Nebraska advertiser. (Brownville, Nemaha County, N.T. [Neb.]) 1856-1882, March 13, 1862, Image 3

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lectiow or School I)iBEeTois.-An
election will be held at the School House
. . jg city on Thursday next, between
" jjjghoura of 12 and 3 o'clock Tor the
r:rpose of electing one School Director
for Brownrille School District. This is
. in impwt&nt matter and we-hope to see
j b general turn out of citizens.
j Wri.coM e Home. Adj't Jjro. L. Car-
of this City, who has been East since
I KtfaIIreached horae today- We are
glad to see him looking: so well. His return
js uelcomed by a host of. friends here
: ted hereabouts.
Tni5 roR the Mines. A heavily
ladeo train, freighted with powder and
four, left this placn for Denver on Sat
urday last. The freight belongs to Ho ad
tT Si Atkissox," of this city. Rogers
& Eko.'s, also of this, place, nre the
freighters. Each wagon was drawn by
four horses.
.' Freighters' will bear in - mind that the
Brown ville route is traveled more than
tiry other South of the Platte, during the
winter and spring. Freighters from Ne
braska City all intersect the Brownville
"route fifteen or twenty miles directly
xtei cf the latter place. There are less
streams to cross ; better roads; better
"settlements extending further out; and the
I rouieis shorter to the intersection of the
Leavenworth and Fort Kearny roads.
Daily Jsonpahiel, Coukcii. Bluffs,
Iowa. Do you want the very "latest
'fiews?" If so, subscribe for the Da ily
.Yorjancl, publisnea by v. v. iuay
kied. Council Bluffs. Iowa. By it the
. rews can be had in this place two days in
advance of the St. Louis papers, liy tne
.Ymparkl we get the latest telegraphic
reports from all points East and South
the next morning after, publication,
'That's "empAai," Bro. Mayward, and
"we will take occasion to "say so, fre
quently." .
Terms:: 75 cts. per. month. . Those
desiring the Jonparicl can leave their
csmes at this office, and we will take
pleasure in forwarding them. Make up
& club;
- Lost A Sliver Tobacco Box.
A Silver Tobacco Box was lost somewhere In Brown
rl'.le' the pst week ribbed on botn sides, a square
f Iain tpot in the centre. Aside from its Intrinsic val
ue, it i i rained because of being a present from a friend
many years ago. Ttoe fluder will be satisfactorily com
pensated 07 leaving it at the Advertiser Offlce.
American Agriculturist for March
Orakge Judd, Publisher, 41 Park
Retv, New York. SI a year; tcn-c-:r.t
. cumber. Particular attention is ca.!'
to the proposition on page T2 cf the
American Agriculturist for T.Xarch, for
fa'thering enrly 6tat istics of the amount
, and prospect of the .growing crops at diff
erent periods during the summer. The
Agriculturist lot March contains some
one hundred and fifty separate articles
for the Farm, Garden and Household, all
carefully .prepared, including .also three
larre beautiful engravings, and several
smaller ones; a full Calendar of Opera
tions for the Farm, Orchard, Garden,
etc.; a prize article on the -culture cf
eats: a prize article giving full details
for the family vegetable garden ; and the
lalance of one ' hundred recipes for corn
tread and cake. .
, riTEJtsojr ros April Is on out table, and an excel
lent somber it is, too. A fine steel engraving, "Ru
inous yrlcen," any quantity of Fashions and Pattern
TUteS, and filled with good reafiing matter.
' The Hokticcltusist ad Jo venal or Art and
Hernia. Taite. The Febrnarr number of this always
Interesting and' useful periodical, Is on our table. H
contains a beautiful colored plate, Gladiolus Mrs
Reynolds, a new and charming variety of this now very
prominent beading plant, taken from the London Tlor-
wt. Xo Horticulturist should be without this work.
6ee prospectus in this ksu of our paper.
Horace Waters' Xew Mrsic.To Horace Wat
ers, Publisher, 4SI Broadway, Kew Tork, we are in
debted for new sheet music "Our Generals Grand
March.-" Price 60 cents. The fronticepiece is a Cne.
Iulike colored plate of Scoti, McClellan, Blenker,
&ctk ell. Sickles, Anderson, 'It 'Cook, Rosencrans,
ool, Bai.'er, Hunter, Sigel, Sprague, Prentiss, Kank
fe'.d, Tyler, fc'.trfiside, Banks, Fremont, Lander, Helot
ileaatt, Dix, c!14 aBl s,0De-
Grace Creevwool' Little Pilgrim, for March,
received. Itis thefces. JnenUe publication in the
rnlted States. Tne children like it never lay it aside
titua 'tread i&rti.-st." rkm i .cries ar so applicable to
overy-iay Hfe an4 ali'ieacfc a t,rI iSoa. Terms
0 ten to year j Five copies $2; .rten copies $5
lrv copies $15. Addrass X. K. Lijip:ncott' M WN
nnt street, Philadelphia.
Atlantic .Moktblt .Tbe Match lumber teJore
. s naed only to acnounc the contents to atiaf y
our realers that this number is one of ueasual inter st
The Fruits of Free Labor in the fimalVer Islands of Ih
British Vest Indies ; A Story of To-Day ; Mountain
Tictcresj The l of the Rifiej ignes of Sorrento;
Methods of Study In Katural History; The Southern
Cross; Concerning the Sorrows of Cbtk!tod; TheRe
.kabilitatioii of Spain; A Raft tbal do Man Made ; Fre
J moot's Hundred tays in Miftonri ; Rirdofredom Swain,
Isq , to Mr. Iloaea Siglow; TaxaUon; Voyage of the
Good Ship Union.
Ht will dpi
w v i Ul v a , v a v a.a - w v
.c'.?ty, at its monthly meeting on Tuesday
evening next, (18ih.) at 7 1-2 oclock.
-The 'blic are invited to attend.
'Ieciver jTOR Nemaha Lard Orricr,
We are p to announce that S. R
Jamisgk, Ecn.t gg Falls City, has re
ceived the appokiuoent of Receiver of
putlic moneys foxihe emaha Land Dis
trict. JIr. J. is an excellent business
iiuii, il i.Aix sm juwvwh wi Liiyrt,
we have no. doubt,, a Taluable jacquisition
to the place, and we hope he will accept
the office, and, together with Mr. Bar
rett, set the machine at work.
Krw Kotice. Vi'e want Wood at
In Eelatton to Jload$, to Reqidate the Diipotal of
the Road Fund, and Ful'j to Define the L'utUt cf
f?EC, 1. lie it tnaded ly ie Council and House
of Representative! cf the Territory of Xcbrathct
That tLere shall be elected at tbe ancual election in
the Fall cf A. D. ltC2, and ai;uun.'.lj thereafter one
supervisor or ivoaas lur each road district within the
several counties cf the Territory, who ehall bo' J his
effiee for one year from the rat of Atril next sue
ceeding his election, or until his successor is elected
and qualified. Such Supervisor must reside in the
district for which te was elected; and in the elec
tion or said Supervisor no elector shall vota for
more than one supervisor, tad none other than the
one residing in the tiistnct where such elector re
Fides. But no pkrson may terve as Supervisor who
is exempt irom periorminir labor on trie hichway.
