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About Nebraska advertiser. (Brownville, Nemaha County, N.T. [Neb.]) 1856-1882 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 19, 1861)
0 ADVERTISER. -rTfTJuUKAS.liDITOll. j i , SdIy M 0 RNI NO, DEC. 19, IS6I. . fx o u n la o .v .... ' let it stream on the air! i;D i.ui -- V -, . . 4 oar father arecli in their p-nves, k, b,nds that could itrike, tbev soul .ThnUlT j ,pir sons were not born to be slave? I ,rh tha banner ! where'er it maj call, fPtp lions' rally around; of freemen that tnotnont shall fall B-!'jBitjtar hU be trailed tin the jonnd. Traitors, Jaj hawkers, dc- - j0 Jiiviories cf almost all rebellions, ihe '01dM and the "New Word," ji-ere have een tratorsamont? those who ,rtfe$t-d the greatest loyally even imorg most' lrule( companions of jrrs and rulers. Monarclis have fre urctly been rady to exclaim, like Ce- ,r ft iu Ertte, upon discovering that (VpT nearest friends and even their own chines. were secrely pi'n? aid and 'corr.fori to those la open rebellion against It would be an anomaly in history if i,e Govf rnn.ent of the United States, ivTxz the present insurrection, should frcm a similar annoyance. Facts rfiicr it extremely probable, if not cer n'm. that there is iome one deep in the Omuls of the Administration, and of Gens. Scott rnd McClellan, who is con stancy furnishing intelligence to the rfb (!s. McClellan. of course, keeps within Usn Kreast. many of the most impor ter movements which he contemplates. Ty: there are many things of vast impor- tarxe discussed by McClellan, the Presi dent, the Cabinet, and perhaps a half ir'zen other official, in whom the Presi dent las the. utmost confidence. And jet the secrets are very frequently, by some neans. conveyed to the enemy. The telegram to Patterson, ordering him toco-operate with' McDowell, was inter cepted it is thought through this agency; nd numerous other disasters suffered by ihe Government from a like cause. The cewspapers are busy in speculating who the traitor is- some suspecting Mrs. Lincoln, and some the nephew of Gen. Scott. The insinuations against these persons are all wrong. There is yet no evidence against any one person who has had tfce confidence of the Administration. Instigations hare all proved failures; and it is not likely that newspapers at a cJ?Jacecan guess who the individual is. So, also, there may be traitors, in fact, or at keart. m this and every other com mmity. Bur until they carry their senti ment into action, the law i? bound to protect them. Christ knew that Judas was a traitor, but as he professrd loyalty, he was treated the same as the eleven. No person who has heretofore sus tained a good moral character, and who i willing, volantarily, to take the oath of allegiance, should be accused of so foul a crime as treason, except upon very good evidence Neither should their property be Jayhawked. In fact, we do not believe in Jayhavkivg at all. All riitions claim the right of making prizes of property belonging to their enemies; end to confiscate properl y of rebels. But individuals have no right to invade a peaceful neighborhood and rob citizens who they have heard that somebody sus pects of being traitors. Jayhawkers take property either from loyal men or traitors They have n i right to take from loyal men, and if from traitors they are rob bing government. We think the citzens of this commu nity at the meeting on Saturday, acted right in resolving to protect all persons ho voluntarily took oath to sustain the laws and the Constitution. It is unnessary to speak of the meetings held in this place to organize for the protection of community. Their proceed ings will be found iu this week's paper. Ax Attempt to MuaDta.-On last Monday, a Jay-Hawker shot a man in Peru, of the name cf Sam'i. Lose. The ball passed under and between the eyes, and lodged ia the head; inflicting a very dangerous wound Mr Long was still living last evening If the circumstances are such as we have heard, it was one of the most at. trocious acts of villainy ever perpetra ted. It is said the only excuse given by the Jay-Hawker was that Long had been denouncing the practice of jay-hawking Not Mccn Pahtt Capital. The Nebraska City Attrs, and the Omaha "draskian have been urging the Dem ocratic members to vote for an early ad journment of the Legislature. The ques tion comes to a vote in the Council, when lo! four Republicans McPherson, Dun dy, Sapp and Taylor vote Aye, but nary Democrat ! So far, this season, we have had a regular Jftbraska Winter. During the past six years there has been in this ter ritory but two severe winters. This is certainly one of the most healthy and delightful climates, during winter months upon the face of the globe. The riv pr is now entirely cbar of Ice, and the Ferry-boat has again commenced mak ing rpgular trips. Since the above'was in type the weath er has chinged About two dozen soldiers of Captain Bail's Company, from Omaha and Platts mouth, stayed in our City Tuesday night They were going below to join Gov. Stewart's Regiment. Sixteen of Capt. Blackmas's Compa ny from Nebraska City, passed through here Tuesday .morning, with music and banners. They were accompanied by Rev. J. Sticknet Haskel. The supper for Buck. McDaniel's Ball on Christmas Eve, will be given at the American House. Tom Norton, of Ne braska City, and other distinguished mu sicians have been engaged for the occasion. PROCEEDINGS Of the Antl-Jayhawk Meetings. Pursuanto