Nebraska advertiser. (Brownville, Nemaha County, N.T. [Neb.]) 1856-1882, December 05, 1861, Image 4
. GREAT IMPROVEMENTS IN . .kli i iiiaiiAiiillliIli. ' EMPIRE SHUTTLE MACHINE, Patented Ttbru-iry liih, 1SGO 'Salesroom, 510 Broadway, NKW YOKK. . , This Maehtim i con-true tea on a entirely new frincif 1 of. machinery, psing many rare and val ' aial improvement, having been examined by the Tn'-'t'vVuucJ expert, sril pronounced to bo SIM- I'LJCiTY ul I'tlit ECTION CUM DIN CD. Tne following are the principal objections urged . ?4inst Sewing Machines. . X. Excessive futae lo J 4. Iocs rarity to sew every description of material. 5. Disagreeable noise while io operation. lie opcr&t jr, j, Liability U get out of ord'-r. J. Expense, trouble and loss cf tixo in repair . ing. ' . Tie E.'!re Seeing Machine is Exempt from all thte ejections. Tt b-is straight red!e perpTdicuTur fiction tonU tbelOCK or SHUTTLE STICU, which will '.NEITHER RIP nor RAVEL, and is alike tn both aides ; performs p-rfoct f-ev. -in on every de.nption " cf faaria!,fn.niLetber to the finest Nan?ook Mu- liu, wi:h cotton, linen or liik threaddroni the cor " aest to th.e Cnort cuuibor. IlaviP'-'neithor CAVI ror COG WHEEL, and the tbe least- pos.-.lble friction, it runs as smoothly as glass, and 18 .KnpLatically a Noiseless Machine! It require twen?y-vo per cent, less power to driveit than any other Machine in market. A girl ct twelve year of ze can Wurt il eteadily, without fatizue or injury to health. Its strength and WONDERFUL FIMl'LICITl of construction reader it almots impossible to get it out cf order, and is GUARANTEED by the company to give entire rati faction. We respectfully invite all tboo who may desire to iurply tucx'lve. with a superior at tide, to call and examine ttisUNKI VAILED MACHINE. Uut in a more special manner do we solicit the fitrcr.nge of lerchant -Tailors, . Coach V.ek-.r?. Hoop-Skirt .Manufacturers, KhJri itnd Ilucoin Makers. " st and lantaloon lakers. t57"Kolig-ious and Charitable IubtitatioiiS will be liberally dealt with. Drs-s Mal:er Corset Makers, (iait-.T Filters, Shoe Hinders, Price of Machines, Complete: No. I. or raiiiily Maebine. $45,00 : No. 2 Small frsd Manufacturing, $'j(',0U ; No. 3 Large sized ilaoufactiirrrr. f 7i,03.' Cabinets in Every Variety. We want Agents lor ail towns iu the Lnited State?, w here agencies are rot already established, to whom a liberal discount will be givca, but we tLke no eoEsitrrcmT,t. .T. J. Mc ARTHUR & Co., 610 fJ read way, X civ York. . COLORED PLATES '. OF FRUITS AND FLOWERS. nr Flowers, and can supply ntr-ery agents or others itb auy quantity, either bound or in i-heet. Onr bound ol utiies are intended to contain all tli;U an aiceut will . vjulrein selling a lictof general Nursery products. " ITe cfter tbem mnch under the UMial price, and can .Ornish the bvuml volnmes very low; nd we have no ".'ositancy in aaj-inc tliat the execution .f ibe artist and iikflue to rature are n.t surpassed by any In the otintry. Oa!I Advertiser offlce and see speci men b.K.k. EXSIGS tn FOKD. Av8ii33-Fv2n3 Ohio Nurberies, Toledo, Obi LATEST All. seat or DHIOM'ARMYVICTORIOU S. GOODS CHEAPER THAN EVER. THE STORE FOR BARGAINS. PRICES : TO SUIT TIJF TIMES. COME MID SEE HE. DEN'S NEW STOCK. ' 1 have this diy received my FALL STOCK ' Hardware and Queensware, Pry Goods and Groceries, '. Boots and Shoes, .. Hats aud Caps, . Powder and Shot, Choice Liquors, . Furniture &c. To wbich I take pleaxure ia callinir the special atten ti"n of Ibi public,- feeling assured I can offer eucb iu duc;uentt to purchaser as they never before have had in'tLis fiace. I have purchased under peculiarly favor ably circMniHtauce, and will give my patron the bene fit of my f, wod fortune: I. Buy dnd Sell for Cash, :' OR 'PRODUCE IN HAND. CASII PAID FOR HIDES. BOOTS JIXD SHOES MADE TO ORDER AXD . M ARE ANTED! Brownville, Oct. 31, 1SCI. nn W. T. CX. SEEDS AND. MACHINES, - No. 14, North Slain Street, ST. LOUIS, 510. Sign cf thh Gilt Tlow, And Ko. 2C3 Korth Fonrtb St., or 213 Broadway. PLANT & BPwOTHER, ATtll PECEIVTKO a law assortment of Flows, HtrrenK, Cnliivatoro, Hnos, Kakoe, " Shovels, Spades. Pick. Axe. Ilaicbets, 5Tth. Rnalb. Cra4ls. F'rks, G- iinltones, ' Calnvm's Broadest S.