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About Nebraska advertiser. (Brownville, Nemaha County, N.T. [Neb.]) 1856-1882 | View Entire Issue (April 24, 1862)
THE ADVERTISER, . . THURSDAY MORNING, APRIL JJ, IS62. W 1 our x r. o. TVn cp with our flag! let it stream oa the a!r! Though oar father are col J in tbeir graves, TbeytaJ bands tbst could itrike, they had eouli tbnt could dure, And their tons were not born to be slave! Up, op wit thatbacner! where'er it way call, Oar nations ebfs.ll rally around ; A nation cf freerm-n tba: moment nhall fall Ween its Etan shall be trailed en the ground. Notice to l!:e Advertiser Tatrons. Suddenly and entirely unexpected, I Em' called by the Secretary cf War to fill a position ia the service cf the country. My orders being to report forthwith, I have no time to arrange my business af fairs." I hope to be permitted to return .hor;iy for that purpose. My entire business I leave with T. R. Fisher and Theo. C. Hacker, who are fully author ized to act ia my absence. - R. W. Fchi-as. 5 Kftlotatorr. ;tn assuming the responsibility of editor during the absence of Mr. Furnas, it may be considered due to the patrons of the Advertiser to make a statement as to the future course of the paper. We'cannot hope to make as able a journal, editorially, as our predecessor, but with the liberal use cf the scissors shall endeavor to make it acceptable to the readers. 'It will continue to be Republican in politics. We have no love for nor sympa thy with either Shivery or Locofocoism. e u j not, iiucvci , ucc in n j the present lime and under present cir cumstances to enter very extensively into the- discussion of 'party questions. Dur ing the present war the entire energy of the nation should be directed towards crushing the rebellion, leaving the dis cussion of . mere mailers of policy, until we have settled the question whether or 'not a Republican Government is capable or sustaining itself. Although an ardent Republican, We freely admit that Dem ocrats have (with a few exceptions that ore repudiated by the masses of the party) acted the part cf patriots in sustaining the Government in the present struggle. Local matters that are considered of interest. will be noticed in the Advertiser. Western papers, having a limited circu " la-ion, must depend in a great measure upon local news to keep up an interest in the paper. - . As this is an Agricultural community, the first page cf the paper will be princi ' pally devoted to Agricultural matter. . Particular attention will also be paid , tr the market at St. Louis and other places for the benefit of Farmers. i - - usnun? ior uiorj. . Several coldiers from Price's army, whom "military necessity," or some" 'oiher unrelenting necessity has compelled : to leave their rebel chief, have returned to. Atchison county, and other counties in North-west Missouri. Several have been in this city. They have found " "Jordan a hard road to travel." Some cf them received very little money, scant food, and "no clothes." They say, how ever, they "were not fighting for money, 'but for glory!!" They certainly have not got enough glory to be much burthen to then. Fighting to destroy what South ern Statesmen have acknowledged to bs the v4;best government on the face of - the earth," all, for glory! On the retreat from Springfield to Boston Mountains, for days together they were to hard pressed by Gen. Curtis's Cavalry, that" they had no time to sleep, and some times not to cat. Many that went from near here were young, thoughtless boys, led away by the sophistry of those they locked up to as guardians, and they are cow deserving of much more respect than the cowards who induced them to enlist, " end afterwards, to "save their own' ba con," tculked off to Ohio, Iowa, Pike's Peak and other places. Those who have returned from Price's army, have mostly delivered themselves up 10 the military tuthcriiies at St. Joseph, and taken the caih. ' Of those that have gone from Atchiscn ccunty, t, t .sita here, we are told fully cne-third have been killed in tattle. Truly "the way' of the trans gressor is hard." now 100.C00 men, ar.d is fortifying Cor inth, building entrenchments! and con structing' an abattirt. The rebels enter tain no doubt of their success the next time. Several letters have been intercepted from Beauregard at Corinth, directed to JefT. Davis and others, urgent ly demand ing reinforcements. The Herald publishes a telegram from Beauregard at Corinth to Adjutant Gen. Colfax at Richmond, which is slid tobave been intercepted by Gen. Mitchell after taking .possession of Decatur, Alabama, in