Nebraska advertiser. (Brownville, Nemaha County, N.T. [Neb.]) 1856-1882, April 24, 1862, Image 3

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i 'fpriHin'T Material of a!! Kindi
1 ic anil VfTork. and Brown's Iroi
rr and Mvcrhscr.
I U " .
to transact business with
i.- letter fcoucernins euiier
,:.r,K!Ce "J - . 5 i ?.
Wkt or jou-u..
;eafier please direct their letters
f r & Hackee BrownviUe, iV
' ' ,ers W Tnc l'oVe
r.'rti.hed the patrons-of the imon,
unexpireu ;c.. - -
llb the Jdverliser: Most of them
' irt thfi naoer ior sev-
i ret be enmicu . .
7 .v,.-butihc sulstnpttoa cf oth
"a'ieady expired, and their papers
mdiscftntinaed, unless they inform
.. ,w wish to continue taking it.
. ) .v cuUcriters-of the tfniWfail
' eceive'be'Wr cr, they will please
''rL as "e wish-all to have their
'(Smeniof 'pperV Those, also,
.anything wadu.e in vheiway of
r.-erfti,will be cre(Iilcd t0 thal
' J." oc" tie io'oks of this office. .
Arr ' LiSGDUJ, iU occ.".
!,f0f theinrtitutions". of Bro.wnville,
;:at one time associated with Mr. Fur
" in tLe publication of tlie Advertiser,
r;vtJ here last Sunday' from Colorado.
rime by vay of Oinalia, and from
;re to Ais place, on the steamer Oma-
He tioeYnot speak in very flattering
of th? Land of Geld ; .says, to use
; laical phrase, he haf 'seen the ele
'.aifrtin'thesnost primitive hair on his
yropscis, to the last link o
The Missouri Democrat stys, since the
1st of January tho Uai:a f:rc-:s have
captured from the rcl els five Insured t-ui
ninety siege -:.s ar.d fi:!i pieces. This
artillery would c uip r. rrrai.d army, ani
when it is remembered what pains the
rebels have Izi to procure these gums
the sererity of the loss will Is fu'ly ap
There nrc now six regiments cf Eiui
Tennesseans in the national army Col
onels Carter, Spear and Hcuk command
ing the first three. The organization cf
the others is not entirely completed.
Violating Parole. A brother cf
Gov. Magoffin, of Kentucky, who was
taken prisoner in Southern Missouri, has
been sentenced to be thot for violating
his parole, and the sentence has the
approval of Gen. Hallcck.
1 havo for ale a lew pounds of -the White Georcia
Siiar Cane Seed.
one piunJ or it will re piven to each ew Farmtr
sutscriber, cr oMone wtw U n il in arrears, and tas u it
received Ave p.!?cr of Fi-wer or GarJeu Seed.
11. VV. TUIiNAS. Urownville,
Passed at the Second Session of the Ihirtj
Seventh Congress.
1-raceTul laiLV Chet is'the same jo-
hole-souled frllow, as cf yore.
Vczh'.c No. 32.
AX ACT to authorize the Secretary of the
Trta.Miry to issuu certificates cf indebted
ness to public creilitors.
Be it enacte-l hi the senntn ani Ilousiof rr.i-
Ireschtatives, cf the United states of America in
ilovgress assented, That the Secretary of tha
Treasury be and he is hercbj authorized to
cause to be issue 1 to any pub:ic creditor who
mar b-j desirous to receive th" same,
quisition of the Head of the proper Depart
ment in satisfaction audited and settled d j-
mamli against the United Stules, certihcates
for the whole Amount due or parts thereof not
less than or.e thousand dollars, signed by the
Treasurer of the United State, and counter-
si 'lied us mav be directed bv the Secretar- of
O ... .. .....
the Treanly ; which certiheate Miail be bo
tiavable in one vei;r from date or earlier, at t.n;
1 '. i -" . . . .. i ..i 'ii t. . .
opliou oi me uovernineiii, ami b.iai. oeariu
terest. at tue rate ol :x per cenium per an
num. Approved, March 1. 1S52.
The Continektal Montui-y. We
re rcc ivcd.thi; farclr and April num
t. 0. this new' monthly. Those who
?c bad'mofe time to read it than we
i, eak cf.K in the iHhest. praise.
I- nailing matttr partakes'more of the
,-i-er of a review than ft Magazine.
j nut fiiled'up -wrJb V;at w.onift-j
Liirht Literature that per
M. t
s most isagazines.
killed at the battle of
t Curj Lairing was Lieut. Col. Kyle.
Trov.Dhio. He was well known to'
vof our citizens' who carae from Ohio
correspondent of-. ; the Cincinnati
p rsn-is. Ohio lost no' -belter or
; erraan tha'n Col. ii. S. Kyle,"
Public No. 33.".
AN ACT fixing the number of the Ibmsu of
resentatives from and after Mi.rch, eigl)-
teen hundred and sixty-three.'
lie it enacted lj the Senate and House of Hep
rcsci'ttitives of tUe United St its of Amer'cu in
Coigrtss assembled, Tlut from mi id ater Chi
third day ol March, eighteen hundred and
sixty-three, the number of member of the
iiouse of itfe-Miuve t C'liirCss of
the United States t hall be tuo hundred ami
lorty-one; and the eight add Uonal m-mlKr
shall bt asaig: ed one each to Pem sy 1 vania,
Ohio, Kentucky, Illinois, Ijwa, Miunesota,
Vermont and Ilhode Island.
Approved March 4, 1S62.
Public No. 34
AN ACT to provide for the apinintment of
additional clerks in tha oflioe of the Assis-
tant Treasurer at New York, and for other
I t it resetted ly the Senate and House cf
Iif'wtsvvtutives of the Utnd stUes of Amr
ica, in (Jorgressassct.ilJel, That the As-istant
Treasurer of l he United Sia s at New Yrk
be and he is hervby authorized to app'dut fr)ni
time to lime, by and with the consent nd ap
pro bat Ion of the Secretary of the Treasury,
such other clerks, messengers and watchman,
in addition to those already employed by him,
as the exigencies of the public bn-inesi miy
require, at rates of compensation to be fixed by
the Secretary of the Treasury : Provided,
That such rates ?hall in no case exceed thos,e
now rd lowed bv law for the several persons
cirril 1 f I .tl . n 1 ' n !l it rif1!:!' of tllfl S:lld
!"iPT. J. 'D. N. Thompson, cf this City AsMtant Treasures. The compensation for
Lis conipafly for the Missouri Slate such additional ilerkrJ, messengers and watch-
r,lw.';-- c. t k Tri, men, for the currentand next fi-csl rear, shall
rnUeft tor bt. Joseph on . Monday bj out of any moliey, in lhe Treasury
I His company was principally made not otherwise -appropriated. Estimates for
f men from Nebraska. The Captain compensation for such additional, mes-
rhe MitV'uri . Riv'tr is now tank full
1 vAU liaiiig. 1 he bottom are in many
;es overflowed, til some places near
'..aha City rhe river' has washed the
;s away to the 'distance of 20 rods.
current at this-point is so strong
t it is ith difficulty that the Ferry
t: can cross.
i always ought for his country when
sengers, and watchmen, after the next fiscal
reas fh'tiu'to do,
jriCHixc Next -Sabbath, in
;-lyterian Church, nl half past ten a.
