i fpHE ADVERTISER. 1 'xToG .A. L. 'Trta asT Fnntiiiff Material cf all Kink 11 ' 1 T , . nnl Mings, NewToik, and Brawn's lr . .ti.rnfd Aleuts for the ' n" Tamer, and Mvcrii, iscr. SrCCESSOKS TO 11 tt BUT, Uaiiea States and Fuirign Newspaper - - Advertising Agency, .m KKOADWAV, NEW YORK. are .na.ori.ed "'SKR HJ lBttAi F . Fire On Sunday night about 12 o'clock, the smoke house of Theodore Hill, on Front; street, was discovered to be- on fire, and so far advanced that nothing could be saved. .Mr. Hill has been engaged extensively .in putting up pork this season, and at the time the fire occurred, the smoke bouse, contained be tween 2J.Q00 and 30,000 pounds of su perior bacon. The loss is obout $1,500 r no insurance. Providentially the wind, which was qui'.e brisk, was in the only direction it ; 5 couii. possibly have been to prevent other f '! buildings from being' destroyed. The ; smoke house, was ia close proximity to ether buildings, which led to the most densely built portion of the town. Had ihe wind been a trifle more to the west, the best portion 'of the town, extending "from First street .to Third street, on Main, could " not.-possibly have been saved, from the fact that we are entirely destitute of" any kind of fire apparatus whatever. This is the first serious loss by fire this place has ever sustained, and we hope will be the means of inciting to greater care in protecting againit such occurren ces in future, . As a general thing, our citizens arc entirely too careless and negligent in- this matter. In different parts of the town can b seen stove pipes sticking up. through the roof, or out of the sides of wooden buSdings., Our city authorities should see to it, that greater care be exercised.-. j AVe ought, too, by all means, to hare at least a Hook and Ladder Company. Let he cew Council takethe Fire Depart ment into serious consideration. "Wo all arce the v,eod to use. OneEmokos,oae EauJj, another chews" ' The finest article cf fine cut chevrin and smoking tobacco we have met with", can be found at Lett, Strickler U Co e claim to know how to keep a hoi el,' on me totacco qucsticn, and having had an opportunity cf testing Lett's selection we speak from the bock. Jacob will ac cept our thanks for "samples." iur. Lett nas just returned from the East, bringing with-him a magnificen stock of Dry Goods, Groceries, and rfcet t i eras, wnicn are ottered at exceedingly iow prices. Uive 'em a call, Ti I r.. e . . 'uu.i, ,L vui3 jjiace, wno is in the mercantile business at Central City, Colorado, and who has been absent at the mines since last fall, returned last week, "hearty as a buck." We are pleased to know that Mr. M. is doing a good busi ness. He brings cheering intelligence as to the mines in that region. He will please accept our thauks for a generous supply of "specimens" from the moun tains, which we regard as valuable acqui sitions to our cabinet. 'It- Jr, ifl. vn, I a vt ; ood an-ort lost lz.ii . UQ. .ty :fty n! jr All 1 Cf led en. 1 tf 1 "Some Military.5! Monday last was 1 a military day in this, place. The veopI(hturned out mere generally than was expected. Early in the forenoon fro and four horse teams carne in from s tie various parts of the county, loaded to overflowing with teople ; flags, flying from horses heads, anc flag statTs which were fastened to the wagons; martial music, and a general "hurrah for the Union." 1 UKJ 9 " ' CJLU j ies, J- ue a ery .laf an. ery S' to fc. -ii." n m.litarv Land Patents. There are about five hundred Land Patents on file in the U. S. Land Office, in this place. We pro pose, to publish a list of the names of persons to whom they belong. By this means all in this Land District can know without the expense of coming to the t J r m , . , Lana uuice, wnen tneir patents are ready for delivery. Peterson for Mat. We are in re ceipt of Petersons Ladies' National Mag azine for May. It contains much that is useful and interesting to ladies. A large number of fashion plates, and a great deal of most excellent reading matter. D. Seigle has a "big lot" of Hats, Caps, Boots and Shoes, which Doc says they will sell "dog cheap," and what Doc and Dave say, they will perform. Bet ter call and try 'em on. Temperance Lecture. Judge J. C Hicgins, of Savanah, Missouri, will let ture before the Brownville Temperance Association on Tuesday evening next. It is hoped there will be a general attendance. Any one having a yoke of cattle they would like to trade to advantage, can find a "customer" by calling at this office. To C. P. Richardson, Esq., we are indebted for a few seed potatoes of the Mercer, Fluke, and Mexican varieties. AUO. SCHOENHEIT law cflice ia'.o tha has removed his Lend O.T'ce, en f.rit j any iree and vo;uiitarj emigration of &ny lunette 6Gtject, or to any vessel carrj;::gsi:ch ptrson as passenger on board the same : Pro vided, however, That a renjiit or certificate taall bo prepared ar.d signed by tbe consul or consular ngeu or tbe United States residing at the port from which sjch vessel may take ber departure, containing tho carno of such person, and forth the fact of his voluntary em igralion from such port cr place, which certi ficate shall be given to the master of such vessel ; but the sarne shall cot be given unti such consul or consular aent shall be first personally satisfied by evidence produced o ihi truth of the facts th jrein contained. Sec. 5. And be it further enacted. That al tbe proviiiens of the act of Congress approved xeuruary twenty-second, eignteea hundred and forty-seven, entitled "An act to regula.e uie carnage oi mssenrrers m mercnant ves sels," and all the