Nebraska advertiser. (Brownville, Nemaha County, N.T. [Neb.]) 1856-1882, January 30, 1862, Image 4
JOHN A. PONN, ... Has Removed From his Old Stand on the Levee to WHITNEY'S MAIN STREET, 0 . BR 0 TEA7 VILLE 2s T. Where Las of ened tip a FEESH STOCK Coxxeiatlzis or STAPLE AXD FAXCY DRY: GOODS, ALSO A Large Stock of Choice Family CLOTHE YOURSELVES, CHEAPEST CLOTHIITG S-rocenes, cojuirrmo o Tlo r Bacon Sugar, Uolasccs Ccflce, Tea, Salt, Cheese, ." . Candles, etc., etc., And a fine assortment of . LIGHT GROCERIES Such as Spice, Peppers, . Soda, Salaratus, Ginger, Allspice, etc., etc. ALIO, ' .fir ell selected Stock of HARDWARE AND CUTLERY. .' UEENS WARE, IT1 - ak 1 ck r-r -k j t m iioois ana onoeo. fTrS'triowledf-e of tbe trade and wants of the r Tie f Bovwuvllle and vicinity enables him to make judici ous purchases expressly for this market. He asks aa anamination of his Stock, feeling assured be will be aula to aaUifr la r nalltT. at Tie and prices. imim m w TT7TtTmTmr TT AnT" 1861 McCORMICK'S Reaper & Slower. 2VX,T3.xxrvotxxrocl "toy c. n. sxccorhicix &, nitos., CHICAGO, ILLS. Twenty-five Thousand Solu During the last olx yoarn. A Aeerayxf orsr 4,000 oac Tear. Salet ave 'iMreaeed from 1600 in 'Uto 5,000 in '60. - At Reaper, th .McCormiok" has been before be American publlo for the last twenty years, and -daring that time baa gained a reputation which is vsrr- "Vf." Notwithstanding the yearly in r" --petition, and the host of inventors en- I -a derelopment of Reaping Machines, the Aww iok" leads the ran the acknowledged eu--periorof all in the march for practical improve ment. The representations made by other mannfactnr tbattht MoCortnick was Monoe" a noted Reaper, la til now omtitptated, i simply ridiculous, as the in atreaaing demand will prove. No single establish ment in the WORLD, manafaotures so largely of ' these implements, and cone expends equal money , time or talent is rtlialU improvements. . Uacyohanges have been effected during the past ' season, and for 136 1, the "MoCormick" is presented greater attraction than ever bel ore. At a Reaper Simplicity, strength and du. R ABILITY Amme. It 1a tYm frmr. wMl lit aniitv tnr r - t j - - - rork, with economy of power, give it the preference . ever all othaxi. '. The compacting the frame, thus securing a more ' perfect balance to & machine : the position of the .raker, in the rear of the driver, thus placing the weight where it should be, and relieving the weak er peats of the machine; the decreased weight, and alight indentation of the sickle, the Castor wheel, and other improvements added, have materially les sened the direct draught, and so obviated the tide dranght that many assure us that it does not now vxist. The draught of the Reaper is ,'so light 'hat In tumorous instances the large four-hone machine is worked with but two horses. Evf r offered in this Market. ISO DOUBT ACOIT IT I CALL AND SEE FOR YOURSELVS AT THE Batiinore Cotliing Store, BROWNVILLE, IT. T. As A LIoT7er, The machine of loot will be found fully equal t uy test that it may be submitted to. The slight indentation of the Sickle, its lightness and combi nation with the beam and fingers, allows an increase of motion not practscable in other machines, thus nablicgua to uo good, wort, with a a slow team, ox , n, even, working well. Our . Improved Guard aud Patent Cleaner, ffcctusily prevents choking, no matter what the .ouditien ef the grass, while our new divider point pirates badly lodged and tangled clover or grass, w bore otter machines fail. . . There is also a great advantage in onr serrated sickle edge ever