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About Nebraska advertiser. (Brownville, Nemaha County, N.T. [Neb.]) 1856-1882 | View Entire Issue (April 24, 1862)
c w.v( ivi ivv MTA XECESSTr IN. EVERT DOUSDUOLD 7 '.JOHi;S: CROSLEY'S 'American Cement Glue the srr.nyr. r.T c lv r. t. the vrmLD. THE C11K A1M!.-'T UiA'B IX tHK VCOKLU. TIIK i;o?T I T KAULii (. I t'K IX TH K WOULD. . T.IK ON'l.V LK.1.I AlsLK Gi.'K IX TUB WOULD. liiElii-ST GLt t IX 1 UK ViCaU). ' AMERICAN CEMENT GLUE Ii theonly article rf the bin i ever produced wbieb. VILL 17 1 TI13T A ! ! D WATER- If WILL'.Nl) WOOD " Save vonr bj..ker Farr:trro IT WILL MEND LEATHER Herd" your Harness, StrnruvReltx, Boot &o IT WILL MEND GLASS SaTe tLoreir-e of that eiKnve Cut ?!ass Cottle. .. IT WILL MEND IYOIIY -Don't threw away that b-i.:en Ivory Fan it is cas- iiy rer-isocd. IT WILL MEND CHINA Tour broken China Cups and Saucer can be made ns frn.,1 . new. IT WILL MEND MARBLE Tfcat piece kn ke l out of your Marblo Mantle can !c rut on as Mron? a erer IT WILL MEND PORCELAIN KoDKittcr if that broke u ritebvr did costbuta flu.'it? a fhir.irir ffi red is a shilling earnr-d. ' IT WILL MEND ALABASTER That Cosy Alabaster V?e is brocken and you can't icatth ituicnditU will never bow when fut to-' peiber. It "vrill I.Icnd bene, Ccral. Lava, end in fact every tiling hntLIetals. Aty article Cemented with AMERICAN CEMENT CLUE will not show wber it is men Jed "Every EJoutekt-e; vrtUuid Lvca mi nly or Johns A Croslcy'a American. Cement Glue." Jl' V Time. lIt it so convenient to tare ia the house." JV Y ' Erprct. It is always ready; this conjOicncU it ioererjbody.' independent - . "Ve hare trier! it and Cnd it as ueful incur house a writer." Y tilt's Spirit nftht Tint. Ecoaom y ia XTorvltli S1U.UUU per year savwl in tvery iaauly - ly One Bottl of -AMERICAN CEMENT GLUE m .: Price 25 Cetits per Eo'.tle. Trice 25 Cents per Bottle. Price 25 Cents per Bottle. . ' Trice. 25 Cents per Bottle. 1 Price 25 Cents per Bottle. Price 25 Cents per Bottle. ' Very Liberal Retlncticu to Whole Kale I!uyers TCXU2S CASH. t3J"For Scle by all Drupists and Storekeepers lhrnjhf.s:t the eonntrv. JOHNS Cz OEOSLEY fS.i'.e Manufacturers.) ' ' TS WILLL'IM STREET Carrier of Libertv Street. RHV YORK. Zuiportanf to House Owners. Important to Ctiililcrl. Important to Rail Road Compa nies. Important to ranncrS. To all vhen this may concern, end it concerns everybody. JOHNS & CnOLEYTS II.IFROVED GUTTA PECHA CEMENT' ROOFING, .Ihe Cheapest and moss durable Roofing rvr rnrrri nriA-nr n rT iiJ 4 ki i " ' trf . 1 JOHN A. FOITI7, a.? Rcr.icved I'rorn his Old Et&nd ca the Levee to T.riiiT:Tinz-'3 i:et7 rLocn, MAIN STREET ; , BROWXYILLEN T. TTlere he has opened op a FRESH STOCK STAPLE ATiO FASCY DRY GOODS, in use. IT IS FIRE ai;d water fsoqf It cr.n be uppliod to new an 1 old Uoofiof all kind if crp i C U and to Shingie roofs without removing the hin.c'jf. . Tlie Cost Is only nliont One-Third tftat of Tin, AA'D IT IS TUICE AS This unii io has been thoroughly tested in New YorkCity and aM pmls of the United States Cana da 'Vest In lie and Central and ou:h America on buildings kind suth a? Kictories Founderict" Churches Ii.tilIload Depots C:n and on 1'uUic Ituildinj- generr.lly Govoromcct tuiidinss Ac. by tiso principle liuilderj arcuetects np others during the pott four years and has provrd tibe the CHEAP EST and JIOST DUIIa'JLE KOOFING in use it is in every reppoet a fire tvatfr veataku and Tii'g TROOF covering for RoCEa Gr all kinds. Tki m ihe -OSLY material man ti fan tared in the United Statct which combines tho vry desirable properties of Elahtiiita and Durability .which r nirerllr acknowledged to bepossesfied byOTJT TA PKRCIIA AND INDIA itUli- io Heat is Required in Llakling - Application. . . The eypense of applying it is trifling as an ordinary Roof can be covered vad finished the enmt day. It can be applied by any one, and when finished forms a perfectly rnis Pkoof (tr ance with an elestic body which cannot be injured by Heat Cou or Storms SmiTSKrso cf Koof liOARPS cor any extcrnHt action whatever. ..