-werg. Seed Drills, Hr. Straw and Orn Stork ('utters, TLraheni, Com Shellerv. Fenus. CLOTHE YOURSELVES. CHEAPEST CLOTEIIIG Ever offered in this Iarket. XO DOUET AKOtT IT! CALL AND SEE FOR YOURSELVS AT THE Batimoro Cothing Store, BROV7NVILLE, XT. T. D.AVID SBIQBIi, Announce to the public that he 'has opened ont a rtockof READY-MADE CLOTHING, BOOTS AND SHOES, HATS AND CAPS, CARPET SACKS, GENTLMEN'S UN DERWEAR, &.C., &.C., &.C. Unprecedented in quantity, quality and prices. He is determined hi prices shall correpond with the times, and therefore offer here in the West, at Just as low rates as fuch good can fce -purchased anywhere in the United States. As a sample of his prices he will mention that he sells Coats from $1,25 up to $15, Pants from $1 to $7, Vests from $1 to $5. Boots. Shoex, TTats, Caps. Fancy and White Shirts, Sns ders. Neckties, Socks, Uandkercnie. fee, in the same proportion. The proprietor embrace thl opportunity of returning thanks for past patronage, and promise to spare no ef lorts in the future to give entire tatisf action. Call .xrd soo Ixixxx. DAVID SE1GEL. Brownville. June 18, 1961. -ly ' CLOT H I N G GIVEN AWAY! JACOB MAHRON, Merchant Tailor, BROWNVILLE, Will pive to customers just now such bargain as fcas never before been pres-ented to tUera lie will sell bis guuds or manufacture to order C'OSt And take in pay GASH OR WHEAT. At the highest market price. Brownville, Augutt 29th. 1361. i J 0 1 i! U Li LI VJ n 5 sz u tjra vsx fc-r-j i1ATN STRF.ET. TiROWNVILLE. N. T. Takes pleasure in announcinf? that hi has nw on hand, a laree and select stock of every art cle in his line, COOK. SBXzOX7"."HSS . Of all the Unproved patters ; via : Plymouth Rock, Charter Oak. Valley Korge, Klevated Oven, &c., Box and Parlor Stoves of an endless variety, some of which are entirely new designs, via : Acombmea Cook and Parlor sieves something very nice indeed for biuall fauulies 1ML1.ZB cellar l-SWl-rx n HEAVY SHEET IRON E0K SUGAK BOILERS And Large Cast Iron Kettles from 8 to 22 gallons. Coal and Lard Oil Lamps; Brass Copper, and sheet Iron Tarc; Lanterns, Shovels, Jkc JAPANNED WARE, I have procured therlght to mannfactnre a Ute simple and improved se!f-ealing Fruit Can to which I call the attention of the public. All of w hich 1 pledge myself to sell at as fair rates and on as accomodating terms as any other establishment in this region of the country I ant prepared to put up frutterins and sp-mtiud and all other work of my line atthe shortest notice, and in a workmanlike manner, which I warrant io give satisfaction. 1 pledge myself not to be nndorsold in the upper country J. C. DEUSER. Brownville, August, 30 1860. a Electric Wcatliep Indicator. TLis neat and curious instrument foretells tbe Meatuer from 12 to 24 hours in advance. Sent free by mail on receipt of 60 cents by the manufacturers, Lc.hi & VU., -ewarK, j. i-iDem oiecouni. w Agents. SADDLEEY. Saddles, Bridles, Collars, Tf hips, Lashes, Lines, Girihs, Surcingles, Siirrvjps and Leathers, Snaffle, Curb and Port Bitis, Ring Bradoons, Buggy Trimmings. Plastering Hair Constantly on Hand. In order to suit all, I make harness from $ 35 per tel. I have collars from 65 cents to $2 eacl. Halters from 15c. to $1.T5 eacli. 1 WILL. SEX.I, AS LOW, If not love than any one north of St. Joseph, and those wishing anything in my line will find It to their advantage to give me a call beforw buy ing elsewhere, JOHN W. MDBLETON, XJUOTYXVIETLE, W. T. 25 iLATEST MEWS. Oi SlILU. Ell III ETTD L. 7l 9 apises, m us CHIOCE .ILICUOffiS, BOOTS JJST13 J E WE LEY. " 3 Ear Rings, Shirt Buttons, Finger Rings, Bracelets, x Breast Pins, &c, &c. Come and see and Secure Bargains. THE HELL. Brownville, August. 