the smooth, as it does not require barpeniog so often, t bus saving time. Uur fickle will frequently run through an entire harvest with- cut vnee grin diix?, while the smooth adge must be i-pcd cr.oee&oh day, if not eftener. With asmoth mJ M tVfe linn r-V 1 iru-rarsM tH ar-vfn KnrAmll fin 11 Our driTjtt u uniform, and in repeated trials da- - mg tte iwc cf ISoO, proved far lighter thaa sin- f l i.w?r?, riUiejf at tie aama time from twelve U . ekcbieAa ix.les wiiar. . w &wer can re stea witn or witnout me reet Visit important, nd without the reol, weighs but about 670 pounds. ) In addition to the very liberal warrantee given to all pcrcbasers, we would say4 as heretofore, bat far Biers who may desire it, are at liberty to work our machine through tbe harvest, with any th6r, and keep, aud pay for, the on preferred. r re j .h lets with fall d xription of improvements fumoniais, ao can oe naa oy eppueatioa to THEODORE HILL, Agent. FroTTCiYiiio, liTebraska, lpril 18, If!l. 0 VARIETIES STRAWBERRIES. Arnor c wbifb are Wilson's Allany, $1 per 100 or It rer 1 CCD Jenny Llnd, $1,50 per 1C0 ; Triomphe aVlmed, 12 per 1C0 ; BostonPine, Jloveys Seedling, Ilookars, Lik Prince, Hay Qaeen and 23 other kj1s at l per ICO. Haats wX iiandolpa Una SprinJy of 1853 at 2 Afj. j:Ui ." . jriffAHAKUBEKT. DAVID SBIGB1L, Announce to tbe pnbllo that be has opened out a stcKi or READY-MADE CLOTHING, BOOTS AND SHOES, HATS AND CAPS, CARPET SACKS, GENTLMEN'S UN- DERWEAR, &c.,&c.,&c. rcprpfedPtited In quantify, quality and prices. lie is determined Lis prices shall correspond with the times, and therefore offer bere in tbe Wet, at just as low rates as such goods can he purchased anywhere to tbe United f .atea. As a sample of bis price be will mention that he sells Coats from $1,25 tip to $15, Pants from $1 to $7, Vasts from fel to 5. Boots. Shoos, lists, Caps, fancy and White Shirts, Sus tiers, Neckties. Sucks, Handkerchiefs, fee., In the tame proportion. Tbe proprietor embrace this opportunity of returning thanks for past patronage, and promise to spare no ef fort In the future to give entire satisfaction. Call o-xxcl boo Ixlxii. DAVID SE1GEL. BrownvlUe, June 18, lS61.-ly Lools. Here ! CLOT II I N GIYM AWAY! G JACOB MAHRON, Elerchant Tailor, BROWNVILLE, 1T111 give to customers Just now such bargains as bas never before been presented to them Be will eell bis goods or manufacture to order A 9 And take In pay CASH OR WHEAT. At the highest market price, Brown vine, August 39th. 1S8T. SADDLEEY. Saddles, Bridles, Collars, TVhlps, Lashes, Lines, Girths, Surcingles, Stirrvps and Leathers, Snajfle, Curb and Port Bitls, Ring Bradoons, Buggy Trimmings. Plastering Hair Constantly on Hand. In order to suit all, I make harness from 6 J5 per set. I have collars from 65 cents to $3 each. Ualtcrs from 75c. to $1.75 each. I WILL BELL AS LOW, if not lowe than any one north of Bt. Joaech. and those wishing anything in my line will find it to their advantage to give me a call before buy ng elsewhere, JOHN W. MDDLETON, 13UOT? AVIL.L.E, IT. T. TO THE PEOPLE OP In the month of fecember, 1S55. the nndersi?ned for the first time uforfl f.r to tbe pr.hlic DR. J.BO VEK BORS' IMPERIAL WINE BITTERS, 8Dd in thir abort pfri d tber hnre Kien such satisfac tion to the insitr thouBTiis of person wh hre trid them that It Is no m ets!ih'J artirie. The amount of bo'iliT anJ njpnta! misery arising simplv froin a ne glect of sniaU direp'.aints is anrpritixig, and it is there, fore of the utnioct Importance that a strict attention to the leanfand moFt trlfiing bodily aliments should be bad; forhsease of tbebtij- niust Invariably arTtK:t lUt mind. The yithcrirers nw only ak trial of DR: J. BOVEE DODS'S Ixnp-sxial Wins Eitters from all who have n.