Image provided by: University of Nebraska-Lincoln Libraries, Lincoln, NE
About Nebraska advertiser. (Brownville, Nemaha County, N.T. [Neb.]) 1856-1882 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 14, 1861)
GREAT IMPROVEMENTS IN EMPIRE SHUTTLE MACHINE. Patented February 14th, 18G0 every description of material. i. Disagreeable noise while in operation. Salesroom, , 510 Broadway, . , N.KW YORK. This Machine is constructed on an entirely new principle of machinery, posting many rare and val uable improvements, having been examined by the most profound expert, and pronounced to be SIM PLICITY and PERFECTION COMBINED. The following are the principal objections urged against Sewing Machine . I. Excessive fatiirue to Incapacity to sew the operator. 2. Liability to get oat of . order. 3. Expense, trouble and loss of time in repairing. The Empire Sewing Machine is Exempt from all these objections. . it hns ffraigbt r.ed!e perpendicular action makes tb LOCK or SIIUTTLE STIC1I, which will NKIT!Ii:ii KIP nor RAVEL, and is alike on both idci ; perform perfect sewing on every description of nuUriiil, fromLeather to tne cnesi ansoon jius liu, with cotton, linen or silk thread,from the cor est to the tinast number. Having neither CAM nor C03 WHEEL, and the the lout possible friction, it runs as smoothly as g'au, ani is . Emphatically a Noiseless Machine! It requires twenty-live per cent, less power to 3 rite it than anv other Machine in market. A girl of twelvo years of age can work it steadily, without fatigue or injury to health. Its strength and WONDERFUL SIMPLICITY of construction render it u'mots imposgiblotogetit out of order, and is GLAKAJS LuLu by the company to give entire satisfaction. We respectfully invite all those who may desire to upply themselves with a superior article, to call and examine this UNRIVALLED MACHINE. Hut in a more special manner do we solicit the patronage of CLOTHE YOURSELVES. CHEAPEST CLOTHING Erer offered in this Market. SO DOUBT ACOUT IT! Drs?s Makers Corset Makers, Gaiter Fitters, Shoe Binders, Merchant Tailors, Coach Makers, IIop-Skirt Manufacturers, Shirt and Boom Makers, Vest ani Pantaloon Makers 57Rens' ?rid Charitablelnstitutions will be liberally dealt with. Price of Machines, Complete: No. I, or Family Machine, $45,00 ; No. 2 Small ized Manufacturing, $50,00 ; 2so. 3 Large siied Manufacturing. $75,00. Cabinets fn Every Variety. We waut Agents tor all towns in the United States, where agencies are not already established, to whom a liberal discount will be givon, but we make no consignments. T. J. LTcARTHTJR & Co., 51Q Kroariivas'. Xciv Yorlt. COLORED PLATES OF FRUITS AND FLOWERS. WE have articts constantly employed In painting f pea mens ol all kinds of fruits, Shrubs, Evergreeng and riowors, anl can snpply nursery agents or otbers with any quantity, either bou-nd or In t-heet. Onr bound Tolunies are intended to contain all that an apem will require in telling a list of peneral Xursery products. We ofier them im:h under the usual price, and can furnish the bound volumes very low; and we have no hesitancy in sayins that the execution of the artist and Itkenes to nature are not surpassed by any in the country. Call at the Advertiser office and see speci men book. ENSIGN & FOKD, Av5ii33-Fv2n3 Ohie Nurseries, Toledo, Ohi John Garnett, William Koening, and James P. Blunden. (the latter, long a seedsman in the em ploy of Messrs Landreth & Son) have united under the firm of JOKN GARNETT & CO. rOK THE PBOSECUTION OF THE Ag icultural Implement AND SEED BUSINESS, They will constantly keep on hand a f ull snppTy of Landrdh's Warranted Garden Seeds, all fresh, and of the last year's growth, To be obtained at the old house at Philadelphia, and will confine their sales of Garden Seeds exclu sive to those. They will keep a very large stock of Jill Implements and Machinery in Use, EMBRACING ALL THE LEAPING ARTICLES IN THE TRADE, OF THE BEST MANTFACTlTtE. They solicit the eontinued custom of their f riends, and of nil tho?e who have dealt at the branch bouse of Lan.preth.