Nebraska advertiser. (Brownville, Nemaha County, N.T. [Neb.]) 1856-1882, November 07, 1861, Image 4
"Wfl i F3-J1T & t3?.?JA?.!ENTAL TREES, and ' SziV FiLts Ciitivntcd and fa S:fe IT TI! r" T If i ' OLIVE BRANCH HUES Six (ten miles cast of Cinci:nuii GLT,rz.:o:iT cou:;ty, oino .1DD,CC3 ATI-IT THUS 5 13 7 iLII HIGH. .IaJir'fc.rtret S'O.OO p.-rM., regularly as rUd tc h trad-i : rt-IittcJ. til). CO hucdrcd retail. TcaiUf.SlS.OHpur buudrcd, reUU. J luu , ! ecr.U e, h, rttiu. C';itrric. 25 cents ca.-h, retail. (Juifjcs. 23 cnta each, retail. Oooteberricf, 75 per d. z.t TTnnbtoa SccJI' 1 far tree, 'J ccats e.ioli. h Und.ird. ' J'cnr trees, 10 cent each. Dwar'. TIcHe rrics, T .0(1 er d,ren, Liwton. . S.:rawbrrri'i, 2 pfr M. - !;bobrh,iI0,03 per han'lrrd, Linrirui. .Tbo above named trees are row ro;wn;; rrn nr cw DjrrourKl, nJ we C'ri.l',r t'uem vor i.e. The tnprict r's attention baa been Riven fix tbo last fdUcn yen ri alrno-.t entirely to tbo Trepanation ci Kur?ere, the cultivating an 1 iuarketin.r of Fruits: d doriu;: this lir-ie. h.ivo wide it ft business to rollect the tiio correct sources varieties cpc .. " cialled adapted to this ciimite. AI! orders, accompanied by cash, attended tr promptly; and. if ri'!eer:.:iry,de'ivcre.l irj Cincinnati. and forwarded free of cort. except tnoleratc charges . .wbeaorJeia are boxed or bai-' l. Adlres. W. C. DOLE, Olivt Branch, Clet tnoj t co. , O. , . I on A VINES. X!T Ftoek f native rinc compriso nil tbo Tent He rariatiea with which I am acquainted. The lants hare been prr.darM!d with great rare, under the rbost favorable eircunntanees fur healthy develop toetir.atid surpass in excellency any that I bivehcrc loforebcen able to offer. For the fil trade. ti!y a limited snpplr f Union Village, Lenoir. ( Lineoln.) I "a u line. Fisin:rba.r;r. Tay lor for IuHitf.)nnd Allen's Hybrid is offered. Of bet Delaware layers, a so, tbo supply is cot large but qualify. unequnled. Tbetx-k froio Delaware, Mne eves ernwn both in house and ot .en air, is l.irjre and fine. For vine yard r,!anirj; some ftron;i vinos, tp-aftcd on Cataw La and Isabella stocks, are ofjered at a low rice footi very sti vs. Very lare liver? of Diana, IIerbera',nr, and Con- rrd, rnwn with eisr?i;il care fur immediate bear (lood layer of Anna. U ts Hybrid, 12 kind also Clara, ('a.idr. To Kalon. ncteeea. Miller Iouia, Ijan, Kicilv, Canbj "a August, Hudson, II. FroliCc, Cn vjtboa, Ac. A general a?sortmeLt of foreign varieties for vi torira. . .Of Downir'a nverbciriuj Jfuiberry the Fnpjlj is not large, an 1 a reat part of the trees alrtmdv crdfrcd. Tbey are vtry vigorous, and the wood well cr"wn and matured. ' Wbole?aIo dccriptirc II.t aent to Ihcae who wi.b to form club. rn application. Li.'t Ljf (ont to derJera Fourth edition of IIlutratod Catalogue . aent far two tbrce cent Rtamps It is designed to le a full ah I c:Trprebpnfcire trcaiiseon tbo ige mcfct f the vin giving euch information a pur chafers and grower? ore ?uppFed ta need. I'urtic .' clr directions arc gircn for the preparation of thi okl and planting, and the d;rcctiens for training are iliusirjtcl bjr inaD carcfulljr prepared engrav- ' ins. - Xbe d?TiptioTis of t1i raricJhs wi!l be found ccrite And trustworthy; bcingdrawn fr,m person al inowelodge, and very extensive ob-vrvation. C . W. GRANT. IONA. NEAR PEEKSKILL, '.Tcstclirstcr Co., Sew YorZi. CLOTHE YOURSELVES. .Tobn Garnttt, William Koenin, Jamc 1 F'unden. (tbo latter, Ion a accdsiuan ir the em plov' of Jlcftiri Landrtlh A Son ) Lave united under tLe f rm of .. JOKNGARNETT & CO. roa tE rnosrecnoy or the Axicultural Implement . - - . - - AST SEED BUSINESS, . Tier will mri-tnnMv V ecp cn band a fu!I fnpj.tyof LarJrctlCi Warranted Garden Sccls, all freb, snd of tbe's prowtb; ' To bi obtained at the old b-,!no nt I bila Iclpbia. and will confine their ?rJf-g (f Gulden feds cxulu five t0 4boe. Tb"y will keen a vi ry Iirga stoik of .111 Implements and Mjchincnj in Use, . iJteilAClvO ALlr THE LEAMNO Al:TICLF.S IS THE ..'"TEAT'S. OF T1F. r.TST M AMTFACTl-RK. They a.h'-it tho cunS-ir.ed cutom f-f tbeir frierd.', - n.d ot ull tlu?e who have do alt at Lb i branch bom ; of X..MKETn A Sov, tit St. Loisi. Our jirijo f'.in rv..ry a.vo.d.