Nebraska advertiser. (Brownville, Nemaha County, N.T. [Neb.]) 1856-1882, November 21, 1861, Image 3

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I ,TT ; j T jj ) rj 11 J) Cam. A. U Mattiiuv of this cny.
i; - i.-yiJii. v.l.o j,a? led) recruiting a (on.j-ariy oi
t til"'-
our r r. o .
r-'i!- ''iir C-r! 1M if fr?iT n the air!
fvhiT -T ". VI ill lii' ir .'r:ivc,
"'; . :,.-:ivl ,',"' cu! i strike, tUy LaJ ?ouls
.1. ;rf' n.s i7crc n; t burn t l sl.ivc!
tl n! tanner! whrre'cr it m iy call,
..... ... ,.i..ns Mia.
,.f J .-?;; a that r.fin rut eh -Til f:!l
i " " HurJ Times.
1:'V 1)'. v r was a time1 according to
f ,r Tincc ulifii pt-f-j-1 did not cuin
; p,n oi -l.irJ uin-.-.". Sme years we
'in J';l of l'.l-JMOrS t Collt'Cl IIICT
i. j 1 41 1
; ri j ilt r-isiam . cry a I ways was '-Lard
,...' Evii in 1537. when "limes"
I r.vr.; '"flu;-!." than th y l.aJ over le
j f re n V"'u d Slate?, th re wa
i uaa fiom 3 certain .portion of comtnu-r;-r
a irnmillinqr as evt-r about ihi
j. rrr-l cn-va:.ce. Willi many people
t, y market is alyay tight, and
i . i ..I -,? "
"I'.ili'.'s iiiwaja luiu.
We da noi mean to arcue that hard are not now upon us,
Y'-r iti-iny J i' tVy've wandered
Ar.'Uinl ur CvttalHir.
f, .t tvui n.nv it not a.-, had as fom
Sharp Sh KJters for tome timr ptst. t
cm. r ii-.c regular three years service, has
I fen induced to change to cavalry, and
ly the cirn-6t tMi'iciialion of Gh I)air,
at Lravt nworth, las consented to join his
lie gimt'7it. Capt. II. C., of
Nebraska City, has conso'ilated his force
with that of Capt. Matthews. Capt. B.
was in our city on Monday last. Capts.
M. and B. have left on the West Wind
for Leavenworth on business connected
with the company. In the meantime
those who h to join, will be accommo
dated either at Browr.ville or Nebraska
City, w ith boird and lodging immediately
on application being made.
By n-ffrencf to good Union resident
of Atchison county, Mo., we are satifi d
we did i'lj'istice to J. II. Boiling, (tie
younger brother) in refering to the ar
rest of the "Boiling brothers," two wr k
ago. II.' was relieved by Froro:t Mar
shal of St. Joejh, whose certificate w
have se-n. We are also assured he ha
not made himself so obnoxious on the
other side of the river.
try to make out. The fanners
a a ci.-is. nre h grnatfst suflVrers.
T!.. re iv1v.t wa a tini i in tIo West,
w!,,.n M'cl auics. . Llo'- r and others,
cn'iM buy th ir pnu i iou? ch- Jiper than
li i.v. (Irocerie,. it i tr ie, are, but
ij v are uot rfall a ucumsftry of life.
A.A aliJi- utrh tlit- h;iVit of using them,
Li-, wi:;i i'i hiV. ! 'oi ahiu t a sci'nd
tii'ur'. Mill::!' cii ipra tic rrfrenckmcit.
Tn ;i ; i '! lai t u S r'.'.in a'm :!
i: : .-U
im Ives w.tli au aLtiii l:i:ice oi
Receiver Nemiiiv Land Ofeice.
G. F. Watto.v, Es ., the recently ap
pointed Rt-ceiver for the U. S. L-iwi
Oiiioe in this city, arrived here with his
f'an.i!y o:i Tuesday hst. He is from tin
State of Indiana; ai-d upon first acquain
tance makes a mot favorabh impres-i.ui.
We trust he and family wil! find their
new home in the ' Far West" plea.-an'
beyond expectation:.
O a iiiir to the absence of a R -c ivt r fr
a coupl-j of nnn;h ja', no entries have
been made in the clVt- e. Thoe desiring
to enter b;l; can iiccoar.iuduti d
Tn iskv Th Iiuji la a'out Sprinkle's
mill t ik- ten copies jf fie D lily B -dletin.
It i-- !ierj ri e r;d g-j-a-hea I abo
that : . H ". f ro n Sprinkle djkvn
to th. patent lur dust elevator. TJiaijik
yo'i 2' n'.h ;;i n.
V. ,ie ;i 1 1 ar obligations to Wm Bile,
F. j, ' g : ;Iemanly mail contractor
Hum tiiis place to Rockpjrt. for a club ol
Bulletin at Rockport, Mo.
AUom (i. F. Bixby, Estp, of North
Star. Ml. f-r n club from that plare.
S n l :n y'ir naiies. Wh il inake up a
. b.bai ir i. N'.-nnhi Ci:y and Aspiu-
Sprimcli: has juat got an additional
set of buns at work ia his mill; the large
regular ohl-fash;oifd fellows. lie calcu-
latcs now to make some of the lest floui
that can be made. II n can now accom
modate customers by grinding corn or
wheat "on demand."
The Wevthlk. On Monday night
this r jii u vas vi-iud with very heavy
run- tor the st as-n of year. On Tues
day and the nibi following, "j-e-r-u-s-a-
l-e-iu" but tiie wind did blow. Fences,
hayf and grain stacks were mide to "lay
around loose."
Dex has received aiuther lot of nev
goods. Those Cavalry boots are very
nice ; warranted to mount a horse them
selves ; handle a fabre ; cut and slash the
eni tny, and obtain victories jrenerally, by
out wearing anything ever before offered
in the maiket.
. . m
By publishing the Daily Bulktn and
transposing the matter to the columns of
the .llvertiwr, nearly all other matter is
crowded out. We suppose, however,
that during thse exciting times, war
news will be more accjpt.ible to oar
readers than any other matter.
Brow &, Stjuckli r h ive received a
sma-hing lot of new g.wls. Notwith
standing they dotut a !v rtis with us, r
authorize us to anmunc ? the fact, yet we
take the liber'y of sayi ig they have a
nice stock of goods, and a-ed utiga pretty
business. Jacob is aj accu:n.iijJatin as
a you'ig man looking out for a jiuituer.
G i-.oc.or.ic t. Sfecimcss. To Capt. J.
D. N. 1 iiomcoox we Jire specially in
dfbted for some beautiful Geological
specimen'; from IMot Ivnb. Also a s ip
ply of Chestnuts for pinning.
Fatal Aecji..xT. At a daniv? at
Aspinwcll ooe night last week", R iht.
Fawfaw was !ot and instantly killed, by
th accidental discharge of a pistol in the
hand.-, ol Richard Op- It.
Post Oilke Nolicts.
Kttkt Is hereby g' "'- tl tt I a:a prcinrltjps!a:ui?