& Son, at St. Louis. Our prices shall te very low, in aceoj dunce with the times, and we hop to satisfy all who call on us, as to the Eupericr quality ef our stock, and the prices. OHIO KUESERIES, AS the season is now approaching for transplanting trees, &.C. we call attention of. Tree dealers, Fruit Growers, and others wishing to beautify their grounds to our stock of Fruit and Ornamental Trees, Grape Vines, Shrubbery, Roses, frc. Also: all the leading varieties of Currants, Gooseberries, Blackberries, Raspberries, Strawberries, &c, &c, &c. Of which we"have a laee stock, and we offer them ery low for theFall Trade 1S61, and would solicit the orders, of those wishing to purchase. Enclose stamp, and sead for Catalogue and Price List. KMS1GN &. FORD, Av5n33-Fv2u3 Ohio Nurseries, Toledo, O 100,000 OSIER WILLOW CUTT1XGS, Variety Perpureu for live fence. I will cut, bundle and deliver the Cuttings at Urownville for $5 per eighty rods : being but a little trer two dollars per thousand. This is from one to three dollars Jess than ever offered before. All orders at these prices mast be sent in before the 1st of October, 1651. Send orders by mail with ctsb, to It. O. THOMPSON, Nebraska City, X. T. NEMAHA NURSERY", ) 1 8 miles West of J'eb-aska City,V August I.-nS-tf On new Air Line Ive&rney Iioad.) . . Oregon Nursery. beftto call the attention of the public to the Flo ral dep&rtment of our Establishment, which we now have in full and rjccessful operation. Oar stock of Greenhouse, betiding and Flowering Plants, 'Shrubs, lc., con slsting in part or Gerar.eums, Verbenas, Dah lias,. Pe lores. Peonies, Helioi ropes, 4tc, we offer for Mlfthecuming Sprincat lower prices than usual, there by placing tbeuv witaiu the reach of all. Mct of these I1 ants flower all Summer, and for size, color, form, and fragranre of flower cannot t-o excelled. Having the advantage of a first class pron.wlir.g house and its appendages, wb.ii.-h affords us facilities for Increasing our tock to meetly demand, parties sbo'J Lave no fears of getting what they ant by handing in their orders early. Ve attend to the Propagating Department ourselves, and warrant every article purchased of us to be good, trong, healthy, well rooted plants, and true to name, Our descriptive atd priced catalogues will be out in April, and will be forwarded by mail to all applicants. J. A. CO., St. Joseph Agricultural JTouse, and R. W Fl'liNAS, Farmer Ofilce, Urownville, K. T.. ai our authorized Agents. All orders left with them will receive prompt attention. K. H. BCRCHES & CO. P. 8. Jlaving forcing pits si eciallv for the purpose, "e will have SWEET POTATO E plants for sale by the million, at reduced prices. E. II. B. & Co. Oregon, Mo. Eeb. 1661 Feb 1861 - Isabella Grape Vines. Strongly Rooted Plants, 3 to 4 years old. Many of them already fruiting in the nursery, are now offered at $10 per hundred or 575 per thou sand. TI Ficnch aspberry. . At-$4 per-1 (HI. Largo quantities at greatly re ducod rates. It coeds no winter protection and 'bears two annual crops 4" fruit. Young Cutalpa, 4 to fl feet $1 per hundred ; 5 to ' 7 feet $3 per 100. Hardy Climbing Roses, Fragrant Iloney Suckles, and nursery slock in general at the lowest rates. RICHARD M. CON KLIN. Evergreen Nursery, Cold Spring Harbor lo;:o ISLAND. . IIubber4 Squcb. Seeds. A limited supply of seed of this celebrated variety , ef squat-h at 30 wnu per 1K seeds by mail, free of post age. Varrauted pure. Orders shonid be sent in early H. A. TERRT, Ja&ISCI, 3avv'ut Citsceat City, Iowa. CALL AND SEE FOR YOURSELVS AT THE Batimore Cotliing Store, BROWIJVILLE, N. T. DAVID SIBIGEL, Announce to tlie public that he .has opened out a READY-MADE CLOTHING. BOOTS AND SHOES, HATS AND CAPS, CARPET SACKS, GENTLMEN'S UN DERWEAR, &c, &c, &c. Unprecedented in quantity, quality and prices. He is determined his prices 6hall correspond with the timet, and therefore offer here m tne w est, ai jusi as low rates as such goods can be purchased anywhere in the United States. As a sample of his price he will mention that he sells Coats from $1,25 up to $15, Pants from $1 to $7, Vests from $1 to $5. Boots, Shoes, Hats, Caps, Fancy and White Shirts, Sus ders, Neckties, Socks, Handkerchiefs, &c., in tne sam rirnnnrtion. Th Drorjrietor embrace this opportunity of returning thanks for past patronage, ana premise to spare uu ei forts in the future to give entire satisfaction. Call and. eo In 1 tvi. DAVID SE1GEL. Brownville,Junel8, 186I.