-T.'O with the tim;?, and we b'-pe to ?ntii.fy JJ vtbt c.iir on u., as to tuo eucrior 'jaliijcf our?tock,and tbo prices. Ercr clT-Tcd i: this rarkct. STO DOL'ST AHOL'T IT! CALL AND SEE FOU YOURSELVS AT THE Batimoro Colliing Store, ER0V7NVILLE, N. T. DAVID SEIOfiL. AanntmMJ ta the public that be Uaa opened oct a READY-MADE CLOTHING. BOOTS AND SHOES. HATS AND CAPS. CARPET SACKS. GEiNTLMEN'S UN DERWEAR. Unprecedented In iianMty, e.nality and prire. He mie!crniinel M Dricci Khi I crre-pond wiih tbe time, n l offer tierr iti tbe West, at just a i,wreat nch pjoo can te p'irca.ej ar-ywnerc in U.e UiiircJ Sute. As a uij)le of bis prices be will mention that lie fe:i Coats from $1,25 cp to $15, mi , II .J IIL-UMJ I - '.'..! J.U i! H-JI .JJI.I.l L - . - JLU- 1 L . 1. 1 III H ll-J M.UIIH W II ' " -" . . ..: : ' . - -- j ' J all is, s ii N y d 1 1 O EJ d i iiiT-1 ON OHIO IIURSERIES, TOLEDO, OHIO. Hee season 1 now aprroacTiini for traimnlantinc cm. &c. we cll altcr.a.,.. (f T-ee deHers. Fruit re'r'r'atoc-kef t!'er Vibliu6i0 Cdutiry lleirgrounds Fruit and Ornamental Trees, Grape Vines, SirvUerj, Roses, be. ' Alac : a',! tbe leading varieties of Currants, Gooseberries, Blackberries, Raspberries, Strawberries, Tf W.tli.t!. 1e hiT lj'co ,trtck' w "fer then rery t ' for tbePall Trade ISCI. and would solicit tbeorder. cr Mioe wihtns toi-urcbae. toclose sunup, aad scU lor Cat.isne lni prico List i. r.MSir.x h. FORD. Av3DjJ-rv2a3 Obio Xurrcries, Toledo, O 100,000 OSJEIl WILLOW CUTTJXGS, Variety Ftrpurea for live fenco. I will ent, bar.die and deliver the Conines at -rcwnville fir J5 pr igUy mJi : bcin but a little er tit JAlrt r-r thousand. Tbi is frota one to d .liarilt.s tLan ever offered Ufore. 11 order at tUe tTies most te acLt la before tk 1ft Of O. tXCT, I fell. fctud crdcrs l j luail with e-h. u. o. Tiioirpsix. 'ctratkaCity,?.T. 1? mi!e Wei,? ,f . t,rj.k itT.V Atirust OUUW Alflioe Kearnev Koad.t 4T mm plow works TO FARMERS Of Nebraska ami N. W. Missouri: AOAIH" I would call the attention f tbo farmers of Nebraska and WiMuri, to the fact that I have on haud and aiu coutautlv mantttictartQe. at my Plow Factory, in O.esuu. Mo., waaous. and every pattern of piftwn, to-wit : iu ii in n plows. One and Two Ilorc Plows, aiiorci I'lotvs, IIocs ,IXairus,o Corn Planters, And Harrow TectEi Together wtth everytbins; in tbis lire u-ed by a farmer I take I he responsibility of sayms that my two horse plow will do better work, in nubble or any kind of rouyh cri tnd, than any I manufactured or sold in this upper country. My two-borse and prairie piows win be sold, for cash n ternw, buth as will place them in tbe reach of every farmer. 1 My Plow can be obtained from my apent at tnva Point. K. T., bruwnville, Nodaway county. Marietta, Itush B.jttom, llultcounty, urownvnie. .T.. and For est City. MAKTIN IIOFFMAM. N. B. All kinds of repairing doue with neatuessand dispatch, on liberal terms. Oreeon.Mo., Maj-, I860. Theodore Hill, Agent At brownville, K. T., keeps onaaud a general assort ment of llufl'm.itrn Plows. Bruwnville. May, 18C0. It SADDLERY. Saddles, Bridles, Collars, Whips, Lashes, Lines, Giiths, Surcingles, i Slirrvps and Leathers, Snajjle, Curb and Port Bills, Ring Bradoons, Bvggy Trimmings. Plastering- Hair Constantly on Hand. In order to suit all, I make harness from $ per set. S5 I bave collars from C5 cents to $2 eick Halters from 73c. to $1.75 cacli. 1 vrlLL SELL AS LOY7, if not lowe tta any oaa north of St. Joseph, end those vrlshiEg anything in my line -will find it to their to cive me a call before key Ing elewhre, JOHN V. MTDDLETON, UOIV.WILLU, IX. T. Oregon Nursery. We tg Ui call ite attemirfl ti jLe public to tbe Flo ral tiTir,:eui i4 .ir K-tabiii-iimeut, which we now Lave so full .ami snocetkl pera!iuii. ir ri.n k ,f Ly1dmc oJ Ficriiiit Plants, Shrnt, Kc.. &n i-ifiirp tu p.n ,f tier .i.-ums. Vetbenas. Dab ii, Ft l".e Pe. n e. Iteliot r j. Kc , we offer for f s)e iheonutti fciiM .t h,u-r j.i tret than itnual. iliere ty v'nx 'beua wi-fiin tbe reaHi of .11. M oftLefe t utf. ,r aji Suuiiiier, tH f..r fine, cvlur, form. and lricranr of. flver cannot leexeWcl. Having ae !., ta.e er a B-t class fpirtUng feou- and its aj pen l. f e, which affrda us facilities Mr loci'itiR oiir t.totk tu LiCflicy ooiujuj. pa' t!o rbo'd ' bate no Xear ot ftuii.g vi.atU.ey waui by baudii.g in JLCer'ordeia early. Weatteud to the P,-op:icatinc Pepartment ourfelve. and warrant every arucia f,r heJ ot i:a to be Rood, atroux. liCaV'Lyi c.i rootej pUltn. atld line to name. jrtr oescrii, ;ve a'.rt paired cjta',ri:es will be out lit i p'li, mid will t e f t n j'Cfil ty mall to ail (; i ic tnt a . J. A. VANAIiSIMI.K K CO , St. J.