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About Nebraska advertiser. (Brownville, Nemaha County, N.T. [Neb.]) 1856-1882 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 27, 1862)
ftfjT ADVERTISER. iules,f Y0"r ATyTzei ld i 1 ii-V . : jwcr a foremost part; and vhen the ccn- ROWKVILLE. FEB. 27, 1SC2. JOY, coc & CO. t, i-c nnd Friiitiiiir Material of all krds J. Tnbuue Ilni Mines, ? New Toi k. and Brown's Iroi ,-XhT aveautLot.zcd Agents for It " Farmer end Advertiser. - . MATHER. -Si AIIIJOTT, SUCCESSORS TO HO i-LY, : u'- States and Foreign Newspaper Advertising agency, A UIIUADWA V, NliW YORK ' u r S K U R A S K. A F . K M L U . " test rars fiercest, cAecr 1 as voi onward ass! Cheer the stars and stripes and let it Cr-izard ! o'er Mi?.-?ari's j lain ; Omvaud ! ! through Kentucky's wood ; Over Tennessee's wide chain j O'er the Hue Atlantic's flood ; ONWARD!!! till the land and sea; Answers to the Union rhcut f Till the banner tf the free, Wares above eaeb. rebel route ; "TTrtisirp Atrents in St. Louis. Messrs, v i v u'l' 'SOCHUE, General AJveriiii!g, ' P -i -nd Commission Aleuts, 45 OliveM. Louis, k '" u-'.rreJiU-J acr.itsi:i'-At .city, and they are au t., receive advertisements f-T t...tu tLeAJrcr-!- .4 i"o.r .M.I vi'rt bill for tie tame. ( ;f- j ' . naz rrcsenlallon to the Tadtlock Guards. Djnnbr the early stages cf the relcl iion, tr.d when we upon the western l;:icrs were threatened lyfoes on more ihrji cr:e'si2e, it will Le remembered that Q:r. Saunders was absent, looking after ir,;t:ers; connected with equipping the Ttiraika Regiment. During this time, Jcreiary Paddock was Acting Govern ir. The prompt and efficient manner in v,':.:ch he discharged the duties cf that cit.e, was the admiration of all who r.i."3 witnesses. . a tout mat time tne firrccn Gitarcs of this place werecr ;.;zeJ, and named in honor of him. Last fall, Mr. Faudoek sent tha Captain d tlie Company a check for SoO, with v.hich to purchase its colors. The flag vascrdcred in Philadelphia, and arrived lv express, a few weeks since, and the f., presentation Hied for the 2Cdvof February. The Hag is a splendid affair. The ma terial is twilled silk ; sie that cf the t'.ariCard flag of the U. S. 4:1 by G:G, a -J trimmed with heavy gold fringe, geld c;:i and tassell ; surmounting the i;a:T a finely carved and bronzed Amer ican Eajle. TLe Guards met at S o'clock, at Ders Hall which they have rented for a drill room during the winter and in a highly ircJitalle manner performed vat ious! they repaired to i - I rr I - TT II 1 1 - .J I -. i.'.i.itary evolutions, ice nau was scon; nacre a. plenum a dense mass cf human beings. The hr.est turn out especially of ladies we have ever witnessed in this place. In fact many could net get in the Hall. It was hoped that Mr Paddock would be present and present the in person, Beinj" absent from the Territory, he del egated R. W. Furnas to present it in his behalf Indoingso, Mr. F. said: Ladies and Gentlemen Officers and men cf the I'addock Uuards : To vrhich First Lieutenant R. F. Bab, kett responded by raying ; Sir In behalf of this company I ten der to you as the Representative of Sec retary Paddock, our sincere thanks for this inestimable present. With a due appreciation cf the liberality and patri otism that actuated the generous giver, we accept this beautiful flag, trusting you have not mistaken the hands into which you have placed it ; and hoping we may never dishonor the the high and noble character of him whose name we bear. And, sir, in the presence of you and these witnesses, and before high Heaven, we solemnly pledge our lives lor its protection. Under its sacred folds we would like to live in peace ; but for its preservation, we are w illing to die, whether it be as tailed by the ruthless hands of traitors, or the strong arm cf a foreign foe. And with our last breath, we would exclaim, O, long mi j it wars. O'er tho Land of the Free Anl tLc LL:::e tf the Brave. BLACK LOCUST SEED, LARGE RED ONION SEED, By'tlio Ounce, or Pound. ORONOCO TOBACCO SEED, For sale at the Advertiser Office. Amsiiica Stock Jccksal. This valuable Monthly cemmenced its fourth volume, January, 15t2. No stock rais er should be without it. Monthly : Terms SE Address A: G. Hatch, Windsor, Vermont. 5 unuibiim fee Iht vlinus.' The Brownville Brass Band volunteer ed to be prpsen. cn the occasion, and af ter the presentation, played the "Star Spangled Banner," and a number cf oth er National airs. After which three deafening cheers were given for the Nebraska Regiment, which fought so gallantly at Ft. Donel son. Then three roaring cheers for the ar- the West. cheers for tha three hoc my cf And grand army of the United States. Then the Hall was cleared, so as to give rom for the military ball, and all the d?ncing folks hereabouts, ell and young, participated in the pleasures of such an occasion, until 12 o'clock, when the American House, upp ?r was in waiting. Dr. Noel, "mine hot ' of tne American and who knows "how to keep a hotel" left nothing undone to satisfy the most fastidious epicurian. The Cotilion Band was composed of McDaniil, Berkley, Dye and Marsh, who discoursed music in their usual un surpassed manner. The Ladies were giily attired for the occasion. Many of them wearing badg es, the "Red, White, and Blue." The WA NECESSITY IN EVERY UOUSDHOLD JOHNS & CROSLEY'S American Cement Glnc TITE STHOKGE3T T.TXE IN THE -WOULD. THK CHEAPEST GLt'E IX Til K WwSI.D. TIIE iluST Ltl'IlABLE GLCK IX inn WOTtr.D. T11K OS'LY RKMAHLK GLITK IX TIIE WOULD. TIIE BUST GLUK IX Tmi WOELD. AMERICAN CEMENT GLUE li the only article of tho kind ever produced which WILL WITHSTAND WATER- IT WILL MEND WOOD Fare yonr Lj'.l;cn Furnituro IT WILL MEND LEATHER Mend your name?!". Strap?, Be!t, Boots Ac IT WILL MEND GLASS Sare Ibo reices of that exj.Mve Out. (Tlas Bottle. IT WILL MEND IVORY Don't thrjv away that broken Ivory Ya it is eis-ilTrc-pie"d. IT WILL MEND CHINA Your broken China Caps and Saueeri caa Le made as gf"A 35 new. IT WILL MEND MARBLE . That piece knocked out of your Marble Mantle can Le r ut cn an f tron a. cwr 1 IT WILL MEND PORCELAIN No matter if that broke 1 Pitcher did cost but a i-liilliri" a shi'.i'.)v'sn td Lsashll'.irjr earned. IT WILL MEND ALABASTER That Cosly Ahibastcr Vue U brot ken and ycuctn't match itiiiand itit wiU never ekew vhen put to- Itxvill Xvlond bine, Ccral. Lava, and in fact every thins fcnt Metals. Any article Ccuv.