Nebraska advertiser. (Brownville, Nemaha County, N.T. [Neb.]) 1856-1882, January 30, 1862, Image 3

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V x, o 6 l. .
jfld, and Printing Material of all Kinds
fiices,Ttibune Buildings, NewTork, and Erown'slroi
Buildings, Philadelphia.
rjJ"Tbey are authorised Agents for tha
Farmer and Advertiser.
LTnItcd Stales and Foreign Newspaper
Advertising Agency,
krf .uthorUed went fur tie "NEBRASKA ADVER
Advertising Agents in St. Louis. Messrs,
Kt!trDT & O'Dokoghce, General AdvertisinR,
t'jllKtiug and Commission Agent, 45 Olive St. Louis,
re our accredited agen'j in that city, and tbey are au
imnied to receive advt-rtlsetnenta or both ibeAdver
fjer ad Farmer, and collect bills lor the aauie.
' Traveling Aoext for Tiie Advertiser Asd
fAMEB. WM. E Haevet , Esq. is our regular au
thorize traveling Agent for the Advertiser and Far-
jr. He will shortly visit tbe Eastern cities for the
ru7pe of procuring advertisir.R patronage. lie is
fully snthorired to contract and nse our name in busi
Bf transaction connected wuh our publications.
the PnblUherj ILcy can obtain a specimen copy gratis,
which will te sure to confirm the Uuth ot our recom
mendation." We fully endorse the above, and Would recommend
onr readers to take Prentice's advice, and subscribe for
tte paper. A tew volume commenced oa toe first of
January, and it being a valuable work of reference,
containing, as it sloes, the only cBclai lint cf patent
claims published ia tbe country, every number should
be preserve !. The paper is published every Satnrdav.
y the well known patent agenta, Messrs. Mchm St Co.,
wno nave conducted the paper during the past sixteen
In addition to furnishing specimen copes of the paper
gratia, the publishers will send a pamphlet of advice to
inventors, free of charge.
AWre, iiuisnst & co.,
87 Park Row.
, . . ".. ' ii
Those "of the light fantastic toe," and
all o'ibers who've a mind to go, and dance
to muiic's charming flow Attention!
Those fair one's, whom our hearts en
shrine, in form and eye?, all but divine
should give. to dear St. ValentineAt
tention ! Then move in measure one and
all, end "dance attendance" to the Ball,
remember 'twill be at Den's Hall ; the
taller, Prof. Dye, 'ill be on the stand,
music Ly his Cotillion Band ; then brin
your lady by one hand, in the other a
Lalf a dollar. Which will be the price
of admittance for the pleasure of danc
ing, on the 14th of February, at Den's
Hall, to the music of Dye's Cotillion
I3an(!,aud the "iniuiitaUe" Jim. as caller.
E H. Bcrches w ill remove his exten
sive nursery in the spring-, from Oregon,
Mo., to Omaha, Nebraska. We wish
him all the success imaginable.
An acquaintance of several years
standing warrants us in heartily recom
mending Mr. B. ta the people of Omaha ;
io fact "the rest of mankind' in the Far
West. He is an educated and practical
man in his business.
Arrangements are being made to have
the pnllic School in this oprred in alott,
two weeks.
J. H. II Ilewett will take charge of
the large scholia rs. aud Jesse John of
the pinall ones. These gentlemen have
both had experience in teaching in this
place. and hare given very general satis
faction. "
. To Seed'smex. The editor of the
Nebraska' Farmer, desires the address
and catalogue of every seedsman in the
United StatBs.' Those engaged in that
business,. and who will comply with the
above request by cdressing Farmer,
BrownriHe, Nebraska, will confer a favor
and benefit themselves.
GrWi!l our Eastern exchanges copy
- J-' - - w- M liVAV. A V U i i "
tions lo render a' similar favor when an
opportunity presents itself ?
Tot the Kebraxka Advertiser.
Mr. Editor: As in the present dis
tressed condition of our country in a pe
cuniary sense, great economyjs essential
to enable'us to get along. I conciv? I
shall do the community a service by ma
king known a substitute for code. Hav
ing mentioned to a friend, that during
the last war with England, when cofl e
advanced one hundred per cent., our fa
thers used parched sweet potatoes, he
conceived the idea of trying the sweet
potato pumpkin, and the result was a
beverige as near in appearance and fla
vor to coffee as can well be conceived.
The manner cf preparing it is by
paring the pumpkin mentioned, (or the
Hubbard Squash.) and baking it a very
dark brown, putting a piece half as large
as the hand into the pot of boiling water
for fifteen minutes, when it is ready for
the table. It may be well to state that
dried pieces of pompkin do to parch, and
are as good undried. By trial the proper
strength will be known.
Xjlx7-or Ilosulntor
Are pure vegetable extracts. They cure all billions
disorders of the human system. They reeuiate and in
vigorate the liver and kidney?; they give tone Uftlie
d. (festive organs; tbey repulate the secreti ns, excre
tions ani exhalations, equal'ie the circulation, aud pu
rify the blood. Thus, &il billions complaints some of
which are Torpid Liver, Sick Headache, Dyspepsia. Piles,
Chills and Fevers, Cotiveness or Loot-eness are en
tirely Controled and cured by these remedies.
Removes the morbid and bilious deposits from the
Huuiach and bowels, regulates the Liver and Kidneys,
removing every obstruction, restores a natnrai and heal
thy aciion in the vital organs. It is a superior
Family Medicine,
Much better than Pills, and much easier to take.
I a superior tonic and diuretic; excellent in cases of
lo-s or appetite, flatulency, female weakness, irregular
ities piunin tbe tide and bowels, biind, protuding and
bleeding piles, and general debility.
Jas. L. Bruuiley, merchant, 1S4 Fulton street. New
Toik, writes, AuKust 18, I860: " I have been afflicted
with piles, accompanied with bleoding, the last three
years; I used
- C j.' . T ' ' m r r
Baihd, of the Smithsonian Institute.
Washington City, we ire indebted for a
copy of ' the annual report of that Insti
tute. We were quite interested in its
perusal," and will take occasion hereafter
to extract iron "it.
The trial of citizens of San Deroin,
cnthe charge of Larceny, last week, be
fore Esq. Belden, resulted in their being
bound over to Court. Those who were
present say the trial was the most inte
resting one ever witnessed in the Terri
. tory.
Our townsman, II. INI. Atkinsox, was
Jast week, at Nebraska City, admitted to
practice in the Courts of Nebraska. We
learn, from those who were present, that
hcdisplayed an unusual amount of legal
knowledge. May he meet with the sue
cess he" deserves.
