Nebraska advertiser. (Brownville, Nemaha County, N.T. [Neb.]) 1856-1882, December 19, 1861, Image 4
! f i j ? ; i ! GREAT IMPROVEMENTS IN gEOTG MACHINES. - : ' EMPIRE 'SHUTTLE MACHINE. Patented February 14th, 18C0 CLOTHE YOURSELVES. - Salesroom, 510 Broadway, .' Ni:v YORK. . , This MacLiio is coii-truetid on an ntire!y new principle of machinery, pos.-ing many rare and val uable inxprovptncnt.?. having been examined by the rnnt profound experts, and pronou nd to be ;SIM rUUlTY and PERFECTION COMBINED. ' :The following' are the principal objections urged aziia-t .Sewing Machines. I. L'lcesfive fatigue to the operator t LibUitj to get out of mint. g, -Krpcnfl trouble and I 4. Jnespacity to few every description oi material. J.l)igagreealle rtoi v-hile iu cperation. CHEAPEST CLOTHniG Ever offered in this Market. XO WOUXIT ABOUT IT! CALL AND SEE FOR YOURSELVS AT THt Batimore Cotliiiig Store, BROV7XVILLE, IT. T. TiciEnpIre Sewing Machine b Exempt frem all toe Ejections. .1 has a straight TrpnK-nlar action MU the LOCK or SHUTTLE STIClI. -u.c h will NKITHERKIP nor IAVEL,and is al.We on both 2 ; p-rforms perfect sewing on every description to the finest N.nsook Mut lL, with cotton, linen or ailk thrcad,froin the cor- et to the Cncwt number, xriirrT .j fv UariE" neithrr CAM nor COG WHEEL, and the tie least possillo friction, it runs as smoothly as (lass, and it , Eriphfrtlcally a Useless Machine! It requires twenty-five per cent, less power to irirs it than any other Machine in market. A girl f twelve years cf oge can work it steadily, without U:iEL SIMPLICITY of eenstrnetion vecdr-r it hlmot- impoible to get .t out of order, and is GUARANTEED by the company to rive entire satisfaction. We respectfully invito all thoe who mny deire to anrply Ibem-MvM with a superior article, tjcall and examine this UNRIVALLED MACHINE. But in a more epocial manner dS we solicit the patronage ol Merchant Tailor, Coach Maker. Hoop-Hkirt Manufacturers, .r, P.innra Makers. - . , Vest ana t aniftioon ?iasci. ffRelipmis end Charitable Institutions will L - liberally dealt with. Price of Machines, Complete: Vo. I. or Family Machine, $ i.1,C0 : No. 2 Small feed Manufacturing. $50,1)0; No. 3 Large sued Manufacturing ?73,t)0. -. Cabinets in Every Variety- We want Agents lor .11 towns iu the United Rta'es where agencies are not already established, to wbJia a liberal discount wil! be given, but we cake no c.nsiarr.ment. . T. J. McARTOTJR & Co., 510 Kroadivay, IeT York. Drj Makers Makers, Gaiter Fitters, Shoe Binders, COLORED PLATES ' OF FRUITS AND FLOWERS. .WB have artists constantly employed tn painting ..citneni-of all kinds of Ir-its, burubs, Evergreens Klowcr., andean buyply .misery aeuts or others iih any c,ujulit v, either bouud or in sheet. Our bound , mmes are intended to contain ail that an agent will .Vreiu b.liius a list of general Nursery products. We oflVr them much under the usual priec, and can mrniiii the bound vol nines e.ry low; and we bave no ' -itancy iu bating that the execution of the artist and .kpiiess lo nature are not by ar.y in the .nnu-j. Call at the Advert iter offl.-e andseespeci , ... b.- ENSIGN FORD, J Av6i.33Fv2n3 Ohio Kurseries, Toledo, Ohio DAVID SSIGEL '. f j -"(U4 ........ n,. Announce to the public that be has opened out a stock of READY-MADE CLOTHING, BOOTS AND SHOES, HATS AND CAPS, CARPET SACKS, GENTLMEN'S UN DERWEAR, Unprecedented tn qnantity, quality and prices, lie .determined bis prices sha'l correspond with the times, ana mererore ener uctb ui uw jum. in the Cnited Siatea. As a sample of bis prices te Wlil mention mat ur en Coats from $1,25 up to $15, Pants from $1 to $7, ci,,. iT.i- rn rrniir mil U'hiti Shirts. Sns- DIJI.B, i.a.f ' ders, Necktie, Socks, Handkerchiefs, &.C., in the same proportion. The proprietor embrace this opportunity of returning thaoito ror pasi patroiiaBo, uu piumi w roru iu the future to ive entire satisfaction. Call vxxol boo la-irrx. DAVID SEiGEL. Brownvllle, June 187 186X.