"AiudMnrr far tftifinrs. J"A NECESSTY IN.EVERY noUSDnoLD -IV JOHNS '& CROSLEY'S -American Cement Glue ' TnKFTTlON'GKSTOU'E TM TnK WORLD. THE CIIKAPKT GJA K IN THE WORLD. rr.V if AST EtE.lliLE GI.I K IN' Til K WORLD. THE OVLT-HKLIABLK (iH'E IN T1IE WOULD. TUB WiST GLl Jf 15 TU& WORLD. --- y ' AMERICAN CEMENT GLUE It the t-nly article of the kind ever produced whieli .will 17 ft i 'in' tw WILL. MIlltJIttMU llrtlk.il' IT WILL. MEJSD WOOD ave your bjoken Furniture r vjT,:YILL MEND LEATHER " Jlerd oar ITamess, Straps, Belts, Boots Ao AT "'ILL MEND. GLASS Fave tbo uiees of that expensive Cut (Tlass Battle. V; IT WILL MEND IVORY Dcn't Ihrow away . that broken Ivory Fan it ia eas-- ily rermiecd. IT WILL MEND CHINA Tvur broken China Cups and Saucers caa be made ... as good as new. IT WILL .MOD MARBLE That piece knocked out of your Marble Mantle can . ;' be put m as strong n ever IT WILL MEND PORCELAIN -Jo matter If that Lrokeu I'itcher did cost but a , shilling a rhillinesavedie a shilling earned. : IT WILL MEND ALABASTER That Cos) y Alabaster Vese is brocken and tou can't . . t ; . i . ..1 . . matcu umunauu wui never snow when put to . gether. a. iu wij i i a i i if iii ! i i n a . n tw 3 i n w im . and in fact everything butLIetals. Any article Cemented with AMERICAN CEMENT GLUE will Tif.t thow w here it is mended Oil's "Every. Housekeeper fhou Id have a supply of Johns A Creslcy's American Cement Glue." V 1 Time. "It is so convenient to have in the house." J ' Express. ' " ,It is always ready; tit Is commends it toeverybody.' Independent; We have tried it and find it as useful in our house M wkter." Wilte's Spirit nf tkT,'-. Ubonomy A is Vi' oaltli fclUJUU per year saved in every lamny - ' by One Bottl of AMERICAN CEMENT GLUE .' Price 25 Cents per Bottle. ' Price 2J Cents per Bottle. Price 25 Cents per Bottle. . , Price 25 Cents per Bottle. Price 25 Cents per Bottle. . Price 25 Cents per Bottle. Very Liberal ncrtuclion to Wliolc- V sale Iluyers. . TEH31S CASH. CS7For Sle by all Druggists ani Storekeepers ' ' lhronzhout the conntrr, JOHNS & CROSLEY . (Sle Manufacturers.) ' 78 ' WILLIAM STREET Comer of Liberty Street. YORK. Imporlantto Iloiise Owners. Important to ISutldcrl. Important to nailUoad Conipa- nics." Important to Farmers, Tq all icliom this may concern, and it . concerns cvcrylody. JOHNS & CROSLEY'S -IMPROVED GTJTTA PEECHA CEMENT- ROOFWfL .The Cheapest and moss durable Roofing , . , . in use. IT IS FiRE AUO WATER PSOOF It can be applied to new and old Roofs of all kinds steep oifiat and to Shir.gle roofs without removing the Shingles. . 6 The tost Is only about One-Third that ofTin. Al IT IS TWICE A" DURAHLE. This articJe bs been thoronjrhly terted in New Trk City and 411 paitaof the United States Cana- da Wtit Ladies and Central and gouth America on buildings ofaJI klnJs ench as Factories" Founicrief Chtrcbeg Kail llnad Depots Cars and on Vtlic ' Building penerclly Government -Bwrra.Lgs . oto. by the principle BuiLier cueteets anp others during the pan uw jr rri has proved to be the CHEAP EST awi MUSI JJL'IUBLE KOOFIXU in use it is in rery regpoct a FfRK vatfr- weataer and tixe troop cotering- fr roges of all sinds. Tki$ ii ih OS'LY material manufantnrtd in the Lntted fi'tujet which combines the very desirable propeni. s of Elat ictf? and Duralility which are unirersr.'tv acknowledged to bcpo?.eed bvOTTT" AjIKCHA AND INDIA liUB- No Heat is Required in T Takling Application. . The expense of applying it is trilling as an- ordinary Jioof can be covered vm finished the name day. It can be applied by any one, and when finished fwrins a porftcily Firs Proof ur face with an elestic body which cannot be injured by Heat Cold or Sturms Sukixkisg of Koof LoAuua nor any external action whatever. - . JTjTQUID . GTJTTA PEKCHA CEMENT. For.. Coaling Metals of all Kinds when exposed to the Action of the Weather, and Tor Preserving and Repairing Jletal Iioo(s ' . ' . Of ALL KINDS. 