And now consider myself entirely cured'
ITon. John A. Cross writes, "Brooklyn, Marck 15th,
ISM). In tbe sprius of 1659 I took a severe cold, wkacb
induced a violent fever. I took two djscs of
It broke up my cold and fever at once. Previous to
this aiWk. I had been troubled with dyspepsia sever,
mmitlis; I have felt nothing or it since,"
OtiB Smdley. Esq , J2S East 2Sth Street, Vew York.,
writes: Auguct 13. I SCO. I had adrfncnlty with the
Kidney Complaint three seats, wuh c nstant pain in
tbe small of my back. I had used most all kinds ,f
medicines, but Jounu no permanent relief until I uSed
I passed clotted bW.l by the uretttrH. I ina n.vw en
tirely cured, and take pleasure in recotonieudiog Uive
Mrs. C. Tebow, II Christopher Street, N. T., whites :
'Feb. 20, 1S60. I havebeen subject to attacks of Asti:
tua the last twenty years. I have never rnuid anything
einal to
in affording immediate relief It is a thorough Liver
and billious remedy."
Mrs. Toung. of Bro' klyn. writfs . "February 23 1630
In Aiay last I had a evere attack of Piles, whu-b cuc-
fiucd me to the bonne. I look one bottle of
and was entirety cured. I have had no attack since."
D. Westerville, Esq., of South 6th. near 8th Stret.
Willis nsburg, L. I., writes: "Augast 6, 1SC0 Ilaviug
Lcn troubled with atii&culty in the Liver, and Bubjoct
to Liiiious attacks, l was aovikea ry airioua to try
I did so, and fonnd it to operate admirably, removing the
bile and arousrvg the liver to activity. I have also
used it os a
IPamily Moclicino.
When our children are out of sorts, we cive them a few
drops and it sets them all right. I And it meets the
general wauts of the stomach and bowels when disor
dered "
Reader, if you need either or both cf these most ex
cellent P.emedies, Inquire for tbeui at Hie stores ; if you
do not find tbeui. take no other, but incite One Dollar
in a letterand cn receipt of the nioner, tbe Remedy or
Remedies will be sent according to your directions, by
mail or express, post paU. Aderess,
102 Nassau Street, Kew Tork.
Put ur in 50 cent and $1 Bottles, each.
Nov. 7, 1SG1. ulS-Ctn
New Remedies for
It has been reported, and currently be
lieved here the past week, that Chand
ler, the Jayhawker. and about a dozen of
his men, have been killed near Atchison,
Seeds tbom Patent Office. J. L.
Hats, Chief Clerk in the Agricultural
Department of the Patent Office, will
please accept our thanks for a supply of
garden and flower seeds.
We Dotice by our exchanges that Ex
President John' Tyler died on the 17th
inst." Also Col. Colt, inventor of our re
volving fire-arms, on the 10th mst.
We publish this week but little tele
graphic new?, for the reason that there is
but little of interest to publish.
What (lie "LonlsTHic Jonrnar says.
do not beMere that even in this aire of cheap
publication any w..rk can be more reasonable than the
-term of tbe Rciehtific Axpkicam at $2 per a-.num,
with twenty-flve per cent, discount for clu of ten. It
forma a yearly volume of P32 pape quarto, with an lnv
roenoe number of ortpinal enpravinrs of patented ma
chines, valuable Inventions, and ob.iects of scientlflc in
terest. There is not on Industrial pursuit which does
not receive a share of attention. It contains official
Hsta of patent claims, Important statistics, practical
recipe for useful domestic purposes, and hs lnn stood,
toth In this country and Europe, as the highest authori
ty In the mechanic-art and sciences. There U no pub
lication more valuable to the fanner, the miller, the
ngineer, tbe ifon founder, the mechanic, or the manu
facturer. We have never opened a number wKhout
learning something we never knew before, and obtain
ing valuable information for the benefit of our readers.
Tbe Publishers, Messrs JIcsk X Co. of 37, Park Row,
New Tork, have deserved the success which they have
achieved. No one should visit that city without calling
at their palatial establishment, which Is a museum of
inventive renins, collected from the entire world. If
ny of onr frieniSs away otT tn the country do not know
this work, and wii, tke orr advice, they wi2i mail 9,1
and become s.ubsci ibers imme'iately, cr by appljrlng to
A Benevolent Institution established by special En
dowment, Jor the Relief of the Sick and Digressed,
atfltctid vith Virulent and Chronic Diseases, and
especially for the Cure of Diseases of the Sexual
MkDICAL ADVICE give tvatia, by the Acting
Valuable Reports on Spermatorrhoea, and other dia-
ease of the Sexual Ontans, and on the NEW REUS
DIES employed in the Dispensary, lent ia sealed letter
envelopes, free of charge. Two or three Stamps acceptable
Address DR. . SK.ILHN IIOCGHTON, Howard As
sociation. No. 2, South Ninth Street. Philadelphia, Pa.
December 12, 1S61. n2J-ly
Two Extensive Woolen Fa dories are in
With all the Latest Fine Improvement t.
We are rejred to manufacture to order, &a4
Lave for sale tbe following (woods:
Satinets. Heavy and Light,
Fulled Hiiso3s, Colored White
and Mixed, 11-2 Yards wide.
Blankets of ali Kinds and all Qualities,
Warranted all (woods of the best material.
tifWe will exchange the above Goods for Wool
or cash.
Fancy Ij Insr to Order.
We will pav cush lor any amuUDt of Wotl, at
Market Prices.
Flour co rstantlj on hand forsale. The best pric
paid for wheat.
August. 23, ISt 0.
hziipsj for t kta
American Cement Glue
Is the only article of tbe kind ever prodaced whieh
Save your "b-ioken Furniture
Mend your llamas. Sira--?, belts, H ots Jto
Save t. ho rcices (.fthat esnvive (-ut t7)M? Bottle
Don't throw away that br-jkrn Ivory Fan it is eaa-
Your broken Chin Cupiand Sa icsrs can b3miie
as good a new.
That jiie?e kn'icktd ont of your Marble Maatlacau
bpnt or. s st.-oDftsi crrr?
No matter if that broken Pitch r d'.d cost but a
t-hil'iine a oh ;!lriir saved isashillir? earned.
That Cosly Alabaster Vte is brocken and you can't
match it mend it it will never ebow when j ut to
gether. It will Mend bone, Coral. Lava,
and in fact everything but Metals.
Any article Cemented with AMERICAN CEMENT
GLUE will riot bnw where it !? inended
'L?ry IlouacWcei-er s joul'i ha-ve a sur-'ilv of Joins
Cri.slnv's .jo lotnMt fillip " V V Tlm-m
"It is so convenient to have ia the houso." X Y
Lxpren. .
,'It is always ready; tbUcommudsit to ereryb dy.'
We have tried it and find it as useful iaour house
as water." Wilhts Spirit of the Tim.
Economy is - "tToiXtlx
SlU.OOU peryrar saved in every launly
Ly O ne Buttl of
Price 25 Cents per Bottle.
Price 25 Cents per Bottle.
Price 25 Cents per Bottle.
Price 25 Cents per Bottle.
Price 25 Cents per Bottle.
Price 25 Cents per Bottle.
Very Liberal Reduction to Whole
sale Iluyers.
IS-For Sale by all Druggists and Storekeepers
Ihrousrhnnt the country.
fSole Manufacturers.)
Corner of Liberty Straot. KEWTORR.
Importantto House Oirncrs.
Important to liuilderi.
Important to Haillioad Compa
nies. Important to Farmers.
To all whom this may concern, and it
concerns everybody.
The Cheapest and moss durable Roofing
in use.