30, 1S60. B R OWN VILLE KUty's America iron Harvester Revolving nd Sprinn tooth Tforse ITay Rakea, Kraui-er's Cifler nd Wine Mills with Frtks, PuirarCane Cruder and Kvapuratora, KuU'i Portable Purnnct and Caldru,"" . Purtnir.e B.:pinei and UurN Powers. Portable Flour and Corn Meal Jiills, V.xid and Iron WoikinR Machinery, ' .Mortiting and Tenomnp, Lathers, llolt Citter, Coach Screwy, LtQteraa, Qreen's Portable Force and Bellows, Lather aud Uul-ler lie'tisg, J."o Leather and Steam Packinc, French' Wash-ins Machine, Steelrard, Roales OAX-bE-V. GRASS ASD OTHll SEEDS. fj"oend lor Oircu:ars..C5 Orders sonoittiJ jud promptly esei-uteu i v 1'LjANT & HKOTIILB. March, IS1. (r-o4-4m-AtiS3-im) ' lUSPilERIlIES ! BASUEERUIES ! ! .'.Hudson river $2 per doz, 25cts each. . Francos ia 2 u " falstaff . 150 TO -Allen 2 25 '. Oincinsati 2 " " White and Tied Antwarp $5 per do. Arorioan Purple Cane 2 " Xf 'KAIJA M'KSERT. 100,000 OSIER WILLOW CUTTINGS, Variety Perpureu for lire fence. twill cut, bundle and deliver the Cuttings at Brownville for $3 per eighty rods : being but a little over firo dollart por thousand. This is from one to three dollars less than ever offered before. All orders at these prices must be sent ia before the 1st of October, 1SSI. Send orders by mail with cvsh, to B. O. THOMPSON, Nebraska City. X. T. TCEMATIA NUIiSEItr, ) 18 miles West of Nebraska CityA August l.-n8-tf On new Air Line Kearney Road.) Bloomington ITursery, At the crossing or Ihe Illinois Central, and St. Louis, Alton and Chicago Railroads. Established 1352. on the open Prai'ie, and contains 140 acres. Fruit, Orna mental and Nursery Stock, a very large, general and reliable assortment, VEEY CHEAP for Cash. Especially Adapted to tbe Severe Climate of tte Northwest. APPLE TB.FF-S. from 1 to4 years old. $15 to $60 per 1000 KOOT GRAFTS, $40 per 10,0(0. APPLE STOCKS, one to two years, selected for grafting. $2; second class, $1 per thoudsand. MAZXAKD CIIKKRI. $3 per l.OOA. STANDARD AND DWARF PRAR, CUKRRY. FLtTJt, PEACH, QUINCE, NECTARINE, AND APRICOT DWARF APPLE, QUINCK, PEaR, PLC.M, AND ROSE STOCKS. Apple Sciont$l 60 per thousand. ( Hlt.nrrgOsane Orange. $1.50 aud 2,50 per thousand. It'tiOi' Strawbery, and many other Standard Sons three dol lars per tbouannd. Crape Catawba, Clinton, Isabella, w ell rooted, one year old three dollars per hundred, twenty dollars per thousand. Delaware one and two years old, lour to ten dollars. Rhu- Itrb, best sorts two to five dollars per hundred. Houghton Goosberry, one to two years old one to three dollars per hundred. Downing'! Ever Bearing Mulbery four to eight dollars perdorea. Evergreen several t...rli ten dollars per thousand. Shade and XVecping Tree. Shrubt, Flower Roott. hulbt, Retet, an immeue variety mostly one to two dollars fifty per dozen. ra.kiug carefully done. Catalogues scat on reoaipt oi a luree ceiu tuimp. jLOaiess, F K PHOENIX, Nov 11, 1S61, fnl9-6in Bloomington, lUxnoit. TO THE PUBLIC, We leave all our business in the hand of H. M. At kinson. All owing us will pay immediately. D.J. MARTIN fc CO. November U, 1S61 al9-tr 1 1 ...5 L SL INT 23 c5if3 TZrV siTT3 rfrh a) Takes pleasure in announcing to the citizens of Brownville and vicinity, that he has jus: opened a new LIVERY STABLE, where he will always be ready to furnish gentlemen with Stc2.c3.lG Horses, suigj;iy Otirirlses, etc., etc, CHARGES REASONABLE. Brownville, Juoep19th, (noO-ly) JOHN A. SMALL, JOHN A.