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About Nebraska advertiser. (Brownville, Nemaha County, N.T. [Neb.]) 1856-1882 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 21, 1861)
GREAT IMPROVEMENTS IN EMPIRE SHUTTLE MACHINE. Patented Fcbrn-wy 14 tb. 1CCO f vtrry (ieiiriif ion of nitlriHi. DisagrtesU3 r."ic; wLiie in operation. Salesroom. 510 Broadway. . NI'W YORK. . , 'This iaeb.ino i construe? i u an entreiy new principle cf liif-hincry, poking Kirj mro niid val uable improvement, I . i r rr IV ca txa:.iit.od by the Iho.t profound expert, c pr..nou;.ee.i :o oe .i.i 1'LICIl V auu PEKKECTION CO.'drlXEL. The follow icg tr-a the j!iinc'jnl o'ojec ti,r.3 urged again-t Sewicg Machi:i:.s . J. Exo:ue futigue to 4. In-pr"itr to sew Ibe fiTivrutur. 2. Liability to get out of cr'Jtr. S . -E i ; n t r- ubl c a r. d i- fftiu'j in rt-pair- The Empire Sewing Midline is Excm;-t jt hi? a ftr'.ght r.eodle t'-i7-rdicular S'-tion - make th-J.'u;; or f fiiti, iriiiii wui Mt-Ii'ilEH RIP r.( r IIAVK'L, ai d is ulihe on both iJ.- : ':; if n.'S T'f f ;V : t sewing ca every de??ri ti'.n t.f tcav ria!, fr.-toLtniLcr to thefiiest jnyu k Mau ri a, . wi'h c 't-on, linen or silk threh.l,from the cor ns' to the i'i.-'.'-t number. K-rirg neither (..'. : t..r C-KJ JIl.hL.and tie lb 1 ?.:: possible frii-lion, it rum a sniootb.!y as glass, and ii - " :Env.!n'licav-a Noiseless Mac!i!nc! It. r30' ir?a twenty-nvo f ?r cent. lcs power to ' irm-it than any ether Machine in market. A girl .f twelve years of age can work if steadily, without fatigue or iuiurr to hc-alih. It strength and WONDERFUL FIM1T.ICITY of construction render it almots impossible to get it out of order, and is GUARANTEED bj the company to give entire satisfaction. We respectfully invite alt those who may de.'ire to supply themselves with a superior article. t call una examine this UNRIVALLED MACHINE. liut in a more special manner do we solicit the Ttronage of CLOTHE YOURSELVES, CHEAPEST CI0THIHG Tver ciTcrrd in this Market. IVO DOT I3T ACOI'T 5T ! Drs-i Makers Corset Maker?, Gaiter Fitters, Shoe Binders, Merchant Tailors, Coach Makore, IIoop-?kirt Manufacturers, Shirt and Bosom Makers, Vet and Pantaloon Makers S?"IW'Eions grA Charitable InetitotiotJ will Le .liberally dealt with. Price oniacliincs, Complete: No. I. or Family Machine. $45,00: No. 2 Small filed Manufacturing, $30,00 ; No. 3 Largo sited Manufacturing, $75,00. Cabinets in Every Variety. We want Agents lor oil towns ia the United StaVs, where agencies are cot already established, V whom a liberal discount will be given, bat we &i&Ue no e ocignnient. T. J. McARTHTJR & Co., 510 llroadTvay, Xcw Yorli. COLORED PLATES OF FRUITS AND FLOWERS. .VE hare arli.sU cotistantlr enip!yed In painting tperimeiis of all kind of Fruits. Scrubs. Erergreeo,,' ri'1 Slower, j.d can upily nureery aveuts or others with any Quantity, either boiind or ia cboet. Onr bound raJuHie are intended to contain alt that an a pent will require In relling a lift of general Karcery products. We offer thehi mnch onJer the Ufnal priee, and can f aguish tbe bound rol limes very low; and we have no hesitancy ia trying that Hie execnllon of tbe artist and iikene4 to nature are not snrnaRed by any In tbe country. Call at tbe Adtertiter otace and nee. speol men bKk. EKStGN & FORI), A6ii3VPvr31 Ob'.o Nnrteries, Toledo, Otil OHIO IIUESEEIES, AS tbe reason is now approacliinff for trausplan!Ing tree, Kc we call attention of Tree de!ers, Fruit Growers, and otbers wishing to beautify tbeir grounds to our Ft' i.k of J ruiiand Ornamental Trees, Grape Vines, Shrubbery, Roses, &c. Also: all the lea'tlni; varieties of Currants, Gooseberries, Blackberries, . Itaspberries, Strawberries, &c, &c, &c. Of wll'fh Tf"lUT t lairn ttm t unitrA nfTnr (ti.m vera 1 jk for theFaU Tra-le IrSl, and would solicit tbeordor?. of tboe wii-bing to purcba'-e. Enclose ftamp, and send for Catalnpue srsd Price Llet. . . EilSltiX it KCUD, Av5n3-Fv2u3 Obio Kurseriea, Tole-lo, O Irabella Grape Vinca Strongly Rooied riants, 3 to 4 years old, Many of thoia already fruitir in tbo tnr'ery, are now offered at $10 pt-r hundred or $75 per thuu- Slid. '. . The Fscnirli aspTcrrv. At $4 per l'.t'J. Large qu--ir.iitiei at grontl? re d'toed rate?. It needs no winter r.rotction and LcHr two annrtal crop? of fruit. Voun? CBtalpa. 