which he says: "All peaceable at pres ent. Join us in ten days with 15,000 men. Cannot we be reinforced from Pemberton. If defeated here, we lose the Mississippi valley, and probably our cause; whereas we could now afford to lose, for a while, Charleston nnd Savan nah, for the purpose cf defeating Buell's army. Such would not enly insure us the valley of the Mississippi but our Inde pendence." Gov. Harvey, cf Wisconsin, was drown ed at Savannah, b the Tennessee river, on Saturday night. He was; there look ing after the welfare of wounded Wis consin troops. The approaching great battle at or near Yorktcwn' between the rebels and Gen. McClellen is looked for with the greatest interest. The enemy is in great force, and the work of intrenching is said to be progressing throughout the Penin sula. Reinforcements are constantly ar riving from Norfolk, Fredericksburg, and even North Carolina, and the rebel Gen erals openly declare their intention to make this the great battle of the war; and the strongest conviction is expressed of a triumph" over the Federal forces, and driving them from the Peninsula. There is more or less skirmishing every day. So far the whole number of killed on our side has been 32 and 100 wound ed. Our Generals appear confident of success. The city of Appalachicola has been successfully occupied by our troops. The capture was affected by two gun boats oh the 3d with but little opposition. A few shells dispersed the rebel force Sergeant Wn. Polock. It is due to Mr. Polock that I should make a public statement with regard to a letter written byjiim and published in the Advertiser last February. The let ter was a private one, written to his wife, in which certain reflections were made concerning certain officers in the Nebras ka First. The letter was received in this city when Mr. Furnas was absent. Knowing that Mr. Polock was in the habit of writing letters for publication, and be ing anxions to furnish the readers of the Advertiser with the latest news from the Nebraska Regiment, and being at that time under the impression that it bad been written for publication, I obtained it the purpose cf making extracts for the for paper; I hastily glanced over the first portion of the letter and seeing nothing objectionable had it put in type. The latter portion I did not read until after it was in the paper. Mr. Furnas had then returned, and when reading the paper, pointed it out to me, remarking that it might be considered personal. I suggest ed that it had better be taken out, but he replied that as it was already printed in a portion of the papers it was unnecessary to now suppress it. On account of the publication of this letter Mr. Polock was arrested and confined in prison for 8 days. I make this statement out of justice to Mr. Polock and Mr. Furnas. No intel ligent man like Mr. Polock can help forming opinions about his superior offi cers, and it is very natural that they should express those opinions when writ ing to their own family. Mr. Polock nerer intended the letter for publication, and had I read the objectionable para graphs, either in the letter or in the proof-sheet, they would have been omit ted. I believe there is no better or braver soldier in the regiment than Mr. P. I learned over two weeks ago that he had been arrested, but delayed this state ment to learo the circumstances. ' - T. R. FISHER. remaining. A portion of xhe rebels were found to be in a starving condition. The blockade had cut off supplies on sea board, and the resources from the Island was net suffi cient to maintain the ordinary comforts of life. Gen. Curtis' army has returned to Missouri, and is now encamped at For syth, Taney county, 45 miles South of Springfield. Parson Brownlow is now in Philadel phia. In a speech in that city he said : At one time he had been within one vote of haDgingbihe sentence of a drum head court martial at Knoxville. The one vote that saved him was of a corrupt, drunken secessionist, and he was tempted to exclaim, "Great God ! on what a slen der thread hang everlasting things!" In Philadelphia, on the 17, a writ from the Supreme Court was served, at the Continental Hotel, upon the Hon. Simon Cameron, at the suit of Pierce Butler, for trespass r et armis, assault and battery, and false imprisonment on the 19th of August last, Mr. Cameron at the time being Secretary of War. Mr. Cameron had made ready to start for Europe at an early period, and this arrest, which took him entirely by surprise, will materially interfere with his arrangements. Some feeling was manifested because of this transaction, and in the