Nebraska advertiser. (Brownville, Nemaha County, N.T. [Neb.]) 1856-1882, December 26, 1861, Image 3

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tectJf-a to
rr H- DooBiJfs and Judge C. W.
-gjjiy, the Coramitee appointed by
v c:,zCCE of this County to visit the
Corercorand Legislature, and lay le
, ,e then the necessity of affording, r-
the southern, .portion ot tue
returned last Friday. The
r rprccr assured them that arms should
je furnished us as soon cs tney ve
curCj ; rdJ that he would use his best
favors to protect the Territory from
,v.e depreciations of marauding lands of
,l':ors and thieves. If necessary, he
'. rail out the last man in the Terri
r,y There are numerous lands of des
.yeras in this vicinity, plundering our
fVzc?. Sorae of them, calling them
iSP8 Jayhawlers, indignantly scorn the
jca of being thieve?. They say they
acting with the approbation of the
Governor in taking property from dbloy
elr.en; that hirst stealing is done by
jsere iheves, upon their credit. Yet it o
r.pens that in nearly every instance,
?, Lere ci'.izt ns of thU county are Jay
fawk d. even in open daylight, they are
jjui.Utd Lnicn men. Last week', a
crmpary -f fr vitiudMr. Lr-hij
:h nc:
JVru, a:d tcck a watch, two silk cresses
i reo!vtr nr.d saddle. When remonstra
ted wiih :I.t-y tvtiirmd a poriicn of the
tr.irles, but ktpt the balance, saying
for tl
TfrrTJcLLETI-N'. Yt s-terJay
R IV tin for month. Nj more v.
e'esed the
;!1 be
pu!.lihpdtill receive indonvi'ij for the past
c-& struit ri for tie fid are. It will be
fy for tie f
:.!e for' us to obtain dWpatchrs,
iereaf'-cr without paving for then: inad
Tflncc. The BKeiin was corumcLC.'d
this month at the solicitation of citizens
cf this county, and of Atchison ceuuty.
Mo. Most tf the subscribers engaged
cither if pay ,n advance or when the
mranh was. half cut,' yet Let one half of
tiem hare yet paid.
We will restj'nve
ibscrihers desire it.
mast be paid cn
the Bulletin if the
but i
receipt of the
Last Chance. Those whe wish to
n.!i in Capt Matthew s Cavalry cem
r.y fhould recollect that 'he opportuni
ty will expire on the first of January.
After that none will be admited. B. B.
Tuo:rsoN, Esq;, , will remain in this
county for "a few days, for the purpose
cf recruiting.
As there Las -been considerable inqui
ry as to the '"Spondulicks," we will
rtate that they receive SIC 1-2 per month
besides their board and clothing. When
they furnish a horse their pay is $31 1-2
ycx rriomh.' They are allowed $36 worth
of substantial clothing per year. All
uhf enlist should, of course, furnish) their
own horses.
An OrroRTrxiTY to Sell Grais for
Cash. S. B.Sirrns.of St. Louis, is now
staying in this city, for the purpose of pur
chasing wheat and corn. For the latter
the price is low, but the narket will pot
at the presnnt time warrant him in pay.
ing higher for it. Those who have deal
ings with Mr Sifers, will find him a gen
The list of appointments in the N. Y.
Tribune, 'of D-.-cernber 14. contains the
the following:
. "W. N. Jt nlcs cf IYnn., has been ap
pointt d Land Agent, at Browuville, Ne-draska."
'. Rectirer of the Land OiTice, we sup
pose is meant.
In is reported that a fight occurred in
Musiuri, somewhere near the Kansas
line, a few days ago, between a compa
ny of Jayhawkers and the citizens.
A brother of Jahocubus was killed, and
Jahocubus himself was dangerously woun
Great Britain, which w ill be considered
in executive session to.morrow. A rumor
is afloat that the government has decided
to return Mason and Shdell, but we are
satisfied this is untrue. The Africa will
carry to England a dispatch from Lord
Lyons containing little more than the
intelligence that he has received and
j i j . .
ceuverea 10 me American government
his instructions from the foreign office.
The Senate Committee on Foreign
Atlairs has the question of establishing
diplomatic relations with Liberia and
Hayti under advisement, and will report
favorable at an early day.
A Cabinet meeting was held to.dav.
at which the Lnglish question was dis
cussed, of course informally. There was
but one sentiment and that is, that no
quarrel rith England must be permitted
to interfere at this moment to stay the
reduction of the rebels. I hare the best
authority for saying that the demands of
Lngland will be met with a spirit of con
ciliation which will refute the report that
Mr. Seward or any other member of the
Cabinet has been eager to provoke a for
eign war.
Oideon P. Tin-Jill wt:i take notice that Trillium Wit
Son did. on the I4'h day of Nuveuiter. A. D. 1SG1, file
bi j.etaicn in the Dicirict Court wit!. in and for mi.
l a, N fi a-ka Ten itorj , i.fami the aaid (intern
F. Tmdail. defendant, settinz fortb that the :d GiJe
ou F. Tini'a'i gave to William K. Pardee ui'r!gaee,
dated i tiny i t June. IhSS, due twelve inoiittirf after
date, on :l e f"l!" wjmt dciibed real csia:e, ti-wit:
L"t No. etie (1). ia e.':Iti N. thirij "ne (31). and
a '. Xi. tin in fto;ii.ri Xu, lliirili (3!'). Tim usli.p
d. heven ( n r:i nt Kuie N . vix'ee.i (16), Kt4 i.f
the nxtii i mci (al r.ieie.ian in Xem.ili "uiitv, Ne-l-i
a-ka Te: i ii yy, ti 'cure the piynient .f Sl. 'i:h
ir.icip.t at tlae rate f rive per cent, per ni.;tuh afier
niaiurity accordiiiu ! a re. 'am rruii!!iiy of the
-ai;ie date arr npipyius Mud ninrtuntre -lit the said
tViliiam y.. Piitue for a vaiiuiile Ciinleraiij as-
iciirJ and tr.i-ierr-il 1!ie f.-id l o e I'lul riioritra.te i n
ti e 'J:!i of June. A. D. 1S6-J nd pr.,yin;j tint c id
I ci;i::r- r.i. y bv o'd to pay the mi aauiint, 14', wiih
a afme aid.
Aui ti e sid tii ie- n F TindiM is notified that he is
req'.;irp-t t at ivt. a :d an-wer aid potitiou cn or belore
the23ilay ,t February, A. D
va. n.TAVi-on.
ttoi riey for Complainant.
Tec. 2G. 1E62 ::C-5.v $9
Estray Notico.
Taken rp hy the '.ertint !, 2 1-2 miles vector
llr.ju r vil e, an es'ray II ;iv i alu nt t j yetirs o;d
S!. i '.i:f l italic. ':iima: ktd. She Uaj been Cti in
tl e V. i!i;ty ,.t ut six tOK A. DOJl).
New Heme die 3 for
A'-r:! Tr t;'!".! ten c!:nhtheii cj; rpcemr J7-
!g:-;.t Jcrlh.f lie'i'f of the S.t and DUtrcurd.
t'Hutcd irtih Virtiifri't find i'hrohic Disrates ond
ei'Cc:at! j or iUe Cure o Daeaat of the Sexual
IdiiDiCaVIi JLT3VZCZZ given gratis, ly the Actin-
Vjiu'i IIoctI"! rn ftpematnrrho! . srd flher dt-
e?f-eiftne 'aal (trjsns. aim u i.-ent-.n ur,.if
IUKS enipo yed in tl,i li-; ensary. sent inoa'ed letter
ftiveni e, tree or cuare. iwoor n.rc-e taiup mccvi-able
A '. lrfts nr.. J. STILUS' norflTITOK, n .ward As
.f.tion. X'i. 2. S ir.ta N'inih Street. Phi lade Ipbia, Pa.
