Nebraska advertiser. (Brownville, Nemaha County, N.T. [Neb.]) 1856-1882, December 19, 1861, Image 2

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The uur ior me union.
',' jrrvtn TburSay ilorii'.tij;'? iJu'.'.-jtjn.'
' : t - Til 1 fi
Delate in' Congress yesterday ofter
r.oon in the House, principally cn ihe
fu'pnsion f ihe writ of habeas corpus
' Resolution suspending ti.c writ was la-
Eulogies were offered and resolutions
V I V i ur.w. -----
Senators. ''-
Ethridge Clerk of the house receired
letters .from Tennessee, staling that tho
rebel leaders were impressing Union' ho were fleeing to Kentucky for
protection. Parson Rrownlow's array
had bn increased by unionists from N.
C, and Alabama, and he is giving the
rebels much trouble.
: The House investigating Committee
will report next Thursday.
' The rebels are said to be approaching
our lines on the Potomac in large force.
JUbel force 1ms taken possession of the
town of SprincfuM near me roiomac. closely watching their mo-
liGoverninent has decided to 11 up
the cumber in tee regiments in the field
to 1,040, if necessary, inorcer to orane
imperfect regimental organizations.
The question of exchange of prison
oner: seems to be .fairly settled. Gen.
McCllclIin. the President and all of the
Cabinet are in favor ot the plan. Thirty
prisoners were exchanged yesterday.
Our government has replied to the in
vitation of England, France and Spain,
in which it declines taking any part iu
the Mexican expedition.
The regulars surrendered in New
Mexico and afterwards exchanged are
10 be. sent to guard the Northern fron
tier. Charles Anderson, bro'her cf Gener
al Robert Anderson, has arrived at N.
Y. with' his family. They having es
caped from the rebel? at San Antonio,
in-Txas. They travelled from there in
to'Mexico. The Mexican government
will resist the allied expedition. The
hatred of the Mexican government to
wards Spain is intense.
The legislature of Kentucky will
abolish slavery, reimbursing loyal mas
ters. Wigbtman was re-elected Mayor of
Boston, yesterday.
Washington, 11
Mr. Chandler of Michigan, said the
officers of the army were not liable to
frnpeachment. but one of our members
has fallen Mr. Baker and nobody is
to blame. He thought the facts ought to
be known. He also wanted the truth
i- .t j . : r:
.Known reearujijg iuc uudnci m iuimuu
ri. referred io by the Senator from Kan
sas'. If General ircmont is to name
let it be known. But if not, in God's
jmme let him be justified, and let the
country know it.
Mr. Foster of Conn, thought it best
not to investigate the subject now, under
the present circumstances. He thought
that Congress had better not do it. If
military men managed the army badly,
Congress would only make a bad matter
worse by interfering. He would let the
military alone in time of war. Inquiry
of this ' kind would only call men away
f roir higher duties. At the proper time
Congress might make the inquiry.
Mr. Sherman of Ohio believed an in
vestigation would be beneficial, and es
pecially a general inquiry into th ewhele
tWduct of the war, and said he would
rcord his solemn conviction that before
the war ceased slavery would almost if not
iitirely cease to exist, but the war should
bt carried on without any reference to
'slcveiy, but to preserve a free country
for fremen. If he could infuse the spir
it of the people into all departments of
the Government the war would soon end.
. Mr. Wilson was glad the resolution
would take wide field. He thought it was
time that proclamations of officers should
cease, and the government be left to set
tle the policy. We must remember we
had not the men of large military expe
licjice. Mistakes had been madeand
.... a
were likely to be made, but he wanted
it understood that the people expected
no mistakes would be made, but that ev
ery mac would give all he had to the
Mr. Latham of California asked for
the yeas and nays. The resolution was
-agreed to. Yeas 38; Nays 3 Messrs.
Carlisle, Latham and Rice.
Absent Messrs. Bright, Foote, Wy
ley and Wilson.
Chandler of Mishigan announced the
death cf Senator Bingham. After a trib
ute to the memory of his colleague Mr.
.Chandler offered the customary resolu
tions, that the Senate go into mourning
for thirty days and to adjourn. ,
irrxim Sunday MorninK'a Bulletin
' Quiscy, Dec. 12.
- In lower House of Congress yesterday,
Biairof Mo. offered a resolution recog
.nizing eminent services of Gen. Lyon
and soldiers under him at Springfield.
.In offering the resolution Blair eulogized
the deceased
. The resolution was passed.
Lansing's resolution in relation to the
retore of fugitive slaves came up.
Thadeus Stephens and Lovejoy made
'radical speeches, and censured Gen Hal
..h for driving negroes Lack to theij
rebrl masters.
' Wilson cf Mass. introduced a bill in
ihe Senate to increase the cumber of
Cadets at Vt est Point.