Hslavr SiaTiiii ,,f the ne- styic. Ijr aj qiiaU'iil
.u u.u '.f liie;e, f r rit.ljyj frui aat, LjJ
tliit r;cr Out iUe vi-l uue win u i be xeceivel
in payment Imt'0 at tl.i-fll e.
J. V. HLKS, Pt lifter,
ilt. Veraon T . Xuv.21, 1SGI.
Post orru-E Pepabtmekt, t
Finauce Oillce, isCl.
Pottmaster Sir: Yon Ui ruceive herewith a sup
ply ofPoetape Sumps, hub you wi-1 ohserrc are of a
new etyle, diflerinc both ia Jesign aDtl color from those
hitherto used, nl having, the letters U. S. in the
lower corner f eeh stamp, and its respective denomtu
i.n Indicated !y figures a well ashy letters. You
iuiraedijtely uive public notice through the new
piers and oiherwi.-e, that jou are prepfed Vt ex
cha:!?e stiiuys of tbenews'yle for an equivalent am.iuut
i.f the oi l issue ilniinf a i c: ivXl of six dayi from the
late of the out ice, and that the latter vill not thereaf
ter be received in p.iyinenLcr pjstaje en letters te:it
rrooi your cffl -e. You will atury yourself by persona!
inspection that ttaiii;is offered in exohaufe have 'lot been
used through the mails or otherwise; and if in any ca.e
you hive K kxI grourdi for ku.--c:ini that -6tanips pre
ene'l to yo-t for esjlune were fent from any of the
;ii. yat Sutes, you wil lint receive them without due
invesiiintio i. ThN iiolice to omin e ice F idiy, the
2ilol November, ifcCI. L. JOUXSO.V, P. 31.,
Nem .ba Ciiy N. T.
Tl. a Jve. ti er, h ivirit l.reu ret"ied to C'll: in t.
vei :ew vnk- tya vey liiiiple tci)ic!y after havinK
-LlTere.l n- eral j ear i.h a tcve: C lima nfli-cti. n n-"
'hal dre.d liei-e C itMinipti r is Mixi. in to ruukt
liiiowu to hi.- fel u.w h'ITtpt u the iiio .ii-1 cure.
To ail wh.nlii e it.. Ici.l -(ulac py cfihepre?
c ipti'-n u-ed, (fne of rhtrt'e ) wi'li :!ie.tion r.r pre
Prifa i'd n-i r ' hn mi f, wl.i ! 1 1 t y will dud srui:
fhtiii'y eject . i tl j.ilve-ii.-i r in tl iini;' tl.e Pie
c.i;'i ti it to b.-iKfl: I;e -ltl -t t--l :i'il pri'-.d iiiloni a
ticti w liR-h he c titvivec t.. In ii.v.iln..b.c i.nd he ht-i e
t-veiy r- fl"-rcr wi.l try hi- retn.dy, a-; it will ost Iheti'
it- tliiii-'. and may p ..v- j h e -MU7.
Parlies niliiii tie pr?eiip'i-ii will j'ttr-e miil tv
Einit i'ouuiy, Xow Y tie.
November 11. lCI
i,J lie Salt, from S;?!ine Crek; so
tlit! n"e only grsccrleo tieuh ued in this
ctnuie.mi-y, for wl ica n;-'iey is rf'piir-d,
re tt a and c jlTt-e rnd v n d-mi- vtie
siil s'itates for th.-e ;xr: u - y many
aiu.Ues in this couiity.
If we could cn!y. persuade ourselves :
toa.'ept ?crr.e of the simplicity et on fore- I
fatheis ii. the way of diet if we could
dipcne with i!.e use of colTee, ai.d sub
stituted "in-j.-h a:.d milk," as was gener
ally done during the Uevclution, and du
r!i;:r, and or s -v nil years sul's. tjent to
ihe war . 2S1- it would not save
in ihc cr': jMitioy a va.t amount of n.oi.ey
bat ;e would have better health; we
uuull have more strength ami energy,
at,d the average length of life would be
Tj farmers we tvouhl say thai 'the
figr.s'T the times,'' w ith regard to prices
are 'iivmrgitig. Th re i" n wa great
exponauon of grain to Ivirop3. Mer
chants are beginning to find that there is
nu the surplus in the country that was
supposed, and that surplus will soon be
exlwusted, when prices will rapidly risf.
At Chicago potatoes are rising. The
amount . raised in Illinois and Wisconsin
is very much smaller than was supposed.
Our farmers should b cartful and save
evtry bushel of potatoes. They will be
fifty cents a bushel in the Spring.
Farmers should keep up their spirits,
not get discouraged. Save all your pro
due, and if you cannot trad it oil so as
to pay your debts or to buy so ucthing to
iuiprev.- your farm, store it away. Ii
will fell readily as soon a navigation
op Mi in the Spring. B hi l.istnous and
economical; don't go in d bt ; deny your
tlves unnecessaiy h-xuries; (ha don't
stint yorselves or your children of any
thing rcaVy beneficial, this would be bad
economy,) eat more mu-h, hominy, po
tatoes, and lss coffee ni.d pices, there
by saving half your doctor's bill; patch
up your t Id clothe? ; save with the ut
tnost care all the tock and hogs you have
got or tan ; k p yor hog o r for
anothtr y.-ar. ami tv4 them your c rn,
und damaged wheat, if you han-r any,ajt
mtke hogs that would weigh 2(,0 pounds
if Ifcutcherod this fall, weigh 500 next.
Ye know itis not always g.uHl polit y tv
keep hogs beyon I a certain age. But
tvhen stock hogs are scarce, and corn a
"hundant and the price low, it is b iter to
keep the hogs over than to sell th- corn.
If the readers of this article willful
qv our a !y.:.;e. though it may not enable
hui to htm Vit louch money at present,
tji'J a will pay :1k m in the end; they will
e making a in aoh as they have any sca
fo since -they cam 10 Nebraka. t.nb ss
;iit y are in debt more than thi y are worth
and paying a high interest on what they
ou fc. ' For such there is no hope ! The
f toner their creditors "close up," on them
the better, both for themselves end com
fimnity. It will enable them lo commence
Anew, when they can profit by their valu
able, Oi .ugh dearly bought experience.
The Government has expeuded during Hev. William McCanclish, of Council
the last three .months in the city of St. : Blufps rv attendance is desired.
Louis,- alGne, over twelve mil i ion of dul
So.rbiiiic disease are thu sto.'i 'v'i'ic'i
..ii-es a Ur e p.' p 'i ti -n t the f.eal m iln llr. lint a'
f.ct Thiy re a it tve ca necie .it p..tit
i"t in tht hi!!i m c iini:iu. n, wiech unde' ntiue.- ai"
cf rpt i I the s n ce f its viialiiy aiid it
de ay. They ,.te the i--(rii fn:m wluh tp'iiK t"
st'op'i'.n, R'..'ni itim. neart Ii.-eae Livei C t..
pl lints, and K. u i r t 0 s?t-es which wi.l l,e re- .-Jii-e!
.h am 'lie li mo t fatal and .lest ru.-:i e l tlr
l a. e- f tii n. S di e.i'Hui ai e its c tisf .im i cos to Im
!ii:iti life 'hit i. i-h 11 d iy .-ih' t over !