a call of the citizens of Nemaha County, a meeting was held at Den's Hall, in the city of Browville, N. T., for the purpose of providing some means of defence against the marauding bands that infest our country under the narap and style of Jayhawkers, whose avowed purpose is to seize and destroy, without any shade of authority, the prop erty of our citizens ; and whose wonton depredations havte already resulted, not only in the destruction of much property, but in a general alarm for the safety of property and life throughout the country. The meeting was called to order by J. H. Ma cn being elected Chairman, and J. H. Monmsox, Secretary. On motion, the Chairman appointed a committee, consisting of Messrs J. E. Crowe, Esq., Judge C. W. Wheeler, Judge O. B. Hewett, Richard Brown. Esq., and T. W. Bedford, to draft and report a series of resolutions ; whereupon the following preamble and resolutions were presented for the consideration of the meeting : Whereas. There Is reason to apprehend tbat our civil uw, in ihe preent unsettle! c -ndition of affairs, will net ffrd the pe-p'e d IhU vicinity that protec tion which they were designed to, in q:let and peace ful times, the' efre Retolved, Tbat we use all means for the protection of lb lives and property of thoe persona who have or may enter intu I hi orgaii nation, ami who shall tike the oath to support the Constitution of the United States. Retolvtd That Jurtce C W. Wheeler be anthorized to leiejve the name of any persona wh'j wish, to become members f this organization. Retolvtd That thia meeting, when it adjourns, ad journ to meet apain to-tnorrow evening at Deu'a Ball, for the purpose of perfecting an organisation a a mili tary ciiiupmy. Re-olped, That any perron who refuse to enter into this urbanization for the general protection or uvea ana property of our citizen, has no lawful right to expect a u cli protection at our haoda. Retolved. That we will form ourselves into a mili tary company for home protection, and agree and hind ourt-e'.ve to muster as often aa , anil obey the orders of snch men as we shall elect from time to time; aud we further agree to give all the protec tion In our power to aH pereons who thai I become members of thU organization; and that we will not recognize the riuht of any party of men to come in oar niidtt for the purpose of jayhawking or roboing our cit izena without process of law. Which resolutions were separately read and unanimously adopted. J. H. MAUN, Ch'n. J. H. Mohrison, Sec'y. The Leglslatnre. . We publish some of the most impor tant proceedings, of the Nebraska Leg islature. The members, as every body supposed would be the case, have con cluded not to adjourn until the expiration xif the Mforty days." Many of their con ttituents will not be inclined to readily orgive them. A majority of the mem bers, when elected even if they were nwt positively pledgtd were understood to be in favor of an immediate adjournment et -there are many plausible argu ments against an adjournment. At the lime they were elected the various effects of an imrhediaie .adjournment had not been discussed. A legislate r who pledg es himself . in' advance on any measure, is like a juror who decides a case before J:e hears the law or evidence. We think, after reading the various arguments of these opposed to an adjourn ment, that the Territory would be better fiffby the.Legisla;urp sitting its full time and receiving the full amount of the 20.000. The various arguments against adjournment are given by the Qmaha cofrspondents of tbp Advertiser. Dr Noel has taken the American House . The Doctor has had much expe fienca in keeping boarding house Any Xcornmeadatioa rocl us 's unnecessary Satcdbat Evesing, December 14, 1S61. Citizens met pursuant to adjournment Luther Hoadley was chosen President and J H. Maun was appointed Secreta ry. On motion of B. B. Thompson it was Retolved. That we will consider every peraon that baa taken the oath of allegiance, as loyal, unless there shall be sumcjent evinence produced to convict them, and to confiscate their property by due procesa of Law. On motion, the Chair was requested to anroint a committee of five to Draft a Plan of organization. Judge Wheeler, Judge Hewett, Hon. Richard Brown, Col. Barret, and Mr. J. E. Crowe, were appointed such com mittee. The Committee made the following report: l!alrtd That we organize independently as a tnillitory company, with the proper oOcera. 2. That the officer be authorized to form such a portion of the company into Canlry aj fmm tima to timo they may deem epe4ient. The Cavalry to be subject to the authority of the Chief oScera of tlio company. 