' 1S E. Smith announced the death of
5-ti".or Bake:, and paid a brief tribute
io his vortU and bravery, and offered the
usual resclutiou m respect to his memory
McDougal followed, referring to the
,3-ase of tiro disiicguished Senators
lK-ula and Baker.
Browning and Cowen followed.
. Lathaci closed with a most beautiful.
eloquent ajid touching eulogy of the de
based, when the Senate adjourned.
There was an alarm akrg the. lines of
the Potwnac cn Tuesday, and the enemy-
was thought to be approaching iu large
The alarm was false.
The President declined to send to Con
prrfs the communications with England,
Franc ar;J Spain regarding Mexico.
Exciting news from Port Royal is ex
pected ..
. The Republican iiicmbm cf Congress
yesterday in caucus, resolved to instst on
confiscating all rebel properly, and un
conditional emancipation of slaves.
The Potomac army were expecting an
attack last and slept on their arms.- To
day several regiments were ordered to
be ready for any emergency. Prisoners
are being exchanged every day.
When the news of the capture of .Ma
son and Slidell reached England there
was intense excitement and indignation.
Qcinct, 13.
Ccscrkss. In the House yesterday,
F. P. a letter from Gen. Hal
lock, explaining order No. 3, in regard
i to returning xugiiive siaves, - nauum
says it was a military necessity. He is
willing, however, to execute any law of
Congress or crier from his superiors on
the subject
The stealer Louisa from Liverpool
brings further accounts of the reception
of the news of the capture of Mason and
! Slidell. Public meetings were held in
Liverpool, and resolutions passed co:i
deming the affair, nnd calling upon the
British Government to demand an ex
planation. Private Johnson, of Lincoln Cavalry,
is to be shot at Washington to-morrow,
for desertion.
Gov. Andrew protests against Mass.
soldiers catching slaves. Cameron says
it shall be stopped.
Col. Mulligan has been reinstated to
the command of a regiment. t
St. Halcna Islands, near Charleston,
was occupied by the Federal troops.
Our forces intend seizing all approach
es to Savai.nah and Charleston soon.
The news from Ft. Pickens has been
received. Cannonading commenced on
the morning of the 21st ult, and contin
ued two days.
Ft. Mcllae was silenced, also the water
batteries in reach cf the guns of the Fed
eral steamer Richmond.
At three P. M. of the 23d, Warring
ton was set on fire by our guns, and that
place and the Navy Yard, destroyed.
One of Wilson's Zouaves was killed,
and a sailor on board the steamer Rich
mond. On the 21th one of our guns exploded,
killing five, and wounding others.
Col. Brown says he can take Fort Bar
aacas as soon as reinforcements reach
Qciitcy, Dec. 10.
The Charleston Courier cf the 9ih
says on Wednesday a detachment of
twenty men visited Beaufort, and found
no enemy there. They destroyed all the
cotton & corn we eould find on the plan
tations around, amounting to 4,000 bales.
The people of Charleston are getting
alarmed at the approach of the . fed
eral fleet.
The citizens of Charleston and Savan
nah are fleeing to the interior of the
There are a number of Letters of
marque at issued by the Confed Govern
ment to prey upon commerce.
In England France and Spain, ves
sels are being fitting under a sirailer de
cision to that allowing the Nashville to
fit out at Southampton. Vessels will
seil under the Meiican flag as war
vecsels, entitled to bring war vessels in
to neutral ports.
QumcT, Dec. 14.
Dispatches to the Cincinnati Commer
cial from Cheat Mountain of the 14th,
says yesterday one of the hardest and
best fought battles took place since the
war commenced. It was fought at Al
legheny Carrp, Pocahontas, Va. Gen.
Milroy commanded Union forces; Gen
Johnson of Georgia commanded the reb
els. Union loss thirty. Rebels lost 200
killed and many wounded, our forces
numberred 750. The enemy 2,000.
The rebeh set fire to their camp and
retreated to Stanton.
Various reliable reports say that a
fire broke out in Charleston on the night
of the 11th. Half the town burned to
ashes. It was supposed to have boen
caused by slaves that have risen.
From Weioesdny Morning't Bulletin
Qcicy, 16.
Further European news received.
London.-Times rays the principle on
which the Engli&h Government rests its
demaud, is that British ship, whose viola
lion of neutral rights is not fully proved,
must be held to British ground as much
as if she were on actual piece of British
soil, and the right of all persons on board
is as valid as on British territory. No
such violation has been proved, or sought
to be proved against the Trent; conse
quently the seizure of persons dragged
from hej deck we3 entirely illegal. Sli
dell and Mason were at most civil ser
vants to a hostile power, and were trav
eling from one neujral power to another,
in a neutral vessel. If the Government
at Washington declare them rebels, their
light of asylum has been clearly violated.