evening a number of citizens visited the residence of Mr. Butler and expressed their dissatisfaction at his course by a discordant serenade. Cameron had Mr. Butler arrested in Au gust last, on suspicion of giving aid and comfort to the enemy. He was confined several weeks in Fort Lafayettee and then liberated. The writ was served on Mr. Cameron, it is asserted, for the pur pose of trying the legality of Butler's ar rest. It is said the arrest of Cameron was made with the concurrence of Presi dent Lincoln. k There is a rumor from rebel sources. that Gen. Burnside was repulsed at Eliz abeth City, with a loss of 500. It is not believed. Tlie Ners. The latest dispatches from Pittsburg Ltnding say an important movement has taken place, the particulars of which are not allowed to be published at present. At the. latest dates from Pitisburg the armies were moi'ing toward each other slowly. The bombardment a Ft. Wright continues, participated in by mortars and gunboats. The enemy reply vigorously, but doing no damage as yet. The reduc duction of the fort is not expected at .present, as the high stage of the water prevents any co-operation of the land forces. Recent intelligence from Corinth con firms previous reports concerning the u.-tsgnitude cf the enemy's fcrces. Re-ii.forccn-ier.ts are arming for Brstsre ard at an unexampled rate. He ha Tallandlngliam Repiidlatca at his mw - 110 cc. At a convention held in Dayton, Ohio, on the 22d March last, to nominate a Union city ticket, the following resolution was unanimously adopted: Resolved, That we will take occasion of our ensuing city election to make it known to all meu that the city of Diytoa repudiates Clement L. Vallandinguara and his organ, the Diyton Empire, and rebuke them for their refusal to support the Government in its d en ih struggle with treason; and to the end that this rebuke may be more emphatic, we call upon all loyal men, without respect to party, to vote for the Union, anti-Vallandingharu. nnd anti-Empire ticket 'this day nominated. 1 The Loyal asd Rebel Generals. The following casualitifs have occurred to loyal Generals since the beginning of the war: Gen. Nathaniel Lyon, killed. Gen. Wm. H. L. Wallace, killed. Gen. Frederick W. Lander, died. Gen. B. M. Prentiss, Captured. Among the rebel Generals the casual ties have been as follows: Killed, - - S Suicide, - 1 Captured, - 7 Died, 1 Resigned, - - 5 Suspended, - 2 Total, -: 24 army Correspjndence of the Xebrasia Advertiser. From the Nebraska First. Is the Field, Pittsburg Landing April 8th, 1662,2, P.M. Editor Ntbraska Advertiser : On the morning cf the 6th. at early dawn, heavy firing was heard at Pitts burg Landing, four miles above Crump's, where the 3d Division, commanded by Major General Wallace, was then in camp. The General immediately pre pared for a movement, expecting orders from Gen. Grant, in command at Pitts burg, to come to his aid. But Grant, be ing abssnt at the lime, orders did not come for us to move until about 12 o'clock, when we immediately started the First and Third Brigade to Camp Wallace, where the Second Brigade, Col. J. M. Thayer commanding, was stationed. We took up the line of march about 1 1-2 p. m. for Pittsburg. After a difficult march part of the way through a muddy bottom, we arrived inside of Grant's lines about 9 o'clock, P. M. The Division was put ia position, and slept on their arms. At dawn of the 7ih, we commenced firing on the rebel lines, which were about three hundred yards in our front. After a short and desperate contest, we drove them back a short distance, and reoccu pied the grounds our troops had been driven from the previous day. We gained gradually and steadily on them all the bloody day, until 4 o'clock, P. M., when the rebels were totally routed and retreat ed to a safe distance. Our men pursued only a short distance, as the Cavalry were all in the rear. We took many prisoners and several field pieces. The most conspicuous Regiment3 in our Division, were the Eighth Missouri, Eleventh and Twenty-third Ind., and the Nebraska First Infantry. The latter did nobly, and received the approval of their General. Their loss was six killed and fourteen wounded. Of Company "C,'7 Curtis killed and Miller mortally woun ded ; others slightly wounded. I passed along their lines with a message to Col. Thayer, when they were in a dangerous position, judging from ihe whistle of balls and bursting of shells. They were all standing bravely at their post. Many familiar voices spoke to me as I passed. I found the Colonel in good spirits, cool and collected. He and his men cannot receive too much