December 12, 1SC1. iii3-ly
Commissioner's Notice
N atice i hereby kivcu that the under-ijneJ having
hecri appointed hy the Probate C.iurt of Neuiaha county.
Nebraska Territory, as C. inn.isMotiers to receive, ex
amine and adject till claim and demands of all j'ersons
aeaiit the etaie ot Henry Uoer, late of said county,
deceased, bavc appo'uleJ
Saturday, HtU of January, Ji. D. ltG2.
At 10o"cl t. A. M. at the filce of the Pr. bate Jade
of faid county, in Bro-xuvilie, a t lie time mi place
when and wLeie tbeaid Commissioners will meei fr
the purpose ot examiniiig and allowing claims against
Kaid estate.
am riim acainst paid estate are hereby recmrea to
be filed at the i Rice of the Pr bate Court -f said d-uniy,
within nine months from this date, or they will be for
ever barred
Given, iLi, 31 dav or December, A. D. lbbl.
ncccmber Cih. iS61. i.22-4w$1 60 .
The River su'll remains "open" at this
point. Tassengers can now cross in a
Petition for Partition.
J.'Feph Opeit. Adtninitrator of I
the estate of Peiir a Kuter, dec S
vS J
Emrna nnp"-ee nnd other?. J
In the Probate Court or Xem iha cntinty. Nebraska, Ter
ritorv. Petition for Partition of l;ind.
rmm iv.pree cf the State ot California. John
Opeltof Iisouri. Airre-1 Ope'.t and William Cpelt of
Ncbra-kaTerritory. atid Josej bine Bell of Misseuu. and
Samuel Bell of Kentucky. Minor children of Josephine
and William Bell deceased, who are heirs ard lenal
representatives of Pelira ltittcr cecea-ed.-yon arehere
bvn..ttiel that n the llih day of Xovenilf, 1S61. tatd
Adniini-trator filed hi petition in ihe P.obate O jurt of
aid county of Nemaha, the object and prayer cf which
is to obtain an onier on the diy of January, 1S62. at
10 o'clock. A M. for the appointment of C Bimi.woners
to make partition and divii n to and anion)? said heirs,
acroidins to thPir respective n.eret ia and to the
following described l uids. to-T. it ; ha"f of w
titm 35, town 4, north of ratt'C 15 east, containing 320
O i'ered that the rbore be pi.b.i-hed four Treeks ia
the Xebrarka Advertiser. V.v--,
Dec 6.161 i:J2-4w $7 60 Pn hate Judye.
Daniel G. YVliite and t
O. U. IH'wett $
v. i
Cyrus W. Wheeler. J
By virtue of a ddrrtal o'der lsrea trom in . iern p
ffl.-e of the District C iurt of Nemaha county in the 21
Judiri'tl District if Nobraski Territory, tip .n a nec-ne
made b said C-urt a' its September term. A D 1S6J,
in the entitle I rm. I wi' ell. on
Monday the ZHh day of December, ibei.
at Ihe hour ot II o'clock, A M of aid day. ai menoor
or lien's Hall, the place wbi-re sa.'d court was ?as held,
Browuvi.le, Nennha c imty. etralla leiuiory,
the foilowim: de-eriheil rel e xi e, with me apputien-
anoes tbcreimto tiei"U'-in j, io-u:
The soiiih west quarter of section twenty-three (.a,)
in townshui nnmbiir tive (5)noi1hof ranpe nutntier
fifteen(i ) eaM i f tie -ix h t rincipal tnereilian situa
ted iu the c .r.nty and Territory aforesaid except thirty
acres out of .Le north west corner ti H e bche bid
der forCAsh. J- i' ur.i..
Master in i uancery.
November 2, ISC1 n21-5w pr fee$!2 50
Preachiri: In tbe P-fsnyteri-n Cburcb pext Sabbath
at talf past ten A. M., and 6 1-2 P.M., by Eev. H.II.
Latest bj JIail.
A series of resolutions have passed the
Jeislature of Tennessee relating to the
opening of the Souihern ports, and re
commending that no crops of cotton be
seeded the ensuing year.
The Richmond Examiner says ictel-
' licence, apparently tetter founded than
that which generally finds its way from
nasnmgton, nas oeen repeivea or an
intention on the part of the military au
thority of the United State to make an
advance on the lines of the Potomac and
risk another eeneral engagemenf within
ihe neit ten davs.
A dispatch in the N. Y. Herald from
fortress Monroe, says :
A flag , of truce has just arrived from
Norfolk. The greatest excitement pre
vails in Richmond and Norfolk in regard
o the tews from England. How the in
telligence reached Richmond lam unable
to say, but they Had the news all over the
touth this morninr. A great many peo
'rip. it i said, will ro against Enclanc
thould she interfere in the affair and ue
mand Mason and Stidell. The Union
iDirit is evidentlvlawakening.
Cam: Sevmour and Mr. Adams's mes
Mrigor ..ant4 -Knnt midnight. The
President will send a message to the
Se'cte on the subject of our relations with
I. T. Wbyte &. Co., J District Court eniah county.
vs Nebraska Territory.
T. n. Edwards S
By virtue of au execution to me directed in the above
entitled case, I will on
Friday, th ? I07A day o January, a u nw.
between the hours of 10 o'-lmk A M and 4 o clock P M,
of 'aid ilav, at the door of I'cn'8 nail in urownwue,
ihe nlace where said court was last hdd for said Ne
maha county, ofTor for taiethe foilowjnijdecribed real
estate t.i-wit:
The cast half of lot number eicht, north east
quarter of lot number nine in block number one in the
oritinal plat of the eaid town of Browuville. t"Cether
with the appurtenances thereunto belont.irp, Kjuated
in Nemaha county, Nebraska Territory.
J. W. DULUida, oueuu.
Kovember2S, 1S6I d21-6w $6.
Estray Notice.
To milium n. Hoover. County Clerk of Nemaha
comity. Nebraska; Ton ate hereby notifio that on the
30th dar of November, lbGl, I loo up on uij pi
in Mid county, the fol lowing est rays, vie: uue ,.uiie
and red pieileU steer auppof-ed to be four yer old,
marked with crop and hole in the rtunr ear anu uuocr-
lit in the left ear: and oue uteer Diue roan, mp-
potied to be three J ear old. with crop mud hoie in me
riirtit ear: also one steer calf about one yeir old, red
man. with croD and snlit in the richt oar. and nnderlit
in the left ear. s. u.tiAU,JH,i
December 12th, 1S61. n23-3w-pdj
The Probate Court of Case county haTing appointed
tbt nndersicned a Conimiseioners on the estate, of J07
eph Proud of Gape county, N. T. deceased, do hereby
notify all pernons bavins claimi acainst Ra;d estate to
present tbe tame tothaConimissionera for examination
and approval, on the lOin day of January, A. D. lSt:2,
at Beatrice, or they will be forever deoared from pre'
sentiDg the same.
Beatrice, December 12th, IS61. n23-4w $5
Estray Notice.