'This is THE ONLY C(TXFOSITIOF KNOWN trlticli trill tuccetfUy reUt eiXrvme chaiirjct of all climate for length nf time when applied to metals to which it adheres nrmly forming a body equal to throe coats f'f ordinary paint costs much less,, and will LAST THREE' tOES AS LONO'; and from its tlasticitv is rot injured bv the contraction and expansion of TIN and otLer.ilEJAL ROOFS consequent upon audden cliiDir of tbe weather. " " ItinYJuotCKACK IN COLD OH KUN IN WARM WEATHER AND WILL NOT WASH OFF. iveaKy un ana oiner mciai roots can ce readily repaired rvith (JuMa Pcrchn Cement, and prevented from farthofeorrosion anl ltaking, thereby ensur- inc: aperfectlT water-tight roof for many years. This eemejit is peculiarly adapted lor the pieser VAtiou cf Iron railings, Stoves, Safes, Agricultural Implements, Ac-also tor pneral manutnrturers use 'GUT.TA PERCIIA CEilENT For preserving and repairing Tin and other met al re-of8 of"cvery ueFcniition, from lia great elastici fy, is not injured by the contraction and expansion of metals, nnd iciil not track tn cold nor run tn warm reaer. These materials are adapted to all climates, and we are prepared tp. supply orders from any part of the country, at short notice, for butta I'ercha roof ing in rolls, ready prepared for use, and Outta Per cha Cement in barrels, with full printed directions uons I or application. ... . -. .ii. i Afjonto "Cvantod. We will iake liltcral and sat i.-factory arrange mcntswvta refponsible parties who wuld like to establish iheuisttl vea in alucraxive and permanent basiness. 1 ' orn- TrnVii are' cash. We can givabndarit pirof of all we claim in favor f on ri priced BooSRg Materials, havinirap piied them V st rcral thousand Boofs in New York City and vicinty. . ' JOIIXS &. CUOStCY " ' SOLE MANVFACTVUEKS. tth t ' ' TV t r-O ll'.'ll. C'J J 'Corner of Liberty street,- . NEW YORK. Full descriptive Circulars and Prices will be ut- Eished tn nppnr.uun..- - 3ov.za5iiy TO THE PEOPLE OF THE iXJZNTXTIXID 3TATJ3 In the moirth of Peceniber. 1S53. the ufKlersicned f..r the firt time .nrel for hale t. the nnt.lic I)K. J.BO- fc. D0ps; IMPERIAL WI.VK B1TTEBS, and in thir short period tney Lave aiven nich uni?er!al satit-fac-tion to the many thonsamU of persons who have tried ttjeui Uit u i now an estab!il,-j article. The amount of t'xiiiran.l mental mi.-ery arihiup sinip!r frua a ne fleet of umali coniplaiuts is Fiirriiing, ana it istler. fore of the utmost lmrrtimce Vmt a eirict attention to iho least and most triiiinp: bodily all meotH should be liit; for disease of the boly must In variably affect tLe nuud. Tbe Mibscrlrersnow only ask a trial of DR. J. J30VEE DODS'S Imperial Wine Bitters from all wbo hare nor used ihem. AVe challenge the world to produce their eqnal. These Bitters for tbe cure of Teak Stomachs, Gen eral PfcbilitV. and for Pllrif vinir in.! k Blood, are absolutely ur.surtaid Lt juit nikwrom.. dy on earth. To be assured of this, it is oniy neces- cMiij m mate ma!. Tbe vine is of a verysupe- woi vLoj'.iy vnuig aootu one-third b'ronser than oth er wines, warniinir and inviporatinu the whole eystem from the head to the feet. As these bitt ers are txnic and altPrntivA in tnir Ki...4M ..UAnn.v.An and invigorate the whole system and pive a tine tone ai.'i uraitu acnon to an it part, by eitiaiizin me circulation, removing the obstructions "d producing a general warmth. They are excellent for dcifes and weaknesepecrliar to Females, where a tome is requir- cu wMirusuieii anu orace tr.e svetem. io iauyuo is subject to lasitude and Taint nrsti, shorcld be without them, as they are revivifyine in their action. A A J A-J J J ' ASM. M A v WiJl not only Cin e but Prevent ui.sease. and In this reppect are douhly valuable to the person who may use thera for INSIPIENT CONSUMPTION weak Lunps, indipestlon, DyfpenIa, disessec of the Xervous Kysttni. Paralysis, Piles, and for all cases requiring a Tonic. DR. DODD'S Celebrated Ylliie Hitters J.va UiisurpasBod. For Sore Throat so common auioug the Clergy they are truly invaluable. For the aged and ir.flrm, and for persons of weak constitutions For ministers cf the gospel, lawyer and all publia packers for "book-keepers tailors f eamat resscs. etulrnts,ar rtits,aI)d all persons lea jiLK a fedentary life, they will