Nebraska advertiser. (Brownville, Nemaha County, N.T. [Neb.]) 1856-1882, January 02, 1862, Image 3

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"xTo c jl a,.
ToyTcok & CO.
AfsUlliAOiH IN ,
,.- iffFriBtics Material of all Kinds
fc Li Buildings, New Tori, and Brown's lroi
rf authorised Agents tor tha
farmer and Advertiser.
-Truicn & aihiott,
J srtx'Kftoas to n o xlt,
rM States and Fcrrign Newspaper
S' uertihtthf "NKBRA.SEA. ADVtl-
--:n. ARnU in St. Louis. Vewra.
jrorli .Do,oohc. General Advertising,
U'.ndComnsiMion XiUJti, 45 Olive St. Low.,
c '
n'v mrriwt aalverttMmenis lor oom &.wr
u"f:'arr' and collect tills for iteaame.
f4' .K Havit,F.ij. U urrerular au
I' eling Agf0l for the .advertiser and Fcr
H. will shortly visit the Eaitern cities for the
'0f procuring advertialnf patron- He is
ft .bnrifej to contract and ue our name in basi
" iT Vijn cooMcieJ with our publications.
Ja) backing.
$t forbear publishing any rumors
i3UlJiyhafcers this week. There are
-pi of reports from every direction,
'onh south' an1 easl and wesL
.Vhat ear one come' lile Dexl
in t differed shape, oris entirely con
tradicted. lie Acti-Jayhawk company from this
vicinity. ave in lhe lasl few days laken
cr eight horses, that were left at
different places by the Jayhawkers. We
k!:ee they intend communicating with
Grn Hjr.ter as to their dispos-al. We
brre this company will not do anything
contrary o law. belt -protection or lire
tiA jTcpr.-v is of enwr? justifiable ; but
ih r- a rm-tixne" danger of parties who
0rcsu;z-l inoVpnd.nt of law, going
w -nrtoits. . Evt-ry tympany of Jay
fcaukers in the Wrt as organized,
erovtd'.y. to riht some evil ne band
of Jiyiiawkrs, has hem organized to put
d.iwn aathe., and a third land to pit
din tlit? second. Th-re are at least
sirre hands of . Jayhawkers who travel
Crouch this county, each company
charging the other with being mere
lhieves. We do not think the Anti-Jay-tawlers
here hare done anything con
trary to law; we hope they will continue
to exercise due caution in all 'heir ac
tions. There is a difference of opinion
among the citizens of this county as to
what is right and expedient. What
stems to be a perfectly clear line of duty
with some, is doubted by others.
Since we commenced writing the above,
we Lave been shown a letter from Gen.
Hunter's 'Headquarters, received by a
committee of citizens in this town. The
letter is too long for publication, but we
extract the following order requiring the
citizens to organize for self-protection:
E iixr a bt Fa , Dtrr. or Kahas,
December 2i
Large reinforcements have been or
c"ered hitherward, some being already on
the nay; and on their arrival, due pro
vision will be made for the object set
forth in vour communication.
In the meantime the constituency which,
as a committee you represent, must or
ganize for mutual protection and support.
Tour letter is filed away for attention at
the earliest possible moment, consistent
wiiii ether needs of the public service,
Most Respectfully,
Chas. G. Halfinje,
Maj. & A. A. G.
Kansas. V
27th, 1881.)
Tar Atlasic Mojjthlt. The Jan
uary number of this excellent periodical
has been received. It is considered by
those who have read it, to he superior to
any that Lave preceeded it. The At
lantic Las acquired an enviable reputation
See the Advertisement in to-day's pa
per, of Fruit Trees by C. D. Stephens,
Mend eta, Lasalle county. 111.
Verry Aldridge, cf the "Pleasant
Ridge Nursery, Arispe, Bureau county,
111., offers Fruit and Ornamental Trees
for sale very cheap for cash.
New Years in this place was not so
"bright and gay" as was "Merry Christ
mas." There was little here to enliven
or cheer. The gloom of the elements
seemed to pervade the minds of all our
Just as we go to press, we learn from
the latest telegraphic news that Messrs.
Mason and Slidell have been surrender
ed to the British Government, on the
ground that by so doing we are adher
ing to a principle which has been coo
tended for by the American Government,
ever since 1S12.
Fun for the Family!
NICK-N.Xr All Crrat ion is the most amusing
r.d ,X-n-iv'ly gotten un.u well as the, cheapen
Comic ; aGazimi now j ut lit)d in theworlJ.
t h cumcer contain; Thirty !'i of tnat'er. and
fa. in Sist to Ninet j 1'ii.turt -a!I ;Le con tenU being
it a rich, tumorous cn rcU-r MlK-iXbu att-
&inxl it fourth year, and is prowing in popularity
u a jret favorite witn all e;K.se4 fathers and
tnotb-T !on and dangbtrs s n -cit contain norL-
nir that may not be read a'.oud many family circle
It is the PublisWs dsiro to make it especially
One of it features i the Prize Putzln Depart
ment. The Fublm-ri hire dinbut-J dannz the
j.t IB mnnrh tunn them who hw9 solrei the
Iuz7.1. G Id H?n inl nlu ibld Bo k which hye
bd tt.e toiidfucy to make tne competition earneit
aid rating.
In f take it nl!"in aM n more am'in sheet for
the family vilhige-library cr batel rtading-ryom or
to begu ile the tedious hour of travel in cat cr t-Uam
boat oan be found any where.
One copy one year SI 00
rive, copies to one addres ) 4 00
lottmators and others who my wi?b loeneao
in obtaining urcriptin win nnatuis anezcei est
opprtunity a fir t rate inducements will be given
Room 29 No 119 Nassau-st N. Y.
,Newipapers inertinst the abeve(inolading
vu-o j . -k. r j v o i 1
ing it editorial notice will be entitled te ao exchange
for a year on forwarding copy with advertisement
marked to theMCK-NAX oCoe.
With number 80, Vanity Fair" commenced
Fourth Volume.
One Copy one year Postage unpaid
paid.-., i
Two Copies one year(to one i Jress jPoelage
paid . i"
Five Copies one year(to or- address Postage
unpaid ' 10 00
One Copy one year a'- Worcester's Quarto
DictlOi-arv lt- unpuid o DO
B )I'M VUl.l.Ml-:fS.
Sinde Yoluujo PoUge ti4 00
Three Votume (1 ? and 3 ) ' u
Three Volume to Califyrnia)" "
Three Volumes and a copy of paper one year
books prejwid only
Tbreo Volumes and copy of papejone ycar(to
Lalifornta books prepaid ony
7 00
8 00
A late number of the Kansas Chitf
alludes to an instance where men through
malice had procured the jayhawking of
their neighbors, on the false charge that
they . were traitors. There is danger
wherever jayhawking is carried on that
mistakes of this kind will be committed.