provisions of the act of Con gross approved ilarch third, eighteen hundred and forty-nine, entitled "An act. to extend the provisions of all laws now in force relating to the carriage of passengers in merchant ves sels and the regulation thereof," shall bo ex tended and shall apply to all vessels owned in whOtO or in part by citizens of tho United States, and registered, enrolled, or licensed within the United States, propelled by wind or bv steam, and to all masters thereof, carrv ing passengers or intending to carry passen gtrs from any foreign port or place without the L Lited btates to aay other foreign port or place without the Uniied States; and that ail penalties and forfeiaires provided for in said act shall apply to vsssels and masters last aforesaid. Sec. 6. And be it further enacted, That the President of the United States shall be and he is hereby authorized and empowered, in such way and at such time as he shall judge proper to the end that the provisions of this act may be enforced acccrding to the true in tent and meaning thereof, to direct and order the vessels of the UrJted States, and the masters and commanders thereof, to examine all vessels navigated or owued in whole or in part by citizens of the United States, and registered, enrolled, or licensed under the laws of the United States, wherever they may he, whenever, in the judgment of such mas ter or commanding omcer thereof, reasonable cause shall exist to believe that such vessel has on board, in violation of the provisions of this act, any subjects of China known as coolies," for the purpose of transportation ; and upon sufficient proof that such vessel is employed in violation of the provisions of this act, to cause such vessel to be carried, with her officers and crew, into any poit or district within the United States, and delivered to the marshal of such district, to be held and dis posed of according to the" provisions of this act. Sec 7. And be it further enacted, That this act shall take effect from and after six months from tho day of its passage. Approved, i ebruary ly, lbb2. Public No. 25. AN ACT makiDg appropriations for the con struction, preservation and repairs of cer tain fortifications and other works of defence for the year ending thirtieth of Juue, eigh teen hundred and sixty-three, and addition al appropriation for tho year ending thirtieth June, eighteen hundred and sixty-two. Be it enacted ly the Senate and House of Representatives of the United states of Ameri ca in Conqresss Assembled, That, the follow ing sums be and the same are hcrebyappro- pnated out of any money in the Xfeasury &ot other appropriated, for the construction, preservation and repairs of certain fortifica tions and other works of defence for the year endiog the thertieth of J une, eighteen hun dred and sixtv-three : For Fort Montgomery, at outlet of Lake Champlain, New York, one hundred thousand dollor.- ' r j For Fort For FrJeiTeron, Garden Key, Florida, one hundred thousand dollars. For additional format the Tortugas, Flori da, two hundred thousand dollars. . For fort at Ship Island, coast of ilississippi cue bundled thousand dollars. For contingencies of fortifications, one hua dred thousand dollars. . ' For bridge trains and equipage, two hun dred and fifty thousand dollars. For defence in Oregon and Washington Territory, at or near the mouth cf Columbia nver, one hundred thousand dollars, u, m the judgment of the President, the same, or any part thereof, should be advisable. Sec. 3. And be it further enacted, That the folio win? sum b3 and the - same is herebv appropriated out of any moniiy in the Treas ury not otherwise appropriated, for the fiscal years ending June thirty, eighteen hundred and sixy-two, and June thirty, eighteen hun dred and 8ixty-tbn3 : For the erection of temporary works in Maine, and in the harbor at Portsmouth, New Hampshire, when, in the judgment of tbe President, tbe expenditure of the Sara's, or any part thereof, shall be advisable, five hua dred and fifty thousand dollars. . For the, erection of temporary works la Narragansett Bay, when, in the judgment of the President, the expenditure of 'the same, or any part thereof, shall be advisable, two hundred thousand dollars. Approved, February 20, 1862. Public No. 26. AN ACT making an appropriation to illu minate the Public Buildings. He it enacted by the Senate and IIousq of Representatives of the United States of Ameri ca in Congress assembled, That the sum of one thousand dollarp.orso much threof as may Le necessary, bo and the same is hereby appropri ated, out of any money m the Ireasury not otherwise appropriated, to enable the Com missioner of Public Buildings to cajrv out the order of Congress for the illumination of the Public Buildings on the twenty-second of February, eighteen hundred and sixty-two. Approved, i eburary 2'J, IbbZ. NEW ADVERTISE MEN S . SEEDS. HTKIX, WURD & CO., LOUISVILLE, KENTUCKY, OFFER TQSIA LARGE STOCK OF SEEDS AT THE FOLLOWING PRICES Kentucky Bloe Grass per bushel. Kentucky Orchard Grass per bushel. .1 aiL i lze- us. oi- r-ed. I- r , :irrr.cMs tf the law a.