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About Nebraska advertiser. (Brownville, Nemaha County, N.T. [Neb.]) 1856-1882 | View Entire Issue (May 1, 1862)
ADVERTISER. MjTmAY 1.1S62. 1 trrin'ir Material of all Kink I id n KewTork. and Brown's Iroi r!Ltr end Jdverhser. u, .... r.w m transact Business v uu . . w', please direct their letters f' Hacxek Brown rille, N. - t t ' iViiTHtR-Tbis Spring, in Ne- 1 8t least, Las had no parallel since 'horyVas settled... To-day, the ,'jjjy,. there is tcarcely a flower ecn, the grass is but just begining se tbrough the ground, and the :, look tost as gloomy as in mid 'v. We? in 1813,-the season was t " 1116 Present' the folloW' ' jmnier ras remarkably wet. If this er it iiroilar we may look for excel crops of Corn, on the upland prairie, ! 5,roa want of cultivation, it should tiered with weeds. ' Vi Atl5tic Moicthx-t. The May erof this periodical is on our table. Vents cf this number are:. Man pealed" orders; My garden; Ly 'f the street; The south breaker ; A of study in natural history; 'j;cTbe titmous; Saltpetre as a "e of power; Weather in war; i written under a portrait of Theo .Vinthrop ; Hindrance ; The states ":.!pof Richelieu; Under the. snow; irj, in its principles, . development, 'rpedients; The volunteer ; Speech -;Dorable Preserved Doe in secret '.s. The Atlantic has the most able of writers of any periodical in the : 3 States. The tales in the Atlantic be found rery-interesting to those draire tthe New England style of i'.ure. ' e articles on 'Methods of study in ;1 History," are from Prof. Agassiz. . .. i:$e in the country who are circulat ions to the U. S. Senate, praying idiversion of the money appropriated jislatire expenses towards the pay 1 af the? War Tat," should immedi ! forward them on to our Delegate ishiiiffton', or teturn them to this There is a ' number vet in this jibat Irare not been sent on. They 'J not be delaj'ed another day. . !.e people of this county, so far as ! informed, are, to a man, in favor of roosed dirersipn. ;e One day last week while S. L. 'as of this county was absent from his garner, crib and stable took !rora the burLicg prairie, and con r3 jhera with their contents. His e was some 14 by 63 feet, and cov jwnh hay, being on and about it some ;r 40 tons. His grain was recently lied, and is almust an entire loss ; as p Iitile was saved is so badly smoked render it useless for bread. The ns every ear burned. A good lot psts, rails, lumber, and nearly all his eg utensils were also consumed. opposed that he had taken all the ncc ,7 Fecaution, having some time ago :ei the prairie for 25 or 30 rods dis , and plowed a number of furrows. whirl wind carried the fire from prairie into the hay. . Loss about 1. ;fit Ritir. The Missouri is higher f'a it has been since Nebraska was ei. At ih , . It Lss nnt rc) fvrcrPn,i.r A . ,), is in tne bottoms, both above and ;torn, are now covered. Entire fields, in some places are destroy j At Nebraska City, we leatn from f -vr they have not been able to 5 iih the mail from the Iowa side eral days. At all other places up af Council Bluffs, we understand, possible to cross in the Ferry boats ;ountbf the high water on the bbt- Below here, also, at several places, ame difficulty is complained of. ,3 cany places the banks are washing la some places the people are ,ctT theif houses, to prevent them filling into the river. Near . Ne- City the river has washed the way to the distance of 20 O F F I C E A LAWS OF THE UNITED STATES. Passed at the Scconi Session, cf t$ Hart if- Hcvcr.l'i tor: jr ess. or Pcruc No. 33. AN ACT making rrrrcnairaions fjr the legis lative. executive. ai:d iudicial cxrerscs cf the Government fqr the year ending thir tieth of June, eighteen hundred and fcixty three, and additional pppropriatior.s for tha year ending thirtieth of J une, eighteen hun dred and sixtv two. Be it enacted hij the Senate aud House cf Representatives of the United slates cf Ameri ca in Conqresss AsseritllcJ, That, tha follow ing sums be and the same are hereby appro priated out of any money iu the Treasury not otherwise appropriated, for the objects hereafter expressed, for the fiscal year ending the thirtieth of June, eighteen hundred and sixty-three namely : but nothing herein con tained Kball be construed as in any manner impairing the right to reduce the compensation of any cfacer of the Government, or to abolish sny existing cGce : tct compensation and milenge of Senators, two hundred and forty thousand four hundred and thirty dollars : Provided, That the sec ond mileage duo by law shall be paid at the present bession as soon as certified by the pre siding officers of the Senate and House : And provided further, That tho foregoing proviso shall not be construed to include more than two mileages for the present Congress. for compensation of the oucers, messen gers, clerks and others receiving an annual sal ary in the service of tho Senate, viz : Secre tary of the Senate, three thousand six hun dred dollars; officers charged with the dis bursement of the Sanate, lour hundred and eighty dollars; chief clerk, two thousand five hundred dollars; principal clerk and principal executive clerk in the ofilce of the Secretary of the Senate, at two thousand one hundred and fcixty dollars each ; eight clerks in office of the Secretary of the Senate, at one thous