CHKOXICLES.'. -;r following cLapter cf Chronicles, fit t''Ji'3 ;o3 of tie BiUe, ccr in any version now 1 ifX, iQ titter the Greek, Hebrew, or alJeac, may. perhaps, Le lost io future rations, ucless preserred by being .v!,ihed iu tbe Advertiser. Though not xsed lythe great Councils of the pr CLurch, it is yet believed to be au- cr said lei us wait rata do , jf he has coin 2 we will let him aL. o ST fO oil what hg wil Seshites, the CHAPTER CMXCIX. I n& it carne t0 Tass n the latter ';.v that there was war in the land cf Tati0- ' " - o JVr the'children of the tribes of the rebelled against their brethren apinft 'the Government of their erJ, saying. What portion have we in iincoin. mi w have ncae inherence in r5c!e Sam. 3. ,nd the children of the tribes of the "jr:h. iTOm country in the East, 'lo the prcat sa on the West, gathered .tier as'or.e man. even fire hacdred j f thousand nnrl tirpniv nr.A r;pa f,f trar, to fiht the Shites tht j'tvutrth southward of the river Potomac. 4. And the Seshites likewise gathered jiber a mighty army. e5. And there were certain violent men called Boanrg(S or Jahockites that fjlicuved after the armies of the South and tbe armies of the North. C Ar-d they jrathrred from their ene mies luui'h po;I of, corn, and wine, aud fc'linn. and siler, aud gold, and hor te?,ar:d contrabands. ' 7. Now the name of one of these was Jaliockulus; h? wa? a Captain over i;-:es that dwelt in the country of the -lain that lieth westward cf the great rv-r, M'r-n t'i Kiver Missouri. S. An ! it cams ti pas that Jah t-5 an 1 hi w.fe and six men that were departed toward the wilder- nctfii with ;h?ra. tjjs that and lifth toward the North K'est in the land of Jonathan. 2. Atid as thfy traveled near the edge t' the wilderness, they drew nigh unto a city t the croing down of the sun. 10. And Jayhocubus said to his wife I :id the six idpd that were with him. il. ny saouu we lie down out cn th plain? let us go into this little city, and tarry all nicht ; peradverture they Vjil receive us kindly. , 12, Now there were several sects in this city, and they had disputings and strife. 13." Sirae said we hare Seshites sr.3tct i s; they say we are not S .-h te3 l:!t thy cry great is Diana of theSesn i' And some said we have Nigurites'us; and some said we have Ja Lex kites amonst us. ; . T 1 f . 14. And when Jahocubus and they who - :.u t v t i ' . .1 - . J vtre mut nun nau to ne vino me cii) iVv entered into a bouse and bargained .with the good man thereof for five rheckles of -silver,' for lodging, and for straw for their horses. . 15. And when the man cf the house aw the pieces of silver he rejoiced and ,tNas exceeding glad, . .t 16. But some one went out into the city and told jhe. men thereof saying, Ja , Locubus Ijls come up xmt of Kansas, and wi:hl;im one hundred and fifty chosen ifien with swords and spears; ,17., And immediately there was a great fjnrjlt. and the people ran to and fro; fitid fear came upon many, aod trem .Umz, which made all their bones to shake. . IS. And a certain man cf small stature went lo Jahocubqs and his men, and he talked with one of the men whose name ,"as Malhizedeik.and spoke kindly to him tayiing, Whence come ye, and whither do you go? Come ye for peace or war ? . Are ye jiot come )o rob us ? 19. Then Malhizedeck answered him ; , and "spake smooth words; and said, We come in peace. 20. But while they were yet speaking Jahocubus passed by; rndt tie looked Towrn ipon the man of small stature ; and ".vpake insultingly to hiti and called him a publican and a wine-bibber, and said, m I a dog, that I should notice thee; I, . "Jahocubus, who measure six cubits and a tpan ; the latchets cf rny shoe thou art not worthy to unlose.' ' ' 21. And Jahocubus placed in the face of the man of small statu 9 a piece of cu riouidy -wrought iron,; t-ven the handi work of Colt the cunning workman. And he lifted up his shoe to the space of one cubit and a span, and the man of small stature aroe into the air and de parted out "into "the streft.' ; 22. . Then was' kindled the1 wrath of tTie man of small stature,-and he waxedr 'exceedingly angry; and he went ta the men of the city and told thm all the things that Jahbckubus ha.d done unto him. 23. And there was a certain just Judie who abhorred all manner of wick edness; and he spake to the people saying it is not mtee that these things shouid be I not this Jahocubus that Egyptian that led 400 men out into the wilderness that were murderers. Behold is he not even .now here with twenty men of war? and has he not four score more a little way cut of the city. Lo 1 they have come to ' xob us, and to make us afraid, and to burn the city Dj not I know it? Have -I net been a pum'pin' cf him ? - . 24. Let us now gather together all the weapons cf war, and let u fight against this bad man, and drire hinj from our city. And if auy -one .will not bring forth the weapons, let'him be bound hand and foot,' .aud let a mill-stono be tied around hi Deck, and let him be. cast into Jordan. - 25. ' And there was an uproar in t'.e .rity, and a gathering together of swords f.nd glistning spears. . 26. And when Jahocubus saw all this, ' he buckled cn his armor and defied the ';-.-v-r" or.:-- 7: v ' 7. Then the lawyers, and the scribes, and the captains over fifties, and the chief men of the city gathered together in the .Council Chamber. . 2S. And there was much speaking, but every man. had a different opinion from . bis neighbor. ' 29. Some said let us take this man, . ven Jahocubus, and lift him from the J arth even between the Heavens and the Earih, or else let us burn the house in hich he tarries. ',; - Others said-nay, we cannot him; but let us guard oar houses, and if ' fce'enlersytheri we will smite hinVOih- Thr' word i 'r.ti orfc.nil fcanuscrir. ramiateJ izto ArgU'-Sazcn it if Fi:jpoicd t bo Pin&h. 31. But others said, Why would ye do all IhPSP thlnrr. T-l 1 ..i.o, jauutucus is a rood "mu-.! imu aione, iie has come among us in peace. Things only that are "ia, lcl u3 co. ivtry man to his ;ent, u istaeL 32, And while they were yet speakin- wCiulU meu went to the house where Ja hocubusurried,.and they found him un girumg lis lems to lie down and sleep, and they prevailed upon him to go with Uiera. and he put oa his outer garments, aa uiey went to the Council Chamber. 