-ly U LI n p L lie MAIN STREET. BROWNVILLE. N. T. Takes pleasure in announcing that he has now on hand, a large and select stock of every art.cle In his line, COOK SOE Of all the improved paters viz : Plymouth Rock, Charter Oak. Valley Forge, Elevated Oven, &c, Box and Parlor Stoves of an endless variety, some of which are entirely new designs, viz : A combined Cook and Parlor stoves, something very nice indeed for email families Q JL m Gr O 1ST F1I Pif W08KS TO FARMERS Of Nebraska and N. W. 3Itssouri: A Ci A TTJ" Iwonldcall th attention of the farmers of Kebrat-ka and Missouri, to the fact that 1 have on hand and am constantly manufacturing, at my Plow Factory, in Oregon, Mo., wagons, and every pattern of plows, to-wit : PIIAIKIE PLOWS, One aiid.Two Horse Plows, feliovcl Plows, Hoes ,IIarrvrs,o Corn Planters, And Harrow Teeth Together with everything in this lice used by a farmer I take the responsibility of saying that my two horse plows will do better work, in stubble or any kind of rough ground, than any I manufactured or sold in this upper country. My two-horse and prairie piows will be sold, for cash, on terms, such as will place them in the reach of every farmer. My Plows can be obtained from tny agent at Iowa Point, K. T., Brownville, Nodaway county, Marietta, Rush Bottom, Holt county, Brownvil le, N. T., and For est City. MARTIN HOFFMAM. N. B. All kinds of repairing done with neatness and dispatch, on liberal terms. Oregon, Mo., May, i860. Theodore Hill, Agent At Brownville, N. T., keeps on hand a general assort ment of Huffman's Plows. Brownvil le. May, I860, It SADDLEEY. Saddles, Bridles, Collars, TTliips, Lashes, Lines, Girths, Surcingles, . Stirrups and Leathers, Snaffle, Curb and Port Pitts, Ring Bradoons, Buggy Tri,nmings. Plastering- Hair Constantly on Hand. In order to sail all, I make harness from $ per set. 436 I have collars from-65 cents to $2 eacS. Halters from 75c. to $1.75 cadi. 1 WILL SHIiTj AS LOW, if not lowe than any one north of St. Joseph,, and those wishing anything in my line will find it to their advantage to give me a call before buy ing elsewhere, JOHN W. M DDLETON, HROYFXYIIJLE, IV. T. ee?" ' 25 HEAVY SHEET IKON EOli SUGAR BOILERS And Large Cast Iron Kettles from 8 to 22 gallons. Coal and Lard Oil Lamps j Brass Copper, and sheet Iron Ware; Lanterns, Shovels, be JAPANNED WARE, I have procured the right to manufacture a late 6imple and improved self-sealing Fruit Can to which I call the attention of the public. All of which I pledge myself to sell at as fair rates and on as accomodating terms as any other establishment in this region of the country I am prepared to put up guttering and spouiiug and all other work of my line atthe shortest notice, and in a workmanlike manner, which 1 warrant io give satisfaction. I pledge myself not to be undersold in the upper country J. C. DEUSER. Brownville, August, 30 1860. NEWS. PV 7 l k ?W till ( L D It 5 '3 eiD'il'ISSuS'- 1 ,1 CMIOCE DEY GO Or "P7 pi SlIJ 3D SE3:03E3 3 fc y Rinrjs, THE OPORTO GRAPE. The Oporto is a very strong grower, and is per fectly hardy, having fruited annually for more than ten years. It is very productive, old vines hav ing produced from live to over ten bushels each, in a single season.. Two vines, two years planted in La Salle county, Illinois, were uninjured by the cold, and fruited last season. 1 ho wine finds a rea dy sale from two to four dollars per gallon. Kead what the public sav of the Oporto. "It is esteemed by Thysicians a good Port TVine. It is somewhat astringent, rich and of fino body. I he Tines are unfailing and good bearors. Iiev Dr. Lonnsbury. I have six different kinds of Grapes, and the Oporto is the best of either of them for wine, and better than any other grape that I am acquainted with." A. LJeverean, in the Kural. "For several years we have made wine from the Oporto Grape, and find a ready sale at one dollar per bottle, veiling 00 bottles for single orders. fcylves tor Clark. Strong vines $1 to $3. For vines or circular address E. WAKE S WESTER' Lyons, "-. Y. n37v5-tf. GRAPE VINES, Too Large to Send by JIaiL TCLIaswell & Ero's, Geneva, N Y INVITE particular attention to their extensive stock of NATIVE GRAPE VINES, one and two years old,. strong plants, grown in the open air, and in large pots under glass Delaware, Diana, Concord, Rebecca, liartford Prolific, etc., in quantities to suit purchasers. Extra Xiarge Plants at Moderate Prices. Poreign Vinos For cultivation under g ass, of the best sorts Golden Hamburg, Bowood Muscat, Blaek Hamburg, Liuflndal, Royal Muscadine, Golden Chasselas, and thirty other new an! old sorts, one and two years old. at greatly re duced prices. A fine lot of extra largo p lants grown in extra large pots for Immediate fruiting. A Quantity of these. Native and Foreign, are in the- cellars, and may be packed and shipped at any pleasant time during Winter or early Spring, with safety. Par ticular attention given to packing vines securely for all parts of the country. Send for Catalogue. T. C. MAXWELL & BROS., Av5nS3-Fv?i.3" eneva. Ontario Co., X. T. For the Fall Trade. The subscriber has for sale the coming Autumn the following : 500 Houghton's Seedling and Cluster Goosebery. 