Nebraska advertiser. (Brownville, Nemaha County, N.T. [Neb.]) 1856-1882, November 07, 1861, Image 3
THEAPVKRTISER. ' jjROWNVILLE, NOV. 7. S61. Tj oca l. i ft v.- roc &. co. ND DliALiSKai IN . . Trk- aid J'riflttns Material ol all Kinch 1 ' TriljUD Bui Wines, Now Tork, nl Brown' Iroi 0Sce'" jBuiWinw. ruiadelphia. ,,Tkfv rcoihorlxed Aleuts for the farmer and Advertiser. VlTISCK & AIIItOTT, jyed Slates and Forrin Newspaper "Advertising Agency, rw BROADWAY, NEW YORK. .Lmed acenta for tbe "NEBRASKA ADVLR I5Er"; Vl ' NEBRASKA FARMER " "Trtisire Aper-ts in Ht. Louis. Messrs. A d D V O'UuKOGHCU, General Advertihin?, SI uhcanJC-mmi-M-.n A-uti, 46 Olivet. Louin, 'fnr .crrediicd apentsin city. and they are au dd t receive advertisement for b.:b tbeAdPer U,V' uj fariarr, and collect LIU for the wme. Tvri.i Aolst ron Tun advertiser Asd BMrB WM.K II A b vet , K-i- i ourrcaular au thorized travels Agent f;r the Adrtrtuer and Far nc will Shortly visit ,be E,if'tern cities for the urivse if pruruis adverti-in;; patronape. lie is (Bi'y tTi'.hTiiM to contrast olid e cur name in busi es tvIlJ'-i'',, connected wi;h onr pubacations. The " Advertiser" Office has provided itself with F!aj cuts, and also, those for rrirjtir? various kinds cf Is ational Envel ope's, arid" i now prepared to fill orders vb'oIe?ale or retail. Apply at the Ad vertiser'. olTice, or Post Oifice. if Agents for tbe Advertiser. The fo'.lowiii gentlemen tre aithoriied agents for loth the AJVrffr and farmer: A. P. Jones, Omiha, X. T. Jsill. WATTLF.8.Keilevoe, 44 i !i 'm n rn. l'lattsrnouth. " J..S. JIarpivo A Co., Nebraska City, X T. J.W. lin?s, lra. L: Jonvsov, Nemaha City, J.N. M"Calaxd. Pawnee Cify, C. W.Giumngs, Table Uoek, h. W. 1'abkfr. Au.nin A lieatrice, M. K.. ConEV, Tecamseh, A. F. Mr"rR. E'.khorc, J. Peck, Columbus, O.U. IkISH. iKcatur, W. U. jAMEF.DakoUh, J T.rrc (hmitli- G. Ji. Uixev, Connor, JIo. Y. A. T. mi sos. Uuck P. rt, M A. M. liAit-ks. North rStar, " A. Tvi tit, Centre Gi ovc, " "CKGICE TifEESAHD SHRUBS. I I.ave a few ti. !rc vrleMes, a"1 ex'ra flne tre rf a own him?. A NHi Heirs. Dwsrf nI Stand trd, Altiv'r.i n .r rw.vri!-i; Siiruvs, I w-.j;d oxebance witb Miu.1c.-sni? 'be::i. for Wood. wLfttt, Corn, bed cr'iA. 'ii.fvcjn : n lie.ivere l ;iy time. Also tew thoni.l one an.1 tw.i year Bl Y Locust tree Lwiu: liiackinvnee. ;nJ flue vs-jetics l'.ajr.ber btrrjcs. n. xr. rt'Ris, ISrowutillc. SCICCt ScllOOl. In another column will be found the announcement of J. II. IL HtwETT, who commences a Select School in this place on Monday next. Mr. II. is a gentleman of experience in teaching, and comes among us well re commended as to qualifications. He will give satisfaction, and we trust his school will be filled up without delay. - PralrlC FlrCS.The prairies west have been cn fire most of the past week. The greater portion of the time high winds prevailed, and consequently much damage has been done. We have already heard of farms that were entirely swept. Fanners should not fail to take precau tionary fcteps early. St Louis Democrat. We publish to-day the prospectus of this excellent newspaper, published daily, tri-wetkly and weekly, at St. Louis, Mo. It is now one of the very best papers in the coun try uncompromising Union ; edited with great ability, and supported by an able corps of army contributors, by which it is able to place news from every portion of the country before its readers, at the ear liest moment. We get it almost always a day in advance of all other St. Louis papers. Read the prospectus and make up your clubs. To all business men, who wish a relia ble daily, furnishing all the latest intelli gence, we recommend the Democrat. Gonfl EROUg... Tiieo. Hill, of this place, has received the appointment of Trader for the Otoe and Misourf Indi ans. Giad of it. He started a train from this place on Monday last, loaded with goods for -the Agency. The "Native Americans," "Perfect Specimens cf TLiral Development," 4,Spotted Fawns," "Prairie Flowers," 'Indian Maider.s." and so on. will find the "Ccrnincderc" aa accojcrtodatinj tradesman. Personal. Jamison, an eld "typo formerly of the Falls City Broad Ait. at present clerk of Major Biker? Agent for the Otoe and Missouri Indians, was in town last week. We saw him "toting" ofT certain milk vessels, which leads us to .suppose he has quit "buying milk," and intends hereafter to "keep a cow." Worllllng'S B.lliS v Worthing Las procured a new, huge an 1 splendid set of Billiard Balls, with which even the inexperienced can make "runs" the most satisfactory. A Good Chance. A gentleman with a small family, a resident of Atchi:on county, Missouri, has enlisted under Gov. Gamble's call, and desires an active boy to do light work for his board and school ing this winter. Enquire at this office. Eating IIOUSC Chapin is still run ring the City Eating House, in connec tion with