3 TLat the Chief cfUcera he authorized to as- pipn any portion of vhe company to any MiJlitary eoinpnny that propose to act ith us in c--in nion defense. The report of committee was unani piously adopted. Nominations being in order, Col. Bar rett and J. W. Coleman were named for C iptain. An election was held, which resulted in the choice of Col. Barret. J. E. Crow was elected 1st Lieut. T. W Bedford 2nd Lieut; J. II. II. Hewett, Orderly Serg't; Alexander Johnson, Drummer; Mr, Johnson, Jr., Fifr. Meeting adjourqad to meetoa Monday evening.., . $t v' : " LUTHER HOADLEY, Chra'n, J. H. II. Hewett, Sec'y. Moxdat Evesixg, Dec. 16. Meeting met pursuant to adjournment, On motion of Mr. Barrett, the Chair appointed Messrs. Birrett, Crow, and Brown a committee to receive the report of the members as to the arms, amuni niiion, &c.,. they can individually fur msh. On motion, it was decided to appoint a door-keeper. Mr. Seigel was elected door keeper, pro tern. On motion of Mr. Birrett a commit tee of five were appointed to furnbh a copy of the records cf this association tcgether with a list of the names of the members, to the Governor of the Terri ritory. On motion of Mr. John, this commit tee were instructed to drv up a petition setting forth the true state of affairs, ip Southern Nebraska, to be also sent to the Governor. On motion of Mr. Barrett, a commit tee of three were appointed to receive reports as to the doings of the Jayhawk ers. Head-quarters for the committee were also fixed upon. On motion of Mr. Bedford, the mem bers of the organization were instructed to request the citizens of the county to form precinct meetings, and send dele gates to attend a county meeting to be held in Brownville, on Saturday, the 21st Meeting adjourned sine die. H. H. DOBBINS Pres. J. II. II. Hewett, Sec'y. DIED In thia City, kometimo last wecV. In the tear of our Lord. One Thousand Eight Hundred and Sixty-one, our Tabby Cat. Tabby was born when very young; lived all the days of ita life, and died for the want of breith. It was of hnmble but honest parentage, though one of its an cestors was noted for daring deeds the most famous of which was killing the rat that eat the malt thaf lay in the house that Jack built. On the advent of Tabby Into the printing office, the numerous rata (long tailed rata.) were alarmed by a sensation rnmor to the effect that Puss was either a Se cessionist or a Jayhawker, and taking council from their fears, they Immediately left for parts nnknown an other Instance of the folly of heeding idle rumors. Had they but known ita meek and christian-lika dispo sition they might have set their beards at ease. Like the widow Bedot we are inconsolable. T. S. The butcher who furnishes us beef, 1 also in consolable. P. S, 2nd If the butcher will bring bis books to this office we will settle and sqoare off accounts. NEW ADYEJITISEUEXTS New Remedies fpr SPERMATORRHOEA. HOWARD ASSOCIATION, PHILADELPHIA. A Benevolent Institution tttablithed by tvecial En titlement for the Relief of the Sick and DUtres$ed. eJHiited teith Virulent atid Chronic Diteatet and $ipecially for the Cure cf DUeaet of the Sexual Organs M-hiDICAL ADVICE given gratis, by tfce Actlna Surgeon. Valuable Reports on Spermalorrliaa. and other dis eases of the Sexual Orpans, and on the NEW RKME DIES employed in the Dispensary, sent iu sealed letter envelopes, free of charge. Twowr luree Stamp accept Address DH. J. EKILMN HOUGHTON", Iluward As sociation, No. 2, Sunth Niniu Street, Philadelphia, Pa. December 12, 1301. u'i3-ly TAKENUR On third day of December. 1661. on the premises of the undersigned, about two mile-; north ot Lota's lirid-c. south east quarter of teuton three, town f-'nr, ramie fourteen, a horse coit, pr-.bably two years old. He is a light bay, star in bis forehead, both bind feet white. When found had a cord tied cuund bin neck. The owner can have him by proving property, and paying all expenses. F. II- AAiSDEX. December 6, 1S61 n22-3w.pd Commissioner's Notice. - Notice Is hereby given that the undersigneJ having beeu appointed by the Problre Court of Nemaha couuiy, Nebraska Territory, aa Commissioners to receive, ex amine and adjust all claims and demand.- of ail persons asainU the estate of Henry Hoover, late of said county, deceased, have appointed Saturday, 11A of January, A. D. 1862, At 10 o'clock, A. M. at the office of the Probate Judne of said county, in Brownville. as the time and place when and where the sail Commissioners will meet for the purpose of examining and allowing claims against said estate. . All claims against sail estate are hereby required to be filed at the office of the Probate Court of said county, within nine months from this date, or they will be for ever barred. Given, this, Jd day of December, A. D. 1S61. H. M INION Commissioners. December 6th. 186I. n32-tw $7 60 Petition for 1'artition. Joseph Opeit, Administrator of I the e late of Peliza Hitter, dec. va I Emma Dupree and others. J In the Probate Court of Nemaha county, Nebraska, Ter ritory. Petition for Partition of Land. To Emma Dupree of the State of California, John Opeltof Missouri, Alfred Opelt and William Cpelt of Nebraska Territory, and Jotephlne Bell of Missouri, and Samuel Bel! of Kentucky, Minor children of Josephine and William Bell deceased, who are heirs and legal representatives of PelUa Bitter deceased, you are here by notified that on the UUi day of November, 1861, said Administrator filed bis petition in the Probnte Court of said county of Nemaha, the object and prayer of which is to obtain an order on the 1st day of January, 1862. at 10 o'clock, A 31, lor tbe appointment ot C mruissioners to make partition and division to and among said heirs, according to their respective interests in and to the following described lands, to-wit; The east half of sec tion 30, town 4, north of range 15 east, containing 320 acres. Ordered that the abovo be published four weeks in the Nebraska Advertiser. C. W. WHEELER, Dec, fl. 1S1 n22-4w 7 60 Probate Judge. MASTER'S SALE. Daniel G. White and ) O. B. Hewett vs i Cyrua W. Wheeler. J By virtue of a decretal order '.ftned from the Clerk's office of the District Court of Nemaha county, in the 2d Judicial District of Nebraska Territory, upon a dec-ec made by aaid Court at its September