--v v. ct tie last, session cf the Legiala ure. Some eirht fr ten new companies vere formed, most 4f which were at once lied 'un to the mtimum number. So i soon as all the companies are filled up to he mnximum number, -we propose pub lishing the' muster rolls. We have .the aster rolls of the "Rough and Ready Hangers," Capt. Ioshca Tate ; "Peru Horse," Capt. W. G. Glasgow; "Lon don Guards," Capt. Warren Smith; Glen Rock Lancers," Capt, Peter HfJlGER. " ' Sexiot;s " Lo?. We regret to an cjunce that a gentleman of this place met Lth a serious loss on the night the fire occurred. The neck yoke to his wagon as partially consumed by fire, and a pwo-bi t padlock iniireJy lost. No insu- nce. The "Hook and Ladder Compa- 'able, which must have co:t at the least alculation, "Si.50 or $5,00. "Somebody have io pa'y for fAaf," therefore the 'roprietor will lose nothing on that score. lad the above enumerated loses been the tly misfortune the gentleman sustained a the occasion . referred to, his friends :i,ght have reason to hope for his recu sation. But alas! "hope endeth." anguage fails' us in describing the latter fortune. Suffice it to say the afflicted s perfectly-inconsolable, regarding him elf totally ruined. He is entitled to the ympathies of this community "like the A fellow kept tavern in Indiana." P- . As the unfortunate man is d's sed to censure the editor for his latter 'fortune, we hereby make the amende I ba e Tjr tale a few pooaJs of tbe WLite Georgia Sugar Cane SeeJ. ' One puund of it will be given to each aew Farmer ubscrVber, or old one who Is nut in arrears, and has not receive five papers of Flower or Garden Seed. It. W. FUENAS, Brownville, OFFICIAL. LAWS OF THE UNITED STATES. Passed at the Second Session of the 'Ihirty Seventh Congress. Quite a number of eerious typographical rrfr escaped the notice of the proof eader last week. An error occurred in making upM the article on "Plant Trees tid Shrubs," which nearly destroyed its "eaning. In the second paragraph after e eigth line, four lines of another arti i ; and on another subject, were inserted. : o read correctly, omit the ninth, tenth j 1(1 eleventh line; and first line in the ! ird paragraph. "Cokpora-uok Election. The ccrpo ition election whveh took place in this , ty on Monday last, resulted in the fol- , .wing. selections: S R. F. Rarrett, Mayor. ' j t J. H. Morrison, Recorder, j : David Seigel, Treasurer. ; Tbeo.Hill, ) J. H. Maun, 'ames Reriy, ) Awcrrnin. ' esse John;. ' c Pcblic No. 24. AN ACT to prohibit tbe "coolie trade" by American citizens in American vessols. Be it enacted ly the Senate and House cf Rep resentatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That no citizen or citizens of the United States, or foreigner coming into or residing within the same, shall, for himself or for any other person whatsoever, either as master, factor, owner, cr otherwise, build, equip, load, or otherwise prepare, any ship or vessel, or anv steamship or steamvessel, reg istered, enrolled, or licensed, in the United States, or any port within the same, for the purpose of procuring from China, or rem any port or place therein, or lrom any otuer port or place the inhabitants or subjects of China, kuowu as "coolies,'' to be transported to -any loreign country, port, or place whatever, to be disposed of, or sold, or transfei red, for any term of years or for any time whatever, a3 servants or apprentices, or to be held to ser vice or labor. And if anv ship or vessel, steamship, or steam-vessel, belonging in whele or m part to citizens of the United States, anu registered, enrolled, or otherwise licensed as aforesaid, 6hall b3 employed for the said pur poses, or in the "coolie trade," so called, or shall be caused to procure or carry from China or elsewhere, as aforesaid, any subjects of the Government of China for the purpose of trans porting or disposing of them as aforesaid, every such ship or vessel, steamship or steam vessel, her tackle, apparel, furniture, and other appurtenances, shall be forfeited to the United States, and shall be liable to be seized, pros ecuteJ, and condemned in any of the circuit courts or district courts of the United States for the district where the said ship or vessel, steamship or steamvessel, may be found, seized, or carried. Sec. 2. And be it further enactod. That every person who shall so build, fit out, equip load or otherwise prepare, or who sbill send to sea, or navigate, as owner, master, factor, agent, or otherwise, any ship or vessel, ateam ship or steam-vessel, belonging in whole or iu part to citizens of the United Stales, or regis tered, enrolled, or liceused within ihe same, or at any port thereof, knowing or intending that the same shhll bo employed iri that trade or business aforesaid, contrarv to the true in tent and meaning of this act, or in auywise aiding or abetting therein, shall be severally liable to be indicted therefor, and, oa convic tion thereof, 6hall be liable to a fine net ex ceeding two thousand dollars and be imprison ed not exceeding OLe year. See. 3. And be it further enacted, That if auj citizen or citizens of the Umted States shall, contrary to the true intent atd meaniug of this act, take on board of tiny vessel, or receive or transport 8tiy such persons as are above described in this act, for ihe puriose of disposing of them as aforesaid, Le or they bhail be liable to be indicted thereror, and, on conviction thereof, shall be liable to a tine cot exceeding two thousand dollars and be im- ;r of rcr. ; IsUnd ledg-3, Portbr.id V.ur- :cr. v-..