1,000 Kod Duu'a Currant. 2.000 New Iloobelie L'l.u kberry. 200 Red Actwarp Raspberry. 200 Iirinck le's Orange " ICS WuitoUrape Currant. 50Q Victoria Khubarh. 600 Isabella Grape. 00 Catawba Grape,. 100 Concord Graw. 100 TutUe'sKed Grape (Sew and fire.) Also: a large assortment of Ornamental Shrub bery, for which see priced list, which will be for warded gratis on application. Address, II. A. TERRY, Aug. I85L Crefcent City, Iowa.. Ear Shirt Buttons, J E WE LEY. Finger Rings, Bracelets, Breast Pins, Come and see and Brownville, August, 30, I860. Secure Bargains. THE MELIL. ! JOHN A- PONN, Has Removed From Lis Old Stand on tlie Leyee to WHITNEY'S HEW BLOCK, MAIN STREET, . BR0WXVI H T. Where he has opened up a FRESH STOCK Consiatins of STAPLE MD FAJVCY DRY :GOODS, ALSO A Large Stock of Choice Family Or roc o2io s 9 Flour, CCNS1STIXG O? Ham, Bacon Sugar, Llolasses CoSee, Tea, Salt, Che ess, Candles, etc i gcj And a fine assortment of LIGHT GROCERIES Such as Spice, Peppers, Soda, Salaratus, Ginger, Allspice, etc., etc. ALSO, A well selected Stock of HARDWARE AND CUTLERY. ( UEENS WA R E, Boots and Shges. IIlS knowledge of the trade and wants of the people of Boownville and vicinity enables him to make judici ous purchases expressly for this market. He asks an exauiinatiou of his Stock, leeling asared he will be able to satisfy in quality, style and prices, BOiT T PDBBT Till IW HoSat's Life Pills PH(ENIX BITTERS, These medicines have now been before the public for a period of thirty years, and during that time have maintained a high character in almost every part of the Globe for their extraordinary and immediat. power o restoring perfect health to persons sufierins under near ly every ki di438 t0 wLic! the Buman irame u 1 a V. 1 n The following are some of the distressing variety of human diseases in wmcn me vpf.taBLE life medicines Are well known to be infallible. n.nvi bv thorouzhly cleansing the Or-, and sec Itf.oha. and creatini a flow of pure healthy bilei instead of the stale acrid kind , Flatulency, Loss of Ap peeite Heartburn, Headache, Restlessness, Ill-temper, Anxiety, Languor, and Melancholy, which are ihe gen eral symptoms of Dyspepsia, win vanisn, as a uaiuai .nnooi nonCO n f lt CUre. Cofiw3, by cleansing the whole length of the in testines with a solvent process, and without violence; all violent purges leave the bowels costive within two Uavs. Feveri, of all kinds, by restoring the blooti to a regu lar circulation, tnrougn tne proeess 01 perepirsnuu w mi tha thorousch solution of all intestinal obstruction in others. The Life Medicines have been known to cure Rheuma firm nArmanDt T In three weeks, and Gout in half that time by removing local inflammation from the nius rlna and ligaments from the joints. Dropties Of all kinds, by freeing and strenethening th kidneys and bladder ; they operate most oeimntrui lv on these important organs, and hence have ever been found a certain remedy for the worst cases of Gravel Also Worm, by dislodpins from the turnings of the bowels the slimv matter to which these creatures ad here. " Scurvy, Ulcerttnd Inveterate Sores, by the perfect purity which these Life Meuibines give to the blood, and and all the numors. Scorbutic Eruptions and bad complexions, by their al ternafive effects upon the fluids that feed the f kin, and the morbid state of which occasions all eruptive com plaints, sallow,cioudy, andother disagreeabiecomplex ions, The use of these pills for a very short time, will effect an entirecure of Salt Rheum aud a striking improve ment in the clearness of the skin. Common Colds and Influenza will always be cured by one dose, or by two in the wirsi cases. PILES. The original proprietor of these medicines. wascuredof piles of thirty-nve years standing, by the use of the Life Medicines alone. Fever and Ague. For this scourge of the Western Country, these Medicines