4 to 0 foct $1 r.rr hundred : 5 to 7 fet t $) per 100. Hardy ('limbing R'W, Framnt Hr.ey Suckles, aud nursery tk i gcnr.d at the lowest rit" UICIIAHD M. CON KLIN. Evergreen .Yurscry, Cold Spring Harbor LCUCJ I5LAKD. Hubberd Sqncsb Scsds. A Umiled supply or feed or th!g relrb-atvl variety ef sq-ia-b at 30 cents per 100 eds br mail, free or post ase. Warranted pure. Order houldte eot in er!y H. A. TKKttV, anlS3t. 3m--Vol Crfrente'ity, Iowa. BRIGHT ON CBAPE CULTURE. SECOND EDITION'. Thirty pnee of New Matter, with the exper-sa f IHjO and XI, being tbe mnpt iwrtart part of the work. "Indi 'peiieable to all GilAl'E GHOWELS Sent by mail, free of pvtage, on reeeipt of the price, 0 eeut, in etampg. Adlrfs, willtam rr.TonT. Box 13i Philadelphia, r.O.,r. r!oc-Iircpln Kxp!alR?a. Tbe bet practical wotk yet vnb.ished. Snt f.r one -lUr. Bee for tale by the swarm witb Italian Oiiccn Gias b"Oey boxe,fee.( &.C. Cirenlarg wi;h particu lar sent tj all applisanti. Address H. QrrNBT. JoLmville, X. T. '. Jan. '61. SEEDS AND MACHINES, No. 14, North Main Street, ST. LOUIS, 510. Sign of tht Gilt Plow, And Ko'a. 203 erth Foffrth St., or 21S Brca-lway. PLAINT & BROTHER, ARE EECEIVINO a larre assortment of PIowb, Karrowa, Cultivator, Itooa, Haket, Shove la. Spades. Picks, Axes, Jlatieta. Scythes. Snaths, Cradels, Fork, Orindftones, Cahoon's Broadcast Seed Suwera. Seed Drill, flay. Straw and Crn Stock Cotters, Thr tubers. Corn Sbelierg. Pama. Klrbj'8 American Iron Harvester Revolving" and Spring tooth Horse ITjy Rakes, Kraer's Cider and Wine Mills with Press, Sugar Cane Crushers and Evaporators, " Kuti's Portable and Caldrna, Portable Kcrine and Horse Powers, Portable Flour and Corn Meal Mills, Wood and Iron Working Ma binerr, Mortising and Tor-ua Macblne, iatbers, Bolt Cutters, Coach Screws, Lanterns, Qaeen's Portable Force and Bellows, l.eatber and Rubber KeltinB, l-ace Leather and Stum Pucklnj, Frenctie's WasMns Ma-4.ine. ytplyTil, Prales, O AXLES', GRASS AXD OTHER SEV.hS. EJ-SeDd for CircuiarsC3 Orders solicited and promptly execntel oy . . JPLAlfT & DliOTnEB. Varcb, 3661. (Kn4-4ai.AiO:i-4ni) CALL AND SEP, F(3?v YOURSELVS i AT THE Batimoro Colhing Store, erov:tvilli!, it. t. Anmrnre to t!;e p-'Mic tint Le has opened out a ilEADY-MADi: CLOTHING, BOOTS AND SMOLS, HATS AND CAPS, CA!lPi:r SACKS, GENTLMFN'S UN DERWEAR, ccc, icr. rnprece'lonted In qrantity, qnnlity and pri'-e. lie isrtotcrniiiied bis prices sli-i;l correpo!l with the tiiiie.s ud therefore ofVr here in tbe West, at just as low rate a m;c!i pood cia te purcba-d anywhere m the United S'ates. As a sample of bis prices be will mention that betells Coats from $1,25 up to $15, Pants from $1 to $7, Vests from $1 to $5. Boota. Phoe,llat!. Crips Fancy and Wbite Shirts, Sus der, Ne kties, Sv;.s, ilaU'Ikercuiefs, t-c, iu the same proiortica. The proprietor embTarc this ovportr.nlty of returning that-ks for pat patruuat-'e, anj I!I)lie to Kpare no ef forts in tbe future to give entire Batisiaciioa. Call 1X3. cl iejoo lairvi. DAVID SEiGEL. BrownriHe, June TS, lRGl.-ly o.i g-on reus i !. lit si TO FARMERS Of Nebraska and N. W. Missouri : AQAJN I would call the attention of the fanners of Kebrabka and Missouri, to tbe fact that I have on band and am com-tantly in3!iutectunng, at niy Plow Factory, in Oregon, 5Io., waSous, and every pattern of plowa, to-wit ; One and Two Horse PIoitis, SZiovcl IIotvs, Hoes ,l3arrirs,o Corn t'lanlcrs, And Ilai roir Teeth Together with everytblnjr in this line used by a farmer I take tbe re!por'8lt)ili,y ot saying that my two horse plows will do better work, in stubble or any kind of rough ground, than any I manufactured or sold in this upper country. My two-horse and prairie piows will be sold, for cah. on terms, such as will place them in the reach of every farmer. My Piows can be cbt?ind front my atrent at Iowa Point, K. T., Frownyi lie, No biwiiy county, Marietta, Ituh Itottom, Holt county, Bro-.r.ville. X. T., and For est City. MA11TIX HOFFMAM. X. H. All Windsor repairing doDe with neatneiis and dispatch, .n liberal tennis. Orecui.JIo., May, 1SC0. Theodore Hill, Agent J t Brcwnville, X. T., lieps onhiind a funeral assort ment of HuTniRn'ii Plows. Brown ville. May, lbbO, j SADDLERY. Sadaics, Bridles, Collars, TVliips, Lashes, Lines, GSiths, Surcingles, Slirrvps and Leathers, SnaJJle, Curb and Port Pills, Ring Bradoor.s, Buggy Trimmings. Plastering Hair Constantly on Hand. In order to suit all, I make harness from $ per t-et. 435 I have collars from 63 cents to $.2 raclj. Halters from ?5c. to cacls. 