- -.zr.Tf.c l v.' -r.u u s.. v , For continuation of works at Fort Scam rnel, Portland harbor, Maine, seventy-five thousand dollars. For Fort Warren, Boston harbor, Massachu setts, sventy-five thousand dolhtrs. For Fort Winthrop, Boston harbor, Massa chusetts, fifty thousand dollars. For fort at New Bedford harbor, Massachu setts, one hundred thousand dollars; For fort at "Willet's Point, opposite Fort Schuyler, New York, two hundred thousand dollars. For fort on site of Fort Tompkins, Staten Island, New York, two hundred thousand dollars. - For fort at Sandy Ilook, New Jersey, three hundred thousand dollars. For Fort Delaware, Delaware river, sixty 'thousand dollars. For Fort Carroll, Baltimore harbor, Mary land, two hundred thousand dollars. For Fort Calhoun, Hampton Roads, Vir ginia, two hundred thousaud dollar. For Fort Taylor, Key . West, Florida, two hnudred thousand dollars. ; For Fort Jefferson, Garden Key, Florida, two hundred thousand dollars. For fort at Fort Point, San Francisco bay, California, two hundred thousand dollars. For fert at Alcatraz Island, , Saa Francisco bav, California, one hundred and fifty thou sand dollars. For contingencies of fortifications, including field works, live hundred thousand dollars. For bridge train rnd equipage fcr armies in the field, two hundred and fifty thousand dol lars. , For tool and 6cige trains ror armies iu tho field, two hundred and fifty thousand dollars. Sec. 2. And be it further enacted, That the following sums beand the same hereby is appropriated, out of any money in the Treasury not otherwise appropriated, for the year ending thirtieth of June, eighteen hun dred and sixty-two: ''-, For fortifications on the northern frontier, including fortifications at Ggdensburg Oswe gi, at the mouth of Genesee river, Niagara, Buffalo, Detroit, Fort Gratiot, Mackinaw, aud the Sanlt Sainte Marie, seven hundred thous and dollars. ' For Fort Montgomery, at outlet Lake Cham plain, New Ycrk, fifty thousand dollars. For Fort Knox, Penobscot, Maine, fifty thousatd dollars. For fort on Hog Island ledge, Portland har bor, Maite, fifty thousand dollars!. For Fort Winthrop and exterior batteries, Boston harbor, Massachusetts, fifty thousaud dollars. For fort at New Bedford harbor, Massachu setts, fifty thousand dollars. , , For fo"rt at Adams, Newport harbor. Rhode Island, fifty thousand dollars. For fort Schuyler, East River, New York, twenty-five thousand dollars. For fort at Willet's Point, opposite Fort Schuyler, New York, fifty thousand dollars. For fort Richmond, Staten Island, New York, twenty-five thousand dollars. For fort on site of Fort Tompkins, Staten Island, New York. tty thousand dollars. For commencement cf casemate at battery on Staten Island, New York, one hundred thousand dollars. t For new battery at Fon Hamilton, at tho narrows, New York, one hundred thousand dollars. . , . - For Ft. Mifilin, near Philadelphia, Pennsyl vania, twenty-live thousand dollars. For new fort opposite Ft DeUwaro, on Del aware shore, two hundred thousvCd dollars. T V. II i, ... . . a. ui a t iuuiiroe, uamnion roi3 lrginia, Kentucky Red Top Grass per bushel. Sorghum or Sugar Cane per bushel, Osage Orange per bushel Top Onions per bushel, $1 60 1 60 1 60 S 60 20 00 2 00 GARDEN AND FLOWER SEEDS. Per Dozen papers. Warranted, MISCELLANEOUS. ilyiraiiiic Cecieut per bi tei, ! Ca! prisoned not exceeding one year. Sec. 4. And be it further enacted. That ! fiftv thousand .tnlL- nothing in this act herej before confined shall i For Ft Tavh.r Kor vt j be deemed cr ctLstiucd to apply ti or affect ; hundred thouaad dollars. ' ' - 1 r-r baTe! .-. 60 1 75 2 73 We also keep a large stock of farm Implements. Catalogues furnished on applic&lion. April 3, 1S62, nS9-2m IOWA TOPOLOGICAL GARDENS. Pruit Trees, Grape Vines, Cnrrants, Goosberries, Raspberries, etc., etc, at very large discount trom es tablished rates. . APPLES Best grafted varieties, per 100 peril 4 to 5 feet $5.00 $45 00 7 to 10 feet 10.00 80.00 PLUMS Coe's Uolden Drop Blue Gage Imperial Guage, &c, per dor. per 100 8 to 12 feet 4.00 25.00 CHERRIES Early Richmond 3.50 25,00 Dukes an d Heart varieties 5.00 GRAfES Isabella, Catawba :nd Clin 75 3,00 each a . 75 . 75 . 50 6 00 in? '--' CURRANTS -Common Red ton Diana Delaware 50cts Rebecca 50 " rnnrA 94 ' VVI1WI V w RASPBERRIES Brinckle' Orange-. Red Antwerp Yellow Antwerp-" ' Belle de Fonteney autumn bear- ....... oo , .. .. 50 White Grape - 7o Victoria 76 Cherry... -...1,00 GOOSEBEKRIES-IIoughWs Seed'g 50 Ohio Seedling 1.00 STRAWBERRIES-Wilson's Albany- 10 Boston Pino , Scott'a Seedling-. , Gennesee. . - . Triompho de Gand ": Large Early Scarlet Hudson. CHESTXUT American large siao - 1 .50 u second eue-l.CO APPLE STOCKS snitible for eolar grafting.--." 2.00 per M. JAMES WEED. Muscatiae, Iowa, March 20, 1862. n37-2m 10 15 15 15 10 10 4.00 4.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 5.00 5.00 3.00 ,50 50 60 60 60 ' 50 50 10.00 TREE PEDDLERS, 1 will sell Good Applo Trees, 6 to 8 feet hi"h at 3 to 5 lect hiirh at Extra Bize.niHny of them now in fruit, body 8 to 11 feet hih Seedling tre?s, 8 to 11 feet Red Dutch Currant, I year old u 3 vcars old Houghton Seedling Goosberry, 1 year. $J0 per 1000 35 per 109 60 per 1000 35 per 1000 4 per 100 10 per 4 per 100 100 100 100 100 Houghton Seedling Goosberry. 3 years, 10 per ReoVtnd Yellow Antwerp Rappberry-. 1 per Franeonia Raspberry 2 per Strawberry, Zo varieties, irom...z to io per li'uu Downer's PrcIiBa Strawberry 3 per 100 Victoria Rhubarb 15 per 100 Cahocn's Scedlin? Rhubarb 15 per 1C0 Scotch Hvtrid Rhubarb 30 perlCOO Seedling Rhubarb ' 10 per 1000 Rose, Hardy Summer, 20 varieties 15 per 100 Rose, Hybrid, Perpetual, 25 varieties-. 20 per 100 Rose, Climbing. 8 varietiea 18 per 100 Also a large assortment of Ornamental Shrubsat.... 