Jayhawkers, when they go to a strange
neighborhood, must depend upon hear
y. There are persons bre who are
charged with being traitors or secession
ists, whom we firmly believe to be honeM
and earnest Union men. An instance
"f thi.i kiud occurred on Tuesday.
Sheriff Colt man, while in Nemaha City,
W ariuted by C'levtUnd with three
other mei, who charged him with being j
a traitor, threatened his lifn, and detained
inm in their possessinn for several hours.
Coleman denied the charge of beiug a
traitor but Cleveland replied that men in
Nemaha had said he was and would tell
him so to his teeth. This was in pres
ence of numerous citizens, who remained
eilent listeners to this conversation.
From our acquaintance with Coleman we
ere satisfied he is as sound a Union man
as any in this county; and we think it
was the duty of those present at Nemaha
City, unless they had reason to believe
otherwise, to Lave "spoken out" if Cole
man was wrongfully accused in their
presence. '
GoDEf'a Ladt's Book for January,
1S62, is received. It - contains sixty en
gravings; three steel plates, over 100
pagesi sixty-five ankles, and double ex
ttasioa Fashion plate, containing cine
Cures. The original designs in this No
"Our Father, who art in Hearen," by
&at celebrated artiste, Mrs. Lilly, Mar
Spencer; the other, "A Slow Coach,"
lre very fine. Among the ladies, Godey
k no rival.
To any one sending u fl for thrte supscrip
tc Vanity Fair for one year( one subscription for
three year ) we will preneui a splendid copy of
whioh is published ai 87,60.
Remittances must be made in Gold New York or
Eastern Currency or other Currency at New York
dar. Seal all letters securely and addreM pUinly to
Publisher for Proprietor
No 100 Nassau street New York.
Editors and Proprietors.
i r b copies for one year S 9
5 - m a , Q
10 u - 15
u 20 " :' 30
AJi letters conruining money may be sent at the
risk i-f the publiihers when tbey are registered but
net o'herwie.
National Pulicb (Jazetti
New York City."
WasIiiiisT Machines.
Tbe mot elnip'. derable. convenient and economical
article ever invented for the purpose
Wjil Ji- iho whir.e f au ordinary Tamlly before
t, n-t nly hvite time but clothes.
Br strictly followinmbe priuted direcUon. which are
imple nd euy, it will wah, at ime unit, fix tu tu,
or t d.ien puiali articleii. in about tit cr irvtn mii-
vJi t, or their equivalent.
By all the ordinary methods of c! earn of flue fabiica,
mich a lacea, &.C. the j;retet care i required, while
with this machine the m-t delicate article can be
washed without the possibility of da-jiaKO
These reMilu are prKluiel by the ci-nntant reaction
rhe snds while ibe machine in in motion.
of Fami:ie. laundries hotels, boarding-honaea. hospit
al, asylums, boardinR-scU'X'le. on hhips ana steamers,
and in tbe army, who have thet-e maciit:ei ia nee, have
sent in their testimonials volnn:ri!ly, and the enco
miunis of tbe Pres are very numerous, some of which
I have published in pamphlet frui.
All I ask of the Public is a careful examination ef
this machine before purchasing of other.
General Depof 41 BroaJway, corner Canal St , Hew
Tork. '
Prico only Tea Dollars.
N. B. A liberal dincount to the Triit. Jtyent
leant td. Send for m Circular.
Address box alaa, K T. City P. O.
PHILIP FRENCH. Prorrietor.
SitcpVoicg1 o press we learn that th
Governor has issued a proclamat tn a?
finst jayhiwking; making the penalty
hath.. ;
To the Army and Citizens
"We will sell from this date, pxd Flour, at $1,50 per
Toll for eostom grinding, one-Sxtb per Bu?bel.
Flour exchangod for Wieat.
Corn Meal for Sale.
Onr Flour t kept eiript!ntly on band at the Mill and
the principle stcresin B'"pvti'.
Post Okfice Dcpa&txxht,
U'ttMxyton, Movtmter 30, 1661.
PROPOSALS will be revived at the Contract Office
of this Department until 10 a. m. of Monday, March
SI. 1S2, for convening the mailt of tbe United States
for four years, commencing Jalj I. 1S2, and ending
J un 10, 1S6S, in the Territory of Nebraka, on tbe
routes and by the schedule of departures and arrivals
herein iecifled, Decisions antuuncej by April 24.
(Examine tht lavt.foTmt, nd iX4trctinu mnnettd )
140O1 From Council Bluff, low, by Omaha City, Ne
braska, K'khorn City, Belle Creek, Fonteneile, Bu
cbanan. Franklin, Kl Itorado, Colambua, Grand Ia
land City. Abbeville. Wood River, Nebraska Ceutre,
and Fort Kearney, to Kearney City, 220 miles and
tack, six time a week.
Leave Council Blufs dally, except Smday, at a. m;
Arrive at Kearney City oa the fcurtb day by S p m;
Leave Kearney City daily, eicept Sundav, at a m;
Arrive at Council Biuffa i n the fourth day by p m.
B;ds to run by an expedited schedule will be consid
ered. 140C2 From Omaha City, by Bellevue. Oreapo'.is,
Plattjimoutb. Rork Blnrs. Lwitown, Three Groves,
Wyoming. Nebrak Cry. Otoe City. Mount Veron,
Brownsville Nemaha City. Aspin'ral, St. Stephen's
" Winnebago, Rulo. Nobart. and White Cloud, to High
land 131 miles and bark, three times a week.
Leave Omaha City Monday, Wednesday and Friday, at
Arrive at Highland third day by 6 p tn ;
Leave Highland Monday, Wednesday, and Friday, at 8
Arrive at Omaha City third day by C p tn.
Bids to run ix time a week, and also to extead St.
Joseph, Missouri, will te considered.
140(4 From Omaha city, by Florence. Fort Calhoun,
Tazoo, Oe Soto. Cumming city. Mudaii. Tekainah, De
catur. Omadi, Dakotah rty. CovinKton and Ssreants
Bluffs, to Sioux city, 118 miles and back, three time
a week.
Leave Omaha city Monday, rtdreday and Friday at
Arrive at Sioux city next day by 10 p m ;
Leave Sioux city Monday. Wedneadsy and Friday, at S
a ni ;
Arrive at Omaha city next diys by 10 p m.
Bid for Bii-time-a-week service will be considered.
14004 From Bellevue, by Ilaileton, to Fremont, 40 mile
and bark, three times a week.- -
Leave Bellevue Mouday, Wedueiday and Friday, at
a ra ;
Arrive at I'remoot by 8 p m ;
I eave Fremont Ttu eday, Thursday and Saturday, at C a
ni 5
Arrive at Bellevue by 8 p ra.
14005 From Bellevue. by Platte TaKey, to PlaUford, 24
miles and back, once a week.
