Nebraska advertiser. (Brownville, Nemaha County, N.T. [Neb.]) 1856-1882, November 14, 1861, Image 3

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    : I NOV. I I. 1501
riCiP .' ;i:.:rra.oei:.--It-v. Y, M:;'v; mm !
j T:;-;-u;'y r.-:uv riCM,:it 7.Alcc'c.
! p.'-lic arc iiiv.u J t j a:L;; J. J
I V;'' v T-. "
JtiTi'ifrv3't " Pr.tAcixiNn--TI.cro WiK le j-n-ai:.-
ui'-i! K?ru! !in ike Prlytcnan Ciiurch, ia this city,
i-.-''-- I i "i Iri" j next Satl ath at 10 1-2 A. M., an-1 7 P.
'"'J ;,-'! .-a j M., Ly Rev. II. II. DjLLins. A -'neral
"-' M;i-'.i;:f;.,.":':r ; prayer meeting on Monday, at 7 P. M.
'-'iir1 & i Preaching Wednesday,, an.l
, urHi-F.;n!.I X.WSp.iper l-y, "t7 P- and on Saturday at
...... A'rrfjrfv 2 1-2 P. AI., ly the satno. The pal lie
j-: , a l.VAV, :a;V YORK. are cordially mvited to ;ul thec meeting.
-.. - . t i
,v, . ,'. - '
-.'1 i'ivcr:..ini: " i'-Jlil illsl
... ,
IS. Hi i.t
. . ! r ! i'.u t, (' - I
i tit'.:.- s.i:il-
Danc e a.t Den's. Hall, Friday evening,
"Vo lirownviiio f-!k o ;Vt Ton .ut to-r.i,rLr.
h',i t Tf-it : if,t not I ..-Ii-l.l,
Can't v i , in' t iii,hi,
Ad u .: tc, by, ly t- L:-!.t.
-; A N-n.'ssii ; in L. Li. r ii .;-; ;:. .:, r.i
- Johns cii(:-.Lri-,s
ah - n
l l.t V L. . Vt J. i;
i,. -. r K'ii Tn" AnvrRTiSKR And
-! --r . v:.o. i.j rr.r ro 'iilar an-
:" V-, r - tr Tu? .U'lfr.'iMT dud rr- j GoXF. TO TIIEMlXrS. D. J. MabtI.X,
... ,y ii! n.e Ktcrncuuh tor cue j Esq., of the house of D. J. Martin &. Co..
,''.'.':;.,... ...i ;.!. .c oTjrnair.eir.busi.! this place, left for Central City, on
( . . ,:. !.: ii c.r i.tiMicM'i.iTis. jSur day lasr, to look after the branch
house at that place. Luck to you David.
Hags & envelopes
if-. - .-rti-cr,' Ouice hac provided
" "i ITa? ct.'i, and also, tho?e for
' '.' ."if v.iri hind of Rational Envtd
j ,rnv pro-j-arod -to fill orders
f";'T;j. r rotail. Ayyly at the " Ad-
V! '-L . r vuic", or Post Uilicc.
t-rn r t:,e ArtvcrtEsos',
" ' . .. , tl . M'.'.'V !rc a-it-!iorizpd
.', rl'r au.l J'-irim-r :
A. 1 ,,. , .... '
'I'Vi'v' a." :.i-'M i'ihit:.u !:.,
! I" .11 ;.i.r. iV Co., rbracka Citj, N T.
', v: i!i IVr'J-
.' ; ,:. A a -"in -V H.-atrbe,
A. K K :' j r'"-'
J. K. n;:iit'U-.
i) !'. I; ; ii. I 'i'r.
( j. i:i:;v. S-iimn.- Mo.
T Tr iv.)M)S, K- k IVrt, '
"" .' r -,r
A. i vi ' t-, '-''' ''f-jvi1,
The Louisville Journal says: "Hun
dred of those exceedingly sensitive Ken
tuckians who so eloquently proclaimed
that they could never take up aririi against
the Southern States, inasmuch as these
States were Kentucky's sisters, have now
taken up arms for the conquest of Ken
tucky herself. Isn't that enough to make
the devil lamrh ?"
The Hon. Joseph Holt, of Kentucky
in a private letter, rays:
Dark are the clouds upon our sky.
and long and anxiou-'Ijr as we have
watched for the liht to penetrate them,
my faith in the ultimate triumph of the
(i v. rnmont remains still uushnken. If
I did nt Ik lieve that cur beneficent n:.d
jrlorious iijstitutii-t.s would suivi.-e the
j atrocious treason by which tin y ar: i.ew
j so n morse!os-ly asai!d. I won! t r
i lr the mountains) to cover mo and f-:- :' v
i .
rave U open at my jeeu
HiKi HKAPK-T l.'I.t' K IX TIIK V,.li.(.
Tin: vcst M p.AiiLi: glvk ixtim-: vinRi.n. gluk in TUd v.'o:: j.
Is tV.e ontj article of th- !u,i 1 ev -r inl ij I w "liti
T! your bi .k'-n Fumitor
Uinl v..ur !!;'.riii- - tri- , -iti. I'. Ac
S.ivb t) j -ic.-j t i' 4 . , - v.-'.,: v b ii;L
1) ::i't t;.r. w u;v ,y i:. it i. .,; .1 lv..iy L'.i.i ic id C:i?-
Your broken China Cup3anl .Saucers caa beinaio
a? i o a. new.
That jioee knocked out of your Marblo Alautln can
bo j:ut on n s'rci; ever
omiiUT if tl at lnuh.u l itchrr did eontbuta
shi'.lir f-bili:.n7 nred is a f'i enrwd.
T!j ;t t'-i-'y A':ib:it ( V; 3 is tr kt n and joa can't
nitt ti it uiu'ud itit iiU ri'.'ver vbow vben i-ut to
S'rtb'.T. Xt v.iU LIcnd Lcno, Coral. Lava,
and in fact everything tutLIetals.
Any it..;!Cemi'nt?d with A.MK.lIwAN CKilEXT
CILl'Fl wi'l no' sl-iw v her? it i nii'i.utd
'livory TIi.u-. .... , .r .-..0.11 n.i e a suj';!y of Johns
ii t'r -:cy'ii AM-Tl.'aa Oeuieat tJluc." V lr Tim .
.h nvenieut ta have ia tua liousa." X Y
,'It i. al.v.iyiroady trt comuicnis it to everybody.'
In IrpmJi lit.
"WVh vj tried it rd fin 1 it nfnl ia oar Loaso
Bi :'t-T." li'7f 'f Spirit nt'ie Time.
$I0,0liJ p-c r y v ur ia every latmiy
lyOn-R.ulof -
Pi-ice o C.-nts p. r R.etle.
Price 2-5 O-nts p r ;i..:tle.
Price 2-1 Cut- per li.ttle.
Price 2'i Cents! per little.
Price 25 Cents p:r Uottlc.
Pi?.? 2o Cents n-r Rottle.
t W vnrlfip-;, an-1 extra f no of
r . 'v'ii S. A f rrnrs. lwurt an.l S' nurt tnl.
T'r' (iT,"t St-r'.t.s, 1 w-.uU f;s-iinr
i'..,' ,.. , ,j ,.Ti;:7 f-'.r i.0ftt. earn, bect
,. r- m .'.tchvert'.! any t:;:ir.
A -. i .." ;.!id R.t.1 tw- year !:-. k 1-".t
t-'.-. j. u.t. t:cVl-errie., wd tine varietur
P.-:i-v Pv -M.r.Tix. As the news for a
;;. k r t'.e to crtr.e r:"st r.eees ariily
!e of .::.,.:-i:al in-re-?. 've ! nv(. .'.ne'ud'-d
ti r.",.i : p;d th" D 'i'v i) i'!."Un.