praise. After we ceased fighting, and the rebels were totally routed, we learned that we had been opposed by Gen. Beaureguard in person, with his crack Regiments, to prevent us from flanking his command. This he bravely done. His loss must have been great. We found papers which stated some companies went in wiih about 70 men, and came out with 16. Last night we lay on our arms; it rained torents. Surely soldering is hard ; but we patiently bear all ihe hardships for that'which is dearer than life. I am well pleased with our gallant vic tory, although it was dearly bought. Our bss is considerable, but much less than the ememy. Beaureguard was wounded in the foot, when he was retreating. Prisoners say we cut them all to pieces. We expect to advance on the enemy to morrow, and drive them to their last hiding place. I believe this is the wind ing up battle, which will end in their to tal rout. Hoping the war will soon close, and we may all be permitted to return to en joy home and the blessing of peace, I Written for the Advertiser. Father! I mnst be professor, I have studied a M. D., Of saddlebags must be possessor, A sign ia the next village see. Brains they are hat little needed. Bras?, I plenty have, you ee." If my counsels should be heeded, I will be a great K. D. I (ball change my matchless rare-all, vTbicn, indeed, is nought but trash, All to gold, by making patients Think that I old death can thrash. Should I somstimes fail in trying, Which, Indeed, will often be, Say I'm wrong and very sorry, Place the bliiter on his knee. On the morrow I wilt see him, And prognosis then his fate, For at present combinations Seem against hi in very great. On the morrow, still mistaken; This case has no precedent, Try solution, Aqul vapor, And the tea of peppermint. Think he has a mortal stupor, Coming over toe and heel ; ab him., friend, with corsest nine!, Now, how does my paUent feel. Feel t dear doctor, 1 am dyin?. And your knowledse comes too late I Ah t there l no use of crying, 1 . God can give, and God can take. Kow he's dead, bow plain his case 5 Strange 1 could not sooner se si , . But iU memory I'll erase, t All except tbi flittering fee. - XXFEaiEXCE. WAR NEWS. Washington, April 22. Richmond papers say that McClellen is waiting for the iron-clad gunboats to take Richmond ' by way of James river, and call for obstructions, regarding boats once sunken as the only means to prevent it. According to refugees recently from the rebel, there are only 4 slight batteries on that river, and they can easily be taken by our gun boats. The Petersburg'. Va., Express, says a requisition has been made on the slave owners of1 Prince George and Surrey counties for half of their negroes between the ages of sixteen and forty, to work on the fortifications at Williamsburg, where Magrauder's reserve is posted. The works are designed to protect York town in the rear. April 21. Specials to New York pa pers say the War Department has infor mation of the entire evacuation of ihe valley of Virginia by the rebels. They are retreating oa Charlottstown. Ciiicaco, April 22. Our scouts who have ' penetrated the enemy's lines, say Beauregard is active ly engaged throwing up imrenchm;nt3 along his whole line, planting batteries, and preparing for a systematic defense. From intelligence deemed reliable, and as corroborated by deserters, it is thought the rebels will act merely on the defen sive, and that Gen. Halleck will make an aggressive movement at an early day. Beauregard had been greatly reinforced; hia ranks being continually swelled by forced levies. Roads in a wretched con dition. Fort Monroe, April 21. The Richmond Euquirer of Friday says the rebel court of Inquiry which has been meditating" for some time past upon the advantages to be gained by relieving John M. B)tts from imprisonment, ad journed Thursday, The result of their labors has not yet transpired. Cairo. April 22. The news from Fort Wright is unim portant. The bombardment continues. The rebels have cut the levee on the Arkansas shore, opposite the fort. A number of fine farms were covered with water for miles around. The inhabitants are greatly exasperated at the outrage. close. Yours Respectfully, J. M. Brockma?. Engagement Near Santa Fe. From the Rocky Mountain News -Extra April 7tb. From Mr. Kiskadden, Jr., who arrived this evening from Fort Union, we learn the following : That while the Union forces, about 1,300, under Brigadier Slough, were wilhin two days march of Santa Fe, Ma jor Chivington went ahead with three cavalry companies to reach Santa Fe and hold it, learning that there were just then but