-ated with AMERICAN CEMENT CLUE will ret show uhen-i! i.- wended 'Every Tloufekecver shot Id iave a fupj.Iy ot .Iobr.3 &Cr.i:ejj Aiiierioan Ce:iient liue." J r Jtnic. 'U 3?J convenient, to Lave iu the houio." V Y Ernrcn. ' , ,'It if silwaysrcajy: thi? commends it to everybody . "Wo hare triod itar.d Er.d it na useful xaoar hoaie J 5 water. IS i.-'e cmrif of tne I imr?. ICconoiiiy i woniTiL SIU.OU'J per )ar saved in every larnily by One Boitl of AMERICAN CEMENT GLUE Hen. A. S. Paddock, to whose munifi-; cvenin passed ofl" ia the mo;t agreea- cent donation vou are indebted for the) splendid banner here displayed, not be iDg present, as was anticipated, has con ferred upon- me the honor of presenting it to the company named iu honor of him. In performing this pleasant duty, I shall conform to the established custom of the day, governing suchoccasions : namely, brevitw able manner. At regular drill meeting of the Pad- dock Guards, held at their Hall on Mon day evening last, the following resolu tions were adopted: Resolved, That we recognize in A. S. Padpocck, an active, faithful and devoted Under the peculiar circumstances ex-; public officer; and an unflinching patriot, isting between thedonor and youselvcs, whose whole soul is in the cause of the Mr..Paddock, rentlemcn, has very nat-! Union. tirally watched with no small degree of anxiety and interest, your conduct and progress. He has been pleased to believe you in earnest in fitting and preparing yourselves for any and every emergency ; and that while organized -merely for home protection, you have I ee; equally attentive to regular drill, rs harts those upon the tented field. As - c-r.i'-ence, this course has proved an isctrvtive to rnanv to enter the crand ar- j 9 Resolved, That the thanks of this com pany are hereby tendered Mr. Paddock, for the munificent donation with which the silk flag presented in his behalf, was purchased. Resolved, That whatever may be his calling, or wherever his lot may be cast, he will ever have the well wishes of the Paddock Guards, Resolved, That Capt, Hill is hereby instructed to furnish Mr. Paddock with a fc;)' fj-'3' U":'ci. 'States, in defence of; copy cf these resolutions pany nas been as Jtwt'rn nurrerv f::r the regular arm)'. Need 1 n.:M;ori lie feci that Capt. Mat thews and mi; v of the privates formerly of your company, fcre j vv with General Hunter, occupying pK.'-.rrjt and honor able positions by reason of the rrcfki-.i.- cy-attaintd while commander and mom-' bers of the Paddock Guards. Admiring, therefore, your promptness, patriotism, Zealand loyalty. Mr. Paddock requests me to present ycu this flag, as a slight testimonial of his regard and respect for. and. confidence in you as soldiers. As ycu will is no gaudily arrang ed affair, for mere show. It is simply the stars and stripes ; the old flag of our fathers; the emblem of our nationality; the antitype cf which has never been trailed in the dust by others than traitors. They have done so of late, it is true; yet the dastardly act but endears it the more Vj true lovers of the Union; upholders of aj free government. That flag, guided and cheered our patriot ancestors ia se curing the liberties transmitted to us un Urnished, and under which we have so long lived, and prospered as has no other people on. God's footstool. .It has led cur armies to victory on many a battle- tield i it is to-day leading them in another struggle for national existence, and wher ever unfurled, even on what we regard as disloyal soil, the loyal, but hitherto down trodden inhabitants rejoice at its approach and fly, with open arms to receive it. It is ihs hope of the oppressed of every clime. Let it peyer be dishonored by you;. let no traitqrons hand soil a stripe, cr obliterate a star? In the lanrruace of the patriot of Ashland. "Let not the banner you have loved so long, be borne piece-meal o'er the distant sea ; torn, trampled under foot by a frenzied throng; divided; measured; parcelled cut; tamely surrendered up forever, to grati fy a soulless rout of traitors!" Although this particular flag has not been 4ivrove by maid and mother ; con secrated by their love ; blessed w ith their ttps ; with their kisses and their pray era" zs has been'60 frequently the case dur ing the present struggle, yet the ladies God bless them are here to-night, to id character to the occasion ; and will Resolved. That the above be ordered published in the Nebraska Advertiser. Fire. We regret to annouce that the residence cf Hon. D. Butler, of raw nee City, Pawnee County, was entirely destroyed by fire, on Sunday the lGth of thij ir. ;;;-h. It caught fire while the in:;. ay vcr2 at u - 14 O . 1 t :CnCivi Church. Most cf the was saved. Clean tr - --tv.x Strtt-?. Who's Marshall? A l .:' r . . v. :J piles on Main Street ouglr u renv.-f-d. One ia front cf the Advuliscr cf.!ce, a;. l sev eral in ether places we might mention. Have 'em cleaned up, Mr. Marshall. Spring is on hand. Let everything be neat and clean. '' - 5 w o ,--C X. c ? a S MS - - .1 - - xS t- r C25X MH-"5 - 7-3 "30 C 2 Z. m mm r- - C -'ssruti - - a M o i ; 5 -ac:i:-t. - V! s 0 - e. a --J;?ae c . --J3 1. - ; - C S r. r1 - ;: i c 5? t t c.rjf c. - s--"- v. a c e r - o t - - 2. tZr? - ?i "S--3 3 -x s 3 - i f r o z: 4 a c S ft - c . r. - i 2 3" s2 5.- - 5 O g 2. 5. wi x . . .-. e a --s !T c 2 - ? e. S c 5.2 - -I 2 c . .-KCc-. S r jc. c 1 r 2 O r s.&; c c 2 -5 o -r: c " s 2 2 s2j:toi,6't(:c 5 c -ire ."