Sec. 2. It tball be the duty of thj County Clerk,
within twenty days after the said election, to notify
said Supervisor elect of his election; and said Su
pervisor elect, thus notified, shall appear before said
County Clerk between the fifteenth day of March and
the first day of April, and qualify us required by law.
bec. 3. fcach supervisor so elected shall be re
quired to give bond to the county in any sum of not
less than double the amount of road tax which
be expended undea bis direction, with such security
as shall be approved by the Clerk of the County ;
conditioned that he will faithfully and impartially
uiscnarge tne amies oi ins omco according to law ;
which bond shall be filed and kept by the County
Clerk among the papers of his office. And In the
event cf a vacancy occurring in the office of Super
visor, it shall be the duty of the County Clerk to fill
such vacancy by appointment ; and tha person ap
pointed to fill such vacancy 6hall, before entering
upon the duties of Lis office, give the bond required
ia iuis election.
Sec. 4. Any Supervisor elect, after having been
notiSed as required in section two of this Act, who
shall not appear before the County Clerk (unless
prevented by sickness or other sufficient cause) with
in tha specified time, and give bond, take and sub
scribe on oath or affirmation, to be endorsed on his
bond, that he will faithfully and impartially dis
charge the duties of said office according to law and
to the best of his ability, shall forfeit ard pay the
sum of five dollars ; and in case of bis failing or re
fusing to pay said fine, it shall be the duty of the
County Clerk to collect said amount by suit before
any Justice of the Peace in his county, tcgether
with the costs of prosecution, in tha name of the
county, and apply the same to the road fund in the
ditrictfor which said Supervisor was elected.
Sec. 5. That the Commissioners of tha several
counties shall Have power to alter tho roa 1 district!
as may seem to tfccm proper: Provided, however,
That in nocase shall anyroad district be so consti
tuted as to be within the limits of two distinct vo
ting precincts; and it shall be the duty of the
County Clerk, upon application, to furnish each Su
pervisor with a particular description of the boun
daries of his district.
Sec. 6. It shall be tho duty of fcach Supervisor to
notify ail able bodied male residents of his district,
between the ages of twenty-one and fifty years, to
perform one days labor of oight hours, upon the roads
under bis direction, at 6uch times and places as he
may deem for the public convenience, giving them
at least three days notice to that effect : Provided,
That all persona over the age of fifty years are ex
empted from paying tax for the benefit of roadf,or
of performing said one days labor in lieu thereof.
Sec. 7. If any person liable to work on the road,
after being duly notified as above provided, shall
neglect or refuse to perform labor, by himself or an
equivalent substitute, or to payono dollar in money
in lieu thereof, or send a satisfactory excuse to said
Supervisor within five days thereafter, it shall bo
the duty of such Supervisor to collect the same, and
costs, by suit before and Justice of. the Peace in the
county in which his district is situated ; and the
delinquent list, furnished by tbe Supervisor under
oath, shall be received in evidence on the trial of the
case, and no personal property ehall be exempt from
sale to satisfy said tax and costs of suit.
Sec. 8. The Supervisor shall collect all specific
tax let ied on lands for road purposes, by giving three
days notice to all persons owning lands and living
in his district, persomlly, or by leaving a written or
printed aotiee at each persons usual place of resi
dence, specifying tho tieie and place where such tax
may be paid in work. Said Sujervisor shall allow
all pontons working out said specific tax under bis
direction, the sum t,f one dollar and fifty cents per
day each : and for each team with a wagon, plow or
scraper, one dollar and fifty cents per day ; and all
lands upon which said tax is But paid on or before
the first day of June following, tha levy of taxes
forcounty purposes shall become delinquent, and the
County Treasurer shall proceed to collect said tax at
the same time and in the same manner provided by
law for the collection of county taxes.
Sec. 9. That the Supervisor of the respective dis
tricts are hereby authorized to procure, if they
"Joetu it ufcftsfary, a tffi and one or t-joro scrapers
fvr the u.-- of tU t-i I U.t .'.a; Vj- ro-it tiirc,f t.
ba raid out t.f the r . j fut i or' r j ... .s.'i '. :. c : 1 iii-
1- ed Lv tbe (
With the Supervisor
Sxc. 10. If any SupeniT ahail m ctor j'efasa
to keep the roads of Lis district in good repair, as the
number of hands and amount or road tax under his
eontrul would reasonably enable him to do, he shall
be liable on bis official bond to pay a floe cf net less
than five nor more than fifty dollars, to bo recovered
by civil action before any J ustice of the Peace in th e
couuty; which fine, when collected, shall be paid
into the district road fund for said Supervisor's dis
trict. Sec. 11. It shall be the duty of the Supervisors
of the several road districts to cause a guide-board
to be placed at the beginning, terminus, and inter
secting of any county and Territorial road in bis
district; which guide-board shall be attached to
duraele posts or other permanent fixtuies, and the
names of and ditaneos to, tbe principal towns or
places on said roads shall be begibly painted thereon.
Sec. 12. If any person shall wilfully injure or
destroy the posts or guide-boards so erected for the
public use, the person so offending shall bo deemed
guilty of a misdemeanor, and upen conviction there
of before any Justice of the Peace in the county,
shall be fined for said offenca in a sum of not less
than five nor more that twenty dollars and costs cf
Sec. 13. All monies collected by the Supervisor of
roads in lieu of labor in discharge of poll tax, and
the proceeds of all fines collected under the provis
ions of this act, (not otherwise provided,) shall be
expended by the prover Supervisor for tho improve
ment of the roads in his district.
Sec. 14. Supervisors of roads shall make an an
nual settlement under oath, with tho Board of
Cuunty Commissioners at their April term, showing
the amount of money which has come into their
hands by virtue of their office, and how the same has
been expended : Provided, always, That the County
Commissioners, if they deem it expedient, shall have
power to cite anj Sujervisor to appear before them
at any other time, and make settlement as herein
provided, giving them reasonable notice therefor;-
and the said .supervisors r ball te allowed tne sum of
one dollar and fiJty cents per pay, (payable as here
inaltcr provided,) upon the order of the County
Commissioners, for all time necessarily engaged in
overseeing the expen iitura of work on the roads,
(not exceeding the sum of twelve dollars to each
United States township within his district,) and the
further sum of five dollars for giving notice as pro
vided in section eight of this act and in making
settlement as required by law, after deducting the
one day labor required by this act to be performed
iu discharge of poll tax ; and in default of making
such settlement, shall forfeit all claim to allowance
for extra services.
Sec. 15, Thai one third of all moneys paid into
the county treasury in discharge of road tax, shall
constitute a "County Road Fund," which shall beat
the disposal of the County Commissioners for the
general benefit of the county for road purooses;
that the other two-thirds of all moneys paid into the
county treasury in discharge of road tax, shall con
stitute a "District Koad Fund," which shall be ex
pended only in the district from which it was col
lected, and only for tho following purposes .
1st. For the construction and repair of bridges
and culverts. v .
2d. For the payment cf damages of the right-of-way
of any country road.
3d. For the payment of wages of Supervisors, and
fot the expense of procuring the necessary guido-
boW'- .... , ...
AtK lor tne wmem oi ine wazes oi oommu-
c;nn,N xf lioads. Surveyor. Chainman, and other
persons envged ia locating or changing of nny coun-
ty road I vvlcu, uuicvr, iiiuk uu vuiulj vvm-
missioners shal' haTe power, upon receiving a peti
tion signed by at Jeast two ttirJ9 01 tne quaea
electors of any district to rd that any road mon-
J ' a it. J -
ended in other district, ncder the direction of
the proper supervisor thereof.