-iid half patt seven p." m., by Rev. H.
3jIU&. Also one week from Sab-
(May 4th,) in Nemaha 'City, at
f past-ten, a. m., and - half past seven
f .ly Rev. H. H. Dobbins. -
year, thali be . submitted by the Secretary of
the Treasury with his annual estimates.
Sec. 2. And be it further enacted. That
the said Assistant Treasurer of the United
State at New York ba and ho is hereby fur
ther authorized to appoint, with the approba
tion of the Secretary of the Treasury, a com
petent jwrson from among his clerks who
shall be tall d the Deputy Assistant Treasur
er of the United States. The said Deputy
.ssir-tant Treasurer,' in additiou to the duties
performed by him and others which lie rruy
be required to perform by the said Assistant
Trfanrnr i hi rt-bv Authorized to witness the
U-tsiRY. The ladies are referred execution of any and all transfers of Govtm-
eaJvertisemeat of Mrs. Mary Hew- meut stock and powers of attorney, and sign
aaDoihercolumn- She has received aU receil,ta for l5atent 7 an'1 bu,,,0ll.rtfCul't;
cujuiuu. one nas receivea wjh k efr ct as .f thfl j.amtf werJ wUnesUeij
ocwoi ixas-lor the sprmg trade. aud signed, respectively, by the said Assistant
! . mm. , I reasurer in person. 1 he saut Dputy Asiis-
"The "indomitable," 'indefaii-
r i
V. 1 n n W? r Gna 1 1 I n rr f f.r.- K . .
( , jium iuc tail a t(J
I tssortmenl et Spring and Summer not
; as. ahd Groceries, which he w ill sell
;rstosuit'ihe present hard times.
j CcirrvTsIn thq last few days two
enhave died in this place, each, it
-rposea, the result of a full. One
J child of George. "W. Brutton, the
,r a daughter of Mr. Welham.
taut 1 reasurer snail receive nr. au;nioiiai com -
peiisalion of one thousand dollats per annum.
- - . . I Ml
e paid out of any money m tue ire sary
otherwise appropriated : Provided That
thu total compensation receive 1 by him stiul.
not exceed three thousand dollars per ami am.
Sec. 2. And be it further enacted, that
the 8-:m of two thousand live hundrtfl loi-
lais be ai.d the same is hereby appropriated oni
of auv moner in the treasury not othrrwise
uppropriatid, for the purchase of blank checks
lor the use of the Subtreasury,
Approved, March C, lb'C2.
.' v fir March has been received.
, -y neo wishes tolceep up' with the
: US should be, without Godey. The
inter is fully equal to the pre
j"52 ones, in its literary matter.
Armt. BrowtiVille has fur-
fruDLic No. 33.1
AN ACT.rcnuirii.g an oath ol allegiance and
to support the Constitution of the United
to be administered to makers of American
vessels clearing for fore:gn or other pt;rts
during the present rebellion.
lie it emn.tei lj the Senate and- TJousa of
llruitsehbdivcs of tht United St it e s of Ameri
ca Hi Omyrtsi asseiiilied, That it nhall bj the
duty ot tiie several collectors of the custom
at ttie ports of entry within'tha U.i ti I State .'
timing tlie co:,tinnanre of the present rebellion
1 Tlit
C 4, T . - O ........ w,
wijou army wan one Oionti, to cause to oe atl ministered to eacn and every
y'?f-nn r r?
mice apiairs. one vnnp
ind I
I j enants' Serjeants,-Corpo;
, tdaos, and prkates too numer
feniion. ' .
master T any Amero a i ship or ve s d, steam
ship or steam vessel, which sh dl ij ub.uit to
clear for anv foreign mrt or place, or fur an'
port or place within, the United States, the
oath of adegiauce required by chapto. sixty-
four of the acts of .he rear eighteen hundre
- 1 ; .tli . 1 . 1 1 n .1 ii 1 1- f '- ...
"cSa'sadvertisemenf nf dpt foods bv mch"maters before such vessels bhall be
;J u" tolumn. Persons ivho liave lrn.iUea to clear as aloresaux.
nuu mic 0 . . . - , ti.i
w 4'3 new froou.i. tell us he us iv , . ?.,. f,UJ.,i.i nn-iia h'tph
1 rm t finm
;-e Iiidianapoh's J0U1nal ays
. .aron Brownlow visited the rebel
' .? lbat ci'y, the" nnsoners thouted,
Llt3 0utP "Ah v,'. nd.'fnr.
rascals," retorted the Parson,
loa wishonttcdy would pit ycu
which such vessel is about to clear, or before
any justice of the jwace or notary public or
other per.-on who is "legally authorized ti ad
minister au oath in the State or district -tvhero
the same may be administered. And that any
violation of such oalh shall subject the offen
der to all the pains and penalties of wilful
and corrupt perjt.ry, who tduul be liable to be
indicted and prosecuted to conviction for any
such offence before any court having cciape
tent jir.iadictiou tlurooL.
Approved, ilarch 6, 1S32.
Kk.-oi.utiox Puelic No. 15
JOINT RESOLUTION in relation to certain
railroiids in the State of Missiouri.
Whereas, by tbs fourth section of an aot of
Congress entitled "An act granting the rignt
cf way to the Stale of Missouri, and ajor
tion cf the public lands to aid in the cod
s' ruction of certain railroa Is b said State,"
t. roved J une th tenth, oighteea hundred
and ' fifty-two, it is-prorided as follows
"That the said lards, hereby granted to the
Faid State, shall be subject to the disposal
cf the Lcg:siature thereof, for the purposes
cfjrcsaid and ro other;" ad the said rail
roads shall be and remain public highways
for the i sj cf the Government of the Unit
ed States, free from toll cr other charge up
on ue transportation of any property or
troops of the United States ; and, whereas,
the said grant of lands has, by virtue of
said act, and of act of the Leg-dature of the
SLato of Missouri, been applied in the cou
Ftruction of the Hannibal and St. Joseph
, Railroad Company, and the Pacific railroad
by the Pacific liailroad Company, which
last mentioned road is finished and running
from St. Louis to Rolla; and, vherea3, the
ability of said railroad companies to trans
port the property and troops of the United
States over their respective railroads has
been greatly impaired by the destruction of
bridges, depots, and other property of said
companies, and the partial destruction of
said roads, and in view of the pressing pub
lic necessities, the United States, nnt waiv
ing the right to have their property and
troops transported free from toll or other
charge by said railroads, as contempleted
by tho reservation aforesaid, have resolved
as follows : Therefore be it
iievdved by the Senate arid House of repre
sentatives of the United Stales rf America, in
Conytss assembled, That the Secretary of Wax
is hereby authorized to make such aa adjust
ment with t!u Hannibal and Saint Joseph
Railroad Cora par y and ihe Pacific Railroad
Company, for the transportation, past aud pros
pective, of the property and troops of the
Unired States, over said railroads during the
existence of this rebellion, as in view of the
public exigency may be just and reasonable,
and liquidate the sama : Provided, however,
That the nuns paid to said companies shall ba
as near as may be the cost of transporting such
property and troops, and not exceeding the
prices fixed by the War Department on the
twelfth day of July, eighteen hundred and
sixty-one, for transportation by railroads,
w hich adjustment and liquidation shall pre
clude any further claim on behalf of such
companies against the Government for com
pensation or damages previously accrued, or
lor the military occupation-of the said roads
by the United States Government up to the
time of thg passage of this act : And provid
ed Surther, That the Secretary of War may,
in his discretion, withhold from time to time
such portion of .the moneys which may be due
to either of said railroad companies, to indem
nify the Government against any failure of
such company to promptly transport such
troops and supplies ; but nothing herein lia!l
be so construed as to prevent the Secretary of
War from taking possession of said raiiral3
and their appurtenances, and applying the
same to the exclusive use of the CroVJiuiiut
whenever, in his judgment, the public interests
m.v require it, without, in such case, compeu
satioii to said com pan es. .