-ly CLOT II I N G GIVEN AWAY! OHM II i V I i ki II I. I U U U W S L A G 14 , - MATN STREET. BROWNVILLE. N. T. y Takes pleasure iu announcinp that he has now on baud, a larze and select sux-.k of every art cle in his line, COOI ;SEZaO7":HSS Of all thimnroved uat.ers : vii : Pluii iUL'i Rock. Charter Oak. Valley Forge, Klevated Oven, &C., Box aud Parlor Stoves of an endless variety, some of which are entirely new designs, vis : A combined Cook and Parlor btoves, boruethin? very nice indeed for small families HEAVY SHJiKT IKON 10K SDGAK BOILERS And Large Cast Iron Kettles from .8 to 22 gaUons. Coal And Lard Oil Lamps J Brass Copper, and sheet Iron Ware; Lanterns, Shovels, c JAPANNED WARE, I have oroenred therlcht to manufacture a late simple and improved self-sealin Fruit Canto which I call the attention of the psbl.c All U which I pledge myself to sell at as fair rates and ou as accomodating terms as any other establishment in this region of the country I aw prepare! to put up puttering and r puntiuc and all other worlt or my line anae snoriesi nonce, auu in a workmanlike manner, which 1 warrant io give satisfaction. I pledge myself not to be undorsold in the upper country Dnuana. Brownviile, Angnst, 30 I860. c55teT!Ti PrmariarwErra e"s.n cttst's r JACOB MAHRON, Ilercliant Tailor, BROWNVILLE, wi'i cirAt.-t mtomrs fast now such bargains as bas never before been presented to them lie will sell bis goods or manufacture to order IL ATTEST- NEW. 11 I L2 12 U Tea, 0 ICO iiIlU 3 L n LATEST FROM THE SEAT OF And take in pay ' UHiOH ARMY VICTORIOUS, CASH OR WHEAT. 5 GOODS-CHEATER THAN EVER. 1HE STORE FOR BARGAINS. SADDLEEY. PRICES TO SUIT THE TIMES. COHE SEE HE. DEN'S NEW STOCK. I bave tbis dty received my EALL STOCK or liirdwnre and Queensware, Dry Goods and Groceries, . Boots and Shoes, . Hats and Caps, Powder and Shot, Choice Liquors, Furniture Sec. Trt wh I tk TilMinrs la callinK the specisl atten tion f-t the public, feeling assured I can offer such in ducements to purchasers as tuey never neiore uu in this place. 1 have purchased nnuer peculiarly iaor at)lr circumstances, and will give my patrons the bene Ct f my good fortune. Saddles, Bridles, Collars, Tflllps, Lashes, Line, Giriks, Surcingles, Stirrups and Leathers, Snaffle, Curb and Port Pitts, Ring Bradoons, Buggy Trimmings. Plastering Hair Constantly on Hand.. In order to suit all, I make harness from $ U per set. I bave collars from 65 cents to $2 eack. Halters from 75c. to $1.75 each. 1 wlLL SELL AS LO"W, if not lowe than any one north oT St. Joseph, and those wishing anything in my line will find it to their advantage to give me a call before buy CHIOCE i 7 v n W ABU. ..,DRY GOQSS, - BOOTS) S5IE3:OS3S W"$ '1 " 1 J E WE LEY. am w 63 Ear Rings, . Shirt Buttons, Finger Rings, Bracelets, Breast Pins, &.c, &c. I Buy and Sell for Cash, i imnLwrow. V AAA. 1 V ' -- "J OR PRODUCE IN HAND. CA.SII PAID FOR HIDES. JJOOTS JV"D SHOES MADE TO ORDER 1XD .W AER ANTED! W. T. DEN. IlUOWXriEEE, X. T. S5 Brownvllle, Oct. SI, 1861. n!7 CHEAP FLOWERS 2c FRUITS I will send, by mail, postpaid, 100 SHALL BfLBS, mostly railed It L.lrs, lor one aoiiar, ana iarge lulbs of same, lor ;-. Uiner uuius, namca, .ow lll iihArF.OI'SrElinKXlALS.of 50 eorts. fine mixed UOSES and other IIAKDY SAUUBUEUY, ' by express, or railroad, 4 to 8 dollars Tcr 100. Xo and phoiof syiys, about double jTi'ce; and more in maU selected lots in all, 500 va'lcties. y.lLL FKriTs" of all scrts, including Delaware and Concord RAfF.s, equally reasonable. Vut'tt nd CitNAMtxTAL Trees. 