t V V-1 ;'l Trczi Lis Old C:.-i on iLe Ijcvpo to T.IAIN BLOCK, STREET, BROWXVILLEX CLOTHE .YOURSELVES. 1 Ever c.Tercd in this Market. Where h L&t oicLed uj a FRESH STOCK STAPLE ATiD FAX CY . DRY : GOODS, ALSO : A Large Stock of Choice Family COXIIETINO 0 Flo r . ; Ian, Eaccn Llolasses Ccflco, Tea, Salt, . . Cheese, Candles, ' And a fme assortment of LIGHT GROCERIES Such as Spice, Peppers, Soda, Salaratus, Ginger, Allspice, etc., etc. ALSO, A well selected Slock cf HARDWARE AND CUTLERY. (iUEENSWARE, Baddleryj Boots and Shoes. HiSknowledfre of the trade and wants of the people ef Uoownvllle aud vicinity enables him to make jndici fiu nurcbases expressly fur this market. He aMts an lamination of id Steele, feeliw? assured lie will be able U Uif7 in quality, sty l and prices. iillTliT IE m :f - - WHITNEY'S BLOCK 5 m V7 n 1801 McCOltMlCK'S Ecaper & Uower. nianuCacturocl "toy C. II. SIcGOIUXICZL & IJHO CHICAGO, ILLS. Twenty-five Thousand Sold During the last sis. yoars. An Aeeraje of over 4,000 each Year. Sulvt hare iusreated from 1G0O t '54 to 5,000 'CO. A & Reaper, the "McCormick" has been before the Amorican publie for the last twenty years, and during that time bu gained a reputation which is . " World-Wide." Notwithstanding the yearly in ereating joomctition, and tbehostof inventors en jrfred in the development of Heaping Machines, the "McCormick" leads the Tan the acknowledged su perior cf all in the march for practical improve xaen is. The representations made by other manuf&ctur that the McCormick was "onoe" a noted Reaper, but it now antiquated, is simply ridiculous, as the in creasing demnnd will prove. No single establish ment in the WORLD, man afae tares so largely of thete implements, and none expends equal money -timi or talent in reliable improvements. Many changes have been effected during the past season, and for IS6I, the -JIcCormick" is presented fjet tcr attractions than ever beiore. As a Reaper SIMPLICITY. STRENGTH AND DURABILITY cemmnd it to the farmer, while its capacity for work, with economy of joicer, give it the preference ' ove all others." The oempacting the frame, thus securing a more perfect balance to the machine : the position of the raker, in the rear of the driver, thus placing the ; weight where it should be, and relieving the weak er j aits of the miohine; the decreased weight, and Slight indentation of the sickle, the Castor wheel, and other iicprovernects added, hare materially Jes- . sen d the direct draught, and so obviated the $ide drscgbt that many assure us that it does not now xiit. The draught of the Reaper is 'so light 'hat in numerous instnees the large four -horse machine is 'forked with but two horses. fully equal The slight and combi As A Mower, . . ""ho machine of 1861 will be found to iny teet that it tray be 5ubmitted to. indentation of the Sickle, its lirhtneg nation with the beam and fingers, allows an increase cf motion not pr.H-ts-cable in other maehines, thus ' eni.Llingns to lo good vorl; with a a slow team,ox- ep, even,., working well. Our Improved Guard and Patent Cczncr, .ff.ctually prcvctits choking, no matter what the oi Uition of the f.-ras, while our new diria-. r point . ejaratcs bally l-niged and tangled tluter or rass wbre other macLiues fail. . ' ' There is also a great advantage in our serrated sic tie edge oter the smooth, as it does cot require fhirpecuig so often, thus saving time. Our Sickle wtl frequently run through an entire harvest with ers once grinding, wLiie the smooth. dge must be fiMBBd enceeach day, if not oftener. With asmoth e-1 r the draught inererses as the kulfe become dull Oi r draught is uniform, and in repeated trials du rirg tbe(wc.nof I8S0, proved far lighter than sin glo Mowers, euttiug at the same time from twelvo U eifhtepn inches wider. 