Worthing's Saloon. He is pre pared" to accommodate day hoarders, fur nish ein?le meals at all hour, and answf-r firomptly to the call for cyders, pig's feet, tripe, ham and eggs, prairie chick ens, quail, hot coffee, etc. etc. Somebody's Cat Found. One of our "jours" as aroused from his slumbers the other nisrht. ly the piteous pleadings of a very small ahd very taby Grimlakin, left ly some heartless wretch to buffet the chilling wiatry wmds. The oppeal was not in vain, and the aforementioned jours heart was touched, and forthwith flew opco the door. The infantile frline claims to be of poor but respectable par entage, and a desccDdvtit in direct line of ,th veritable " l'u, that with vermii idial claw, Struck tbe wi. rd rut in wh'w tn-atiate tnw, Laj reeking milt that erst in Juan'scourt Wv'tw." Jt i' desirable that the owner call soon, "prove property and pny charges," ns the local has heard the editor complain re jwatcd'y, that too much time was taken op by the kind-hearted jcur, in "looking vp meat for his cat '1 We call. attention to the Card, in an other column, of Chas. C. Tucker, Pen iion and Bounty Laud Arent, at Wash ington City. Those entitled to Pensions, Bounty Land or Bounty Money, can have their claims prepared and forwarded to Mr. Tucker urmrj calling at this office. Capt. Sxrcu's Company of Cavalry, from Atchison county, M., was in our flace yesterday. They came ever to re ceive their arms, -vhich came up on the Oaiaha. They are a fine looking set of en. and will do good service. They ara flOVV well equiped with Enfield rifles, pis ' and sabers.. Two more prisoners were sent from this place to St. Joseph, this week. They were the rebel brothers Bolan, who have made so much disturbance on the other side of tha river, as well as this, for months past. ' Sharp ShOOterS. By reference to the notice of Capt. A. W. Matthews, it it will be seen that this gentleman is au thorized to raue immediately a company of "Sharp Shooters." We take great pleasure in testifying in regard to Capt. Matthew's coiiptten?)'. He has seen service was an officer through the Mex can war and is, perhaps, as thoroughly and practically acquainted with the drill, as any man in the Western country. He has been, from its organization, Capt, of the " Paddock Guards," of this city, which is one of the best drilled companies in the country, a fact owing to Capt. M.'s proficiency and unremitting efforts. We consider C ipt. Matthews just ' the man for the place," and can assure all who wish to enter the service, that no better opportunity will present itself. Singular Egg Benj. B. Tiio.irsox has laid an egg on our table, of very sin gular shape. It is an ordinary hen's egg but perfectly flat.. - y Poor old John Bell, of Tennessee, is getting more cuffs than coppers e ven from his own friends in S.-cessia. It is said his present lot is a complete political isolation, and a Nashville correspondent writes that he lives an unenviable, lonesome, embit tered, homeless existence. It will be re collected that he invested fifty thousand dollars in a new tteatnboai building near Pittsburgh, which was recently seized un der the confi.-cati.jn act. 'Mr. Schoolcraft says the Indians never swear the worst they say is "madth une-moosh" or bad dog. It would seem then that Nature does not encourage profanity showing the differ ence between nature and cultivation." Exchange Mr. Schoolcraft knows nothing about Western Iudians. They are used to "swearing at a mark." "Jim" Lane. , Gen. "Jim" Lane recently made a speech near Leavenworth in reply to some charges made against him by Gov, Robin s.ii and others. It was eminently char acierivic. H.jre is a quotation : What i the ih irge they make against the Kansas brigade ? Why they are jay hawkers." I stated in Washington that the institu tion of slavery could not surviye the march of the Federal army that there would be an army of one color marching into the slive Suites, and an army of auo'her color marching out. I said further that confiscation must follow treason, as thun der follows the lightning's flash. Confiscated property goes t the Gov ernment, and this rule has been adopted by my brigade. If we are jayhawkers we are jayhawkers for the Government. Slavery disappears before my brigade Applause I guess that's true. Re newed applause. But disappears on the principle I have hid down. Is there a man here who would act as a slave catch er for Price? I wonder if that dirty d"g Prince would do it! This is the sin This is the charge against us. We march tocru-h out treason, and let slavery take care of itself. If they don't want sla very to perish, lcfthem lay down their arms, or do the other thing, keep Lane's Brigade out of Missouri. Rapturous applause. . In my opinion this war will never be success idly carried out so long as an ar my marches through frtave stales as a boat goes through a fivek of duck?. They fiv up on its approach, and nestle as soon as it has passed. The boat is safe, a no so are the t'ueks. When you pass through a State you must destroy the property of the men in armsagaint the Government Destroy, devastate, desolate ! This is a WAR. Frua lie Couime.