25 ier cent. low er tban usual. All safely packed, to keep a month, a i i t purciiasers cosi. Aauress, k JOUX A. K1XXIC0TT, The Grove P. O., Cook Co, Ills. .WILLOW CREEK., 1 60 I.O0 ,00 1.50 1 60 6.00 15.00 25.00 S. 00 J5 0C0 Standard Apple trees, of the most hardy and unproved varieties, three and four years old, from five to per 100 p. 500 pTOOO rlt feet tUh aio.oo $eo.oo ;cberries, llongtiton's 4.ow Si m berries, Kec Pine, he best variety known f"0 KcAvo-ry No 1 75 Jiuie Seedl'g. Genesee, crimson 1.00 I j t..u Blackberry, per doxen $2.00 franoonia Raspberry ' 60 yalstaff ' 50 Ji.tch Itybrld Pie Plaut, none better. 00 -Victoria 6.00 Hed Djtch Cnrrsnt. p. doien $1.00 6.00 Black Naples Cnrr't 2.00 One er old apple seedlinps A lw numerous other articles contained in Nurseries generally, Koses, Dahlias. Phloxes, ftc., &c. Address, K. . BACCX, Willow Creek, Let Co., III. SEED POTATOES. ' Ulut s andlilue Uusty Coats.atOno Dollar per busb ' 1 delivered at the Office oi the ".Nebraska Farmer." 100 Varieties Gr:tpe Vines. T.he Larcrtt CoUcrtio Vtt rf 3ae York. IMaware Diana, r.ebeoea, llcrUtmont, Hartford A-.liCclConeord, Union Yillsje, Franklin, Ontario, CuaUffa, Cansiisn Chief, Tajlort Hullett, Mo a- , Uay. OreTcling,Clolinta and over 70 other kn ds vt raslorn cauiioue Tares. Isabella, Catawba and Clinton at 25cts each, 2 tv-r rjsn , iv rcr , ku 1 AtXESIAUAXUBSERV. Bloomington ITursery, At tVi rrnanin? nf thu Illinois Central, and St. Louis. Alton anil rhicaeo Kaiiroaas. isianiisupa rai. on th nnin Pmi'ip. and contains 140 acres. Fruit. Orna mental ana nursery euk:k, a very lare, nunerai aua reliable assortment, vxiXtY. UU-JiiAiT ior vasn. Especially Adapted to tte Severe Climate cf the Acrtliweit. APPLE TREES, from 1 to 4 years old. $15 to fj0 per 1000. KOOT GRAFTS, $40 per 10,01 (. APPLE STOCKS. one to two years, selectee for grai tins:. 82; second class, $1 per thoudsand. HAZZARD CHKKKY. $3 per 1.000. STANDARD AND DWARF PKAR, CHERRY, PLUM, PEACH, CriNCK, NECTARINE, AND APRICOT DWARK APPLE. QUINCE, PEAR. PLUM. AND HOSE STOCKS. Apple Sctont $1 60 per thousand. Cuttinct Vtarje urange. $1.60 aud 2,50 per thousand. Y lit on' $ Slraiobtry, and many other Standard Sorts three dollars per thousand. Grapet Catawba, Clinton, Isabella, well rooted, one year old three dollars per hundred, twenty dollars per thousand. Dtlaware one and two years old, four to ten dollars. Rhu barb, best sorts two to five dollars per hundred. tioughion uoctferry. one to two years old ine to three dollars per hundred. Dotrntnn's Ever Bcarinti Muiberytour to eight dollars perdor.en. Evernrtent e?erai mitih ten cottars per tnonsand. Hfiade ana H eeptng Treet. bhrubt, I toxeer Root. Buifcs, Rotet. an imniente variety ino6tly one to two dollars fifty per dozen. Parking carefully done. Catalogues sent on receiDt or a tnree cent stamp. Aaaie.-s, F C PnOENlX. Kov 14, 1861, n!9-5m Bloomington, Illinoit. 170,000 APPLETREES. n i AT FAIR VIEW NURSERY, HALF A MILE YEST OF SIDNEY IOWA. These trees ure thlArt. nf thr acta rt rrtllwj ia the State they are adapted to the soil and climate 25.000 4 vear old treiis. l -trVmi.-p ft .. 2d site, 15 cents each 45.000 2 vear old trees (thev are nicennes at 10 tenia t-tu' u 400 2 TP9T old TInnfTitnn Rwlni, niA.r.. fall of frmt hnrlq 15 ipntj i h 800 2 year old Red Dutch Currants, full cf fruit buds. IS cpntjt 1000 1 year old Red and White Dutch Currants, at 10 cents each 200 I year old Concord Grape Vin at 50 cents, cacb. this is the best known rr,m 200 1 jeer old Isabella Grape Vines at 25 cents Standard and Dwarf Pear at 5ft rf In exchange fr ths al.nvp T ;n tuU v,A ..i Flour at the Sidney market price, or young Cattle, iiuiuui'i,vHu, ur eiow cotes wait teu jer cent interest . present inditinna viU U wt nann and those that wish to set out Orchards will do well to come and jret trees. March Hei. c36-tf HLXRY BR0.VX. Come and see and Secure Bargains. Brownviile, August, 30, 1860. BR O W N V I L L E L IV IS IS Uiiitail 3J Z3 Takes pleasure in announcing to the citizens of Brownviile and vicinity, that be has jus, opened a new luiix oi adll, wnere ne v.ui aiy- ready to furnish gentlemen with 5ES3.5Llo I-Icrses, 3nsS Carriages, etOs, etc. CHARGES REASONABLE. ..... JOHN A. SMALL. ?9 JOHN A. PONN, Has ' Removed . V!.:. From his Old Stand on the Levee to WHITNEY'S ITEW BLOCK, MAIN STREET, BR0WXVI -A T. Where he has opened up a FRESH STOCK Consiotinc of STAPLE AXD F AAC X DRY : GOODS, ALSO A Large Stock of Choice Family CONSISTINO 07 Flour, Ham, Bacon Sugar, Molasses CoSee, Tea, Salt, Cheese, ..Candles, And a fine assortment of LIGHT GROCERIES Such as Spice, Peppers, .