a few hundred of Sibley's men in charge of the town. At Apache Pass, the Major learned that a body of Texanswere crossing over to intercept Col. Slough's command, and he notified him accordingly. On Wednesday, the 26th, an engage ment took place. Learning that there was part of a company of Texans wilhin a few miles, in charge of the provision wagons. Major Chivington and a few companies rode out and took the guard prisoners, numbering 56. The fifty mule teams were seized, and the wagons and stores burned. The Texans were whipped in the en gagement by Col. Slough's command; and retired. Col. Slough's command were camped near Pigeon's Rauch, and not in expectation of having any more trouble on the march, when a report was received that the Texans were again approaching having been reinforced by three or four mqre of their companies, numbering in all at this time, 1,200 strong. A second engagement took place at noon on Friday, the 2Sih ult., which las ted several hours. Boih parties ceased fighting, and withdrew to their respective camps, within four miles distant, with the intention of renewing the battle next day, when it was expected the "big fight" would take place. In the two engagements. Col. Slough lost, as reported, twenty private?, and two or three officers. The enemy's loss was not known, only that four Majors were found dead on the ground of the first batile. Lieuis. Chambers, of Com pany C. nnd Baker, of Company I. were killed. Captain Cook was wounded, and it was supposed, seriously. Lieut. Marshall, of Capt. Cook's com pany, while traveling ovei th field of the first fight, accidentelly shot himself. The cannon found with the rebel stores was spiked and buried in a ditch. It was expected Col. Canby would reach the field of action in time for the third and great fight. If not, and the Texans should overpower, by numbers, Col, Slough's men, the latter may Teturn to Fort Union. There are about two hun dred men now at this fort. The particulars of the expected .big battle we shall probably receive shortly. From Port Royal Accounts of the Capture of Fort Pulaski. New York, April IS. , The steamer McClellaa has arrived from Port Royal, 14th. The frigate Vermont was being towed m as the McCIellan came oj. The following is an account cf the cap ture of Fort Pulaski : On the morning of the 10th General Gilmore sent to the fort, demanding an unconditional surrender. Oimstead re plied that he was there to defend, not to surrender the fort. Our batteries immediately opened fire. A few rounds shot away the flagstaff, but it was replaced, and the firing kept up until sunset. General Gilmore then placed a battery at Boat Point, only 1,600 yards from the fort to breach the walls, and commenced firing at midnight, for that purpose, with Parrot and James guns. On the morning cf the 11th two brea ches were discovered on the southeast face of the fort, which at noon assumed huge proportions, and about two o'clock the rebel rag was hauled down, and the white flag- displayed, and the fort surren dered. Col. Olmsted stating that it was impossible to hold out longer, our rifled shot reaching the magazine, and most of his guns being disabled. The Second Connecticut regiment took possession that night. Union loss, one killed and cne slightly wounded; rebel loss, three badly wounded and 3S5 pris oners. One hundred and five prisoners are on board the McCIellan, in charge of Col. Morrell, Aid to Gen. Hunter. By the McCIellan we learn that Jack sonville had been evacuated, and our troops arrived at Hilton on the steamer Cosmopolitan on the 15th. Condition of the Contrabands. Notwithstanding the irumens'j number of contrabands (that have been recorded as having arrived at Old Point, it is al most as difficult a matter to obtain a ser vant here as it is in Baltimore, Although they are still coming in, the number is rapidly decreasing, and no one seemes to know where they have gone. There has been a change recently instituted in their government, and they are no longer held under the same restraint. They seem to be allowed to go where they choose, whether it be North or South, the Gov ernment retaining no exclusive control over them. Many of the boys and young men have hired themeelves to the officers as servants, and have gone with the ad vancing army, many of the men have hired themselves oa board vessels, whilst others have gone with the transports, never more to return. A great many of the able-bodied men have also entered the service as teamsters and are thus set adrift as free men, without muster or overseer. This is one of the inevitable results of