7;. -. :.. r,-ro, II- mahl City, R,kport,
;;r:h t-'-r, nt.d olu-r p-.-hitv, wh-hii.- it,
- m i
Harper's waalky
h. n.5 n w ri' arti-st ci:rrcponilcata at l'onro?s
M.-nroc, Va., atAVa-Linton. I). C. at Grftn, Va.,
ut l.iir ;. Hi., at St. Louis ilo., and at Ft. 1'ickens.
Fta. '1 he-.'j gt'Ltlt-inen will ateomnany t'.io uina-h
f tb i B.-iii-oi, mid will reproduce for the benefit of
the rc;i.; -rs of
Harper's V eekly
every iucidtiiU uf the maiuiitcascaajpaigu which is
low t'lt ilill.i
Harper's Y7 eekly
i. - m:rn;ver in d.i.iy rcceiptif valuable skctirre from
V..l.)f,tcer Currv.--in.nd nt in tho Army and Navy in
ail j iii-t-. of t ha roui.try. The Pubbshtrs will be
to ti'. f ive sue;, rkoti-bi.- from muilrs of our
i'..r-, .- it; . c--y .-;i(-n and will jkij literal y for such
t;:,-v !.i.-y i:- : ...
i . . ... .
Harper's Weolcly
to any Regiment r-r Ship of War which may supply
the name and address of the officer to whom it should
be forwarded.
The Circulation of TIaratrt Wcclly is over one
hundred th.usand copies. They have aleeady pub
lished, liie liif-ction,
Over Five liunarea IHustrjiUoiis
iind l;ii'y ijcI con-itjiii, ihit tad pa;;e3onu itir
per's Weekly will prcont a complete and hxhaustive
Illustrated History of the VV ar
No person wbu wi?!ks to oc iufurined with regard to
the momentum even s which are transpiring can af
ford todispeusu with it.
A.tH ittanding the great amount of space devot
ed to itiu.-rratb'ns of ttit? Wat, tlrirpr'a Weekly
commens'-d in number 24I,diited ougu.-'t 10th, anew
Ui.d thrilling Serial Tale, by Sir Edward Lytton Bul
wer, entitled,
which will bo centinued frcia week to wee. till
; - zsriEis. .
Or.o Copy for Una it-ar--- 2,50
Two Copes for Cne Vear 4 00
"Ii-irptr.4 Wt-f k'y"and Harpers JLtgazin 4,00
Voiuin -d 1, 11, II 1, and IV. of HSrpers Weekly,
hand.. uu ly b -und ia oloth extra. Price g3,50 e.uh
ure i. w rcsidy.
Mr..-iiu CoV--r?-tre furnished to those who wL-li
their r.'jUii'Ori bound at Fifty Cents eauh. Twsnfy-
ii v ptr Lent Discount allowed to Uookbinderii ai d
i ne ir.uK-.
T:, Pnituii -t:rs a ad agents getting up a Clnh :
icn Misi-rib.ida- Copy will be seat grMiU. Sub. c :..
lions in .y c jniaiJii-ju i. i .i.iy nuoibcr. 5?pocimeu
nu:i.b.i (;ra ii.u.-ly sap-pii. d.
'j. ' Ci rymcu and supplied at the lowest
fiub iiii---. A l.rt)-?r3 V kiy a E.'e.,tr.)!yp,jd.
Ji '.-..-.'' r! cat h ; jjj):t il fntiii tjig ciinmeucemenU
n-,;... . . .v .nil Do g.Ai uitoa..y f-r oh
..... :!. .;-., .-iiu j;i to ;i;iy ono w uo applies f.v
... . -.!-. . . ,.ijivvi.i ot t'uo iia '.izaio wiil alto bj
1 I .it..-. ." . i 1
i--- T Z . -t r
T. -
Oi' IlARTi OilD,
Th ; Frv Hi o f th : Phanix'
Are min':u.-.-t in th j foiiovrin statement cf Tat'
nni Fgurcs.s-ivjKing tueaaioUcit crjaaiixd to public
i.enrh',in tne snap of losrv paid ia the we?t an-1
South, dur.n th pi-ti'.'Ur y.a-3 ;a satsUutial rec
ord of a
Yi'cll Ti led Corporation. 00-
2,S'll U4--b'J.lTl
Z2fi7) ,6-
t.''i:5 10"
t.r . (..i
1 l.'J.U '. :"
20,.J 55"
27,r.0S 83..
22,tsVJ 43
3,91 6S
555 53"
W -.-3
r. --.-. z . t ? - - c ? t a -
fy ) .-- rtf Tv .o
- - - i- -. r - - v "t.s":-?
' . . - w ( .X
c -5 j:
rr ' " Z- - .
55- ri! - c '- - r - - " ' s -
o - - s
- i X 0 .
-i , c - 9
X2 p-EcS--r-
- - x i- ,. "e- .2o
... SEI'.'t.YSKA. St.loT CO
O.llU 40 377 45
INblA.VA 2.C22 i t
. . - M I : ; A I C A N" :V2.i 7 0 b S
... Vi"iM.t:.ix :;4.i'o l:;
I-: ! v a l.,:;':5 :u
... MINMnf A .f'.5.; lo
KA.NSAS V.."oj -.t)
. .. KK. 1 L'iiKV 3i,05i T
. Th.NN 4:1.05 1 1 0
.. M I S 1 S S 1IY1 1 o ,s:l,2 55
.... MISSOURI 27.I.8 83
AUtvAXSAS 22,S:i9 43
TEXAS 3,9ol JS
ALABAMA 555 55
Insurances Solicited, and policies i.-;?ued and renew
ed in thii leading Corriration, at fair rates by
Kesiduut Agent.
BroTTnville, Sept. 5, 1850.
Wheat! Wheat! Wheat!
Farmers Look to Your Interest!
Wm. M?. ZDozx,
Is paying and will continue to pay the Highest Harlot
Price lor
in Roods, ilj ft.ick of G cousu-ts of
DllY GOODS and
I al?o. keep a well i-eioc'e l t,.cl: ..f Calf, tip, Upper,
.ind iile Lettn-r l-t nu-i itc. i.u:is
v.hicli I wil w:irr iat tu cive sa' isijeri m. I will FCl
U.' irLl-c !) Miit the tllllli-
.r ... . i.'.L-n l.l'All ..1.1 l.O-t
is..i p. .ieuf u- kim: ! so combined with other substances of still
' ? Z - - 5"--.
fj.,-v,--aor"-wiij . -
- -1 r r -' r - - - 1 - i X -s f M
fc-'- ?"-"l'j!?3.: ;i;-,'ji":;r.5
To All VIjo:;i it 3Iaj' Concern.
All persons in V-bt-'d to m. 1 DLN, eitncr on
book acroutt, rr ty rote, ar hereby notified to chII
iir.d T-!iy mi on (.r bet'oro the 10;h day cf March 1881,
ina thereby save tnemstives irou&ie ana cost.
Provrnvillc. Feb. 2t V'M. T.IF.V.
Ayer's Sarsaparilla
A compound remedy, designed to be the most
encctual Alterative tnat can De maae. it is
5: '
7S WlLLtSiSl suu:et
i !,iwr;v -.:r. ' t"
".1 -r
Our Ccniilon.