Approved ilarch G, 1So2.
Public No. 39.
;N ACT for a joint commission for the pre
servation of the Atlantic fisheries.
Be it tvacted by the Senats and House of
Bepreser titives of the United States of Amer '
.t pi. I. rvl, il... ... :
ot, tn Longr cJT assrvvjica; i uai, um i in
dent of the United States is hereby author
ized to appoint a commissioner, to meet such
corumitsioner as apjointed on the part
of Great Drittain, and also one on the part of
France, together to form a joint comin'.rfMon
t framo measures so protect the fiherie off
the coats of Newfoundland and North Am
erica against deterioration and destruction by
meiU's of set lines on the spawn banks, and
like destructive practices.
S?c 2. And be it futther enacted, that to
it .i ti - i . r . . rr . v;.
enable the rresiuem 10 carry iiao euctu iu.
act, the sum of three thousand dollars be and
the same is hereby appropriated out of any
money in the Treasury not otherwise appropriated.
'- Approved, March lo, lbbJ.
Public No 40. '
AN ACT to amend '-An act to incorporat3 the
Columbia Institution for the Instruction of
the Deaf and Dumb and the Blind," and to
make appropriations for tl5 benefit thereof.
Be if. r,aded by the Senate and of
Jlevresentutives rf the United States cf Ameri
ca in Congress assembled, That the sura of
four thousand four hundred dollars per annum
parable quarterly, shall b3 allowed for the
pavmentPf salaries and incidental expenses of
said instuutton ; and that lour thousand lour
hundred dolla s bo and is hereby appropriat
ed for that purpose, out of any money in the
Treasury not otherwise appropriated, lor the
fiscal year ending Juno thirty, eighteen, hun-
dred and sixty three. - .
Sic 2. And ba it further enacted,- 1 hat
the sum of nine thousand dollars be and the
same is hereby appropriated, out of any mon
eys in the Treasury not otherwise appropriat
ed, for the erection, furnishing, and fitting up
of 'twd additions to the buildings of said inr
stitution. ; . . .,..,.
fj. - a And bo it further enacte l, l n it an
receipts and disbursements under this at shall
be re or: ed to the Secretary t.f the Interior,
as required in the sixth section of the act to
which this i an ernenrmenr.
' Approved March 15, 18G2.
.Public No. 41.
AN ACT to authorize the purchase of coin,
, and for otlu r purpose.
Be it enacted by the Senate and IIotiS3 of
UepreS3iitatives of the United States of Am-,
er'ca in Congress assembled,' That the Secre
tary of the Treasury may purchase coin with
anv of the bonds or notes of the United States
authorized by law, at such rates and nyonsuch
teims as he may. deem most advantageous to
the public interest; and. m iy i-sue, under such
rules and regulations as ti. may prescribe, cer
tificates of indebtedness, such ks are aphoriz
ed by an act entitled "An act to authorize the
Secretary of the Treasury to issuo certificates
of mde'.)tedn-s to public creditors," approved
March lirtf, eighteen hundred and sixty-two,
to such creditors .is may desire to receive the
Ji h irm of checks drawn by d:s-
i ,,mrj ii i the Minis rl;icm to f heir
credit on the boks of the Treasurer, upon re
nniJ.ut,., of the i. roper del uirt men ts, as well
i . i d::har"eof audited and settled accounts
oj .u-.w.IpiI hv said act. - .
Sec 2. And bj "u further enacted,' .That
the demand notes authorized by the act ol
July seventeenth, eighteen hundred and sixty
one, and bv the act of February twelfth, evjh
teen hundred and sixfy-two, shall, in addition
t K;n r r.'.ivable in payment of duties on
: .? k rofi-itfilw. and shall be lawful
mcrtifv and a le-al tender, in like manner, and
r.r tin. Kami lairtwses. and to the same extent
iliorized by an act entitled.
"An act to authorize the issue of United
Qt.,t. T,.tr and for the redemption cr fund-
i.,r thereof, and for funding the floating debt
of the United States," - approved . lebru.try
......-fiiih fi.hteen hundred and sixty-two
c i A,.,l Iia it further enacted. Inat
the limitation upon tern porary deposits ot
Uuiteil Statjs notes with any assistaiu
Pi.r- nr rl.-i'id dei-osixai ies, nuiiu'ized by
i th Secretarv of the Treasury to receive suca
f deixjsits, at'five per cent, interest, to tweatv
I c ' :n:. -t iJM .'.all Ka si far modi
fied as to authorize the Sectary cf the
Treasury to receive such depooiu tj an. amount
not exceeding fifty millions cf dollars, and
that the rates o f interest shall h) prescribed by
the Secretary of the Treasury cot exceeding
lh3 annual rate of five per centum. -
Sec. 4. And be it finther enacted, That, in
all cases where the Secretary of tho Treasury
is authorized by law tora-briua cotes, he may
replace such as are so mutilated or otherwise
injured as to be unfit for use with others of
the same character and amount ; and such
mutilated notes, and all others which by law
are required tc be taken up and not re-issued,
shall, when so replaced or taken up, be de
stroyed in such manner and under such regu
lations as tho Secretary of the Treasury may
prescribe. - ' - -
Approved, March 17, 18G2.
21RS. MARY W. 1113 WETT,
lias just received a new stock of Straw Goods,
consisting of
THD1UIXUS, . . '
of all kinds and cf tho latest stylo. The ladies of
BrowtiTulo and ricinity are cordially invited t call
and see them. First door eait of the iictbodist
Church, on Water strec.
April 17, 1352. nil-nn
360,000 ACRES OF
Valuable Lands for Sale.
By direction of tbe Secretary of the Interior, the nn
ders.igne.1' will receive proposal for the purchase of
certain lands situated in Townships 14, 15, Iff, 17, 13 n4
19. East of the sixth principal mereJlauin Kansas. Cutn
prlsiug about three huudrcl and sixty thousand acres of
the must valuable farming lands In tuat State.
These lands comprise what are known as
Kansas and Sac and Fbs Trust
and will be sold for fash, In tracts r.ot exceeding one
hundred and Mxty acres each, under tbe provisions of
tho fourth article of the treaty of tno United State
with tho Kansas tribe tf Iudians, concluded oa tht 6th
day of October, 1859, and with the Sc and FwX Indiana
or the lt day of October lo the same year.
In all cases where improvements navo been made
npjaanyof these lands, tbe proposals must coutalJ
teperhie offers for the land ami the improvenieuw
thereon, and in no cae will a proal be entertaiued
unless this requirement U complied with.