Leave Bellevne Frid.y at 6 a ra ;
Arrive at Pla:tfrd by i p m ;
Leave Plattfcrd Stnrd.iy at 6 a ra;
Arrive at Bellvue by 8 p m.
11008 From Rck Bluffs, by Kacoshe, to Wyoming, 15
utiles and back, onre a week.
Leave Rock Bluff Saturday at 6 a m ;
Arrive at Wynraine by 12 ni ;
Leave Wyomina Saturday at 2 p m;
Arrive at Rck Bluffs by 8 p m.
14007 From PlatUmontn. by Glendale, to PlaUford. 25
miles and back, once a week.
Leave Plittm uth Saturday at 4 a mj
Arrive at PlaUford by 12 m ;
Leave Plattrord Saturday at I p m ;
Arriveat Plattsmouth by 9 p ai.
14008 From Kanoshe, by Buchanan and Plum Hollow, to
Sidney. 19 mile and bck. three times week.
Leave Kanosbe Monday, Wednesday ani Friday, at 6 a
Arrive at Sidney by 12 m ;
Leave Sidney MunJay Wednesday and Friday, at2p m ;
Arrive at K.MH.. she by f p iu.
14009 From Three Groves, by Monnt Pleasant, to Weep
init Water. 11 miles and back once a week.
Leave Three Groves Saturday at 6 a m;
Arrive at Weeping Water by 12 ta ;
Leave Wee-pin Water Saturday at 2 pm ;
Arrive at Three Groves by 8 p m.
14C10 Trora Wyoming, by Avoca, to Salt Creek, 45 miles
and bck. one a "reek.
Leave Woniinc Friday tit 6 a m ;
Arrive at Silt Creek by 8pm;
Leave Salt Creek Saturday at 6 a m;
Arrive at Wyoming by S p m.
1 tOU Fr m Nebraska City to Sidney, Ifl miles and
hack, six time a week.
I-oave Nebraska City daily, except Sunday, at 6 a
m :
Arrive at Sidney, by 12 m :
Iscave Sidney d.iily, except Sunday, at 1pm;
Arrive at Nebraska City by 7 p m.
14012 From Nebraska city by Worrallb-vn. Tecam
seh, Daniel's Ranches Turkey Creek, and Denni
son, to Marysville, Kansas, 86 miles and back, 3
times a week.
Leave Nebraska eity Monday, Wednesday, and Fri
day at 6 a m ;
Arrive at Marysville Wendosday. Friday and Sun
day by 6 p m .
Leave Maryville Monday, Wednesday and Friday at
0 am;
Arrive at Nebraska City Wednesday, Friday and
Sunday by 8 p m.
14013 From Nebraska City by Helena, Kingston,
Vesta, Keatrice, and Blue Springs, to Marysville
107 mils and bvkencea week.
Leave Nebraska City Monday at ft a m ;
Arrive at Marysville Wednesday by 10 p in;
Leave Marysville Thursday at 6 a m ,
Arrive at Nebraska City Saturday by 10 p m ;
14014 From Nebrnska City,, Palmyra,
Saltillo, Cumden, and Aruola, to Kearney City,
200 miles And beck. ree a week.
Leave Nebnk City Monday at 6 a m ;
Arrive at Kerny City fifth day by 6 p m;
Lavc Kearney City Monday at r a m ;
Arrive at Ncbraika City fit t b day by r p ra.
14015 Frim Mi.uct Vernon by Sonera. Missouri, to
Kockport, Ifi miltsand bk, twice wek.
Leave Mount Vernon Monday and Thursday at ft a
Arrive at Ruck port by 12 m :
Leava IWkport Mond ty and Tharday at 2 p m ;
Arrive at Mount Vernon by 8 p m.
i;di to run three a week will be considered.
1401ft From Hn.wnville to Rickport, Mo., 10 miles
and back, six times a week.
Leave Hrownviile daily, except Sunday, at 9 a m;
Arrive at Ruck port by 12 in ;
Leave Rucktwir' daily, exeep; Sunday, at 2 p m ;
Arrive at Ifn.wnriJIe by 5 p m.
11017 From Brr.wnville, by Teeumseh and Austin,
t.i Beatrice, riO miles and ba.k, once a week.
Leave Brownville Friday at 6 a m ;
Arrive at Bentrice next day by (J p ra ;
Leave Beatrice Friday at 0 a ra ;
Arrive at Brownville next day -y 5 pm.
14 18 From Ruin to Oregon, Mo., 22 miles and back,
three time a wek.
Lav Rulo Monday, Wednesday and Friday at 6 a
Arrive at Oregon by 12 m ;
Leave Oregon Monday, Wednesday and Friday at 1
P m ,
Arrive at Rub by 7 p m.
14019 From Rulo, by Archer, Salem, Middleburg.
Pleasant Valley and Clear Creek, to Marj?ille,
Kan., 67 miles and back, once a week.
Leave Rulo Monday at 6 a m;
Arriveat Marysville nextdiiy by 10pm;
l.eve Marysville Wt-dnesday at 6 a m ;
Arriveat Rulo next day by 10 p m.
14020 From Saint Stephens, Neb., by Rush Bottom,
Mo.. .Tone's Point, and Forest City, to Oregon, Mo.,
32J miles and back, twice a week.
Ienve St. Stephens Monday and Friday at 8 a m ;
Arrive at Orepon by ft p m ;
I-ave Oregon Tuesday si,d Saturday at 3 am ;
Ar.ive at St. Stephens by fi p ni.
14021 From Falls City, by tJencva, Scott's, Table
IWk, P wnee City, and iJjatrico, to Patterson's
Ran.-he. SO miles and b-k. o;ue a week.
Leavo Falls City Monday at ft a m ;
Arrive at Patterson's Il inhe next day by 6 p m;
Leave Patterson's Rnucbe Mondny at 6 a m;
Arrive at Falls City next day by 6 p m.
14022 From Falls City to Saint Stephens, 15 miles
and back, three times a week.
Lt-ave Falls City Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday
Ht 8 a m
.trrive at Saint Stephens by 12 m ;
Leave Saint Stephens Tuesday, Thursday and Sat
urday at 2pm:
Arrive at Fall. City by 6 p m.
14023 From Tecumwh, by Kingston, to Helena, 11
mile and back, once a week.
Leave Tfcoum.M:h Saturday at 6 am ;
Arrive at Helena by 12 m ;
Leave Helena Saturday at 2 p in ;
Arrive at Tocumsoh by 8 p m.
11024 From Pawnee City, by A. R. Rant's, Tecum
seh, Kingston, ami Threu Forks of Great Nemaha,
to Oialhe on Salt Creek, 90 miles and back, once
a week.
Leave Pawnee City Wednesday at 6 a m ;
Arrive at Olathe Saturday by 4 p m ;
Leave Olathe Wednesday at 6am;
Arriveat PawDee City Saturday by i p ra.