-r ured tbem. We challenge the worWto produce thflr equal. These Bitterf for the cure of Weik. Stomachs, Gen eral Dcbiiitr, and for Purifying and Enriching tbe Blood, are absolute".? unsurpassed by any other reme dy 00. earth. To be assured of this, It is only neces essary to make the trial.- Tbe wine is of a very supe rior quality being about one-third stronger than oth er wine, warming and Invigorating the whole 6y6tem from the bead to the feet. As these bitters are tonic and alterative In their character, no they strengthen and invigorate the whole system and give a fine tone and healthy action to all Its parts, by equalizing tbe circulation, removing the obstructions and producing a general warmth. Tbey are excellent for diseases and weakness peculiar to Females, where a tonic is requir ed to strengthen ami brace the system. No lady who Is subject to latitude and falntnes, should be without them, as they are revivifying in the!r action. THESF BITTERS TFII1 not only Cure hut PrcYent Disease. and tn this respect are doubly valuable to the person who may use tbem for INSIPIENT CONSUMPTION weak Lungs, Indigestion, Dyspepsia, dlseasee of the Nervous system. Paralysis, riles, and for all cases requiring a Tonio. DR. DODD'S Celebrated Tt'lne Ultters Aro TJnsurjassed. For Sore Throat ao common anioug the Clergy they are truly invaluable. Fur tbe aged ana infirm, and for persons of weak constitutions For ministers of the gospel, lawyers and all public spackers for !book-keepers tailors seamatresses. students, ar artists, and all persons lea diLg a sedentary life, they will prove beneQcial. 11 a beverages they are wholesome, innocent, ana delicious to the taste. They produce all the exhierat ing effectsof brandyor wine, without intoxicating; ana are a valuable remedy for persona adicted to the use of etessive strong drink, and wr.o wish to refrain from It. Tbey ate pure and entirely free from the poisons con- eained in the adulterates wines ana nranaieswita wnica the country is floodfa. These bitters noto nly Curb but prevent disease, ana should be used by all who live tn a country where the water is bad, or where chtlla and fever are prevalent. Being entirely innocent and harmless they may oegiv. en freely to children and Infanta with impunity, Physicians and Clergymen, ana temperance aavocaies as an act of humanity, should assist tn spreading these valuable bittera over the land, and threby essentially banish drunkenness and disease. In all affection of the IIead,Slck Headache, or Nervous Head ache, Dr.Dod's Imperial lVlne Hitters 1T111 be found to be most Salntarn and; ECicacIoug. FE3IAI.ES. Th.o rnftfly Jdrtlfioates which bave been tendered es and the letters wnicn we aaisy receive, are conclusive proof that among the women these Bitters bave given a satisfaction which no otbera have ever done before. No woman in the land should be without them, and thofe who once use them, will not fall to keep a full supply. DR J Boveo Dod'a IMPERIAL WINE BITTERS, Are nrcnared by an eminent and. skillful physician, wft bas uned them successfully in his practice for the las twenty-five years. The proprietor before puronasm the exilnslve richt tj manufacture and sel I Irr, Bove Doda' Celebraie Imperfal Wine Bit crs, badtthera test ed by two distinguished medical practitioners, who pro nounced them a valuable and safe remedy for disease. Althouehthe medical men of this country, aa a gen eral thing, disapprove of Patent