Transport Mulborne would leave Wool
wich for Halifax on the oth, wite 30,000
stand of prms aud a battery of Armstreng
Mr. Bright made an eloquent speech
on Atnerican queston, strongly recom
mending warlike feeling, and scouted the
idea that the U. S. Cabinet had re'solved
to pick a quarrel with England.
Sir Richard Cobden has written a let
ter of pacific tone, urging such ernest
Cen. Scott has written a lettpr in favor
of maintaining fiiendly relations between
England and America, which attracts
much attention.
The steamer Illinois which arrived at
Old Point Saturday night, says the passed
wi'.hin six miles of Charleston on Thurs
day night. Tremendous "conflagration
going on iu Charleston evidently burn
ing up.
" The Norfolk Day Book of 13th, gives
an account of a negro insurrection iu
Sou'h Carolina, at Charleston. The plot
of the negroes was discovered and
checked. 'm
Washington di.-patches say, notwith
standing the attitude of , England, the
Cabinet and Congress are not frightened.
The demand for the release of Mason
and Slieell caused great excitement, but
the sentiment of defiance is universal.'
Congress will adjourn Thursday next
for two or three weeks, to enable the
members to spend the hcllidays at home.
Qcirvcv, 17.
In the lower House of Congress yes
terday, mor,e hard words between Foulke
of Illinois, and Conway of Kansas. It is
feared something serious will grow out
cf it.
Lane of Indiana, offered a resolution
that the Committee on Judiciary be re
quested to provide a law ta prevent
a i
Fjuday, December 13.
Mr. Taylor introduced a memorial and
: joint resolution in reference to a man
ers cf treason
collection of debts iu the U. S.
A creed tj.
from briniringuits for route from Nebraska City to New Fort
and from" Nebraska City to
Iowa. " Bill -passed and nith
Wilkinson offered resolution to expel ; agreed to. .
Jesse Bright". K-iVrre.!. ."Mr. Umhank m-nni'that the report
Dispatches from Si. Joseph. Mis.-curi, i f r,r, Commute on Agriculture, in refer
state that a laule was expected soon be- ; eljCe t, B.1I 23 aa 1 CO. providing for the
iwppn rebel fortes at LexinL't'ii and aruwih if shorn v nd hc2, and encour-
aemni of wool growing be adopted.
Motion lost bv rote of 7 to 6.
Mr. Taylor moved to amend by strik
troops under Gen Pn riti - li was
Prentice's intention to" cross the nver at
a point above Lexington, and attack lae
The rebels are 2,500- strong. The
Federals have 4,000.
Excitement runs high over the English
news. Markets depressed hi couoe
quence. Bark Agnes, arrived at Baltimore, re
ports a fight between Privateer Sumter
and U. S. Ship Irroquois off Martinique.
HeraPs dispatch says the Cabinet has
official information from England, rela
tive to the Mason and Slidell affair.
The Calinet have considered the mat
ter, and thinks the newspaper bluster not
a true indication of the intention of that
The impression is that England would
make demand for the release of Mason
and Slidell, but lengthy correspondence
would settle the matter without war.
;The Union sentiment of Eastern Vir
giniiiis rapidly increasing.
Sentor Polk of Mo., has gone over to
the rebel-?., said to be now in Memphis.
Ben. fltcCullock is said to be now in
Steamer Connecticut arrived at Old
Point, reports tbat'Ft. Pulaski has been
vacated by the rebels, and is now occu
pied by the Federal troops.
Senate. Military committee will re
port to-morrow against abolishing the
distinction between regulars and volun
teers. Vallandingham offered resolutions that
the acction of the committhe with refer
ence to Commodore Wilkes be sustained,
notwithstanding the beligerent altitude
of England. Laid over.
Bill to raise 20,000 soldiers more for
Kentucky was opposed by Lovejoy aLd
Thad. Stevens. Passsed.
In the Senate, Hale offered a resolu
tion that committee on Military Affairs
inquire into the expediency of providing
a uniform plan for deeling with slaves of
rebels. Agreed to.
Norfolk and Richmond papers of the
14th give full particulars of the great fire
at Charleston. 57 buildings? were des
troyed, including the Roman Catholic
TJhurch, St. Peter's Episcopal, the Cum-
berlan street Church, Methodist and the
Circular Church. The loss will be from
5,000,000 to 7,000,000.
The steamer Champion arrived at New
Yerk .on the 16th. She reports being
chased by privateer on the 14th.
Ships Lancaster, Wyoming and Cyane
were off Panama on the 5th.
Quxkcy, Dec 18.
In Senate yesterday Lattham offered
a resolution that the Secretary of War be
requested to inform the Senate by what
law and reason passports are required
from passengers from N. Y. to Sanfran
cisco. Agreed to.