'Jur Mower can bo used with or without the reel h s is imp-jrUnt, and without the red, weighs but about 670 pounds. . 6 t lo addition to the very liberal warrantee iven to a.l purchasers, we would say4 as heretofore, bat far ciors who may desire it, are at liberty to work our muchine through the harvest, with any ther, and kp, and pay fur, the oCe preferred, r&mphlets with full description of improrements iliiaoniiili, can bo had by application to THEODORE HILL, Agent. - Browaville, Isbraska, April IP, 1S61. 3 ) VARIETIES STRAWBERRIES. AmorR witch treVil--n' Albany, $1 pr 100 or &' r U'OO; Jenny LinJ, 1.50 per 100; Trioraphe d ('Oand, t2 per 100 ; Doston Pine, Ilovevs Seodlir?, Hooker, I'.lack Prince, May Queen and 25 other kinds at $1 per 100. iianisoi fcndolpa TinelSprinly of 1&C3 at 2 Tr doi. APg. Ie61; SEilAUAirURSERY. CALL AND SEE FOR YOURSELVS the -t VI." K J1' Sh-rt r: t:on U- tl Pevnitrr ni''nth of it f-" lib' l.kif'-.SIni, e '.u:.iy ijioas .i r - l a: AT THE Batimore Cotliing BROWN VILLE, 17. cu ' DAVID SBI.GBIL Announce to tie public tbat be .has opened out a READY-MADE CLOTHING, .. BOOTS AND SHOES, HATS AND CAPS, CARPET SACKS, . GENTLMEN'S UN DERWEAR, Sec, &.c, Su:. Unprecedented !n quantity, cuality and prices. lie is determined Lis prices shall corrcjioi.J with the iues, ami therefore offer here in the West, at just as low rales as ucu goour cau e purcLasea anyvrcre in the UnUed Prates. As a sample of his priceb Le will mention that he sells - Coals from $1,25 up to $15, Pants from C'l to $7, . Vest3 frora$l to $5. Boots, Shoes, ITaU, Caps, Fancy and White Shirts, Sus- ders, XotWties, Socks, UandkercLiefi, &.c, in the same prriKrtion. The proprietor embrace this opportunity of returning thanks for past patronage, ai d pruinise to spare no ef forts in the future to give entire satf action. DAVID SEiGEL. Erownville, June 13, lSl.-ly LiOOiS. SE0270Z CLOT II IN G WM AWAY! cf t'f .':!y ui i UK iiUii Uii-ery a.';.-;;. s;r:.p: fr n a w gie.t cf smaii c?mlaict i ui prising. a:4 It is iliPre. lore of the utmost importance th,it a urict at 'en ion to the least and most triCiDg btoiiy aliments shnuid be ha-1; for-disease of the body mast itvarbVy affect tie miaJ. Tb'! sutscrlrersnow on'v ak a trisiof DM. J. BOVEE DODS'S Imperial . V7ine Bittsrs from all who have nur use i them. We cha'.icE? e the world t priKlnce their equal. Thec Bitters for the cu:e of Wetk Stomachs. Gen eral Debility, and for Jfurifying a;id Enricbins the lilood, are absolutely unsurpassed by auy o' her reme dy on esrih. To he assured of this, it is oniy nece- essarT to inase the trial, ane vme is ci a oui- rior ouaiitr hciDK tLyni one-third i,trtnper than oth r wines, warrr.ins and luvicoratini the whole system from the herd to tte feet. As the-je bitters are tonic 8Ld alterative in their character, so they strengthen n.l iuvirorate the whole svt-tem and Kive a flue tone snd healthy act.on to all its parts, by equalizing the circulation, removal? the obstructions nnd producing a peneral warm h. They are excellent or diseases. and weakness reculiar to Females, where a tonic is requir ed to strengthen and braco the system. No ladi" wuo is subject to l.isitnda and faintness. hou1d be without them as they re revivifying in thfir action. THESF BITTERS XTII1 not onlv Cure but Prevent iMseasc. and in this respect are doubly valuable to the person who may use them for : INS1P1ENT CONSMMPTION weak Lunps, indigestion, Dyspepsin, dlseasec