-PONN, Has Removed From his Old SUnd on the Levee to Y7HITNEY'S NEW BLOCK, MAIN STREET, BROWXVI N T Where he has opened up a FRESH STOCK Cozxsistinc; of STAPIjII AXD FAXCY DRY :GOODS, ALSO A Large Stock of Choice Family I Oil A V I II E S . MT Stock of Dative vines coanprir-e all tiie vent ' bio varieties with whi -U I am acquainted. Tue ' lant have been produced with crroat care, under the moFt fayr.rablo circ-um?Hnees for healthy dere.op mont and sarpttis in exevllcncy anythat I have here- Tor the full tra.i, t-nly a I:m:?cJ fnpr:y vi u Yilla-p, Lrnnir.f Line In.) Piu:ir.e,Et.-n .tirg -.T-y-or oV Bullitt.) and All-n's Ilvbr.d h offered. Of bcst'Pelaware layers, alio, tlie tupi-lj is cot lare, Flour, CONSISTING OF Hani, Bacon Sugar, Xrlolasses Ccfise, Tea, Salt, Cheese, Candles, CtC.CtC) And a fine assortment of LIGHT GROCERIES Such as Spice, Peppers, Soda, Salaratus, Ginger, Allspice; etc., etc. ALSO, A well seleckd Stock of HARDWARE AND CUTLERY. Q UEENS WA R E, E3 dL cllo ic 37" Boots aiid Shoes. but quality nneiu:i!ed. Th. stock from Pe'.awnre, sin;!? f7e' gron both in boue and opon air, i.- lo and fine, tor vine yard plan tin? sorno slrm-vin3, grafted on tat.iw baand Isabella stocks, ara oS".red at a low roots very strong. Very lare laver3or u.ana, ueroemoEi, uu vwu eord, grown with esveeial care for immediate bear in? Good lvers of Ann. Risers' IIybrid,l2 kinds 1 alo Clara, Cas?idv, T- Kalon. Rebecca. Jliller s Irfui-ia, Loan, Emily, Lanby s Au-uit, uuuioa, u. Froliiic, Cuyahoga. &c. . . , ' A general as3ortmeut cf foreign Taneties for ti- Of Downing Everbennu Mulberry the supply isno'tlarse. and a great part of the trees airaajy ordered. They are very vigorous, ana tuo wooa well ffrown and matured. - ' Wholesale descriptive list ?ent to those who wisn to form clubs, on application. List al sent to dealers. Fourth edition ot lUustrated ataioue sent for two three-cent stamps It is designed to be afuHand coniprebensivo treatise on the mannge- ment of the vine, jrivin? such information as p ir- chaseri and growers are supposed to need. I artic lilar directions are given for the preparation oi trie soil and planting, and the directions for training are illustrated by many carefully prepared engrav- ing. Tbe descriptions of the varieties will be found accurate and trustworthy, being drawn from person al knoweledge, and very extensive observation. C . W. GRANT. IONA, NEAR PEEKSKILL, TVeslc5icster Co., Xevr YorK. TO THE PEOPLE OF In th month of December. 1S5S, the undersi-ned for the. first time i trered for sale to the public DR. J. BO VEE DODS IMPERIAL WINE BITTERS, and iu thir short period they have given such unifersal satisfac tion to the mitiiy thousands of persons who hve tried them that it is now an established article. The amount of Ixxliiy and mental misery arUins simply from a ne glect of email complaints is surprising, and it is there, fore of tbe utmost importance that a strict attention to the least and most trifiiru bodily ailments should be had; for disease of the b-xiy must invariably alTect the mind. The subscrirers now onlv ak a trial of DR. J. BOVEE DODS'S Imperiai V7ine Bitters from -.HI who have nor used them. We challenge the world to proluce their equal. Theo Bitters for the cure of Weak Stomachs. Gen eral Debility, and for Pnrifyinz and Enriching the Rleod are absolutely unisurpanetl by any o'her reme dy on earth. To be assured of this, it is oniy neces essary to matte the trial. The wine is of a ve.-y supe rior quality te:n about one-third stronger than oth er wires, warmiu? and invitxorating tue whole system from the l.esd to the feet. As these bitters are tonic and alterative in their character, ko they strengthen and inviL-orate the whole system and ive a tine tone and healthy action to ail its part, by equalizing the circulation. Temovins the obstruction and producing a general warmth. They are excel lent for diseases and weakness peculiar to Females, w bere a tonic is requir ed to ?trengtheii and brace the system. No lady who Is subject to lasitude and f untnes, should be without them as they are