and eight huudred - and fifty dollars each ; keeper of the tstationary, one thousand 6even hundred and fifty-two dollar ; two messen gers, Kt one thousand and eighty dollars each; ouo page at live hundred dollars; Sergeant- at Arms and Doorkeeper, two thousand dol lars; Asbitant Dooi keeper, one thousand tseveu nundrea dolars;. rostmaster to me Senate, one thousand seven hundred and fifty doll ar ; Assiotant Postmaster and mail carrier one thousand four hundred and forty dollars ; two mail boys, at nine hundred dollars cacu ; superintendent of the document room, one thousand five hundred dollars; two assistants in document room, at one thousand two huu dred dollars each ; superintendent of tha fold ing room, one thousand five hundred dollars ; two messengers, acting as assistant doorkeep er?, at oue thousand five hundred dollars each ; Swveuteen messengers, at one thousand two hundred dollars each ; superintendent in charge of Senate furnaces, ono thousand two huudred dollars ; assistant in charge of fur naces, six hundred dollars; laborer in private passage, bix hundred dollars; two laborers, at lour hundred and eighty dollars each; clerk or bccretary to the President of the Senate, one . thousand van UAi& J ftytwO't dollars; clerk to the Committee of finance, one thousand eight hundred and fifty dollars; clerk to the Committee of Claims, one thou tand eight huudred and fifty dollars; clerk of printing records, one thousand eight hundred and fitly dollars; Chaplain to the Sanate, seven huudred and fil'ty dollars; making seventy-nine thousand and fourteen dollars. For contingent expenses of the Senate, viz: For stationery, twelve thousand dollars, For newspapers, three thousand dollars. . To pay John C. Hives for printing five hun dred copies of the Diplomatic Correspondent of the United States, irom rfeveuteen hundred and teventy-six to seveincen iiundrcd and eighty-three, lor the State Depaitment, fifteen thousand dollars. For printing the Congressional Globe and Appendix, which are hereafter to, be bound under the Hiiervieion of the Superintendent of Public Priming, according to the provis ions of section five of the "Joint Resolution in relation to the public priming," approved thirtieth of June, eighteen hundred and sixty, eighteen thousand dollars. For reporting proceedings in the Daily Globe for the second regular session of Thirty- seventh Congres, thirteen thousand dollars. For the usual additional compensation to tho reporters of the Senate for the Congress ional Globe for reporting the proceeding of Ibe Senate for tho second regular session of the Thirty-seventh Congress, eight hundred dollars each, four thousand dollars. For clerks to committees, pages, horses, and carryalls, fifteen thousand five huudred dollars For Capitol police, ten thousand two hun dred and twentv-four dollars. For expenses of heating and ventilating ap paratus, fourteen thousand dollars. For misceilaueous items, twenty thousand dollars. For compensation and mileage of members of the House of Representatives and delegates from Territories, six hundred, and twenty tuousand dollars. ' For compensation of the officers, clerks, messengers, and others receiving an annual salary in the service of the House of Repre sentatives, viz : Clerk of tho House of Rep resentatives, three thousand six hundred dol lars; two clerks, at two thousand one hundred and tixty dollars each ; eleven clerk?, at one thousand eight hundred dollars each; princi pal messenger in the office, one thousand seven hundred and fifty-two dollars; three messen gers, at one thousand two hundred dollars each; messenger to the Speaker, one thousand seven hundred and fiftv two dollars; clerk to the Committee of Ways and Means, one thousand eizht hundred dollars: clerk to ibe Committee of Claims, one thousand eight lwnlreti iloUnre; OapUol jiotto, let. tUou six hundred and twenty dollars; Sergeant-at- Arms, two thousand one hundred and s.xty dollars; clerk to tho Sergeai:t-at-Arm3, one thousand eight hundred dollars; messenger to the Sergear t-at-arms, one thousand two hun dred dollars : rostmaster, two thousand one hundred and sixty dollars: one messerjier in the office, ono thousand seven hundred and forty dollars; four messengers, at one thous and four hundred and forty dollars each; two mail boys nine hundred dollars each; Door keeper, two thousand one hundred aud sixty dollars; Euperiuteudent of the folding room. '4I- H. Eleikt, of Plattsmouth, has L3irpointed Secretary of Colorado ''Ory. if g0Q(j looj were a requisite cciLioQ for that 0cet tke proSideni tare found but few that were equal :Cffipeient, ' ;8t le ''.1 Ladies' Repository for May received. It has two very fine enrravi r X" and "The Mai of Saragossa." iiTo1016 cf lhe RePository is of a i t : In- . . roa blt roa Cash. James e advertises in another column to - Lit n- i &t public auction. This will : ace to get stock cheap for cash. -'rtarV-T 'V 5 next Sabbath, at Nemaha A ir L lL DNins, at half past t -t ta at half rast seven. P. M. one thousand eurut hundred dollars; two messengers, at one thousand seven huudred and nlty-two dollars each; cue messenger, at one thousand seven hundred and forty dol lars; five messengers, at one thousand five hundred dollars each; six messengers, at one thousand two hundred dollars each; eleven messengers, to be employed