Sec. 1, The County Commissioners niay let con
tract to the lowest comnetent bidder Jor tne lm
T.rovemrnt cf such roads u mil v be of reneraJ neces-
E a
sity, and pay for the same by orders on the cou.ity
treasury, payable out of the Uounty Itoad t una ; but
no contract 6hall be entered into lor a greater sum
than double the amount of money on hand in the
County Uoad Fund; and every bidder, before enter
ing on any wcrk pursuant to contract, shall give
bond to the county, with at least two good and suffi
cient surities, in any sum donble tbe amount of the
contract: which bond shall be approved by the
County Commissioners, conditioned for the faithful
execution of tha contract.
Sec. 17. In case of any sudden dams go or injury
to any bridge, culvert, or road, the Supervisors may
on one days notice, call out any and all able-bodied
men under fifty years of ago in his district, (but not
more than two days at any one time, without their
conwnt.) to effect all repairs immediately necessary
thereon ; and persons so called out shall be entitled
to receive ona doHar and twenty-five cents per day
from the District Road Fund of the proper district,
vjtoa certificate thereof oy the to tho
Count? Commissioners, who shall allow the same as
mm? jv mar ee jun aua rrascaaeie, am issue on
crder tLeicttr. , .
'J C
Sec. 13. If any able-bodied rean. xthn lnt enm
menu! as provided in the proceeding section, fcdk to
appear and labor diligently, by himself or hi sub
stitute, or send satisfactory excuse therefor, he is
ne oi nve collars, to be recovered by
citiI sctioa before any Justice of the Peace of the
Sec. 19. It is herct-y made the duty of the several
uprnors to receipt to jersons having performed
Mikojionme roads (m?e:-tin' therein a particular
fennel in discharge of rond tax thereon) whenever
j J eieuiana a. receipt therefor, (Pro
vided, That they shall ree;ipt for no work until the
same is actually performed,) ani no receipt of any
Supervisor, nnless made ott as herein required, shall
be received by the County .Treasurer in payment of
Sec. 20. "Whenever the InnaMlants in anyconnty
desire the opening of a new road, or the discontin
uance or change of any road heretofore established,
i-urj euau give at least twenty days notice by posting
a notice in the court-bouse door and at three other
public places in the vicinitv of tha road sought to ba
located, changed, or discontinued, setting forth the
time wnen they will apply by petition to the Board
oi. voji. y Commissioners, giving a particular state
ment of the location, change, or discontinuance
sought to be effected.
Sec. 21. Upon tho rresentation of a Detition
signed by at least ton landholders, residents of the
county, alter notice given as provided in the pro
ceeding section, the Board of County Commissioners
Ehall proceed to hear tho parties interested in the
casa, and if, in their judgment, it is probable that
ine location or change proposed will advance the
interests of the county, or is essential to the inter
ests of the applicant, they shall appoint a comp-etent
ana disinterested person, a Commissioner, who. after
being duly sworn to faithfully discharge his duty
witnout fear, or hope of reward, shall proceed to
view the road proposed : and if, in bis opinion, the
publio good require the proposed new road, or change
in a road already established, he shall proceed to lay
out, mark, and plat the same according to law ; and
ior mis purpose may employ a surveyor, two cnain
carriers, and one axeman, who shall be a'.lowud by
the County Commissioners such compensation for
their services as shall be just and reasonable. .
Sec. 22. It shall be the duty of the Cemmisiion-
er, witnm twenty days after makin? the location
and survey as provided in the preceeding section, to
make out and file bis report, together with the plat
and field notes, with the County Clerk, who shall
record tne report in a boolt to bo kept for that pur
pose, after which such location nd survey shall be
deemed a county road. -
Sec. 23. If, in the opinion of the Commissioner.
the public good does nob require the location or
change proposed to bo made, he shall so report to
tho County Clerk without unnecessary delay, who
shall record the report as above provided, and the
petitioners shall pay all cost accruing in tho case!
and to this end the Board of County Commissioners
shall require tao or more of the petitioners to en
ter with bond, to be approved by them, payable to
the county, conditioned that they will pay all costs
wnich may accrue if the case is decided adversely
to their petition. ,
Sec. 24. All roads located under the provisions of
this act, shall be of an uniform width of four rods,
and shall be marked with a furrow on each, side or
one in the centre of the name, or with permanent
Sec. 25. The County Commissioners shall have
the power to ro-survey and re-locate Territorial road3
already or hereafter to bo establishe : Provided,'no
such relocation shall bo made which shall change the
location of the same at the intersection cf county
lines without a corresponding change and similar
re-location by tho County Commissioners of such ad-
jacent county or counties.
Sec. i!o. hen any person shall demand damage
for the right of way for any county road, if the
County Commissioners think the same is not exbor
bitant, they shall order the same to be paid out of
the District Road Fund of the district or districts in
which said land is situated, If exhorbitant dama
ges are demanded, it shall be their duty to appoint
three disinterested persons, tax-payers and residents
of the county, who, after being sworn to faithfully
discharge their duty without tear, favor, or hope of
reward, shall appraise said damages, and their award,
not exceeding tho amount claimed, shall be paid to
said claimant in full satisfaction for such damages :
Provided, That in no case shall damages bo allowed
or recovere I unless the claimant file his petition
therefor with the County Clerk within thrrty days
after the filing of the rejwt of tho Commissioners
locating such road : Provided, further, That any
claimant aggrieved under any award made as herein
provided, may have an appeal to the District Court
in wnicn suen county is situated, it sncn appeal
shall be entertd and bond given within thirty days
after said award is made ; which bond shall be made
payable to the Territory of Nebraska, and signed by
two or more good and sufiicicnt sureties, in such sum
as shall be approved by tbe County Commissioners,
conditioned to pay all costs and damages that may
hi flviired? said, claimant on tbe trial of
1 h f ; a!. "
. r. VL.iv i .i ocfc en tilled An Act for 1
. if'-..", r-;-iirin:r, tir.i tbanging court;r rad.
i. . c J.' j. - ljit .n Act to amend si id Act,
uppiovfcd October 29, 1B58, an Act supplemental
thereto, approved Jan. 11, I860, an Act to amend
said first mentioned Act, approved Jan. 11, 1861,
and an Act to regulate the disposal of the Road
Fund, and to further define the duties of Supervi
sors, approved January 11, 1861, and all Acts and
parts of Acts inconsistent with this Act, are hereby
Sec. 28. Tnis Act to tako effect and be in force
from and after its passage: Provided, That Super
visors alreadr elected shall hold their offices the
same as if this Act had not passed.
Approved January; 1862.
one million of dollars bo and the earne is here
by appropriated, out of an v money in the
Treasury not otherwise appropriated, for gun
boats in the Western Rivera. ' " -
Approved, December 2-i, 18GI.
Passed at Ihe Seccnd Session of Vat Thirty
Seventh Ceng fis$.
Public Xo. 3.
AN ACT relative to Courts Martial in
Be tt Enacted by the Senate and House
of Representatives of the UnitedJ States of
America, in Congress Assembled, that in time
of war the commander of a division or sepa
rate brigade may appoint courts martial, and
confirm, execute, pardon, and mitigate their
sentences, a3 allowed aud restrained in the
sixty-fifth and eighty-nixth articles of. war to
commanders of armies and departments : Pro
vided, That sentences of such courts extend
ing to loss of life or dimission of a commis
sioned officer shall require the confirmation of
the general commanding the army in the
field to which the division or brigade belongs:
And provided further, That when the divis
ion or brigade commr.nder shalbe the accuser
or prosecutor, the couit shall be appointed by
the next highest commander.
Approved December 24, 1961
'"s m
Public No. 4
AN ACT to provide for allotment certificates
among volunteer forces.