-nU Am iomteral Tou-e, and It. W H UN S, Farmer il.rice, Browuvn le. N.T.. a, e oor nn! horii,v cnt . All orders iclt i;li ' rteni il re-ccne prcutt aiiemion. R. H BI'HCIIKS Jc CO. P, 8. ITivire forrliiif pita e. ially Icr the irp e. we will l4ve SWK IT POrAIOK plant for ai by. ihe u!'! ii. at reJi fi d pi i' Cfc. E. II. B K C. .0.eou. Mo. Keb. ISC I Feblb61 Isabella Graps Viue3 Strongly Rooted Plant, 3 to 4 years old, iiauy i f tbein already fruiting in tbe rurser.v, fr' at $.10 per bundrcd cr $75 per thou- tiler I.Higa quantities at Kreai!y rt ivcA rates. It needs no winter protection and ' Lo.-j Uo tinw! t-roTis of fruit. Ycun Ct.'-u';. i tu fi feci 21 per bandrcd; 5 to 7 ftt $3 rr It J. '.JlaidyTubiKg Rose. Trant Honey Suckles, aid ti.'ftr v k in guor.! t tbb lowert rates. RICHARD M. CON KLIN. Evejrgrurt Wrscry,Ccld rpriw Harbor ' ' COLORED PLATES OF FR'CITS AND FLOWERS. WS ttxt .'! coi-taiitly t.! vc1 in fsiettng Vc ;' ct :1 i'0U of ircjts, fct-rubs. fvrgre'-2 a4 f lowers, ar.d cc y i.i.rtC7 a'CEU or otbf i it U UI y ijiiiit'.N'y. fitter i,.;r.d orlu tc t. O ir boH,'t ,ll.n ti .r lljttrv.d ICWU!! ii tt:t Q fcti t Will tfc'.-.itiit :.;i.s a Itof k'ttersl &'u:ttry roJuct.. ' w'a o?tr ttt a tr.iC. iii-Ur ta i.i.l i t, aid cC urti.i bcurjl voUvt. very bw Ld we o i.ucr iu ty:zg tiui iLa cxfecc:U. o iLe srtut snd . l.-j.ets ! it!ir i r.ot n;riwtl ty acy id ite uLtry. Call at l-s JLSuertUer and ce pcci. . mstM. - . Ka'sI'iM a; fOKD, THE OPORTO GRAPE. I no (wrto is a very grwor. nta is per- fi ctly lianly, bnvii! frutto I iinn'i.-illy f,,r inore tnan t"n y.-ars. It is Tiry iriKlsyrtive, M vines bnv- inj j'r.Mliiccd from five to over ten bushels each. tnasmIi aeaa-m. T vine, two yoirs pbinted in las Salle e.unty, Illin ii. wcm uninjured by the ii. id, nii'i iiuitei ut aen.n. 1 ho wino btids a rra- dr mi from two to four dollars piTcalbui. liiad rmt tbe j iioiicsny of theOiM rt-i. It is trteetned by ITiynii ians a t;ool Tort Wine. It is "ii en h;it ;i rimjent, rich and f fino boiv. The vins are unfailing anl good bcarors.' liw. Dr. I,unb'iry. -I Iikvl'ht different kind f rrpes. anl. tbe- Oport'ii the bo"l of erbcr of thin tor wine, and b tter any other gripe ihnt 1 am acqnamtirti wi:h. A. IH'vercn?. In tbo Kiirnl. For several yara wo hivi'tni lj wino from tbo 0,rto drape, nn 1 find a re .ly enl nt one dollar p -r uotu", aciiiiig 3v boitics iorsiw orders, ylves-t-t Oiurk. tron- vines $' to $' Tor vine? r circular udd--s i:. WARE 6 WES rEU' Lyon?, N. V. n:i7v5-tf. . GRAPE VINES, loo Large f0 S-riJ ty .Mti T C Maxwell &. Pro's, Geneva, N "S" INVITL' paniiular atuutioii to their c:eruive stovk cr NATIVE GRAPE VINES, onear.1 w, ycirjoid, btrong pi mt, a-own in the open air, and in larpe iats under liclaware Diana, Cciieoid, Keoeoca. UarUord Proli&c, eic, in quaulilirs t j pui chaei S. Extra Largo Plants at Moderate Prices. Por cultivation under g. a?s, of the best sons Golden rtsrubure, Howood Muscat, Blaek llaiiiburg, Liulindal, Uoyal Muscv-ilne, Golden Cbasselas, and tbirtv otLer new and old sort., one and to years old, at ereatly re rtncci prices. ABne lotcf extra larce plkatKrown in extra larpe puts for immediate frnitinjr. A quantity of t!.ee. Native and Foreign, are In te cellars, an 1 m.iy b packed an t thippel at ary pleasant t-nie durlne M'intcr or e irlv Sprinu. wita sjjety. Par tisalarat'rnti n fiven to p -kinir vines securely fur all parll of tLe C'tintM . Send for Catalogues. t. n. maxwell & auo?.. f ArfirSS-J'vZoSl Geneva J)nrr . Co . N". V. For the Fall Trade. Tbo eabjeriber Las for 6alo tbo cotcir Autumn tbe followicg : 00 Hr.u-rbton'a Seedling snd Claitcr Goojeborv. 1.000 lied Hutch Currant. 