Sherman offered a resolution that the
Secretary of War furnish the Senate a
copy of all correspondence between Gen.
Scott and General Patterson. Agreed
In the House Allcott's resolution pro
posing the emancipation of the slaves of
rebels, caused a warm debate. Harding
of Kentucky made a strong speech in op
sition. Dispatches from Tipton, Mo., say our
troops received orders yesterday to hold
themselves ready at a moments warning.
Gen Pope, at the head of his forces,
is already marching toward Warrensburg
for the purpose of cutting off Price, who
is trying to winter with Rains and Stein
at Lexington. A battle is expected
soon. ;
Gun Boat Connecticut has arrived at
Ft. Monroe from Port Royal
The reported occupation of Fort Pulas
ky by the Federals, is not true ; but it is
expected it will fall into our hands very
The troops now occupying Tybee Is
land will operate against Ft. Pulaski.
Information has been received at Cai
ro that New Orleans had been attacked
by Federal forces under Gen. Phelps,
from Ship Island.
Reinforcements have been sent down
from Columbus.
Sec. Cameron has submitted to Con
gress a report in favor of the appropria
tion of 4,710,000 for putting the coast
defences in order, from the lakes around
to Sanfrancisco.
Steamar Jury arrived ot Portland yes
terday from ' Liverpool. Things look
warlike in England.
A large number of troops under orders
leave for Canada.
The American shipping interest disas
trously affected.
ing out 500 and exemping an unlimited
number cf sheep for five years from tax
ation or exemption. Amendment lost
Mr. Taylor moved the indefinate post
ponement of the report of the committee.
Question on the indefinite postponement
of the report, carried.
Mr. Dundy introduced a memorial and
joint resolution asking the Secretary of
War to station one company of Govern
ment troops in' Southern" Nebraska.was
taken up and on motion referred to a
special committee, consisting of Messrs.
McPherson and Dundy.
.Friday, December 13.
House. House met pursuent to ad
journment. Mr. Allgewahr introduced a bill for an
act to encourage the Cultivation of
Grapes. Referred to Committe on Ag
riculture. ''-.-"'
Mr. Griffiiu introduced a bill for an
act' to refrain stock from running at large
in the Territory of Nebraska. Referred
to Committee on Agriculture.
Mr. Allen introduced a bill for an act
for a Territorial road from Fort Calhoun
to Kelly's Precinct. Referred to Com
mittee on Roads. .
Mr. BirchfiehT introduced a bill fer an
act to stay all proceedings in' civil cases
two years Referred to Committee on
Mr. Clark, of Douglas, introduced a
bill for an act suspending the levying and
collection of the road taxes for 1S60-
Referred to Committee on Judiciary.
Also, a bill for an act to amend the
revenue law, and other purposes. Re
ferred to Committee on Judiciary.
Mr. Reynolds introduced a bill for an
act to encourage the manufacture of Salt.
Referred to Committee on Mines and
Mr. Clark, of Douglas, introduced a
bill for a:; act to define what is a legal
publication Referred to Committe on
Mr. Evvingintroduced a bill for an act
requiring Probate Judges to hold their
offices at the county seats of their respec
tive counties. Referred to Committee on
A bill for an act to amend section 1,
chapter 9, of an act providing for. the set
trement of the estates of decedent. Re
ferred to Committee on Judiciary.
A bill for an act to regulate and estab
lish interests on money and contracts.
Referred to Committee on Judiciary.
Saturday, Dec. 14.
House. House met pursuant ro adjournment.
Mr. Learning introduced a bill for an
act entitled an act to confirm the elective
franchise on citizens residing on Indian
Reservation. Referred to Committee on
Mr. Allen introduced a bill for an act
to repeal an act to authorize county com
missioners to pay interest on county or
ders. Referred to committee on Ways
and Means.
air. urotner introduced a dui tor an
act to exempt from taxation certain prop
erty of soldiers who have entered the ser
vice of Government. Referred to com
mittee on military.
Committee on roads reported back to
the House an amended bill relative to
roads, and to regulate the disposition of
the road funds. Reported accepted, and
a bill read a third tune and passed.
A bill for an act to change the time of
meeting of the Legislative Assembly to
first Thursday after fist Monday of Feb
ruary, was taken up and ordered to be
engrossed for third reading on Thursday
From the Legislature.
Monday, December 9.
Co u sen.. Mr. Bennett introduced a
bill to encourage the growth of sheep and
Mr. McPherson introduced a bill to
encourage the growth ot wool.
Mr. Bennet introduced a bill to amend
the usury law.
Tuesday, December 9.
House. House met pursuant to ad
journment. Two reports were made with referance
to the Joint Resolution and Memorial
relative to adjournment, and with the bill,
were mnde the special order of 3 o'clock
this P. M.