will be found a safe, speedy and certain remedy. Other medicines leave the system subjectto a return of the disease a cure by thee medi cines is permanent try them, be satisfied and be cured Bilious Fevers and Liver Complaints. General De bility. loss of appetite, and Diseases of Females the Medicines have bees nsed with the most beneficial re suits in cases of this description: Kings Evil, and Scrof ula in its worst forms, yields to the mild, yet power fulactionof these remarkable Medicines. XightSwets Nervous debility, Nervous Complaints of all kinds, Pal pitation of the heart, Painter's Cone, are speedily cur ed. Mercurial Diseases Persons whose constitutions have become impaired by the injudicious use of Mercury will Ond these Medicines a perfect cure, as they never fail to eradicate from the system, all the effects of the Mercury, infinitely sooner than the most powerful prep arations of Sarsaparilla. W. B. MOFFaT. 333, Broadway, New York. July 5, 1860, ly OREGON WUKSERY. WHITNEY'S BLOCK 18G1 MeCOltMICK'S Eeaper & Mower. MaxLufaoturocL "toy ii. mccoxuiick &rBiio CHICAGO, ILLS. E. H. BIRCHES & CO., PROPRIETORS. Oregon, Holt Co., Ho. The undersigned have Ion since been eoavi need the want of a first class Nursery in the West, where TREES, SHRUBS, FLOWERS, hC, Caa be adapted to our cKmateand soil. In view of these facts, we hao established one at this tlace. and have now in successful cnltivaton. which we of fer for sale at Wholesale or Retail, The coming season, a large and well selected stock suited to this climate, of Apples, standard and dwarf; Pears,standard and dwarf; Cherries, standard and dwarf: Peaches, Plums, Apricots, Nectarines, Quince, Grapes, Currents, Gooseberries; Raspberries Strawberries aad Blackberries, Evergreens, Ornamental Trees, and Shrubs. Greenhouse and Bedding Plants. Roses. Dahlias. Ac, &.c, &a. To which we would beg leave to call the attention of the people of Western ilissouri, Nebraska, Kan sas and Iowa. ISfOur teras will be as low as any reliable "east ern Nursery. By purchhsing of us theexpenseof transportation irom tne east can De saveu. All trees and plants are carefully labeled an.! packed in the best manner for any part of the Unit ed States, for which a charge of the actual cost onU will be made. No charge will be made for the deli very of packages on board steamboa s. All communications ad lre-ed to the undersine will receive prompt attention. K.U. UL KCIIES A CO TO THE In the month of December ww ' r the first time offered for i,L ,T? ' ft nW: i VEE DODS' IMPERIAL Wivs? V PlieDa V ' short period they have hM J Hon to the many thousands of ,.nai'er'ili,!U ' them that it u no, an estate ?? or bodily aad mental mUery ,7; r'ci- rT I gleet of small complaints u su pr ? ''mpiT uiuioBi importance tint -k 'dmost triflina: bodnV "n t a-eof the body ma, i snbsenrers now only -i "1' TaL : R. J. ROVER fte i Imperial Wins E-' i fore of the utmost im the leat aud most had; for disease of mind. 'She DR from tl u4vg nor bspi world to proiluce their equal Thee Bitters for the cur. . Debility, and for Purifying .... eral "J " 1 L"- iu wj assured v , , ' 2( essary to make tha trial. i 1 1 1 r n i.a; i tt noinv o , i. ... -mi J "vu. uiie-tninl 'rt "e n . ,:. ' er wines. from i and mil inriTnrat. 41ia .-k.,i ' . - . . . .uw "uuioRjiiein . r. j T... ' and liPlthv HWi..n f .,. ... ra,."n(1 r - . " i parts, hT ...I circ-ulatiou, reniovius the obstruct ft. , ines warming and laviram, u . a the head to the feet. As t-t" "5 alterative in their chara-tr " r le system ,tr. ... . T . . . iwu mil I " lUT 111... weakness peculiar to JemaV ,...' ed to strengthen and brace the sy,ip-n is subject to lasitude and f.iintne t ,' them as they are rtviv,fyink. inn lf THESK BITUrT - and in this respect are who may use them for -i ... 1. 1 uuuoiy vjl INSIPJENT COXS3DIPII0X weafc Lnnes, indi?estion, Vy. A Xervons sy.tcm. Paralysis, p;;es' ",SJ of t, requiring a Tonic. ' a ur il a, DR. DODD'S- .. Are TJjQsxxr7Liir' For S re Throat so coiu:iou a:ij' "Ci. are truTy invaluable. - - Vt:a itej For thai aged and infirm, and f PfrSP" , . constitntions For minister of tha i , and all publio sr,aekers-for Wk-keX ZV seamstres!e?i. artists 9 dir.15 a sedentary life, they wi'i PTV9 t-en.T"11- A a beverage; they are,ne n ', delirtons to the taste. They pr.iuce a;i insf effectsof brandy or wine, without in'.,, on are a valuable remedy for Persons a.f;cteHf to exessive strong drink, and who wish to retrai , Tbeyaiepnre and entirely free fr-m thp,T r18lt eained in the adulterated wines a&l 6raa.lies.iTr,s" the enntry i flomlM. wuavv Th( 3 bitters noto CtrRE bat prerent icnld be uSPi bf all who live ia a connt .'