela
tion to the matter is Belknap's History of
New Hampshire and as the book is. not
commoni I will give, as briefly as possible,
the substance of that historian, and if
there is further or other information upon
the matter, we shall all be glad to receive
In 1719 a large number of emigrants
came to this country from the north of
Ireland and settled a township which they
called Londonderry. They were called
Irish, and there was no little antipaty felt
toward them, which would have been very
foolish, even if they had been natives of
Ireland, but they were from a colony of
Scotch- presbyterians that had settled in
the .province of Ulster, Ireland, in the
reign of King James I. They had a
thirst for civil and religious liberty which
their situation in Ulster did not satisfy,'
and nearly the whole colony removed to
America. .About one hundred and twen
ty families came. One hundred families
came to Boston, and the rest landed on
the coastcf Maine. Of the former about
sixteen families were those who made the
settlement of the town of Londonderry.
The historian referred .to says: "Those
people brought with them the necessary
material for the manufacture of linen ;
and their spinning-wheels, turned by the
foot, were a novelty in the country. . They
ao introduced the culture of potatoes,
which were first planted in the garden of
Nathaniel Walker of Andover. They
were an industrious, frugal and conse--
qumtly thriving people." Hence, these
people-being, called Irish,'. the potatoes
which they introduced were called Irish
potatoes. A. B. B., Randolph, Mass. . ' "
Flowers for Dry GronnoV
I have taken notes the past season that
may be useful to those who live on high
ground exposed to the burning sun, and
wish to cultivate a . few flowers. The
is m front of the house, a space of ten
eet wide, on the brink cf the terrace;
some fifteen feet above the street; the
ground is copiously supplied with cobble
stones of all sizes: they have been taken
out about one foot deep and loam mixed
with the surface soil. There had been
box edging set, by" a former owner, ori
both sides of the walk, from the steps of
the terrace to . doors in the rear of the
house; it was all killed except about thir
ty feet protected from the west wind by
the house, I made an edging of pinks,
a dwarf-growled', double pink, name not
known, which does well, (only growing
too fast) and blossoming profusely. Small
Balsam firs, set out in the spring of 1855,
are now eight feet high; Purple fringe,
small well-rooted layers, set out'at the
same time, are seven feet ; Purple Per-
sian lilac, five feet. '
Herbaceous perennials that do well are
the following: Iris, both white and blue,
eanel-leaved Pseony, double Hollyhocks,
White Valerian,' Mullen Pink, Sweet
Williams. Bee Larkspur, Sain ia Tenorii,
Veronica austriaca, and Spergula pilifera,
(the far-fetched lawn grass,) as far as
the hot sun and dry ground is concerned;
a small seedling plant turned out of a pot
in July, 1S61, grew to be a mass ten in
ches in diameter by fall; 'It looked green
when the snow went oft m the spring,
ut by the time the warm rains and sun
shine came, it looked as yellow as a piece
of scalded moss, b'it the sun revived what
life it had left; a new growth -of green
was seen making its way through the yel
low mass, and soon covered the oli coat
with a green mantle ; it has spread much
larger the past summer, but will no doubt
have .to undergo another scalding in
the spring. f As if looked then, I should
as soon think of seeding a lawn with
chick weed ; it breaks easily, and does
not seem constituted to tear the tramping
a lawn ' would get. I often find peices
pulled out as though done by the birds or
dogs." - - : "'j- ; - ' '
Annuals that do 'well are the Sultan's,
Sweet -Mignorette, Sweet Alyssum," Vis
caria oculata, Centaurea'americana,' Con
taurea cyanus, Larkspurs, Candytuft, and
others of. that" class. : " " : ' :
The foregoing kinds cf flowers received
no artificial watering; the ground was
well worked before planting,-which wa3
done early in May'arid hoed "occasionally
when required. Magazine of Ilcriicul'
ture. ' ' - .:--: '
- . The, Fejec Island Tomato.