Be it e if Acted by the Senate and House
of Representatives of the United Snates of
America in Congress Assembled, That the
President of the United States be and he is
hereby authorized to -appoint, for each State
having volunteers in the United States ser
vice, not exceeding three persons, who shall
be authorized by the President's commission,
to visit the several departments of the army
in which volunteers, from their respective
States may be, and thera procure from said
volunteers from time to time their respective
allotments of their pay to'.iheir families or
friends, duty certified in writing and by them
or by some commissioned officer of such de
partment, attested in pursuance "bf such or
ders as may be mads .for that purpose by the
Secretary of War, iicd ipon which certified
allotment the several , paymasters shall, at
each regular payment to troops, give drafts
payable in the city of New York, to the or
der of such persons to whom said allotments
were or may be made".
Section 2. And bo it further enacted, That
th e persons appointed as commisswuers to car
rv into effect the preceding section of this act
shall leceive no pay or emoluments whatever
from the Treasury of the United States.
Sec. 3. And be it enacted, That tbe fifth
section'of the act of twelfth of June, eight
een hundreed and f ftyy-eight, giving sutler's
a lien upon the soldier's pay, "be and the same
is hereby repealed ; and all regulations giving
sutlers rights and privileges beyond the rules
and articles of war te and the same are hereby
abrogated. . ' -
Approved, December 24, 1SG1.
Public- No. 5
AN ACT making an appropriation for gun
boats on tie Western Rivers.
Be it enacted If tlie Senate and JJotisc of
Jlcprcser.tatiaes of -the United States cf Amer-
Resolution Public No. 1.
JOINT . RESOLUTION expressive of the
recognition by Congress of the gallant and
' patriotic services of tha late Brigadier Gen
eral Nathaniel Lyon, and th.e officers and
soldiers under his command fcat the battle
of Springfield, Missouri.
Resolved bg the Senate and House cf Repre
sentatives cf the United States of America, in
Congress assembled, 1. That Congress deems
it just and proper to enter upon its records a
recognition cf the eminent and patriotic ser
vices of the late Brigadier General Nathaniel
Lyon. The country to whose service he de
voted his life wilt guard and . preserve his
fame as a part of iis own glory.
2. That the tnanks of Congress are hereby
given to the brave officers and soldiers who,
under the command of the late general Ly
on, sustained the honor of the flag and achiev
ed victory against overwhelming numbers at
the battle of Springfield in Missouri, and that
in order to commemorate an event so honor
able to the country, and to themselves, it is
ordered that each regiment engaged shall be
authorized to bear upon its colors the word
"Springfield," embroidered in letters of gold,
Aim tne President or tne united States is
hereby requested to cause these resolutions to
be read at the head of every regiment in the
United States. .
Approved, December 25, 1SG1.
PfiBLIC No. 6.
AN ACT making appropriations for the
Payment of invalid and other pensions of
the United States for the year ending the
ending the thirteenth of' June, eighteen
huudred and sixty-three ''
Be it tr.aded lu the Senate and Hovse of
Representutiae3 of Ihe United States of Ameri-
icain Congress assembled, That the following
sums be and the same are hereby appropria
ted, out of any money in the Treasury not
otherwise appropriated, for- the-"payment cf
pensions for the rear-ending the thirtietn of
j une, eighteen hundred and sixty-three.
For invalid pensions under various acts,
six hundred and forty thousand dollars!
i or pensions' under acts of eighteenth ct
March, eighteen hundred and eighteen, fif
teenth May, eighteen . hundred and twenty
eight, and seventh of June, eighteen hundred
and thirty-two, twenty five thousand dol
lars. ' . -. '. :
For pensions to widows. and orphans of
those who served in the 1 Revolutionary war,
under the third section of the set of fourth
July, eighteen hundred and thirty-six, the
acts of seventh July, eighteen nunared ana
thirty-eight, third March, eighteen hundred
and forty-three, seventeenth June, eighteen
hundred and forty-four, second of. February
and twenty-ninth July, eight, and second sec
tion act third of February, eiuhteen hundred
and liftv-three, two hundred thousand dol-
ars. '
For pensions to widows and orphans, un
der first section act of fourth of July, eight
een hundred and thirlv-six, act of twenty-
first J uly, eighteen hundred and forty-eight,
first section act of third JSebruary, eighteen
hundred and fifty-three, and act third June,
eighteen hundred and fifty-eight, three hun
dred and forty thousand dollars.
For navy invalid pensions, forty-hve thou
sand dollars. .
For navy pensions to widows and orphans
under act of eleventh August, eighteen hun
dred and forty-eight, two hundred thousand
dollars. "... . , - '
For privateer invalid pensions, six bun- i
Provided that no pension shall
t os.j p?r;on .vrao. has
ll-e .ci:t iv':.Vion ftg-'.Lct
; cf theUriiUdSiates, or who
dred JolUrs :
b3 vziil . Isr
been e: ; i
tha G r. :
L-s ij skyway givta a:l aud cert; fort tf those
ccgsgaJ in the rebellion. . ;:
Approved. January 8, 1862.
Public NO. 7.
AN ACT tc promote, the efficiency of the
Dead Letter Office.
Be it euacted by the Senate and House of Rep
resentatiaes of the United States of America in
Congress assembUd, that the Postmaster Gen
eral be authorized to return all dead letters,
except those containing circulars and other
worthless matter, to the Writers, whenever
their names can be ascertained. All valua
ble letters to be charged treble, and all others
double, the ordinary rate of postage, to be
collected from the writers.
Sec. 2. And be it further enacted, That
to enable this to be done, the Postmaster Gen
eral is authorized to employ not exceeding
twenty-five additional clerks, at salaries not
exceeding an average of eight hundred dol
lars per year: Provided that he is satisfied
that the receipts for dead letter postage will
amount to a sum sufficient to pay the aggre
gate compensation. And he shall repori to
the next session of Congress the additional
income from this source with its cost and
statistical results.
Appreved January 21, 1S62.
, o a - -B
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".."i- 2.S? 3 2 3- s. 55 J
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P t IS'
. "0
in CV;?f:j asicrtbiid: That lbs sum cf:
Whereas Alexander MiKinner h been sppf tntei
ezecnt&r cf me last will and tstasient cf William
Richnrrtson deceased, late of Nemaha county, Xebras
k Territory, v. jlice is hereby Kiren that I bave appoin
ted July the 7ih, and Tecemtcr t&e 31?t, 1562, at 10
o'clock A. M., as tbe tiait f r fcaring claims Jjtcainst
Mid estate. All cUims -';' ; -' -' --'- -.'
t-fir,ever hrr- " ! s,: - ' -"
ret i3 :
UOI1T. IT. Fcnsis,
All thnie iodebteJ to me ma will pleaaa make
payment immediately. . . : ; . j
I will take Egg Butter, Potatoes, Corn, TVTieat,
li:des, i'ork, Wood, or
At biffliest market prices. I ant going to close on all
who do not comply with the above terms, providing
tney have more taan tne law allows tnem.
Hoping this met be eufiacient, I am
February 6th, 1862. n31-tf
Xilvor H-osrixl.tox'
Are pure vegetable extracta. They cure all billions
disorders of the human system. Tbey regulate aud in
vigorate the liver and kidneys; they give tone to;tlie
digestive organs; they regulate the secretins, excre
tions and exhalations, equalize the circulation, and pu
rify the blood. Thus, aii billions complaints some of
which are Torpid Liver, Sick Headache, Dyspepsia, Piles,
Chills and Fever, Cot-tiveness or Looseness sie en
tirely controled and cured by these remedies. '
Removes the morbid and billiaus deposits from the
stomach and boweis, regalates the Liver and Kidneys,
removing every obstruction, restores a natural and heal
thy action in the vital organs. It is a superior . .