14025 From Austin to Beatrice, SJ miles acd back
once a week.
Leave Austin SaturJay at 8 am;
Arri ve a t Beatrice t y 1 0 a m ;
Leave Beatrice Sat jrday at 11 a m ;
Arrive at Austin by 1 p tn.
14026 From Florence to Magnolia, Iowa, 30cilosfccd
back.oncoa we-k.
Ltave Florence Monday at 8 ata;
Arrive at Magnolia by f3 p m :
Leave MapnnSia Tuesdsyat Sam;
Arrive at Florence by 6 p in.
14027 From Cummine Citv. by Po Soto and Fort
Calhoun, to MaUo:ia, Iowa, 24 milojand back, 3
times a week.
Lenve Cunjaiu-iag City Monday, Wednesday and
Friday at 6 h io ; "
Arrive at Magnolia bv 12 m :
larc Magnolia Monday, Wi-ndesday and Friday at
- p ra :
arriveat Camming City by 8 pm.
14023 Fr. ra Leeaur. by Loan Va'.ley, to West
Point. 30 mile? ant back. on e a wee.
Leave Decatur Friday at 8 m;
Arrive st West Pidnt by 15 p m ;
Leave Wcit Point Saturday at 8 a m ;
Arrive at Decatur bj 0 p ta.
lUiZ'j From fcioux City, Iowa, Cottonwood Spring!;
Nebraska, to Denver City, C&J tables and back,
once a week.
Leave Sioux City Monday at 0 a m ;
Arrive at Denver City oa the fifteenth day by 6 p m,
Leave Denver City Monday at 0 a tn ;
Arrive at Sioux City oa the fifteenth day by 6 p m.
Bids to end al Cottonwood Springs, 330 miles le
distance, with proposed ached ale, will be considered.
14030 From Sioux City, Jowa, by lower crossing of
Bx bioux, ensuiion, x aucton. I hoieau Creek,
Stranger's Ferry, Indiaa agency oa the YaDcton
Sioux reserve, and Greenwood, to Fort Randall,
141 miles and back, once a wjek.
Leave Sioux City Monday at 4 a m ;
arriveat Fort Randall Thursday by 12 m;
Leave Fort Randall Thursday at 1 p m
Arrive at Sioux City Sunday by o p m.
Bids to run two and three times a week w;ll be con
sidered. 14031 From Sioux City, Iowa by Niobrara, Ponoha,
Reserve, and Chimney Rock, to the South Pass of
the Rocky Mountains, 903 miles and back, once a
Leave Sioux City Monday at 6" a m ;
Arrive at the South Pass of the Rocky Mountains on
tbe 15th day at S pm ;
Leave the South Pass of the Rocky Mountains at 6 a
m ;
Arrive at Sioux City on the 15th day at 6 p m.
Bids to end at Fort F .a ramie, omitting the South
Pass of the Rocky Mountains, 300 miles iea dis
tance will be considered.
Bids to end at Fort Kearney will also be considered.
14032 From Dakota, by St. John's. P.neh, Dixon,
St. James, Halena, Frankfort, Bouhomme City,
and Niobrara, to Fort Randall, 112 miles and back,
twice a week.
Leave Dakota Monday and Wednesday at 8 am;
arrive at Fort Randall third d- by A p m ;
Leave Fort Randall Monday and Wednesday at 8 a m;
Arrive at Dakota third day by 6 p m.
14033 From Dakota; along the Missouri River, to
Fort Randall, 140 miles and back, one a week.
Le.-tve Dakota M inday at ft a m;
arrive at Fort Rand-ill Wednesday by 6pm;
Le v) Fort Randall Monday at 6 a in ;
Arrivr at Dakota Wednesday by 6 p m.
11034 Fn-m Fort Randall, by Mouth of Blue Earth
Uiver, to Mouth of Little Medicine Knowl River,
200 miles and back, once a week.
Lave Fort Randall Monday at 8 a m ;
Arrive at Mouth of Little Medicine fifth day by 6 p m:
Leave Mouth of Little M.-dieine at 8 am:
.trrive at Fort Randal fifth day by 6 pm.
14035 FromPoncha. by lona, to Vermillion, Dakota,
25 miles and back, onoe a Week.
Leave Poncha Tuesday at 4 a m ;
Arrive at Vermillion by 12 m.
Leave Vermillion Tuesday at 1 p ra ;
Arrive at Ponoha by 9 p m.
Form of Proposal Guarantee and
The undersigned , whose post offics address
county or , MAte of , proposes
to carry the mails of the United States, from July 1,
Ibhz, to June 30, 1868. on route !o. between
and , under the advertisement of the
Postmaster General, dated October 30, 186 1, "with
celerity, certainty, and security," for the annual
sum of dollars.
This proposal is made with full knowl
edge, of the distance of theroute, the weight
of the mail to be carried, and all other
particulars in reference to the route and
service, and, also, after car etui examina
tion of the laws and instruction attached
to the advertisement.
undersigned, residing at , State of
undertake tht, if the foregoing bid fou
carrying the mail on route No. be accepted
by the Postrcaiter General, the bidder shall, prior to
the 1st day August, ibf 2, enter into the required
obligation, or contract, to perform the service pro
iH ied, with good and sufficient sureties.
This we do, understanding distinctly
the obligations and liabilities assumed by
guarantors under the27th section of the act
of Congress of July 2, ISou.
The undersigned, postmaster at , State of
certifies. under his oath or owick, that he
is acquainted wun me anove guarantors, ana shows
them to be men of property, and able to make good
their guaranty.
So act of Congress of March 3.1315, sectiojl8.
Containing conditions to be incorporated
, tn the contracts to the extent the de-
part ment may deem proper.
1. Seven minutes are allowed to each intermedi
ate office, when not otherwise specified, for assort
ing the mails ; but on railroad and stemnb at routes
there is to be no more delay than is sufjioient for an
exchange (if the mail bags.
2 On railroad and steamboat lines, ana otner
routes where the mode or conveyance admits ot it,
the special agents of the Post Otfioe Department, al
so post office blanks, mail bigs, locks, and keys, are
to be conveyed without extra onarge.
3. On railroad and steamboat lines the route
agents of the department, also the British and Can
ada mails, when offered, and the agents accompany
ing them, are to be conveyed without charge, and
for their exclusive use, while travelling with the
mails, a commodiu car, or apartment in the centre of
a car, properly lighted, warmed, and furnished, and
adapted to the convenient separation and duo secu
rity of tho mails, is to be provided by the contractor,
under the direction of the department.
H-iilr- a i and steamboat companies are required to
take the mail from and deliver it into the poet offices
at the ei;rmiineement and end of their routes, and
to and trom all offices not more than eighty rods .rom
a station or landing. Proposals may be submitted
for the porfoimnce of all other side eervice that
is, for offices over eighty rods from a sUtion or
Receipts will be required for mail bag? conveyed
in charge of persons employed by railroad compa
nies. Thpre will also be "way bills" prepared by
DORtmaaters. or other agents of the department, to
accompany the mails, specifying the number and
destination of the several bags. On the principal
stage routes, likewise, receipt will be required and
way bills forwarded ; the latter to be examined by
the several postmasters, to injure regularity in the
delivery of mail bags.