of the N'crvous svste;n. Paralysis, riles, and for all case requiring a Tonic. DR. JJODLTS Celebrated IVinc IJItters For Sore Throat so common among the Clergy they are trulv invaluable. For the ogel and infirm, ana lor persons oi weak onstitutions For ministers of tho gospel, lawyers and all nublii sraekers for 'book-keepers tailors seamatresses. studrnts.ar artiKts.and all persons lea- fiii.2 a sedentary life, they wiM prove beneUcial. as a beveraco; they are wholesome, inuocenc, ana doiicious to the taste. They produce all the exhierat- in eirncttiof hrmdvor wiue, without intoxicatiiic, ana nrt a valuable remedy for persons atiiuted to the use of PTCssivc strong drink, and who wih to rerain from it. Thevaiepure und entirely free from the poisons con- eained in the adulterated wines and brandies with which fhp country is lloodfd. These bitters uou nly CURE but prevent disease, and KhonM bnuBPd hv all who live in a cjuntry where the water is brd, or where chills and fever are prevalent. Beine entirely innocent and harmless tney may uegiv. en freelv to children am. infants wiin impunity . Fhysicinns and Clergymen, and temperauce advocates as an act i f humanity, should assist in Fpreading these valuable bitters over the land, and threty essentially banish drunkenness and disease. In all affections of the flead.SIcIc Headache, or JVcnonsi II aclie, Br.Dod's Imperial Wine Hitters .Will be fbnnd to be most Salntarn and! Eflicacious. ; C "l . it; .- I G 11 EAT I J I PIIOVKMIO NTS IN I" """I T" ' n tit n i i -i ij ii ii ii i1 HOiTLE MACLllXIi.1 Tiitentscl February 14th, 1S60 Salesroom, 510 Broadway. MAIN STREET. BROWN VfLLE. N. T. Takes pleasure in announcing that he has n wnn bard, a 1 iree nr.il select stuck of every art cle iahia liae, 0 si i T prin ai'. 1 ; 0 I'll -f-r,.t I CITY N'lLVv' YOIIK. . is cu;istriu.u-i oti an entirely new ;i n:: hi'i: ry. wssin many r;tr anl val rvo nts, having teen examined by the itn 1 expert s, an-l pr'.'Ponrx'V'i to be fclil an.l I'tKI ECTiON COMBINED. Tae following are the principal objections urged against fcewing .iachiLCs. I. Ercfctsive fati'tae to ! the operator. 2. Liability to get out of order. 3. Expe'nso, trouble and loss of tiiiio in repair ing. ... 4. Incapacity to sew every description of material. 5. Diingreeable noise while in operation. I v i . v M 1 n a ii i -n r m I si hmr-ire hewips: jiacliine Of all the improved yaUers ; viz : Piyiuoutn I'.ocx, Charter oaK, Vailey 1-ure, I 5 4 elevated Oven, Sec. Box and Parlor Stoves of an endless variety, some of which are entirely new designs, viz ; Cook and Parlor stoves, something very nice indeed for small families ' . mm mam rr? .-c. ii J f. s-ml'7 rr HEAVY SHEET IKON'FUii SUtiAli JTOILERS And Large Cast Iron Kettles from 8 to 22 gallons. Coal ana Lard Oil Lamps; Brass Copper, and euect Iron Ware; Lanterns, Shovels, fee JAPANNED WARE. ,k .V iifciJ ?''.-'--.. ? ,. i . ' If L.1 I nave procured the right to manufacture a late simple and iiunrovod self-sealing Fruit C?n to which I call the attention of the public. All of which I vlcl'.-e nivself to sell at as lair rates and on as accomodatinz terms as any other establishment in this region of Uie country lam prepared to put up gutterius and snoutiu aid all ,thr-r work of rav line atthe shortost notice, and in a workmanlike manner, which 1 warrant in crive satisfaction. ; . .., 1 pledge myself not to be undorrold ia the uiier couiilry J. C." DitTSER. Brownville, Augnstj-30 ISGO. ,., . , ' . .y , . JACOB jMAHRON, Hercliant Tailor, .' BROWNVILLE, 1 VTi:: pive t ens-tomers jnst now $nch bargain ha never before beeu presented