Nebraska advertiser. (Brownville, Nemaha County, N.T. [Neb.]) 1856-1882, April 17, 1862, Image 3

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IqILLe'aPRIL 17, .1862.
j7o O A'L.
i'5 printing Material 'of all Rir.fc
Hhnne Bulldogs, New Tor, and Brown's Irw
1 farmer and Advertiser,
JocIaraaUon by Hie President.
teed A unifiMy Wl to vouchsafe flgnal Tic-
ti e land "'"' I'4'''''' ctigagrd oppre-s
t0' I rebellion, and at iLeauie tun luat-ett
B Iinatry " datiseia f lorticn intervention
oUf . akAPAfekt- ruvim'mndp.l m flip tifii-
-.l,.fi I II I iuci'v . -- -
sra tif w.r.ti'i n wMrli
... in iMirnu"u""K- "
after the notice of ihia pr carnation -lia!I
ar .vsi they r-i-pcciaily acknowieiiie snd
tjeli recrnr"..
.h itt t OUT Heaveniy mr mrs'i-
''itol.n In l.ehilf -f all those wo,. lve
ni into affliction by the nl ctiam
6 .ml civil war. and that they reve entlr
f PJ:" - . - .... .. . . - . ...
ur n' i-iuai v mi-icis t
in Uie re ' i
r in ibir accustomed pi
...iiivine guidance for..
. . . mar upeediiy reait in ihe re n n
harmony and """J- br..nehnut onr .r"er.
,Ci rti the etabll-ament f fratern.1 relations
rn (the countries of the earth.
i .Miwberfr I have J.ret..'fet my snd, and
TL..i ..f the Unite I S n:ei to b j arrHel .
,,,c . m irunhir!irt..n lhi f.ii:ti yliT- tf
jjf our A'o, eivmern nnm e-i ana
e t
in tb yer
Those vilii3 10 transact' tidiness wiih
sfrifP y letter conceriiinp either
, Jlirulntr or ratmcr. or job-work,
jiert-fier flease direct tln-ir letters
-Fiiat &- Hicsra Browuville. N.
lloiehrfMed to this o ffice will ac
.modate us ty -bringing us wood. Win
not Lf in? jet quite over we cannot
uiibout fire.
Urr tor mc Wak. Colonel R. W.
r5as. Dr. A. S. HotLADAT. and Lt.
L Wattij:, of H'ashiogton County,
t thi plact Tuesday evening, on ih
J lVivd. for the headquarters of the
rst Indiati" Regiment. Hon. Jas.
aic of St. Joseph we believe is to
3ri. General of the Regiments for
i Indian Territory. .
'fr. Sprinkle is now selling lumber
y cheap for rath. He says he will
t for anybody that will let him aud
? Lira for it." .
I "LfTtsART. Cess." We are in
.ed to Melvin J. (J. Melvin for the
jwing, written ori'the margin of an
'vetiistr, fumi&heo by. the proprietor of
; Union, in place of the ujtxpired
jm of ihat ppt-r. ". Vt Lad long iuf
liddfii his name goiijg on our tul
ption list !
-Editor i Solde myself for thre thoj
J dolars at omaha but ded not git my.
;e c i am inad at somebody, i am
.un as rankis BoB i Bage the pepel to
e me'arcy."
This is the. tame individual who lost a
k yoke and a two bit pad-lock, ni the
the other night; and who cued the
zens for tearing down a little S4,0
lit?, in order to save a block of bu:ld
s. and who put his foot
llow applicable the coiiplet from Pi en-
, paraphrased : .
Hem lies the body of M. L. Yen,
: WLo. ! iirrrd Jj.ui rota Hia.
3hass Ca505. The cannon so.lonj
ked for by our citizens, arrived hete
i Muuday lat. on the' siijiiiier Uuiaha
;We rre glad to leani that Prof. Dvr
now teaching n ringing class in th!
J. Hi scholars are improving finely.
The R C. Campbell, Jr., on her trip
'ti the rivt i on Tuesday last was de
t ntd fr4 twu o'clock, P. M. until the
orning of W-lnesday at uur wharf,
d at Giok' Iniidin marly oppo-ite
loaciiiisr bacon, and uihrr freight.
Ibivtfwr,,!,, ttw pnpa, Mt ti,e White Geo'mla
r Cne Seed.
5 n pound f it will be Rirei to cb ew Farmer
.icriir, orgld.H)ewh0 Unot in arream, and dm n t
ired 8re paper of Flnwer or G rdeo Seed
j K. W. PUKNAS. Brownvill.
The rumor that the Federal Arniy hnd
rsued the rebf to Corinth, and bad
ce captured Beauregard- with 30 COO
hsorifrs, is not confirmed in the latest
pers. '
Garde Seeds. A large assortment
Fresh Garden Seed for sale at this
-See. ' "
Storm 'Winter till I'mrer
-1 the hp of Spring." This' morning'.
Pr'l 17, the ground was covered with
-uw. Farmers will te very much crow
!d with work, this season, when warm
"father docs come.
Passed at the
t Session of tht lUrl'j-
cient i Votaress.
? 'Election In Connecticut.
; The election in .Connecticut on the 7ih
resulted iii the re-ebction of Buck
ym (Rp.) by over- 8.0C0 majory.
tue Senators eU'ct are nil Rpullicans,
tTiJor democrats, who have acted with
,"e Republicans. In the House there
e 177 Republicans and Union D nio
s and only 55 democrats proper.
j The Markets.
i There sas been no perceptible change
lQe price of, produce here for the past
:,0cih; -Wheat sells nt from SO to SOcts
? n. from 10" to 12 1-2 cts cash : in
a3e 15 cents
; Potatoes 15 cents trade.
I Bwer 8 to 10 cts.
j cs5cts.
IaSt. Loui Nebraska Spring Wheat
Quoted at 74. cl!; flif- prime. Fall the
, fe"-si Jioures Mfilin ! n ir o lafat I n.
fiy tlt.llarji, cr so much thereof 3 triav bd
For purchass of books for library jjt the Ex
ecutive Malison, to le expended umler the
direction of the President of the United States
two hundred and fifty dollars.
ers were 66 and 68.
Lcrn 29 to 35.
u'atoes 20 to 25.
4a mand at 61 to lXt0
rcDLic Ko. 31.
AN ACT makicg appropridtious fc-r t-utdry
civil expenses of the Goveriirnnt for the
year end. ng the thirtieth of June, eighteen
hundred sixty-three, und aiditionid ap
propriations lor tliO t ear ending the thirtie
th of June, eighteen hundred and sixtv
two, J'e it rnnrtel Ij the Serrate cud House rJ
HrprcseiiUttives of the United tiitts i f A 'fieri
ca in Cwijrtss AiiXte-t, 'l liitt, t Ijo. ji.iw
inj; sums be and '.lie aatittt itro JtereLy j jro
priated out of any money in the Tre;i.ury
not otlierwiNe Hj'pnpriaed, for the olfject
hereafter expressed, lor the Cacal year enoing
the tl.inicth of June, eighteen hundred and
sixt -three :
For the survey of the Atlantic und Gulf
CoaMs of ll;e United S;atcs, (mcl i ing ctn-
ens. ition of civilians ciia.-il in the uotk,
!id exebiding pay und cmtlutnt-nts of ollicers
td' the tainy and navy, hi d petty :f,Lvm a. d
men of the navy ttnploSed on the work.) me
bill tired and n t e!.l -eiht l holisahd ili.ihirst. eoutinu'ii Uie survey ot tne western
coa.-t of t lie U.i'ted Slater, (including rorn
peiatiin of iivilians enagetl it: ihe work,)
one liuudred ihou-and dnil.iri.