-'T"r: -CO K C3 5- i Si o a 05 o . - w 7. "1 3 Apple Tees. 2fl,r.f)D young anil straight Apple Tree?, in twenty hardy varieties, at 3 per hundred. "WAKTZD. Twenty-five Lors from 40"to RJ lbs. weight at hih prices, to be paid for in Nuriery If took at iow prices. Orinoco Tobacco Secri- Put up in papers sufficient to plant five acre? t 15cts;ared stamp to be enclosed to pay return' postage. Wanted. T.O busrela seed spring Wl:eat t 75cts per bushel All tJie a'ovo to be delivered at Brownville. Au?. I8GI. R. O. THOMPSON. Fruit and Ornamental 37 IFL BESS. Terry's Garden Seed are for sale at L:tt, Strickler & Co.'s at the usual price, 5 cents per paper. A few rare seeds, however, are 10 cents per paper. They are all fresh seed ; genuine ; true to name , raised in this soil and climate, and warranted to grow if treated as seed ought to be. Make your invest ments early, if you wish a full assortment. Those fine prints and oilier Dry Goods at Lett, Strickler Si Co-'s are not quite all gone yet. They are ' -going like hot cakes," though, and those wishing any had belter not delay. Trice 25 Cents per Bottle. Price 25 Cents per Bottle. 1'nce Mo uents per uoiue. t Price 2-5 Cents per Bottle. Price 2-3 Cents per Bottle. Price 2-5 Cents per Bottle. Very Liberal Reduction to Whole sale IJiiyers. TER.11S ASIf. "fFor S?.le Vy all l)ru:;ist3 and Storekeepers ' lhronchr.Tit ths country, JOHNS & CRQSLSY f ;5.,lc JliinufKturcr.O TS WILLIAM STREET Corner of Liberty. Street. YORK. Important to House Oirncrs. Important to Ouiltlori. Important to Itaillload Compa nies. Important to Farmers. To all whom this may conecrn, and it concerns everybody. JOHNS & CROSLEY'S . IMPROVED GUTTA PEP.CHA CEMENT HOOFING. The Cheapest and moss durable Roofing in ' use. ! IT IS FIRE AND VATER PSOOF It can be applied to new and old Roofs of all kinds ftcep oiflnt and to Shingle roofs without removing tins Shingle?. The Cost is only about One-Third thatorTin, AXD1T1S TWICE A DL'HABUC This article has been thoronbly tested in New Ycrk City and all pajts of the United States Cana da West Indie? and Central and youth America on buildings of all liiads Buch lis Factories Found?rief Churches Rail Road Depots Cars and on Public Ruildings generolly Government JJuildingJ tc. by the principle Cuilders arehetects anp others during the past fuuryMrs and 1 as proved t bb the CHEAP EST and MOST DUIUIILE ROOFEVU in use it is in every respot t a fire vatfr tveataer and time rmoF covering f.r rig us gf all kinps. I'hii it ihe OSLY miteTiil minvfantnrcd in tha United Sitttes which combines the very desirable properties of Eiaxticitg and Durability which are universally acknowledged to be possessed by (rlT TA PEltCHA AND INDIA HUB- No Heat is Required ia Makling ATp-pllcztion. The expenseof apjilymg it is triflirj as an cr.l'nary Koof can be covered end finished the time day. It can be applied by any one, nnd when finished forms a perfectly 1-ikb Puoor mir face with an elestic body vhieh cannot be injured by IIeaT Cold or Shrinking of Hoof Board nor any action whatever. LIQUID GUTTA PEBCilA CEMENT. For Coating Metals of all Kinds when exposed to the Action of the "Whather, and For Preserving-and Repair Innr Metal Roots OF ALL KINDS. ThisisTTIK OSLY COMPCSITIOF KNOWN vhicl tciil $ucrrfnl!y reiti estr-me chm-jet of all climalrtfor o icn'jmoj time ukm ojj-iied to metals to Which it Jht r.lrm1y foruii a body equal to three coats rf ordinary paint en?U tm .h le, nd will JAST iUKbt. -ll.'LS ',; r ,; f:..n ;.. i not injured ! r ' ' -j c ' a ., TIN and other V . ' . ,S ( . tudden clionpe- i . . . . t viU not V llA v . K ! S 1 .".I'll WEATHER AM) " ll.T. : , r Leaky tia and c'":.'r r ' : . . . - repaired with Gutta Verciid Ctotent, anl prevented! irora iuriner corrosion ana teaKing, inerxoy t:usur in.j a perfectly watcr-tiht roof for many years. This cement Ls peculiarly adapted for tho reser vation cf Iron railin??. S'tovcs. Safes, AjrricEltural Implement?, Ac, also lor general manutactunTS use GUTTA PERCIIA CEMENT For preserviEK and rerairini Tin and other met al roofs cfcvery dercription, from its great elastici ty, 13 not injured by ;ne contraction and expansion Shrubbery, Evergreen Trees, With a General Assortment of Nursery Articles, for sale at the leasant Eidge Nursery, APJSPE, BUREAU CO.. ILL. Very low for cash or its equivalent. We have a few thousand six anil seven year oM apple trees, which we will bell Tory l.w, as we want to dispose or them be fore tbeygcttoo large; also four year olds at $12.50 per hundred ; three year olds at $10 per Luudied, aud young trees at corresponding prices. Also Cherry, Pear, Plum, Peach, Grape, Currants, Gooseberries, Raspberries, Lawton Blackberries, Strawberries, Pie Plant, Roses and Dahlias, of the finest sort. OCR STOCK Or KTCKCIllXSS Is large, and very fine Fpeclrncns. Sizes and prices to suit. Orders respectfully solicited and promptly attended to . v ennui ALuuitii, I O. Addrees, Tiskilwa, 111. P. S. We hav about 7,000 four year old trees, of tho New York Pippin, for sale lh Coming fall and spring ; no appic ever pained so much popularity in so short a lime. Tne trees are room growers, eariy iruuers, aim very hardy apples Urce nd bhowy, and keep about equal to the Willow Twig. Also a larpe stock of the Wagner, one of the best apples; very early fruiter, and trees remarkably fcardy. For a more full description of these aod oil er s rts, please sce.iicscriptivecatlaojjue sent free to alZ arpiiuants. January 2, IS62. n26-3m 100,000 OSIER WILLOW CUTTLVGS, Variety Pcrpureu for live fence. I will cut, bundle and deliver the Cuttings at Erownville for $5 per eighty rods : being but a little over firo dollars per thousand. This is from one to three dollars lc?s than ever offered before. All orders at theso prices must be sent in before the 1st of October, ISiH. - Send orders by mail with cash, to It. O. THOMPSON, IS'cbiaska City, X. T. NEMAIIA NURSERY", ) 13'miles West of Neb-aska City,V August l.