2 000 New Iloobcllo Ul tckberry. lioO Iijd Antwurj, Rispbsrry. Sl'O UrincWle's OrinSa " lo'l U'UitoGrpo Curraat. Victoria lilmbarb. Sua I bells Orepe. iOO Caub C.rnne. lOd tloaotri Orrli,e. I'JU Tuttla' ri.J tJrapo few nnl tr.s.) AWi a lr;g &ortiuer.t of Ornamental SLrnb Lcry.for wSiicb tct j rind IL-t, wLiaU wUl bo fur- AldiCeJ, n.A. TERRT. An. Iil. Cmccot City, low. CP LHn afAIN STI?EE'I BROWN VILLE. N. T. Takes pleasure in announcing t h it he i.;i n v on haiid. a larce ntid selei-t stock of every art cle in bis line, COOHL STOVS Of all tbe improved p.uer ; vi7 : Piym uin llick. Charter o.ik. Valley force. Klevated Oven. Sec. ri r i r ism r ri ri r. ';t..A.M vi r teij . j Box and Parlor Stoves of an endless variety, sonie f whit-h are enrirely new desisn, via CmA aad Parlor stoves, bomebii: very nice indeed for small families Use r ViM f' I ' ej , J A combined Pants from $1 to $7, Vests from $1 ti $3. Boots. Sio.-, II it. Ca;s. Fancy and White S'jirts, Sus- dors. Ne llies, Scka, llan'tkerchicls, &.C , in the same proportion. The proprietor embrace tbtsopportnnlty of returning thi'iks (r p:ist pitrotiai:e. and prumise to spare no ef fort, iu the future to give Cuiirc satisfaction. Call A.XXC5L soo laini. DAVID bElGEL. Brownvllle. June 18. 11. -1y 3SlZsoo11sz eons. HEAVY Sl-JKhT IKON I UK SUGAR JiOiLKRS And Large Cast Iron Kettles from 8 to 22 gallons. Coal and Lard Oil Lamp.-; liras Copper, aud sbeet Iron Ware;, Shovels, kc JAPANNED WARE. ft Kal O'JiiL-jLisi I nave pniirei the right to m imf irtnre a simple and improved self ealinit Fruit Can to which I call the attention of tnc public. A 1 1 .r which I p'cd.e n.y-eif tosella as fair rales andoii as accomodating terms as any other Cslabli.-hincnt in this rem,,u ot ti,e c onn, v I am prepanil 10 put no iruiterina and sp. .tit ins and nil other work of mv Una attha shortest nntirn ami in workmanlike manner, which 1 warrant i.mivc sati-lcM. n. 1 p,ciem.v.'elf nt to be und -rsoid iu tlie iippc.-country J. DEL'SKR. B.ownvillc, August. 3D 1C0. JOHN A PONiX - MAIN STREET, BROWXVILE S. T. ' Wlere be has opened u a SH STOCK STAPLE AAD PAIVCY DRY .-GOODS, ALSO A Large Stock of Choice Family Groceries. IsTCatSLLC -11.5 7;iTaV urn l fix, Tt . - :t f f -i nif"i'iinr have n been U-fure be puMic fo . lil.iny ve.s, -ti.o d'l 1:,? il -l lime bavi ! i i ' , i. 'i - v?" j ,a'i of ill. ii . r? vi. it; v 1 Flour, cossistixc or Ham, Eacon ;ar, IIclas:cs Ccfiss, Tea, Salt, Cheese, Candles, etc., etc And a fine assortment of LIGHT GROCERIES Such as Spice, Peppers, BY fx-a fsr.a V, K-5J W fA tv-.i cr LATEST MEWS, D I I nltU. FT3 S Vi tia 'pp , U Ta ;h . - V5 f i it" .1 J r 1. ?i . .U Ua U UTS vaai-' J J liai J '- r-i . :h L I 11 La ji 0 l fed I aaK aSV . naw. sT-w m CHrJOCDE Ofl GOODS,- a Soda, Salaratu?, Ginger, Alls ALSO, pilr-, etc., f tr. JI tcell selected Stock of HARDWARE AND CUTLERY. QUEEXSWAllE, cicilery Boots aud Shes. ITiS knowledge of the trade and wants of the petle of Bownville and vicinity enables him to ni.ike ju '.ici otis purchases expressly tor this market. He ask a'i examination of hN Sta-k, reeliug assure- be will be able to satisfy in qua'ity, style aud prices. T'TIEST T31 1W WHITNEY'S BLOCK il-l a.l 1861 B V f ....... f ' aucuui;.uiuj'.-j Ecaper & Blower. c. aVTnxnifactiirocl II. JljUdilsIIL'S. i;tJj., CHICAGO, ILLS. l7? c J E WE LEY. O ass Ear Rings, Shirt Euttons, Rini Finzr bracelets. Breast Tins, Sic, c. Twcn-y-Hvc ThciiMind Sold During t!.f 2.CV JSt SiX 3TOVXJE3. aiu Aecra'je of nrer -1X00 cac. ri?ir. Sde have iitcrtaied from l!(!0 jU 'jit-, 0,0C3 ; 'CX Ti.e (uiiuMiii a: e of the diiijiu: human disra-ei in whicb the VEGETABLE LIFE MEDICINES Are we 1 1 known to be inrallible. Djnjitpt by tbormi'-'lily oeaiifinji tn first and sec l.d si. 11. jobs, and creating a fl- w f pure healthy hue in-li'i.di t ihestalo acrid kind, Flaiu'tncf I-aolAp-pcelie Hear burn. Headache. Hei lebsn 3 -a Ill-temper Auxleiy.. Lai.o r. mid iioiaiM which are the Ken ei al y iiipioins of Lwi-Dcps'a, will, aa a&a'UA. ojiti-ouenceof lfa.ii-v. 'oi tie-a, by Ciean-lm: tbe whole length of the in testine, with a solvent p.-i.ces, aa I wniioiit vi-deiice. all vioieut pui sea leave the buwuis wiibin tw. days. Ftvert, of all kind, by restoring the b!,wd to a resrn Ur clicti.a. i.ii. Iiuongb ihe pi, ee-- of pe.'.-piratj. ii h Hucli c.ises, and the thjrousb soluiiou ot all iu:auiual obsiructl. 