--LIQUID GLTTA PEiiCliA- CEMENT. . fox Coatinjr Metals of ell Kinds when exposed to ihe Action cf the Weather, and rcr Preserving and Repairing - Metal Roofs ; CF ALL KINDS. ' This ism ovly CoMrosrTior knoitn trhich will tttocettfiiUy reitt extrtvie change of climate for ',on length of time ulet vpplied ( tneial to which ' if adh ores CriTiy fruiing & body equal to three ooats f ordinory paint corts much less, and will LAST THlitE 1I.VFS AS LONG; andfrouiits elasticity is not injured .b the contraction and expansion of TIN and other METAL UOOFS consdijucnt open auiijen ehn: 3 of the weather. " . ' I( iriVc OilACK !N COLD OR RUN IN WARM Yi'ilATllF-ii AND WILL NOT WASH OFF. Lea Icy tin and other metal roof s can b readily repaired with (Jutta Perch Cement, and prevented . from further corrosion and leaking, thereby ensur ing a perfectly water-tight roof fur many years. This cement is eeu!i.irly adapted lor the picser ation t.f Iron railings. Stoves, Safes, Agricultural Iuapleuent. Ac.,at!o lor fiieral lnanutactBrrs use . GUTTA PERCHA CEMENT For preserving and repairing Tin und other met al roofs of'every description, fiom its great elastici ty, is not injured by tho contraction and expansion tcf metals, and trill not erack in cold nor run in icarix ecaOirr. These materials are adapted to all climates, sd we ar prepared to supply orders from any part of the country, at short notico, for GutU Tercha roof ing in rolls, ready prepared for use, and Gutta I'er cha Cement in barrels, with full printed directions tiocs for application. We will make liberal and satiffaetc ry arrange . cents with resixjnsible parties who would like to - establish themselves ia a lucrarivo and permanent luskcss. OUR TERMS ARE CASH. ' TTe can givo abundant prcof of all we rlaim in favor cf our improved Roofing Materials, bavin? ap plied thero to several thousand lioofs in New York 'iij&td vicinity. JOIIS &. CROSLCY SOLE MANTFACU'KEHS, l7iohsah Warehouse, 78, William Street, Urner of Liberty ft reet, KXY.f YOEK Full escriptive Circulars and Prices will be fur- iched n application. Jov. 7,1SGI. ly New Remedies for SPERLIATORRHCEA. TOWARD ASSOCIATION, , rniLAD2Ji:FHiA. t T-tnnolent Institution eftohUxhed by speciel En . dowmcnt.for the Relief cf the S'ck and Dixtretted, evicted vilh Virulent end Chroiic Dease. and eef,ecia'!f f&r tlie Cure cf Disease; of the Sexual Organ. MEDICAL ADVICE given fratis, by tbe Acting Surpeun. Valuab'.e Eeports on Spermatorrhoea, and otter dis r-f tbe Sexnal Orcus, and ou the NEW REM IS IjILS employed in He Litreiissry, scut inbealed letter envelopes, tree of cLa: ge. Two or three Stamps accept able Address PR. J. SK1LI.TN norflTITOX, n .vrar I As ecK'iation, No. 2, South Ninth Sireet, PniUdelvhia, Pj. Decen-.Ler 12, ISG1. 23-1 v Ayer's .'Cherry Pectoral. Ia ib tnnT.tb of Tt cxi, pT, 1SG. tl.c ctde'en for tbe first tlwe itrt-(.d u-r fi'.c t. the pni-iic bli. J.I' Vf.K PODS' IMTKIAL i tirrKRj, andintbir Sliort perittd tl.ey have ?lvcn sj:h iuii.-e tiou to tbe rrany thotjn it. of persona rUo hiv tried tbein tbm it i now at - .: toiled article. Tte amount of bo'Siiyand mental luin'-f ariin iiir.rtT from a ne glect of aniali O'tupla n: .n ttr.i'iiri?. aid it i tliere. fore of the wtnuwt in patience tn.t a rm attention to tie least arnl nio-t tr;ilir r b,vl.;y ailm'iiLa tbould le hat; for ff 1 r-f i.e f the ly mct iavarUtly a2'cct tho nuud. Tbe snb&rri7e" tio otity at-t a tital f - DR. J. ROVEE DODS'S Imporiai Vlino Bitlcrs from all tuve rf usfj tbcai. We chiiiengc the worlj to pro'ice ISeir e jt a!. These iv.neri for tl.c cure f Weak Stomachs. Gen eral Dtt.iHij-, aiul for Purir)lr,ff aad Sririchlnc the Blood, are fcbsf lufcly nciiirpatea tf anr o'iierreme lj on eirm. Tt heaMret or this, it is ouiy'neces essary to mukc the trial. T!e wine is of a very supe ri r qualify bciiift aUnn iwe-shird stroller th3n oth er wine, rnuiis ai.d nvipurani))? itie whole fytteni from the he.