!!Mp Maiir ..! an jc'iial rell..l!e ren:i.!y thnt
wei'p .in this Scr-jJUlt-n- c liViuiri.tion. We k.i-
thi-n M-e hall i ociaini e'e n.e news to onr!er .1
lie ! m such a qnartcr as will leave lit'le donbt it it
fit cy .;id tliiltn.ire wee i. e when we leil them
hrO ii ieal!y d e ccompli-h ihe et.d tlesi'ed. W(
vi K s SAhSAPARii.LA, and it N cj'rtainly wor'Jiy the
a ion i .11 ot Oi .e -h i a-e -Bl I wirh Srrofa'a or
Sciof.iiou.- c uii.iis Repsicr A.'bdnj .V. Y,
Move OJf. Such is the c urse pursued by Curli
valusMe ineIicine!. They never cete doing ro.xI hn
pres forward i elievini; the bit k and crippled from pur
and disease. The Wonderful cures that are performed
by Cu tis' Syrup cf Sjafra are really marvelous.
Conch, c.ilds, hoarsene.-s measles, etren Coiisiimp i u
bctiiis to tretnhie when it Coines in contact with 1 ti.:
it.H'ii the deathly 3.---p i loo-eued. Curtis' M mieluke
Liniment familiar l every family in the country foi
ihe many benefits they have received from its ae. Ii
i well for eve.y lami'y to he provided; they eaniiot tell
wh;it hour they may require iu use. melicines
stand hieh, and are used by many respectable physicians
of ex'eusive practice. Sea adverueujui iu Another
cko:ce trees and mm.
I hive a few dudce varie,!e, and extra fine tree ot
my own raisMig Appiatid Peara, Dwarf and Stand nil
Apri -ot- and tl ie Ki.'H-eiiu; Mi. ub.H, I w uld excli .ne
wiiu peis tis .ie-liinj ihem for w.mmI. wheat, coin, beet
orp.n. Thry.-in ie hlivere I miytime.
Als . a tew 'hi'iati4 one an 1 tw year Bl ck cust
tres Iiwtuti lii.ckber.iei, and varieties Ha.-i ber
beries. IlroivnIi:c.
Red Butch Currants.
An tierj'riinMrve litis sliijipi J to mv earj few
iu l ii - l I' t.-ii Corri-i' s. im4 iiuHn.r z m-J t.
soil ior i-asli IV z 'ti knbl lo i.-s.
Sii'.-b ii.ioj.piri unity yf.e nnii supply of Currarts,
may net wun nain present itsilf.
Elccmington Kursery,
At the crosFiajr of Mie -is Central aid S.
Alton and "hiCrto liuii-ii.N. taU h d li-2 on
I tie open J; i.i-it-. aiiu ..t.tains IJu icies. F i.ii Oma
luen.a! and Xn .-e t -"k a ve:y larje j.eiu'. ai aud
re ian:e assortnuiK, VUil CiICA Ji ta h.
Ii:cciaL) Ad.'i'it! to t'.c Severe (Mmm
cf t:.e
AYV.V- '."UF.r. T-.'tn Tie tn four ye" 'd $'S ii
$'l . Kit' SHAFTS $1'.pe 1001. ATI'LK MniKS,
i-f. ,m y, i. t t -r i't ati ini' c nicits
1 pp thorns nd Al AZ.U'l) :tV $3 i-r I 00.
Iirt vKF AlM'I.K- QCINCK I'KaH 1'i.l M. AND
t.iSK sTiifhS J'i-t S( !') si 5 p l Hi tii-alio
'!.. e 4ii e I n iic lb' A .n i v 6' pt-r ih in-Mi.d
H'thon' atiiivltry aid in- y.ol'erS ail lid si irlr
th tevdnr-pe ill i.Kaid. Gr pet ef.. Cunt u
I l x we. i i.hi nl one jm d'"l i-v
hi ti'i i.l iwei't il. ilais p.-r moii.iiil. Delaware
t i 4 i d it.. "rs i .it tour to ii d.'liais per huod.eil
Khu'iri li'o-t " iw'. to Ave dollar per bundled.
il.a Aon Cooxbem, t i wo yeu .'-rt . n t..
tli ee.u.lia.s pel ti... aired Dcvtxing't Ever Beor'ng
Au brr j'. t'-r to t ulit i llai per.i aeu Ever jrren
fk ,, k -pt i i ia - prr n m-jn i. n taue una
tlrcein.7 Trtcn f-hrubt never Rnolt Put hote
an immense ai ie.y ni.slly one to iwj Uoiiara unj
pr d zen.
Pa kit f a'ffutly done Catalogues rent cn receipt
of a eni stamp. Ad.1 esa
Nov 14, 18-il i'9 5 n BtfomiAfoa. Uinoit.
Wo-J and c r.i .we particularly want
just now. All U'udiof produce, however,
taken at this office.
Gov. S.U .M IKS p;ttst.d tp on the West
Wind on Saturday, oa his way to thi
ZollicofT r's brigands went it O the
battle of Cainp Wijd Cat sinking -Daie,"
but when thiy "went out" they were
'Firtf ia Iho tiiQttTi'ain. ma b.:J'I'aB!,,
ItcLimous. Fr a. l.i.ig in the Freby
terian Church ' ThurMlay and Friday
nights, at 7 oMoc'c; Saturday afternoon
at 2 1-2 o'elock; also on Sabbath at 10
1-2 o'clock A. MM and 7 P. M., by the
r.C. JohuMHj. 1 Civil Hcsiou. Iiiatriet Court.
va J- Neuah County,
Ilirntn Villern. ) N-braka Territory
lh, said d. fend" n, Ilintn Viller-t. will take 1:1-
liee that tn thetithd.y cf Sept. .-6l.sail 1'I.intifT,
U. I). Johniii. rt'd file hi. peiiu..n in this cm 8
against be Mid Villr. in tbe Clerk' office of m d
court, tbe vbj-ct nd pniyer vf which 81111I etili.iii
is t obtain a .imlctu.-iit against the said d tei.dant
for th.'fn.'n "f .' ith interest fr.tii the 2I-t di.v
jf Sejitt tab r, Isirt, for aervlce r-nl ;red by ?a id
I lantiff asaltoriity to ti-li dcletduot pod at bis ru-q'i-st.
That nn attncbmetit duty i.ued in tbi. caue. br
virtue of which tbo Fbi-ritl" T said eennty attached
the fi l!owin5 premise- of said defendant to-wit
Tm acrea b .ubded and desciibed oj follows : C. ni
m neingat the youth westeurnerof ivuth eastqttar
fr of ectun twenty-four, town fix, range thirteen,
Senia,h county; N. T.; tiietce north forty rod,
thence east frty rod-, thence south forty n.-", thence
weft forty r-ds to the place f beginning in said
evunty of Nemaha; and that the defendant will
take further notice, that he is required to answer or
pled t Mid r etition on or before thn tenth day f
December, lcfil. A. SCU0EXI1EIT.
October 17, 6l. d nI5 4 FJa Atfy.
bu,! nud nt other places' wc-it uf the
'. Mi.-iislppi hi'.f 23 inufh more, i:i ad
. h i a tii 1 :!;e inon' wav of foMiorr.