to theia. fle wiil sell his goods or manufacture to order At Costs r And talte ia pay CASH OR WHEAT. . . At the hiphest market price, Brown vi lie, August 29th. 1961. SADDLEEY. Saddles, Hrldlcs, Collars, Whips, Lashes, Lines, Girths, Surcingles, Stirrups and Leathers, SnaJJJe, Curb and Port Bills, Ring Bradoons, Buggy Trimmings. Plastering Hair Constantly on Hand. In order to t ait all, I make harness from $ 435 per set. -1 I have collar from 65 cents to $2 each. , Halt eis from 75c. to $1.75 each. 1 WILL SELL AS LOW, if not lowe than any one north of St. Joseph, and those wishing anything in my line will find it to their advantage to give me acsil before buy ing elsewhere, ' ' ' JOHN W. MDDLETON, iirow;vvill,e, nr. t. FEMALES." nip manv cirtlscates which nave been tendered us and the letters"wnicn we uai:y recuive, are conclusive proof that, amon me women mese umers nave given a satisfaction which no others have ever done tefore. No woman in the lana snouia ne withoui inem. and those whoence u wieui, m 1101 m seeyaiun supply. : " DR J Bovee Dcd's IMPERIAL WINE BITTERS, Are prepared by an eminent and. skillful physician, wh has used them successfully in his practice for the las twentv-five rears. The proprietor before puryhaMn the exjlnsive richt to manufacture and sell Dr. Enve Codb' Ceiehrajcg Imperfai Wine Eiters. hadtthemtest ed by two disiirpuishcd medical practitioners, who pro nounced them a valuable aud safe remedy for dsseasa. Altnouch the medical men of this country, as a gen eral thing, disapprove of Patent Medicines, yet we do not believe that a respectable Physicu.n can be found in the United States, acquainted with their medical propertiesrwho will not highly approva Dr. Pod'i IM PERIAL WINE BITTERS In all newly settled places, where there is always lcrce onantity of decaying timber; irom wmcn a poi- nonoug miasma is created, these hitters thuoM oe used every morning boforebreatgast. IHt. J. BO TEE IMPERIAL WINE3ITTERS-; Are composed of a pure and unadulterated wine, com bined with Barberry, Solomon's Seal, tomtrey, Wi:a Cherv Bark, Sniknard Camomile Flowers, and Gentian Thev are manufactured by Dr. Dop himself, who is an experienced and successful physician, ana nence snouia not be classed anions the quack nostrums which flood the country, and against which the mecieal profession so justly denounce. These truly valuable Bitters have been so tnorouphiy tested by all classes of community, for almost every vn cty of disease incident to human system, that they are now deemed indispensahle as a p. r "J-i. 1 fr L-J r- 4 is Exempt it has a riight npe'lli pcnietidioula.r action rnske the LOCK or SIlUTTLt; SilCil. which will F.ITHEU lilt m.r HAVEL, und is alike on both : ntrforms nerteet sewins on every description of in teri.U, lr..mL. athtr to thefin'.-: ;i n - .-k Mnr lia, 8 with eittvn, linen or silk thread, ffm the c-sc-st to the JL-r-wt number, ITavin neitiur tJAii nor COO WHEEL, and the the least posiLIo trioiion, it runs as smoothly s ylat ?, and'ia " - - " - ;- EiT.ph-t!c?.!ly a Noiseless Mn-Uce! ' "It reifuires twtuTy-ve per evnt. le-.-i p. wer to driveit than any thtK iLichiue iu tn.irket, A girl of f.relvc yenrj of age can work ii sttadily, without fatigue or isiury t.- hei'Ith. ... Its .