-.j to the fee:;. As thefe t'ltters are tonic arid nra;v in their charter, ttey ttrenjthen and invigorate the who'e ryttiem and aive a fine tone aod Lealihy action to ail its pjrt. by shi'ializin tbe circulation, renioviiii ihe oOsiructif n and prinlncinR a general warnitb. TLer aro excel lent t jr di.-ees aud v. ektiesii 1 ecti.iar to Ft males, wbere a tonic ii requir ed to l re:. Kihen arnl biai'e the systetii. No lady wno is subject to l;wtm'e a'i I fainies. :ionld t wuhout tlieta as they are revjv.fvj-.; in their action. Til ESF BITTERS Will not only Crzrc but Irevcnt IJliease. a'.id in this respect are tloubly valuahlo to tto person who nay use item fur INS1PIENT CONSUMPTION weak Luvps. indisfstioa, Dyspepsia, lisea'ec of the Nervous fytt:n. paralysis, Tiles, and for all cases requiring a Tonic. DR. DODD'S Celebrated Y5 Ine nilters For &ur Throat coiujuoa fcuioug ihe Clergy they are truly tnval untie. For the aged and infirm, and forpersocs of weak constitutions For miiisters of th8 o?pel, lawyer and all public spatters for book-keepers tailors f eamatressos. stu h nt,j!r artiitg.and all persona lea ding a ieJeiitary life, t hey wiu prove boneticial. A a bevera'.-r-; they are whole-(in;e, ir.nocent, and dclicli'tjs to the taste. They p red ace all tho exhirat ing efTcctjef bran-ljror wine, without intoiicatlnp; and are valuable remedy for persona adicted to tho use of exeei-ive strong draik, and who wish to refrain from it. Thev ate pure arid cntirtly free from the poisons con ealued in the adu'teraU-d winea anJ bra idie with which the count, v is floedfd. , The-etitter noto iJy CFRK but prevent disease, and should be used by all wbu liveii a count ry. where the water Is bad. or where thills and fever are prevalent. BeiniJ entirely innocent anil harmless they may begiv. en Ireeiv to children and infarts wi;h Impunity, Physicians and Clergymen, ard tenipomrtre advocates atnartvf humanity, houid asHist in spreading these valuable biiters over ihe land, and tbretiy eMeutially banish druiikenncss ani disease. In all afTectioiis ofthc ricad.Sick Headache, or X crvaousJJcad aclic, Dr. Wad's Imperial llinc Hitlers YVH1 lie found to be most andi nmcaclous. FEMALES. ' The mfny 'cirtiflcate. which bat e been tendered ns and the leitera which we daily receive, are conclusive proof that amofiR tbe women hee Cittera have given a satisfaction whicti nil others have ever done te'ore. No woman in the land should be wlihont them, and those who once ui-e them, will not fail to keep a fan supply. DIl J 13 0 vco Bod's IMPERIAL WINE BITTERS, Are prepared by an etninent and. skillful physician, wh has used them successfully in hla prsciioe for the las twenty-five yea-s. T-'be proprietor before purohasin the exiitihive right to manufacture stid Fell Ir. P.kIn' Ceichraies Imperial Wine UA ers, hadlihem test ed hy di'.iiiiiislie'. moTical i"-ctiUoners, who pro nounced them a vaitiabl j and snie remedy for dssease. . Ai:liou?hthe men of this country, asagen eral thir.c. difjpproxe of Patent Medicine yet we d. not believe that 8 respectable rhyslcian can he found in the United States, acquainted with their medical prriicrt:es, who will not highly approve Br. Uod's 1M PKUIALWINR BITTERS In all newly settled places, where there is always a large qnantity of oee.iyins timber; from which a pol aonua miasm is crcai ed. 