For root inutiig tit survey of the Florida
reetM und k. vs, (includii g compeiatioli ol
civilian eiig-ioe'l in llie work, and excluding
ray nd iiti'dumeiils f i fiicers of rtitr- iiimv
and navy, and k II v libera and rani of the
nAvy nitl" eu on the work,) eleven thomund
For publishing the observatiH)s made in
the progress if tne survey f the coat of the
United Stated, (including conenatiui i,f ci
vil lians tniploeil in the u.rk,) five thousand
For re l air of uteamera mid furreving
kchooneia lined in the cast urvey, five tliou
batid dollars.
To supply deficiency in the fur d frthe
relief of sick and disabled ae i'iiu, twu hiiu-
drd thousand lollart. : Provided, I hat the
Secretary of the Trea-Miry is lie, r by auiliorized
to rent either of the se eral m triiM lu-spitals
to the roper authorities of the cities, towns,
or counties- 11: which aail ho.-piu's are located,
and contract with Midi authorities lor the re
lief ol the siik and disabled seamen ei titled
to relief nnder the aft of third of March,
eighteen hundred and two, and in casen ot in
fectious diseases to make such regulations tor
their relief as he deems eXjedieiir.
For the discharge of such -misce'dancens
claims, not otherwise provided lor, us shall bo
admitted in due course of settlement al the
Treasury, five thousand dollars.
For tlie Atlantic, Gulf, and Lake t ousts,
viz :
For supplying the lighthouses and le.tcor.
liglita wiiii oil, glass cinmueys, wicks and
oilier essJ.iy ol the same, reji.dr
inga'al kee ii g in repair tlie lighting apara
tus. one mindre l anl fitly-lour ihotnaini bix
ii u i id rid and nineiy-eighi dollars ai.deihjy
veil's. .--
For repairs and inc'dental ex; enses, rv fining
and imjaov ing all the liglithott-es and Iniil l
mgs connected therewith, one hundred and
two thousand two hundred dollars.
For salaries of five nun Ire I and niii sty-s'x
keepers of lighthouses and light-bij.ioo'is and
their assistants, two hundred aud thirteen
thos.indone hundred and uiuety-three dollars
and thirty -three cents.
For salaries of forty-threa keepers of light
vessels, twenty-three thousand nine hundred
For, seamen's wages, rejKiirs, supplies, and
incidental vxpe ses of lory live light vessels,
one hundred and seventy tli tnm t uiiu liiin
tlred and sixty-seven dollars and seven y
For exiK'iiscs of raising, cleaning, jwinting.
repidring, reuionrii g, and supphing losses l
beacons and Ihi-ms and lor cnain.- ai d sinkers
tor Hie satne, one hundred and twelve th U
aiid three hun.lnd and litiy dollars.
For eXenses of vh-uing and inspecting
lights and other aids to navigation, two thous
and it.tlhirs.
For mii thing liieuen lightnousea and
lleaeoll-llgtilit vltn nil, j;laas chimneys, oh.UTl-
o:a fkins, jiolisluog j.v ler, and oiner eleaii
ii g m deruls, transicrlation, expenses of ker-p-
ing lamps and inaeninery in iep.tir, publishing
i.or.iis to ni .riiieis of cuaugea of aids to nav
igation, seventeen thousand to hundred aud
k II - .
leinv i"iin.
For lepaiis and incidental expenses of nine
teen lini-liousr and null. lings connected
therewith, ten tlion.-and dollars.
Fur salailesof forty-three keeKJ s And as
sistant. ke ht ol ligiithouses, at an avarag-i
ot exceeding eight hundred dollars iter an-
until, t lun. -the ihousalid eight hundred dol
For exjHM ties of raisinj, cleaning, painting,.
rejBiiring, refnKiing, and supplying losses of u g litiovsand (Vacuus, and tor chains a id
sinkers lor tiiesmi and for coloring . id nuui
Leung all the buoys, ten thousand dollars.
, For maintenance of the vessel provided foi
by the act ot eighteenth August, eighteen
1 1 nod red and fifiv-six. for transiiorlaMon d'
supplies at d tnau ii.ds, and for repairs of light
houses, anil buoys hervice, and for liirjiectiug
purposes thiny ihotisand dollar.
For coinmuiaiioii ot fuel ntul quarters for
officers of iheaimy serving on lighi h'mse duty
the payment of which is no long -r provi. led
lor by the q;iarlcrmasiei' department, five
thousand two hundred and th'lny-ntne dollars
and seventy nine cell's.
For o nipeiisalioi: of two inspeetoivi of cus
toms acting as s!HK-rinendents for ihe life
s tving stanons on the co i&ts of Lmig Island
and New Jersey, three thous-ind dollars.
For compel saiion ot fit'iv-four ke-jers of
stations, Kt two liundretl dollar eacii, ten
thousand eight bundled dollars.
For contingent excuses of the life-saving
ata'ions on thecoats of Long Island -nl New
Jeisev, twentv thousand dolltrs.
For hire of -carts on the public grcunds, one
thousand and id ejy-five hd!ars.
For purchase aiul reprir of lods used in
the public grounds, two hundred dollar.
For purchase of trees and tree ImXes. tore
place, where necessary, such as h ive Veil
planied by the United States, to whitewash
tree-lxixe and fences, ali.l to repair p-tvement
in I rout of the public grounds, three thousand
For annual repairs of the Capitol, water
closets, public stables, water-pi es, pavements
Mid t'ther walks within tin; Capitol squire,
broken gla, and lock, and lor the protection
of the building, and keeping the main ap
proaches to ii unencumbered, six thousaudl
dollars, .
For annual repair of the President's lloosa
and furniture, improvements' ground, pur
chase of plants tor garden, aud contingent ex
pense incident thereto, five thousand dollars.
For fuel, in part, ol the President's House,
two thousand tour hundred dollars.
For lighting the Capitol and President's
Ilotisr, the public grounds around th-m, and
around tne Executive ofd -e-'and IVnnsvl
vanta avanue, Bridge and tlih streets i i
Geoigetown, Four-an l a half street, Seventh,
and Twellth ttreets irioss the null, fifty
thousand dollars.
For additional fixtures atid lighting and re
pairii g the building and' liMktways of ;ue cus
tom house and jost office in Georgetown, in
tha Diairia cf Cuiuiubio, to huudred ud
For re pa I as of the Potomac Navy Yard and
Upper bridges, and the roads appurtenant
thereto, six thousand dollars.
For repair of Pennsylvania avenue, and
watering the tame, ten thousand dollars.
For public reservation number two and L.v
fayet'e sq tare, tw, thousand, dollars.
for taking care of thi grounds south of the
President's House, and keeping them in order,
one thousand dollars.
For repairs of water pipes-, five hundred
For cleaning out the sewer traps of Penn
sylvania avenue, and repairing the same, three
hundred dollars.
For repairs of all tin; furnaces under the
Capit .1, five hundred dollars.
For repairing lKlawate avenue; north of C
street noith, one thousand dollars.
For pawng one half of the expenses of
sewer liajt tlie inter-. 'Cfion of Fourth airtet
west with E .street north, two hurdred dollars.
pninting the President's llcuse in the autumn
of eighteen hundred and sixfy-one, fourthou
ai d five hundred dollars.
To enable tha Commissioner of Public
Knittings to par the bill of William II. Carry 1
& Brother for "furniture !r tha President's
Honse. six thousand eight hundred and fifty-.
ppnrtenat4 eiglii dollars and eighty cents. .