In case a proposal is accepted, a deed will be execu
ted an i transmuted to the agent of the tribe to which
tbe l;uids UeloUjs, hoi.-inicreied iu immediately noiity
iiiK tbo applicant of its reception. In case sucli appli
cant shaii fail or refuse to tall upn the proper aneut
and pay for eaid land and the .iuiprovemeuta iheieou,
if any there bo, within thirty days after buch notice,
tbe deed will be rcturne I to UiU oiB :e to be cancelled,
and in that case aid land will be fcUl jevt to tale to any
other person.
Descriptive lists of tid lands will te furnished npon
application to the undersigned, or to the agent of ihe
proper tribe, the Kansas tribe at West port, AO., or of
the Sacs and ixes at Greenwood, JrYankliu county,
Tbe risht to reject any or all bids is expressly re
served. All proposal uiut be sealed and addressel to
the undersigned, Washington City, D. C, and endors&l,
Fripoali to Purchase Kansaa Trust Lanus," or " aac
and Fox Trut Land," as tbe case may be.
. Proposals will be receUed as abtve invited unti'.the
lstdavof May next, at which lime all proposal ihen
i eceived wii i be ex imi;.ed and ailed upn. After me
1st day of ilay, win ha examiued ou ihe tlrt
day of each succeeding mouth.
1 - of Indian Affairs.
Washington City, March 12, ItiSi l40-3w . .
Kentucky Bine Grass per bushel.
Kentucky Orchard Grass per bushel.
Kentucky Red Top Grass per bushel.
Sorghum or Sugar Caue per bashel,
Osage Orange per bushel
Top Ouion per bushel, .
$1 63
1 50
I 60
S 60
SO on
8 00
Per Dozen papers. Warranted, - . - 60
1 75
2 76
Hydraulic Cement per barrel, -. - '
Calcined Plaster per barrel. - -
We also keep a large stock of farm implemeuts.
Catalogues furnished on application. .. .
April 3, 1862, nS9-2ia
' - AND
mihh :: PROFIT
Having just returned from the Eastern Markets, where
I have purchased my Spring and Summer Uck of Goods
wliich I now cfTer to this market forCi'hor Prodnre
at prices that wiil suit the time. My siock coniu of
Dry Good, Groceries,
Boots, - Shoes,
. Hats, Caps,'
Ilardwnre, Kalis,
Iron, Doors,
Ssh, ' Glass,
- Putty, Oils,
4 Paints, Wiaeg, ,
" Liquors,
Tobacco and Cigars,"
which I rrqest the pr.blie In penerat to Call aad fatis
ly themelve bst I wi 1 cell the good cheaper than
ever offered la this market. - ' i
-1 also mamitactr Boot, Shoes and Gaiters to order,
at price to suit the timet. -
. As I have dopid the i
. cas si s yst'emJ, :
..: , ... .. -
no credit will be given. I will eontinaa tojpap the
highest price for i . ; - " , r . -.
In cash or store pay. Don't for".: to call al
" ' t -
for my motto shall be Qsic SoJft Small Prof.b.
. W. I. DK.VJ
April 17, ISGJ. '
Hats, Boots and Slices.
I have jn-t received a Now Snr-pty or riat, tmi
Shoes, whicb I wHI HI cbper ih an they were evei
ffereo here before. Cllandeeme. - !
' firowBvitla, AprillS, lECS-oiU.
Francois Putojrjat. John B Laarent and 15-jrtsrs A S."n
aniire wiil ta e w.ico Jper A. Ware did, ou
1st day of April A. V i;Ci, Hie hi. i-e:itin in the dis
trict Court of Xoiiah.i county, lebra.-ka Ttrrtt.Ty,
a?inst them. The i--t.joct of said petition is to f.jrecio-o
a mortiiaKO nia le by said I'uteriat. to the s-t Ware, cn
the ioliowiiij described rc l eiate, Iyin and beinat sit
uated tn Nemaha county. XeUra.-ta Territory, to--it .
Tae north west charter or cct!o!i 17, in lv-nah!9 S,
north of ranpc li, ei:t of ilia sixui princpal meredian,
to secure ihe p-ymsa. of $144.00, -uh interest thereon
at tho rate of lliry per cent, per a itiuh. front tbe Cii!
day of Novemt-er, A. D. liGO, sccorUiit? to a pr'innf-Hjry
note leterred to in s:uJ niortao- Praying thits-ait
John B. Laurent he reuircd to stato under oath what
sum of money, If ai y, is due him on a mirtj;ii;e niale
by said Poteptiat to lam on the lith diy of September
A. V. Ib57, the said Ware having al leged in hi petition
that the same is susHed. Tht a deed to said land
made by sa'd Putesnat to said Barbara A. SynMuiire on
the 13ia day of Juiy, A. l. 1SGI, be decreed null aud
vo:d, bo far as it auects the rights of the said .Vare.
That the said uioriiaeed premise b-i dttreed to be Sul J.
and tbe proceeds applitM in paymcut or the amount dua
as aforesaid, tj the said Ware. Trtat each and allot
said respondents be forever b irred and foreclosed of all
right aud interest, whether of reJemp ion orotherwise,
they may claim in or to the said mortgaged pre.uises.
S.tid repoadcu.s are required to answer .-ail pouiion
on or betore the 1J .a day ui Aiy, A. u. ltC2.
Solicitor for Couiiiiuaiit.
April 3, n33-iw.$iaprfe
Elliateth Smxlijrass, John S. Snodgras, Tttec Grr-e-vtr.
Susan Greever, Livma Greever, Sarah Gretver,
Andrew Gieever, William Greever, aud Sa.mutl R
Pa3ord. will take autico that on the BM day of Auitust
A. L. 13G1, two peations or biils ii chancery, were
tiled iu tiie District, Court of Nemaha county. Nebraska
Territory . one by Stephen F. 'u.kolls and ilio other by
Huston Nuckolls, to which they, as heir of Charie Al.
Greexer, deceattd, aud Heath Nuckolls, a hi Aiuiu
Utratjr, are uade parlies Ueiendanl Tti object a and
prayers of said puutiou are to c.-mpel a specitic per
formance of two agreements made by said C. M. Gree
ver with, sai I cotiipiaiuants, and to obtain for did coui
plaitiauts a title to the following real estate, fiuiated
in said county of Nemaha, to-trit : For the Kaid 3. F.
NuckolU, qr ol : soli! U eaot qr, and north west qrund
souih half, and north wet l qr of north east qr, and lot
oue iu section 2a ; and half of south west qr of south
west qr, aud lots I au 1 3 iu section aa. in Township 4.
ltange t6 ; utul lot, 1, i. 3 and 4, aud west half cf nrth
east qr or south west qr of section 31, townsbip 4, range
1", east of the Gib. pnucipal meridian. For tbe sail
Huston Suckulls, qr of lots 1, 2, 3 at.ti 4, and et half
and norm east qr of south west qr of section 31, town
ship 4, raui'8 17; and qr or the east half of sicUon 35,
towustiip 4 range 16.
CujupiatiMiirs also a-k that in csa the conrt shall
deem is exi e lieut ti e said lands shall te ordered to
be soli , and the p.oceeds divided a m equity aud Jus
tice they stsomd bo.
Said uefeudatit are required to answer said petitions
on or betore May 13th, IsoJ. K. W. THOAt AS,
So icitor for Compiaiuauta.