the rebellion, and the longer the war lasts the more destructive will it be to the slave owner. The war was got up oa the pretext of being for the in terest of the slaveholdar, and is proving his ruin. Every day a large number of contra bands, mostly able-bodieu men, are now coming in our lines, and are at once en gaged as servants by the officers, bui few of them reaching the Fortress. There being a great scarcity of hands among the shipping, those that understood the hand ling of rope were engaged, making their own bargains and acting as free men. Those who are employed in loading vessels now receive their pay weekly, and seem much more contented and more active in their labors than under the for mer system. Fortress JSIonroe Corres pondence, (April 3d,) Baltimore Ameri can. . Taking and Breaking ttic Oatu. Among the multitude of evils developed by this rebelion 'a disregard for the sanctity of an oath is one of the worst. Hitherto, among civilized cations no thing has been regarded more sacred, or more binding, than an oath. It has been considered the most solemn manner of rendering a man's word self-binding and worthy of confidence. Almighty God is called to witness ; his vengeance is in voked, and his favor is renounced incase the word given is forfeited. But it has been left to the leaders of this groundless rebellion and their deluded followers, to subvert this most wholesome moral senti ment, and to teach a doctrine condemned alike by God's law and man's moral sense, viz the right to violate an oath. Oath breaking is one cf their most fla grant sin?, and they could hardly have inflicted a greater injury poa the people than to inculcate so wicked a doctrine. In the first place, nearly all the leading men in the rebellion were under the most solemn oaths to support the government which they are now madly endeavoring to destroy. Those oaths wre violated without cause or excuse, and they gloried in what should be their shame. These public men and the newspapers at home justified, approved and applauded ; even christian ministers sanctioned their shame less disregard of the most solemn vows. What wonder, then, that there should be so frequent violation of oaihs among the masses? Thus, one of the strongest barriers against evil has been demolished, and men are left without confidence in each other's pledged word. What greater evil could bi inflicted on the rising generation than to take away ihis safeguard to virtue? Robbing the sovernmeut arsenals, forts,, post-offices, mails, mints, navy. '&c, was nothing com pared to the moral injury done to the race by tearing down this time-honored de fense of virtue and truth. The people will feel and suffer from this evil long af ter all material ioss has been repaired or forgotten. No execration can be too deep, no punishment too severe, for its authors. Mo. Democrat.' A New 31Int. In the House, Friday, a bill, introduced by Hon. H. P. Benneit. (the Delegate from Colorado Territory,) lo establish a branch mint at Denver, was passed al most unanimously. The success of this measure, although called for by the gold producing capacity of Colorado Territory, is very much attributable to the energy, popularity, and legislative tact of Mr. Bennet. " What makes his success more meritorious,, is ihe fact thai he was ob liged to surmount the difficulty created by the poetical extravagances of some of the officials cf the Territory in their des criptioas of its resources. Wash. Republican. The Great Rallies of ilodera 'Tlacs From a comparison ci ihe great bat tle cf Pittsburg, which v. as fought cn Sun day and Monday, the G'.h and 7th of April inst., with the following list, it will be seen th it with the exceptions of Jena, Friedland, V' a gram and Waterloo, the strule is the greatest in the list, looling to tT numbers engaged. At Wagram, the French Iosi23,t00, and the Ausirirns 33.000; and at Waterloo the losses of the French were 33.000, while those of ihe Allies amount to 29,000. The entire loss at Wa:rara was 61,000, and at Waterloo 62500. Next to these ranks the battle of Jena, 47,100 ; Eylau. be tween the French and Russians, 43,000 ; and Austerlitz, 42,000. The loss on both sides at Pittsburg was probably between 10,000 and 12,000. Marengo: June 14, 1S00; French, un der Bonaparte, 32,000; Austrians, com manded by Melas, 40,000. French loss in killed, wounded and prisoners 7,000 ; Austrian 10,000. Austerlitz: Dec. 2, 1SG-5; French, un der the Emperor Napoleon, 70,000 ; Russians and Austnans, commanded by Gen. Kutusoff. the tmperor being pres ent, 90,000. French less in killed wound, edand Prisoners, 