The very journals tint prniiot..--i
men'ial ruin as a eonf ;iir:j.ce of 'Le j
Me-n ul rarnr, are now xi.i .n.f -r i:
r. culla i.f t'.af T-iriiri nr.. .N; uf" .!:,-
al strength aril pru.-pniy. "&e,' i...v, j ;t. 2:l to' ?iS:sU.i-t i.
i k.
ESaryor &. Brother.
THE i-ui.V.r-'JillC TiUliUNE.
tliey ?y, "we trJ.- our new 1 ; ni - -r
at the rate cf millions per w - v L ! St-e
how. in the vctv eri i of a d:va.:.thii
civil war, whicli i'jlj' Ct.s es t'.o j To it 7 ' u.-.-e. i.'iin,tty ro. ?nt, and -,7
cxp'-Lse, we draw sp'-cie frou E :ro;ie by j ci ucct : ? 7
u.iiiens after 111 1 i I i as ! Se how we tt.-k i ,; T i .' S il C i i ' i.l .Y'S
i-.i o-3 js of Europe in liii uiaiter . !i ! ' : 11 j 1 i. v.l i'a r.ii-i.:f;.,v
howhe?tl:!.V tl:, .tate our Fit- .'KXIl. T iUJUF 1X0.
tA. ,.i:-.,! S lio-.v t.'" -'icr.i! ; , hl UleapcU and duiulle iioohug-
l.-Ser 1;: t it:pl.:-yi:.f nt in :pie !' il: I n UM..
t -t ' v .r TTrr
i u o v uijU.nij.
1.1- :V.
rr '
1 ."
war a 1 f w.t;: s m
Very uu.'?lnt',. men! Dut t-,p,,-,t v.v . :l : tX" J -- '- ' !-"-'
rr- t; v t-e r 0' iv direct hui a twenty per e ni. Tan if. ui.d w.'i r ; , ..t.d t .-...1. ci.,..;.- ,ih.ut v.: - "---u'a ; ": ' ' "! . 1 ii"",f ",,-"1-"c'-4
. V;. t n::d n-n freni St. l..c, io y-.n- Inn, Eur.iwa:e, l;xide .,0.Tt.s , SJ, -. -v-w, m ii, .ui.' ...... j..un.;
, . T M ri - do r c . alU r lll fJJ I . - . - .411 ; 1 t lu- us I .-ti,U
7;-:v,:;, -!ir:i,,:,yh:cr - -, ,.. i.-i..... .i.... .,..,::.,..,
::i vi'v-V"ri'Uu.tUU, ' c Is:--'-! :v '. 1 ;i! !. sioirl V h- cau? 'ir In..!1 i ,1., 1. 1 n tl. (i- .!.; :i. .. . ..' ',, : 1 al u. 1-: .t- 1 -
t 1 .e .v.v n :
J i . ' . . - . . .
' l,,t :.t.. . v.-'- ' i
f t . 1 ( ' ' .-
Oath,? ! "verrb of September, 1S5J , THE N'rfW
": ,.,u r 1. . ..... . l '1 :iiiL.Nl'i coiu .nenced ii
iv. -i -ll.. y. ar of ii.i cxi.-tciico ; THE DAiiA'
1 i.i .. s. i-1. b in-- m uilii (ddtruad 'i'liE SE.'U
Wl.LlM.l' 1 ivl lliV'- ::.icsv.i:5 y.j.i.i$-r. i'oc
.one in 1. t.v.-..ty w.ils ilii-1 j ari.-ii :.: nibur. i-i
u .HI !. 1.:. eol:u actors iiaVJUll t U too - .o- ; -t ill
auuity. Ju3,i--J and Fr.'c.l -.u. -.-a i : 1 .-
or.itc e:id.ti"ii tf tUj 0"!.-i .-.-ni a., 1 ..... i - u-. i
u i:vn:.f ami u.-olui ,-xertii.u in h.:c er '. lo-:.-,
....J. i. j r. i .oie by aii ui ta.i m-.n, i i i n
a..i n!..n.iaal a-tv-inc. iij. iit tt .us e. ui.ny. Ii un
.-ii...- i t. Us 4i-i.t ratbor to.. : t -j- .S .. .1 in .
... .1 ,.1 r. ..i-:. i to-d.t v ; til. .i nut ile.-.-j
t ....... .
a...iv r.wt o ...i : ' -': ' -.i: ii n -v. i.i
-i.l.i tV. ;.i '..iii - ' ..: .. u .v.. i.. iOn'f.-t Oecu
t ,nv'.' .. urn.!, i. '... iu.t.t thing-
-..e ;i.-iu?uh t
;; : .Virion, pl'J two days-1 .vJn
. .....,s j .....i.-.
! p.r; a ckl of ten j er- ..-t
. I .) i !-. siPipV o- ran?"- '; ,m ! ; ,M ; t. - .- l.. -n tl. ( -r,.l.i;.
i.;-p.t;u:i "i ut.d !-j J s th p ' 1 ' V" l! ,: "l s '" - 1 ' 1
' . . . i . . .i . - 1 . l :: .' 1 .irmi ... 1 v. . r i . n
: ' ;v. i; J . . cor !uv..r; !-ut tl ...... ... :,
ir v 1 .'. -h'i ( V v -r'Ii r-c.- -. . o! -.i-.'. i.i M ' t.- -.ii - i'.
I) ;' i ','.'
' l..- t ;;.!-. al cm- i x;mm Is l '"
-- :.!! 1 e w i'ii i..e 1 .v j
! i i'!! a v. rv -'''-m' i tv i i s
1 -i : '. t
.V -.. ii HO ..1 . tl.l
1.4 I i lit V
1 .. ... i
-.r :. i - -..i . . i . . : ii . i
- i
. .. i : - . i I i : i ii-: t '. A i'-
a 1 to .n..i,ar i " : .lit ! :il-
i . t uilWU.os.- !.. ... .v illoili,!. ifec l.iu!.- !
.' i i..uni.- l-.a.-l-a! j.'.'.i i'-i's n.rl o.4.i:V.ilni .- an-.i
.. -..'... o. .lU-i'l i o i : ii are or jr.-. ui.-
, . j . .- ii Oia a.-, ii in l' j-iarliil lul i.u
si. . . , .. i, : :-. ii.o-.ii,. tr-L a.m.t., ir.:.U tiiis j. i.-
i ir i.i.. i. i H t lt.i i.'pit nu'.l
S to, ".':...",': !:n:JouZ,Z;, concentrated extract of Para Sarsaparilla,
t c; .re. l,r i . -i. m :c
irreater alterative power as to afToru an effee
tive antidota for the diseases Sarsaparilla is
reputed to cure. It is believed that 6uch a
but no crt-ilit wiit ifui-:i.
iivcwiiviile, A-. "i t i t.
Wr T. PEN".
iserelian' Tanor,
Vfill cive to c'i-'!n;'s j-i-t n w bir? tin. as tri-i
never he; e i p. i-m-i. e t t i iieui lie wiil teil
fejtla o. iiiai'ii.i.'L -i. e I'.-niiler
if A
. .1 r.iae i i p iy
nxcq nn e-rnXT
ii... n
U i, ii 1 i .-. t:.. i'. i.-L.
i: ;.j a.,, ij ;. 1 i;i .t "..i .i pa rio
I. If.
,'t.r- ni, .i.i-'.'i e.i--..i j' t;. !.'' !
:' i'i e r Liiinnii.r.v- i i
e -..i. h i. i i! e tvt r.i- ; xi..-y
1 1.
. . ::. . r. J-L'.cr.!