term, A D 1860, in the above entitled cause, I will sell, on Monday, the 30f A day of December, 1361, at tbe hour of 1J o'clock, A of said day. at the door of Den's If all, the place where said court was las', held, In Brownville, Nemaha eounty, Nebrafki Territory, the following demerit! real estate, with the apprn fin ances thereunto belonging, to-wit: The south west qnarter of section twenty-three (23,) In township number live (5 ) north or ranee number fifteen (if,) east of tie sixth principal meredian. situa ted In the county and Territory aforesaid except thirty acres out of .he north west corner, to the bii.het bid der for cash. . J S. BEDFORD. Master in Chancery. November 23,1661 nSl-6w pr fee $12 SO SHERIFF'S SALE. 1 District Court Neruaba county. ebraska Territory. I. T. Tbyte & Co vs T. II. Edwards By virtue of an execution to me directed In the above entitled case. I will on Friday, thi 10A dey of January A D 1862, between the hours of 10 o'clock A M aud 4 o clock P 3t, of raid day. at the d Mr of Den'o Hall in Brownville, the place where said eourt was last heid for said Ne maha county, offer for sale the following described real estate to-wit : Tbe east half or lot number eight, and the north east quarter of lot nunbur nine in block number one in the original plat of the said town of Brownville, together with the appurtenances thereunto belonging, bituated in Nemaha county, Nebraska T rritory J. W. COLEMAN, Sheriff. November 28, 1S61 n21-5w $6. Furniture ! Furniture!! Toe to'1 complete stock of Purniture ever offered la this upper country just received by T. BILL. Brownville, April Sfitfc. ISS1. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. CHRISTMAS BALL. There will be a GRAND BALL on Christmas night, at DEN'S HALL, given by the BE0WNVILL BRASS BAND. SUPPER AT B. A. CHAPIN'S. Admission to Ball and Supper, only $1 SO. Estray Notice. To William II. IToover, County Clerk of Nemaha county, Nebraska . You are hereby notified that on tbe 30th day of November, 1861, I took up on my premises iu said couuty, the following estray. vis: One -bite rand red pleded steer supposed to be four years old, marked witb crop and hole In the right ear and under slit in the left ear; and oue steer a blue roan, sup posed to be three jears old, with crop and hole in tba rietit ear; also one steer calf about one year old, red roan, with crop and split in the right ear, and underslit in the left ear. s. H. CALLYf ELL- December 12th, ISM. n23-3w-pd SPECIAL IIOTICE. TO CONSCMPTITES. . The Advertiser, having been restored to health in a very lew weeks tr a very ein-ple remedy after having Buffered several years with a severe lung affection, and that drea4 disease, Consumption is anxious to cuke known to bis fellow severer the means of car. To all who desire It, he will send a copy of the pres cription used, (free of charge,) with Cirectiens for pre paring end using the sae, which tbsy will find a IV be Ccri for Co5CMrTioit) Asthma, EacscniTjs 4c. The only ooject of the advertiser in sending the Pres cription is to bene?t the aEict&J, and spread informa. tion which be conceives to be invaluable, and. he hopes every srfferer will try his rera"y, aa it will cost thera nothing, ana may prove a blessing. Parties wishing tbe prescription will please address Eev. EDWAED A. WILSON, Wiinamsbnrg, Kins County, New Turk. November 14, 1561. . nl9-3nij Scorbutic disease are the parent stock from which arises a Iare proportion of the fatal maladies th3t af flict mankind . They -are as it were a species of potato rot in the human constitution, which undermines arid corrupt all the source cf ita vitality and hastens ita decay. They are the germ from which spring, Con sumption, Kbeaumatism, Heart Disease, Liver Com plaints, and ErcptiTeDiseafes which will be recog nized as among those most fatal and destructive to the races of men. So dreadful are its consequences to hu man life, that it is hatdiy possible to over estimate the importance of an actual, reliable remedy, that can sweep out thia Scrofulous contamination. We know then we shall proclaim welcome news to our readers of one from such a quarter as will leave little doubt of its efficacy and still more welcome, when we tell them that it really does accomplish the end desired. We Ann's Sabsa akilla, andit is certainly worthy the attention of tho3e who are affiictei with Scrofula or Scrofulous complaints., Albany. N. JT. NOTICE. The Probate Court of Gage county having appointed the undersigned as Commissioners on tbe estate of Jo seph PYoud of Gage county, N. T. deceased, do hereby notify a Ii persons having claims acainst said estate to present the same to tba Commissioners fey examination and approval, on the 10th day of January, A. D. 186J, at Beatrice, or they will be forever debared. from pre senting the same. 5.c.DAvfsiCommi88loner Beatrice, December 12tli, 1S61. n23-4w $5 Estray Notice. Taken np on Saturday the 7th, by the undersigned, about six miles wst of Brownville, near Weddle'a bridge, at north east quarter seetion 30, town 5, range 15, a bay horse, about 9 or It years of age, a bald face, one hind foot white, a large scar on the right side, and one on the back B. P. McININCn. December 12th 1S61 n23-3w $1,27 PROCURES, POSTAGE PREPAID. Atwater's Patent Press anl Bk for copying business letters instantly and per fectly. Agents wanted. Profits good. Send stamp for particulars, to J. II. ATWATER, Pro.idenve, R. I. SHERIFFS SALE. George Hrm.