This v-i!l certairily riake us-:i:-y p'-.L'.y
.ia Nebraik, as sooa as spring opens.
Th" nnderltfr.e.l '.s au:hjrit?J to recruit a c aipar.y cf
For the threo-yei's Ferv ce t.t.'e fxner disehare!
ab.:I er. p rlui i'y 44 ii.ns p.eeii: d lo tloe wh i de.
li.t- i.'f ..i-' . jj.-t-t f. r .tn. !' Vitiuin 1 'it tiiin.
IheC r.u ..L 1. :.ii i.l y :.:.: tip. I."'ie (
U the K. N .: 1. i Ke-toiJ'iit. v'nl 3 ''--J Ur.a-I
Ari.iv hi v.. !:: ii. nrCer IJii.e-al Xc.V.e-1 ".i.
I jer. r :.. :. i'.-.-na O. V.'. Whee e I. I- 7-irn,
K. W' tO l iu t.Ct. r- H i e:" ' A
H-ownwi!.-.; J' ln S. li. ' J V ' " i
t . IT :i .". V It. iC" 5 S ' - "
II. 1
dy orj
Oliver Xlcnlntor
i.rn ui Trials.
Are pnre Tescable estracta. Tjey core all tiMi'. i
d.sordera ot ihe hum m yse.u. T!:ey re?il ne jiiJ in
vir..rie ihe liver and kidneys; Uu-y (rive touetu;he
.l.eiiive oipati.-; they teuUie ihe eoreti n exre
tiu and exh iljt' n, erial'(a the circnlati .ii. and pa
rtly the Idoi-d. Th mi billiuU4 complaints of
wLi-.-h are Torpid Live.', Sut Headache, i)yep4j Pi.e,
Chilia and Kevera, Cosiivenesa or l-.t-eoes ire cu
ureiy coniroled and cured by these reuiedica.
Removes the niorbid and hi; lions deposit from the
stomach and newels, rKulate the Livei-and Kidaeys,
removing every obtrncti in.. restores a natural and heal
thy ac.iun in the vital orgar. It i a anperior
Family Medicine,
Much tetter than Puis and much easier to take.
W a nire-i.-r tot-ic and diuretic; excellent in ca-'C cf
10 aor appe'ire flatulency, tern tie a'eakne-s, irresaJar
itiox pain in thf side and tjwc; hilnd, protuding and
hleeliiig, and xetieral debility.
Jts. L Briimley. meThmt. ISi Fulton f-treet. New
Yoik, writes. Aun'ut 18. IhCJ: ' I htve beea i.fllic:t.l
with pi!s. ac.-ouipauied with bleeding, the last ituee
years ; I u-ed
And ro-v eonshlcr tuyelf entire! j cured "
II. n J .h:i A C .- w-- n-k y ili ckI5h
Stl. I.l the f p i:.U ol ltV'S I f. k si-v-:e c. ld, WtiK'h
oduced a violent lever. 1 1 k two dsr ol
It bkettp tny c -ld and t'vr at ..uce. P.evin t..
'his atto. k I had been tr.'iib.e ! wish .l.spepsia several
ni .ti'iis; I have ie t n-Mhiiu it since."
Ous a.uJ ey. K.-q . 123 K1-1 24 h Strei vew Y .rk .
wn es: Aiutl-t 13 ISG'J I b :d adiftlotl'ty witu ihe
iCuh.i'.v Coiiiil.i:ii. il.ue yej;a. wi:h c-:i:tHiit p inn.
he in.ill ..t my b.:ck. 1 had 1 s.-d ui .st a'l k.nls.i
loedicities, hui lotin.i 111 icrtii n ent relief until 1 used
I p.i8FC-d clo'ted hlo.1 by the ifi-ttira. I tin hht pn
ti.eiy cure!, atid take piejsu.e in iec..iii..ieii liu .heC
M- C. Te'ow, II Christ. .pher S reet, N. Y. w; Pes :
Fib. 2i IS61 I iMveheen sit.iei-t to attacks of Asth
na the 1 1st taenij years. I hive nerer fjuad auyihin:
..q'lal to
i-i flT .rding initiif-Mj' ie'ie It u a th riub liver
.ini hilli us re.n." ly."
M. Youi-r f rtrikiyn write. "F hr:i iry ?S I60
!'i .ly List I h 1 1 a v-r ift vk f Pues, winch v 1-1:1.-1
toe 1 il e !i"iise. I uk ne Imtde ot
DA l'.I.I (S
.tnd was er.t rc'j rwed 1 have h id 11 atta -k in.""
I) Wrsuri, , K.11 , .18 mh 6.I1. ttea R1I1 S 1 et ,
v i 1 ,iii-i.' 1.. I vii-e-: A pn-i ft 1SG i II .
e .1 r.-.-utiied vi.ti j d'llK-uIly in 'he I.'v.t a-.d
.. biniou allucit- I vi-i-l :y .t ji iend t t: y
I did ai d f..ti!id it In operate kd:iii-ahly. rtii vi; s the
cue .oil ar.iiisiint ihe live, to aciivry. I a -.,
jr-eii i s a
JPctxxxll-y" 3V2Codioiiio.
When i.iir"liild en ie otit of sorts we iriv .it:n 1 few
ii.,p and it sets thTi all right. I rind I: tsu-e Uif
jeneral wauta of the stomach and hjweis when uisur
deteil "
Reader if you need either or h dh of the e m.wt ex
relient Iteinediea iniai e for ihem at ihestorei j it y
d.t not tlnd them take no other, bat iucl.e t ie U
in a letier. and n r-oeiit ot ihe;, ihe H.-n.
teniedi- will be sent c: 'iinv to an ecu. -us
mail or express, poet pm. A.le e.
D.WL s muuvr,.
1C2 N.,ssmu Am-ei N. wYi.ik.
Pu u n 50 ''it and 11 ii JiUe, bju L.
Xtv. 7 1S6I. nlh-Ca
On the feventh of S.-pteuOier, 1S3I, TIIE NEW
VOKiv VVELiviA' liti.iUNt: u.-u el t i
-. wen : v-first year d" Ho existomre: Til hi liAli.T
I Kli.l. N K bcinsi ine iu iitiis older nd HIM SL'.i
.i r.bKl.V TtiliiU li .'.iujv.n y ui;;', lit
111.. ru tlo.11 twenty tdis Uus ji.ui u ii Ln lnborcJ11
what lid conductor4. hivotVlt c bi tiioot.isjot' ill
.u.tuity, Jusiioo anil t reei mi, en I iv .ri 14 t in'ii
.rate tlie eoii'l.tiou tn Iho nppivsst il .m l nnf.irtaii tt
u boin.r and u-ci ul exertion iu w!i.i:ctc?r . (..ici'
and. t prcuiote by ail 111 -ms tiiu iu ri,i-i ei: ;t t:
luU ui.iteiuil udViio.; incut ol 0111 e. tuiirj :. Il
liuieJ t. bo r'got r.itnor ih.t.i p.ulki aoJ t. e
jjouse and t: ui.iifo.l lo-.liy tlij liniu that
.uiiy not bo wining u uoksepi tili u.iu u iyi. L.
pursuing ttiia w.ur.Mj inist .Wts liavo d..uo lesa k-t-u
.ii..ucuii.l lauils c. Ultilillt'd; but having In a. I II1114-
lieltcll our rcadcis Iu w.i.ia jji -e lor lliflu-ov.s
;at her tli ia adojit blindly oar o .i .vu ii- r o.ui u
sioLS we beitivti ae umj t iiriy ciai u i-.r ibi- jou na!