This, we suppose is called 'the Pear
shaped Tomato, and on which the Phila
delphia Farmer arid Gardener remarks:
Whatever controversy there may hereto
fore have been "in regard to the merits cf
the Fejee Island Tomato, we 'think the
past season his so unmistakably demon
strated its superiority over all others, that
in future" it will rank where it deservedly
belongs, not with, but as-the first. Per
fect in shape,"of large size, solid,' pro
ductive, and bearing fruit.'abundantly un
til the frosts cut it off, it' has everything
to recommend it to general, favor except
earliness. ! This latter feature alone may
prevent it t roin . entirely superseding the
ordinary tomato, but 'apart .from this it
certainly stands 'unrivaled. .There are
those who are inclined to question whether
such a thing &s a tomato is to be found on
tne. jceiee islands, ivnowing little, or
nothing of the vegetable productions 0
that man-eatiog region, 'we are not pre
pared to discuss the point, if, " indeed,. i
was at all material, whether it" originated
in the Fejee Islands, or on Smith's Island
in the Delaware: We know that it 13 far
superior ; to anything in the shape of a
tomato ever produced ;m; this region,
whether we view it in point of flavor,
perfect form. or productiveness. e do
not think it so well adapted to a climate
north-of this, but for the latitude of
Philadelphia it U just the thing. ;A Feje
tomato of . the same size will weigh nearly
twice as much as any of the old varieties,
and this difference "in weight is not made
up of water, but of good solid pulp. In
fact, when cut open, they very much re
semble a beefsteak in appearance, and
when properly prepared that is, either
fried, stewed, baked, or broihd they are
a dish fit for nn emperor, cr, what is the
same thing, fcr a good, loyal, Union-loving
citizen of the Northern States.. I
First teach . the acical to welcome your
scming by little presents cf an apple, a
handful of corn, or salt or other delicacy.
She will soon readily permit the hand to
be laid upon her back and enjoy the
gentle rubbing and scratching which m3y
be given. Extend the handling to dif
ferent parts cf the body, un'.il she will
not.fiinch from grasping her teata, ar.i
the work may be soon accomplished with
out even a harsh word. This will b-2 a
good lesson' for the boys to practice", and
will teach them patience and kindness, ia
trials. ,
en eels upon h2 ani
to the. good
fin.. Jl 'zriculiurist.
Singular Bottle Stories. ;
: Capt. Beecher, editor of the English
Nautical Magazine, has compiled, within
the last ten years, the following curious
voyages of bottles thrown into the sea by
unfortunate navigators:
"A good many bottles thrown into the
sea next to th3 African coast found their
way to Europe. The bottle seems to have
anticipated the Austral Panama route,
having traveled from the Panama isthmus
0 the Irish coast. Another crossed the
Atlantic from the Canaries to Nova Sco
tia. Three or four bottles thrown into
the sea by Greenland mariners on the
Davis -Strait, landed on the. northwest
coast of Ireland. . Another one made a
very curious trip ; it swam from the South
Atlantic Ocean to the west coast cf Africa,
passed Gibralter, went along: the Portu
gese coasMo France, passed. Brest, and
was finally picked up on Jersey Island.
The direct lice touches at 1eat.all these
placesr:and makes 'it -more than probable
that it took this route.' '"One: bottle "was
only found after sixteen years' swimming
one after foarleen. and two aften' ten. A
ew only travelleoVraore than one year,
and one only five days. , This last was
sent off by the captain of the Race Horse
on the seventeenth cf Arn'l in ti e Car-
bbean bea, and was tound on the twenty-
second, after having gone through three
degrees of longitude in a westwardly di
rection. Capt. McClure, of the Investi
gator, well known since his discovery of
the Northwest strait,' threw a bottle into
the sea in 1850, on his way to Eehring'?
b;raits. It swam three thousand six bun
bred miles in two hundred aod six days
and was picked, up on the Honduras
Coast."- " " .
; From the Country Geatleaaa a4 C:iiva;c;r.J
These beautiful pets, sometimes callcd-Lop-Eared.
Rabbits; do not receive tho
attention their good qualities entitle them
to. They are much the largest and tho
most beautiful of all the rabbit familv.
Their flesh i3 far superior to that cf the
wild rabbit, and better than the ficsh cf
the common domestic rattit. I thin
they should be bred extensively by tho
poor class as an article cf food, fcr they
can be easily raised at a trifling expense,
requiring to be fed only en coarse and -cheap
food. They occupy but little space,
breed often, and come early' to" maturity,
when . full grown frequently weighing ;
from fifteen to twenty pounds. . Their
skins, when tanned, make beautiful robes
their colors being handsomely variegated.