To erb! the Commysionertopny rt bill ol
P. and T. Perry far granite w ork and materials
for the north front of the Patent 05e build
ing, seven thousand ninety-three dollars and
thirteen cents. r ,
To enable the Commissioner t pay five per
cniit or. eight thousand seven hundred and
fifty -eight doiiars and ten cent, retained on
that sum due P and T. P.erry on granite work
on tha west wing of the Patent OSiee build
ing in eighteen hundred and fift'v, four hur -dred
atid thirty-seve'j dollars and ninety-four
For support of the pntierta in the Govern
ment hospital, five thousand dollars.
To pay J. B. P.lake for work done by hirn
when Comm ssion-r of Public .Building,
t . ty-t wo dollar and eihtefn cents.
For expense Attending the removal to and
oempatioii of b iildini at corner of F. and
Fifteenth streets for th- Sur eon Gnernl's
GOVERNMENT HOSPITAL FOR TUB 'and Paymaster General's offk-es, for th.- six
INSANE. I tnoi tlis ending thirtieth .Line, eih'eeti hun-
For the Mippott. ciol.ii --, and medical mu i !r " sixty-tvro, seven thousand eight nun
TTl!'l(l III lhf n,-:.lli' lit I Iim 'iflil ! luri' i I T i "IB 1
sd toe revenue scrvieu. ntul of the District of
Columbia, at the asylum in sdd I)itricr. forty
thousand five hundred dil irs.
For hnUhiii;-, furnishing, hea ing. a.jd light
ing of additional accommodations in the east
wing, five thousunl dollars.
For improvements of the ground about the
hospual and larms fVi's thousand dollars.
For collection of agricultural statisitics-, in
vestigation for promoting agriculture and ru
ral economy, and the procurement, j;ropagi
tioii, and distribution f cuttings and seeds,
of new and useful varieties, and for theintro
duoti hi and protection of iiisecfvoiom bird,
und for investigations to test the prac.ioabi'.ity
of preparing flax and hemp as a substitute for
cotton, sixly thousand dollar.-; Provul -vl, how.
ever. That in the eXendiiure of tins appro
priation, and especially ill the selection n( cut
ings and seeds lor distribution, due regard
shall be had to the purpsos of general cultiv
ation and the encouragement of the a:neuUii
ral and rural interests of ail pirtsof the Uni
ted Slates.
For excuses,' r,f receiving, arranging, nnd
taking care of copyright books, carts, and
other copyright raattep, one thousand six linn
tlrl dollars
For reservation of the collections of the
exploring and surveying cXeditious of the
Govtrumetit, (.ur thou uid dollars.
For grading, draining, procuring manure,
tools, fuel, and rviiairs, purchasing trees aud
shrubs for Botanic Garden, to be expended
under tiie direction of the Lib ary Committee
of Congress, tnrce thousand three hundred
For pay of horticulturist and assistant in
the Botanic Garden and irreen houses, to b)
eXp-nded Under the,dir-c!lou tlr Lilirary
tjiiuiinl; tee of Congr. ss, live thousand one
hundred aud twenty-one dollars and fifty
For surveying the pi.biic lauds, (exclusive
of California, Oregon, Washington, New Mex
ico, Kansas, Nebiaska. Utah, Dakata, Colora
do and Nevada,) inclu ling incidental expens
es and island surveys in the interior, and all
other special aud difB;ulc survery dem Hiding
augmented rates, to bo apxrtioiied ami ap
plied to the several surveying district accord lo the exigencies of the public service, in-5
eluding expetises of electillg swarip lands.,1
iu addition u the unexpended balance of air
lormer appropria:i ns f r the sun 5 object,
which will be absorbed by work undercontract,
ten thous oi l doll. n"-. '
For urveing iIm pub'ic I in I ami p iva-e
laud m Califorsitt, to bj disi) ir!l at
the rates presorilied ly law tor tne different
kinila wonc, ten th is u l 1 illirs.
. For i.rveviiig the ubhe lands and private
laiui cla ms-in New Mexico, five thousand
For surveying the public lands in Kms iS
and Nebraska, also outlines of Indian reser
vations, ten thousand doll rs.
For sal iry f the clerk dtdaihd for the
speinal service in the G -nerd Lnd Offi to
atieiid ti the in tit ishi'd surveys in the State,
w ham the office of tin sip vv rs rneral Te
beeu clHid. two thoii.-sHiid !diars. .
'For surveying the pub i- lauds in Oregon,
to Ih disbursed at the rates prefer Iwd by law,
live thousand dopars.
For surveying the jMiblic lands in Washing
ton Territory, at the rates authorized by liw.
five thousand dollars.
For surveying the ptiMic lands in Dakota
Territory, five thousand dollars.
For Mil vev ing the public lmds and private
land claims confirmed in Colorado Teiritory,
five thousunl doiiars.
For surveying the public lands and private
latnl claims co.ifirme 1 in Nevada Territory,
live thousand dollar.
For the necessary eXenses in carrying into
effect the :.Ct of seventeenth of July, eighto ui
hundred aud six'v-on. and the act of the fifih
August, eighteen hundred ami sixty-one, in
addition io the appropriations m i l by those
net , one hundred and fi fry honsand dollars.
For supjHUt, care and m.-ipcal treAtement of
folly transient panniers, medical and surgical
patients, in some prop.-r nu institution h
the city of Washington, t lw selected by the
Commissioner of Pubic Buildings, six thou
sand dollars.
To supply a deficiency of appropriation for
repairs o i the Capitol made by W. S. Wood,
late Commissioner of Public Buildings, nine
hundred and thirty-four dollar and uve..ty-
Sec. 3. And be it further enacted. That
the following sum b and the same are here
by appropriated for the service of the year
ending thirtieth 'f Junet eighteen hundred
and ixtv-tree : For eXie!iso3 of building cor
ner of F ai d Fifiedith strest?, orcupied by
the Sn-g-o.i G nier it's and Puyiniater Gne
ra'.'s i fftYes, eight thousand eight hundred dol
lar. Sec. 4. And beit f iirth-r enacted. That
the Secretary of the Traurv bn and he is
hereby authorized and em lowered to 1-ase the
pr-erty of the United State in the city of
Burlington, low t, upon whi m is the United
S?at a marine hospital, first giving thirty day
notice thereof or if he shall deem it more
exeilieit for the Government to retain the
title to aid property, that he authorized to
use it for the six aud wounded soldiers of the
United States, or to discharge id I officers and
servant f the Government connected there
wi'h, and to close the hospital.
Approved, March 1, 1862. .
eight cent.
To ciiabln the Commi-isioner of Public
Building to pay for the pnrchise and repiirof
plate, aud repair of gi fittings tor the Piesi-di-nt's
House, i wo thousand six hundred and
thirteen dollar. ...
Sc. 2. And lo it further enacted, That
the following sums be and the same are here
by in like manner appropriated for the service
of the year ending the thirtirth of June, eigh
teen hundred and sixty-two : !
For the necessary expenses in carrying into
effect the act of seventeenth July, eighteen
hundred and sixty-one, and the act of fifth of
.'. ugiist, eighteen liuudred and sixty-one, iu
addition to the appropriations made by those
act for those object., one bundled thousand
For amount required for clerks and mes
senger iu the office of the assistant treasurer
at Boston, from first .1 ami try to thirtieth. June,
eighteen hundred and sixty-two, one thousand
live hundred dollar.
For amount required for clerks, messenger,
und watchmen, in the office of the assistant
tresaurrat NewTork, from first January to
thirtieth of June, eighteen hundred and sixty
two, five thousand tvi hundrhd dollar.