'thee bitters thuo!d be used every morninc before 1reatest. IJR. J. LIOVEE DODS' IMPERIAL WINE BITTERS Arecmpofed of a rnre and unadulterated wine, com bined with B.irberry. Sokmon'H Seal, Comfrev. Wild Cbeiy Bark, Spiknard Camomile Flowers, and Gentian. They are manursctu -ed by l". Pp himsel , who is an experienced and succcsMul p'nysician. and hence should not be classed among the quack nostrums which flood the country, nd amainst which the medical profession so .hiitly denounce. These truly valuable Bitters have been so thoroughly tested by all classes of community, for almost every vri ety ot disease incident tu human Sytcni, that they are now deemed indieptnsahl-e as a Tonic, Medicines and a Beverage. . Pnrcliasc one Eotlle It Costs Iut Utile! Puriry the RIood. C;ivc Tone to the Sto- mach -Reno vase the S3 s and Prolong Elt'c Price $100 per Bottle, 6 Bottles for $5 00 Prepared ani sold by CHARLES WIDDIFIELD & CO., SOLE PROPRIETOS' 78 "William Street, New York. Far sale by druggists and grocers generally through out theconnuy. Oct. 17. 1861. rRIKSJEE'S TATEXT fc3 .!!;!" J V .1.11 1 Agricultard Cauldron and Steamer. FOR SALE 221 and 223 South Water Street, Chicago, Hi. Prices, Wood $35, Coal $38, staple sizes other siiPR in proportion, with freight added from factory in New York to Chk-jjo. The ad va titles of cooked over raw food is ndmit trd by all. The tddway of boiling in kettles is both slow und expensive, so much so taht but few men do it. Something more practical must be had. Steam accrues to be the only alternative. The Pa ten too has rctaind all Ihe advantages of the Portablo Cal dron for boiling, and devised means of generating ateam Fuficient for ali jmrposes. It is aimple anil practical, and proves a 1'EilFECT SUCCRSS. w. ii. atst;, Scln agent for lllinhis and Xorth-West, ,221 & 223 S. Water St, Chicago. Where ri!l nlso be found Downs k Go's Deep V'ell Pumps, Forca Cisterns, Chain and Common Wo'.l Pump, Thimble Skeins and S.d Irons, as will as tvery variety of Fanning Tool, Cast Irou Corn Shtllcrs, Feed Mills, Hay aod Platform Scales, Stove. Ac. The above will be sold o account of the mauufucturers, at their respecti e faotory price?, adding f reight to this place. Jacusry 18G2. tf Pleasant Ridgo Nursery.:' VERRYALDRiCH, CVLTIVATOft AKD HE AI.L31 IN Fruit and Ornamental Treeu, Shrubbery, Evergreens, &c., Pleasant Ridje,"AriFC, Bateau Connty, Illinois.'' P. O. A'l lress, Tiskilwa, 111. January 2. 12. -26-3 25.CC0 ChsiTy Currants. First S re . $50 CO per l,0(!O Second Size i - . - 33 0 J do. I5.0O0 t'oiicord (Jiapeviiics, Lavrr, Fine. No. 1, Ijyrs, - 00 per 1 No. 2. liytrH, - - is oo per 10 No. 3. ljtyrK. - ' - . 12 CO per 101 One yetro.d. from cnltiasi, - ' 8 to per 10) !in Orariovlnos, pot rsisel, 12 00 per 10) t the Aiinliu irawbary. - $.2) 00 per l.t'CB GEOSUS SKTMUUR & CO., a3T tf South Norwalk, Com,. ALSO A Large Stock cf Choice Family - CCNaISTIN3 or ' FlO T. am, I3acon Llolasses Collee, . Tea, Salt, Cheese, Candles, And a fine assortment of LIGHT GROCERIES Such as . Spice, ' Peppers, Soda, Salaratus, Ginger, ' Allspice,. etcr, etc. ALSO, Jl well selected Slock of HARDWARE AND CUTLERY. QUEENSJVARE, B cl ell o 3?" s Boots and Shoes. HiS knowledse of the trade and wants of the people of Bjownvilit and vicinity enables him to make judici ot s purchases expressly for this market, lie asks an ex amination of his Stock, feeling assured he will be atle to satisfy in quality, styleand prices. DOOT'T TOBST TIE IM WHITNEY'S BLOCK CHOICE LIQUOES. Wholesale and Retail. Evan Worthiiiff, - OF THE irrn ' s n u i i i t-i f a n c; r BROWN VILLE, Has just received a choice lot of the best araada of Liquors, which he will sell by the Barrel. Gallon. Quart or cingle Drink. The fol lowing ia a partial list : j French, 'Cognac,. - Apple, Raspberry, Peach. Cherry, Blackberry. . WIIIES: Port, Hungarian, Sherry, -Malaga, Medara, Champagne. WHISKIES: Bourbon, Rye, Scotch, Irish, Mnnongahala, And a variety of common articles. BILhIAKD SALOON AND Ten Pin Alley. WIIITXEY'S BlaOCIi. Main Street, Brownville. Nevmber 14, 1SS. nl3-tf Currants, Gooseberries, Blackberries, Raspberries, Strawberries, &c, 5cc, &c. Of which we'have a la'pe stock, and we offer them very low for thcFall Trade 1661, and would solicit tbeorders. of - those wishing to purchase. Enclose stamp, and send for Catalnjme and Price List F.MSIGN & FORD, v5n3 3-Fv2n3 Onlo Nurseries, Toledo, O D. A GOKSTADLE. ISFOKTER Aim DEALER IS IRON, STEEL, NAILS, CASTINGS, SPRINGS, AXLES, FILES 33E2jIjO WQ, BLACKSMITH'S TOOLS Also: Hubs, Spokes, and Bent Stuff. Third Street, between Felix and Edmond. SAINT JOSEPH, MO. Which be sells at St. Loats pricesfor cash. Highest Price Paid for Scrap Iron. Dt-ceinber I,1S6. ly. Furniture! Furniture!! The most complete stock of Furniture ever offered in this upper country just received by T. HILL, BrowuvUle. April 25:h. IS6I. 100,000 ' . OSIER WILLOW CUTT1XGS, Variety Perpureu for live fence. I will eut, bundle and deliver the Cuttings at Brownville for $5 per eighty rods : being bat a little over f "o dollar per thousand. This is from one to three dollars less than ever offered before. All orders at theso prices must be sent ia before the 1st of October, 1851. Send orders by mail with cwh, to K. 0. THOMPSON, Nebraska City, N. T. NEMAIIA NURSERY", I 18 miles West cf Neb-ask Citv.V Actrust l.-nS-tf ( mf t J - Oa ntw AirLise Kaanoy Road.) ; i CLOTHS YOURSELVES, iT CLOmiTG Ever offered ia this Jlarket. rso douist Anorr it: CALL AND SEE FOR YOUESELVS AT THE Batimore "Colliing Store, BROT7IIVILLI3, IT. T. DAVID Announce to the pcblic that he 'has opened out a RO0fe of READY-MADE CLOTHING, BOOTS AND SHOES, -HATS AND CAPS, CARPET SACKS, GENTLMEN'S UN .. DERWEAR, &.C, See, Slc Unprecedented In tuantify, quality and prices. L'e isdetermined his price shall correspond wiih tho times, and therefore offer here in the Ve3t, at just as low rates as such good can fce purchased anywhere in ihe United States. As a sample of bis prices be will mention that he sells Pant3 from $1 to $7, v ests troia $1 to $5. Boots, Shoes, Ilats, Caps, Fancy and White Shirts, Sas ders, Neckties, Socks, Handkerchiefs. &c. in. the same proportion. The proprietor embrace this opportunity of returning thanks for past patronage, and promise to spare no ef forts in the future to give entire satisfaction. Call 5.23. d fjoo Xxima. DAVID SE1GEL. Brownville, June 13, lS61.-ly 1 , ii mtm mm MAIN 1 1 n J ft ! 1 M "3 r. Ar;-.'T wl' h en c per ) : Jsir-j L; d'Oifid, r-er 1 J ; fj . Hookers, l;ii.-: Prisce, ki at At rnr I ' er d )t. An-. I :i. ST?. i s A" 3 s7 i . . i 3) 5- Tre: -SaaitratA:;', - S s-t id p!r Ltcj Slug's. At- i-iw j rices. hardy var:-. Iid lJS m I Ori: t at up in 15cf a ; a red puj?. :C0 icaacco f p ipers uTici.n,t to 8tu:up to be 221 aclM w Yantcd. 23 bu.-r,vT3 seed rpnr- Wheat at AH the a' tobd delivers J atlm,' &s- u. o. t-; )vcrr:rcrr.s for tin "siMi G ar STREET. BROWNVILLE. N. iiM(iiKimciu auuouucni? mar ne nss now on nana, a t.irse an i seiet sin x I ev,ry a; -4 t c'.s I tia l:e, Of a'.l the improve I patters ; vi7 : pi a Itcck, Chaiter uik. Valley ti.rge, K leva ted Oven, i.c.. $1,25 cp to 015. Scrofula, or Eing's Evil, is a constitutional disease, a corruption of the blood, by which this fluid becomes -vitiated, weak, cud poor. Doing in the circulation, it pervades the whole body, and may burst out in disease on any part of it. No organ is free from its attacks, nor is there one which it may not destroy. The scrofulous taint is variously caused by mercurial disease, low living, dis ordered or unhealthy food, impure air, filth and filthy habits, the depressing vices, and, above