1 be credit ol ii ivi.i ipi ililii-d Ua r-s d.toot
mtl ev- u lti t.u To ilcwl y ihe
niiiiiii ot tliy.'ini,: by th." most tliotu. i
jod prictK-ai K.l.K-.iii. mi m l to nn oart'J a.i l tnu-ula.t-
iraJuciie IndUsliy tbrouli Ireo graiii tf
Public lHitls toactual e; Jers mi l ruitiratur and
ii.M? ibroiiti 1110 .ioi..;etiou id' iiuiuituitt .r pfuli
,1 iiy eXsd braiichcs fn-w in pi v;rial I.-t.ifl':i
e..inieiiufii are atoontHo ainii ti tv.ncii taisjt-ir-n:il
has adlieied turoub unj bid lejmrt and
kvliieh it sieidlaslly c .uiuijuJj to Auuricaii j'tnot-i-iu .lnliiiithio.y.
As to die Civil ar now devastating ourcotnt y
wo hold it to 01 initiated in it!'.nn wre
a a 1. tin, wit ked, lue.v. usable, th-.iu w;id evtr lclie
known a Ucbciii'.n iu Ihe interest ol (he s;
;he many--a it leliiou deeigoed U rain: hil.-r tin
w.illa of caste and ligtiPo.i tlic chains of .ppr.t i m.
il ivin done all we cud arlthout ifun t ;."of n
Tiii lirii.ciplc to aroid thii W ar ami winic-r th.
;i,i b.Hianee, iu:i kn ss and loiig ?ufferjiiwt!iincii
ti-e Federal Goverbiutnt songlit U v.ri 1 ii.rrrs
aclod it our clear duty, wi.h tlivtof tj ot.uf
t-it iz'.'ti .l.i .stand by I lie 11 ationand ila fairly .h. ..!!
1 nit tmum! ts se.xn l wito nil oar eimrira thur ttl
orla 10 upto 1 1 lue Union, io Coiistituiio.i a.d 1 1
-nprinaj ft he L i . And though lh It d!o.ii
,.a-i) :o in llir..u Ti ur K;nli.rf ilec.-p ion tjrvri-ui
md spoLinioii f-ar 11 i) sir .11 Wo' heiu-v 1 ho A u-T-ie.ui
Uej.ublio lar s lon-r and lint the unai aiou-arne.-t
oil', rrs d loyil Uo.irisi and b.mJJ i:l insure
.is t v. rth...v. Lut ! all tiit.-fiiins fhct 1 jt tbe
. rne sc.. art! ilunn i. 11 td this n r.n r
liiony e..ntjsi we deli r to those wlion I be iuoti
an IV. p!e bate clothed wiili authority LoIIn..; u
n iv oi j ur,.se Ha l of actb.11 ludispinssdli in ti
ic an eui'-r. a. y.
In a ciisi9 liko ihe present ur iuan xt 1 t. be
arcly t nross. .1 twin the currewt hi-? rj .. tht: f-.r the L'i;i"u and with ajidni ,n f irs
moro striking iiiei.l. nt.. We tiall ii"i luaeeer.
remit th it attention to Liter iturts us F i
i A
nu honorable poMtiiui amoii in cteui..r.iru
Our main object u and shall uj t pljen e.ia
jirelieiisioe newspaper fsotn which a e-trat' il r.-alir
uiay gleam n viv.d and faithful histiyj ' i ti;uu
not merely in tlie domain of Action br " t'i tt of
Opinion al.. At our f icnlties for ac iu ft r- wit a yearn, we tru'. ; a
provemant in the contetits of our jotir; t y 1
lible and that in the variityaDd fu!! .
genceatforded we m iy atill nope t-i "
? critic on the UH," .Iu ih't hope
tinuance of the generous msasur j
huberio accorded to ur journal.
liATLT TRIBUXK 311 i-ue jer n n
SK M I - W K K K LYV 1 0 1 issuea -r a m
WKKKLY(5J isuw p r annum;- -
T.. s.,..i- W'rrll : Two .tM'
J IF V ... ' " " -'
r..r ; 1 1 101, I'.n.ies l' one udili
M larger uuuiber at t' Inter M 1
twenty an extra H bo V
ortv we fei.d Thk Iuijly Tan rE r..
ilVZy: Three copies for So:
and any larger number at tbe rat ; : IdClHT l0 ddre-S-! !
serib-r. Tociuks of Twenty we a I a:: ne,ry.
Twenty e-pids ..aAa for - 1 1 oaj ex
tra to him who e lids aa the quh. Kt one
tundrep The Daily Tribuno will -r- f r
one vear.-i. ... . ' ,
When drafts can be pmcure i it t- i: --u. - - Her Han
te rctrtt DaYik Hill. T'aa auat I --'"1
and SUte should in all sues bi.;- Hi'y inUe.
l',r.n,.nt alwnVJ 10 adxtaw. 1
A'.. 131 .Vi""-t ' -r;,rL:
k j IViuie. A. N... i lu.ur iu..-,
. S. S. T
T 2. C C
UP liAlil
The rthils of tht Phcznix
Are m-ini:est in ths following statement cf Fact?
and Fgtires. sbowiug tLeamoaut fpj:ilit..-d to public
leu'. fit, in the sliaj of lossca paid in the west and
S'litb, durins the pastfour years ; a ubiiintial rec
ord of a
Y5'ell Tried Corporation. co-.-
KW77 53
27.&U "Ji..- sj.---:;2.670
Jt.J-'d it-.--iii.:t;j
8.6:1.5 id
y.n.j t)'.i....
::i..!5i 31
4..l'jl (Jd
id 12 Si---
.s;j i.;....
j 'JU fel
bob o
In-nr .o'-es s I'
... NEItii.VSKA
... KKN I'L't'K V -...
...JIISISSU .'f.
.... MIS.-JL'M
ThXAS. .. .
ALABAMA- l t-dictea is
it) -:77
in :;.;
i 0".4
I i.d.;
I u.;;:
i t u
:Ued a u il I t-iic
3 1
-:d ia liiij. l.ndii: Coi l" i.iii-oi, a' I'.iir rats l y
Iir..ivrivil!i, Sejd. 5, !.!.
Wheat! Wheat! Wheat!