-.n, for the u:-e of Craue &. Uiil, S District Court. Nemaha Co., vs ) Nebrabka Territory. John G McCathron and U B. Strolls. -J By virtue of an order of sale to me directed in the above entitled case lwill on Friday tbo loth day of J.tnnary A D 1863 between the hours of 10 o'cl-ck A M and 4 o'clock P M of said dy, at tbe door or Den's Hall iu Brownville. the place wr.ere said court was last heid for said Nemaha county offer for sale the follow ing described real estate to-wit: . The south half of tbe north west quarter of section (lb) fifteen, township (4) four, north of ranee (13) lltteen, east, taken as the property or n. B. Strong t satisfy said judgement, all said real esiate lyinj and beins la Nem.iha county, Ne braska Territorv. J.W.COLEMAN, Sheriff. Decmber 6, 1S61 u22-6w $7,50. 4-3 a i-t p-i a 3 a 2 els a o a a, a. a- i "-a if : IT sj i a. : 30 a Sls3 X 2-3 a 2" a; a ? Cj 4 a ao t to ,5 e s o X I . 9 O x a 5 5- : a o , e -m Z' 1 Z -i a r. w 6aSS - c t r 5 c IT ' : p w a, e . s t O 3 p 3 sue s at o o s 3 05 o - " a 55 .SsS.-S 01 U O 11 r c c 5 o -m ("i 25 S o " rj2 5 O) K t: m is s "3 u 5 " C -r-i a r i. Ci w S u 41 u o c ft sJu fi e m si P a c r r 5t JD a 93 . c 3. a c B aa b . geti i .WW M S - Z. A a 3 - Ss4 rt a c o. 22 3 2- a a o . -ii c so t 5 J. n ' 2 .S e s . Q - W - c. c xSJ W c o z -3 a a IMS is2 . x. at S 3 - e S SS 3 3 c t- 03 J3 m S 3 3- o ' s -flt - 3 ' c 5Z o a 2 o t5 3ii:a 3 . O i - a o -s -r o 5 tm OQ a s o G O OS s 3 a . at v H C a. Si ? 03 at . u i a . 3 " TJ , a S 5 x 3 e w "v a rz a - ir - : o . B f t- V. : 93 JS : . Ot a 5 T 5 a. r S - K ft 3 i K S a S s o "S. ? 3 22 aiS m w 3 ? 33 3 1-1 3 5 a a 3 i ee e a2 B a at 3 o r n m 3 B.JZ - O S B P : o ! 2 .'Z it ' 3 o 1 ' s . Ct B 2 . 3 x a a a !SS ft 3 3 3 la e J3 os S -X. .u- a t! - - 3 e z i a s 9 - 3 J X . . . i J a, -i " a -a a x . a ) x C 3 -x a o ft 9 C- ia? 52:-ft w 1 - 3 M g u 5 . " f a 2 o a 5 . 2 e a 3- --g-g t" C " c- ! -a b : 2 .S !. -" f ? I ? 3 o w Tt - x e . s- ! -1 K k o , ; ' s -s - . c r" a. s a c i - lis etl o - n 3 4 j ft s a " . c x c d a . a c ft o a a a s 2 a3S - .'2 a x .5 05 ec " a s-s I Is3 i c s .'9 5"" 2 "S- "- ceo a ?5 s Trtis Deleware Grape Vines PROPAGATED FROM THE OBIOINAIj STOCK. Strong, Wtll-rooted One Year Old Tinet grovn in open air Wets to $1 each $5fo 10 per doz Extral year old p:nr 4 A'o. I. txtra larqt laytrt. icitfi bearing wood. $1.S fo S2.00. to $12 18 er dozen. AlibO fiuviues of Alieu's new white Uybrid, Anna. Clevelinjr. Concord, Cuyahoga. CUra, Clinton. Caa dv Catawba, Diana, ncrbetnont, Rartford, ProIiBc. J Isbe:is, Iftan. LeNoir. Lydi. Ixtnisa, I.yman. Nor ton's Virginia Ontario, Op rto Rebecca. Ropers a new Hybrids. Taylor's Bullitt. To-Kal..n. Union Village, and manyother kinds, at low prtret. - STRA IVBERRIES. Wilson'i Albany, Trtumpa de Grand. Jenny Llnd, Trollope'a NictorU, and Austin Shaker Strawberries. Iti-tland. and Catawlssa rver beariim Raspbornea, Lawton Blackberries, fca, all at the lowest raiea, JTf-Send for a circular., ' GEO. W. CAMPBELL. Delaware, O. Oct. 3, I860. - nl5-2u. LAST NOTICE!! Those who are indebted to me note cr book account, are hereby notiS-d that thU ia the latt notice, and that those whid" not pay upon or be fore next Christina?, will be dealt with "as the law provides." I trust "a bint to the wise w ojirii-nt." J.C. DLLLU. BrownviHe, Oct. 30:h lSfil. Lumber for Sal I hare twelve b utidie-1 feet irood merchantable lam ber, and 10 OOOshinu'es. I wish to trade for a tesm, or frr cattle, oxen or horses. I will deliver at Boylea Ferry ou the Nebraska shore. . WILLIAM C0UC3, Sonora Island, Cctober IT.h, 1361. CURE CURE rA !2?voiis'iGadache CURE -E7 U By the ne of thpp PHis the perlctic attacks of .Vct oua'or Sick Headiche may be preheated ; and If takeo at the comnic-.iceinent of an attack immediate relief from pain ami sickness will be obtained. Tbey seitl!,m rail iu removing the Xautea and ileaa acne to whirh remales ae so subject. They act gently upon the boweia removing Contin ue a. For Literary Men, Stuientt. Delicate Fpmalea, and all persons cr tedentery habit t they are valuable as a Laxative. Improving the appetite, giving fane and i gor to the digestive organs, and rerinti the jyttural elastjcitr and strenith f tte whole system. TheCE?IIaLI: PILLS are the result of lonslnveti pation and carefully o-nductH experiments; bavin; been in use many year, during wbicb ime they have prevented and relievel a vast amount of paiu and snf ferinst from Hea-lncbe. whether oriaiuatin In the pout system er from a deranefrl state ot tfce tlonutch They are entirely veeetable iu their composition, and may be taken at ali times with perfect safe'y, without makineany chanpe of diet, and tke abtenct of y dit agreable tattt renders it eaty to administer fAa U children. Beware of counterfeits! The srennlneiave Ave signatures of Henry C. Spahllng on each box . Sold by Druggists and all other Dealers In Veliclnes. A box will be tent by mail prepaid on receipt of the Price 25 centsu Ail order should he addressed to HENRY C. SPALDING, 43, Cedar Street, New York. Deo. 6, I860. n22 lj THE FOLLOWING ENDORSEMENTS OT SPALDING'S ClPifiLIC PILLS. Will convince all who suffer from HEADACHE, THAT A Speedy and Sure Cure IS WITHIN TIIEIR REACH. At the Testimonial were unnolieitfd by Mr. SPAL DING, they afford unqurntionnlle pmof of the efficacy of thit triJy ecieutific discovery. Beverly, Dec. 11, 1S60 II C Spaldiso, Esg. I wish for some circulars or lar?e show bill, to