all, by the venereal infection. What ever be its origin, it is hereditary in the con stitution, descending from parents to children unto the third and fourth generation;" indeed, it seems to be the rod of Ilim who says, "I will visit the iniquities of the fathers upon their children." Its effects commenca by deposition from ths blood of corrupt or ulcerous matter, which, in, the lungs, liver, and internal organs, is termed tubercles; in the glands, swellings; and on the surface, eruptions or sores. This foul cor ruption, which genders in the blood, depresses the energies of life, so that scrofulous constitu tions not only 6ulTer from scrofulous com plaints, but they have far less power to with stand the attacks of other diseases; conse quently vast numbers perish by disorders which, although not scrofulous in their nature, are still rendered fatal by this taint in the system. Most of the consumption winch de cimates the human family has its origin directly in this scrofulous contamination; ond many destructive diseases of the liver, kidneys, brain, and, indeed, of all the organs, arise from or are aggravated by the same cause. One quarter of all our people are scrofulous ; their persons are invaded by this lurking in fection, and their health 13 undermined by it. To cleanse it from the system we must renovate the blood by an alterative medicine, and in vigorate it by healthy food and exercise. Such a medicine wc supply in AYE ITS Compound Extract cf Sarsnpnrilla, the most effectual , remedy which the medical skill of our times can devise . for this every where prevailing and fatal maladv. ' It is com bined from the most active remedials that have been discovered for the expurgation of thi3 foul disorder from the blood, and the rescue of tho system from its destructive consequences. Hence it should be employed for the cure of not only .Scrofula, but also those other affec tions which arise from it, such as Eruptive and Skix -Diseases, St. Anthony's Fire, . Hose, or Ertsivelas, Pimples, Fustules, Blotches, Blains and Boils, Tumoks, Tettek and Salt Rheum, Scald Head. Ringworm, Rheumatism, Syphilitic and Mercurial Dis eases, Dropsy," Dysvevsia, Debility, and, indeed, all Complaints auisino from Vitia ted -or. Impure Blood. The popular belief in " impurity of the Hood " is founded in truth,, for scrofula is a degeneration of the blood. The particular purpose and virtue of this Sarsapa rilla is to purify and regenerate this vital fluid, without which &ound health is impossible in contaminated constitutions. AYER'S ue Cure, FOR THE SPEEDY CURE OF Intermittent Fewer, or Fever andAgne, Remittent Fever, Chill Fever, Dumb Ague, Periodical Headache, or Billons Headache, and Billons Fevers, indeed for the whole class of diseases originat ing In biliary derangement, caused by the Malaria of Miasmatic Conutries. We are enabled here to offer the community a remedy which, while it cures the above complaint with certainty, is still perfectly harmless in any quantity. Such a remedy is invaluable in districts s where these aflheting disorders prevail. This Ccrb" expels the miasmatic poison of Feveii and Ague from the system, and prevents the de velopment of the disease, if taken on the first ap proach of its premonitory symptoms. It is not only . tho best remedy ever yet discovered for this class of complaints, but also the cheapest. The large quantity we supply for a dollar brings it within tho reach of every body ; and in bilious districts, where Feveii and Ague prevails, every bodr should have it and use it freely both for cure and protec tion. A great superiority of this remedy over any other ever discovered for the speedy nnd certain cure of Intermittents is that it contains no Quinine or mineral, consequently it produces no quinism or other injurious effects whatever upon the constitu tion. Ihtse cured by it are left as healthy as if they had never had the disease. 