33. And when the multitude saw Ja hocubus they stood up and did him rev erence. 31. And the chief ruler who occupied ut JU liJC vouncii dowu Gown to JaLorubus and uncovered his head Buareiapea 111s loot upon the floor. 35. And vvhen Jahocubus perceived there were many sects, and much confu- o.wu cuiuij me iiiimuuue, ne luted up his voice and said, I am a Pharasee of the strauest sect. To put down rebellion have I risen up. CG. I come to sojourn in your land. I have brought with me mv wife and mv little ones. 37. I wilifijht your enemies, even the Seshites. Ye are good men. If ye will deal fairly with me, I will do the same unto you. 37.) But the Sesjfites'that dwell beyond the River, they will I put down; 3S." And I nill. take their man serv ants, and their maid servants, and their horses and their asses, and the fine lin nen that is on their backs even their neither garments. -39. Then the people lifted up their voices, and smote their hands together, and certain who were called Seshites. also clapped their hands and stamped upon the floor. ' . . . ;. . ' 40. And the- ppople said, Big Ingin; brave man ; honorable man ; good man ; very good man. 41. And some said unto him come nnd dwell among us, and partake of our corn and our wine, and be merry, and we will make the King over us. 42. And many who had waxed wroth at Jahockubus were pacified, and they went tohini, and embraced him, and look ed into his face and smiled, and took him by the arm and led him away. 43. But there were others who shook their heads; and went away muttering; and tore their garments, and cast ashes upon their heads, 44. And on the morrow Jahocubus wont on his way rejoicing. 46. Now the rest of the acts of Ja hocubus, and how the Seshites made war upon him, and robbed him; and how he fought the seshites. and overcame them, and all bis acts of valor and of violence, are they not written in the book of Kansas. NEW ADVERTISE 31 E NTS New Remedies for SPERMATORRHEA. HOWARD ASSOCIATION, PHILADELPHIA. A Benevolent InstHvtion established ly tpcrial En dowment, fcr the Relief of the Sick and Distressed, cjflufed tr.A Virulent end Chronic Diseaset and t.icciaUy for the Cure of Dtieasa of the Sexual MEDICAL ADVICE given gratia, by tbe Acting Surpeon. ... Valuable Reports on Ppprmaforrba-a, and otber dis vaM if the Sexnal Oreac. and im the NEW REME DIES empU'rtnl io tbe Dispensary, sent in eeaie t letter enveioi)es,lrce of cbarge. Two cr three Sump accept able .. .. Adire DR. J. SK.ILLTK nOUGUTON, nr-ar4 As sociation. No. 2, Si.nth Ninth Kireei, Philadelphia, Pa. December 12, 1861. n23-ly Estray Notice. To William IT. II.over. County Clerk of Nemaha comity, Neb'skt ; Tuu are hereby notified that on the 30th day of November, 1S61. J tck up on my premise in ttnid county, the Jul louring ctt.y. vis; Oue hite and rel i iedv-l er hpp.el ! eonr year old. marked with crrp and in the tubt ear and under wit In tbe left oar; atid one fteer' a.hlue roan., eup poned l three jeir old v i:h cnp and in the right ear; a 1m one Mcer calf about one year old, red roan, with crop acd split in tbe richt ar. and nnderalit iu the left eir. s II. OALLWtLL. December IQth, 1861. n23-3w-pd NOTICE. Tbe Probate Court cf Gace county bavinp appoint? d the undeiti'd as Coiuniifsii-uers on the et3!9 of Jo seph Proud of Gase cvuniy, N. T. deceased, do b?reby n tify all pPfotis bavimt claims azainst aid estate to present the Fame totbiCommineioners for examination and approval, on the 101b day of Jannary, A. U. IH6-2, at Beatrice, or tbey will be forever debared from pre senting the same. H J. riFIRCK, H. C DAVIS, Beatrice, December 12th, 1S61. tn23-4 f S Comtuissioiiera. .-. Estray Noticol,,.- Taken r.p rn Saturday tbe 7th. by tbe underfeed, at; ut six O'lies west of U'ownvii le, rear Weddle's b'-i .pe, at north eMt qnirter neeti n SO town 6, ranee 15, a bay horse, about 9 or li yearn of ape, a bald face, one bind foot white, a larje scar on tbe richt Bide, and one ou tbe k. B. F. McINlNCQ. December I2:h 1S61 n:3-3w TAKEN UP. . On third day of December. ISb'I. on the rrdnifes of tt e i Tiderriiied. aibuut two mile north of Long' Bridge, xouih east juaner of t-eui ai three, town f. ur, rane fourteen, a horse coit, pr-.bably two years old. lie is a Hirlit bay, in bis to r.p teal both Lind fte: white. When found had a cord tied around hit neck. The owner can have, hiui by previmi property, and pavinit al! expenses. F, U- AMSDEN. Detemher 6. 161 u22-3w.pd Conimissioiier's Notice. Njtice Is lie'ehy given that tbe undersigned having beu aprxiinted l y tbt Probate Court of Nemaha county, Nebraska Territory, aa CoiumUniofiers to rc-teive, ex amine and adjiift all claims aud demand.-- of all persons analust tbe estate of Henry Hoover, late of eaid county, UeccaKed, have it-,.iited "I . " Saturday, of -January, Jl. D. 1S62, At lOo'cl.Jk.A M. at the Scef tbt PTobata ndce of faii county, in Jrowuvin'e, as tbe time and place when and where tbe Kaid'Ci inmlvjiU'uers will meet for the purpose ot examining and allowing claimt. against said estate. All ciainn aca'n.t ald ewta are hereby reiuire1 to be tiled at the fi'.ce of tbe Proiate Court of sai l conn' y, tthia uine mniUa irom this d.ue, or tbey wiilt fort ver barred - Given, ibis, 31 div of December, A. D. 1SB1. ' n M "aVonson- j Commissioner.. December 6th, iSGl. $7,60 - Koxrr. t. riuxis, NOTARY PUBLIC, BltOWVILLEN N. T A .... Petition for FartiUon. Joseph Opeit, Artmitiitrtjr f - . the estate qf Pf iiia Kilter, dec. j . v . I Krcrm Dopree ami ctber. In the Probate Court of Nea: iln county, Nebraska, Ter ritory. Petition for Partition of 1-and. To Emma Dtirrte of tb Stats of California, John Opeitof Jlluri, Alfred Oie!t and WiUiara Cpelt of NebrsskaTerritory, and Josrihice Bell of ilisun. aud Samuel Pell of Kentucky. Miuor children of J..nephine and William Bi!l deceased, who are heirs nnd lecal rrprewitaiives of Pelista Kitter Cwa, you are here by notified that u ti e 11th day of November-, 1861, said Administrator filed Lis petition in the Probate Court of said county of Nemaha, the object and prayer of which is to -obtain an order on tbe 1st day of Jannary, 1S6J. at 10 o'clock, A at, tbe appointment of C mmisiouer to make partition and divisi .n to and anionic fcaiJ birs, aocoiding to tir respective intt rests ia atid to toe fotlowiai ?