Farmers Low!; lo Your Inter tt :
I p-iine and will to y.-y the il:uet Market
Puc tor
Will: AT and PRODUCE.
in jjwds. jl of C ..d-. consists of
nouTS hmI Miui:,
IlAlS :n.(l CATS.
of Calf, Kip, lTCr
fc. w v
- 1 1 - - -
n : j : J
4 ;:"-;; .".-sJ.
r. i"
LI t
' 3
- - -
4 cure
- - -z
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2w- 'r.i;:
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r. -
T - t . . r -
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L a. - i . r 1 t S
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C - '
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z r - J -
Li; t t- i--; r-' .n f
M,- r-i t-l P'i '- .fTif ;i iV ti v' '
y 2
is 7 3
x a. . -
r . i u vr-
To All lVliom It Ulay Concern.
All jjsr?ons indebted to Win. T 1LN, either r.n
bfMk m-ciant. rr ly note, are hereby notified focal!
uid pay tip on or before the 10th day t f March IStJI.
ind th'-niWsare thrraiclvts trouble and ..osr.
"r.,wnvi!l. F-h 1 WM.T vry.
1 jiso kepp i wi'li se'e-ted cS
lid A.e .r iiiauuractiniMif
I Id. '.. I v i 1 V 1 l! '.I It
! . f .r- flt ! - '& .1 i ll
'.!!.' will I .' die i !.- Hi-.. i
.(. if t-.r Hide. ':i:
in iiicri-i: i.i i.evivi'i.
. t-n it .c i .u. I will set
.tt ) If - I., rl.ji l do I Mill
a ...i I. i f l.e . s .i.I I i- c
t r i". -ii.t t- ,.l ai y k i.i.
:l. t 1-
V T.
20 I
i N G;
reliant Tailor,
VTIII eive to e-.istcmers jast now suck l irar.iiru as h
1.,-ver tet re l.ffn presenred to them 112 will seli lii-
iids or uianufacia.c to
1- O'c
And take in pjy
At tlielii'Jlst tn irkt tr.-e.
it -own V , lt , .i .sf 2 Ii I
MB imnm
Whitney's P'o'-k. T.Iain Street-
ELK 110 H and M0UTAI1
11 till, niiv u. ...ij ... unci iiuiv m. . i ....... .
Lriculiural 1'ri-giesa to Croo .Mart-t .m . Ac..
cb has already we trust won sor THK i'f;J .INK
1 1,
t -
f b-
j ciruiii jje
- .
'- - - 5:5
r f " : life
. ;- ;v.i
t A i of
It cl ll. Ill
; err y-'T.
-s t ,r tdO
I - a.h
Ad dress
AXNOUN'-K to te eitizn of Tlrownville and
vi-in-;y Hi t hf has rein .ved hi. Drug Store frmn
"i-lii'.y. I w i. tothe City of JSrownville, and having
id led tlicreto mi extemirc stek of
Fresh Drugrs,
( in niicals,
Dyu StuiL?.
I'ainis and Oils.
lire Winps and Liquors,
Fur Aledical Purposes,
Ilir and Tooth brushes,
Ferfunif ry.
Fine Toilet Soap,
&c, &.c, !kc.
Incites the pnhiic pttw nae.
t th ly day
in's Prescriptions attended to at tV. homg
did nilit.
lirowtiville. Arii llth.H'il.
n 10 yly
' Ayer's Sarsaparilla
A compound remedy, designed to b? tlic mot
ttLctual Alterative that can b? made. It ii
a concentrated extract of Para Sarscparilb,
ho comliincil with other substances of still
frreater alterative power as to nffbrd cn cfilc
tivs antiilot3 for the diseases Sarsaparilla is
reputed to cure. It i-t btliercd that such a
remedy is tranted by those who suffer from
Strumous complaint', and that one which will
accomplish their cure must prove of immense
service to this larpe class of our afflicted fellow
citizens. How completely thi3 compound w ill
do it has been proven by experiment on many
of the worst ca3es to be found of.the following
ScitoFcz.v and Scnorcr.ocs Co?rrT.uxT3,
Huuitio5 axj EttViTtvK Diseases Ulceus
PiMi-nn, Plotciies, Tf.MOUJ. S.VT.T llltr.VJT,
ScviJ) Head, Stpiiims axi Stpiih-itic Af
rEcnovs, Mkucuuiat. Dise.vsi:. UitoiMT, Nuu
itvi.oiA o'.tTio DociouREtrx, Dk'.iilitt, I)v
vkpiv axi IsiiioEsTtoy, EitYsiPi:r.s, llosn
o;t Sr. Avra iny's Fiue, and inJjel t!u who! 3
chi.i of eo:iiIaintJ ari inj fior.i IyvtuiTX o
THE 15l.O !.
This compound wi'.l b? founl a grrit pro
moter of hjulth, wli.Mi taken i:i t'u spring, to
cxpi'l the foul humors whicli f.tjr ia t!i3
blot) I tit that sea -.on of th 3 year. By thi time
ly expulsion of them nnny rankling diordrs
are nijipjd in thi hu. Multitude can, by
th aid of this remedy, spare themselves f.oni
tli3 cndiiranc of fo il eruptions on I ulcerous
sore, through which t'.i3 syst.'ni wi.l stnvs to
ri 1 it-w'f of corruptions, if no'. asittwd to do
this throne's th ! n'attiral thanu-.'l of tli J bo ly
by an nlt.-rativj m-.'diciu?. Cl.'a:n3 out tlu
viti ttjd b'o i l wlu'ii3ver yo i li.i I it i impuritiej
bursting tliro-.ii th skin i.i pi:4)l eruptions,
or sotj; ibiiij it when yon Had ii i; o'
strtu'tjtl an.l sbi;i-ih iu tlu vji:i4 ; cljan e it
Avlienjvr it is fun', and your f-'clin;; will tM
yo-i w hen. K.m where no particular disorder
is Lit, jieopL enjoy bjttL-r heal tli, and Hv3
linjjr, fur clean -iing tlu biood. K-'p tlu
blood liealthv, an I all is well; but with this
v.ibulum t)f lifj disordjred, tluro can b; no
tin lualth. Soou-.t or lator pomjthin
must gn wro:i-, and tlu great machinery cf
lifj is di.sord.-red or overthrown.
Sar-sapaiill i ha, mil djserves mtt:-li, tlu
reputation of accomplishing these end t. llitt
the world ha been preio'tsly d.'celved by
preparations of it, partly because the dru
a!oue has not all the virtiu that is claim aI
for it, but more became many preparations
pretending to b? concentrated extracts of it,
conta.n but littles of tlu virtue of fcjarsapaiiila,
or any thins else.
During lat3 years the public have been mis
led by larg j bo'ttliM, prctjnding to glvj a quart
of li.Uiact of Sarsaparilla for one dollar. Mo .t
of these have been frauds upon tlie sick, fjr
they not only contain little, if any, Sarsapa
rilla, but often no curative properties whatev
er, llcnee, bitter and painful disappointment
lias followed the use of the various extracts of
Sarsapavilki whicli flood the market, until the
name itself is justly despised, and liai become
synonymous with impo ution and cheat. Still
we call this compound Sarsaparilla, and intend
t j supply hitch a remedy a i shall re.cue the
name from the load of obloquy whieh rests
upon it. And we tldnk we kive ground for
bjii-.-viug it has virtues which "are i:re..i -.liLle
by tlio ordinary run of the dl cases it i t intend
ed to cure. Li order to secure Their ccmpleta
! eradication from the system, the remedy should
i be judiciously taken according to directioaj ca
the botlle.
ri'iEPAitcis tr
dij. j. c. ayes: r- co.
rrlec, 1 jter Uottle i Six Cottlea for 03.