-trench au l WtJNDER'-i L STMPLICITY of ;IN ' EI10V7IIVILLI3. wh-tney's I3Icck, IZzi-a. LOOK FOR THE SIGN JBLK II o J. J. t hue man A.No.ih to th-? citizen? of B- iiiJiAj tun lig r ii i. i irv the Cirr r,f l!r...rM." added thereto an exteniira 5t,-fc u ' 4 tlTit, Fresh Chemicali, Faint? and Oils,. Ture V"in?s and Liq-r, For Medical Furies Hair and Tooth Irui Ferfuraerv. ' Fiae Toilet Soap, Invites the puhrlcpatro.nsotCM&C'' 53"Pbyskian's Prescriptions a"pn.i Loth by daytodnisht. a-e"Jcd to tt ill hacj I'.rnu-n vil'a Itni ir.L T.., ,,.,, m.i,i3?i. . nia-y!y The Economy of Usiir THE .. r U !ih; t ' L AiiA.N ILLu et n. I;i j in; to ; Drs8 Makers Corset Makers, Gaiter Fitters, Shoe Binders, be JL. 1WS1 O''lVi'-;'--'klflC0 o.-v -ill, S L.Lg , . 3a ?1 "1 '.-r a-. ,---.; j-rr h-jB ..v . 7 ,Vhk;.U--- - . :. " J vai? S"" is? J ty-? m affch C"iistruciiii r .-ii. of order, a:.i k give entire stiii;ii!!ti.u. . We respectfully invite all those who m.ij desire to supply themselves with a superior article, to call and examine this UHIVALLED MA'CUI.VE. Bat in a more special manner do we solicit the patronn'jjo of Merchant Tailors, Coach Millars. Hoop-Skirt Manufacturers, Shirt and Bosom M.iker?, Vest and Pantaloon Makers. 25""Relijrious snd Charitable Institutions will liberally dealt with. T) iSo. I, or Fomily Machine. 315,00 ; No. 2 Small sized Slariafwlurinc $30,00 ; 'o. 3 Largs sized Manufacturing, $75,0!). Ciibirsts in Every Variety. We want Agonts tor all towns in tho United States, where agencies are not already established, to whom a liberal discount will be given, but we make no consignments. T. J. I.icARTHTJIl Cc Co.,' r10 EroadiYay, a'eiv York. rice of Machines, Complete: FFiANKLJK Family Sowing IlacMne. T:',n,,',ri!n m:lk8 te celebrate: GXOr-'i BAKER STITCH, wbi,!, ha, ,akea thehUie t t um it the Illinois sute 1 ir, in Scpteujber u.h! ' wfc. juouik, L. I 1 uu. ar ;1 ..v.ic o.i.e rairs laroognout tue counuy. tonipe-.eni judges gave a decision iu tivfr cf th stitch, on account cf its great strer.-'th and aditit u all kinds of family and ma!.ufjictti:itjj?pnryo'fj The followms Table will show the di:rereari 'a farn, of Sewin? Machinesover theold me-.hod of lut -AI hand. In the worVing of these Hithinps tf or , iu me ueai.uiuiness or i:ie e;npl.yrf u uicn is mucn stronrer, mr ls;ic, and i rip or ravel thun t!ie stitch made with OObliltlS. uinr . tut tl. e:4 liibitto tba:t:e tod CHOICE Wholesale LIGUOHS. and EetaiL .van W orth ihgV OF THE Time consumed in tnaUnj up Laaieb' Garuifuts. Silt Dres. Muslin Shirt, -Merino Dress, Chemise, Calico Dress, iloreen Skirt, loMht Dress, Drawers, Silk Apron, Plain Apron, . By Mactite. ! n.i 15 Wl 10) J 5 37," 3o. 0j urs. 1 1 I I r.. X,n. 19- ( S 10 ( 7 :o s i I w 5 3H W 31 Time consumed in msfcinn f By Machine. up trenuemen s 'jirmect Hours Gentleman's Sti Frock Coat, " . Satin Vest, Linen Vest, -Cloth Pants, .Summer Pant., 23 40: 40 ! EyBrii. EVrs. Jt;n. II 1( ' 3 6 5 2 to 25 14 to BFtOTOVILLE, Has just received a choice lot of the best brands ef Lienors, which he will sell by the Barrel, Gallon, Qnurt or single Drin, The following is a partial list: BRAIIDIE3 : mm mt m - ir - c Tonic, Medicines and a Beverage. TTP Ct: IT-V? TT Tnrcliase one Bottle It Costs but tittle! Purify tlie Hlood. Gfive Tone to the Sto ' macli -Renovase tlie Sys v . and Prolong Xifc. (TP A (tSr ID V " ' f F "IT,- IVench, Cognac, . Annie. A ii is; Prlco $100 per Bottle, 6 Bottles lor p5 00 BOO arra t."i;z".'3 v. Prepared and sold by CIIAItLES WIDDIFIELD & CO., J s :5 Raspberry, Peach. Cherry, Blackberry. Port, Hungarian, Sherry, Malaga, Medara, Champagne. Y. IPS WHISKIES : Ear Rings, Shirt Buttons, Come andcs83 and 3LAT1IST FR031 TUE WAR. SEAT OF Erownville, Au UH1011 ARMY VICTORIOUS.. COODS CHEAPER THAN EVER. THE STORE FOR BARGAINS. PRICES TO SUIT THE TIMES. COME AND SEE HE. DEH'S NEW STOCK. I Lave this dy received my - FALL STOCK OF .....; ' t . Hardware and Queensware, Dry Goods and Groceries, Boots and Shoes, Hats