Medicines, yet we do not believe that a respectable Physician can be rouna tn th Kriled Hates, acoualnted witn tneir medical properties, who will not highly approve Dr. Dua'i im. PERI AL WINE BITTERS In all newly settled places, where mere is always a large anantity or aeeaying unmet, rrom woicn a poi sonous miasma Is created, these bitters shuold be used every morning tof ore breakgast. DR. J. BOTEE DOBS' IMPERIAL WINE BITTERS Are composed of a rnre and unadulterated win, coro-' blned with Barberry, Solomon's Seal, Comfrey, wiia Cherv Bark. Sniknard Camomile Flowers, and Gentian. Thev are manufactured by Dr. Dop himselr, who is an experienced and successful physician, ana nence snouia not be classed among the quack nostrums which flood the country, and against which the medical profession so justly denounce. Tbee truly valuable Bitters bave been so thoroughly tested by all classes of community, for almost every vrl ety of disease incident td human system, that they are now deemed indispensable aa a Tonic, Medicines and a Beverage rarcliase one Bottle It Costs but Little! Purify tbe Blood. Give Tone to tbe Sto niach -Ilcnovase tbe Sjs and Prolong Life GREAT IMPROVEMENTS IN IPISW 11 MP. 'sniTnii t v a u :i ii s 1.1?;. m Tj SL V ' - . 1 . . 1 ELIPIKE ilUlTLK IMACLHNEe Patented February 14th. 1SCO IN ; Erkow:TviLL2 I . I 'its, n N n JNIAIN STREET. BROWNVILLE. N. T. Takes pleasure in announcing that he has now on hand, a laree and select stock of every art cle in hii line, Plymouth Rock, Charter Oak, Valley Purge, Elevated Oven, Sec, Box and Parlor Stoves of an endless variety, some of which are entirely new design, viz Cook and Parlor stoves, something very nice indeed for smal 1 families Of alt the Improved pat'ers ; via A combined t TTTIMTxscollO;X2 eons HEAVY SHEliT IKON hOR SUGAK BOILERS And Large Cast Iron Kettles from 8 to 22 gallons. Coal and Lard Oil Lamps Brass Copper, and sheet Iron Ware; Lanterns, Shovels, &c NKW YOKK. . , This Machine i.i constructeil jii an entirely new rrineiide of machinery, poking many rare iinJ vnl uaLle iioprovementi. having been exnrninel by the mot profound expert., and pronouneesl to be SIM I'LIUITV and lJi;r.r ECTIOX COMBINED. ' The following are the principal objection ured ainst Sewing Jlachines I. Excessive fatigue to toe operator. Whitney' E'.cci LOOK FOR THE Sir. r.r .... II 0 MORTAR ELK. J. J. THTJRMAN 2. Liability to got out of order. 3. Expense, trouble and loi-s of time in repair ing. . 4. sew Tncnnacitv to every description of material. 5. Disagreeable noicie while in operation. The Empire Swing Machine is Exempt from all tlicbe oojectious. Jt has a straight needle perp JAPANNED WARE, Vi r H r i 0s -n h h ' ka- MOT W awS tUrnii. ' 3S I have procured the right to manufactnre a late simple and improred self-sealinj: Fruit Tan to which I call tho attention of tbe public. All of which I pledge myself to sell at as fair rates and on as accomodating terms as any other establishment In this region of the country I am prepared to put up guttering and spoutiu? and all other work of my line at the shortest notice, and in a workmanlike manner, which I warrant io give satisfaction. I pledge myself not to be undorsold in the upper country J. C. DECSER. Brownville, August, 30 1860. iXZ fc LATEST NB3W. Pile $100 per Bottle, 6 BottIC3 tor uu eer 23 LATEST Fiwm . THE WAR. SEAT OF UllIOIl AR?1Y VICTORIOUS, GOODS CHEAPER THAN EVER. THE STORE FOR BARGAINS. PRICES TO SUIT THE TIMES. C0LIE AND SEE HE. DEN'S NEW STOCK. I have this day received my FALL STOCK or Hardware and Queensware, Dry Goods and Groceries, Boots