For amount requirad for clerks and messen
ger i. the office of the" assistant treasurer at
Sr. Louis from first January to the thirtieth
June, eighteen hundred and idxty-lwo, eigh
teen hundred dollars.
To enable the Commissioner of Public
BuildPgs to pay for painting in the interior of
the Cupitol.and for generH repairs, three thou
sand two hundred dollars.
To enable the Commissioner of Pub jo
Buildings to have the ol t tnruaeo un Kt the
Lib ary f Congress rein vh I, a-id a new one
ere- ted in i's place, three huu Ire I an I Iwen'y
fi e hundred d !ars.
J;r dofiaeucy oa account of puperii; aud
IT jnst receired a new atock of Straw Good?,
of all kind and .f tha latest s'yle. The ladies if
UivwuTille nd rieinitj ara cordially inrited to call
und sea them. First door east of tha Methodist
Church, on Water street.
April 17,1852. . nil 3m
360,000 ACHES OF
Valuable Lands for Sale.
Br direc'i'in of tbe Secretary of the Interior, the nn-dert-Une.l
will receive propo-jU fur the purchase of
certaiu unit. mta-iteJ in T wnbips 14, 13, IS, 17, 18 anil
19 ICtsi or the sixth principal me. e .in a in Kjumm, cm
prisiiiK about ihree hunUreil anil kixly thuiisanU acres of
ibK must valuable fermlug lauds In ibitt State.
These lai)u cuoiprUe wbat are kuuwn as
ELarsas and Sac and Fos Trust
m will be sold for eash ia tracts not exceeding nee
hUDOretind tixty were eicb under ibe provisiun of
I tie fourth article or ibe treaty ot the Uuheu Stales
wnb ibe Ktias tribe or ludiaus, concluded uu ibf 6v.u
Oar of Ociuoer. 1S5J and wnu ibe Sjc and lx ludius
ot ib itdaTuru:iiber iu ihe sauieyer
In all cases wiiere improvemeuis bare been mide
up .a any of there land-, the pri-porai niubl outaiu
(epet e ofl'eib r.-r ibe ianU aud the itupr. veuienid
ibere-iti. and in n cae win a be entertained
oiile's thik itqiiiieuierit i c op ied with.
Iu ca-e a ii vvnii i cc-p.ei, a iic-eU will be execn
teU ul irunuiiel the aem -f ihe tribe wuieh
il e and - iieiuu vint n ne.d iiiiUitiieoibtfiy i.ouiy
1114 i lie app toaiii ti ii leceii'iu. In cue bulii appii
iht shaii or u aii npiii ihe pn per aueul
aii-t piy said laHil ai d tbt luip.oveiueuta ilieeuu.
if any i here be. wiibin ibniy days after uoIi notice,
the deed wi.i be rem uel u mis odl-e tu te ciucelle-i,
an-l in i hat ca.-e ajd laud will be suigeet to aie to any
oiher person.
nB,mpuve lists .f raid land, will be lurniibed iip-n
appiicatiuu t tiir uielei'viitueJ. r itv-the ageut ot ihe
p. tper t.lue, the Ktnsas moe at Weaiport. H .. or ul
i lie baca aui Fi-xe at tireeuwoad, K.aakiia Cuuuty.
Ti e right to i eject any or all bids Is expressly re
tered All pnip-xU iuiit be sealed and aldieei to
the-iindersuiieil, Washmiti.n Jity, D C. and end red,
Jr o to Puichaoe Tins) Lauoc, vt ' sac
and K.-x T ui l.inj " at tbe case may be.
Pr. p.B!t wui ie leteivtd asab-ve Invited until tbe
lidarf ilii nex at which liuie all piupoaia then
eceived win be exiuii.ea and anea up n. Alter the
lai d..y f itay pivp Sii in bo eziuiiul on.ihe lli.i
day ul eacu .ucceediui; niuiitb
WM. P. DOL15.
Couimiiir-ioiier of Indian Affiirs.
WaabinRton City, it arch IS lb6i ..4o 3
p-0 E A-II.
Keutacky Bine O.-aes per barbel.
fjl So
1 60
1 60
S 60
20 00
t 00
Kentucky Dicbaid Grass per bushel. "
Kentucky Red Top Grasa per bashel. - .
Sorghum or Sagar Caue per bushel, -Osage
O. anre per bushel -, - -
(;aiiui;n kloweu seeds.
Per Duiea paper, Warranted. - - 60
riydraaUe Cement per barrel, I 75
Calcined Plaster r barrel. - 3 76
We also keep a large tuc ot farm Itrplemenu.
Catalogues furnUhed en appIicAiioa.
April , 188i. nS9 ni
Watch Lost!
Lost, on April second, between the Brownrille jjur
tery and Souin Brownriile. a Cytinrter Escapement
W'aich. . Supposed to have been lot on the ragoa ruad
lu the wood east of Huffman's.
Any one returning the Watch to the Aivertiitr 023 Je
will be lii-eraliy rewarde-1
Brownvilie, Apiil It. 1S62 ntO-tf: " "
Hats, Boots and Shoes.
I have Jat re:eived a Xew Scppiy of flats, Boots and
Shoes, which 1 will tell cheaper than they were ever
ffereo here befote Cailand ce ne.
Bruwjiviile, April 10, 1662 i0-tt.
Estray Kit:cV-TaiPii Up.
Taken np by the snl.iriher, re I1 ins; n mile west
r NeiusUa Cny n r au.m tbe ili.t oi Jane. iset. a
i-ruail rn-ray briie-pny ab.nt eteu ear t;d,
bran.led y" in the ieit !.biuluerj inraneJ by Jer..n
II ver an-l W W Ceelini i-n tue li.hi',iy of March,
is6J ai $16 e vie 'f the h re pty f.r k?e. hr;.
It ibe u i -e I- ! cal:a lor and pr.)nj- iren n
or before ihe 11 ill dy i f June I Stii he wttl b: by me
k M t - ibe hicha-i ui I ter ir ci-h mr re 1 1 x-a
wm jr. t Ait a.
Ap.i; 3. 1SC3. ti-.Jw 3 ju le
FranaiiaPatciriit Juhn B Laurent and E irbsra A
amire will tali e liutice iht Jaer A. Ware dij, iu the
Hi rfjy of Apiii A. D loC2, hi petition in the Dis
trict Cuurt of N'eaiah cuuuty. .ebralta Teriiiory.
agaiut them. Tbe uhjectof .aid petition is to foreclose
"a niortgisa made by .aid Puiegua. to ibe .aid Ware, ca
ihe roliowmj de.-enbed real emate lyiru aud beiuj n
nated ia Neiuaha cuuuty. Kebra.-ka Territory, to-wit
The iiurtb. wet quarter of tscoou 17, in twnobip 8,
north of rar.Ke It, eai ot the aixih pnuc.pal iwuredian.
to ecure the piyuieu. of $Ui to, with intere.i thereon
at the rate f tiny per cem. per anoaai. from thu 2Jta
ay of XoveiLher, a. U. ISoO, iccoidin t-j a proiciry
n ae eierret Ui iu baii uivrtaie Prayiua; that
Johu B. LauienL be required to siate ou ter oath what
uni ot uioiu-y, ir ai y, is due him on a ni rtjai;e made
by aaid Pen ck nal to lam oil the lilh day of bepietulwr
A. U. ib7. ibe a ii Wai having alleged in Ins po.ii.iuii
mat the aute is s-iiiaUeJ. TUwi a ueed to aaiU und
made by aa U Pd-crfual to aid Birbara A. Syiaitutre on
ihe I3.h day ut Juiy. A. 1) Ibol. ue decreed uuil ani
vo.'d, mi lar a it a tecta tbe risui of the aid ire.