Apt 11 3. 1662. ri39-4w pr fee $10
James Gindcr will taka notice that Joseph Opelt, cf
the county or Nemaha, in Le Territory of Ncbracka,
did, on the 3L-t djy of March, a. D., lS5i, fi e his pe
ir ion against tbo aid Janei Giuder, deleudeiu, bcttin
Xorth that the said Jauie Giuder, on lhe '2uth day or
June, l&Si, gave a moriKate to tuo said Juseph Ope.t on
tha noi tii east quarter of reciion No. 14, iu Township
No. 4, uorin of range No. 13 east, in Nemaha county aud
Terriioty ot Nebraska, to secure the payment of a cer
tain promissory note of the same date for tho umi of
$ooO. payable on or before the tlrst d.iy of N vemoer,
A. D. lt6l, and prayiiig that tho said Jatne3 Giuder bo
decreed U pay tiid -ld sam of $oUJ, with interest at tbe
rate oi teu per cent, per auuuut, Itoiu iho said 1st day
of November, lam, or that i'ui said premises be sold to
pay tho eaioe ai.d costs of aid suit.
And the said James G.uder is notiiJed that he U re
quired to appear uui au-.vver sai l peution, on or before
the third Al .uday alter tbe 1st uay ol May, A. V., 1662,
being the ISiU day or said momh.
O. B 1IKWETT, Atty for PIS'.
April 9, 1862, n33-4w $7 60 pr lee.
Bernard, Adams & Co., and John C Calhoun, George C.
Vauderburg aud Wilham H. UeuKeit, partnor as Cal
houn, Vaude burgAiOo., audAiny A. M'O. mas, will
take notice that Benjamin G. Co per, of the tiiu.e of
Feiuixvivauia. tiid, on tbe 3rd day ol April, A. D. 15(i2
U.e his petition in the District Court or the 2nd Judicial
Ditnci of IU Territory of Nfbrmka, in and for Nt uia
kaa u,yuiy, in aail Territory, K'Ji"sl iuward M. il Co
mas and lhe said Barn int, Adamj 4t Co, aud John C.
Caihoun, Georgo C. rauderburg and Wiliiau II. lJ-iii-netl,
partners asCaihoun, Vaudeiburg i Co and Alary
A -i-'Oouias. tlctenoaiUs, settiiijt foith that the aid Kd
ward I. M'Comas gave a moruage to tbe tid ileiijamiu
G. Cooper on ihe north west quarter of section number
23) iweuty-niue in towtuhip uumtier (t) tour, north of
laugo nuuiiier (15) drieeu, east if ihe iixth prmt.ipal
meretlian in Neaiba county, Nebraska Territory, to
secure the paynieiit of the sum of $oil.60, according to
a certain uoie reierred to m said nurtg ige, aud that
Since ibe giving of said mortgage the other defendants
claim seine imerot iu said land under the snid Edward
M. McCuUiaa an! prwying that th stid KJvard M.
M Chinas maj pay ibe said sum of three hundred fctid diiars aud Br;y cents, nw claimed to be
due. wuhiuteies'. from 2'2d July, IS61, or thai said
pi eume may bo to p.iy the same; and the sli
Bernaid, Adauis X. Co. auU J.diti C. Calhoun. Geot ?e C
Valine, burg an4 William II. Bcuuctt. pa: lucrs a.- Cal
houu, Vanilei b'trg it Co. and Mary A McConias. are no
tified that they are required to appear aud answer said
poiiliun nil or betore u,e 1'J h at May. A. I) I'SSi.
lv C. G. IJOKSty, hii Alt'y.
April 3d, 1SC2. u3 4V'-J Notice.
Alfred Opelt ) Civil Action, Dbtrlct Court, 2nd
vs J dicia'. Uistriot, Nemaba couuiy,
Hugh Brownlee J Territory.
The deitmoant. lleg.i Uruwniee, will taie , notice
that on ihe 2d day I April. 1S62 aiu plaint ill", A Hud
Opelt, did rtie his petition in said conrt.-the object and
prayer ol watch is io i b aiu a judgment ayain-t yoit ai d
in favor of a!d plaiaiirT. lor the mm of $iJ00 wnti
interest ibcie m iroul March 1st 1862 as balance of pur 4
caase mono; tor the premises herein descilhed.
That an order of attachment 'u:y ued in this aftir n
and by virtue of which lhe Slierift' of said couti'y al
tacbed tbe followinic lands and tenements, to-wit : He
north haif aud south west quarter of north bjhi quarter,
section 21. town 4. north lauge 15 east, situated in ail
County, as the property of said detendaut, Browulce.
Ton aie hereby required tr appear anil answer or d
mur to said pe-itton on or betore io 13th day of Alay.
18C2, and in deiault thereof ju.lguient will be rendered
agairiht you rcr said ammnt, with interest, and.i-ait
property be sold and the pnK-ee.N applied to the pay
ment or said debt. A. SCilOENHtir, Flffs. Atly.
April 3, 1S62. o3t)-4w $7 60 pr fee.
Eftrny Notice Taken Up.
Taken np by tbe subscriber, re iJing six miles west
of Nemaha City, cn or atout tbe first of June, led, a
small iron-uray horse-pony, about seven years old,
branded P" in the left shoulder ; anpraised bjr Jerome
Hoover and W. W. Koelinx. on the 2J h day of March,
1862 at $35 services of tbo horse to pay for kee.-in.
If the horfe is not called for and property proven, on
or before the firth djy of June. 1362, he will be by me
sold t j the highest bidder for ea-h at my residence .
April 3, IS62. p33-10w $5 pr fee
Whereas, John N. Brock, Administrator of tho
estate of William M. C.Neal, late of Pawnee coun
ty, deceased, b.u tii'iila application for an extention
of time to collect the assets of snid estate.
Notice is hereby iriven that I have set the 12lh
daof May, A. I). the timo for borin; said
ant lieation. II. (i. LOKE, I'robate Jud?e.
Airil lUih. IH'jS.
I District Court, Nmaha Cctmty
Nebraska Territory.
John Q. A. Smith,
Hiram (). MinicS
John S. Mi nick.
Uy virtue of an order t.T sale to me direclfcJ In the
above entitled cae. I wil 1 on .
Saturday, 10M of May, Jl. D. 1SQ2,
between the hours ot' 10 o'clock a. m and 4 o'clock p.
m. or said diy, at ibe door id Ueu's Hall, in I4nwnviile,
the place where the aid court w is last held for raid
Nemahj c tuny, otter r r aa e lhe followi'itf decribe-l
real ela:e, to-wit : the south eatquirter ofstt-iion
No. 15 in""towti.-hipN. 5 in-rth of ratuc N 15 eistt f
the sixth principal meredian iu Nebra-k i Territory,
together wiih the spput leonce thereunto bcd'.giiie,
taken as ihe property -r Iliraru O. Mintck and Jobu .
Minick. to satisfy au older of .-ale against lhe m un4 in
favor of tbe above mined plaintiff.