and Shoes, Hats and Caps, Powder and Shot, Choice Liquors, Furniture Sec. To which I take pleasure la calling tha spedal atten tion of the public, f eellng assured I can effar such in ducements to purchasers aa they never before have bad in this place. I have purchased under peculiarly favor ably circumatances, aad will give my patrona the bene fit of my good fortune. I Buy and Sell for Cash, OR PRODUCE IN HAND. CASH IAID rOH HIDES. BOOTS Prepared and sold by CHARLES WIDDIFIELD & CO., SOLE PR0PRIET03 78 William Street, TTevr Tort. Tor sale by druggiata and grocers (renerally through out the country. Oct. 17. 1BSI. For the Fall Trade. The subscriber has for sale the coming Autumn tbe following : 500 Houghton's Seedling and Claeter Gooseberj. 1,000 Ked Dutch Currant. 2,000 New Rochelle Blackberry. 200 Red Ant warp Raspberry. 200 Brinckle's Orange " 100 White Grape Currant. 500 Victoria Rhubarbi 500 Isabella Grape. 500 Catawba Grape. 100 Concord Graoe. 100 Tattle's ked Grape (New and fine.) Also: a large assortment of Ornamental Shrub bery, for which see priced list, which will be for warded gratis on application. Address, H. A. TERRY, yng. 1851. Crescent City, Iowa. p Tuicn i k. -H EI III i I M M I u u iaiitiiWu 4 win asiua n 5 indicular action miikes the LOCK or SHUTTLE STICII, which will NEITHER HIP nor RAVEL, and id alike on both siJe ; performs perfect, sewing on every description of tn cori-al, tromljt-athor to the finest Nan?o"k Mur liu, "with cotton, linen or silk thrcii,froin ihe ct se.t to the fino?t number. Having neither CAM nor COG WHEEL, and the the lea-H possible friction, it runs as smoothly as glass, and is " rmphr.tlcally a Noiseless Madiire! It requires twenty-five per cent, less power t drive it than any other Machine in market. A girl of twelve years of ae can work it sfadily, without fatigue or injury to health. It's strength and WONDERFUL SIMPLICITY of conftrnction render it alraots imp'ssiblo to get it out of order, and is GUARANTEED ly the company to give entire satisfaction. We respectfully invite all tbose who may desire to supply themselves with superior article, to cull and examine this UNRIVALLED MACHINE. But in a more special manner do we solicit the patronise of a X- f Y"""- " f - . . . . vioinity thaf be his remove I h"n M-Jney.Iowa, to the fit? (.f Jlrownvi'-., T. ,r,"a added thereto aa extensive sto.k or " ' J Fresh Drug?, Chemicals, Dye SiufTs, . Taints an J Oils, Pure Winps and Lu vi -"i rurposes Hair and Tooth brush Perfumery t ine T If!" 1 i oiiet Invite3 the puhilo pitmnae. ' Sj-Physician'a Prescription attended to at n . loih hy day and nu-ht. " Brownville, Apni IIth,lS3I. The Economy of TJsin THE Dr? s Makers Coret Makers, . Gaiter Filters, Shoo Binders, Merchant Tailors, Conch Mukers. Fliiop-Skirt M;inufaturers, Shirt and Bosom Makers, Vest and Fanta'.oon Makers. 5TBiligious snd Charitablo Institutions will be liberally dealt with. Price of Machines, Complete: No. I, or Family Machine. $45,00: No. 2 Small f ized Manuf;icturin, $(30,00 ; No. 3 Large sized Manufacturing, $75,00. Cabinets in Every Variety. We want Agents tor all towns in the United States, where agencies are not already established, to whom a liberal discount will be given, but we make no consignments. T. J. LIcAHTHTJR c Co., 510 IlroatHvay, Vciv York. FRANKLIN Family S ewing Hachine. umai the liiio I mted States Fair Ttl rn.