during the ses sion of Congress, at the rate of one thousand two hundred dollars each per annum; Chap lain so tho House cf Representatives, t.even huudred and fiftv dollars; making ninety three thousand six hundred and eighteen dol lars. For contingent expenses of the House of Representatives, viz: For cartage, two thousand dollars. For tweuty -four copies of the Congressional Globe and Appendix for each member and delegate of the seccor.d regular session of the Thirty-seventh Congress, and one hundred copies of the same tor the House Library, fourteen .thousand dollars. For the compensation of clerks to commit tee, and temiorary clerks in the office of the Clerk of the House of Representatives, four teen thousand four hundred dollars. For folding documents, including materials, thirty thousand dollars. . For fuel and lights, including pay of ergi- teers, firemen, and laborers, repairs, and raa tsriala for engine room, twelve thousand dollars. For furniture, repairs, and picking boxe3 for rncmbcirs, ten thousand dollare. For stationery, twelve thousand dollars. For horses, carriages and saddle horses, seven thousand five hundred dollars. For laborers, seven thousand dollars. For miscellaneous items, thirty thousand dollars. For newspapers, twelve thousand five hun dred dollars. For pages nnd temporary boys, four thousand eight hundred dollars. Forreporting proceedings ia the Daily Globe for the second regular session of the Thirty tieventh Congress, at seven dollars aud fifty cents a column, eight thousand dollars. For the usual additional compensation to the reporters of the House for the Congress ional Globe for reporting the proceedings of the House for the second -regular session of tha Thirty-seventh Congress, eight hundred dollars each, four thousand dollirs. LIBRARY OF CONGRESS. For compensation of librarian, three assis tant librarians, messenger and laborers, ten thousand dollars. For contingent expenses of said librarr,-ono thousand dollars. For purchase of books for sa:d library, five thousand dollars. For purchase cf books for said library, two thousand dollars. PUBLIC PRINTING. For compensation of the Superintendent of Public Printing, aDd the clerks and messen gers in his office, nine thousand seven hun dred and fourteen dollars. For contingent expenses of liis office, viz : For bankbooks, stationery, postage, advertis ing for proposals fcr - paper, furniture, tiavel ing expenses, cartage and labor in storing and transportation of paper, and rniscellanious items, two thousand seven hundred dollars.- For the public printing, ous hundred and twenty-five thousad foua hundred and eighty four dollars and fifty-two cents. For paper for the public printing, ono hun dred and eighty. three thousand five hundred aud sixty-nine dollars. For lithographing and eng aving, viz : Sen ate, forty thoutand dollars ; House of Repre sentatives, fifty thousand dollars; making ninety thousand dollars. For the public binding, two hundred and twenty-six thousand eight hundred and forty dollars and seventy-five cents. COURT OF CLAIMS. For salaries of three judges of the Court of Claims, the solicitor, assistant solicitor, deputy solicitor, clerk and assistant clerk, and mes senger thereof, twenty-seven thousand three huudred dollars. EXECUTIVE: For compensation of the President of the United States, twenty-five thousand dcllars. For compensation of the Vice President of the United States, eight thonsand dollar3. For compensation of secretary to sign pat ents for lands, one thousand five hundred dol lars. For compensation to the private secretary, steward, and messenger of the President of the TJ.iUd Stt. fo 4k..irod vx hundred dollars. For contingent expenses of the Executive office, including stationery therefor, one thou sand dollars. - DEPARTMENT OF STATE. For compensation of the Secretary of State and Assistant Secre.ary of Stateclerk, mes senger, assistant messenger, and laborers in his office, filty-seven thousand eight hundred dollars. FOR THE INCIDENTAL AND CONTIN GENT EXPENSES OF SAID DEPART MENT. For losses on drafts of corsuls, marshals cf pretcrs, for the period euainij June tnirtietij, eighteen hundred aDd bixty-three, ten thous and uollars. For rent of priscn, wages of keepers of the same, nnd care of olfendera at Amoy, from July first, eighteen hundred and sixty, to June tnirtieth, eighteen hundred and sixty-one, in pursuance of the provisions of the act approv ed J uce twenty-second, eighteen hund.ed an 1 sixty, the sum of eight hundred and fifty- eight dollars and twenty-seven cents. cor publishing the laws in pamphlet form, and in newspapers of the States and Terri tories, and iu the City of Washington, seven teen thousand one hundred and twenty-five dollars. For proof-reading, and packing the laws aud documents for the various legations and consulates, including boxes and transportation of the same, five thousand dollars. For stationery, blank bok3, binding, furni ture, fixtures, and repairs, ten thousand dollars. For miscellaneous items, two thausand five huudred dollars. For copper-plate printing, books, and map, two thousand dollars. For extra clerk hire and copying, five thou sand dollars. NORTHEAST EXECUTIVE BUILDING. For compeusi iou of four watchmen and two 'laborer! of the Northeast Executive Building, three thousand six hundred dollars. For