-nS-tf On new Air Line Kearney Road.) NOTICE. AU those indebted to mo me will please make payment immediately. I will take Egg?, Batter, Potatoes, Corn, "Wheat, Hides, Pork, Wood, or CASH at highest market priees. I am going to close on all w ho do not comply with tho above term, providing they have tnore than the law allows them, lionir this may be EuScient, I ra J. .W. iHDDLETOX. -rryctb.'i-r il'-t! D ALING'3 ASD JATH KITTERS. Are pflrc vegetable extraclii. TLey cre all t il!!nns disorders of ti-e human syrtein. They resulte atvl ih vijor;;te the liver aad kidneys; t!:ey give tor.o to,;he d.gesiive crpans;- tbey regulate tlie secreti-ns, ex;ie ti'ius nud exhalations, eimlije the circulation, and pu rify the hlood. TLus, nil lilliov coirtplcinti soma of which areTorpid Ijver, Sick Ueadache, Dyspepsia, Piles, Chills xnd Fevers, Costiveness vr Looseness ere en tirely controled and onred ty these raetli&i. LIVER REGULATOR Kemoves the morbid and billlDns denoslt from tne stomach and bowels, regulates the Liver and Kidneys, removing every obstruction, restores a natural aa.d heal tLy acUon in he vit3l organs. It is a superior Family Medicine, iluch letter than Puis, aud muca easier to take. DAllLIXtt'S LIFE BITTERS fs a scperirr tonic ar.d diuretic; excellent in c-.scs of loaor aj peilte,, female wcakn3s, irregular ities, pa:u iu the side and bove:. bilnJ, protuiii:g fcud blecditii; plies, and genera! detaiity. READ TIIE FOLLOWING TESTIMONY: Jas. L. Brumler, mercliant, 131 Fnlton street. Kew Tork, writes. August IS, 1SC0: ' I have been aniictel with piles, accompanied with bleeding, the last three years ; I used darling's LIVER REGULATOR AND IilFE BITTERS, And now consider myself entirely cured." Hon. John A. Cross writes, '-Brooklyn, iiarck 15th, Iu the spi ing of 1S3 I to k a severe cold, whih induced a violent fever. 1 lock two doaes ot darling's LIVER REGULATOR, It broke up my cold and fever at once. Previous tc this attack. I had been troubled w-ith dyspepsia severa". months; I have felt nothing of it Biuce," Otis Siudley, Esq., 123 Kast 23th Street, Xew Tork., writes: Ausrnst 13, 1SC0. 1 had ad.Clculty with the Kidney Complsiut three years, with constant pain in the small of my back. I had rsed most all kinds of mediciues, but found no permanent relief until 1 ned darling's LIVER REGULATOR AND , LIFE BITTERS. I passc-l clotted blood by the urethra. I am now en tirely cured, and take pleasure in recommencing thene remedies." Mrs. C. Tebow, 11 Christopher Street, X". T., writes : "Feb. 20, 1S60. 1 have teen subject to a:Ucks tf A?t'J nia tho last twenty years. I have never tound anyitizs equal to darling's LIVER REGULATOR, in affordiCR immediate relief. It is a thorough Liver and billions remely." Airs. Younz, of Brooklyn, writes; 'Tebrnary 23 ISGO. In Jlay last I had a severe attack of Piles, which con fined mo to the house. I look one bottle of darling's LIFE BITTERS, and was entirety cured. I have had uo attaci since." D. Westerville, Esq.., of South 5ih, near 8Ui Stret, Williamsburg, L. I., writes: "August 5. 1S60 Havins teen troubled with a diliculty In the Liver, and subject to billions attacks, I was advised by a friend to try darling's LIVER REGULATOR. I did so, arid found it to operate admlraMy, removing the bile aud arousing the liver to activity. I have also used it as a aEVvxaa-ily IVTcclicino. When our children are out of sorts, we givetheiu a few Crops and it sets thsm all right. I find it meets the general wants of the stomach and bowels when disor dered." Eeadeh. if yon need either or both of theue most ex celleut Remedies, inquire for them at the stores ; if you do not find them, take no other, but iuclose One Dollar in a letter, and on receipt of the moner, the Remedy or Remedies wiil be sent according to your directions, by mail or express, post -paii". Aderess, DAX'L S. DARLIXO, 1C2 Nassau Street, Xew York. Put tro in 50 cent and $1 Bottles, each. Nov. 7, lbol. n;&-6in 30 VARIETIES STRAWBERRIES. Araonsj which are Wihon's Albany, $1 per 100 or do per 1000 ; Jenny Lind, $1,50 per 100 ; Tricmphe da'Gand, $2 p-er 100 ; Boston Pine, lloveys Seedling, Hookers, lilaok Prince, Jlay Queen and 25 other kinds at $1 per 100. Plants of Randolph Pine Sprinly of 1SC3 at 2 per doz. Aug. ISG1. NEMAHA NURSERY. RASPBERRIES ! RASRBERRIES ! ! Hudson river $2 per doi, 25cta each. Franconia 2 " " " Falstaff 150 20 u Allen 2 " 25 Cincinnati 2 " u " White and Red Antwarp $2 per doz. American Purple Cane 2 " Aug. 1301. nei;aiia NURSER.Y .A. tuivJ, ' Ti Pcwh, Red ( SMr.eiiines called Kcarxy IIehalu. "We have before us the first number of the paper bear ing the above title, published at Fort Kearny by M. II. Sydenham, Esq. It is a very creditable little paper, end we wish the publisher all the success imaginable. Remember, those of you , ho wish to pay for the Advertiser in corn, that 12 buiheh will pay for it one year; cr six be swift tvHnesses against you should you bushels for six months. Now subscribers deviate a hair's breadth in loyalty, or de- laveri cn m !prm. votion to that banner. " . . t " . Take then, "the grand, untarnished ; Gen Johnson and staff managed to fold;" and if it be your:, with it, ii; the: cape frcm Pt. Dcnehcn. ct metals, j ici, tcarm vea'Jter. These materials are adapted toall climate?, and we are prepared to supply orders from any arl of the country, at short notice, for Gut ta Perch a roof ing in rol!, ready prepared for nse, and Gut :a Per ch a Cement in barrels, with full printed directions tions for application. - gjoiitra "CCrXi3.tocl. Wo will make lilteral end satisfactcry arrange ments with responfible parties who would like to establish themselves ia a lucrarive and pena111 businc55. OUR TERMS ARE CASH. We can give abnnJant prcof of all we claim in favor of our improve! Roofing Materials, having ap plied them to Bcrcrsl thousand Roofs in New Y'ork City and vieimty. JOIIJS & CROSIaET SOLE MANVFACTVEER3, Wliolesale Warehouse, 78, William Street, Comer of Liberty street, NEW YORK, Full descriptive Cirotdars and Pri?v5 will be fur fcUhcd cn application. . 