1 vrlLL. SELL. AS, LOW, if not low e than nn7 one north of St. Joseph, and those wishing smything in ray line 'will Cnd it to their advantage to give me a call before buy ing elfTvhere, JOHN W. MDDLETON, M?" 25 RASPBERSIES ! BASBBERMES ! ! Jlodaon river $2 per dor, 25ets ctwh. . Kran,nl 2 Fabuff ISO 20 Allen 2 25 " Cincinnati 2 " .Vbita amd Red Antwarp 12 per dor. Americaa Pcrple Caco 2 " Ac?. 1381. Ji3ilU4 NCKSKT. 100,000 OSIER WILLOW CUTTLYGS, Variety l'crpureu for live (Vik-c. I will cit. hunalo and d:lircr the Cuttircs nt Erownvillc for J j per eighty rous ; ht: but. u iit.tlo over tiro- h llar per thousand. This is from cn3 to throe dollars lops than ever offered before. All orders nt tbe?e prices must Lesont ia tcforo tho 1st of October, iS'ol. Send ordcra by tuail w ith ci?h. to " i:. o. Thompson, tlra. l.a Cllv, N. T, nematia 'vSl. i ISmiles Wcrtof Nch'Aska Citv, August l.-fiS-tf Oa new Air Line Kearney Koad. J John Oarnett, William Kocning-, aad Jarce? P. BlundcD. (the latter, long a seedsman in the em ploy of llers Landreth & Son) have united under tho firm of vjii;i unrttu i i ti uui FOR THE PROSECDTIOX OF TUE Agicultural Implement AND SEED BUSINESS, They wi'l r. ;;-tnn:'iv Ij'op rr. 1". 1 n full Fnpply of Lam'. r -J, i s li arrantt J G t den Seeds, all frsli, find of the l:it yor'n growth. To bo obtained at tho old house at Philadelphia, and will confine thnir sales of CJarlon Seed exclu sive to those. They will kocp a vrry laro stock of '7.7 Implements and ,Wichiiery in Use, EMBRACING ALL T1IK LEAPING AKHCLKS IS TKS TKADF., OF THE EtST U AM I ACTI KS, They solicit the e oiUnaed custom -if their frionds, and of all those wh h ve dealt at tbe branch hous.. of Lam beth A; Son, nt St. Louis. Our prices shall be very low, in aeoo.d-jnce with the tmi-.'s, .and we hope to aatify all who call on us, as to the (superior quality of car stock, und the prices. GKAPE VINES, Too Large to Send by Jlail. T CLIa.nwell&Erc's, Geneva, 17 Y INVITE particular attcutiun to their svtensive atock of NATIVE GRArE VINES, one and two rejrsold, Btrm:; plants, erown 'n tbe ope air, at.d in large p: :mler g!s Pi'iaware. Diana, Concord, Kebecca, J!art:.jr4 ProliCc, etc., in quautiiies to fuit purchasers. Extra Largo Pnts r.t IToenie Trices. 3?orolcn Vinea For cultivation uter g jt, .f ihei ei't sorts Toldni Itaintiurg, BiwwJ Mtiocat, Biack Ilainbnrg. LinHijd il, Royal Mucidiue, (i. liien I hielsn, a id thirty other new andold borts, one in.1 tv.tyerold, at greatly re durel pri-es. A fine lot of extra l.iran pUaU grown in extra Urire p4U for luinediate fruitiiig. A quantity of these. Native and Koreiea, are in tbe cellars, and ny be picked and thippel ut any pieasar.t time during Winter or e.irly Sjiricg. with safety. Par ticular attention given to p:n kmc vines securely for all parts or tbe cjnntry. Sind for Oatalocres. T. C5. HAXWELL & BROS., Av6nE3-Fv2L3J (Jeueva, Ontario Co., X. J. Or n P lj 0 ULUyLlis ALVIN STKEFP. BROWN VILLE. N. T. Takes pleasure in anuonncine 'bat hn b3s now on hand, a liirse and select stock .f every art cleinbis line, Of all the improveti pjter- ; viz : Plymouth Rrck, Charter Oik. Valley Forge, Elevated Oven, &e., Box and Parlor S'oves cf an endless variety, some which are entirely new desifrns, vii : A combined Cook and Parlor stoves, somethiuf very nice indeed for small families HEAVY SHEKi' IKON Jj'OK SUGAK BOILERS And Large Cast Iron Kettles from 8 to 22 gallons. Coal and Lard Oil Lamps ; Brass Copper, and sheet Iron Ware Lanterns, Shovels, &o JAPANNED WARE, I have procured theripht to niannf.irtnre a late sinipl"and improved fseir-sealing Fruit Can to which I call the attention (r the public. All of which I pledge myselfto sell at as fair rates and on as accomodating terms as any other etab:iIin:ent in this region of the co'tintry i I !.ru pn-p.i el to put up suttci ins and spoutiu? and Ul other work of mylineatthe shortest notice, and in a workmauii'i.? manner, which I warrant io give aatisfacum. lpletiseinvsef not to be uiwlorsold in the upper county . J. C. DEUSER. jirownvuie, August, 30 1500. LATEST NEWS. BY H fTMl V W H t J1 L3 U rl 'I Ml k-r.-r fl 1 Mi 1.H J - a2u iir -fr n warn -J 'r- sf . r- n n CHIOCE BOTllEl5 LEUOII c&$fr am r.q BOO-!