-cLid, Cct. 3. About Col. Baker. The writer met Col. Baker in June last, on a steamer going from Baltimore to Fortress Monroe. He said he did not expect to survive the war; that, in his jcJment, ho never would see the shores of thePacific again. This was hardly so much a presentment on his part as a calculation. He said the. troops were gone, and it would bs necessrry for the officers to expose themselves. He had seen service, and would feel it a duty to lead his regiment. The enemy had plenty of sharp-shooter?, and he presumed they would pick him off. He said he believed it would be his fate to die at the head of his regiment, and so he died. , It may illustrate the emper and char acter of the man -to mention that, after saying with as perfect calmness as he could have named the most trivitl circum stances, that he believed it v, u' Le his fate to fall in battle, and thnt I should never seethe-Pacific again, he retired from the guards where he had engaged in conversation, to the cabin, and seating himself at the piano, played with grace and skill remarkable for a gentleman amatuer on that instrument, several touching airs; among them that favorite of the English soldiers before Sebastopol, sweet and mournful Annie Laurie. In person Col. Baker wat erect, tall and commanding. His features were regular in outline and refined in expres sion; his eye blue and keen; his clean shaven face rosy with health. The top of his head wa bald, and the fringe of hair about his ears and collar was fine as unspun silk, and white as snow. We believe he never was married. His mother is living near Springfield, 111. He visited her a little more than a year ago, and spent several day in her humble home. The Finances or the War. The Hon. James Dixon, in an eloquent and patriotic speech delivered at the Union meeting in Hartford, dwelt upon the ability of the country to sustain the expenses of the w ar, and upon the secu rity which the national loan afforded as an investment. On this point he said: 'Look at England. You say our ex penses are large, and so they are. Some estimate them at one million of dollars a day. But what were the expenses of England during her war with Napoleon? From 1S03 to 1S16, with less than eigh teen million inhabitants, her expenses were one million three hundred thousand dollars a day for a period of thirteen years. For one ' hundred days previous to the battle of . Waterloo her expanses were five million; of dollars a day. Of this vast sum a lanro proportion was ex pended on the continent of Europe, while cur entire expenditure is at home. If for thirteen years England could expend one million three hundred thousand dol lars abroad, cannot we do it for one or two years, if necessary, every dollar meanwhile remaining at home Interest therefore, no less than patriotism, re quires us to subscribe for the loan." Jim Lane. We dont admire him particularly as an orator, but his principles are right, and if he enforces the discipline which he lays down publicly, we cannot see why any body should complain. -Still, some peo ple complain, among whom is "L. Thom as." signing himself Adjutant General of U. S. Mr. Thomas is rather an old gen tleman; who. came into office, "if nridr Vtjod," a nu::ib r of yejtrs ago, wli a goo! many men now in rebellion were in high feaiher at Washington. He points out the case cf Lane to Gen. Fremon., and assures him that Lane's troops "are committing depradations on our friends in Western Missouri." As the italicised words are not inter preted, it is to be presumed that he re fers to his old friends of other days, and he may make out bis case. Lane is hard on "secessioners," and cornea down on them without ceremony. He understands them to have originated the war, and hj aims to wipe them out, or "subjugate" them. Common people think there is sense in such a course, and so do we. Mr. Thomas, "who has come to U3 from a former generation," evidently desires to whip the rebels without hurling them. Quincy IVrig. . m People's Movement In favor of Fre mont. Several prominent gentlemen have lately been in correspondence wir. a view of holding a mass convention at Syracuse or Utiea. N. Y., for the purpose of sus taining Gen. Fremont and the principles set forih in his proclamation. Senator Andrew J. Colvin. and other prominent gentlemen, are mentioned as speakers. The Oswego Commercial Tunes, noticing thismattei, remarks I "It is proper that the people should speak in a voice not to be misunderstood. Plain people will believe that we are fighting with