prove beneficial. As a beverage; they are wholesome, innocent, and delicious to the taste. They prxiuce all tbo exhierat inx erTectsof brandyor wine, without intoxicating; and are a valuable remedy for persons adicted to the use of exessive strong drink, and who -tfish to refrain from it. They ate pure and entirely free from the poisons con eaincd in tbeadultorated wines juid brandies with which the country is tloodfd. These bitters noto nly CTRE t ut rrevent disease, and should he used ty all who live in a count ry where the water is bad, or where chills and fever are prevalent. Being entirety innocent and harmless they may be giv. en freely to children and infants with impunity, Physicians and Clergymen, and temperauce advocates as an art of humanity, should assist In spreading these valuable hitters over the land, aud threhy essentially banish drunkenness and disease. In all affections of fib c Head.Sick Ilradaclie, or Xervaousilcad aebe, Dr. Hod's Imperial TVine ISittcrs Will be found to be most Salntarn and; Efficacious. FE3IAIJCS. Thp many 'cirtiflcates which have been tendered us and the letters wincn we aauy receive, are conclusive proof that among tbe women thufe Bitters have given a satisfaction which no others have ever done before. No woman in the iana snouia ?o wiinout them, and those who once u:e them, will tot fail to keep a lull tupyly. DH J Eovee Dod's IMPERIAL WINE BITTERS, Are prepared byan eminent and. skillful physician, wh has used them successfully in his practice for the las twenty-five years. The proprietor before pnmhasin the exclusive" riuht to manufacture and sell Dr. Bove. DihI.,' Ceiebrai? lmiierfal Wine tit ers, baltthem test cA bv two distio7Ui.-hed niedical practitioners, whoDro nounced them a valuable and safo remedy for dssease. Although tbe medical men of His country, as a?eu eral tfciiip. disapprove of Patent Medicines, yet we do uot believe that a respectable Physician can be found in the United States, acquainted with their niedical properties, who will not highly approve Dr. Dod's IM PERIAL WIXE BITTERS In all newly settled places, where there is always a large qnantity of decaying tin.her; from which a poi sonous miasma is created, these fitters shuold he used every niorninz boforebreakeast. DU. J. COVEi: DODS' IMPERIAL WINE BITTERS Are composed of a pure and unadulterated wine, com bined with Barberry. Solomon's Seal, Comfrey, Wild Cbery Bark, Spiknard Camomile Flowers, and Gentian. They are manufactured by Dr. Don himseir, who is an expert enced and suoresfuI physician, and hence should not be classed among the qirack nostrums which flood the country, tiidasaiait wlucta the medical profession 80 just'V C'f'i nuro . ike"trBly valu.tble Bitters have been so thoroughly tested by all classed of community, for almost every vri ety of disease incident to human sybtem,tltt they are now deemed iudlspeusable as a Tonic, Medicines and a Beverage. Price $100 per Bottle, 6 Bottles icr $5 CO It ew. Heme dies for . i .. . o ----- - - ' SPEnnATORRHffiA. II O.W XiVD "A S iS 0 CIA T 1 0 N FJIIIiADEIiPniA. A T.tnerolent lnttilution established by rperial JE dermer,t.for the Relief of the Sick and Dittretted, - dtt.-i-j u.f l'.rffVr. nnf. fhritttir DixenJteM: and especially for tK Cure of bueattt of the Sexual MEDICAL ADVICE given gratis, by the Acting gurgeoH. Valuable Kepofts on Spermatorrhoea, and other dls ... .v. r.rcruna ml nn the NEW RF.MK. rar, i ii r -. a . s i k , DT pa .n...v..t in it iisr.pnsarv. sent in sealed tetter env'e lor-es, t ree of charge. Tw o or three Stamps accepU tA.. nn x rttitiiv nfirnimiN. TToward As ociation, No. 2. S.-uth Ninth Street, Philadelphia, Pa December 12. lfai. iuj-iy Pnrcliase one Eotlle It Costs but Little! Purify tbe Itlood. Give Tosie to the Sto-macIi---llcnovasi the Sjs andProIons" Life. Prepared and sold hy CHARLES WIDDIFIELD & CO, SOLE rROriilETOS 73 William Street, Nevr York. For eale bv druggists and grocers generally through out the country. Oct. 17. 