12,000; Allies, 30.000. New Orleans: Jan. S.1S15; Ameri cans, under Gen. Jackson, 7,000; Eng lish, under Gen. Pakenham,6,S00 : Am erican Ioss in killed and wounded, 13; English, 1,902. Buena Vista: Feb. 22, 23, 1847; Am erican3. ui der Gen. Taylor, 4,900 ; Mex icans, under Gen. S;mia Anna, 19,000 American loss in killed and wounded, 756; Mexican loss 2,100. Pittsburg Landing: April 6, 7, 1S62; National force estimated at SO.000 : Ileb el force estimated at 100,000. National loss, in killed, wounded and missing, O.UUU; Kebel loss, b.UUU. ed 11:2 - "ui I'vi', Sinc3 hzt wsek therss Laj t, change in the prices cf cr,:, -' vi he. In St. Leu; 3 there ", slight 'dsclin ? ; market dulU Wheat is falling. ' T, ;,r " Corn CO to 32. - Beans SQcts, good 31,50, pr;,t. Potatoes,' choice pinkeye k-' . SI, 3-5. Salt, Kanawa S2.C0 to rel. Groceries : Sugar, 8 to 10 , es, 35 to 30 cts ; Coffee, 3 BLACK LOCUST SE LARGE RED OSIOX Ry the Our.ce, a rrZ ORONOCO TOBACCO For sale at the AdTcrtir-f - Pursuit or Cleveland. From the St. Joseph Journal, April 115. Day before yesterday, a detachment of the Seventh Kansas regiment, now sta tioned at Ellvvood, learning that the great Jayhawking chief, Cleavehmd, was ia or near Ellwood, and was about to remove his wife to Atchison, made arrangements to capture him.. Late in the evening his wife, having previously "packed her trunks," had them placed in a carriage, and accompanied by a diiver and Cleve land's negro body servant, set out on ihe Atchison roaj. After proceeding some distance, and when night had dropped her man.le over the earth, Cleveland met her, and got into the carriage with her. But very sooa after this the carriage came to a stop, and on looking out to as certain tne cause the Robber Chief found himself in a trap, as well .tsin a carriage, lie was s.irrouudd with solders, and hi? unconditional surrender was demanded, the officer of the party threatening to "move immediately on his works," if the demand was not comp!id with. But Cleveland, quicker than it cedd be told, sprang from the carriage, leaped over or through the file of soldiers, reached the timber and escaped. His wife, his nig rer. and histruuks remained in the hands of the soldiers, but ihe great prize of all had escaped. The Stevens Battery. The appropriation for ihe Stevens Bat tery has pased both Houses of Congress with a majority of more than two to one in its favor, thus showing their decided opinion as to its efficiency. To the bill is annexed a proviso, leaving it to the Sec retary of the Navy to decide whether the vessel when finished will be an "efficient" war steamer. Ia view of this expressioa of opinion on the part of Congress, we do not doubt that the Secretary will himself decide this point favorably and give to the country a war vessel which, in the judgment of experts, is destined, from its impregnability, unprecedented speed and power, far to surpass any other now afloat, and, so far a? we know, any now in course of construction or proposed to be constructed at home or abroad. An ad ditional reason why the Secretary may be expected to act at once is that the bill provides for the "immediate completion" of the battery. She could be completed, we understand, according 10 the estimate adopted by the Board of Examiners of last summer, in four months; in time to surnish us a most important and power ful auxiliary in our present struggle. National Intelligencer. The Forts above Memphis. The names of the fortifications of the rebels this side cf Memphis are. First, Fort Pillow, named after the rebel Gen eral. Seco, Fort Wright, at Randolph, named after Lieut. Colonel . Marcus J. Wright, of Col. Preston Smiih's one hundred and fifty-fourih Tennessee Reg iment, (number derived from number of district under Tennessee militia law,) who first commanded at that point, going there about one year ago with four of the Memphis crack companies since which time the fortifications have been in progress. Third. Fort Harris, six miles abo''e Memphis, named after ex Governor Lham G. Harris, of Tennessee. The Senate bill lor ihe immediate eman cipation of slaves in the District of Co lumbia passed the House on the 11. Scorbutic dUeae. are the pirent stock Trora which arises a lar-c proportion of the fata! maladies that af flict mankind. They are as it were a species of pvUto rot in the human constitution, which undermines and Curropt all the source cf it vitality and hastens i's decay. Tliey are the germ from which sprirg, Con- umptlon, Ebeanmatism. neart Di.