11 in others. The Lite Medicine have been known to enre Rhevma i$m permaiiently lu .breo week and Coitt in ball 1 hat lime by rcuioviD l. il ami iuiiujiioU from ibe t-iiis-cles and lUaineiits fiom the Jwiuia Drjij:t$ tall kinds, by freeins and strengthening lh kidneys and bladder; they operate m-st t!e,ivhi ful ly 011 these imp ir'aut org in and hence have eve.' Ieei. round a -erfain renieily for the w. rst caeaf tJ.-avel Also FKormt. hy disiiKlgiug from the turuiuc of tbe lioweis the aiimy oijitcr to which these creatures ad here. Scurvy. tTcen and Inveterate Soret tr'heperfec pui ity which t ie.-e Uie aleoiou es give lo the bnwd. and and all the I1.1111 ,rs. Scoihmk' K-notions and had comp'exio'". by their al ternative ettecis ut.ii the fluids that leed the : kin, am, the ni.o hid slate of which 4-rasi na n 1 1 eruptive n m plaiuts. allow,cou y, aud dhe.' di.-areeab.ccuuip. ex ions. The mcof these pilli for a very tdiort lime will efW al. eiiti: ecore of Salt Ktiemii aud a striking mprove uieut in ihec:eoness of the skin. Comiu.n Colds and Iiitlueuza will always be eu, cd by unedose, or by two in H e w.-rsj cases. PILES The original proprietor of thee tnliclnes w;(.c.nei ot plies oi thiriy-tlve year slanJing, ly ib- u.-e. the Ijte ilhciot-s M ,ne. Fever and Ajue K..r thm sxoiirve ol tbe Western Couuiiy Uie-e alili ine will be foil d a .,fe. speel ml ct-i tain remedy. O.her uielicii,,- ieve ih sy-ieni si.iijeci in a ret in n of iLe iiie:ie a cute by these me'i cine is pe, iii tner: tiy ibei.i be sati. fiei and be cnrci Biiioits rterit .111, 1 Liver C'Miiplaitits. i.eneral D- in.i y ios ol appe iTt. and Diseases i.f Keuiale- ihe lieiiiciues have been used wiih ihe ni-e-f beuerloil ie Milts in Cfes ol Ibisdescripii .n: Kiuggvi ud Scr,,r ula in iu worst forms yields I.. Ihe n-ild ye', power. fill acti nof tbe.-e teuiaikable Meli.-tne-. Nitbt t-i. Nei voii.debilny Nerv..iisCiiipiai!itsor all kinds, pi. pitatiou of tbe heart. Painter'. Colic, are speedily car ed luerrunai umeatei persons who-e C"Hs'ilntion nave become impaiied by ihe injudicious use of Mercur win uud ihee iledicine a pertt-ct cure as ihey nevei ran t,. era,ncje ironi ihesysieui all il.e effects ol the aleroury. intiui ely ner than the mont ertnl prep- aiaiious 01 ajrsapaillla. W. K JtOFKvT Ju'y S 10 ,y 335' BiW",W''' fj,k' OREGON NURSERY. E. II. BIRCHES & CO., PROPRIKTORS. Oregon, Holt Co., Ho. The undersigned have Inn? inc been eon vince.1 the want of a firt Nursery in tbe West. where TREES, SHRUBS, FLOWERS, izC, Can be adapted to t.un limateand anil. In viewol thestt farts, we have etubiisiicd one at tbis idm-e an I have now iu suivesfu culfivit. n. whicb w of fer for rale at Wholesale or Retail, Tbe ct.tBtfTjs-eason.a larre and svell selrMe.1 at.-k iiifed t" t h rbin.itf. .f Apjnes- standard and datarf: l'i;hrK,rrv,l.ird Hid dtrarf ; IJlurries. Htand rd .t. dwarf; IVraej. 1 'I.I tils-. A ritrors, NwtHi'iuee, QllitH-1'. raT.. lioftjfeberTiee. Itsjiber !!?. r iwlH'rri .- a d Hi u l-b -rris. nvi-ri:re-t's.t)rii:iiin m: l Trnes.and Sbrnbn. trernbi,use and Itedlinj: Punt., ." .m-. Ial.lia.-. M. 1. ' Vf.. Vu ..c. To wbirh We Would y-' 1 'lira t C:'I th.- f?tf 'ri'i..; of th p-itpli- ol W. steru iILrttiiiri. N-br.: n, K in- J5"f"t)ii- lertns will be -is l.-w s, y f ;.,) lUeaat- ern .Niu-sTrv. Uy Toir- hiiyin' of :i .!i. r-f! irt is. 't 11 !: . v i . Ml rri-C.-J 1:1 I . i.n:- -t:-. i : ! I v n l;il :n""...i : in in i 'r :r u iv ;,,rl -d Stnti . f,-r w';rb : h-i! -;f .1 ih. ac1 will bo tu'ide. ...cb:'r' w li b" fu d.. very of ,:ickil biiir i Sf-:iin!.l s. AI! .:oiniiiuni.Mti..i.. :i 1 1 rested 0.1 tlia un b-r.-inod w;" reie urouitd .1.1 ten r icri f.h. ni:i:ciFs k co TO THE Pp.fVDT 1 1 . nM nth . f De, eZrlKra A"?; " 'ir.'c rr r... 3 'te nn. 'KK LOIS IJ.KIU. VlKrV't L tie a s 1 in t i 5 Ih. af vi-u '" ' i u- i I. 1: I- f. ,n . .. ij -ni tu,.. A, u . me, 1 . j Mll- j c, u u, I) rv.... -! a "l i u , I k. 1 . . . 1 furbn.. 'i C ' 1 IJJP D h.-l I .... . - - .. kat; fT di-ea-e .. th k Sr Z 7 V. .'1 1 , Impenai Wlna-tirt from all J,ava n ,13 w..rld t. prv.iue ireir rn m' f Ou:r ' " Kl i. --:. "IBl.i. ""'.e cn,ef . trt f..r P inrw... . .3nOHrk llee Bittern e-i iHbi.i-y, ami is 1 " a-eausolu-e:, ,... 'o luiiie the lrij r q laliry hr'u of 7 U'lcl, tin-. . WQfTrtw T'e w,n. ' y a lit i,t.k,l .... " "r... ,.d a. eianvei,. n, -IhI ioVK -rale tUe wi,.