A bill to amend the law providing for
funding the Territitorial debt. Read
seconu time and referred.
A bill to create an election district for
Hall, Buffalo and Kearney counties.
Read third time and passed.
A bill for a Territorial road in Nema
ha and Richardson counties. Ordered
engrossed for a third reading to-morrow.
A bill to locate a Territorial road from
Dakota to Fort Kearney. Made special
order of to-morrow.
A bill to establish an agency to pro
mote emigration to this Territory. Or
dered engrossed for a third reading on
Holt Connty.
The past week has been a hard one for
the traitors of Holt. But they have bro't
the trouble upon their own heads. They
were warned, but heeded not the warning.
Since the time when Doc Robinson ad
vised them to assassinate Union men from
every secret hiding place, their course
has been one of outlawry. The county is
now full of troops, and several companies
will probably be stationed there all Win
ter. The traitors, within a few days past,
have been unmercifully Jayhawked. Old
Huges, up at Marietta, has had his store
completely (leaned out, and hehas been
sent to St. Joseph as a prisoner. On
Wednesday night, Dr. Gordon, Sam.
Young, (ex Representative,) and others,
were Jayhawked by a gang from Kansas,
who took even Gordon's coat and cap.
All over the county, the traitors have
suffered in a like manner. Jim Foster,
after having his nose pulled by a Jay
hawker, took his span of mules to St. Jo
seph, for safety; and it is said that he is
now detained there, and compelled to
work upon the intrenchments. Sam.
Wool has voluntarially taken the oath of
allegiance, which it is believed he will
adhere to as long as the troops remain
in sight. Old "Dry-gripes" has sloped
for parts unknown. Abijah Duncan and
a number of others have been arrested,
some of whom have been sent to St. Jo
seph to shovel dirt. Abijah could not be
sent, for want of transportation he could
not be taken at one load, and teams en
ough could not be procured to haul him.
Still the traitors threaten the Union men
that they will pay for all this., with inter
est, when Gen. Prentis comes up this
way. Toor fools ! their hope tangs upon
a slender thread.
We are informed that a company of
troops is to be stationed on the opposite
bank ot tne river during me muier, io
prevent Jayhawkers frcm crossing into
Missouri from Kansas. This may an
swer the purpose as long a3 the river re
mains open, but when it freezes over,
Jayhawkers can cross anywhere else as
veil as here. We hope the troops will
o"e stationed there, as they will thus be a
protection to our place, and relieve our
citizens of much watchfulness and care.
Kansas Chief.
Omaha, Dec. 10, 1S61.
JIr Editor: It seems to be a disposi
tion of a majority of the members cf the
Legislature cow in session at this place,
to discountenance special Legislation,
and devote their time to matters concern
the interest cf the people at large. We
need more of this kind of work than we
have had, and less of thatkind which re
lates to acts favoring the "rtc." May j
this session be spent to the advancement
of the general welfare of Nebraska !
There is no disguising the gratifying
fact, that Omaha has changed in her
morals wonderfully, and is now a .quiet
and orderly city. Those of your readers
who visited this reagon a few years ago,
when liquor made ihe man, can scarcely
realize the change. A drunken man is
seldom seen, and no such a humiliating
sight as an intoxicated member of the
Legislature has been known, or heard of,
so far. May such be the case to the end
of this and all future sessions of the Leg
islature of this Territory. The abomin
able habit of drinking cannot be too se
verely condemned, as it is a trick of the
devil to turn this fair world into a hell on
earth, and people the chambers below,
into which a sober, temperate soul may
be looked upon as an intruder. Down
with the habit ! "Dry it up," and let all
set an example before the rising genera
tion that shall live for good when we
shall have passed off this "stage of ac
tion." Press forward, then, with the
cause of temperance, the forerunner of a
high and precious state "in this life, and
that which is to come." The man who U
an habitual drunkard is not fit for earth,
heaven, or hardly for the lowest seat in
perdition, but all evidence is that a placa
will be reserved for such, where the fire
is not quenched, and the worja dieth
It would take a full fledged, live proph
et to tell what shape politics will assume
in the future in Nebraska. Oce or two
unsuccessful efforts have been made to
effect an issue on the "adjournment" be
tween Republicans and Democrats. Al
though the mover of the question is a
Republican, the two parties are about
equally divided for and against, therefore
it cannot be used us a party measure.
Last Saturday, the 7th inst., was a day
of general good feeling among the mem
bers of the Legislature in consequence of
receiving a few "spondulicks." The
clothing stores and hotels are begining
to realize a "golden harvest." Methink
the business of enacting laws will, if pos
sible, progress more delightfully, for you
know a "fellow" requires the stimulus o
the mighty dollar to propell him to act
suitable to the wants of the "dear people.'