It can be applied to new and eld Roofs of all kinds
steep oiflat and to Shingle roofs without removing
the Shineles. .
TlicCost Is only about One-Tliird
that of Tin, U DIT IS TWICE A"
This article bus been thoroughly tetttd in New
York City and all piuts of the UniJd States Cana
da West lnd:e and Central aud south Amoriua .n
buildings of a'l kinds such as Factories Foitn l-'riot"
Churehbs R.iilPtoad Depots Cars nnd o?i Public1
Building generolly 0.rernraeTit BuiMinys Ac. by
tlie principle iJuild-'r &rch'tN-t ? a.-. ) others ".urii :;
tie t'u ir veirs wi h u proved t 1 t ;i; CHEAP
EST :u.d MO-T i.'l.'R'.liLi; HO' ! IMJ j ,. ui, in
every r-t ct a riKr watfu wkaTf.x and time
r::'i'F.'it'i:Y 1". rK'Hsd? al: '.rrrs.
i-i '' ihi V SLY not -"i'll rn-innf'iu':n-fX in ie
I'ui'f.d Si't'i wl-.;.:h cu l,.i;i;.: .'-; v. ry desr.iblj
pt .-, ,-eri ; s ' Eliirtit itQ an intrabiliti s A ,;
T A P I ; i t ; HaAKD INDIA li UiJ :
ib Heat is Requirsd in Maklin?, j
AppllcaticxL j
1 he cr;:eneoi Hpj.iyuii it . i. f nrjin ns an cra'ii.fy
Koof cau b c iVlTc I t?nd Enislord th. nam'! day. -
It can be applied by any one,
and wii'-H f;:iif fonu n perfectly J lRi Pi:o!S"ir
f'nee with an oie?tio body which cannot be injured
by Heat Cold or Htjkms Ha kissing tf Roof
Boards nor any external a.-ti in whatever.
For Coating Metals of all Kinds when
exposed to the Action of the Whather, and
(For Preservf nj? and Repairing
Mclal Roots
ThisisTHK only Compositiof KSOWS tchich trill
tuccesofitlly resist extreme changes of all climates for
an length of time when applied to metals to which,
it adheres firmly forming a body equal to three cofit?
of ordinary paint costs tniirh less, and will LAST
THREE TI.VES AS LON67; ana from its elasticity
is not injured by the contraction and expansion of
TIN and other METAL ROOFS consequent upon
sudden charges of the weather.
Leaky tin and other metal roofs can be reudily
repaired with Gutta Percha Cement, nnd prevented
from further corrosion and leaking, thereby ensur
ing a perfectly water-tight roof fur many years.
This cement ia peculiarly adapted for the preser
vation of Iron railinirs. St
Implements, Ac, also fcr general manutsxturTS use
For preserving- ani reoairinir Tin and other mpk.
al roofs oftvery description, from its great elastici
ty, is not injured by the contraction and expansion
of metals, and will t crocfc n cold nor run in
vnrht treaiher.
Z These materials are adapted to all clioates, and
we are prepared to supply orders from any part of
the country, at ehort notice, for Gutta Percha roof
ing in rolls, ready prepared for ose, and Gutta Per
cha Cement in barrels, with full printed directions
tions for application.
.Asoxxts VV.xxtocl.
We trill make liberal and satisfactory arrange
ments with responaddo parties who wculd like to
establish themselves in a lucrarive and permanent
We can give abundant proof of all we claim in
favor of our improved Roofing Materials, having ap
plied them to several thousand Roofs in New York
City and Ticimty. f
Wholesale Warehouse, 78, William Street,
Corner of Liberty street, NEW YCRS,
Full descriptive Circulars and Prices will be fur
nished on application.
3or.7,lSGl. ly T
"Creveling" Grape Vines.
Orders for Yine.j of Ihisreally delicious andtnrly
Grope acetmpanied by Caeh will receive prompt
Good one year Vines, 50c each, $4 per dor en.
Good twe year Vines, $1,00 each. $7 Ter do?n.
v2n3 Kingston, Luzerne Co., Pa.
Apple Tree
For fate br Mann A Fisher, at ll Hmwrw'lU
I Nursery.
I am prepared to 1111 orders for this fine sweet scented
Roe. with Rood strong plants, at tLe following very
low rates, viz :
Slntrle Planrs, i . - 29
1 dozen ...w..i50
100 " ooo
l.oeo " ------ 6.5 o,'
Kow is tbe time to ornament yoftr Lawns and Eesl
dences cheaply.
A'Wresa. H. A.TEHBT,
Kor. S3 fcSt-tf Crecnt Ci'y, n.
H.3 2.t2-r-s .Tj2.a jsa
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Scrofula, or King's Evil,
is a constitutional disease, a corruption of the
blood, by which this fluid becomes vitiated,
weak, raid poor. Iking in the circulation, it
pervades the whole body, and may burst out
in dLcase on any part of it. Ne organ is free
faom its attack, nor L thera one which it may
not destroy. The scrofulous taint is variously
caused by mercurial disease, low living, dis
ordered or unhealthy food, impure air, filth
and filthy habits, the depressing vices, and,
ahove all, by the venereal infection. What
ever be its origin, it is hereditary in the con
stitution, descending fiom parents to children
unto the third and fourth generation ; " indeed,
it seems to be the rod of Him who says, "I
will visit the iniquities cf the fathers upon
their children. - -
Its effects commence by deposition from the
blood cf corrupt or tilcerous matter, which, in,
the lungs, liver, and internal organs, is termed
tubercles; in the glands, swellings ; and on
the surface, eruptions or sores. This foul cor
ruption, which genders in the blood, depresses
the energies of life, po that scrofulous constitu
tions not only suffer flora scrofulous com
plaints, but they have far less power to with
stand the attacks of other diseases; conse
quently" vast numbers perish by -disorders
which, alth6ugh not scrofulous in their nature,
are still rendered fatal by this taint in the
system. Mcrst of the consumption which de
cimates the human family has its origin directly
in this scrofulous contamination ; and many
destructive diseases of the liver, kidneys, brain,
and, indeed, of all the organs rise from or
are aggravated by the same cause.
One quarter of all our people are scrofulous ;
their persons are invaded by this lurking in
fection, and their health is tindermined by ;-.
Ta cleanse it from the system we inut r:-novii:e
the blood by an alterative medic in", nr.d in
vigorate it by healthy food ani exr-rcif.
Such a medicine we upply in
Compound Extract cf f?nrsapnri!!n,
the most effectual remedy which th? niec'..-T
ki'il of our times c:m Wie tt th:4 ev. !yv"
where prevailing and fatal n.uuuly. ll is co:.
Lined from the most active r V.fiTs that h:tv :
be n dih'tovfjrei for flic expurgation of this ton:
disorder from tlie blood, and thn rosene of llvr.
svstcm " from its destrnctivo consequence.;.