-;. 1 lands, to-wit . Theeast half rf Fiv tiw t-wt: i v.rrth ct.'ni&t 15 iit, coBUiningrS?0 K- e ." ' -- - ' ' Ordered Cat tio above t pnblihed fotir weeks ia the Nebraska Adv.-riiner-. ' p. W, WliElXKIi, Dec. 6. if Gl l'-S;-4w $".C0 ; . TrbAU Juase. . CHRISTMAS; BALL. .t irt-w.r .V ,jSSXP EALL;on Christnas nifht. BR0WIJV1XL BRASS BAND. BUTPEIl AT S. A. CHAPIIJ'S. - r . . . . . , . . . Admission to Ball and Sapper,' on!y"$L 53." SHERIFF'S SALE. 1. T. VTbyte & Co., 1 District Court Nemaha county. VB ' t"V ... M T. n. Edward V - By tirtue of au execution to me directed in the abore wiuuca case. I wiiKn iViday, thilOth day cf January, A D l-tEJ, between tbe hours of 10 o'-lock A M aud 4 o'clock P IS, ofeaitt day. at te door of Den'H Hall in Browuville, the place where raid cont wan last beid for said Ne maha County, ofler for sale the following described real e tte to-wit : xue cast hair of lot number efiht. and tbe north eaft tjuarier or i.n namber nine ia block number one in the oricinal plat of tbe said town of Rrownviltp tnrath.r with tie appnrtenances therenrto belongiiig, eituated u .lcjuui couuiy, earaska Tfrritory. J. W. COLEMAN, Sheriff. NoTern1-J. lfj r21-ev Rfi --r - . . Ge.-rge ITurmon, for tbe use of Crane & Uiil, D'strict Court, Nemaha Co., v Nhr:l.lfa Tflpri(,.rv John G. M cCathron and J " II B. Strong. J ' By virtue of an order of sale lo me directed in tbe abjve entitled esse I wil I on Pri.i. ih inn, ,1,. January. A I JStiJ. between tbrt hountf in o'rlorV a I".1 o'cl-x-k P at of Said day, al the dj-.r f Den'a Hall iu Brjwnville. tbe place w .ere taid court was Ian held for wid Nemaha cciiiy, o2er lor sale the follow ing described real estate to-wit: Toe south half of the m-rth west i latter of section (11) lirteen, township (t) four, north of ranze (lo) nitten, east, taken as the property of II. B. Strong t. satisfy said judgement, all said real estate lyiiig and bein in Nemaha county, Ne braska Territory. - J u- Rh.itr Iecmber 5, 1S61 n22-6w $7,50. To All Whom II May Concern. All persona indebted to Wm. T DEN, either on book account, or by note, are herebv notifivI in .nil and pajupon or before the 10th day of March 1861, mo. mireuj fare tnenjseiTes trouble and cost i:rownrilIe,Feb.2l WM.T.D .DEN. . .Ifotice of Attachment John O. Clark, PIT. 1 Before C. W. Wheeler, Ex- offldo J. P.. in and for Ne- Williara F. Wilson, Dft. j maba county. N.T. Oathe 2Sth diypf 0-toler, A. D; ISSJ. said JnMice is sued an order of attachment in tbe above action, for the sum of sixty nine dollars and emhtycont. O. B. 1IEWKTT, Att'y for Pff. November SI, ISG1, n20-3n '$2 MASTER'S SALE.: In pursuance of a decretal order made by tbe District Court held within and, for Xeuaha County, Nebraska Territory, sitting in chancery, beariujt date J!ay 10th, 1S61, in a certatn case pending in said court, wherein Jackson l.ynes U comnlainant, and 1. T. VVbvte. Sarah W'byte, William -UoMitzell and Martha Hoblitzell are defendants, .1 will, on Saturday, Uth December, 1SG1, Between the hours of 10 o'clock- A. M, and 4 o'clock P. M. of sai 1 day, at the door of Den's Hall, in Brownville, the place where tbe last term of said court was held for said county, offer for sale at public auction the follow ing described premises, to-wit : The south eat quarter of section ten ("101. townshin five (o), north of ranee fifteen (15). east of the sixth principal maredian, situated in Nemaha county, Ne braska Territory. Terms, casdi in hand. J. S. BEDFORD, Not. 7, 1561. n!3-5w $9 Master in Chancery. SHERIFF'S SALE. John E Chaffee vs Wheeler, Raney and Johnson , Notice is hereby Riven that byvirtne of an execu tion issued by the Clerk of trie District Court of Nema ha county, Nebraska Territory, Rainst C. W. Whee'er, K. T. Runey, and Homer Johnson, in tbe above entitled cau!e. and m favor of J. bn K. rbaff'e, for the sum of 3ve hundred and twenty-nino dollar and two centidebt, and nine d-tjars and seventy cent cost and accruing costs, I, J. W. Cleman. Sheriff of said county in Baid Territory, have levied upon and will ofTtr for sale at public auction, at the door of V. T. Dpn's Hall, tbe place where tbe last term of the District Court for said county was held, on the 16th day of December, AD. 1861, between tbe hours of lOo'cleck A. M. and 4 o'clock P. il. if said day, the? foKowing deioritedreaJ estate, to wn : Thirty acres out of the north westionrth of 1he north west fourth of the south west quarter, of section 23, town 5. ranpe 16 east, and thnub eat fourth of the south east fourth, of section 29, town fi raiiKe 15 east, and lb east ha if rf Lots No. 3 of fractionni fourth sec tion 26, town 6, ranee 16 east, containing 25 acres; and Lots 3 and 4. In b.x:k 21. and lots 5 and 6. in bi-ct 46. and 13 iu b.k 62. in the citj of BrownvicVe. taken as tbe property of Wheeer. Raney and Johnson, to satisfy an execution acainst them, and In" favor of the above named paintift. J. y. COLEMAN, Nov. 14. lS6I,nl9-5w $12 Sheriff. LEGAL NOTICE. U.C. Johnson, ) Civil netiou. District Court. v. Xeuaha County, ' r-. .... Ciratn Villers, J N -braska Territory. Tbo said dffendant, Ilimm Vil!er, will take