"Tne laborer." we are told, "is worthy
of his hire," and the quotation is highly
applicable to the "ioons" of Nebraska
as well as to other people.
The Memorial to adjourn came up in
the House to-day, and attempts made to
make it the special order for 3 o'clock
P. M., but owing to a standing rule i
was lost. The session is too far ad
vanced now for the Memorial to meet
with much favor. It will be voted down
almost to a man. Many who would have
supported it at first will oppose it on the
final vote.
That portion of our laws imposing a
tax of three dollars on each quarter sec
tion of land has been repealed by the
Council, and do doubt will be concurred in
by the House. The revenue collected
under this law will more than liquidate
the War Tax of our Territory. Persons
owning large tracts of land will not have
to pay any more, if as much, to the Gov
ernment for War purposes, on a quarter
section of land. The Representatives
from all sections demand the repeal of
this part of our revenue laws, and from
this I judge that it is obnoxious to the peo
Dr. Holladay, of Nemaha, introduced
the following Preamble and Resolutions :
"Whebeas, The country we all lore no ranch and
revere; the liberties aeenred by ihe blood of cur Be t-
olutiouary fathers, and which have through succeeding
(renerstions been transmitted to ns as an InestlmaMe
inheritance are being jeopardized aud tleir perpetuity
threatened by an internecine foe ; a peopl with whom
we have for nearlv a centnry past fraternized a one
(rreat and common family, but whose condnct now leads
us to exclaim, "Fjr tt was not an enemy that reproached
me, then could I have borne it. But It was thon, a
man mine equal, my guide and my acquaintance,"
And whereas, All reason but seeni in vain, and
painful as it may be, it has become necessary that the
powerful arm of the Government most be brought into
requisition to preserve and perpetuate itaelf, the mist
beneficient the world over saw and as the power that
be. in whose keeping the people have entrusted the sa
cred lKxn have been and are now endeavoring to per
form faithfully its duties, it becomes the duty not only
of individuals, associations, and coinmucitie, bat of
the legislative assemblies of the States and Territories
tu contribute words of cheer, and show forth by ex
pressions, desires for, and confUience in the efforts to
crut-h out treason, put down rebellion, and restore pete-e,
harmony, and prosperity, between ihe Xirth and South;
old friendship revived, and all the relations of uninter
rupted brotherhood restored.
Therefore be it
Resolve?, That we approve f war hy our Govern
ment for the suppression of the causeless and unholy
rebellion now waced against it "
Resolved, That weh -l ltha rebels aealnst ourGov
trnment to be outside the pale of its protection.
Resolted, That we do earnestly pray the Alnunistra.
tl n to use every mean in its power ti maintain the
cance of the Government, protect the flaf of our oiintry
on every inch of American soir, suppress the rebellion,
ar.d show forth to the world that we have yet a Govern
ment. Resolved, That we reeommr-nd to the Concress of the
United Slates now astembied at the city of Washington,
to so amend the act ot confiscation of certain properly,
as to embrace all kinds of property .
The foregoing Preamble and Resolu
tions were made the special order of to
morrow at 11 o'clock A. M. They will
meet with no opposition, as all the "fel
lows" aie Union to the core. Yet it is
fit for the Legi Stive Assembly of Ne
braska to declare boldly and unmistakably
for the Government in this, her hour of
trouble. 'Paw5i.
Nclras!i3 CItj Cormpondencc.
Nebraska City, Dec. 16th.
Editor Jdvertiser: We have been
looking for some days for our wise soloas
of the Nebraska Legislature to make
their appearance home, and exhibit their
friendly and well-known visages in our
streets. But "nary" a Legislator is
seen. Is It possible that they cant s'.op
the machine till the pay ($3,00 per day)
gives out ? How long, think you, the
session would last if "our Uucle" would
only foot the bill ? I'll venture to say we
should see perpetual motion exemplified
and demonstrated. How the people were
gulled m thinking "them feilars" were
going to adjourn inside of the forty days !
They are evidently very good in making
promises before the election, but not so
good in keeping them afterwards. In
this county our Representatives were es
pecially instructed, and our Couccilmen
requested to use their influence to secure
an adjournment of the Legislature within
ten days, and the passage of a Memorial
to Congress, praying for the diversion of
the 820,000 appropriated for Territorial
expenses to the payment of the Federal
tax levied upon the Territory of Nebras
ka, and which must be paid in hard cash
in July next. An act of the Legislature,
and a special act of Congress, diverting
the money appropriated for Legislative
expenses to the payment of the tax, in
accordance with the prayer of the Mem
orial, would have saved this county the
payment, in July next, of nearly 84,000.