1 Fever and Ague is not alone the consequence of the miasmatic poison. A great variety of disor ders arie from its irritation, among which are Neuralgia,' Rheumatism, Gout, IFeai.Uche, Llind nets, liothachr. Earache, Catarrh, Asthma, FaU ' jiitation. Pain ful Affection of the Sjdeen, llyster- ics, Pain in the Bowels, Colic, Paratysis and Ue rangenent Jf the stomach, all of which, when . origimting in this cause, put on the intermittent type, tr become periodical. This " Cure " expel the pcison from the blood, and consequently cures them all alike. It is an invaluable protection to immigrants and persons travelling or temporarily residng ia the malarious districts. If taken occa sionilly or daily while exposed to the infection, that will be excreted from the system, and cannot accumulate in sufficient quantity to ripen into dia eas. Hence it is even mere valuable for protec tiot than cure, and few will ever suffer from Inter mittents if thev avail themselves of the protection thifc remedy affords. Prepftisd by Dr. J. a AYX2 tu CO., LoveH, His. ,. - JUHSS MAUiN. J . : - J.J. THURSIAN, . f Drucrgists, Brownville, N. T. I SEED POTATOES. : "Woodstock, Ash Leaf, Kidney, Fink Eyes, Scotch Flue3 and lllue Knsty One Dollar per bush el delivered at theOfice of the -Nebraska Farmer." ICO Varieties Grape Vines. ; Thm Largest Collection Ht of Aa Fori. Delaware, Diana. Rebecca, Herbemont, Hartford iroli5c. Concord, Union Village, Franklin, Outaric, Cagaboga, CanaJiao Chief, Taylors Bullett, Jle a taway, Creveling, Clolinta and over 70 other iii ds t eastern catalogue rates. Isabella, Catawba and Clinton at 25cts each, 2 pr doien, 10 per 100. " "" '" Aug. IS81. AtXEilAHA NURSERY. Ag Box and Parlor Stoves of an end: ea variety, some of which are entirely new designs, viz : A combined Cot k and Parlor stoves, Bomethin? very nice iiideed for small faouliea D HEAVY SMELT IKON FOK SUGAK BOILERS And Large Cast Iron Kettles from 8 to 22 gallons. Coal and Lard Oil Lamps j Srass Cupper, and sheet Iron Ware; Lanterns, Siovela, fcc JAPANNED WARE, a - J R I have procured tberlj:ht to mannfactn re a late simple and Improved self-ealinjt Fruit Can to which I call the attention of the public. Alli.f w hich I pledge melf to sell ai as fair rates and on as accomodating terms as any omcr estaouiituenc in thin region of the cmntiy .m pirjjareu uj pui up KniienriR ami sp..uim3 anu an other worn or my line at the shortest notice, anu in a workmanlike manner, which I warrant iopive satisfaction. I pledge myself not to be undorsoid in the upper country J. C. DEUSEH. Brownville, August, 30 I860. Or:-, irnenul Tree. orcJ, ta .uir'J, or p. an; cfi re N.uiiai e: wi:..iu r it.- tiirie. at in::.: i c-t. T:;..-o w t- rttr. hoa:j,, , ofpre-i k 3 T.I ri.ey Jr3.:riei,G-e-'- ' tr !-l r, I Vw4 6-..J JLil ILATjEST KiSJWS. mf t i fi l,J oj.- jj ill ii L fi E773 13 VWd , r - I n i n nn ; i i -Z3 'J 3 t ft ! f. i iTI LiJ . uu L 3 w CHOICE" IB.OTTILIEIIJs OdUOEHS 3 5 s r,' i w J JE WE LE Y. Ear Rings, Shirt Buttons, Finger Rings, Bracelets, Breast Pins, &c, Sec. Gome and see BrownTille, Au?nst, 30. 1S60. and Secure Bargains. TMia M2ILIL. B R O W NT ILLE 3 HI tV f ITTD rf ' 3 . ii' irh V 1 rLA 20: 3D Tiieat! Wheat! Farmers Leo (o YcIti'" U psyinsrand will touuaae lj caTiT. ' Price for ' ie WHZ.1T and PROl'v? in (roods. it stock of r.., consign BOOTS and SHOES, HATS and CAPS, DRY GOODS h HARDWARE. QUEENS WARE, NAILS, DGOP'vj WINDOW SASH, GLASS and PUTTY PLASTERING HAIR. 30c p,ru TUBS and BUCKETS " FLOUR. BACOT 2IEALand POTATOES. ' X also, keep a well se'ectcd sock0f c' r. and Sole Letter tor m.tnuf;icturia5 BOOTS and SHOES, which I win warrant to gire sfirci:oa 'i. my p.ecent sturk of Goj, at prx i, which will becbeai-r than Mul. h. lJ.. de-. Wheat erPruU'XK' be jjivea. GREAT IMPROVERS ELIPIEE SHUTTLE MACiE . Patented February lith,l::j Salesroom, 510 Brc:: T,. .. .. rc.nw. york. This iIachin is conj-.ructud oa aae:; principle of machinery, p-;-3--inj many rwi uable imr.rovements. having bcea tu.n most profound etr-f:rt,, and pmnDuH i FL1CTTV and FKiiKECTlOX COiU.:.VI The following are th- principal ot ajainst isewinj Machines . I. Excajdive fitiiua to-1 4. Iarsrs.