3ov.7,lS31. ly Ayars Cathartic Pills. rt;i-,) Yellrw Fig, Cherry, Letter's Perfected, New White. French Tree Tomato, the new upright variety Packages of seed of all the aoova eleven varieties, .... 3 . . . i - . . .. ' wi.l bo larwaraoa post-rnia cn 01 one dollar. French Tree Tntaato 20 cts. tr rtrlcnge: New White, 18 ct?.; Lester's Perfected 12 cs.; Large Rd 25 ct. per ounce. Lccy variety of rjittdcn tceds for talc- Catalogues gwitis. Packages warranted to reach air who parchn-e. . r .TAMES J. II. OTlTlRnP.V. January, !So2, tf. Jlarbiehead, Mass. i "Creveling" Graps Vines. Orders for Vines of thf ? really delicious and early Grape acsompanied by Cash will receive prompt attention. - - - '- . v Good one year Vines, 50e each, i per dorcn. XJood two year Vines, $1.00 each. $7 per dozen. P. M. GOODWIN A PRO.. v2ii3 Kingston, Luzerne Co., Pa. Hower Seeds by MaiL A Superb Collection, rll warranted fresh, 20 pa pers c f which will be forwarded to any address, fito c f postage, on receipt cf Oca Dollar, by H.A.TERRY, Feb. 6, ISC2. Crescent City, Iowa. Pleasant. Ridge Nursery. VERKYALDR1CH, CVLUVATOK AKD DEALER l!f FRUIT & ORNAMENTAL TREES, Shrubbery, Evergreens, dec, rieasant Ridge, Arir". Eareaa County, Illinois. T O Addters, Iiikiixa, Hi. UNITED STATES MAIL. Post Office Department, Vashinjton, November SO, 1S51. PROPOSALS will be received at the Contract Office of thi Department until 10 a. in. of Monday, March 31, 1S62, for conveying the maiis of the United States for four years, commencing July J, 1SC2, and ending June 30. 1S66, in the Territory of Xchraska, on the routes and by the schedule of departures and arrivals herein specified. Decisions announced by April 24, 1862. (Examine the taws, formt, and instructions ennercd ) 14001 From Council lilunN, Iowa, by Omaha City, Ne braska, E'khurn City, Celle Creek, Fontcnelle. Bu chanan, Franklin, El Dorado, Columbus, Grand Is land City, Abbeville, Wood River. Xebraxka Centre, and Fort Kearney, to Kearney City, 2-0 miles aud back, six times a week. Leave Council Bluffs daily, except Sunday, at 6 a. m; Arrive at Kearney City on the fourth day by i p m; Leave Kearney City daiiy, except Sunday, at 6 a m; Arrive at Council Bluffs on the fourth day by 6 p m. Bids to run by an expedited schedule will be consid ered. 14002 From Omaha City, by Betlevne, Oreanolis, Plattsmoutb, Rcrk Bluffs, Lewistown, Three Groves, Wyoming. Nebraska City, Otoe City, Mount Veron, Brownsville. Nemaha City, Aspinwal, Si. Stephen's Winnebago, Rulo, Nohart. and White Cloud, to High land, 131 miles and back, three times a week. Leave Omaha City Monday, Wednesday and Friday, at 8 a m; Arrive at ITlphland third dav by 6 p m t Leave Highland Monday, Wednesday, and Friday, at 3 am, Arrive at Omaha City third day ty G p m. Bid to run six tintes a week, and also te extend !o St. Joseph, Missouri, will be considered. 14003 From Omaha city, by Florence. Fort Calhonp, Tazoo, De Soto, dimming city. Mud ail, Ttkaraab, De catur, Onndi, Dakotah city, Covington and Sergeants Bluff, to Sioux city, 116 miles and back, thiee times a week. Leave Omaha city Monday, "Wtdnesday and Friday at 6 a m ; Arrive at Sioux city pest day by 10 p m ; Leave Sioux city Monday, Wednesday and Friday, at 5 am; Arrive at Omaha city next days by 10 p m. Bids for six-times-a-week service will be considered. 140C4 From Bellerne, by Hazlctcn, to Fremont, 43 miles and bnck, three times a werk. Leave Bellevae Monday, Wednesday and Friday, at 6 a m ; Arrive at Fremnntby 8 p ro; . I eave Fremont Tut sday, Thursday and Saturday, it 6 a Arrive at E'l'cvue by S p n. I4C:5 Fnm Eellevue. ty Puue Valley, toPlattfcrd, 21 miles snd t 1 'k. v,-'2 ar.- Arr;vj it r;a:iffiri by J p bi : Leave Plat ford SatnnUy at 6 a k; Arrive t iitj.ivne by 8 p m. - ' 14CC5 From Keck Bluff's, by Kanosho, to TTycminj, 15 miles aud back, once a week. Leave Rock Bluffs Saturday at 6 a m ; Arrive at Wyoming by 12 m ; Le.ive Wyoming Saturday at 2 p m; Arrive at Rock Bluffs by 3 p m. 14"S7 From Pl3ttsmonth, by Clendate, to riattford, 23 miles and back, onre a week. Leave Fintrsmnuth Saturday at 4 a ra ; Arrive at Plt tford by 12 m ; Leave Plattford Saturday atlpn; Arrive at Plattsmouth by 9 p ni. 14008 From Kanoshe, by Buchanan and Plum Hollow, to Sidney, is miles and back, three timesa week. Leave i.anofcte iionday, Wednesday anl k U'ay, at 6 a m; Arrive at Sidney ty 12 m ; Leave Sidney Monday. Wednesday and Tridiy, at 2 p m; Arrive at Kanoshe by p m. 140C 9 Frr.m Three Groves, by Motint Pleasant, to Weep ing v ater, 11 miles aod back, once a week. Leave Three Groves Saturday at 6 a m ; Arrive at Weeping Water by 12 ra ; Leave Weeping Water Saturday at 2 pa ; Arrive at three Groves by Sp m. UC 10 Trcm TTycming, by Avoca, to Salt Creek, 45 miles and back, one a v eek. Leave Wyoming Friday at 6 a m; . Arrive at Salt Creek by 8 p m ; Leave Salt Creek Saturday at 6 a m; Arrive at Wyomiug ty 8 p tn. 14011 From Nebraska City to Sidney, 15 m'ue3 and bacK. six times a weeK. Leave Nebraska City daily, except Sunday, at S a m : Arrive at Sidney, by 12 m : Leavo Sidney daily, except Sunday, at 1 p m ; Arrive at Nebraska City by 7 p m. 14012 From Nebraska city by WorraRton, Tecnm- seh, Daniel's Rancho, Turkey Creek, anc Denm sen, to ilarysviile, Kansas, 3 miles and back, 3 time a wee. Leave Nebraska city Morday, Wednesday, and Fri- daT at 6 a is; Arrive at Ilarysviile Wenl?sday, Friday and Sun day tjjpn , - Leave Marj-rille Mondiy, Wednesday and Friday at Ar.ive at Nebraska City Wednesday, Friday and Sunday by 6 pm. 14013 Trent Nebraska City by Ho! Kingston, Vest?