Family Medicine,
Much better than Pills, and much easier to tike,
Is a superior tonic and diuretic; excellent ia cases of
loss or appetite, flatulency, female weakness, irregular
ities, pain in the side and bowsls, blind, protnding and
bleeding piles, and general debilrty. '
Jas. L. BrumJey, merchant, 184 Folton street. New
Tork, writes, August 18, I860: ' I have been aftlicteJ
with piles, accompanied with bleeding, the lr three
years 5 I nsed jt
And now consider myself entirely cured.'
Hon. John A. Cross writes, "Brooklyn, Marck 15th,
1S60. In tbe spring of 1859 I took a severe cold, wnicn
induced a violent fever; (I took two Coses ot 1
It broke up my cold and fever at once. Previous to
this attack. I had been troubled with dyspepsia several
months; I have felt nothing of it since," :
Otis Studley, Esq., 12S East 2Sth Street,' New Tork.,
writes: 'August 13, 1S60. I bad a difficulty with the
Kidney Complaint three yeats, with constant pain in
the small of my back. I bad used most all kinds of
medicines, but found no permanent relief uctil I ued
I passed clotted blood by the urethra. ' I am now en
tirely cured, and take pleasure in recommending these
Mrs. C. Tebow, II Christopher Street, N. TJ, writes:
"Feb. 20, 1S60. I have been subject to attacks of Asth
ma the last twenty years. I have never found anything
equal to : ' '. : v ' ' ". -
' darlings
in affording immediate reliefs. It is a thorough Liver
and billious remedy."
Mrs. Toung, of Brooklyn, writes : "February 23, 1360.
In May last I hd a severe attack of Piles, which con
fined me to the ncuse- I look one bottle of . . M
and was entirely citred. I have had no attack since.''
D. VTester ville, Esq., of South 6th, near 8th Stret,
xrilllnmchiirfr T. T . trrite- "Aiicrnit. fi ISfiO TTavlnir
been troubled with a difficulty in t'ue Liver, and subject
to Dinious attacss, 1 was aavisea Dy airiena 10 iry
' ' ;-" darling's
I did so, and found it to operate admirably, removing th
bile and arousing thb liver to activity. I nave also
used it as a " - . ,
ZPamily . 2Zec3J.Qlzxa
Then our children are out of sorts, we give them a fow
drops and it set tham .all right. I flndit meet the
p'.prsl wants tf the iternsch and bowels when d jor-
- !. ' - ' ... . 4 .'
T? F " n . !' y XI nooJ c!tbs op bot! el tt Stoat
ce.;o i: i" 'sire fo tr.ersi t irirs If ra
do - . i : -:: a C i .ar
in a . ; ! 1 r. . ' v.-.t, E- rae:j' ot
Kemeu.-i ..! I, se-t fcix.iuiiig to jur turecUoii, by
mail or exprass, post -pun. Aieres, --
? 102 Nassau Street, New Tork.
Put up in 50 cent and $1 Bottles, each.
Nov. 7, 1S61. nlS-6m r: '
Post OrncE Department, -
Washington, November ao, 1861.
PROPOSALS will be received at the Contract Office
ot this Department until 10 a. m. of Monday, March
31, 1662, for conveying the mails of the" United States
for four years, commencing July 1, 1562, and ending
June 30. 1366, in the Territory of Nebraska, on the
routes and by tbe schedule of departures and arrivals
herein specified. Decisions announced by April 24,
(Examine the laws, forms, and instructions annexed )
14001 From Council Bluffs, Iowa, by Omaha City, Ne
braska, Elkhorn City, Belle Creek, Fontenelle, Bu
chanan, Franklin, El Dorado, Columbus, Grand Is
land City, Abbeville, Wood River, Nebraska Centre,
and Fort Kearney, to Kearney City, 220 miles and
back, six times a week.
Leave Council Bluffs daily, except Sunday, at 6 a. m)
Arrive at Kearney City on the fourth day by S p m;
Leave Kearney City daily, except Sunday, at 6 a m;
Arrive at Council Bluffs on the fourth day by 6 p m.
Bids to run by an expedited schedule will be consid
ered. 14002 From Omaha City, by Bellevne, Oreapolis,
Piattsmouth, Rock Bluffs, Lewistown, Three Groves,
Wyoming, Nebraska City, Otoe City, Mount Veron,
Brownsville, Nemaha City, Aspinwal, St. Stephen's
Winnebago, Rulo, Nobart, and White Cloud, to High
land, 131 miles and back, three times a week.
Leave Omaha City Monday, Wednesday and Friday, at
8 am; .
Arrive at Highland third day by 6 p m ;
Leave Highland Monday, Wednesday, and Friday, at 8
Arrive at Omaha Ctty third day by 6 p m.
Bids to run six times a week, and also to extend to St.
Joseph, Missouri, will be considered.
14003 From Omaha city, by Florence, Fort Calhoun,
Tazoo, De Soto. Cumming city, Modail, Tekamah, De
catur, Omadi, Dakotah city, Covington and Sergeants
Bluffs, to Sioux city, 116 miles and back, three times
a week.
Leave Omaha city Monday, Wednesday and Friday at S
arrive at Bionx city next day by 10 p m ;
Leave Sioux city Monday, Wednesday and . Friday, at 6
Arrive at Omaha city next days by 10 p ra ! .
Bids for six-times-a-week service will be considered.
14004 From Bellevne, by Hatleton, to Fremont, 40 miles
and back-three times a week.- - - - - -
Leave Bellevne Monday, Wednesday and Friday, at 8
am; ' " ' ' , '. ' ' '
Arrive t Fremont by 8 p ni; ; . ;
Leave Fremont Tu sday, Thursday and Saturday, at 8 a
Arrive1 at Bellevne by 8 p ia. t
14005 From BelleVue, by Piatt Valley, to Plattford,S4
miles and back, once a week.
Leave Bel levne Friday at 6 a m ;
Arrive at Plattford by 2 p ni ;
Leave Plattford Saturday at 6 a m 5
Arrive at Bellvue by 8 p m.
14006 From Rock Bluffs; by Kanosha, to Wyoming 13
miles and back, once a week.
Leave Rock Bluffs Saturday at 6 a m J
Arrive at Wyoming by 12 m ;
Leave Wyoming Saturday at 2 p m
Arrive at Rock Bluffs by 8 p m.
14007 From Flattsmontb, by Glendale, to riattford, is
miles and back, once a week.
Leave Plattsmouth Saturday at 4 a m;
Arrive at Plattford by 12 m ; '
Leave Plattford Saturday at I p m
Arrive at Plattsmouth by 9 p m.
14003 Frotrt KauosEe, by Buchanan and Plum Hollow, to
Sidney, 19 miles and back, three timesa week.
Leave Kanoshe Monday, Wednesday ani Friday, at 6 a
m; . . , 1 , ' - .,..';
Arrive at Sidnev by 12 m ;
Leave Sidney Monday, Wednesday and Friday, at 2 p m
Arrive at Kauoehe by 8 p m. r . '
14009 From Three Groves, by Mount Pleaant, to Weep
ing Water, 11 miles and back, once a week.