and Caps, v . Powder and Shot,' Choice Liquors, '. Furniture Sac. To which I tate r!ure ia callity: the specisl atten tion of th public, feeling assured I cau ofler such in ducements to purchasers as they never before have had in this piscc.' I have purchased under peculiarly favor ably circumstances and will give my patrons the bene fit of my gwoU fortune. . I Buy and Sell for Cash, OR PRODUCE IN HAND. CASH PAID FOR HIDES. BOOTS AXD SHOES MADE ORDER AXD .. TO VI AEE A ITT ED! Rrownvjlle, Oct. 31. ISGI. nl7 rr. T. DEN". - Electric Weather IndTcalorT" Thu neat and curious instrument foretells the Meather from 12 to 24 hours in advance Sent free V,, aiIon receipt of 50 ceatsby the manufacturers, LLE v CO., cwark, X. J. Literal discount to Agents. SOLE PUOrRIETOS 1 , ' 78 William Street. Istew York. For sale by druggists and grocers generally through out the countiy. Oct. 17. 1 Sol. For the Fall Trade. The subscriber has for sale the coming Autumn the following: , 500 Houghton's Seedling and Cluster Go3ebery. 1,000 lied Dutch Currant. 2.000 New Kochello Blackberry. 200 Red Antwarp Raspberry. 200 Rrinckle'8 Orange " 100 White Grape Currant. 500 Victoria Rhubarb. . 500 Isabella Grape. 500 Catawba Grape.' " 100 Concord GraDo. 100 Tattle's lied "Grapo (New and fine.') Also: a larjre assortment of Ornamental Shrub bery, for which see priced liit, which wiil be for warded gratia on application. Address, U.A.TERRY, ynjr. ISjI. " Creacent City, Iowa. True Dele wars Grape Vines . PKOPAGATED FEOM THE OHiaiNAIi STOCK. Strong, Well-roottd One Year Old Vines grown in open cir. 50ct o $1 eacA, $5 to 10 per doz. Extral year old vines, and Xo. , extra large layert, with bearing wood, $1.60 fo $2.00. to $12 $18 per dozen. ALiiSO One vines of Allen's new white Hybrid. Anna, Cleveliiif?. CoiK-ord. Cuyahoga. Clara, Clinton. Casa dy. Catawba. Diara, Herbeniont, H.irtford, Proliac. Is IsabeMaj Jjhym.- Le Noir, LydU, Louisa, Lyman, Nor ton's Virginia, Ontario, Oporto Rebecca, Kopers's new Ilybrids. Taylor's CiUlHt, To-Kalon, Union Village, and many other kinds, at low prices. STRAWBERRIES. Wilson's Albany,. Trturaph de Grand, Jenny Lind, Trol lope's KicUnii. and Austin Shaker Strawberries. RirtUnd, and , Catawisa ever beariDar Raspberries, Lawton's Blackberries, &.c, all at the lowest rates, Jt3Sca(i tiT a ci rcular. ' - t. ; GEO. W. CAMPBBUL. Delaware, O. Oct. 8,1850. nl6-2m. TREE PEDDLERS, 1 will sell Good Apple Trees, 6 to 8 : feet high at....t. :.$40 per 1000 3 to 5 feet high at--- 35 per 1000 " Msse.many oi tnemnowin iruit, body 8 to 11 feet high Seedling trees, 8 to 1 1 feet Red Dutch Curium I year old " " 3 years old : Houghton Seedling Goosberry, 1 year Houghton Seedling Goosberry, 3 yean, Red and Yellow Antwerp Raspberry Franconia RasnLerrr Strawixirry, 2a varieties, from-2 w 10 per iooo Takes' pleasure in ahhouncin to the .... j per ioo . JUS opened a mr .JLIVEKY - - - - a v v a ivu .15per 100 30 per 1000 io rer iooo 15 per loo 20 per 100 13 per 100 Finder Rinffs Bracelets, Breast Pins, &c. Secure Bargains. 69 per 1C00 35 per 1000 4 per 100 10 per 4 per 10 per 1 per l per gust.'SO.lSCO. : -BR O N V I L L E ' -J.' Ju , ... .... , ; jvTm .Sj mm 100 . " ' t " ' - . , - , ioo .' '- ;;; IIS .:vOjstKT ..-SDII.jLflZj,; inn . ' . - - i Bourbon, Rye, Scotch,- Irish, Manonirahala, And a variety of common articles. BILLIARD SALOON AND Ten Pin Alley. lVIIITAEVS BLOCK Main Street. Erownville. 2'vmber 14. 188. nl9-tf SEEDS AND MACHINES, No. 14, North Main Street, ST. LOUS,! 0. - ' Sign of tht Gilt Plow. : AndXu's. 2U3 North Fourth St., or 218 Broadway. PLANT & BROTHER, ARE DECEIVING a l;iree assortment of Plows. Harrow, Ci: Itivit.TS. Hoes, RaSes, ShtveN, Spais. Pick. Axes. Hat bets. w Sryli.e. Snjihs. C'r.