Taai Ibe .aid ni'.ritj.ieti premisea b? decreed iu Im Mitd,
hud ihe proceed- Mipnei in payment ol the aiuou il due
as afoie-uid to the aid Ware. That each aud allot
.aid rer-p-u'UMtis be loiever barred and fiircclooo-i uf all
nht aud :utereai, wneiher of redeiup iou r otherwise,
Ibey may ciaiui tu or lu the atd Ui .uua-l premi-e-..
Said lefpi.'iitliutu are rujuiied io au.-wer ad pi'HUn
on or betoiH ihe PU day ui May, A. u lbC2
II 11 Allf.lSSt).V,
SiliciMr li CuuipiaiuaiK.
April 3, 1SG2. n33-l-$lil prire
leuai. notice.
Eiliabeth STo(,ra;, John S Siiodgrass, Peter 3"ee
ver. uaii U.tevei" Livua liiet-ver, SjT.Ii G;eever.
Ai.drew ti;Cever, Wiin.ui litever. ainlsiua-fi ii
Paifyrd win laite ii 'lice ihat me 8.b d.iy u Aukui
A t.lfebl. iw. pe i.imis or bin ii ciiaiiteiy. were
Oie-i lu me lii.-li Ut Cour- ol Neiuaiia c'UU y Stlta'-i.-i
I'r.iu. j ouo oy .cphi'U K i . -n oio i ei by
Hu.i.i.ii NucHooa, l wuicu luey as iieir i Cuar.e- M
i.eever uevea-vd auil ilealu d k jIi. a his Alunn
l.-ii alur, a. e pal tie. Otieinlauis Th objec' a and
pr.yei e .I jio. i lull ai e to c Hliel a fpt.-i.lll- ir-
fM malice of io an i ecmeuia lu.dn by U.
ver WIIU al I Coiupialliail'., and to uulalil loC said Com
pianiaiii. a line io Hie loiiowing teal ta', hituttied
in Said county ul .Neuidba. io-ui.: 'ur in a iaio S. K.
.N uckoiltt. jr i 8u.u east qr and frriii west qi aud
Niuilt half, and lioi lb wts i r ot U'iriU east qr, ai l ioi
one III reCUoll 3ti i aud half wf MiillU WOsl qi ol koUth
ei qr, and lots i aud 3 iu ecifuii in '1'ovufhip 4
It.tnt; .8; uihJ lot, I 3 and 4 a'td half uf n r.h
ea.i qr ul south esl q ol .c-COoli Jl ttiWlisbiu 4 raii.e
1", east ol .Lit 6 h ii.licial ineiluiall 'or Ihe .aid
Uu-lou Xuck ilia, qr ol I, 2 3 auC 4 aud wet naif
aiKl uonb easi qr ui suih west qr of secilou 31 luwu
amy 4, faille I'l ; and qi ul the eal bait uf brcliuli 36,
lowuMijp4 taiiHolC.
CumpiaiuaiKs aiso a k that iii cae the court tball
doom l. expedient H O salil lands .hall U utile! tu lu
be ol , auu. ihe p.oceeds divided as in equny and iu
.tee tin-y auuuiU be
Sid ueieuilaiits aie required to answer said pr-tiiljus
ou of beiure May 13tU, looi. K. W TI1UJUA3.
ao Icitor for CoUiu.aiuualS
Aptil a. 16GJ n33-4 or fee lo
James Giuder will take nutke that Joseph Opelt. f
the coutiiy vt Nem un in ihe Xeniiuiy. il jitbrafki,
Ota, ou tbe 31.-1 diy ol A. D , ItiG J! :,!. his pe
ll in aain i the .aid James tJiMttur deieu lent. n;aiu.
lorin thai ibe saiu Jauic. lituooi'. uU iUi SUili day ul
Juur, lbttl, gave a iiiortKate to lue sail J aepli Ope. I o
Ihe lioi in east qitat ter ol boCiioti No 14. la T vu.-hip
Ju. 4. liorib ot lange So. 16 east, in Nemaha county and
lernioiy ul Ncbi aka. to suoare Hie payineul uf acer
lain promissory ouie of Ihe same dale lor the umi ot
$oot payable oil or beloie the tlrxt d.iy of N vriuooi,
A. D. Itil, aud praying that Itiu said J.iuiCS (Junior be
Uecieed u paf Uio said aaiu ol $300, wnu tuteresi at the
raieui leu ur cent, per nullum, iioiu ibe saia l-l day
of November, Ibol. oi thai in. said preailsfis be .old io
pay ibe same ai.U cost, ol aalii soil.
AuU in; .aid James G.noer is uoiilled. that he i.i re
quired u apoear an 1 answer sai l petniuu, uu oi before
me thud M. uday aiier tbe lu uay of May, A. 1., lotiJ,
Icing the 19. u day ul said mo mo.
O. B IlKWETT, Atty tor P.ff.
April 9, 1862, ii33-4 $7.6d pr lee.
District Conrt, Neaiaha Conaty
Nefcrfaia Territory.
Beruard. Adams i. Co., and Johu 0 Caltionn Georife C.
V.uUerburtf aud William 11. iieuaea, par uie; as Cal
houn, V anile burn & Co., and Mai y A. M'C -uias will
lake Mui.ce tbat Benjamin G. Coi per,'cf ibeSaeif
Peuu-ylvania. did. on the 3rd day ui April, A. D. Istft.
lie his peiiliou iu the Distncl Court of ibe 2nd Judicial
Oi.-ii'ic4 ui tin Tcrnioiy ol Nbrai-ka, iu ana tor Nf nu
lla ct.uuty, iu said Teriuury, aaiust Kdward M. M Co
tua. aud ihe .aid Bernard, Adam X Co, and John C.
Caibouu, George C. ValiUerbarif and W'illian 11. Beu
neu, partner, as Calhoun, Vaiiderburg fit. Co and Mary
A jt'Cooias. deiendaula, eiliug forih that the raid K l
waid H. ji'Coiuas gav'd a niorwi'pe to the .aid Beujauun
G. Cooper on ihe uorili west quarter of eciio:i number
(23) twenty-uiue iu township number (I) lour, norm of
rauge number (16) ririceu, cast uf iho .ixta prim ipal
merediau in Neutaba county, Nebraska. Tei'Tiiory, to
becure ihe paytueut uf the .urn of $3'il 60, according to
a certaiu note reierrod to in atd uiortjge, aud thai
Since the Kiiug uf atd uioi tgae ihe other defendant
claim in, tu e inieret iu baid land under the -aid Kdward
M. McConjas, aui praying that the aiii EJvard H.
At Coiuas may pay the .aid mini of three huudied sil l
tweuiy-uu. Uoiar. slid Qtiy ofins, Duw claimed lobe
due. witbiuieCa. from 22J July, 1&61, or tuataaid
ptemUe. may be tuild to pay ihe rame; and the raid
lie. naid, Auuio A. Co. ana J.iiiii C. Caihuun UeuigeC
V.nde. burtc and Wimant 11. Keuneu. pai tnet. as Ca
bouti, Vauoe bmg & Co. aud JUaiy A: McCvuias. are no
tified that ibey are lequned io appear aud auswer said
pwwiiiou on or beiore lue t3t.ii of May, A. U tSSi.
Bv c. G. UOKgtT, hil Att'y
Ap li 31. 1SG2. ut3 4" ui ice to
Finit Tree-, G ape Ti e Currants. Oaj.ber.les.