Ayer's Cherry Pectoral
has won f nr itself atich a Tetiown for t!ie enre rrf
every variety of Throat ami laiUij Cowipl .int, that
it i entirely imneuessary for in t recount the
cvi'J.'iicc of it irtnf wherever it has lcen tm-
vl.-ed. A it lias riir Iteen i.i cmistant use
Sheriff Sale.
O. F. I ake. aul S. K. Nuckolls J
TS. 5
J inies M. I h.iM )
KOTit'K tierehy givrn that I will offer for cale
atj'Ubli; auction at the diN-r f the ISnune in which
the l.v-tlfrtn nf the Nettmha t'i'iiiity Wi-triut U-urt
Ncbriiskit Tirrriti-ry whs In 1.1, in Uri.wnville, itisJiiii
county .f Nftuiha on th iat'.;eiitli dy 'f .V-
vemb-r 180 1, Let ween It) a M m-id 4 I. M ti(l uy :lr;,.ri,t this sort ion, we teil nuttl mora t!ian
tt,e fiiih-wiiis renl estnte, iitut(l in the -M wun- PS irc f',c pontile iti qunlity U k"pt up t tlio let
ty f N.-iiMli Htfl T rntory i.f Nehnvsk. to-wit jt rVcr In lieen, ai.d that it tny he relied on t j
S ,ui--st qr. of onni-weet qirter i secn.-n o.ur- do()f re;ic it lM cver icca rM:y io
leen, Tiwn nve, ttaiiKe aurru i.mij
ace-; levies upon a the property f J mes Mc
l.inl.l ty virtue .f two rxecinl"tif, "lie in lv..r
' SiK-k -lis. ai'l the u'lie' r O F I ik fr the n-e -I
SKNutk lis. i.-siietl ty ihe District c-irrt of X-iii..1m
C tin: j- Xehra-k i Terriiry.ii(l U me wire.:!! Sliei'
ia" ut sai.l y.
.1. W.rni.KMAX. Sheriff.
Pr..wKi. O t i7. Is -J 'l
In rnri-.arH-e .rf tlec.eta! ..'ler -I
3..t:rt Le.a within tr Nrtii-b c
Tr'!rriA;rE Mr.; rr,c. Rev. Mm.
MiC::nJii;: v. ;il il 1 ;-:r a Tempt-rat,.
A'...:i-': ..i t..e J ; -j ;ia cliuron on . k. c . .- -: ' .' ''
one j CCme ailt J Browntlle, Noveter 7, IS61
t iu.iy, si;:ius m r-uf r
lf-61, in a eertain easn in.l:ti? ir '
J . kn Iaiib. I e- t.i'.Sniristit
M.M ! I-1 'lIt?ll -I '
I l!v
,.y. 4t:i herein
i" tiie '! r ? I)--
Lc 1. - t-.-r..i ..! s t
I. T
'tie l.! ii.'''
twee ti 'i't ;
'' sai'l l.i
: ! Te v i. e
. c ;!) i
I- DijY'Pt
Nf'"-:i-k I
a: c i.
T M Ihrvflon. f
V S loU.5ii. J
Xitice is lo-rehy .ven th:i by .rn of ai es'cu
ti n i-siiu,! by ilm Ci-srk '.if ill H.stnet Cu'ti f
.V. unha enun' v. V lrsk: Ti nin-ry. aiinsi T M
liryileti and VS ii vl.-i ui th b v-- vnti'l il e to-e
rnii in fivi.r of 1 iiniT ilnrein. biliu I.Sin.k.
fr the su u i.f ninety s-v:n i j.l irs uu 1 ninffy-hun-Hr"lh
:oots hinl w mil p ts, I. J V C iimii,
Sheriffi f fa!'1 ti ut y in i.t TiTrit-rv. luve 1 vl
U4iii mul w i i ffer t'-.r !! ut j ob'ic a -ctn ii. n . Ihe
dmirof W T li-n Mil. ill' 'l;i..r whir tin- hst
irriu of the J'l-tri.-t O-nrt f. r - i.ftt w hi-IJ.
on M t-i y ih- 13 h 1 .y . f A".i-i-r. .4 l Ij6I.h--1
r! ii t h h urs of '! ii'l i r.'e o'i ll. I'M if
sn: J y. w ill M t'. -i it: I'ifu-r 1 1. 1- I r ii r 'Hill
in h.iirl. In i-li".z ' .-r .ji v i ., lu-'t :
:-t k P.
' iniiie,
:i ' t r
Tli soil1. . i i .f ih
.-i.-rtn e rn I s- .1 1
ii'-ren-ti th" -.mi h ci;. ih
tlii!'U".i xi-si ij'i ir ;!'" !
t'.ir'r - '
fo:!;:. t t t. - 'i ' - -i V
two. a!i I- - ': ' r.i
- lL'- i r. ..-): ( f I'.'.v.;
i ice s tvu i r i
i .t
.ii I ii
H jsi -nr" l
r rtii i-n-t
I tt 1-1" V- T'"
. r
: a i V ' tl
r. !i.ti. . r
: I
vr mt the ixlaii lucre ifor llic:n,
li T it.
All our remedies arc fur sale by
I' "or mI i v
.ion:: mat
r i
- .i e
. ih.
't. 1
- r i r
t - f ;
Xov. 7, 1661. Bl-5 $9
Jii.,;tcr u-
!ry. . I Browuviiie, April 26ili, Itttll.
Tr th ne of these Pi!ls the n''l1,lc,t':', L'rT
out er Sltk U'ciUche l)Te ; n ve i'.'J; r.n.l if tkea
it ll. e c ii:rictreti'Ht t-f ' attaik linniehit relief
fn r.i p ii!i nd so Vness wiil lie t bt .in-M.
Tht-y sPl.i m r.iii in refi .vj.i ihe .Vtuca tul Ileai
rA will--!, fiu i'es a e s st:'.jfct.
They act :ent:y u.n the twwe:s remnvia? CcJ.'fre-
71 fSI.
f r I.tlerarn 3Tn. sru'i-rJ. r-Jn-ate rra,
". t-i"-. t. ist-: hr.'!t s-fvjiiui'ie .
L-trn.r.?. l!:ii,r-ivi:.s ll. n;-rirli:i. civi ..j ie j:;
jor i. ih lU-'.'s'iV" '.rvm.s, ni'l test, rlr-r tbe i.aturl
eii-'i.-i'v I f.-ffti ? ). :e sv-tfr-n.