contingent expenses of said building, viz : for fuel, light, repairs, and miscellaneous expenses, four thousand five hundred dollars. TREASURY DEPARTMENT. . For compensation of the Secretary of the Treasury, Assiatant Secretary of the Treasury, clerks, messenger, assistant messengee, and la borers in his office, fi fty-three thousand eight hundred dollars. , For compensation of the First Compt'ollar, and the clerks, messenger, and laborers in his office, thirty-three thousand seven hundred and forty-dollars. For compensation of the Second Comp troller, and the clerk, messenger, and laborer in his office, twenty-eight thousand two hun dred ami forty dollars. For compensation of the First Auditor, and the clerks, messenger, assistant messenger, and laborer in his ofhee, forty-two thousand nine hundred and forty dollars. For compensation of the Second Auditor, and the clerss, messenger, assistant massen g;r, and laborer in his office, thirty-eight thou sand one hundred and forty dollars. - For compensation of the Third Auditor, and tho clerks, messenger, assistant messenger, and laborers in his office, ninety-three thous and four hundred and fortydollars. For compensation of the Fourth Auditor, and the clerks, messenger, and assistant rnes ssner in his office, thirty-one thousand nine hundred and forty dollars. For compensation of the Fifth Auditor, and the clerks, messenger, and laborerin hisoffice, seventeen thousand eight hundred and forty dollars. - , , . For compensatian of the Auditor of the Treasury for the Post office Department, and the clerks, messenger, assistant messenger, and laborers in his office, one hundred and eighty two thousand seven hundred and forty dollars. " For compensation of tho Treasurer of the United States, and the clerk?, messengers, as sistant messenger and laborers in his office, twenty-eight thousand seven hundred and f irty dollars. . - For compensation oi tne iicg sier oi me Treasury, and the clerks, messenger, assistant messenger, and lalwrersia hisoffice, fifty-three thousaud three hundred and forty dollars. For compensation of the Solicitor of the Treasury, and the clerks and messenger in his office, eighteen thousand five huudred and forty dollars. , . . For compensation of the Commissioner of Customs, aud the clerks, messenger, aud la borer in his office, twenty thousand four huu dred and forty dollars. For cotrpnsatlon of ths clerks, messenger and laborer of the' Lighthouse Board, nine thousand two hundred and fort v dollars. CONTINGENT EXPENSES OF . THE TREASURY DEPARTMENT. Ia the office of the Secretary of tha Tress- ury: For copying, labor, blank books, binding, sealing ships' registers, translating foreign lan guages, advertising, and extra clerk hire for preparing and collecting information to belaid before Congress, and for miscellaneous items, twenty thousand dollars. For compensation of additional clerk who may be employed by the Secretary, according to the exigencies of tha public service, fifty thousand dollars. In the office of the First Comptroller For furniture blank books, binding, station ary, public documents, State and Territorial statutes, and miscellaneous items, one thous end eight hundred dollars. In the office of the Second Comptrollar : For blank books, binding, stationery, and miscellaneous items, including subscription to the National Intelligencer, to be bound and preserved for the use of the office, one thoua end two hundred dollars. In the offioe of the First Auditor: For blank books, binding, stationery, and miscellaneous items, subscription to the Na tional Intelligeucer, including one thousand five hundred dollars for furnishing rooms in the Treasury building for the office, and ex penses of removing the office from its present location, three thousand dollars. In tho office of tho Second Auditor: For blank book, binding stationery, office furniture, and miscellaneous items, including two of the daily city newspaper?, to be filed, bound, and preserved, for the use of the office, and for additional office furniture for the con templated increase of the clerical forca of the office, two thousand dollars. - . In the office of the Third Auditor: For blank books, binding, stationery. oSca furniture, carpeMcg, two newspapers, preserv ing files and papers, bounty land service, and. miscellaneous items, two thousand tv-Q hun dred dollars. In the office of the Fourth Auditor: For contingent expenses of the office, one thousand five hundred dollars. In the office of the Fifth Auditor: . For blank books, binding, office furniture and miscellaneous expenses, in which are in cluded two daily newspapers, one. thousand dollars. . In the office of the Auditor of the Treas ury for the Post Office Department: For blank bcoks, binding and ruling, furni ture, carpeting, stationery, horse and carriage for the use of the office, iabbr, lights, and mis cellaneous items, ten thousand ono hundred and fifty dollars. In the office of tha Treasurer: For contingent expenses of the office, ono thousand five hundred dollars. In the office of the Register: For ruling and full-binding books for record ing collectors' quarterly abstracts of commerce and navigation, and blank abstracts for their use, blank books, binding, and stationery, ar ranging and binding cancelled marine papers, rases for official papers and records, and