- Ear Rings, Shirt Buttons, m it Vfe iaiiV a S3 2l3j 23 E IE Y. Finger Riigs, Bracelets, , Breast Pins, &c, &c. and Brownviilp. Aui'ust. oO, 1SH0. and Secure Bargains. i'TME MELIL. B R O W N y I L L E I i H 11 It J 4 J? PONU, JOHN A Has Removed Prom his Old Stand on the Levee to V7HIT2TY:3 IZHVf ELOCII. MAIN STREET, BR OWN VI $ . T . Where he has opened nj a FRESH STOCK Consisting of DRY :GOODS, ALSO A Large Stock of Choice Family C2r zoo erie s TO THE PEOPLE OF fitters We clial'.enge the 9 riour, CONSISTING OF Ham, Bacon Su LIcIasscs CoSee, Tea, Salt, Cheese, Candles, And a fine assortment of LIGHT GROCERIES Such as :pice, Peppers, Soda, Salaratus, Ginger, Allspice, etc., ALSO, etc. A well selected Stock of HARDWARE AND CUTLERY. QUEENSWARE, addleryfl Boots and Slices. IIiS knowledge of the trade and wants or the people of Boownville and vicinity enables him to nnke judici ous purchases expressly for this nurket. He asks an examination of his Stx;k, feelion as.ured be will be atle to satisfy in quality, style and prices. iiilisl lfolial 1M mi WHITNEY'S BLOCK V o 1861 McCOIlMICK'S Eeaper & Islo C. II. McCOIlHICII CHICAGO, ILLS. Twenty-five Thousand Sold During the lrtst sis years. Average of over 4,000 eaci Year. Snlei have increated from 1GC0 in '5i fo 5,000 in 'CO. In thATnnth of DecemK.-, 2S'3. the m r'ivne-t f , r tbe flret time ofTiC-! for yle t i the pt.Ul.c i'll J.BO VEB UulS IMPIilAL VINE BITTKitS, anluithir shoit peri'.d iboy live fJivo-J s'ich .ni.-e. at ati.rac ti.'ti to the n my thn-t.d. -f pers..n w.. h.ive t:i?-l tLeni that it !' ;u e.-iatli-i..l ;rtU :e. T::e i.ji-.uf.t of )-K'tiyd :i-:,tai ;.t-e.-y ari ri : i; iply f .- Ti h gleot of bi'i i'i c : ::s i fur'ijifv. and I', is there, fv-rerf the -t ir:.1 ti it a .rict 3ttep.1n.ii t the lcat ii.I iuy-i tuCui t i';y atlnte.'ita shonM tx b o!; for ''lU-t.t- s c t the b va : t inwriiily a2Vct the mind.. BJi 'ib-crirer? nrv on v a-k a of DR. J. BUVEE DODS'S from all wh. hive n-ir n?ed them w-irid to pr!:ce their efj.i.i!. Thee Litters f.r tte cure of AVea's Stotnicbs, Gen eral Debi'.ity, and for Purifyin? and Eiiricbiiu the Blood, are absolutely unsurpassed by any o'he-r reme dy tn earth. To be a-.-ured of tl.i?, it is only lieces es.ry to make the trial. T::e wine is of a":je ri r quality being ab-:nt one-thiid tb.ia lib er wires, warmins arid in, a t: ng: tiie whole system from :he l.esd to the leet. As tl.Pie titters are Iomc a: d alterative in il.eir ch,irjct?r, o they strofuiben an i invi.'orate tbe wbtle sy;em and Rive a flue tone and healthy action to ail i parts, by efixVuis the circu: m ,n, removing tl4t ruction and prodv.cinjt a renerai warmth. Tl.oy ar expnerit for di-eases and weakness pecn'i:ir to Females, where a tonic is re itiir ed u strencthen and brace the sj:ie:a. So lady who i.s subject to lasitudeand fainne-i-.. shouM be without tbem. as they sre revivi'j in r r; fo'r a nion. THESF BITTERS TVin not n!y Cnvo. hut I'rcvc::t j valuabto to the person ar.d in who in this resnoct ae iv tt,e;n for lXSIPIEST C0NSM3IPTI0N Dy-pnrsia. di.ieTsoc of the is, Plies, and fjv all cases wenk Lr.nyn. inrllfTtir.n Ncrv.jiis hysteni. Paraly reor.i:in(;a Tonic. DR. DODD'S Aro TTji a ill r-7 j m o cl . or "-e lnm it o coiuuiu.-i nui the Clergy they are rru ty tnvaiu-nle... bur tna ng'.d acamurui. nnd for person of weak constitutions For aiinitf rs i.f th.3 gospel, lawyer3 a t!l 'l ntihlie. ?p Tekprn for book-keeners tailors ?c ani ttre-sps. Ftuil artists, and all persons lea ding a e!onrry nfe. ti.y wi'l prove lenerlcisl. A a oeverire; they are wtiiPn:no. innocent, and deli'-ious to tne taste. They prince all tbe exhicrat inz euectsot nraniyor wine, wi:i...nt intoxicating; and are a valuable reme'ly for persons adicted to the use of exessive strong drirk, snd woo wish to refrain from It They ate pure and entire Tr free fror.i tbe p if,na con coined in tbeadnlterap.vl wines and brandies with which the c-vuMrv is floodfd. These b'.t'crs noto pIyCTRE tnt prevpnt disease, snd snonM ne used by all who uve in a count ry whe'e the water is tad, or where chill and fover are prevalent. Bein2 entirely innocent and harrmess thpy m iy begiv en freely tocbildren and infants with imannttv. Physicians and Clrfymen, and tenineraiire ndvjxsatfi as an act of humanity, should assist in spreading ths valuable bitters over tbe land, and tbret.y essentially nanisn arnncenness anl disee In all aJTectiors off ho IraiJ.IcU ITentlarhe. or