As fine a rabit inay be raised ia a dry
goods box, placed in some shed or corner
of the yard, as those raised in a warren
co'sting fifty or one hundred dollars. I
would in no way discourage the raking
of these rabbits as a matter of fancy, fcr
the breeding of them is a pleasant and
instructive amusement for children, and .
to follow the rabbit through all the di:Ter- .
ent periods of life, from' the time it rs
deposited in its downy nest until it ar
rives at maturity,, ia one of the most
pleasant observations of the Naturalist. .
S. P. Keatoe.
' A Philosophic Darkej.
A correspondent of the Cincinnati
Gazelle,', writing from the Cumberland
rivergives the following humorous ccb-
quy with a philosophic darkey :
I noticed, upon the hurncan deck, to-,'
day, an elderly darkey with a very rhib- ,
sophical and retrospective cast cf coun
tenance, squatted upon his bundle, toast-
ing his shins' against the chimcey, and
apparently plunged in a state of profound
meditation. - Finding upon inquiry that,
he belongedlo the Ninth Illinois, cna cf ,
the most gallantly behaved and heavy.'
losing regiments in the Fort Donelscm
battle, and part of which was aboard, I ;
began to interogate him upon the subject.
His philosophy was so much ia th, Fal-
staffianyein that I give his views in bii
own words, as near as my memory r:rv;
me. : ' ,""."'
'Were you in the fight?" ' ;.
"Had a little taste of it. 6ah.",
"Stood your, ground, did you 1" ;
"No, sah, I runs."
"Run at the first fire, did you?"
"Yes, sah, an' would hab run'sccna if
d koowd it war comin." . , '
-"Why. that wasn't very creditable to
courage." . .
"Dat isn't in my line, sat cdokia'a
my perfeshun." ' ;-
"Well, but have you no regard fcr your
"Reputation s" nurfia to me by c? zils
ob life.'?
''Do you consider your life worth more-
than other people's?" " -' "
"It swell mere to me,-sah ?"
"Then 'you mast value ft very highly?"
"Yes,, so I, does more dan all dis
wurldmore" dan a million cb dollars,
sab; fcr-what "would dat be wuth to a.
man wid de brcf out cb him? Self-pres-
a di:.:.-
Ercal-Ir.3: Hellers for Milking
This is often made quite a serious afTair,
in which kicks and truises are freely in
terchanged between the frightened brute
and the irritated master. Many an other
wise excellent milker i3 spoiled' for' life
by harsh treatment. A heifer, if well
broken to the bilk pail, is thereby made
worth at least twenty per cent, more an
increase which will , pay for much pains
taking. Rarey's" reasoning respecting
horses applies equally-to otber animals.
They only resist when injury is appre
hended, and their natural instinct sug
gests danger whenever any unusual treat
ment occurs. Every one has noticed how
shy a creature is in entering strange in
cisures, or at sight of new objects. The
handling of a heifer's big is to her a very
unusual proceeding, and in addi'.ion, the
teats are' often tender, and the ba caked
and inflamed so as to painful under even
a gentle tocch. Training for milking
should commence Iocs before calving.
as amart
erbashun am de fust law,
uBut why should you act upon
ent rule from 'other men."
" "Case different men set dLTerent val
ues 'poa dar lives mine's not in de mar
ket." . . - - - , .
But if yen lost it yea would have'the
satisfaction cf knowing that you died for.
your country." r,
' "What" satisfacshun would dat .be to
me when de power cb feelin- is gne?"'-
"Then patriotism ar.d honor are noth
ing to you ?"
"Nuffin whateber, sah I regard dera
the vanities.
'If our soldiers were like ycu, traitcr3
might have taken up the Government
without resistance."
"Dar would hab bin no help for it, sah,
I wouldn't put my life in de scale ygainst
any Gcbernrr.ent dat eber existed fcr
no Gobernment could replace de loss tq
me," : ' ;
"Do you. think any cf your company
would have missed you if ycu had teea
killed?" '"' "'. '
' "Maybe not. $3h -a dead white man
ain't much to dese -sogers, let alone a
dead pigga but i'd missed mysef, sah,
an dat am de pint wid me."
It is safe to eay that the dusky corpse
of that American will ever darken the
field of carnage.
A livin faiihin moral and religions
truth expands the mind ; quickens the in
tellect to grasp all truth that comes wit.ia
its reach; excites the imagination toad
mire the beautiful; and finds delight in
tracing out the k works of God, with all
their benevolent" arrangements, through
which we are led to love and adore our
common heavenly Father. This is true
human progress.
i !
j I