Taken no en Saturday tbe Tth, by the andersicr'e'l
about six n.i!es west of Brownville, near Weddle'a
bridce. at north east ouarter section 33, town 6, ranee
15. a t)v horse, ahout 9 or rears of ape, a bald face
one bind foot white, a large scar on the ripht Fide, and
n n H.l'ri".TT
one on the bait. atiai-'"
December 1SG1 nC3-3w
Furniture! Furniture!!
The moot complete stock of Purnitnre ever offered in
this upper country Jiikt received by - T. U.ILU.
BrowBTiU. April 25ii. 18$1.
Post Orncr. Dfiahtmit.
Washington, Sovember 30, it.
PROPOSALS will be receired at tb Contract OfiVe
? ?rtm",t,,ntu 10 m- of Monday, Marca
II, l5i. forconTeying the hhIk of tbe Tnited States
ror Tour years, cmnmencinz July l. 1S62, and ending
Jnce M 1S66, in the Territory of Nebraska, on tbe
U J v y iue acceume cr ce.?artnre and arriTals
far'10 ,pccifle1- Decisions ancounced tj April 24,
(Ei anine thelast,:pnt, end intfrncliont ennered )
K001 From Conncil Blnife, Iowa, by Omaha City. Xe-
urifti. Klkhnm rii Pol',, w r 1 1. n ..
Ciianjin, Pranklin. El Dorado. Colnrrbn. Rrml i
land City, Abbeville, Wood River, Nebraska Centre,
nd Fort Kearney, to Kearney City, 2i0 miles' and
uca. pix niaes a weec
Leave Council Bluffe daill, tcept Scodar, at 6 a. m;
ArTive at Kearney City cn the fourth day brlpm;
Leave Zearcey City daily, except Snndsy, at 6 a m;
Arrtre at Conncil fluffs on the ionnh cay by 6 p m.
Bids to ran by an expedited schedule will be coinsid
ivnz from Omaha Cifr. tr Kellevne.'i.
Platt?mouth. Rock Bluffs, Lcwitown, Three Groves',
Vyominjr. Nebraska City. Otoe Citv. Mount Veron.
BrownsTille. Nemaha City. Aapinwal, St. Stephen's
Vinnehago, Rolo, Nob art. knd WTilte Cloud, to Higb-
lanq, jai nine ant pack, mree times a week.
Leave Omaha City Monday, Wednesday and Friday, at
o a m;
Arrive at Hichland third dar bv 6 n m :
Leave Highland Monday, Wednesday, and Friday, at 8
a ill ,
Arrive at Omaha City third diy by 6 p m.
Bids to run six times a week, and also to extend to St.
V Jseph, Missouri, will be considered.
14003 From Omaha citv. bv Florence. Port Ca!b,-nn.
Tan., De Solo. Cnmming city. Modal!, Tekamah, De
ettnr, Omadi, Dakotah city. Covicjrton and Sergeants
BlufTs. to Sioux city, lis mi les and back, three times
a week.
Leave Omaha city Monday, Wednesday and Friday at 5
Arrive at Sioux city next day bv 10 d m :
Leave Sioux city Monday, Wednesday and Friday, at 5
iu j
Arrive at Omaha city next days by 10 p m.
Bids for six-times-a-week service will be considered.
1I0M From Bellevne, by Hazleton, to Fremont, 40 miles
ana iac, three times a week.
Leave Believue Monday, Welnesday and Friday, at 6
Ar-ive t Fremont bv 8 p m :
J eave Fremont Tut tday, Thursday and Saturday, at C a
A"ive at Believue by 8 p m.
11005 From Believue. by Pla te Valley, to Plattf ard. 24
niiie ani ba.-k. once a week.
T!ve Believue Friday M 6 a m;
Arrive at Fiattford by 2 p m;
I.e ive Plat ffird Sitnrdty at 6 a tat
Arrive at Relivue by 8 p m.
Hf'CC From U ck B:u.Ti. y Canobe. to Wyominsr. 15
tnile nd hack om-e a week.
Leive Rock Biuffj Saturday at 6 a m ;
Arrive at Wyoming by 12 m X
I.eive Wyomitiir Sat irday at 3 p m ;
Arrive at Rjck Bluffs ly 8 p m.
140C7 Frotn Plattsmontb, bv GIralale. to Plattford. 25
n-.ilcs and back, once a week.
Leave Plattsnnnth Saturday at 4 a mi
Arrive at PUttford by 12 m ;
Leave Plattti.rd Saturday at I n m :
Arrive at Plattsmontb by 9 p ni.
I-lfoS rrom Kftnoshe, by Budianan ard Plum ITollow, to
hidiiev. 13 mile and bmk. thri?e titnesa we"k.
Leave IwauosLe Monday, Wednesday ani Friday, at 8 a
Arrive !t Sii!p"y by 12 m ;
Leave Sidney Monday. Wednesday and Friday, at 2 p m ;
Arrive ai K iti'rbe by p ru.
HOOD From Three Groves, by Mount Pleasant, to VTeep-
icc M ater. II miles and bark, ence a week.
Leave Three Groves Saturday at 6 a ru;
Atrive at Weeping Water bv 12 im ;
Leave Weeping Water Satnnlay a: 2 pro J
Arrive at Three Groves by 8p in.
li'"10 Trom Wyomins. by Av.Ka, to Salt Creek. 45 mile3
and b icit . oncii a v rt k.
Le ve Wxomlnc; Friday atCamj
Arrive nt Slt Ct eek by 8 p n ;
Lcve S i:t Creek Saturdav at a a m
Arrive at Wyoaiiuff by 8 p m.
14011 Fr.ita Near.ikt City to Sidn?y,I0 miles and
I:icV. k5x lim j.-' a week.
Leave Xebrajka City dai!r, except Sunday, at 6 a
m :
Arnv tit Sidney, by 12 in :
weave Sidney daily, except Sunday, nt 1 p m ;
Arrir? nt Nebraska" City by 7 p m.
U012 Frotn Xebra-ka city by Wornil!ton. Teoum
seh, Daniel's Iianeh. Turkey Creek, and Dsnni
pon, to M:irysviMe, Kansas, 86 miles aDd back, 3
time a wetk.
Leave Nebraska city Monday, Wedne?day, and Fri
day at 0 a m ;
Arrive at Maryarille TVendeicay. Friday and Sun
day by fipm,
Leave Maryville Mond-iy, Wednesday and Friday at
6 a m ;
Arrive at Nebrnska City "Wednesday, Friday and
Sanfoy by 6 p m.
14.113 From Nebraska CIfy by rielena, Kingston,
V. sf, lieatriee, and Bine Springs, to llarysvi'lo
107 miles and biek once a week.
Leave Nebraska City Monday at 6am;
Arrive nt Marypville Wednesday by 10 p m ;
Lrave Maryvillc Tbarsday at 6 a m ;
Arrive at Nchrarka Cily Saturday by 1,0 p m ;
14014 From Nebraska City, by Syracuse-, Palmyra.
Saliiilo. Camden, and Areola, to Kearney City,
200 in il es and back. rnce a week.
Leave Nebraska City Monday at 6 a m ;
Arrive at Kearney City filth day by 6 p m;
Lavc Kearney City Monday at 6 a m ;
Arrive at Nebraska City fifth day by 6 p m.
14015 From Mount Vernon by Sonora, Missouri, to
Kckjxirt, Id mile? and back, twice a week.