Jfrrvoii I?ontl- arJie, Ir.5?oIs IrtiTcrial ITIne - iiiltcrs Will be found fo be most Salntarn and rmcacious. Bloomiagtoit 1, OXE nODUElTHD roSTTiRr ntUlTANDOKCAJiEXTALT: . Best quality, an.l very chn. io iour years, i j to cion?, one dollar a n.l 10,000 forty J,.U.i -:;rle,best,oneto"tir,T-iniV, ars. b.con.l cU3 one J.i;ar. .U0 d;. Ian. Jlizfi thrt, io. rear, Flun, Q oi.ur z:ocus. Rose Una do'hir fifty to (jli Sf-bi-rrie3 ll.iut per thousand. Wil; thousan-1. w two doil ton, ten arjf.r-Jefr,.. It laen- '. -wbcrrieiiLr,,; Evergreens, Rom, Bailias, lVn.f .' Standard Pear, Plan, Vhnr A c F.r Catalog-ies sea.I 3 cent 8 I F. K. PH(EMx j October, V Concord Grapevine I hava the '..(r,-,-,t u-d bet 'i, j r tT .' -rd Jrar;-vines in ih FE1I.4TXS. The many 'cirtificafes whii h have been tendered us and the leHers which we dailv receive, are conclusive proof that anions the women these Biftprs have Eiven a satisfaction which no others have ever done before. Ko woman in the land shonld he withont them, and those who once use theni, will not fail to keep a full supply. DR J Bovee Dod'3 DIPERIAL WINE LITTERS, Are prepared by an eminent and. skinful phyl.n!n,wh has used them successfully in hi? practice for ht Im twenty-tlve years. Tbe propript'ir before pi-h isin the exi'.nsive ri;:ht to miTinfirfrjr! and fp'IP-. Pwc, P 'd' CeiPbraies Injnrfi "ino nit era bTfbrrn tAsf rd t two distinc'''.i !"" r"''''a! rr:eit!'- w?t r- r rro'cel them a vaH-'i.. n i h i'k rpnri'r f t !-sctsj. A ''boivjh the rir,:" ri'r-i ' -,!s r. vitry. as a eer cr'l tbincr. disarn--r. . f p,,tn' T'""ii?;'"s. yet we do nt belipvp thit a rp.rirt iMp ptiysSrt-in can he found in the rniiel Sfts. afqualnfed Ti!b their me-Iial properties, who wi'l not highly approve Dr. Doll's 1JT PKUIAI.WIXK BITTrnS In all npwly settlod places, where there is alway a lare qnanfiiy of opoavin? timKorrri.m which a"pi sonous miasma is created, these bitteds shoucd te used every morning bv forebreak?at. nn. j. eotk: does' IMPERIAL WINE BITTERS Are composed of a pnre nod nna lulforated wine, com bined with Barherry. Sob mon'a S"al, Comfrev, Wild Cbery Bark, SpiVnard Camomile Flowers, and Gentian. They are manufactured by Pr. D o himself, who is an experience 1 .uui successful pbyvi'-ian, and hence "hould not be cla-- ed amon? the quack nostrums which flood the count , nd auuinst w l.ich the medical profession ro justly iTnt.nnce. These truly valuable Bitter? have been so thiTnnihly tested by a II clae of community, for almost pvpry vri ety of disease incident t human system, that they are now deemed mdispensvhle as a Tonic, MocTioirses and a cori orueri f r urscri:s, V er rates any ., rrliahl Vine?, trrce yr-arsi old. now be.irin - on? year,wil bo tf!.1:t ,j and warrarird to ar.-. ;. z 1 1 "ill f iha.'t; . Irc.t read vines Frd,,n,KyEl. !5,8) Three d-, do t d, ..-...vtij kjri,-j genus wamea in a:i ge..tions to comaiissi ju. Aov rerson wiin inr.L for vines-pets ur a ciub-wili rec-ivs free f.,r each d .zen oriered. lwo tui tuttings with twoorfourbuds.onr?,' sent by mat!, r-tj.aid or by exrres. Mo t,,Cm i lar?: 00 for fifteen .l:!.ml 10U0 for 2j j ' Octolwr is the best month to set them, but t t ' aa lons a.s the ground is unfrozen. " 5 All money sent at my risk. A yew'i owl:. ; be g.ven to any responsible person who desires it 1 who order 10 didlars worth or rr..r- . SC1 I The Consord id deeijt'dly the bestfimily avv. ' id wine grape now known. U rrpeu mZu, , far north aj Canadaa. J s an as A circular with more applicants full detai! entfr tjo (Late Editor and Proprietor cf the "Kara! CwA. For the Fall Trade. The subscriber has for sale the coming Astm the following : 500 Iloufrhton's Seedlinj and Claster GoojcW 1,'iDO Ked Dutch Currant. ' 2:i)00 New Rx-he'.Ie Dlackberrr. 200 Red Antwarp Raspberry." 200 Urinck'.yj Orange " 100 White (Jraco Currant. 500 Victoria Rhubarb. 5t'0 Isabel I Grape. St'O Catawba (inipe. 100 Concord Grape. K'O Tuttlo"S Ked IJrspe ( X.-w und fjae,)' Alio: a Iiriru a-s,,rrn,'nt of )rn;m,t.Ul Sinb bery, for which nee pri.