II-. nee it should be tniployed for the cure of
not only Scrofula, but also those othr auc
tions which ari.-e from it, such as Eim ptivi;
and Srci.v Diseases, Sr. Anthony'-' Fntu,
TiosB, or EiiYsirF.r.A?, Pimtiks, PfsTi its,
Blotchks. LLAiNaaiidlJoii.sTtKoitsTKrTUK
and Salt Rhkvm, Scai.i IlKAirPi.'fi'.VGu:.i,
IIhkumatism, SvrHiutiC and MrHc.yiUAi. Dis
kasks. Ditorsv, Dyspevsia, i:hii.ity, anu,
indeed, atx Complaints aRikino i hom Vitia
ted on Impure Blood. The popular belief
in "impurity of the blood" 'is foimded in truth,
for scrofula is a dc generation of the blood. Th?
particular purpose and virtue of this Sarsapa
rilla is to purify and regenerate this vital fluid,
without which sound health is impossible in
contaminated constitutions. ;
IFasIiiM nacliiiies.
Tbe rncst simple, durable, convenient and economical
article ever Invented tor the purpose.
Will do tte wasbin of an ordinary family bafore
oreaaia3t, not only savibg time, but clothes.
By strictly fullowin a the printed direction., wliich are
simple and esy, it will wasb, at one time, six shirts,
or two dozen small articles, ia about ! or text min
utes, or tteir equivalent. -
Byall ttie ordinary methods of cleaning flne-fttrlcs,
suoh as laces, &.c, the greatest care is required, while
with this machine the rust delicate article can be
w.nhed without tte possibiiit v of da:naze.
These results are "prodnce'l by the cotstant reaction
the snds while the machine is in motion,
of Famines, laundries, hotels, boarding-honses, hospit
als. aiylums, boardinn-schuols, on ships anJ stoamers,
and in the army, who have these nse, have
setit iu their testimonials volnntarially, and the ercj
miuin.f of the Pies are very numerous, some of which
I have published in namrh!et U rn.
A11 I aai of t'.ePiihlic is a carefal examination of
this machine before purchasing of others.
General Depot 419 SroaJway, corner Canal St , Jfew
Price only Tea Dollars.
V B A tiheril discount to the Trad. Agents
waniea. sena jor a circular.
Address box fc93, X T City P.O.
1 0 H A VINES.
: MY Steels of uativo vices comprise all the vrit
bie varitita wi.b which I ia ajyrnaiutid. Tbe
Iaats have boenprodncai with (rr3ateart!,uniertho
most favorable circumstances for healthy develop
ment, and surpass ineicellency any that I have here
tofore len able to offer.
Fit the fall trnde, a limited ?nrnlv of Union
Viiiae, Lenoir. ( Lincoln. ) Pauline. Elsinahurz.Tav-
or. (or Bullitt,) and All en's Hybrid is offend. Of
r.cit Delaware lavers, also, the supply ia not larze.
but quality unequaled.
ihe stock from Delaware, single eves crown both
in house aud open air, is large and tin. For vine
yard p!s.r.tinr soma stnuj vines, ctaft-ed on Catavr
ba acd I.-abella stocks, ara oiffred at a low trice
roots very str- rg.
cry large layers of Duina.ITerbermnt, an! Con
cord, gron with esrecial care fvr injmeJiat ? bear
ing. Good layers of Anna, Users' Hybrid, 12 kinds
alto vlara, La'.dy, To Kebeeca, Miller's
Louisa, Loaii, Emily, Canby's August, Hudson, H.
Proline, Cuvahoga. &,o.
A general a.-sortmont of foreign varieties for vi
Of Downin's Everheariu;? Muloerry the supnly
is not large, and a great part of the tree? already
ordered. They are very vizorous, and the woud
well -own and matured.
Yt holesale descriptive list sent to those who wish
to form clubs, on application. List also sent to
dealer?. Fourth edition of Illustrated Catalogue
sent for two three-cent stamps "It is dcrgned to be
a full and comprehensive , treatise on tbe manage
ment of the vine, giving such, information as pur
chasers and growers are- supposed to need. Partic
ular directions are given for the preparation of the
soil and planting, and the directions for training
are illustrated by many carefully prepared ecgrav
in?a. ,
The descriptions of the varieties will be found
accurate and trustworthy, beiny drawn from person
al knoweledge, and very extensive observation.
TTestcIiestcr Co.. Nov York.
WE have artbts constantly employed in painting
specimens of -all kinds of Jrnits, Shrnbs "Evergreens
and Flowers, andean supply nursery aKO&ts or others
with any quantity, either bound or ia tbeet. Our bound
volumes are intended to contain all that an afent will
require in selling a list of general Nursery products.
We offer them innch under the nsual priee, and can
furnish the bound volumes very low; and we have no
hesitancy ia sarins that the execution of the artist and
likeness to nature are not surpassed by any In the
country. Call at the Advertiser office and see speci
Avn3a-Fv2nS Ohio Nurseries, Toledo, Ohl
Pleasant Ridge Nursery.
Shrubbery, iavergreens, 8cc ,
Pleasant Ridge, Arlspe, Bureau County, Illinois.
P. O. Address, Tiskilwa, 111.
January 2, 1862. n26-3m
Intermittent Fever, or Fever and Ague,
Itemltient Fever, Chill Fever, Pumb
Acne, Periodical lleadnclie, or Killoua
Ileadaclle, wild XJillona Fevtrs, .Indeed
Tor the wliole class of uiaeasea orljrl.""
inj In biliary derangement, cansed by
the If alaria of Tdlaamatlc Countries.
We are' enabled here 'to offer the community a
remedy which, while it cures the above complaints
with certainty, is still perfectly harmless in any
quantity. Such a remedy is invaluable in district
where these afflicting disorders prevail. This
"Cure" expels tbe miasmatic poison of Fever
and Aoua from the system, and prevents the de
velopment of the disease, if taken on the first ap
proach of its prenonitory symptoms. It is not only
the best remedy ever yet discovered for this class
of complaints, but also the cheapest. The large
quantity we supply for a dollnr brings it within the
reach of every body ; and in bilious districts, where
Fxvir and Ague prevails, every bodv should
have it and use it freely both for cure and protec
tion. A great superiority f this remedy over any
other ever discovered for the speedy and certain
cure of Intermittents is that it contains no Quinine
or mineral, consen stent! y it produces no ouinism or
other injurious effects whatever tinon the constitu
tion. Those cured by it are left as healthy as if
. . I J V J .1 T
uirjr inn Lever naa me OlseJSS.
1 ever and Ague is not alone the consequence of
ias miasm anc poison, a great variety of disor
ders arise from its irritation, anion- which are
Nevralyia, Rheitmatitm, Gout, UeatAtche, Blind
ness, Toothache, Earache, Catarrh, Asthma, Pal
pitation, Painful Affection of the Spleen, Ilytter
ics, pain in the- Bovels, Colic, Paralysis and De
rangement of the Stomach, all of which, when
originating in this cause, put on theiifermtftenf
. type, or become periodical. -This Cure " expels
the noison from the blood, and consequently cures
, them all alike. It is an invaluable protection to
POSTGE PREPAID. AtwterV Patent Press and
Bmkfor epyinsr husineci letters instantly r.nd per
fectly. Aeent-t wanted. Pr fits good. Sena st iaip for
particuloi s, to
. J. U. ATWATFR.. Proviienve, P.. I.