Leave Three Groves Saturday at 6 a m;
Arrive at Werjpi? Water by 12 m; '
Leave Weeping Water Saturday at 2 pm
Arrive at Three Groves by8p m- . .. . ,-,.!-;.-
MC 10 Trom Wyoming, by Avoca, to Salt Creek, 45 miles
and back, one', a Hreek. .
Leave Wyoming Friday at & a mj - '
Arrive at Sa It Creek by 8 p m ;
Leave Salt Creek Saturday at 6 a m , ,7,.. . ,'
Arrive at Wyomiug by 8 p m.
140IL From Nebraska City to Sidney, 18 miles and
back, six times a Week; " """
Leave Nebraska City daily, except Sunday, at 8 a
m t ' " ' '
Arrive at Sidney, by 12 m t
Leave Sidney daily, except Snnday, at . 1 p m f .
Arrive at Nebraska City by 7 p m. , ' . . j
14012 From Nebraska city by Wcrralltmi. Tecum
seb, Daniel's Kancho. Turkey Creek, Denni
Eon, to iiarysville, Kashas, S3 mil?s ani back, 3
times a wek ' '
Leave Nebraska city Monday, Wednesday, and Fri
day at 5 a tnj -
Leave Maryvilla Monday, Wednesday and Friday at
V a tap"
Arrive at etrsjka City Wednesday, Friday and
Sunliy ly i p k.
14013 From Nebraska City by Helena, Kingston,
Vesta, Katrice, RndEItw Ppnogs, to ilaryvu.o
I0 mi!ej and b ick onis a wee!:.
Leave Nebraska City Monday at 8 s
Arrive at Marysville Wednesday by 10 p IB
Leave Karyrriil TLursday at 6 a m )
Arrive at Nebraska CiT Saturday by 10 p tt J
14014 From Nebraska City, by Syracnse, Palmyra,
SaltCIo, Camden, and Areola, to Kearney City,
200 miiet and Lack, once a week.
Leave Nebriska City Monday at C a m ;
Arrive at Kearney City fifth day by 6 p mf
Leave Kearaey City Monday at 6 a m ;
Arrive at Nabraoka City fifth day by 6 p m.
14015 From Mount Tern on by Sonora, Mieuuri,to
KockKrt. 16 mile! nd b:ck, twice a week.
Leave iluui t Vernoa Monday ani Tliarsday at a
Arrive at Report by 12 m ;
Leave Hock xrt Monday and Thursday at 2 p m ;
Arrive at i.ount Vrnon by 8 p m.
Bids to rua three times week will be considered.
14015 From Brownville to Rockport, Mo., 10 miles
and back, six times a week.
Leave Brownville daily, except Sunday, at 9 a m;
Arrive at Rockport by 12 m ;
Leave Rock port daily, except S unday, at 2 p m j
Arrive at Brownville by 5 p m.
14017 Front Brownville, by Tecumseh and Aaj'in,
to Beatrice, 80 miles and back, once a week.
Leave Brownville Friday at 6 a m ;
Arrive at Beatrice next day by 8 p m j
Leave Beatrice Friday at 6 am;
Arrive at Brownvril next day by 6 p m.
14; 13 From Rulo to Oregon, Mo., 22 miles and back,
three tiuios a week.
Leave Rulo Monday, Wednesday and Friday at 6 a
.Arrive at Ore jon by 12 m ;
Leave Oregon Monday, Wednesday and Friday at 1
p ra,
Arrive at Rulo by 7 p m .
14019 From Rulo, by Archer, SaTem, Middleburg,
Pleasant Valley and Cloar Creek, to Marysville,
Kan., 67 miles and back, once a week.
Leave Rulo Monday at 6 a m ;
Arrive at M irysvilla next day by 13 p ra :
Leave Blaryjville Wednesday at 8 a m ;
Arrive at halo next day by 10 p m.
14020 From Saint Stephens, Neb., by Rnah Bottom,
jMo. Jone i .Point, and I orest Lity, to Oregon, Mo.,
32?i milea and back, twice a week.
Leave St. Stephens Monday and Fridiy at 8 a m ;
Arrive at Uregon by o p m ;
Leave Oregon Tuesday and Satarday at 8 am;
Ar.ivo at bt. Stephens by 6 p m.
14021 From Falls City, by Genera, Scott's, Table
Rock, Pawnee City, and Beatrioe, to Patterson's
Rancha, SO miles and back, once a week.
Leavo Falls City Monday at 6 a m ;
Arrive at Patterson's Ranche next day by 6 p m ;
Leave Patterson's Ranch Monday at 6 a m;
Arrive at Falls City next day by 6 p in.
14022 From Falls City to Saint Stephens, 15 miles
and back, three times a week.
Leave Falls City Tuesday, Thursday, and Satarday
at 8 a m ,
Arrive at Saint Stephens by 12 m ;
Leave Saint Stephens Tuesday, Thursday and Sat-
nrdjy at i p m ;
Arrive at Falls City by 8 p m.
14023 Froia Tecumseh, by Kingston, to Helena, 11
miles ami back, once a week.
Leave Tect.mseh Saturday at 6 a ra j
Arrive at Helena by 1 2 m ;
Leave Melrna baturday at 2 p m ;
Arrive at Tecumseh by 8 m.
14024 From Pawnee City,' by A. J?.IInnt's, Tecnra-
seu, Kingston, and three rork of Great rtemaha,
to Olatbo on bait Creek, V0 miles and back, once
a week.
Leave Pawneo City Wednesday at 6 am;
.Arrive at Olathe Saturday by 4 p m ;
Leave Ola the Wednesday at 6 a m ;
Arrive at Pawnee City Saturday by 4 p m.
14025 Frota Acstin to Beatrice, 8' miles and back
once a week.
Leave Au.nin Saturday at 9 an;
Arrive at Beatrice by 10 am;
Leave Beatrice Saturday at 11 m J
Arrive at Austin by 1 p m.
1402(3 FroM Florence to Magnolia, Iowa, 30 miles and
back, once a week.
Leave Florence Monday at 8 a m j
Arrive at Magnolia by 6 p m ;
Leave Manoolia Tuesday at 8 am J
Arrive at Florence by 6 p m.
14027 Frou Cumming City, by De Soto and Fort
Calhoun , to Magnolia, Iowa, 24 miles and back, 3
times a' week.
Leave Cttamminj City Monday, Wednesday and
Friday fit flan;
Arrive at Ii'iirnol aby'Tni :
Leave ?fi rn'jila Mor ' ' " i-i i .Mayat
2 p ; 1' . -Arrive
at Cumming C. jy 3 p ra.
1432S Frr-n Dectur, by- Loin Vy, to We.t
Poict, 30 mi!c ani ba.k. enca a wtci.
Leave Decatur Friday at 8 a m;
Arrive at West Point by 8 p m ;
Lea ao Went Point Saturday at 8 a m ;
arrive At Dccatt.r by 8 pm.
14029 From Sioux City,Towa, Cottonwood Springs;
, Nebraska, to Denver City, 660 miles and back,
- once a week.
Leave Sioux City Monday at 6 a Q
Arrive at Denver City on the fifteenth day by 6 p m,
Leave Denver City Monday at 6 a m ;
Arrive at Sioux City on the fifteenth day by 8 pm.
Bids to end a: Cottonwood Springs, 330 miles less
distance, with proposed schedule, will be consid
ered. J
14930 From Sioix City, Iowa, by lower crossing of
Bix Sioux, Vermillion, Yancton. Choteau Creek,
Stranger's Ferry, Indian Agency on the Yancton
Sioux reserve, and Greenwood, to Fort Randall,
141 mil and back, once aw jek.