-d ;i-t, wLich will 14 fvr warded gratuou apilication. Address, IT. A. TERHY, An?. Iol. Cr-s,-nt City.Lwv" E ever !crr Pnrcliasc one Bottle! It Costs but VAttlol PnrFfr tbe Illoort, iii Tone to tlir Sto- A3 a Reaper, the "McCormick" has been before the American public for the last twenty years. and daring that time his pained a reputation which is "World-Wide." Notwithstanding the yearl in creasingsompetitioD, and the host of inventors en gaged in the development of Reaping Machine?, the ".McCormick" lead 3 the van tho acknowledged su perior of all iu the march for practical im'Tovc ments. Tho repreFentations made by other manufitrdnr that the McCormick was "once" a noted R q or, bat is now antitjintcd,i3 simply ridicntou?, as i he in creasing demand will prove. No single establish ment in the WORLD, manafactures so lar-gelv of these implements, and none etq.ends equal money time or talent in rdinhle improvements. ilacy changes have been effected during the past season, and for ISol, the "McCormick" is presented greater attractions than ever beiore. A a Reaper its SIMPLICITY. STRENGTH AND DU RABILITY command it to tbe farmer, while its capacity for work, with economy of power, give it the preference over all others. The compacting the frame, thus securing a more perfect balance to the machine : the position of tho raker, in the rear of the driver, thus placing the weight where it should be, and relieving the weak er paits of the machine: the decreased weight, and slight indentation of the sickle, the Castor wheel, and other improvements added, have materially les sened the direct draught, and so obviated theW-; drnnght that many assure us that it does not now vxist. The draught of the Reaper is o light 'hat in numerous instances the large four-horso machine ia worked with but two horses. ys- Prlso SI CO perFoio, 6 Bottles CO Prepare I and so'd by CHARLES WIDDIFIELD & CO., sole rnorniETos 73 Willitm Ftrv-.t. Vev Tori. For sa!e by drn?itists an 1 3rr-'eer ?er"niiy ihroush ont the country. Oct. 17. 1WCI. i 0 N A V I N Z S ri-e all the Vent-a.-riii tinted. Ths 3-. taBSa-i iM,-'rmmnFi ZIm r.ii.' at J . -r .j-H ..;) ' . Takes pleasure in announcing to the citizens of Brclvnville and vicinity, that he has jus: opened a nevv LIVERY STABLE, niere he will alwaya be ready to furnish gtnijerain'with 5,c3.c3.1o Horses, HB-uisjSies, Orric: q3 cj, to., etc, CHARGES RESlSOUABLE. Brownrille, June 19th. 1SG1. As A Mower, The machine of 1S61 will be found fully to ny test that it may be submitted to. The slight indentation of the Sickle, its lightness and combi nation with tho beam and fingers, allows an increaso of motion not practscable in other nw 'i in o.s, thjs ena!.'"iigus tr'oqood work; with n. a ;'.uv team, x- ea, eo,i, vroi-King well. Uur Imprr.v:J, Guard and Patent Cleaner, at ih' MY Steek of nativo ble varieties with whio'i I am lants have been prod u"cd with grenrerire.undrthe most favorable circumstances for benl'liy deve'r-p-m.'nt,and in etceUcncy nny that I have here tofore been able to offer. For the full trade, only a limited uprdv of Union Tillage, Lenoir, ( Lincoln.) I'.uil'ne, T'-fin-burg, Tav r,r (ct Ruilitt,) nnd Ail- n's Hybrid is oflVp-d. Of b?st Delawars layers, also, tho supply is not large, but quality uncijualod. The stock from Delaware, single eye grown both in houso and open air, is lirre ar.d fine. Forvine y.ird planting some strong vines, grafted n Citaw ba and Isabella stocks, aro effored at a low price roots very strong. Very large bycrsof Diana, ITe'-bemont. and Con cord, grown with especial earo for ini'nediatr bear ing, (rood layers of Anna, Rogers' Hybrid, 12 kinds a'so liara, c-astd.r, to iai.n, Kt'-etva, Mil rrs Louisa, Logan, Emily, Canby's August, Huds- n, II. Prolific. Cuyahoga. Ac. A general assortment of foreig-i vnritie f.r v: neries. Of Downing's Everbearing Mulberry the s tr ;.Iv is not lar?t). and a great part of the trees a!rodv Moffat's Life Pill3 PIICENIX BITTERS, These medicines have now been before the oui.Tie'ff a period of thirty years, and during that time hiv? Dicuiitained a fciKh character In every part of tb (il .be. for their extraordinary and inimedut. pwer restoring perfect health to peronssuterin nnfler aear ly every kind of disease to which the human' rriniai iiable. The followin? are some of the distressing Varietal human diseases in which the . . VEGETABLE LIFE MEDICLM3 Are well known to be infallible. Djpepsa, by thoroughly cleansing the Urit tni sec ond .stomach, and creating a tl..w of pure lieatty trn'e, instead of tu stale acrid kind , Flaiultncy. of Ap pepite, Hear. burn, Headache, Restlessness, Ul-temper, Anxiety, Languor, and Melancholy, which art ib (tew era! symptoms of Pyspepsia, will