J. W. C0LE2IAX, Sheriff.
April 3, 1S62 n3D-4wr pr fee 7.60
THE DAY SCHtXlL BELL. A Nf-w Sinxin 8 oi
for Uay Scbooli., calied the UT hcilOOZ. BXLL. is ddw
ready. It cintains boiit 20 J tMges d cli Ke Soiitf, So
los. itonndA, Catrbes, D iets, Trio-, Q nrtets and Ch
r.-es, many r them written expiessiy for thUwoi k.
besides ?2 pages 1 1 ihe' Kit mrnts of mu-ie. Tae Ele
ments are -o easy nd progre sive ihst ordinary tea.h
er will fl:d ibeui!-e.vt8 entirely sncce-sfu1 in instruct
iuz even young scholar t ln; correctly and Klaniifi
cally, hii ths tune' and words embraces such a vari
ety .f lifely. attractive, ant soil stirinz music and
stn tiu ertt mat notr. ubie wjii be eperienced in indr
cing kII beginners toco on with zeal in acquiring r-kiil
in ue or tfe most tea ith-giviug. beauty improving,
happniehS jieldiDg, and order producing exercise of
school life. In simplicity of It Elements, in variety
and adaptation of music, and in excellence and cumber
ol it s.-ugs, l-inal. selected, aud adapted, it cl timt
by much to excel ail cimpeators. It will te f..nnd to
be tfie het bo-.k ever iued for Seminatles, Academies,
and Public S.hojis. A lew sample pases of tbe ele
ments, lui,e and somi are given in a circular; send
andcetoTi. It is compiled by Horace Waters, author
or "Sabaih School Bel's ' N . 1 and 2, which hxve had
the enormous sale cf 55 COO copies. Pr,c;s -pa;K.'r
cover 20 ct , $13 per hundred; bound 3i cents. $'J5 hnndrf d ; eio. h bound, embossed gitt 40 cents : i3J
per huiidred. 25 vpie furnished at the one hundred
price. ilaMed fret at tbe retail price.
The DAt School EelL The tunes are lively, and
such as may be ea-iiy mastered by cftildren. The spirt
of tbe sons is uuexceptiontble and well adapted to tbe
school room. It is tbe cheapest ani aru-.iiin the be-t
conijeH f echrjol mnsic published .V: York
Pat ScfiooL Bell This book U eminently aiaptol
to u- e in our comm.M) chKis.
We have a g eat number of school song t ks before
the public, but many of them lack nmicjl as well as li;e
v:y lasie, and are re.iliy demoralizing in ili'ir Ii-Ca-etice
n--n ibe innical ta'cnt .t the y.un-'. Airs .t ui
kiiuwTeced ex.-eiience I to w r f -me -'-eti f
are tLt qjjliue-t ihat owchl io bj sought wiiii tlie g.-wnt-et
etie in .he prf p ira-i. n ol inbini wutx t Tiii-t
b k.!c st-ein-i co c -tntnae toe o twi qu.iii.if. Penmjl
vani Schooi Journal.
. n4I-ly N, 431 UroaCway, New loiS,
. the iiA!ii or ri:::t:no;f.
"ott ready, a nw ani -cr- r c i; ; t:,n cf IT
Anli-lilarcrT, 1 -triu-ie, ar,J "Crctrabar. 1" for;:,
solo, ci'set?, q-inrtct', act vboru'ts. Mistcf the
Poetry ani I'.'ir.z L-s bcn writfn expre-jiiy fi
this work, to ei-rrcpond with the times, an 1 boulJ
ba sanj by the imlh;TT. in order to awalten a Jeep
inieresl in bcii ilf of tuS 4 Cotur,bi.r.Js," wh ta,
in Lm prcvidci ee, has c.iii Ccn tha Frio North to
cloiba aad edit-, nt?.
tcr-TtNT?, TV TW.T.
Ta!f r.-orli-.:'! ha tt Iat f"
r.rjk tfc-3 Claii, crtbe;i S cr 1 ;"
"Fremont si jL.trohiD on, or, ljl ry U.iilelujah ;"
Oh 1 Help thu Contrabands';" "Old John Brown's
Song;" "Song t.f the 'Contrabands':" "O Let my
iVopla Co -Tar .Iy on tho yontf tbo 'Contra
bands';" " Whero Ltaerty liro!l- is my country ,"
"Vhen Slavery dies'11 bo Freed "Wake,
Free men. U4 has srokcu ;" u Littier's auj-jressci
Son of Freedotn," eto.
Trice enly i cents singlo, 50 canta per tlorJn, $4
per 100 ; posters I cent.
iiOUACH WATERS, Pablisticr,
cil-ly 431 lJruadwy, New York.
75.CC0 Copies Gold tho Firs 12
X.!cnth3 cf its Publication.
It is nu enti -o New Work, cf nearly I fit) pngs.
M.icy cf the Tur.09 and Hymns wcro writu-u ex-pre.-s!y
for tLii Toluni-3. It wiil soo-i ba as popular
as its pro.ieco.t.or, (Hell N. t ) which bus run up to
the enormous number of 575.0-1 J dpies in 3i m-'nth,
outstripping ay Sait'la y 5- WJ ti;k oT its siu is
sued in tail country. Also, both vtlani-s ar; bound
iuotio to Roeoumoitato rebooU wisbin.j; them ja that
form. Trice j f Lieil No. 2, papr-r cover?, l5cot:t-",
$12perlCD. ; JJonnd. 25 cents. 513 per 103. Lh:ih
bound ticbossed gilt, 33 cent, $12 p?r TJO. Eel! No.
1, paper rovers, 12 cent?, $!0 per 1P0. E-u;id 21
cei:ts, $13 psr 10. Cloth boauJ cmb.-sel g:lt,25
cents, i2l) per 10 ). livlls Nos. 1 and 2 bound to
gether 4d cents, 30 por hundred. 25 copies fur
nithod at the IvJt) jr. to. Cloth bo and cmbo-sed
giit, 50 cents, 5 10 per 1U0. Wail p-ijUgo tre at
the retail price.
nil-1 No. 131 L5-o.ulTay, New York.
ill LLO 11 1 ANN,
And Alenn Iro 0-tn?, and T. GILBERT A Co.'i
celebrated JZ'hon Pianos, are the finest iuti!nnt,
fr porlorj ani churches Coirrmiio. A l.iri5-rt-mentcan
bo facu a', llo dc-v wsmTocrai, Ni. 431
ItKOAU'iVAY, between (Irnnd and ilr -.oao streets?
which willba sold at extremely low jri es. Pianos
and Melodcons, from sundry makers, new and second
baud. Sccord hand Tianos and Sleh.d-or.s at s;rcnt
bargains; prices frmS25 to $1U0. Sheet Mmic,
Music -Eooks, aiid all kinds cf iiiuia trchacdise,
at war paces. A piaaist in attendanco will try neit
Thorinrnca H'utcrs Pin nos are known as amor
the very beet. Wo ara enabled to sp -ak of ttloa
instruments with some degreo of, frotd
personal kn.t!eda of their excellent tone ai.d du
rable quality." Afrto York Eoai-jdit. nil Ij
"Shall we TTnow Each Othor ThoreT Sonj cr
Duet and Ch nm, by Iter. Mr. Eowrr, author f
"Sabbath Eells Cbiiuo on." This Son is jrood.
Price 25 cent, Hikd Iree. A pianist iu attend
ance to try new uiusia.
nil ly No. 431 Broadway, Publisher.
13 1-3 - - r. 3 a 3 i;4.2 .