Leave Sio ix City Monday at 4 a m ;
Arrive at Fort Randall Thursday by 12 m
Leave Fort Randall Thursday at 1 p m
Arrive at Sioux City Sunday by 6 p m.
Bids to rua two and three timesa week will be con
sidered. . . .
14031 From Sionx City, Towa by Niobrara, Poncha,
Reserve, and Chimney Rock, to the i'outh Pass of
the Roc!ty Mountains, $Q3 miles and back, once a
Leave Sioux City Monday at 8 a m ;
Arrive at the South Pass of the Rocky Mountains on
the 15th day nt 8 pm ;
Leave the South Pass of the Rocky Mountains at 8 a
m ;
Arrive at Sioux City on the 1 5th day at 6 p m.
Bids to end at Fort Laramie, omitting the South
Pass of the Rocky Mountains, 300 miles less dis
tance will be considered.
Bids to end at Fort Kearney will also be considered.
14032 From Dakota, by St. John's, Poncab, Dixon,
St. James, Ilalena, Frankfort, Bonhomme City,
and Niobrara, to Fort Randall, 112 milesond back,
twice a week.
Leave Dakota Monday and Wednesday at S am;
Arrive at Fort Randall third day by 8 p ra ;
Leave Fort Randall Monday and Wednesday at 8 a m;
Arrive at Dakota third day by 8 p m.
14033 From DakoU, along the Missouri River, to
Fort Randall, 140 miles and back, once a week.
Leave Dakota Monday at 6 a m ;
Arrive at Fort Randall Wednesday by t p m ;
Leive Fort Randall Monday at 6 am ;
Arrivr at Dakota Wednesday by 6 p m.
14034 From Fort Randall, by Mouth of Blue Earth
River, to Mouth of Littlo Medicine Knowl River,
' 29 J miles and back, once a week.
Leave Fort Iiandall Monday at 8 a m ;
Arrive at Mouth of Little Medicine fifth day by 8 p m;
Leavo Mouth of Little Medicine at 8 am;
Arrive at Fort Randall fifth day by 6 pm.
14035 From Poncha, by Ioua, to Vermillion, Dakota,
23 mil? ana oacx, once a week.
Leave Poncha Tuesday at 4 a m ;
.Arrive at Vermillion by 12 in ,
Leavo Vermillion Tuesday at 1 p m ;
Arrive at Poncha by 9 p m.
The undersigned, po raster at , Ptat t
,certi5;sIV-,5:R si? oath of omcs, ihat h
it acqnaintad with tha above cnr.rastor?, aa 1 know
them to be men cf f rt j crty, aad aile to man? g'.vd
their guaranty. .
Se act ef Cngre-s cf Ifirca G.lSi-S, feeiion 13.
Form of Proposal Guarantee and
The undersigned , whose post oSci address
is county of , State of , proposes
to carry the mails of the United States, from July 1,
1862, to June SO, IS65, on route No. between
and , under the advertisement cf the
Poetmasier General, dated October 30, IB6I, "with
celerity, certainty, tci security," for the annual
sum of dollars.
This" proposal is made vciih full knowl
edge of the distance of the route, the weight
of the mail to be tarried, and all ether
particulars in reference to the route and
service, and, also, after careful examina
tion of the laws ana instruction attached
to the advertisement. ,
The undersigned, residing at , Stata of
,undertake that, if the foregoing bid foj
carrying the mail on route No. b accepted
by the Postmaster Genentl, the bidder shall, prior t.)
the 1st day August, lb?2, entr into the required
obligati n, or contract, to perform tho service pro
posed, with good and sufficient sureties.
This we do, understanding distinctly
ihe obligations and liabilities assumed lv
department, mit, equally
gaaractor3 acd crtii'aC3 01 their ."i.Iien.'y v
guarantors under thtviifi sedion of the act titers ot suScifncy must u ?:;d by a
. - - - -J ' -ror by a judje of a c"i;rt rf re.--.1. S'.,--v(
Containing conditions to te incorporated
in ihe contracts to the extent the di
rartmeni may uteri rror-rr.
1. Seven minutes are allowel to eoh intem'oi.
ate efjioe( when not ctb'rwbe p i-f, for s?.rt
irg themai'j; baton rsi!rri i ar.1 stcftmbtroute
there is to ba no mora iAsj thaa is i2..'iiit f r
exchscgo nf the call ba.'s. - .
2 On lailroaJ and tti-nmooal l!s?3, and cn'hof
routes wbre the arol cf cc.nv-vrtr o s.Iiniia cf itk
the special agents cf the Pi V '. :a I'cj artiaont, al
so post office blanks, mail bjg, log is, a ad kcy,r
to be conveyed witLuut extr.i c'arg",
3. On railroad and steairsbott Iir!B ths fuf
agents of tha dparticcnt, also the British and Can
ada mails, when offered, asd tbe ajtc's soat ary-.
irg them, aro to ba conveyed witoo'?; cuar-;?, ani
for their exclusive use, wbiia tiar.IIiir w.ta tha, or r.pjrtracnt in the centra of
a car, properly lighted, warmed, ar.l furr;;.-"-.!, a Ji
adipted to the convenient ser-aratica and Jus ss;s-.
rity of the maii?. is to be provided l y the-cjntrjctor
under thedirecuon of tne a?rr.moac.
Railroad and steambontc sr ta.
take the mail from and driver it into the pc??. oHjoe
at the comm-nccTT.ent and ccd of their routes, and
to and from all cZ'ct not more than elgMy rodjiroia
astation orlaaiiv' miv ho sabirittiddl
for the rerformaaco of all other fci J. lerruo thai
i, for oCces over eighty rods from a station cf
Receipts will be re-vi-re fr mail bni r-icveyei
in cLarye of persons employed by rfilrond compa
nies. There will also be "way bilio" prepared by
postmasters, or other agenU cf tho department, to
n.t-fri7Timn v tha mni!. sncrifvirvr the nuraber ani
destinatica of tho several b.g. Oa Ihe principal
st.izo route?, likewise, r i1 ' r,V.'. l-o'red ani
wsy bills forwarded ; in itter to i-3 cxim;nea ty.
tbe several postmasters, to insure reguUnty ia tu
delivery of mail bag.
4. o pay wul be nude fr s .s p-n rme-i;
and for each cf such emissions not eati?!tori'7 m--
plained, three times the fvy rf the trin vnny fca ua-
ducted. For arrivals so far behind time as to r-re.Ak '
connexion with djpnd"ng m.ii'.s, and not sufuTient:--
excused, one fourtii cf tb fsmr nation for the tnp
is subject to forfeiture. D'.'itiction will a!.-o ba r-
dcred for a grado of perl"frmnee infri.-.r to th:H
specified in thnenntrnet. For rcratr.l"n
ciesof the kind hertin .-ycci2od, 'T.lAr? 1 p..iUies
proportioned t th nature ther'f, t Lutcrt-
anee of tne mail, miy TiiajOk ! ;
6, For leaviBs? bIinJ,iii' trywjngoiT 4.V2 SA.i,vc
any portion ofth?ru, for't'.e a'i' siji;.oa ct pise-rigors,
or for being concerned in setting np or running
aa express conveying intc'ligQud in alvnajo of th
mail. a quarter s p;ty rnay d-'dact.' j.