vanish, as anatual consequence of its cure. Costiv .'7is, by cleansinir the wiole lensib or thein- testiues with a solvent process, an t without violence; all violent purges leave the buwels eosilve within t days. Fevert, ot all kinds, by restoring tbe blood 'to a regi lar circulation, throuli the proeess ot yerspiratmti in such cases, and the thorough solution of all iataticil obstruction in others. The Life Medicines have been known to enre Rhevmn' fj.i'ft permanently in three weeks and Gout ia htlt that time by remo7i:i? inn animation fToiu tte tun cies and ligaments from the joints. Dropsies Ofall kiinis, l.y freeing and streng'besinc tht kidney and bladder ; they operate most tleluMful ly on these important orsrans. and hence hava evertcfa found a certain remedy for the worst case of (iravn. Also Worm, by dislodging from the turnintt of tli bowels the blimy iuatt;r to which thee creature V bere. Scurvy, Ulcurtxv. 1 Invtterntt Sore. lr tber"71 purity vhicii thec Lile Me-iiMiie-give to the bluod, ct and all tho Iiut:i..ts. Scorbutic Km j inns and br.d coTT'.pleTin'-j by t(,!T j! ternafive erects upon tt e fluids feed tbe fKin, .vl the riottid state of u!,i !i mci.-in a 1 1 er a oive i ru plaiots, tallow, cloudy, diido'her disj;recabieconipi? ins, The use of these pills 'r a very short time, will efoct an eutirectti e of Kheuiu and a strikinirimp'ove- niprit ia the clc irness of tiie skin. Common Coil nd Iiitluenz.i wil l al ways te cured by one d se, or lj two in the wori cases. PILE'S. The-cr cinal proprietor of these tnediciDfi, wascuredof piles of thirry-rlve year stau iins, by t- u.-eof the Lire Mediclues alone. Fevtr and A rue For this scourge of the'Westers Country, tbe.-e Medicines will he found a safe, speiy and certain remedy. Other meti' ins leivethe .rifm sobjei t to a return of the disease a cure hy these me!- cmcs is permanent try ibem. be atitied and te curH Uilious revers and Uver Conioiaiiits. (ienerai De bility, loss of appetite, and Ii-eases f Females the Medicines have been useil with th wont tx-neHnal re sults in cases of tbisdescriptiou: Kings Kvil, ard Scrof ula in Its worst forms, yields to the u.ild, yet power ful actionof these reuiarkahle Medicine. NuarSweti Nervous debility, Nervous Cuinplatnta nt all kind, pal pitation of the heart, Fainter' Colic, are speedily car ed. Mercurial Dieae. Persons whose constitution hive become impaired by the injudicious ue of Mercory will Ond these Medicines a perfect cure, a they never fail to eradicate from the system, all the effect t th Mercury, ir.fluitely iooner than tbe mosf jxiwertn! prep arations of SarsaparilU. W. B. MOFFaT. 335, Broadway, New fork. July 5, 1S6D, ly ordered, lhey are very Wf-Il grr.-rn and matur?J. to d-1 v'girous, and the w ':!. on it-: ' irtli e.i;r; : three 0':b' -f tn hne who w . also sevt 1 Car,' i; 1. '....! . .'11' ents choking. no matter w!i ! JOHN A. SMALL. condition of t.'-e era?s, while oar new divider '"dot separates budiy bdgcd and tangled clover or grass, f ulardireeti.ona are wnere other macninea riu. There is also a great advantage in our "serrated pickle edge otcr the smooth, as it does not require sharpening go often, thus saving ti'xe. Our Sickle will frequently rnn through an entire harvest with out once grinding, while the smooth edge must be ground once each day, if not oftener. With a stnoth edge the draught increrscs as the knife become dull. Our draught is uniform, and in repeated trials du ring the Reason of 1360. proved far lighter than sin gle Mowers, cattiug at the same time from twelve t eighteen inches wider. Our Mower can be ued with or without tho reel this is important, and without the reel, weighs but about 670 pounds. In addition to the very liberal warrantee given to all pcrchasers, wc would say4 as heretofore, hat far mers who may desire it, are at liberty to work our machine through the harvest, with any ther, and keert, and pay for, the one preferred. Pamphlets with full description of improvements testimonials, Ac. can be had by application to THEODORE HILL, Agent. Brown ville, Nebraska, April 13.1S61. inC s. d t e liir icf nu -.i need. ara f it . ins for i be : wige 3 pur ii.rr in 'f '. fi lming ?oi' t . . t. i'u. ; ar l c. mprrb' ; r"-ji of tr e vine, ivi - r iiisers and growers .'ire - i . ii f soil and i.', a-;d th are illustrated by many carvfaliy prepared engrar The