- Soda,' Salaratus, Ginger, Allspice, etc., etc. ALSO, A vcell selected Stock of HARDWARE AND CUTLERY. QUEENSWARE, S3 1 cL i o ir 3r J, Boots and Shoes, TT.t! Vrinwltxlcp nf thf tradA and wants of the neonle of Boownville and vicinity enables him to make judici ous purchases expressly for this market. lie asks an examination of his Stock, feeling assured he will be able to satisfy in quality, styie ana pneus. . BOHT'T FDC-ET THE FffiW WHITNEY'S BLOCK 1861 McCOKMlCK'S Reaper & Mower. IVTfmixiTcvctxxrocl Toy C. II. !!IcCOIlHICJX& DltOS CHICAGO, ILLS. Twenty-five Thousand Sold During the last sJ-ac years. An Average of over 4,000 eacA Tear. &tlei have increated from 1600 '54 to 5,000 in '60. As a Reaper, the "McCormick" has teen before the American public for the last twenty years, and during that time ha3 gained a reputation which is " World- Wide." NotwUistandirg the yearly in creasing 'competition, antf the host of inventors en gaged in the development of Reaping Machines, the ".lFcCormick"lead3 the van the acknowledged su perior of all iu the march for practical improve ments. ' The representations made by other manufactur that the McCormick was "onco" a noted Reaper, but is now ont9Hafei,is simply ridiculous, as the in creasing demand will prove. JN'o single establish ment in the WORLD, manafactures so largely of these implements, and none expends equal money time or talent in reliable improvements Many changes have been effected during the past . . a r- a,J season, and lor lr i, tne "icjorraica is preaeuLc-u greater attractions than ever belore. A a Reaper SIMPLICITY. STRENGTH AND DU RABILITY comm-nd it to the farmer, while its capacity for work, wun economy vk jiotcer, giu n iutiiii". over all others. The compacting the frame, tho -nnpg a more perfect balance to the machine : the position of the raker, in the rear of the driver, thus placing the weight where it should be, and relieving the weak er pa.ts of the machine; the decreased weight, and slight indentation of the sickle, the Castor wheel, and other improvements added, have materially les sened the direct draught, and so obviated the tide dranght that many assure us that it docs not now vxist. The draught of the Reaper is 'so light 'hat in numerous instances the large four-horse machino is worked with but two horses. As A Mower, The machine of 1SS1 will be found fully eqnal i . i . i. i . . V a vm: f A .A TtlA .li.rh VO Tilly MJSli liiaii l L UltJ UQ 4UULUK.b.A A o i . w indentation of the Sickle, its lightness and combi nation with the beam and fingers, allow? an increase of motion not praetscable in other machines, thus f nnlilino-ns to do nood worlc. with a a slow team,ox- en, even, working well. Oar Imvroved Uuard aud latent Lleaner, fratno!i-ir Tirffpnf chokincr. no matter what the V U V l X Lit J j.w - . f-f, condition of the grass, while our new divider point . .. . i , , . i, separates badly i-xigea ana tangiea ciover orgrajs, where otber machines fail. u alsrt n crcat advantage in onr serrated sickle edge oter the smooth, as it does not require sharpening so often, thus saving time. Our Sickle tlv run throucrh an entire harvest with out once t-rindirz, while the smooth edge must be ground once each aay, it noi onener. w un a smoui ede the draught increrses as the knife become dull. Our rantrht ia nnifnrm. and in rerjeated trials du ring the