Leave Mount Vernon Monday and Thursday at C a
m :
Arrive r.t Tiockport by 12 m :
Leave Rockport Monday and Thursday at 2 p m;
Arrive at Mount Vernon by 8 p m.
B ; l3 to run three times a week will be considered.
14010 From Brownville to T.ockport, Mo., 10 miles
and back, six time a week.
Tieave Brownville daily, except Sunday, at 9 a m;
Arrive at Bockportby 12 in ;
Leave Korknort daily, except Sunday, at 2 p m ;
Arrive at Brownville by 5 p m.
14017 From Brownville, by Tecumeh and Austin,
t Beatrice, 80 miles and back, once a week.
Leave Brownville Friday nt Gam;
Arrive at Beatrice next day by 6 p m ;
Leave Bofltrice Friday nt G a ni ;
Arrive nt Brownville next day y fl p m.
U IS From liulo to Oregon, Mo., 22 miles and back,
three titm a week.
Leave Rulo Monday, Wednesday and Friday at 6 a
vlirivBt Oregon by 12 m ;
Leave Oregon Monday, Wednesday and Friday at 1
p m .
Arrive nt Ruli by 7 p.m. s
14019 From Rulo, by Archer, Salem, MKMJeburg,
1'lcnsant Valley and Clear Creek, to Marygvilie,
Kn.. 67 miles and Lark, once a week
Leavo Rulo Monday at 6am;
Arrive at, Marvsviue n"xt day by 10 p m ;
Leave Marvsville Wednday at 6 a m :
Atriveat Rulo next day by 10 p m.-
14020 From Saint Stephens, Neb., by Rush Bottom,
Mo.. Jone s roint, and rorest City,toOregjn, ilo.,
32?i miles and back, twice a week.
eave Sr. Stephens Monday and Friday at 8 a m ;
Arrive at Orer"n by 6 p m :
LeaTe Orr n Tuesday and fatnrday at 8 am;
Ar.ive at St. Stei hens by p va.
4021 From Falls City, by Gen-va, Scott', Table
Book, Pawnee City, and Beatrice, to Patterson's
ILmche. SO miles and back, on -e a weak.
Leave Falls City Monday at 8 a m ;
Arrive at Patterson s K inche next day by o p m;
Leave Patterson's Ranche Monday at fl a m:
Arrive at Falls City neKt day by 6 p ta.
14022 From Falls City to Saint Stephens, 15 miles
and back, three timea a week.
Leave Falls City Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday
at 8 a m
Arrive at Saint Stephens by 12 m ;
Leave Saint Stephens Tuesday, Thursday and Sat
urday at 2 p m ;
Arrive at Falls City by ft p m.
14023 From Tecnmseh, by Kingston, to Helena, 11
miles and back, onee a week.
Leave Tecumseh Saturday at 6 am ;
Arrive at Helena by 12 m ;
Leave Helena Saturday at 2 p m ;
Arrive at Tecumseh by 8 p iu.
14024 From Pawnee Cily, bv A. H. ITant's. Tecum
seh, Kingston, and Three rorksof Great emaba,
to Olathe on Salt Creek, 90 miles and back, once
a week.
Leave Pawnee City Wednesday at 6 a m ;
Arrive at Olathe Saturday by 4 pm;
Leave Olathe Wednesday at Bam;
Arrive at Pawnee City Saturday by 4 p m.
14Q23 From Austin to Beatrice, 8 mil3 s.nd back
once a week.
Leave Austin Saturday at 8 a m ;
Arrive at Beatrice by 10am;
Leave Beatrice Saturday at 11 a n
Arrive at Austin by 1 p m.
14023 From Florence to Magnolia, Iot, 30 miles and
back, once a week.
Leave Florence Monday at 8 a m ;
Arrive at Magnolia by 6 p m :
Leave Magnolia Tuesday at 8 am
Arrive at Florence by 6 p m.
14027 From CumminR City, by De Soto and Fort
Calhoun, to Magnolia, Iowa, 24 miles and back, 3
times a week.
Leave Cummroinj City Monday, Wednesday and
Friday at 6 a m ;
arfiv at Mnnfilia bv 12 m :
Leave Magnolia Monday, Wendesday and Friday at
2 pm;
Airire at Camming City by 8 pm.
14023 From Decatnr. bv Loean' Valley, to West
Point, 30 miles ani ba;k. once a week.
Leave Decatur Friday at 8 a m ;
Arrive at West Point by 0pm;
Leave West Point Saturday at 8 a ra;
Arrive at Decatur by 6 pm.
11023 From Sioux CJy,Iowa, Cottonwood Springs;
Nebraska,' to Denvr City, 650 miles and back,
&cee a week. )
Leave Sioux City M?i?3y at 6 a m ;
Arrive at Denver Cinoa he tfteentb day by 6 pm,
Leave Denver Crty M-nday at 6 am ;
Arrive at Sioux City n the fifteenth day by 6 p m.
Bids to etd a: Cottonwood Springs, 330 miles less
distance, withpropeed schedule, will be consid
ered. 1
14030 From Sionx Oty, Iowa, by lower crossing of
Bix btoux, encijion, laneton. Lboteau Creek,
Strangitr's Ferry, Jbdian Agency on the Yaneton
Sioux reserve, ani Greenwood, to Fort Randall,
141 miles and beck, once a wjek.
Leave Sioux City Hot lay at 4 a m ;
Arrive at Fort Randal Thursday by 12 mj
Leave Fort RandalVlhursday at 1 p m
Arrive at Sioux City Sunday by 6 p m.
Bids to run two and three times a week will bec.CE
ilered. j
14031 From Sionx Qty, Towa by Niobrara, Poncha,
Reserve, and Chitmey Rock, to. the .Vbuth Pass of
the Rocky MounUt-S 603 miles, and back, once a
week. ;
Ieave Sioux City Mn lay at 6 a ra ;
Arrive at the South Pass of the Rocky Mountains on
the 15th day at 8 m ;
Leave the. South Paas of the Rocky Mountains at 6 a
Arrive at Sionx City on the 15th day at 6 p ra.
Bids to end at Fort Laramie, omitting the South
Pass of the Rocky Mountains, 300 miles less dis
tance will be considered.
Bids to end at Fort Kearney will also be considered.
14032 -From Dakota, by St. John's, Poncah, Dixon,
St. James, Ilalena, Frankfort, Bonhomme City,
and Niobrara, to Fort Randall, 112 miles and back,
twice a week.
Leave Dakota Monday and Wednesday at 8 am ;
Arrive at r ort nandall third dy by 6 n m ;
Leave Fort Randall Monday and Wednesday at 8 a m;
Arrive at Dakota tbird day by 6 p m.
14033 From Dakota, along the Missouri River, to
lort Iwandall.140 miles and bacc, once a week.
Leave Dakota Monday at 6 a m ;
Amve at tort Rand ill edne.-clay by 8pm;
Le i V9 Fort Rindall Monday at 6 a in ;
A'rrivr at Dakota ednesday by 6 p m.
14034 From Fort Randall, by Mouth of Blue Earth
River, to Mouth of Little Medicine Knowl Raver,
200 miles and hack, once a week.
Lave Fort Randall Monday at 8 a m :
-Arrive at Mouth of Little M-dicine fifth day by 8 nm:
Leave Month of Little M.-dicine at 8 a m ;
Arrive at 1 ort Randall fifth day by 6 pm. Q
1 4035 From Poncba, by lona, to Vermillion, Dakota,
25 rni'ms and back, once a Week.