no tice that on the Dth day of Scit, 161 .said t'lantiff. U. C . Johnon, did file his petition" in this eauae against 'he sid Villers in tlio Clerk's office of said court, the object and prayer of which said petition is to obtain a jndarrnsiit acaint tbe aid defendant for the sum f $ j Od with interest from the 2Tst day of September, 1858, for services rendered by said Ilantiffaa attorney to taid defendant and at bis re quest. That an attachment duly issued in this cane. by virtue of which the sheriff. f said enunty attached the following premises of said de.Jant to-wit : Ten acres bounded aud described as follows; Com mimcing at the south west, correr of south east quar ter of section twenty-four, town ts, rnnge thirteen, Nemaha connty; X. T.; tlience north forty rod, thence east forty r-dJ, thence south forty rods, thence west forty n ids to the place of beginning in said county of Nemaha; and tha the defendant will take further notice, that he is required to answer or plend to said petition on or before the tenth day of December, IS61. A. S-CIIOENIIKIT. October 17, f6l. pd nT5-4w - Fif s Att'y. MASTER'S SALE. Daniel G. White and O. B. neweit vs Cyras W. Wheeler. By virtue of a decretal order Issued f mra the Clerk's office of the District Court ot Nemaha county in tbe 2d Judicial District ot Nebraska Territory, upon a decee made by said Court at its September term, A D I860, in the aimve entltlel cauve, I wilt sell, on J!Qnda. the 31th diy cf December, 1S61, at thfi hour of. II .o'clock, A H.r said day, at the door of Den's Hall, the place where saidNurt was las held, in Brownville, Nemaha count, Nebraska Territory, the following described real estate, with the appurten ance thereunto beloiiKin. to-viit : The sou. h west quarter of sP.uon twenty-three (23,) in township number five (5,) mx-tti of ranse number fifteen (if,) east of the sixth 1 rmcipal meredian, situa ted in the county and Territory afores-aid except thirty acres oot of ihe north west corner, to the highest bid der forcash. J.S.BEDFORD, Master in Chancery. . November 23, 1S31 n2I-6w pr fee $12 50 Estray Colt. Taken up by the subscriber on the 9th of November, IPCl. seven miles-south wet of Nemaha Clry, a bay yearling borgft:.. It. ' N. O. RANDAL, November 23, 1861, nil-Sw ' '- ' . New 0upplnhf Staucs I har jost receired a new supply of COOK STOVES Of the latest and most improved patterns, whteb I propose to gell at Pucta prices as cannot be eorophiin ed off. The public are invited to eall and examine. Ai usual my stock of Tin, ISheet Iron and Copper Watij large and of my own manufacture. v - J.C. DUE3ER. Jiprii 11, 1851. BiO-ylj ? NICOLLE'fTE HOSE. I mm prepared to fill orders for this fine sweet scented Rose, with good strong plants at the following very low rates, via: . Kiucle Plants, - - . . . $ ?s 1 doten - ' - - . . -160 100 " ' - - - - 9 00 1.000 ' ' " ... - . - C50O ' Sow ia tbe time to orumettt your Lawns and Resi dences cheaply. Address. H. A.TERRT, 1 Nov. 25 n21-tf J . . .Crescent City, low. ; , $1,27 PROCURES, - - P03T.GE PREPAID, AtwaterV Patent Pre.s and Bihc for copying toi-ioem letters instantly and per fectly. A cents wanted. Pn.nrj good. Send stamp for paruculais, to J. H. ATVTATER, Provir?cnve, R. I. Strawberries. tpxxxjntciz: ess go., -.-FLUSHING.-; N. Y. Will Bcmd their new PtrrtwlerrT Catalogue-, e ra priin! 150 varieties, and new Catalogues f bnl bous Fiowtrfl and Grapes to applicants er-closic Etamps. f. I'ricee PcarTct Marts.te Triomphe de'Gand, Hooker's Jenny Lind, and 2D other varieties, SL per 101 and $5 per 1000. Wilson's Albany, 75ct3 per 100, U pr 1CC3, 13 for COCO. Aus'Ju's Seedliaj $1 perpozejj.- - . , - , ',. .. - V-. - '.- iy 'ether splendid Tarietlas'ec CaUiCjaes. SPECIAIj - ITOITCE;. to co::srnrnvE3! ' . t The Advertiser, hiving been rested to health In a very few weeks by a very simple reuedy after havlrf suffered several years with a severe ing action, and that dread disease. Consumption Is inxiou to make known to bis fellow .sufferers tbe meaisof cure. To all who desire It, he will send apy of therres criptioa nsed, (free cf cbarje,) with drectiens for pre paring and csing the same, which tLe will Cud a sure Crar for Consxtmptiox, Asthmarcnciiitis &c. The only object of the advertiser In tending the Pres cription Is to benefit the afHicted, an rpread informa tion which te conceives to be invaicile, and he hopes every sufferer will try his retnady, eJit will cost tfcein nothing, ana may prove a blessing. Parties t-i48i the prescription ill please address Rev. EDWARD i. WILSON, . tniliamsbnrg, Klin;i Cotnty, New Tork. November It, 1EGI. nl?-3m i Scorbr.tic dieeasei arc the parent stock from which arises a lane proportion of tbe fata, maladies that af flict mankind. They ar as it were a specie of potato rot in the human constitution, whidi undermines and corrcpt all the sources of its vita ity and hastens its decay. They - are the germ from rhich spring, Con sumption, r.heaumatism, Heart rtsease, Liver Com plaints, and Eruptive Diseases wlich will be recog nized as among those most fatal anf destructive to the races of men. So dreadful are its consequences to hu man life, that it is hardly possible to over estimate the importance of an actual, reliable remedy, that can sweep out this Scrofulous contamination. We' know, then we shall proclaim welcome net's to our readers of one from such a quarter as will leave little doubt of its efficacy tnd still more welcome, when we tell them that it really does accomplish the end desired. Ve Ater's Sarsaparilla, and it is certainly worthy the attention of those who are afflicted vith Scrofula or Scrtf ulons cjmplaints. Register, Albany, S. Y. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. NOW READY- . .The First Volume OF RECORD Of TUK ktiStLLlON. ADlAKTOF AMKKICAN KxENTt. WlTB iLLrSTRA- tifk Documents and Naukativks, Kljioks, Ipci- EENTS, I'OETRT, AnECPCTEsJ CT." In lepr.rate dioition. Edited by FRA!VI MOORE. Author of ' Dairy of American Re volution." With an introductory View of tbe Great Issues before the Country, And the causes oj the Rebellion, BY EDWARD EVERETT. Prepared (with additions) for this work. "With a copii.u INDKX, etc, eto. A Colored may or the United States and portraits on steel of Gen Scott Gen Lutler " Gen Cameron Gen MtClollan Gen Anderson Gen Lyon Gen Fremont Gen Dix GenSnraiue President Lincoln and JefflOavis. This volume is complete in itself containing abont 01) closely-printed pages. Royal octavo Price in cloth S3,7 sheep extra $1,00 half antique $5.00, It centains the only full impartial and reliable Ilistory of the Great Struggle for Free Govern ment, With a complete and accurate copies of All the Secession Ordinances (official.) Davis and Stephens' Speeches and Proclama tions. Proclamation! and Messages of President Lincoln. State Pipers of all kinds. Mi itary Proc lamations on both side. Speeches and Appeal so Southern Union MenKennedj Molt Dixon Crittefn den etc.jEnglioh Articles on the War Coctraband Correspondence." " JJotley's Causes of the War W 11 Kussel's U tters Curiosities ef Southern War Literature Reports of Battles and Skirmishes List of Officers of Regiments eto Picturesque Narratives Patriotic Poetry Songs of the Refrils ilundhauseniana Anecdotes Statistics, etc. This work will be rublised s beretfore weeklr and mothly parts. Weekly Nos. at 10 cts; llenthly parts. Illustrated 50 cents. ' The Illustrations for the Weekly Nos., will be published in Two Nos. at 30 cents eadb, making the price for weekly and monthly editions ihe same via., 83 for each vol. each six months. Covers for binding Volume 1 in cloth lb cts. " I consider the Reoord & very valuable publication. " Edward Everett "Every one who a complete Record of the striiikinx events now transpiring should procure this weekly terial. In a small cowpiss it gives the contents of a dozen daily Newspapers. JV. i: Independent G. P. PUTNAM, Publisher, ' 508 Broadway JS'ew York. N. B. The Firt Part of the Second Volume is now ready containing the Battle of Bull Run. Fully described from every point of view. With a May". ICO Pages, SO cts. - Cnpies of tiie First Volume of Rebelliou Re cor will be sent ey mail frea of expense to any part of US within 1500 miles onrocaipt of price. The Publisher will be.respousible for all remittances in registered lettfis. ' 2fVo! 2 will aJo be sent in parts as issued on re ceiptof$?. Parties desirous of forming Clubs will be supplied on liberal terms by addrossing the pub lisher tor prtici;lHrs.g3 4 13 r-t o C3 a C3 S ; - ? Cj r' c . 5 -i uf x-s i S K J S D. 5 M O X. 5 x--T i . PI: c - Ok 1 li ! ; . S- - - c . ;"" a a 5 IS ; t- c c c . 3 x c "I: "S. B ' : 3 a f " 9 .3 t - "3 i c C j - e 1 " - v 1- a - c w rH PS O ' T. t 1 ac a x !f 2 1 - S .s s c c c 3 0, - - x a . n 1 u v o c 1 - 3 3-3"? " c as : t c j - r 2 5 - 0 5 3 c "3 tcM T. o " 5 r. tt 2 c u . C 2 2 c a. C . & 3 o x b c - a . a - - ss w a - - "o e M -s 3 a a a II tt a B e t - e x u il M O . - C a c TO 0 e t w 55 1 1 C S3 w zr. S Z. . o J 9 S3 S - - 3 - C . W 2 o - ci a c g x v 5 tt z 2 a 3 - z o t a Ci w 3 L. n j a. H3i g i S 91 - - s - a f a . -1 St a c 0 3 i -TO' w .. 3 5 C C - x - : jo - 1 1 C - . - r. t: 3 a a 5 " "2 - t- 3 tt . a . a . e v a 0 5, ?! ta x e e - a -a 3 5 u F Q 3 o a 1- L. a. a a a, o i B e a v a. a 9 o a; a a-3 r. - a x aQ 2 T- - H B 1 ? - o x A d o a et . fl j o - fl 3 ai r. "O O o 1- a c 5 c i; tt S X - a 3 3 a 2 X 3 . - . x a o a m O - & - 3 -t3 3 - i; b 0 0 x a.3 J w cv C x x tt 3 -2 9 c"5 I- . . r. Z 0) r 2 3 5C - rSI.S tc . 5 rt-fs sx j z-a True Peleways Grape Vines PROPAGATED FROM THE OEIGINAI. STOCK. Strontr. Well-rooted Ont Year Old Tine grown in open ar Wets to $1 etich. $3 to 10 per doz Extra 2 year old v net and So. I. extra larrje layert.jcUh bearing wod. $1.60 to $2.00. . lo $yi 318 per dozen. ALbO flue vines of A ilen's new wtiit Hybrid, Anna. ClevehTDt, Concord. Cnvhnia Clara, Ciintoo. Caa dr C-t'awl.a. Diana, Ilerbemont, Hartf ird, Prolific Is IsaUe:, Lugan. Je Nuir. LvdU. Inla, J.yman, Nor ton's Ontario, Orrto Rebecca. Jtoers's new Hybrids. Taylor's BnlUtt.Tu-Kalun, Union Village, and many other kinds, at low prire. STRAWBERRIES. WiUon's Albany, Trtumph de Grand. Jenny Und, Troll. .pe's Kicroria. and Austin Shaker Strawberries. Rirtiand. and Catawissa ever bearing Raspberries, Laa ton' Elarkberne. , all at the lowest rates, J3reni for a circular. GEO. 'W. CAMPBELT.. Delaware, O. Oct. 3. 1SS0. ' nl6-2ni. Furniture! Furniture!! The Quit complete stock of Fumitura ever offered la this upper country jct received by " T.HILL. Brcrnrille, April M b, 1?61. T1 0 y urvr . y f CURE - fevouSklsadache CURE 7 If By the use or thefe Pills theperiodieattac.s of Seri ous or Sick Headache marLe prevented; and If taken t the commencement of an attack immediate relief from pain and sickness will be obtained. Tbey seldom fail iu remov ing the A'attsea and Head ache tu which females are so subject. They act gently upon the bowels "removinj Qottivt nest. ..