straws until we adopt the policy of Gen. Fremont in utterly confis cating the property, slave or otherwise, of every rebel who dares raise his hands against our country and her flag." Armj Uniform and Night Signals. General McClellan has taken another step in the way of insuring our troops from a repetition of the Big Bethel and similar blunders. In audition to carrying out a uniform system of clothing for our troops, a code of day and niuht signals has been adopted and is to be used for countersigns, so that there need be no more danirer of ur regiments firing into each o'her by mistake. It is gratifying to hive a live man like McClellan at the head of our army of the Potomac. Mto VorA Herald. Old Postage Stamps, The Third Assistant Postmaster Gen eral, in reply to a Bostonian, who suppo ses lhal the old postage stamp are le pudiaied by the Government, says: "The Department does not repudiate the old stamps. The instructions which have been issued to postmasters contem plated only a prevention of the use of nearly two hundred thousand dollars in value of postage stamps and envelopes for which the Government has never been paid. It was a study how best to gain a national result without any or the least damage to individual interests, and as yei it has been proved that the plan adopted was the best." It is claimed by the rebel' that fiftron of the family of Key, the cpr-grJ Banner man, are now fichtirij tor the South. Does the lit include Whiskey? Ayer's Sarsapariila.-- New Postage Master in this r' of the New I pared to er This he will Stamps The Post 1 received a supply "mpsand is pre o for the old ones, to do for six: days commencing to-morrow (Friday S ) MASTER'S SALE? In pursTjsnre of a decretal order made by the District Court held within and for Nem.iba Ctrnnty, Xebk Territory. sitUns in chsncery, bearing date May ICtb, ISO, in a certain cacd rendii!!: In aaid court, wherein JiuV-oti Lyaes is complainant, and I. T. Whyte, sUrah Whyte. WiKUm llobhtiell atid Martha HobUiitJI are defendant, I will, on Saturday, 14 th December, 1S61, Between the honrsof 10 o'c'oci A. 31, and 4 o'clock I H. of said d:iy, at the door of Drn' Hall, in Hmwnville, tte place wtierc the last term cf said court was held for aid county, i.C'er f jt sale at public auction tbe f jliow ing deseribfrd premise, to-wit : The south cat quarter i t section ten flC). town? h!p five (6). north of ranee fifteen (15). east r tbe sixth principal maredian, nitnated in Nemaha county, Ne braska Territory. Terms, ca.h in band. J. S. IlEDFOXD, Not. 7, 1S61. nlS-5w $3 Master in Chancery. SHERIFFS SALE. 1 Johu E Chaffee and a. II' Oweus, v Wheeler. K-iney and Johnson Notice is hereby given that by Tirtce of an execu tion issmd by the Cterk of me Distrirt Court of Nema ha county, Nebraki Territory, ayainst C. V. WheeUr, K. T. Kaner. a:id Homer Johnson, in the abve entitled cause, and in favf r of J In K. rbafiee and A. II. 0en , I r the rum of fcix hundred ut.d l!ity dollar and thirtj two cents debt, and seventeen dollars and twenty-ftve hundredths cost and accruing cots, I, J.W. C.deuian, Sierifl of naid county in S-i.d Territory, have levied upon and will oT.r Ijt tale at pt.blic aucti n, at the door of W. T. tu. Hall, the p-ace where the last terra of tbe Elstrirt Court for id county wis held, on the 9;h day ul December. A D 1S61. betw i en the hour of 10 o'clock A . M. jtiid 4 o'Jxk l'.il. tf aa d day.and-wiil nell to the highest bidder, f..r Cash in bai-d. the iuAwiu described real estate, to-wit : Thirty acres out of the north west fourth of the Boto west fourth of the south weat quarter, of section 23, town 6. range 15 east, and the aouth eat fourth of the south east fourth, or section 29, towu 6, ranee 15 east, and tbe east hair of Lots l.'o. 3 of fraction fourth fccc ttorj 26, towu 6, r ic:e 15 e ist, c Lt lining 25 acre ; at-d Lota 3 a.;d 4, in 21, and loU 6 and 6, In bl-ck 46, and 13 in bock 2. in ,b3 city of lirowuviie, taUen aa the property or Wheeer. Ranay and Jobutua, to satisfy an execution acaia.t them, and in favor of the above named iff-. J. W. COLEMAN, Nov. 7, 1861,nlS-5w $12 Sheriff. THE MISSOURI DEMOCRAT. PROSPECTUS FOR 1861 GREAT INDUCEMENTS OFFERED IF G 3ES. MAKING UP CLUBS. DAILY, TRI-YEEKLY AND "STU" E3 US Ij "ST - The Democrat is a faitbfnl r.drccate erd sujptrt er of tha Union and the Govern merit. Its energies will bo eit-ial!y devoted to the west to the al vo acy of Western inttre.sU and the assertion f Western rights. The great measure cf a 1'aciGo Railroad on the Central Route; faee land for thj landless; the improvement of river navigation; ra tn nchment nnd reform in the departments cf tho Federal Government ill bj without zeal ani devotion which have won for tho Deru-erat its present position. Gn all questions tt will boid'.y he right and only seek iU advancement thrmtph the public