Kai-pbernes- etc., eio , at very iaie UisCuuu. truui es-labii-hed
AfPLh.S -Host rjrfted rarietie, i)?r 100 r M
4 t5 leet--.- - $5.. 5t
7 to I a feet iO.OD fcU.CO
PLUMS - t oe'. Criitdon Drop llue U igo
Imix-nal Uu;t0-r, Ac, jer doi. per I HO
8 t.. Ii feel 4-00 2..Q
CllEUl;K.S-trlj Kivhiaond --3 oO 2o,CJ
liukos ni d Heart Varieties 3.U0
tiltJkPKS Isnbell. Catawba. ud Clin
ton - - 75 5 00
Diana-- ..3 o
Delaware .;-50ctd. eacU
Uebeecii 0 "
tWi.ra 2i "
RASPUUKtilE-S-lktiKkle's Oranga
Ne Ued Antwerp..
Yellow Antwerp
belle do t' y antuiuu hear
CUKItA.N TS - Common Ked -
White (irajie
Victitria .
Cherry-.--.i-. -
COOSKliKKI t.S-liou-htou'a .Seed'u
Ohio Seeilliuj
STKAW hi:i; UI ICS Wil.-on's Albany
iS xton I'uie
Scott'a Sediing
Tn.iinj'hj dd ( uid
Jairoeharlj Sjarlot
llllll-Mill, -
APPLE STOCKS-sui able for e..Ur
grafting 2.00 per M.
J A. 11 J W EEU.
Miic:itine, L wa, M;iMt2t) 18 "2. 1 37-2ut .
MAITUjTACTuEIHG company. -
75 ' 4.C0
. 7b 4.0U
5J Jut)
. 50 3.CJ
50 31)0
75 5 UU
.75 '5 00
; 50 3.00
IU 50
10 50
U eo
15 CO
15 cm
10 50
10 50
1.59 lO.tiil
I to
With Cuts, and Descriptions, Prices, etc., etc.
P. W. GATES, Prei1nt.
JT. B.Agcnts wanted everywhere. Chicago
itrownville. Nebra-ka.
Of waom Circulars and detailed information can be
March 20, 13GJ. n37-lyj
One More Notice.
AH persons Indebted t me, either on Note or Book
Account are hereby notified that they mist pay tip on or
before May 1st, 1SC2 c iiecenKtiy will conipel nie to
resort to le?a I process in order to called. It is hoped
this noiice will p-iiv MifR -ient. D. SKI'jEL.
, March S7tu. lto2. '.2s-H.
Leeds Prepaid ty I.Tail
25 P.Uiet Annual in C'lliivit? n - - $t CT
Ch- tie V. peiat e Sent- tor Un- Garden - I
h h in Oi uhs or Five'or jij T- Club.-ui Veu toi $ia;
ToClt'h or rwen y 1 r $ib
The NI.' JAPa.X Mini ET. with imrrf o-e he d
ix io ten in-he i-iu i5 tin- per ia ire :jf-; Kue
im $1. I evei'l Gritim.e See! ! " i ne nn rmu
ab e Mi. let ili-cl lr ru lau-ni b the Xmhhh, l M y
ai.i Caii r.-iindciit! iev nnin-mi I' . -tie lt Miileiin
eii'ivAuu. B. M.WrSi.V
b&3-U . Old C-l-ty ux-oi j., f . QLth. Maa.
John Q. A. Ea-ith:
Hirani O. M:t US
Joim 3.
L'y virtue of an order of site to me directed la tio
above emit, id cas. I will on
Saturday, 10A cJjy,. D. 1CG2,
betweou thi? b'urs of 10 o'ctock a. K and 4 o'clock .
a. or said diy. at tbe ilmr t Ucn'a Uail, ia Browovuie,
ibe place it .ere the aia cvart was !a-.t heid for aid
Neuiaha c tiaiy. iCer for si e the following de-cribed
real estate, tu-wi t : ihe aouih f ist quarter ofsaiiun
No. 15 ii t-jwu-hipXo 6, Dorm of rania N 15 east of
tin ixib pnncioal roeredian iii Nesra-kt Territory,
together with the appui tfuance ihereuulo be!-Uinf,
taken as the pr,,ucny Ilirani O. Mlrnck atij John S.
Miuick. tu satisty an older uf rale agaiaat'ineui and 19
lavor vf tbe abve a .metl ptaintifT.
J. w. COLCaX, SheriT
April 3, IDCJ u33-4w pr fee 7.50
nivin; bTri srplnet agent for the dele Works
8uj4ar CaiiB Mi! i ami Kvs!iator. Ctiicijro lit.. I 13
p -pi:ed tu fill orders at ibe 111 n'acturer' prices.
Pi i -ei-f Jitll. from $ W to $3oV. k-r-.i.ri'-i- frorj
A-ldress It W. l'Ci.t.A:-J,
Mai'-Ji 7, liCi s.3-t-if Ero.viiVU.e,
rn-n T'
tTT"3 "" '"
kw. fc-Vt -Ik
Vasliiug Iii a dimes.
The most fimpie durable convenient and economical
arueie ever invented for thepurpo-e.
Will do the washing uf an ordinary family before
breakrast, n.i i.nly raviht; tinje hut clutlies.
By .trictiy fuiiowiiiK the printed directions, which srt
rlttip e and eoy, U will wash, t I'lte tim. ix nhn t..
or twodoceu Kiuat articles, iu about lX or tevtH mm
tifi t, or their eqnivaleut.
By al! th ordinary methods of ctestiinj Cne fahilcs,
such a laci's, itc. , the Krcatest care is required, white
with ibW maehine tha nt-.l delicate aniffie can be
Wit-hctl W IJioiit ihe pvfsibiiiiy ? daiutrfl
Ttieso re.-'il-s ate primej by the oin-tsnt rescilon
ihe .mis wliile he miciiioe is in nmtlou.
of lamid. iis. hoiela, btMidtnp-hiinwe. hi;?it
als a.-yiuiin tmardins-M IhmiIs, un bip and steamers,
and In the nrniy. who hae these iu.iciiioe in ue. have
sent in thi-lr testimonial!! voiuniarialiy, and ihe uc
uittims of the Pre are vet 7 nunierous, a-.'iue ot which
1 have publisned in pamphlet (onu.
Alt 1 ask t' e Puhnc ia a ..ireful examtaa'.lua of
thi iiiacbii befote purchasing of others.
Geueral Mepot 4 19 B. ua-lway, corner Canal St , New
Frico enly Ten Dollars.
JT. B A liberal iil-c;int to the Tradt, JLynti
Want si Sendor m Circu'ar
Addiess box e93, X V Cnv P. O.
PIIIl.lP FRKNCrt Proprie'nr.
1 will ee'.l Cod Ajf.s Tree?, 5 i
feet hi h at
3 to 5 last hi-b t--
Kxtn site, man j of theoinowia fru"
br!y Sto 11 foetht'i
Fei.d'im; trees, a to 1 1 feet
IiedDuioli Currant, I ycrcM
" " 3j2irjoIl-
FTou-'htoa Ptc i' Goijo'. crry, I j?i
llau-;btn Sin Coti'.rrj. 3 jc.-.
Ked hr. i t'illoT Antwerp I ;. rj
Franconiit Ka.'pberry "
Strniwb-'rrT. 25 rariitio.'. from '2
Downer's I'roliSvj Strawberrv
Calioou's Secdiin-; Rhubarb
S..Mch Uvtril I.anburb
Sacl;ir! j IiiiharU
Uo.-e, llarly Soaa?,I') vir-rll
lie, llybri.l Por.etu.4t. 25 !.:
Kii?e, (jUmbir . a r ir::-"
Alao a lir a. ir'.rr.-c: tf C
Shru'v at
rWriptive C
t 1 j 1
.. 1
.. V.)