revivifying in their action. THESF BITTERS , , IVill not only Cure hut I'rcvcni Disease. and in this repect are doubly valuable to the person who nnv use them for INSIP1ENT CONSUMPTION ITlS knowledge of the trade and wants of the people Of lioownvilie ana vicinuy enaui?t uiui io iiiaae juuici ous purchases expressly for this market. He asks an examination of his Stock, feeling assured he will be able to satisfy in quality, style and prices. TI IW w r 93 mrwi WHITNEY'S BLOCK 1861 McCOKMlCK'S Scaper & Mower. ZS.1. xiTilVi c t xxx- b cl Toy C. II. McCORUICIL & unos., CHICAGO, ILLS. Twenty-five Thousand Sold During the last &x. yo.i"s. An Average of over 4,000 each Year. Sale have increased from 1600 '54 to 5,0 CO ' '60. As a Reaper, the "McCormick" has been before the American public for the last twenty years, and durinz tEnt time has gained a reputation which is "World-Wide." Notwithstanding the yearly in creasing competition, and thebostof inventors en gnged in the development of Heaping Machines, the "iieCorniick" leads the van the acknowledged su perior of all iu t!ie march for practical improve ments. TLo representations made by other raanufactur that tbe McCormick was "once'r a noted Reaper, but is now antiqnated,i simply ridiculous, as the in creasing demand will prove. Ho single establish ment in the WORLD, manafactures so largely of these implements, and none expends equal money time or talent in nlialle improvements. - Many changes have been effected during the past eeason, and for I3CI, the "McCormick" is presented greater attractioLS than ever before. A a Reaper SIMPLICITY. STRENGTH AND DU RABILITY comnrnd it to the farmer, while its capacity for work, with economy of poncer, give it the preference over all others. The compacting the frame, thus securing a more perfect balance to the machine : tho position of the rak'-r, in the rear of the driver, thus placing the weight where it should be, and relieving the weak er paitg of the machine; the decreased weight, and slight indentation of tho sickle, tho Castor wheel, and other improvements added, have materially les sened the direct draught, and so obviated the tide dranght that many assuro us that it docs not now vxist. The draught of the Reaper is so light hat in namerou3 instances the large four-horso machine is worked with but two horses. As A Mower, The machine of lSiU will be found fully equal to uuy test that it may bo submitted to. The slight indentation of the SickK its lightness and combi nation with the beam and fingers, allows an increase of motion not prnetscable in other machines, thus enabling U3 t i 'ogood wrl; with a a slow team,ox wfll. Our Improved Guard aud Patent Cleaner, effectually prevents choking, no matter what tbe condition of the gras, while our new divider point separates badly 1 xiged and tangled clover or grass, wbre otbermaebines fail. There is also a great advantage in onr serrated sickle edge over the smooth, as it does not require sharpening so often, thus saving time. Our Sickle will frequently run through an entire harvest with out once grinding, while the smooth edge must be ground once each day, if not oftener. With asmoth edge the draught increrses 83 the knife become dull. Our dranght is uniform, nDd in repeated trials du ring the season of IS80, proved far lighter than sin gle"Mowers,euttiugat the same time from twelve t eighteen inches wider. Our Mower can bo used with or without the reel I this is important, and without the reel, weighs but about R70 pounds. In addition to the very liberal warrantee given to all jicrchasers, we would say' as heretofore, hat far mers who may desire it, are at liberty to work our machine through tbe harveet, with any ther, and keep, and pay for, the one preferred. Pamphlets with full description of improvements testimonials, Ac, can be bad by application to THEODORE HILL, Agent. Brownville, Nebraska, April IX, 1S51. "Rl n fYm lnrvT-ivn ' ONE HUXDSEDASF r 02TI Af FRUIT AND ORNAMENTAL TREs acl Nursery S:ok, " ; Dct quality, and very chap. A pr-Vj T-4, k to four years, li t-j GO dollars per thouV 54 Scions, one dollar and fifty eeats v.t 10,000 forty dollars. " Gra, Stocks apple, bst, one to two ii.l ehvsa one d.,! jt . '.