gord. ITS 'NEWS. LOCAL AWD "MISCELLA NEOUS DEPARTMENT. Shall be all that rendeis could desire. The Political Agricultural and Manufacturing interisU of the conn-rv shall receive due uttention, THE COMMERCIAL CHAR ACTER. of the Deni'KTat is well established. This import ant interest is under the nianagemei.t ! one thoroughly familiar with commercial Hairs, and we pledge our honor that its figures shall nlways be tho truo index of trad hero, whilo it furnishes daily more commercial news than any other par in Missouri. VATtTICTJLAR ATVE3TTIO W IS DIRECT ED TO OJIt GKIjAT DOLLAIi WXEIILY. The l irgest pper ia theoountry lor timpnseof one d'MHtr. rriiE tri-Vw'eehly democrat. iote ppor of At f 00 per annnta i ttt nvst com plot ifskuil in the West. It is especially raiuabloio hiver and Riilroa l Merchant. It contains the complete Cotumertitil River and Telegraph news of each Daily issue bisides :tj I the interesting news matter nd editeaial of tho Daily. Wo reque.s ; our snhfrribers and rendcrtoaId us to increase the circulation of ouf pa pir by con tinued efforts to in liute oue and all of their nBigh bo to Mibsrril e. To those who will net ns our a srents nnd wid be kind enough to notify us we will forward copies of our pao.speotus and paper for dis- trit.'ition. TERMS CA.SII IN- ADVANCE I i.n ! V one -ear ... .... S.OO Tri-Weekly vno year 4 0t) Weekly one ye'tr 1,00 To Clubs Tri-Weekly, Fivo copies for s:tn copies for s ''; twenty copie3audono to getter up of club for s""- Weekly T.-n cop;es and ono togettcj up of club 10; Ta'r y copie-a id ono Tri-Weekly y loj Fifty oot'ics and ono J) i.Iy v5!). It is not required that all of a fllub shill b3 sent to on post fii -e; the nutuber in ty ha sent to differ ent rflies and tho subecriptions may commence at any time. JVow is the time to fuhseribe. Papers will boeontinu?d OXE WEEK ONLY af ter er)irat I'u of tub script ien. Afterxending U3 a club for cither the DaUy Tri Weekly or Weekly agents may retain ten pereeut on all subscriptions oyer thn number for a club. Address 3!clicc &. Fisliback, St Lou i J LATEST FIIO.11 THE SEAT OF WAR UNION ARMY VICTORIOUS. GOODS CHEAPER THAN EVER. THE STORE FOR BARGAINS. PRICES TO SUIT THF TIMES. COSIE AND SEE HE. DEN'S NEW STOCK. I have ttii diy received toy FALL STOCK or Hardware and Queensware, Dry Goods and Groceries, 13jots and Shoes, Hats and Cap?, Powder and Shot, Choice Liquors, Furniture &c. To which I take p:esnre i callins the imecia! atten tion ol th; public, fcelin as'irM I ca-t .ffer uch in-dn- ementii to p'cIlaerli as they nver before have had in thi pi ce. 1 have p-ir.-haed nn ler prrul; iriy f.nror Aly cirt uinstaaces. and will give my patriru te beue Qt of my ood fortune. I Buy and Sell for Cash, OR PRODUCE IN HAND. CASH 1AI FOR HIDES. BOOTS A. YD SflOES MADE TO ORDER AJVD warrAitted! PREPARE IS TI3XE AO tlN?T TIIK C.-vtTBville, Oct. 31, iz: v.". T. DKX. 3 2 ! 2 THE FIRES OF FALL, Ey Prime, A. "o. I Insurance, IM THE FiiiX II UF HARTFORD, The Fruits of the Phoenix Are manifest ia the following statement cf Fast and Fgures, showing the amount equalii-d to public Lent-tit, in the shapo of locs paid ia the west and South, duriaa tlte pact four years j a subatanlialrJO ordofa ITcIl Tried Corporation. tun co 43,:!77 27, 622 81 f.9,174 6d 3i,i570 OS :5t.22tl 11 31 8.fiS.J 10 0,765 CO 3 1,0 5 1 3 ) 4J.0jt SO 20,32 55 - 27,li0!i t53 22,8:5!) 43 3,Jdl bS 555 5d .ll.ioT PO 40 377 45 27.522 81 6U.174 5(5 2.670 13 34.220 13 ....l.l,32:i 31 b.653 10 ....9.7oj TO ....21.054 35 .... 45.051 90 .... 10.832 55 ..27,fiJS 8:i .22,83!) 43 3,a6t es 555 55 XERPvSKA OHIO - INDIANA ..ILLINOIS. .. MIGAICAN.'.. WISCONSIN A MINNESOTA. .. KANSAS-.. KKNTL'CKY TLNNKSSKK. MISSISSIPPI.. . MISSOURI .. .ARKANSAS ...TEXAS ..ALADAMA.. Insurances solicited, and policies issued and renew ed in this leuding Corporation, at- fair rates by E. V. THOMAS IUsidcnt Agent. Erownville, Sept. 5, ISG J. Wheat! Wheat! Wheat! Farmers Look to Your Interest! I paying and will continue to pay the lliwhet Waiket i'rice for WHEAT and PRODUCE. in goods, if j ftock of G.ds consists at BOOTS and SHOES, HATS and CAPS, DRY GOODS and GROCERIES. HARDWARE, QUEENSWARE, NAILS, DOORS and WINDOW SASH, GLASS and PUTTY' PLASTERING HAIR,3Cc per bu., TUBS and BUCKETS, FLOUR, BACON, MEAL and POTATOES. I also, keep a well selected stock cf Calf, Kip, Upper, and Sole Lether lor manufacturing BOOTS and SHOES, which I will warrant to give satisfaction. I will sell my present stock of G'.ods at prices to suit the times, which will be cheaper than Kootis hnve been sold here before, tor Ch, UiJes, Wheat or Produce of any kind but no credit wiil be&ivcn. W 7. DEX. Brcwnville, August 1st, 1861. K.4a CLOT II ING GIVEN AWAY! H 21 -"J! . - r - ws T 3 - - :r, - x ? - - - C fcH s-ST'c - 5 ----' " ei 2(2, r "c- s .x.