12 per 100 Descriptive Catalogues sent to all applicant. JAMES L. LOOP. - ' Address, C. D STEVENS Agent. Meodota, Lasalle Co., EL January 2, 1SG2. . - n25-4m . H. M. ATKINSON, i jit in, . - , '. . AND SOLICITOR IU CHANCERY. OScecomcr or Maia and First Sts. nrownvillo, 3XT. Z?. Jan. SO, '7 2 n30-v6 ly Terry's Garden Seeds. Trefh ar.4 psre. tni raised In this poil and cUmale, for sale by 3-tf LIII, STJ.ICKLEB & CO, MIORl j. tho n nun: 7 & co. SEED W AEIEEIOUSE, 15 JOHI7 STEEET. HHW-YQRZl. SEEDS EY MAIL. SEEDS FOR TIITC FAF.ME!?. , , 5EED3 FOR THE GARDEKER. SEEDS FOR THE FLORIST. SEEDS FOR THE KURSERTMAX. fcLEDS FOR TUE AMA1LUR. SEEDS FOR THE DEALER. Send for our Descriptive Priced Gatalcgua of Vegetable and Agricultural bscda Tor 18';2. Send for our Descriptive Priced CauJogue cf Flower Seeds for 1852. " " The two combined contain the largest collection cf seeds to be found ia this country, embracing every standard and improved variety, together with uil the novelties t f tLe day. GARNET CEIILI POTATOE.S A secdlirg in troduced by C. E. Goodrich, he claims for ita high er degree of hardiness and adaptation to all soils au i weather than any ovher sort known, and in good soils and seasons, and with fair culturo, they will yield from 250 to 350 buihcls to the aero. Prioe per peck, 50e., per bushel, $1.50, per bar rel of 2 bushels, $4. All the following varieties of Seeds mailed, poit j)iid, to any part of tbe United States, (with the exception of thoso marked thus, which may be mailo l to tbo.e wUhing them by this conveyunco, at an additional expen30 of one cent per ox.,loa receipt of the amount annexed. New Speckled Lima Beans New Corrugated Pols Beam Thorburn's Non'l Cauliflower per oz. Early Paris Cauliflower do Giant White Solid Celery--- do Imp'd N. Y. Purple Eg Plant do Early Winning.tadt Cabbaga do New Cottager's Kale ........ do Early Vienna Kohl Raib- do N. J.n'b'd Cucumber (v'y long) do Early Curled Silesia Lettuce do Ne White Japan Melon (early) Huntington do (very large) Strawberry Watermelon French Scarlet Turnip Radish 75o. 75c. 25c. 60c. 20c. 20o. 20c. 30j. 20o. per pkt do do do do do do do do do do do do cts. JO -10 10 5 10 - 5 - 5 - 5 - 5 - 5 25 25 -25 per oa--10 New Madras (edible pod) Radish per pkt 10 Honolulu Nectarine Squash--" per a--30 Fejee Island Tomato pcroz. 25c.perpkt-- 5 French Upright Tomato do --15 Berlin Teltau Turnip parol--10 Extra Early Princess Peas pernt--iO Champion of Scotland, Eugenie and Na- polean Peas, each per qt--50 Largo Sweet Mou'a Peppsr--peroz. 40c. per pkt-- 5 Large Rod Onion-- per ID ioc, per oz-- iu Extra Early Turnip Beet do 7oc. do Borage -. do Mammoth German Cabbaga (extra)---- do Long Oraugo Carrct per lb 75c. do Bah.am Fir Seed do $2 00 do Ailanthus Seed do 2,50 do Honey Locust Seed do 60 do Buckthorn Seed ....do 1.00 do Black Austrian Pine Seed do 3.00 do StonePiue Seed - do 1,50 do European Larch Seed do 1.50 do Chinese Arbor Vitas Seed-. do 3.00 dv Virginia lutea, or Yellow Wood Tree, ( rare) Applo Seed per bush. $5 per qt--2o Plum Pits do -40 Strawberry Seed, 12 varieties each-.-.per kpt--2i Connecticut Seed Leaf Tobacco- peroz--25 Alsike Clover per & Scarlet Flowering Clover do Lucerne do Chinese Sugar Cano per bush. $4 per qt Cbiciree Seed per ft 75o. per oz Beautiful Scarlet Chinese Egg Plant .-per pkt 10 20 25 10 25 25 10 10 25 15 20 25 do $1.00 -75 50 25 -25 10 -10 Conrclvulus tricolor monstrous (splend) Callirrhoe pedata (beautiful) Dianthus Hcddawigii Diantbus Heddewigii Double." Dianthus laciniatus" English Prize Hollyhock (fine) Delphinium formosum (splendid) Delphinium tricolor Auricula flowered Sweet William Iponljea limbata elegantissima (splendid) Ipomaea hederaecaj.- Splendid Crimson Flax (beautiful)-- Linum Lewisii Varirgata (choice) Obiliscaria pulcherrima Splendid Hybrid Pan?y New early D warf Carnation Clintonia rulchella atropurpurea Clintonia Azurea grandiflora Lychnis Haageana Fringed Chinese Primrose Salvia SpJendong do Argentea do Auiabilis Splendid Double Zinnia Canna Warscfwiczii New Carmine SoabloMS MaurumHa Bairlftya:;" Beautiful Camellia Bilsaraj L '': G' r,l ;!' r A-i-t ' Ferina M.iju.'. xi-tij cmar; .. -. . .- Hags)" - " " Dlli-icurj csc-plea, beautiful. (bin auntinl Abrocia umbellita rspleu did annual)" Centranthos microsipnon.-. Beautiful Collections Phlox Drummondii, 5 va rieties Beautiful Collections Portulacca, 7 varieties . Beautiful Collections of Flower Sced3, 100 va rieties t Beautiful Colleo. of Flower Seed3, 50 varieties do do do 25 varieties do do do 10 varieties Splendid Trench Hybrid Gladiolus. From $1 to S20 per dozen for varieties and des cription see our Flower Seed Catalogue. J . J)i . 1 llvrilj U 11 Ji tU., do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do 10 25 25 25 25 10 10 10 25 10 25 10 25 10 25 25 25 25 10 25 25 50 50 25 10 10 CII01CL! AND RELIABLE Ey ilaii. Postpaid, to all part3 of tte UiaoJi. B. K. BLISS, Seedsm-ia and Florist, Spric'e! J, ilass VBOJ-EALE AND E-TAIi. LEAXIE Garden, Agi'culturd nrd Hora Seeds. Would iavits the attention cf irrstccr?, Fbrla?, Gardeners, &:ii a'.l interested ia A-ricaUunl pur suits, to the S in:h Edition of his D Li C 11 1 IT I VL1 -SLXD CATALOGUE fur 1S31-62, conUiainj accural destriptions of Mf3 varieties of Flower Soeds, and upwards cf 250 varieties of Vegetabb and Agricuhural Seeds with specie! directions for the culture i t each variety, so simlilui as to b understood by the most inexperienced ptrs n. It will bo maihd to all ap;;l:cnti upon receipt of a three cent sUimp. A Supplensent to th above, eontaicing a Hi cf all the novelties tctrtduced bv European Florists, the past year, with many other valuable additioiss. was publiahci in March, and mailed to all who have received a copy of the Catalogue. Particular attention is invited to his choice collec tion of French and German Asters, Carnatiioa and Picct Pinks, Cal :colarias, Cinerarias, Geruiaa Stocks, Coxcombs, Double Hollyhocks, CacidKa Flowered BaLsams, Gloxinia, Micaulus, , erbenns, h'elarg-'nium, t-ngu-a