. . :!
-1 a a a---
c. it
a. V 4.t i-il ii U
Will send tu nil who wih it 7 fre of charjre), the
RecijH- and 'nil dirertion-i fur intiVing and i'nx ft
benutitul vegetihltt) Hiilrn. fhtw will effiTtnnlly re
in vn Pimples, (i.otcij8, Tax. Fkfcki.s. Ar..4e.,
la-iriiio; the iikiti smiHith. I'li-tin.iimi bmtiful : n-t
full d:reotinn fir u-in I'kl itrkaL' s Ckl 88 atcd
Stijhtlaxt, warranted t utart full "growth uf
Whisker, nra Mustneh-, in le. thnn thirty d irs.
Either oF the above can be obtained by return innil,
hv Nddreisiii;; (with stamjisfur return postage) DH.
T Hi) MA. -4 F. CHAPMAN.- PmcrtCAL CaiM.aT,
831. Mrimdwiiy, New Y'ork.
Fob. 6. 1862. u"3l-2mj
Alfred Opelt ) Civil Action, District Conrt, 2nd
v Jid:cta'., Nemaha coauiy,
nngh Brownlee ) Ntb s.ka Territory.
Toe deiMtinant. High Brown lee, will lake notice,
thai in the 2d day of April. lSd J, said plaililiX, A llred
Upel, did me bis peittiou In s.rd eourt, the object ami
piayer ut watch is lot biain aJ'iuguieut aitaio-t ymi ai'd
iu lavor of said plaintifT, lor tte mm cf $100 00 with
interest thereon In niMaich 1st 1SS2. a balance of pur-chai-e
niuiiej lor ihe pi euiies herein desctilied.
Thai an i-nler of auachuieut iu:y iasued in ibis action
and b) viriue of which Uie. SerifT of iaid coun'y at
tach?d tti roliowtuti lauds and. tenements, to-wit ; the
1101 tli c ' a:i. !.! ti wel quarter uf lurth eist quarter,
.ei il'.n '2i . t..wn 4 north lange 15 east, suuaieU iu aul
Cuim'y .i lh properly ol .aid Bruwniee. .
Toil ai e lie. e!y teq tii ed to appear and answer or de
mur tu sold pe.ii !.! ou or before 10 13. h day of May,
1662, and 111 default eof judgment will be rendered
anatiist you lor said atuiunt, with interest, and said
picjieriy be sold and the pr.n ?el applied tu ibj pay
ment ot H4iil debt. A SCItOtNIitir, Plffi. Atty.
April 3, 16J. t33-;w $7 tt pr let:,
; Currants! Currants !
I hate left -with It. W. parna, "rownrtlie, a few
Bi-d and Dulch Currants for aala a' $' pr -ten cash .
March 26 ISB2. n3S-tf B. O. TaoMPSOX,
Two years uM. $20 per hundred ; per thousand
One year old, $lu pr hundred; $50 per ihound.
Also a iime assortment of Kar.ery stock, at prices too
cheap to publish. -
L ai nd traveling Agents wanted to sell trees from
our Nun-eues.
Wholesale and Descriptive Catslrcnes furni-hed to
all applicants. A ldres.i Z. MOODT&vSOX.
87 tf - Niagara Xnrseries, Lock port X. T.
' flBLVip JiULL.
For tbe Armr and Citizens
1st Cnality cf Plonr $3.20: 2nd Qiality $1.75.
For custom grind lag, one-sixth per Bushel
Tip bet' sntitnte fr C.;T-:
manna- a c. tr.-e pack t . cf -to i i ;
eC.1. E.lfh p.tcStlf C'litiinj seed 0
spti-jtv lor an orcUnaty fars.I.T,
S;nl orCerJ to H. A.
t33-tf Crssctn
For Sale at Ears
Two N". t Shuttle K.npir Se: .!-ic.::
One Franklin Family sw'ng M -t .
Two It -race Waters $75 Meivi.otu.
Twj Krech's Conical Washuu MaCt; .ti"i.
Ooe No. I P. w Uate &. Co.'s iijif '.y
App:y at the Alvtr titer ani Trv.t' c
v.l e. Nehraski
March 13:a lSS!.
I )
- 1
5;-a 5 s -S S "3.3
C3 tu 2Z2fiSaS r---:i!i
i i-:h ;1 ;--'.. ;- a i. . ?
. - 'S3 a -T''ti,i,
J i A- rs . g v "3 .22 .
Q -c-3t:S-2 -s . a
C3 5.55 2? !!a"l.S-S3sB-
" lu.! 4 : 4 . I'.jtf.raa
" - 5 S - S . fc- w -" -
r-t rrr' S- x'Si--;H3
LJ jz a - r atS- "tr1' .
O f 3ti.i--':at!0 .aii-.iiri
kt:3 i S-i -: 5fcvi
S.a 2 2 3 - a 3 i to "-r2 5r.rt'
i 5 1 $1 1 -. r ;.berj:':.-..-lXZZZ
or -..o'' i :i -
oi- s!h?:i:5a
- r tT s 5 - ss -'--sS-e-r-;i-. f
- - - - 9--n2,r-.3V5
i 3" 7:or..i--r--e'2-i
Et3 - 2 1 t -z 2;.;b;sS
The Economy of Unir;
Family SsTrinj Ilncliino,
Thp mii-Wie. rpa'xe the cetebr.icl Gorr.l $
BAXER STITCH, wiarbhn latvon the h-z test rrcx.i
ii ui at tbe Iliin-is State Fair. In Septe-r f--r I , si Hi
United States in ii:. Lon.s. iu 1S3 J. a U a: tj
princip e State Fairs throughout to coi ti: ".
Comtieteut Jmine gave a ile-ti-ion ia favcr of t'i
stiich. on MCCount of its ureal stre 'l-siti a'.d a-JjtiUoa t
all kind of f itnity and m inufictttritx f '
The following Table will show the ttiirarem it Tyvyr
of Sewine Machines over theol l me.h 1 "f -.rchiitily
hand. In H e working of he-e Mirtiie ! ') nut
only a great saving of labor and time, b-:.Jes a : :; ;
gieatly to ihebealthfntnc-sof ti.p cutpicyirru , fu t!.
mitch is niuch stri.nvter, more ci iuc. .n.l le I'.iV 3
rijior ravel than the stitcli made wi.h lit.t'Ot t'i
Time conmnvl la tnsklcg i tf V actinit. ty TT in !.
tip Ladie.' Wariiiculs, tuura. tit. ii.s.
SilkUrens. I IV i) ii
Manila stlitrt, ::; 6 6
Merino Dresa, 1 1-j 4 2
Chemise, i io IJ i
Calico Ures, I a 14
Moreen Skirt, . P; 7 i
Night Dress, 1 t :j
Drawers, 27 j 6
Milk Apron. I i
Plain Apron, icj 1 23
Time consumed In msklrg f Fy 1'ir.bln . t Ty
ttp Gentlemen's Garments .HoU's. M n. Z-wt. Z.-..
Geoueiuau's Shirts, 1 r.:, 13 J
Frock Coat, 1 4' 1 ii
StiaVest, I l 3 t
Linen Vest. 4 ". i 11
Co-tts Pants, ti 5 1 J
Summer Pants, 4. t
Iho TxznlilizL Tzziil?
Flonr ixi hne"d for Wheat, both at the Mill and at
m store in llri wnville . . ", Mal S oris ard Bry fi s le at lie Mi!! aid
at the ptiiK ip.e .woe in B i wnvii.