season of I860, proved far lighter than sin gle Mowers, cuttiug at the same time from twelve U eighteen inches wider. Oar Slower can be used with or without the reel this is important, and without the reel, weighs but about 670 pounds. . - . Tn siHltifiirtn the Terv liberal warrantee riven to all pcrchasers, we would say as heretofore, hat far mers who may desire n, are at uocrty to wun our machine through the harvest, with any ther, and keep, and pay tor. tne one preierrea. ttv,. Mora with fall dpsrrintion of improvements testimonials, Ac, can be had by application to THEODORE HILL, Agent. Brownviile, Nebraska, April 18,1861. : I 01i A V I II E S . MT Stock c f n.ttiva vines comprise all tayeni bie varieties with which I in acquainted. The Vai ,Mn rrtvlned with ereatcir'i.i.'ri'ler the l'u w f ' . t most f&voralle eirenmstances for teal? :iy deveiop- ment,and sarpa?3 in excellency any i uiiou-.o- tofore been able to oer. ? . l'. - t. r-n trnAf nnlv a limited surt,lv of L men Ti'la"e,LenoirLinci.ln.)rau:iae,Eiicgoarg, lay ... ?- unA Allen's Ilvbrid is offered. Of or ("i , , . . , best Delaware layers, aho, the sappljH not large, bat quality nnequaiea. The stock from Delaware, single eyes grown both in house and open air, is large and Sue. For vine yard planting some strong vines, grafted on CaUw ba and Isabella stocks, are offered at a low price roots very strong. ; - ' Very large layers of Diana, TJerbemont, and Con cord, grown with especial eara for immediate bear inz.' Good layers of Anna, Rogers' Hybrid, 12 kinds also vlara, Uas?iay, io r.aion, i,eue-, a Louisa, Logan, Emily, Canby'a August, Hudson, II. FroliSc, Cuyahoga. Ac. A general aj53ortmeni oi loreigu vanutico tor n- nenes. . . Of Downing's Everbearing Mulberry tne supply !.M.r. n.l a. trrpst nart of the trees alrsadv ordered. They are very vigorous, and the wood well errown and matured. . . . . . .. .. . i . l i . v. : . v Wholesale aescriptive nssseni m tuosa u msu f r.rm -lnKi nn nnnlication. List also sent' to dealers. Fourth edition of Illustrated Catalogue ... .. i t. J..:...l 1. - sent tor two tnree ceni staras n i urau w a full and comprehensive treatise on the manage ment of the vine, giving such information as pur chasers and growers are supposed to need. Fartio uiar directions are given for the preparation of the soil and planting, and the directions for training are illustrated by many careiuny prepaxeu ccgrr ings. ' The descriptions of the varieties will be found accurate and trustworthy, being drawn from person al knowcledge, and very extensive observation. C . W. GRANT. IONA, NEAR PEEKSKILL. Wcslciiestcr Co., XetY York. Brownviile, JuDe 19th. 1S61. (n-50-ly) Pore Bred Fancy Poultry. Tor .ale Black Spanish. White Dorkings, Golden and Spangled Folands, Setrizht, Black African, red and white Bantams, white and wild Turkeys, l'ea Fowls, white and brown Hong Kong, Bremen and wild Geese, White "Created" Aylesburgh and Mus covy Ducks. Common and -Vadagascar Kaulits. All animals sold will be tarefully boxed with the necessary feed, and delivered at the Express oSce. Address W. A. GOODING, Oak. Lawn . ' b37t& Lookpert, Will Co. TO THE PEOPLE OF 27X3:23 TTTU'irPZIHD QTATD In the month of December, 1S53, the undersigned for the first time offered for sale to the public DR. J. EO VEE DODS' IMPERIAL WINE BITTERS, and in thir short period they have given such universal satisfac tion to the many thousands if persons who have tried tbem that, it is uo an etablished article. The autount of bodiiy and mei.tal nii.-ery arihine siniplv from a ne glect of smali complaints is surprising, and it is tbere. fore of the utmoft importance that a strict attentiou to the least and most trirlinst bodily ailments should be had; for disease of the body must invariably aflect the mind. The snbscrirersnow only afc a trial of DR. J. BOVEX DODS'S Imperial Wine Bitters from all who bave not u.