4. No pay will be mnde Tor trips not penormea;
and for each of uch omissions not satisfactorily ex
plained, three times the ay of the trip may be de
ducted. For arrivals so far behind time as to break
connexion with deponding mtiils.and not sufficiently
excused, one fourth ct the compensation lor tne trip
is subject to forfeiture. Deduction will also be or
dered for a grade of performance infeiior to that
specified in the contract. For rejieated delinquen
cies of the kind bertin sjeci6cd, enlarged penalties,
proportioned to the nature thereof, aud the import
ance of the mail, may be made.
5, For leaving behind, or throwing off the mails, or
any portion of them, for the admission of passen
gers, or for being concerned in setting up or running
an express conveying intelligence in advance of the
mail, a quarter's pay may be d-ducted.
R. Fiues will be imposed, unless the delinquency
be promptly and satisfactorily explained by certifi
cates of postmatera or the affidavits of other credible
persons, for failing to arrive in contract time ; for
neglecting to take the mail i rom or deliver it into a
post tffice; for suffering it ty b wet, injured, des
troyed, robbed, or lt; and for refusing, after de
maud, to convey the mail as frequently as the con
tractor runs, or is concerned in running, a coach, car,
or steamboat on the route.
7. The Postmaster General may annul tba con
tract for repeated failures to mn agreeably to con
tract : for violating the post office law , or disobey
ing the instructions of the department; for refusing
to discharge a carrier when required by tha depart
ment to do so ; for ranning an express, as aforesaid ;
or foT transporting persons or packages conveying
mailable matter out of the mail.
8. The PeVuia?terOeneral may order an increase
of sarrice on a route by allowing therefor a pro rafa
increase on the contract pay. He may change
schedules of departures and arrivals in all cases, and
particularly to make them conform to connections
with railroads, without increase of pay, provided
the running time be not abridged. He may alst or
der an increase of speed, allowing, within tha re
strictions of the law, a pro rata increaaa of pJ for
the additional stoek or carriers, if any. Th con
tractor m.y, however, in the case of increase of
speed, relinquish the contract, by giving prompt no
tice to the department that he prefers doing so to
carrying the order into effict. The Postmaster Gen
eraf msv also curtail or discontinue the service, in
whole or in part, at pro rati decrease of pay. allow
ing one month's extra compensation on the amount
dispensed with, whenever, in bis opint n, the public
the public interest require the ehacge, or in case he
desires to su percede it by a different grade of trans
portation. 9. Payments will be made by collodions from or
drafts on pcytmssters, or otherw:?;. after the expira
tion of each qu.irtcr-say, in February, May. Au-gu.-t,
and November.
10. Tbe diatan-ei are given acordliig to the best
information; but no increased pay will be allowed
should the points te jreatar baa a4rer'.ie4, If tha
points to bo supplied be correctly stated. DiiJert
nni( inform themstlet on lA point, and also in
reference to the weight of the mail, theeoniitioa of
roads,hill9, streams, 4c, and all toll bridges, ferries,
or obstructions of any kind by which expense may
ba incurred. No claim for additional pay, based on
such ground, can be eonsidore4 ; nor for alleged mis
takes or misapprehension as to the degtea ef service ;
nor for bridges destroyed, ferries discontinued, or
other obstructions increasing distance, occurriag du
ring the contract term. Oifices established after this
aiversieeicent is issued, and also during the contract
term, are to be visited without extra pay, if the dis
tance ba not increased.
11. A bid received after tha last day and Lour
named, or without the guarantee required by law
and a certificate as to the sufficiency of such guaran
tee, cannot be considered in competition with a regu
lar proposal reasonable in amount.
12 . Bidders should first propose f nr terries strictly
according to tha advertisement, and then, if they
desire, leparately for different service ; and if the
regular bid be the lowest offered for the advertised
service, the other propositions may be considered.
13. There ihould be bat one route bid for ia a
proposal. Consolidated or combination bids ( pro
posing one sum for two or more routes' are forbid
den by law, and cannot be considered.
14. Tha route, tha service, tha yearly pay, tha
name and residence of the bidder, (that is his nraal
post office address, ) and those of each member of
a firm, where a company offers, should ba distinctly
15. Bidders are requested to use, as far as practi
cable, tha print! form of proposal furnished by tha
department, to write out in fall tha mm of their
bids, and to retain copies of them.f
Altered bids should not be submtited ; nor should
bids once submitted be withdrawn. No withdrawal
of a bidder or guarantor will be allowed unless dated
and received before the hut day for receiving pro
posals. Eeach bid must be guaranteed by two re sponsible
General guarantees cannot be admitted. The bid
and guarantees should be plainly with tha
full name of each person.
The department reserves the right to reject any
bid which may be deemed extravagant, and also to
aisregard the bids of foiling contractors and bidders.
16. The bid should ba sealed, supvrscrided "Mail
Proposals, Territory of Nebraska," addressed "Sec
ond assistant Postma ter General Contract office,"
and sent by mail, and not by oj two an agent ; and
postmasters will not enclose proposals (or letters of
any kind) in their quarterly return.
17. The contract are to be exocutdand returned
to the department by or before tha I at day of August,
1832 ; but the service must ba commenced oa the 1st
July preceeding. or on the mall day next after that
date, whether the contracts ba executed or not.
18. Po?tmxsters at offices on or near railroads, but
more than eighty rods from a station, will, immedi
ately after the 31st of March next, report their exact
distance from the nearest station, and how tbey are
otherwise supplied with the mail, to enable the Post
master General to direct a mail-messenger supply
from tha 1st of July next.
19. Section eighteen of an act of Coagresi ap
proved March 3, 1845, provides that contract for
tha transportation of mail shall ba let "in every
case to the lowest bidder tendering sufficint guaran
tees for faithful perfoimanee, without other refer
ence to the mode of such transportation than may
be necessary to provide for the due celerity, certain
ty, and security of such transportation." Under
tki law, I id i that pmpoeto trantport the mailtcitk
"celerity, certainty, and teenr-ity," hitting been deci
ded to be the only Irfjal bil, are considered am provide
ing for the entire mail, howeeer large, and uhatever
may be the mode of conveyance neeeary lo ituure iti
"celerity, certainty, and security," and will have the
pre ference over all othere, and no other I mill be con
tiJered, 20. A modification of a bid in ary cf its essential
terms is tantamount to a new bid, and cannot be
received, so as to interfere with a regular competir
tion, alter the last hour set for receiving bids.
Making a new bid, with guarantee and certificate, ia
the only way to ra dify a previous bid.