Leave IVneha Tuesday at 4 a m ;
-Arrive at Vermillion by 12 in .
Leave Vermillion Tuesday at lpm;
.Arrive at Poncha by 9 p m.
Form of Proposal Guarantee and
-, whoso post oSe?nddres
-, State of , proposes
The underpinned
is county of
to ctirry the mails of the United States, from July 1,
lib2, to Jono 30, IsGG, on roata between
and . under the advertisement of the
Postmaster General, difed October 30, 1 86 1, "with
celerity, certainty, and security," for the annual
sum of dollars.
This proposal is ma h xriih full Knowl
edge of the distance of the roxde, th weight
of the inail to be carried, and all ether
particulars in reference to ihe route and
service, and, also, ajler carejul examma
tion of the laves and instrvctions attached
to ihe advertisement.
The nnderugned, residing at
Stat" of
.undertake that, if the foregoing bid fu
carrvin the mail on route No. bo accetited
by the Postma-ter General, the bidder shall, prior to
the 1st day August. 1S?2, enter info the required
obligation, or contract, to perform the service pro
ps?d, with good and sufficient sureties.
This we do, understanding distinctly
ihe obligations and liabilities assumed by
guarantors under the27th section of the ad
of Congress of July 2, ISoG.
-, State of
Tho undersigned, nostra tstr at
eertifies.rsnER his oath op offics. that he
is acquainted with the above gnw ran tors, and knows
them to be men of property, and able to makeginid
their guaranty.
See act of Congress of March 3.1S45, section IS.
Containing conditions to be incorporated
in ihe contracts to ihe extent the de
partment may deem proper.
1. Seven minutes are allowed to each interme-'i
ate office, when not otherwise specified, for abort
ing the mails; but on railroad ana stetmD -at routes
there is to be no more delay than is sufficient for an
exchange of the mail bags.
2 On railmad nnd steamboat line?, and other
routes where the mole of eonveyan -e admits of it,
the special agents of the Post Office Department, al
so post office blanks, mail bags, locks, and keys, ate
to beeonveved without extra euarge.
3. On railroad and steamboat lines the route
agents of the department, also the British and Can
ada mails, when offered, and the agrnts accompany-
inr thorn, are to be conveyed without caarge, and
for their exclusive use, while travelling wiM the
mails, acotnmodiuscar, or apartment in the centre of
a car, properly lighted, warmed, and furnished, and
adapted to the convenient separation ana uuo tu
rity of the mails, is to be provided by tho cuntraetor,
under the direction of the department.
Railroad and steamboat eon.nanies ate required to
taku the mail from and deliver it into the post offices
at the eotnmencemi-nt and end of their routes, and
to and irom all offices not more than eighty rods nm
a station or landing. Proposals may-be submitted
tor the performance of all ether siue ervle tnat
for offices over eiguty rod? irom a siition or
Receipts will be required for mill big conveyed
in charge of persons employed by railroad compa
nies. There will also' be "way bills" prepared by
poetmasters, or other agents of tho department, to
accompany tbe mails, specifying tho number aud
destination of the several bags. Oaths principal
stago routes likewise, receipts will bo required and
wav bills forwarded : the latter to be examined by
the several postmasters, to insure regularity in the
delivery of mail bigs.
4. No ray will be made for trips not pertorrnea;
and for each of mch e missions not satisfactorily ex
plained, three tims the pay of the trip may be de
ducted. For arrivals so far behind time as to break
connexion with depending mails. and rot sufficiently
excused, one fourtb cf the compensation for the trip
is subiect to forfeiture. Deduction will also ba or
dered for a grade of performance inferior to that
specified in the contract. For repeated delinquen
cies of the kind herein specified, enlarged penalties,
proportioned to the nature thereof, and tne import
ance the mail, may be made.
5. For leaviwr b-ihind, or throwing oa the mails, or
any portion of them, for the admission of passen
gers, or for being concerned in getting up or running
an express conveying intelligence in advance of tho
mail. a quarter's pay may ba deducted.
6. Fines will be imposed, unless the delinquency
be promptly and satisfactorily explained by certifi
cates of postmaters or the affidavits of other credible
persons, for tailing to arrive in contract ume : ior
neglecting to take the mail i rom cr deliver it into a
nost office: for suffering it to bj wet. injured, des-
. . . . , . i r c r . J
troyed, roboea, or lost,; anu mr reining, nurr h
mand, to convey the mail as frequently as the ctnT
tractor runs, or is concerned in running, a coach, car,
or steanr.boat on tbe route.
7, The Postmaster General may annul the con
tract for repeated failures to run agreeably to con
tract : for violating the post office law , or disobey
ing the instructions of the department ; for refusing
to discharge a carrier when required by the depart
ment to do so ; for running an express as aforesaid ;
or for transporting persons or packages conveying
mailable matter out of the mail.
8 The Pos'master General may order an increase
of service on a route by allowing therefor a pro rata
increase on the contract pay. He may ehanga
schedulesof departures and arrivals in all cases, and
particularly to make them conform to connections
with railroads, without increase of pay, provided
tbe running time be not abridged. He may a! or
der an increase of Fp.-ed, allowing, within th re
strictions of the law, a pro rata increase of pay for
the additional stoek or carriers, if any. Th i con
tractor may. however, in the ease -f iocree of
speed, relinquish the contract, by giving prompt noT
tice to the department that he prefers doing so to
carrying the order into effect. The Postmaster Gen
eral ieav also curtail or discontinue the service, in
Whole or in part, at pro rata decrease of pay, ailow
ingone month's extra compensation on the amount
disp-ensed with, whenever, in bis opini n.the public
the public interest require iue cuanS- or iu ci uo
desires to supeicede it by a different grade of trans
portation. 8. Payments will be made by collections from cr
drafts on postmasters, or otherwise, after the expira
tion of each quarter say, in February, May. Au
gust, and November.
10. The distances are given according to tbe best
information ; but no increased pay will be allowed
should the points be greater than advertised, if the
points to be supplied be ccrrectly stated. Bidden
mutt iforn themelrr$ cn thit point, and al?o ia
reference to the weight of the nail, theconditi in cf
roads, hills, stream, &.c and ali toll bridges, ferries,
or obstructions of any kind by which expense m-ijr
be incurred. No claim for additional pay, bsed on
such ground, can be considered ; nor for alleged mis
takes or misapprehension as to th degree of service ;
nor for bridges destroyed, ferries d.isccntinue-1, cr
other obstructions increasing distance, occurrin; da
ring the contract term. Offices established after this
advertisement is issued, ani also daring thecoctract
term, are to revisited without extra pay, if the dis
tance be not increased.
11. A bid received after the last day and hour
named, or without the guarantee required bylaw
and a certlf cats as to the sufficiency of such guaran
tee, cannot be considered in competition with a regu
lar proposal reasonable in amount. v
12. Bidders should first propose for service strictly
according to ' ths advertisement, and then, if they
desire, teparaitig lor different service ; and if the
regular bid be the lowest offered for tbo advertised
service, the other propositions may be censiderod.
13. There should be bat one route bid for in a
proposal. Consolidated or combination bids ( pro
posing one saza for two or more routes" are forbid
den by law, and cannot be considered.