-ed them. We challenge the wMto produce their equal. These Bitters for the care of "Weak Stomachs, Gen eral Debility, and for Purifying and Enriching the Blood, are absolutely unsurpassed by any other reme dy on earth. To be assured of this, it la only neces essary to make the trial. The wine is of a very supe rior quality being about one-third stronger than oth er wines, warming and Invigorating the whole system from the hesd to the feet. As these bitters are tonic and alterative in their character, so they strengthen and invigorate the whole system and give a fine tone and healthy action to all iu parts, by equalizing the circulation, removing the obstructions and producing a general warmth. They are excellent for diseases and weakness peculiar to Females, where a tonic is reqair ed to strengthen and brace the system. No lady who is subject to latitude and faintness, should be without them as they are revivifying in their action. THESE BITTERS Will not only Cure but Prevent Disease. and in this respect are doubly valuable to the person who may use them for INSIPIENT CONSUMPTION weak Lnngs, indigestion, Dyspepsia, diseasec of the Nervous system. Paralysis, Piles, and for all cases requiring a Tonic. DR. DODD'S Celebrated lYine , Hitters Aro TTiagiixiT-o,socl. For Sore Throat so common among the Clergy they are truly invaluable. For the aged and infirm, and for persons of weak constitutions For ministers of the gospel, lawyers and all public spaekers for book-keepers tailors seamstresses, students, ar artists, and an persons iea ding a sedentary life, they wil 1 prove beneficial. A a a beverage; they are wholesome, innocent, and delicious to the taste. They produce all the exonerat ing effects of brandy or wine, without intoxicating; and are a valuable remedy for persons aaicieu to tne use or exessive strong drink, and who wish to Terrain from it. Theyaiepnre and entirely free from the poisons con eained in the adulterated wines and brandies with which the country is floodfd. These bitters noto nly CtfRE but prevent disease, and should be used by all who live in a count ry where the water is bad, or where chills and fever are prevalent. Being entirely innocent and harmless they may be giv. en freely toehUdran and infants with impunity, Physicians and Clergymen, and temperance advocatea as an act f humanity, should airiat in spreading thee valuable bitters over the land, and threby essentially banish drunkenness and disease. In sill affection of the ITeacl.SIck Headache, or IVervous Head ache, Dr. Rod's Imperial Wine Hitters Will be found to be most Salnlarn and Efficacious. rE3I4I.ES. The msny ' clrtificates which have been tendered us and the letters which we daily receive, are conclusive proof that among the women these Bitters have given a satisfaction whch no others have ever done before. Vo woman in the land should be without tbem. and those who once use them, will not fail to keep a full supply. DR J Bovee Bod's IMPERIAL WINE BITTERS, Are prepared by an eminent and. skillful physician, wh has used them successfully in his practice for the las twenty Ave years. The proprietor before pnrahasin the exi'usive risht to manufacture and sell Dr. Bove D"ds' CeiebraiPg imperial w ine on er. nanuoem ed by two distingnislied medical practitioners, who pro nonncedthema valuable and safe remedy fordsese. Althonpb the medical men of this country, as a gen eral thing, disapprove of Patent Medicine yet we d not believe that a respectable Physician can be found n thefnlled States, arqnalned with their medicil properties, who will not highly approve Dr. Dod's IM PERIAL WINE BITTERS In all newly settled places, where there is always a laree qnantity of deeayins timho-; from which a' poi sonous mia.