-. I'iMtrice, and Blue Springs, to ilarjsvilla 1G7 rrdie and back once a week Leave Ncbtakii City Monday at 6 am; Arrive :it J'.trysvi'ilo Wednesday by 1J p a ; Leave JIarysville Thursday at 6 a m ; Arrive at lubrsska City Saturday by 13pm; 11014 From Nebraska City, by Syracuse, Palmyra, Salti'.lo, Cbmden, and Areola, to Kearney City, 200 aiile and back, once a week. Leave Nebraska Cut Monday at 6 a m ; Arrive at Kearney Oity Efthday ty 6 p ra; Leave Kesimey City Monday at 6 a m ; Arrive ut Nebraska City fifth day by o p m. 14015 Frcm Mount Verrmn by Sonora, Missouri, to Eockri-rt, IS miks and back, twice a week. Leavo ilount Vernon Mood.-y and Thursday at 6 a m; Arrive at Rockport by 12 m i Leave lU.ikp rt Mon-hty and Thnrs Jjy at 2 p ra ; Arrive at Jlounc Vernon by 6 p m. Bids to run three times a week will be considered. 14013 From Bn.wnvilia to Rockpcrt, Mo., IQ milea and back, six times a week. Leavo Brownville daily, except Sunday, at 3 a m ; Arrive at Ilockport by 12 m: Leave Rocl port daily, except Sunday, at 2 p ra; Arrive at llrowuvilie by 5 p m. 14017 From Brcwtville, by Tecnmseh and Austin, to Boatri.-e, t-0 miles acd back, once a wek. Leavo Brownville Friday at o a ra ; Arrive at Beatrice next day by 6 p m ; Leave Be tries Friday at 6 a m ; Arrive at Brownville Dext day ly 6 p m. 14 IS Frcm Rulo to Oregon, Mo., 22 miles acd back, three tUnes a week. Leave Rub Monday, Wednesday and Friday at S a m; .Irrivo At Oregon by 12 m ; Leave Oregon Moniny, Wednesday and Friday at 1 p m, Arrive at Rulo by 7 p nr. 14019 From Rulo, ly Archer. Salem, MMdkburj, Pleasant Vadey and Clear Creek, to Marjsville, Kan., C7 miles and lack, ence a week. Leave Ru!- Monday at Gam; Arrive at Marysvi'.le next day by 10 p ra ; Leave "Maryavill Wednesday t.6aiu; Arrive at l iu'.o next day by TO p m. 1 4020 F.-o-Ti Saint Stephens, Ne., by Rash Eottnna, ih., Jona's Point, and Forest City, to Oreron, Mo., 3i'milrs aud back, twice a week. Leave St. .Stephens Monday anl Friday at 8 a ra ; Arrive at Oregon ly 5 p m : Leave Oregon Tuesday and Saturday at 8 a ui ; Ar.ive at Stephens by 6 p in. 14021 Fm-a Falls City, by Geneva, Scotfs, Table Rjck, l'awnso City, and Beatrice, to Patterson's, S) miles and back, on:e a week. Leave Fahs City Mond.iy at G a m ; Arrive at Patterson's Rancho next d.ty by 6 p ns ; Leave Patterson's Eaauhe Monday at 8 a m; Arrive at Falls City next day by 6 p m. 14022 From Tails City to Saint Stephens, 15 milej acd back, thres times a week. Leavo Fafi City Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday at 8 a ns -Irrive at S tint Stephens by 12 m : Leave Saint Stephens Tuesday, Thursday and Sat urday at. 2pm; Arrive at Fall City by 6 p ra. 1 1323 Frcm Kir.tou, to LTeleiia, H mile3 and hick, onee a week. Leave Tecumseh Saturtlay at 6 am ; Arrive at Helena by 12 m ; Icnve Helena Saturday at 2 p m ; Arrive at Teemseh by 8 pm. 1402 4 Frcm Pawnee City, by .1. R. Hunt's, Teeum sch, Kingston, and Three Fork? of Great Nemaha, to Olalhe oa Salt Creek, 20 miles and back, once a week. Leave Pawnee City Wednesday at C a m ; irrivo at Olalhe batnrdy by 4 pm ; Leave Olathe Wednesdayat Gam; -lrrivcet Pawnee City Saturday by 4 p ro. 14025 Fp m Austin to Z?:atriee,8J miles and back once a week. Leave Austin Saturday at 8 a m ; Arrive at Beatrice by 10 a in ; Leave Beatrice Saturday at 11 am; arrive at Austin by I p m. 14025 Fr m Florence to Magnolia, Iowa, CO miles and back, once a week. Leave Florence Monday at 8 am; Arrive at Magnolia by 6 p m ; Leave Mnno'.ia Tuesday at 8 am ; Arrive at Florence by G p m. 11027 Frm Cummin City, by Do Soto and Fort Caihonn, tc Magnolia, Iowa, 24 miles and back, 3 times a week. Leave Cauitnmins City Monday, Wednesday and Friday at Gam; arrive at Magnolia by 12 m : Leave Magnolia Monday, Wcndesd iy and Friday at 2 pm; Arrive at CummingCity by 8 p in. 14023 From Decatur, by Logan Valley, to West Point, 30 miles anl back, once a week. Leave Decatur Friday at 8a tn; Arrive n t Wc?t Point by 6 p m ; Leae West Point Saturday at 8am; arrive At Decatur by 6 pm. 14029 From Sioux City, Towa, Cottonwood Spring; Nebraska, to Denver City, 650 miles and back, once a week. Leave Sionx City Monday at 6 a m ; Arrive at Denver City on the fifteenth day by 6 p m, Leave Donver City Monday at 6 a m ; Arrive at. Siorix City on the fifteenth day by 8 p in. Bids to end at Cottonwood Springs, 330 miles les distance, with proposed schedule, will bo consid ered. 14030 From Sioux City, Iowa, by lower crossing of F.ix Soux, Vermillion, Yancton. Choteau Creek, Stranger's Ferry, Indian Aen'y on tho Vanctcn Sionx rc-erve, and Greenwood, to Fort Randall, 1 41 miles and bak, once a w ck. Leave Sioux City Monday at 4 a a ; Arrive at Fort Randall Thursday by 12 ni ; Leave Fort Randall Thursday at I p ra Arrive at S ioux City Sunday by i p m. Bids to run two and three times week will beern- siderci. 14031 From Sionx City, Towa by Niobrxra.Fcsjha, Reserve, an I Chimney the coatu Pass cl the Rocky Mountains, 503 uiilej and back, ence a week. Leave Sioux City M-nly at 6 a ra : Arrive at the outh 1 ass of the Rocky Hcactai-j ca the lMh day at G pm ; Leavo tho South Pass of the Rocky Mountains at 6 a m; Arrive nt Sioux City on the 15th day at 6 p tn. Bids to end at Fort lramie. omitting tae South Pass of the Rocky Mountains, 300 miles less dii tance will be considered. Bids to end at Fort Kearney will also be considered. 14032 From Dakota, by St. John's, Poncah, Dixon, St..Tnme3, Ilalent, Frankfort, Bonhnmmo City, and Niobrara, to Fort Randall, 112 miles and back, twico a week. Leavo Dakota Monday and Wednesday at 3 a m ; Arrive nt Fort Rand-ill third day by G p m ; Leave Fort Randall Monday and Wednesday at 3 a m; Arrive ut Dakota third day by 6 p in. 14033 From Dakota, alonpj tho Missouri River, to F'ort Randall, 140 miles and back, once a w-ck. Leave Dakota Monday at 6 a m ; Arrive nt Fort Randall Wednesday by 8 p n ; Lere Fort Randall Mond.iy at Gain ; Arrivr at Dakota Wednesday by 6 p :a. 14034 Frcm Fort Randall, by Month cf Blue Earth River, to Month cf Little Medicine Knowl River, 200 miles and back, once a week. Lenr Fort Randall MatidaT , Sj.r: ' .Arriva nt 21 su'.h of Little Ji'-J.cic ? : :'i uiy by i p rr. : Leave MrJta cf Lit:i? M-dicine a. 8 a r.t ; Arrive at Fort R-nJ: f,'th ddy by 8 p t io .t-rota 1 Tick.T, by J.