-hinc make the celpt,r.el CSorn u BAKER STITCH, which ha IaV-.h ,y,-.,T.1 . is Stare Fair, in September i.t Z in St. Louis, in isko nn,i .. principle state Fairs throughout toe country, O.nipeteut Judges (tare a deciMon in farcr of t-, stitch. ..n accunt o It j great strength sad Uiptdiio. J all Kind of family and Drinufai-tiiriim p;irp.M The f.,l lo-irmg Table ill how the differeixe in or dewing Mjchiue over theoM aieth.d of atttclutirv, band. In the werkina of 'fce-e Jijomne rire only a ?reat of labor and time, bsirte v m greatly to the healthf nines of theempIoTment bV!h" otjtch is much htr.,tier, more elaxtic, and les lut tu np or ravel than tbe stitch made wits shuttle'! bobbins. . CHOICE LIQTJOES. Wholesale and Ketail. Evan Worthing , OF THE EL si cfflmoci: 1 lb ASS Mlf ---- i ,1 MM J jLWjE3 3152: OH a ?m f I 3 ILL s Enr Rings, Shirt Buttons, JEWELRY. Finger Rings, Bracelets, Breast Tins, Come and see and Brownrille, August, 30. I860. Secure Bargains. TMIE HXML. CI Mob Mb BROWNVILLE, Has Just receivel a Liquors, which he w Quart or single Drink. choice lot of the best brands of ill eell by the Barrel, (iailon, The ol lowing U a partial list Time consumed in malting Ry Machiae up umes' uaroiciiij. Hoar 3! mure, i i ji usiia Shirt, Merioo Dres, Chetnie, Calico Drer", itoreen Skirt, Night DreoS, Drawers, Silk apron, Plain Apron, Py Ilwt. up tientlenien' (iaiiueuu Hour. iipntiemau s Shirts, Frck Goat, Satin Vest, Linen Ve-t. Cloth Pants, Sutumer Pants, n:iljur. K.v. I i to i X; S 6 i 1! 8 ltj . 10 111 i s I 4u 7 i ? 27! 6 3t - to i ; lie. i By Han.J. ilin. Hour. M;n. ', 25 IJ 40' 18 2 IS 3 lit 4(5 " 9 IS 69 - - 5 13 40j s BEAIIDIES : French, Cognac, Apple, Raspberry, Peach. Cherry, Blackberry WINES : Port, Hungarian, Sherry, Malaga, Medara, Champagne WHISKIES : Bourbon, Rye, Scotch, Irish, Manongahala, And a variety of eommos articles. BILLIARD SALOON AND BROW N V I LL E True Deleware Grape Vines PROPAGATED PROM THE ORIGINAL STOCK. Strong, Well-rooted One Year Old Vinet provn in open air. 60 cts to $1 each, $5 to 10 per doz. Extra i year old vine, and Ao. I, extr large layert, with bearing wood, $1.60 fo 42.00. to $13 $13 per dozen, ALiSO One vines of A I ten's new white Hybrid. Anna. Cleveling, Concord, Cuyahoga. Clara, Clinton, Cavsa dy. Catawba. Diana, Herbemont, Hartford, Prolific, Is abella, Logan, Le Nolr, Lydia, Louisa, Lyman, Nor ton' Virginia. Ontario, Oporto Rebecca. Rogers's new Hybrids Taylor'n B illitt.To-Kalcn. Union Village, and i ... Uiauy other kinrn. at low prices. STRA IVBERRIES. Wll-on's Albany Trtnmph de Grand. Jenny Llnd, Trollope s Victoria, and Austin Shaker Strawberries. Rirtlasd, and Ctawiisa ever bearing Racpbarries, xawtoirg Blackberries. &c, all at the lowest rates, 5j"Send for aciruuiar. GEO. W. CAMPBKLL. Delaware, O. Oct. S. I860. nl6-2ra. AXD SHOES MADE ORDER AND TO Y7 ARE AIITED! Brown rllle, Oct. St, 1R6I. nlT "W. T. DEN". Electric Wcatlier indicator. " This neat and curious instrument foretells the Jieaiher from 12 to2i hoursin ailnw., t7U ec'Pt of 50 CB, V7 the manufaetnrerf, LEt- Tf CO., ewark, if. J. Liberal diuocuttso Afats. TREE PEDDLERS, U'CllSLG ITOtlOO 2 1 will aall Good Apple Trees, 8 to 8 foot high at , $40 per 1000 3 to 6 feet high at 35 per 1000 iio, many tntmnowin iruit, body 8 to 11 feet high Seedling trees, 8 to 11 feet Red Dutch Currant, I year old " 3 years old Houghton Reedlin; Oooeherry, 1 year- nougnton heechnj Goosberry. 3 years, 10 per uu tiww Antwerp Uaspberry. 1 per Franeonia Basiberrv. .... .Strawberry, 25 varieties, from-.. 2 to 10 per 1000 iownors rrotino strawberry 3 per 10O Victoria Rhubsrb - 15 per 100 Cahoon's Beedling Rhubarb 15 per 100 Sootch Hybrid Rhubarb 39 per 1000 Seedling Rhubarb.... .... 20 per 1000 Iloe, Hardy bummer, 20 varieties 15 pei 100 Rose, Hybrid Perpetual. 