mis cellaneous itcnaa, inliMligffi furniture and carpeting, six thousand dollars. Office of the Solicitor of the Treasury: For blank books, binding, stationery, labor and miscellaneous items, and for statutes and rejx)rts, two thousand two hundred dollars. Office of the Commissioner of Cuctoms; For blank books, stationeiy and miscella neous items, two thousand dollars. Lighthouse Board: For stationery, miscellaneous expenses, and postage, six hundred dollars. FOR THE GENERAL PURPOSES OF THE SOUTHEAST EXECUTIVE BUIL PINCx, INCLUDING THE EXTENSION. Fcr compensation of twelve watchmen and Bail ling, thirtsea thousand eiht hunired dollars. . . . ' For cor.tirer.t cr.ponsc of said . building, fuel, light, labor and nuscellaneous items, twenty thousand dollars. DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR. For compensation of the Secretary cf the Interior, and the clerks, messenger, assistant messenger, watchmen, and laborers in hs office, forty-one thousand seven huudred dol lars. . . For compensation of the Commissioner of the General Land Office, and the recorder, draughtsman, assistant draughtsman, clerks, messengers, assistant messengers, packers, watchmen and laborers in his office, one hun dred and seventy-five thousand four hundred and forty dollars. For additional clerks in the General Land Office, under the act of third March, one thou sand eight hundred and fifty-five, granting bounty laud, and for laborers employed there in, fifty-eight thousand four bundled dollars : Provided, That the Secretary of the Interior at his discretion, shall be and he is hereby authorized, to usj any portion of said appro priation for piece work, or by the day, week, month, or year, atsnch rate or rates as he may deem just and fair, net exceeding a salary of twelve hundred dollars per annum. For compensation of the Commissioner of Indian Affairs, and the clerKi messenger assistant messenger, watchmen, and laborer in hisoffice, thirty one thousand nine hundred and forty dollars. For compensation of the Commissioner of Pensions, and the clerks, messenger, assistant messengers, .watchmen, and laborers in his office, one hundred and ten thousand five hundred and forty dollars. CONTINGENT EXPENSES DEPART MENT OF THE INTERIOR. Office of the Secretary of the Interior. For books, stationery, furniture, fuel, lights, nnd other contingencies, and for books and maps for the library, seven thousand dollars. For casual repairs of the Patent Office building, fifteen hundred dollars. For expenses of packing and distributing Congressional journal and documents, in pur suance of the provisions contained in the joi it resolution of Congress approved twenty-eighth Januarv, eighteen hundred and fifty seven, ann act fifth February, eighteen hundred and fifty-nine, six thousand dollars, Provided, that the said journals and documents shall be sent to such libraries and public institutions only as shall signify a wiliingnefs to pay the cost of transportation of the same. Office of Indian Affairs, For blank bo.ks, binding, stationery, fuel, lights, and miscellaneous items, iucluding two of tho daily city newspapers, to be filed, bound, and preserved for tb.9 use of the office, five thousand dollars. , For cash system andmilitary patents,, under laws prior to the tnirtieth September, eighteen hundred and fifty; patent and other records; tract books and bi'ank books for this and the district land offices; binding plats and fold notes; stationery, furniture, and repairs of same, ard miscellaneous items, including two of the daily city newspapers, to be filed, bound, and preserved for the use of the office; also, for contingent expenses, in addition un der swamp land act cf twenty-eighth Sep tember, eighteen hundred and fifty, military Nmntv land acts of twenty-eighth September eighteen hundred and fifty, and twenty-second March, eighteen hundred and fifty-two, and act thirtv-rirst August, eighteen hundred and fifty-two, for the satisfaction of Virginia land warrants, and fur contingent expenses under act of third March, eighteen hundred and fifty-fiv-, granting bounty land3, patent, aud other records, stationery, and miscellaneous items, on account of baunty land under said act, thirty thousand dollars. For fuel, lights and incidental expenses at tending the same, including pay of fumace keeper, two hundred dollari. Pension Office, For stationery, binding books, furniture and repairing the same; miscellaneous items, in cluding two daily city newspapers, to be filed, bound, and preserved for the use of the office; and for engraving and retouching plates for bounty land warrants, printing and binding the same, ten thousand dollars. For compensation cf the Commissioner of Public buildings, and the clerksand messen gers in his office, four thousand two hundred dollars. For stationery, blank books, plans, drawings, and other contingeni expenses of the office of the Commissioner of Public buildings, five hundred dollars. SURVEYORS GENERAL AND THEIR CLERKS. For compensation of tho surveyor general of Wisconsin and Iowa, and tho clerks in his office, eight thousand three hundred dollars. For compensation of the surveyor general of Oregon, and the clerks in his office, seven thousand five hundred dollars. For compensation of the surveyor of Cali fornia, and the clerks in hisoffice, fifteen thou