-- . .?' '". ,lr and beaithv Mr.,-. ... . . sin . . ' tH a hirLi 1.. he ,.K-t.... : ' JHeiii, al wirii. 1. f 1 "'SI ... , , ,- v Mrm cairulaiin leiiLVn-a: .... . r. ,rnt . ' " ' 0 " I" l Vn;a:es wi, ""'-.,; "l iu sirenuiben and t , iL-I f r isMibject... ....IW....H MiiSea.'?-- X 'b n ta iu. a ti,ey .re rev,v1)Ti; 2 T-sh" 1' niKsF litTi:hh aciion. Tfill not ory Ccc LU PrcT i jhI ia tM resre t ie d.,i.b r , , wh.i may iLem l..r 6 J1 PS- i lNbIl'iLNTCOND:pTIC:. "'V. di..., t!, ' tst ' ri.-ei,l" : r . rr iis-r'ai lot) t r!,. i:.-.i riril 111-t t'r tfced-ii an j.rr.-igne. V"''"". i"'i ; i ,a. Du,.- '""" yrie,ii. i-.ra.jr rti.iri:isa T.ti;. er. Donn-s- .ricur;ifi-l I.ir3 i luroal , ar j Iru Iv i..vIuj F..r ih cons anl eaniatie .1 , . v,...- -.v....... , lii.r w 1 I ,tr. ... . 1 . Aa a bever...: ti. m """.kin. deli io.w ,., ihe Usie.' Tu'ey":;, M il.V et1ec)r bra.Ny0r wi.,-, . . I"f' .. e a valuab.e re,.e,Iy ,., ' -I exes,iveMr..,Sdl,nk, an., wh ,., ,L f Ti.e.Taiepme m1 entir. ir .. " ' . r r,u 'f 11. e.iioe.1 i-iibea-inKe -t-l """" - -'w vMtai c V- aW 4- O raf tl lllnc Kifrr, luabl... " " abr. F..r ihe nd Mlld , D f, on., iruiu ns K..r ...i,,,..., r, ,.r , JV::n' n l 1 ,..bli(, ,,w.ek. rs-for b..k kl' ' '"s raniat!C-e-.. si r'. Ms r a: ij,,, , ., ,!.,""M ,'-u"fi ...a a se.!e,.t ,ry .,re ll.ey w.'i pr.,Vtf . JT' ir- ihe c ineiiy i fl ,iia. uk TheebitierH 1 t ,,,T f-rK m hnt " !..!. be oscd by all w . 1 1 a c'ou rr water is ha I or wh eU.iil and Irv.- . . en , iree y l..c..,.d.e arxf ifii,i wi h i'tpno r Physic.,,,,. ,.! Otw ,. ' "V r rf ,',,,M',i",y '" -st i.P(.C Vllnabe biters ..r i , ... .. 1 ishj In all afTcctIoxs. ol lhc llrad rk 'M I IIILt lifad. atlie, Or.Doo's Imperial .in. Hillors Ulll be round la hv ra0,t Salntaru anU i:Cicaclous Tbe many crt'C."e abkb bave tr n tenrfrM aa-l ibe lei.a w ikh we du.y receie 'o.k1m, r.f il at am .1,2 Ihe womcu lhe,e, havtM a ni'l-f icu 11 wticti U- othra htve ever 4 14 ttf ..t WUIllll "I IIOl O W,(l. .t ,K. th-H-e who ea supply. :a u-e ihem, Will Ua ii; i k(flllU, Come and see and B-mvnvIHp. Aiirnsf. .TO. lRm. Secure Bargains. THE HILL,. 13 R o W N V ILL E 1. As Tanner, the 4,Mcl'.irmii'k" ha: b-?on bo' re the .meri.;i,n public fr tbe Inst twenty yen r. and durinir that time bits :iined a reputation which W u itriti- 11 (o'e. otwitn.oiniMiinz tne yearly in- centi t in creasing c inpcttioii. an ihe ho.-tof inventor. en !Ti Jed in the d.-vebpinent of ll-apiiiif M.icbinei. the ".IrOormick"lels tbe van tbe iieknoa lelg'd iu-P'-rier of all iu tbe innrch for pr.ictical improve inrnta. Tbe rej reeentations mnde bj other niintifuctur that the Mctiruiii:k wotietjr a noted l-apr. but ia now nutiquntrtl.S simply ndiewlou, ns th in-i-reasitioj di tn:n,d will ri'Vf. N finale establish ment in tbe W'OUI.I). in unfile tor. so lari-ly of heo irojileiTients, imd none exjand e, uionejr time or talent in rdliJ.lf iiupr.v'un,nt. Munj cbanj;e8 hiivebei-rr i-ffrctrd during the pn-t season, and f.-r ICI, tbe ".Met rmrck" is -ri'sented rreMter attractin s tbi.a evtr beiore. AnKcipir 70,000 APPJaKTRIiKS. i cr fcale, AT FAIR VIEW NURSERY. HALF A MILE WEST OF SIDNEY IOWA. trc a are Ihe l:ire-t of ihi ir aw to be forind 'Z tne Stafo they :ire ail.ipted f 1 thosoil and cliin it- Z.''r;t: 4 year ..hi trees, It choice, "(J cents each 2d s'Z1?. 15 rents eich -l .(.il(i l year obi trcei (tbey are nice ones) at SIMPLICITY. STRENGTH AND DU RABILITY corom nd It to the fnrin-r, wli.j ita capneitr for work, with eroMOy of yoic r, gi ve it tbe preferen-c ovfr ll oft 8's. The tbe frame, thin seriirin r a m .r ra-rfirt hiUnco to tbe miiebiiii : Ihe position of the rnk-r. in tbe nat .f 'If driver, ti ns pbieinr the weight when if sbonkl be. im rt-lievinr tl. wek iriri of tbe rt!t,-hine: the il-er-ad weik'h'. ind -liuht ind "lit ri n il the rckle. the 'nb,r h-'l. imd , ibT ih1ovTlln? dd'd,bve liuitrijil'v la .sne,r tb, di-e-t dr;l!l rht. : ! sn ofrvi if-;l fii rid" drant;bt t'.:i m inv M-e?ir its it d.Ks not n -w wist. Thi" dr in ht of thn U--p i so bhf b l in nuiner-.u iru'ini'-es th-bi. l'oiir-!io,-.s'j m ichine is worked aitb b it t horse. 10 Oooi-'cberrj. fu'I of frnit As A Mo xver, Hi nrv lrne -I H'.l will b- I ..1 1 S-kl-. s.tin:' s b. Sobers t "I '. j1 inf ill . f'.