, . . . . y "f'TMji t.r - - v 1
I X . . ( I 1 ' l' V , 1 I ' I I 1 I 1 1
'Mil . ' k I Ml I 1 i I Mill i -.i ....
r.:.:u i'.er ci the R f..y . ::i j -i t the I a .-is-. Ir' w.
U ! . nn . ,,7... ... .i...t iii..i-i...ii.tV.
i Si 1 I i. t i .'. I.' u iS i if i in
a l : .f. i ta.m: ;.i ..i t.i.i- ;r ni -i -:. i . i our eo'iut y
J ! - . Iv.,- ! i.i i-in b--v 1 i ' ! U-. tJ- l.toU lm o
v "., . ... ,-.'. .i '. 'k.-. . i.t :'i j , . v i.-l : it, i... x. to-;.- . -. tti in ; --vt-.- t- ; io
.... -. ii.-'. I..- v-.- . l . e I.i-...! I j. i. ii i.i :-i ! , !i i! i !'. It". C i III - T ' I 0 i ' .V -I ! i I"'
...-ii..... -.,:! ..'.... -..;,.,, ,- i i., .-.--.! ;-Ut;.l:i..: ik-i.i.ed t .. ..r.i liim r ti;-
; ' - ' I- ' I ' .- - ' -i t i LIT i '. iii. i .i -.-ii'.t tin: 't. i- oi oi ioic.-i ...
; tto 7:i!iP-t ini.k"f :i"a-.
1! wivnli' A i - i- li 161.
v V v
rr i e
... i'
. t.r.;:i linr:vr, a coinpm.y prii.e;, a - . j.'w-.c.i f;::s war sn.v-nt tn
!-.- i ,. 1.' -V 1. n,l; and now u.h.2-! Mir, t'-1 er -iit
Tothe.ewi.i, nli.-A. 4. i-'t:,r
v . -1 .a 3v1-iiv.tr1'!
v. t-i .e.r the C-aveiry e: l.'j eW,?w . .: Tvri's.
I' i-.i ii'.'ii.'i.1,
LVr.'J Siui.-. a .' ; p-'ti:r.y is now !
1 4 u t".r
M hiv a:iy,;:l! I I' ii, l";T.. i'l.i.UiAAMJ INilA , a a.i e. ... i w.t .oai. .4 sif.c.j t :. .1 v,
w- s-h..u!d all be sn, :.!!; i.i. V r ! x'1 'VV. v .-,1;. I . i,.,-.-!.,- f-av-od v, .,r ,, ..i.irit.,
.... j-. ,i . r ii; ;.t smym t Vi-rt its hut io.'.-4
c i o .t ii .-j.-clear duty. . a that of eyjry ot'aar
c.t z o i-i : ..n.l by iae n ni- ii uil its lairly tibti-toii
i-iil "i a..d e.:cuid ..t- a'.i our encr-i i .:.) their ef
.!: toin.ii.H'ae Ui.iu.., : Coii-t iiution and t:io
-.. ii 10. u iftheLuv A..-1 ;:n.a.ii liu ilclj.-lhi.n
1...' b - to : ihi'-.uii .ivi j. ma terrori.-m
. ion IVar.u iy -tr .11 wu bo.ievo tlie A'uer
.. '1.. j 1 vj . t -i i -- mi' e.ron -.' a. id l!.:t ti.o un 1 uin.i.j'i.
h.n.t.-1 .;' r s of Ir- rts and U ta't. will insure
. Vi stt.--.-. l.u ! a.l qut.-r.oiii j.avt-iu.fe ii-c
.h vo.ror :i,.,..j..;iti-'.,.i ; ; t - it 1 .r l-nuiy
1: 1 A I l . ..V r- I i... I i! 1 ii l i i : 1 ..1 : l 1 J.
x. ill due 10 tin M'r;ii 1 Ii en .1 us ;:;;jiiU;y uny o:ie,
... . . l.a "..a 1 ii ..(. 7 . la . 1 u.';-' -
i .'.. i t- .1-. a rt;.:"'r . n.-ati
.. ;i. ;.n ci --t.a 11..11V i.i..-ii i'.. ii- i I.j l j...' -I
; . lit: T .-.) t t- Sii.ii ;;i.m; ut ,.iWr 11 r 11..',' v x 1 1 "i n 1 1 1 1 .v..i 'j..
, ' .':iQUIL) r,rx.rv.,
bl i lA l iiUA Lr..UL..N i.
p-i-ni-d. i. v.. i- sia.i., : , ...i 1. , rrtn-ir'el 1- so: t at.toi." t; I..r C iiii.- MuLs x'd a.l int-h w.. n ... ;:-p.. .::.:an a mwt exu-a.-r-
c. I . . ... .:.-,. ' 1 , -" " . , , , x .... ... ,. ,,v t -t. v.e ii M- to tho.- vuioi.i Ihe Atiie.a-
lu e.neau.-.a 01 n.i v.;'-u . nv. I.tP.., i ..l3:!i. n. eu rcants. V, . n y u .1 j t Ni.,, .ici.-.nvl t..e N.n.ihui . ... :i.uc t.:,i:i t.,i vi-b antaot-wy k.lui..;u-
;:u ex"; ri-'ts.-cd tit. 1 a-jrecahie ofile- r. i ;.iv r . ;, j. d. they experts! m ;ccj .ti. ! .''wS' iTCSt'J' Jr. asl Lii iaii ii:r, , ;t t. ( 4 Mt,x a- acti-.u inui-puiinUw in -
Lieut. Cnis. E: .M:n.mi.p, of ( that lh-V dul not pay to iv-rt.e rn er. uji-
iYthi t e.-inrny f (Vi. Jnn.ifon', Cav-1 ' Te tlieir astonishment .ml -ei-nw-
, , I n-.tino. v ate nuw put oj un etith. r--
airy Uiee:,'. wh here also trie lM . - a t0 aibse what thi-y owe ftl tlf
we-.l;, recruiting. Capt. I'crkins was
Ei..ut. in ti:c Eexingiua laiile, ar.J 13 in
every rer-pfcet, a number one man.
- Gone E st. Adj't. J-no. L. Caksos,
li ft cn the West V' it.J last Vi' cdnt 'tday,
to sp-.nJ a few wt ks at the old ll :i--HOhd,
-?.E:Cvrs' uiz, Fenn. We wi-h
hiiii a pka.-ani trip and visit, ar.d a peedy
and safe return.
(;. , i.i, r. i-M' ".
Z i-T"1' ii'.t.V (i.i.'.ll- i.-ITI. 1 iCVO's' r.; f.-.; Al
,, ,-, , .. " t t . .'. nl1' ''. 'f i (ij t(i i t '.( (.
.I. i'.-.. i.'. ; ti.ii n 'i it n.ij.iiii! ti, ;(' ,.. ... wiiii'o
i .1 .ii i'. -1. :u'y lotaii.-: a n .-dy -ip.:it to three c.. n.
. 1 . ,.li i .i.y .t i-.i-tr. inn.-h h.-. n.d v.-.d I.VI
illi.l.i iiiii.S S Et.-7: :; o it-in i
not d bv th coil': a I a .: 1 .'.i. 1 .isi .'I o:
'UN lio.l'.t.. T .'.il.iAIi KlMll .-i co n. f .' .l'l:t i:;i-i:
Mibi. ii el aivc.-i 1 e Mt :iti:. i'.
Iir.V.o.. t uAL'K. !N v.':.'. 'l bl'X IN WAUM
i i , . . i .. 1 :i o'l, !; Vu I' '.1 A i.i .1.-1'.