- Quinct lars. lars. Also. Pear, Plum, other "Hi. Stocks. weak Lungs, indigestion, Dyspepsia, diseasec of the Nervous system. Paralysis, Piles, and tor ail rases requiring a Tonic. DR. DODD'S Celebrated Yline RItter TJn surjjasflod. For S.ire Throat so comuiou auivi tie Clergy they are truTy invaluable. For the sged and infirm, and for persons of weak jonsti'utions For ministers of tbe gopel, lawyers and all publio sp--ker for book-keepers tailors sea mat reuses. artists. and all persons Iea dn.g a sedentary life, they wi'l prove benetlcUl. As a beverasre; they sre whole-some, innocent, and delicioo to the taste. They pnxluce all the exhierat .ns effects of brandyor wine, without intoxicating; and are a valuable remedy for persons adicted to the use of xes-dve strong drink, and who wit-h to retrain from it. Ther ie pure apd entirely free, from the poisons con eained in he adulterated wines and brandies with which the country -noodf.L ' ' - These bitters nvto niy crE hnt prevent disease, snd shonld he nscd by all wh live ia a country where tbe crater Is bad. or wbere chili, nd fever are prevalent. Being entirely innocent and harmless they msy begiv. en freely to children and inTan's wih tmpnnity, Physicians ami Clergvmen. and temperance advocates ns n a''t ..f humanity. shooM ass:t in spreading these valuable bitfprs over the land, aad threby essentially tanih drunkonness and disease. 2n uTI directions oftlie IIcad.!cli Sleatlnrlje. or Nervous SJfad e3e. Or. Tint's Imperial lTinc IJiitea-s Till lie f'o:md to lie nicsl SaSntarn and EfUcacious. Osage Orange, One dollar fftyto two dollars fry i. Gooseberries Houghton, ten to twenty i v per thonsaud. WiLsou'istrawberriei Lrsej 'h thousand. -.arsper Evergreens, Roses, Dahlias, EVCTf . Standard Pear, Plum, Cherry fa. , 4-c For Catalogaes send 3 cent sLimp to F. K. PH(ENix Eloominrtun ' October, V 3, 3m. ,U Concord GrapevineiT I have the largest and best supply 0f PRncinJc cord Giapevinss in the United Stateo,cd I will 1 orders for Nurseries, Vineyards or otherwise tj0 er rates than any other reliable dealer. ' Siflj vines three years old, now bearing fruit, ertwiL one year old, will be sent by mail, postjaixi ji" and warranted to grow. One year old Tiaes perdcien, by Ex.VsT Two do do do t, Three do do do do a A great reduction from these yrieei will UqSW to thoso who buy by the hundred or thouaaj. lT gents wanted in all sections to sell these vie,, commission. Any person who procurvt pnrchwr for vines gets up a club will receive two Tia free for each dozen ordered. Cutting3 with sent by mail lars; oUO i i ;3 with twoorfourbnds,onedo'rPerdof lail, postpaid or by eii.res,loo f,iT iT84,j' f.r fifteen dollars; 10u0 for 25 ,i,.l'a October is the best month to set them, bat. will d as long as the ground is nnfroien. ' All money sent at my risk. A year's credit w:3 be g;ven to any responsible person whodesirir who order 10 del'.ars worth cr more. The Concord is decidedly the best family, market and wine grape now known. It ripens uoitonr as far north as Canadas. A circular with more full details lent fre ta2 applicants. T. B. MI.N'SER, Clinton, Oneida Co. X, Y, (Late Editor and Propnetor of the "Rural ibctJ. can.") The many 'cirt'Scaie which have been fende-ed n and the letters which w-e d.iily receive, .ire conclusive proof that among the women thee Bitters have given a satisfaction which no others have evpr dono before. Yo woman in the land should he without them, and t ,oo who once use them, will not