bring your Cephalic lMls tnce particularly before my customers. If you have anything of the kind, please rend to tne One of my customer?, who s subject to severe Sick Headache, (usually lasting two days,) tra can-d of a attack in one hour by your Pills, which I sent her. &epcctfuilv your?, . V B WILKES. IZeynoIdshurrf, Franklin Co OJ January 9, 1861 f IIksrt C Spalding, No 43 Cedar St, N Y - Dear sir: Inclo?ed find twenty-five cent?, (25.) for which ceiid box of "Cephalic Pills." Send to address cf Rev WuiC Filler, Uynoldsbufg, Franklin Co, Ohio. Your Pill; icori lilc a charm cure Headache al most inetanter. Truly yonrs. W A1C FULLER. Mb. Spalding. ilatonville, (7onFeb 5,1861. Sir: I have tried your Cephalic Pills, and Wire them to xctll that I want you to send me two dollars worth more. Part of these are for tbe neighbors, to whom I gave a few ont of the fin I box I got from you. Send the Pills by mail, and oblige Tour ob't servant, JAMES KENNEDY. Mr. Spaldixo. Ilaverford, Pa Feb. (5, 1361. Sir: I wih you to seDd me one more box of your Ce phalic Pills, I hast receiced a grert deal of benefit from them. Yours, respectfully. MARY A'- ST0IKH0USE. Spruce Creel; Huntinijton Co.,Pa., January 18, 1861. f II. C. Spaldixo. Sir: You will pleare send me two boxes of your Cephal ic Pills. Send them immediately. Respectfully yours. JXO.B. SIMONS. P S I hare ued onebox of your Pillt, and fid them excellent. BAU Vernon, Ohio, Jan. 15, 1861. Hkxrt C. Spaldixo, Esq. Please find inclosed twenty-five cents, for which send me another box of your Cephalic Pilla. They are truly the bet Pillt I have ever tried. Direct A. STOVER, P M. Belle Vernon, Wyandot Co-0. ETA single bottle of SPALDING'S PREPARED ULUE will save tea times it$ cost annuall y3 SPALDING'S PREPARED GLUE. SPALDING'S PREPARED GLUE SPALDING'S PREPARED GLUE. SAVE TDE PIECES ! . icosomy! dispatch! t3TuA Stick in Time Saret Nine rJ As accidents will happen, even in well reulited families, it Uvery desirable to hve S"me cheap and convenient way for repairing Furniture, Toj3,Crock erv. if e SPALDING'S PREPARED GLUE meets all such emergencies, and no household can afford to be without it It ia always ready, aud up to the sticking point "USEFUL IN EVERY HOUSE.". N B A Brush accompanies each bottle. Price, 25 ceuti Ad drew HENRY C SPALDING. 2o 48 Cediir Street, New York, CAUTION. A certain unprincipled persons are ettcmptiny to palm off on th unpccting public. iiuittion of my PuE PARED GLUE, I would caution all persons t. examine Ufore purchasing, and ee that the full name f-SPALDING'S PREPARED GLUErg is on the outeide wrapper; all other ara wuidli.2 counterfeit gmtlHr.3 far lhiin:s. ITA NECESSITY IX EVERY HOLTSDuOLD JOnNS L CKOSLEY'S American Cement Glue THE STRONGEST CLUE I THE WOTtT.D. THE CHEAPEST ?LCB IX TUS WORLD. THE MOST DURABLE GLCK IXT11S WOULD. TilK ON'LT RKL1 iBLR GUE IX TUB WORLD. TUS BliST GLUE IS THB WORLD. AMERICAN CEMENT GLUE Ii the only artiol of the kind ever prodded which WILL 71T1!STA?!D .WATER- IT HILL MEND WOOD Save vourbjoken Furniture IT WILL MEND LEATIIEn Mend your Harness. StrapV. Belts, BooU Ac IT WILL MEND GLASS Save thopeiees of that exr.en?ive Cm (P.n Dvttle. IT WILL MEND IV )UY Don't throw away that broken Ivory . a it ia eai ilv repaieed. IT WILL MEND CHINA Your brokea Cuirui Caps and Saucer can bo made as xvl as new. IT WILL MEND MARBLE That piece knocked out of your Marble Mantle can , be rat on as strong as ever IT WILL MEND PORCELAIN No matter if that lrufceu Pitcher did cot but a t-hillin" a shilling saved ia a shiL'irig earned. IT WILL MEND ALABASTER That C.jsly Alabaster Vwa u- br-'.en and yuu can't match lluitnditit wilt never aovr wnen put to gether. It will Mend bene, Ccral. Lava, and in fact everything tmtl.Istals. Any artiola Cemented with AMERICAN CEMENT GLUK wiil show where it is mended Every Hoaecoer should Uiivea supply m Johns A Crosley's Auierican Cement Glae." N YTimft. Itis3o couTeuicnt to havi) t- houie." Y Y Erpret. ,'It u alflrajsrosj; th'n cosaqjeada it to everybody.' ndepcndeit. bVe havo tried it and find it as useful iaour house aa water." Wille'e Spirit of the Time. 23oonomy is WoAltli 810,100 per year saved 4a tvery tamiiy ly O ne Bottl of AMERICAN C Til NT GLUE Price 2-5 Cents per Bottla. Price 2o Ceuti per Bottle. Price 2-5 Cents per Bottle, Trice 2-5 Cents per Bottle. Trice 25 Cents per Bottle. Price 25 Cents per Bottle. Very Liberal Reduction to ITliolc sale Buyers. TEU3IS CASH. J2T"for SpIo by all DrugisU and Storekeepers lhrtuszhout the country, JOHNS & CROSLEY fS..le Mannfacturer.) 78 WILLIAM STREET Corner of Liberty Street. IVE1Y YOUIi. Inipoi tautto House Owners. Important to Kiuilderl. Important to Ralllload Compa nies. Important to FarnjcrS, To all whom thimiay concern, end it concerns everybody. JOHNS & CROSLEY'S IMPROVED GUTTA PERCHA CEMENT ROOFING, Tbe Cheapest and moss durable Roofing IT IS FIRE AfVvATER PSOQ? It caa be applied to new had oii Uooi'jof all kinds teep oi u:iip una u cningio rooi s wuacut removing the Shinte?. Tlie Cost is only about One-TIiirl tli at ol Tin, AX 13 ZT IS T'TICi: .4" Thi.i article bsa been thoroughly tctcl in New Yor!' City and all pajta of the L'n'ncd States Cana da West Indie? and Central and youth America on building of all kinds such ad Factories Foundcriff ChaTches Kail Road DepoU Cars and on Public Building jjenerolly Government Buildings 4c. by the principle lluildors archetecti nnp others during the past four years nd ha.4 proved to