-s5,-v' " cir h ss ic: s -! r 1 ' r - 5. - v " - - - l " z i i ; i ; 1;.'5 . s ' J j ci --ijz2. Vrt c 7 ? 5 u J - , ' Z i.ri - - Z - ft. - c t ,.t i x I -3 " I i 1 CURE . . f - j - - s & 2 r- tl .1. -' Z x - Z 4. 4 - - - a J - k 0- - J : -a 3 - - - "7 3 XC 3!- . r. " S - - L '-ar -j i '-' -- Z - 1 - . x ir L. 1 -3 I a "3 7 ? 2 . - j-Z-Z To All TViioni it 3Iay Concern. All pT,ons indebted to Vi'di. 'f. DEN, either on book aceount. cr ly note, are hereby notillcd to en!! and pay up on or bet'oro the lOrhday of Marvh ISC 1, and thereby ?ave themselves trouble and cost. lirownviile.Ffb.21 WM. T.DEN". JACOB MAHROX, Blerchant Tailor, BROWNVILLE, Will pive to rustomers jnst now such bir?ain as l.n never beiore been presented to theui Uwitl !! his goods or manufacture to order jQ G'Ofotj : And take in pay ' CASH OR WHEAT At the highest market price, Browuville, Aiieust -23;h. 1S61. NEW MiC- ST fill IN BROWNVILLE, Whitney's Block, Ilain Street. LOOK FOR THE SIGN OF THE ELK II 0 i and MORTAR J. J. THURMAN, ANNOUNCES to the citizen of Dmwnvi'lo and vicinity thiif he has removed his Dni Store from Sidney, Iowa., to the City of JSrownville, and having added thereto an extensive sto -k oi" Freh Drus, Chemical?, Dye Siuffs. Paints and Oils. Pure Winfs and Liquors, For Medical Purposes, Hair and Tooth brushes, Perfumery, Fine Toilet Soap, &lc. Sec, fee. Invites the public pitronnge. 53"Physlcian' Prescriptions attended to at all hours both by day and hi.cht. lirownville, Aprii Hfh.HIT. n10 yly Sheriff Sala O. F. I ale. and S. F. Nuckolls ) rs. i James McDonald J NOTICE is hereby given that I will offer for?alo at publij auction at the door of the House in which the last term of the Ncuiaha County District Ciurt Nebraska Territory was held, in lirownville, in snid county tf Nemaha on the eighteenth day of .V vciuber 18G1, between 10 a M and 1 P. M of sai-1 day the following real estate, situated in the said coun ty of Nemaha and Territory of Nebraska, to-wit South-east jr. of sonrh-weet qn-rter of teclion four teen. Town Ave, Ranire fifteen east, containing forty acre?; levied upon as as the pr,rjry of J .rues 31c Ponald, by virtue cf two exectni. n, "tie in favor of 3. F. Nnck ills. and the o'her of O F Lik for tbe ue of SFXuck 'lls, issued by tbe District c art f Xeri iha C-'nniy, Xebra-k i Territory, and to me directed ajSUer 13 of aid couuiy. J. W.COLEMAN, Sheriff. Erownville, Ojt 17. 1S'1. $3 00 I cn, r NEBRASKA PRODUCE. , AS i'im i -Wr Times we w:!l tnk Wheat, Ca'il' otaiwjtiuig e!scst i f:Mf rrVre oq onr drbt-. Will pay 50 ccuts for nice clean Wbeat cn debts. An3. th. 1S51. D.J. 3IART1N4 CU. Jchn L Shanls, 1 T M Drjdcn V S Dryden Aotice is hereby iven that by viriT! of an execn tion isned by tii j Oierk of tha D.stri-t Court of .Yom.iba coinify. Aebrafca T.-rritory. aint T 51 Dryden and V S Dryden in the cntitl. d eau.e ani in favor of tho pi iniiif thf rein, L Shank, for the rum of ninety rcven dollars au l nin:;ry-hmj-dnth cents and w ruiiig costs, I. J W C-detnan. Sheriir f said county iii said Territory, bare levied upon nnd will iffer f rsale at public auction, at the door of W T Den's Hall, the place where the last term f the Di-trict Court f.-r said Ci tnty was held, on .Monday ths IS.h day of JVovembcr, A I) I-sL be tween the hours of ono and three o'clock. P 51 of said day, nnd will sell to th? hih?ft bidder ftr cash in band, the following dt-peribed itnl cs'are, to-wit : The suth west f .'irih of tho sou'h west quattor of section twenty-nin, except ten aertsrut of the north west corner of said south west fourth ; nl-o tei' aeres on the south side of tho north es.-t fourth of theso'ilh west quarte of twenty-nine falsor t'.nrty t.eras on :he west i.nff t!; t t: r;h we-t foartb of the north west quarter eet!.-n tLirty, all ia township live. iai-j six:ce i. c.i-r, taken it the rn '.rt v of V a i- 'j -i:. ;r'-!y m xetu tionaguiiiit i- .r. i.A io f " J--' 't i -i ..k. . t.'."iLl-..'-i.-5N, SLeriJ, i?, 17, "el, 8'2 Furniture ! Fmiiibure ! ! The m j t coaiplete stock of Fnrni-are ' ever tlTercd in this tpper cccEtrv jut received Ly I. IIILL. Eronvii:, April tS'Ji, IK1, Ayer's Sarsaparilla A compound remedy, designed to be the most effectual Atteratizt that can be made. It is a concentrated extract of Para Sarsaparilla, to combined with other substances of still greater alterativs power aa to afford ea effec tive antidote for the diseaea Sarsaparilla ia reputed to cure. It is believed that 6uch a remedy is wanted by those who suffer from Strumous complaints, and that oue which will accomplish their cure must prove of immensa eervictf to this large clas3 of our affiicted fellow, citizens. How completely this compound will do it has been proven by experiment on many of the worst cases to ba found of the f jUowinj complaints : SCHOFULA AXD SCROTTIV3 CoJilT,.lTTT3, Eruption's axd Euuptivb Dissasej, Ulceus, PiMPir.s, Llotcues, Tl'mou3, Salt