S f "3 5 2 1 1 2 S 3. 3 t -? Z
z t7 n o 1 Z 2 i"- a x - -3
mJ 2s rm i ; i & - -
-rr'z:'e -'-5 a3x--Jj
(e',:Tr::5'i;-l"2:':i Z2,
t" 5 3- ? I -at."- 1 " n - . i
m" r-i O. " T - " TOT " "
'' " - -1 - Z.. 3
3oa-' - ' 7r r,9 i1 !
" J : - - X i Mo;-? a 3 Ci
- -! c Z- 3 1 - - ii-; a - r
?.-S;jS;3 s - 2 - S
- i - i o ---se'r",; -'?3'F'
-r.icv 32 - 3 - f 1 - . r:
3 r---a,- n:33,ris'M
.-r?!::"? r' 5-3 ; S 3 5 - 3 as
; ' ; : -j s"-w,r--a
r r 2 - a 2 J 1 !) tj
pike's ttaic on lake supehioh.
With Cuts, and Descriptions, Price, etc., etc.
P. X7. (3ATE3, Prei-1erit.
IT. B. Ajents wante 1 everywhere. Chici?
li. . m;kmas c:i;.vr,
Itrnwti ville, Nt bnt-k.i.
Of whom Circulars aud detailed InformdUun caa be
Marcb20, 1363. fn37-lyl
Wasliiog Slacliiiies.
Tbe m-t!e, durable, convenient and economical
article ever inventc-l for tue purpose.
Will u the w.i.ninj of au ordinary family before
breaifjst, not n!y navibj time I'tit clothe.
Ily atrictly tol l.jvrina ibe printed direction, which are
Fimple and C', 11 will wb, at one tinm. fix Miirt,
or l j duen t-uiall articles. In about tix or tcven min
ufri, r their entivalent.
By at! tbe tntlna-y methods of cHeaniti fine faNlet,
snch a taces, &c, the Kreatest care 1 Teq itre-I, while
ith-ibU m.uhine the m-l deiicaie article an le
washed wi tho -it he pr.Mbi liry of J jun
Thee reul ' are prouiived by tbe tn-tact rectlc-n
the suds while the macbiue Ij1 in mil.3.
of Families, liund.-ies. bote:, buardmp-boaoea. h sj it
. aylum. boanlmR-wh-"i, on t:j.a and t earner,
arKt in the army, who have lhee maebii e- in te, have
tictit tn tr.rlr testimoni's'voluntarl.ii!y, and the eue,
ruiumsof the PreM! are ery nunierou, a-.tue of wbicb
1 have p-.-b!i-neI in mniblel r-riu.
All I S f t-e Public i a arerul examination cf
thi machine hefu:e purcb-in of others.
(Jeneral De;Kt 419 BojH tfyf corner Canal St , Hen
Price only Ten Dollars.
X. 3. A l.t-er:il di-o.tint t. the. Trzde. A$tnU
wanted Stnd for a CirtuJcr
A'-M.evi o u; -tJj . X y tr- p'o.
PitlUIi' I KKN TII Vr. pitetor.
j-errys Garden iieccli.
Pre-h ca y.a.a. aiti rai-e.:'n iliit l! an c!i;nte,
fursie tf W-.4 LLIT, i CO,
1 will s':',l G.,oJ An! Trees, '3 t 0
fc-,thuh at .p ;tv:i
S ty a leti l.' t C-'jtrlij
Extra f 'tt, iniay of then co' in fruit,
b.-xly t 11 f-ot r Zh " 7 - r 1" : )
Sdt'.in troc-, fi 1 I !ee: Z'i j cr .'
l.-.l lauli Curr'.st, I yar M " -
t 3 yjiri.;i I) pr irr
Ilouhtoa ?et-.t:in Uooj,.-rry, i year 4 j er
Houghton Svl:it; ; Ccoshrry. 3 y-rar, 1- r r " i
Hel uA VV...w Antwerp Ua.--bc'ry-. 1 r IZ f
Frnno-iu' K rry : r
S:r.mbcrr. 2 i nre tics. frcc?---2 t 1 ) t-:r I;' ;
! Downer's l't-Allt S:riTb:rTy 3 ptr IZ )
Victjiia Rhubarb
15 ' J
Cauoon's See-liir Khub'i:b 15 J cr 1)
Soohh Hybrid l'.;iub.irb "j ;e?lC'. )
Secir.n UhuHarb I'J p?r 1 .J
Eos", Il.irdy S2tnraer,27 Ttri-;if s IS ; ?? l: )
KosC, Hybrid Perpetual, ijTiriet:-:)'. T, : ;T 1" )
Rop, Climbiri;. Si Ttricliei l - or .1
A!aO i. lirco Bo.oriiaeui cf 0:sau::t.U.l
Shrub at---- .... .... . 12 tt? lJ
Dejcribtire CaUlorie'st t nil i-"'I.:t-.t3.
Aide's, C. D STEVENS, A;?:!.
ilsEd -.. T.t:--.!a to., Lt,
Ja-airy 2,1S::. r,:3-l-
Okrd or Gumbo Ocod.
Tha bttl sr.bvi;ute f-r C--rToe rrrirfrl 1 i tb ? r. j
manner a C-rT.'O r,.iiS.i;.--s cf . ce I bv n;s at Do:,
e.ich. Eii a pjrki-e c-n'..iPi seel e-j-i-i t-j ri..-4 a
spi piy ror an-.-rc'iaary Suui'?,
en-1 orders U n. A t"",r.r.
ri33-tj Crxicwct c::y. iv.
For Salo at Eargrrlnc
Two !. 1 S'n'tle Knno'.r ?e"!.:i r JJiwiii'l.
One Franklin Family .Sewiv;.j i! ;;..r.o.
To II.-r.tce Waters' lUWi-.'R'.-Trk.
Frerh's Conical Waahtrl iIC3s:r3.
Oje N-k 1 P. W. Git0 & C-j.'i Siiir Cars Z1.1U
A)p-? at the Advertiser aal F?rJwr C Srowt
Title, ebrasts.
iUrcb liih 133).
Tho Economy of Usinn:
t zi a
Family 0 caving1 Ilacliino.
Ttis rmrli'-tM rnaka tbo ce'ebri! GHOTZS &
BAKE 11 STITCH, whbhhn taen thebbiheit premi
tnn at the lilm-ii State Pair. In September last, at tba
United Slates Kiir In St. Lr-u s, In IS5J. and at tt
pnui;ip:eoia;e rim iniu'i?.uuiii nmvu-.v-.
Compctetit Jues pave a tle hi.n In fjrr cf tb!l
ctitch, on HC-'c-tint of it strenrih and t!.iptattoato
ail kinds or fjn.-ily nd m n.-tfacturii), purposes.
Ibo f'lllf.winj; Tabia shw t!:e (iirT'e enie In firoi
cf Se-ri:i2 M.nhiDCs oTer theol-l mo' h J of titfhioi by
band. I-i the working of ifcee there U uot
only a great favi-.g of bbor and lime, beanie aJiUn
it. e i'.'y t iheH-r;fi5!i)essof tV.CTp'-yrr;en , tnttfc
btivcb is much ytn-rcer, nv-re ei'ue. and ie liable t-
rlror ravel tboti tbe su:ca maU3 wt;a aaa.ties ao4
P Marbtifl. t Hin !.
1-j lul'i rijiir. if!.
Tirao conamri InmaX'nj
up Latliea' OarmuU.
Silk Dre-s.