Post Office Department,
Washington, November 30, 1861-
PROPOSALS will be received at the Contract Office
of thi Department until 10 a. m. of ilotiday, AUrcii
31. loC2. ur conveying tbe m.iLs of the Tniied St -uea
for . four years, commencing July ' 1862, and ending
June 30, 15GC. in the Territory of !ebrask. on the
routes end by tho schedule of departures and arrivals
hcieia specified. Decisions announced by Ay. il 24,
(Examine the laws, forms, and, instructions annexed )
140U1 From Onncit Blnffs, Iowa, by Omaha City, Ne
braska, E'khorn Ci'y. Belle Creek. Fonieneile, Bu
chanan. Frauklin. El Dorado, Columbus, Grai.d Is
land City, Abbeville, Wnod River. Nebraska Cen .re,
and Fort K.eartffy. to Kearney City, 2i0 miles aiid
bck tlx times a week.
Lenve Council BiufTS dallyexcept Srnday, at t a. m;
Arrive Ht -fitearney Pity t.n the fourth day by s p mj
Leave Kearney City daiiy. except Sunday, at 6 a in;
Arrive at Council Bluffs ou tbe fourth day by 6 p in.
Bids to run by an expedited schedule will be consid
1002 From Omaha City, by Bellevue, Oreapolis,
Plattsmoutn, Rock Bluffs, Lewistown, Three Groves,
Wyominjr, Nebraska City, Otoe CiTy, llonnt Veron..
Brcv?nsvil le. Nemaha City, Afpit.wa;, St. Stephen's'
Wincebssro.. Rulo, Nohart, and White Cloud, to Hitsb
land,I31 miles and back, three times a week
Leave Omaha City if onday, "Wednesday and Friday, at
8 am;
Arrive at Highland third day by 6 p m J
Leave Highland Monday, Weduesday, and Friday, at 8
Arrive at Omaha City third day by 6 d m
Bids t run Fix times a week, and also ta extend to St.
Joseph, Missouri, will be considered.
14003 From Omaha city, by Florence. Fort Calhoun,
Yazoo, De Soto. Cnmming city, Modail, Tekamah, De
catur, Omadi, Dakotah city, Ccvlntrton and Sergeants
Bluffs, to Sioux city, 116 miles and back, three times
a week.
Leave Omaha city Monday, "tdnesday and Friday atS
Arrive at Sionx city next day by 10 p m ;
Leave Sioux city Monday, Weduesday and Friday, at 6
Arrive at Omaha city next days by 10 p m.
Bids for six-timcs-a-week service will be considered.
14004 From Bellevue, by ITazleton, to Fremont, 40 miles
and back, three times a week.
Leave Bellevue Monday, Wednesday and Friday, at 6
a m;
Arrive at fremontby 8pm;
l eave Fremont Tu sday, Thursday and Saturday, at 6 a
Arrive at Bellevue by 8 p m.
14006 From Bellevue. by PlattaTalley, to Plattford, 24
miles and back, once aweek.
Leave Bellevue Friday at 6 a m ;
Arrive at Plattford by p m ;
Leave Plattford Saturday at 6 a m
Arrive at Bellvue by 8 p m.
140C6 From Rock Bluffs, by Kanoshe, to Vyomlnj, 15
miles and back, once a week.
Leave Rock Bluffs Saturday at 6 a m J
Arrive at Wyoming by 12 m;
Leave Wyiniinjt Saturday at 2 p m;
Arrive at ilock Bluffs by 9 p m.
14007 From Plattsmontb, by Glendale, to Plattford, 5
uincs ana back, once a week.
Leave Platfsmonth Saturday at 4 a in;
Arrive at PUttfnrrt hv ia m
Leave Plattford Saturday at I p m ;
Arrive at Piattsmonth hin.
Lfftve H!aryvill!S llonlif, Wedaesiay and Friday at
o a m ;
Arrive at ICebnska City 7ednesiay, FriJay an!
Sunday by 6 p ia.
14313 From Xebraika City by Helena, Kingston,
es-M, neair-.ce, ana Luue springs, to arysvtllo
n.ues ani DWRoncea weeit.
Leave h ebraska-City Monday at Bam;
Arrive at ilarysville Wednesday by Id p m ;
Ieave llrrysviile Thursday at 5 a m ;
Arrive at Nebraska Cily Saturday by 10 1 m : -
11014 From Jie'jrasLa City, by Syrarse, Palmyra,
Saltillo, Camden, and Areola, to Heaxney City,
-Uv milts ana t.acs, once a weeR.
Leave Nebraska City Monday at 8 a m ;
Arrive at Kearney City fifth day by 6 p m;
Leave Kearney City Monday at 8 m ;
Arrive at Nebraska City fifth day by 6 p ra.
11015 From Mount Vernon by S.nora, Missouri, to
ItovkMjrt, lo miltsand back, twice a weak.
Leave Mount Vernon Monday and Thursday at 6 a
Arrive at Rockp-rt by 12 m :
Leave Rockp-rt Monday and Thursday at 2 p m;
Arrive at Mount Vernon by 8 p rn.
bids to run three times a week will be considered
14015 From Brownvilie to Rcckport, Mo., 10 mile
ana nacK. six times a week.
Leave P.rownvilie daily, except Sunday, at 9 a m ;
Arrive nt F.ockrvcirt by 12 m ;
Leave tockport daily, except S unlay, at 2 p m ;
Arrive at Lrownvili by 5 d m.
14317 l rcm LrcwLviile, by Tecumseh and Austin,
t. jjcit.-ioK, miis ana ba.k, onca a week.
Leave Pr iwuvilla Frid-ty at 6 a m ;
Arrive t Bu itrie next day by 0 p u ;
Leave p.efttrice Friday at 6 a oi ;
Arrive at Prownville next day y 8 p m.
14 13 From Kulo to Oregon, Mo., 22 mile and bac:k,
three times a week.
Leave F.ulo Monday. Wc-dnasday at.d Friday at 6 a
Arrive at Oregon by 12 ra ;
Leave Oregon Monday, Wednesday and Friday at 1
' pm, .
Arrive at Rulo by 7 p si.
14019 Frcii: ilulo, b; Archer, Salt a, '1: ! P.-hnrj,
n..u:uit Viii;.; l Clear Cr:tk, to Marysviilif,
Kftn 87 niilts ad biok. noo a weok.
feavo I.cio M ,nJ:tyatSa tu:
Arrive at Mary.-viU uoxtday by 10 p m ;
Leave a-arysviil Wednesday at 3 a ni ;
Arrive a; Uulo next i.ay by 10 p m.
14020 Frcu S.iint ateohon?', Xeb.. by T.-i.h Tint trm,
Mo.. Jnne's Point, and Forost Ci'y, to Oregon, Mo.,
32'iiiiiirs and back, twi-;e a wook.
Leave rit. Stephens Monday and Friday at 8 a m ;
Arrive .i ureon ty B p m ;
Leave vrecon 1 ueday and Satursay at S a ui :
Ar.ive ht St. Star bans by 6 n ta.