In Nu.-Li!b they had a nun-hint i L;..y u .;;,,, s.-,; -i i.j r.-a.Eiy
.. . ..C. h.'wr if" foi.f fUMli t uV - ! v i:r ii ii;'i ili r irc'tt ' ui-.ui. til'
M ' I O. I Ii " V'L HIV. V'-iJi i - ..... ..
...... - - c lit the privilege of t uruit; r r t
Nt.ilh, anil pay the amount ov.,r to lie:
rebel trtasarv, under the seiueatratiou They hul lar-ained tor pre-ate
ctii h toe nt. not f.-r public ija i i,s-, am! ihi
ilemanel ilrivs them iut- elOH ni trt. rs
Whltney'j Biork, Tlain Street.
ELK 11 0 ir eiiid MORTAR
J. J. T HU11 MAN,
AXXOr.VCKS ! t'"- t-.h'i. of rr.iw.vilb; nnd
iiiity that he brt- rem vcl bi. M'.-n:
remedy is vanted by those who suffer from.
Strumous complaint?, and that one which will
accomplish their cure must prove of immenso
service to this large class of our alluded fellow
citizens. How completely this compound will
do it has been proven by experiment on many
of the worst cases to be found of the following
complaints :
Scrofula. axt Schoftjt.ou.i Cowiatxts
Enui'Tioxs and EitUTTiVK Dish .is:: Ui.ft::n,
PiMt', 13i.otciius, Tl'mous. Salt Hit 1.1: .j.
Scald Head, Syi'iin.ts ax: Svimiilitic Af
fections, Meucuuial DiiEAs:., DacjisT, Xuu
lt.vLGi.v 011 Tic Douloureux, D;:iiiLirY, Dxs
fefsi a ax:) Indigestion, EaYs:r::r.As, ltoss
ou Sr. Anthony's Fiue, and ind.;ed th:? whola
class of co.nplauiti arising fioai Im;ukity 07
the Br.oo;j.
This compound Avill b? found a great pro
motor of health, whoa tali -n in th. spring, to
expel the foul humors whL'.i fjstor in tli3
blood at that season of the By th2 time
ly expulsiott of thorn many ranVa.ig dlsordors
are nipp-.l in ths bud. iltil:ilud:s can, by
the aid of this remedy, spare themsjlvos from
the endurance of foul eruptions and ulcerous
sore.-, through which tli3 system will strive to
rid itself of corruption, if not assisted t: Co
this throng th'? natural channels of th? boiy
bv an alrerative medicine. Cleanse out tin
vitiated bio a.l whenever you find its irupunUes
bursting through the skin ia pimpb. crtiptions
or sore;; cleanse it when you funl it it o
strueted and sdngh in thi vein ; cleanse it
whenev;r it is foul, and your feeling will tell
you when. Even where no partieul.u disorder
is felt, people enjoy better Jicaan, ana live
longer, lor cleansing the Keep the
blood healthy, and all is well ; but with this
pabulum of life disordered, there can be no
lasting health. Sooner or later something
must go wrong, and the great machinery cf
life is disordered or overthrown.
Sarsapavilla has nnd deserves much, the
reputation of accomplishing these end. But
the world has been egregiou-dy deceived by
preparations of it, partly because the drug
alone lias not all the virtue that is claimed
for it, but more because many preparations
pretending to be concentrated extracts of it,
contain but little of the virtue of Sarsaparilla,
or any thing else.
Duvir.g late years the public have been mis
led by large bo'ttles, protending to givj a quart
of Extract of Sarsanariila for one dollar. Most
TTV ifx rv ' ,
B tin. use ef tt-. Pill the per'.ilc ttacX cf .Ycrt
on: or Sick Iltadache mjybe prevejip.1; an.i if t.-iien
t the commencement of n attack tmmuia rent.
fr..nrpain and .icknet-8 will be obtaio4.
Tliey geldum fail in removluglh aad
ccfie to whieh fio!et are o tutjecl.
They act gently upon the bowel rsmoviai 1.01 in-
For Literary .Vn, St4t9t$, Deltcte Trm e. ar i
all pror. of teder.tary haliti. tliy are viu-. a
Laxative. lmnrovin2 the apvetUe. Hiving ton .'ul ri-
gor to the digestive orjana, and restorlnit tlie vaiuial
elastic! tr an.! strength of tie whole r-lro.
The CEPUAH.: PILLS are, the resuit or ion 1 :ve..i
ftatiou anil carefully comtocteij experinieut-.; :n?
been in nse many yeart, durlna which Mme they t jr?
rreventel anil relieved a vast amount or p.iin a.i i
ferine from neadache, whether orUtnatliar In tSe.-r-roii
yte er from a deranged state of the iton -m i
They are entirely vegetable In their cois.k h.
may be tiiken at ali times with perfp-t aa.'cty. elvu'.
mnkine rut change of diet, and the abtenc of u'--a'rtablt
ti4tt render it eon to adminUtsr t.tex ti
Beware of counterfeits!
TherennlneiavflTeiignatnTeaof Henry C. S;i Uci
00 och lxx.
Sold by Druggists and all other Peal?' In
A boji will be sent by mail prepaid on receipt of i-a
Pries 25 cento.
Ait orders should be addressed to
49," Cedar Street, New York
Dec. fl, 130. n22 ly
Will convince all who u2er from
Speedy and Sure Cure
Ant'ii'tr T'timnniiili tcere unillc.ltl by Jfr.SPA
IflX'i. tli"if njToril H'Mif iounU p,tiof uf ti
eicacif of thin truly eeieutifie diicocery.
Beverly, .Va., Dec. 11, 1573
11 C pLrixo. fsi.
I wi-ili fur soiin eircnltini or lirge how bill?, fa
.ring y. nr replmlie IMS inoro partiealiirly bl. rr
;y en.-tomer-. If you Lave anything of the k;u.l,
1 :"i i.d to m!
i:f rev i-u-titrn", who s uject to severe Pi-.-V
1. il l o-'re, ( i:.-n;i!ly Lisiing two dayi.1 ica. erti
m MffiicZ; in on lion rift your PJf, whieh I sent ler.
Ue.-iuoctfullv your-".
H-ynoUJiurj, FmnUin Co 0.1
January 'J, 131 f
of these have been frauds upon the side, for
s .iZiz . ot"; .!l-;;;v,,v,iie;iuid uVm, tw r oniy ua,. u
:.ddedti.eret, ,.-xte,uivst0-:iof olten no curative y ropcrUes -v.1
IVr saw iiLR Snatch it! A vul.m
ous l-joltin'feniiiiitie entered the l'o-t
Oiik-e this inornin?, and whila pretend -ins
to look over the splendid culiectiosi of
l.o.A-" pantTs, magazines, pictorials, &.C.,
X , . .... ri...ln.... l.ll O
OU JJ.IVO S t'..i.llli.jr, Mif tiiaa.iTu
i . . f V.. -.K. , . I .
its liieers :a-' ainousu tu x w n 1
in '-sju.d paper" made ly iht. ir country
cu.tu'lir rs.
At tlV I attle of Big B.nlol, th-; cap-ain
i... 111 lor. !..-.' tor.. Je-tKi.-g. t ;'' o.. la-i..-..
.. :.. ;ie.-iiy .i..;r-i iiiu r .... it'i' .ai iy ve.i..-.