14. The route, the service, the yearly pay, the
name and residence of the bidder, (that is bis usual
post office address,) and those of each member of
a firm, where a company offers, shoa'd be distinctly
15. Bidders are requested to Hse, as far as tracti
cable, tbe printed form of proposal furnished by the
d-p irtmeat, to write out in full the sum of their
bids, and to retain copies of them.j
Altered bids should not be submitted; nor shoulJ
bids once submitted be withdrawn. No withdrawal
of a bidder or guarantor will be allowed unless dated
and received hefore the last day for receiving pro
posals. Eeach bid must be guaranteed by two repcnsitie
General guarantees cannot be admitted. The bid
and guarantees shenM be tijned plainly with the
full name of each person.
The department reserrej the right to. reject any
bid which may be deemed extravagant, and also to
Oisr-'gard the bids of failing contractors and bidders.
IS. The bid should be sealed, superscridel Mail
Proposals, Territory of Nebraska," addressed Sec
ond assistant Post ma te-r Ceneral Contract office,"
and sent by mail, and not by oj two an agent ; and
postmasters-will not enclose proposals (or letters of
any kind) in their quarterly return.
17. The con -nets are t-j be executed and returned
to the department hf cr bsfore the lt (fay of Aujjt,
1So2 ; but the service must bs ccaim'-'nccd on the 1st
.'Hly precee ling, or on t'ao mail clay text after that
date, whether the contract be executed t r not. '
IS. Postmasters at ffiics on or near railroad, but
more than eighty rods from a station, will, immedi
ately after the 3lstcf March next, rcjo t their exact
distance from the nearest station, and how tLey are
otherwise supplied with the mail, to enable tha Post
master General to direct a mail-mcsienger supply
from the 1st of July next.
19. Section eighteen of an act of Congress ap
proved March 3, 1345. provides that contracts for
the transportation r.t mail shall be let Sn every
ease to the lovest bidder tendering safficint guaran
tees for faithful performance, without other refer
ence to the mode of such transportation than may
be necessary to provide for the due celerity, cer'ain
ty, and security of such transportation." Under
tlii line, lid that prophet) tranport t.e mailicilh
uclritn, certainty, and tCHri!y" hiring bren !
d:d to be the ont Ugnl bid, are considered o procid.
i'iii far the entire mail, koicecrr hirje. and ichaterer
may betlie Ti'tlofconc?yince necenarlj V inure it
"celerity, certainty, and security," and, will have the
preference overall others, and no other icillbt coa
nidrred, 20. A inouiflcation of a bid in nry of it?ep'en:al
terms is tantamount to a n'.-w bid, and cannot be
received, so as to interfere with a regular competi
tion, alter the last h fcr set for receiving bids.
Makinga new bid. with guarantee and certificate, is
tbe only way to modify n previous bid.- -
21. Post masters aroto boearofal not tocer'ifythe
sufficiency of guarantors orsuritics w itbaat knowing person of sufficient rrsj n-ibili :y :
and all bid b rs. gnarnrrs nn t s iriries are distinctly
notified that, on a failure to etircr into r r n ri,n ta
the contracts for tbe servico proposed for iu tbe ac
cepted bid the legal liabilities will ba euforced
against theiu.
22. Present contractors, and poi-ons knon at the
department, must, equuliv with others, proceure
guarantors and certifi -ates of their sufficiency ub
stantially in the forms above Y-rescrihed. The cer
tificates of sufficiency must be signed by a postmas
ter or by a judge of a court of rc.rd. No ether cer
tificate will be ydmittad. M. BLAIR,
Po'trna'ter Oc:itral.
Entitling fcr ihvEinus.
'Americ Cement Glue
ttts 5Tr.oarsTGi.rn in tits -woitT.rx
Is the only article of the kind ever produced which
Save your bjoken Furniture
Mend your Harness, Strar. Belts, Boots 4o
Save thorelres'of that expensive Cut t7la?s Bottle.
Don't throw away that broken Ivory Fa ii ii eas-
' " Ht repaired.
Tout broken China Cups and Saucers can be made
1 fcs prj new.
Tht piece knocked out of your Marble Mantle can
be pat on as strong as ever
No matter if that brokeu Pitcher did cost but a
sbillirz a shilling ud is a shilling earned. .
That Cos !y Alabaster Tcse is brocken and you can't
match it mend it it will never show hen p ut to
gether. It7ill Mend bene, Coral. Lava,
and in fact everything bnt Metals.
Any article CeuvntoJ with AMERICAN CEMENT
GLUE will not show where it i mended
"Every Iloustaecper should uav ea supply or Jonns
1 Crosiey's American Cement Uiue." A J" Time.
"Itijso convenient to have in the house." V Y
,'It is always ready; th commends it to everybody.
We have tried it and find it as n"ful iaour hou?e
, " 11V77V. VniVi'l nt'l T.'mr.
5 " f. . V. I . ' ' w I. . - " ' J
Il!M!tit nnrvfar saivd III fcYerV laini
It? t!UU per ar savd m tvery
ty U ne I3om ot
1, f.rr!ie )
Iliil, Distrir
rt C nrt. Sem.iha Co.,
Sebraski Territory.
Geortre Tlirmon
' use of Crane
John CI. McCathron and t
II B. Stroll. (
By virtue r an order of sale to me directed in the
atiove entjtled ce I will on Frid.iv the 10ihd;i7of
J.innarv. A D 1S62. between the hours of 10 o'clock A
it and 4 o'cl-K-k P M of sai.l day, at the door of Den's
Hail ia Br .wcville. the place where raid court was lst
held for s.n 1 Vcinha c"iity. offer f.r frale the fol'ow
ins de-ci ilied real estate to-wit: The south half of the
nurth we-t quarter of section (lb) fifteen, township (4)
four, north of rntise (15) flttecu, est, taken an the
property of II. B. Strong to satisfy sai l judgement, all
haul real es ato lyiu; and tetns i.i N'etmha coi'ntv, Xe-bra-k.i
Terri'orv. J. W. COI.EMAN", Sheriff.
Dectnber 6, 1SG1 n22-5v $7,50.
3 - - . f
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True Dele ware Grape Vines
StroDij, Well-rooted One Year 07d Vines yrown in
even cir. 60ets't $1 each. $5 to 10 per ddz' Extra
year old v nes. and Xo. 1. extra large layers, with
hearing wood, $1.60 to $2. 00. to $12 "13 per dozen,
AIjUO fine vines of Allen's new white Hybrid, Anna.
Cleveling, Concord, Cnyabopa, Clara, Clinton, Casna?
dy. Ctwba, Diana. Herbetnont, Ilartfor, Prohflc. l
Isabe'.la, Logan, Le Noir, Lvdi. Louisa, I.yman, Nor
ton' Tir(rlnii.Onvrio, Oporfo Rebecca. Kocers a new
Hybrid. Taylof'a JJnllitt.To-Kaion, Union Tillage, 'and
many ottier kind, at low price.
ril'en'8 Albany, Trtumph de Grand. Jer.ny T.ind,
Tmllope" Xictoria, and Austin Si.a'er Strawberries.
RirtUnd. and Catawissa ever bearing Raspbarriej,
Lawt.n' Blackberne. fcc , all at tbe losel rates,
53send for a circular.
GEO. W. CAMPBELL. Delaware, O.
Oct. 3. 1860. nl&-2m.
WE haTe artists constantly employed in painting
specimens of ail kinda of Iroitit. Shrubs ErergieenK
and Flowera, andean unpply nursery agents or others
with any quantity, either bound or iu sheet. Onr bound
volnmes are intended to contain all that an spent will
require in fellin? a list o srenersl Xursery pr-xlncta.