bo the CHEAP EST and MOST DURaBLK ROOFING in use it is in every repoct A firk waTHt wkataer and time PROOF covering for RriGEd OF all kinds. Thi it ihe OSLYmnterial mauHjantnred in the United Stnte which combines tbo very desirable properties of Elaticitg and Durability which are uni veM'-lly acknowledged to be powered by OUT ;i'A PliliCUA AND INDIA ltULi- No Heat i3 Required in Makling Application. The expenseof applyiu it is trifling is an ordinary Roof can be covered wild finished the imt day. It can be applied by any one, and when finished forms a perfectly r ins Proof - face with ad elesLio body which cannot bo injured by Heat Cold or Storms Sbkinkino of Roof Boards nor any exrernsl action wnutove. GUTTA PeIicVl? CEMENT. For Coating Metals of all Kinds when exposed to the Action of the Whather, and For Preserving and Repairing Metal Roofs OF ALL KINDS. ThisisTHE ONLY GoilPOSlTIOF KNOWN itaicA tfili tuccettfitlfy retirf extreme chanijciof all climate for an length of time when applied to metalt to which it adheres firmly formiug a body equal to three coal of ordinary point cost. moch less, and wiil LAST THREE TIMES AS LON; anafruiu its elasticity is not injured bv the contraction and expansion of TIN and other METAL ROOFS coneiucut upon j sudden changes of the weather, I It will not CRACK IN COLD OR RUN IN WAR-M WEATHER AND WJLL NOT WASH OFF. Leaky tin and other metal roofs can be readily repaired with Gutta Percha Cement, and prevented from further corrosion and leaking, thereby ensur ing a perfectly water-tight roof for mny years. This cement is peoulwrly adapted for the pieser vation of Iron railings. Stoves, Safes, Agricultural Implements, Ac, also lr general unnulacturrs use GUTTA PERCHA CEMENT For preserving and repairing Tin and other met al roofs ofevery description, from its great elastici ty, ianot injured by the contraction and expansion of mentis, and uiil not crack in cold nor run in warm weather. r These materials are adapted to all climates, and we are preparod to supply orders from any part cf the country, at short notice, for Gutta Percha roof ing In rolls, ready prepared for use, and Gutta Pcr t Ua Cement in barrels, witb full printed direuiioca lions for application. We will uiaaa hoeral ana ttilaciiry urrange ments with responsible purties who would li-e to establish themselves in a-lucrative and porinar.eut business. OUR TERMS ARE CASH. We can give abundant prcof of all we rlaim in favor of our improved Roofing Materials, having ap piied them to several thousand ltoofs in New Vork City and vicin.ty. JOII VS & CROSI.EY 80LK MANL'K CTt'RERf), Wholesale Warthouse, 7b, William Street, Corner cf Liberty street, NEW Y0?JT Full descriptive Circulars and Prices will be fur nished on application. Jjr.7,18ai; J "Crcvelins' Graps Vines. Ordcr for Vines of this reilly d-Jician and early Grape accompanied by Cash will receive prompt atteLtion. Good one year Vine, 50j each, $4 rerdcien. Good two year Vines, Jl,t)0 each, $7 per d veq. P. M. GOODWIN & LRU.. v2n3 Kingston, Luierne Co., Pa. To disabled Soldiers. Seaman and -Vari neri and tcidow or other heirs of thou who have died or been killed in service. CHAS. C. TTJCKEH, Attorney for Clalments, Bjunty, Lard and Ken.M'on Ajnt, WASHIIIGTON CITY. D C. Pensions procnreJ tor Soulier. Se.tmen anJ M riniri j oi iLe precent war. who re i!irLieiI by wuunj re celved or diea-e contracte-t wbi :e in rvie; ni Pen hi ns Boumy Money anl arrej.s of Pjj ni.tair.e l for ; willow or other heir of th a who Lave UieJ or Leen i killtMl while in nei vicc. i Bi uni f Lal procured tor service in anv f t other wars. CUAS. C. TCCXEtt, Xjv. 7, 1S1 Bl3-tf Vtahisiua, V. 0; a r d 1ATJZ IJ1TTEI15. Are r-'.f e veic; iM evtrir'.s. T.e 7 t't '! t-!?"J.'n U.orJer if haaujystrjl. Tiey rc:;U;jiM t iue liver n t t:Joey; they give tae L iL i.)ieiive orgn tl:ey rrsulatetbe ecrf.i-M, excre tion :h1 exhauu. , f-;rj-ie ihe circa: at 5..-, aoa pu rify t!iO H.l. ' 1 -J. t"'!'&9t ta"iJ! ".' "m t l wt.ih reTi-rp;J Live-t S'.o ni-ct t, lip-i4. Tiie. Cfiillsarut J'ever. C-:ive:;eM t L.x.enu re a tirc'y cjnirulel anl cure! ty tiet rtaiiiee. DAr.Lir7G'3 . LIVEIl REGULATOR Remove the tnort; 1 an t bilUJ'J 2ep)it f'm sK-c tcti cuJbon-c;. n-iialiiw tbe L4ver aa i .. lttr. reiiiovKi eeryot:r-.c:i n, restores a ntar aUk tLy a:u.q in ihe v.- i. (,r;in. 1: is a kuperwr Family J.Icclicino, iluca be::er ita Puis. ani much ejar to ute. UAP.LiM;a LIFE HITTERS Is a uTiperjor tonic apl diuretic; excellent la r n los or appetite. C-tulency.feui.ile weatae, trregnlar itie. pam in the title and bowels. W.iiJ, pro;ui.ui ar.l bieediD? piles, and (teneral Cebility. READ THE 1'OLLOWINa TEHTIMONT : 4s. L. Bruai!ey, merchant. IJi street. Se Tort, writes. AujJt 13, 1S60: I have twti Ci.ct4 with piles, accompanied wilh b'.ee-hng, tLe last thrt years ; 1 u.-cd darling's LIVER REGULATOR LIFE AND LITTERS, And now consider myseir entirilg cuaj. Tt.n. John A. Crjss write. "Crook :yn. liarck liia. 1360. In the f pring ot I3i 1 t k a (evert cold. wbaA Induced a violent lever. I Uk iwg dji t darling's LIVER REGULATOR. j It broke op my cu'.U and fevrr at unce. Pri'u W iiim auac. l ai ;t-eu irui.unsi wui avoDciia ieiurii rnotitbs; I bave fell nuthing tr it sii:.p." Otis Studiey. E'i . i:s Kat totu :r-:. Xew Tort .' write: ' August 13. 10 I hud a iti.r.rulty wi;o lh ICldney Complaint three yet4, with c ntant pjia iu the small u( my back. I had used most all kmda t uicuiviuv., wu ivuwi uu iuaipii& vakil a darling's LIVER REGULATOR AND LIFE BITTERS. 