11021 Fn ia Falls City, by Geneva, Scott's, Table
KocK, rawneo Lity, and Beatrice, to Patterson's
Kanche. SO miles and b.wk. oa:o a iveok.
Leavo Falls City Monday at 5 a in ;
Arrive ht Patiersou's Kanhe next day by 6 p ra;
Leave Patterson's Kam-h Moi.iay ttiism;
Arrive at Falls City next day by C p in.
14022 From Falls City to Saint Stej hens, 15 miles
and back, three timtj a week.
Leave Falls City Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday
at a a m
drrive nt Saint Stephens by 12 m ;
Leave Saint Stephens T lcsdsy, Thursday and Sat
urday at I p ru ;
arrive at Falls City by 6 p m.
14023 From Tecum?ch,by Kingston, j0 UeJena, 11
miles and back, once a weak.
Leave Teeumseh Saturday at a m ;
Arrive at Helena by 12 in ;
Leave t.elens Saturday at 2 p m ;
Arrive nt IVouinseh by 8 p m.
14024 From Pawnee City, by A. 12. ITunt's, Tecum-
eeb. Kingston, and three f orksof (reat etnuha,
to Oii.tb's on Salt Creek, 90 miles and baok, once
a week.
Leave Pawnee City Wednesday at 8 a m ;
Arrive at Olafhe Saturday by 4 pm;
Leave Olathe Wednesday at 6am;
Arrive at Pawnee City Saturday by 4 p m.
14025 From Austin to 2?oatrico, 8J miles and back
once a week.
Leave Austin Saturday at 8 a m ;
arrive at Beatrice by 10am;
Leave Ceatriou Saturday at 11 a m ; -
Arrive at Austin by I p m.
14025 From Florence to Magnolia, Iowa, 30 miles and
back, once a week.
Leave Florence Monday at 8 am;
Arrive at Msnoii by ft p ra ;
Leave Alaenolia Tuesday at 8 a m ;
Arrive s t r lorence by 6 p m.
14027 From Cummins City, by De Soto and Fort
Calhcun,to .Magnolia, Iowa, 24 miles and back, 3
times a week.
Leave Cumniming City Monday, Wednesday and
Friday at 6 a m ;
Arrive st Magnolia by 12 m ;
Leave Magnolia Monday, Wendesday and Fridayat
2 pm;
arrive af Cumming City by 8 p m.
14023 From Decatur, hy Logan Valley, to West
Point, .30 miles ani back, oiife a week.
Leave Decatur Friday at 8 a m;
Arrive t West Point by 5 p tn ;
Lea Ae West Point Saturday at 8 a ra;
airivo At Decatur by 6 pm.
14029 From Sionx CPy. Iotra, Cottonwood Sprin-:
Nebraska, to Denver City, 61 mihs aud back,
once a week.
Leave Sioux City Monday at 6 a ra :
Arrive at Denver City on the f ftecnth day by 6 p m,
Leave Denver City Monday at 6 am ;
Arrive at Sioux City n th fifteenth dy by Spm.
Lids to end at r,,tv,n -vood Springs, 330 miles less
distance, witli . -f, , yj schedalu, will be consid
ered .
lilioi) From Si. -x Cur, Iowa, by l-wr crr'inar f
Piv Sicux, Yc;;... ;; ... Yanot' n. ('!, fan Cr--ek,
The naderVjned, postr:s?tsr at
i :
,certr-cs.csrsii e:j oath c? crrwi
11 liVlH'n t t'" a.-tr -nr.- -
theia to be men of jrtperty, and alia to ti
their guaranty.
r u e
ivnt tjr an
?' Fer'V. I'l i art Ag'-ney
tpm all alike. It is an invaluable protection to uoor p, v v
migranti and ppon. travelling or temporarily "K7s.We
residing in the malarious districts. If taken or-ca-
sionauy vt uu -kw"-
that will be excreted from the system, and cannot
accumulate In sufficient quantity to ripen into dis
ease. Hence it is even more valuable for protec
tion than cure, and few will ever suffer from Inter
mittents if they avail themselves of the protection
this remedy affords. .
Prt jtxed by Er. J. C AYTS It, CO., IcweH, 2Ia.S3.
Druggists, Brownvill N. T.
Will send their new Stra wherry Catalogue, crm-
Erisin? ISO varieti. an.l lew Catalorues cf bul
ons Flowtrs aid Grapes to applicants enclosing
stamps. -
Prince'? "Scarlet Magnate Triomphe de'Hand,
Ho-'ker's Jent y L'"n 1. unl 20 other vrietie, $1 per
100 and $5 ;'r 20'?0. Ws-in's Albmy, 7ocrs per
100, 14 per IC-Jo, iltf or 3(500. Austin's Seedling
$1 per Dozen.
For other splendid varieties see Catalogues.
Aug n8-lt
Leave Monday, Wednesday and Fn'ay, at C a
Arrive at Sidney by 12 m ;
leave Sidney Monday, Wednesday and Frldar at 2 d m
Arrive al Kanoshe by p m . T' P '
1400D From Three Groves, by Mount Pleasant, to Weep
ing Water, 11 miles and back, once a week "eep
i.eave iiiree oroves Saturday at 6 a ni :
Arrive at Weeping Water by 12 ra;
Leave Wee-ins Water Saturday at 2 pm ;
Arrive at Three Groves by 8 p m.
14C10 Trora Wyominir, by A voca, to Salt d eck, 45 miles
ou odd., odc a w era.
Leave Wjorain? Friday at 6 a m j
Arrive at 3 it Creek br 8 pm;
Leave Salt Creek Saturday at 6 a ra;
Arrive at Wyoming by 5 p m.
140II Frm Nebn-ka C:'-v to Siiaev.TS miles and
back, six timt' a wet-
Iica- e Nebraska Ci'y. daily. ex?"pt Surdiy. at 8 a
m :
Arrive at Sidney, by 12 m :
Leave Sidney daily, except Sunday, at 1 p m ;
Arrive at Nebraska City by 7 p in.
14012 From Nebraska city .by WorraV. ton. Tecum
seh. Daniel's Rancho. Turkey Creok, and Denni-
son, to Jiaryevuie, jvnn?as, co mum uu
tioidH a weik. . -
Leave Vebraaka city Monday, Wadae'-b-y, and Fri
day at 8 m ;
Arrive at Marysvilia Wendesday. Friday and Sun
day by 6 p ra .
i l l, to Port Kandall,
1 11 iii;l.M a 1 l.a.-k. f.i--;; WJok.
L-a Sivv.x City M.-nday at 4 a i:i ;
Arriwit for: lit.dv.l Tnursday cy 12 m;
L.Rvi! l.i t K.U 'J.ii". Tnars lay ;t 1pm'
Arrive s-t Si"i;x Cty Sunday by 8 p m.
Bids to run two and three times a week will be con
110:51 Fn, in Sioux City, Iowa by Niobrara, Pouch a,
Kenervo. an 1 Chimney trio ..-uth Fuss of
the Kooky Mountains, 903 miles and back, once a
Leavo Sirnx City Monday at 6 a m;
Arrive nt tha riouth rws of tbe Kox ky iiountains on
the 1 5th day at 8 p m ;
Leave tbe Sou'-h Pas of tho Rocky Mountains at 8 a
m :
Arrive a Sicox City on the 15th diy at 8 p m.