We effer them ninch under tbe tisnal priee, aud can
furnish tbe bound volumes very low; and we bave no
nesitancy in navins that the execution of tbe artist and
likene nature are not surpassed by any in the
eountry. Call at tue Advertiser oince and ee specie
aenbook. E.SSIGX &. FORD,
a v&n33-Jv2n Ohio X urteriM, Ttlcdo, Oblo
Price 25 Cents per Bottle.
Price 25-Cents per Bottle.
Price 25 Cents per Bottle.
Price 25 Cents per Bottle.
Price 25 Cents per Bottle.
Price 25 Cents per Bottle.
Ycry liberal Reduction to TTIioIc
sale Buyers.
3yFor SAf Vy aM Druggists and Storekeeper?
lhron-Thont the eo'tntrr.
;So!e Manr.ra.;turr.')
Comer of Liberty Street. IV V. TV YORK.
Xisiporiantto Ilonse Owners.
JmpozlitJit to Ruiideri.
Important to Rail Road Compa
nies. Important to Tarmerg.
To all whom this may concern, end ii
concerns everybody.
The Cheapest and moss durable Roofing
in use.
Itcan be a polled to new an I old Roots of all kinds
steep an4 to Shingle roofs without removing
the hin'-??.
The Cost Is only about Cnr-TIiIrd
that of Tin, A5D1T IS TWICE AS
This article h:t3 been t!ioro!:h!y tryteJ in New
York City and all p.uU of ths United Suites Cn;i
d West Indie and Central and v;uth AtnL-ricn on
buildings of all kind such as Factories Foundrief
Churches ll.!il Ii-iad Depots Cars and on Public
Building genernlly Government Kuildings &c. by
the i'rin i)!o Guilders aahetects nnp others during
the piMt fnuryefirs and has proved r be the CHEAP
EST and MOST DL"KaULE ROOFING in use it is in
every re?KK-t A. FiiiE watfb weataer and time
rilOoF Covering fnrKoOKSGF all kinds.
This i ihe OSLY material manHj'tntnred in the
Unit' d Suites which combines the very desirable
propertieaof Elasticity and Durability whk-h are
universally acknowledged tn be pusise-ed tyOXJ,I,
Uo Heat is Required in Makling
The erpeceof applying it is trifling as an ordinary
Koofcan be covered nd nnts'i 'd the same any.
It can be applied by any one,
and when finished forms a perftctly t inn 1'kooK !
face with an elestij body which cannot be injured
by Heat Cqld or Storms Sbrinkino of Koof
liOAKD.s nor any external aetion whatever.
For Coating Metals of all Kinds whrn
exposed 10 the Action of the Whather. and
For I'rcserriny ami Repairing?
Metal Roofs
iucci-fuVy retint extreme channr nf nil rlimatet for
ani length of time tchen apjjlied Ut metal to Which
it adheres firmly forming u body equal t-i ihree coats
of erdinarv j .'iiiit costs inuth Kw. and will LAST
THRliE TIJES AS LONG; ana from its ehiUK-ity
is not injured bv the contraeiion and expansion of
TIN and other METAL ROOFS consequent upjn
sudden changes of the weather.
Lenky tin and other metal root's vin. be readily
repaired ith Outta Percha G-ment. aud prevented
from further corrosion and leaking, thereby ensur
ing a perfectly water-tight roof fcir many years.
Ttiis element is peculiarly adapted for tho picser
vation of Iron railings, Stoves, Safes, Agru-nltural
Implements, Jc, also for general innutatturTS use
For preserving and repairing Tin and other met
al roofj Ci"ivery description, from its great ela-tioi;
ty, is not injured by the contraction and expansion
of metals, and Kill not crack in cold nir ru in
venrm vctther.
Tueae xuattrials are adapted to all climates, and
we are prepared to supply orders from any part of
the country, at uhort notice, for OutU Pcrcha roof
ing in rolls, ready prepared for use, and Cutta Per
cha Cement in barrels, with full rioted dircc'.iuns
tions fur application.
Aconta Wantod.
We will inuse luicral una bii!!auury arrange
menta responsible parlies who would like to
establish themsolvea ia a. lucrarive and peruanent
Wdeangire abundant proof of all we rUI-a la
favor of cur improved Roofing Materials, having ap
plied them toeeveral thousand Koofs ia Vvn Vork
City and ricinity.
Whohiale Warehouse, 78, William Street,
Corner of Liberty treet, IIE7 TORS,
Full descriptive Circular and Pricea will bo fur
nished on application.
Vur.T,lS5l. ly
Woodtfrvk, Ash Leaf, Kidney, Fink Eyes, Pcoteh
Blues and Blue Busty One Dollar per bush
el delivered at the Office of the Nebraska Farmer."
100 Varieties Grape Tines.
The Larjett Collection, Wet of Xem Yol k.
Delaware, Diana, Rebeeea, Tle-bemonr, Ilartford
Prolific, Concord. Union Villa?, Franklin, Outar-ic,
Cusaru vra, Canadian Chief, Taylors Ballett, Me a
taway, Crevelin, Cloliut and over 70 other kit ds
it -st rn catalogue rates.
Ixab-!I, CiiUwb and Clinton at 25cts each ,2
pjr do en, 1 0 per IU0.
FluJson rier 2 per dox, 25ets each.
Frin.-oni 2 - M '
FalsUl 150 " 20
Allen 2 " 25 "
Cincinnati 2 " urn
White and Red Antwarp $2 per do.
American Purple Cane 2 "
Aj. 1831. XiifeAIIl XCioSiT.
DAiiLiXiCr 3
Ar rjre Tr;?tab!e extracts. Tfcey czrt t'l W."
5;urlers of th birain iTtm. Tliey reili'.e aal
v.;ort ihe liver an kitineya; they site twr.e t.
tl.gesuve or(iu; tbey reroute ihs fecrett t, eiora
tuas anj exhalation, eniii i t.e elrctiUilon. ! pu
rify tt Mxl. T&as. ii tur.tis fOTtj.'jif ..rrn
bioh rtTjrpi1 Liver, 5iv.X iiejtite, fyo?i. lr.,
CUili ani Fever. Coetivene or Lo-eie are tv
lirsly cutroleJ ail ccrct ty lhe rem
r UAiturrc'3
Seraores Cie ani M!Un deptits rri ttM
aiumach and to-e:. rtcuijtes the Livor as.) SLJn.
reniovic!: every oOs.trncti-j, restores a nitnral aud
ttr action ia tbe viui orgxn. It u a ssperwr
ramil7 I-cdicirs,
Sf nc tatter tan Pulv ami macl t. Iq Ua.
Is a superior tonic and diuretic; exeeKent ta casaa et
lbaor appetite, Citnlency , feiiA;e weakness trrejaiar
liies. pain in the iJe ai:d tx-:. Liiuu,
fcleedicg piles, and genera! deliii'.y.
Jss. L. Brumley. merchant. 151 Foiton street. Kw
Tori, writes. Ansust 13, ISCJ: " I bav been a:cta4
wita pi!e. acrucif aaiei wiiti t'.eelii lits
years I ue4 s
AS..1 now conaiJer myseif entirely csweJL"
TT,m. Joha A. Crcs write. Brock'va. ii-c t2i,
1S60. Ia the f prir.n of lSi.9 I Uki severe ol -Id. bi
induced a violent fever. I U- k two d.e ol
It bmke rp rav en!4 and fever at once. Prefoi ta
this attack I had heen trouble! wita 1yr;si:a averai
months; 1 have feit nothinij or It t'ee."