25 varieties... 2Q n inn iose, iimoing, o varieties 18 per Also a large assortment of Ornamental Shrubs at 12 par Peroriptiva Catalogue ssnt to all aprlicanti 'auii jo. jjuur. Addraes, C. D STEVENS, Agemt. iSmnJtnlM. T,.ll VI Jaanary 3, 1812. tll-ia 60 per 1000 35 per 1000 4 per 100 10 per 100 4 per 100 100 10O 100 100 ISO r J li!a U J LLa iLiU Li O y ir a J JST Z H - T S 1 - - . - r'rT T'i TTV " r5! LfT'rJ fr? r Ten Pin Alley. WIIITRET-'S BLOCK Xvmher 14 Main Street. 118. n!9-tf Erovvnville. SEEDS AND MACHINES, No. 14, North Main Street, ST. LOUIS, 310. Sign of the Gilt Plow. And Xo's. 203 Xorth Fourth St.. or 213 Broadway. PLANT & BROTHER, ARE RECEIVING a laree assortment of Plows. Harrow Cultivator. Hoe. Rakes, f hovels, Spades. Picks. Ases, Hatchets. Scythes. SnatliH, Cradeli F'.rks ft: inilst.,.ie Cah.rt.n's Broiici-t Seed Sower Seed I iiW. tly. Str iw mi'I C.'ti i' - I' i- to-- T'jre.-Le'- I' The Franklin Family SEWING MACHINE, lias one aivan'ace which U worthy of especial axtentlon in addition to the peculiar cbartu ter of the f.itth, acd that la its adaptation to either liifbt or nie-liuru heary work . The Ma-.lnne wlili h at np moment is afi ia THE MUST DELICATE FABRIC, in a few mo menti after can be brrjuitht to bear wi;h tbenan: facil ity on rottonaiiea ni towel of tbe " ret 4M:iipri. n. Its ad3p.-tion for FAMILY H'ORK. in tin: remark, ble. and uivea it a superiority over erery other style of machine in the Market. In order that these Machine may be placed itutLe namU of air classes, we hare re-im-ed the prjri nf our FR AX KLIN FAMILY MACHIXE TO FORTY DOLLARS. From tbe increase of our btmiaens for the Idfl year, and the entire attraction otrr Maihiaei are Sivinjt throughout the Unitel State ana European Countries, we are led tnl.eliee tfMtonr dtermiint:n to mjnnrictrtre a PERFECT. SIMPLE, RELIABLE AXD CHEAP MACHIXE. has been fully appreciate ty the public. This policy will roinain unrlianEud, antf as heretofore no Machine ill be allowed tw lectthe office that we cannot tuliy warrant in every recyecj. e shall keep on haiJ at all times a general asaort inent of Sewiim Machine nisterlal Needle for all raaehinea ran be orJersi 6y J 41 1 o; Expre". Price One Ju!Ur per d len. Persons in the cotintry, by eenounj n thtlr a'l,h" enclina a letter st imp, can have forwarded by retiiri mail one ot our circulars containing tbe different tie ot Machine. Hat of prices and sample of w..ric. U. liJtllAIItJS & CO. Principal Amenta for the Ii'orth W?s. Office and S.i!erooru 133 Lake S'reet, Chicago, Iliiu.i K. RICHARD La:oof L. Cornell St. Co. C K WIS WALL. JJO.W. TAPP., formerly Ag't for .he Grove: Baker Sewing ichiue. Jannary9th' 19B2. n2(J-tf THE OPORTO GHAPH . The Oporto is a very strcnj grower, anl h tp feet'y hardy, having fruited annually for inoce th ten years. It is very productive, old Tine ha ing produced from five to--nver ten bujaels in a sinla sen3on. Two vines, two yearj plan'." in La irni!e county, Illinoi?, wern uninjured by the cold, and fruited lant season. The wine fiadi a ra dy pale from two to four dollars per gallon. what the rublic say of theOj.rt'. "It is esteemed by rhysieians a (rood T( rt TVic? It is soncewhat astringent, rich and of Ann body The vines aro unfailing and g'od bearen." Ke?. Dr. Loun.bnry. "I have six diuorent kinds of Cnp, aaJ t; Oporto is the best of either of them for wine, at I better than any other grape that I am acquajnteu with." A. Devereaa, in the Rural. . ." uvr several yf ara we have made wine frca the Oporto Grape, and find a reidy sale at ofted ..Harper bottle, selling 50 Lotties for single orders" IvtJ ter Clark. Strong vines $1 to $'T. For vines or f:rrjTrt address E. WARE S WESTER Lyonj, . - n37v5-tf. J Wheat! Wheat! Wheat! Farmers Look to Yonr Interest! Is paying anil will toutiaue u p.iy tie UiKet Mi te Price for fVHEA T and PR OD I CE. in C'Kxls. Mj f lock of Grrfxls consists of LOUTS and SHOES, HATS and CAPS. DRY GOODS and GROCERIES. HARDWARE, QUEENSWARE, NAILS, DOORS ac J WINDOW SASH. GLASS and PUTTY LASTERING HAlR.SOc rer lu... - TUBS and RI CKETS. flour, raco:;. WEAL an.) FOT , .1 Cjif.Ki?