.'" w4 ater is ba,j. or where chills and feyer ,r; sb wa Being entirely innocent and harmless en freely to children and inf.ints thy mnybi.-T a impnnry, as an act of humanity. honM assist, in spr.,dit valuable hitters over th land, and threhy y banish f-rrinkpiineos ami dispi-o ' Tirenty-five Thousand Sold Dnrins tte 70,000 APPLETREES. last six yonrs. m m . . . . t f r i i rr sj jii Jiverane or over ,uuu enc jear. dales naye increased from 1C00 '51 o 5,000 in '60. BROWNVILLE 11B STABL As s Reaper, the "McCormick" has been before the J merican public for the last twenty years, and dunng tbst time has gained a reputation which is World-Wide." Notwithstanding the yearly in- crej.sing'competition, and thehostof inventors en gaged in the development of Reaping Machines, the "JucUormiek leads the van the acknowledged gu perior of all in the march for practical improve ments. The representations made by other manufactur that the McCormick was "once" a noted Reaper, Dut is now antiquated, is simply ridiculous, as the in creasing demand will prove. 'No Bingle establish ment in the WORLD, manafactures eo largely of these- implements, and none eriend3 equal money time or talent in reliable improvements. Many changes have been efiected during the past season, and for 1361, the 'McCormick" is presented greater attractions than ever before. A a Reaper its SIMPLICITY. STRENGTH AND DU RABILITY commond it to tne farmer, while it3 capacity for work, with economy of power, give it the preference over all others. The compacting tho frame, thus securing a more perfect balance to the machine : tho position of the raker, in the rear of the driver, thus placing the weight where it should be, and relieving the weak erpaits of the machine; the decreased weight, and slight indentation of the sickle, the Cator wheel, and other improvements added, have materially les sened the direct draught, and 80 obviated the side dranght that many assure us that it does not now vxist. The draught of the Ileaier is so light ha in numerous instances the large four-horse machine is worked with but two horses. For Sale, AT FAIR VIEW NURSERY, HALF A MILE WEST OF SIDNEY IOWA. These trees are the largest of their age to be found ia the State they are adapted to the soil and climate Zcy!C' 4 year old trees, 1st choice, 20 centj each 2d sizt, 15 cents each 45,000 2 year old trees (they are nice onesl at 10 cents eacn 400 2 year old Houghton Seedling Gooseberrv. full of fruit bud, 15 cents each 800 2 year old Red Dutch Currants, full cf fruit Duds, id cents each 1000 1 year old Red and White Dutch Currants. A. ft i V ' at im cants eacn 200 1 year old Concord Grape Vines at 50 cents. eacn, mis is tne Desi Kno wn grape J00 1 year old Jfab-elln Orape V ines at 25 cents each Standard and Dwarf Pears at 50 cts ea?fi In exchange for the above, I will uke Wheat and Flour at the Sidney market price, or young Cattle. L.umoer, lasn, or slow notes with ten per cent in terest From present indications we will have a wet season and those that wish to set out Orchards will do well to come and get trees. March 14, '61. n.36-tf HENRY BROVN. In all nftertlon orthe Head sir Ilonrtarl.o. or mnin nVad ariic. I?r.Tors Imperial Win Kilt ers Will he foiinl to be most Salsitarn and Efficacious. FF3f.4I.rS. The minr "elrtiflcate whirh have hrn tTwlrj n aad the letters wliii-u we 1iMt receive, r? rmvVr proof that amons the women the B-f'ers hrf Crw iatifctinn which no others hive ever ili No woman in the land houM he withnnt those who once use them, will not fiil to keep" lull, supply. DR JEovee Dcd's IMPETJAL WIKE BITTERS, Jtre preparel by an eminent an.1 kinr-it phriicin.4 has used tbem successfully in Ms practice rVrthl twenty-five yeM. The prnpriptnr I,of,ire Ti"hi9 the exJlUBive ripht to m;nfacture ani neii Pr. s.yf Puds' CeiehraiPS Inirerf;ii Wirx" er. h?ftrn ttit ed by twrc distinirr.ishei! rt)cli'"al pr?u'i i..n-s, nonnred them a valnnhlg aii ji.ifp r"relT f(ird-5M. Althoufh the medical men of this rrnntry, fun. eral thinn. disapprove of F.ifcnt fc'urines ypt w i) nt believe that a respect tMe Pliyici'm rshe Mid In theTniled States, arnnalnteil with ftieir wei:.