-ma is created, the?e bitteds shoucd be used every morning boforebreaRgast. DR. J. nOTKE DODS' IMPERIAL WINE BITTERS Are composed of a pnre and unadulterated wine, com bined with Barberry. Solomon's Seal. Comfrev, Wild Chery Bark, Spiknard Camomile Flowers, and Gentian. They are manufacture-! by Dr. Dop himsel:, who is an experienced and successful physician, and hence should not be classed among the quack nostrums which flood the country, and aaainst which the medical profession so Justly denennce. These truly valuable Bitters have been so thoroughly tented bvall clause of community, for almost every vri ety or disease incident to human system, that they are now deemed indispensable as a Tonic, Medicines and a Beverage. Purchase one Bottle! It Cost, but 'Little! Purify the Illood. Give Tone to the Sto mach -Itenovase the Sys and Prolong Life. 4 i r r f so SEEDS! Seeda of the f,'Joing kia-a of f i are now ready and will be sent Pm ' Vn send stamps orcein for the gJ , .' 4 do I aciuatua, 10c. do Monstrossas. I0o. do Giiintflu in.- These fine Pinks trom Japan taTe " ld for less than 23cents per part's! ,f(,r "tiiui or averutbiing flows- ii v, , California Fiowfr. 6c. Ir,,.0i ' Mixed Balsamic 6c. Double do I3c. . Lobel's CatchSy, Cc. Ioe Plant (a curMsity) 5c. Daturi Wrigbta (beautiful) lo ? Snap Dragon (Sue sn;xadl 10c. , ' Columbine, fk. . ; Star of Heaves, C-s. Spanish Pink, 6c. . Chinese do 6c. Kale do 5c. Monthly dn 6c. . Convollas Minon, 5c. - " ; Ambro-n (in eoiora) 5c. ' ' j Niei ! i colors, very beantiful iow'v . . i fcng. etania, (from EngUnd) jiv ' Zinnia i,egaus (from France,) luc ' Balsam Pear. 5c. . . i nollyhock Seet, fine KngUsh prin s ' French Poppies la ten flae color!?' ,le- 1 mixed, 10c. r7 oui, Salpiglossia (Ine mined) 5c, Coreopsis ( li i'.hlj.i) Sc. ! DrammonU.s Phlox. 6c Knglish Haarisease, 10c. . ' . Karigold. double, (Sower measured faa, cross) 10c. Uv Old Xail's Cnrls (curiyas) 6c. And over thirty varieties common to th s den. The entire lot above enumerated wm Wnr onreceip of $1.25, selUngpric, two toSfi HerculusClub Gourd. 10c ITXabbird nua in. Lettuce 8 variets, 5c. IPategoni c.' Ir Ice Cream Watermelon 5c. iBoston Marrow .- . Mountain sprout do 5c. , 'Washington 44fc Annie SeedHl l S.. i.-v w fc. l-iW.O fate whose fles&u.ww.e,4, any sweet p.jUUe. h . ;or. The .erVot ti five feet long. cnr'M np loc, when or ,ur ud like a suake-u fi-.r, 0 oX-e' art cellent pitkle 10c. j African lichee Seed, 10c. per lb. w hen .1 are Wnt to ever postage. ' ""T . Seed of a White Sa-rCnefmm Ceov .,: to make excellent suar, at 2 jo. per ' lb All sent for one dollar; or, the hJla lit for t. dollars and twcwIy-Sveconu. ' Address most Syracuse, OloeCa'y.T . as we have an oQe estalliihd here. It- 0. THOMPSON. Apple Seeded do Hur.iurijin d do Iouisana lonfy do do Apple Pie ileloa. 5c. Egyptian do 6c. Negleys Cucumber, 6c. Long Russian, do 6c. Snake Cucumber rro Angnst, lSif f rniha Nursery Price $100 per Bottle, G Bottles for $5 CO Prepared and sold by CHARLES WIDDIFIELD & CO., SOLE PROlY.lETOS 78 "William Street, Hew York. For sale by druggists and grocers generally ihroash- ont the country. Oct. 17. 1S6I. John Garnctt. William Ken:r.g, Jame P. Elunden. Cthe latter, lonj a seedsman in the em ploy of Messrs Landreth A hon) hare united under the firm of JGH1J GAP.tiETT & CO, roa the pnosrccTiox or the Agicultural Implement AND SEED BUSINESS, They will constantly keep on hand a full suprly of Landrciti's arrar,:ea uaracn .vcuy, all fresh, and of the last year's growth, t- t ,.v,:j -1 thn old hone at Philadelnhia- U IO ' - - " a :n their sales of Garden Seeds exclu- BUU T. 1 1 1 v 'l. ii. " rive to those. They will keep a very large stock of All Implements and Mac 'l ine ry in Use, EMBRACING ALL THE LEAPING ABTICLF..H IS TES TBAI'E, OF TUB BEST X A St F ACTCBB. Thev solicit the eontiuued cus'.om of their friends, and of all those who have dealt al the branch hocs.j cf Landketh A Sos, at St. Louis. Onr price shall be very low, in with the times, and we hope to satisfy all wbo call on us, as ta the superior quality ef our stock, and the priest. Isabella Grape Vinca Strongly Rooted Plants, 3 to 4 yeirs di MaDy of them already fraitin? in tUna'seTr' are now offered at $19 per hundred or $7i perL-M! sand. The Tiench aspberry. At $4 per 100. Lare quantities at jrreatW r"' d need rates. It needs no winter . prqtwtioo uj hears two annual crops of fruit. Young Catalpa, 4 to 6 feet $i per band.