Otis StuJlev. E.-q., l-'S Ktt CS Street. XptrTar.,
write: Anrot 13. ln'O I b.ii a i.r..nity wita
Kidney Complaint tUrce yeats, wita e-nstsnt p.-Un la
theituallof my bicic. I hitd rtM nivol all kml f
nieUiuces, but touu-i no permanent relief naill I u4
I piwM clotted MkI by the nretbra. X a Tsw sava
tirely cured, aud take pleasure ia rox-raaoj tliaaai
Mr. C. Tebow, II Ci-ibcr S-reet, !f. T., wrlt j
"Feb. 20. 1S60. I have been sub'ect n atJueks xT Atk
tna tbe l.iai twenty years. I have uaver foud "r ";
equal ta
Jn affording lmmeliate relief. I ia a thorocfi Lt
aad CililoDi rstne-ty."
lira. Tonn?, of Bri'rf - wri'e . 'Tebmirr t3
In Mir lust I a ! a sevefe artck rf PHea. wUCi
flea jne u the house. I loot one battle ut
and was entirety cured. I bave had n.j attack i
P. Wetervil!e, Ej., of S. u:h 6;h. reir Pth Sf ret, -WiUUmsbiirir.
L. I., writer: "At'eat 6. 1 Uavla
te;n troubled witba diJk-'iity ia tue .Iver, SnU aubjac
to billious attacks, I waa atjvued by a trleud to try
I did so, and found it to operate adni-a!!y, retru"iij U
bile and trnsis the liver to activity. I nave also
used it ss a
ZPn-3y3.11-y 2Tocllol23Ls3
Chcu orr eUiM.en re ont of .ort. we pire tbem a Sw
drops nnd it set tbatn all r"-ht. I (lni it :fO' tbs)
general want of iLe stumach :.! ! ,: Wuci Cijct
derH "
RCADca. if yon need either or bvtb ef ee ro-ist as
cellent Ke-neJie, iiiTiire fi r then it tbestrna ; If yoti
do not find thera. tae no other, but inclose t-fc Di;ar
in a letter, and on receipt v( tr e m.,rie;, He Itef.ity r
Reuiedie will b3 seat jc.o,ii.;; to yjir oireciloas. ba?
mail or cxpre, poat pai". Ale'e,
ICC N'.i'i Street. New Tcrfc.
Put tir ia 50 cnt and il J3ot ties, each.
K v. 7. issi.
Linnsin Bctacic Gardens and NuectsC"
riaahloc. Iioca Island, K"oar ?Zw TcA
pnr-hscrs cf Trees, and to pp;ic;ii:ts h lacioaa
stamps Xo. 1 Descriptive Ci'alocie ef Frnlt arj
Ornamental Trees and Shi v.lis. R plerries. Cnrrants
and all other snttll Fmlis. K . 3 IVes CirnsU ina
Cbiysanthennim Puli.x Iris. D.mhl Si listna
and other lle'"baceuiis Flowering Plants. N . 3 Kxtra
Larite Fruit Trees. Kverereens and ether Ornamental
Trees an4 Shrub. nnt)!e for lmme.:te frnit-bearici '
and emlieUhtner.t. Xk.'4 Wfi-ileaie r at; (rie fur
Nurseries nd Ueilers, CDnipriinii Trees Shrubs, Rixn.
Plants. Hulbmts Flower Roots, Stinks f--r Encrftinj,
&.C X. & Wholesale Cstilcfie for Vf et.ibie, AgM
cnltural and Flower feeds, and Trees aed S!iri' See..
&c. No. 6- Pecriptlve C.talpne of our rnrtviled,.
Colleen, .n if 160 Select V.irietiesof Strawberries wuii
a REJrCTED List, an.l Directions for C ili'ire. N . a.
Wholesale Lit of Native sn l Forclir. frrapaa. No 9
Catalogue of BnllxMi Fiowers of every C a. toKether
with Trees and Herbaceous Preonies D ihli.ts, Prlmro-ea,
Poleanthus, Cowslips, Auri. ulas. Dil'es. Iris :nd o'bor.
Rare F'owerine Plants. No. It) Wrn les!e Cataliua
of thes ime ITo. 13 Cat lo;ie of Orr-enh iiifo PUnta.
No. 14 Descriptive Catal. g ;e cf 3JO Native aod 1JO
Fureitrn Varieties of Grape.
N. B.- Th prices baveieen ftrei'y redccM. stvd thn
who deeire will please end their Lists, wai.'ii w.U b
priredattte lowot rates.
November 21, li61f n23-tf
50,000 IBS TTOOIa
Two Extensive Woolen Factories aro b
With all the Lcjcst Fine Jmprovemcnit
We are prejared tr min'ifvtnre to order, ani
have for sale the following fio J't
Satinets. Heavy and Llht,
white, cni,o"F.i). Tr.irzn and tlain
Xj In a o y o ,
Fulled linseys, Cotorrd TTtilta
and SWixrtt, 1 l-'J Yards wide.
Blankets cf ali K?,h r.r.J all Qiaill!ca
Warranted alJ Oorsjs f the best material.
JsJvTWe will exchange tiiu above U.jiJj for Wod
or cash.
Fancy Dj In? lo OrCcr.
We will pay cash for acy amount cf "ccJ, k
Market Trices.
Flour constantly on hand forsile. The best prlc
raiil for wheat.
Angost. 21. 0. '
To tho Army and Citizens'
We will se'.l from this date, iod Flonr, at $13 pc
Toll for eoitom rrladin;, cne-stxth pr StuiL
flow exciarcM for Wheat.
Corn Meal for Sale.
OnrFIonrts kept constantly on hind at tlieaflllaxl
the principle stordin Bmwnvire.
MELV1K coat
Washing illaclii
Tbe moat almple, durable, convenrcnt tad eccnomiaal
article ever invented for the purpo-e
Will do the wssbini f n ordinary 'firaHy ta.'ora
breakfast, not only iavibi tine but clothes.
By strictly fv!l"T.-iu tLe printed directions, wtlch are
imp:e sn 1 e ty, it will wi-a, t i-ne tim, sit hlrt.
or twu dtizen smalt articles, iu a&uut six or sevsis m.'i
Utcl, or tfceir eftul'alent.
By al! the or.lina'y methivls of :eftr.r.; Cne farric t.
sncb as laces. &c.,the itreaiet care is ren'ilreI, whiiu
witu this machine tbe niost delioae arncie can b-i
washed w- thunt tbe pssibi 'ity of daua-.-e.
Tbeg resnlts are prodni tdby the c-iMtint reaction
the sjd while tbe machine is in motion,
of Faninies. laynjrias. bote s. Doard:is-lui!,e. hosril
als. ay lunjs, boardma-seh ls. on hirs and stenier,
and in tbe army, who bave tbee niai-Mue ti nte. bav
sent io their testimonial voinutarially. and the en.
niinmsof the Pres are very nurucront, s-mt of wbit'a
I have published iapsmt'blet fori;).
AU I ask of uePubiic 1 a -ja! exauainain'i cf
this machine before purchasing of ot iiers.
General Dep.t413 BroaJaay, corner Canal St., wrf
Prico only Ten Dcllnrs.
N. B. A literal di-co-mt to tbe TraJ. Jtntx
wanted. Send for a Circular.
Adams box 2o31, S. T. Cut P. O.