-nleU. Ki.rk.. iriiidstiiies, Cilh'in's Br.'kst .Shh1 S.iwors, Seed Drills, Hy. Straw and Cru Slock. Cutters, t ,.''' TlJreh" (' tii SliPlIe.'s. ruaiiis. The Fraaklia rainily: . SEWING MACHINE,'. His one advantage Ttiich. i3 worthy of epe-i! utentioa iu acaitioa to tue peculiar character ot tht stitch, an t that is its adaptation to either ligit or med um heivy work.. The Mchim which a' one moruenl is id oa -TllE MOST DELICATE FABRIC, in a few tpo-, ments after can be brought to bear with the urns facil ity on cottonade ar4 toweu of tin coarsest description. f Its adaptation for FAMILY WORK, is thQs remirit bla, and give it a tnperiority over every other atyief machine in the Market. In order tbat these .Machines may be plarrd'ln tt hand of all classes, we have reduced tt prl.-c of oir FRASKLIS FAMILY MACUISE TO -FORTY DOLLARS. i'rot:i the increase of our businejs fur ti. la-? year, and the ei.tire satisfaction our Mi.hinei art y i y i i r throughout :he Vntte-t States and Soropea COUn.. nes," If ti umwhi. .!. ,, im to macuf .c'tire a PERFECT. SIMPLE, RELIABLE AXD CHEAP MACHIXEH has been fully appreciate ty the public. This policy wilt remain unchained, and as heretofore no Machine will be allowed to loarttbo office that we cannot fully warrant in every re?pct. C shall keep on band at all times general uaoU. ment of Sewing Machine msterials Needles for all maehines can be ordered ty Majfor Express. Price One Dollar per dozen. Persons in the couatry, by sending us their ad'ims enclosing a letter stamp, can have forwarded" by return mail, one of our circulars containinj the di.Terout styles of .Machines, list of prices, and sample of worj. D. RICHARD! & CO., Principnl Aaents f'r the Korch KiKt. Once and S.ilesrotm 133 Lake 8'reet, Chica;?), Illiu.us, K. RICUARD3. L?to of L. Cornell Co. C. E- W1SWALL, J.N'D.W. TAfPAX, formerly As't f jr .h Grorr i Baker Sewing MichiTO. January9ih 13i. nld-tf ' THE OPORTO GRAPH. Tho Oporto is a very strong grower, and is per fectly hardy, having fruited annually fr:riore tbifti ten years. It is very jroductive, pJi vinos bar ing produced from five to over ten bushels oac?i, in a single seas.-m. Two vines, two ye:r planie-1 in La Halle county, Illinois, were nninjitred by tho cold, and finitnd fa..t ri'on. The wjae Ails a n-a-dy sale from two to four dollars per gM-a. Qc4 what the public say of theOptrto. "It is esteemcJ by I'bysici'ans a g -l P'rt Wine. It is somewhat astringent, rich and of f.na b.xir. The vines are unfailing and good lea"rer3."Kev. Dr. Louri?bury. "I have six different kind of Gripes. aQ'l t!i Opt.rtois the bsst of either of them for win, ail better than any other grape that I am ac-paintel ith." A. Devereaa, in tho Rural. 'For several yars we have nwd.j wine from tin Oporto Grape, and find a ready sale at.ojiedoliarprr" bottle, selling jQ LoUles fur single ori;rs." Syl' ter Clark. . Strong Tine $1 to $3. . For Tines or eircu'.an address E. WARES WESTER' Lyons, . 1 . n37v5-tf. ' Wheat! Wheat! Wheat! Farmers Look to Your Interest! Wm. T. X3on, Is paying and will cuuuuu t py the ii.tueA J WHEA T and PR OD I CE. in goods. if3 stock of fxords consistj of BOOTS and SHOUS, HATS and CAPS,' . 1 1 DRY GOODS and ....... GROCERIES, HARDWARE, .. :- . QUEENSWARE. , NAILS, DOORS and VVINDOW SASH, : - GLASS and PUTTY -PLASTERING HAIR. 30c per to., TUBS and BUCKETS, . FLOUR, BACON, MEAL and POTATOES. I also, kee a well selected stock of Calf, Kip, Cpp and Sole Lcther for manufacturing BOOTS and SIWLS, . irVtr T wlM wrrant tr eive satisfaction." I will uiy pjeseut stock of Goxls at prices Downers rVolilic Strawberrr Victoria Khubarb. Caionn's Seedling Rhubarb-.. .'