Muslin Si.lrt,
Merino Drea,
Calicj lrei,
Marcen Skirt,
Nigh; DretS,
Silk i pren,
Plaiu Apron,
Time conssmod In rasllsn
tip ue.itlemen'a Gsriueuts Hours.
r.cnteuiaii's Sblrts,
Frock Coat,
Satia Vest,
Liren Vet,
Ciutb Pant.
Sumuer rants,
ilin. i
69 j
1 )
i j
ITis oce advantaso which is worthy of e'rrc'..! s;'t:'rt
tn aJditi-'U to ibe peculiar character if ti e ai t la It' Bdspt.ti.'n to either li'j. or me ji'j!:i b-?avy
wrk . Tt-e ii,rhin which at wi nt' nifru la uscl ca
arter can te t-roubt to wrh tho n-j? tjc.
Uy n coitoti.vte nl t-wei or the . arcei-t cescrip.i-.a.
Ita aJa-ittoa r-,r FAMILY IVOIIIC, is lb': ret ;uri.
ble Kive It a tuyeiturity aver every otter ty in t
machine lit tbo Mai ket.
In order Hi it thct Mvbinei miy b3 p!:M la ttm
In or 7i 1 1 cIjhi-i wfl h.ivq rp-1 t'-ed tlj p--ic r f cn
DOLLARS. - Prom the increase f "ir buirie ror tha
iat jear, and the entire satisfaction oar M.cMues ar
Bivitu tbroiijjh'.ut rhe Cnitel S;atpj nl K trepeafi
C'Minrrle. we ate l! m ioMve t-tr our ji prrri-nitinii
t.. n.i.i nr .c'u'-ea PERFECT. SIMPLE, RELIABLU
AX I) CHEAP MALUIXE han bc-c n ruliy apprecl.-:e i
Ly ihe public. This p-.licy will runuiri utitba.ue-i', arj
) hcietorore no Machine wti! be allowed iu leave it's
i ffico :hHt we cannot ntiiy w-trrant. in eve'y re?pect.
We t-ball keep on baud at all time a geueral aaaort
met of St wii3 M idline mMeriaU
NecKliea for ail luachlne- ran be ordered by Xail er
Erpre?a. Price One Pollar per tf. ton.
Per- ns in 'he country, by sending as t'eir a-.'Jrfi
cncIiK-iim a letter atauip, can have forwarded by retunt
mail, one ot our clrci.larv containing the difTere&t itjl
ol Machine. Itt f.f prices, an.l ."jnipie of wt.'f.
E. IlaX'IlAirD- &. CO.,
Principal Aden's f-r lhe ri'jrtti Taat.
CfM:8 nrir! Sitewoota 113 Lake S'reel,, Il!ix;U, "
E. rtlCUAULiS. Latoof 1 Cyrncil Cj.
JN )W, TAPftN. foimerly Ag't for .b Orovjr h
Bder scnii.g :ic-hiue.
JGajrj-h' 1S32. a:0-tr
Bloomington ITursory,.'
At the crossing of ihe l.titiol Central, and St. L,
Alton and Chicago Railroad. L.-tay.bbe1 IS5J. oa
tbe open Prai'le, and c nt nu 1 13 acre. Fruit, Orna
mental and Nuruery groci. a very lirms, psneral aa4
reliable assortmeat, VEIl CULP fr Cab.
Especially Adapted to the Severe Cl:2'.
cf ttCiNcrthvciL
APPLT! 1"R?.7.5 frrm 1 to 4 rsirt cl. ft5to"3?r
IC0O. HuO'7 iRAKT3, $lnper 13 0". ( . AP?L SrtK'S.3,
oitalA I w, . voira 1 an I ,r4 f,, ffl ln- t ' . r-
1 per thf.ud.-an.l. MAZZA HP CnEHRr. $3 per 1 .: CO. '
HOSK STOCKS. Apytt Sciovi $1 5) per thousand.
CuttiTtrji, manv soi Wane (Jrnnrt. Erd one year
old pUiit-, 2.5 per ihcand. IViUon't Stravbtry, .
and many other 3tanlid Surtt iw- dollars fifty t
four dollar per tbomand. urafei Cftawb.i,- Cliutvft,.
I-abella. well roo'ed. one yeir ol-l ihre dfu ,r pr
h'ltid-ed twetity dollars per th"ua'j-l. . Dtlatcir'-
- ....I 4 rr. ..I,'. 1 .. J. Blu.
I'll 7 mii.A . rr . ' , . ' v,.., ... a ' j u,:. . , , r .
biro, he-t -rn tw-, to live dollar per hundred. '.
Hau-jhton Goo.pemj. cno " two year oA b to
three dollara per bui.Urcd Doteniny't Eprr Beariny
Mtitoerj ro'.r to etht dollari. peru zeu. nver.yrcen
-ever tl or.k te dollar per iijonramf. Sfiadt an.f
Weeping Trees, Shrubs, Floxctr Roztt C3.'i.. Rett.
aa immeUfO Tatlety moatly cue to two dollar art
P. kin? rarcfatly tl- c. Catalogues sect on receipt
of a tbreo cent atamp. Add e-a,
v r pr-.nrvrr
Nov 14, 1S61, nl9-6m Blaonin-jtor.. lUinoi.
At $1 perh"r,dre ?,S5perth-io,inl. Liberal d.sco"a
to the trade, or In larvt-i I'lantintie-'.-
Alo Oar c-ub! xfirtii of Evergreens. Prnit
Treeo, Omamental Trees Struts and Piaais) Ui.-
Pl,i..,ts, 4c.
Cotaitgne fnrnl.-bed to all app'icasts.
"The Kverzreerss ' LM .!lie.
37-'.r SAMCSL EUWAKD?, Baresti C-), III.-'
Shingles! Shingles!!
I would recpecrfulty infcrr.i tre c!:!z?i tf Kcrcab
conn'y, that 1 -ill endeavor kee? this m irkat. cp
plied with g.,d Cottonwood 5hin;lea. wnich I se:l
forcaKaj or take in exct.acge Cattle Ii e, Whatof
C.."i. Ii-". BASiilT.
March S7. 1S33 n33-tr
TIavlrx be"n ar-p Inf c f a?cr,t fur tbe Ejste VTorks
Suar Cane Mill and EvajH-rators, Chicix.. III., I ai
prepjired to till orrj-rrs at tho manufcrureri price.
P:i:e nf Mills, rrom $Uu is-'O. fc v frarr
$:')t.)8-;5. Addrcsa li VV, 1'UItlSAS,
March 27, It'i i3 'f- B O'VCVllle, JN to.
Currants ! Currants I
1 bite left with R. W. Firm-, B.wnvil!, a fe
Rf d ti:d Dutc'i I'urr tut tur sji-O a $ -i- ca-a .
March ?, 1S63. n3-i-tr P. O. THOU PiOX.
One More Notice.
Al: rerit. :nd. l fl I ?-e . r N -:e-r l-" '
Accj it: e l:e. el y liutiSt'd that I hey um-t vcT k-j on
be'o: e ji-i.v l-t lsci HM-i y i .ir i.ii t
re-on t j ;. :n;oce- it- 1.--u Cu..t. iti ti i.e
ili n jtice wni p -f i !U -..-ii'. V. jE.l-ii.i
ilarciSTic, 1;C ii-if.