6. Fines will be imposed, unless the delinquency"
be promptly aod satisfactorily csplained by cgttU
cates of postmatcii or tho atli lavirs of other cr.;.bl
persons, for failing lo- arrive in ewntnet time ; for
neglecting to take the mail lrcm cr deliver it into -postofiice;
for sulTeriag it to bo wet. injured, des
troyed, robbod, or lost ; and for refu.'irig, after de
mand, to convey the mail as fr(joeut!y us tha con-,
tractor runs, or is concerned in running, a coah, car,
or steamboat oa tho routo. ,
7, The Postmaster Cieneral may ar.ncl the poo
traot for repcatfld failures to rr.n agreeably to con
tract ! for violating the po?t ofllce liw, rr buy
ing the instructions of the depart mr!t j f..r rBfaD;
to discharge a carrier Whon roquired by tbe depart
ment to do 10; for running an express as aurtjsaid ;
or for transnorting-persons cr packages ccnvcLu
. .f :i
8. The Postmaster General may order an iaTc?
of service on arouto by allowing th-n'cf.r a pro mta
increase on tho contract pny. II may eharg
schedulesof dei'nrtures and arrival-) ia all caes; and
particularly to make them conform to connections
with railroads, without inerrose cf pny, jrsvijd
the running time bs not abridged. Hornby a!?o or
der an increase of spood, allowing, wirhia tha ts
strictions of the Ltw, a jro rat iareaso of pay fjr -the
additional stock or c.irrh'rs, if any. Thj con
tractor may, however, in tho cisa of inrsajo ef
speed, relinquish tho contract, by giving prr.nif t no
tice to tbe department that ho prefers doi-g so lo
... - : ., .-f..i Ti.. T,. .
eral may also curtail or dijeontinue tho service, ia
whole or in part, at pro rata dcurcae of pay, a!1uw
ing one month's extra cornf enauion ou tbe axourl
dispensed with, whenever, in his oj iuivn, the p ubiio
tha public interest require the cha.To, rriacij h
dere to supercede it by a d'.Z.:: ..t . vf :
r.fruiiri'j will I u.,s by f'c'if:-: - .
ur.ii'.3 on p-v'Sia3tcr?, or c.hv.T; - , ".:":cr ) ai,
tion cf ea-'h quarter say, in February, '..-y. A
gujt, and Nevei;:'.;r.
10. The distances are g'.ren accotding b-the tet
information; but no incre?d "pny wiil be allowed
should the points be greater than advertised, if th
points to be supplied bo correctly s ated. Kidder-
must inform themmlnr on thi point, and i.o ia
reference to the weiht of tho mail, the condition of
roads, hills, stream., &?., and all toll bridge?, ferries,
or obstructions of any kind by which exptn.'!? miy
be incurred. No claim for additional pay, bnd oa
such ground, can be eon ?id"red ror for alleged mis
takes or misapprehension as to tbe dre9 ot perviw ;
nor for bridges destroyed, ferries discontinued, or .
other obstructions increasing distance. occurring di- '
ring the contract term. Ofiiees established afterthil .
adversisement is issued, and during tho contract
term, are to bevi'itcd without extra p ay, if the dis
tanoe be not increased.
11. A bid received aftcf the last day and hanr
named, or without the guarantee required bylaw .
and a certificate as to the suUlcieney of such guaran
tee, cannot be considered in competition with a regu
lar proposal reasonable In. amount.
12. Bidders should first proposa far service stric'Ty
according to the advertisement, and thenjifthey
desire, separately for diurrct service ; and if lh
regular bid be thelowe.-t oSTered for the advertised
service, the other propositions may be conrMorcd.
13. There should be but one route bid for in a
proposal. Consolidated or combination bids ( pro-
posing one sum for two or more route", are fuibid--dea
by law, and be con;:.lere I.
14. The route, the srvie, tbe yB3rlypy, lh-.
name and residence f f tho bid ler, (that is his usual
post offico address,) and those of each member of"
a firm, where a company offers, should be distiautly
15. Bidders are requested to ne, as far si practi- . .
cable, the printed form of prop)! furnished by the
department, to write out in full the turn of their
bids, and to retain copies t f them.
Altered bids should not bnbuitftd ; fior "honli
bids once submitted bo withdrawn. No withdrawal
of a bidder or guarantor will beallcwrj unle-t d.iUA
and received before the Ust day for receiving pro
posals. '
Eeach bid must be guarantee ! by two respinjilU
persons. .
General guarantees cannot bo adni'ttM. Tbe bid'
and guarantees should be sijr.ed jl.vialy lth th .
full name of each pern.
The department reservcj th right to ri?t ary
bid which my be dp:tne 1 extrav'igTit., an ! ti!n t .
disregrd the bids of failing contractors and h'.A firs.
15. The bid should ba f illed, s'lp-rariidj-l ."MaJ
Proposals, Territory of Nebraska," addrws?d Sec
ond assistant Pstni Ur Geucnl. Con trie t oH"e," -and
sent by mil, and net Ly :i tw aa a-"t ; arvl
postmasters will not en .-lo.-e p ropo.aTs (or icltr I
any kind) intheir q'lxrtcr'.y r3tursi,.
17. ThecontricU ara to bo txccV d ail return-! ,
to tbe department by or b;.ora the i d iyof Auj' .t,
1S52; but tho serviee must ba coaiaieoced oa th !"
July preceeding, or on tha mall day cext after hal
date, waether tL conf rncts l.e
13. Postmasters at cCieeson or ne ir fuii.-oiis, but.
more than tighty rx from a station, wi;!. .
ately after the 3lt cf March n.-xt, report their ex-ict
d:?Un 'e from tbe nearest staiion, an i bow they are .
otht-rw i.s supplied with the mai. to r'j .'A' the Pot-ma-ter
Geaerul to direct, a nuii-raci-cuvr supply
from the I t of Ju'y next.
19. Station eir'hWn of n act of C'OTgrc ap
proved 5iirch 3. 1S4j, proviJes that contric's for
the transportation of mail ball he let "in every
case to the lowest bidder tcB lerini?i'u2':c?nt guTn
teesfor faithful pcr'ormance, wUaoat other nlut
ence to the mode of i-ivch lrac?ps-.rUt:oa than may
be necessary to provi.le forthedue ctlcrity, certain
ty, and security of siioh tr.-.D: portation." Uudir
thU laWfbid thnt promote :j lrnnnp,,rt t mailtrki'
"ctfrrit y, certainty nd :cu r 3,'' harii.j Itcii deci
ded to l"t the only Uyil li'?, a; . 1 14 provid '
inj for the entire mm', hoc ir I tr"Taud irlintrr
mny be the mode ofcoHcr vn:-.' "".rj" to iifure iii'
"celerity jC&rittiittu, wii security,' ud tr7 h'tre ti
preference OCtraii o'tcrn, 'uu-JTno 'ulhtrs icillle cn
tiaered, 20. A tacdiU'catiort of a?'d in Ety tf f!? essential '
terms is tantamount tn sow bid, and cannot b
received, so as to interfere with a regular coir.peti- '
. ,trt. ilia NljI 1. m. r . . .-- L - '
. " - - . . v-w '
Makings newbid,with guarantee ar.-f ctrtiieate, is
the ouly way to modify a previous bid.
21. Postmasters are t becHrefal not to certify tha
saCciency of guarantors oruri;ies without knowing; .
that they are persons f sufficient rrspon-iblllty ;
and all bi'Mcrs, guarantor an J saritiea ar dist inctly
notied that on a failuro to ester into or prfo. "a
the contracts :r the serviee pr -jgf d for ia the
cetted bids, tha ltgal liabilities will b eufurc
agains them. " .
22. Presant corjtrnj'cr?. and pe:.cr3 knovn at ir