Pausies, Chi nose Piimroits, Sweet Williams, A?, received direct from the parties who erow the?9 plants for tbe English Hud Continental ExUibition-i, by which we are enabled to insure to purchasers Pure and Genuine Seeds of the be' sorts in culti vation, raised from prize flowers cr.ly. Flower Seeds by 3Iail. The following collections, embracing many of tha most desirahld varieties, (including several novel ties,) have been sent out from his establishment for tbe past eii;Lit years, and are now favorably known in every section of the country, will be sent by mail, post-paid to any address in the Union, on receipt ot the piice affixed. No. 1 contains twenty choice varieties of An nuals -$1.C0 No 2 contains twenty choice varioties of Bi- enniuls and Perennials 1.C0 No. 3 contains ten extra fine varieties of An nuals and Perennial?, embracing many of thenew sndchoicest in cultivation-. 1.C0 No. 4 contains five very choice varieties, select ed from Pkizk Flowers of English Fan cies, German Carnation aud Piootoo Piakr, Verbenas, Truffaut's French As ters, Double Hollyhocks 1.00 Any one remitting i'i will receive the four aiort- ments, postage free. The following additional assortments will &.&o bo sent nt tho prices aunexed, free of postago. No. 5 contains fifteen very select varieties of Greenhouso Seeds $3.00 No. 6 contains one hundred varieties of Annu als. Biennials and Perennials, including many new and choice varieties 5.00 No. 7 contains Cfry varieties of Annuals. Biea- nials, and Perennials 2.50 No. 8. contains twenty varieties of hardy An nuals, Biennials, and Perennials, for sowing in tha autumn 1.00 Tbe seeds contained in the abovo assortmscts are of our own selection. Purchasers who prefer to make their own selections from the Catalogue, will be entitled to a discount proportionate to tho quan tity ordered as follows. Purchasers remitting $1.00 may select seeds at Catalogue Prices amounting to $1.10 di.. do 5 10 5 40 35 $4 $2 $1 50c ap3-tf 15 Jobn-st., New-York. The Economy of Using THE FRANKLIN Family Sewing Machine. These machines make tbe celebrated GROVER BAKER STITCH, wbichbas taken the highest premi um at the Illinois State Fair, in September last, at the United Stater. Fair in St. Louis, in I860, aud at tbe principle State Fairs throughout the country. Competent Judges gave a decision in favor of this stitch, on account of its great strength and adaptation to all Kinds or family ana manufacturing purposes. The following Table will show the differcmc In favor of Sewing Machines over tbeold method of stitchiug by band. In tbe workiDS of these Machines there Is not only a great saving of labor and time, beside adding greatly to tbe heaithfulncss of the emploympu , but tbe stitch is much stronger, more elastic, ami lews liable to rip or ravel than the stitch made with shuttles aud bobbins. Time consumed In making ep Ladies' Garmeut. Silk Drens, Muslin Shirt, Merino Dress, Chemise, Calico Dress, Moreen Skirt, Night Dress, Drawers, Silk Apron, Plain Apron, np Gentlemen's Garments Gentleman's Shirts, Frock Coat, Satin Vest, Lineu Vest, Cloth,Parit, Summer Pants, By Machine. 1 By Hand, jllours. min. Hour. Miu. 1 J5 JO ; 28 26 fl 1 - 6 1 10 8 30 I 10 10 10 I '26 40 7 30 1 6 13 4 27 5 30 4 io i as By Machine. ) Br ITand. Hour. Mm. illor.rs. Min. 1 25j IS 20 1 " 40! 16 23 1 19 3 10 45 5 25 & 6 IS - 40 2 SO The Franklin Family SEWING MACHINE, Has one advantage which ts worthy of especial actcr.tlon In addition to the peculiar character of the stitch, and that Is Us adaptation to either light or medium beary work.. The Machine which at on moment Is uted on THE MOST DELICATE FABRIC, In a few mo menta ai:er can le brought to bear with tho same facil ity on cottonades and towels of the coarsest description. Itsadso'itionfor FAMILY WORK, is thus remarka ble, and gives it a superiority over every other style of machine in the Market. In order that these Machines may be placed in the baud? r,t ail elates, we have reduced the prlca of T.ur FRANKLIN FAMILY MACHINE TO FORTY VOLLARS. From tbe increase of our business for tbe last year, and the entire satisfaction our Machines are giving throughout the United States and European Countries, we are led tobieve that onr determination to i manufacture a PERFECT, SIMPLE, RELIABLE AND CHEAP MACHINE, has been fully appreciaten by the public. This policy wilt romaia unchanged, and as heretofore no Machine will be allowed to leave the office that we cannot fully warrant in every respect. We shall keep on band at all times a general assort ment of Sewing Machine msterials Needles for all machines ran be ordered by Mail or Express. Price One Dollar per dozen. Persons in ibe country, by sending us their address enclosing a letter stamp, can fcsve forwarded by return mail, one ot oar circulars cor.tsjalng the different styles of Mactuncs. list of price, and sample cf work. E. HICIIARUS & CO., Principal Apents for tbe Itortii V'est. Office and Salesroom 133 Lake S;.reet, Chicago, Illinois, E. BICHARDS. Lata of L. Cornell & Co. C. E- WIS WALL, ' JNJ.W. TAPPAX, formerly Ag't for .ha Grover H Baker Sewing Machine. Januarj9th' ulC-tt) . no jit. w. FXJirris, NOTARY PUBLIC, DROWYILLEX N. T do do '2M do do 2.25 do do 3.00 do do 3.50 do do 4.G0 do do 4.75 do do 5.00 do di fl.OO do da 10.00 do do 12.50 do do -2'J.00 da . do 23,00 do do 30.00 do do 40.00 Prices to dealers whose orders exceed the above amounts, will be given upon application. Collections of Vegetable Seeds by Iail. No. 4 contains forty-five varieties, bis Selec tion $2.00 No, 5 contains twenty varieties, his selection- 1.00 The above collections contain only the mot desi rable varieties. They are put up in packets con taining to ounces eaah, aifordlng an ample supyly for a small family for a season. Those who wih to obtain larger quantities are referred to the following collection?, which, on aocaunt of their bulk, can only be sent by express : No. 1. Co'iirLZTE Collection, sufficient for a large garden fcr one year's supply, comprising twelve quarts of Peas of the ' vfry best sorts for succession, sit varie ties each of Deans, Cabbage, Turnips, Corn; four vail, tics each of Lettuce, Onicns, Radish, Muskmclon, Watermel on, Cucumbers ; throe varieties each of Tomatoes, Cauliflowers, Celery. Broccoli, with a full Iv of Sp'nsob, Ict, C ir- y, cr--!i;-', tidily. i U O f '.