-;nri. tn "V. 23 m'lr-3 a r.-l tia-., once a week. Certificate. The nndersiTisd, postsinrter nt . Stt ct ,certi!! bis oath Of or:cr., that he . is acquainted with the above guarantor?, and knewt them to be men of property, acd alio to their guaranty. Dated See act of Congress of March 2.1S45, leclk-a 13. ixsirxcTioxs, Containing conditions to le incorjcratA ' in. ihe contracts to the extent ths de partment may deem proper. 1. Sevea minute are allowed to eaci inUrm-i-ato office, when not otherwise apeciSed, for evrt- " inj the mails ; but oq railroad and steamboat rou'e there is to be no more delay thaa is SuIUcient fr .i exchange of the mail bas. 2 Oa railroad anl tteamboet line?, at o'lr routes where the modo cf cnjuna aia:i:a of it, the special arcnts of the Post O:lioo Dctartment. ai- 80 post office bhtnks, mail b igs, locks, and kejs,ai to be conveyed without exVra eharg". 3. Oa railroad and steamboat line the r.u. . 1 . , . ,V . T,. v - 1 agents oi tae department, a. so iae i.iii.-a tcii pan ada mails, when o?ired, and the agents aecom;any irg them, arc to be conveyed with .ut eoarg?, an I for their exclusive use, while travelling w;;a the inails,acora:nodiu3 car, orapartment in tho centre of a car, properly lighted, warmed, and furnished, aud adapted to tho convenient separation and duo s-cu-rity of the mails, is to be provided by the CoLtrctor, under the direction of the department. Railroad artd stearaboet eotiipanic, nr re-jntri t take the mail from and deliver it into the po?tGcc4 at the cotntneneeraent and cad of their routes, sn 1 to and from all offices not more thn eirMy r!i ina a station or landing. Proposes may be subiritted for the performance cf ail tther fida servi-;v-tLat is, for efflces over eighty Teds froia a station cr landing. Receipts will be required for mail La conveyed in charge of persons employed by rtilrond ccmpa nies. There will also be "way bills" prepared by postmaster, cr other agnt' rf the d-'partment, to accompany the mails, specifying the number and desiinatioa of the several br. Ou tho pri.-v I; aj stage routes, likewise, rtveip's will bo required ai.d way bills forwarded ; the bitter to be examined by tho several postmaster", to insure reulirity ia th delivery of mail bigs. 4. No pay will be mido for trips iyt pArrorr'v! ; and for each of mch omissions rot satlsfjctcrlly ex- -plained, three times the pay cf tho trip may be d--' ducted. For arrivals so tar behind tiuie rs to brcai ' connexion-with depending mails, and not snfll-icnL'y' - 1 C ...... k. -f K ...... - c . I. - . . is subject to forfeiture. Dcdjctioa will also be tr- dered for a grade of perf .rui inco isro.iwr ?o th::t speciSedin thcconract. F r repeated d'.in-;ucn-. ciesof the kind herein spicd, cs!arT-M pon.tlticj, proportioned to the nature thereof, and tho import ance of tho mail, tn-vy be made. 5, For leaving behind, or throwing oT tho nta!I.',rr any portion of them, for tho admission cf rosion- gers. or for being concerned in s.-tting upor rusr.ig an express conveying intelligent in aivazco oi" thj - . V. - J ....I mail, a quarter 3 pjy u. u-uu.ici. 6. Fines will bo imposed, unlisj the dclinrttcncy bftr-nmritlT nnd satiat'iiCtorilr explained bvcertiil- j--- "r - i j cates of postmaters or tho affidavits cf other cred.blj persons, for failing to arrivo in tituo ; t.r neglecting to take the mrul I rem or deliver it iu'o post office; for suffering it to ba wet. injured, des troyed, robbed, or lott ; and for refasin.r, r.fter da mand, to convey the mail as frequently na tho cor.- tfoptM. PTint fir ia nnrnrnftl In (i rv.tch pif. . - " " - " f or steamboat cn tho route. 7, The Postmaster General c.iy ar.r.'il th coc- (Mnt t"..t vnr.A.1 fp.l T--!Tnrf t.-, run rt -f, -t ,1 t . tract : for violating the port tffico Uf , r r dl v bey ing the instructions of the detriment ; for rrf to discharge a carrier whon required by th . 'depart ment to do so ; for running an expr?" as Rfr-,!tid ; ' or for transporting persons or pockag-.-s ecnvi iaj mailable matter out of the mail. 8. Tho Post master General may order an iii.'r'- or service on a route by a:.owi.jg tD-rcfor a pnract a. Leavo nc'.a Tuesday at 4 a m ; Arrive at Vermillion by 12 m , Leave Vermillion Tuesday at 1 p m ; Arrive at Poncha by 9 p m. Form of Proposal Guarantee and Certificate. Proposal The undersigned , whose rest office address county oi , state of 13 -, propose to carry themaii3 of the Lnited States, from July 1, l5o-,to June 30, ldu, on routo '.o. between and under the advertisement of the Postmwter General, dated October 20, IsoT, "with celerity, certainty, and security," for the annual sum of dollars. This proposal is made with full knotcU edge of the distance of the route, the weight of the mail to le carried, and all ether particulars in reference to ihe route and service, and, also, after careful examina tion of the laws and instructions attached to the advertisement. Dated Guarantee, The undersigned, residing 'at , State of .undertake that, if the forczoins bid foi carrying the mail on route No. be accepted by the Postmaster General, the bidder shall, prior to the 1st -day August, 15P2, enter into the required obligation, or contract, to perform the service pro posed, with good and sufficient sureties. increase on tho contract pay. He my tha:.- schedules of departures and Rrrivals in all cues, ucd particularly to make them conform to connect! c-i with railroads, without increase of pay, provided the running time be not abridged. He mry r!