-., For Literary Men, Students, Delicate Females, and all persons of tedentary habitt. they are valuable as a Laxative. Improving tbe appetite, giving tone and t gor to the digestive orjrans,- aud restoring the natural elasticitv ami strencth of the waoie Syfctem. The CEPHALIC FILLS are the resnlt of long Investi gation and carefully Conducted experiments; having teen in use many years, durtn? wbica ime they have prevented and relieved a vast amount of pain and suf fering from Headache, whether originating In the ner vous system er from a deranued state of therfowaca "They are entirely vegetable in their composition, and may be taken at ali times with perfect safety, without making any change of diet, and the absence of -' y dit anreable taste renders it easy to administer thtr U children. Beware of counterfeits! The genuine lave Ave signatures of Henry C. SiaMing on each box. Sold by Druggists and all other DeaJsM in Medicines. A box will be sent by mail prepaid on receipt ot the i . i : Price 25 cents. : -- Ail orders should be addressed te HENRY C. SPALDING, 43, Cedar Street, - New York. ' ! - I ' t Dec.6,lSS0. n22 1y -: THE FOLLOWING ENDORSEMENTS Of . SPALDING'S CEPHALIC FILLS, Will convince all who suffer from THAT A t - . Speedy and Sure Cure IS WITHIN THEIR REACH. As these Tentimonials were unsolicited by Mr. SPAL l)ING,tcy afford unquestionable proof of the etficacy of this truly scientific discovery. ' Beverly, Jfass., poc.ll, 136Q H C SPALrrss, Esq. I wish for" some circulars or large show bills, to bring your Cephalic Pills more particularly before nsy customers. If yoji have anything of the kind, j.leae cend to me One of my customers, who is snhjeet to severe Sick Ileadache, (usually lasting two days.) wan cured of an attack in onehourby your Ptlln, which I sent her. iiespectfully yours, W B WILKES. Eeynoldsbury, Franklin Co 0.) January 9, 1861 IIejtrt C Spalding, No 43 Cedar St, N T Dear fir: Inclosed find twenty-five cents, (25,) for yhich send box of "Cephalic Pills." "Send to address of Rev WroC Filler, Kynoldsburr, Franklin Co, Ohio. lour Pille tcori like a charm cure Headache al most inntanter. ' ' Truly yojrs, W ilC FULLER. Mb. RpALDixa. Ifasontille, CbnnFeb 5,1851. Sir: I have tried your Cephalic Pi!ls, and tilt tlem so veil that I want you to Send me two dollars worth more. Pari of these are for the neighbors, to whom I gave a few ont of the firt box I got from you. Send the Pills by mail, and oblige" ' Your ob't servant, JAMES KENNEDY. Mb. Spalding. Uaverford, Fd FeJtj. 6, 1351. Sir: I wish you to send me one more box of your Ce phalic Pills, kaee received a grert deal of benefit from them. 1 ours, rpsptf'illy. "MAUY ANN STOIKHOUSE. Spruce Creek, Huntington Co., Pa.,) January 18, ltJSl. J II. C. Spalding. Sir: You will pfeape'send me twoboxes of your Cephal ic Pills. Send thetn immediately. Kesncctfully yonr. - - - JNO. 13. SIMONS. P S J hare used one box of your Pills, and find them excellent. BrUe Vernon, Ohio, Jan. 15, 1S61. FTENTtT C., Esq. Please find inclosed twenty-five cents, for which send ipe another box of your Cephalic Pills. T&ey are truly the- Itest Pills I hare ever tried. Direct A. STOVER, P M. Belle Yernon, Wyandot Co, 0. R?A sickle boUle of SPALDING'S PREPARED GLUE Will save ten times its eost annual!y3 SPALDING'S PREPARED GLUE. SPALDING'S PREPAREDJLUE SPALDING'S PREPARED GLUE. SAVE THE PIECES! economy! dispatch ! t3T?'A Stich in Time Saves 1'ine lnFZ As accidents will happen, even in well regulated families, it is very deirab!e to re some cheap and convenient way for repairing Fiyaiiure, Toys, Crock ery, dc ' ' ' SPALDING'S PREPARED GLUE meets all gui emergencies, And no houflfhold can afford to be wkhout it It is always ready, and up to tbe sticking point USEFUL IN EVERY HOUSE." N B A Brush accomf mnies each bottlo. Trice, 25centa Address HENRY C SPALDING, No 43 Cedar Street, New York. CAUTION. As certain unprincipled persons are atterapttrg to palm off on the unsopet-ting oublic. iortatious of my PREPARED GLUE, I would caution all peron3 to examine liofurw purchasing, and see that the full name erSPALDING'S PREPARED GLUE: 5s on the ottr.Je wrapper ; all t-tberi ti iu-iik; CiUat :-rf;iU . : - - A NECESSITY IN. EVERY U0CSDU0LD - JOHNS. & CROSLEY'S American Cement Glue THE STRONG HSTCLrK I THK TO?.LD. THE CUK.t ?KST ULVR IN TI1K r,ULU. - THK .'idST DURABLE C.LVK lN'TPS WORI.P. Tll!i ON'LT TtKLIABL!? r.Lrn IK TUS WQ3.LD. THE LEST liLlE IN 1UC WOULD. AMERICAN CEMENT GLUE Is the only artie'e of the kind ever prtJa?od wLieh WILL VlTliSTAfJD WATER- IT WILL MEND. WOOD ' Srtvo v ar tucker! Furniture IT WILL MEND LEATHER Mend yar II.irnes.s. Straw, I)v:ts," B--t IT WILL MEND GLASS Save tho veii-p? of that exi-er.-ive Ciit Cl:s Evttlo. IT WILL MEND IVORY Don't throw away thtt broken Ivory Faa it is eas v y - il v ri aiecd. IT WILL MEND CHINA Your broken Ctia.t Ccr? an! S:uj3rs can bemaia ( f 3 crwwt aa now. i IT WILL MEND MARBLE That piece knct ktd cut f y?-r Marble Matlscan rxj r tit n n xtithz evr IT WILL MEND PORCELAIN No matter if that bn.ku Pitcher did c tbuta (hiHin" a shi'.Iin? sitved i a shilling e.-irid. IT WILL !IEND ALABASTER That Corly Alh')ast; r Teia h bnitken and youcun't match ituiond it it wilL never vlio w wLea put tu pcthi'r. It will Mend bene, Coral. Lava, and in fact everything but Metals. Any article CdiuenU-d with A.M&IICAN CEMLNT GLUE wi'l nut ihw wberc it i incudcd "Every IIiu.-.ittufjrit.ou:a a mi.: 'y -f J"hns & Crilejr's ainuricm CiatJni G!'.ie.?' 3 1" Tin.-. "It is so convenient to Lava ia tha housa." V 1' K ertrr.. always rjiJy; th" coar:nu3 ta c-rrjh-.Jy. I r 1 . "We have tried it and Cn 1 it as n"ful la our house as water." W tile's Spirit nfth fmn. Eoonomy i w'oaltlx SlU.OOO per.ytar savrti .in tvery ramily Vy O 11 Bottl of AMERIGAIi C II. HT GLUE 1 - " -v T. . Trice 23 Cents per Bottle. Price 25 Cents per Battle. Price 25 Cent? per Bottle. -Trice 25 Cents per Bottle. Price 25 Cents per Bottle. Price 25 Cents per-Bottle. TeryL,iberaltlcIi:ctioiitoVf'I:oIc- JSFor 5i.lo Ly ail Druisti and Storekcepcrj t ' lhrouhout tie country. JOHNS & CROSLEY - fS..le MannfVturerj.) 7S WlLLplM STREET Corner of Liberty Street. SCWYORli, Iiiiporlaalto House OtTiicrs. Important" to SSuildciI. loiporlaut to liaillload CoDipa- . - . . xiics. Important tt Farmers. To all ,tchoni thUmay conrern, and it .. . cow-ems evervlodij. JOHNS & CROSLEY'S I?IP ROVED GUTTA PERCH A CEMENT ROOFING, The Cheapest and moss durable Roofing in ' use. IT IS FIRE.AKD WATER PSODF It can be applied to new an-l old iCoitscf all kiuds steep oi flat and to Sningls rooli without retnuvin the Shingles. Tlie Cost Isonly aljowt One-TIiird that or Tin, A3 13 IT IS THICK ,12 IIL i: iiijli:. This article tas bqen thoroughly te'd iii I7c.r YorK City and all ajt-s of thy Lnuc I Siaco. Cam di West loiie and Central and t;onth Am -ria i n buildings cf all kiud sin-h a.i I-Vioii-i i'uua lori -t" Cuurchi lliilR.iad I)..poti Card and oa Public Building pencn.lly Government Building Ac. by the principle lluildtr archetects aup otherd durifg the past four years and Iku proved to h the CIIEaI--EST and MOST DUKaBLE UOOrT.NG iu ue it i s in every retipoct. a fike watfk wetaki: and t:he proof covering for roges gk all Ki.vni-. 