-'v T;. ; 1 . ill 1 1 .-'i-hf 4(.il 2 yefir ld IToit'ibton S.cdlin full of fru t I tvlJ, lj B-uta each 8iM) 2 year old II. d lutch Currant: buds. 15 ncnt.s eat-h 1000 I year ..IJ Ucd and Wbito Dutch Currants, at HI ents each I year old (Jonwrd llrope Vines at 50 cents, eni-li. this is in" i"si known rtoe 200 1 year old I bell i Grajio Vines at 2- eents etii'h Standard nl Dwarf IVars at 5 ct. en,S In txebniiw fi r tbe !.. ve, I will 'hke Wheat and Flmirat the Sidney m trket j.rire. or joui.g Cattle. Lum'icr, Ca-n, or slow notes with tin percent m te est From present indications We wifl hv a wet season ami thoeeihat wish lo set out Orchards will do well ti cotnrt (tod jfi't trees. Jl.ireh H.'iil. u-JM-tf IIENIiY I;K0 VJC. Concord Grapevines. I hare toe lar ! and t So.iply ol g nuiim Con nor I I Japeriire in the I'ni'ed States. and 1 will fill id t for Nar.-eri f. Vineyard or oth'-rwise, at Imw- r rat.-n than ary idh-r r bable dealer. ,Sin;H, 1 rif.s. inree yars old. now l,arinx fritif, .r iw.i d-. y-ar old. will be Mut by mul. po.', f. r $1 uud aarmi'iil Ut n w. Oil- y ar dd vines perd 1 n. by Fx. only $ Z Pfl Tw., ifr tf,. (f , .),, 4 5t Tbr.-e d d i i d ut A r-wl ntlietirn frt'Oi tb.-e pri-- will !. mad- who t.iy by b-I iimlr- .l ..r it'i iixnd. A-flt-n'f W:u,.-l n ..'1 : tins. t, rtr'i r- r'nni on An i e's, , .r ,,llr. 1. ' ' tine .1 .1. -7 .1 4,-ri.' j. 1KT Irf3 I II IHHO . Bag, .-r:l ffCJ ifTT Takes pleasure in announcing tn thn riiizeniof Bro;vnviIIe and Ticinity, that he has jus: opened a ncv LIVERY STABLE, where-he -will always be ready to furnish gentlemen with Brovrnville, Juae lGih. 1G1. CHARGES REASONABLE. JOHN A. SMALL. etc, (n?;01y) to Mir test that it iml-n'a'i"! ot H idiMoii will, t'i I. -ani of m (" not 1 ! en'ih'in 11 f. o un . v f.u. .veti. w.rVf.j w!l. I.'n- Iiiirrorrd G '' i vi. I ' elTis-' nai'y pri'V.'ots !, k'.-, e ti dili iti "f t' ;"i Js. ' ..-HM-nriti'S l,id! , 1 '"d arid ia ,1 wb-re ,.t,,T ma bin' fail. There is mIs 1 a irr-rat iidvnnt.i .; ia or 5-kb' ede , r ibeytnM.tb as i' '; not bartenin' so often. tl n s saving litus. OnrS'cbl will Ireqncntlv run ibr. nb an entire U-irv-st i l- nt. one grinding, w bil f be smooth djre nmsf be Tiiind once each day, if not id tenrr Withasmoth ede tbe dranzbt inrrerses a tbe knifi! biTotni ull Our drnugbt is uniform, and in related Irbilsdu rinz the s-as'.n o: I-r50. far lighter th in sin pie Mowers, eu 1 tin 'it the same tim-o from f wtlvefc eighteen inches wider. Our Mower ran Ikj ned with ft without ibe re-l ibis ia iinrfirtant. ami wiihmit the reel, weighs bu about f70 iind. In addition t, ib vr lib ral warmnte crivn r nil pcrchaser. we would y as h-rer,,for . b n far inrs who m y desir it. arc at liberty to work if rn-iobino tbr.,M''b the harvest, with any tber, and keep, and my fr th one preierred I'arpi bb-fs with full iW-riifnn tettiaionial. A,'., em bj hid by npplieatioii THEODORE HILL, Brownvilie, Webi-asata, April IS. IMS I. Pare Bred Fancy Poultry. . For salu !i!a.-k Spanish. White IWkinjrs. Golden and Si ruled I'l.lands. S brisrbf. Ulack al'rieanred and white llantain. bifeai,d wild Tnrtrys. IV FowL, white and bnwn IIon Kon.x. ibreiaca nd wild lleese. White "Cro tl'' Aylcsburb and llus etvv Duck. Common en, I liabrits. A 1 U i" be rar.fully loxtd wiih tb-i neces'iiry lecJ,and delivere-1 at tbe Fxpre oScc. Addrci W, A. GOODI.Vli, 0k Laa;a t3;v4 Lsckfcrt. "s ill Oo. i', III 'l!-s, II f ir v it..--- f t-.r I-1'- H . : ', , ' of i f I - it j e's, f. v, a I. , r, r t Tonic, MeLisii-e" one CoKle! it Pries 11 CO per Fettle, C Ec fcr 5 CO P. cpired and Mild by CIIAULE.S WIDDIFIKLD'i CO, sole rnornrT(s 73 Willii'vi For sale ny lriwrisl a hi ni ibe C01111M v GKKAT I.ML'lsnVK.IK.Xi IN SEWIKfiSIACOIKES. EMPIRE SII UlT'L KM A CHINE. pAtented February 14th. 1S60 Silt'sroom, 510 Biuuhviiy, xi:v Yoitiv. . Thia W.-hii- is e...itru ic u wt eniir-'y new priin'i,le 4 m.Mdiioery. fMiesiin romv rare and val- unl.le improvewnta. bavic Urn ix'.nin.d ny .n tn-mt r f.-u'id rt ert-. a- l pr'n'ai-t-.l i b-?l 4- ri.n iTVatii i'Hi-Et:Tio. :ii:inku. The following are the p- iue.pal bj,-vti us ur-K t4llst AcWIlif MCl.ltie. !. Ilx.-esii e fali-ue . fn.