21. Postmasters are to be careful not to certify the
sufficiency of guarantors or surities without knowing
that they are persons of sufficient responsibility ;
and all bidders, guarantors and iuritie9 are distinctly
notified that on a failure to enter into or perform
the contracts for the service proposed for in tha ac
cepted bids the legal liabilities will ba enforced
against them. v
22. Present contractors, and pel sons known at tha
department, must, equally with others, proccure
guarantors and certificates of their sufficiency sub
stantially in the form above prescribed. The cer
tificates of sufficiency must ba signed by a postmas
ter or by a judge of a court of record. Noothercer
tifleate will be admitUd. M. BLAIR,
Poitmaiter General.
lintftfcw iz: tit ZIzm.
! District Court. Nemaha Co.,
Nebraska Territory.
George ITarmon, for the
use of Crane i. Bill,
John (i. MrCathron and
H. B. Strong.
By virtue of an order of tale to me directed in the
above entitled case I will u Friday the 10th day of
January. A D 1S62. between tbe hours of 10 o'clock A
M and 4 o'clock P M of said day, at the d.xr of Den's
Hall iu Br wnvill, the place where aid court was last
held for said Keiuaba c"iuy. offer for sale the follow
ing deccribed real estate to-wit: The south half of the
north vet quarter of section (IS) fifteen, town-hip (4)
fonr, north of ranee IS) fifteen, east, taken at tbe
property of II. B. Strong to satisfy said judgemeut, alt
said real estate lying and bein in Keinaba county, Ne
braska Ter-itory. J.W.COLEMAN', Sberiff.
Decmber 6, 1361 u22-5w $7,50.
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True Deleware Grape Vines
Strng, Well-rooted One Year Old Tinei grovn in
open air. 60 cm to 9 1 eacfi. fSfo 10 per dot Extrai
year old vine, and No. 1. extra large laytrt. vit
bearing void. $1.60 to $2 00. to $13 if IS per dozen.
AIjSO flue vines of Allen's nww white Hybrid, Anna.
Cleveucjt, Concord, Cuyahoga, Clara, Clinton, Cassa
dy, Catawba, Diana, Herbemont, Hartfor, ProliSc. K
1 sabs 11 a, Logan, La Moir, Lydia, Louisa, Lyman, Nor
ton's Virginia. Ontario, Oporto Rebecca. Boxers' new
Eybrils. Taylor's Bullitt. To-Kalon, Union j'iliags, and
many other kinds, at low price.
Wilson's Albany, Triumph de Grand. Jenny Iind,
TroWope's Victoria, and Austin Shaker Strawberries.
Rirtland. and avar bearing Baspbrries,
Lawton's Biackberne, ate , all at the lowest rates,
J3"SenJ for a circular.
6KO. W. CAMFBKLL, Delaware, O.
Oct. S. 1S60. nl6-2m.
Ameri (D CiD(t glue
Is tha only article of tha kiud ever produced whioh
Save your hioken Fumitura
ilend your Harness. Straps, Ielu. Boos Ao
Sara tho prices of that expensive Cut GJass BotUa.
Don't thrw away that broken Ivory Fan it is eas
ily repaired.
Tour broken China Cupa and Saucers can ba made
as ori as new.
That piece knocked out of your Marble ilantla oan
be put on as strong a ever
No matter if that brokeu Pitcher did cost but a
shilline a shillin saved is a shillinjf earned.
That Co:y Alabaster Vase "l brocken and you can't
match it mend it it will never shw when put to
gether. It will Llend bene, Coral, Lava,
and in fact everything butLSetala.
Any article Cemented with AMERICAN CEMENT
GLCE will not show where it is mended
"Every Housekeeper should have a supply or Johns
A Crosiay's American Cement Olue." A ' Timrt.
"It is so conrenient to hava ia the house." JV Y
,It is always ready; this commends it to everybody.'
"We have tried it and find it as useful ia our house
as wafer. IftfaV pirif of the Timet.
Cooixumy is "Wonltli
S1U.0U0 per yar saved ia every larnily
by O tie Bottl of
Price 25 Cents per Bottle.
Price 25 CeDts per Bottle.
Price 25 Ceuu per Bottle.
Price 25 Cents per Bottle.
Price 25 Cents per Bottle.
Price 25 Cents per Kittle.
Very Liberal Reduction to Whole
sale Buyers.
TEU519 CAJslI.
J2fFor Sule by ail Dru's nd Storekeepers
lhr.uL.rh.ut tiia ronntry,
cSda M.inufacturers.
Corner of Liberty Street. K LW YORK.
Imporlantlo House Owners.
Important to Itullderl.
Important to Ralllloaxl Conipa
nlei. Important to Farmers.
To all whom this may concern, end it
concerns everybody.
The Cheapest and moss durable Roofing
in use.
It can be applied to new and old Hoofs of all kinds
steep oi flat and to dhingle roofs without removing
the Shingles. -
The Cost Is only about One-Third
IJLItAlIl.i:. This article bas been thoroughly tested in New
Tork City and all pajts of the United Slates Cana
da West Indies and Central and 'ou;h America on
buildings of all kinds such as Factories I'oundoriet'
Cburches Rail Road Depots Cars and ou Public
Buildings generolJy Government Buildings Ac. by
the priociple ttuilders archet-xjts anp others during
the past fouryears and nas proved to ba tho Cut. iJ
EST and MOST DUKaBLE KOOFINO in use it i j in
every rcspoct a firk watfr vtinis and Tim
proof covering for room of all Ki.vba.
Thit it the OS'LY mat trial manuantnreil ew the
United Statet which combines tha very deir&Lle
properties of Elasticity and durability whlnh nx
universally acknowledged tn be possessed byOTJrl,
Ho Heat is Required in Maklins
The axpeLsa of applying it is trifling as an ordinary
Roof can be covered end finished lhe time diy.
It can be applied by any one,
and when finished forms a perfectly r irk 1'itooFaur
face with an tlestio body which cannot be iuiured
by LLsat Cold or Storms Shrimincj of Itoor
Boards nor any external action whatever.
F-or Coating Metals of all Kinds when
exposed to the Action of the Whather. and
For I'reseralnp and Repairing
Jletal Rooli
ThisisTEI ONLY OoMPOelTIOF KK07M trhick W'
tccetfully rttitt extreme changes of all climate fur
an Ictujth of time when applied to nietal to which
it adheres firmly forming a body equal to three ooats
of ordinary paint costs much lets, and w ill LAST
THREE TIJES AS LOStf; andfromits elasticity
is not injured by the contraction and expansion cf
TIN and'other METAL ROOTS conjejuent np-in
sudden changes of tbe weather.
Leaky tin and other metal roofs caa be readily
repaired with Gutta I'ercha Cement, an I prevents
from further corrosion and leaking, thereby ensur
ing a perfectly water-tight roof for many years.