T'o t'KIMI 1.1 1M1.I.S t' C 'rvi 't f :. - i-iv- i--jti
-n I i-. i .- i:' : ,-, ,! r,-. fi-e. "': .-v'-!
lei i' ri i: !; y s. i i.. i': ' wl i h ' t'"t b'vf
-e- file', .tm 'plu've1! n v.i--t -ui- ":t ! fun s"i s .li
fe "i fr.-i-i Hinl n-lip w e-' "r r. z':-i.. i i -r In th ter
es ssteti tr tr. m .tcr . ' ui I: f.'i'ti.if "l
1,,-ey at entirc'y!..'.- i.. U iir c :i!s.m' ii
111 I.i' L.kMI Jt i I ll.Ps ll i lr.xt S.i:-!T n'.l "f
ui W i'it t't ri . r . -t , t .t nl n of a y di
aurcr.l.i? !ale HhJui it tuaj udmititUr t u-A ti
CdiilJrt rt.
Ueware of countcrft its !
1". eennine ! ave 3ve f itnutt re-; of notiry C- P; Mitig
.ii o,n-!i b-x
8.-!.; ! l-ri7rist wl all i-.e' Dh'-'S ll Mikinc.
A Ik,-. wi ! I bo sctil i y u ; p; e;.i J uu re'.e.; - oi
Price 25 ccr.ta
Ail orders sb iolJ Le a-Mres-c-l t')
43, Ctdar Street, New Yor!:.
Dm. fi. nI2 1r
Ayer's Cathartic Pills3
ron crzzs o?
Coitircner- J tun lie, Dyiptpsia, J.i'iijclian,
lj-eutj-j. Ion'- S.'ontc'i, 'yx''at,,
7V'..'t, Jt'teiiinrilitm, Eruption ami S'ii.i l)
JAi-'r'riiu', I)ropy, Tetter, Tiimorj ami
St!t Il'ifiiiit, Worm, (I.tu', Xeumlyii, aj a
iJii. ncr Vil ami f r Vurif jinj the BUxvl.
They are mijjrtr-eoafed, m Ihi.t tlie most scrr'i.
tive eau t ike Ihetn l-asintlv, ariil Tier arj tlie
host aperient in the world for all the jmrjxuc of a
f iiuily jihyoc.
P;i:3 25 ceati per Tat; Htj t:zea Tor C1.03.
fireitTt'tTiltors of Gerry men, Phvsiei:ins,States
men. and eminent jxTHotines, hive lent tlieir
n:tnir?s to rert ify tlic tmiinra'.Ieled usefulae of these
iT.uet!ie, Iwit our :iee here will not permit the
i Kcrtio i of them. The Azent-i lrlu-. liameil fur
nish irratUtuir Amkuicvn Ai.MWoi:i they
arc j;iveii ; w.t'.i a! fnll dest riti;!i of Ihe n'.iove
cotiipI itiiti. and the treatment that fcltot.U be ful
lovr l for their cure.
Ja not he p it oi" Ir nnprincirilej denier with preparat o:n thfy r.i ike more profit on.
DenntiJ Aykh'x. mi'l t i';o t-0 others. The : i'C
Tun roLi.av.'isG t 'D o " s lsik s ts of
'j fi i ii ii h i ii i i Ii ii u ,
Will cvnvinee aU w'i-. u.i" fr..m
M E A D A M B ,
xnvr a
Speedy nd Sure Cure
rs )vitui: their nnxciL
, t,i' T-t-'i'iui'tf ir- r- i-tf-llr-lt-! , 1r. SPAL-
(j X . t'l Y llji,l'l Hll pl t('i. '.' ' -"f "j tU
t-auj nj iht - ti-fj i-.i.tijie i..-t!iry.
fi rr, ':, .V.4.., Doe. 11.1 -Q
TI C Spai.mnb, Fsj. " ""
I wi. h fur sum- rir.-ii'jr. (1r 1:irre chuw to
'rinj; y.tir "iliilio l'it tn- re j' trti.nlrlT Iwfnr'
ny eust ?ts. If you have miythi:! of the kuiJ,'
1 ;oc to rue
Op cf !' -u-iotu r. who ;s 'ivi"rt tn rvcrc Pkk.
'.I'-nl ei e 'i-u:i'1v hi-iinj: t ' ty. tr-ti eirt'l nf
in uttuvu if "rt-.V.i-''y '! -r '''.. whii-h I still her.
l.c.!cU'i:!:v v-r,
w li '. jl:;e.
Ji;.u..;j,J,l'il f
Menpv r .cr.i.riM:,
o !- St, V V
I,-.r .-ir:
In -h'sH fi l'l tiTo'y-f. " i-i r,:. t ?.. f..r w'.ii h"
en.l l-.x .f "i. ph i!j.? l' ::-." ! I :. i.f
;.-v Will'' F.llcr. Ot'i U.'. ir.. l;'rni''o l'. 'ii'..
Ya-ir I'M' innl like n '. arm tnf-' J I-ndu-'i e ul
nont inilan to".
Tru'y v nr-.
Mk. ?FALDIN(f.
Min.tlUct Comm., lh 5, ISM.
ir :
I h:ive tncil vi i.r t' Si.'u: IMN. n.l l l'm
inll that 1 w.m'. i'-u t. .si nil ti;; tv.o (Jj.iio worth
II T".
I'iirt of thrse are f"T I lie ri.:Mor, to whom I give
i frw out of t' e (ir t Im.x I t fi-.-o you.
SeiJtl th 1'uU ! 'tn;l, :i!l l i.l.lil
"our ol't srv in.
Ir. Spai-dino.
Hicrj'tnl, Pa., Feb. 5, lsol.
I wish T"U o ti-'.i-l ni" r.i' tn'.re bor of yotif Vr
.hiilit! nil-", Luce ree-itJ jrrt t.i of L-Sh-JU
t? jriM-e C -l, ll 'ititlirffon Co-.TnJ .
Jaunty 1, I. f
You will pl (;' sin I in" fToh.ixr . f y.jur Cephal
e Tills. Siiutl tbu.u nun" I n- 'v.
K.-sovx-lfno' ronr.
p S .tare viit l .u I t t of y t-ir Villi, u Jy..J
'hrm exctlltut.
r,-11 I'-rnon, O'i io. Jan. 13, l? I.
INiir C. SriuiMi. I ry.
l'l"He Cnl incl s-l tw -n'y-C.w rn1', o-r wHoh
end in ; Hfiotlu-r ! f vour V;.;;..:i T.IIj. Ih'y
rr tri-l-i the Ivt I'M I'mirfC I ri-.l .
Ii,ecl A.STOVKK. I'M.
IjcIIo Ytrtu.n, yunti..t Co.,0. .
ZJ-A .;t.'e!ir SI'AM.IXU'S r.'iKl'ATlED
OLL'C w l sjv tcu tiaioi it,- cost aniru:i;'yi2LI
s.vvn ran I'iix'usi .
rro::c:T! cisrTCir!
ZfT-A .v -.. i t Tim r&2
A HC-jil-Mif w i'.l h;irpe:i, tv-! i well rr;ulut?'l
families', it N vrrr J.;-irn.! j to h ' ir,- ehftipanj
enveni-'ut wjj It r r-;.a;; irij Fn-uilurv., ri.y-,Cns;k-
li t .- . 1 .-il :..m -s. .,. j
J". ii t l,e wi.rt i I; .
. ..'J ja i-
' Ul'T-T T T ! ' t-- .;t - ,yT- 'T'l'
t ,
r i'
I ; I
1 I
i !