Lids to end at Fort Iaramie, omitting the South
Pass of the Uocky Mountains, o00 miles less dis
tance will bo considorc-d.
Bids to end at Fort Ke irney will also a considered.
14032 From Dakota, by St. John'?. Poncah, Dixon,
St..lmes, Haleni, rrankKrt. lionhornme City,
and Niobrara,to Fort Kaniall, 112 miles and baok,
twico a week.
Leave Dakota Monday and Wednesday r'.oam;
Arrivoatr .rt Kandali third day by 6 pm;
Leavo Fort Iiunlali Monday ani Weluesday at 8 a m;
arrivo at Dakota third diy by 6 p m.
14033 From Dakota, a!on ths Misnonri River, to
tort, Kiii. il.s J, 140 miles and back, once a week.
Leave Dakota Monday at 6 am ;
Arrive at Frt Randall Wednesday by 8 p m ;
Le v Fort RandtM Monday at 6 a m ;
arrivr a: Dakota ednesday by 6 n in.
14031 From Fort Randall, by Mouth of TJIuo Earth
River, to Mouta of Little Medicine Knowl River,
200 miles and bick, once a week.
Leave Fort Itacdail Monday at 8 a m ;
.4rrive at Mouth of Little Medians fifth day by 8 pm:
Leave Month of Little Medicine at 8 a m ;
Arrivo at Fort Randall fifth djy by 6 p m.
1403o 1 romroncha, by Ion, to V trminion, Dakota,
25 miles and back, once a week.
Leave Poneba Tuesday at 4 a m ;
Arrive at v emnilion by 12 m ,
Leavo Vermillion Tuesday at 1 p m ;
ArriTU at Poncha by 9 p ta.
5e act cf Cosirauof March 3.1313, stiua I.
Containing conditions to Is iiccrporaiil
in the contracts te Vie tzt.r.i the at
pariintnt may dttrn prefer.
1. Sevtn ciiuutes ara allowed to ei'a l.-trrBi-ate
oEae, when not otherwise p ;flt.d, f.,r abort
ing lue mans; onion railroal and steajcb .a
iiiare is to d oo more djlsy than ia mZ
exehange of tha mail lacs.
2 On railrocd and steamboat lines, as! othar
routes where the m-.Jo. cf ccovvc? aJx'iks nf ,t,
the speoil afentaof ii.o Pot Uice L'erir-.ain,.- -eo
p-ostoui? black, niid ba,'. look?, anj kys.'a:
to be conveyed without extra eharj-r. j
3.0a railriMvi and steaaiboat iines tha nut
agents of tha departinaut, aJv, tbe DritLh an! Can
ada mails, when ( Jfered, aad tha iiaU ac,ujpacv
irg them, are to be couvay xi without chr?t, and
for their exclusive use, whila travsllin -wita tL
ua;is,acouiinodia3 car, or apartaiont ia to centre of
a car, properly lighted, warmed, acd farai.hed, and'
idapted to the convenient separation and dua .u
tity cf the mails, is to ba provided by tha ot LrrMusr,
ucler thedireetion of the derArfmect.
Kailroad acd stoambcat uipftnios rt rulr-! Vt
tako tfio mail f.'jta and deliver it into the p4i (.
tt tho commencement atd end cf their routes, ai.d
to s ml from ;1 fiffiiw r.nt m.-.ra tS n tw r. . 4a rt, :
station or landing. - Propositi may be jhii::
for thi performance cf ali other iid S'srvic- ttat
is, for oiLcea over eighty reds from a i'-&Ln er
landing. : ;
Receipts will be required for mall H?i nnvyl
in char of persons employe! by r.I.-od cosnri
l.ies. will also ba "wy biils" prp4red ' by
..tuister-, rr o'.h?r agents of the departuiut, t
accompftcy tLe uxuf, apeoifyicj tbs and
ita ronre. likewis. recoip's will ba rqairl .d-
way bn:s itTwardua ; tae latter to ba .Tiint t y
the several po!5a;ters, to insure reiularity la tha
delivery of mail big'.
4. No pay wJl bo noida for tries not rrfirmaJ:
and for each of such emissions tir( satia'actorily at-
plained, three tim-s tho pay of th trip may bi a.
ducted. For arrivals so far behind time as t brk'
connexion wita dcrnl;nz miis,an'J not urSciTlv
excused, one fourta ef the compensation forth" trip
h subject to forfeiture. Deduction will iu b or
dered for a gradd of porfmaaoce infa r t that
specified ia the contract. F. r repeated de'inqa.a
, . - fc - . ,
proportioned to tna nature laoreor, ani the import
ance of the mail, may b made.
5, For leaving behind, or throwicjroT tha mails. or '
any portion of them, for tha admission cf pia-
gers. or for being ooncerued ia scttiogup or runaln j
an express conveying intelliynu ia adranct wf toa
nail, a quarter a pay may be dilactd.
6. tines wi,I to imposed, unless tha d'lnanwr
be promptly nrd satisfactorily cxulaiaaJ byeerttS- .'
catea of ccstmat.ers or the aZIJivitj of other cri.bit
persons, for failing to arrive ia contract t : for
neglecting to tike the mail Irota or deliver tl into a .
post offije; for aufforing it to bo wat. injured, des
troyed, robbad, or lust; and for refusing, after d-
taaud, to convey the mail as frequently as the can
tractor runs, or is concerned in ruaning,a ooaak, ear,
or steamboat on tbe roate.
7, The Postmaster General any annul tha con
tract for repeated failures to run agreeably Ut ex
tract : for violattng the post offiea law , or dlby
ing the instructions of the department ; f r rafuainr
. v a . .v .
to uiscnarge a earner wnen require! oy lh art
raent to do so ; for running aa express as afor?i 1 :
(rfor tru-'nportinir persona or tackzis ooavsvi-y
mailable matter out cf the mail.
8. The Pos'master General may order an losraasa
of service oa a route by allowing threfor a prt mtm
increase on tha contract pay. Ks may charr
I. - J..? J . 3 ...
(articularly to make them conform to conasotion
with railroads, without increase of ray, rrovidaJ
the running time b not abridged. Ii may a! ar-
der an increase of speed, allowing, within tha re
itrictiona of the law, a pr rata inrs of py fir
tne aaaitionai stock or carriers, If any. Th eon--tractor
may, however, in tha eat of InTraaaa of
ipeed, relinquish the contract, by giricg prompt bo-"
lice to the department that he trefurs dlrrs-o to'
carrying the order into elfeot. Tha Postmaster Gaa-'
enil may also curtail or discontinue tha service, In
whole or !n part, at pro rata decrease of tay, allow- .
ing one month's extra compensation oa tha tsoiit
dispensed with, whenever, ia his opini- n, tha pablia
the puolic interest re juire tne cbi.g or ia case he'
desires to supercede it by a d;2"iir3nt grada of tra&s-
. FaymenU will be mtda by oollectlona fmm .
drafts on postmaster', or otherwise, after the ax-ira-e
. . . ....... . i ii ... r .
vi at.u 411.1 ici m t4,ruary, Alay, Aa-'
gust, ami November.