This cement is peculiarly adapted f Jf the pcer
vationof Iron railings, Stoves, Siies, Agricnltural
Implements. Ac, also for ger'J mnnutHcturers use
7or preserving ari repairing Tin and other met
al roofs ofcverj description, from its great elantici
ty, is not injured by the contrac tion and expinioa
of mef-js, and uill not crack in ca'ti nor run in
fr. tcealAcr.
These materials are ads pted tn all climates, and
we ari prepared to supply orders frra any part of
the country, at short notice, fur Uutta i'eraha roof
ing in rolls, ready prepared for use, and Outta I'er
cha Cement in barrels, with full printed directions
tions for application.
Agoxxts XVantocl.
We ii. make lite ral ana catiaiacii ry arrange
ments with responsible parties who would like to
establish themselves in a lucrative and permamnt
Wo can give abundant proof of all we claim in
favor of our improved R.ioSng Materials, h.tvingap
pned them to several tneusand lUnfs in ew York
City and vicinity.
Vkolesale Warehouse, 78, William Strett,
Cornor of Liberty street, ITEW TOES,
Full descriptive Circulars and Paces wiu bo fur
nished on application.
Auv.T. 133-1. 1 y -
Wooditoek, Ash Leaf, Kidney, Pink Eye?, Scotch
Blues and Blue Rusty Coats. at One IT.'ir per bush
el delivered at tha OSce of the "Nebraska Farmer."
100 Varieties Grape Vines.
The Largest Collection iVett of J J'ori.
Delaware, Diana. Ikbecva, Herbemont, Flartford
Prolific, Concord, Union Vil!e. Franklin, Outaric,
Ccgahoga, Can wlin Chief, T iyl. rs Kullett, Md a
taway. Crevelir.g. Clo'inta and -ver 70 other kii ds
tt eastern catal-.ue rres.
Isabtrl 1 1, Catawba and Clinton at 2cts each .2
p.r do ien, 1 0 per loO.
WE -have rti?t constantly emptuyod tn painting
n-rtmAn r.f tl trfnlc rf Srnift Khrnbii K vri?rs4-rLaT
and KK.wers, and can surply nursery .Kent- or other. ; R1SPBERCIES ! RASRBER2IES ! !
with 1v f n itit. litlmluniwlnrill ,hMt Otir hot! rid .
volumes are ixiteotle to contain all that an axent wjll
require la sellinft a list of general Vursery products.
We otrr them much under the usual priee. and can
lurrii!.htbe bound volumes very low; anil we have no
hesitancy in eaviu that the execution of tbe riit and
lilenei-j to nature nre r-t lrpael by any in the
country. Call at tba A&verttier uiHce a-i4 ee spoci-
nen b"k ENSIGX & FOHD,
I --6ii53-rv223 Ohio Ssril, Tlada, Chla
Hudson river 12 per dot. ISrt eah
Franconia 2 u '
FalsUff 150 44 23 u
Allen 2 - 25
Cincinna'.i 2 f
White and Red Antw&rp $2 per doi.
American Pqrple Can 2
A cornpouai rrcdT, des'ci t j It tv, rn;t
eectual Alterative- tliat can be rrji.?. It :
a con centra led extract cf Fara Siraparll!!,
ao combine'l with other subiane?i cf tt-1.
pcitr altera:! re power as to a-T:.rJ a rr
tTe aatidota fjr tha di-xes FarvapitU'a i
rrputJ ta cure. It is bellcTei tLit iih
reraedy it wasted by thoie wl.o suffer Itoria
Etmmous coTEplaint?, ani that cnt which wiil
ceomplixb thv'ir cure cu.t pror? cf frr.r-.raia
enrice ta this large class cf our aiTiictc-d f How-,
eitiaena. Ilowccn-pletclj this compcund will
cL) it has beta prOTen by e.TprLr;fr.t nn c'..w
cfthe worst c&ioj to b fjuiiicf tie fiUjtvlrj;
8cRorrua astt Ecaorcrocs Court vtst,
Ercptioxj axo EavmTB Dts.v3t Ulcssj,
Pixpks, ELOTcnia, Tc.'03J. Salt Hi:e?v,
Scald IIxaq, SxrHiLis asi Siphiutij Ar
rxcTioxs, MzacraiAL Dueus. Diio?st, Kt t
ealoia oaTic Docloursct, Ds:litt, Dt-
or Sr. Astxoxt' Fu2, tad indecj the who!
class cf coapliiiU arijij fra Lcrtrs
thi Blood.
Tti compound will b fouaj a gmtproA
taotcr of health, when talen ia tha spri:: j, Li
expel the foul huniors which S-lct ia tha
blood at that aeasort of th"? year. Ey tli tin v
ly expulsion of them many rorJtlia j diordr
are nipped Li the bud. Ma!,i'.ul-, C23. by
the aid of thit remedy, spare thm:v?lr:i fror
the endurance of foul eruptions an I o'.crrous
ores through which the system will itnT? t
rid itaelf of corruption, if not as.-iHtcd to tU
this throug the natural channel cf tha to.!.'
by an alieratiTe modicifi?. Cleanse o tS th'
Titiated blood whomever you find its iinp-tritie-a
bursting through the skin in pimplta. eruption,
or sores; cleanse it when you Iind it U oh
atructed and alugiah ia the rcLu ; cl.ttawis
whenerer it is foul, and 3 our f.o'.lngi wi'.l tli
you when. Even where no particular dlsorl.-r
in ftlt, people enjoy b:ttir health. uil
longer, for cleansing ths
K?rs th
blood healthy, and ail ij well ; but "uh this '.
Eahulum of liTs unordered, twro crci bo v.
i&ting fraalLh. Sooner cr lat:r ao:n! thlu
must eo wrong, and the? great na:hln.Ty cJ
life ia disordered or overthrown.
8ar3aparil!a has, and dserTos nuih, ths
reputation cf accomplishing .ca enlt. Euv
the world has been egreiouily doct-ircd by
rrepar&tions of it, partly bcuuie the tlru? .
alone has not all the Tirtu'i that is claimed
for it, but more becauie na-iy preparation,
pretending to be conccr.trVed extracts of it.
contain but little of tha virtus u! Sra-.iiillv
or any thing tlse.