1861. PRIXDLE'S PATEST Agricullural Cauldron and Steamer. FOR RALE 221 and 223 South Water Street, Chicago, 111. Prices, Wood $35, Coal $P8, staple sizes other siics in proportion, with freight added from factory in ew 1 ork to C hicago. The advantages of cooked over raw food is admit ted by ail. The old way of boiling in kettles ia Loth slow and expensive, so much so taht but few men do it. Something more practical must be had. Steam seemes to be the only alternative. The Patentee has retaind all the advantages of the Portable Cal dron for boiling, and devised means of generating steam suCcient for ali purposes. It is simple and practical, and proves a PERFECT SUCCESS. YF. II. ACSTIX, Sole agent for Illiabis and North-Weft, 221 & 223 S. Water St., Chicago. Where will also be found Downs & Co's Deep Well Pump, Force Cisterns, Chain nnd Common Well Pumps, Thimble Skeins and Slid Irons, us trell as every variety of Farming Tools, Cast Irou Corn Shellers, Feed Mills, Hay and Platform Scales, Stoves, Ac. The above will bo Bold on account of the mauufacturers, at their respective faotory prices, adding freight to this place. January 1832. tf TREE PEDDLETtS, 7f&!3L NotlOG 2 1 will sell Good Apple Trees, 6 to 8 feet hih at $40 per I0P0 3 to 5 feet high at 35 per 1000 Extra size, many of them now in fruit, body S to 11 feet high CO per 1000 Seedling trees, 8 to 11 feet 35 per 1000 Red Dutch Currant, I year old 4.per 100 u " " 3yearsoli 10 per 100 ITough ton Seedling Goosberry, 1 year- 4 per 100 Houghton Seedling Goosberry. 3 years, 10 per 100 Red and Yellow Antwerp Raspberry -1 per 100 Fraueonia Ilaspbcrry 2 per 100 Strawberry, 25 varieties. from..-2 to 10 per 1000 Downer's Prolific Strawberry 3 per 100 Victoria Rhubarb 15per 100 Cahoon's Seedling Rhubarb 15 per ICO Scotch Hybrid Rhubarb 3fr per 1000 Seedling Rhubarb" 10 per 1000 Rose, llaruy Summer, 20 varieties 15 per 100 Rose. Hybrid Perpetual, 25 varieties" 20 rer 100 Rise, Climbing. 8 varieties 18 per 100 Also a large assortment of Ornamental Shrubs at 12 per 100 Descriptive Catalogues sent to all applicants. JAJitiS l. iuur. C. D STEVENS, Agent. Jlendt ta, Lasalle Co., 111. n25-4m Address, January 2, 1B52. Ayer's Clierry Pectoral. Pleasant Ridge Nursery. VERRY ALDR1CH, CCLTIVATOR AKU DEALER I Fruit and Ornamental Tress, Shrubbery, Evergreens, cc, Pleasant T.idse, Arispe, Bnreau Comity, Ulirois. P. O. Add-e, Ti.-kilwa, 111. JsnrarvS, 17! . . faCS 3x : - JOHN A. PONN, Has Removed From his Old Stand ou the Levee to WHITNEY'S NEW BLOCK, main street, BROWjNVILLE n t. Where he has opened up a FRESH STOCK Oo2.oiestixiGr of STAPLEASDFASCY DRY GOODS, ALSO A Large Stock of Choice Family Grir o c erie COKSISTINa OP Flo r lain, Bacon Sugar, LI classes Coflee, Tea, Salt, Cheese, Candles, And a fine assortment of LIGHT GROCERIES Such as Spice, Peppers, Soda, Salaratus, Ginger, Allspice, etc., etc. ALSO, A well selected Slock of HARDWARE AND CUTLERY. QUE ENS WARE, 53 cl ci le ic 37" B Boots and Shoes. n"lS knowledge of the trade and wants of the people of Buownville and vicinity enables him to make judici ous purchases expressly for this market. He asks an examination of his Stock, feeling a.-sured he will be able to 6ati-fy in quality, style ani prices. IT'TfSIT II IW WHITNEY'S BLOCK CHOICE LIQUOES. Wholesale and Retail. Svan Worthing, OF THE LROWNVILLE, Has juit received a choice lot of the best brands of Liauors. which he will sell by the Barrel, Gallon, Quart or single Drink. The fol lov.ins is a partial list: BRAHDIES : French, Cognac, Apple, Raspberry, Peach, Cherry, Blackberry. WINES: Tort, Hungarian, Sherry, Malaga, Medara, Champagne. WHISKIES : Bourbon, " Rye, Scotch, Irish, Manongahala, And a variety of common articles. BILLIARD- SALOON AND Ten Pin Alley. IVIIITXEY'S BL OCR Main Street, Brownville. Nevmber 14, 186. nl9-tf CLOTHE YOURSELVES. Currants, Gooseberries, Blackberries, Raspberries, Strawberries, fee, &c, &o. Of which we"have a lape stock, and we offer them very low for theFall Trade 1861, and would solicit the orders, of those wishing to purchase. Enclose stamp, aud seud for Catalogue and Price Li6t. EMSIGN & FORD, v5 n 33-Fv2t 3 Ohio Nurseries, Toledo, O A. COIV'STABIE. IMPOHTEH ANT) DEALER IN IRON, STEEL, NAILS, CASTINGS, SPRINGS, AXLES, FILES 33 213 Xj Xa O W O f - AND ' BLACKSMITH'S TOOLS Also: Hubs, Spokes, andJBcnt Stuff., Third Street, between Felix and Edmond. SAINT JOSEPH; MO. Which ie sell at St. Louis pricesfor cash. Highest Price Paid for Scrap Iron. December 1,1859. ly. Furniture! Furniture!! The taost complete stock of Fnrniture ever offered in this upper country just received by T. HI LI. Brownville, April 25ih. 1S61. 