sand five hundred dollars. , For compensation of the surveyor general of Washington Territory, and the clerks in hia office, seven thousand dollars. For compensation of the surveyor general of New Mexico, and the clerks in his office, seven thousand dollara. For compensation of translator in the office of the surveyor general of New Mexico, one thousand eight hundred and twenty-six dol lars and nine cents. For compensation of the sarveycr ceneral of Kansas and Nebraska, and the clerks in his office, eight thousand three hundred dollars. For compensation of the surveyor general of Minnesota, and the clerks in his office, eight thousand three hundred dollars. - For compensation of the surveyor general of the Territory of Colorado, and the clerka in his office, geven thousand dollars'. For compensation of the surveyor general cf the Territory of Dakota, and the clerks in his office, eight thonsand three hundred dol lars.. For rent of surveyors general' office in Ore gon, fuel, books, stationery, and other Inciden tal expenses, one thousand four hundred dol lars. For rent of surveyor general's office in Cal ifornia, fuel, books, stationery, and other inci dental expenses, including pay ef messenger, four thousand dollars. For office rent for the surveyor general of Washington Territory, fuel, books, stationery, and other incidental expenses, two thousand dollars. For rent of the surveyor general's office In New Mexico, fuel, books, stationery, and other incidental expenses, two thousand nine hun dred and feurteen dollars and thirty-six cents. For office rent of the surveyor general of and Nebraska, fuel, books, and inci dental expenses, two thousand dollars. For rent of the surveyor general's office in the Territory of Colorado, fuel, boobs, station ery, and ether incidental expenses, two thou sand dollars. For rent of the surveyor general's office In the Territory of Dakota, fuI, books, station ery, and other incidental expenses, ivrn thous and dollars. For salary of the recorder cf land titles in Missouri, five hundred dollars. WAR DEPARTMENT. For compensation of the Secretary of War, and the clerks, messenger, assistant messen ger, and laborer in his office, twaaty-five thou sand dollars. For compensation of the temporary clerks and messengers in the office of the Secretary of War, ten thonsand six hundred and eighty dollars. For compensation of additional clerks, tnes senger, and labcror? in tin office of th Zee- (jeneral, Qcartmrmter General, Pat ma "it e, : General, Ci.ijf Eng-.r.eer, Chief of, and Commi ssary General, abpoiu'te 1 binder au thority cf act of January Iwer'tr-seventh, eighteen-kyidred and sixty-two, sixty. thr-ja thousand thr0 h-nJred and sixty dollars. Forcompcnsavlonr.f the clerks'and messen ger in the office of the Ajitant General, thir teen thousand six hundred and, forty doila.3. For compensationof the clerka and mes senger in the office of theQuarterma.-teriVea-eral, sixteen thousand four hundred and forty dollars, For compensation of the temporary clerks and messengers in the Quartermaster Oeneral's offica, fifteen thousand four hundred and eighty dollars. Fot compensation of the clerks and messen ger in the office of the Paymaster General, twelve thousand four hundred and forty dol lars. For compensation of the temporary clerks in the office of the Paymaster General, nine thousand dollars. For compensation of the clerks, messenger, and laborer in ths office of the Commissary General, ten thousand and forty dollars. For compensation of the temporary clerka in the office of the Commissary General, six thousand four hundred dollars. QUICK SALES Aire- up nving just returned from the Eastern Markets, here I Lave purchased my Spring and Summer stock of Good which I now offer to thl market for Cash or Produce, at prices that will suit tha times, ily stock consist of Dry Good, Groceries, Boots, Shoes, Hats, Caps,. Queenswarc, -Hardware, Kails, Iron, Door3, Sash, Glass, Patty, Oils, Paints, "Wines, Liquors, Tobacco and Cigars, wfclch I request the public in feneral to call sad satis fy themselves that I win sell the goods cheaper than ever offered in this market. I also manufacture Boots, Shoes and Goiters to ordsr, at price to suit the times. As I have adoptsd tha CASH SYSTEM," no credit will be given. 1 will continue to pay the highest price for HIDES, PELTS & FUES, in cash or store py. Don't forget to call at DEN'S BRICK STORE, for my motto shall be Quid Sales and Snail Projlt. V T. PEX. ' April 17, 1SSJ. " , n4lltf Hats, Boots and Shoes. I hare Jast received a 3ew Supply cf Hats, Boots and Shoes, which I wiil sell cheaper than itey were ever effered here before. Call and see me. DATII SilGSL. Erawuviile, April 13, ;$C3 nt U. THE HARP OF FREEDOM. KowreaJj,n ne- and tnperior collection of 27 Anti-S'aTery, Patriotic, and Cotitrntatid" fods. solus, dueti, quartet?, and choruses. Jlst sf the Poetry and Aluio Lu been written expressly for this work, to correspond with the times, and should be Sudj by tho milli-n, ia order to awaken a deep interest in behalf of tho 'Coctraban ii," whom God, in bis providence, luu cast upon tho tree r'.h to clothe and educate. eoxriNTS, is past. 