-l properties, who will not highly approve Dr. Dml'i LI- PERIAT.WTXE BITTER3 In all newly settle places, where there is a!-wri a laree qnntity of deeayins timherrrom wh!rha;!W O'nous miasma is created, these bittcis shoucd It ttid every mornin? bof ore breakfast. DR. J. ROVEK DODS' IMPERIAL WINE BITTERS . Are ompoed of a pnre and nnsdniterated wine, tf?m binel with Btrherry. S.1 nvn's SmI. Cfrfi-er. WLi Chery Rirk, Sr'iknard Camomile Flowers, jurf Genfun. - Th.v -'re Tn-nnfac'urel by nr. Dn himl:. h' i exreripr'ie,l " rd spcefv.I phvsirlm. rit henre hon'5l not he classed amoni the nvick nostrums which fl.io4 the ciTifry, and aeainFt which the Bietlical profesMun irrfTv ttero''' ce. These truly valuable Hitters h-ive hpen so thM-mur1-' tested bv a'l rli-e of r-mm,inify. fr almost reryrTi rty of tliense Incident t' human isystem, that they njw deemed indispensable as a Tonic, Medicines and a Beverage. Purchase one Bottle! . If rosU bnt Fllile! Pnrirr tne Kl!. Civc Tone to the Sto macli -Rcnovase the Sys andPioIon? Fife. Price $1C0 per Bottle, 6 Bottlss for 5 CO ft? 1ST 23 Takes pleasure in announcing to the citizens of Brownville and vicinity, that he has jus:openeaa new LiVLKlf oTAULiE, where he will always be ready to furnish gentlemen with ses, otjo., etc. CHARGES REASONABLE. JOHN a. small. As A Mower, The machine of 18(51 will bo found fully eoual to ny test that it may bo submitted to. The slight indentation of the Sickle, its lightness ani combi nation with the beam and fingers, allows an increase of motion not practscable in other machines, tbua enablingus to good work, with a a slow team, ox en, even, working well. Our Improved Guard aud Patent Cleaner, effectually prevents choking, no matter what the condition of the grass, while our new divider point separates badly 1-wlged and tangled clover or grass, wflnre (incr macnines ian. There is alo a rreat advahtaco in onr "serrated sickle ed?e over the smooth. as it does not rennire snarpening so oiten, tnus saving time. Our Sickle will frequently run through an entire harvest with out once grinding, while the smooth edge must be ground once each day, if not oftener. With asmoth edge the draught increrses as the knife become dull. Uur dranght is uniform, and in repeated trials du ring the season of ISG0, proved far lighter than sin gle Mowers, cuttiug at the same time from twelve tc eighteen inches wider. Our Mower can bended with or without the reel this is important, and without the ret-1, weighs but about 67 pounds. In addition to the very liberal warrantee given to all pcrcharer:, we would say aa hn.t fore, hat mers who may desire it, are at liberty to work t ti" machine through the harvest, with any ther, and keep, and pny for', the one preferred. Pamphlets with full description of improvements testimonial?, fcc., can be had by application to THEODORE HILL, Agent. Concord Grapevines. I have the larg;st aud test suonlv of genuine Con- cora urapevincs in rne Lnited tate,and I will fill orders for Nurseries, Vineyards or oth-rwue, at low er rates than any other r- liable dealer. Single vines, three years .ld, now bearing fruit, or two do. one year old, will be sent by mail, po&tpaid, fur 1, unu warraniea to grow. Une year old vines per dozen, bv Ex. only $3 00 two do do d lu 4 Three dn do do do 6 flj a great reduction from these price will be made to those who buy by the hundred or thousand. A- gents wanted m all sections to sell these vines on commission. Any person who procures purchasers for vines gets up a club will receive two vines free tor cacu dozen ordered. Cuttings with two or four buds, one dollar per doi sent by mail, postpaid or by express, 100 f,.r five dol lars; 5U0 for fifteen dollars; 1000 f.-r 23 d.,!! October is the best month to set tbcin, but will do nsiong asicegrouna is un.'ruztin. All mon-y sent at my risk. A year's r.redit will be g.'vtm to any responjible person wbu doiires it, and who order 10 dellars worth or more. The Concord is decidedly the best familv, market aud wine grape nw known. It ripens unitormily as lur north as Canadas. A circular with more full details sent free to nil applicant. T. . MINNER, Clinton, Oneida Co. X. Y., (Lite Editor and Proprietor cf the "Kural Ameri can.") rn g' ara WILLOW CREEK the most hardy ani j Prepared and sold b CHARLES WIDDIFIELD t CO., SOLE PROrRIETOS ' 73 "William Street. New Tort For sale by druggists and grnrers- eeneraily ilirouji out the country. Oct. 17. 