I am glad to see that our Representa
tives remained true to their pledge, and
obeyed the instructions, specific and ex
plicit a3 they were, with, I regret, one
exception. Mr. Croxton, I see, voted to
indefinitely postpone the Memorial and
Resolution fcr adjournment, introduced
by his colleague Mr. Reynolds. "This
creates great perplexi'y to his friends
here. They are at a loss to know how
he can explain himself, and place himself
right before his constituents. What 13
the use of instructions if they are thus to
be trampled upon ?
Our city durieg last wee'k was in quite
a flurry over the fact that a few Jayhawk
ers came into town, mounted and armed
to the teeth with Sharp's rifles and re
volvers, but the fact that they came into
town quietly and put up at the hotel, and
paid for their board, I suppose, like other
white men, has caused the excitement to
die away.
The weather here for the last two
weeks has been splendid. Everything
betokens a mild winter. All sorts of labor
and business is being carried on to as
much advantage as during the summer or
the fall.
Quantities of core are being shipped
west to the mail stations and the differ
ent ranches along the route lo Denver.
We confidently look for a large trade
with Colorado in the Spring. With this
in view our townsmen, Messrs. A. Sc. P.
Byram, -the heaviest frieghters in the
West, are making large prearations for
doing the business of the plains in the
spring. Yours truly,
X. Y.
I ni i ne situation h srd u '
beautiful, but the tca is ver
Auey jiiio passea a general miV
ami ? K a r. L' J t t .. H'ST
other acts! "They provided fGf
tioo cf thirteen more ir.emltr,
House and four more of the'Cooacil a"d
to meet again next June. ' ,
The Barracks at Caisp Weld ar5 ' "i
finished. . The stables are not qrat. cL
pleted. There are seven ' c7Zi.
quartered here, comfortably pridedV
mP is aa attract;
lively, interesting. p;ace. They-
great time last Sabbath week, at
ception of a fine flag, presetted bv ra !
retary Weld, in honor of whom ih-j can
was named. Speeches were rcaie ly
Excellency Gov. Gilpin, Maj. CLiTir
and the Secretary. Sorry to 8ee
took the Sabbath day for such an occaioo.
Capt. Cook, coamander-of a composy 'i
Cavalry quartered in this city, rstJriiei ;
with 42 prisoners from Fort Whe ye3. i
terday. They left the prboners at tho ;
Barracks. They were brought here icr
trial for treason. Part of them belong to
this place. They were captured by ua '
companies of dragoons from Fort Wise.
A company from the camp cones dowa
most every night to attend the pjat:e '
Valley Theatre, and they generally favor !
us with fine patriotic muiie as they pass
our streets. The Tlatte Valley Theatra
is 90 by 50 feet, 22 high, and cost about
$7,000. At their opening a fere weeki
ago, they took in $600 from 1.400 peo
pie. They are still in full, blast, per. I
forming every night. It is now abcut 11 i
o'clock, and the storm has subsided, but '
it has filled our houses full of sand a-j
dust. Good bye. In haste.
Respectfully yours,
A.S.B. :
P. S. I learned to-day, 21st, that tha
late storm blew down fifteen or treaty i
houses, iuG olden City.
A large number of Union -men cf -Atchison
county, Mo., met in"Ua'ica
School House, and passed the followicg
resolutions : -
1, Metolvei, That any man who has boen inth rebel
army and returned to thU connty, he varoH ta lfvj
immediately and never azain to return utidsr penalty
of death ; and also th.ise who harbor such stall ke lia
ble U the mm pnnishment.
2. Resolved. That all county officers who bir beta
known to hold any rebellions sentiments, or bars ipo
ken am ins t tbe United States authority, or tbe author
ty of the State Convention, are hereby rent:eteI to r
sien their offices or leave the connty immeIUie!T-
3 Resolved", That all secessionists b't prnmi-H t
provide support for th families of rebel voiuatsars la
forced to make Rood their promise ; and if thin it ri n,
tber shall not be disturbed by the Unionisu in tSi 3:
charite of their tacred promises.
4. Resoled. That no man shall be permitted to t
his debtor nnlei inch wish to leave tbe Sate.
All those whom the above resolution
concern, are called upon to remenber
that they will be enforced at the peril tl
blood and death.
At the same meeting a large company
of Home Guards were organized, under
the title of R. & R.
By order of the Secretary.
Denver City, ' )
November 19th, 1661, 9 A. M. $
Mr. Fcrwas Dear Sir: We are
now having one of the most severe wind
storms I have witnessed this side of the
Missouri river. The regions of the Great
Northwest seem to be let loose, and for
some eight or ten hours we have enjoyed
nothing but dust and sand, swiftly borne
upon the wings "of a rushing mighty
wind." I Dever saw the like. The sand
and dust enters every crevice. I could
have written my name in the sand and
dust on my plate when I sat down to
breakfast this morning. The butter and
everything was all covered with sand and
dust yet we made out to eat our break
fast. The wind seems to increase the
appetite. Though not cold, it is a real
mi Ht. Tl
sweeper. 1 ne town is an saui up. i nave
heard of no damage being done. These
storms are frequent here, though not
more so than in Nebraska. Not usually
so long. I have seen the whole city of
Denver,- enveloped in dust, so that you
could not see five rods before you.