. Scotch Hybrid lihubarb Seedling Rhubarb Rose, Hardy Summer, 20 varieties-' Rose, Hybrid Perpetual, 25 varieties - Rose, Climbing-. 8 varieties Also a large assortment of Ornamental " Shrubsat-s. , 12 per Defcriptive Cutalogm jRnt to a!I applicants. ' ; tiw?u 1 if,, u C. I) STEVENS. A?cnt. ' a citizens cf Erownville and vicinity, that he h&3 STABLE, where he will always Le 130 Address, January 2, 131: Mendota, Labile Co., III. u3-4 m Sclcllo -Hoi ready to fumi.Ii centleicfcn xvith ' ' ; ' KIrbj's American Iron HarFester Revolving and Sprinjr tooth Horse Hay Rakes, ' ' Krauser's Cliler and Wine Mills with Press, ' Sugar Cane Crashers and Evaporators, - Mott's Portahle i't.rn.ice and Caldrons, . .Portable Engines and Ilorse Powf rs, - Portable Flour and Corn Meal Milts, Woo-l and Iron Working Machinery, Mortisinn and Tenoniau Machinet, Lathers, Bolt Cutters, Coach Screws, Lanterns, Q-ieen's Portable Forge and Eellows, , Leather and Rubber Bellinj, Lace Leather and Steam Packing, Fren h's Washing ilachine, Steelvards. Scales, . GAilLLX, GRASS AXD OTHER SEEDS. !T"3end for Circulars 2 Orders fohcited iicdpr(nptlv executed t.y fLANT & BHOT2LE2. Jfarch, 1561. (KcJi-4iu-An3)3-4m) Every" VaHsty ofTorriato. Iir'o Red, Lar-o lel..jw, AprJe and Peach. R to suit the tim .. 1 -.i. - .? v .haT.r thm BiuDif. have been sold br " 1 1 . II will ... Mitn,'. r . befe,for Ca.,h, Hides, Wheat or Produce ot any k.DJ but no credit wi; 1 re given. Brcwnville, Anjrust 1st, 1SS1. . W T. 3o4tf PRINCE & CO'S. Llnssan Botanic Gardens and IVarscries, (FOOTED, 17K,) . " FlusiiiB, Lons Island, Near ITeTT York. TRICED CATALOGUES, whlcii art snt w p-irchaser bf Tree:-, and to applicants whi lnc.os stamps So. 1 Descriptive Catalori of Tmit anJ Orr.amenSBl Trees and suruos, Kaspoernes. ar.d all other smU Fruits. So. CrTi.sioB Chrvanthe:nums. Phlox..!; is, Donble Sweet W:.liaic and other nerbaceous Flowerinjf PlantJ. X.. 3 str; Lar?e Fruit Trees, Frorereeas act ;t.lr ornamei.'' Tree atW Shrub, anirable for immecuie. rra.i-a-"- ami embeli.hent. So. 4 wno;ei:e taia:.:c Nurseries and Dealer, emprUin Treea Siru', Sosw Plants. Buiboua Flower Rt3, Stacks tvr Znrtt'ivf, fi.c. No. 8 Wholesale Catlepie for Ye?etao A1"1 cultural and Flower seedj and Trees il ShrnS No. C Descriptive Ota !:; of ur in"' " wiia Brownville, June 19th, 15G1 CHARGES REASONABLE. JOHN A. SMALL. ii-. iy) .1 XC. !.!., ".. I V. w. I M n ,r T?...l Vi.-m i : ... T?,.J I VIlApfknlt Af lll Alj.t V- r i ' : n f 3 f r r TT! ft . 1 . x". ,n .... V: tf T- .. rr-..j x- 1 lirtrrTrn I tst aririi.wf;..rfVir Hur. irar.j jemn x 1, vutrrY, i,ni.TS i f net'ieu, .'cw .,. k nue. xrcuca ireo i ouiato, uie new uiiai van-ij - - . - n,u tt I'ck?i'"-'S ot seed of all tue above eleven varieties, 1 ..,.;....,.....,,,." .,' n..h'; Pritn . 1 will bo f Twarded ,xsc-jiid on receipt of one dollar irench Irco iouiato -!J ct.1. xcr pa'.sao; uw Whit.;, 13 cts.; Lester's Tcrfcotcd 12 cts.; LarireKed 25 cts. per ounce. Z.Wy vinVf; 0 GirJvn J fur r,lc. Catalogues giatis. Tackages warranted to reach all who purch:ie. ; JAMES J. H. C.REGORV, Jr.uiry, 18?2, tf. Marblehead, Ma-J.- 8tbr Polean-.has. C'w.!:rs -luricul s. Dmises.ins anj Rare F!oweriuz P.anrs. No. 10 Whole-a.'t '''of.7 f.f tliesBioe No. 13 CtV.c?ue of GrcmtcJ Vo.ll Dpucri:ttv Catjicaua of K9 iwu Forpui Tariciiosff (iritis. S. B. Tlie price hive r--n reduced, who ieirwin iiU-i.-e their Lifs, a:: prlrd at the lowt r itcs. Nc cmcer CI, 161, ( :o'fJ and vitbfls will t fi