Rueum, Scald IIeau, Syphilis and Syphilitic Af fections, MekcuiiialDiseasi:, Dttor.sY, Nec kaloia on Tic DacLouuscx. Deuilitt, Dys pepsia and Indigestion,, Ros3 on Sr. Anthony's Finn, n:ul indeed tha who!a class of complaints arUinj fio:n Impcuity of THE llLOOD. This compound will b? fo'md a grt pro moter of health, when taken in th j sprinj, to expel the foul humors which fjstcr in tha blood at that season of the year. Ey the time ly expulsion of them many rtnklin x t!i-.ord?rs nre nipped in tha bud. Multitudes can, by the aid of this remedy, spare themselves fro:n the endurance of foul eruption and ulcerous or? through which th? system will strive to til itself of corruption it noi assisted to do thist'i'O i M tl-e jtaturi'.l channels of th.3 body by an alterative ined;ci:i-?. Clean w out tha vitinti.'d hloa l whenever you find its impurities bursting througlt th? skin inpi:npl?s. eruption', or sores; clean it when you lind it is ob structed and slu:;e,ish in th-2 veins ; cleans it whenever it is foul, and your feeliuj will tell you when. Even where no particular disorder is f.-lt, pcopb enjoy better health, and liv3 i longer, fr cleaniitj thj blood. Keep th-2 blood healthy, nnd all is well; but with this pabulum of "lifj disordered, 'there can b; no lasthi health. Sooner or later something rnu-.t g- wronir, and the; great machinery cf life is disordered or overthrown. Sarsapiriil i has, nnd deserves much, the reputation of ncen:nplihin these ends. But the world has been egreiously deceived by preparations of if, partly because the drug alone has not all the virtue that is claimed for it, but more because many preparations, pretending to 1)2 concentrated extracts of it, contain but little of the virtus of Saraaparilla, or any thiuj else. During late years the public have been mis led by large bottles, pretending to give a quart of Extrac t of Sarsaparilla for one dollar. Moat of; have been frauds upon tha sick, for they not only contain little, if any, Sarsapa rilla, but often no curative properties wliatcv cr., bitter and puinful disappointment hus fallowed the use of the various extracts of Sarsaparilhi which flood the market, until ths name itself b justly despised, and has become f-ynonymmts with imposition rmd cheat. Still we call this compound Sarsaparilla, and intend to supply such a remedy as t-hall rescue the name from the load of obloquy which rcst3 Upon it. And we think we have ground for believing i lias virtues which are irresistible by the ordinary run of the diseases it is intend ed to cure. In order to secure their complcta eradication from the S3'stem, the remedy bhould be judiciously taken according to directions oa the bottle. rREPARED EY DR. J. C. AYE II & CO. LOWELL, MAGS. Trice, g 1 per Uottlc Six Vottles for 03. Ayer's Cherry Pectoral has won f r iNf If such a renown f jr tho cure of every v.iric'y of Thrj it and Lun C.nipLinr,that it is entirely unnecessary fr us t) recount tho evidence f its virtues, wherever it has !co:i em ployed. As it has lintr been i:i constant usa thm"i;hnut this sortim, wc need not d more than nssnre the people its nualiry is kept up t ) the Lest it ever has been, ami th;it it may Le relied on to do f.r their relief ail it has ever Lcea Luud to do. Ayer's Cathartic Pills, rort rzzz: c?zz c? Co'Hraresx, Jami'lia?, Djipcjsia, I.tdiyctlon, Vjr-vttcfij, Ion'- t'oiit'ic'i, i:ry,itc'ar, Uca;ltchc, ViLn, ll'icuiniHaii, 1 'nip iio;i i a:ul.S.':i.i l)iscaset, Juier Complaint, J)ropi, Teller, Tttmort ami Salt Rheum, IlV.vf, Cii'i', Xec-c'yia, aj a ViV, an.lfji' Vm ifjiitj the Dlvxl. They nre s-itrnr-cnrtted, o th;it the most sensi tive can take t!i:n pl-nsintly, and thev are tha best aperient in t!ie world f Jr all the purposes of a f.uni!y )hys c. ?ri:i 5 ceats psr lor; n?s 13Z33 for CL03. Great nnmhyrsnfCIenvmn, rhvsichrK.Stnfe mcn, and cntitirnt personages, hive Unt their names to rcrtify l!ic unparal'.clei nsefnlncss ofthesa rsincdics, but oar &p :cc here i!l not permit tha inscrtbin of thetn. The Ant-i be low mni(l fur nish gratis our Ameuicax At.m two in which they arciven ; with also full descriptions of the n'oove coin pi unts, and the treatment that should be fol lowed their cure. Ii not be p it off ber unprincipled dealers with other preparations they make more profit on. Demand Aveu's, and take no others. The siclc want the best aid there is for them, aud they should hav.? it. Ail our remedies are for sala by l'or tain .y JOHN MAUN. J. J. THURMAN, DruisLs. Erc-.vnvil!. N. T. NOTICE OF ATTACHMENT. tW'-s TH!, J Serve Je J,ta, X. 7., t-t 3Te vs rr ria Curui-, Xttrioia Terri- Gn ihn TT 7i"r x ) torv. . - -. Or the 13 :. 't c ef A::."i- A. O. ISO, said Jnst'.ce i-fiiii i an uii'c f lifH-Binc'it in th? action for the M;mfr $31ai.dcoH. t.A,( cae will be tried Octo ber 5:h, 1S61. E. W. TTtOXAS. Atl'y for Fl'ff. Brcwnvillo, Ar.gBit2i, llil. 1&3-3 KepvousHsadache q77 CURE J By the re"' trie'ePilli tBeper'.