Our first city election under the TerrU
torial Government came off yesterday. .
For a few days previous the town was
completely patched with placards, an
nouncing the numerous candidate' names.
The election passed ofF quietly. A good
band of music, with their band wagon
covered with placards, with the inscrip-
tion--,Vote for Cook," "Cobb," "Lar-
imer," &c., ror mayor, ana for otner
officers, served a good purpose in elec
tioneering, as they attracted much atten
tion by their fine, sweet music.
Our Legislature, after a quiet, peacea
le session of sixty days, adjourned sine
die, on the 7th inst. They passed a gen
eral school law, a criminal cede, divided
the Terrritory into counties, and nucner-
1 - a a
ous acts incorporating rcaa, ditca ana
mining companies. They located the
Capital of the Territory at Colorado C:ty,
near Pike's Peak, right in the center of
the Territory, about eighty miles from
Atchisox Co., Mo.,.
Dec. 9ib,
Co., Mo., )
i, 1501. '
Friend Furors: At a meeting of the ;
Union men of Atchinson county, held at
Union School House on Saturday evenin, !
December 7th, the "following- Preamble ;
and Resolutions were adopted 'as the
foundation of the organization.
The State Guards now stationed at :
Rockpor: are expected to be called awaj,
and for this reason the Union citizens an ?
enrolling themselves into companies, for :
self prelection. i
It will be seen that opportunity is i
offered to such persons as have been tmct- I
ured with secessionisra, to return to a!le ?
giancei both to their State and Natiowl :
Government; and the opportunity is be
ing embraced by many, wha, previous. ta ,
the rebellion, were considered among pur ;
best citizens.
The resolutions were ordered to be
published in the Jldverliser. ;
Vours, . Vios i
Whereas. Circqmataace render it tecesary tiX
u. aa L'Li.iu men. to unite together for aeif-proteiiuo, .
and for the preservation of onr JTational and State G"T- ;
ernment. therefore we do agree to bb.erte nd obey the :
following retolntiont :
1. Resolved That we will one every pmbl tr.tty t
to snttain the Government of the Cnited Srate. Vari'
fort to juppres the reoeiiloo now threatening ittde- ;
trnctioo. "
t. Resolved. That we recognize (he actiwn of tte ;
Stte Convention of Missouri, ai both preppec aod le
(il, depoMUfc C- F. Jjckaon Governor ot 3Ciaoari.
becau of hi treasoulecuiidjct,aad the HUiDgut U ;
vacancy by H. B. Gamble
2. Resolved. That wa hereby pleJ? oar lives vdoW
sacred honor to faithfully obey ailou:i?a'ioudue fru
ob loyal titiiens, both to the Government orthe United
State and State of ili.soari.
i. Resolved. That to long aa any perwxi In Atchiaoa
county, is ia open hostility, either to onr Kational ar
Slate Government, we will not permit Liu ta rei-
aiLtOUK us.
5. Resolved. That if any member f tblraniaiin ;
nhal! divuljte or ms.9 public any transaction of the or-
Ionization ordered to be kept aecret, tl.e member"!
oJeiKimg oball be Court Kartialad, and U found guiitr.
bl I be punUhed the organization thai! ttuok prop". ,
6. Resolved. That no perv.n who haa heretofore beta .
known to kympaihlze with secession, can become a
member of thia organization, naea ty pernjiWt; ' j
our connty meetings.
. Resolved, That we pledee oarielve on all o-
ions, to obey any call that may be made pon us tj oit .
officer. - ;
8. Resolved, That the action of thl oamnlzatioi out" .
not extend beyond the limits of Atchison cuanty.
, There is a report to the effect tnt .
jnartial law is to be declared cy?r Leal j
euworth, Atchison, IJonipnaQ, Jenerscu, t
Wyand ti-s and Rrown count iej, Kansas, j
from the fact tha: Jayhanking and rob- j
bery rule the day. and civil law is poorer- j
less. Kansas Chief- ;
Some are so censorious as to advance, ;
that those who have discovered thorough j
knowledgeof all the depravity of ife j
human heart, must be themselves de- j
pntved; but, this is about as wfsa a? w j
affirm that every physician who onJer.
stands a disease, must be himself diieisea. j
When we fancy that we hare grown j
wiser, it is only, in many iotaace5,"tht ;
new prejudices nave tascen u.u y--
the old ones.
Idleness is the root of all evil., . .