'Fair Freedom's ilorn has dawned at "Break the Chains, or ths Emancipating Sword "Fremont is ilarchiDg on, or, Glory llnil!ujah f Ohl Help tha Uortrabands'i" "Old John Lrown' Socg "Song of the 'Contrabands';" "O Let my People Go ;" Parody on tho Song of the 'Contra bardi' f "Where Li faerty Dwells is ray country "When Slavery dies there'll be Freedom;" - Wake, Freemen. God has spoken;" Whittier's suppressed Song of Freedom," ts. Price only 5 cenU single, 50 cents per doxan, $3 per 100 j postage 1 oent. HORACE WATERS, PobUsher. n41-ly 431 Broadway, Nsw York. SADCATII SCHOOL CELL NO. 2. 75,000 Copies Sold tho First 12 Llonths cf its Publication. It i3 an entire New Work, of nearly 209 pages. Many of the Ton:s and Hjmus were written ex pressly for this volume. It will soon bo as popular as its predecessor, (Hell No. 1) which has run up to the enormous numborof 575,0i)0 copies in 39 months, outstripping any Sunday School Biuk of its siz9 is sued in this country. Also, both volumes are boa nd in one to accommodate schools wishing them in that form. Prices of Bell No. 2, papr cover?, 15 cents, $12 per 100. Uontd.25 cents. 613 per 100. Cloth bound embossed gilt, 30 cents, 332 per 103. Boil No. 1, piper covers, 12 cents, $10 per 100. Bound 20 cents, $13 pir 100. Cloth bound embosjed gilt, 25 eonts, $20 per 100. Bells Nos. 1 and 2 be and to. gather 40 cents, 33 per hundred. 25 copies fur nished at tho 103 price. Cloth bound embossed gilt, 60cents, $10 per 100. Hail postage free at tha retail price. HORACE WATERS, Publisher, b41-1j No. 43 1 Broadway, New York. TOE HORACE WATERS PIANOS AND iUELODIANS, And Alexandre Orpins, and T. GILBERT k Co.' celebrated iEoliaa Pianos, are thefinest ics rumpnt. for parlors and churches nowin uso. A large Rjscrt raent can be ssea at the new warerooms, No. 431 BROADWAY, between Grand and Brooma itreetss which will be sold at extremely low pn-jes. Pianos and Melodeons, from sundry makers, new and second band. Second h&nd Pianos and Melodeons at great bargains; prices from $25 to $100. Sheet Muslo, Music-Books, and all kind3 of ilnsio Merchandise. at war prices. A pianist in attendance wul try sew music. cnIO3 OF T3V FRE33. "The Doraae Waters Pianos are known as aacrs the very bast. We are enabled to speak of these instruments with some degreo of confidence, from personal knowledge of their excellent tone and du rable quality." Haw Tori Ewydil. n4l-ly NEW MUSIC. "Shall we Kno-Jf Each Other There 7" Song or Duet and Cbonn, by. Rev. Mr. Lowry, author cf "Sabbath Bells Chime on." This song is good. Price 25 cents, mailed free. A pianist in attend ance to try new ciusic. HORACE "WATERS, n4l ly No. 431 Broad w ay, Publisher. 4- B i-l M O m s g 2 -s-s iif.--i 52' "-2 c s H o -3 a -... 5 o S E S JS 2 2 S V zl 5? V 9 3 0 e v K f 2S - a- 2 3 2, . Z S a 2 C Si V S3 E a w i. Sua; 3 5 C3 a c3 G s 3 u e " U 2 a r , - l . S y -z S - m ' -Q J W 03 a 2ia "MM; V St f s4 :S c o m - rt - v - ( u fc 5 to r: u ra -a . .i' 75 8 --5-S,-- C - - i 3 y 73 2 r 5 1 tcuS.l c. i c- i ,?m " 2 c J X 2 4- i , '--"' Jt M-3 ;-.-- "r 31 - ;v Z - a. - cr - s'2 sS S BS d 7. ; "n " - ' 2 & tap V 3 a T 3 2 3 v, o - rf -r i i -S i n ' - i -' - '--" 5 E 52.g 5 3 -2..-o a 2. r- m - . m O a r m 1 3 a ' ? 5 o , ,25-3 X T 5 c 1 X - B 9 - O m. m ma. Kl 2 2 9 ' 4 3 -T 9 "2 2? 3 o " o TT7 ra 5 23 "8 O. g 3 er z- t Z. c 2 3 o C c . n s o o rr t tr " a - 5- O CB 2 ' t 5 Z. !T " 9 "" -2-2.1 o 5 3 - , 2. M " 9 0 z 2 cr-a e w t- o c 1 n 2 rr 9 . a. 1 '3 A s X 9 9 . op " c z. - 9 3 Sum i 53 9 (B a zr ; ? ? T3 -1 -I M 1f9 -t a 3 01 P -Is 1 e. v -a B 8 I a -3 2 o" - a u o 5 -t it? - m rr e -9 2 3) 3 3 a cq - - M S 0 (9 3 T5 S3 D 9 're s a 320 c O tfi 6fl 3 rj a 2 i ' 73 2 . 9 SEEDS. PITKIN, WIAKD & CO., LOUISVILLE, KEirTTJCST, OFFBE. tniU LAEOE STOCX: 07 SEEDS AT ins F0U.0T71XO PHIC23 FOE CASH. Kentucky Bins Grass per btubel. CeniuCkr OTctard Grass per bushel. Kentucky Bed Top Grass per bushel. Sorgbnxn or SuEar Cane per bushel, Osage Orange per boshel $1 CO 1 CO 1 60 - SCO 20 00 Top Onions per bushel, 3 00 GAKDEN AND FLOWER SEEDS. Per Dozen pa jcrs. Warranted, MISCELLANEOUS. Cydranlle Cement per barrel. Calcined Plsster rr barrel. . 60 1 73 - S 75 We also l:eep a large stock of farm implements. Catalogues arnished on application. April 3, 11&2, n39-2m SUGAR CANS LULLS- EVAPORATORS Hariri;? been appointel agent for the Ea;le Works Susar Cat e Mili ii1 Evaporators, Chicago, III., ca prepared to ill orders at tne manufacturer' prices. Prke ft AUi !, frum $10 to $300. JtVipraiors from $20io$3j. A.Mre li. VV. i'L'KWAS, lSi i ri3S-tf. Brownvilie, U eb. One More Notice. All persons indebted t me, either un Xoe or XJooi Account an; bere'iy notiSed tbat tbey must pj np on or before Jlay lit, looi, or uevessiiy win couvj.el cie to resort to leal process la order la collect. Itislif.pei tbis noi-ice itili prwe suHoiect. 1). SilCJEi,. JiarciST.a, li2. u23-tf. Tha bttt SlMtittte f"? CvS"J3 pr?:irf J htU4-Sf mncer a C-'"e- ?;. tf I t-7 at lu et. icb. Ejc'i pacijie c-r.u.:-s sscd euTil Va t.uea sprply for aa crdtdirj li.., !,J orders to H. .T?.?.T. E33-tf C:c?!it Ci'T, !. For Sale at Bargnin Two 1 Sbn'tls r.zr.T" Sc"!ni !ci:aj9. One Franki:n Fjhuit Sn-virx il-.r,.e. Two Il jrace Water' S'5 ii eto-Uot. Two Fre"h' Conicil Wjshica U One No. I P. W. Cue k Ca.s S2jr Ca, ITlIls Evaporaters. Apply at taa AlsrrtUzr asi Ce. Z .T Tllle, Kebraiia. ir?T T'"T?ri "TIT CHEAP FLOIjR Tor tho Arnj tzl OF 1st QcaUty cf Flour $J.20. 