-ata-iy t f" !ienpinfiT. every nn 1 1, "i I - Liability to -t out of order ..'e. ir-wM a' d lo- f time ib repai--inr. tu ir .rial. 5.-Disagreeable wbitc :n Mr'i a- r. Fm- fr r: :! I. t .1 . apjli ' r ol aula. r w u ina U'A .b iu.rv o,,w ,1 e i S III - : ll,:ll' til,. m i' ; .ii. I i, , - tii I t I . . i I i : r i . .i tloo. i ihi--: id, If.-ui ir-' full I Nils f re t, all T. H. VI.VNFK. C.into.i. ln"i li '... .. V.. ( Lite Fd' and IVopiu-tor f ibe "Huial a m ri eM.' ) WIL!0V CREEK i.r s.-si . il ii..rf-l I'l.iii'. r II vi.a i.'i-!f .fl,.r ('Hi Wf!rF.I.."l th ? 1 .! ;.. Ll ? :ric i- i' n,a a-MU'- 'l J tHr'. .u 1 i rn'. t n V-.'-fV.. IT ..V..t j in ; iit: t u ii.;. i .i 'i iu v .i It re.,u ie twiw -Cv f er ewnt. la j fri" i than , .li .- I f w-!re T -if ol i i'..t :ii ;..r i .ji.r I . '.' I s -rr- .14 b .i.'t ' 1 war r l-wnn i,j mirios r 111 w .rk ii !' t tbe m t of iinriri.vcmeats to S ,AH tgliii e t'ee-", of il-.ree Mini iu five I. ,.rioli. ffsifi.paw 1., .O OO 23 000 R' and I'd Ani Hj.p-ov"' VsrieMe., I n- yr.i a o;d fr eich te. f M b S10 r- f;., nr-berne II .nsbfon- 4 00 j:rawienie. Nec Pine, he beat variety knowu M NitvO'f N.I 75 Jeonie- Seelia Ceneee. rrini.nn I Oit I. iivtoii BilUi-rt w;r d if 8- ' Vr ri.'.'tiia lla-i tn-i iy J Kii-t-rr ' ' 6' !" .ri-K itii.ri.i p. Pun-, nur.e beue.4 00 Virtori, - C0 Hp, H itch Cur'anl p. d- ten $t CO 6.00 It oh k X P e- Cur'i - " 00 Oik' yer " d P!"l seed:int A i- numero'hr artic;e eontaine.1 ia n.,.rtlr. kuu. Liauiii. fbl.-xes Kc .a r - rzj ha iv-rr.i'-' ! -r t- r. 1 1 .-it I " 1 1- i.r I M J.UO 3 oa 2 M 3 CO 6 .-0 . .1.1 o r. t;v. ; in-.r . i.ii j t-l Mer-!.rii Ta'liT. .1-1 .'. Hi ri'.Kti I' 111 I I, SI . 11 ilt. ri.i t rv . -r i , a .' ill .1. a. :i .. .. ;. rs :id i 11 " V. i a 1. I i' li .- til. I tk'-l'S . . r ' cr-. I -a-. 15.00 25.C0 .77-;;flis;i. sud , ..,..:- lua.ltutH,!: aid 16. liberally 1 ait wila 1 e,n Xarserics PriiT oi'3hirhiiirs, (.'ojipHc:; A.M'ess. K. W.lUivt Crrtk. v.. h rcs. Lee Co , III. Ltfio s. lied Electric Wcnlber Indicator. This neat and eui"Us ii striinicut foretells tbe weather from !2to2l h.,urs in advan'-e. Sunt frea bv niiil on receipt of 50 ceuts by the manufiM-turcr, LtK Jfc CO., Newark, N. J. liberal tiiicouat 14 A ll :'-r.l X... 1. it Fan il.v V.i. biee. S 00 : a" zed .Manilla turin. 8 'O.i.'d : J .MauuTjcl uriiiir, S. j.i,:'. Cabceta in Evcit Vaiicty. iv. . 1 ....... . ,.' i,.w,,s in IJH SLits. where a' s aw not alr.--.dy e-tahu-B'-W . ..... t:k..;...t .l j... ut will bj irivso. but I v wucid m . . . v- 1 luak1 no eom-inrn.-t.ts. T. J. IcAJlTIiUiC a uo.v C10 Croaaay, Acty Xciaia wa DZl J Eoveo Dcds. IMPERIAL WINE L'lTTEilS, Xre prepared by an emina it n. ski! If at d iV-ichl. irh has u-ed thein siKceiei'y rns p.- i. i s-'hih. iwe.ity.flve year. Tli- pr-piuior bef.-re rj'.ja'n Ue rhu-ie ri:)it to 111 milt uriuie aud .f I Or. , . I sl' i' Imi frfal Winr It 1 er baolbfmie i ed hy iw. disiin-'nilie-t iu,vtii p-ar'i outers nj.-'t nu'-.ii- ed theai a v tillable aui ere ,ie-: t .ra-s--. Ai'h-n(tl the tviedicni rue., .. thi-. i-.,nirv, , tun- eral thiiif. dtsaopruve of p.reo- m I,c..i. tw j 4, not beii-ve ih it 4 ieH. ,l,ie P.iv.-ici u r ,, l,j i mi in lel'niied Sr..te , acii'n n'fil Wl.h ilnir slr,i eroeerne. w 10 w nl 11 -l oi.LiT I),' tl.i'.la Pill I Al. WINK MTTKUH I -1 l a- wiy senie.1 (' es. wli e the f i. n'wiv. larce .'i on. y ,, ,'.rf hi i-t linr e. ', iron, wlocl, . i- n . is una 1,1 1 1-. ce it. .1, henr .l- vi- sl.. a-l t.e u-ol eve.y m -r'o."? i .i..rf lTr ii-'. Dl!. J. UK DODS IMPMUaL U'l.NK biimu . r-e mp ed of 5 and "Had il efj'ed win.', c n,- nit M 11 iier; y I io. It's " ,1 f lil'i 1 ! 'l eryK.k i'.irrii4 tt oit. rai.e I ur.r. aiis Ks. is,.. Tby a; e "1 in, .fact it ed h lis 1) .1, huiise,. iii-.. X ?! t.'elaiil'i I i t -1 i.'i. .! ie,:i l,.i ,t , t'e e,a--.d .o...r lie ,4 , 11 rt',..i... s 1,i, il ! bee "i,,i ,jid.,i,lait ki.Ko i. e 1. e.i'.'i pot-mn M I '!.': I '' '.-' rl I K. T. e-e trii y vn.H.ioie Bine- t-e,! ;. r. ri v f li.' r- iiii; :c niif.-'i'. i'r r.,r a i i -i v f v. . Iy -I !". i" li"ii t f, ; ,ii !.i T iPtu 1 iV. ' u ' d. . i.- "I, iti.!;.-.ei,s h .ea-a fosit hvA ff.iliStt! I'orifv tl:e :!;4:t. Give Tone to tZtc Sio maclj -IJcnoiae lite !!is uuai'roloitz lAlv. rteeet. irev.TrtrV. It a-es veneral J hToUn-IK-'. It. IHI. s t