descriptions r f tho varieties will bo fott:;d accurate ard trustworthy, b-.'ing drawn from person al knowelodge, and very extensive observation. C . W. GRAITT. IONA, NEAR PEEKSKILL, Wcstclioiter Co., IYciv York. CHEAP FLOV7EPw3 &. FRUITS I will send, b mail, posfpeid, 101 sm mtly mixed il L,ll,tor ono do"tr. alt. r.rLBs, and Ler.e Pare Brefl Fancy Poultry, Tor sale Black Spanish, White Dorking, Golden nd Spangled Polands, Sebright, Clack African, red and white Bantams, white and wild Turkeys, I-a-Fowls, white and brown Uong Kong, Bremen and wild Geese, White "Created" lylesburgh and Mus covy Pucks. Common and Madagascar Rabbit. All animalf sold, will be rartfully boxed with the receasttry feed, and-delivered at th3 Expret-s odia. Addres3 V.' A. GOODLNG, Oak Lawa " h37vi , Lockport, Will Co . Bulbs cf aarn$, f .r $2. Cther Bulbs, enoii ih. - - - HKKUACEOrS rERESXTAL?. f 5- -r. fine mixed ROSES ai.d r.tber HA'IPV SAREHJIERY, by erpre, or railn.nd. 4 to S .1 .Tbr. fr 1C. Nam ed and nnotCE porls. nf...i: nMc price: end more in sirall selected '.it in nlf. 5'!d va-dc i"-. "Sll Fr.rrrs"of all .-cr'. in-'luding Delawake and IVxcosn fnvPK?. equally rasonrible. I't-LiT and CrNMET ti. Ti: r..s, 2i per cent. low er tbtn usual. All safely pa.-hjj, to kttp a iuor;tb, at rurchasers ccst. Address. . joiiv a. nixxiroTT. The Grove P. O., Cw k Co . 111. "Creveling" Grape Vines;. Or.ler for V.ices i f thij reV.iy t' i'cio" find erly Gropt acet by Cash ill necive prompt attention. ' (JikhI ona year Vines, each, $ I perdrzen. Cool two veir Vines, f 1.0 flea h. i'7 per dozen. ' ' ' P.. M. GOODWINS l:RO., 7ln3 EingtoE, Luicrne Co., I'a. Oregon Nursery. We bes to call the attention of tbe public to tbe Flo ral department of our E-dablisbment, which we to have in full and tuccessful operation. Our t;k of Greenhouse, beidins and Flowering Plants, Shrafif. &.C, c n sistiug in part of Oeraiieurns. Verberas. Dab-lia-s, Pe loxes. Peonies. Heliotrope. Ac, we tfler for s le tbe ei'ining Spring .it lower price- than una!. there by plnnff theru wi'biu Ibe r-M h t all. M t t,l the p ants tl iwer all st.iuiincr. aid for siie, eoW, rurni.aod fras rm-e of flower cannot r-p e x-tlltfl. II iviiir the advantage of a tl.'t class pnDatiT house and it a ppend.ige, which alTrdsm fatiii i for increasing our st-xk to meet any demand, parties ftio'd have no fear of getting what lhey want by banning in their i. pier early. W iiteioj t., the Prpjjatini Departmmr enrnelret, a:.d 'Ti'ri'ii every article purchased of n t he z-tCi, ut:, ii'.. eiirtiy. well rootel plants, aal tr e tmmf, Or. !.. i;i'ive and priced catalogue- h-hi out ill Ap-i1, ;r. I v i h- forwarded by mail to apol:.iOt. J. A. VAN' CO., St. Jose-b Airieu!t nr n. nsp, I!. l FUKVAS, Farmer Oflke. Browiill4, X. T.. are o'ir authorized A.tent. All orders leff. wit tLein will receive prompt attention. It. 11 BCRCHES Jt CO. P. S. If iving forcing pit pperjaMr for the pnrpi'se. we will have SW EET POTATUB plant for sale ty the milli n, at red-iced prires. K. II. B. Jt Co. . O: e.-on. Mo. Eeh. ISrfl Peb H6 THE OPORTO GRAPE. The 0;.r?o is a very srrcng grow-.-r, and U per fectly h.irly, having fruited annually f r more thsa ten years. Jt is very productive, oJd yinesj hav ing produced from fi.-e to over tea bushels each, in a single season. Two vine., two yuan plant! in La. Sulle county, Illinois, were nninjurd by the cold, and fruited last reason. The w;ne Ends r dy sale from two to four dollars pergilloa. litad what the rub!!c?iiy of theOtxrbo. "It is esteem-l by ITiysicians a gool Tort Winfl. It is s. mewhat astringent, rich and of fiae hody. The ore unfailing and good bearers." Rev. Dr. Loun.- tury. 'I have -it Jifft-rent kind of Cnpo;", and th Opr rtois t'i3 boot of either of t'aeni for wine, aol better than any other grjpe that I am aoiuain'-ci with." A. Devereajj. in tb'j Rurnl. "For several yrars wj L ivemid wine from tha Oporto Grate, and Ct d a re-.dy le at one dollar per bottle, selling iii bottlej fri:!'.a orders." Sylvtt- let curt. iron,; addrra e27v. vine $1 t For vins or circular E. WARE a Y VEiTEU Lvons, . V. ' -tf. Vcat!.cr Indicator. tfn il (- r;'it JPi 1 einioCS instrotri.uit forett..S wo-tborf,r.m 1 to " 1 fcour in ad vaD'je. Sent freo bv mail fn Il'fl Ai V Agents: iria Uto.t cimrunajiiii'K. .-.ui. i receipt of SO cents by the manufacturer, ;o., Ncwaik, -V. J. l iberal dijcount lr ... ;