-. I H:. aim 6!' I'. I t ck norp a w Leiu r ... r;M ii BOOTS and SHOES, wb i I will warrant fo ?:ive ?u'i.-f.ictioO. I 'f my pje-fi.1 st.k of C.;A, a' pnee-. to suit the ti::' wtm.-ri i! beclieaijer t un emxl have wen before, for CjIi. Ili les. Whoat or Prluoe of nT but no credit will be given J her- TEX. J Takes pleasure in announcing to the citizens of Brownville and vicinity, that he has jus: opened new LIVERY STABLE, where he will always be reaay 10 rurnisn gentlemen with Oiiricres, oto., etc. CHARGES REASONABLE " JOHN A. SMALL. KIrbj's Araentaii iron Harvester Revolving and Sprinz tooth norse Hay Rakes Kranser's Cider and Wine Mills with Press, ' S'i-ar Cane Crushers and Evaporators, Mott's Portable Furnace am! Calilrons, Portable Engines ami Horse Powers, Portable Flouraml Corn Meal liills, Wotxl and Iron Workin? Jtachiriery Mortising and Tenoning Machine. ' Lathers. Bolt Cutters. Coach Screws, Lanterns Qieen's Portable Forsc and Bellows, Leather arxl Rnbber Belting. Lace Leather and Stenni Packing. Frenche's Washing Machine, Sie'elvarct Scales GARDES', GRASS AXD OTHER SEEDS. . K?"3end for fTirculai-a.C2 Orders solicited andprompflv executeJ rr PliAKT & BROTHER. March, 1861. (Kui-4n-An38-4iu) Brcwuville, An?ustlst, ISfit. PRINCE & CO'S. Linnsan Botanic Gardens and icr.5cries (TOCXDED, 132.) Flushing, -Long Island, Near which a-e.ent to Knit ana CnrMntS 2R s, Cm.:"' of Every Variety of Tomato. Lir-o Rod, Lar-g Tellow, Aprlo and Pcacb, Ted num. Yellow Plum, KeJ Fi, (sometime callc Pear,)YelIrw I ic, fherrj, Lester's Perfected, New White. French Tree Tomato, the new upright vnrietj PiR-kaes of seed of all the above eleven varieties will be frwarded post-paid on receipt of one dollar' Tree Tomato 2 ct.. per packa-f Jiyw nui-, 10 lii'sicr t crtectea lc' BrewnviHe, JUB 19tk. 1861. (nCO-ly) PTiTtmn hata r.nntr' purchasers vt Trees, an.l tu apili'llt- V.-. 1 ra ratal"11 . ... ' . . UC.-HII'l". . trtiainen'al Trees ai.,1 Sfuut.s. Ra-i.cer;ie ari.1 ail oiher f ui-tll Fruits. X Cliryantteronws. Palox Iris, P nbie be j aid other He: bace-.m Flowerioi :a, mental j Larze Fruit Trees. Kverreen t'J "' jiarins Trees n4 Stirub. fur ltnoiWi - 9 for and eral.elishnient. X. 4 W-..;eie v jiAse l Xurteries and Dealers, conipri-i2?Tree'" -....'raf'in. iauis. iinio..- riower noon. v AV'' ! cultural and Flower Feeds, and T. ees ana s"' i &.c. Xo. 6 Descriptive Cjtal. gue ui rrie,. wjth Collection of 160Seiect Tanetiesor a ,. ,rt Nj. a RzjrCTED 1. 1ST. and Directions f r Cu.u j Wboierale U.-t of Xatve and Forcist. G"'T:' t.iCr Cataloirue of Bn!tou t Flowera of every t J e, with Trees and Herbaceous Fonie. Viix if''t'0i oti Polemlhtia. Cowslips. Aoruula-s. P,1S',',' Ct-jU4' Rjrp F'nwarinir Hnl. Xn. 10 W hole " LrvoP,l iv,...m v.. 1 1 TaLiloiua of OreenSi o I -3 CU. per ounce. Trrcry o Gvnhn terf Xo. t-t-Deecriptive Catalogue, at or e. . Catalogues gfatij. Varkaper. wam-nteJ F -reu-n Vsrietie of Grapev -,fc? !' ' - I.-. ... . I . . a.. I . ' - .IAMB'S .1 M CDTTPonr. i CBUim-i"! I J"rj, IS92, XT. VarVcaiil-'s,. i See-!- fnriva t& prica at tbe lowHt rate.