- t . tneoperaKir. "2. Liability to get out of order. 3.' Expense, trouble aad loss cf time in repairing. The Empire Sswin M;ici::5 h I before, for Ci-h, ii but nu credit will BrcwnvilJe, August 1st, IS 31. nst'r'i. rca all ttete cl:i cii; t has straight neMli feil'-cV make, the LOCK or SH ITT H.K IlCl. c NEITUEIi lU'r nor RAVEL, snJ iiii ' side-j ; pi-rl'urnn rvtrt'ec; sewing na'7i f m tevi.-si, frota!,-athi?r to tha (Sncst ".! Ittt. witi eotton, linen or iili tareJ,.'.-.a sesl to the fjr.jst number. ' Having neicher CAM nor C03 W7: the least pogsibla friction, it runs g'ss, and is Eripliatically a Xclscless lr:I It requires tweniy-llve per cent. 1 drive it iban any other Iarhin ia of twelvo ye.irs of ae jan work it sfc.-aJ.-7, 7 fatigue or injary to hei'h. 'Iu strength- and WONDERFUL Cotwtructiua render italmots ircrxi-J'' " of order, and is (jL"A RAN TEED bytist give entire sati-if.iction. , We respectfully invite all thos mIqT-J' supply themsolveii with a atior s'' examine this UNRIVALLED. MACH'i Rut ia a more special manner dawfc fatronage of ferchamt Tailors, nn-ti Coach Makers. - Cor1' Hoop-Skirt ilannfa?ttrrer3. raiL5tF'r Shirt anJ Dosora Makers, ?bce B est ar.d llmtalooa Mkti E7"Religioua sn-1 CIiri Labia Iat;au:i' liberally dealt with. Price of Machines, Co:;; 5o. I. or Family Machine, $45,8: S ' siied MdnafocturiDT. toO.CO; $. J1" Manufacturing, $7,0O. Cabinet in Erery VirT We want Agents lor all towus i '- States, where agencie are cot ajrtaJj' to whom a -liberal diseouot will I ;n , malce no con-tinraent. T. J. LIcAHTHTTR & -510 BroaUway.Ac1 . LilNDEETH'S Warranted Garden i BLO'DEX. K0EM5(!. (Late Johm GaatTT C3 J X. 6 Xorth Second Strsef, ST. JCOUIS, S3. OTer for at very low tUtrsa. b-fir, men " c-nti ruina eve;-y'.run2 d. J , trgether with a Urge jnd frerh supiT . laaJrclJi's Cdrirtd Gau! - i crcp or isst, -! ... For which tbey are the o;efent. t- re!y utwn- getting In m ihea fee!14 pure but true name ir. eve'y nu", ed at lowest market rats C!iae,e, . baccti e"d Ti-p Orii oi. Si.:..- " woatd dy well l- -end them their "s...-r Send for Almanac aii IHtvtMtwi , MrrM5 1362. r35 If Takes pleasure in announcing to the citizens of Brou-nrille and vicinity, that he jus'.opeceaa tew lu lui a i aull, uliere Le .will always be ready to furnish gentlemen with has I.:'; . Oarriasea, etc., etc. ; : CHARGES REASONABLE. JOHN A. SMALL. Brownville, June 19th, 1S61. no O-ly) 11 0 V E Y S SEE' A5D Agricultural Ware- Having opened a Seed and im?'' .;f( Chicazo. 1 tea lea"e to call same, bavinu been many jer iB." .f"-ti ton, ana haiiij? also paid pecial lt'l'vA:' theeieeti n of my ei. 1 feel t-' in orferio? them to the public. f The ceeds grown in this country and eipeneuced rii.trs at tbe la' jr be pr.;ured ia this cunntry, . ot tbe tnoi rcliaBte sed.roe' W " - All ytv and Impmtd vari ,jt t dace1 tried and proved de-irble ' ' found 'in my Caisioji.e. Parucoi paid to the . FXaOlTEXl SEEO VYXj- and not rnly all the new and butatfairto coveltiesin tbe 'uWC be iiitn.dr.ced. Allordarsfar TREES, FIATS HHFrB Y We bj' will be promptly executed. surtmentvf ( ax tiwii ui.u i ,ri P. O. IV. x S047 March 6 nli 3-n. ALBSHTIT-S Early Sugar Car, Seed of the ITarly In;-bee. P" 0 p. ases an I eni by mail ('".flV-gao-riety ;;-d.iys erli?r i'f,".-;- Addre.-, n. A. a ilarci I3t, I; Si