2nd Qsa'.liy $1.T3. Tor castca grisd 1;, one-tUta ;-er SuUt ALSO Plonr eTchacjrod for Wleat.boti at tie aii a my store In arownviUe. Flour, If ei! . Ssortt acd Lrn fjrsi'.e at ths IZM a;l at tne principle stores In Browpvine. MELVIN 2c COAT January S4, 123. GRAY VILLOV CUTTING J. At $1 per tnndred, $1 per tbousani. Literal d;3vi to the trade, or Ja Urge cusnUtrtie. Also Our usual aortant of T9rrrsst. Tr?'. Trees, Ornamental T;ecs, Siruts aad PUaUJ - 'i Plants, 4.C. Cotaiwrcea furnl-bed to all applicant. "The Krersreenj L Mollin. J7-U SAMUEL EDWA2C3, Scrtsu Ca. Shingles! Shingles! I wou-d reppctjully Inform the citiiensof K?rii.a county, that I shall endeaTor to tee? tat market sc5 plieJ with gjod Cottonwood Shinjles. which I wiil tat forcasht or tate in excGce Cattle, Hog. Watf Corn. B.JT. EA2St. Karen 27. 1SS3. n33-tf 33IAIIA GRAPE VIIIE3. Two yeara eld. $20 per nnndred; $153 rr tioasani One year old, $tu per hundred; $iO per thouBd.- Also a ian?e S!rtment of 'urery stoci, st prices too Clieapto pubiiih. Local and trsvellnj Ascsts wanted to sell tres frca onr Nurseries. Wholesale and TescrlptlTe Catslomes furnished t allapplicauU. A-Mreas " . JIOODT & SO.V, 37-tf Niagara Nurseries, Lockport, X. T. . - - FLUSHING. N. Y. The celebrate-l KurseMes KifabUsh'j'!, 1732. All kinds of Trees Plaut. Small Fruits, Grspes, CsiU, Green-Souse Plants, Stock. Sci ons, Seels a:e., euj., at very low rata, to salt tLo tiaies. Priced Citalcgei "iiarea I3th, ISSl. 351 M COMMERCIAL IIURSERY,: E. H. BUEOHES; ruopaiEToa. 1 have Jon s!nce been oo irinced cf the will cf a 2ni class Knrsery in tho West, where TREES, SHRUES, FLOWERS, Can be adapted toourellmafe and soil. la'Tle-ref these facts, l have establUbed la this puce, aad cr.r for sale at YTholcsalo or Retail, A !;r;9 i: o? ap-'es, ntjr !ir arJ 3--Peaohei, Ap:! rv' zz' 7 1 st -ii, sr: 'cd ?a tin i :ree. C'i'Ts::' Ki-., Strait rrlei, r.e-, l;..Strr:i. OroaciOiii Tree. ' Greenhouse and Bedding Plants, etc., ffa. To which I would ten leave to call the attention cf t people of Nebraska, Kansas, Colorado, Iowa and Sorta wet Missouri. I3"Jiy terms will be as low is any reliable 83stem Kurrery. By purchasinst of the expense of trsnsportatlca from the east en t saved. All trees and plants re carefully 1ae!edaad pickl In the best manner, for waic"; charga of teactul c st will be made. Ha charge win La cjiJe fur the deuvery of packages uQ board steamboau. All commcn!c4Uuns addressed to the tnders'.tM will receive prompt attention. Iarth, 186i. . E. II. EUZCZ" J. THE DAY SCHOOL BELL. . THE DAT SCQOOL BELL. A Xew Slmflrsjf zit for Schools, calied tha Uat School Bili., Is tow rt-ady. v contain about 203 pxges of choice Sa;, Jo los. Rouna,stct,M Duet, Trios Q-mtets andCh-. roie, many oi rvj, wrlfet) expriy rnr tw.rk, besides ?2 pages cf rinnntof nn. meiits are o ea.-y n l pt-T.8,.re laat ordinary u :L. er will find theuifeivcs iiansi, ncwh! ul la lastract. ins evon youua scholar ti sitig cor rtty cally, utile the tune and words (miii-o, -t a var. ety tf lively, attractive, and soul i:ir rmsica".! seutimcnt tiwt notr ublc win bo ex?rteT)cy..n ciau all beginner to so on mitb zeal in acqr-.inr a . ?i in oue of the most bejlth-alvinjj, banty lajprovu?. bspplusKS jieldlnj, and onier pimlu';ia!? ezercue cf school life. In simplicity of Its Element, in varlsty and advptatlou of muic. and la excellance and Doair of its s ugs, e'isinal. selectcl. aad a ljpted. It claims by much to excel all cm?e:Hor. U will be foun t ta be the bet-t bock ever bkud for Seminaries, Av.aios.ej. and Public Schools. A few sampie pges cf tbet.e nientsj tunes and pones are tlvea in a circular s?a4 andfetone. It Is compiled by Iljra-.e Waters, asiior of "Kabath School Bella." N 1 and 3, whica haa ic the ecormous sale cf 636 000 copies. Prspi-,f covers 20 ct., $iSper bundredj tjund Z c? .i j,er hundred cloth bound, embosed gUt4Jc8 ,-: ;JJ per hundred. 23 eopie furnished at the oc t-;i.?l price. Miled free at the retail price. NOTICES OF TIIC I'RKI. Tnr Day School Eell. The tuns a.e lively, sr, such s may be eaily mabtered by children. Te spirt of tiae song's U t'uexeption jbie and well a.lapte i Ui tie schoolroom. It is the chepeit ant anion the teit empeuds of school music published. .Yew yrfe Teacher. Vjlt School Oill Ttiis book is eoiaeu;;y aoiaptedl to u-e lu our cuinnia schools. We have a c t at number of school cng bcks b?or the public, but many of them Uck muKi:al is we!! a lite raiy nie, and are really rtetnoraiizmi In tb-lr ir23 ence u-fo the rotisical talent of the j.uoi. Airs of atv knowic"sed excel leuce, wediied to wjr !s rf true pottry, are the qualities thai ouabt to be sow tit with the (real-. et care in the preparation ot a school sung bjcX. Thle book seD u cmbine thee lw qualities. FtnnrjU var.ia Selaol Jauraal. Published b TI03ACB WATr,.3, s41-ly Ko. 31 Broadway. Kew Tork. VJQZIHZ MANTJFAOTUEINQ COMPANY. - - - ro yoc WAST STEAL ENGINES OP EOILEi: PATE XT STGAK VTLLS. PaTR.N'T STEAM COTL EVAP0SATCZ3. PATENT FIRZ KVAPOaATOij, PAT2-NT STAJiP MILLS, rca TIKE'S PEAK OR LAKE SUPEHXO: Z'D TOR CIECUXAr.3, With Cuts, and Descriptions, Prices, etc., ito. SAW MILLS. FLOURIN'3 mill. AND alACUiliiir OF ALL iiS-sCHlPTIO. rr7-SE.D FOII CIRCrLARS. P. W. GATES, President. IT. B. Ajents wantc-l every waere. ft It. H. Ktii.NAS, A G LM, IJrnwnvWIe. .Ne&ra-.;!. Of whom Circulars aud detailed liX;raa'.i.-a ta hud. Jiirci CO, 12:3. Ia37-lyi