-vI'.ea'tac! ef e rv out or Si IUim(he maybe p.. evented ; and If tlta tt the commencement f an attack iramodUta relief from pain aalsicSne will be-. bta'al. They seldom f ul in reiuv:oi fhe .V4ea and H25 ncle to wbica feuuies are s subject. Tbey act gently cpan the howe;:eaicvl32 C t.ltf. nm. For Literary Men. FtHte?t. Te'ieite Femates, and all reruns o! iej-.ntary hub ti. they are valuable a a Lnsativt. tmproviu the appetite, liivirs tne ard rf eor t. the digestive nrcranit, and re-toriai the nataial "elastlotiT rl utrf n h of trie h-le srvtem. Th CEPUAI.l.l PILLS are ih reuU of n lvetl iration and erefnlly con.:K'ed ete.-!mct; hviui been in ne rjiany years, d;irlTi wtu-a time they ha prevente.1 and relieved a vast im.tiat of p.dti a'.l terinij from IIeadche, wetoer originati" in the nr VOU tiystein er f rem a deranged taio of ihe 3lf A They are entirely veuettde ia their composition, n! may be taken atall tlmea i:ri verfect aateiy, without niakina any change of diet, a id tht abtenct of di. errrable tattc reaJr ii a..y o aJm-.niitir Man Ic chi! (irtn. Eeware of counterfeits! Tb-j eenrlne iave flvo siSTiatcrca uf Henry C. Spa'.Jlnj on each bX. S.dd by Drncjlst tnd all ether rea:' in Veiicioes.' A bux wiil bo sent by nuil neal 1 on ro:e'.?toJ tiie Price 25 cento. Ail ordarshonld be addreedti HENRY C. SPALDING, j 43, Cedar Street, New York. the revDc.t?r'd'r.Yrs or SPALDING'S CEPHALIC PILLS. Will conviaeo all who 3aTer frora 53EADACEE, TTt AT A Speedy and Suro Curo is wirnix TnEin reach. .1 !' T;t'nni ditrerr ttnJ'"'t-d ly Jfr. SPAl HS'),th:if aff'tr-l nnu-'tioji-iUe f&if of fia t'cacy of thi truly -icut :;ic tfi-zcoerj. B rer'j, J.'a., Decrll, 1333 ii C ?p.ii.r.rvfs, T.-q. I wish f.-r Mino cirular c hire ihowbios, t brin your (Vphslio Pills more parii;u!arl brfjT my custoiuers. If you Lave anything t-d klad, tl a.-e rmd to mo Oue cf ray custc nw, who ?i nbjct tti vpre 5ck Headache, (usar.'.ly latia two d iys.) w i esr? uf an attack in onebuurln y-.r '', which i sent Ler, Ilj-vc.tfuMv vanr, W li '.VILKF.3. January 2, IciJl ) IlEMtY C Ppt.PINO, No -4S Cedar St, N V uear mt: Mr : Inclosed Cn l twn'j-fire ecut, f f r wLi.h send box of '-repha'.ij rills. S a'l t aldreu. af Kev WmC Filler. Itrv.o d Mvjrjr, F.-iakHi Vo, O'.ih. Yor PiUt uori I tie a ehurtu cure Ualaci uf- moit in it a titer. Mb. Fpaltitno. Truly yir, vm c mLErv. 'lfontiue, CjRfFth 5,331. S'ir: I hnvo tried your Cepha'-d r;!!. nl til tm " tct7 that I want you to send mo two d . liars w jiia ;n"rc.. Ta.tof the?9rcfrrth',r.,hhnr. to wheal ir a few ont of the tir t box I .t fr-.m you. becd the Fills by iniil, ai I oliis " Ycur ob't servant, JAMES KEeTeTEDT. . Me. Spalpivo. ITiMrforJ, r., Feb. C, I2H. Sr: I wi.-h you to Ftnd m" " more Lor of your O vhalie I'il's, k&ce rzdiceJ a jrtrt deal of L .- fit from Cum. Yoor, rreetfiillf , 3IAUV AN.S ijTuliinOUSE. Sjyruce C'trl:, U'tntinrfon Co., Vi..' Jaaaaiy 13, ia3I. f . II. C.SpaLDino. Sir: Von will pleae send me two boxes of yourCepbv!-' ic Fills, Send theoa iimue I?ately . llespeclfiill v yonr. SIMONS P S I are ureJ one lox tf jour Vill, and jiml tltnii excellent. D'llt IVrnoa, C.'io. Jaa. 15, 1331..' Hexky C. Sr.tLM.NO. Y.sq. llrasc find iticloJ twenty-f.vo cf nt. for w'i'ch send me another box of yottr Cephalic F.Ils. Ti rjf tr frn?7 fAe best Pill Umrt errtrij-l. Direct A. STO V Kit. V M. . Eel! 9 Vernon, W'yanJ t Co,0. . STA ulng'e bottle of FrALDIXG'S PREPARED ULCE wdl save tea times iU cootanaually. SPALDING'S PREPARED GLUE. SPALDING'S PREPARED GLUE.' SPALDING'S PREPARED GLUE. RAVE THE riECES! icotcmt! rn?p.Tcii! - i'""A Sii'c "; 7'me S'trt Sin I" As accidents wiil happen, even in weit rc-!a5l families, it very dc-sirab!e to h sv . me cii-.ijao l convenient way for re; airing Fu nature, Toy , Creek- SPALDING'S PREPARED GLUE mtti all nuch cmcrenei.-, and n !e -hi.i can jfford to be without it it is always ready, and up to th ti."k;r point .. . USEFUL IN EVERY HOUSE." N 1 A trttih. ai.c( i'ir.oic3 taeh bottle. Pi ice, 23 cents Ahlrf-ps UlINiiV C SPALDING. 5o Ii CpdarSir!.:, c Vorli, CAUTION. A certain trnprin'.-ipr-l pron iro "trrrtit; ta. ralm oiTon th unjnspn-titi pr-.v,;;,., ii; iny i'UKPAREl) GLUT, I w. u.d cautions!! p.rsvcs to sarnine before parcha.siu, aad see thu the fa'l naino JsrSPALT) ISO'S PREPARED GLUE m ' outae outoido wrapper; all others aro swi nfiterfett - Notice to Fre-Eaplors. A !'.. To John TV fry Ji-n" Citron, Henry G. ?uuh rhnrl-s T.Corneli and Thonns M.idlox. Y.u are hereby n- tif.- l to ap-iear at. the land of- "ico at llrownvtilr, wKo.a i tjs tr tfos hit to mko further p' ti'n claim m ler pr. uf in rr' i"i n to your pre-emp. a.- r l.i'i'e with ins'raotloas fr m : kt iea'rai L-nJ Ori.e s' AV: .!!-. n. July 23' !':! !J ?. tni::::;r.R?r'.rcrr " u., Ayer's Ag'ue Cura.