fail to keep a fail supply. . DR J Bovee Dod'3 IMPEPJAL WINE BITTERS, Are prepared by an eminent and .skillful physician, wh has used them successfully in his practice for the las twen'y-flve yeir. The prnprjptor before purahasin tt e exi'nsive right to manufactnre anil sellPr. Bve Dads' Ceiebraieg Imperfal Wine Bit ct. hadttbem tet ed by two distinguished medical practitioners, who pro nounced them a valuable ami safe remedy for dssease. Although the medical men of this country, s a gen eral thine, disapprove of Patent Medicines yet we da cot believe that a respectable Physician can be found n the United States, acquainted with their medical prnppriies. who will not highly approve Dr. Dou s 1JI PKRIAL WINK BITTERS , In all npwly settled pTace. where there M always a larce qnanti'y or oeeavinn unioer, jroin wnu a at. p'i soioim miasm- is created, these Litteds bhouod te used every morning boforebreakgast. DR. J. BOVEE DODS'' S , IMPERIAL WINE BITTERS Are composed of a pnre and nnadulferated wine, com bined with Barberry. Solomon's Seal, Conif rev, w ild Chery Birk. Spiknard Camomile Flowers, and (ientian. They are manufactured by Dr. Don himself, who is an experienced and successful physician, and bence should not be cl jssed among the quack nns-trnnw which fi.Ml tho country, nd against w bich the medical profession so lustly denounce. These truly valuable Bitters hive been so thnrot:.-h!y tested by all c'ases of cmmuiiity. for almost every vri- ety or disease inciilent to human system, that taey are now deemed ludiiijeneable as a Tonic, Medicines and a Beverage. Tarcliasc one Bottle! It Costs Imt Little ! Purify Ihe Blood. Give Tone to the St inaeh -IScnovase the Sys and Prolong Ui'c. Price $1C0 per Bottle, 6 Bottle3 for $5 00 Prepared and sold by CHARLES WIDDIFIELD & CO., sole rnopr.iETos 78 "William Street, New York. For sale by druggists a:i l gr.cers Keneraiiy ihrough ont the country. Oct. 17. 1SI. Pure Bred Fancy Poaltrj. For sale Black Spanish, White Dorkings, Golden and Spangled 1'olands, Sebright, Black African, red and white Bantams, white and wild Tcrkeys, Pea Fowls, white and brown Ilong Kong, Bremen and wild Geese, White "Crested" Aylesburgh and Mus covy Ducks. Common and Madagascar Rabbits. All animals sold will be tarefully boxed with the necessm-y feed, and delivered at the Express oEce. Addresa W. A. GOODING, Oak Lawn. b37t$ Losknprt, Will Co. Jphn Garnett, William Keening, a.-id Jame P. Blunden. ( the latter, lng a seedsman in tho em ploy of Messrs Laudreth i. Son ) have unitci under the firm of JOHN GARHETT & CO. FOR THE PROSECDTIOX OF THE Agicultural Implement SEED BUSINESS. Thev will constantly keep on band a full supply of Landreth's Warranted Garden Seeds, all fresh, and of tbe last year's jrrowtb.. To be obtained at the old house at Philadelphia, and wiilconSne their sales tf Garden Seeds' exclu sive -o tho.-"". They will keep a very larg3 sto.-k of AH Implements and .Machinery tn Lse, EltBB.AClSu' ALL THK LEADING A HTICLKS IX TUS TK APE, OF THE Bi:T M AXL'yACTl'KE. They solicit the eontinued cu jtom of thoir friends, and of ail those who have dealt at the branch house cf Landketh & So.v, at St. Louis. Our prices shall be very low, in aceo. dance with the times, and we ! hope to satisfy all who call on us, as to the superior quality o( oar stock, and the pric. ' " ' .For the Fall TradeT The subscriber Las fur salo the cornier Aatoaa the following : 500 Houghton's Seedling and Cluster Coaokr? 1,000 Red Dutch Currant. - ' 2,000 New RocheUe Lhickberry. . 200 Red Antwarp Raspberry. 200 Brinckle's Orange " 100 While Grape Currant. 500 Victoria Uaubarb. 500 Isabella Grape. 500 Catawba Grape. 100 Concord Graoe. 