I ..1.- i'. 1:1 lit i- j.-ciili 11'ly a t.i,ii. d . ir 1 r-
.n.a.t' li..n i.i.I'i i. S-ov.-s, tat.-, Ag km
lo-i-l.-iu-i t-. A.-.,:.-. t-r i - ioi-il r... -a: -i-y i'- iMi-.-(jl'iTA
liiiU.HA Cli.UlIi I
For jin'MTv. i j. n ml n-j-u'ring 'i ti -oa u.: 1
ai !s ol. very d .-ni; 'ion. t.ciu ,:ti. t e;:,?t.e.-
..... ...i.:r..l I.i.' ill.. r:l I 'll) a:.ll i-.l ll-.i.i'.
of the ri' company sjav 1 -rut-rs t" ' M .t ,: Jaii(l KiU uU erticlt ilt .. r,. u
V. i- 1 . 1 ..IT' 11 V
!: 1 i-.i.-i- like t.i" j,:'. -ei.t. our columns must b ;
ii:r- iv i.-i. ;io.-s. .I v. i : .1 ;ii.- in treat liisLay ot lae
V , 1 t'- r the l.'ni ni an. I wi;n rln ..-idatioiu of its
ii; s;nki..g i.e.-id-.-nti. . We -I. ail u.t however,
r, .nit th if .'liieniKm t.i ii;. iatnre te Foreig.i A'fa.r
,. A m ii ui.i-.i. l i r. jr."s t.'i'.ii'.-. Market- .. Ac.
..... -i, v.;,. iiv.iii.i' ?r Tllli i'KlilL'NE
j, ,1, ! -.;:.! !, .-ili- ii iiiii i.g its eteai!i-ir.ries.
viu- uj.,i i-t.j-Vi i.s nnd f a id b " t- i.'oilti -e a ei'tn n-'i.-o 11 .vs;,.t LT l'i-tn whieh a eara; ul . r -a.K-r
in-.v -Linn ii xiv'.d and t'aii.itul liis:-s'y .-t'lii-' time--,
not in l'ae dotuaiu "1 Aetiiai but. in Ih-tt uf
-j,.,.i, ili- . A. in- i'.ulti:.- t..raeHuiritig iut'.r-iil..-n
iu-iei-o wi'n year. u trust thai an im
. 1 v. ii.-rn i.i 1 . .- of 1 ur ji'iir.ii'lis
mi. 1 tii i' io tbe v.uir ty aid fuilm-ss of ititelli--i-ii
. ...f i-d d ni .y -till a .) t "liiikj each day
,,,, ...."" lu ib h-. lie- e ?oU:-it a con
,i. , . . I4...-OII lueifuro of piitrvnage
... i;i-iio a i-iii-ii-d .0 it.-.) mual.
d i.liAiS
n iv'iMti thev saw the llt-ll of ill i .mrm m i h.i
J . . ti rr . - 1 . 1 I,. ..! ,t, n. . 1.1'
X' e 1U 1 : 1:: is i'.ri; iti.ii , 11. .1 n - -. ,
v. . .f...- , 11 1-. ..I in sti:-i v i.i 11 rs 11 i". '
his nu
fuLs in the cn-inv s buttery, tf .ad i
O , , - , , 1 i 1 , ,1., I Vi; i.;'l -r I" Mi.;tj 1
siantlv to the .trrouiid, iliat urn I h-1 ;nii. ; . H .h.,vi l .,; i'. ,
pu5S over them. One ot the ' et itipa y pryiuid Lr j.1'-1 :
v-.lun of Slt Tactic, and routed it not hearing the order, re.nuiin I .tui.t.iug j 'X iT ' '
when the eneiny nrtu, nu tinn:
l iil'JiLt ii:ron. She thought the ait
svns vui'iti'-ed. lul we saw her tiinteh it,
1-t fore. :.-:.e covered it with her apron.
U the -"Post OTi,-e" and '-D iv.s JlrAi
n v, :ti t. ti imv s or v.a
co:iirado all fa'l to the iiro'.-Uil, wn3 hi an
to.-av toliiiiiat-lf: 4,Iy .:d, ari- 3"
al! lolled ! I guias I shall have to Jijnt j
We u.ri.i.iii: r.i:.... ;-..!-.. e rr.nig''-
- -B
- &:i
Fro.-h Dr..-s,
Dye SiiilTi,
rain's and Oils.
I'lne Witw& and I.i piors,
For Meilir-il I'trp-.isf'S,
Hair ni id T'oth Iroshes,
Pel It.itiHty.
Fiii); Toilet Soap,
Invites tbe rnbiie j -itron-ige.
5r"i'l:y!-i.'xnV Hi .-in;.ti )ns attended to at all hours
t..:li t y il.iy and ni-lit.
urowiivill-i. Apii Hrh.I'liT.
1 1;! 10
I meats wiiii I .-o-ii-io r .- )"
-.-t.,i.lia 1 I.i 111 . :ven :u a .a.t.iHtve :....
urn Tiii.xs ai;i: -casii.
We-. -in g vi' :mi.ii !.!;! K. a ..ii ' )..'..:ii in
- - 1
'- , . , The "American Hailwiy uvio-.t. n.- 1 r(k. t ; ,u- 1 .r.-. v .1 u 1-0:1,' i ner. mv-.n.: :-;-
t:,c i, vr.l oi-tliie.tiro -j cck:u a tt4Ue I tes to tiit. ,.ji;.ct of the cUnm of th- Al. -! - - ,.. ,.-.Vi,,i iUi..,i i;...i, .us. ..k
U -hadn't on ur v.h.n he made svclt un Uade, as exi ibid in the C;t) a'" vicu"'' j0j,5?;s & nOSS.MY
a di.-encry, I -.-ore Hi ivia.t:iious fcinin- i jiiHtKiK-e' tiin cf Iran. p.rtatiKiii Iv w..KMiM;ac.i
- rr! -f '''. h v rrt V tia t a-ttern m :M : Its. -All tiif UWoloale U'unf.os, 7b, WiUia.i Stni,
iiiw ( u "i red ti u - ti.i c ' 1 (j s I 1 i.i.i.i i.i lui 1H..V111 1
. L r ,. , !, -i.'i'i lin.--are tax 1! t ih-ir u ie st Cm-1 .1 1. o.m -t.. , vr"" -
H.t'.i.l- 1111 - ... , l.'.:; A I iv.. l i '.:-a'.:;rs ana i'lLrf V. 1.1 i-' ia.'-
i i . 11 ... ....---
.- MI.Y T L I SU i-.-.i jer annum)- -
-1 ii-W KKKt.Y, lt)l i-.-.u-j jcr auauui)- - -
i ! k i.V: JJ i . u.'v -i f a inu:iit- - - - - -
1 u ivcs$;;ii- 1 ".''-' ''. Two eoplfii for -pi ; fiv.
,. ,. .-. ; g'.-: .I. eo'.ii';- j.! nl1i f.-r' aid
.,-' r ..::u''e'rat ta- ia.tur rite. K..r a. .-lab .,t'
,..,.;:-,- .... - x.m -..'y wilt i.o 'M:f. r-r a .lut t
;,,-;v - .U i ill. t'AILY I Kil.l .Ni. grails on--y ;i.
;-,.;.;. i a v e oiu'e lor 5: nght copied fr sld
i.i-l .-.i" ! .-..-r i.-iu-lt r at the rate of SI 2- a;i
t !i...,ii:.i !!... i ii'-r f j i' n.tdre..--d t.i wudi sab
no' i. l.e ii.of Twrntj vra s -iid .1.1 Wr.l eo;.v
T .vi-lit V .' 1.1 i- t , i,nr;ul'fi for I Willi oil J IX
t .i t ii oi 1. . ' i'.d - a - t i. e i'i'il. Kr taeh one
..liodiv.. The L lily fribuua wnt b. .'..m- gratis f-r
v.- il .