1S6I. I ON A VINS. MY Stock of native vines compri-3 all tvie? vs"t ble varieties with which I am acqaaintpd. The lants have been produced with rreaf c;ir, undrthe most favorable cirum?tnces for ba'tl'V dev menl,and surpass in excellency any that I havehea tofre been able to oner. For the fall trade, only a Hmi'eJ nrrlr ef Fmna Village, Lenoir,CLinf.!n,) I'an::re,E!.-in?Hurr. T" fT Cor Pullitt.1 ar,d An. n' Ihbridi"irt'red. Of b 'st I)e!.tware layer, also, the supply i not lwg4i but quality uneqmlf.I. Ihe tock from Debi wre, sinr'" ej" Krwn , ,tJ in houe and open air, is Inro and tine, frmo- yird pli'ntinz some stn ng vines, pra'ted a t.afaw- bi ar.d Isabella stock, are offered at a io jxwe roots very. strong. ery large layers of Diana, ITrVmcnt, ni ton- ord. erown with e.sTc ;ial c.ire f.r iram"!'1'" "",r ii;. (ioA lavrr of Anni, fJ -grs1 Hfbn,. 12 k; US) Clara, Cas-idv. To Kulon. Rebec. '''!1"r' Jiuisa, Emily, Canty s August, lludj:n, c. Prolific, Cuyah"ga. Ac. A general assortment of foreign varieties lor vi neries. Of Pown:nz's Everbcari'i? JTnIbcrry tle 'irr1 i not large, and a great par', of the tree? a'r'i dered. Ihcv are very viffvru.s, aau ue well rrown and matur'f. Wholea'e de?criptive Tit sect to fboe who to f., nil clnbs. on anpli-ation. L't xlo s-rrt w dealers. Fourth edition .f Il!u'.if I Catnfc-ff" sent for two three cent stamps It is deigned to ba a lull and comprehensive treatise on tne i;ia.iK" m?nt of the vine, civins such inform s ti-'O as pur- rhisers and growers are mprmss.-d to need, rrtie u'r directions are given for the preparsjMoc ff th tl and planting, and the directions f.r trainmj 'a illustrated by many carefuL'y prepirei cagrar- ir.;". . . The descriptions of the vanVties wiH be found accurate and trustworthy, being drawn Ir m person al knowclcd 'e, aud very extensive .bserrntion. . C . V. GRANT. IOXA, NEAR rEEJCSKILL. T'ritcJjrsJrr fo, .eir York.- April 13,1 -ore vnvnie, n eDrasica. Broyrnville, Jua? 19th. 1661. (n.50-ly) Pare Bred Fancy Poultry. For sale Black Spanish, White Dorkings, Golden And Spangled Polands, Sebright. Black African, ro.1 and white Bantams, white and wild Turkeys, Pea Fowls, white and brown Ilong Kong, Bremen and wild Geese, White "Crested" Aylesburo-h and covy Ducks. Common and Madagascar Rabgita. All aLimal sold will be farefally boxed with the necesautj 'e4,and delivered at the Express oBlte.'' Aiiitz W. A. C00D1XO, Onk Iwn b37t5 Lockport, Will Co. 23,000 Standard Apple trees, of approvea varieties, three and f-ur years old, from five to per 100 p. 500 I p mo eipht feet hiKh sUo.oo io.oo m 01 o.3eberries, Houghton's a oo Strawberries. Xec Tine, the beet variety known ko i m ? f.i KcAvory No 1 7.5 jiiq 3 fi.) Jennies Seedl's. Genesee, crimon 1.00 3.00 6.cj I-iwton Blackberry, per dozen $2 00 Franconia Raspberry ' SO alstai. ' W Scotch Hybrid Pie Plant, none tetter4 CO 15.00 25.00 Vici.,ri3 6.00 P-d Dutch Currant, p. doien $1 00 6.00 Black Naples Cnrr't " 2 00 One year oldapple eed!iD?s 3 00 Also numeroiiBoiher articles contained la Kurierie generally, Koses, Uahlias. Phluxes, fcc, ac. A Ilreis, K. K. UACCJT, ifiUois Creel, Lee Co., ill. Electric Weather Indicator- This neat and curious instrument foretells the weather from 12 to 21 hours in advance. Sent free by mail 00 receipt of 50 cents by the manufacturers, LEE & CO., Jsewark, S-. J. Liberal discount t ' CHEAP FLOWES5 a. iituiia I will ff-ud, by mail. po;;-.i-. 10-1 SMALL BrtBS, fn.IIN.f.'r on l..nnr. and iJrz Bulbil' of same, fjr $2. CtLer Ba'.bs, named, low en ii'-h. IIERBACrorS rFREN'VIAL?. or 10 srtr. fin, mixed ROSES and .(ber HARDY SARrr.MFT? V. by express, or railroad. 4 to 8 d dlars pr f 00. Nam i:d nd :iiojcb snuif, ubuut d. ab prii-e: and more in sclented h'ti in all. 5"0 va-Ieti-s. "Small FRriT.s"of ail serfs, including DrLATR2 and CotcoKD ;RtrKji, equally rea.onab!e. FKriT and Cbsamental Tkeks, 23 per cent. low er th.-ui uHual. All safely packed, to keep a mntbr at purchasers ccat. AJdref J0I1.V A. KI3IC0TT. The Grove P. O., Coo Co 4 t " - - "Creveling" Grapo Vines. Orders for Vines r,f this really dlieions and eiriy ffmne acre inpiiniei by Caih will receiver-romp attention, Goo-1 one year Vines, 5Ao each, $4 perdoren. Good two year Vieea, $1,00 each. $7 per doien. JJ. M. UOODWI.V i DlwO.. v2n3. Kingston, Lurerse Co., IV.