3.00,000 OSIER WILLOW CUTTINGS, Variety Pcrpuren for live fence. I will cut, bundle and deliver the Cuttings at Brownville for $5 pereightj rods; being but a little over two dollar per thousand. This is from one to three dollars less than ever offcrel before. All orders a t these prices mus be sent in before the 1st of October, Send orders by mail with n-h , to n. o. TiioMrsix, Jubratka City, X. T. MiilAUA. SLRSERY, 1 18 miles West of Nel.-a.kfi City.V August l.--nS-tf ! Oa new Air iit ir'f;tr? KrJT -'- CHEAPEST CLOTHING Ever offered in this Market. KO DOUBT ABOUT IT! CALL AND SEE FOR YOURSELVS AT THE Batimore . Cotliing Store, BUOWNVILLB, 17. T. Announce to the public that he has opened out stock of READY-MADE CLOTHING, BOOTS AND SHOES, HATS AND CAPS, CARPET SACKS, GENTLMEN'S UN DERWEAR, &C, &.C, &c. Unprecedented In quantity, quality and prices, ne is determined his prices sha'.l correspond with the times, and therefore offer here in the West, at just as low rates as f.uch goods can be purchased anywhere in the United States. As a sample of his prices he will mention that he soils Coats from $1,25 up to $15, Pants from $1 to $7, Vesta from $1 to $5. Boots. Shoes, Tlats, Caps, Fancy and White Shirts, Sus ders, Neckties, Socks, Handkerchiefs, &.c, in the same proportion. . . The proprietor embrace this opportunity of returning thanks lor past patronage, and promise to" spare no ef forts in tho future to give entire satisfaction. Cflll ClllCl SOO 33LX233.. DAVID SEiGEL. Brownville, June 18, ISCl.-ly Scrofula, or King's Evil, is a constitutional disease, a corruption of the blood, by which this iluid becomes vitiated, weak, and poor. Being in the circulation, it pervades the -whole body, and may burst out in disease on any part of it. Xo organ is free from its attacks, nor is there one which it may not destroy. The scrofulous taint is variously caused by mercurial disease, low living, dis ordered or unhealthy food, impure ai filth and filthy habits, the depressing vices, and, above all, by the venereal infection. What ever be its origin, it is hereditary in the con stitution, descending " from parents to children unto the thud and fourth generation ; " indeed, it seems to be the rod of ILim who says, "I will visit the iniriuities of the fathers upon their children." Its effects commence by deposition from th'i blood of corrupt or ulcerous matter, which, in the lungs, liver, and internal organs, is termed tubercles; in the glands, swellings; and on the surface, eruptions or sores. This foul cor ruption, wldch genders in the blood, depresses the energies of life, so that scrofulous constitu tions not only suffer from scrofulous com plaints, but they have f.ir less power to with stand the attacks of other diseases ; conse quently vast numbers perish by disorders which, although not scrofulous in their nature, are still rendered fatal by this taint in the system. Most of the consumption which de cimates the human family has its origin directly in tlds scrofulous contamination; and many destructive diseases of the liver, kidneys, brain, and, indeed, of all tho organs, arise from or are aggravated by the same cause. One quarter of all our people are scrofulous ; their persons are invaded by this lurking in fection, and their health is undermined by it. To cleanse it from the system we must renovate the blood by nn alterative medicine, ' and in vigorate it by healthy food and exercise. - . " AYER'S ' - Compound Extract of Sarsaparllla, the most effectual remedy which the medical skill of our times can devise for this every where prevailing and fatal malady. It is com bined from the most active remedials