Wii t. drafts cm ''; rt!?u''l it i m ' '?er
r,. .'!,i,' lltii'i ''-. Ti. .Din; of lo-i 'i-t-'J-T i
li i .lie !o -i:;d illi::Ul''t. i) ol:ii a'.J wr.ti.n,
rvn.ei't always :a a a "
. .irvrj - a it
- . ; IjV A i.i i-if -vi0 lurk.
Sharifi Sale.
O. F. T ake, and S. . Xaik-dls
James Mcl)oii.!i
NOTICE is hereby giv-n that I wilt Or for rale
atjinbii; airjtionat tii d . rof the H. n-oin wliieh
ili. la-t tei-iu ot 'he Nemaha C uniy Ii-tiijt Cjur:
Nibra-!:i. Tevr't. rv was held, in iiiovviiVllle, i.ii-aid
ivir.i.t' i f N'.nn'.ii i n the eigat.f.;..'h day of AV
v. ln'o r lPi'il. hit Aeen M M nud I V. M of raid day
ti.e ti.ll .-wing r- il -tii'e. fiiu ired in the aid eoun
tv ot" N tntUa Mti l-T.-r.-ir'.r.f -f Njb-.-i-k i. to-wit
S .iitti-e-t-t nr- '' !ili-wep q-.nrier f t ee'i -n
leu. T.-i'ii live !! i...e n e-. ii e-t. r..i:t -iaiiis forty
:,c.e'; leviel ii'..n 'iie pr.'l'er'.y .if Junes .Mc-i..r.-it-l.
t-y viit:.e i f mv.i isc:i I n-, it :n :; v. r t f S.
K.!-. :,: I 'Uf !i-.-- t L,.i'.-.- u.e u-e oi
l" Xi.ik'.'l'- i-'!,l 'V i'i IMst.'iei C--'o:t i i Minnia
C -uii'V Neira-3 i ie.riu.ij; am i.i me ui-ot.e.i j
iu of i-lo.uu.y. .. ...
a. '.v. :.r, a a.. oiierm.
i'r ,M'.'i.;:( i;. i-i i - n i
Gwx. M.viTin.wS i ttililuiv recruit- I capacity, a. d n a,:,.; ty rv.u
, ... , ' . Uin to ins!;" ct ntrarts at any tr-r.rrs
y,,Z lit-s coniiiat'.y o. b;.ur, Snouter,. He, lli(.n-vw. "il-
w.'i t' . ciiiiiii s ae:-t of this ina few , , ,; ,,f ili.. Mi.-t-i: te
- -- . iu:? ii iur nu iiii pi i.uii. . ....... ------ i,
fill t: ii. he 1 ai I .ecu Iitrcalo-uts.
MArjiiiii'.s al:-:.
f,.r their pr..duet.s ,,d ,t ilo.s sh- vv.ily ;
i i .M' :;t..v lie will h-' a suiCtoa- to ,,,. ,,,; ortl.u)'.. as an m'i-t
ni-li d i-ii a, ; i e-nioii.
J. v. 7. ii. ty
- t; f20f4 is: os
Territorial W ai rants.
M.i'.ii iSiC.V Ti'.KIil tti; i . tt
'.-. ,t.i:v-- OKF1CK. O.i. ".h I. Ae2 -?. H '
Ntii-i h.rrt y cm to b .id. r f T. .Titorhl
,Vrr u'thHt t at'i i renared t.. ikmio iWi-f r tue
3lArjLLliV A I..'. -t I-ed ut the lt.'-
I-, rn'Sii'ii-.e ..t 4 .al.T n. ,.!e i.y me Us ret .f the I. violative AMiihly. e-intUu -An A:
C...; 1.,-i.i i:;..a ai..t - Xe.n.-l.a ..-).: X.-n.a k. ,a,j,.W tho tun I'.i'gof the 1 del.T-de.-S of tu er-
I'. r i .ty n nuu in tli. 1.-ei l e in u "i.iie 3; i o r:.-,. - ..,.rvvcd January 1 lh, l."!.
l-t ii. .. riii..iii -ii-e li- "Iiiii- ia - e -."-t hm-.ih il A. S. PAUDOCK,
4 1.
i:fr !i-- t r, srra cnt.-ft wi.l ik-m r I j .--on is r . 1 .. ' 'VV'.r.
:. , i ... ;.. ..1 ... ! ";' '"" 1" I-' -i-"-J "'- ., "a. l si I . nl2-3w
l..'-t Ii I.I: .11 ! I1R-'. n tn.iLii . I , .,.,.'..,1. I . ill '!! I ...--.-
v - -- - - ( Ul.,vi.t.."..-
ft.-eretary of the Territory of Nttra:a.
1 i -if; i.:iccn ; ( jrutn rc.-u ittu-n Lrcver.
; i - r. . I . . ' . 1 ' "
pliHIeuLAULY to kaxi hmex
it.-" t i j - ... , ... . ... v . . , . U.K ttntiraan
cr. II nice, bitter and painlul disiippotntincnt
has followed the use of the various extracts of
Sarsapavi'.Ki v.hich lloo.l the market, until the
name itself is justly despised, nnd has become
synonyinouj with iinpo-ition and cheat. Still
Ave call this compound Sarsapaiilla, and i a tend
to supply such a remedy as bhall rescue the
name from t'::e load of obloquy v.'hich rests
u ioii it. And we think we have ground fjr
beiievitrg it has virtues which are irresistible
by the ordinary run of the ducases iti; intend
ed to cure. In order to secure thvir complete
eradication from the system, the remedy should
be judiciously taken accordinT to flircctioaj oa
tlie bottle.
rilEl'ATtED 2Y
DK. J. C. AYS It & CO.
T.mVT'.T.T,. MASS.
. m ....- iintili- i R!i Itolf lea for A3. ih kt I'LLl flare rertrid
4iiv, vi'" - - .T...-C,, v r
Ili-OOL .''lUir.iM
No 43 Cedar St, N Y
Dear sir:
ln.-T.-s.vl find twi-ntv-ftve cent. (Ii.) f-r whlri
...l ..f ", .h..lie'lMls." Send t .ldres
v WoiC F.'.h-r, Kvn-.ld-ibur, Franklin (h, Oh'.-.
Your I'M- i-;rk liie a c-Aurw cr Lleaduche f'.-
fll'tnl INl(llltlf,
Truly yoors,
Mr. Fpaldino.
21-ionvillr, Conn.,Yeb 5.1S31.
I hnvo tried vonr t.'enhalifl nil., and V.le t'i n
o !- that I want yon to send mo two dollars wo-vh
l'artof those are for tho neihbor?, to waoni I gava
a few ont of the fir t bos 1 jr.t from you.
Scud th-3 Pills by unit, and obl-.a
Your ob't servant,
Ifiterford, Ta Feb. 6, 1351.
'.lit. MAi.iJia.
T wish v.. 11 to si ml m nn more Vx nf ynnr C-
nhalie I'i IN, hace receieed a yrert deal of len'fi
rum the m.
1 onrs. ri7icuul!v,
Spruce Cr'fl; Jlantinqton C.,P..
January 13, lstil. f
II. C. SrAt.Dixo.
Yon will r.lfne ?end me twoboxwof yctir Cephal
ie i'ills. Send the;a immeJiatcly.
ite..ectfullT yonr.
P S I hire uted emelox of your fill; and .vi
f7em excciltnt.
DfUi Vmtfm, Caso, Jaa.15,1331;
l iki-fml inclosed tsrtn'T-fiTe eent. for wbiea
nd mo another bx of your Cephalic Tills. 2Tirjf
llnKlrr "5ALii. L Shunks,
T M lnd.-n,
V S Irvl-n.