1'his is iKi OSLYmal-tri'il mannf iiitnred in the United Slut's which Coailin!S th-i v?ry de.-ir.ible properties ol Elarticitif aud' Durability whj. ti pr.: univerxall v itcknowieded to bep e-.d bvOUT TA Vltl ICHAAN1) INDIA KULi IfoHeat is Required in Makling Application. The expense of applying it it tri'lmsr. a an crlinaiy Koof can bo cvtre 1 un 1 unified Ue 'imz d ty. It can l)c applied by any out', and wheu finished form a pirfwly I litii I'hoov anr face with an elestij body wiiiu'i cannot bo injured by Hkat Cold or Stouh Siikinkino of Uoof lioAams nor any ex-era il n.-tior, wiiatovor. GUTTA PEUuVkP CEMENT. For Coating Metals of ail Kinds when exposed to the Action cf the Whather. and For Preserving and Repairing Metal ISoofs 0t Ai.iiki.Mis: v ThisiSTHK ONLY CoMPOSITIOF KNOWS trcA jrV SHCces'J nil y tiit ertmue chniKjen of till clinmti n ft,r ani Icnjth of time irhrn ttpjilietl ti me'uls to w!ii(.h it adhere firmly forming it oouy e-p;ul to three coiit of ordi n.irv pMint cost.- irtn-h Kt, and i,t LAST THIU-.E TI.VKS AS WSO': ot.a TroM it.- e.!(,t:Lity i not injur-.-d bv tho enntr:tftion ari I expansion ot TIN' and other XKTAL BOOI-'S c-un-o.u .-u: upon sudden ch3Cgs f thn jFeii her. if truMitc.uciC iNcoi.ig!ti;r ix wakm WEATHEIi ANU WIl.LAor W Ol F. Leaky fin nnd other tnct-il roof .-.ta b) ro;i'!i!y repaired with Uutta Perch ft Cement, and prtvenied from furthi r corro.-ion aud leaking, thertby eiuar in; aperfctly water-tight roof fur yeir.-. Tbid ceu:ent is jioculUi'v aJ.ipUd lor tho piei-r-vation tf Iron railing-, S:ove-, S-tfc-, AgTi.'nl rural Itnpletnont . Ac, alio I'orpeneral ninut ietiir rj u-id GUTTA PERCHA CEMENT ' For preserving and repairing Tin nnd other met al roofs ofevery description, f:oin its grett elii.-fici-ty, is not injured by the eo-uraetinn atid expnn-ion oT metal-, -nnd iciil not track in cull nur run in warm wcaher. These;rjiteriala are ad.irtrd to all cliniate.1", nnd we are prepared to supply orders from any purt of the country, at short notice, for Gut ti Perch a roof ing in roll.-, ready prepared for use, and Gutta l'tr cha Cement in barreli?, with full printed dircciiuns tiona for application. ' We mit' laaico nural aud suti.-tuciory urttre ments with responsible pariie who wouid like to establish themselves in a lucrarivo aod p.Taiaceut business. - oun Ann cash.' Wrf can give abundant proof f all we ria;nt in favor of wit improved Booting Material.-, litvingnj piied thcij to htveral thoujaui lioifj in .xew York City and tic: iu ty. jo xia's & cnosr.i:Y KuiJin.tMEACiini.i'S, Wiohsale Warehouse, 78, William Street, Corner of Liberty strec, NE"W YGLLT, Full devriptive Circularj and Piiccs will L.ilur nishod on apphcaticn. ioT.'7, 131. ly - ' 33 VARIETIES STUAWBCHRIES. Ani.nsr wtkh are Wiln'i Albiny, $1 pr-r 100 or do per 10!10: Jenny Lind, $I,r'0 p-r lt'U: T rintriv.he de'Gand. 12 per li0 ; Boston Kine, II. iVfv Spf d;inr. Hookers, Black IMnce, My Qtieca' ani 23 tth. r liit.- at $1 per ICO. Ilanti of Baaioli-h Tiao P-Tis'y of I?0d at 2 per doz. An. 1S61. JCEMAMA NURSERY. LAST DT0TIGE!! Those who are indebted to me hy note cr accf-ant. nre hereby noti5:d th;it this is the hut notice, t. A thsit those whido not jav upon r be fore next Cbriiitma.', wili be dealt with -us the law provides." I trq,at."a hint to the wie i t.nC.-i-nt.v ... J.C.LELEB. Brownville, Oct. 30th ISol. I.uiijJjer lor alc I have tweie hiB'i!re-l feni ir. me rrhTt;.b'e Inn ber, and :w) .i-.xv- i wicn t., in f. t ; . n. ,.r Lire niTTms. Arerre vtEett;e extracii. Thev cnreall t (3.i. r0ero of tfce l. Tt" reuNt 3d ta- f derate the liver 1 ku!:.a itiey give U W til .jtcotivo ,?gju.-; tier trr.ine t.e treti nn, eicre ti !i a:,.i e:ja'i.ip, citii'-ie te circi! :i.a. a-.d P'i Ti?ytl,a tlo .J. Tb'n, a.7 buiions complaints n ci v.-'ji ii ireT..rv;d Live-, Sk It KeJ.l i)rvn.'tia, Fi.ea, Crjii: anl Fevtr. C jtivc-i:p! tr lepe- vs. conirvcl aiJ cured ty ttiee re::iCi. BARLING'S LIVER REGULATOR Reraovei tlie ruortil aud b'.r.ljn d sp-lt fr-ra tt stom..a and boweU. rTra!te te Liver aa-t SSdatjt, rrci.-vicft every obstractn.n. reforeantnral aadotat tly acuoa ia the vital rga-. it u a auportor ramily Llcdicinc, Jluci tetter tw Pili. ar-.d muca eiir to til. LIFE LITTERS Is a '.::erlor tonic and diuretic; ex.-eUent la cateaot Io.- cr petite, Cai:ilencv-,feuiie, Jrreguiar iiiev. p.iiu in the uJe aud bowe!, bilul, protadtfig a&4 llCJimj pile-9. and geuralT!c-tiUty. READ THE FOLLOWING TESTIMONY: Jj. L Brantley, merchant, 134 Fultoa street. Kw Tork, writes, August 13, 1-60: " I have been afi.cted wi.h fl!e, accouiauidU wan bleeiUi-z, l-a lit Ui.-a year; I c&ed datjjng's LIVER REGULATOR AND LIFE BITTERS, Atd now consider myself tiirel'j aired." nan. John A. Cross' write-, '-Brooklyn. Jf.rc 15 13C0. lo tl.e priIi of ISC9 I t.x it a severe culi, wii darlinq's LIVER REGULATOR, It broke np my cld and fever at ones, yrwvtorj W lUii atitck.I L.ibecu troubled wtth dypyila varal mot.itx; I have feit nothtn of tt tnea, Otis Stndiey. Esq . 128 Kut 2Sta Street, Vtw Tort., write-: ' aU"! 13. ISoO I bad a d.SicaHy tut Ki inty CompUiut tnree yeata, with c nuat pain la tbe :...!; of my back. I bad uaed niuti all k.a.U &f mcJiuces, but fuunU no permar.eut t:icf until 1 u4 'darling's LIVER REGULATOR AND LIFE BITTERS. I pawed clotf cd blood by th uretbT. I a iuw tm tirely cared, and take pleasure la reoomiaefeSnj tbee teuiedit-s." Mrs. C. Tfhow, Tl Ctrlstopber Street, Jf . T., wriU : Feb. 20. 