that have been discovered for the expurgation of this foul disorder from the blood, and the rescue of the system from its destructive consequences. Ilence it should be employed for the cure of not only Scrofula, but also those other affec tions which arise from it, such as Eruptive and Skin Diseases, St. Anthony's Fire, Hose, or Erysipelas, Pimples, Pustui.es, Blotches, Blaixs and Boils, Tumors, Tetter and Salt Rheum, Scald Head, Uingworm, Hheumatism, Syphilitic andMEUcuiu.YLDis eases, Dropsy, Dyspepsia, Debility, and, "indeed, all Complaints arising from Vitia ted or Impure Blood. The popular belief in impurity of the blood" is founded in truth, for scrofula is a degeneration of the blood. The particular purpose and virtue of this Sarsapa rilla is to purify and regenerate this vital fluid, without which sound health is impossible in contaminated constitutions. Ague Oure, FOR THE SPEEDY CURE OF Intermittent Fever, or Fever ami Ague, Remittent Fever, Chill Fever, Dumb Atrue, Periodical IleadaeHe, or Bilious Headache, and lillious Fevers, indeed for the whole class of diseases originat ing in biliary derangement, caused by the Malaria of Miasmatic Countries. We are enahled here to offer the community a remedy which, while it cures the above complaints with certainty, is still perfectly harmless in any quantity. Such a remedy is invaluable in districts where these afflicting disorders prevail. This "Cure" expels the miasmatic poison of Fever and Ague from the system, and prevents the de velopment of the disease, if taken on the first ap proach of its prcaionitory symptoms. It is not only the best remedy ever yet discovered for this class of complaints, hut also the cheapest. The large quantity we supply for a dollar brings it within the reach of every body ; and in bilious districts, where Fever and Ague prevails, every body should have it and use it freely both for cure and protec tion. A great superiority of this remedy over any other ever discovered for the speedy and certain cure of Intermittents is that it contains no Quinine or mineral, consequently it produces no quinism or other injurious effects whatever upon the constitu tion. Uhose cured by it are left as healthy as if they had never had the disease. lever and Ague is not alone the consequence of the miasmatic poison. A great variety of disor ders arise from its irritation, among which ore New aJrjia, Rheumatism, Gout, lleaaliehe, Blind' ncss, Toothache, Earache, Catarh, Asthma, Pal pitation, Painful Affection of the Spleen, Ihster ics, Pain in the Botcels, Colic, Paralysis and De rangement of the Utomach, all of which, when originating in this cause, put on the intermittent type, or become periodical. Thi3 " Cure " expels the poison from the blood, and consequently cures them all alike. It is an invaluable protection to immigrants and persons travelling or temporarily .residing in the malarious districts. If taken occa sionally or daily while exposed to the infection, that wdl be excreted from the system, and cannot accumulate in sufficient quantity to ripen into dis ease. Ilence it is even more valuable for protec tion than cure, and few will ever 6uner from Inter mittents if they avail themselves of the protection this remedy affords. Prepared hy Dr. J. C. AYES io CO., Lowell, Uass. JOHN MAUN, J. J. THURMAN, Druggists, Browpvillft, N. T. SEED POTATOES. "Woodstock, Ash Leaf, Kidney, Fink Eyes, Scoteh Blues and Blue Knsty Coats.at One Dollar per bush el delivered at the Office of the "Nebraska Farmer." 100 Varieties Grape Tines. The Largest Collection West of Xew York. Delaware, Diana, Rebecca, rierbemont. Uartford Prolific, Concord, Union Village, Franklin, Outaric, Cugahoga, Canadian Chief, Taylors Buliett, Jla a taway, Creveling, Clolinta and over 70 other kh ds t eastern catalogue rates. Isabella, Catawba and Clinton at 25cts each, 2 rjr dozen, 1 ) per 100-.