V.'ii't! i i..-i el-v ti' v.n t'nt hy virn of an cxcu
tin i-.-t-'-t hy this Oi f mis l'iiri.-t C- u't. of
.Vcui iLa eviinfv. .V-'.i'ii-'.a T. r.iiory. a.;:iiint T M
l.'.tea nnd VS tr', li a i'i the ah ,ve e-itr lnl cause
;iT.i in fa. r . i sii ;' intiif tin rt in, 1. Siiank.
rfliefu a . :'n'ui;-y .'.-Vc:i d-ol ars and pin.ey-hun-,Ir
th e.'i -,s i t..! mil ):, I. J W
iu-.-:a.-f -'' "' u-.ty in --'id T--rtt:ry, ti.ive kvied
u;.oti ar, i -i ' i tier ..r -alt at l-nblic a )etii ii. a; the
.l..r..f W T l n's ili 1. ili ; '.t.v "hire t!:e bt-t
.,f the l.'i- ii- r I i uii f saoi c i.ri'v h. :d.
Ayer's Cherry Pectoral
has fir itself such a renown for the cure cf
every variety of Throat and Luni; Compl dnt, lint
it is cntirciy unnecessary for us t recount the
evidence 'f its virtues, wherever it hns been cm
played. As it has bapr. been in constant use
throughout this ruction, weneed notd more laan
nsmre t!ic peaplc its rnal'tty is kept up to the best
it ever luis been, and that it may lie relied on ta
do for their relief ad it has ever been found to do.
Ayer's Cathartic Pills,
ron ti- cm- 07
Co'.('rntex Jainu'Js?, U'j-pcjziz, Lid'ij"-''ont
lirnd'r-j. Void Slomadi, Jliyuic!, Headache,
ViL-j, llUciunafum, Uruttlions aid Hun Diseases, -Liar
Com-hun!t' l)r:r3j. Teller, Tiunin c:iJ
Silt -Wieitnt, V,'or.n. Cvt Xcv7r.'yi ai a
Diivier Pill, nnd fr Vivify in J tlie Llovl.
Tacy are snnr-eoated, to taut the most sensi
tive can take them plmsnntlv, and they are the
best aperient in the world for all the p-rposcs cf a physic.
P.-i:a 25 ceat3 psr Tci; T'vn lzz:3 for Cl-05.
Crent numbers of Clergymen, riivsieia-Ti, States
men, and eminent porsonne'cs, h ue lent their
names to certify the unpnra'Icled usc.'alncss of these
remedies, but our space here will not permit the
insertion of them. 'The Agents below nam'-d far
nis.a gratis our Am kuicax Almanac in which they
are given ; with also full des'-riptions of tjie :ilva
co;:ir,'riints. and the treatment'that should he fut-
Eello Yeraon, Wyaiidot Co,Q.
r-. ,;n?ta bottle of SPALDING'S" PREPARED
" ViLUH ai savo tea tlaiea iti coat aanuallf,
,..,t, ........ ... i lo' for thc.r cure. ....
on .v. .ili -y tu i5.n .i-.y a y .v. m . .i w oe- ,,(jt Lc off ljy UT,prInc:pled dealers trita
twv- n ihe h. ursot in-s nd t-r.-o "' ' !'- l otLfr prept-ons they nnke more jirofi: on.
.said .hiy, nnd will set, to th ht-iiet bi...'.-. r J- r ea-h , j)t.r,;inj AYKii's. and take no others. The sii's;
in Land, the following d- .-.rih.d reul c.-tale, to-wit : j 1 1 best aid there is for them, aul they sLculd
The st.uth we.-t f urth .-f ths .th west qniiiter d .r(, j.
Itl- i-et is .y to Riiichnien aity-he'-e between te . twenfy-oin", tx.-eot t-.-n a- r s ( ut i f tie
All our remedies are for sale by
For sal? Ly
rcnsoMt! dispatch!
' -'".l Stirh Time .5ir- Sin r'jjf
As Hividents will hapjicn. even ia well reu.atel
families, it very desirables t hiv-j cheap and
v.nvenient way for rejiairicg Furniture, Toy, C.":i-
uiets all such emerrcneie, an-1 no hons-.-hold can
aUura 10 DO nUUOul it, aijjiww;,iii.
to thn ?ti-kinr pidnt
N Ii A, Eruoh ace ra:r.ics each bottle. Vtx
. ccts Address
jrw 4 i Ccd ir i user, N s Yuii. .
............ .. .ii iiii.i.i.i.iii l - ii . . .
i i ......... i ,i . ..i il -if of l).'ii il .... ia i. .w iiiii..
. . . . . . . . , , .
ri.t . t-i. Iv r . f v ,i ;i (. i.i. .re vii r i. i . --.- ' - .tir.-i,in i riv. nortll West i 1 -:i.a i u w.-.i iuri.i ; iii-o '.en
l U t-",J-- Tiif n:-n-ate pri-riy o. in!,- .l;,,Iliy . ,.,r c a. m, ,..u t.o m!..-,- ,llh, , ,.,ow 'I1;'- rX .t. ,f.l.c ,.o,-ta ca-t fourth .1
lii. m -nr IMir.-.-Axix. Lomsox ; A tJje MiliVr, arts .-vua-.m I.d::i.-.n. ! tflu .iVu,, () ; w,.,. u-u tulo. hill. thi.-T ,cr, on :u, y.-s: -ij u; r ; ;-j J. J. T1IU a MAN, 1
Mi,,h,-'!,.r,,;n,y,,ckitti', -' T. ' T . A ST HOTICE!! '
! ! :t :.i l;- : - ' ;T .'m"-' 1 ' , .i :.-- t- t i ' ... . . .. it; , ;....v . ti - . i - .ii - '- - - I
... . il' - il'lil- 111. .
VhO i .u-
- Uin 'a ti.i?it...!i.i!-r...lli-'liu3 cur thanks
for "papers in advance of the mails.
ni::. to labels, re- f. x. ;sl. .. , ,,, , ; , .;.( ? ; TvT: v c;. j. v;; ::
' w 1! ni "..U.l it1. Jlii- 1 ' '
acres, with negroes aud otatr live siucii
Aa-. iih. lt51.
i.J. 'An'.. lis itv.
i :.u-L "a :. M : tt. : v. :
J.C. LL'Jiiili.
Lwwtrille, O3USO.I1 136X.
1 i ,
i i i :i . l
r 1-1 : :r "i )
:-i :: e 1" i- .v . : A
i-.". .-.'. .1.1 .-i'i-"-'' : ..ii..
Kt.'iii-ino tver tfT-r'ii iu 1 tl.o si; a v'.-s
A e-rt-in 'i--nr;.:M; : -1 ... r attrtrpi":, ti
-i'"i r.T- .i t'.-- i-''i-"::'.. r i im:..i-.:' -f mi
' ; ' : ' 1 i ' A I . r. I ( i i . i r . 1 w.uid t.iasi.-n ail ntvf-os t.
i ,.;,;;:,: U l' f .' J " i' ' ' -i' ', ill.d ' t'.C f '.V
, t "' '
liis nrer couii'.ij n-f rive vi.i ty
Bruwcvilie, AiaU 161,
. .... . .-. . ... ; .- '.:. i
b-.M-c-.a. ivi. z. v.'. ".-ii jIljl. fr Pi if.
JircwaviUo, Auuitiiva, 1-il. nS-5
.:.;ji';s ruinwt.rD glus .3--