During Late yeara the public Lara bc;n tal
led by larg-9 bottles, pretending to g.Tj a ruari'
of Extract of Sarsaparilla fur one d.iilar. Mit
of thega haye been fraud upon the tick, far
they not only contain little, if any, Saiapi-
ruia, out o:;cn na curaav? propcrua wj:jv
er. Hence, bitter and paiixful tUuiprKjir.Lr.ia:
has followed the use of the vsiiox cstracli tf
Saraaparilh which flood thi luarkct. until th
name itself is justly despised, tnd ha boconia
synonymous with impO'Ctioa and chtat. Scili
we call tliis cora pound Sursaparilla, tnd int-nd
to supply auch a rernel) as shi'd rescue thj .
nama fcotn tl.s load of obloquy v hi.h rc-t
upon it. And we think we hav 1 ground f.
believing it haa virtuts which trj Lnti:ivlj
by the ordinary run of the dLcu.i it u LiUr.-l-ed
to cure. Ia order to secure th ir co:niitt
eradication from the ystem, tha r.nuJy almuli
be judiciously taken acodir! Li J-i-o;U..u
the bottli,
TRtrirxn dt
DR. J. C. AVtll & CO,
Price, 01 per Iloltla 1 : Dotiiea for
Ayer's Cherry Pectoral
has won for Itse'f such a rtnown far tin curs if
very variety of Thraut and Lunj CoWjUint, tlioi
it is entirely unnecessary fjr us t r-.,ur,t tia
videnca of its virtues, vh:refr it Las Lcc j C- .
ployed. As it has long been in constant ua
throughout this section, ve need not d 1 innrj tha
assure the people its rm ility i krr u t ihj 1
it ever has been, tia tlit it piur ba relied 011 La
do fur their k!i it Ls cvfr Uia fjiuid ta i'j.
Ayer's Cailiardc Pills,;-
roa thx cuBJt ct
Cottivensis, JaunJi;e, f)y;x-pj.a, . fijt,'My
VyteiUery, Foul ikitiyuh, Eryiiyeljt, Ilo-idachli
PiUs, R.'ieumifiim, Eruptions w.d Siiit DUitet,
Liver Cn,iaiut, Dropsy, Tettjr, 'iti.ort svtJ
Sa!i Rheur.i, lt'j-m; (Isu!, JVa.f, us m
Vinner '..', and fir I'urifyi.ij f.' 10 f.
They are ogr-cote !' tht the nst re-nJ'
live can take thein ;; v. aivl they a' tha
br si apcrii.- i.i tho taiiJl fjr li the puX,aA of
.imuy physio.
Prist S5 Carp in 0:; Tua k:j !zw Clf
tJrttr.nniberaorLlrrgyme;!. rtiyi-i ins,sar3
n;ea, and eaiir.ent peri .iiwci, Lve lrt t'u.'i
same 1 to certy :tieu:ipr-.luhd uscf thiMSothra
remeilii, b-it our s:ice lie;e will ro: ptr.ii't th
inucrtiou of them, l he A weits bt l.if n l nt 4 Iu-
auu grat.s.J ir amk:uc:i ai m tsi?in uu trier
are given; also full deKrip4;ji at tha a'jnrr
conipUiutii. aad tije trcdtucr.t Lit holl Ltf f
Ujw. d tir their care.
l not be put oil hr linprinf 'iiIjJ Jeulcri wi Jk
other preparit'oy thtv u-i. uiura prodt 11.
Demand A YKtt's, aud taka lo ochrrs. i'hs tit-'t
want iue aiU tnru ia i-.r lutm, miA X-y
hive it.
Ail our ressdlM art fir s! by
Drajrgists, Brovrcvillrt, ?, .
PRINCE & 003.
Uznzin Botanic GaxiTcss ar.d Xcra'xi,
(70UND 2D, IT33)
ritiahlns. Lor z Island, ZTecz Tftvr Tvit.
purcbaters tf Tre, act to applicant Tio Incicaa
atanips So. 1 Descriptive Oafaicgia of rcit axj
OrDau.eutal Tree and Shrubs, Ka;lierrlea, Currarta
and al I other m ill Fruito. No. 2 &, C irnatiaa
Cbryiantheninms, Phlox. Jrla. D nbl SvMt Wi!i!ama
and other Herbaceous Flovartnit Piaota. X . a .Extra
Larse Fruit Trees, Kvc feer, and other UrminsuUi
Tree and Shrcb-t, sultaiilo fr Immediate
and emhelMtiment. If a. 4 Whoile CtUgrei tot
Nurcerle and Dealer, cornprlilui Tree Shru'us, R-t.
........ : . .U- - ....
&.C Ko. 6 Wholesale Cutalncue for Teyetabla. Alrl.
cuuurai aui riiwer ee(i, aun trees anj erjri. teH,
&c. i'o. 6 Descriptive Ctjl, giie cf our TrirLv i
Collenion of lSv Select Vrtiiefleuf Strawberries w:i
a RrJICTEP LIST and Direction f .- C'Utura. If a.
Wholesale LUt of X,iilv n 1 t r?tc. d rape. X fi .
Cnialogue of Ri!txiu Flowt-r r entry C..
with Tree and llerbace-i'i P..nles D ih.l. Prlmro
Polenlhua, CjW'ips. Aa i ula. Die, Irta and olher
Hire F owerini PUi.-n. X .. Iik-WIi. I s!e Ca'liTa
of tbe "ine S-. IJ U'i"Ei 01 i?ree ihua p;i ;
N'j. It Descriptive Cj' A 3m 'tiva aa4 Ji
F'ret.-n V.itietiei,f Orpe.
N. B. The price h.-veNen crealy rM :c,1. iMfV'
who leire win p;eipaeaU toeirL.U, wuka will ba
priced t the lowa-it rate
November 21, I3l, (i-So-tiJ
nn nnn i ns ithat. w a ttvh
vvf w v - ' ww sm w w s,sj 4 slw sWa
Two Extensive Vo!cn Fat-tfires ere in
SITCESSFCL ofksaio.v.
With all the Latest fiie iinprovmnit.
We are prejars-l to pinnufe.-tare to pri?r,ani
have for sale th f. li-winit O'sdi:
Satinet3 Heavy ani Liht, .
rw wrr i-a r . v-v'rv .siiTnrf 1 'r. - m
Xji jknooy o,
Fulled IJust'jN, Colurs?ii lTlilts
and Milt!, 11-2 Yards rile'
Clanked cf sii Kinds an.l a!! Qudliilrv
IAR.1. ( A 1.1. I 'l I'O! flT'J
Wsrrantel sllU joJiof the bert material. '
t-ff-'.Ve wLI exohangc the thqva Goods fjr Tc4
or cadh.
Fancy Dyln? to Ordrr.
TT" .11 -
Market Frizes,
Flour con-tdutly on Landfora!e. TLabestprJca
paid f'r wheat.
V. BUKL A SON'. BCELL A DllO.f . -
Au;u-t. 2t. 0.
Furnitiire! Furniture U
Tha most complete sine of ParnUcra ever tOrt-d la
thin iipjr con ciry just received by T. UILL
Brownville. Aril S;t. 1S6I.
Lumber for Sale.
I have twelve hoandiel feet raervhantab:e Ijiai,
ber, and !0.00)biric;es. I wib t.. trade for a tem
for cattle, oxen or 1 wui Ochvtr at i'r!e
Ferry on tbe Sabaka acore. -
icr I.laai, W3tr nth, issj. '