-'..---. I -v . - - .... .... .... .... .... .... .."io 2. - CosrLSTS CcLLEcriOM for aniodirato eized garden, containing six quarts of Pea?, and most of the other varieties in proportion 5.00 3. Complete Collectiom for small gar den 3.C0 A list of the contents of each collection will bo found in tbe Catalogue. Thoso who prefer to purchaso B7 THB OCSC! will bo supplied by mail at Cataloguo Trices, without additional oharga for postage. tiyAU crdcrs mast bo accompanied with the cash..j3 B. K.L LISS. Feb. 3-tf SprinjrSold, Massachusetts. r-t, Ci-o an i .a s::-L ia 1 No. u ?i z - " ti ta y a " e 4- N 1-- S k .i A - 0-."? ii i c a r - ,a u d .. 1 4 cy c o o VA C3 31 C3 g f a M 3 o z 7 -Z 7 . - , a rz a ; t C x s g 5 .as a M 4 " 2 o , ; - ? - n ; -. - a e i. m -3 fc. JT.CJ -"OW- I - 1 mm i W " i. v 2-; 3 ea C a 3 7 as m u4ja 3 ro ifl ip . - o ? y.' 5 1 as r- 'Ji 5 fv - 1 1 " 5 5 wo T. I1 7 7 n ?! r s 9 ft. rl . " c , i5c " sr P : SI -1 tr 5 2 rB -P C- n ? 9 0 - 2 rr3 C " Z TO :5 Sf So o " 2 2 5..o ft? ts r " T7 " i -3 ja r -t -s. . " y ; : -r E 7. - e " - S 5 . ? Z. -, ?"a cr S - a a j o rT"1-f?-r" mm. rt m w S" r- ---r trr 5. 1 U - . a. w - a as- sits i or 2. v c 'i .33. 2 V3 . S 15 2 s o- ft -t C mm. CS - T- jm, OB 4 9 FLUSHING. N. Y. The ce'eorateii Nurseries Ettablishel, 1732. All iindg of Trees Plants, Small Frntu, Grapes, Bti1&, Green-Home Plants, Stocks, Ei- ns, Feed etc., e:c, at very lota rata, to suit tbe time. Pricea Catalogues sent. Jtarcb 13tb, 1352. n38 tf 0EAUT1FUL C0MFLEXI0II. DR. TLTOMAS F. CHAPMAN Will ?Bi to all who wish it (fr?e of charge), the Recipe and full directions f r mailing and using a beautiful vegetable Halm, that will e-JectaaI'y re move PiapLEa, Blotches, Tax, Fxecxlfs. ic.,Ac, leaving th'! skin smooth, clean, and bsautiful ; also fall d recticsfor using I'XATiiEAC'3 Celeek TEn STiJirLAr, warranted to start a fall growth of Vv'Liskers, Dra Mustaoh?, in le?s thaa thirty days. Either of t'ie above can be obtained by return rr. vil, bv addrp?s:rig (wi'b stamps for return postage) DK. THOMAS F. CHAPilA.V, PbacticaL Cjemist, 83 1. Broad ay, New York. Feb. 6.1u2. nr51-2mj A Wonderful Littls raicrcnccpe. M4Cri.'yia3 ?m.in object 5CO tim?, will be sent to any applicant fn receipt of fite? ty Jive cents in silver, ar..l ouc pint stsaip. Five of difyoront powers for one dollar. Alirt-5 XEI. SI. S. VO'JUWXZV, Kx I Bo3, Pbiiaaelibia, Ta, eW. ' "S1LL1M3 JOURNAL." lliO JiWtiUl'li iv.ilt-il A y. i , A t. V iiUii Art?. (Two Voicxss ArAtLT,ervc. M-i: r-!.,rrf) Putlubeiin natb-srs Illaimted tf '.12 to rJ evsry cthsr tu jiith via lit. Jinunry Mv.n;L, y.oj, July, cepteale.-, kd Novcs.ber, nt New Uavca, Cwun.,by Ii. STLIIM AN. JH., AND J. I. DANA 55 P?iAXM:iIX ADV.iMK. Tho Journal ij?ni, j.t yiid, aitrth Hu:ii'J paj mentis rtx-eivl kditld rr Pn,fe?r B. i'iLiA.v. P. bitr.My, Jr. an I Prof. James Dwight Dana, w II i-r., in cvunc'j.a w;:h Prof.iSA GIUY, cf Carr.brL'-c, ProfL O UISJGJSSIZ. of Cumlrhlgt Vr n'OLCOTT GIBBS of ,VY And aauirjus bile oilburAiors in sp i..l D jpsrt mntj. Th";s work has been established rnr than forty years, and Is thd fdy Journil of the kiid in tb Cnitcd States It is doaoted to Pajsioal o 1 Cheu u-i Srierc", Geology, MincralogI, Natural Hi fry, Motcorology, A.stronomy,Pfcjii.-al tieor:tdby, ml kindred depcrtaitnU cf knowledge, and eunuics Original Pupers, as well as Abdiraciaof f.;r-i;gn d.s coveries, on all these topics. An attraotive feature of thU Journal fr ("ia "n eral reader is tho Scientilj (.-orre.-pondn :e of. l'r f JlKOilS NlCKLES and others, ia Frus.ce aud other parts of Euj.tpe, giving fain. liar reports cf pn gr?-i ia scinentinio mailers. Eig5;y-twa Vtdames have already ta pub :b I Fifty in in thj first aud Thirty-two ia tu st cji. J Series. Subfcribers receiving their espies dlre-'t fr m tin Publishers remit Iheir sub-vriptions t tha OZioe cf -Silliman's Journal, New IlAveu, Coua. Miijtofthe back veluuios can b cbtain:;! cfths rubli.shcrs. All communication., remit taoecs,etc, to bs ad dressed to a SXI,I.I3XA:?&, DW.l, 0e vfSUHmuu American Journal of Xi-i?? Stie Il-tvrn, l'n. THE HORTICULTURIST, . AND J0UBXAL OF RURAL ART AND TASTU Es,tt:ifti8J by A. J. Dowii-tj la 1S15 J Peter 23. Mead & Goo. B. WooJwarcI, EDITORS A.fD raOPBltTOUS. ' . Eovotei to the Orchard, Visejerd, Garisn asi Nursary. Each annual volume of the Uomrict'LTrHTST cn tlns every sub) ect of practical uillity cuDtio.te-1 wfa Horticulture, Pomology, Lindscjv Uardeuinj. Rttral Architecture, ew , c-jnaistinjof Original Papers in ttioje depirtmeut of science, ana formiug aa liiapeiiiible ali to all who Interest themselves ia rural pursuits. Tbe following are some of the Important lutreuts iht characterire the work, awl these will be tretteJ by wri ters of well-kacwn ability. The cultivatiou and mana?saient of Grapes, taa lcat in pomological tctcre.it of the country. The cultivation of Jruit generally, wita incitratloni cf everything new. The maneineet of Flowers and Vegetables, wUh il lustrations of new varieties. Ornamental Treea and ShrubteFy, their cultivation, management an 1 artistic plaatiu. Horticultural bulldiuijs. De.'is, Plin. e'c.,f -r On- . servatorios. Hot and did Gr4jeri", Orctiari House, . Pits. Frames, Forcing Houses, and their ni uis?o-.ncnt. " Landscape Gardening nd uRtneerins, eobrcing the construction of Roads, Walls, Ornamental Witer. Tor racei, Liwns, Drainage, Hydraulics, Briges, V:staa etc.. together with illustrated plans for laying out, taiprovini Oii'lical UcbUa and Essays in all departments or Bu- ' ral Architecture, etc. Fcroiinif a larse annual volums, literal; Hlu.t.