1 pisi clotted bloud by the urethra. I am now en tirely cured, and take pie-sure iu recuma;ead.52 tc ienje"iieb." Mrs. C. TeUw, II Chrttopber Street, .V. T.. wri:: Feb. 2u, 1S50. I have been sul.iect to attck ut Aitfc tna the l.-t tweaty years. I have never fuad ayic equal to darling's LIVER REGULATOR, In am.rdirg imnie-iiate relief It is athjrou;a Uvr. and billious remedy." Mrs. Toiitiit. ot BrcKk'yn. wrUev Iu Kay last I b iJ a severe attick fined me t tLe boce. I Lk cua bottle o( darling's LIFE BITTERS, - and was entirely cured. I have had nj a'tak tnc.w . D. VTesterviiie, Ksj , of Suth 6ih, oef 8th Stret. wiliiqit.biirg. L- writes; ' Antist 6. )--lI.tln leoo troubled with a diCciity in tbe Liver, and iuUv-.t to biiliou attacks, I was adrined ty a frieud l try darling's LIVER REGULATOR. I dlil so. and fonnd it to operate adiui'ably, retoovlnx U- bile and arousing tl liver t activity. J feav a.-a used it as a HTftTVk lly IVocllcino When oar cliildrcn are nt vt sorts, we irie them a few dri p and it eeia iham all richt. I Dim) it meet tit. Keuerat wants of the stomach and bv.wla wLea di.ovr dere.1 . P.eadee. if yon need either or b-ith of tbee mmt e celleut Heme lies, inquire for thero at thesi(rf ; if y Co not find them, tail e no other. b'it inel'i One Dol lr p a Iftt'er. and on receipt of tr-.e nivre, the Ueinedy Leuiedies will be sent accordi'iii to your uuectior.a, by mail erexps. pot paiC. A'te'-e", VK L S. D.VRMVa. 102 Xjsssii Street. New Tort. Tut in CO cent aai II Bottle eawrh. Nov. 7. 1-31. ti!t-'n Tebniiry S3 liAO. vt Pii. vUkh ea PEI1MCE & GO'S, LinTaC-aii Botanic GarJess ari Xjirsfrics. (F0UXD2D, 1T37 ) Flus-iiuK, Ircr j; Island, 17 ear I7aw Tork, rSICED CATALOGUE3. which are eat to pnrcbara of Tri, aud to applicanu ho lcia stamps No. 1 Descriptive Catalopae cf Fruit atd Ornamental Trees and Struts. Rasni.jrnos, Ctirrint and all other saall Fruits. ".. 3-Iwse, Carnation Chrysanthemums. Phlnx. Iris. Dxiblo Swat Wiliinta and other Herbaceom Finwericst Plants. No. 3 Xxtr Larse Fruit Trees, Evergreens nd wther Ornmarual Trees kiii Shrubs, suitable for immediate f."nit-earinf and embelihnietit. No. 4 Wholes! C-taioyne for Nurseries and Dealers, comprising Trees ?hrub, Ro. Plants. Bulbons Flower R.X. W, S::ks for Eujtraitina, c. N. 6 Wholesale Catilocne fur Vegetable, Xsru cnltnral and Flower seeds, til Trees nd Shru See-n." i.c. No. 6 Descriptive Catalogue of our Tnrivai Collection of 160 Select Varietiei of Strawherrie. wi'i a Rejected List, and Direction for C'lltaire. Ho. S. Wholesale List of Native an 1 Forzzu Grpe. N.. Catalogue of ltuihoui Flowers of every C aa, together with Tree and Ilerbaceou Panie. Dahli is. Primrose. Pnleanthiis. Cowslips. Auricula.. Daises, lrl and othr Rare Floweriu Plants. No. Jo Whr lea!e Cataloi of tbe same No. 13 Catalogue of frecnhue PUiiIm, No. II Descriptive Catalogae of 3JO Native and l-it Foreiiu Varieties f Grapes. N. B. The price bavebeen (trea'y rediiced, anl'thvf who deire will please send their I-jts, which will priced at tbe lowest rates. Novcu ber 21, mi, r.j-ti 50,000 LBS WOOIa WASTED. ST. JOSEPH. MO. iwo LxtcnMvc uoolon r;iCior;ci are ia SLTCESSFL'L OPKRAIOX. ONE NEW AND FITTED UP With all the Latest Fine JmprovcncnLi. AVe are ireiarel to nnnufVtnrc to order, anl have for sale the following Goods: Satinets. Heavy end LIsht, JEAXS TWEEDS, FLAWELS AVIIITE, COLORED, STRIPED AND PLAIN Xj Iuooy o, Fulled liueys Colored IVhlto and Mixed, 1 -2 Yard 3 wide. FULLED CLOTH. Blankets of ali Kick and all Qualities, YARNS OF ALL SIZES AND COLORS, Warranted all Goods of the best material. tt?We will euhango the above Good, for WwT. or cash. Fancy nyinsr lo Order. We will pay cash for an amount of Wool, at Jlrket I rices. Flour constantly on hand for sale. The best prix paid for wheat. N. BL'EL A SON. BUELLJt DLTOJv. Anust. 21. ISft f). tfae mim.- . To the Army and Citizens UF We will sell frcm thia aate, gvod Floer, at $1,50 j ex act. Toll for CQton criadia?, one-ixth per Basbel. ALSO Flonr exchaujvd for Wheat. Corn, Meal for Sale. Our Flonr kept constantly on hind at tie Hill and the principle stores iu Browuvillc. MELVIN & COAT FRENCH'S CONICAL TfT T . . 1 rusiiiiig iuai'iimes. Tie m-l imp!e, rl!irble. c-nvenlcct and eeca-ttieat ai ttcia ever inventel fur tb parpoH. Will do the whir:r of an ordinary family before breakfast, not only taih? time but clothes. By strictly f.dir wirif tLe printe'l direction, which ar nimp'e and evjr, ii will wash, at one titji. ;,t fbnt.. or two duieo smal' articles, ta about t:x tr tvn tais utrt, or their equivalent. By all the vr.tniary methods of cfran:.-;.: Cue fjf.-, guru m laces, sc., the (rreaie-t eare ii required. wb.i'e wiih thia riM.-,ine the nsi 4t4i article ci.i be wa-hed without the pf.ibi'ity ..f d ire Tliee reMiiu are 'pnrjved ty toe ojustaat reaction the tid wLiie the uuchinp is in jnui.o. f Tami lies lsnndries. ho'els. V.ard.f.g-hotKe. h.-"7it-aU. ayl i;ns, b arim-i hwl. on fchipi and teanff, and in t. e arniy. wb' Lave ifcee mactiiueiin oe, sent in th-!r t--f iDHiii vuluntarially, and the tii-. niiutu of li e Pifl se xpry numerous, ajuie of tA I have p'lb, i-.',. in rm iblet form. All lust'' t f Piijiic ia a careful exaiiaa;in of thi m.'eiii'ip Lri ; rnr:fninz of other. G-iierl De;.t 4itf iiioadway, corner Casalid , Kew ! Turs. S Price enly Ten Dollars. I N B A 'ihei iii-c-int t. tbe Trzdi J?nti tcau;ii sena or a Lircu'ar Address hox &3J, X T. City P. O.