-c or- . dcr an increa.?o of rpced, alio wi eg, within tha re strictions cf the law, a pro mtn inercAsa of pay f. r the additional stoek or carriers, if any. Th.) con tractor may, however, in tha case incrtae of speed, relinquish the contract, -Ly giving prompt m tice to the department that he prefers doing so t- carrying the order into effect. The Postmaster Gen eral may also curtail or dircontinuo tha service, iu' whole or in part, at pro mta decrease of pay, allow ing one month's extra compensation oa the Birc-tiit dispensed with, whenever, in his cpitiun,tho puhlio the public interest require tho change, cr incii h j desires to supercede it by a diTcrcnt grzla cf trai.s-. portation. 9. Payments will bo made by collections freer cf drafts on postmasters, or otherwise, after tho expira- .vu ""jt . au gust, and November. 10. The distances are given according to the best information; but no increased pay will bo a.'owel should the points bo greater than advertised, if th points to bo supplied ba correctly stated, .bidder must inform tkemith-es on this point, and also-in reference to the weight of the mail, thi con litl ox.f riinHn-hilla. t.rpamj. A, in.l nl! tn!I kriil.Ta. f.nA. - , , . - .... - - ' - -' -j - - , 1 1 ' - , ' or obstrections of any kiud by which exptnso miy be incurred. No claim for additional r.iv. bat-J r.n such ground, caa be considered ; nor for alleged mis takes or misapprehension as to the degreo of service ; n?rfor bridges destrcyed, fcrric3 discontinued, or other obstructions increasirg distance. occurring d:i-' ring the contract term. Cficcs established after tilj adTersis-ment is issued,. ".nd also during the ccniru; term, are to be vL?i ted without extra pay, if the dis tance te net increased. 11. A bid rweiTed after the last d.ty and bur tamed, cr without tha guarantee required bylaw and a ccrt;,-ate ts to the sufficiency of such m'mn. tee.caanot b-s ro-:dered in competition withartg-i-lax pr-pc rcxjvzabla iaajiount. 12. Bidders ihcsll rst propose fcrsrvicestrH cccrdis-g to the aivcnL'v.-meat, and then, if they j detir. ifwwlji for d;i"crent service; an I if tl; rrjiiar til te lie lowest oaercd i ,r the advertcd Sfrtice. the other propositions m jy be coasi jered. 1J. Therw shof ld be bat cna route bid ft,r in prvpvsal. Ccn.u2idale.i or combination bids ( pro posiagce sua for two cr oore route"; ara f jilid aea by law, aai carinot be conjidercd. 14. The route, the service, the yearly ray', -th- . name and residence cf the bidder, (that is his" usual post office address,) and thoo of each rn'mb- r of a firm, where a company oilers, should be distinctly stated. 15. EidJajs are requested to U3 ns fira? practi cable, tho printed form of proposal furnirhed ty the department, to write cut in fall tho sum of their bid., and to retain copies of thorn.. Altered bids should not bosubmtitod; irr sho'i! I bidsonce submitted be withdrawn. No withdrawal of a bidder or guarantor will be allowed unless dtted' and received before tho last day for receiving jra pcsals. Ecach bid must be guaranteed by trro reitponsihla persons. General guarantees cannot be admitted. Tho bid and guarantees should be signed yVaiulj with the full name of each person. The department reserves tho r'ght to reject any bid which may be deemed extravngint.'afi i a! -o t; disregard the bids of failing contractors and bid-lcre. 15. The bid should be soiilod, gone rscri lei "Mail Proposals. Territory of Nebrarl.a," n ldrv I '-S.-c- ond arsistant Fostma. tor Genenl, CoGinct effije," and sent by mail, an 1 not by ca tTj an eg';p.t ; and postmasters will not enclose proposals (or lttcr tf ay k;? ! ) in their quarterly return. 17. IHeeontracU are tbe executed ar.d re?ne l t x'.:i tj- -artmentby orbefi-rethe -t dtyf tj i.t, 122 ; hut the scrrico mint bo comm. -.need on Co lit, July T-r'eedintf, or on the m.U day next after that da'o, ' a-ther the contracts be executed or cot. IS. i'oatmasters at offices on cr near railroads", but more than eighty rods from a station, will, imtandw ately after the 31st cf March nfxt, report their txa-'.i distance frorr; the station, at.i how the? am otherwise supplied with the mail, to enable the Post master General to direct a mail-wsiser.ggr sufpi from the 1st of July next. 13. Section eighter-n cf an act of Coogra-'s ap proved March 3, 1645, provides that contracts fj? the transportation of mail shall be let "in every case to the loweet bidder tendering suffic'at guaran tees for faitbfai performance, without other refer ence to tho mode of such transportation than ma be necessary to provije forthedueccIerity.certTin ty, and security of such transportation." Under ttis late, lids that propoieto trnneport the mn'Ziri'f.i "celerity, certainty, and meeurity," kieinfj been dtci dedto be the only Ljnllidi, are considered nt proriU'. ing for the entirt mail, hotcever lorje, and irhaterex may be the mode of con ceya nee n"-eary injure its uctteriTy,ecrtainty, an l seciri-'y," and will hare tae preference over all others, and o o'.htrs will l s-m-sid-red, 20. A TnodiScation of a bid in ary if its eential term3 ia tantamount to now rn.t v. - - - - w-.., mitlU, i . received, so as to interfere with a regular competi tion, after the lasf hour set for receiving bids. Making a new bid, with guarantee and certificate, ij the oaly way to mcdify a previous bid. 21. Postmasters are to becareful not to certify the. sufficiency of guarantors orsarifies witiioutktiowiag that they are persons of sufficient respon.-ililiry ; and all bidders, guarantors and surities are distinctly notified that on a failure to enter into or perform tae contracts ior tne service proposed for ja the ai- it . I a. .... .r eepted bids, the legal liati against them. ies will le enforced 22. Present contractor?, acd pei'ors knoxn at tl.o iv with ohers, rpjecur 77 li we do, Understanding distincthl , department, must, equali the oldieationx and linlnhfi, .s,,J h Eu'"a'1torsand certiSeates of their sufficiency tly 'J " j.;"V " .. r, fntiaily in tne forms above prescribed. Taecer- fc lo.jui o U.I.-A.CI iitcn.i seciwn oj tae aci tmcatesot 6uLiciency must be signed by a mXlaj, cf Congress of July 2, 1536. ter or bya judge of a court of record. "Noothercer- f)ltrJ ' " tizcaie acuai-.wa. 3i. LLAl., To1 tn.i-.u-r L;:trZ.