- - - au?. 10 1. - aj T.i'AiiA :;unsr:nr. - if - XT'- I n J D on PC j ha 1 N p llln MAIN STREET. BROWNVILLE, N. Takes pleasure in announcing that he has now on Land, a large anil select stock of every art cle I his line, COOK iEOTlHlS Of all the improved patrers ; viz: Plymouth Bock, Charter uaS, Vail ey orge, Elevated Oven, ic, Box and Parlor Stoves of an endless variety, some of which are entirely new designs, via : A combined Cooa anil Parlor stoves, sometaing very nice itaeea for small famines 30 VARIETIES STRAIYBE Amoc which are "vTi'.-wiN Albany V 5 per 1000 : Jenny Lind. I.5o t.J P-T ' J'J or de'Uand, 02 per Hi) ; Dostonr-Lne. JT,,. Ilookers, DIack Prince, Hay Queea '. ,e-e?, kinds at $1 per 100. n4 oilur Hants of Randolph Fine Srnn!TTf t-. per do. - - -.,, atJ Ao. 1581. Arm"! nTVn. 20,000 young and straight Acpi,TM . . hardy varieties, at $3 per handed. ,J twea'j "WANTTD. Twenty-fire Iioct frr ir ei-htal high prices, to be paijf,. 9n Stock at low prices. Orinoco Tobacco Spp.i Put no in r-aners saSciont t , 15cts ; a red stamp to he eacluseii to rl'v l rxistaje. isvura. Wanted.. 30 busnels seed sinn? AVhMk . . AU the above to be delivered at Bwl;!? aus. iao K. 0. TP.DMTKsnv Evergreens for the Train? m An immense stock of yoonz Ever-T.. " Ornamental Trees, Uoughtoo Gtw-rrVnI!ecj J ccllci in tbe country, are otrerej"bT ,k 'l -dred, thousand, or tea tnou5aCa ch-, - ,et ,: planti cau be hoiinhf elsewtiera p-. V J ic,,tt -a without eitra rh .ra v , 510-1 l!tUA ... at trirtinz cost. ' p nl ty s.r.rM Miscellaneous. HEAVY SHEET IKON E0K SUGAK U0ILERS And Large Cast Iron Kettles from 8 to 22 gallons. Coal and Lard Oil Lamps Brass Copper, and sheet Iron Ware; Lanterns, Shovels, Stc JAPANNED WARE, I have procured the right to manufacture a late simple and improved self-sealing Pruit Can to which I call the attention of the public. All of which I pleil.e myself to sell at as fair rates aud on as accomodating terms as any other establishment in this region of the country I am prepared to put up guttering and spouting and all other work of my line at the shortest notice, and in a workmanlike manner, which 1 warrant io pive satisfaction. I pledge myself not to be un lorsold In the upper country J. C. DEUSER. Brownville, August, 30 1S6i. M ZsiU tz4 SS'L Ai ILATEST NEWS. 01 b (j i Li LI d ' ilijlL. r Ifina i& n y is ie: si 1 1) . I 5 The Wishinir In Mik... i . sale Catalogue Viludira. or t Evergreens. 8 I'r"Seaatu Address S. T. KELSET 4. ".-) Great Valley Xarserie, Great y,; s y Farmers Look to Yonr htcmt' U paying and wiU coutmne W pay WHEAT and PRODl'tEL ' in goods. Jfj stock of Goods consist, ct BOOTS and SHOES -HATS and CAPS, DRY GOODS and ' GROCERIES' HARDWARE, b QUEENS WARE, NAILS-, DOORS and WINDOW SASH, GLASS and PUTTY PLASTERING HAIR. SOc wrta. TUBS and BUCKETS, ' flour, bacon, . MEAL and POTATOES. 1 also, keep a well selected stock of Calf r-o r-- and Sole Lether for manufacturing .' y'L"5T' BOOTS and SHOES, which I will warrant U give satisfaction. TWi l mJ PB prices to nit the tisw. which wiU be cheaper than gcs haTe aetn-di before, for Cash, Hi-I's, Wheat or Prod ace of 11 but no credit will be jiveu. -. Brcwnville, August 1st, 1S61. . ao4ifJ GREAT IMPROVEMENTS IN EMPIRE . SHUTTLE MACHINE. Patented February 14 th, ISeO ' 2r Mi lias t S1 B n (1 i.lLiw CHOICE BOTTILED ILHTOMg, Salesroom, 510 Broadway. NEW YORK. lnis Aiacnine is constructed on an entirely oe principle of machinery, pos.-in many rare and val uable improvements, having boen exaioined by tbe most profound exnerts, and pronoum-ed to be ilil PL1CITY and PERFECTION COHUIXED. The following are the principal objections org! against sewing .Machines . . 4. Incapacity t sew every descriptiuaof material. 5 Uisajreeable noUe while in operatica. UK ma BOOTS LJ?3 3 ; i J E W E L E Y. Ear Rinrs. Shirt UutWns, Rinrr I'lnrrer Bracelets, i Breast Pins, &.C.. &c. Come and see and Secure Bargains. TMIHD MSILIL. Brownville, August, 30, 1SG0. BROWNVILLE 1. Lxcessive fatigue to the operator. 2. Liability to get out of order. 