Mia LA' 11 c COAT
,'anna y 2 1SC3
Shingles ! Shingles!!
1 wnu it ru re MiUy inform tie ci'rzenf f Nrmahi
rtll'l' V I kjl I .h . I . . ... b..,. k .. ....
ki- .ui. nil .c iiii
p.iM i Ii it.l t.'it..tM if ,.hiif.'li- wn-rh I wnl fC.l
; foi cash ; or take in xc. ;.i,se Catt.e II W'he.if ot
C -ii it.i'. tSAU-tLI. j
iljJTch 27, ISCi. .ttn ,
His one sdvar.tra which (s worthy nt f ; - 'i! a.'-" : z
,tn addition to tbe peculiar character i f t:-c -.- . t I
Jat Is its adintation to either Itaht r j"-- : ; -j
wortc . The Machine whicti a'- "" rvi;i: t H t- 1 u
THE MOST DELICATi: FAZRIC. i, a f: v -nients
after can t-e brought to b ir with tr o f -ity
on cotiona.ies and ti.-w-i nr the ;c;t C'-cttp . a.
Its adar "lion for FAMILY WORK, is tli'n ro u -i-h.e.
aim irives it a snperiutity over every tl :;- aty I cf
luachine in ihe Mai ket.
In order that these M.irhines Tniy te
h. in!. i.f x 1 1 rlae. ru hive reduced th I'tr of o'li-
HOLLA RS- From the increase of nut- but-i"j tor iu
last year, and ibe entire satisfaction our ii ichine. a o
giving throuph-.ut ihe Cnite-1 State.-i aid !'. iropcsn
Couutrie. we are )el tfheiteve th it "ir je'ri;tn ii n
i. mnurcti'e a PERFECT. SIMPLE, UELIAliLZ
AND CHEAP M ALIUS E his been tuliy Krte;:a.t;L
Ly ihe public. This policy will roiuti.i nucha --. "l
as licietofote no Machine will be at 1 1 . wcl to ii.j-' '
fHce that we cannot muy warrant in ever7 rep':;
We shall It eri on hand at all times a jii'iieral as ;rl
ment of Sewing M idline msterlaia
Needle for ail machines ran be r1erel ty Mi!! cr
Etrpresa. Price One Uollar per di ion.
Persons in the country, ey sending us their a.M-0'i
encloln a letter stamp, cin have forwarded hr re'.ari
mail, one o. our circulars eoniaiuini; the d.rTtj. eot .17:9s
of Machine. Ii of pi Ices, anil 4 inirjie :.-f wt.
. t:. iuciiai::)-s & c:o.,
Principal AiU for 111 '.inr.a vT?t.
Office snd S itesnairn 1S3 Like S'reet Chicagj, II. i::..!),
K. RICH A tlL5 l.ito.f L. Coruell &. Co.
JS t w. TAPPiN. formerly Ag't Jor .ha G.-over&
Kaker Seli g m uthiue.
Jauuarj9.h- laui. ;j.O tr
The Cuurehsitin nl Cx-ittrieaco cf a
PuMished s a warning, ond for the e?peUl bene
fit 1 Younj Jlen nnd thosu who in .Tor with Narvout
Dehilitjr, Lis. of iletnorv, IVemitur Decny.A?., 4o ,
by one of those who hus cured hitne!f by simpl j 1
uenns, after beinj put to great en 1 inotia-'
venienre, through tho ua of wor;.hics caejiciccg
prcribed b.y learned Doctors. ,
Sinjle copies tnny bo hnd of the aa'.br.r, C. A'.
LAMULT.T, Ksc., Greenrxiint.Ixcj !M:inJ,ly enclos
ing a tMwt-pnnl adilre;d cnvtlcpo. . AUros
CHAKLES A. LAMUEI1T, Zii , VrniLu.l, Lc -
JjJ tnd, N. Y.
Feb.g. mi. ' rn32-2al
Bloomington ITursery,
SXalLiXT'Or .
At the crossing of the Illinois Central, and St. T,-.cis,
Alton and Chicaxo Railroads. KstablUbad 1S52. on
the open Prai-ie, and contalna 140 acren. Frnlt, Orna
mental and Nnr.ery Spick. very Itirge, general aid
relUbla aaortnient, VEUaf CilUAl for Caa. .
Especially Adaptecl ta the Serere Clzi
.cf ttelScrtliwcbt.
APPLH rBT;i;3. from 1 to4 yes eld. tt til Hr
1000. MOOT GHA7T3, $lo per 10.01. APPL3 SToCiLS,
one to two years, seiected f-r graniif , 2; scn tc;i,
it pr thoudsand. M A2ZARD CIIEIlItr,- S3 per i .1 to.
XOSB STOCKS. Jpyit So $1 60 per thousand. '
CtUtingt, mary sort Ctajt Ornrnt. gai cce year
old plant, 2,5i per thousand. I't Straieltry,
and many other Standard Sorts two doiiars ft fry to
four dollars per thousand. Crapet Catawba, Clion.
I-abella. well rooted, one year olJ three dollar, per
hundred, twenty dollars per tionsaad. Dtlaigi-re'
one aud two year old, jit to $ttfper d.
brt, best if.rts two tt five dollar. rer h-mdred-Jloujkton
CiOtberfj. one t two years md t
three dollars per buudred Lowninj't Zvt Leiri-. j
itsi'6ery tfoor to etsht dollar, por Oosen. Zviryret' -r
everal rorts ten dollars per ibouand. i-iad4 a
Wtepiny Trten, Shrubt, Flower RoU liuf, JCit.
anliumDf e valety mostly uue to 1 wo doiiars &.".
per d ten.
1 p. kins carefully dene. Caa!c?ries seat on receJ
of a thrso cent suiap. Adtlteis,
Sow it, lS5t, al9-5m Kooning! ox, 2:::wi.
At $1 per fcutKlreJ, t per thousand. Liberal diaccaat
to the trade, or Id larxe qaaniiiitie-,
Also Jar n.oal assortment of Erersrre?:. Tri
Trees. Omamental Trees, Shruts fcad Plaots; Ii-lso
Plants, ace.
Cotaiognes furnished lo all applicants.
The Kvei greens " Lt Mollis.
7-tf SAMCEL KttWARr?, Bt'fii To. T't.-
Tru3 DcIqv7ztj Grr:po Viacs
Stromj, WtlUrooted One Ytir Cli Yin rprfyn in
cptn air. 60 cts to $1 each. $5 fo 10 prr d-a. Ltrix
year old r'nes, end Ao. I. extra, lire? ay?r. v.:.
bearing wood. to $2.00. f JlijM ffrcVjet.
AL.0O fine viiie or AI.eti'. new w uiii llyond, Anna.
C.eveiina. Conco'd. Ciiviih-vra Ci:a. Ctinton. Ca.-sa-dy
Cilawba. lliar. He rtetn.-nt. II ir:r..T,J, pro.i ic. Is
lohe li, Ian. Le Noir. Lydia. Lir.i.a, Nor's VI 1 II nia Ontario. l);j rt "Win o-a. R. w-prs- 'he
Ilybii-I Tiylor'n B illit! r-K.ainn; L 'sua ViMa.e. a-ii
nianyolbei: kinds ai b.w prices.'
W'Nnn's X Ih.itiy. T.-tum:-!i ! dm f enry Li-.
T i lt, i-e's Xicr- i t and A n-t ; 1 i!i. fcer S r.ntor'
nii and Calawi-sa l-vrr orat if .- 1'..,- ,
L.w.m', Kart.pTi. e t s , r, ;;rt ri;f3 '
J3"Sdinl f.-r cuUr