1S60. I have been tubject to attacks tit Atft tna the I jt twecty year. I bave never f ouad anytbix! to , darling's LIVER REGULATOR, in Rff .rviinii imuiotlie'e relief- Il Is a taoroua Lrer and t.Ui.di reoiey." iJm. Brucklya. write. "Ternary ?3 KCO. Ia ilay t 1 kal a severe atutk cf Pile-. walcSigon Cned me U tbe bouse. I louk ere bottle of ' darling's LIFE BITTERS, and wis entirely cured. I bave had no attack since,' P. Wptervil!e. Eq , cf South 6th, near 8th Strt. WiUl.init)Lir(i. L. I., write-: "inpii, 1S60 Ilavtnc t e?a troubled wuh li.Tu-u!tv in the Liver, and ttb.ecl to tiilious attacks, I wu aivieJ by a frioud to try . darling's LIVER REGULATOR. I did set, ard foutd It to c.parate a imirably, removlnj the bileHnil arousing tho I.ver to activity. I bave alaa ueil ii s a . U'sxTX'Lllzr ITocllcl23.o. Wheu our children ace ov.t of ort, we give t'ucta a few and it set th ant all ri?ht. I Cut It mce'.i general wauta of tLe nUiiiiach ai.d rj'. toa d.ur (!tre.l " ' Header. If you need either or both ef th most ex cetlent Keum'.ies, inquire for them at thestore ; If yva d n t tliiil thorn, take no other, but Incline One Doiiat io a letter, and on receipt of the mouer, the ItemeOy t Heuicilie wii 1 be sent tccurriimc to yuur Uirectioua, ty mjil urtxpres, post psic. A.lere-, PAN 'L S. PAHMXa, 102 Xaoxau Street; Xew Totk. Pnt nr in 50 cent and $1 DotUea, each. Nov. 7. 1861. nl.S-n pkikce & go's: : Linnsan Botanic CarJcns ai Nurseries, (FOUNDED, 1732) riusMng, Ijore Ialand, Near TTew Tork. ritlCED CATALOGUES, which are ent to purchisers of Trcej, and to applicants vb inolcwj ptsuips So. 1 ptscriptlve Catalome of Frntt and. Onidtucntal Trees and Shrubs. Rjf.jitierrles, Currants avA all oMier sciaU Fruit. N. 2 Roues, Crntii)ns Ch yanthcnvirtis. ralx.Irij, DcnMe Sweet Wi;!ms and other Herbaceous Flowering Plants. Jo. 3 Extra Lar.'e Fruit Trees. Kversreen and other Ornsnieutal . T. ros pvM ytirr.h, suitable for irumelUte fruit-bearla and emimiiNhiiieQt. So. 4 Wnulesale Cta!gae for Nurferie and Dealer, ompri.-dn Trees Shrub, Rose. Plaut. B' Flower Kout.s, Stocks fir Xnirafttna, &r. N ). 5 Wholesale Catsloirne for Vesetsble, Airt cu'.tni Hl and Flower selj, an t Trees and Shmk Seerts, &c. No. 6 Iecriptlve CMtlcew of nr l"nr"i!i!l C- We-tiun of 160 Select Varietius nf Strawberries, wittj a Rkjectei) List. aiJ Pirections for Culture. V,. 8. Wii;:e;.,!e Lift f Native and ForciK"-. Grapes. No 8 C.'a!'-:r.e cf Bu ibHut Flower of evry C!as, teeetber with Trees aiv 1 llerbacenus Pa?unies. P-ih'ias, Prl2roe P.i'i'Hiithiis. r(.w'iri. Anri' r)iia Irl, .n.l ntv.. Hire F.owerinT PUnts. NcJ. 10 Whr.lf r!e Catlo'i of the s.mie No. 13 Cat.ilogne of r;renfioue Plant. No. 11 Pe-cripliTO CaUlonae cf 3J0 Native and 1JO F .reiirii Varieties of t rapes. 1 N. B. The prices have been (rrealy reduce.1, and thoe who desire wiii''p!easeend their List, wbicn wu ue pi Keil at the lowet rates. November 81. lfil. ngQ-tf FRENCH'S CONICAL Wasliinjy Machines. The rnnst simple, dnriMe, convenient arS eacicmlaed article ever Invented for the purpe. V.'i!l do the w-hinsr of an ordinary family before breakfsst, not on!y pavihjt time, but clothes. I'y Ktrictly lull. .wina the printed direct ion, whlrh are fir.U''e and efy, it will wash, atone time, six tbirt. or two divert srr.ill articles, iu about six or seven dh. til :s, or their e;t!lvajer,t. Hy all the ordinary metho'ls of cleaning fine fabric. as laces, S.C., the preaiet care Is required, while with this niai-hine the niitt delicate article eaa be wj-hed w-thout the possibility of dan ace. T!iee reiirdts are 'produced by the constant reactiaa the nti while rbe machine 1 In notion, of FutiiTiic-i. lur.ndrieshotels, boardir.2-houew, boc!t a!s. a:yluuis, bordum-sch..ol, on ship and tesi;icr, and Ti tT- srniy, who have these ma'-hines In use, bare ppi.t in thefr tPRtimoRials volutitarially, arid the onco iiiinms of the Pre arc very nuiueruos,.Svlue of whiuSt 1 bave published in pamphlet f.rm. All 1 ii-it t f ti ePuh'.ii is a careful exitninatloo ot th!-'macliine before purcbssinjt of others. Geueral Deoul4l9 Uroadway, curner Caual ft., Ztr York. Price only Tea Dollars. N. B. A lii.eral dii-iinr. to the Trads. Ajtnli. sainted. Senlfor a Circular. Aadres box 2b33, Ni T. City P. O. PU1LIP FP.E.VCTI, Proprietor. - "Crsvcling" Grape Vines. 1 r - X ' ...t ,, .... , rai-r3 ior .ncs oi mis resiiij aicio'is ana ennj Crape acscmpatiied bj Cash -will receive prompt attention. (i xxl one year Vines, Sf ? tc!i, $4 fcr doj;n. Good two year Vine?, ?1,C1 p-wh, $ 7 rr d-.2a 1. M. 00 0D WIS A liliO..-T3a- Kinss'on', Luinrne Co.. Vx. 50,000 LBS WOOL WASTED, ST. JOSEPH, JIO. Two Extensive Wcolcn Factories c;c in ONE NEW AND FITTED UP With all ttz Latent Fine Improvements. W are rrrjrei to tninnf-vrtura t ord;r,aLl have f ,r sale the f ,11. win:; ! kmJs: r-atiacts. Heavy and Luht, JEJJVS TWEEDS, FLJJViVELS white, roi.o-iF.i), sTr.irr.D and vlais ' ZXLs Zii o o y fi , ruJIed liii3K,- t'oiorftl TS'lsKo and .VizrJ, 1 l-'J Yards wide. "FULLliD CLOTH, B!aet.s of a'i Kisd arJ ail Qualities, TAKXS OF AT.L SIZES AND COLORS, i. Warnsnttl nil the bct cn-tterii, '!2?"We wi'.I exchr.j j the Goods for W&ol orciisb. Tanry D.r!r,T to Or!cr. We wi.l pa -tta v,r acy atioont'cf "Toc!4st .M irkct l'lk-of, FI iirc.r-f mtly on Lancl ferial. 7Le lest rilw paid f. r nboat. - N'. liLT.I. i SON'. BCELL .1 DIXO.V. Ab-ii?t, 2'., l.'fj 0. To d is aide I Soldiers, S'aincn'and .Vri. tiers and widows or ether heirs of those who hare JicJ or lesn I-Vied ia service. CIIA3. C. TUCKER, Attorney Tor Clniments, Birjiuy, L;icd an; I'ensioa ' Azyzt, WASTITjVGTON" ctty. d. c. Pensions p.-ocured for Soluiers, enlen art-1 Jljrlnr of the pre?? t;t war, who are di.sMeil ty wvun)s re-reive-1 or il:-ea-e rontracto-i while in service; a , 1 f'r4. i- ns C ,.iny it ney aivl arrea--. ..f p-.-y ubtti i ''!'! .r..'.i-r !iirs. tahf wti 1. ve tiitft -', . j-, r- : c i IT C v . -