3. Expense, trouble and loss of time in repairing. The Empire Sewing Machine h Exec;t - from ali these clructss. . - . rt has a straight nedle perpendicular oti--3 makes the LOCK or SHUTTLE STICH, which wid NEITHER RIP nor RAVEL, and is alike on bota sides; performs perfect sewing on every description, ofm terial,fromLeatherto the finest Nansook Mer lin, with cotton, linen or silk thread,from the cct sest to the fin3st number. Having neither CAM nor COO WHEEL, and tbe the least possible friction, it runs as smoothly u glass, and i$ Emphatically a Noiseless Machine! It requires twenty-fire per cent. lss power o drive it than any other Machine in market. A girl of twelve years of ae can work it steadily, without fatigue or injury to health. Its strength and WONDERFUL SIITPLICITY of construction render italmots impossible to get it out of order, and is GUARANTEED by the company W give entire satisfaction. We respectfully invite all those wbo may de.'ire t supply themselves with a superior article, to ca acl examine this UNRIVALLED MACHINE. But in a more special manner do we solicit the patronage of . . Merchant Tailors, Drjs Makers- Coach Makers. ' Corset Makers, Hoop-Skirt Manufacturers, Gaiter fitters, Shirt and Dosom Makers, ; . Shoe Binders, Vest and Pantaloon .Makers. KT"Roligiou3 and Charitable Institutions will la liberally dealt with. . . Price of Machines, Complete: o. I. or Family Machine, $45,00: 2 Stna.'l sijed Manufactunng, $00,00; No. 3 Largs sea Manufacturing, $75,01). Cabinets in Every Variety. .'. We want Agents lor all towns in the Unr- States, where agencies are not already esUbliahcd, to whom a liberal discount will be given, bat wa make no consignment. T. J. LIcARTIITJIt &. Co., 510 Broadiray, Aeiv York. ? ; 2z - Takes pleasure in announcing to the citizens of Brownvile and vicinitr, that he has just opened a new l,ivjluy STABLE, where he will always be reaay to lurniih gentlemen vith ie Crriaes, etc CHARGES -REASOHIBLE. i I ON A VINES. ... MT Stock of native vines comirise. ail'.he nt- ble varieties with which I am acquainted. The laots have been produced with groatcare,underth most favorable, circumstances fur healthy develup ment,and surpajs in excellency any thai I hare here tofore been able to offer. . For the fall trade, only a limited supply of Union Tillage, Leno:r,( Lincoln,) Pauline, Eisinburg, Tay or (or Bullitt,) and Allen's Hybrid is offered. 01 best Delaware layer, also, the supply is not large, but quality uncqualod. , . The atock from Delaware, single eyes grows both in house and open- air, is large and fine. Forv.DS yard planting some strong vines, grafted on Cataw ba and Isabella stocks, are ofTered at '1cw price roots very strong. ' ' Very large laytrsof Diana, ITerbemon., ana ton- cord, grown with especial care for .immediaie o ing. Good layers of Anna,R-igers' Hybri 1, 12 kindi also Clara, Cassidy, To- Kalon, Rebecca, Juir Louisa, Logan, Emily, Canbj'a August, LIadj:E, Prolific, Cuyahoga. Ac. .,; A general assortment of foreign varieties If vi neries. ' . " , Of Downing's Everbearing Mulberry the wp?j7 is not large, and a great part of the trees ah-sady ordered. They are very vigorous, and tne woou well grown and matured. Wholesale descriptive Ii3t sent to wose u w to form clubs, on application. List al sent ta dealers. Fourth edition of Illustrated Catalog sent for two three-cent stamps It is designed to be a full and comprehensive treatise on in wu ment of the vine, giving such information as pur chasers and growers are supposed to need- rari.o nli.i-aAftna r riven for the preparation of taa soil and planting, and the direcUonj for traima? areillustrateii by many carefully preparJ engrav- ,D?hi dflvrintions of the varieties will be found accurate and trustworthy, being drawn from person al knoweledge, and very extensive observation. . IONA, NEAR TEEKSK1LL; TFestcIiester CoX orfr' OUEKAOT SEED.- ' . A limited supply of choice Seed, warrn tod f res i nd rure. frsale by II. A. Tr-iii . N. y. Put up in twenty-fiva cent pca0-es ana ,eni by mail, post paid. Crescent City, Iowa, Jauuary, 18-. " a to. Grapo Viass. - Brownvilb. Juce loIh.'lSGl'.' MIX ASXAtL. "Crevelin" Orders for Vines of thi ' really d liciout an J early Grape accompanied by Cash will receive r rou:t l attention. . . j G..od one year Vines, 50a each, $4 rerdoicn. Good two year Vines, flS:?;.h.rrr. 3, i.'Jl-TL0 U. t -