-ateJ with Quia hod KaravltiK. TERMS: One copy one year, pay bie In advance, ,$? M Four copies " --' C W Bound Volume for 1SC0 and 1551, aiid inscrip tion for - . BOO PRKilirJI FOlt CIXB3 O? SU. Any person getting np a Club of Six at 3 1 60 ei, and seudiug us Nine Dollar annually in advance wt.l receive a Seventh copy gratis, as many years aa be koops the cumber cf tha Ci"Q good. A-lditions can be made at any time. Spsctmen Cupiu without charge. TUB EWTTOV WTTT CO.'.f PI VT '. 1 Oil e. ; y . oce year, p rj.il . i u.t; mc e, - J 3 , Four &:;. n? year, " - Si ) jrw ,.'-. i -I f-w t"'v .' i t- '--r. : v.-.;- .; . .1. ii ':. tc... i. - - - ; : ' . A JU.-i.-ss a:M vrt.jmcti's. .':-..-'; ' . t,i, k. I ' -ce.e aLd e.: j.iil cc-3'io i . . itiAii m, V;oDW'.ill.U, Editors and Proprietors of the DonTictLTcnisTi 87ParkKi,w, New Yolk. The Confession and Experience of a Saflercr. Published as a warning, and for the ?peiil bore fit cf Yonng Men and those who Kiiffer with Nervous Dubility, Loss of Memory, Frematiire Dectiy, Ac .. die , ' by onj of tboii who bus curnd bim?-.f by iimt lj means, after being put to great expriHO and incoa venience, through the uso of worthies medicini.s prescribed by learned Doctors. f in?!e copies ny be had of the author, . C. A. LAMDERT, Lsq., Grcenpcint.LcKg I iland, by enclos ing a post-pflid addrnMcd envelope.. AUrtx CHARLES A. LAMLERT, E., Urcecp-inf, Long Island, N. Y. Feb. 8. 1832. fn32-2m " . . ' Bloomington lluroery, At the croslcg of the Illinois Central, and St. Loui, Alton and Chicago Railroad. EitaiilUbd 12. on the open Prairie, and contains Uu acres- Fruit, Orna mental and Nursery S:ock, a verv Urse. general tr.d reliable assortment, VUIIX CilUAl' fr Ca.h. .. Especially Adapted to tie Severe Ciimta of tie NcnJivrcst. AVTVR tTtKra from 1 to 4 years e'.d. fo tOtf 10OO. ROOT GRAFTS, $)Hper 10 Oi t . A.??L& STt)Ci3, , one to two years, electee, for grafi mi , $2; srctD-i cla, $1 per thcurtsand. MAZZAKU CHEH2.T. $Jjwt l.ttO. STANDARD AMD DWARK PKAR, CaSSRT, PLCH, PEACH, QUINCE, NSCTARlNil. ANU APRlCOT DWARF APPU3, 01.1NCE, PKaR. PLUil, AJTD ROi ST0CK.3. Ajrpft Snort 60 pr thjast.d. Cuttingt, many sorts 0y Ora-vjt. it". cuff yfr old plants, 2,60 per tbuoaaud. If'iivtm's Strawlcry,. and many other Standard Sorts tw ttjiUra Cfy tj four dollars per thousand. Graptt Ctwoa, Ciaton, Isabella, well rooted, one year old three iolra.- per hundred, twenty dollars per thousand.. Dilawart-r-ono and two years old, $1 to 'Jlo per dciea. liu larb, best sorts two to Ave dollar per hundred. Houghton Coosherry. one to two yar old one to three dollars per bandred. Dovninj't Etrr Btarinf, Mulbery four to eight dollars perd aeu. Eeerjreenj everl snrts teo dollars per thcosnJ. Sla Ji ant . Weeping Tree, Shrubs, Flower Rood Pttitt, Rutf$, an immense vaiiety mostly or.e tv tw ioiUm Cty per dci en. Patkirg carefully dune. Catalogues sent on receipt of a threo cent stamp. Aul.cts, F K PlfOFNTX, Not 14, !S6t, al3-8a Stooninton, Liimit. GRAY WILLOV7 CUTTIirGS. At $1 per hundred, $5 per taouacd. Liberal discount to the trade, or la large qnantitj'le-. Also Our usual asscrfnent ft Errreas.- Frnt Trees, OrnamenUl Trees, Struts and Plants; Hc!g Plaats, Ac. . CotaJosues furnished to all app;ian'.s. "The Evergreens " L Millie. a7-tf SAJiCKL ZD WARDS, ZitHii C ', III. Jt Trao VqIqt7ZZ3 Grap3 Vinc3 PROPAOATED PRO?! TUS OSIOi:rAIi ' STOCS. Sron7, WelUrootei One Year Old Vinet rrvn tne Ojien air. 60cut$l eich. $ito liiprr d-iz, Eelral year old vines, and No. 1, extra Urne U-ert, trt.'i be-irinj wood, $1.60 to $2.00. to $Vl !9 per doztn ALbO Cne viuen of Allen's aw wnit Iiytrid, Ana. Cleveiing, Conrord, Cuyaha;a, Cra, Ciir.t.'n, C.'s dy. Cdtawha, Diana, nerbemont, n ii t.'ord, Pro. 13'-. Ii Isbel!', Logan, Le Noir, Ldn, Irua, I.yraaa, NV.r tfn' Virglr.ia, On'srl, Op--rn Rcbrra. It. i?rs' icw Hybrid. Taylor's Bullitt, TrvKalon, L'n4cn Tiliage, jt " maoy other kinds, at low price.-. - STRAWBERRIES. trilsor"i Albany, Triumph d Grav), Je-iBy 1:4, Tro.!ope' Nsctorla. and Ansii S'naker Strwi;errie. Rtrtland, and Catawitb evr bearirg Ru-ptcrr.es, Lawon's Blackberries, itc, ail at the lowtit ratBj, E3"Sead fr a c-rcuiar. OZO. W. CAMPB15T.L, HeUware, O. Oct. 3. 15i;0. nl6-2.n. CHEAP FLOWERS c FHUIT3 ' l iii tend, ty loin, p.jsrpr.u, jj smal:. bv; mostly mixi 1 CLIPS, for i-ne d-!Ur, ar.i f : Dulbs of iauie, fir 52. Cther Aiulli, nam? J, fox enonb. ULKr.ACSOUS FEF.ENMALs. 0f 51 ort. sised KlSKS ar,d clher IlAI'DY Ak!C:-j: by eiiTS:?', or railroad, 4 to 3 dollars v r it J rr and oa'ics sorx.', about doubio iri-:e; and oor m fv.r.d snected ots in a.l, 5 J ) Vaitie?. S.mi. t. FRC!T3"of all s.-rtf, iaclullr. Dsilawaks and CcNCOED Grapks, equally rerv-on:ifc!o. Fki'it and Cxn mentai. Thkz. 25 per cent. low er than usual. All sl!y parked, to keep a m-;-tb, at purchasers cost. AJ.ire, JUilN A. KIWVICUTT. Tu8 Gr.ve r.O.,CVkCi?,TJj. i r-9 f; "if Ail-