-d S! Tfeet $t5 per 100. . . i Hardy Climhin Roses, Fragrant IToney Stt. aai nursery stock in general at the lowen ntn RICHARD M. CONKLIN. Evergreen Nursery, Cold Spring Harbor J lOyO 131133. For the Fall Trade. The subscriber has for sale the coming- Aatnia the following : . . 500 Houghton's Seedling and Caster Goabsry. 1,000 lied Dutch Currant. . 2,000 New Rochelie Blackberry. 200 Red Antwarp Raspberry. 200 Brinckle's Orange " 100 White Grape Currant. 500 Victoria Rhubarb. 500 Isabella Gape. 500 Catawba Grape. 100 Concord Graoe. 100 Tuttle'a Red Grape (New and Has.) Also: a large assortment of OrnamenUl Shrub bery, for which see priced list, which will bs far warded gratis on application. Ad drew, H. A. TERTF, YQg. 1851. Cresctnt City, Iowa. DBU: HIE ST 0 DE IN BROWNVILLE, "VTliitney's Block, Main Street. LOOK FOR "THE : SIGN OF THE ELK II 0 If - and MORTAR J. J. THUKMAN, ANNOUNCES to the citizens of Brownvills and vicinity that he has removad his Drug Store inm Sidney, Iowa, to the City of Brownviile, azJt hating added thereto an extensive stock of Fresh Drugs, Chemicals, Dye Stuffs, Paints and Oils, Pure Wines and Liqaors, For Medical Purposes, Hair and Tooth brushej, Perfumery, Pine Toilet Soap, Sec, &.C., &c. Inviie3 the public patronage. 5j-Physician's Prescriptions attended to t all bouri both by djy and ni2ht. Brownviile," Aprii Ilth.Iidl. nSJyly Wheat! Wheat! Wheat! Farmers Look to Your Interest. Is paying and will continue to pay the ilLeat Mr.5 Price for . WHEAT and PRODUCE. in ffxd. ilj stock of Goods consists of LOOTS and SHOES, HATS anJTCAPS, DRY GOODS and GROCERIES, HARDWARE, QUEENSWARE, NAILS, DOORS and ' WINDOW SASH, GLASS and PUTTY PLASTERING HAIR, 30c per lu., ' TUBS and BUCKETS, FLOUR, BACON, MEAL and POTATOES.' I also, keep a wen selected ttock of Calf, Cppsc and Sole Letber for manufacturing BOOTS and SHOES, ' which I will warrant to five satisfaction. I will s?'., my pueseat st.jck of Gwis at prkes to suit the timet, which will be cheaper than fds have beeu Sold ber before, for Ch1;, Ujdes, Wheat or Produce uf any kind, but no credit will be given. "W T. Brcwnville, Angnst 1st, 18;i. noiif KHJIT& ORMAMEIITAL TREES, ANO Small Fruits Cultivated and for Sale AT THS 0LI BRANCH HURSRY Sixteen miles east of Cincinnati, CLEEMONT COUNTY". OHIO 100,000 APPLE TREES 5 TO 7 FILET HIGH- Leadio" - - at $o0.C0 per JI regularly uasorteJ to the trade ; Reeled, JI0.00 per tandred. rsU.1. Peacbe. per hundred, re -ail. Hum, 40 cents each, retail. Cherries, 23 eent3 each, retail. Quince?, 23 cents each, retail. Gooseberries, 75 centi per doi IJonghton Sisd. g I'ear trees, 40 cents each. S'jindard. ' " I'car tr a ;,:;0 cents each. D war. BlacVberries, 1.C3 per dai'n, Lawton. Strawberries, 2 per M. " - Rhubarb, 810,00 per hundred, Linnseas. The pamed trees are now growing upon oar ora jrrounds, and weeonsidr them very fine, lbs proprietor, attention In been given for the last tilteen years almost entirely to the propagation el Nnrcri.M,th cultivating and marketing of bruits ; and during this tim?, have tcvfe it ba.Mnesa o collect frora the ecrrect sources variutie estt cia'.k' l adapted to this climate. All ordorf, accom-Hiaiod by caih, attended w prom-tly: and. if neceary, deli fared ia CiDO.nnatJ, and forwarded free of cort, escept moderate eoar;- when orders are boxed or baled. Address, W. C'DQLE, Olive Branch, Clcir.onf co., Q.. I ; t