10. The distances are srlvea arcerdlcz to tla KTt
information; bet no injrsased pay anil ba all,-w.4
should the points b-s praater than alrert!std. If tha
;viuts to b" s'lppuea be corraotly stated. BiJJrw
mrtt tnfom tKtmulves on this point, and also fa?
rolVrenco to the weight of the m-til, the caaiiiioa of
roads.hills. stroams. Ac- and all toll bridge. rrri '
or obstructions of any kind by which expns raty
bo incurred. No claim for additional pay.Laied oa
such ground, can be consldored ; nor far allagsj mi.
takes or misapprehension as to tha doree uf serviea ;
nor for bridw destroyed,' ferries discontinued, cr
other obstructions increasing distance, ocourring da
ring the contract term. ClSces established af tr this
adversisement is f aed, and also during the contTl
term, are to be Ti-uted without extra pay, if tha dis
tance b not iccrfr-Fed.
11. A bid receiy-i aft"r the last day and hoar
narutJ,or wiihont luo guarantee required bylaw
;d a certificate as to the suSloiency of such fcuaraa-
i j . ....
ivr, t-nuriot uicoD.iiuTr i in competition witaara'i
!ar proposal rea.fonabid in amount.
12. bidders should firs, propose far service ttrictly"
according to th) advertisement, and then, if thay .
acsire, separately lor aiuurent serviea ; :r
regular bid bo tbelowost offered for tha t
Form of Proposal Guarantee and
Tat undersigned , whose post oCci address
;8 . county of , State of , proposes
t-o carry the nails of tha United States, from July 1,
I3C2, to June 30,lSo8, oa route No. between
f under the advertisement of the
Postmaa'er General, dated October 30, ISdd, "with
celerity, certainty, and security," for the annual
sum of dollars.
This proposal is made with full knowl
edge of the distance of the rovte, the weight
of the mail to be carried, and all other
particulars in reference to the route and
sertice, and, also, after careful examina
tion of the laws and instruction attached
to the advertisement.
The undersigned, residiriT a;
--, un lrtase that, if
State cf
f,.rpTiiinT tV i1
carrying th mail nn route No - h aeeer.t-d
by the Fost master (n:ral, the bidder htll, prior to
the 1st day August, lrf2, enter ir,t tbe required
obli; ttion, or contract, to perform rhe serviea pro
pose 1, with good and suSlcient sureties.
This we do, understanding distinctly
the obligations avd lia'u'fic3 asrvried bv
guarantors vvdPT th&21t;i stiion of ihe act
of Congress of July 2, 1 6. J
service, the other propositions may ba eon.
13. There should but one roata bid lt- ia a
proposal. Consolidated or eombination bids ( pro
posing one sum for two or more route", aro fortld-t
den by law, and cannot ba considered.
-14. Tha route, the servies, tha yearly pay, tha
name and residence of the biddsr, (that is his maal .'
post office address,) ani thooe of eaab taenibar ef
a firm, where a company offars, should ta datiactly '
15. Riddejs are requested to use, as far as pranti-i
cable, tbe printed form cf prcpocal furnl.hed by tha
departmflnf, to writa out ia full tha sum of t a si
bids, and to retain copies of thara.j :'
Altered bids should not b? submtitd; aor should
kids on- e subiaitic 1 be withdrawn. Na wiilrawal
, f n .' '.l.tri.t-ir't-.-. f Ait. mill Km ' 1 a -J M J J
and rccoivei tcfora tho' Lwt day for rwuiTin; pr-
Etach "bid raust b gttaraatsed by two mpcnsl'bU. .
persons. -
General guarantees cannot ba admitted. Tha lid'
and guarantees ghonld te signed plainly with tha
full name of each person. 1 '
The department reserves ths right to rsjVt any
bid which may be diemd extrava;nt, and a'so t
disregard the bids of failing contractors and bi Jlan. "
13. The b3 should be sealed, s-ipsrcrid "Mail
ond assistant Postma.tcr General, Contract Ere,
and sent by mail, and not by oj two aa ag-;nt ; as 1
pcstmasf ers will not proposals (or lsttars of
any kind) in their quarterly return. '
17. Tha contracts are to be execitedand raterne l
to the department by orbafora thel.t dug f Aijt,
1SS2; butthe service must be eomneneel aa lit
July proceeding, or on the mall day nxt after that
date, whether the contracts ba executa-l or not. ,
13. Postmasters at ofHaeson or near raiiroids, but
more than eighty rodj from station, will, im-na Ir
ately after the 3lstol March next, report thtjir axv:t
distance from the nearest station, and how that art
otherwise supplied with the mail, toasibatha Kit
master General to direct a raail-laosieEf ?r u;p!y .
from the 1st of July noxt.
19. Section eighteen of an act of Ca 3 girts ap-'
proved March 8, 1845, provides that eintracts fT .
the transportation of mail shall ta l.'t "in tv?r
case to the lowest hid W t-ndringsaSeiat jnrxa
teasfor faithful performance, without oth:r ttrsf
encetotha mode of such transpnrtatioa thaaiiiy
be necessary to pr-wide for the due Ttlerity, cor? ai i
tv, and aecarity of ch transportation." ri
this late, bids that pvnpotel tramviort th nnit rit
"erltrity,certaiity. wfTi I'curtty," Aty7 Un dti
ded ta be the only l"jM b id, are cotxlidj-td aspryr l& -ing
for the entir mail, hovcevrr Itrjg, ad vitr'
may bethe mode ofconre yine. te4arj to iSrjrfl
"crrily, certainty, and seenrity," tsnd ui'J A-itt tU
i"'"'"1" u ra C.AF icn Bt to-
20. A modification cf m IM In ary of its ea?n-'il
terms is tanUmount ta a new bid, and cannot be
received, so as to interfere with a regn'ar ca-rpU-tinn.
after the Uet, hour set for reocivlrg bids.
Makin?a now bld.with guarantee and eert.i:a:s is
th- ctl. way to modify a previous bid. ' '
2 1 . Postmasters are to lo careful not to certify
j that they ye jtwis cf s-lieLt rf sptnsih:i::y i
u.i an . .ri,.it icj aariiics are a.s.j."v:i: v
not i that on a failure to enter io to cr f f.ra '
tho contracts for the service pr.jv gc j f. ,r ja e ,.
cei bid?, the legal wUi ba en:!
against theaa. .......
22. Present eon tract cr, and Fwn2 xxawn att'ia '
d-rwrnuert, muit, equ-Uf w.u cibM, FT..ur,
Suaraa ati Certifi--at 6f their suf5c-inoy to-
t tatitiHj in the fotai abf va pr?cribd. Tas.r-
ucaiestii faa?lfJ,ry jEUjt be i3d byaptnJ!
teror by a jutJgt.f a oourto; record. Socth -rcer-'
tifi.atawili baadnud. M. EL.UR,
, 7Vwr nefmT