100 Tuttleshed Grape (New and fine.) Abo: a large assortment of Ornamental Shrub bery, for which see priced litt, which will be fu warded gratis on application. AJdrejs, H.A. TERRT, Aug. IS5I. Crescent City, Ioa. IN EROWirVILLE, "UTiitney's Block, llaia Street, ' - LOOK FOlTfHEsiGN OF THE ELK HO jt and MORTAR J. J. THUR MAN, ANNOUNCES to the citizens of Brownville ad vicinity thaf he has removed his Drug Storwfrum Sidney, Iowa, to the City of Brownville, aad a-risg added thereto an extensive stock of Fresh Drujs, Chemicals, - - Dye Stuffs, Paints and Oils, Pure Wines and Liquors, For Medical Purposes, Hair and Tooth brushej, Perfumery, Fine Toilet Scap, Sic, &c, Su, &.C. Invites the public patronage. tPhysician'a Prescriptions attended to at M aoari bo to by day and nijtht. Brownville, Aprii Ilth, ISCI. nlO-yly. WfitlWlieatFWlieaT! Farmers Look to Your Interest! Is paying and will continue to pay the Highest Xtfkit Price for WHEAT and PRODUCE. in Roods, ilj stock of Gon1s coasista of - LOOTS and SHOES, . " . HATS and CAPS, DRY GOODS and GROCERIES HARDWARE, QUEENSWARE, NAILS, DOORS and WINDOW SASH, GLASS and PUTTY PLASTERING HAIR, 30c per tu., TUBS and BUCKETS, FLOUR, BACON, . MEAL and POTATOES. I also, keep a well selected stock of Ca'f, Hip, Upper, and Sole Leiher for manufacturing BOOTS and SHOES, which I will warrant to stive satisfaction. I will sell my pjeseut stock of Goods at prices to suit the Lines, which will be cheaper than jroods have beeo sold br before, for Cash, Hides, Wheat or Produce of toy km but no credit will be given. W T. DZS. Brcwnville, August 1st, 1S61. no4tfJ Oregon Nursery. We be? to call the attention cf the puhlic to tbe Tlo ral department of our Establishment, which wiaow have in full and successful operation. Our s of Greenhouse, bed-lina and Flowering Plants, Shrifts, &c., cin sinting in part of Geraneums. Verbecss. Pah lias, p loxes. Pennies, Heliotropes, fcc, we offer fur sale thecouiinff iprinsat lower prices than nsual, there" by placia them within thereach of all. JJrof the P ants flower ail Sunnier, and for size, coiut, fraarance uf fl..wcr cannot be excelled. Havina; the advantage of a first class propB'.lB house and iu a pperoUttes, which affords us facilitienf' increasing eur stock tomeetaay demand. partiessii' have no fear of jetting what they want by handiflU ia their order early. We attend to tbe Propsaatin? Department orl7i and warrant every artice pnrcbaffrl of m to be go& strong, healthy, well rootfrJ p4ntt. and true tom nl Our descriptive aud pncel catalogues wiiibeoati April, and will be forwarded by mail to all applicants J- -A. CO., St. Joseph Airictilttra notn-e, and It. W. FL'BN 3, farmer Office, Browner i X.T.. areow auihonzed Ac?nts. All orders left U1 than win receive prompt attention. - B. II BL KCH3-U. P. S. ITavinz foreloepits specially for the purpose we will have SWIKT POTAToa plaats for sale by tat million, at rednced price. H. B. it Co. Orsz.,n, il, Eeb-13';i fgb 13S1 . THE OPORTO GRAPEr. ' Tn a Oporto is a very sir.-Qg grower, and is per- fectly Urdy, hafimj frcited annually for more thso." ten y.r. It ii Very pnMluctive, o'd vines hav ing produced froii'fivro to over ten tasheli caci," in a sinla seasofl. To Tines, two years planted in Ia Sall couny, Illinois, were uninjured by the cold, ar. 1 fraitcla.- sca.r,n. The n ine lads re-' dy sale froia two to four dollars per galloa. 14, what the puliicaay or tb Oporto. "hi-j esteUitd by PbjjicidDJ a good Port Win. It is s aevkbat aatrin;jptj rich and ef fine body. Tha vinos are unfailing an-1 good bearen." La". Dr. 1 cn-tiary. I .aasix. different k:nit of GrDe.' ani toi Op rt is the best cf titlsr of thera for wine, and. U-ttcr th-n aoyofaer grape t At 1 axa acquaint with." A. Ii-ereaa, in the Kj.hI. ' "For e7ral year w have cst-ia wine from th Oportii Urspe, and find a ready sale at one dollar p?'. b'tt! , slliag 50 bottlej for slo ordars.'.' Sylve ter Clark. ' .' ' Ftror" vines tl to T. Fn T?ne er eironlar J.lrwM - E. WARE StVIiTER" Lp, ' i:7v5-tf." " '