-eafC. Liver Com plaints, and Eruptive D, which will he recog nized a among those most fatal and destructive to the races of men. So dreadful are its consequences to hu man life, that it la hardly pof nible to over estimate the importance of an actual, reliable remedy, that can sweep out this Scrofulous contamination. TVe know then we shall proclaim welcome news to oar readers of one from such quarter a will leave little doubt ot its efficacy iud ttill more welcome, when we tell them that it really doet accomli-h the end desired. We ArtB't Sabs a pa rill a, and it I certainty worthy the attention of thuae who are aiUictel with Scrofula or Scrofulous complaints. Remitter, Albany. X. J", Hove ox. Such Is the course pursued by Curl is valuable medicines. They never cease doinc g.! tn press forward, relieving the sick and crippled from pain and disease. The wonderful cures that are performed by Curtis Syrup cf Sassafras are really marvelous. Coughs, colds, hoar,ene$s, measles, even Cons-nmptlon begin to tremble when it comes In contact with it,f nd soon the deathly grasp is loosened. Curtis' Mameluke Liniment is familiar to every family in the country for the many bne3U taey have received from its use. It is well for every family to he provided; they cannot tell what hour they may require its use. Tae-e niediciBes stand high, and are nsed by many respectable physician of extensive pracj-ce. See advertisement ta a tain colamn. the morning if the 12' .-7 int. 0n;.,:V.-.,r J Saoex, jcuc-ost clil.J ef I r. L. J. .-'j Aesgtt, a sixteen taonttj anj Cvei,- At the residence of 'a t T. on Sunday, April It, Ellin W.'cv, '. T, Stoct. . At toe residence cf her father, is u- ia the tenth year of her ajs, Her death waj supposed. te ketbej... from a table, thereby injuring her ieid tJ On SjturJjj the 1 3, from thecfttr.f .' ORio,?onof U eoig e W and Ajui'lli. vcars, i mon:hj and 13 days. . Orion, ioiirywhj wi:t taoa fears i'rosoo thee mors stroar Thou Ecst Ton JIj, eft caressed aj, Nerer soujit to do a wronj. Knwe.'t t'jou aot thii sudden parti i Near! inu?t our hart-stricji brc4 ' Orion, thsa defer thj journey, Stay, Zv.1 fr thy mcther'j uia. Suy to gmtlfy a father, And tbjlittla brother'! near. All around thy couch &ow previa, For to each you are ucst dear. Father, though iLdeed you c'aia m, And I love icy mother, too, I mast now anva-;r tho tacrnt, That my timo is tip with you. Ere I shared your earthly ki&dacjf, Kindred spirits dwe-t in LIU3, Py permission, with their council,' i I a body took in this. j This IVo'done, and now theyen'd ia, I rnV-sti jo with them to dwell, ! And pr-.-p-re a swuet reception j For inv kindred a!!. Farewf-11. NEW ADVERTISE!!! -good: JUST EECEIVED AT j Prices1 TO SUIT JOHN a. voim m li now receiving and opening out Lj Stock of Goods, coDiU ia of Dry Goods, j Groceries. . Hats and Caps, Boots and Shoe?, j Iron and Na:!j. ; '"- " Flour and2- Queen3ware, Hardware. . Furniture,' ' " Sash and Doors, Window G!ai etc.eic.e':, Which I wijl ie!i cheap U j Cash or Proiicif. Call and examiEO my stock before -elsewhere. Drwwnville. April 24.152, " LLGAL NOTICE- Territory o'5eurUJ $; County of Fia-. Hamilton Cooper.) In Jnstie-'iCcartW vs. Davis J. P. in , ITenry Mariatt. ) cvan'.y. Action io a""; Tj ilenry ilurlatt, yen are hereb) 8 there ia now en file a petition in Jwt-1 before Thoa n IMvij a..Justico of the r for tho county of PawDde, and Territory d ka,of llainiitou Cooper, who eUiuu f VA"' of Forty Dollar and ten cents. r j And for cause of su.-ii c!aim3 states W; '. executed a proroiiory ' note ti lljruia j'; Brownville. -Xebntsk Territory, on the -April, A. U. 13,50, fof.Thirty-fro" ct-nts. payable four mon:aj after d it. j. afortfiiid note ia now the property of il ion Co.pT, and that tho aforesaid a cipal and interest is still due, and r?sr and th it unlcjsyou "bef'-re P"0 , , Justice of the. pere. at hi i-iTn-e ,a Pawnee eoanty, .Nebtufk Territory. lf day.r June, A. D. Ii.attwoo'cl tht-ro tnnwer unto tb-j -iid ll,lw Co,er, judgment will bo renJ'rrd iu ' i default. lor oiob', intert and o-t . f HAMILTON cyui''' April 21.1S"!2. ni2-4-r.ji; STAR CIIACKKit i A.N 'W j ST. JOSEPH, a i HENHY II'DIVI Invite be attention of M-rchaS,, tut K-.ep?rj. Kjmchmen,aaJ Tiar .-. to Li estensive . j Crac'icr iilauiifc Da is prepared t- fnraia .ft SODA, BOSTON. BtTi SI?GARDANDPICaMCCKA AiND PILOT ItftL-W : " ' ,'''' At Wboleli or Retail, an! TrVy j. ' , be hd antwhere. Li-" April II, s ii nll-&n , MiTirr TO ri'E-EJ!rrL''- To Jacob Gearing, Wii.oia A. T, . lames '-. o. DrownTille, . T, wit: ia u.w - r :a f of this notice, to maK9 aai.i--r to Tocr IVe-EmptioB Claw, j j EtrneEioni from the Gimm"" UtilOSoeai M'a-hin-a- April V,12Z2, 1